Donnie has the skillz to pay the billz! You go you soft-shell baby <3 
Can we just appreciate how well Donatello did in this fight? 
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no one is allowed to be right in this family
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𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟐
genre ▹ angst      word count ▹ 1,887
warning ▹ implied abuse, swearing
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It was so obvious to see that Donatello was undoubtedly in love with April O'Neil. It was almost sickening to watch at times, and no, that wasn't your jealously talking. Ok, so maybe you were a little jealous, but could anyone blame you? The way he fawned after the girl who pulled him around on a metaphorical leash was not only heartbreaking but utterly disgusting, in your opinion.
Donatello would give April the moon if she asked for it, and he would somehow do it too. The genius turtle could do anything he put his brilliant mind to, yet it seemed that it wasn't enough for the redhead. Nothing was good enough for her, as she dragged both Donatello and Casey Jones around, giving them both false hope.
Yeah, you were not a fan of April, and the feelings were mutual. None of the turtle brothers could understand why you two hated each other so much, but it was just one of those hate relationships. You both put up with each other in the presence of your mutual friends, but other than that, no one would catch you two socializing in public. Dear God, you would rather deal with Fishface and Tigerclaw than deal with April O-fucking-Neil.
Even though you hated her, you were jealous of her by every means of the word too. What did she have that you didn't, that enraptured Donnie so? Was it her fiery red hair? Her fighting spirit? You didn't know, but what you did know was that in Donnie's eyes, you weren't April and you would never be as good as her.
With every punch you swung, every contact with the old punching bag, your fists stung, and your arms vibrated in pain. You didn't know how long you were going at the bag for, but if your red knuckles were any indication, it had been a while.
Sweat rolled down the side of your temple, dripping off your chin as you wiped it away gruffly. The dojo was empty, the turtle brothers out on their rounds and Splinter was in his room meditating. It was strange for the lair to be so quiet, lacking the familiar sounds that made it feel almost like home. Mikey's infectious laughter didn't echo through the halls. Leonardo mimicking the lined from his favourite show made the living room seem so empty. The dojo felt so much bigger without Raphael's constant need to train and spar. There was also no whizzing and clanking noised from Donatello's lab, no sound of a genius at work.
They mutant brothers were your best friends, each with their unique personalities. They all pushed you to be the best you could be, helped you when no one else was willing. They were the family you always dreamed of, all those wishes on the brightest night star you could find was to have friends like them. You didn't have the most comfortable life, that was for sure, but they made it so much better.
But then things had to become complicated when you caught feelings for the techy-turtle. It wasn't sudden by any means, subtly growing over the months in their presence until it was too much to ignore. Donatello had become your safe place, your home away from home, but you knew he would never see you in the way you saw him. You had come to terms with that. You would rather be by his side as friends than nothing at all, pushing your feelings into the deepest part of your soul.
"Donnie, come on!" Mikey's concerned voice called out to his older brother, startling you. It was much too early for any of them to be home and worry enveloped inside your chest. Was everyone ok?
The moment you stepped out of the dojo was the moment that Donnie slammed the door to his lab. Nicknacks and other items hanging off the walls rattled at the sheer force he used. You looked at Mikey in surprise, never having seen Donnie act in such a Raph-like manner.
"What happened?"
The usually hyperactive and go-lucky turtle looked at you with worry, "Donnie saw April and Casey kissing."
Your mouth dropped open in shock, you knew she strung them both along, but how could she choose the hockey-airhead – you adored Casey, don't get it wrong, but he was an idiot at times – over Donnie?
"I'll try and talk to him," you offered.
He agreed, claiming he had to get back to the other brothers and let them know what was going on. You watched him leave before attempted to try and cheer up the turtle in purple. Armed with a mug of steaming hot chocolate and a plate of cookies you had baked earlier that afternoon, you opened the lab door.
"Mikey, just leave me alone."
Donnie was seated at his desk with his goggles pulled over his eyes as he fiddled with a small microchip. You didn't know what it was for, nor could you understand if Donnie did try to explain it, but knowing that it was his passion was enough for you to sit through hours of scientific jargon.
"It's not Mikey," you smiled weakly, holding up the cookies and mug. "I come bearing gifts."
With goggles rested on his forehead, Donnie turned towards you. His expression was utter devastation while he wore his broken heart on his sleeve. "So you heard, huh?"
Figuring that you were safe to enter, you made your way towards Donnie and set your peace offering on the desk in front of him. He only stared down at it, not bothering to take a sip or try a bite.
"Mikey told me." Placing a hand on his shoulder, you gave it a comforting squeeze. "I'm sorry you had to find out about April that way." Forcing back the poisonous tone you wanted to use to spit April's name, you focused on the fact that Donnie was hurting. He didn't need the stress of your hatred of April right now.
"I should have figured this would be the case. I mean, look at me!" He gestured to himself with what looked like disgust. "I'm a mutant turtle! A Monster. She's this beautiful human girl, why would she ever choose me?"
You hated when any of the brothers looked down on themselves due to their genetic make-up, hated that they thought so lowly of themselves. In your experience, the short years of your life, they were far from the monsters you have seen. You had come to understand that monsters weren't the ones who hid under the bed or in the closets. If the marks left on your skin were any implication, you already met monsters, and they weren't the turtle brothers.
"Donatello," your tone was scolding, eyes narrowing at him. "You are the farthest thing from a monster, and you know it. You're kind, selfless, and one of the best people I have ever met!"
He shoved your hand off his shoulder, face pinched in annoyance, "then why? Why doesn't April want me?"  
God, you could ask the same question to him.
"It's her loss," you didn't know what else to say. You weren't April, and you didn't know how her mind worked, so how could you tell him why? If you were in her shoes, Donnie would be your choice. He would have always been your first and only choice.
A sound of utter pain and anguish slipped from Donnie, body lurching forwards as he knocked everything off his desk with a sweeping motion of his arms. Your answer didn't satisfy him, and it wasn't what he wanted to hear. Flinching back at his action, you stepped away from his desk to avoid getting hit by anything.
"Who would want someone like me!? Like us?" He scoffed, storming around the lab and knocking more of his equipment and experiments to the ground. "Mutants! Turtles! We are abnormalities that shouldn't even exist!"
You watched in sadness and horror as your heart broke for him. How could you explain that April wasn't the only person in the world? That there were others out there that would love them, just the way they were.
He continued to degrade himself in a manner that reminded you so much of Raphael. Did all of the brothers believe in this? Did they all think that they were so below being loved?
Tears accumulated in your eyes as you watched the usually level-headed turtle break before you. It was too much for you to bear as your feelings overtook your reasoning. You couldn't let the one you care for think so lowly of himself.
"I want you!"
Donnie paused, turning to look at you in surprise. His cheeks were tearstained, his shoulders heaving as he tried to calm his breathing from his outbursts. "What?"
You stepped forwards, one hand pressed against your chest as you gestured to yourself. "I want you, Donnie! God, you don't understand how long I wanted to say that. I have been in love with you for months."
