Reblog to have something lgbt happen to you this summer
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screamingwithpigeon · 10 days
I DIDN'T NEED TO BE CALLED OUT!! I read this book as a kid and even read the wizard one, too. We got them from the local library and would read the crap of them
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you know he would have been one of Those kids
inspired by this pic:
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screamingwithpigeon · 10 days
These are some links to recourses on different topics, mostly things I want to be able to find again so I'm collecting them here. Please be aware that many of these articles include discussions of queerphobia, racism or abuse. I can't put warnings on every link, so proceed with caution. This is not meant to be a complete or final list, I will most likely be editing it as time goes by.
Aspec terminology / Flags
Queerplatonic coining post on dreamwidth (x)
Sunset aroace flag original post (x)
A History Of Words Used To Describe People That Are Not Asexual (x)
Discussions of aphobia
Note: I am still waiting for the day when aphobia can be discussed without aromanticism being treated as a subcategory of asexuality.
Stonewall report on asexual discrimination, UK 2023 (x)
Scientific America article on medical stigma against asexuality, USA 2023 (x)
Article about the religious right attacking sexless marriage, USA (x)
Podcast about the religious right attacking platonic marriages and general analysis about why the religious right hate asexuality (and aromanticism), USA part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
Website of Elizabeth Brake, the coiner of the term Amatonormativity (x)
Amatonormativity in the law: an introduction, USA 2022 (x)
Opinion: I grew up in a culture that embraced physical touch. Then I came to America, Ethiopia 2023(x)
'I Dont Want To be a Playa No More': An Exploration of the Denigrating effects of 'Player' as a Stereotype Against African American Polyamorous Men (x)
Romance is not the only type of Black love that matters by Sherronda J. Brown, USA 2018 (x)
Relationship Anarchy
Relationship Anarchy, Occupy intimacy!, Spain 2020 (x) also available in Spanish and catalan
The short instructional manifesto for relationship anarchy (x)
Tumblr post with multiple links about relationship anarchy (x)
Marriage and being Single
Ted talk: how romance and capitalism could destroy our future, 2014 (x)
The escalating costs of being single in America, USA 2021 (x)
Unmarried equality, many articles about discrimination against single people. USA focused (x)
No Shelter for Singles: The Perceived Legitimacy of Marital Status Discrimination, USA 2011 (x)
Loveless Aro
I Am Not Voldemort: An Essay on Love and Amatonormativity (x)
Aroworlds loveless Aro friendly fiction collection (x)
Loveless Aro experiences and explanations (post0 aurea article post 1 post 2 post 3 post 4 post 5 post 6)
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screamingwithpigeon · 10 days
dealing with the worst case scenario
your condom breaks
you feel a lump on your breast
your friends are ignoring you
you’re stranded on an island 
you got rejected by a crush
you get into a car accident
you got stung by a bee/wasp
you got fired from your job
you’re in an earthquake
your tattoo gets infected
your house is on fire
you’re lost in the woods
you get arrested abroad
you get robbed
your partner cheated on you
you’re on a ship that’s sinking
you fall into ice
you’re stuck in an elevator
you hit a deer with your car
you have food poisoning
your pet passed away
you fall off of a horse
you or your friend has alcohol poisoning
you have toxic shock syndrome
your house has a gas leak
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screamingwithpigeon · 10 days
do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets
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her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.
remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.
thank you, Marsha. we remember you.
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screamingwithpigeon · 18 days
5/24/2024 (May 24th, 2024)
My house is utter chaos, and my feet hurt, so that is fun.
Went through graduation, a played a song for band. Than walked out, since than we have been doing senior night, which has been fun. Waiting for characterure to be done. I hope I get something with the prizes but I can't get my hopes up. I feel sick from the hamster ball.
I never win anything with pulling lots. Lady Luck is never on my said for it, and it kinda sucks. I wish she was more on my side for those kinda things. But I get lucky in other things, strangely.
Finally home, gonna head to bed, night.
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screamingwithpigeon · 20 days
5/23/2024 (May 23rd, 2024)
I am tired, I want to lay down and just sleep for many years but can't.
Anyways, yesterday was my checkout day for school to show that I had finished all of my work. Now is to just wait for Friday to come around and have me get my diploma. Can't wait.
I feel like I have gotten dumber as I have gotten older. My brain feels like soup most days, and I don't know why. I never was this fuckin stupid on things.
