snwycde · 3 months
need to suck him off so bad RIGHT NOW
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snwycde · 3 months
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Nobody talk to me... I have to process this...
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snwycde · 3 months
me 24/7
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sleepy skz ♡
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snwycde · 4 months
need him 😔✊🙏
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Bang Chan being Beautiful 💘 (98/∞)
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snwycde · 4 months
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snwycde · 4 months
whiny jisung just does something to me 😫
okay so we've talked abt subby qnd needy jisung with mommy reader BUT. hear me out. Reader who is just as needy as jisung and it basically turns into just bunny fucking and a LOT slurred dirty talk :3
“need it! need it, jisung, ji, please!” your pussy is sloppy, dripping down to inbetween your asscheeks, and jisung is just staring at you in awe. his cock is leaking like a faucet and he wants nothing more than to push inside of you, to settle into home, but he knows he’s going to cum instantly if he does that. “mm, ji, please stop teasing-“
“i’m not teasing, baby, i just-“ he huffs, leaning over you. his bicep frames your face and his cockhead bumps against your clit, wet and messy. you whine, squirming on the sheets. “i’ll cum too quick, my baby, it’s- your pussy is so wet, honey, i-“
“i don’t care,” you wail, legs thrashing on the bed. jisung whimpers under his breath when your pussy drags against his cock. “can you- keep going when you cum? i need your cock, please, please!”
jisung keens, gritting his teeth and letting his head loll back. “okay! okay, yeah, i can- okay, baby. lemme just- lemme-“
and he’s pushing inside, cock impossibly hard and thick inside of you. your pussy gives way eagerly, and he can’t hold back his noises, incoherent whines and wails leaving his lips. he doesn’t let a beat pass before he’s bunny fucking into you, your pussy soaking the hair at the base of his shaft and making squelching noises around the room.
“‘s good, fu- hnnnf, ji, baby, it’s so good!” you whine, and he nods, head falling to the nape of your neck. “c-cock feels so good, ah- it’s so big, so big!”
“it’s- fuck, your pussy, shit! you’re so tight, baby, baby, i- oh my god, you’re so fuckin’ wet,” he’s slurring, drooling onto your neck, but your eyes are rolling back into your head and you’re not much better. “dirty, dirty pussy, i- oh, shit, baby. ‘m g’na fuckin’ bust, shit.”
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snwycde · 4 months
i love this
:-🪽snapping the waistband of Chan’s boxers against his hips !! | wc: 210.
The waistband of his underwear smacks agaist his skin with a sharp thawp as you let go of the elastic, material meeting skin as Chan groans in feigned frustration- "Do you really have to do that every time you walk by me?", words airy through a laugh.
You stick your tongue out toward him, "Yeah? it's fun making you whine like that"- you snort as you leave the room, Chans bare chest flushing at your antics.
When you enter the room again a few hours later, his broad back is facing you, hands busy as he washes the dishes. You waltz over to his direction- feet light against the floor, but he still hears you coming. Palms directed outward as he moves to block you from his boxers. Poor boy moves on instinct. "I wasn't going to this time!", you defend yourself as your arms wrap around his torso and trap his hands between your bodies.
"Somehow I dont believe you". Your fingertips are tracing the hills of his abdomen, rubbing back and forth as you place your lips to his shoulder- drifting lower to stoke his exposed hips. "dont you dar-".
Your squeal of laughter echos around the kitchen, rubbery material ricocheting off the skin just above his groin.
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snwycde · 5 months
he’s so pretty 🥲
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snwycde · 5 months
Connected (Bang Chan) part 5
Pairing: BangChan x fem reader
wc: 1.6k
warnings‼️: MDNI, mentions of s*xual thoughts in the beginning (continuation of part 4)
summary: slow burn of Chan and fem reader. Chan runs into his past, how will it affect the present and his future?
This is part 5!!!
Chan hops into the shower, he’s usually not one for morning showers but - well due to the circumstances he’s been given, he doesn’t really have a choice.
I haven’t seen her in like three weeks. What the hell? Chan rinses his body, trying not to think of how vivid his dream felt. “Fuck,” he says out loud getting mad because he’s starting to get hard again. He reaches and turns on the cold water.
“Chan hyung, where are you going?” Jeongin as he sits on the couch watching, “The studio is closed this week for remodeling.”
“Fuck, right.” Chan stands for a minute thinking, “Thanks for the reminder Innie.”
Chan waves at Jeongin before leaving the dorm. He walks to the car and heads off from there. If you’re wondering where he’s going well…
Connections. The sign shines, being hit by the sunlight as he parks outside of the cafe. 
He’s just here to eat some breakfast while working on some beats for his song, his song that he desperately needs to start on. But yeah, that’s the only reason. Not to wait and see if you’ll arrive at your family owned cafe. To sit down in your favorite spot, and work on whatever you need to work on.
Chan orders the same thing, but includes a toasted sandwich this time since he’s starving. As he waits for his drink and food to arrive, he pulls out his laptop and sets up his area. When he turns on his laptop he remembers, Right. Wifi.
As if someone read his mind, “The wifi passcode is magnets, all lowercase,” they set down a drink, their drink. Chan looks up to see you taking a seat right across from him.
“Look, I know this is a public business, but out of all cafes in Seoul, you decide on this one. Why?” You look cold, not the emotional self you were three weeks ago, it puts Chan on edge, unsure of how to respond.
“Hi Miss L/N, how are you doing?” A server comes up to place Chan’s drink and sandwich down, “Would you like your usual?”
Y/n nods and says thank you, sending the server off.
“I just like it here, am I not allowed to come here?” it isn’t a lie technically, he does like the cafe, but was it the full truth maybe not, “Also paparazzi aren’t allowed to come in here or in this district” he added, trying to save himself.
Y/n doesn’t seem relieved nor mad at Chan’s response; she just looks tired. “I want to talk about last time,” she places her drink down, “Can we talk about it?”
Chan does want to talk about it but he doesn’t and the fact that she brought it up so suddenly and that he wasn’t expecting it makes him say, “I don’t really know what’s there to talk about.”
Y/n makes a face, like “really?”, except instead of being annoyed she just seems disappointed, “You always hated confrontation.”
Chan just looks at Y/n not sure what to say, his silence annoys Y/n.
“Fine then. You listen and I’ll talk, okay?” Chan nods.
“I really don’t want to hate you. I want us to be able to move on happily with our lives with no hate for each other.” Y/n looks at Chan to see if he’ll say something, he just nods. “I think I was probably intoxicated and I was also in an emotional state last time you saw me. It was all just bad timing. I had no idea you’d be at the bar at the same time as me, especially… well yeah.”
“Yeah.” is all Chan gets out, trying to pretend like he didn’t follow her to the bar.
“In the car, I meant everything.”
That makes Chan look at you, “what do you mean?”
“Everything.” You play with your hands, you’re more nervous now, “I meant to get mad and irritated at you. I’m not going to deny my feelings just because you don’t agree with them. I don’t know or think you reflected on our conversation as much as I did but I know I got loud but it was just because it felt like you weren’t listening to me. And I know you technically don’t have to listen to me because like you said, we’re not dating.“ Y/n pauses to make eye contact with Chan, “I just had some pent up emotions that I just never got rid of and it was eating at me. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you when you’ve moved on.”
Chan doesn’t look away, “Y/n?”
She looks up at him, “yeah?”
“Did you mean it when you said I was the love of your life?”
Y/n forces a smile, and a pink flush shows onto her cheeks, she calms herself down quickly before answering with, “I mean, no shame in it, but yeah.” She picks up her drink right after, then continues talking.
But Chan can’t hear anything because he’s still thinking about it, “Why did you never tell me that?”
“What?” Y/n looks irritated that you interrupted her, but confused.
“Why didn’t you..you tell me I was the love of your life?” Chan hasn’t touched his food or drink.
“Because by the time I knew, I realized you didn’t think the same for me.” she sits up in her seat, “and no offense Chan, but I’m not one of your fans who’ll easily give you their heart and soul just because you say I love you to me. You can say that you loved me so much but your actions were lacking. It just wasn’t eno–”
“I love you. I mean I loved you.” Chan blurts out.
Y/n looks at him, quite shocked.
“You – I-I did love you, so much. Too much. ”
“Chan I need you to stop,” Y/n suddenly looking sad.
“No, come on now, listen it’s my turn to speak,” Chan places his hands flat on the table, “I loved you too much. It was indescribable. From the first time I met you here. I fell in love with you. And every single interaction after that I knew you were going to be the love of my life.”
Y/n looks around not being able to respond, nervous.
“Every time I saw you, you would pull me in. Like,” Chan stops, “...magnets.”
Chan looks into Y/n’s eyes, “did you make the password here?”
“Chan, it was made a long time ago.” She shrugs it off.
“No, I came here once a year ago, and the password was some random plant name.” Chan suddenly has more life into the words he’s saying.
“It’s just a word.” Y/n doesn’t look him in the eyes.
“Y/n, look at me.”
She doesn’t.
“What if we try again.” Chan isn’t asking, he’s stating.
You look up at him, “What?”
“I-I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re in my dreams, especially since I first saw you last month at the ice skating rink, you’ve been on my mind.”
“Chan stop.”
“No Y/n, come on, I know we have some things to fix between us, but you have to feel it too. Every time we see eachother we are pulled to eachother. Like magnets. That was our joke remember?” Chan’s just ranting now, he’s speaking so much more than he has in years. “We said we are total opposites, but we loved eachother. We were magnets, pulled together to be connected.”
“Y/n.” Chan gets you to look in his eyes for a moment, “I want to try again. I-I want you, I don’t what it is but I know it has to be you,”
Y/n’s eyes get watery but she scoffs, “Chan you’re not being fair right now.”
“Is this not what you wanted? For me to communicate how I’m feeling?”
“It’s too late for that Chan.”
“No, no it’s not, Y/n,” Chan takes both of your hands into his and looks you in the eyes, “I still love you.”
Chan watches as a tear drops down Y/n’s face, as she pulls her hands away, “I don’t think you understand how hurtful that was.”
“What?” Chan watches as she starts to stand up taking her drink, “Y/n –”
“Look, I wanted to say thank you for the ride and for the situation I was in with my boyfriend. I seemed –”
“Wait boyfriend?”
“Yes, please don't interrupt me.”
“You mean ex boyfriend?”
A bell rings saying that someone entered, making Y/n look over, Chan’s eyes following hers. 
A guy smiles and waves at her, and walks over to her, seeing Chan his face drops. 
“Hi Jaebum,” Chan hears you say softly to him before turning back to Chan, “Chan this is my boyfriend, Jaebum. Jaebum, this is my old friend… Chan. ”
“Hi we met briefly before, and I spoke with Y/n and I just wanted to apologize for my behavior.” Jaebum softly bows, “I’m really sorry, and thank you for taking care of her in that moment when it should’ve been me.” Jaebum looks at Chan.
Chan is silent, unsure of what to say, just looking at him.
“Jae, do you think you can wait in the car? I’ll be right out.” He nods before saying bye to Chan which Chan lazily waved back.
After Y/n sees Jaebum leave, she looks at Chan, “Look –”
“That guy is your boyfriend? Still?” 
“Chan don’t act like you know anything.”
“Do you love him?”
“You don’t get to ask that.”
“No, tell me right now,” he stands up, his figure leaning over you, “Tell me you love him.”
“You don’t deserve to know that.”
“Tell me you love him more than me.”
“Chan!” She looks at you in disbelief, “I-I have to go. I’m leaving. Goodbye.”
She leaves him quickly, leaving him standing next to his table, watching her as she walks out the doors.
author's note: im so so so so so sorry for taking so long to make a part 5. please forgive me college has been a huge bitch to me lately. thank you so much for your patience and i promise i will never take that long again to post an update on this story or any story without announcement 😔
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snwycde · 5 months
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skz looking like actual rockstars
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snwycde · 5 months
helloooo && happy belated!!! question: for your connected masterlist, are you aware that part 2’s link is dead? just giving you a heads up. :]
Yes I heard that it's been wacky 🥲 I'll try to fix it as soon as possible, thank youuu 🫶
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snwycde · 5 months
the way fanfiction is posted on this site and others may give people the impression that because it's free, it's free to use. it isn't. i'm deciding to share it with you for free. just because i've made the choice to do that doesn't mean i'm GIVING it to you. i own it. i'm letting you read it, but i own it. you don't have the right to do anything with it at all without asking me for permission first. it's my property, my intellectual property. do not repost, translate, or do anything with my writing or any other person's writing without them giving you explicit permission.
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snwycde · 5 months
Hot n Cold
Pairing: Lee know x reader
Genre: enemies(ish) to fwb to ?, smut, angst(a bit?)
Summary: after going from annoying each other to fuck buddies, Minho took your situationship from granted, always having you on his beck and call. So imagine how surprised he is to hear you have a date with someone else?
This content is +18 ONLY, minors do NOT interact.
