rawcalamity · 2 days
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Drifting atop sea ice bound to the northernmost regions of salrehk gathers a gregarious species who comfortably populate this gelid biome. Eisskippers are prolific pack hunters akin to the social otariidaes of our planet; sharing external ear structures, rotating hind flippers, and a similar body language. Rafts of eisskippers adhere to a matriarchal social structure where cows reign dominant over the bulls. As such, cows are substantially larger than bulls, requiring excess body fat to foster pups while also establishing dominance over inferior males. A coating of thick hydrodynamic pelage covers the eisskippers lithe physique, promoting swift, graceful swimming beneath the frigid seas. Eisskippers adorn natural brown pigments with a striking red stripe that traces the frontal plane. Bulls develop a dark dorsal sattle, allowing them to be easily distinguished from the cows. An eisskippers pelage darkens with each molt as it ages. Eisskippers tactfully weaponize their red stripe pattern to disorientate predators. By hunting in large packs, eisskippers will deploy a hunting tactic which involves individual members of a pack circling predators in a coordinated attack. Utilizing their sharp dewclaws, eisskippers will inflict lacerations onto their prey until the animal eventually tires out and succumbs to their wounds. In short bursts an eisskippers can reach speeds of up to 23 mph, rendering them difficult to catch underwater.
Eisskippers do not discriminate when hunting; these skilled predators will herd schools of fish using their broad tails, only to then take turns whipping their prey with an elastic mucus-coated tongue. Eisskippers possess a secondary tongue which is thin and narrow, measuring at roughly 6 feet in length. When retracted, this enormous tongue wraps around the skull of the eisskipper. Their primary tongue functions similarly to a mammalians tongue, and is used to both taste and groom. Eisskippers spend 20 - 30 minutes underwater hunting before needing to resurface for oxygen. It is speculated that eisskippers could spend several hours submerged thanks to their oxygen reserves, which are stored in their blood and muscles like terrestrial marine mammals. Furthermore, eisskippers can manually adjust their heartbeat to maximize oxygen efficiency. Like icepicks, eisskippers hook their long dewclaws into sea ice to haul their body out of the water. Eisskippers are remarkably intelligent animals, displaying high cognitive prowess. These animals adapt through observational learning; picking up on beneficial behaviors via witnessing it from other animal species. Eisskipper populations are diverse as well, harboring unique languages and behaviors found throughout arctic-113.
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rawcalamity · 21 days
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A tale of old fosters a man who dared raise his fist to the crown. With great conviction, he shouted aloud "O' mighty king of the eastern mountains, won’t you heed my warning? The devil himself disavows your ways!" the man pleaded. "Lest your soul be ravaged by a monster of your making, I urge you to stop! Proceed not down this treacherous path you walk!" but alas, his call to action was all for not. A rich cacophony of laughter engulfed the room as a humored king and his audience gawked at whom they saw as a lowly peasant. His sights blinded by the gilded seas that lustered with a thousand jewels, such a gluttonous king could not recognize he who stood before him for who he was. Legends say it was he who fell on deaf ears that was the devil in mans skin. His eyes stared daggers into the blackened heart of an ignorant king; his mouth twisting into a malevolent grin as he extended his gnarled claws to the king, then in an instant he stripped his body of the very hands that took. As his eyes failed to appreciate the beauty of mother earth, the devil thought to rid him of such useless organs. Oh how he wailed in agonizing pain, but the devil cared not for such hollow cries. By his wicked hand, the king was fated to become the culmination of what he so desperately chased in his youth. Adorned by gold, a regal beast rears its jaws to the infectious greed of humanity. Draped over a chest of purple is a scarlet mane that defines an existence mocking that of human monarchy; a painful reflection of mans insatiable desire for status and wealth. Gilded evil entices the obsidian maw of kindred regality, blinding drawing it in to devour their riches. Kings cursed by the fangs of royalty‘s cultures are said to become one with their pact, allowing this cycle to churn for many decades to come.