I got sunburnt, bye
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screamingwithpigeon · 22 days
21/5/2024 (May 21st, 2024)
Today has been chill, not a lot happened, brought home my art from school, dropped off my Chromebook, and got yelled at by my dad. Ya know the usual. Just realized I didn't say hello to you, welp, hi.
I got nothing else to report today, drawing a blank, see ya
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screamingwithpigeon · 23 days
20/5/2024 (May 20th, 2024)
Hello, loves!! (Don't question me, felt right) Today in my life was turning in a project for Creative Writing of everything we wrote that we liked. Might share some poetry done the ride if I feel like!!!
Today, on Spotify, my daily list was Overthinking Downtown Vibes, and it feels about right with me honestly.
I made dinner today, which turned out great, other than the broccoli because I overcooked it, ope. It also had rice that I washed like five times, pork that just fell apart. We added Kimchi and some pickled ginger. Delicious, I will add a photo, but no id thing because I just stated what it is and what it kinda looked like.
Other than that, today has been chill. Tomorrow, my older sibling will be dropping over some stuff to the dump, so we loaded up the truck in the back with things we are throwing away. My dad comes out to read one of his new books, and he says, "There is a truck in my backyard," I responded with, "You put it there!" Dad does faux upset, and I proceed to trip on a foot stool, we both start laughing, and my dad says, "You deserve that for being snarky with me." That was funny.
Something that bothered me today was taking out the dogs as I am making dinner. We switch to what main chores need to get done, like washing, dogs, and drying. Same with dinner, we all know how to cook, but it's just frustrating to have to deal with the dogs and cook. That is one thing I am excited for when I am in college.
Anyways, goodbye, loves, see yall next time!!
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screamingwithpigeon · 24 days
19/5/2024 (May 19th, 2024)
Hello, people of tumblr, I bring tidings of life events or what have you. Today was a day, and I had a lot of good food, stressful with trying to find things for my grad party. I got yelled at. Ya know the usual, we did go to a craft store for a bit, didn't get anything really. Also woke up to a bad dream but was able to fall back to sleep while getting a different dream. The bad dream was about my family choosing all of my siblings but me as their favorites and being completely forgotten. It sucked. It definitely set the tone of the day, I wish I could forget the dream, but it's stuck in my head until I probably forget about it, which happens constantly.
Another thing that kinda sucked today is that fact that, I am being shoved in my face on how much my older sibling has really taken over my space of my room, since they got back from college. I feel sufficed in my own room, and it's frustrating because I got used to having my own room, never had my own room until recent years, which I probably have to get use to sharing a room again seeing as I will be sharing one in college. Just it feels like my space has been taken over, and I have nowhere safe to be alone. It sucks. I want my own space to just breathe but I can't have it because our house is too small. I don't know if this makes me a bad person or not, but meh. I don't care anymore, to tired to care.
Bye for now, sorry for kinda being angusty on yall, but I have nowhere else to vent this, so here is where it goes.
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screamingwithpigeon · 25 days
18/5/2024 (May 18th, 2024)
Nothing happened today, like absolutely nothing. Sure, I watched videos on TikTok and YouTube and just chilled. But nothing happened and it was boring. I get having days of absolutely nothing, but it bores me to no end and don't like them.
I have nothing else to say, bye
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screamingwithpigeon · 26 days
17/5/2024 (May 17th, 2024)
Hello people of this small corner of the internet. I bring updates of my life. The amusement park was fun, at first wasn't with anyone other than my sibling. Messaged a friend to check if she was gonna be there or not. She eventually came with her boyfriend. The amusement park was pretty big, so we ran into them occasionally. Me and my sibling and I did end up linking up with other kids from our school and rode a couple of rides. I had fun. There is nothing more to say, honestly.
Well, bye now, talk to yall later
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screamingwithpigeon · 27 days
15/5/2024 (May 15th, 2024)
It appears that I forgot to update yesterday. Welp, nothing really happened other than me and my class for sowing dropped off stuff animals we made. One (1) of the kids didn't get one because the others didn't finish it. They cried, and I wanted to hug them, but it wasn't appropriate for me to do so. Other than that, I don't remember anything else going on yesterday.
Today, we had two teachers missing, I don't know why, but they were. I wanted to give those two teachers their invites to my grad party. I will probably do it before I leave for the amusement park tomorrow.
