sleepigirl · 3 years
“cats are not affectionate” to you
to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu u stupid ass
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sleepigirl · 3 years
Salute by little mix makes me want to have a gender war
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sleepigirl · 4 years
Once I was a bitch in the Etsy reviews cause I bought something which took forever to arrive and didn’t even fit even tho I gave the exact measurements and then the girl apologised profusely and sent me a complimentary one with an extra freebie and I - 💀💀💀 almost cried from guilt. That’s how you kill a bitxh with kindness
I changed my review and apologised profusely to her as well and thanked her
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sleepigirl · 4 years
can they uhhhhh start putting pronunciation guides on menus
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sleepigirl · 4 years
ellen, a 60 year old ass grown ass woman: i’m sorry uwu i’m a work in progress
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sleepigirl · 4 years
millennials be like “i was bare ugly as a preteen/teen and these gen z kids nowadays skip puberty”
but like you weren’t ugly.... at all... when did ugly become synonymous with natural?! 
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sleepigirl · 4 years
Killing MCs should be ILLEGAL why is every writer SADISTIC
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sleepigirl · 4 years
Antarctica... explain
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sleepigirl · 4 years
i DO play games cause any time I’ve ever “not played games” and been straightforward and asked a guy out or revealed I liked him, he didn’t like me PERIODTTT and I embarrassed myself. Not saying playing games will make him like you but at least you can find out without losing your dignity
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sleepigirl · 4 years
people who add an e at the end of their aww’s... I don’t trust you
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sleepigirl · 4 years
The final season of this show has been like the final season of most amazing shows... horrible :)
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sleepigirl · 4 years
I feel really sorry for people who did their A-levels this year. It was bad enough doing them and applying for uni when the world was perfectly normal but in this pandemic, like, I can’t imagine how stressful that must be...
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sleepigirl · 4 years
taylor beginning with the 1 and ending with hoax... bitch really said CALL YOUR TOXIC EX CAUSE HE’S THE ONE 😭😭😭 taylor, stop, we’re all lonely in quarantine as it is
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sleepigirl · 4 years
if i ever date a dude again, i’m not posting him on the feed until we get married or our 40th anniversary, whichever comes first
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sleepigirl · 4 years
asking for commitment, empathy and respect from a fuckboy is like asking a dog to do your taxes and when they don’t, thinking “i wasn’t worthy enough or it would have happened”. girl. a dog is never going to be capable of doing your taxes. get an accountant.
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sleepigirl · 4 years
Yall..... I wanna fly to Denali national park in Alaska and hike a 50 mile trail alone for 5 consecutive nights
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sleepigirl · 4 years
people who have/use vibrators... do you live alone!??!? i have one but can never use it because THIN ASS WALLS Y’ALL
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