Warnings: Minho is possessive, a bit manipulative, kind of a jerk too(he's a walking red flag let's be for real), hair pulling, rough sex(?), unprotected piv(this is fiction please always use protection irl), creampie, bites/hickeys, I think that's all let me know if I missed something.
I had to write this plot because it has given me brain rot since I first thought about it so I just really wanted to take it out of my head ☠️ as always let me say that I'm not very good with smut but I keep trying so I can get better at it, so I hope you guys like it.
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You didn't like him, not at all. Minho is a known fuckboy, the guy you shouldn't get involved in anyway. You were always surprised with how many girls fell for his tricks, until you did too.
You didn't mean to fall in love, it actually was the very last thing you wanted to happen. You and Minho were always fighting, bickering, provoking each other, it was natural. You were not friends, more like you were part of the same group, so you were always together and that ended in arguing every time.
You can't remember why you thought it was a good idea to fuck, maybe it was all the pressure and snarky comments your friends kept making, saying there was too much sexual tension between you two.
You didn't hate each other, you just didn't agree with everything. It always started with you saying something, anything, and Minho making some stupid comment with that damn smirk on his face.
Your first reaction was to feel embarrassed, blush rushing to your cheeks as you think of a good answer to give him. After that, you would pick on anything he said, making him roll his eyes every time you opened your mouth.
That was your thing, annoying each other.
One night, after everyone drank themselves to unconsciousness on the floor of your apartment, you decided to take a shower to sober up and go to sleep too.
You thought everyone was sleeping, clearly you were wrong because you bumped into Minho as soon as you opened the bathroom’s door. He was waiting outside, turning around to look at you the moment he heard the door.
He checked you out, staring at you up and down, biting his bottom lip before showing you that pretentious smile of his. That made you hold onto the towel tightly around you, afraid that he could undress you with only his eyes.
“Looking good”, he says, leaning against the wall. His comment makes your whole face hot and you just pray you were not as red as a tomato.
“You are drunk”, you scoff, trying to recompose yourself, walking past him.
He grabs your wrist, forcing you to turn around to bump right into his chest. He's looking down on you and you can't muster up the courage to look him in the eyes, just staring at his chest.
“I'm very much sober”, he tells you, mockery in his tone.
“Okay”, you mumble. Even though you're avoiding his gaze you can feel the intensity of his stare without having to look at him, “can you let go? I want to go to bed”
“Maybe I could keep you company”, he whispers, bending down to reach your height, making you look into his eyes now.
You shake your head frantically, closing your eyes.
“Are you sure? I'm very good company”, he whispers in your ear, he has gotten even more close now.
You gulp, feeling the warmth spreading through your whole body, making the tingling sensation grow in your stomach and that's the moment you knew there was no turning back.
You woke up alone in your bed, so exhausted and sore you couldn't lift an arm. Flashbacks from the prior night came rushing in, making you want to scream. What the hell did you do? How would you look at his face now?
You look around to find a tray with orange juice and pancakes on top of your bedside table. You snatch the note that's glued to the tray so fast it's embarrassing, feeling your cheeks warm up.
“Enjoy the food. I had fun last night, let's do it again. - Minho”
An involuntary smile creeps in while you read his simple and nothing romantic sentence, you don't know why you felt so flustered and excited, was it because he was handsome? Was it the remaining feeling of a great night? You just thought it would be okay to have this kind of relationship with Minho, just pure carnal desire.
Minho was always very good at setting his boundaries and crossing them too, so good it often made you confused.
Minho would call you at midnight and talk to you till 4 in the morning, fuck classes the other day.
Minho wouldn't spare you a glance for an entire week until you received a text from him, telling you to meet at janitor's closet nearby so you could fuck before class.
Minho would buy you flowers, take you on a date and hold your hand, whispering sweet nothings in your ear after spending another night together.
Minho wouldn't want to go out with you on valentine's day, saying he was busy.
Minho would introduce you to his mom, he would take you to have dinner with his family and his cats.
Minho wouldn't ask you to be his girlfriend even after months, actually, he would often tell you how good it was that you were friends.
You were already tired of this situation, he would give you so many mixed signals, messing with your head. The last straw was when you were at his house and his phone buzzed while he was in the bathroom, you mistook it for yours and grabbed it instinctively to look at the screen, seeing texts from a girl.
You shouldn't feel jealous, you're nothing more than fuck buddies and you're not exclusive, you know you're not. Then why did that feel like a punch on your stomach?
You wanted to fight with him, yell, make a scene, but you had no right doing that. So you just collected your things and left without saying goodbye.
You spend a week avoiding him, every time he wants to come to you, you tell him you are out. Every time he asks you to go to him, you tell him you are busy. You finally decided to let him go and you are just mustering up the courage to tell him that.
You even downloaded a dating app, thinking that you could maybe distract yourself, maybe you could think about anything other than Lee Minho. But every man reminded you of him, how they were not him, how they didn't stand a chance against him.
After talking for a few days with someone new, you agree to go on a date. While you're getting ready, your phone buzzes, taking your attention out of your reflection on the mirror.
Minho: come over
Minho: I miss your face
You: Can't
Minho: what's your excuse today?
Minho: I can go to yours if that's the problem
You: I'm going out soon
You: I have a date tonight
You throw your phone on the bed, not in the mood to engage in conversation with him. You're actually afraid that he'll tell you to go on, because even though you know he doesn't care, it's different to have him sending you off to a date with someone else. You finish getting ready, grabbing your phone and purse, giving yourself a last look in the mirror to make sure everything is in place.
The date goes well, the guy is so fun and respectful. You go to a beautiful restaurant, he opens the car door for you, pulls the chair for you to sit before dinner and pays the bill. He smiles the entire night and compliments you, asking questions about everything: school, family, friends, he just seems very interested in anything related to you.
You enjoy his company, he makes you believe that you will be able to get over Minho, that maybe he can help you with that.
It's after midnight when he leaves you in your apartment, watching as you get inside the building safely. The night was perfect, you just didn't expect to find Minho at your doorstep.
He turns around quickly when he hears your footsteps, looking you up and down and scowling, noticing your blurred lipstick.
“Did you have fun?” He asks, scoffing.
“Yes, I did”, you say, walking to your door to open it so you can go in.
“Did you fuck?” He asks, shamelessly, making your head snap to look at him.
“That's none of your concern”, you whisper yell, trying not to wake up the neighbors but shocked by his bluntness.
“It is, I don't like people touching what's mine”, he says, through gritted teeth.
He's so close you can feel his breath hitting your skin, making you nervous, trying to find your keys inside your purse.
“I'm not fucking yours, we are nothing”, you glare at him when you have the keys in your hands.
“You should tell yourself that while I fuck you stupid, I'm sure the only person on your mind at that moment is me”, he spits, his anger growing.
“Well, I'll not be doing that anymore”, you inform him. Unlocking your door and walking inside.
“What? Why are you acting like this, Y/N?” He says, walking behind you. “Things were going great until now”
“It was great for you”, you say, throwing your purse on the couch, turning around to look at him and crossing your arms. “Being just your booty call is not enough for me anymore, I want more”
Your voice sounds more weak than you meant to in your last sentence, you want to cry. You didn't plan to end things like this, not right now.
You can almost see the gears turning on Minho's head, he's trying to find a way out.
“You told me you didn't want to date”, he accuses you.
“I really didn't want to”, you sigh, “but we've been doing this for months, Minho. It's impossible for me to not feel anything other than just horny”
“Well, I do like you”, he clears his throat, looking anywhere but your face, “I just don't want to date anyone right now”, he completes.
“Then we are done”, you tell him, shrugging and smiling bitterly.
“No, no”, he takes a step closer, grabbing your hands and bringing them to his mouth, kissing them. “Don't say that”
He places your hands around his neck, sliding his behind your back, wrapping your waist with his arms. You want to tell him off, want to tell him to go away, that you two are really over, but his scent is just so intoxicating, you can't help but take a deep breath.
“What are you doing?” You manage to say, feeling his lips brushing against yours.
“I'm showing you my affection”, he whispers.
You almost melt into his arms, feeling his lips press against yours. He kisses you deeply, his arms holding you tightly.
Minho starts walking, making you take steps back. He leads you to your room, slowly helping you lie down on your bed.
Minho takes his shirt off, looking down on you and leaning to kiss you again, soft lips pressing lightly on yours, his hands traveling through your body, making you shiver to his touch.
He pulls your dress off of you, looking at your chest.
“Didn't wear a bra?” He smirks, “did you want him to touch your tits? Hm?”, he asks condescendingly, leaning closer to your breasts, licking your hard nipples, making goosebumps rise all over your body. One of his hands slide down on your stomach, reaching your covered pussy.
“Oh?” Minho disconnects his mouth from your chest. “Are you sure you two didn't fuck? Why are you so wet? Did you let him play with you?” He's smiling playfully, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. He's staring deeply at you, daring you to tell him you wanted your date to fuck you.
“Maybe I should have”, you challenge, he has no right to inquire what you did or didn't do on your date.
“Really?” He scoffs, standing up and you just watch, afraid he'll leave. However, he starts unbuckling his pants. “I guess I've been too nice to you this whole time, y/n. Since you apparently don't know who fucking owns you”
You feel your whole body shudder, you should be mad, not excited about what he said. Then why is there a pool forming on your already wet panties? You never really noticed that Minho was the possessive type, but thinking about it, it was quite strange how he always had his hands on you whenever you were out. Other than holding hands, he often would just wrap his hand around the back of your neck while you walked together, like he wanted to claim you, let people know you were not available.
Minho leans over you again, pulling the soaked piece of fabric down your legs. He grabs your waist, flipping you around effortlessly and positions himself in between your legs, caressing your ass as you get on all fours.
He's not really worried with foreplay since you're plenty wet, he's more preoccupied with putting you in your place. So he drags the head of his cock through your folds, soaking his cock on your arousal before pushing it in.
“Min-Minho”, you gasp at his fast thrust. “Slow down”
“I don't think so”, he bends down a bit, sliding his hand through your back until he reaches your head, grabbing a fistful of your hair, pulling it all together. “The way you're squeezing my cock, tells me you like it when I treat you like the toy you are”, he tells you, smacking your ass in an unexpected slap.
You shake your head, unable to talk. His cock is reaching everywhere, like he always do. That's the worst part, he always fucks you so well and you always want more.
“Fuck”, you groan when your knees give in but Minho doesn't stop. He forces your legs open, leaning on top of you to keep fucking you from the back. His mouth is so close from your neck now, he starts biting your skin, sucking so hard you're sure you won't be able to cover the hickeys with makeup later. “I'm close”, you cry out when you feel his teeth on your shoulder.
“Tell me you're mine if you want to finish”, he tells you, slowing down his movements. But you shake your head, not giving in that easily. Minho sinks his teeth on your neck once more, sucking and licking the sensitive skin, he knows how much that turns you on even more.
“Come on, babe. I know you want to”, he says one more time but you hold it in, making him huff angrily, changing the pace of his thrusts again to deep strong movements that rip the air out of your lungs, “fucking say it”
You feel the tears brimming and running through your cheeks, the overwhelming feeling of the pending orgasm making your mind hazy.
“I'm yours, I am-”, you struggle to spit the words.
You can feel his smile on your skin while he disconnects his teeth, leaving a kiss on the reddened area.
“Was it that hard?”, he says, sliding his hands to your folds, sinking his fingers on your already full pussy to wet them. Minho brings said fingers to your clit, making circling movements accompanied by your moans, choking on the pleasure.
“Please, please, don't stop”, you cry out feeling the tightening on your lower stomach, the heat spreading to all your body, making you moan loudly when you finally reach your orgasm.
“Fuck, keep squeezing me like that.”, Minho groans, thrusts getting sloppy. He puts his hand behind your neck, pressing the side of your face to the pillow. “I love seeing your fucked out face while I cum, kitten”
Minho moans, releasing his load inside of you, making you squirm beneath him, feeling his warm shot. With no energy, you just feel him pulling out of you and throwing himself by your side.
When your high starts subsiding it hits you that you're still at the same place as before, so even though you just want to cuddle with him at that moment, you turn your face to look at him and ask.
“What are we now?”
A/N: as always, feedback is VERY important to writers, so please leave a comment, reblog or stop by my DM, I love to hear your thoughts on my stories!
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snwycde · 5 months
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snwycde · 5 months
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if you work out only this much, you won't feel too tired during the day or the day after. oh, but instead you lose motivation to live – Lee Know
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snwycde · 5 months
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© urpr. | do not edit and/or crop logo
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snwycde · 5 months
❄︎ Not Over you ❄︎
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↳ Pairing: Minho x Reader
❧ Genre : demon Minho / dad Minho (kind of) / exes to lovers / fluff / smut / slight angst
❧ Warnings: oral (f), spanking, overstimulation, hair pulling, unprotected sex
❧ Words: +17k
❧ Summary: Minho had it all. He was strong, powerful and beautiful. An immortal that people either loved or feared. Except you. You, a simple human. You who he loved so dearly. And yet, You who had left him heartbroken.
