spy-7 · 3 months
Chapter 2 : During My Relationship And Coming Out Story
Me and my girlfriend would try to met up at my school. She already graduated high school so she didn’t to go but she always had an appointment every Tuesday that was near the school and she would come early. When I get to school I get there around 8 am. My school starts at 9 am but I had internship that time so I didn’t really had to go since it didn’t count as a class. So we would go on dates before me going to school. We would eat breakfast at this small restaurant near by and we would go to the store and we would most of the time just find a spot to sit and talk, kiss, and cuddles. 🥰 I missed those times. After that I would have to go to school. When I graduated high school it was hard to go out since I had strict mom. So now that we got this far now is time to talk about my coming out story. I was basically had no choice in this situation because I would be on the phone with my girlfriend every day and I would hide that I was on FaceTime when my would come in my room. One time she came in and she was really curious what I was doing on my computer. I was on zoom with my girlfriend so I hide the tap and put a game tap. My mom saw the game but she didn’t believe me so she try taking my computer from me and I didn’t let go I was too scared for her to see my girlfriend. We was going back and forth with the computer and she ask is there something you want to tell me. My mom always been asking me if I liked girls or boys. And she mentioned this question in the conversation so I said I like both. This conversation was scary. She was just upset but try to be calm but mostly upset and try talking to me about how I’m confused and explain to me why I was probably confused. And would mention the Bible of course. During this conversation my girlfriend hang up. It been a rough week since then since my mom would bring this conversation again she be confusing because she wants me to like boys but at the same time she keep saying it’s my choice and that I’m 18 and do whatever I want. She says it’s not what she thinks you do what you want if that makes you happy. But I know that she wants me to like boys so it’s hard what to do in this situation so I just listen and go to my room when the conversation finish. Also I forgot to mention I have a gay brother but he much older and he lives with his spouse and she treat him good. But her excuse was that his dna shows it and there nothing he can do about it. 😑 Back to my relationship my mom got to talk to my girlfriend through FaceTime but I haven’t told her she my girlfriend so she know as my friend. we planned to go out to the park across the street from my house. So I had to ask permission to go which was difficult because she didn’t want me two and would think the worst so when I was on the phone with my girlfriend and I bring my mom to the room so she can talk to her so my girlfriend can ask her if she can take me to the park. It was a little easy because my don’t usually turn down people since she show her nice side but when it’s me she give me excuses. She said yes so we got to go to the park.
That’s the end of this chapter. Continue in the next chapter.
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spy-7 · 3 months
First blog chapter 1: How I first met my Girlfriend
I met her at high school I was a freshman and she was a junior we both had speech class together which is where we met. Nothing much happened in this time because we only saw each other a few times and I was straight at the time but I did wanted to be her friend. After that year it was my sophomore year which was in year 2020 where Covid happened and the schools were shut down and we couldn’t see each other anymore and I didn’t had her social media so I thought I was never going to see her again. At this time I discovered that I was bisexual. Fast forward to 2021-2022 my senior year. I had a dream somewhere around mid 2021 where it was first day of school but it wasn’t my school. It looked like a different school and it was big and it had dorms. It was time for lunch so I went down and I saw some friends sitting at the table and one of the girls ask to get her a bagel since I’m going to be on line for food. So I went on line and the line was long and it was like all you can eat buffet. There was so many options and I try looking for the bagel the girl wanted but couldn’t find it. At the end of the line I had to pay so after I payed I saw the cafeteria was empty and only this one girl (my future girlfriend) name Destiny. We sat to together and I ate and we talked then after she show me around the school then went to one of the dorms and we kissed. That was the end of the dream. Fast forward to January of 2022 where I was on instagram and saw that someone named Destiny followed me so I follow back but it was private so I didn’t know who exactly was since I know two Destiny’s from school. After she confirmed the request to follow I saw her pictures and it was the Destiny from school that I saw in my dream(future girlfriend). So I went to her dm’s and said that I was (my name) from high school. She didn’t remember me so I show her a picture of me and she remembered me. So we talked from there and I noticed that she seemed like she likes me. She ask about my relationship status I said I’m single and told her that I’m bisexual. After like getting to know each other she told me that she likes me and I said I like her two but we didn’t got in a relationship because I was 17 and she was 20 so she wanted to wait until march my birthday to turn 18 but we was in love so we couldn’t wait so she ask to be her girlfriend on February 26. So before her being my girlfriend I told her I had a strict mom who doesn’t let me go out by myself or with anyone and my mom didn’t know I’m bisexual. She responded that she don’t mind being patient and that she didn’t want to rush the relationship.
That’s the end of this chapter I we’ll continue about the relationship in the next chapter
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