saltedglass · 3 years
💀 Curse Correspondences 💀
Agate - for use on a target who has entered a space uninvited, i.e. someone breaking into your home or vehicle
Alexandrite - causes obsession and delusions
Amethyst - causes sensitivity and self-destruction
Astrophyllite - causes those who have died at the hands of another to torment the target from the grave
Diamond - causes blindness, confusion, and disorientation
Diopside - lowers inhibitions and causes secrets to be revealed
Emerald - causes greed, selfishness, and isolation
Flint - causes conflicts
Garnet - leeches energy from a target
Kunzite - induces vulnerability 
Kyanite - used to infiltrate a target’s mind
Meteorite - used as a catalyst in baneful magick
Obsidian - used for general aggressive magick
Onyx - causes nightmares and mental torment, and is used to break up relationships
Opal - used to store negative energy, and then to be given to a target
Ruby - used to focus your intent on a target
Black - law, justice, manifestation, sorrow
Red - force, energy, confrontation, jealousy, anger
Greenish Yellow - strife, discord, illness, conflict, jealousy, greed
Magenta - catalyst
Ague Weed - confusion 
Angelica Root - misery, strife, distress, discord
Asafoetida - drives enemies away
Bayberry - depression
Bindweed - binding
Blackberry Root - distress
Black Salt - misery, strife, distress, discord
Bladderwrack - illness
Bloodroot - substitute for blood
Blueberry - confusion, strife
Boneset - distress, confusion
Cayenne Pepper - anxiety
Chicory - discord
Chili Powder - discord, misery, strife
Cinquefoil - discomfort
Clove - stopping gossip
Cramp Bark - pain, illness
Dogbane - deception
Dragon’s Blood - destruction, strife, misery
Hemlock - discord, sadness
Henbane - illness, discord, melancholy
Jezebel Root - wickedness, ending relationships, punishing unfaithful lovers
Knot Weed - binding
Lemon - sourness, bitterness
Lemon Verbena - a boost of power, ending relationships
Lime - sourness, bitterness
Lobelia - discord
Mace - misery, strife
Mandrake - misery, strife
Mistletoe - isolation, confusion
Mullein - spirit work, nightmares
Mustard Seed - strife, discord
Myrrh - a boost of power
Nightshade (Belladonna) - discord, illness
Onion - strife
Patchouli - illness
Poke Root - confusion, discord
Poppy Seed - discord
Rue - misery
Safflower - destruction
Spanish Moss - bad luck
Slippery Elm - ending relationships
Stinging Nettle - jealousy, envy, discomfort
Sumac - bad luck
Tobacco - a substitute for any baneful herb
Tormentil - distress, harm, discord
Vetiver - silence
Wormwood (Absinthe) - misery, strife
Yew - spirit work
Yohimbe Bark - impotency
Mars - power, force, energy, war, conflict, jealousy
Saturn - law, justice, chaos, revenge
Neptune - confusion, illusion, chaos
Pluto - death, mystery, crisis
Lunar Phases:
Waning - binding
Dark - destruction, banishing, justice
Black - power, manifestation
DNA (saliva, nail clippings, hair, blood, etc.)
The target’s name written on paper
The target’s signature
An item that belongs to the target
Other Ingredients:
Cigarette butts
Broken glass
Lemon/lime juice
Shark teeth
Catfish spines
Murex seashells
Flying Devil Oil
Dead insects
Black sand
Disclaimer: I do not condone the unethical practice of collecting or harvesting animal parts, or forcefully obtaining certain biological taglocks. These are just ideas, and I am not responsible for anything you choose to do with them. 
Updated: 3-9-2017
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saltedglass · 3 years
Poem- $15
Haiku- $5
Short story- $20-$35
(Depends on how long)
Edits- $5-$15
(Depends on what you want)
Digital Art - $15-$40
(Depends on what you want)
Astrology chart reading- $15
Tarot readings- $5-$30
(Depends on how many cards you want pulled)
Candle spells- $10-$30
Jar spells- $10-35
Manifestation chant- $5-$10
Cashapp or Zelle only pls!
