rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
tag the oc who’s on first-name terms with their boss
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
There have been new developments!! Ro now uses she/her sea/seaself and it/its! This is subject to change and I might add more neos at some point, when/if that happens I’ll make another post like this and update its bio and pinned post
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
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I finally got around to drawing her for artfight so, this is what Ro looks like!
[Image ID: a digital drawing of a person with tan skin and long brown hair in a ponytail wearing a white shirt, a dark brown belt, brown pants, and fingerless gloves with a gold rose design. There's a sheathed knife at their waist, also with a gold rose design, and ‘Ro’ is written next to their head. The background fades from gold at the bottom to almost white at the top. End ID]
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
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If you want to wear a ballgown, I'm not stopping you, but I would much rather wear a suit than this monstrosity. It's far too large and has at least three too many layers.
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
We've landed in the capital harbor so that Edwin and I can attend the Queen's birthday ball. I love her very much, but I also very much do not want to be here.
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
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and i know it calls you too...
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
“Piracy isn’t a victimless crime”
Me, actively trying to steal from the rich: Yeah I sure fuckn hope it isn’t buddy
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
Piratecore basics
Wild hair
Respect for the wind and sea
Loose shirts
Swearing/not caring what people think of what you say
Gold pieces
Worn, calloused hands
Grey morality
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
Somehow Captain Briar acts like this and is also married to the queen.
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
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heading out to sea with my cat. might pick up a gf on the way
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
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I'm in a sea shanty and Sapphic pirates kind of
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
Why not both?
why fall in love with a sexy pirate when you can be the sexy pirate instead
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
These look more like The Smoke. Especially the first and third ones.
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pirate ships during different times of day
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
This looks just like mom’s Captain Briar’s cabin. The Smoke looks different than this though, darker I suppose, more intimidating.
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wish i was a pirate in a high fantasy world
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
I would love to know more about your crew, if you're willing to talk about them!!!
I can't tell you about any specific person without asking them first, and many of them are very private people, but I can tell you about the crew as a whole.
You've got to keep in mind that they are pirates and if you were to actually meet one of them there's a high chance that it wouldn't go well for you, but things on the ship are usually rather calm. There's sparring and a lot of rude comments, but it's rarely meant maliciously, and if it is The Smoke is big enough that they can either choose to stay away from each other or be kept away from each other.
Captain Briar chooses every crew member carefully, so she's able to ensure that nothing too bad will happen, and when I say carefully, I really mean it. Even I didn't have a guaranteed spot on the ship, and I'm her daughter.
I'm pretty close with all the members of the crew, living on a ship together makes it hard not to be, however, most of the crew don't know I'm the princess or that Cap is my mom, and it's going to stay that way. I spend most of my time with Riv and Edwin anyway, and they both know, so keeping it secret shouldn't be too hard.
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
necklace thing?
Well, you see, to join the crew of the Sleeping Smoke, you have to prove yourself worthy by showing that you have the right kind of skills. Many choose to do that by showing off their skills in a fight, but I have the particular skill set required to get into places I shouldn't be and leave undetected. So, I broke into the palace vault and stole The Crystal Rose.
As I'm sure everyone knows, The Crystal Rose is a rose shaped necklace (the same one as my profile photo) belonging to the first princess, who was coincidentally named Rose. It's said to be one of the most valuable items in the world, even though no one really knows why, so it was a perfect way to show the crew I was ready to join them.
Everything was fine for a few months, but then things started getting... Weird. Crew members would suddenly double over in pain for no known reason and the air constantly felt like there was lightning coming soon, even when the skies were clear. Then things started happening that just shouldn't have been possible. The sea would change colors, things would move from where you set them, or even shift into something different, and glasses would shatter out of nowhere.
Captain Briar immediately took us off course and started heading towards the palace, saying something about needing to talk to the queen. Her wanting to see Queen Alana isn't unusual, they are married after all, but she never strays from the planned course.
For legal reasons I can't say what happened when we got there, but I can tell you that it was terrifying and it hurt like hell. If we hadn't stopped it, it would probably have caused the end of the world as we know it, and, of course, it was all caused by that damn necklace. It's back in the vault now, where it will hopefully stay forever.
Just a word of warning, magic isn't what the stories make it out to be. Be careful what you wish for.
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rosaline-bloodbloom · 3 years
Hello, Ro!! How's your day going? :>
Good, but I got a bit bored because there's not much to do on the sea, hence why I made this blog. I spent most of the day with Riv, which is always fun, and I sparred with some of the crew. In general everything's been pretty calm since the whole necklace thing a year or so back.
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