❧ A/N: Hi guys! It's finally out! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did while writing ♥. Thank you wifey for dealing with my bullshits and helping me out ♥
Likes and reblogs are appreciated. Don't hesitate to tell me what you thought about it ♥
❧ Taglist: @hoes4lino , @queenmea604 , @devilsmatches , @straykeedz , @kangyeonie , @malunar28replies , @amastaa , @yoontaethings
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Minho thought that after being alive for nearly five thousand years, nothing in this world (or another) could surprise him anymore.
Wrong. Terribly wrong. 
The moment he opened his door and found you shivering and looking terribly worn out, he knew the world had come to its end. Because why would you, his ex-girlfriend, the love of his life, be standing at his doorsteps after almost three years of absence? 
He stared at you, unmoving, face blank, mind empty. It had to be a trick. Or maybe he had finally lost his mind from being so old. It had to be his imagination, his restless mind playing a very dirty trick. Minho closed his eyes, took a deep breath and when he opened his eyes once more, you were still here. No. It wasn’t a trick and it wasn’t just his imagination. 
“What-“ He started and stopped. What was he supposed to say? The urge to slam the door right to your face was so tempting. It was what he was supposed to do. He offered you his heart on a plate, he offered you the world and you trampled on it and left without looking back. And yet, he couldn’t do it. Not when you looked like a ghost, a shadow of yourself. Whatever had happened to you, left a mark on you and despite his anger, his resentment, he couldn’t ignore the tug at his heart. He worried. 
“I’m sorry.” You finally found your voice. Being in his presence overwhelmed you in so many ways. Being finally face to face with him hurt more than you had expected. You knew, going to Minho was a risk; for your heart that despite your choice, never fully recovered, but also for your life. You knew, deep inside you, that no matter how angry, how petty Minho could get, he would never hurt you but you couldn’t control your fears.
Minho opened his mouth, a snarky comment right on the tip of his tongue but all of it vanished the moment his eyes finally fell on what you were holding in your arms. Too stunned with your presence, the dark green blanket pressed tightly against your chest went completely unnoticed. Until now. As he stared at it, he quickly realized that it wasn’t the blanket you were clenching so tightly against you, as if you were scared someone would try to steal it from you. No, it wasn’t just a blanket. Warmth and pure innocence radiated from within the blanket.
Minho took a step back. Surprise, fear and hurt flashed all at once in his eyes. And yet, one question remained. Why were you at his doorstep with a baby?
“I-“ You hesitated as your eyes went back and forth between your little baby and him. “I didn’t know where else to go.” It was the lamest excuse you could come up with but it was also the truth. Of course, there was a whole story behind your presence and you knew, inevitably, you would have to share it with him.
“You got to be kidding me.” Minho growled, frustrated with your explanation. “You come back three years later and with a baby on top of that.” To say that Minho was not amused would be the understatement of the century. He drew nearer, stopping inches from you.
And then it hit him. The scent. The scent, he hated so badly. His eyes widened in shock as he looked at the tiny hand that appeared from under the blanket and grabbed a lock of your hair. “Why is there an angel in your arms, Y/N?”
As he sniffed and tasted more of the baby’s scent, the answer formed inside his head but his heart, already aching just because of your presence, refused it. All color drained from his face.
You averted your eyes from Minho’s face and looked instead at your baby, your little girl and the reason you found your way back to Minho. You couldn’t help but smile fondly at her and press a kiss on her forehead. “Hana is my daughter.”
“No.” Minho refused and put space between the two of you. Maybe he wanted to distance himself from you just so your own scent could stop messing with his mind, or maybe he was hurt because of what this little human-being meant. “There is no way you got pregnant with a fucking angel.”
You winced at his unspoken words. You could perfectly understand his anger, after all, didn’t you leave him because you refused to deal with what he was? When Minho confessed to you about being a demon, he shared his most prized secret; he did it because he trusted you, loved you. But you got scared. You weren’t a strong believer to begin with but when faced with the truth, you had no other choice and it terrified you. You doubted everything and even his love. Demons weren’t supposed to be nice. They weren’t supposed to be able to love and cherish. And definitely not a human.
“I didn’t know.” You whispered, your voice shaky.
“I don’t believe you. You humans lie so easily.”
‘That’s rich coming from a demon.’ You wanted to say but refrained yourself. It would do you no good to pick a fight with Minho. No, you needed his help and if you had to deal with his pettiness and hatred – you will.
“I didn’t know he was an angel!” You said instead, a little bit more confident.
Sadly for you, Minho was far from ready to accept this excuse, even if you were right. Demons and angels had at least two things in common. One, they could hide their identity without trouble. Nobody could tell them apart from humans. Two, they were biggest liars in the world. “Oh come on! They’re not that hard to distinguish.”
“To you maybe! But I’m human, Minho, in case you had forgotten. I don’t see a fucking difference if you don’t show it! I would have never guessed you were a demon just like I couldn’t tell he was an angel.”
“Were you that desperate to get fucked?”
On second thought, to hell with needing his help. You were clearly out of your mind to think even for a second that Minho would accept to help you, to shelter you. You had spent the last ten days running away, never staying more than a night at the same place, too scared to be found, too scared Hana would be taken from you. But Minho’s hatred for angels was apparent and so was his resentment for you. You had to leave before it was too late.
“Fuck you, Minho.”
Hana stirred in your arms, sensing your distress and hurt and anger. You pulled her closer to your face and peppered her tiny face with kisses, trying to comfort her, to tell her that everything was fine as long as they were together. Nobody could take her away from you – you would fight till death.
You turned around to leave for good this time. There was no coming back. But before you could even take two steps, Minho grabbed your shoulder. You didn’t dare to turn around and look at him, too scared of what you would see on his face.
In this moment, Minho hated his treacherous heart for acting on its own accord. He had watched you leave once and it left him in pieces. He couldn’t do it a second time. Maybe he was out of his mind and maybe he would come to regret his decision, but right now, seeing your body so frail, yet your spirit wild and fierce – he couldn’t ignore it.
“Stay with me. For tonight at least.” He finally said. He knew, he probably should apologize for his harsh words, but he couldn’t. “You need some rest and I guess-“ He paused and peaked over your shoulder at Hana. Damn, she was only a few days old but he could already see traces of you on her face. He took a deep breath, “And I guess Hana needs some rest too.”
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That night, Minho didn’t get any sleep. His mind was restless, head filled with thoughts of you, of your baby and nothing else. For a while, he laid in his bed, pondering over what he should do with you. Should he let you leave? Should he help you? He was far from being fond of angels but he didn’t want them at his doorsteps either. Not that he was scared of them, quite the opposite. But the truce between angels and demons lasted for the past five hundred years and it should stay this way.
Realizing that he wouldn’t get any sleep, Minho got out of his bed and despite the little voice in his head telling him to stay away from the room you slept in, he walked inside the room. You were sleeping tightly, curled around Hana, keeping her close in fear she would be taken from you.
Now that his anger lessened, he wanted to know the full story. He wanted to know how you managed to go back to your life while he was stuck with the memories of your love. He wanted to know how and why your path crossed with a bloody angel and how in the world he managed to get you pregnant. It was possible, Hana was a living proof, but it wasn’t that easy. Was he jealous? Maybe a little.
“This is madness.” He told himself, unable to tear his eyes away from your body. You had lost weight, too much even, he could see it. For a moment, he wondered how you managed to give birth to a healthy little girl while being in such state. 
Hana opened her eyes, sensing another presence in the room, a shadow hovering over them. She stared at Minho; his eyes flashed red but she didn’t cry, she didn’t budge and simply stared at him in wonder.
“Hello there.” Minho whispered, lightly surprise that the baby didn’t show any fear with his presence.
Hana’s response came in the form of outstretched, tiny arms. Her eyes shone brightly and turned gold.
“Huh. Now, aren’t you precious.” Minho leaned over her to have a better look, his own hand outstretched but he hesitated. She was the result of you and an angel, this thought alone disgusted him. But could he really hate such an innocent part of you? Hana made the decision for him; she didn’t hesitate as she grabbed his finger with impressive strength. Ten days old or not, she was half angel and her strength was already manifesting. “It’s gonna be fun, I can tell.”
Hana seemed to agree as she held his finger a little tighter.
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The next time Minho visited your room, you were awake and feeding Hana. You sat by the window, enjoying some ray of sun.
You glanced at him, your heart pounding in your chest at the simple sight of him. There was a lot to discuss, you knew but it didn’t make it any less terrifying.
Minho leaned against the wall and watched you from afar. Ten hours of sleep and you looked more alive than last night but still not enough. Your face was sunk, dark circles under your eyes. It would take you more than one good night of sleep to recover and he was perfectly aware of that.
“You look like shit.” He commented and slapped himself mentally for being rude, unprovoked.
“You would be too after giving birth and running away right away.” Instead of feeling offended by his statement, because he was right, you did look like shit and you felt like shit too, you simply cocked a brow at him.
“Nah. They would be all dead if it was me.”
You rolled your eyes at him. Of course, he would say something like that. But then, you guessed he was right. “Right. The almighty Minho.”
“I actually like the sound of that.” The corner of his mouth turned up, amused with the small banter. It felt better than he expected.
For a moment, it felt like the three years had never happened. You were in his house, with him and joking around. Minho could lie to himself as much as he wanted, but he missed it. A lot.
He cleared his throat and drew closer. He sat on the other side of the bed, keeping his distance just in case you didn’t want him so close. And maybe, a little for his own safety. “We should talk.”
Hana yawned in your arms and slowly closed her eyes. The two of you watched her fall asleep, completely unaware of the dangers lurking in every corner.
“She took after you.” Minho commented, his voice gentle, betraying the fact that he was already growing fond of the little girl, not caring about the fact that she was half-enemy.
“She’s only 11 days old. No way you can tell she looks like me.” You snorted
“But she does.” Minho insisted. “Moreover, she’s half-angel, Y/N, she doesn’t age the same way as you, human do.”
You opened your mouth to protest but then his words dawned on you. You looked down at Hana. You hadn’t seen many babies in your life, but one look at Hana and you would never believe she was only few days old. She looked older. It terrified you to even think how she would look in few months. “How does it work?”
Minho could taste your fear, your pain, he couldn’t ignore it even if he tried. “Don’t worry. It will slow down eventually. You have years before she reaches adulthood.”
You looked at him hopeful. Was he trying to simply appease your mind or was he telling the truth? “Really?”
“Yes.” You almost whipped in relief but held back. You were so damn tired, your emotions were overloaded and it was getting harder and harder to keep it together. But you had to, for Hana’s sake.
“How did it happen?” Minho finally asked and pointed at Hana.
“Apparently, I didn’t learn my lesson. Looks can be deceiving and I fell right for it again.” You didn’t intend to sound so bitter but your words hit Minho like a slap. You regretted instantly. “Sorry.”
Minho curled his fists on his laps and tried not to think about his feelings, tried not to think about an angel having you when it was supposed to be him. He tried not to think about how much having you at his place tortured him. “How did you find out he was an angel?” “Well, did you know that my pregnancy didn’t last nine months but five? I got worried with how big I was getting so I went to-“ You stopped and bit on your lips. The name you were about to drop would not please Minho.
“Who did you go to, Y/N?” He too sensed he wouldn’t like your answer.
You cleared your throat. “Amy.”
Minho growled, annoyance showing. “You got to be kidding me.”
“Listen!” You slowly put Hana back on the bed, trying not to wake her up. “I know you were never fond of her and I figured once I found out about that witches and demons don’t get along but I was terrified. Doctors couldn’t explain what was wrong with me but she did.”
Minho tried to be reasonable and forced himself to not make any comment. He didn’t think your story could get any worse but it did with the mention of the witch. Witches couldn’t be trusted. They obeyed to no rules except their owns. “Did she ask something in return of her help?” You paused and simply stared at him. You obviously didn’t know many witches or demons or angels but judging from Minho’s question you easily guessed that his past experiences were bad. “Amy is a friend, Minho. Witch or not. She helped me to go through the pregnancy and she helped me to deliver Hana.”
“She’s a witch.”
“And a friend.” You defended her stubbornly. Amy was a sweet friend, the only one you trusted. Especially after the attack. “You can hate her all you want but you have to know that Amy took huge risks for my sake.” The night everything changed was still fresh in your mind and still just as painful. “Mere hours after Hana’s birth, he came for her along with other angels.”
Before you could even finish, Minho knew where you were heading. He expected nothing less from angels. For both, demons and angels, it was rare to have children, full blooded or not; they would never leave a special child like Hana behind.
“He tried to convince me to give Hana up. Told me it was for the best and that I wouldn’t even know what to do with a special girl like her. And he’s right. I know shit about angels and I don’t want to know. But I will never give up on my flesh and blood. She’s mine.”
