shycoffeetaco · 3 months
I NEEEDDDD someone to write this pleaseeee!!???😫😫
ghost has no idea what to make of you. you show up out of nowhere, barely a day after price announces that they have an extra addition on their team for the next mission, and then you show up.
you're nothing like them - you probably haven't seen a man get shot, never felt your bones break and have to set them yourself in a fight. he has this sick fantasy of breaking you, wiping that stupid smile off your face and watching you crumple as he breaks your spine with one hand.
soap loves having you on base, you're good with a gun and you'll joke with him about almost anything - sure, you never come out to the pub with them, but whenever they come back to base you've cooked something and that's better than any pint of beer johnny's ever had.
he's worried, he thinks you wont make it out there - beside them. you're small, and not in the sense that you're short, in the sense that there's barely anything to you, nothing to grab if you trip in the middle of active fire.
gaz is just finally glad to have someone else to talk to, to complain about soap and ghost to, rant about how price pissed him off. you're always willing to talk, which is probably a good thing.
he always turns down his radio whenever you're on a mission together, he doesn't want to hear you die, or hear your voice trail off as you get caught. he has to bite his knuckle whenever you speak out of fear.
price is sick of it, sick of watching the boys play with you like a doll and then sit you delicately back on the shelf, so he takes matters into his own hands and shoots you between the eyes.
you sit up four minutes later.
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i just rlly like the idea of immortal!reader but the guys have no idea and suspect nothing until they get shot in the head and then just,,, get back up !
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shycoffeetaco · 1 year
Go add me on nintendo!!
Here is my friends code
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shycoffeetaco · 1 year
Dear God forgive me for loving this so much
Slashers: First Time Headcanons
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Slashers x male!reader
Requested by anonymous: “Billy lenz, Stu Macher, Billy loomis (+whoeer else you want) first time with m!reader?????No pressure thank you in advance <33”
Summary: Slashers firsts time with the reader.
(A/n: I’m sick and it’s sucks :))
Warning: smut, overstimulation, cumming untouched, dacryphilia, cumming dry.
Characters (in order of appearance): Billy Lenz, Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, Brahms Heelshire, Herbert West.
Billy, in spite of his vulgar and lewd words, was a virgin. There’s not many opportunities for sex when you’ve been hiding in a attic for your entire life. Despite his lack of experience he can go for hours. Probably due to how much he jerks off- you were almost surprised at how long he held out- round after round, cumming on his own chest over and over again until he physically couldn’t anymore. Once he finally came dry, you knew it was time to stop, even though he wanted to keep going. He felt the effects of it the next morning. Feeling a bit lightheaded whenever he stood on his overly sore legs, whimpering whenever he sat down. He clung to you for a few days after, for safety reasons.
With Stu, it’s definitely not his first time having sex. Man’s a hoe. He’s been with many people, he’s topped and bottomed, he’s done it with complete strangers. Stu has been around the block, okay. But it was different with you, because you were actually dating and he actually loved you. That being said, he nearly lost his mind the first time you fucked. He’s been with many people, but none had him biting down on his pillow, cumming untouched with tears running down his face the way you did. Despite being a sobbing, overstimulated mess, he constantly begged for more. When you're done and you’re taking care of him afterwards he’s going to go be a little out of it, a dopey smile on his face as you tried to get him to drink some water.
Another hoe, just like his best friend, Billy has been with many people, but before you he's only ever topped, because he's a stubborn bastard who'll never admit what he wants. And what he wants is to be topped. Even if it takes many, many weeks for him to admit that. When he finally does, he's a natural. Truly and honestly. From his experience as a top, he knows which positions will feel good for you and even better for him. Definitely, the type to shoo you away after. He does want to be comforted and held but he won't let you do it because he's a fucking masochist.
A surprise to no one, Brahms is a virgin. Again, there aren’t many opportunities for sex when living in the walls of your parents house. He’s nervous, but his excitement overrides it. I’ve said this before, he’s touch starved, overly sensitive, and quite loud. All things that became obvious during his first time. His thighs twitched and tried to slam shut around your waist, clawing at your back as he let out a long moan. You’d hardly even done anything yet, just barely pushing inside him and he was already panting and whimpering. He doesn’t really know what sex is supposed to feel like so he keeps asking you to try different paces and positions with him. He ended up cumming before you, and he wanted to hold out until you finished but it quickly became too much and he had to tap out. He felt a little guilty about it but you reassured him that it was okay, he was able to enjoy that post-sex feeling a little more after that.
