sunbaby01 · 7 months
The Conjuring house
In which Violet tags along to hellweek, and finally gets the push she needs to admit to her best friend Colby how she really feels.
She’d like to say she couldn’t quite believe she’d let Sam and Colby talk her into this. But that would be lying. She knew the moment Colby batted his pretty little eyes she’d have said yes to anything he asked just to make him happy.
“So we’ll introduce the video then you and then Cody and Satori” Sam told her getting the camera ready.
“Okay” she breathed, unable to shake off the feeling of somebody watching her.
“Hey, we’ll be fine. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you” Colby told her, twirling a strand of hair round his ring clad fingers, flashing her a smile and taking his place next to Sam with her to his left.
“What’s up guys its Sam and Colby and welcome to hellweek!” Colby started
“For this year’s hellweek I’m sure some of you know we’re staying at the conjuring house for a week alone. Although we do have some guests for you along the way…” Sam finished, while Colby reached out wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her into frame.
“Hey guys!!” She gave a little wave, still feeling anxiety in her body.
“That’s right, violet here is our special guest. How’re you feeling Vi?” Colby asked, hand still around her waist.
Friends, friends, friends, her subconscious repeated.
“I’m okay, not gonna lie I do feel a bit anxious it’s like…I don’t know, you know when you feel like someone’s in the room watching you?” She looked at both Sam and Colby.
“Obviously we don’t want you to be anxious but the fact you feel like someone’s here brings us onto our next guests who you’ll see regularly this week…Cody and Satori” Sam spoke again panning the camera to the couple next to them.
Violet felt the warmth leave her waist and distracted herself by looking round the room slightly until she heard the knocking. She made her way back to where the group was standing, but not too close, letting Sam and Colby have their moment while she digested what she was hearing. Footsteps walking around the room although no one was moving. And then she felt it, a hand on her arm. She jolted into the little table next to her and quickly moved to stand by their producer. To much in shock to notice the frown on Colbys face when he spoke.
“You okay?”
“Yeah what was that?” Sam asked.
“I could’ve sworn someone touched me on my arm” she rubbed over the spot.
“Come over here,” Colby nodded and she moved placing herself between Sam and him, “you feel unsafe or anxious when you’re here you come to me okay? Sam maybe if he’s closest but me” he looked deep into her eyes-
“Hey guys look” Sam interrupted as Satori called out the alphabet. Violet hated the way as words became clear Sam’s face dropped, she felt helpless as his eyes filled up with tears and he requested a few minutes to gather his thoughts.
“Sammy this is amazing” she squeezed his hand.
“I know…it’s just no one would know what they’ve just said. Knowing she’s here watching over us?” He shook his head taking a few more breaths to calm down.
“Hey guys? I’m sorry to interrupt but there’s someone new who wants to talk” Satori spoke and with one more deep breath they began again with the alphabet.
“What’s your name?”
G e o r g e
Violet tensed slightly, there was no way.
“Okay George and do you have a message for someone here?”
Y e s
“What’s your message?”
F i n a l l y m e e t y o u
Tears formed in her eyes while Sam and Colby looked to one another not knowing who this was, repeating the words in a mumble and too much on a high to notice her reaction.
W a t c h o v e r y o u p r o u d
It was then when the first tear fell she let out a cry and both boys turned straight to her.
“Do you know who this is?” Sam asked, while Colby reached for her hand.
“My grandpa George passed when my mom was young. And I’ve always kinda felt a hole where he should be like I’m missing something I never had and I’ve always wondered if he could see me or if he’d be proud” she leaned towards Colby’s body for comfort when the knocking started again.
L o v e y o u a n d m o m
“We love you” she managed to get out between her tears.
“I know this is very draining for you George okay? Do you have one final message for your granddaughter this time?”
t e l l h i m l i k e I t o l d h e r
And they heard the footsteps walk away.
“Tell him like I told her?” Colby asked, “does that mean anything to you?” He looked down at her pushing away the thoughts of how beautiful she looked when she cried.
“Yeah…I don’t really wanna talk about it now if that’s okay? It’s just been a lot to process, can we move on?” Violet asked wiping her eyes forcing the smallest of smiles in thanks when Sam changed the subject while Colby just looked at her.
She couldn’t stop thinking about it for the rest of the night. Not only had she finally met her grandpa but he’d known all about her feelings for Colby. Violet thought back to the story of how her grandparents met, once being best friends until her grandpa took the chance of ruining their friendship because he fell in love with her. And that’s what he wanted Violet to do, to take the chance.
The camera had finally been put down and Sam headed over to where she was stood.
“You okay?” He squeezed her shoulder.
“Yeah I just wasn’t expecting that at all…he wants me to tell someone my feelings and I’m scared of ruining it” she ran a hand through her hair just as Colby came in.
“I think you should listen to Grandpa George, I’ll give you two some time” he smiled at her once more already knowing the someone in question and left the room.
“Viol-“ Colby started.