Your voice was filled with venom and anger and a will so strong, Minho could feel it in his bones. He could almost pity the angels who dared to go against a mother, against you. Whoever was Hana’s father, knew nothing about you, otherwise he would have known not to mess with you.
“Amy blasted them away.” You continued. “And even if it was a small victory, I was glad. But I also realized that I couldn’t stay with Amy. They would come back and this time they will be prepared. Amy did the only thing she could to protect me.”
Minho had a hard time to believe that a witch would go to such extent for a human. It seemed unfathomable and yet, Minho saw that Amy truly cared about you. At first, he thought it was another fool play, a trick, but he had to admit defeat. 
He rubbed his neck, unsure of what he should tell you. Should he reassure you? Should he be honest with you? “They will come back for her. Angels are petty assholes; they do not forgive. By helping you, she pissed them off.”
You didn’t want to think about what they would do to Amy; you guessed it could get ugly but Hana was your priority, you couldn’t worry for someone else. But you did. What if Amy got hurt because of you? Or worse, what if they kill her? “They won’t kill her, will they?”
Minho’s silence spoke louder. He didn’t think the angels would kill her, no matter how much they hated everything that weren’t them. Witches were dangerous and angering them would not be wise. But it didn’t mean they wouldn’t hurt her enough to make her pay.
“They won’t kill her.” He said in the end. “What happened after you left her?”
“I’ve been running ever since that night.” You admitted. “I didn’t know where to hide and my body started failing me.” 
“So you came to me instead.” Minho wasn’t sure how he felt about it. A tiny part of him was glad that you considered him safe enough to seek his help, but the bitter part of him, the jealous monster wanted to scream at you, to bite you, to hurt you the same way you had hurt him. He did none of that. Minho closed his eyes and took another deep breath before opening his eyes and look at you. “Rest. We’ll talk more when you feel better.” 
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As Minho left your room, hand still on the knob, he wondered what he should do. He knew you were right; Amy had taken a huge risk by fighting angels, they would come to punish her. It didn’t sit right with him. She was a witch but she was your friend who stood by your side. 
“You’re making me do some crazy things, Y/N.” Minho muttered as he shook his head in disbelief.   He owed you nothing and yet. 
“Watch after her while I’m away.” Minho ordered and a shadow moved on the wall in response. 
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“Your place is boring and so witchy.” Minho commented as he appeared by the fireplace in Amy’s home. 
If Amy was surprised to see him, she didn’t show it, instead she kept mixing the herbs. “Nobody asked for your opinion.” 
“True, but I still thought you needed it.” Minho answered unbothered as he stepped closer to her. The last, and only time he had seen Amy was the day you innocently introduced her to him. Amy, the best friend who happened to be a damn witch. To say that Minho was not thrilled with the knowledge would be an understatement and the feelings were mutual. 
“What are you doing here, Minho?” Amy finally asked, still without looking at him. “If you’re looking for Y/N, she’s not here.” 
“I know. She’s at my place.” Minho didn’t hide this fact. 
Amy snapped her head towards him, shocked with this piece of information. She opened her mouth and closed instantly, words lost on the tip of her tongue. Realizing she had finally showed him her face, she lowered her head to avoid his gaze. She didn’t want him to judge or pity her. 
But it was too late, Minho had seen it all and he didn’t like it. He hoped he would get there first, but the angels worked faster, they wanted their revenge. They hadn’t wasted their time. Fist clenched, he slowly approached her and crouched down before her. “And they say demons are cruel.” Gently he pushed some strands of hair from her face to expose more of the ugly scars the angels have left behind. 
“They couldn’t kill me because of my lineage.” Amy admitted, “Something about a truce with my coven.” 
Angels and their truce, bullshits, Minho refrained from saying. 
“I suppose you already tried to heal it?” 
“Of course. No spells, no potions worked. I’m no match to a freaking angel.” Amy replied with bitterness.
“Well, aren’t you lucky I’m a demon.” Minho’s eyes shone a bright red. Angry, furious even. His hands were itchy, he wanted to fight and to kill. 
“Wha-“ Amy didn’t have time to react; Minho’s hands were already on her face, his grip firm but gentle, making sure not to hurt her. “What are you doing?” 
“Let’s say it’s my way of thanking you for taking care of Y/N.” It was the truth. Of course, it pleased him to go against angels’ plans without them even knowing it, but the main reason was you. He knew you; if you ever found out about Amy’s state you would never forgive yourself. 
“Because she’s the only one I have ever loved.” Minho straightened and looked down on her. “She worries for you.” 
Amy shook her head in disbelief and chuckled. “So typical Y/N.” 
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When Minho got back from Amy’s place, his feet led him straight to your room, his body knowing better what he wanted than his mind. You were sleeping peacefully, body curled around Hana, in protection once more. Even unconscious you wanted to make sure she was safe. Minho hated this situation with all his being, but he couldn’t deny that motherhood suited you. 
Just when he thought about leaving your room, Hana’s little giggle caught his attention. Slowly, he approached the bed and hovered over your bodies. Hana was wide awake, her eyes shining brightly and with something very familiar to Minho: mischief. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?” He cocked a brow at her. He shook his head, realizing he was getting either stupid or just tired, thinking she could understand him. 
But Hana did understand him as she managed to shake her head, something such a young baby wasn’t supposed to do. Angel’s blood was running strong in her veins. 
Hana outstretched her arms, wanting Minho to take her in his arms. He hesitated. It wasn’t a good idea. He didn’t want to get any more involved but Hana had a strong will, something he was familiar with. She frowned at him and tears formed in the corner of her eyes. 
“Oh hell no. Don’t do that.” He hurried to take her in his arms. One hand holding as carefully as he could her head, the other wrapped around her tiny body. “Let your mommy sleep. She’s exhausted.” 
Hana’s response came in the form of a light slap on his nose, followed by another small giggle. 
Minho’s heart did a little flip; how could he resist her natural charms? He could be jealous of the situation, wishing none of that had happened, wishing Hana was his daughter - in the end, he couldn’t come to hate her. Not when she was a piece of you. Not when she stared at him with the same bright eyes as yours. 
“Come on. Since you don’t want to sleep anymore, I’m going to entertain you while your mommy is resting.” 
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Till this day, Minho thought that babies and him would never get along. He thought wrong. Or maybe it was just because Hana was a special baby. She wasn’t afraid of him, not even when his eyes turned red and he tried to scare her. No, she simply giggled and moved her tiny arms, trying to grab his face. Few days old and she was already fearless, he could already imagine the troubles she would bring once older. But he liked it. More than he thought he would. 
“What am I gonna do with you hm?” He asked 
Hana wiggled in his arms, pushing him as strongly as she could, without words trying to make him understand what she wanted. Minho quirked a brow, amused at her attempt to escape his arms. He put her on the couch and observed how easily she rolled over and got on her knees. She stared at her hands, scrunched up her face in concentration. She pushed, once, twice, until she managed to straighten her body and sit only on her knees. A squeal of satisfaction left her lips and she clapped her tiny hands.
“Well done.” Minho watched her, amazed. He sat on the floor, leaning on his hands as he watched her proudly. “I think it won’t take you long to start walking.” In fact, he was pretty sure it would only take another day or two – way to give you another heart attack, he believed.
“I wonder what else you inherited from him.” Minho tried to sound as neutral as he could manage, but even the thought of the bloody angel made his blood boil. He closed his eyes and tried to erase the image of you and an angel from his mind. He tried not to think about the fact that someone else touched you, someone else saw your beautiful smile, someone else heard your pretty moans. He clenched his fists so tight, his knuckles turned white – Hana groaned while trying to reach for him.
“Wha-hold on.” He hurried to outstretch his arms and catch her before she could fall from the couch in her attempt to get to him. “What were you trying to do, little one hm?”
In response, Hana touched his face, at first it seemed like she wanted to pat his cheeks but then she poked playfully his cheeks instead and giggled. Minho blinked in confusion only to realize that it was her unique way to comfort him.
Minho couldn’t help; his mouth curled into a smile. “Thank you, little one.”
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Minho felt you way before he saw you. Not like it was hard to miss when your steps were loud and hurried. And not like he could ignore the taste of your panic. You ran down the stairs, almost falling but catching yourself on time.
“Don’t break your neck right now.” Minho commented from the couch, frowning at your sudden appearance.
You opened your mouth to speak and closed it right away. All your panic vanished at the sight of Hana, sitting comfortably on Minho’s laps, playing with his hands and looking incredibly happy. Your heart was still roaring in your ears; you woke up to an empty bed and for a moment, you thought he had found you.
“I-“ But you couldn’t think straight.
Minho shook his head and averted his eyes from you. “Take a seat. Hana was getting impatient. She wanted to see you.” Not that she could speak and tell him that, but from her behavior, he guessed. She wanted her mom, no matter how nice Minho was.
You did just as he said and sat on the chair across from him. You couldn’t believe your eyes. Minho was so gentle and so comfortable with Hana. She tugged at his hands, conveying a silent message and he chuckled in response. Minho gently scooped Hana in his arms and brought her to you. Having Hana back in your arms had a healing and soothing effect on you, and yet, before you could fully have her, Hana grabbed his fingers and held tightly.
“I think she likes me.” Minho stated the obvious but with so much fondness, you couldn’t believe your eyes.
“I see that.” Your heart swelled with love and a little bit of pride; Hana could already discern who was good and who wasn’t. “How long was I out?”
“Three days.”
“What?” You looked at him in disbelief. There was no way you had slept three days. Of course, you were very much aware that your body had reached its limit while you were running away from a horde of angels, but maybe you hadn’t realized the extent of the damages to your body. But it wasn’t the only reason of your disbelief. Minho had taken care of Hana for three days and judging from their little exchange, you believed they had bonded.
You looked at Hana and finally noticed the changes in your baby. You had been out for three days and she already looked different. Older. Nobody would believe she was only days old.
Minho noticed the change in your mood and kneeled before you, Hana still holding his fingers. “She looks more and more like you.” And he wasn’t lie. He had three days to observe, to witness firsthand the changes. Her eyes, her nose, her lips, it was all you and Minho truly believed that she would look even more like you once older.
“She’s growing so fast.” You whispered, terrified of what it meant. “How-“
With his free hand, Minho put his hand on your knee and gave it a comforting squeeze. A simple gesture that set your body on fire. His touch was so familiar, your body reacted on its own, without you being able to control it.
“I promise you, it will slow down.” He tried to reassure you. His eyes darted back and forth between you and Hana who smiled at him. “I-“ He hesitated and couldn’t believe he was about to say it. For the past three days, he thought about what he was supposed to do with you and Hana. The reasonable thing would be to let you leave once you recovered but his heart was begging him to do something else. Something unfathomable. “Stay with me.”
Your eyes widened in shock, so shocked your body shook. “You can’t be serious.” It was what you wanted, of course, what you hoped for but hearing him say the words took you completely off guard. How could he let you stay after you broke his heart? How could he let you stay when you cursed him for what he was and yet had a child with an angel?
“Trust me, I am.” Minho sighed as he got back on his feet.
“Minho.” You didn’t know what to say. Of course, you were overwhelmed; his presence, his gentleness with your baby, him being too understanding. You didn’t deserve any of that, you knew it and so did he. Before your mind could spiral even more, Hana giggled and clapped her hands as if she understood the meaning behind Minho’s words. The two of you looked at her, you amazed and Minho with a soft smile.
“See. She agrees.” 
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Even after three years of not visiting Minho’s place, everything stayed the same. The same minty and wooden scent all around the place. Same furniture. Same decoration. But what amazed you the most, and tug at your heart, was the fact that he kept the traces of you. Your little presents, the pictures, he kept it all. Minho was just too good. He could have erased all memories, or traces of you but he had a gentle soul. If demons had one.
You stared for a moment at a picture. The two of you smiling happily together with the beach on the background. You remembered this day vividly, even now. You had begged Minho to come with you to the beach. You were stubborn but so was he, except that you had an advantage, a joker to use against him: he was weak for your puppy-eyes game. He had stayed out of water for the biggest part of the day, but it was enough for you.
You traced the frame with your finger and smiled at the memory. You had pushed him a lot that day which ended with Minho throwing you right into the sea, laughing evilly at you.
You missed the old days.
With a heavy heart, you averted your eyes from the happy picture and resumed your walking. You woke up with an idea on mind: make breakfast for the three of you. There wasn’t much you could do to show your gratitude but cooking was a good start.
Easily, you found everything you needed in his kitchen. You hummed to yourself and started cutting the vegetables. One thing, you and Minho shared was that you both loved salty and sweet breakfast.
“You look better.” Minho’s rough, still sleepy voice interrupted you.
You halted and slowly raised your head to look at him. He rubbed his eyes and then stared back.
It shouldn’t be allowed to look this good, you told yourself but quickly shook this thought off your mind. It wasn’t right for you to admire him.