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rawcalamity · 22 days
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Full body illustration of Project-2, a character I‘ve had for years. After going through several iterations of its design, I think I‘ve finally found a look I‘m truly satisfied with.
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rawcalamity · 2 months
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It lumbers through decrepit hallways beneath a grave of steel and concrete, yearning to feel the suns touch once more. This beast hungers for escape as it claws its way through piles of ashen debris; untamed hatred being all that fuels its resolve. Home to the biologically engineered terror is a facility desolated and sunken, long gouged of the brilliance it once fostered within its laboratories. It was mans greatest ambition that befell their untimely demise, for the suns ardent flames were far too much for such fragile wings to bare. Each ambitious vision is a monster now fated to walk this earth alongside man, no longer held to a leash by their masters. Project-2 was an anomaly retrieved from [DATA EXPUNGED] Upon recovery, scientists at Tdo.Inc performed an autopsy of the specimen and concluded that it was of extraterrestrial origin. Tdo.Inc sought to transform this fascinating discovery into a weapon of war, and so through technological aid they revived its lacerated corpse. Humanity was truly foolish to believe that such a wicked beast could be tamed even after death.
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rawcalamity · 3 months
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Eye See You
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rawcalamity · 3 months
Fan art I drew of one of my favorite Pokémon, Musharna.
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rawcalamity · 4 months
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rawcalamity · 4 months
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Behind the Mask
A crooked maw of gnarled teeth hide behind the mask; a facade that displays purity and innocence, veiling the beast of null light.
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rawcalamity · 5 months
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Design concept for a more anthropomorphic form of my chaotic enigma of a persona, Calamitous.
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rawcalamity · 5 months
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"Gusts of frostbitten air slice through the atmosphere, conjured by the wings of a powerful beast. Hailing from the arctic skies is he who guides the cold storm; the behemoth of gale winds."
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rawcalamity · 5 months
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rawcalamity · 5 months
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History of Arctic-113
A cataclysm of death sullied Heavens flame long ago; casting divine bloodshed upon the dawn of Zenith‘s Decay. With her touch forbidden not a single light could pierce the tides of a cruel war, leaving galaxies across existence to be swallowed whole by darkness. Planets withered away unto swaths of frozen stones, harboring only barren fields that hungered for light—as even a stars warmth fell absent to their yearning. Echoed from the fractured and torn surface of every stone is a tale of old, whispering a time when they once blossomed with life. Now remnants of an ecosystem left ravaged by the scorn of divine conflict, they were fated to wither unto a celestial corpse. Within gales of a festering cold, three titans trekked silently as all that survived this terrible calamity. Tears welled in the eyes of ancients who howled with lament; mourning the loss of their dear kin. What once prospered a land home to titans of great stature now lied torn asunder—stripped away from all who cherished it by fates hand with only ageless vessels that remain tethered to a tale that had forsaken them. Driven only by a final resolve to lay their kin to rest, the ancient triad banded together and cleaved tombs from the surface of this frostbitten pathos.
With every fleeing century, the lagging titans grew languorous. One by one, each of the three descended to their knees to further nestle themselves unto the cold sediment. Their bodies erected from the surface like obelisks; protruding far from the frozen ground with a gaze unwavering. Closing their eyes, the triad caved to the frozen wastes and became one with the snow… However, their tale did not end here. It was as if the very sky was lit aflame—billows of ashen grey clouds cracked and burst with light upon the celestial reign of a new dawn. A kindled spark engulfed awakening stars to ignite the horizon of this frozen rock that had been left adrift for eons. Blanketed by its warmth, the rocks barren surface was washed with new hope; instilling vigor to those dormant beneath its crust. Hardened soil unfurled like the monarchs who breach from their cocoons, as colossal beasts erupted from its fissures… The Behemoths Wake ushered the dawn of a new world.