His surprise quickly morphed to anger, "I don't want your pity."
For a genius, he was unquestionably an idiot at times. "I'm not pitying you. I'm telling you the truth, Donnie. I am in love with you."
You had laid out your feelings on the table, everything you tried to hide from him in fear of rejection. What a shitty soap opera you had stepped into, confessing your dying love to him while he was heartbroken over another girl. You knew it was only a recipe for disaster, yet here you were.
There was a thick silence between you two as you both looked at one another. Donnie still looked angry, believing that you were screwing with him, pitying him. You, on the other hand, stared at him with teary eyes, figuratively holding out your heart to him.
The one-sentence broke your heart, words you knew were coming. How could you be so stupid?
"You're not April."
She was everything he wanted, and you weren't her. Nothing you could do would change that, and you felt like a damn fool for even trying. The dam broke as tears slid down your cheeks as you fought to keep some type of self-respect.
"No, I'm not." You voiced, though your words wobbled more than you hoped. "But I am the one here, right now. I'm the one who drops everything and comes running when you call! I'm the shoulder you cry on when April hurts you, yet you keep running to her!" Your voice rose with every statement your words tinged with anger.
A pitiful laugh slipped passed your lips, realizing how hypocritical you sounded. You were scolding Donnie for the same things he was doing for April.
"Forget it," your shoulders slumped as you rubbed the palms against your cheeks, wiping away the tears. You knew rejection was the only conclusion to your confession, so why were you so surprised?
Donatello didn't stop you from leaving the lab, didn't even look at you as he glared at the mess he made. And the fact that he didn't chase after you hurt even more than the rejection. Did he care for you at all? Did your friendship mean nothing?
No, it didn't.
Why? Because you weren't April.
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Reblog if you’re a female TMNT fan
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𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟒 | 𝐁𝐚𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
genre ▹ fluff      word count ▹ 1550
warning ▹ none
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"Don't worry," his laughter was infectious as he grinned a blindly bright smile at you, "I'll go easy on you, Honey Bun."
It had started with a bit of light teasing, some light fun since it had been quite some time since you were able to spend time with your boyfriend, Michelangelo. He was regularly busy with the patrol or dealing with cases NYPD assigned to him and his brothers. On the other hand, you were also living a hectic life. Between University and your part-time job at Marko's Diner, there just weren't enough hours in the day for your beloved turtle.
If you two did have a chance to spend time together, you both were usually in the company of his brothers or April and Casey. You loved the others, but sometimes it was hard to get any alone time with Mikey.
It was strange to see the lair so empty. Leo was at the police station with new battle tactics for the next mission. Raphael had left with Casey earlier, and you didn't catch what they were talking about when they did. Donatello was at April's new apartment, setting up security measures. The turtle in purple was a worrywart and feared for the safety of his human friends. He had set up security measures at your place too after you had become close to the mutant family.
So for once, in a long time, you and Mikey had the lair to yourself. Well, besides Splinter, but he was usually doing his own thing. Mikey had declared a video game session, offering to play anything that you wanted.
Now, you never were one for video games. Having grown up in a strict household, you spent more time with a book in hand than your eyes glued to a screen. Even your phone had the bare necessities until Donatello upgraded it for you the previous year. You had been a sheltered child, so having someone like Mikey in your life was like a gust of fresh air. He showed you a side of yourself that you never knew you had.
Looking over the game selection Mikey had, you knew you were no match for the turtle in orange. You have watched Mikey, and his brothers play several of these games, and Mikey's skill was unparalleled. You knew you were going to lose, no matter which game you chose, even if he did go easy on you.
"Oh, I played this before." You found a copy of Mario Kart at the bottom of the pile, "but it was an older version, for the Nintendo 64." The cover was brighter in colour, and the picture was cleaner and more refined than the older counterpart.
"Yo," Mikey laughed, "I forgot I had that! It's one of the first games Leo found for me." He smiled fondly, remembering how his brothers always went out of their way for him when they were younger. Donnie had fixed up a busted game system for him when they found it, and Leo and Raph went out to hopefully find a game for him to play.
"Should we play, for old times sake?" You grinned, tossing over the game to Mikey, who quickly set it up. The old game player was a mix-and-match of parts of different systems that Donnie was able to rig together and was able to play a collection of games from different brands.
Things escalated quickly from the moment Mikey taunted you about going easy on you. He was planning on doing what he said, but when you passed the finish line, Mikey could only stare at the screen in surprise.
"Yo, Honey Bun! You said you weren't good at games!"
"I'm not," you laughed, smiling brightly at your win. "But this game is rather easy, don't you think?" You didn't know what it was, but you seemed to have a knack at Mario Kart.  
One thing about Mikey was that he was competitive. Being the youngest, Mikey strived to become good at something, anything to outpace his brothers. Video games were his thing, but seeing you bounce so happily on the couch about your win, he felt torn. He wanted to be happy for you, but he also wanted to win so you would praise him.
The second race started, and Mikey was more into the game. He was in first, a smile flourishing on his face until it was wiped away due to a blue shell knocking him from first to ninth place. The winning celebration started on the screen, and he could see your character cheering, the solid golden 1st shining on the screen.
Race three and Mikey was in full game mode. You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, noting how quiet the boy got all of a sudden. It was strange to have your sunshine boyfriend so silent. His body was hunched forwards, eyes watching the screen with ninja-like focus, and he was going all out. The race was close, but somehow between the laps, you were able to pull out in front of him and taking the win, leaving him in second.
"Do you still want to go easy on me?" Your tone was light and teasing as you turned to your boyfriend, who stared at the tv is disbelief. All three races, he lost. How? He could easily smoke his brothers in this game, even with a handicap!
You knew he was at wit's end, and not wanting to let a game get in between you to having a good day, you were going to suggest playing something different.
"One more race," Mikey didn't let you speak, his fingers already moving to choose the next track. "Winner takes all."
"But there wasn't anything on the line in the first place..." You tilted your head in confusion. It wasn't often you saw the serious side of Michelangelo. "Plus, how would your one win outrank my three consecutive wins?"
He didn't reply, as the race began, and you sighed, knowing very well that you started something you shouldn't have. Mikey was in game-mode, grasping at the controller and swaying left to right along with his character as if it would help him turn corners quicker. Glancing up at the placements during the second lap, he could see he was still losing to you. You were somehow in second, closing the gap to first, and he was in fifth.
Now, you didn't know how far Mikey would go to secure a win against you. You never thought Mikey would resort to cheating, as a squeal passed your lips in surprise. In a swift and ninja-like movement, you were swept into his lap, arms on either side of you as he continued to play. His head now rested on your shoulder as you stared at the screen with wide eyes, watching as other players passed your stilled character, now leaving you in the eighth. Your back pressed flushed against his plastron, feeling the cool-hard curves through your shirt. Your eyes were wide, fumbling to continue playing.