“Still sleeping. I think she likes the bed you brought her.” The moment Minho had decided that the two of you should stay with him, for safety, he made some changes to your room. Even if, you didn’t mind sleeping with Hana beside you, he put a nice cradle in your room. The cradle wasn’t the only addition to your room. Shelves filled with plushies and nice accessories were added. He wanted the two of you to feel at ease, at home. It reminded you why you had fallen for him in the first place. Despite his cold demeanor, he was the sweetest and gentlest lover. He cared deeply. Even now.
“Good.” He walked behind you, arm brushing yours – it sent shivers down your spine. You cursed your body once more for being so easily affected, for longing for him, for anything. “Let me help you.”
Minho took a look at the ingredients you displayed on the table and quickly understood what you had on mind. “I’ll prepare the pancakes.”
So easily he saw through you. It was disarming, in a way. You cleared your throat and forced your eyes to keep their focus on the vegetables. “Thank you.”
But who in their right mind could concentrate? You couldn’t. You kept glancing as discretely as possible at him. You didn’t know how he managed to stay so composed, so focused on his tasks while you couldn’t. Your heart was beating loud against your ribs, too loud for your liking. What if demons had enhanced hearing? You didn’t need him to find out how you truly felt about his presence.
But maybe you should have been paying more attention to your work instead of focusing so much on your thoughts and on him. One moment of inattention and you cut your finger.
“Fuck!” You cursed and held your finger. Fortunately for you, the cut wasn’t too deep but deep enough for your finger to bleed. Quickly, you got to the sink and let the cold water wash your cut.
“Let me see.” Minho told you as he gently grabbed your hand and inspected it.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you were unable to avert your eyes from his face. He was so concentrated on your cut, frowning at it. “It’s not that bad.” It really wasn’t. But then, Minho brought your finger to his lips, his eyes on you. “What are you-“ But you never managed to finish; Minho parted his lips and brought your finger to his mouth.
“Minho!” You gasped and tried to pull away from his grip, but he didn’t budge. At all. Instead, you felt his tongue swirled around your finger. Your face heated up with embarrassment, your heart on the brink of explosion. You were in so much trouble.
Satisfied with your reaction, Minho let go of your hand, his eyes never leaving your face. He licked his lips and smirked. “Now, better?”
The cut had simply vanished. You blinked in confusion as you inspected your finger. You came to realize that there was so much you had to learn about demons and their powers. “Was it really necessary?” You tried to hide your embarrassment but your face was too red.
“No. But watching you squirm was priceless.” He admitted, smugly.
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Minho had always been a light sleeper, always on alert; call it years of war between angels and demons, attacks were frequent, danger everywhere, he had to adapt. The moment he heard Hana’s first, tiny sob, he was already out of bed and on his way to your room. He didn’t need to, obviously, you were sleeping in the same room as Hana but his body, possessed clearly, moved on its own. Before she could even start fully crying, she was already in his arms. 
“Sshhh pretty. Let’s not wake your mommy, hmm?” Minho whispered as he rocked her, slowly moving in your room. 
“Minho?” You called, voice weak, eyes barely opened. You tried to rub the sleepiness from your eyes with no success. 
He looked at you, his lips stretched into a small smile. “Go back to sleep.” 
Barely realizing what was going on, you did exactly what he said. You lay down, closed your eyes and let his pretty voice lull you back to sleep. 
“Better.” Minho averted his attention to Hana and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. She giggled in return, happy with the outcome. 
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You woke up to the gentle chirp of birds. Your window was opened, not that you remembered opening it last night, but for once you didn’t panic. You also didn’t panic not to find Hana in her cradle. Instead, your chest warmed at the thought of Hana being again with Minho. When you first decided to come to him, you never expected to stay and you certainly didn’t expect him to grow so fond of her. It was a miracle. A miracle, you welcomed with opened arms and a little regret. If only you didn’t act so childish back then. If only you had listened to your heart, then maybe, the situation would have been different for the better. Of course, you didn’t regret having Hana, she was your precious treasure, your blood and flesh and you would risk everything for her, even your life. But maybe, it could have been different. Maybe, if you had stayed, she would have been his. 
“Stop it.” You scolded yourself. Regrets were useless right now. 
You climbed off the bed. One look at the window and you guessed it was already late and way past breakfast time. You grabbed the closest piece of cloth; a simple grey hoodie that Minho had left for you. As you put it on, you got overwhelmed with the familiar and comforting scent. His scent. You pushed the collar closer to your nose and with closed eyes you inhaled his scent. Memories flooded your mind. Memories of sweet kisses, of heated touches, of lovely words, of safety. You missed those times. 
On tiptoes, you left your room. Minho’s house was calm, too calm for a place where now lived a baby. You expected to find them easily but no, no sign of Minho and Hana in the living room. You glanced over your shoulder, at Minho’s bedroom door. You hesitated. Were you really ready to go back to this familiar room? A place you had stayed for hours, lying in bed, most of the time naked, under him, on top of him, in the safety of his arms. 
You closed your eyes as a particular good memory flashed through your mind. 
It was way past your bedtime and Minho knew he shouldn’t keep you awake any longer if he wanted you to rest and look good on your first day of work. But Minho had a tendency to be selfish. He wanted to talk more, to touch you more, to feel more of you. Who could blame he when you looked so sweet against him? He had one hand in the air and you didn’t hold back from touching him. Feather like touches, you traced the shape of his fingers, of every vein. 
“I love your hands.” You whispered, captivated. 
Minho chuckled in response, his chuckle vibrating against your cheek. “I wonder why.” 
You rolled your eyes at his remark. So typical of him. Instead you feigned innocence. “What? They’re pretty.” They truly were and he certainly knew how to use them to make you lose your mind. 
“What else?” His voice got darker; it should have been your clue not to push if you wanted to sleep but you couldn’t resist. 
“I lose my sanity whenever I see your pretty hands.” You admitted. How many times you found yourself staring at his hands? How many times, he caught you red handed, imagining all the things he could do with those pretty hands? 
Minho’s smirk grew wider at your confession. He rolled right on top of you and admired your body under him. You were just so damn beautiful. The most beautiful person in the world. With your wild hair splayed all across the pillow, with your pink swollen lips, with your pretty neck covered in marks. 
“And what do you imagine?” His hand found your throat only to slid down slowly from there to your collarbone, to between your breasts. He watched every breath you took, every raise of your chest, every bite on your lips. “Do you imagine how good it feels?” And they slid further down, to your stomach, feather life touches that set your body on fire, pushing yourself more against him, to feel more of him - he smirked, satisfied. 
“Or do you imagine how good my fingers feel inside you?” He asked as he brushed your clit playfully. 
“Shit.” You mewled. How did he always manage to get you so needy? Always ready to beg him to play with you, to take you. You just couldn’t say no. And you didn’t want to either. 
“Is it what you want, love?” He teased your entrance by pushing a finger inside and retreating right after, making you whimper in despair and need. 
“Yes. Shit, baby, please, I need you so badly.” You pleaded and pushed your hips, hoping to get more.
Minho tsked and shook his head. “Such a greedy baby. I thought you told me you had enough for tonight?” And he teased again, watching with awe and love as you let out low whimpers. 
“I can’t get enough of you.” You were ready to say anything to please him and get what you needed. But it wasn’t a lie. No matter how many times Minho touched you, ruined you, you were always left begging for more. You just couldn’t get enough. You were addicted and he was the best drug you could have asked for. 
“Is that so?” He hummed, satisfied with your answer. He leaned closer and brushed his lips against yours. “Always so good for me, kitten.” His lips trailed from your lips to your jaw, to your neck, leaving in his trail tiny bites as he pushed a finger inside you. “I believe you deserve a reward.” 
You let out a sob of relief as he added another finger, stretching you in a delicious way. But the moment he latched his lips around your nipple, was truly the moment you lost it. You arched your back, pushing your chest further. You plunged your fingers into his hair, tugging at the locks, feeling his deep groan against your skin - a sexy groan that made you clench around his fingers. 
For once, Minho didn’t try to control you; he let you rock your hips as you needed to feel his fingers deeper inside you. He let you touch him however you wanted, enjoying every tug on his hair, every little scratch you made - he took everything. 
“Is it what you had imagined?” He asked as he curled his fingers inside you making it impossible for you to speak, a loud moan escaping your pretty lips instead. Minho smiled proudly, feeling that you were close. “Come for me, love. Show me how happy your greedy pussy is.” 
And you gladly did. 
Back to present. 
Your face heated at the memory alone. It happened long ago and yet your body remembered everything; every touch, every kiss, every mark Minho left. 
“Get a grip!” You scolded yourself and slapped your cheeks for good measure. You couldn’t have this thoughts, not now and especially not when you were heading for his room. 
Despite being more than familiar and comfortable with his place, you knocked at the door – no response. Without making any noise, you pushed the door to his room. The room was plunged into full darkness, except for his bedside lamp that was on, the light illuminating the bed and Minho. Minho who was soundly asleep, Hana sleeping on his chest with Minho’s arm around her. You couldn’t believe your eyes. Every time you witnessed some interaction between your little girl and Minho, your heart almost broke with joy.  
“Aren’t you guys super cute.” You whispered to yourself, your hand pressed to your chest as if you could save your little heart from the lovely sight. You wished you had your phone with you so you could take a picture of this moment and maybe so you could tease Minho about being completely in love with Hana.
You smiled to yourself and let them sleep some more.
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In a matter of few days, Minho came to realization that your presence along with Hana’s at his place was more than welcomed and felt absolutely natural. He never thought he would need something like that. He never thought he needed a family. For a demon, to wish for a family it was unheard of. It was too human, too pathetic and yet, he could now understand this very unfamiliar feeling.
More he spent time with Hana and more he grew fond of her. Every time he held her in his arms, he couldn’t help but wish for her to be his. Every time she held his hand, he wished he could protect her forever. Every little smile, every little giggle, became his most favorite thing in the world. And you. You, no matter how much he wished he could make you pay for the pain you put him through, he couldn’t find it in him. Every time he looked at your face, his heart ached with longing.  Every time he found himself in your presence, your sweet, captivating scent brought back unwanted memories, unwanted needs. He couldn’t deny the fact that he wanted to hold you in his arms, that he wanted to feel your touch, your kisses.
Before he could get any more lost in his thoughts, Hana, playfully, slapped his cheeks. Once, twice, until he blinked and looked at her and quirked a brow. This girl was too fearless. If only she realized that she was playing with a powerful demon (and even then, he was convinced she would still not care).
“Aren’t you being a little bold today, hm?” He joked and pretended to bite her nose – Hana giggled loudly in response which made his eyes to go soft. Yes, she had him, completely, wrapped around her finger.
“Darling, I’m home!” Jisung appeared out of thin air, right in the middle of the room, just like he always did. He threw himself on the couch, too happy to annoy his friend and completely unaware of two new presences in the house. “Missed me?”
Minho should have known that eventually Jisung would pay him a visit at the most unexpected time. He should have warded his place against everybody to keep his little secret a little longer. But now it was too late; Jisung blinked in confusion as he spotted Hana in his arms.
“Holy shit!” Jisung screamed so loud Hana winced and pressed herself harder against Minho. “No, it can’t be. Is it a baby in your arms?” He shifted on the couch, leaning to get a better look at her and then at him.
“Language.” Minho scolded him. “What does she look like? Of course it’s a baby.”
Jisung couldn’t believe his eyes as he gawked at the two of them for a moment, trying to figure out why a baby was in his house. Why, a demon such as Minho, would even be with a baby. But then and because of his attention on her, Hana tried to hide in Minho’s arms and Jisung thought it was the funniest thing in the world. Minho, the big, bad demon, was babysitting. He burst into laughter, holding his stomach. “The guys will never believe me when I’m gonna tell them about you and the baby.”
The urge to kick Jisung’s ass was strong and for Hana’s sake, Minho had to resist it. Instead, he rolled his eyes at his friend and averted his eyes to you, coming out of the kitchen, the apron still around your body. The simple sight of you lessened his annoyance and the sight of your soft smile melted his heart.
“Guess I was right cooking more than necessary.” You commented as you looked at a very confused Jisung. He hadn’t changed at all, still the same loud boy who adored Minho. Not that you could blame him for it. “Hi Jisung.”
“What?!” Jisung jolted at the sound of your voice that he instantly recognized. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He couldn’t believe you were back, looking so comfortable and homy. It didn’t sit right with him. Jisung was never the type to hold back and he was ready to share a piece of his mind but he halted. He looked at you, then slowly looked at Hana, noticing the similarities between the two of you. Then, and even slower, his gaze slid to Minho.
“How? What? When?” Jisung didn’t want to jump to conclusion, but what was he supposed to think when the ex-girlfriend of his best friend suddenly showed up? How was he supposed to react seeing his friend, so comfortable (and a tad overprotective) with a baby who was clearly yours?