“Did I ever tell you the story how my grandparents met? It was my favourite growing up. My mom used to tell it to me every night before bed. They were best friends…but my grandpa started seeing her differently, started trying to woo her and she took it as a joke until he finally just laid it out there. He loved her and there was no one else he wanted to grow old with” she played with her fingers
“That’s a really sweet story,” it was, and yet at the same time in that moment Colby hated that story because the pieces started coming together about what her grandpa meant, “so he wants you to tell him how you feel?” He asked, jaw clenching when she nodded. He ran his hand through his hair and turned to walk away when she spoke.
“I love you,” she whispered and Colby froze, “I’m pretty sure I’ve loved you since you agreed to match my stupid costume the first Halloween after we met. And I know I’ve loved you since you only started suggesting movies you know I love in group movie night and always having my favourite soda stocked. If you don’t feel the same then we can just forget this, go back to how we were and I’ll try to move on-“
“No” he interrupted, turning around and placing his hands either side of her neck, thumbs brushing her jaw, “I don’t want to forget this, I don’t want to go back and I definitely don’t want you to move on. How did you not know? You noticed I did those things and sure I do stuff for my friends but I’d do anything for you. I did all those things because I care but also because I love you. Why do you think I agreed to that Halloween costume, huh?” He asked lowering his face to hers.
“I just thought you really loved Halloween” she murmurs against his lips.
“I do, but I also really love you” their lips finally meet and they smile into the kiss at the sound of Sam’s ‘finally’, satori’s soft ‘aww’ and the flicker from the light above them before they broke apart.
“Let’s go see some ghosts, hm?”
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sunbaby01 · 9 months
Sweeter than usual
Conrad Fisher x reader
“I’ll take care of this guys” Conrad flashed his fake ID around the car ignoring Jeremiah’s baffled “with that?” and the giggles coming from Belly and Emmy in the backseat.
It only took 5 minutes of then staring at the store in silence before Conrad came out the store empty handed.
“Oh, no. What, ID didn’t work Mr Herbertson?” Jeremiah leaned out the window mockingly at Conrad before winking at Belly who was also leaning out of her window too.
“Fuck off. At least I have one” Conrad drawled, raising his middle finger to emphasise his words. Emmy tried to ignore the way his attitude sent chills down her spine, really she did. Honest.
“What?” Jeremiah scoffed moving out the car, “listen, it’s cause I don’t need one all right? Jumper and I are tight, we’re like bros. C’mon how hard could it be?” He shut the door behind him flashing a smirk at them all ‘watch and learn’ he mouthed.
Famous last words.
“Watch and learn my ass” Emmy snorted.
“Awww look at that face” Conrad teased and Belly laughed at the pair.
“So, what? Do you want to, like, pay someone to in and buy it for us or…?” Jere started.
“Try a different store? Hop a few towns over where they don’t know us as well?” Conrad finished.
Belly and Emmy looked at one another in the back seat, communicating with their eyes. The long years of being best friends allowed that sort of thing. Emmy lifted a brow first as if to say ‘you’re up’
Belly sighed “Yeah, I just don’t think that anyone is gonna buy your Guam ID”
“I mean who even chooses Guam-“ Emmy leant forward resting her chin on Conrad’s seat.
“I’d love to hear your plan Belly. And don’t even get me started Emmeline. I don’t see either of you heading to the store” Conrad turned to make eye contact with Emmy holding her gaze.
“Why don’t I just go in and ask?” Belly said confidently. Too confidently.
“That’s not gonna work” Conrad disagreed, Jeremiah nodded along. “It won’t”
“Okay” Belly shrugged and got out the car.
“Yeah I didn’t think that was her plan” Emmy sighed and rubbed her hand over her face and in Belly’s defence, inside the store she’d been the closest to success and yet still left empty handed.
“Well now what?” Jere asked the four once again.
“Emmy…” Belly started.
“No” the girl stopped her.
“But look at your outfit you could so do it. And, you’ve done it before-“ she contributed
“Leave the clothes out of it Belly. And yeah I’ve done it. At home with friends. In desperate times, not here in cousins”
The boys looked at one another in confusion before Belly caught Conrad’s eye lifting a brow the boy immediately understanding what she needed.
“C’mon Emmy this is a desperate time” he begged her, looking at her in the way he reserved for her, feeling a grin pull at his lips when she rolled her eyes and let out a groan.
“Conrad Fisher, you fucking owe me,” she pointed to the eldest boy.
“Anything you want” he allowed himself to smile at her flushed cheeks, “so what’s actually happening?” he looked back to his brother when both girls stepped out the car, the siblings rushing to follow them. When Conrad rounded the back of the car his eyes widened slightly. Emmy’s denim skirt been undone and rolled down at the waistband and her halter top adjusted to show more cleavage. Well, shit. She’d already looked hot but this? This was too much.
“Hey…uh maybe we should just drive a town over after all?” He tried to remain cool rubbing at the back of his neck, eyes flickering down at the girl.
“It’ll be the same there,” she sighed, “who did you say was working today?” She asked Jere groaning once again when he reminded her it was Jumper.
