pyronucleus-blog · 6 years
[Loudly, blowing the mic out slightly]
“~Full Me+al Alchemis+~”
[Softer, audio crackling with static]
“>([Det# Note]”
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little FMA spoofs aka xam pretends she’s skillful enough to pull something like this off
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pyronucleus-blog · 6 years
Page 379, ‘[S] Arcjec: Get Up’ is now on Youtube.
Music by dbnet: https://vasterror.bandcamp.com/track/zehanpuryu
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pyronucleus-blog · 6 years
Holy shit, 8.
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I got 43.
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pyronucleus-blog · 6 years
Baljeet going through the 5 stages of grief at Buford there at the end killed me
please god!!! please!!! watch phineas and ferb!!! the last two seasons are a shitpost!!! pl ease!!!
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pyronucleus-blog · 6 years
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Hey so instead of actually posting any of my other already done and ready to upload Anime Campaign stuff I instead made an entirely new OC based of a rando epithet roll on the discord. Meet Orwell Natella! Born(?) in an abandoned puppet workshop Orwell grew-up amongst the cold, silent, motionless effigies and found kinship in their wooden friends. These days Orwell spends most of their time constructing and repairing their puppet friends to add and switch out of their vestment of wood and string, becoming a local legend after multiple people saw ‘a giant freaky puppet’ wandering the streets. Despite their macabre appearance Orwell is naught but a simple child(?) and due to their sheltered upbringing is naive to the extreme, leading to quite a few blunders. Regardless of these set-backs, Orwell remains a cheerful and inquisitive youth with a dream of entertaining the world with their puppets. Miscellaneous facts:
-Orwell subsists off of sandwich spreads, having never learned how to consume solid foods. -Orwell has trouble distinguishing between their clothes and mask and their actual body, mainly because they never take them off.
-Orwell got their name from the book ‘1984′. They have not actually read the book, their reading age being to low to get even a page in, but they liked how ‘Orwell’ sounded.
-Their last name comes from one of the owners of the workshop, their names printed above the entry.
-No one knows who exactly raised Orwell, not even Orwell. Their infancy is a blur of creaking wood and twanging strings.
-Orwell is terrified of Muppets, the fear response triggered by some weird reverse uncanny-valley effect based off their affinity for puppets.
-Orwell made all of their clothes, either from the base materials or salvaged off of puppets.
-Orwell is completely unaware of how menacing or creepy they appear to be and has become so used to people screaming that they no longer instinctively recognise screams as a fear response.
-Orwell will not enter a berserk rage or cold fury if you damage one of their puppets. They will cry. And you will feel terrible.
-Orwell was inspired by a Driftloom Gijinka from Pokemon and Gravelord Nito from Dark Souls.
Orwell’s epithet lets them control  and animate puppets and puppet parts to various effect, however due to Orwell being loath to send their friends into danger they actually make use of some kind of weird totem magic dealie instead.
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pyronucleus-blog · 7 years
This is a joke from TWITCH.TV/WARPEDLAMP
Tell ya friends.
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pyronucleus-blog · 7 years
If demons can be supportive of homosexual relationships then why can’t we
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i was looking through medieval drawings of demons the other day and i found the demons that make you gay  
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pyronucleus-blog · 7 years
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commission for @giornos!
inherited charisma
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pyronucleus-blog · 7 years
Behold my stand: [ME AND MY SHADOW]
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Today 5:21 AM
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pyronucleus-blog · 7 years
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armstrong warm ups
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pyronucleus-blog · 7 years
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Today the Department of Awesome Parenting is catching up on the latest collaborations between French anime artist Thomas Romain (previously featured here) and his sons for their Father And Sons Design Workshop. First Romain’s sons come up with creative character concepts that they draw. Then Romain uses his professional skills to turn each colorful character into a polished piece, making sure to incorporate even the smallest details contributed by his sons.
Follow Thomas Romain on Instagram or YouTube to keep up with their latest work. You can also support their project on Patreon.
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[via Bored Panda]
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pyronucleus-blog · 7 years
Elemental Entity Creation + Ectoplasmic Beam Emission
My superpower to to fire lasers that make ghosts. I feel like I’m the main villain in an RPG or a Ghost Busters spin-off.
Click on it twice. These are your two super powers.
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pyronucleus-blog · 7 years
The rare larval form of the optional boss in a JRPG
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pyronucleus-blog · 7 years
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Pictured: Redpath makes a deal
A scene from tonight’s Ebon Ward session, where-in Repath and Maze regret their decisions immensely.
I went out of my way to make Callbrook’s hand as gross as possible to contrast our poor sweet boy Redpath. I couldn’t find good references for Redpath’s lower body, so I just gave him some baggy checkered trousers which am only realising upon writing this caption that I forgot to put any wrinkles or creases on, oops!
Repath belongs to @spectral-fusion
Fatboy-Jimms belongs to Will who doesn’t have a tumblr
Happy birthday You glorious radiophonic rutabaga
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pyronucleus-blog · 7 years
Hey so I just finished watching the first episode of @arsonsara ‘s URealms/Fanime Campaign and it was pretty cool! It was a little rocky in places by overall I think it’s got a lot  of potential and I’m excited to see it continue.
It can be watched at: twitch.tv/dragon_queen_13
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pyronucleus-blog · 7 years
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So i made this like half a year ago
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pyronucleus-blog · 7 years
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So I was watching a boss video for Hollow Knight and decided to paint some crystal creatures but it kind of turned into its own thing and now we have Luxa, the crystal jellyfish thing.
Not sure I’m totally in love with the colours but I’d say its pretty good for someone with literally no understanding of colour theory.
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