It was becoming difficult to play, as Mikey's breath fanned against your ear, your cheeks growing warmer with every passing second. With every turn, Mikey's strong arms closed closer around you, causing your heart to pulsate in your chest like a beating drum.
Mikey had no mercy on you, knowing the effect he had on you. You were always such a shy little thing when it came to affection. Seeing how your face glowed redder than Raph's mask made you so endearing to Mikey.
The race was now on the third lap, and you had regained your position in second, just behind Mikey. He chuckled, whispering small taunts in your ear, feeling your body go rigid against his own, your character faltering on the track, leaving you in third. It wasn't the manliest tactic, Mikey had to admit, but he was enjoying himself.
A giggle slipped passed your lips as you felt Mikey's lips against the juncture of your neck and shoulder, your body curling slightly from being tickled. He chuckled, pressing another kiss in the same spot, just to see you squirm.
You let out a full-blown laugh, the game forgotten as Mikey turned his entire attention to you, smiling brightly. You squirmed in his grasp, both of you falling to the side as he held you close, leaving kisses all over your face. From your forehead, temples, cheeks and to the tip of your nose, Mikey didn't leave a patch of skin untouched. You grinned, staring up at him with shining eyes.
The sound of the race ending caught your attention as you turned your head, mouth agape when you saw Mikey's avatar cheering for his win. You looked back at Mikey in shock, how did he?
"Why are you looking at me like that, Honey Bun?" He nuzzled his beak into your neck again, drinking in the sound of your laughter.
"You cheater."
Yeah, he cheated, but as he held onto you, he couldn't help but think that having you as a win, no matter the situation. Out of everyone, you chose him and he couldn't be luckier.
"As I said, the winner takes all."
With that said, he covered your lips with his own, leaving you utterly breathless.
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Oooh! this is from the prompt request. Can you do 4 - "Where am I?", 59 "Just hold on, you'll be alright" & 73 "you believe me, right?". And for Donatello! Can it be a first meeting thing? He and reader aren't together, but hints heavily at that it could be more? Thanks!
Yes you can Anon! Here it is, I hope you like it. I always love writing for our techno-babbling genius
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𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟒 | 𝐁𝐚𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
genre ▹ fluff      word count ▹ 1737
warning ▹ mention of alcohol usage
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Your head throbbed painfully as your conscience was starting to come back. A low groan slipped past your lips as you moved your hand to touch your head and somewhat cover your closed eyes, blocking out more of whatever light was shining into your face. What had happened last night for you to feel this crappy?
Through the sharp pain of the headache you had, you attempted to recall the previous night. You knew you went out with friends, that was a fact, but did you really drink that much to be in this much pain? Okay, well, let’s start with the beginning of the night. That was a great place to start, right?
It was Samantha’s twenty-first birthday, the last of your group to become of age, and you all had planned to get her as people say, white-girl-wasted. How many drinks did you have? Oh god, it was those damn shots that knocked you on your ass. You could recall the copious amount of shots you all did, which mind you, reasonably isn’t healthy by any means. Your liver was probably telling you to go straight to hell.
You all partied for hours, or what seemed like hours. You were pretty sure you were there until the last call.
Another groan passed your lips as you struggled to adjust your body into a more comfortable position. Though, as you shifted, the bed didn’t feel like your bed. You know, you can always tell if your sleeping in your own bed. Hang-over or not. Other beds don’t have the well-formed hole that you have created over the years, perfect for your body shape. Yeah, this wasn’t your bed.
This wasn’t your bed–!?
You must have shot up into a sitting position like a freaking vampire out for blood because there was a startled cry from across the room. That, and well, jumping up like that was not a bright idea. Your body wracked with pain, head throbbing, and a pained groan passed your lips. Your eyes hurt from the light, and it felt like you were going to be sick.
“It’s okay, don’t worry.” There was a soothing voice close by, then shuffling until what you assumed was a plastic bucket was placed into your arms. The person must have seen the green hue to your face or had experience with hung-over people and just knew you were going to hurl. “Just hold on, you’ll be alright.”
You didn’t recognize the male voice, so it defiantly wasn’t one of your friends’ boyfriends. It wasn’t even the voice of your roommate. It was calming, albeit a tad awkward sounding. You know how in movies the smart geeky kids always sounded geeky, well, his voice fit that category.
Where the hell were you?
Nausea clenched your stomach, moving up your body as you dropped your head into the bucket. The burning sensation was anything but pleasant as you hurled whatever alcohol, food or substances were still in your system. There was a tentative hand on your back as if trying to soothe you, while the other hand attempted to grasp as much of your hair so it would get covered in vomit. What a gentleman if you do say so yourself. Though, honestly, this probably wasn’t the best time to think about that.
You don’t know how long your head was in the bucket, but you felt a whole hell of a lot better after. Slowly you raised your head, finally taking a look around the room. It certainly wasn’t your bedroom, and well, it didn’t look like a bedroom at all. It was filled with unfamiliar machines and contraptions, as well as a bunch of science-y things like bunsen burners and beakers filled with strange coloured liquid. It honestly looked like a mad scientist’s lab from the movies.
The patting stopped, as well as the soft grip on your hair. Green filled your vision as you slowly looked up the torso of what looked like the front of a shell. You weren’t too far off as you observed in the stranger before you entirely. Your eyes probably widened considerably as he quickly stuck out his hands in front of him, waving them - he only had three fingers! - in a way that was seen comical as he tried to calm you.  
“Please don’t scream, I swear I won’t hurt you!” He stammered out quickly, his own eyes widening.
A sharp pain stretched through your head as flashes of the previous night formed before you as if you were watching a movie in a theatre. You had left the club with some of my friends, and they grabbed a cab, but there wasn’t enough room. You opted to wait for another vehicle, so you stayed behind. You must have got fed up with waiting because, in your drunk-intelligence, you decided to walk home. You only lived what should have been a twenty-minute walk. Like every other cliche out there, you were a drunk bimbo in a tiny sparkly dress walking down the dark streets of New York City. That was practically just asking for trouble, and you thought nothing of it at the time. Of course, you were ambushed by a group of guys, which, honestly, you were not surprised now that you thought back on it.
God, are you really that stupid?
Like every fairy tale, the knight in shining armour swoops in to save the day, though oddly enough, your knight was that of a large humanoid Turtle, with a giant stick. It was literally a long wooden stick that he swung around with skills that you couldn’t fathom. Maybe it was because you were drunk, but he was astounding with it.
“You…” Your voice seemed to clip off as you tried to get your thoughts together. Grabbing your head once more, you let another groan slipped by.
“I have some pain killers if you would like…” He trailed off, almost bashfully as he crouched down, so he was more level with you. You only nodded your head as a smile appeared on his amphibian face. That’s what he was, right? Turtles - you think he was a turtle, with the shell and all - were considered amphibians, right?
“Are turtles amphibians…?” You don’t know what possessed you to ask that, but the stranger chuckled. It wasn’t a condescending sound like you were used to, no it was more of an amused noise.
