saryoak · 3 months
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saryoak · 4 months
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archive moodboard for @snezenka
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saryoak · 6 months
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saryoak · 6 months
Please take a moment to look at this. | jeffletendre on Instagram ♡
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saryoak · 6 months
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by gianni
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saryoak · 6 months
Celebrating Samhain
What is Samhain?
Samhain is the true origin of Halloween. It marks the true beginning of winter, and is the Celtic New Year and the day when the veil is the thinnest between worlds.
It is also the days of the dead, represented by the dying of many plants on the earth, but also rememberance of ancestors, passed loved ones, communication with the other side, and a time to remember our ancient roots and cultures. Because the veil is at its thinnest, this is also the best day of the year to try scrying, mediumship, tarot, and all forms of divination. If you are a magical practicioner (witch, shaman, bruja, wise woman, druid, etc ) then this is an incredibly powerful day to work magic.
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Food - Pumpkin pie - Apple pie - Cider - Mulled Cider - Dense / heavier cakes, honey cakes - Mead - Game meats - Cinnamon rolls, apple and cinnamon desserts - Pumpkin spice flavours - Mushrooms, mushroom soup, pies
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Deities - Hekate - Circe - Isis - Anubis - The Morrigan - Cerridwen - Persephone - Hades - Nyx - Hypnos - Xolotl - Erlik - Izanami
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Offerings / Altar - Orange black and white decorations / candles - Photographs of your ancestors - Representations of your past culture - Harvest food, squash, apple, corn, mushrooms, pumpkin - Symbols of death, skulls, bones etc - Symbols of divination, tarot cards, runes etc.
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Things to Do - Meet with other magical practitioners - Hold or attend a Samhain Ritual - Carve pumpkins - Bake or cook samhin foods - Do ancestral research - Embrace and research your culture - Divination - Scrying - Attempt mediumship with the other side
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saryoak · 6 months
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saryoak · 6 months
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saryoak · 6 months
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today is the full hunter's moon in taurus
A full moon in taurus is a reminder to be more aware of the physical. Spirituality is often so concerned with the inner self, higher thoughts and things that aren't tangible that we forget that the real world can also be the source of our strength, comfort and our home. Taurus is the earth sign with it's feet most firmly on the ground. Often mistaken for "lazy" and "greedy" by more inexperienced astrologists, the spirit of Taurus is that you have to have your feet on the ground to build castles in the sky. Eating your favourite or childhood foods to make you happy isn't greed. Lighting your favourite candle and having a day in bed isn't lazy, it's the vital connection between the physical body and the eternal soul. The energy of the hunter's moon is one of clarity. The earth is going to sleep, and while many animals hibernate, we do not. For those who are wide awake for the winter months, the earth becomes a harder place to live, and therefore our senses must be sharper. Of course most of us no longer hunt for survival, but the cold clarity of the hunter's moon, coupled with the energy Taurus is bringing, makes the Hunter's Moon the best time to focus about the every day, tangible things in our lives that need our attention. While the world sleeps, it is time for you to be awake, care for yourself, your home, your physical world and try to see things through the focus of the hunter's moon. Focus in on the things you really love, as we descend in to winter.
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saryoak · 6 months
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saryoak · 6 months
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saryoak · 6 months
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saryoak · 6 months
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scorpio season has started !
scorpio is easily the most misunderstood sign of the zodiac. usually they are criticized for being harsh, defensive, over reactors who struggle to let things go
well, there's truth in this but the motivations are always much purer for scorpio. if a scorpio is harsh, its probably because they truly believe you need truth in that moment, if they're defensive it's usually for a very good reason, and a scorpio only has an explosive reaction when they've been cornered many times
you can't make a scorpio do something they don't want, and if you try, you'll get stung.
under their steel exterior, remember than below still lies a water sign. scorpio will be the first to have a brave face, and cry alone with their burdens, they are loyal to a fault and will love those who have wronged them for far longer than the other person deserves
scorpio is beautiful, strong, vulnerable and loyal, as we move in to their season, remember who and what is worth fighting for
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saryoak · 6 months
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saryoak · 6 months
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saryoak · 6 months
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saryoak · 6 months
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Athena's day of success and celebration of hard work. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, and with wise choices, success will follow. This is not always representative of material success, but things like learning a new skill, or finishing a degree or academic pursuit, or maybe you've just decided to teach yourself something. Today, in Athena's name we celebrate the fruits of our pursuits of knowledge.
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