seniomxai · 3 months
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It would be a shame to not let this one see the light of day. Since you're back Chance, here you go Lucas from @dragonedged-if
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seniomxai · 7 months
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Amisha from @kingsdespair-if 👀
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seniomxai · 8 months
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It's difficult being roommates with a hot and shameless cambion sometimes - The unchosen one probably
Theodore Parker from @disenchantedif
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seniomxai · 8 months
That's honestly a very cheap price for such high quality!!! I love this art style ❤️
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Wonderingcheese Art Commission
Hey guys! I hope you are having a wonderful day. I am now officially opening an art commission:D!
If you are interested in commissioning me, you can message me here, or email me at [email protected]!
If you have any questions at all, feel free to message or send me an ask! Thank you for the support♥️.
Full details under the cut!
This commission is for personal use only <3
Currently I'm only open for portrait drawings in the style that you can see above (or feel free to browse my Tumblr for more examples!), for two sizes: shoulders-up and hip-up.
The price is as follows:
♥️ shoulders-up: USD $18
♥️ hip-up: USD $23
This price is for full-colored drawings. If you don't want a full-colored drawing (if you only want the sketch or flat colors), feel free to send me a message! We can talk about it.
The drawing could come with a simple colored background (you can choose the colours!), or not, it's up to you.
I will draw: humanoids OCs and fanarts.
So, some things that'd be great if you can provide me with:
I will take full payment after I've done the sketch of the drawing and it has been approved by you. The payment can be made through PayPal or my Ko-fi.
I could charge more depending on the complexity of the request.
It will take at least 1-2 weeks for each commission.
I have the right to deny a commission request if I'm not comfortable with it.
the character's summary and description as detailed as you can (especially if they're your OC).
the vibes. What kind of air you want the character to have/give off.
references, as much as you can give me. For the character's features, pose, expression, etc.
and anything else you would like me to know/pay attention to or should watch out when drawing the character.
Thank you♥️!
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seniomxai · 10 months
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Rayyan: *obliterating a rude journalist and shaming them, their entire family, their neighbours, and their dog in a single breath*
Avery: 'and if I give him a sloppy kiss on the mouth right now on live tv, then what? Who's gonna stop me? 🤷‍♂️'
Pro player!Avery & Rayyan because I'm having CT:OS (@collegetennisoriginstory ) brainrot againnnn, gonna re read it again before the update 😚
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seniomxai · 10 months
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So about that muzzle thing... this was half assed ngl i got lazy halfway lmao
@the-six-that-thrive-if Awooga 👀
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seniomxai · 10 months
Years ago I had a glasses fetish..? HAHAHAHA I blame anime specifically:
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There’s just something about people with glasses…
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seniomxai · 10 months
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Magazine Cover Theme of my @vendetta-if mc Akio again with more effort than the last cause he is my baby girl 😌
I just love the mc of this IF their so cool and hot and I'm obsessed
I'll draw some ROs next time I have so much plans for Ash 👀
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seniomxai · 10 months
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Bro wtf is going on with my arknights this is the 3rd time in this just this month that I got double 6 stars in a 10 pull, this has never happened to me before in arknights and any other gacha game
I know arknights has the best rates of all gacha game but damn. Its honestly scary am I gonna die next month or what lmaooo
I just used all my gacha luck in life
I shouldn't have pulled on standard knowing Yato alter is next but i have a gambling addiction 😭
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seniomxai · 10 months
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"None of your clothes fit" - The Demon from @the-six-that-thrive-if
There's also NSFW versions on their discord 😏
Inspired by this trend on twitter a while back
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seniomxai · 10 months
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My mc from @vendetta-if
me simping for my own mc be like
This was so rushed I forgot to shade skin 😭 but it honestly looks better? I'm not good at cel shading. Gonna make a full body design of him at some point when I'm not lazy.
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seniomxai · 10 months
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My interpretation of Ryzan from @acourtofserpents
Remember me venus? uwu
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