“Fuck” she mumbled, ignoring Belly’s whoop and Jeremiah’s whistle as she walked towards the store emphasising her hips as she did so. She couldn’t, however, ignore Conrad’s eyes burning into her.
“Maybe we should go get her?” Conrad tapped his foot, gaze not breaking from the store door.
“Connie it’s been like 2 minutes” Jere smacked his back moving to wrap his arms around Belly.
“Two minute too fucking long” he huffed, looking at the sky.
“Better open the trunk boys!” Her voice called out and he snapped his gaze back down seeing her grin as she walked towards them. Jumper may as well have been hypnotised the way he was following her and looking at her. Conrad clenched his jaw.
“Don’t get pulled over and god if you do? I’ll claim you stole in on my shift. I’ll see you tonight?” Jumper turned his attention to Emmy and ran his eyes over her one more time not noticing her noncommittal nod before heading back to work.
“What?” She asked Conrad who just stared blankly. “Half cherry, half coke” she shrugged and held out the cups to Jere and Belly who smiled in thanks already sipping them and heading to the car. She then pulled out the lolly from her pocket quickly ridding the wrapper and placing the candy in her mouth.
“Nothing for me?” Conrad questioned lifting the final crate of alcohol into the trunk and closing it.
“You hate slushys say they’re too sugary..” she trailed off as he stepped closer to her.
“I still like sweet things” he corrected her, reaching forward and pulled her hand holding the sucker towards his mouth.
“Mmm” he moaned slightly, “sweeter than usual” Conrad smirked, heading back towards the drivers seat.
Well, fuck.
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sunbaby01 · 1 year
Take a picture, it’ll last longer
JJ Maybank x reader
Three times she didn’t take a picture and the first time she did. Based on the image below <3
The first time she didn’t they were sat around the fire at John B’s, the Pogues basked in normalcy for once, feeling like normal teenagers sneaking beers, laughing and smoking together in the heat.
John B and Sarah sharing (not so) secret kisses, Pope and Kie teasing one another laughing into the night, while JJ was lay between Amelia’s legs his head on her shoulder sharing a j. As JJ breathed the smoke out into the air she couldn’t help but stare at his side profile. With the glow of the fire on his skin and it dancing in his eyes he looked almost ethereal. That’s without mentioning the curl of his eyelashes and curve of his lips. Just everything about him pulled her in.
“Take a picture princess, it’ll last longer” he glanced out the corner of his eye.
“Shut up…m’just enjoying you” Amelia mumbled lazily and placed a kiss on his neck nuzzling slightly.
“You can enjoy me anytime baby” he slightly stretched his neck out for her, humming at the feeling and giving her thigh a squeeze.
The second time she didn’t she knew JJ was going to visit John B in jail, hell there she was meeting him after. But she did not expect for him to saunter down the stairs looking the way he did. She knew she’d only seen him in those jeans once before and it still made her feel the same way, god they fit his body perfectly. She dragged her eyes up his body over his tightly fit white tshirt, sparing a glance to the way it fit his arms, to this mouth holding the toothpick and finally to his eyes that held amusement.
“You done gawping baby? Take a picture, it’ll last longer” he came closer, removing the toothpick and kissing her lips softly.
“I was not gawping,” she totally was, “I was admiring my boyfriend, is that not allowed?”
“You can gawp-“
“Admire” she piped up, his lips twitched.
“You can admire me anytime you want to. God knows I do” he correct himself emphasising her chosen word.
“Mmmm lucky me” she stole another kiss along with his toothpick, placing it in her own mouth.
The third time she didn’t drinks were flowing on HMS Pogue and music was playing, Kie was talking to Amelia about how thankful her parents were for Amelia picking up extra shifts and helping out and admittedly the girl was listing at the start. But then her boyfriend climbed back onto the boat out of the water and she couldn’t help but focus on him instead, sure she could’ve been discreet about it but she knew JJ loved it when she ‘checked him out’ as he so romantically put it. So she had zero shame lowering the sunglasses onto her nose and looking over them to watch as he opened a can of beer and took a swig, some of it dripping down his chin and neck mixing with the salty water on his chest.
“You know what he’s gonna say right-“ Kie caught onto the fact her friend was no longer listening.
“Take a picture sweetheart” oh, that’s new “it’ll last longer” he smirked and winked at Amelia letting out a laugh when she groaned and put her glasses right.
“Watch when he says that next time…” Amelia huffed swigging her own beer.
The first time she did sun peaked through the gap in her curtain and she stretched, sighing quietly at the feeling. Sliding out from JJ’s arm that was over her waist ,she bent down and put on his shirt that’d been discarded on the floor, cheeks hurting from smiling so much. Memories of the previous night flashed before her eyes and she shivered slightly remembering his lips on her skin. If she was being honest, she didn’t know how she’d waited that long for last night to happen. Especially when she looked down at her boyfriend, covers only reaching his hips, the top of his body exposed. She could see the faint marks on his skin that she’d left, that he’d encouraged her to leave.
