sasiak-deku-scrub · 17 hours
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yee haw
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 6 days
Masking is exhausting and I feel guilty for being autistic.
I'm autistic. I wish I could just be myself without people calling me weird or making fun of me.
Sometimes I involuntarily stim and people look at me all weirded out. Some of my family members call me weird, childish or even a freak because of my special interests (mostly for my interests in Furry and Poppy Playtime) Or make fun of stuff I tend to struggle with in a day to day life, even actively mocking them giving them "funny" names and making me the butt of the joke in family dinners or visits, it makes me feel extremely stupid and like a burden.
They are aware that I'm autistic, and make fun of that too, calling me "weonista", the word "weón" is chilean slang for a dumb or stupid person.
I also have been fooled by people for using me for their own advantage, knowing that my autism makes me more guilible.
I feel guilty for being different, and sometimes I even start feeling suicidal.
Sorry for the negativity of this post, but I needed to vent.
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 27 days
TW: Minors in danger, decieving, age faking, min0rs entering adult spaces.
Hi everyone, sorry for the negativity of this post, but this is an EXTREMELY important issue I need to address and it's about minors lying about their age online, and how dangerous that is.
Minors: DON'T LIE ABOUT YOUR AGE ONLINE. Don't you understand you're putting yourself in danger? You shouldn't be interacting with adults privately online AT ALL. No you're not "mature for your age" or "almost 18". You're still a kid, NOT an adult.
Like a year ago, a 15 year old (who was pretending to be 19) tried to contact me and a friend on Discord, and then asked me questions he shouldn't be asked by someone his age. I instantly told my friends who he really was, blocked him and reported him. I'M 22. Why tf did he ask me that shit.
Then, I saw a tweet of someone I follow about a 13 year old kid, asking him for a relationship and making inapropiate comments to him in DM.
I'm a victim of online grooming ( I was 14, and didn't fake my age btw), and seeing minors willingly putting themselves in danger makes me sick.
And that left me wondering; how common is this?
Please, If you suspect someone is a minor in an adult space, BLOCK and REPORT, as soon as posible.
This is the kid that tried to contact me and ask me innapropiate stuff I felt extremely unconfortable:
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 1 month
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when cats put their ears back they become cursors
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 1 month
Pokemon randomizer 2: Torterra
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I'm more of an Empoleon fan mysel tbh lol
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 2 months
Bron is literally a fussion between this guy and Yoshi lmao
Pokemon Randomizer 1. Orthworm
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 2 months
how is it mario day and no one posted the essay
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 2 months
Pokemon Randomizer 1. Orthworm
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 2 months
I wish I could go a single day without some fucking furry's elementary school-looking bullshit 'art' being sponsored on my dash. Your proportions are shit, your texturing is garbage, and being 'queer' (aka straight but gay fandom is your favorite mmorpg, I'm sure) doesn't actually make this dumpster fire look any better, so shut the fuck up about it and focus on drawing until it doesn't look like THIS anymore.
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 2 months
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 2 months
Pokemon Z believers 1 decade later when they end up being right
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 2 months
Also the implication that megas are FINALLY coming back. Will he finally get the justice he deserves......
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 2 months
Tax fraud commiter
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 2 months
Leap Y E A P
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Evansville Press, Indiana, February 5, 1912
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 2 months
hating furries is just a silencer on the gun that is hating on lgbt+ tbh
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 2 months
I'm Tired
Again, I don't like to vent in social media, but this time I just need to.
I'm tired. Every time things seems to be going the right way, something happens, and all goes downhill. I can't catch a break, and I don't know what to do.
I've been having intrusive thoughts, trust issues, family members bodyshaming me and going apeshit over small things (like some dust being on the tv after we returned home from a long trip, or some notebooks and art supplies being on top my desk), remembering past trauma, plus my general gender dysphoria I usually feel.
I had a meltdown the other day when I was home alone, and I feel another one may come at any moment, due to all this emotional overload.I'm scared.
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sasiak-deku-scrub · 2 months
Thank you so much 💕
I'll remember that
[Vent] I don't wanna sound annoying but
I'm tired of my family bodyshaming me. Specially my mom.
They always see me as either too skinny or too fat, there's no middleground, and I don't know what to do. Every time I eat snacks, or too much, they remind me that I'm getting fat. And when I go on diets and lose some pounds, they start telling me I'm malnourished. It's tiering.
I hate to vent in social media, but I really needed to do so today.
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