“Reptiles, actually.” He began, “even though turtles can be a creature of the land and sea, turtles share more characteristics to reptiles. They don’t have an immature aquatic stage, for example, frogs and their tadpole forms. Turtles also breathe by lungs from birth, unlike aquatic animals, and don’t lay eggs in the water like amphibians.” He came back with a glass of water in one hand and two small pills in the other. “Common mistake, really.”
You had to snort when he claimed it was a common mistake. He was too kind. If it was anyone else, they would have called you a dumbass. Well, now you know why you failed your science classes in high school. You defiantly weren’t a science person at all.
“Where am I?”
“In my lab,” he explained, shuffling back across his so-called lab. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his answer.
Taking a swig of water and shoving both pills into your mouth, you forced to swallow the small tablets. Why was it so hard swallowing pills? Urg.
“Thank you for not screaming,” he said, pulling a rolling chair towards the make-shift bed you were sitting on. “My family is sleeping, and well, I’m sure that they would make a fuss.”
“There’s more of you?” You gasped in surprise.
He nodded his head, but he didn’t explain further. It was like some wall quickly built around him, unsure if he should be telling any more than he already was. He looked thoughtful as he gazed at you, drinking in your appearance like a man dying of thirst in the desert.
You didn’t know what it was, by the way, his eyes took you in made your chest tighten and warmth to bloom on your cheeks. Was he scientifically looking at you? With the way he spoke and what was in the room, he was clearly a left-brainer. (You just did that test the other day when you were bored in your art history lecture, and you were clearly a right-brainer).
“I have three brothers and a father.” He began shortly after as if he deemed it was safe to tell someone like you about his family. Though, his father was a rat rather than a turtle, which was mind-blowing in your hang-over state. You knew he wasn’t telling the entire story, keeping essential parts out and informing you of the general overview. You’re not surprised though, you wouldn’t be telling a stranger your life story on first meeting either.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but this seems like something right out of a comic,” You stated, holding the glass of water with both hands.
There was no denying your statement as he chuckled and nodded his head in agreement. He claimed that it did sound like some of the far-fetched comics that his younger brother read. “You believe me, right?”
“Honestly?” He nodded his head, waiting for you to answer. “It’s so crazy that it’s hard not to believe. I mean, this,” you gestured to all of him, before gesturing to his whole lab, “is something I couldn’t make up in a hundred years. Even if this is a dream.”
“I’m Donatello, by the way.” He stuck out his three-fingered hand (you honestly don’t know when you would get over that fact), waiting patiently for a handshake.
You reached forwards after a moment of thought, letting your hand slide into his. Your hand was dwarfed by his, and the warmth surprised you. You were expecting him to be cold, like, you know a turtle. But that could also be you being an idiot and not knowing how reptiles worked. You never actually dealt with any type of lizard or snake before, too frightened of them. Thank god he wasn’t a snake mutant, or you would have died right there and then.
Replying with your own name, a smile graced your features. This was the start of a beautiful friendship, you could just tell.
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Anon asked for Mikey helping Donnie with doing his eyebrows
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request by  tech-turtle-dirty-nerdy
I hope you like it!
Donatello with her two daughters (Gwen and Estelle) :)
After I finished the first picture, I had a strong urge to continue it… HNNNG… I HAD TO!  I CAN IMAGINE THE MOMENT, WHEN THE BABY BEGINS TO DROOL ALL OVER HIS FACE
you can use my pictures for whatever you want, as long as you will not erase my name from it and claim as your own.
I will not accept more requests now, because I had a few picture in my mind~ and I still have a few half finished works and late gifts :(
(sry for my english)
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Reblog or Like if you want to invent stuff with Donatello
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I’m not CRyiN, You’Re CrYIn! 
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i did this comic redraw the other day too but its too sad ITS TOO SAD I DON’T WANNA THINK ABOUT IT OR I’LL START UNRAVELING
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You said that Leo is a restless sleeper, so do you have more Rise Leon sleep headcanons?
Yes! I have more! Here you are - I do hope you enjoy!
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▸ Chaotic sleeper, he is always moving, shifting and flinging his limbs around. It’s not uncommon to see his blankets, sheets and pillows on the floor. Hell, sometimes he is the one who ends up on the floor, in the most awkward positions ever. RIP to his future significant other who has to sleep in the same bed as him, because they are bound to wake up with bruises! 
▸ Late sleeper and early riser! This boy can run off small amounts of sleep and can still be like an energizer bunny who had too much sugar. Though this causes him to have random naps throughout the day. All he needs is maybe ten minutes here or there to refuel. 
▸ When he does settle down for the night though, he is a cuddle bug. In the drowsy period, right before sleep hits him, he will curl up in the fetal position with either a blanket or pillow and cuddle the crap out of it. Being cold-blooded, he seeks warmth in his sleepy state. 
▸ He can sleep anywhere! In the small corner, to be spread out starfish style on the concrete. Raph once found him sleeping upside down in an armchair, legs over the back and head dangling close to the floor. 
▸ Depending on how tired he is, he can be either a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper. When he hits the heavy sleeper, good luck trying to wake up this boy. Donnie and Mikey wait for this moment because they could practically move him anywhere and he won’t wake up. Leo has woken up floating in the sewers, hours away from the lair.
▸ When all the boys use to sleep in a giant pile, before they had their own spaces, Leo grew up as one of the little spoons. So if there is someone else in bed, he demands to be the little spoon. He likes feeling all safe and cuddled up against someone. 
▸ Sleep fights. Sometimes when he is dreaming about fighting enemies, his body will react in the real world. A random straight punch here, and an attempt of a roundhouse kick that knocks him out of bed. He will also Yeet things across the room when someone passes by his doorway. His brothers have been hit by multiple items, from teddy bears to the bedside lamp. 
▸ Huge sleep talker, and it’s usually a jumbled mess that no one could understand. Mikey is still confused about why Leo told him to go feed the leftover lasagna to the petunias.  
▸ Leo does not drool, surprisingly. Though, he does wake up with his mouth dryer than the Sahara Desert. So he always has a water bottle beside his bed. 
▸ Had sleep paralysis and a nightmare together once and he wouldn’t sleep for days. When he had to, he made his brothers all sleep in the same bed with him for a couple of days until he felt comfortable sleeping by himself again.
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Can I get a small imagine with 2012!Leonardo? Something fluffy and cute please!
Thank you for sending in a request! Of course you can have something fluffy and cute with our leader in blue! I do hope you enjoy!
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𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟐
genre ▹ fluff      word count ▹ 896
warning ▹ none
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The morning sun seeped into the bedroom, the stream and warm golden light landing on the face of the turtle in blue. A groan slipped passed his lips, hand reaching up and covering his eyes. When did he ever wake up to sunlight? In the haze of sleep, he frowned in confusion, knowing very well that living underground in the sewers meant no access to natural light.