She left out a soft quiet giggle feeling full of love, but JJ being JJ and so in tune with his girl, had awoken the moment she’d started to fidget.
He cracked an eye open, “mmm” he groaned sleepily, “is this you admiring me again?”
“Maybe” she watched him run a hand through his hair, not that it helped of course.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer” he breathed out a laugh feeling at home, at peace and in love. Although, that quickly stopped when she didn’t give a smart reply and instead reached down into the corner of her room and pulled out an object. As she turned around his eyes moved back up to her face innocently before widening at the object in her hand.
“You’re kidding me” he lifted his head slightly before throwing it back against the pillow.
“You told me to take a picture so it would last longer…” she shrugged refusing to make eye contact feeling a tad embarrassed.
“It’s just an expression baby I didn’t mean- god how much did that cost? Is this why you’ve been working more?” He sat up slightly in her bed firing question after question.
“I know it is I guess I just realised that in the moments you do say it to me, I wish that I had one so when I want to I can physically look back at you in those moments” she spoke quieter and blushed, JJ felt his heart just about burst.
“God I love you” he stared at her in awe making her embarrassment melt away especially when she bounded over, his shirt moving with her body giving him glimpses here and there, climbing on the bed and straddling his waist. His hands automatically went to her thighs, thumb brushing them softly.
“I love you too” she hummed reaching down, placing a kiss on his lips before sitting back up and turning the camera on pointing it at his blissful face, snapping a photo just as he covered it to remember this moment, and every other moment that would come after.
Tumblr media
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sunbaby01 · 1 year
Just JJ Maybank getting the normalcy he deserves <3
Living the life JJ did with his dad, domesticity wasn’t something he was used to. He was used to cold dinners and harsh words before going to bed in a pit of sadness. And then Sadie came along, quite literally being his light in the dark. It was like she was made for him. And him for her.
Sadie never liked to pressure JJ into talking about his home life and how it felt now his dad had left, if he did talk about it, it would be when and if he wanted to. But she still knew how bad it got, she hated knowing her love was all alone, going back to that house with those memories, so with zero hesitation she opened her door and he jumped at the chance. It’d only been a week since JJ had officially moved in and their nights had been filled with sharing the food she bought home from working with Kie and watching some funny movie on tv before sleeping, waking up, going to work and doing it all over again. Bliss.
But now she had the week off and with JJ out for a few hours she’d been grocery shopping, and buying a few extras to make their time together special. The fridge was now stocked with both of their favourite snacks and ingredients for tonight. Homemade lasagne using the recipe her mother had taught her. Pure comfort food.
She’d gotten to work the second she’d got home preparing all the food and popping it in the oven ready. She grabbed the pictures she’d printed and replaced the ones already there so pictures of them were dotted around their house, laid the table read for them to eat, lit a candle and placed his tiny wrapped gift next to his bowl.
Having just got the food out the oven and dished up, the door knocked. No matter how many times she said she’d leave it unlocked for him, he made her lock it for her safety. Secretly he loved being met at the door by her.
The moment the door was opened they wrapped one another in a hug both sighing at the contact, she’d swear that she could feel JJ’s tension leave his body.
“I have a surprise” she mumbled into his neck.
“Oh really?” he pulled back and quirked a brow looking down at her, thinking about the previous surprises he’d received from her.
“Stop it,” she laughed, “close your eyes”
“What?” He was confused now.
“JJ please close your eyes, I won’t let you trip, promise” she asked again and nodded sure of herself.
JJ warily closed is eyes and latched onto her hand allowing her to guide him down the small hallway and into the kitchen/living area. The smells that filled the air already had his mouth watering.
“Okay…open” she said nervously. He slowly opened his eyes and his jaw dropped. Looking around the room there were photos of them everywhere, their playlist playing in the background that they’d made for long journeys and then his eyes zoned in on the small table for two. A candlelit dinner, two bowls of fresh homemade lasagne sat waiting for him with a small gift too. He discretely pinched his leg. This was real?
His legs gave way and he fell to his knees bringing a worried look into Sadie’s face.
“J, are you okay? Do you not like it? Shit, I know it would be a bit much. I’m so sorry-“
She was cut off by JJ shuffling forward and wrapping both of his arms around her waist and his head placed against her stomach. Tears stung his eyes and he held onto his girl feeling more at home in the last week than he ever had in his life.
“I love you…so much” he said sniffing slightly and looking up at her.
“I love you more J” she pressed a kiss to his forehead and holding him for a moment before helping him up and over to the dining table where he watched her every move as she stepped to the fridge and grabbed him a beer, scared this was still somehow all a dream. Until she bought it over to the table and pressed another kiss to his head before sitting down.
“It might be too much now but I got you this…” she nudged the gift towards him and with a shakey hand he picked it up, looking up at her through his eyelashes before opening it.
“I thought it was about time you had your own key to your home” she smiled gently and right then he knew this was the girl he was going to marry. She’d given him so much in one night, so much domesticity and so much normalcy that he wanted this with her forever.