You couldn’t help but giggle at his reaction – Minho gave you the stinky eye in return.
“She’s not mine.” Minho declared to put end to Jisung’s misery and inner turmoil.
Jisung pointed an accusing finger at Minho, scowling. “If she’s not yours, why the hell are you glued to her as if she was yours?”
And just like that, the urge to kick his ass was back. Minho got back on his feet, still holding Hana, as he walked towards you to hand her. You gladly took her in your arms. He lingered, his eyes on Hana and gently patted her head before briefly looking at you. 
“See. This is exactly why I’m not believing you when you say she’s not yours.” Jisung commented, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared at you. 
You couldn’t blame Jisung for thinking this way; Minho was truly sweet and protective over Hana as if she was his own. If only. 
Minho sighed and turned to face his friend. “Can’t you tell what she is?” 
Jisung tilted his head to the side and truly looked at Hana. It didn’t take long for his eyes to widen in shock as realization dawned on him. He opened his mouth and closed it then looked at you. “What the hell?!” 
“Language.” Minho repeated himself. 
“Minho.” Jisung inhaled sharply, bracing himself. “Why the-why is Y/N here with a baby?” Then his gaze slid to you, frowning and not hiding his dislike. His eyes turned purple, revealing what was hiding beneath this pretty, cute face. You should have known that he was just like Minho and yet it took you by surprise. 
“Jisung.” Minho warned him, standing now right before you, shielding you from him. “Don’t even think about it.” 
Jisung snarled in response. He didn’t look so cute and harmless anymore. Far from it. He took a step towards you. “She left you for a fu-freaking angel, got a baby and now she’s crawling back to you? Did I miss anything?” 
“I didn’t leave him for an angel.” You fought back. You understood his anger; he had all the rights in the world to be angry with you but he didn’t have the right to twist your story. 
“And yet here you are with this thi-“ Jisung never managed to finish his sentence. Whatever he was about to say turned into a shriek as he found himself thrown against a wall with so much strength it left a crack in the wall. 
You blinked in confusion before slowly looking down at your little girl. Hana had her arm outstretched and looked upset, her eyes glowing. So small, so young and yet she already showed so much strength; you couldn’t imagine how stronger she could get. 
If you were both impressed and scared with Hana’s display of power, Minho simply chuckled and ruffled Hana’s hair before walking to his friend. 
“Guess she doesn’t like you.” Minho commented, smirking at Jisung. He grabbed his arm and helped him back on his feet. “Better watch out or she might throw you through the window next time.” 
Jisung whined in response but didn’t comment, still stunned with the outcome. 
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 “So. Let me make sure I understood everything. You met an angel without knowing he was one - I still don’t know how you didn’t notice, they’re just bunch of assholes.” That earned him a slap on the back of his head from Minho and a roll of eyes from you. “Whatever. Anyway. He got you pregnant and once you found out what he was you run away. Sounds familiar.” 
You took the blow without a word. But Minho thought differently. He kicked Jisung under the table. 
“Don’t be an asshole.” Minho scolded him.
“Language.” You scolded him in return, even if Hana was asleep in your arms. “I ran away because he wanted to take her away from me.” 
Jisung thought about it for a moment. He looked at Hana then back at you and nodded. “No wonder they want her. They will come for her.” Jisung was scared to ask what the plan was. More he looked at his friend, at his odd behavior and more it worried Jisung. He didn’t hate you, he hated your choice but he also knew you were good for Minho. But you being back with something their enemies wanted badly, was trouble they should avoid. “What’s the plan?” 
“She’s staying with me.” Minho answered without hesitation. 
“Are you mad? She can’t!” Jisung jumped from his place and slammed his hands on the table. “You know they will fight to get her back.” 
“Let them fight. I don’t care.” Minho shrugged. He looked nonchalant about the whole mess and yet you saw through him. He was slowly losing patience. 
“I care!” Jisung insisted. “We’ve been at peace with them for centuries! You can’t throw away the peace just for her!” 
Instead of answering, Minho looked at Jisung right into his eyes. He was cold, indifferent and yet his eyes were burning with rage. “Let them come. I dare them to take Y/N and Hana from me.” 
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“Is there really a truce between demons and angels?” You asked as you sat beside Minho on the bench outside his house. The weather was lovely, but it looked too calm for your liking. Especially after the talk with Jisung. Despite Minho’s reassuring words, you couldn’t stop worrying. At any moment angels could appear, provoke a fight in order to get Hana back. And what could you do to stop it? Nothing.
Minho didn’t want to talk about it. Not because it was a forbidden subject but because he had a feeling you would try to leave the moment you found out how bad it could get because of his decision.
“You’re worried because of what Jisung said.” He said instead and observed you. You were avoiding his eyes; your gaze glued to your hands as you kept playing with your fingers, nervous.
“And you’re avoiding my question.”
Minho sighed in defeat. “So stubborn.” Nevertheless, a smile tugged at his lips.
“Fine. Yes, there is a truce.”
Your heart leapt in your throat at his admission. “I can’t stay here. You had enough shit to deal with.” You stood up from your seat only for Minho to grab your hand and pull you back.
“Don’t even think about it.” He growled dangerously at you. The mention of the truce was enough to turn his mood sour but the mention of you leaving was even worse.
One glance from him should have silenced you but your fears were stronger than his menacing glare.
“You know I can’t stay!” You protested, body fully turned to him. “I brought my problems to your doorstep because I knew the only place I could be safe would be with you. But I didn’t know the consequences. I can’t let you risk all for me.”
“Shut up.” Minho snapped, his eyes turning red. Minho was pissed, alright. He tried desperately to keep his temper in check but your words and the simple mention of you leaving pushed him to the edge.
“You made your choice three years ago. Let me make mine today.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm his nerves. The moment he opened his eyes, they were back to their normal color. All trace of anger vanished just like that and was replaced with softness and sorrow. “It’s unfair how much hold you have over me, Y/N. It’s dangerous for so many reasons, but it seems that I just don’t care. You could stamp on my heart again and I’ll let you.”
Once more, he took your hand and squeezed gently. His hand was warm and soft and so comforting you almost wept. “I wish I could hate you.”
“But you don’t.”
“No I don’t.”
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Living with Minho was everything you had imagined it would be and more. Easy, comfortable, filled with banters and sweet moment that usually involved him and Hana. You easily found the right rhythm that suited the two of you. Whenever he had to leave, he always made sure that someone he trusted stayed behind. Sometimes it was Jisung, sometimes it was another of his friends. All of them were wary of Hana at first and of you of course, but one big smile from Hana and they melted. Especially Jisung.
Just like that six months passed. Hana’s power grew stronger every day; throwing people against walls was the least of your concern. Whenever she threw a tantrum the whole place would shake and things would fly around. If at first it scared you because you had absolutely no clue how to deal with such incredible and powerful baby, you got used to it. Minho happened to be a great help with it too. A flash of his bright red eyes and Hana would always calm down. Sometimes later, you believed, she would go against him but for now it did the trick.
Hana’s powers weren’t the only thing that grew. She did too. Despite being only six months old, she looked much older. And she could talk which made things much easier and your life livelier.
Your life turned out as normal as it could get with a half angel baby and a life with a demon, but there was still one thing that bothered you. The lack of activities from angels. Minho barely talked about it, telling you every single time not to worry, that he would deal with it when times come but it made you wonder. Did he talk to them? Did he persuade them to give up? You gathered from the few conversations with Jisung that Minho was someone angels avoided and would not mess up with unless necessary. It made you wonder just how strong Minho was.
“A problem for another day.” You told yourself as you took a deep breath.
You put the different snacks on the plate and headed outside to join both Minho and Hana. The weather was lovely and perfect, not too hot and not too cold, just what you needed to enjoy a little afternoon all together. A big blanket was splayed on the ground, Minho laying on it with Hana sitting on his chest and clapping her hands.
Despite living under the same roof, you didn’t witness many times his display of power. Today however he was using it freely for Hana’s pure enjoyment. Butterflies formed from shadows flied all around them, all around Hana, playing with her hair. It was a pretty sight and you enjoyed it almost as much as Hana did.
“I think it’s the first time I’m seeing you use your powers.” You admitted as you put the plate beside them but still far enough to avoid any accident. Just as you said those words, a butterfly landed on the tip of your nose, tickling you softly.
Minho looked at you, smiling so fondly, your heart skipped a beat. You couldn’t tell whether it was because of Hana or because of the two of you but you appreciated the moment all the same. His smile was contagious as you leaned to plant a kiss on Hana’s cheek.
“He made so many butterflies! Just for me!” Hana explained to you, voice filled with excitement and cheerfulness as she spread her arms widely for butterflies to land on her.
“Just for you.” Minho confirmed. Then, with a flick of his hand a shadow formed around you, circling you before taking form. “And this one for you.” A black cat made of shadows.
Hana applauded louder than ever and tried to reach for it– she failed and fell beside Minho. The two of you stared at her, trying desperately to stifle the laugh. Minho being the strongest managed, you, not so much. Hana raised her head and glared at you; her glare reminding you awfully of Minho.
“This is so you.” You pointed at her scowl before looking at him. “She’s imitating you.”
“She’s learning from the best.” He said proudly.
You rolled your eyes at him and chose not to respond. Instead, your attention was on the cat that kept turning around you, brushing your knees every now and then. You reached out to pet it and immediately the cat came to bump its head against your hand. Despite it being made of shadows, it felt warm against the palm of your hand. Warm and familiar – like Minho which you supposed made sense, it was his power, a part of him.
“Just wait when Jisung hears about it.” You teased knowing that Minho would rather die than show his soft side to his friend.
“Don’t you dare.” He warned you sounding threatening if not for his eyes twinkling with mischief.
You were tempting the devil, you knew it and didn’t care. “Or what?”
Minho quirked a brow at your provocation. “Do you really want to find out?”
You grabbed a grape and shoved in your mouth to hide your smile, to hide how this little game was truly affecting you – Minho saw it anyway. “Someone is playing with fire.”
“How cute.”
Your blood froze in your veins. You knew this voice. The deceptive one. The one that made you believe that you could love again. The one that managed to get through the walls you had built around yourself after the breakup. The one that seduced you. He was here. He had found them.
In the blink of an eye, Minho was on his feet, standing before you, fists clenched, eyes red. All trace of happiness, of genuine smiles vanished to replace with wrath and the urge to fight. To protect.
You hurried to scoop Hana in your arms as you stood behind Minho, watching five angels standing too close for your liking. They looked relaxed and satisfied. You bet they were. It took them six months to find you and finally they were so close to their goal.
“I’ve been wondering who managed to hide you so well.” Soobin said, unbothered, completely ignoring Minho’s presence. His eyes were on you and on Hana. “But to think you would hide with a demon. I’m both impressed and disgusted.”
Hana was shaking in your arms. Your grip around her tightened. Just like Minho, you were ready to fight if needed. There was no way you would give up your child, your happiness without a fight.
“I believe you have something that belongs to me.” And as he said those words, he took few steps towards you.
His mistake. Maybe he should have paid more attention to Minho. To what and who he was. The moment he took those steps, darkness erupted from everywhere. The beautiful blue sky turned black and so did your surroundings. It felt as if life itself was being sucked from everywhere. It was only then that Soobin’s attention shifted to Minho. His eyes widened in shock before his mouth set in a hard line.
You stared at Minho’s back in disbelief and wonder at the same time. You thought you knew what he looked like as a demon, thought the only changes were his eyes. You were wrong. So terribly wrong. Because the man that stood protectively between you and the angels looked completely different. Strange and yet still so familiar.
Black marks covered his arms from his wrist to his shoulders and you suspected it went beyond. The tip of his fingers were black and with claws. Even his hair seemed a little longer. Shadows surrounded him, following his every gesture. He looked absolutely deadly and magnificent.
“Take my advice and leave.” Minho simply said. For the sake of his friends, Minho chose to use threats instead of fighting, no matter how much he wanted to kill them all. So what if some angels went missing from heaven? It wouldn’t be a big deal. Good riddance even.
“I can’t.” Soobin recovered quickly. While his friends were ready to fight, he hesitated. “I really don’t want to fight you. Nothing good will come out of it.”
Minho snorted at that. “Why? Scared that this time I will actually end your miserable existence?”
Minho’s remark made you snap from your observation. As you scrutinized the two men, you quickly realized that they shared a past. They knew each other and not only because they were sworn enemies. No. There was something else and you weren’t sure if it was a good thing.
“Mommy, is Minnie in trouble?” Hana whispered as she glanced at Minho. She outstretched her arm, wanting to reach for him but you stopped her by hugging her tighter against you.
Hana, despite her young age, recognized the danger when faced with it. You couldn’t lie and tell her that you weren’t in trouble, but Minho. Minho looked so composed, so confident, it made you wonder who would come out victorious if they fought.