I have been making pins lately, and it's been fun, honestly. I have made like eight (8) of them, one (1) I gave to my sibling because why not.
Other than that, nothing else has really happened today.
I was thinking about why I started this blog or why I wanted to so badly, I think I figured it out. My memories are something I struggle with, I don't remember my childhood at all. Having this blog might do me some good, maybe help me remember what was going through my brain at the end of high school. Something my physics teacher said to me, well, there is multiple, but this is one of them. How you end big moments in your life like ending high school will change how you felt when looking back. For me, I want it to be indifferent, I don't want to glorify high school, but I don't want to hate it. I'd rather just think, "Yep, went through that," and then move on.
I'm signing off now. See yall later and hope you check in, I will have some things to talk about tomorrow, hopefully. See ya, Tschüss!!
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screamingwithpigeon · 29 days
14/5/24 (May 14th, 2024)
Nothing of real notes happened today. It was a typical school. We are getting close to the end of the school year, at least for me. Gonna be graduating soon, which is fun but scary to think about. I have been in school for a really long, longer than kids should. I won't go into details, but, let's just say, I have been in the same school for longer kids typically are. And it just made me older than the kids in my grade. So, it's weird to think that I will be graduating. When I keep thinking, "I have next year to continue working on so n so." When in truth, I don't, there isn't more time for me to keep going on to the next year. I'm not upset about it, really, more of welcoming the change that will be coming with growing up and heading to college.
Anyways, a part from that I am really looking forward to this Friday, us seniors are gonna be getting out of school for the whole day at an amusement park. That is really big around here.
I have nothing else to say for today, so I guess this is fairwell, until next time. Remember that time is always moving. You can look back but never go back.
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screamingwithpigeon · 30 days
13/5/24 (May 13, 2024)
My day today hasn't been to bad, I took a test for Music Theory. And got four (4) graphic novels for free, I checked all of the prices they ranged from 20 to 30, which in my opinion is doing good. I was also able to make some more stamps out of a material that feels like it's an eraser but it comes in a huge sheet that is light gray. Fun stuff to use. I probably will show some stuff I made with it at the end of the post.
I was talking with a friend about the future and where we are heading for a discord server. She is worried and scared about the change that will come with the fear that the big friend group will fall apart. Since majority of us is online and we were brought together for rp and we have been doing it for three (3) years at this point. I have faith that it won't fall apart and actually excited to see where we head to with the friend group. It is really big considering on the fact that it's like twenty (20) people in it currently, since it started with like eight (8) people, which is a lot of growth in my opinion.
I am hating all of the smoke in the air right now, I fear to leave to the outside for a chance of all this smoke eventually effecting me poorly for my lungs. I plan to never smoke, it makes me just cough and I already have enough problems in my life that I just don't need what comes with smoking.
I have decided to add the art of my prints, I made with the stamps.
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Idk how to do an id for those who can't see, but essentially there is a yellow green fish that is in a cartoonish style with the head pointed up and a single eye can be seen on the top left page having bubbles coming out of its mouth saying blub blub. A bit underneath it is five stars that are yellow in varying sizes. Below that is three bottles of different shapes and colors with different contents inside. The left one is light blue with a skinny top with a big wide body with teeth inside of, in the middle is a reddish purple bottle with the neck of it being wider than the blue one, inside of it instead is two eye balls. The last one is yellow with it being smaller than the other two but slightly longer. Beneath the bottles is a reddish purple fish, the same one on the top of the page, up the head pointed to the right, also having bubbles coming out it and having only one blub coming from its mouth.
I hope this was done well enough for people to understand what I am saying even when they can't see it, please let me know if you need more descriptions.
See y'all tomorrow, or whenever I post next, idk why, only the future knows. Have a good day, talk to y'all later. Pigeon signing out, peace
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screamingwithpigeon · 1 month
Hello people of the Internet,
I am pigeon that hopes to post semi-daily about the happens of my life, still working out my pfp and banner.
You can use any pronouns for me, since I don't care what is used, I won't share with the class about deeply personal things like what I look like or where I go to school. Well, try, also if there is any misspellings let me know, I have always struggled with English even if it's my first language.
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screamingwithpigeon · 1 month
Happy Mother's Day.
Hope yours is going fairly well. Mine has had debate about dirt and soil, testing out a new grill that runs to hot drying out the meat and coals from said grill starting a fire.
Now not all of it has been bad, my mother liked her card I gave her from school and we had a good dinner.
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