Herbert isn’t a virgin. He’s had sex before, but only as a form of manipulation. It’s fucked up but honestly you found it kinda cute. He’s never had sex for pleasures sake, so you decided to give him as much pleasure as he could handle. It happened in his lab, bent over the only clear surface. In a weird way, he's kinda used to sex. Well, normal, primarily straight, 10-20 minute quickies. So going into having sex with you he expected it to be just as dissmisable as the other times had been. But it wasn't, it was passionate, and loving, and probably rougher than it should have been. But above all else it was good. Something Herbert hadn't thought about sex…ever. In the end he's laying on the table, trying to think of something slick to say, but nothing comes to mind. The two of you do eventually have to sneak upstairs, but not before Dan makes a comment from his room about the noise.
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shycoffeetaco · 1 year
Waiting for an update loving this
Avatar Rick Quaritch x Navi Reader
"Given Enough"
Master list for series
Tags List: @the-wanderer-2022 @zootsutra @anyzandy   @kneelingforvillains @dioriez @mylovelyreblogs @dinobae-replyacc @voodoogoul @freshmoneyalmondathlete @thedumboneforsomereason @world-dominating-kitty @scarletpines @sofiebstar @vampire-hunter @cypherpt5fttaehyung @strangerdeeznuts @simpingfor-wakasa @tranquiiit @ellieparker
Trigger Warnings: Death, Killing, Mentions of death, and derogatory name(s).
Chapter 3 | Chapter 4- The Metkayian
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The village had gathered their warriors and weapons ready to retaliate against the Metkayian. In their history war is rare but also necessary to restore balance. (Y/n) yelled commands instructing the troops on how they are to attack, which hand gestures to look for or sounds to hear. Quaritch helped load their bison now covered in war paint. He knew this had passed the stopping point. It worried him what (Y/n) would think once she discovered the truth. It is not a  matter of if but when. Time has started to tick once more. His game of pretending is over. Cualli approached the Avatar. “Quaritch, I hope you do not fail me in this battle.  By obligation when I die you must take over as Olo’eyktan. May that be in a few hours or years you must protect my daughter and our people. Do you understand? You are one of us.” He spoke with seriousness. 
Quaritch knits his eyebrows together. It all hit hard knowing if Cualli and others died…their blood is on his hands. Perhaps if he came clean now he said could spare their lives. "I need to tell you something. Since I got here-" 
"We are ready, father," Balam announced running up to his father. Rick felt his mate's hand wrap around his. 
"Are you sure about this? That war is the only way?" He asked. 
"Yes. It is the only way!"
"I know your connection was special. But if they can take one down, what stops them from others when we declare war?! Is this the only way?" He asked. 
"THEY STARTED THIS!" (Y/n) screams shoving him. "THEY KILLED HER! SHE DID NOT DO ANYTHING!" She yelled before Rick pulled her into a warm embrace. 
"Shh, my mate. Please do not cry any longer. I will stand by your side. Always. Now let's ride." He called Pup who flew beside them. His bison is also covered in war paint. "After you." He helped (Y/n) on and then climbed aboard connecting his queue. They waited until her Father, now armed, moved his bison to the front. 
"Ichil yáax, le Metkayian yéetel Kamimaljuyú u sido aliados. Mantuvimos jump'éel k'a'am vínculo.Ba'ale' wetailo'ob xan páajtal ku beetubaj a enemigos. Ts'o'ok u kiinsik jump'éel miembro k ch'i'ibalil.Le tu kíinsaj ti'! KÍIMILI' LE METKAYIAN!!!"
(For generations, the Metkayian and Kamimaljuyú have been allies. We held a strong bond. However, your friends can also become your enemies. They have killed a member of our family. Slaughtered her in cold blood. We will not accept this. Now we ride! DEATH TO THE METKAYIAN!)