“Did I mention I love you?” He breathed.
“Every time you leave the room”
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sunbaby01 · 1 year
You and me
JJ Maybank x Reader
How ‘you and me’ became their thing.
The first time he taught her to surf was the first time she’d heard it, having managed to stay on for longer than 30 seconds before plunging into the water his voice filled her ears, shouting it through cupped hands “that’s it! It’s you and me baby!” He cheered paddling out on his own board to join her.
The second time was a completely different situation, she’d gotten a boyfriend, some boy from school who was, in JJs eyes, clearly undeserving of her. JJ had turned up for their weekly movie night at her house only to stumble over his words when he answered the door. Which led to the argument on her front lawn saying he was being replaced “it’s supposed to be you and me” he refused to cry getting annoyed as his body betrayed him letting a single tear fall. They didn’t talk for a week.
The third time it was her crying waiting at the chateau. “Baby?” Hearing the concern in his voice, she looked up, saw him and practically ran to him, him catching her without a second thought. “He cheated” she mumbled and his grip on her tightened, “it’s okay…I got you baby, it’s you and me” he head her, making a mental note to pay the boy a visit later.
The fourth time was when they’d left the Pogues with a sinking Twinkie and got convinced to take Luke to a boat so he could finally leave- so JJ could finally be free. She and Luke being left in the car wasn’t a good idea, JJ realised as much when he stepped out the store and caught the backend of her elbowing his dad in the face. He couldn’t help but smirk pretending he’d seen nothing until Luke had finally gone and he mumbled apology after apology. “JJ don’t be silly, he’s gone now, it’s you and me okay?”
The fifth time is when they’d stole the cross, her head buried into JJ’s back with her arms around his chest as he sped to catch up to Toppers truck shouting at the driver to drive straight. “I need you to jump for me okay?” He nodded towards the back of the truck where Kie was already sat.
“J-“ she wasn’t convinced.
“I’m just gonna distract them then I’ll meet you okay? I promise” she jumped at the perfect time and watched as JJ sped the other day smashing the cops window with a rock. Topper tried to keep up with him speeding and swerving until they were coming under the bridge JJ was driving across. That was until his bike hit the side and flew over smashing into all these pieces with no JJ in sight. Everyone rushed out the truck, even Topper, but no one let out a cry of anguish the way she did as she looked at the bike debris in front of her. Too caught up crying she didn’t hear feet shuffling out from the bushes, “I wish I could say that was intentional” he took a breath, “but that was the gnarliest power slide I’ve ever done”
She turned around as tears leaked from her eyes. He was okay. A little cut and bruised but alive. She didn’t hesitate before running towards him as he let out an oof when their bodies collided in a hug, just when he was about to wrap his arms around her she pulled away. “You don’t fucking do that to me ever again, you could’ve died. You could’ve died and I hadn’t gotten to tell you I love you” she said between hitting his shoulder, not enough to hurt him but just enough to emphasise her point.
“I’m here, I’m sorry, I’m alive, I’m here” he repeated pulling her back into his arms whispering in her ear, “I love you it’s you and me, I love you”
“You and me” they promised one another, sealing it with a kiss.
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sunbaby01 · 1 year
JJ Maybank x reader
Inspired by the prompt ‘you have no idea how much I want you right now’
So much for JJ’s ‘deny, deny, deny’ way of thinking, all she’d had to do was bat her eyelashes and kiss that one spot on his neck a few times to make him blab all about what Pope had done to Rafe’s boat. Trying to be reasonable, she’d told him revenge and violence weren’t the answer…until she saw Popes face as they went to watch the OBX movie series. She’d felt the anger fill her body and winced at the unfamiliar feeling.
“Just saw Rafe, and he said, and I quote ‘tell your boy we know what he did’” Kiara dropped into her seat staring down the two boys and Noa, all of them avoiding her gaze, the former two jumping into their own scattered conversation.
“Noa…” Kiara tried.
“Guys maybe we should just tell her-“ Noa tried to involve herself.
“You told her?” Pope rolled his eyes, “so much for deny, deny, deny. You’re soft as fuck for her” he glanced at Noa who adorned a guilty smile and back at JJ who shrugged as if to say ‘so what’
“What if Rafe talking about?” Kaira gritted her teeth, tired of being left in the dark.
“Kie…it might go down tonight” JJ started.
“J!” Noa facepalmed.
“Might go down tonight? What did y’all do?” Kie pinched the bridge of her nose mumbling “fucking idiots” when she got no response.
Noa often trusted her gut, after all it brought her to the friends she now called family and brought her JJ, the love of her life. Which is why when she started to feel off she spoke up.
“J I don’t feel too good, I feel like somethings gonna happen” she whispered in his ear, him basking in the way her breath tickled his neck.
“M’sure it’s nothing baby, it’s probably all the sugar” he nodded to the empty sweet packets lay at her feet and turned his head to press a kiss against her temple. It’s probably the sugar, she tried to tell herself he was right and focus on the movie.