“Don’t worry.” You whispered to her. “Minho is the strongest person I have ever met. If anything, they are in trouble, not him.” You kissed the crown of her head and prayed that it would be over soon.
“Do you think you can fight all of us?” Soobin dared him. Maybe a part of him truly believed that they stood a chance against Minho. Or maybe he bluffed.
“Want to find out?” There was at least one person who wasn’t bluffing and it was Minho.
He didn’t hesitate, not even for a second as his power spread. From the corner of your eyes you spotted movement; fast and lethal. The shadows took form, solidifying, turning into giant monsters that stood beside Minho, protecting him, waiting for his orders.
“She’s mine.” Minho growled. His growl loud, dangerous and filled with so much venom, goosebumps spread all over your skin in response. You didn’t fear Minho. You trusted him with all your being but it didn’t mean your body didn’t recognize the predator that stood before you. The incredibly beautiful predator.
“She’s mine.” He repeated and you swore you heard the monsters repeat his words.
And his words, his possessiveness echoed in your mind, in your heart. And you watched as this beautiful, dangerous man, despite everything, stood proudly before you. Watched him as he was ready to fight for the two of you, not only because he offered you a roof but because he truly cared for Hana. You heard it in his voice. You saw it every day; he truly loved Hana as his own.
Tears shimmered in your eyes as so many emotions raged inside you. Love, gratitude, pain, longing. All of it.  You couldn’t stop yourself as his name escaped your lips. It was barely audible but he heard it anyway. He always did.
Minho glanced over his shoulder and your eyes locked for a moment.  In this moment, there was so much you wanted to tell him. To tell him you were sorry, to tell him to be careful and that they couldn’t live without a world where he was not. And Minho being Minho understood it. He shook his head and winked playfully at you before returning his attention on the angels.
“Leave.” He said, “You interrupted our peaceful family moment.”
“You’re a fool, Minho.” Was the last thing Soobin said before vanishing along with his friends.
“So I’ve been told.”
The three of you stood in silence for a moment. You, still speechless; because of Minho’s true form and at the same time because he managed to make the angels flee. Minho, because he was still trying to sooth his anger.
“Minho.” You called for him.
Slowly, and after taking a deep breath, he turned to look at you, expecting to see fear and maybe disgust in your eyes. He saw none of it. Instead, he found you standing close to him, your hand outstretched for him to take.
“Let’s get back inside.” And you smiled.
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“No! I don’t want to sleep!” Hana protested and kicked her blanket with as much strength as she could muster after a long and rather emotional day.
You frowned at her before looking at Minho in despair. You had tried everything to force her to sleep but nothing worked. It was one of those days.
“What if the bad guys come back?” She muttered as she pressed her teddy-bear closer to her heart. “What if they try to break us apart?”
“Oh baby.” You wrapped your arms around her and pressed a kiss on her forehead. “They won’t come back.” At least you hoped so.
Minho joined you on the bed. He leaned closer to Hana and grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently. “You don’t have to worry about the bad guys. I kicked their-“ He stopped himself on time, glanced guiltily at you, before adding, “I mean, we fought already once and they lost. I’ll fight them again and they will lose. Nobody will take you from me.”
“But what if they try to take mommy away?”
Her words hit deeper than you thought. Too scared to see Minho’s reaction, you kept your eyes on her, but your heart was beating fast and loud. Would he fight for you? You didn’t know and were scared to find out.
“Not going to happen.” Minho confirmed and ruffled her hair fondly. “You have nothing to worry about. So sleep or else we’re not getting your favorite cake tomorrow.”
You looked at him, eyes boring into him at his admission. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, but his words soothed your fears, more than you were willing to admit.
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Once sure Hana was asleep, the two of you left the room. You wanted to talk some more with Minho, to discuss the incident with the angels but it seemed like Minho was either avoiding you or simply had enough for one night.
“You should go back and sleep.” He advised you without looking at you. “Good night, Y/N.”
The wise thing would definitely be to go back to your room and sleep but you were known for not being very wise. He should have known. Without making any sound, you followed him and you bet he knew it.
Minho went back outside, his shadows following him. It made you stop and observe. It fascinated you how they were simply part of him, always following him, protecting him. They spread behind, almost reaching you and halted as if hesitating to touch you.
“You have a mind of your own?” You felt silly for talking to a shadow but it reacted. It moved again and wrapped around your ankle. You expected to shiver, you expected it to be cold but it wasn’t. It was a warm caress. Just like Minho.
You followed Minho outside and the shadow followed your every step, maybe because it was fun or maybe because it appreciated your company.
Minho’s power spread around the house and marks appeared in the air. You didn’t recognize any of them, not even from your time with Amy, but you easily guessed it was in order to protect the place.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed?” He asked
“I got distracted.” You admitted
“With what?”
Minho chuckled in response, half amused, half surprised with your admission. With his hands tucked in his pockets, he approached you, smirking devilishly at you. And you? You gulped, nervously. To save yourself from this beautiful creature, you averted your eyes from his face.
But Minho was in a rather playful mood. “And how exactly am I distracting you?” A finger under your chin, he tilted your head to make you look at him.
It was pure torture to be so close to him and yet not being able to fully touch him. It was torture to have him watch you so closely – you bit your lips and his eyes followed the gesture.
“Be careful. I might bite.”
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Minho thought that nothing could terrify him in this world. He was once more wrong. After the recent events, he came to realize that the idea of losing Hana truly upset him. He couldn’t imagine a day without her. Not anymore. But it wasn’t the only thing that scared him. No. Hearing your screams shattered his heart in thousand pieces.
One scream from you and he was out of his bed and appeared in your room, ready to fight whoever managed to get through his wards. But there was nobody in your room. No signs of breaking. Nothing except for you fighting invisible enemies in your sleep.
“Y/N.” He called for you in hope to wake you from your nightmare.
But you didn’t wake up. Not even when he joined you and grabbed your arms, trying to stop you from hurting yourself. Not even when he took you in his arms and tried to reach your mind.
“Come on, love. Wake up.” He whispered to your ear and kissed your forehead. “You’re safe. Hana is safe. I’m here.”
Minho rocked you in his arms while, slowly, your body started to relax and you stopped fighting. He kept you in his arms and watched your every breath and listened to your heartbeat.
“Come back to me.”
And you did. As you opened your eyes, you were met with the familiar face and soft eyes. With familiar warmth spreading through you.
Minho smiled. “Hi. Bad dream?”
“Yeah. But now I think I’m dreaming again.” You managed to say. You didn’t know what shocked you more; your nightmare or the fact that Minho was in your bed, holding you.
Minho chuckled at your attempt at being funny. “Nope. Not a dream, I’m really here.” And to prove his point, his hold around you tightened. “Make room, I don’t think I can go back to my room now.”
“Who say I want you in my bed?” You obviously wanted him in your bed. Not only because you were scared of having another nightmare, but also because his presence alone was everything you needed. You wanted him close to you, you wanted him to keep holding you.
Minho rolled his eyes and pushed you playfully to make room for himself. He thought he was being polite by asking, but really, his decision was made the moment he got inside your room.
“What a gentleman.” You commented but gladly lifted the blanket for him to settle under.
“A trait of my personality that you used to love.”
“Still do.” You hadn’t meant to speak aloud but the words left your mouth anyway. You froze beside him and then cleared your throat. “I’m sorry for waking you up.”
“Don’t fret.” Minho pulled you back against him as if it was the most natural thing to do. And it used to and it still felt the same. Good. Right. “Was your nightmare about angels?”
You shut your eyes and tried not to think about it, but the image was still fresh in your mind. “Yes. They were trying to take her away from me.”
“You know that I was sincere when I told Hana that I won’t let them take you away right?” But despite the sincerity in his voice, you didn’t look at him. You didn’t want him to see the tears in the corner of your eyes. Minho gently grabbed your chin and made you look at him. “You do know that there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, right? Nothing I can deny you.”
“I let you out of my sight once. I’m not doing it again.”
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After that night, something had changed between you and Minho. Maybe it was because of the attack and fear of another one. You weren’t stupid; it couldn’t be just that easy. One threat from Minho and they left you alone – it didn’t make sense. Or maybe it had nothing to do with the angels and more to do with the late confession.
From the moment you had left Minho, you knew, deep inside you, that it was the biggest mistake of your life. Yes, you were allowed to be scared, to feel insecure and doubt but it was Minho. You should have listened to the little voice – the one that whispered late at night. The one who reminded you every good, magical moments you had spent in his company. The one who reminded you every time you tried to start anew that no matter how nice a man was; nobody could compare to him. Nobody could compare to how he made you feel. How deep was his love for you. You tried to reason yourself. You tried to bury your feelings, your love and your regret.
But look at you right now? You were back to the very same place you had run from. The irony wasn’t lost on you.
And yet, he still cared for you. He was stilling willing to fight for you, protect you from everything and from everyone. You didn’t want to hope, to expect anything more from him but could you really ignore this tiny part of you? You couldn’t. You couldn’t ignore the lingering eyes on you. You couldn’t ignore his little touches; simple brushes of arms that set your skin on fire. You couldn’t ignore the attention he gave you.
“Take a picture. It lasts longer.” Minho teased you. Without realizing it, you had been staring at him for too long, lost in your own little world.
Your face heat up; it was a tad embarrassing to be caught red-handed, especially because you would never hear the end of it. “Why would I when I see the real thing every day?” You managed to say with a huff and averted your eyes from his face.
Minho chuckled at your attempt to save your face but it was too late. He had seen it all and enjoyed every second of it. “Maybe so you can frame it and put it on your bedside table?” He closed his book, finding that teasing you was so much more interesting. He watched you like a hawk as he got closer to you – you took a step back.
“What were you thinking about while staring at me like that?” He grinned as he leaned closer, eyes never leaving yours. He enjoyed the effect he had on you; the flush on your face, your breathing and especially how loudly your heart beat.
You took another step back only to meet the wall. You were trapped and at his mercy. And whatever Minho wanted, he always had it. Including the truth out of you. “Like what?”
Minho’s grin turned into a full smirk. He leaned, a hand resting on the wall right beside your head. “Were you thinking about how handsome I am?” And he leaned even closer, mere inches between you. “Or were you thinking about something naughty? That wouldn’t surprise me.”
You gasped at his words. “Why would I?!” You tried pushing him away for the sake of your sanity. His closeness, even if much appreciated (if not too much), was driving you nuts. You couldn’t think straight, couldn’t think about anything else but his body so close to yours.
But your attempt was another failure. Minho didn’t budge, not even a little.
“So you were.” He teased, unable to stop himself.
“I was not!”
Minho’s lips were hovering over yours, leaving no space between your bodies. His warmth spread through your own body like fire. All you had to do was to tilt your head and you could kiss him. So damn tempting.
“Be honest with me, Y/N. Say what you want.”
And it would be so easy, wouldn’t it?
Not under Hana’s watch.
“Mommyyyyyyy!” Hana called while running in the room, so fast Minho had barely the time to put some space between you. “Look, look!”
You tried, you really did, but your dizziness prevented you from concentrating on anything other than the man beside you and the thought that you almost kissed. Almost.
“What is it?” Minho was the one to recover, fast, as always.
Hana showed him the palm of her hand, proudly. Tiny balls of light floated around her hand. Slowly at first and then it spread. The balls got bigger and slowly the shape changed and turned into butterflies, identical to the ones Minho had made for her, except they were made of lights and not shadows.
Minho whistled, impressed with how easily Hana managed to learn the trick. How easily she managed to learn to control her power. He crouched to be at her level and admired her work closer. Impressive indeed.
“Well done.” He ruffled her hair.
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From the day you started living with Minho, and especially after the little visit from angels, there was one thing you didn’t think you would ever witness. A talk between Soobin and Minho.
You woke up in the middle of the night, thirsty and a little disoriented. You didn’t know what time it was except for the fact that it was still late considering the darkness you spotted from your window. Without making any noise, you hurried to get to the kitchen, wanting to go back as quick as possible to the warmth of your bed. But before you could walk back to your room, you noticed that the front door was opened. Not widely but enough to worry you. Your instinct told you to get to Minho, to warn him but your body moved on its own. You walked on tiptoes. Closer you got and louder the voices got from outside. Voices that you recognized easily. Voices that you didn’t expect to hear so soon together.
“I can’t believe you would go so far for a human.” Soobin admitted as he ruffled his hair in frustration. “You used to kill them on sight.”
You clasped your hand over your mouth to prevent any noises, to stop yourself from gasping out loud. Why the hell was Soobin here? And more importantly, why did he look so comfortable around Minho? It didn’t make much sense.
“Y/N is special.” Minho simply replied without elaborating.
Soobin paused to observe Minho. The demon he knew would have never praised a human, no matter how pretty the person was. “She’s human. A pretty one, yes, but still human.”
“One that bore your child. You can’t deny she’s special.” Minho reminded him. It hurt him to even mention the fact that Hana was his child, he wished he could forget this fact but he also needed Soobin to realize that you weren’t just any human. You were different.
