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Eurovision Song Contest 2012
Loreen - Euphoria
I cannot contain my love for this song any more. I admit it, I watch Eurovision. Actually, I don't just watch it, I tweet non-stop about it on semi-final night and on the night of the final - every year for the last three years I've been on Twitter.
Twitter bought Eurovision alive (mostly because the UK never takes it seriously and it becomes an entire evening of 'taking the piss' - translation for anyone not English: criticising everything about the performances) and to anyone who thinks it's because we're a bunch of patriots - nope - I can guarantee Engelbert will get a kick in on Saturday from the British public as well.
I've watched the semi-finals, I have already narrowed down my favourites going into Saturday's final and Loreen's 'Euphoria', standard dance track or not, is a stand-out for me. Someone mentioned Kate Bush on crack. And?
Other favourites do actually include the UK's Engelbert Humperdinck with 'Love Will Set You Free', Hungary's Compact Disco 'Sound of our Hearts', Denmark's Soluna Samay 'Should've Known Better', Ukraine's Gaitana 'Be My Guest', Turkey's Can Bonomo 'Love Me Back', Norway's Tooji 'Stay', I also like the so far unheard song from Italy's Nina Zilli 'L'Amore E'Femmina (Out of Love)' - the only songs I could envisage myself downloading, legally, which is quite the compliment and for the pure novelty, Russia's Buranovskiye Babushki 'Party for Everybody' or, as they've been affectionately dubbed here, the 'Russian Grannies'.
On a final note, I was disappointed the Netherlands didn't make it through with Joan Franka 'You and Me'. The real question though, is away from the fun and frolics of Eurovision, which of these countries can actually afford to host the Eurovision Song Contest next year? Roll on Saturday's final. If you fancy joining a stranger, tweet me @StaceyVail.
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People of England, please forgive me when I go off on rants about how the Conservative Party and their lovely coalition partners in government, the Liberal Democrats, are fucking the country up. I don't mean to. I actually like some of their policies.
To clarify; what I don't like is that the front bench team of the Conservative Party (and many more within politics as a whole) come from wealth and privilege. They never earn't their position. It was handed to them on a plate. With that in mind, I shall grow old as a 'left-libertarian' and become increasingly frustrated and disillusioned by the lot of you.
Sincerely, a politically engaged twenty-something pissed off because you've collectively screwed my generation. *slow hand clap*
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Tulisa Young (2012)
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Azealia Banks 212 (2011)
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Books and all forms of writing have always been objects of terror to those who seek to suppress truth.
Wole Soyinka 1934-
Nigerian writer
From The Man Died (1972)
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Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.
B. F. Skinner 1904-90
American psychologist
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Writing is not a profession but a vocation of unhappiness.
Georges Simenon 1903-89
Belgian novelist
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You see things; and say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say 'Why not?'
George Bernard Shaw 1856-1950
Irish dramatist and writer
From Back to Methuselah (1921)
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Comment is free, but facts are sacred.
C. P. Scott 1846-1932
British journalist; editor of the Manchester Guardian, 1872-1929
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When the rich wage war it's the poor who die.
Jean-Paul Sartre 1905-80
French philosopher, novelist, dramatist and critic
From Le Diable et le bon Dieu (1951)
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Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana 1863-1952
Spanish-born philosopher and critic
From The Life of Reason (1905)
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One of the things a writer is for is to say the unsayable, speak the unspeakable and ask difficult questions.
Salman Rushdie 1947-
Indian-born British novelist
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