“JJ” Pope whispered over the gunshots in the movie, JJ just nodded his head in response eyes on the screen.
“Gotta take a piss” Pope wanted to groan at how stupid he sounded wanting his friend to come with him.
“Hold it” JJ absentmindedly responded.
“I can’t hold it…I drank too much soda” any other time Pope would’ve laughed at the situation but when Kiara came back with those Pepsis and he drank one after the other, going to the bathroom was not on his mind.
“Just go with him, J” Noa said the other side of him, turning round smiling apologetically at those who could hear their talking whilst looking for Rafe and his goons, “they’re blocking the bathroom just go behind the tree there”
JJ and Pope looked at one another before nodding weakly. “Where y’all going?” Kie asked confused when both boys stood, “bathroom…gotta ring it out” JJ replied as if it was obvious.
“Are they gonna hold it for each other?” Kie looked at Noa with a sarcastic glint in her eye causing the girl to let out a quiet laugh both at the words spoken and the way the boys ducked down to try avoid getting in people’s way.
Sitting there without JJ by her side the feeling got worse, especially when they were taking too long for her liking to come back.
“Hey,” she leant over their chairs to talk to Kie, “I’ve got cramp…just gonna stretch my legs” she stood and did the awkward crouch too heading in the direction of the tree before Kiara even got to respond.
Although she felt a little weird when she realised they were indeed still pissing, she bit back a laugh hearing Popes groan of pleasure “this feels better than a blowjob”
JJ snorted, “like you know how that feels”
“Okay, this feel better than what I imagine a blowjob to feel like.“ Pope paused for a moment, “does it?”
JJ let out a quiet whistle, “nah man, nothing compares to that feeling. Well almost nothing…Noa does this thing with her tongue-“ he lowered his voice and she heard both boys jump when she made her presence known after hearing their flies zip
“What thing, honey” she spoke, giggling at the speed both of them turned around and the way JJ’s cheeks gained a pink tinge at being caught.
“Nothing” he smiled innocently watching his girl look back around the tree to check on Kie whispering a quick “tell you later” to Pope who nodded eagerly.
“Uh…guys” Noa cleared her throat as Rafe headed towards them.
“What’s up Pogues…pretty girl” he acknowledged them all watching in amusement as the shorter girl took two steps back as to not crane her neck.
“What’s up Rafe” she took control. ‘Always the pacifist’ Pope and JJ thought unaware to the rage that was filling her body once again.
JJ pulled her back as the three of them headed behind the movie screen.
“I just wanna talk” Rafe claimed.
“Bullshit” Noa huffed almost to herself, falsely clearing her throat when Rafe looked at her unamused.
“That was some nice work you did on my boat” Topper walked forward slightly.
“I don’t know what you mean” deny, deny, deny
“Not so burly without a gun, now are you” Rafe baited JJ over Noa’s shoudler, JJ pushing her behind him “take one more step I’ll blow your prepubescent face off” he squared up.
Too focused on trying to calm JJ down she didn’t even notice Pope had bit the bait until he head butted Topper square in his face instantly regretting it holding his own nose. JJ let out a “that’s my boy” and slipped out of Noa’s grasp punching Kelce in the face over and over until Rafe jumped on him too. She stood there pleading for them to stop ignoring her own rage building again until Kelce held JJ while Rafe delivered punch after punch to his body.
This was the moment that Noa realised, sometimes violence is the answer.
Giving into the rage she stepped forward feeling adrenaline pump through her veins, she grabbed Rafe’s shoulder with all her strength turning him around and punched him straight in his nose relishing in the cracking noise it made as she did. Everyone paused for just a second mouths gaping open as the girl breathed before Kiara jumped on Toppers back and JJ began fighting back harder. Rafe stood up angrier than before pulling Kie off Topper’s back with a warning to stay out of it before heading straight to Noa and shoving her off from where she was trying to hurt Kelce, enough to get him off JJ and shoving her down “stupid bitch” he spat, nose dripping with blood.
“Don’t you fucking touch her” JJ struggled watching Rafe stand over the girl he loved. Noa saw her opportunity and she took it kicking her leg up and hitting Rafe between his legs making him hunch over just as fire lit up the movie screen causing all of them to separate at the attention that would soon be on them if they didn’t move quick.
“Let’s get out of here” Rafe wiped his bloody nose still not stood fully straight, Kelce released a gasping JJ whilst Pope also tried to catch his breath, “I’d watch your back” he pointed his stare at Noa hating the way the fierce look in her eyes didn’t disappear at his threat.
“Look at you and then look at me. I think you should be the one watching yours” she bit back smirking when Topper and Kelce had to pull him away leaving the four Pogues alone each helping the other stand up.
JJ headed straight to Noa whilst Kie and Pope looked each other over. He quickly checked Noa for injuries he may have missed feeling satisfied when the only blood on her was her split knuckles.
“So much for violence isn’t the answer, my little peacemakers a firecracker” he managed to grin through his split lip with wicked glint in his eye.