Panic struck Leo, causing him to jerk upwards into a seated position. Blue eyes studied his surroundings, his pounding heart finally slowing when he realized where he was. He was in your bedroom, the familiar sandy walls and miscellaneous posters caused him to take a deep breath. He was okay, safe and somewhere he knew.
Now that the panic subsided, Leonardo felt calmer. Feeling a shift by his side, he looked down at your figure, half-hidden under the thin sheet. With New York in the middle of its summer heatwave, sleeping with anything warmer was asking for heatstroke. A small content hum slipped passed your lips, hair sprawled out on the pillow in a make-shift halo.
"Movie night..." Leo muttered, remembering why he was at your place. It was your weekly movie night with just you and him. With his brothers always around, you both didn't get much alone time with one another, so your place was usually the go-to for alone time.
Usually, Leo would leave a couple of hours after the movie when he had to go and patrol with his brothers. This time though, he didn't need to as Donnie was taking over for the night to give him an interrupted evening with you. He was going to leave before it got too late, but it seemed like sleep got the better of him. How was he supposed to get home without being noticed now?
He was breaking the one rule that he pushed his brothers to follow; be back in the sewer before daybreak. He could only imagine the choice words his brothers would have for him, especially Raph. What would Splinter say?
His cellphone hummed the short vibration indicating a notification. The device was on his side of the bed. The noise and shake suppressed by the pillow he had thrown on it in his sleep. He had several missed calls from his brothers and spam of messages, all asking if he was okay, and he knew your phone would be the same way.
'Hey, Leo, is everything okay? Your tracker says you're still at the apartment.'
Donnie was always rather articulate with his text message, causing the turtle in blue to smile, before replying that he was okay. He also mentioned that you both fell asleep and lost track of time, but he would be home soon or around sunset when he could move around without being noticed.
The reply was instant, startling him. Did Donnie stay awake the whole time?
'Glad you're safe, see you later.'
Tossing his phone back on the bed, Leo shifted, laying back down, on his side, so he was facing your sleeping form. Your lips pulled upwards in a soft sleepy smile, indicating a good dream. Leo chuckled to himself, wondering how you could be so cute? Even after dating for as long as you two have, he always found something new about you that he thought was completely adorable. With one arm tucked under his head, the other reached out, wrapping around your waist and pulling you close to his plastron. Your body moved accordingly, curling into Leonardo's touch, sliding your legs to entwine with his as a deep sigh rumbled in your chest.
One finger caressed your bare arm that laid on top of the sheet. Being a mutant turtle, Leo and his brothers still carried many of their turtle traits, besides their physical appearance. One of these traits was being cold-blooded, so they tended to gravitate to anything warm. In this situation, Leo couldn't help but curl closer to you, feeling your warm skin on his cold skin. Besides the warmth you radiated, Leo also noticed how soft you felt against his rough skin.
He watched you for a few more minutes before shifting his body. The pout on your lips as you slept made him smile. Now uncomfortable, you rolled over, pressing your back against his plastron, pulling your knees up to your chest, curling into the fetal position. He brushed some of your hair that fell into his face, smoothing it down and taking in the scent of your shampoo. It was one of your favourite scents, one that he had come to love just as much. Never having the chance to have lazy morning cuddles, Leonardo took his opportunity, leaning forwards and nuzzling his beak into your hair. His free arm slowly began to caress your legs, sliding under the loose shorts you wore to bed. Again he noted how soft your skin was. This went on for a few more minutes until his caresses began to rouse you awake.
Tilting your head back, you looked at Leo with a dazed and sleepy expression. "Morning."
"Morning," his fingers continued to drag across your skin, tickling you as soft giggles slipped passed your lips.
With a small yawn, you questioned what he was doing, while attempting to rub the sleep from your eyes.
"Touching you," Leo muttered.
"Cause you're really soft."
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2016 donnie scenario where s/o takes off his glasses cuz they’ve not seen him without them, he looks handsome, they put his glasses on right him after carefully because they know he can’t see? (Just a fluffy wholesome scenario).
Thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy this little imagine. 
In the 2014 and 2016 Era of TMNT, Donnie is claimed to have green eyes, in the movies it tends to change. Some teens are seen as green and others as amber. I chose amber since that was the most common colour for Donnie’s eyes. I hope you don’t mind. 
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𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟒 | 𝐁𝐚𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
genre ▹ fluff      word count ▹ 900
warning ▹ none
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What’s your type?
It’s a common question among friends, especially when you were in the dating scene. Generic and a rather shallow of a topic, since everyone replied with physical features. You heard them all from your friends, from a cute smile, down to legs for days, even contributing some physical traits you found attractive as well. What you would give for a knight in shining armour type of man.
Though, you would have never guessed your life would turn out the way it did. Never imagined that your knight in shining armour wielded a bō staff and a shell in place of metal armour.
A smile curled on the ends of your lips as you watched the techy-genius work, his six total fingers moving swiftly with the small electrical pieces. Tongue out – a cute habit you adored – and eyes focused on the task at hand.
“You’re staring.”
“I know.” You mused, swinging your legs back and forth as you perched yourself on one of his work tables.
Donatello looked up from his latest project, a shy smile forming on his face. Even with a genius IQ, he could never understand how someone like you wanted to be with someone like him. He was the farthest thing from a desired mate for a beautiful human like you. If it wasn’t for the mutation under his scaled skin, he would be 100% entirely different species from you, yet here you were, letting him soak in your attention and love.
Sure, it has only been a few weeks since you both went official, but he was solely captivated by you. He has been since you stepped into their lives, shining brighter than anything that he had ever seen. It was a struggle, attempting to stand out from his brothers for your attention.
Leo was the wise leader, fearless and strong. Raph was the protective hothead that garner the attention of everyone in a room. Mikey, the extroverted go-lucky turtle with enough pick-up lines to keep you laughing for days. What did he have besides his intelligence?
Somehow, some miraculous miracle, you noticed him. You spoke to him, you wanted to spend time with him! It boosted his confidence, his ego, but at the same time, it raised his fear of wondering if this was some type of sick joke. That one day you would come to your senses and realize that he wasn’t someone you could settle down and have a normal life with.
“You’re stressing about something again,” hopping off the table, you moved to stand before him, while he continued to sit in his lab chair. It wasn’t often that you could stand eye-to-eye with Donatello, him being the giant he was. “What’s going on in that pretty little mind of yours?”
“You,” he was bashful, his large eyes, distorted by the thick lenses of his tortoiseshell glasses, as he looked away from your face.
You grinned, “what about me, Donnie?”
He didn’t reply, nervously playing with his fingers as you attempted to gain his attention. Donnie was averting his gaze, not knowing how to look at you without bursting into a heated blush.
You took him by surprise, your small, delicate fingers wrapping around the arms of his glasses and gently sliding them off his face. He reacted on instinct, the idea of being almost blind frightened him. It was one of his weaknesses that he hated the most, especially since he was the only one of his brothers you needed aid in seeing. His three-digit fingers wrapped around each of your wrists, stopping you from fully pulling the glasses away from his face. Large eyes looking at you in surprise, though your figure was slightly blurry, despite the close proximity.