It’s an emergency, message me if interested!
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saltedglass · 3 years
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Moving Past the Past Jar spell! ⏳
For whenever you need to move forward and your feet feel stuck!
WHAT YOULL NEED: - sage 🍃 - cinnamon 🍂 - ginger 🍂 - vanilla 🍶 - coffee ☕️ - lemon 🍋 - bay leaves 🍃 - cloves 🍂
The sage banishes all negative thoughts about your past, while the ginger invites new experiences. With coffee grounding you and vanilla restoring your energy, the bad memories will become nothing but a faint thought. The cinnamon adds an extra kick to help speed things along while inviting love into your heart! Lemon finally helps heal the soul from any pain caused..
I also placed two bay leaves with the words “growth” and “stability “ on them, and burned them to will my wishes to come true.
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saltedglass · 3 years
A Simple Moving on Spell
This helped me a lot to move on from people who were no longer in my life but I still had held on to hope that they’d be back.
White Candle Carving tool (anything to carve into wax)
Paper (optional)
Pen (optional)
Fire proof bowl/cauldron
This spell can be done at any time.
Carve the name of the person you wish to let go onto the candle.
If you wish, write a letter to this person. Write everything you wish you could have told them; you’re thoughts, you’re feelings. Write down good memories with them.
Light the candle and say: “Our time was great and it was fun, Like all things, it couldn’t last. And now its time me to move on, Close the door, keep you in the past.”
Take your letter and burn the corner of your paper. If you wish to say a small prayer to your deity for strength, do so while the paper burns.
Place the paper in your fire safe bowl to let the paper burn all the way. Let your candle burn out.
Thank your deities for helping, and close your spell.
Stay weird.
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saltedglass · 3 years
✨Friendship Spell Jar✨
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What you will need:
🏔Himalayan Salt
🍊Orange Peel (fresh recommended, but mine are dried)
📝Written Spell or Sigil
🌿🍑Representatives of you (I chose my favorit herb: rosemary, and my favorite tea: peac)
🕯Yellow Candle
Select a small container or jar, start with your pink salt for the base of the spell. Salt is good for protection during spells, but in this case is especially useful for protecting you from bad people and toxic relationships down the road. Pink specifically corresponds to friendship and relationships, but white salt can be subsituted!
Next coat your salt in honey to attract a well caring person to your life.
Roll up your written spell or sigil (this can be anything from a small poem to a list of what youre longing for) and dip it into the honey. I also recommend writting your spell in yellow or pink.
Add orange peels to symbolize change im relationships and finish the contents with things you correspond with. This may be things such as your favorite herbs, tea, crystals, flowers, dried fruit… something that another person can be attracted to you specifically by.
Lastly seal your jar with a yellow candle. Yellow is a very strong correspondent with friendship, but pink will work aswell, or all purpose white! If you can’t burn candles tie a ribbon around your jar.
Let the jar charge.
Hide the jar somewhere special to you: in your locker, dresser, make up drawer, behind your favorite books on your book case, in the soil of your favorite plant… etc.
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saltedglass · 3 years
baby witch looking for witchy friends
hello! I’m super new to all of this! Please reblog if you’re a witch blog of any kind! I need people to follow! 
Also message me please if you want to talk or be friends! I’m all alone on this journey so far! I’d love to talk to more experienced people or other baby witches to share our journey with! (witch penpals?!?!) yay
if you want to follow me i’d love that because I just created this tumblr 
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saltedglass · 4 years
You know who doesn’t get enough props?
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saltedglass · 4 years
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Elder Futhark Runes from gathered acorn caps.
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saltedglass · 4 years
Does anyone here honour Mordgud or have any information they could share?  
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saltedglass · 4 years
Small Devotional Act to Sól
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Charge water with sunlight and offer it to Her.
Rise with the sun and admire the beauty of the dawn..
Set aside time during your day to spend outside.
Don’t limit yourself for the comfort of others.
Light a candle in Her honor.
Enjoy the Summer heat in communion with the sun.
Dress in whites and gold.