“Okay maybe I was wrong…sometimes it’s the answer. What? Don’t look at me like that, I wasn’t gonna stand there and watch them do that to you” she felt the adrenaline wear off as the pain in her hand kicked in.
“I’m not looking at you like anything” he reached up and brushed his thumb on her jaw and slightly onto her neck.
“JJ” she gave him the look.
“Okay okay…I know now’s probably not the right time but you have no idea how much I want you right now” he looked straight in the eye fighting another painful grin.
“Seriously J?!” She breathed a laugh.
“What? You expect to see my sweet girl breaking Rafe Cameron’s nose for me and to not get turned on? C’mon firecracker you hold my hand sometimes and that’s enough”
“JJ…” she groaned and put her forehead on his chest quickly moving it when he let out a wince.
“C’mon Romeo, let’s get you fixed up” she reached and pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips avoiding the cut toes tingling when his grip on her tightened slightly.
“Oooo playing nurse…kinky”
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sunbaby01 · 1 year
JJ Maybank x reader
Based off the image below <3 (expect a hell of a lot more JJ bc I’ve just binged start to finish of OBX and I’m obsessed)
Along with the promise of no regrets for the summer, Eva had made herself a promise to capture as many photos from summer as they could on her moms old, slightly bust up film camera. Sure, she could buy a new one with the money saved from working at the wreck, hell if she was a kook she would’ve bought the most expensive one. But Eva was a Pogue through and through having been always taught ‘if it’s not broke, don’t fix it’ buying a new one didn’t even enter her mind.
The pictures didn’t have to be particularly pretty or perfect but more so capture the times that filled her with so much joy or peace that made her cheeks hurt or eyes crinkle. A snap here or there of John B and Sarah, a few of Kie while they messed around at work, Pope on their fishing trips and of course JJ. Just simply being JJ, she really didn’t have an excuse as to why there were more photos snapped of him than anyone, whether that was him on HMS Pogue, at a kegger, rolling and smoking a J or just being him. He was her favourite person to look at and to be with.
The Pogues were confused at first to the click they’d hear in the background until gradually they paid it no mind, glad to have someone capturing their youth. Even some of them started taking the odd photo with it.
“How many of those do you have now” Kie nodded to the roll of film she placed with the others, in a tattered shoebox kept at the chateau.
“3 or 4 I think…I got a bit snap happy” she shrugged guiltily.
“When’re we gonna see them?” Pope asked her, “I’m surprised you haven’t developed any yet”
“Soon…I’m just waiting to be paid and I probably will then. Shit ain’t cheap” she snorted pushing away the guilty feeling and checked her pockets cursing when she came up empty.
“Shit…I’d better get home, need to grab another roll before the sunset. I’m hoping it’s a good one” she smiled at them all going around and placing a kiss on each of their cheeks lingering on JJ’s and ignoring Sarah’s quirked brow as she pulled away.
“Hey! Wait up!” His voice sent shivers through her, “didn’t think you could get away that easy could you” he smirked wrapping an exposed arm over her shoulder and pulling her into his side.
“J it’s a 10 minute walk, if that” she tried to reason giggling when he stumbled slightly.
“10 extra minutes with you” he shrugged as if it was nothing looking straight ahead, as if his words hadn’t caused her stomach to be bombarded with butterflies.
“Flirt” she nudged him, cursing herself for leaving the extra roll at home when she saw the way the sun hit his skin.
“For you? Always baby” he nudged her back and opened the chipped gate for her letting him lead her to her front door, house empty as usual.
“Well I’ll leave you-“ he rubbed his neck eyes darting round looking for some excuse to stay.
“Wanna watch it with me? The sunset?” She dared to ask noticing his hovering.
“Yes- I mean yeah” he tried to recover and she hid her smile looking down.
“Great…I’m just gonna grab us a drink and find some snacks to take. Will you grab my extra roll? It’s in a white box under my bed” she headed to the kitchen not thinking twice, completely overwhelmed at the joy in his eyes when she asked him to stay.
JJ headed to her room body on autopilot, gently pushing her door open and taking in the scent of her perfume that still lay in the air. Despite being in here multiple times before, his eyes always flitted around looking for any changes he may have missed, smiling at the sweatshirt thrown on her bed - his from their last beach outing a few weeks back. He’d told her to keep it but didn’t think she’d still be wearing it.
“What do you wanna eat and drink?” Her voice rang through the house snapping him out of it.
“I’m not fussy” he called back.
He knelt down reaching under her bed and pulled out the box she’d described, opening it to see at least 5 more new rolls of film. She wasn’t lying, her mom really had gone over the top for her birthday. Two envelopes sat amongst the rolls and his fingers itched to open them. She wouldn’t mind right? She’d asked him to go in this box. His brows furrowed as he lifted it out and opened the first envelope to find developed film photos. Sure, he could’ve been mistaken but then he saw the one he took of him with kie asleep in the background.
She’d gotten the photos developed despite claiming she hadn’t yet.
“Why would you lie” he murmured to himself flicking through the photos reminiscing the days before placing them back in the envelope.