Out of the time you have known Donatello and his brothers, you have never seen them without their coloured bandanas, and in Donnie’s case, without his glasses. It was a whole new image for Donnie, one that fascinated you.
“W-What are you doing?”
Donatello had the most beautiful whiskey-amber eyes you have ever seen. Rich caramel eyes that seemed to peer right into the depths of your soul, filled with such kindness and care that it caused you to catch your breath.
His glasses soon rested on the bridge of his beak once more, his vision clearing. He couldn’t decipher the smile you wore, but he could tell that you looked almost bashful. He spoke your name gently, wondering what you were thinking of.
“What’s your type?”
He was confused at your question, surely it must be obvious what his type was. You were his type.
“What is yours?” His voice quivered, fear evident in the question. He worried about what you would say. How would he live up to your ideal when he wasn’t even human?
Fingers cradling Donnie’s, chuckling at the way he nuzzled subconsciously into your palms, his own hands cupping yours.
“Someone with whiskey eyes,” you watched as his eyes slowly widened, “someone so smart, but humble and will never look down on anyone. Someone gentle, kind and honest. Someone who deserves the world, and I will do anything I can to give it to him.”
His voice cracked as he squeaked out a small, “me?”
“You,” you whispered, leaning down and capturing him in a soft kiss. His hands tightened over yours, leaning into you.
Yeah, he was definitely your type.
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Send me a number and I’ll write an imagine for it! 
100 Sentence Prompts
(thank you too @inqusitor-sane for a few of these) 1. ‘Stop being such a stick in the mud!’ 2. ‘Come dance with me.’ 3. ‘They are just like you.’ 4. ‘Just hold on, you’ll be alright.’ 5. ‘I won’t leave you, never.’ 6. ‘I’m sorry.’ 7. ‘This is so not the time or place for this.’ 8. ‘Jackpot!’ 9. ‘You’re blushing.’ 10. ‘You got something on your face. Let me clean it off.’ 11. ‘What did you say?’ 12. ‘Before sunrise, they are your child/children’ 13. ‘How did we get in this mess?’ 14. ‘Are you okay?’ 15. ‘Who are you?’ 16. ‘What was that?’ 17. ‘Will you marry me?’ 18. ‘That’s not what I meant!’ 19. ‘Liar!’ 20. ‘I wish I could stay in this moment forever.’ 21. ‘This isn’t like you.’ 22. ‘What’s in it for me?’ 23. ‘I hate you.’ 24. ‘Tickle fight!’ 25. ‘You’re my one and only.’ 26. ‘It’s been a while.’ 27. ‘Let me walk you home.’ 28. ‘It’s just you and me tonight. We can do whatever we want.’ 29. ‘When was the last time you slept?!?’ 30. ‘Make a wish’ 31. ‘I’ll never forgive you.’ 32. ‘You know me too well.’ 33. ‘Just hold my hand.’ 34. ‘Wake up, please.’ 35. ‘This wasn’t supposed to happen.’ 36. ‘I never wanted to hurt you.’ 37. ‘What are you hiding?’ 38. ‘It’s a beautiful night.’ 39. ‘They are so your child/children.’ 40. ‘I’ll miss you.’ 41. ‘Remember when [event]’ 42. ‘It’s so hot out!’ 43. ‘But I thought you liked this?’ 44. ‘What have you’ve done?” 45. ‘No one can know.’ 46. ‘Everything will be okay.’ 47. ‘You’re sick.’ 48. ‘I’m never letting go.’ 49. ‘There is only one bed.’ 50. ‘You look lovely today’ 51. ‘There is so much blood.’ 52. ‘I can’t!’ 53. ‘I’m not afraid.’ 54. ‘Tell me something I don’t know about you.’ 55. ‘Let’s ditch this place and do something fun!’ 56. ‘How did you talk me into this?” 57. ‘Today is a new day.’ 58. ‘My clothes look good on you.’ 59. ‘Where am I?’ 60. ‘We are going to have the cutest babies ever!’ 61. ‘I think we’re lost.’ 62. ‘How did you know?” 63. ‘It’s not what it looks like.’ 64. ‘Keep your eyes open.’ 65. ‘Do as I do.’ 66. ‘You’re cold.’ 67. ‘You think it will lighten up soon?’ 68. ‘I can’t see anything.’ 69. ‘What did I do to get you again?’ 70. ‘Look what I found!’ 71. ‘Just breath.’ 72. ‘Let’s go to bed.’ 73. ‘You believe me, right?’ 74. ‘Let’s go exploring!’ 75. ‘That’s so sweet of you.’ 76. ‘I think we’re stuck.’ 77. ‘I need to leave.’ 78. ‘You look beautiful, no matter what.’ 79. ‘Stop!’ 80. ‘You’re hurt, let me help.’ 81. ‘I dare you!’ 82. ‘What happened here?” 83. ‘Just this once.’ 84. ‘We should go home.’ 85. ‘Let’s go for a swim!’ 86. ‘For science!’ 87. ‘Move over.’ 88. ‘We have to help!’ 89. ‘This must be the happiest moment of my life.’ 90. ‘It’s just a cut.’ 91. ‘I feel stupid.’ 92. ‘This is one heck of a storm.’ 93. ‘Hit the deck!’ 94. ‘A kiss for good luck?’ 95. ‘I didn’t know you could sing.’ 96. ‘You’re so cute when your sleeping.’ 97. ‘I will always protect you.’ 98. ‘Forever.’ 99. ‘Run!’ 100. ‘Sit, relax, I won’t bite.’
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Okay I decided to watch rottmnt, because I see alot of it on my dash, and even tho I'm not a tmnt fan, it really peaked my intrest, so i figured I'd give it a shot.... I'm not even past the opening and i already know this is gonna be my new addiction. Like, fuck, that opening legit kick started my serotonin into hyperdrive.
You will not regret it! The show is not only amazing in the story line, but character development, brotherhood, artwork, the memes and chaotic energy is perfect. 
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▸ If his brothers fall asleep around the lair, anywhere but their beds, Raph will always carry them to their rooms/bed and tuck each one in. Sometimes he will force himself to stay awake until he knows all his brothers are safe and sound, tucked into their beds. 
▸ As a child, he was always the bigger and stronger one of all his brothers, and sometimes he doesn't know his strength. He has hurt his brothers with hugs before, which hurts him in return, cause he hates seeing his brothers hurt. From then on, he will always make sure he is super careful with affection, especially with Donnie and his softshell. One of the reasons that he is such a teddy-bear of his size, cause he doesn't want to hurt those he cares about.
▸ Raph was the one to notice Donnie constantly squinting as a child, so he was the one who brought up that his little brother needed glasses. So every time he came across unbroken thrown away glasses, he would bring it to Donnie until they found ones that matched his description. 