"KÍIMILI' LE METKAYIAN!" They repeat and hide their bison and ikran to war. Quaritch felt his stomach twist. He knew by dawn things would never be the same. General Ardome is waiting for them. They would have the Sully family right where they needed, but at what cost? His relationship with (Y/n)...It meant everything. The people he loved…Oh Eywa, why did he choose this path? 
(Y/n) stood when the first reef came into sight. Village by village they destroyed heading for the heart of the Metkayian territory. (Y/n) had blood lust in her eyes and vengeance in her heart. Despite the feeling in his heart Quaritch of course fought beside them. Once he was happy terrorizing the Navi and now…He looked in sadness as the innocent people were at war for reasons they did not know. Their homes are on fire and everything they built and worked for is gone. All because of his own selfish actions. 
Finally, they reach Tonowari and Ronal's village, Awa'atlu. She assumed they had been alerted when the first pillage commenced. She noticed the clan leaders and their warriors already prepared for battle. They rest in the ocean on their skimwing. Tonowari made a hand gesture in their language which Cualli understood. 
"Balam, (Y/n), Quaritch, follow me." They moved onto her father's bison before gently landing in the sea. Rick felt unable to breathe seeing Jake Sully ride beside Tonowari, Ronal, and Neytiri not far behind. He knew now that they would see something was wrong. 
"Great friend of Kamimaljuyú. What is the meaning of this war?! Not only that but you bring the demon here?!" 
(Y/n)'s ears instantly went back, she hissed loudly, eyes narrowed as Tonowari spoke so disrespectfully to her mate. "Watch your tongue, sea beast." 
"Rick Quaritch is not to be trusted! I don't know what he has told you…or what he has done. But this man is from the sky people. The bad ones. Why have you come back so soon?! What are you planning to do Rick? What is your big plan?!" Jake snarled. 
(Y/n) growled but looked at Quaritch now. The great Jake Sully knows this man… Maybe in one lifetime, he was bad, but now as an Avatar, no way! Not as one of her people. "This isn't about my mate!" (Y/n) hissed at Jake who looked shocked by what (Y/n) just said. "It's about how your clan started a war. Killing my friend. My bison. Now I am here to return the favor by slaughtering you all." Her tail flicked. 
"I had no idea what you are speaking of." Tonowari looked confused. 
"Your arrows and spears were found in my bison!" (Y/n) gripped her weapon. 
Ronal narrows her eyes growling at (Y/n), "Are you calling Tonowari a liar?" She hissed inching her skimwing closer. Quaritch felt an automatic feeling inside his body. His arm instinctively reached for (Y/n) pulling her behind him. Rick's ears went back hissing at Ronal displaying his large canine teeth. 
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"This man is a liar, he deserves death," Neytiri said, pointing at Quaritch. 
"(Y/n) (L/n), please listen to me. He only wishes to take Pandora for the humans. All those years ago I killed him. Now somehow this demon is back. He wants to kill me by any means. Your mate probably started this all." Jake adds. 
"Rick." (Y/n) looked up to her mate. 
"...It wasn't always about the mission." He sighed. (Y/n) whimpers ears folding. 
"Wh-what mission?" She asked in a voice barely above a whisper. Jake closed his eyes knowing this story all too well. The day he told Neytiri the truth is something that lives in his mind every second. 
"I-I didn't plan it. Until 6 months after I meet you- I fell in love. With you. (Y/n)-" He started to cry for the very first time in years. "I love you. I didn't mean for it to go this far." Rick reached for (Y/n) you slapped him sobbing. 
"How could you?! You betray me and my people. EYWA WAS WRONG!" 
"(Y/n) please we can-"
Before anything could be said the missile landed in the water. It exploded sending many Metyakian into the air. 
"DIVE!" Yelled Tonowari to the Metyakian. 
"FLY!" Cualli screamed to the Kamimaljuyú.
(Y/n), Quaritch and Balam grip the bison's fur as they fly into the air. "NO!" Rick yelled seeing a missile flying directly toward them. The bison had no time to move before getting hit. After that everything went black for (Y/n). 
She opened her eyes, gasping for air she did not have. "Here!" Came a gentle voice putting a mask over (Y/n) mouth and nose letting her take a deep breath. The female closed her eyes leaning against the wall. Just for a moment, she rests. Her head pounds from the explosion. (E/c) eyes scanned the room. There was Tonowari's daughter with 2 Omaticaya children who she assumed were Jake and Neytiri's children. She stood up looking around the space. "Where are we?!"