“When you put it like that.” He sighed. “You know the child is special. I want her.” He winced when Minho’s eyes flashed red. A silent warning that Soobin took seriously as he raised his hands in defense. “Are you really going to start another war for them?”
Minho didn’t answer. He had the answer right on the tip of his tongue but his attention was somewhere else. On you. Despite your attempt at being discrete, he could feel you, too close to them for his liking. Soobin, on the other hand, was oblivious.
“But it’s not only about the child, is it?” Soobin realized in disbelief. “It’s about Y/N. Is she worth it?”
“To me? Yes.” Minho took a dangerous step towards him. Everything about him screamed danger. Just one wrong word and this almost friendly encounter would turn to a bloody one. “I don’t particularly like you, Soobin. But I don’t hate you. But should you come back with an army, I will fight you and I will end you for good, this time. I won’t let her go. Not her and not Hana.”
“Is it a threat?”
“It’s a promise.”
Soobin shook his head. “You’re crazy.” Only then, he noticed you by the door. You couldn’t help yourself as you got closer, body shaking and teary eyes. His own eyes softened at your sight. He liked you, in his own odd way. Yes, you were a special human.
“And I must be crazy too.” Soobin sighed in defeat. “Take care of them. I can’t promise you that we won’t be back. But I’ll take in consideration your promise.” And with that he vanished into the darkness of the night.
“What a pain in the ass.” Minho groaned and turned to face you. He observed you for a moment, frowning at your state. “Why are you crying?”
Minho knew from the moment he felt your presence you would end up hearing them but he didn’t care. He had nothing to hide; not his business with angels and definitely not how he felt about you. It was about time he addressed the matter and tonight seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so. 
“I-“ But no words left your mouth, too overwhelmed with your own feelings. 
The corner of his mouth quirked up as he got closer to you. “Say it.” Minho knew you well enough to know what was going through your mind. He always could read you easily, then and now. 
It frustrated you how easily his words unsettled you, how easily your heart answered his call. You didn’t want to hide how you felt, how badly you wanted to go back to what you were. But you didn’t deserve it. Not after hurting him over and over again. 
“Y/N. Say it.” His voice was calm and gentle when really, inside he was dying to hear you say it. He wanted to hear your confession and ease his mind and heart. 
“I don’t deserve you.” You finally managed to whisper through tears. “I can’t say it, Minho.” 
He shook his head and gently cupped your face. “I still want to hear it.” 
You looked at him, heart roaring in your ears. “I’m sorry.” There was so much you should apologize for, but your mind was a mess and you weren’t sure you could convey all your feelings. But you still were willing to try. For you, for Hana, for him. Especially for him. Because Minho deserved it. He was always there for you, then and now. He showered you with love then and he still did it today. He showered Hana with the same love when he could have hated her for what she was. But he didn’t. 
“I’m sorry for leaving you. I’m sorry for being an idiot and getting scared. I should have listened to my heart. I should have known that despite being a demon, you were sincere, that you cared so much for me. I’m sorry for hurting you.” 
Minho stroked your cheek with his thumb, gently wiping your tears. “When you showed up at my doorstep, I really wanted to slam the door to your face. Just the sight of you brought back unwanted feelings, unwanted needs. But I couldn’t do it. I saw how fragile you were and my heart refused to let go. Refused to let my bitterness stands between you and me.”
“I’m sorry.” You repeated. You bit on your lips to prevent another sob but your face told him everything he needed to know.
Minho leaned over and kissed your right eye, tasting your tears, and then the left one. “I never stopped loving you. Not even when you broke my heart.” He kissed your nose, your cheeks, making you tremble even more. “I’m not letting you go again and if it means I have to start another war then so be it.”
“You’re cra-zy.” You managed to say through a hiccup.
“Can you blame me?”
You couldn’t.
Satisfied with your reaction, Minho kissed the only part of your face he hadn’t touched, the only part he desperately wanted to touch. At first, it was a simple brush of his lips, light and hesitant. Maybe he was giving you one last chance to pull back, to escape – as if you would. Never again. Minho’s hold on your face tightened as he pressed his lips a little stronger, unable to hold back any longer. And he didn’t need to; you wrapped your arms around his, tightly as if your life depended on him. And you kissed him back with the same enthusiasm, with the same need and despair.
“I love you.” He whispered against your lips. “Don’t ever leave me again, Y/N.”
The simple mention of leaving brought back tears to your eyes. You clung to him as strongly as you could, shutting his mouth with yours. In that moment you realized that you would rather die than leave him again.
“Never again.” You promised
Minho scooped you in his arms. A peck on your lips followed by a smile so bright you weren’t sure you had ever seen it on his face.
He carried you back inside the house and straight to his room. Minho dropped you on his bed. He stood by his bed for a moment, admiring the sight of you in his bed, admiring your parted lips, admiring the look in your eyes. You wanted him just as much as he wanted you. And there was so much he wanted to do to you. He wanted to taste you, to claim you and make sure that nobody would ever touch you. He wanted to make you scream and make you remember who you belonged to.
“Are you sure about it?” He asked one last time for good measure.
You smiled at his attempt, at his gentleness. You spread your arms widely. “Come and claim me.”
Minho closed his eyes and took a short moment to calm himself, to let your words sink in. You were his. He grabbed the edge of his shirt and pulled it over his head.
Despite knowing his body for years, you couldn’t help but suck in your breath in amazement, in need. He was so helplessly perfect. Strong, lean body that you were dying to touch again, to feel the smoothness of his skin against you.
“You’re drooling.” Minho teased, yet incredibly satisfied with your reaction.
“Can’t be helped when you look this good.” You didn’t try to deny, there was no point when your body was reacting so strongly to his presence.
Minho’s hands found their way to your ankles, softly massaging them making you moan in response at his gentle touch. Slowly, his hands travelled from your ankles to your calves, to your knees, setting your body on fire. You were burning with need and longing.
He grabbed your shorts and pulled them just as slowly from you. He knew that you were desperately needing more and so did he, but where would be the fun if he gave everything to you right away? It all came apart the moment he realized you weren’t wearing any panties; the scent of your arousal hit his senses. He let out an animalistic growl. This same fucking sweet scent that used to drive him crazy.
Growing just as impatient, you took off your shirt and threw it somewhere on the floor, eyes never leaving Minho. Your heart was roaring; your body was burning. “Touch me.”.
In response, Minho leaned over you and claimed your lips in a heated kiss. His hands were roaming freely all over your body, touching, groping, fondling. “So fucking beautiful.” He dragged your lower lip playfully with his teeth. His lips trailed from your lips down to your neck, leaving bright marks. He marked every inch of your skin; your neck, your chest, your stomach.
“Can’t believe you’re a mom.” He planted kisses all over your stomach, worshipped every tiny scars, marks that were left on your body. “And such a good mom.”
The moment his lips connected with your clit, all air left your lungs; your body jerked in response. Minho feasted on you, savoring the sweet taste of you, the one he had missed for so long. The stroke of his tongue were determined, determined to make you scream, to make you come apart with just his tongue.
“Minho,” You moaned as your head fell back. Your body responded to his touches so easily, so eagerly. There was no stopping. You couldn’t ignore how loud your heart beat. You couldn’t ignore how wetter and how your body tingled with every flick of his tongue. But you needed more. You rocked your hips against his tongue, seeking to feel more, to feel him deeper.
“I want to spend the whole night buried between your legs.” Minho confessed and glanced at you from between your legs. The sight of his mouth covered with your wetness made you clench around nothing. He looked absolutely sinful and gorgeous.
“Minho, please.” You begged, your body aching with need of release.
“What is it?” He teased and gave a harsh suck. “Use your words.”
As if you could when he was devouring you like this. He knew it and still teased.
“Please, I’m so close.” You mewled and pushed your hips closer. “Please.”
“How can I say no when you beg so prettily?” He kept licking and sucking with even more eagerness, more strength. His grip on your ass tightened, fingers digging into your skin as he ravaged you.
“Minho!” You cried out as a wave of orgasm hit you.
He could have stop, could have let you a moment to recover but Minho was insatiable. He wanted and needed more; more of you, more of your taste, even if it meant to drive you crazy. So he kept feasting on you. He didn’t stop. Not when your body trembled under his assault. Not when you grabbed his hair and pulled, softly at first and stronger as your sensitive body was torn between the wish to pull away from him and let him end you right on the spot. He didn’t stop when a second orgasm hit you, even stronger than the first. He didn’t stop even when a third one hit you, so powerful you screamed his name.
“Please, I can’t.” You begged, tears streaming down your face, half delirious. Your whole body was so sensitive; you couldn’t bear it.
Minho smirked at you, pleased with his work, pleased with the way you looked; lips swollen, body covered with his marks and pussy wet and ready to take him. He quickly disregarded his last piece of clothes before going back to you, his hands sliding up and down your legs – you shook under the touch, still sensitive.
“Guess you forgot what it’s like to be overstimulated.” He mocked, “I bet it was boring with the angel.”
Even in your dizziness you understood his words, his innuendo. If you had any strength left, you would have scoffed at his words, instead you nudged him with your leg. A weak attempt at showing your annoyance.
“Should I remind you what you really like? Hm?” He challenged you. “Should I remind your pussy that it was made for me? Only me?”
“Stop talking and just show me.” You provoked him, knowing too well that he would make you pay and that it would leave you shattered and unable to walk for the next five business day. Exactly what you needed.
“So bold.” But he loved it. With ease he flipped you over. His hands found their rightful place on your ass. Such a beautiful one that used to be red with his handprints. He caressed your ass, lovingly, slowly and then gave it a strong first slap followed by another and another. Your body jerked as you moaned.
“Much better.” Minho gently rubbed your now bright red skin. “You look pretty with your ass all red.”
“Minho, I need you inside, right now.” You half begged half ordered. Despite his grip on your hips, you pushed your hips against him, needing to feel him.
“So impatient.” He shook his head. He took his hard, angry cock and brushed the tip against your folds – you whimpered.
“Please,” You begged, “I need you so badly.”
With one thrust, Minho buried himself deep inside you, welcoming your warmth. “Fuck, love, you feel so good.” He stilled, savoring your tightness – his cock twitched inside of you. “Since you begging me, you’re going to take everything I give you like a good girl right?”
“I will.” You promised as you gripped the sheets beneath you tightly, bracing yourself for the storm to come. You knew Minho was no longer able to control himself, to hold back, even if he tried. He was at his limits and you were more than ready for him to snap.
And he did. From the very beginning, he set a strong and fast rhythm, pounding into you mercilessly and you took it like a good girl. You accepted every thrust, his strong grip on your hips that would leave another set of bruises – and you didn’t care. With every powerful thrust, your eyes rolled back in your head.
“So fucking good.” Minho groaned and slammed his hips. “Taking me like a good little slut. I told you, this pussy was made for me.”
“Just for you.” You chocked. “I-m,I’m close.”
“But do you deserve to come?” He wondered.
Minho let go of your hips and you fell face on the bed, unable to hold on your own. It didn’t last; Minho grabbed a fist of your hair and pulled you against him. You arched your back, exposing your delicate neck.
“Tell me,” He whispered to your ear, “Tell me why you deserve to come hm?”
“I-“ But your words were lost; Minho’s free hand slid to where you were connected and found your clit. He played with you, making sure you wouldn’t be able to think straight, that you wouldn’t be able to answer back.
“I guess you don’t deserve to come. Should I stop?” As if he could stop.
“No!” You screamed as he kept playing with you. You were so close you could taste your orgasm. “Please, Minho. Let me come.”
He pulled your hair a little stronger and bit on your flesh. “Then tell me.”
“I love you!” You screamed, “Please, please, please.” You were a mess. A beautiful, sticky mess. His mess.
“Then come.”
You convulsed violently around him, eyes rolling back in your head. Minho’s thrusts got sloppier as he helped you through your orgasm while seeking his own. Minho stilled and let out a loud and deep groan as he spilled into you, letting you take all of him, not wasting any single drop.
“Fuck.” He cursed under his breath. He pulled out slowly, dragging the moment and admired as his cum slowly dripped from you. “Your pussy looks amazing.” He scooped the cum that was leaking from you and pushed it back inside you.
“Minho, too sensitive.” You whimpered, unable to take any more.
“Sorry,” He peppered your shoulder, your back with kisses. “Can’t help it.” He plopped beside you and pulled you in his arms, kissing the crown of your head.
Your body ached, every part of it but it was worth it. The bliss that followed was even more worth it. You were back to where you belonged to. His bed, his arms, his heart. You kissed his chest, feeling his heart beat wildly and tilted your head.
“I love you.” You told him again. “I loved you then and I love you even more now.”
“Now that’s the mind-blowing sex talking.”
You groaned and hit his chest. “And the moment is ruined.”
But Minho laughed heartily and pressed you tightly against him. “No, it’s not. And I love you too.”
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