▸ He adores back/shell scritches, so sometimes he would walk into one of his brother's room with a broom and ask one of them for help because he either can't reach an itch or needs a form of attention when he's lonely. 
▸ Raph is the proud record holder of the chubby bunny game, able to stuff 43 marshmallows in his mouth while coherently stating 'chubby bunny'. Leo comes in second with 31, then Mikey with 27 and Donatello with 26. 
▸ He isn't always sassy since he doesn't like hurting others' feelings, but living with three chaotic-natured younger brothers, he picks up a thing or two. He tends to feed off the other's energy, especially Leo and Donnie, the two he will clap back at. 
▸ There was a period of time during his growth spurt that he could not control his own strength, no matter how much he tried. This was a period where Donnie had to follow after him, fixing everything he broke. The microwave, the tv remote or game controller, phone, tablet, Leo, etc. 
▸ Raph is a weight lifter, he could do bicep curls until it is going out of style, but try and get him to work on his stamina and cardiovascular system, good luck. He avoids that part of workouts like a plague. 
▸ When he was just a little tot, his brothers – Leo and Donnie – joked about Raph having his tail cut off, because he had seen a nature documentary about Snapping Turtles and noticed that they had tails. He cried for hours about how they could let someone cut off his tail. It took forever for the twins to calm him down. 
▸ Seen the Flinstones once, when they were having a throwback cartoon night, and now every time he goes bowling his April and his brothers, he will always do the whole twinkle toes bowling form!
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▸ He once told his brothers that certain turtles could breathe underwater through their cloaca, but before he could reach the section of his explaining that they probably don't have that due to the mutation, he had to save his dumb ass twin from drowning.
▸ Donnie has a problem with keeping his hands still. One of the reasons why he is always tinkering with something or other. So when he doesn't have anything to tinker with, he makes sure he's touching the ground when he's sitting around. It helps him stop fiddling with things.
▸ He is the fastest of his brothers, easily beating them all in a race, but due to the heavy gear he carries around he is considered one of the slowest. Thus why he uses his tech to get around. 
▸ As a chaotic-natured turtle, whenever they all get together to eat breakfast, Donnie makes sure he puts his milk in the bowl before his cereal. He cackles at the aghast expressions on his brother's faces as he does it, ignoring Leonardo's cry of 'Sacrilegious', Raph's whine and Mikey's wail of how Donnie was def going to a special place in hell for turtles who pour in milk before cereal.
▸ Whenever a plan goes awry because of one of Donatello's inventions, or something that happens due to his science experiments and his brother's complains, Donnie, will always say, "but did you die?" Which Leo will reply with, 'sadly no.' In turn, Donnie will groan, 'damn, next time then.'
▸ Donnie isn't one for physical contact, especially when mushy-emotions are behind it. But there are days when he physically needs it, but not to the extents his brother Raph needs it. On those days, he would walk up behind Mikey or Leo, placing his forehead on their shell, claiming he only needs a minute. Mikey and Leo, of course, let him, knowing that Donnie doesn't show affection often, so it's a real treat for then. Mikey would simply beam, knowing he is helping his brother in some way. Leo would hold back any sassy retort until Donnie pulls away, grinning cheekily at his brother's embarrassed and annoyed expression. Due to Raph's shell, Raph is the only one that Donnie would rest his forehead on his plastron. Raph has to force himself not to sweep Donnie into a hug, knowing that Dannie would squirm and escape. 
▸ Since Softshell turtles are more on the aquatic side species of turtles, Donnie has an affinity with water. He sometimes has to fight the urge to simply slide into a pool of water of any kind, just to feel the water on his skin. He is definitely a bath type of person rather than a shower person because he likes to be submerged in water. He has to make sure that most if not all the inventions that he wears on his shell are waterproof. 
▸ Mikey is the only one Donnie would admit he's wrong too. If something Mikey says or does actually happens in his favour, despite Donnie denying it, Donnie would openly admit that he takes back what he says. 
▸ He started wearing contacts when April offered to get him some. He agreed, but it took him weeks to learn to put them in because the thought of touching his eye makes him squirm. 
▸ Donnie claims he likes his coffee as black as his soul, which is a lie because of his stash of flavoured coffee creamers he hides in his lab. Only April knows of his flavoured creamer obsession.
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▸ He knows when his brothers are training with Splinter, and he will go out of his way to avoid training with them. It's not like he doesn't want to train with them, he just doesn't want his brothers to see him mess up on something several times. So he trains by himself, away from the others or when they are sleeping, thus why he can pull off some rather sick fighting moves when they are in a pickle. But, because he skips out on group training, fighting in tangent with his brothers is a lot more difficult for him, causing him to mess up quite a bit in the beginning. 
▸ When playing Rock-Paper-Scissors, he can always win against Raph and Mikey, but he can never guess what Don is going to throw. When he thinks he has his twin figured out, Don would just give Leo this smug smirk and throw out the winning sign, leaving Leo screeching to the gods on his knees. 
▸ While he isn't Donnie-Smart, Leo is also quick-witted and intelligent. He is the work smarter, not harder brother, always searching for shortcuts around obstacles This portrays him as the 'laid-back' or 'lazy' brother at times, which he embraces so he doesn't have to do hard jobs. 
▸ The boy in blue is a sucker for compliments! If anyone wants Leo to do anything for them, all they need is a well-timed compliment to feed his ego. He prides himself on being good or better at something than others, not realizing he is being played. 
▸ Leo has the weakest spot for Mikey since Leo is the second youngest. Mikey is his only 'little' brother, so he plays on the big brother role with pride. Always making sure to pull him out of danger when he can, or always looking out for Mikey, Leo will do anything for the turtle in orange.
▸ Even though he is considered twins with Donnie and has the weakest spot for Mikey, as children he was closest to Raph. Raph and Leo would always be doing something together, while Donnie wanted to be on his own with his inventions and Mikey wanted to do his art thing.
▸ Leo knows Spanish because once he annoyed Donnie too much while he was trying to work in his lab, so Donnie programed Leo's phone and tablet to Spanish. Plus, Donnie somehow managed to program all of Leo's shows to be dubbed in Spanish, so here Leo is, for a whole week, watching his shows in Spanish. 
▸ Leo is a restless sleeper. He is constantly moving, twisting his long limbs in his blanket/sheet and knocking them on the floor. Not only is he restless, but he will also always wake up in the most absurd positions, like, his brothers wonder if a. he has bones or b. how is he not in pain in the morning?
▸ He is always ready to headbutt against Donnie, for anything and everything. The twins are known constantly teasing/getting on one another's nerves, due to their personalities being on opposites ends of the spectrum, but if anyone dares to try and make fun of Donnie or belittle him in any way, Leo is the first to defend his twin. He claims he is the only one to do that to Donnie, but really, it's just Leo being protective of his big brother. 
▸ Leo was actually the smallest turtle, smaller than Mikey until he hit a random growth spurt, reaching Donnie's height. Because of this sudden growth spurt, his depth perception is off and he lacks the control of his long limbs. Thus making him the clumsy baby he is.