Adorn yourself with citrine and sunstone jewelry.
Focus on that which lights up your life.
Grow flowers on your windowsill.
Be warm and kind to all.
Enjoy a sunset.
Honour Her horses Allsvin and Arvaker.
Celebrate the Summer Solstice.
Hang glass and prisms by your windows and admire the refracted light.
Appreciate the light of the sun and all that Sól does for us.
Listen to music that makes you smile.
Do what makes you feel radiant.
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saltedglass · 4 years
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“Njörðr rules over the movements of the winds, and he can calm sea and fire. One invokes him in seafaring and fishing. He is so rich and prosperous that he can grant wealth in lands or valuables to those who ask for his aid.” —Gylfaginning: 23
In Norse mythology, Njörðr is a god among the Vanir. Njörðr, father of the deities Freyr and Freyja by his unnamed sister, was in an ill-fated marriage with the goddess Skaði, lives in Nóatún and is associated with the sea, seafaring, wind, fishing, wealth, and crop fertility.
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saltedglass · 4 years
“Your body is the piece of the Universe you’ve been given.”
— Geneen Roth (via cosmofilius)
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saltedglass · 4 years
Norse Small Devotional Acts Masterpost
Æsir Baldr Bragi Eir Frigga Heimdall  Lofn Máni Nanna Njörun Odin Rán Sigyn Sól Thor Tyr Üllr Víðarr 
Vanir Freyja Freyr Njörðr
Jötnar Ægir Jörð Skaði Rökkr Hati and Sköll Hela Fenrir Loki
*This list is a work in progress and I will be creating more in my future free time!* Feel free to message me requests, just know I won’t necessarily get to them immediately. Updated: 04/30/19
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saltedglass · 4 years
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saltedglass · 4 years
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moodboard: njord
↦ norse god of sea, wind, fish, and wealth
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saltedglass · 4 years
My spoonie sigils:
I have enough energy to complete tasks
I get extra energy throughout the day
I have enough spoons to get through the day
I have enough spoons
I am motivated; I go on
I have energy and motivation
I have the power to do
My muscles are relaxed
Bye-bye back stiffness
Ease my neck pain
Ease my lower back and hip pain
My back is relaxed and free from pain
Ease my joint pain
My headache goes away
Ease my morning headaches
Ease my migraine
Ease the pain and fatigue of EDS
Ease my fibromyalgia
My arthritis is manageable
My pain is manageable
I am able to walk (with minimal pain)
I find moments of peace from my pain
I fall asleep easily
I sleep soundly for my desired length of time
I have minimal IBS symptoms
I eat a healthy amount of nourishing food
My blood sugars balance
My legs are steady
My focus will not falter
My joints are stable
I avoid dislocations and subluxations
Boost my immune system
My injuries heal
I heal quickly
I recover swiftly from illness
Mental illness:
I can leave my home comfortably
My mental illnesses do not hinder me
Ease the anger I experience related to mental illness
My anxiety does not control me
My anxiety does not stop or limit me when speaking with others
Ease my panic attacks
My trauma does not hold me back
Brainfog begone
My mind is clear
My mind is quiet
I am grounded, and in control of my emotions + reactions
I keep rational state of mind
Balance my bipolar disorder
OCD does not interfere with my day
My ROCD will subside
My depression will dissipate 
I resist the urge to pick my skin
I keep from picking
I don’t pull out my hair or eyelashes
I do not disassociate
I am verbal
I combat sensory overload and avoid meltdowns
My hypersensitivity is manageable 
I combat inertia 
People are patient with my disability
People are patient with my dietary restrictions
Others understand and accept my illness
I attract money (without having to work)
I am able to manage my pain at work 
I am able to clean and organize without pain
My hospital visit is productive and successful
I learn to accept my illness
DONATIONS - “What is a spoonie?” [X] - Spoonie specific sigils ALWAYS open + ALWAYS free!
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saltedglass · 4 years
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i wake in the night, i pace like a ghost the room is on fire, invisible smoke and all of my heroes die all alone help me hold on to you ✨🌙🏹
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