Landscapes quivered as the ground quaked and ice splintered; disturbed by the claws of beasts who sought to break free from their gelid graves. Rising beneath the first dawn, their eyes were met with barren expanses that had remained forlorn for far too long. To reshape the world was to play god—so too was their vision. In a display of divine intuition, the behemoths tore unto the frostbitten ground as mountains breached its fractures whilst trees unfurled from the scars. Snow careened gently from the sky, reflecting brilliant hues that danced throughout a newborn planet. The ancient triad watched as their kin acted with new life to restore a world thought to have been long lost. Overcome by emotion, tears trickled from their sunken eyes and filled the planets wounds with oceans and rivers. A behemoth who honed blades of divinity at its fingertips sought to guide the water and carve a sodden realm of its own; so it cultivated the gelid seas. Each of the three titans observed joyously as their kin nurtured swaths of biomes that would come to harbor life as it once did before.
Whilst a stars heavenly gaze looked after this rejuvenated planet, its zenith did not shine brightly enough to quell its darkness. A beast reared its ugly head from the depths of this world, shadowing the new dawn. An unruly and hateful colossal it was, and without love it wore a wretched heart stained by the scorn of a war that decimated galaxies long before it. To hold the ideals of catastrophe and death was to oppose those who sought prosper, and soon conflict evolved between these sacred guardians and the behemoth with a taste for destruction. It’s fury seared a trail of death in its conquest, ravaging the very fields beneath it. The ancient triad were left with no other choice but to confront this rampaging beast—lest they watch their home be enthralled by calamity once more. Legends paint the tale of a struggle that stretched on for centuries, only coming to a end once the triad forged a powerful blade from within the planets core. With this weapon, they pierced the heart of the behemoth. Defeated, it collapsed unto a sea of crimson snow. It then looked to the ancient triad with pleading eyes, begging for forgiveness; for the behemoth truly did not wish to perish. The ancient triad promised mercy on the terms that it swore its allegiance to them. Rather than harm their cherished home, it must vow to defend it. It is said that the behemoth swore an oath and was allowed to feel the dawn of a new day, however a fragment of the blade that ended its reign of terror was left wedged between its chest to serve as a reminder to its promise.
Primitive societies of arctic-113 revere the behemoths as gods, while others fear their display of divine power like the devil.
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rawcalamity · 6 months
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"I quite like this fit, kheheh!"
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rawcalamity · 6 months
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"Calamity comes in all shapes and sizes! Kheheh!"
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rawcalamity · 6 months
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"Carelessness; foolishness."
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rawcalamity · 7 months
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"Well, ain‘t that just WONDERFUL!? Oh~ a sweet cacophony of delicious violence and unpredictability! Now, tell me what pleasure you seek in writing your story? I invite you to leave it in the hands of fate! Allow chaos to have its way with you and stir excitement into this dull world! Destruction! Destruction! Chaos! Chaos! Calamity—CALAMITY!!! Just like the scorching sun of a hot summer day; alchemizing water into mist and flowers to dust! Who would have ever thought such a generous star could melt life away like that? Kheheheheh!"
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rawcalamity · 7 months
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"Come hither my sweet children; 'tis time we abandon which hast set to lead us astray. Together with arms linked we embark unto the light, whither we shalt feel his warm embrace. May fear be laid to rest, as his sonorous voice engulfs all sound… Hear his song and allow it to bring solace to thy soul. No longer shalt we struggle, lest we remained tethered to man‘s odious… If thy art to harbor peace in oneself, thy must allow wend and embody thou‘s purest form… Come, he awaits patiently for our ascension. For far too long we hast averted our gaze away from our true nature, and now 'tis time to rekindle that which is suppressed. To feel enlightenment, thou shalt heed the call of the shepherd and regress. For he invites his children to become one with the herd…" It‘s said that an entity who speaks with a deceitful tongue shadows souls marching between the realms of the living and of the dead. Those who heed the call of the shepherd are lulled into his festering sea of wool, where what little remains of their humanity is worn away. To become one with the herd is to sacrifice yourself to the shepherd.
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