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▸ Mikey first started to draw/colour on himself when he realized that Leonardo was embarrassed about his distinct markings. He hated seeing the look on his Leo's face when he looked in the mirror when he didn't think anyone was watching, fingers trailing over the red markings on his face or the lighter colours on his arms. Little Mikey told Leo that he wanted to look like his big brother. Now Leo looks at his markings with more pride. Donatello soon follows Mikey's trait, allowing the orange turtle to paint purple markings on him, though he denies it’s for Leo's benefit. 
▸ Everyone thinks it's Donatello who gets snarky when he is woken up early – but no, the worse is Mikey. When he doesn't get his designated number of hours of sleep, this poor boy is a hallion when woken up. His Medusa-like glare would stop anyone in a glance, as his brother's found out the hard way. 
▸ One of the reasons why Mikey is so competitive is because he wants to prove to his brothers that he is just as good as them, and can easily keep up with them. Just because he's the youngest, doesn't mean he is the baby! Though, when needed, he will play the role to get what he wants. 
▸ Mikey considers him closest to Donnie because he believes Donnie understands him the best because they are both creators. Donnie with his inventions and Mikey with his art. Starting with nothing and creating something with only an idea or flash of inspiration. 
▸ King of braids of any kind. Sometimes he would simply sit and braid April's hair when they are hanging out/sleepovers/watching movies. The standard 3-strand, french, fishtail, dutch, 4-strand, rope twist, pull through, reverse, waterfall and milkmaid, this boy can do them all. 
▸ Loves revolving doors! If there is an option for going through a revolving door, Mikey will always choose that option, no ifs and or buts. He will run to the other side of a building if he knew that there was a revolving door, even when there is just as good of a door in front of him. 
▸ Is a quick reader. When he does sit down to read something – it's not often, but has been prone to happen – he can easily finish a decent size novel in half the time of a regular person, and still able to retain information from it. This is only books he has interests in, such as fantasy novels or art books. He can easily name the artist of different art pieces or knows the pieces name by a glance. 
▸ Do not take Mikey's beanbag. Mikey will dropkick anyone who tries to take his beanbag. Leo learned that the hard way when Mikey let out a feral battle cry and kicked Leo across New York, without the use of Leo's portal sword. 
▸ Mikey has drawn what he thought he and his brothers would look like if they were human. He did this because he didn't want to be a turtle any more, wanting to be like April and the other people. April was the only one who was able to convince him that he was cooler as a turtle than a human. He is happy now with who he is, but sometimes he will pull out his drawing and wonder what if?
▸ He doesn't get angry often, but when he does, his brothers run for the damn hills. Even as a turtle tot, he didn't have tantrums often, but when he did, he could easily cause the whole sewer system to collapse. It takes quite a bit to throw Mikey over the edge though since he is pretty zen with his anger.
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𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟒 | 𝐁𝐚𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
genre ▹ fluff      word count ▹ 871
warning ▹ none
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It wasn't uncommon for you to be up, roaming across the New York skyline. It has become a rather bad habit over the last few months, affecting your daytime life, causing you to live off copious and unhealthy amounts of caffeinated beverages. While you would love to blame those around you, you knew very well that you could have stayed home if you wanted to. Though, where was the fun in that?
Though there were days when fatigue got the better of you, and you wanted nothing more than to stay home and sleep. The one night where all you wanted to do was sleep was the one night Donatello came knocking on your window.
"Donnie?" Slurring your words, you looked at him with bleary eyes. Attempting to wipe away the sleep from your eyes, you focused on the purple-masked turtle that climbed through your window.
"I need you to come with me," he sounded excited, almost giddy. With a single finger, he pushed his glasses back up, enlarging his amber eyes.
You could only blink in confusion, sitting in the middle of your bed in nothing but an oversized shirt and short-shorts. Usually, when the boys wanted to do something, they would warn you early in the evening with a text message. The silver phone on your bedside was dark, with no sign of a text from anyone.
Donatello grinned, ushering you in his arms and out of the window without a second thought. A squeal of surprise passed your lips, arms flailing to wrap around Donatello's neck, attempting to avoid all the gizmos and gadgets attached to his shell. He leapt across the rooftops with finesse, blending into the shadows with skills he learned as a child.
Tightening your arms around his neck, you gazed out in the direction he was heading. "Where are we going, Donnie?"
The turtle looked down at you, flashing a bright smile, which only stirred confusion within you. You have known Donnie for several months, along with his brothers. Donnie was usually the reserved turtle, with several sassy comments ready to shoot when needed, but he never acted so ambiguously to you before.
"We're almost there."
A yawn escaped passed your lips during the journey, neither of you, saying another word. You trusted Donnie, knowing that he would never put you in danger of any kind.
The destination was the rooftop of a tall building near one of the large parks, a fair distance away from downtown. It was relatively darker compared to the hustle and bustle of Manhattan. He set you down, digging through his bag that he brought, pulling out a blanket. The tattered edges and discoloration were evidence that he had used it for years and how he treasured it. Though, you figured that was a story for another time.
Laying out the blanket, Donnie dropped himself down, urging you to do the same. Smiling, you sat down next to him.
"What's going on?" You voiced once again, watching Donnie's eyes focus on the sky above you.
"It will be starting soon," he muttered softly, though loud enough for you to hear.
"What's starting–?" Donnie cut you off, placing his large fingers under your chin, tilting your head back and your gaze towards the sky.
"Look," he spoke softly, as your eyes widened at the sight of the sky lightening up with shooting stars. "It's the Perseids Meteor Shower," he began, "a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Swift–Tuttle. The meteors are called the Perseids because the point from which they appear to hail lies in the constellation Perseus."
Donnie continued to ramble off scientific facts about the meteor shower, though his words fell on deaf ears. Your attention was on the scene before you, watching the shimmering glow of each streak that danced across the sky.
"It's gorgeous..." You breathed out, as Donnie's voice faded, his attention directly on you. A smile formed on his face, his gaze never leaving you, memorized by your expression.
It has been several months since you came into the turtle's lives, a ball of fire with a personality that attracted all four of them in different ways. Though, Donnie knew you impacted his life more than you would ever know. You made him feel important, someone who was more than his intelligence. You're smile lit up his world, you're voice serenaded him, and your presence was like the warm sun against his skin.  
How did he and his brother's become so lucky? Having lived in isolation for most of their young lives, none of them expected humans to take kindly to them. April came into their lives and caused a ripple effect, soon bringing Casey Jones, the NYPD and now you. And if Donnie had to say, you were worth the long wait, the years of hiding in the sewers.
Donnie smiled, his amber eyes growing softer as he looked at you, watching the way your expression change with every streak across the sky. You were oblivious to his gaze, but that was fine with him. It was entrancing to watch, though he would think you were entrancing no matter what you were doing.
"Yeah, that's the first thing I thought too."
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