suarhnir ¡ 2 years
So there's this show which is an adaptation of a work of Neil Gaiman. The one in which two immortals beings becoming closer and closer over centuries of meeting each other! And it talks about the conflict between free will and fate, humanity's limited view of the world and the global overview only cosmic God-like characters have, you know the one. And they have to deal with this young human who has powers that threatens to destroy the universe, they keep wondering if they should kill them but by the end they keep the human alive and they live a normal life and the world is saved? Come on, there's this dynamic between one supernatural creature who is all edgy and broody and trying to keep humanity at bay and one who is deeply immersing and enjoying the human world! There's a fight with the King of Hell at some point. And this guy who always wear dark glasses! Also Death is here.
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suarhnir ¡ 3 years
welp. i was THISCLOSE to posting an adolescent “i hate everything” post… and then i saw this.
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suarhnir ¡ 4 years
Rape Escape
Easy and very effective
Requires nothing but your body
Includes attack
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suarhnir ¡ 4 years
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I’m really tired of seeing people broken up into labels of absolutes.
People are not just “good” or “bad”.
People are not a list of labels. 
People are complex, situations are complex.
I know, that makes it a lot harder when you want to just write off everything someone’s ever done as bad – but that’s not how people actually are, and it would do everyone good to stop pretending they are.
I am tired of hearing about the fear people have in putting themselves out there. And it is a scary thing! Putting yourself out there means subjecting yourself to people who want a really good reason to tear you down, who will jump at the first chance to feel “good” by labeling someone else as “bad”.
I reject this. I reject the idea that there should be fear in speaking up and talking about experiences and trying to reach an understanding of a situation.
I’m unhappy to see people spitefully urging others to cut off ties with their friends under the guise of “well, that person’s just inherently bad, so if you talk to them you’re bad too.” That is fucked up. You definitely have the right to let the friend know you don’t want to hear about whoever troubles you, but you do not at all have the right to decide who their friends should be. This includes guilt trips.
Anyway, just try to be more aware of others. Everyone else is a person like you. They might not have the same experiences as you. They might not understand how their words are harmful, or how what they’re doing is wrong. They certainly won’t if you never tell them.
Most people are trying to be good, but they’re going to mess it up sometimes. Try to keep that in mind. Even when people do really fucked up shit, sometimes they are trying to do good. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” and all that.
Nothing gets solved, no growth happens when you put people into a box from which you’ll never let them escape.
Yes, you absolutely must be careful about people who have tendencies and patterns that are harmful to you. Sometimes people try to overcome those patterns and they fail, and you have to distance yourself from them: that is the sad reality of life. Sometimes though, they can overcome it. But they certainly won’t if the first thing you do is write them off after a fuck up. 
Be sincere. Use your best judgment.
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suarhnir ¡ 4 years
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WangXian Week 2020: Day 8 - Free
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suarhnir ¡ 4 years
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WangXian Week 2020: Day Seven - Soulmate AU
"In my defense, I imagined meeting my soulmate to go a lot differently..."
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suarhnir ¡ 4 years
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WangXian Week 2020: Day Six - Role Reversal
"What is just? What is evil?"
I am of the HC that if Lan Zhan had become the demonic cultivator, his only significant wardrobe change would the be the lack of headband. Whether it's because he feels he has strayed too far from his clan's principles or a way to part from the sect... or maybe he just never bothered to take it back when Wei Ying accidentally snagged it off him (again)
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suarhnir ¡ 4 years
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WangXian Week 2020: Day Four - Futuristic
A bond that echoes into the most distant future
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suarhnir ¡ 4 years
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WangXian Week 2020: Day Three - Rebirth
Together in this life, or the next
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suarhnir ¡ 4 years
WangXian Week 2020: Day Two - Emperor's Smile
"Lan Zhan~ Have a drink with me."
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suarhnir ¡ 4 years
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WangXian Week 2020: Day One - Family
In an ideal world, a simple dream realized
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suarhnir ¡ 4 years
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oyos, finally drew the boys... while I ship the pair, these guys are also not my favorite characters. one day; I will get around to drawing my favorite.
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suarhnir ¡ 4 years
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Our precious cinnamon roll in all his BAMF glory~
oyos, I find myself with free time given all this covid19 business...
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suarhnir ¡ 4 years
Not MDZS but important anyway.
So y'all who follow me might know I’m Chinese and live in Singapore. At the moment, Singapore is doing fine with the whole Covid-19 deal, no one’s really panicking anymore and things are handled pretty well here. Basically, amidst the pandemic issue at hand, I’m a Chinese person who’s lucky enough to not have to deal with paranoia and nonsense from ignorant assholes IRL.
That’s not the case for my Asian friends in a lot of other places. Not even just the Chinese people, but also anyone who apparently “looks Asian enough”. I’ve had a pale skinned Native American friend, A NATIVE AMERICAN IN MICHIGAN, get mistaken for Chinese and had slurs and insults hurled at them by some terrified but clearly stupid people. Still, the target is the Chinese community in general, and anyone who looks like us are just unfairly dragged into the mess.
The racism the Chinese community is facing right now is horrendous and disgusting and very undeserved. Racists have used the pandemic as an excuse to mistreat my friends overseas, and people are letting it happen. Why? Seriously, why? Do people really honestly, logically think that the virus comes from a person being Asian? That an Asian person is automatically carrying it? Have some common sense.
Please don’t turn a blind eye to it just because it may not be affecting you. Please support your local Asian, especially Chinese, businesses if you are healthy and it is safe (and allowed) for you to go outside. Please don’t automatically take a step back from an Asian-looking person on the streets if you see them. Trust me, they notice. Please don’t let innocent Asian people get beat up on the streets for no real reason at all if there’s anything you can do to help. 
Of course, keep your own health and the health of everyone around you in mind and it’s okay to prioritize that, but please, whenever you can, just show a little kindness to the community, MY community. We’d really just appreciate some humanity right now.  EDIT: This is perfectly alright to reblog. In fact please do!
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suarhnir ¡ 4 years
But did Qrow have his 'brainless' moment already though? like him finding out the truth about Salem and Oz and his whole drunken mindlessness phase?
And so the Lion was a coward
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The Tinman gave up his heart
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And the Scarecrow...
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I don't like where this is going.
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suarhnir ¡ 4 years
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The Body Shapes of the World’s Best Athletes Compared Side By Side
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suarhnir ¡ 5 years
“Those poor boys”
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“She deserves to be punished too.”
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“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”
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“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”
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“She put herself in harm’s way”
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“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”
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“She ruined their lives.”
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