"I don't know. But it's not good." Said the Female Omaticaya. (Y/n) did not like this. They were inside some building. A human prison she assumed. She then saw herself in the mirror. On the other side (Y/n) could hear voices. 
"LET US OUT!" (Y/n) screamed, hitting the mirror and hissing loudly. She slammed her fists against the mirror over and over screaming in anger. All her pain exploded. "LET US GO!" She bared her fangs. 
On the other side stood Colonel Rick Quaritch and other agents looking at the Navi female. "Damn you really got a crazy bitch." One commented. 
Quaritch growled, grabbing the human by the neck. "Watch your tongue. She is the only innocent one here. I'll be nice once. Then I won't. Understand?" He hissed, letting the scared human down. 
"Quaritch." General Ardome states walking into the room. The female eyes the Avatar suspiciously. "I want you to convince her to give up where the bison's are. They have taken Jake Sully with them. Surely she would know where they go in times of danger. And if she doesn't, you will take us to her village and burn it down." 
He looked down, "Yes General." Quaritch salutes before making his way to their holding facility nearby. The door opened and he locked eyes with (Y/n). "Hey love." He whispered. 
Chapter 5
Coming Soon...
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shycoffeetaco · 1 year
I am open to request for these TV shows it is not limited to just these ones
Teen wolf
The 100
Pretty little liars
Z nation
The walking dead
Harry potter
Maze runner
Hunger games
American horror story
And I might have forgotten a few but here are some main ones
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shycoffeetaco · 2 years
A little Tonnie action
Warnings: negative self talk (magic and such), kissing, happy ending thats a trigger sometimes, Elena bashing (slightly), slight metion of rape
Bonnie never really felt like she was too important. I mean sure everyone needed her but only for her magic, to everyone else that's all she was a witch who was there to do spells and put her life on the line for precious Elena. Mhh... Elena. A girl who was once her bestfriend who turned out to be nothing a traitor. She would rather pick Damon, a murder, a rapist, and a liar, that turned her life upsides down over he own friends.
Bonnie's pov
I was alone for a while after the whole Klaus situation. One night I decided to go on a walk just to clear my mind. I heard the crunch of leaves from behind me, I quickly looked over my shoulder only to see the one and only Tyler Lockwood. Surprisingly me and Tyler used to be the best of friends, but once he became a selfish dick I couldn't really stand him anymore. We slowly drifted apart.
"Hey," he said in a low tone if I wasn't paying attention I wouldn't have heard it.
"Hey Tyler, what are you doing out here?"
"Just clearing my head," he said as he slowly looked up at me. He face was slightly flushed from the cold. His deep brown eyes looked like they were glowing under the moonlight, well because they kinda were. After a few moments of silence we both started walking again slowly we started walking in sync. It was quiet a comfortable silence. I turned to look at him. His jawline was sharp and his nose slightly pointed up. He was beautiful. I watched as his chest rose and fell as he breathed. He looked over at me and I quickly looked away embarrassed I got caught staring.
His hand slowly and gently grabbed my chin. His grip was fiem but gentle giving me the choice to let move if I wished. He looked at me directly in the eyes. He gave me a wolfish grin, which in the moment it didn't feel ironic. We both slowly leaned forward waiting for the other to back out. And then it happened.
I kissed Tyler Lockwood. Tyler Lockwood kissed me!?!
We both pulled away. I could hear him breathing hard out of his nose. I opened my eyes only to be greeted by his still being closed. He had a slight smile ghosting his face. He looked peaceful for the first time in months. Once he opened his eyes they were glowing a beautiful shade of yellow with veins protruding out from underneath. He looked God like. I reached up to touch his face. He looked at me in awe and adoration. And we smiled at eachother for the first time in years with the intent of seeing eachother again.
This is my first story so I'm sorry if it's not that good. It's is also kind of short but I might make a pt 2
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shycoffeetaco · 2 years
Honestly life would be so easy if I could just like go to a tv show like I would rather be shopping with Caroline than sitting on my bed doing some paper that was due like 2 weeks ago.
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shycoffeetaco · 2 years
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