“J!” She called and his body froze waiting to hear the creaking floorboards that never came, “I’m just gonna call my mom and tell her we won’t be in for dinner”
“Okay!” He responded smiling at we, he waited till he heard her voice on the phone and picked up the second envelope.
His heart pounded as he flicked through and his chest warmed so much so he placed his hand there as if to cool it. Picture after picture of him just existing. Tears welled up in his eyes as the feeling rushed through him, he knew he’d liked her but this that he was feeling was love. So intense and so strong that if he was stood it would’ve bought him to his knees.
“J, you ready?” Her voice came closer and he shoved the photos back in the box haphazardly wiping his face clean of any tears and standing with the roll of film in his hand.
“J?” She came to stand in the door trying to place the look in his eyes.
“Ready,” he smiled softly and stepped forward towards her, placing a kiss against her head out of the blue before leaving her stood there wide eyed, distracting her so much so that she almost missed the lid of the box not being on properly. Shaking her head, she quickly went to close the lid and her heart dropped into her stomach seeing all the photos of him laid out having obviously been looked at.
Well shit.
Kicking it back under she rushed to catch up with JJ who was already sat, shirtless, waiting on the beach, she sat next to him silently taking the film out of his hand as he offered it her and putting it in her camera; anything to occupy herself.
“Just waiting to be paid?” He broke the silence knocking his knee with hers.
“J…it’s not what it looks like” she couldn’t lose him.
“Oh really?” He tutted full of confidence. “Because to me it looked like the girl I was in love with had feelings for me too…my mistake” he smirked staring out at sea, seeing her head snap to his out of the corner of his eye.
“You..you love me?” She pointed to herself causing him to let out a laugh and turn to her teary eyed.
“I do” he nodded.
“Are you sure?” She asked in disbelief.
“Yeah, with all my heart if I’m being honest” he grinned feeling a weight off his chest.
“I love you so much” closed her eyes to stop her tears falling overcome with emotion, her breath caught when she felt his hand on her face turning her head towards him, their lips finally meeting in a soft kiss. Pulling apart they smiled at each other, JJ jumped up and pulled her up too into his arms practically spinning her in joy kissing her once again only stopping when her hands dropped from around his neck. Stepping back she picked up the camera laying on JJ’s T-shirt and turned it his way wanting to photograph this moment. The grin on his face with the sunset in the background, the feeling they both felt - all of it.
“God I love you” she couldn’t help slip out one more time as she looked through the viewfinder making him let out a laugh.
“I love you baby”
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sunbaby01 · 2 years
Now would be a really great time to tell me you love me too
Dean winchester x reader
“She’s there all the time I can’t think straight” the sentence echoed round your head for days, your best friend who you were in love with didn’t want to spend as much time with you and son of a bitch did that hurt. Days laughing between cases turned into silent, awkward road trips while relaxing movie nights turned into watching some sappy movie in your room alone. You ignored worried glances from the brothers and instead were lost in that deep dark hole in your head.
She walked into the living room after getting changed from a tiring case, both mentally and physically, hoping to lie down and watch something on tv. But as she rounded the corner she saw Dean just about to sit down on the couch and instead changed her direction, muttering swears under her breath and ignoring his determined look.
“You’ve been avoiding me” he left no room for objection walking into the kitchen, making her jump and turn around watching as he leant on the counter opposite arms crossed and eyes serious.
“No shit” Lex snorted rolling her eyes.
“Why?” He pressed brows furrowing, “tell me” he pushed.
“Dean just leave it, I’m tired-“ she tried to move past him but he blocked her path
“Well I’m tired of you ignoring me” he stood his ground.
“I heard you okay? You said I was always there and you can’t think straight” she slammed her mug on the counter.
“So you decided to ignore me? What is this, high school?” He asked bewildered.
“Have you just heard what I said or are you deaf now too?” She asked sarcastically, arms now crossed ready to defend herself.
“What do you want me to say?” Dean grew frustrated.
“The fucking truth? I’m not Sam, you don’t get to lie to me. What was I supposed to do? You said I was always there-“ she was interrupted.
“You are always there, fuck! You’re always there whenever I turn around or whenever I walk into a room it’s just you and those eyes staring at me, always there with some dad joke you tell, which by the way, you laugh at the most,”
“Dean I get it that’s why I backed off, for the record being around you isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. You’re always one step behind me, you’re always protecting me or trying to find some reason I can’t go on a hunt with you guys when I’m just as trained as you are-“ he reached forward and covered her mouth with his hand then both stumbling slightly against the kitchen counter.
“You didn’t let me finish…” the air around them changed and both of them could feel it. “…You don’t get it. I try to sleep and all I dream about is you, I eat and all I think about is what you taste like, I can’t even concentrate on a hunt properly because I’m worrying about your safety. I can’t think straight because you occupy every thought in my mind, I didn’t know why at first and my god did it piss me off but then I realised it’s because I love you. I, Dean Winchester am in love with you. I’m sorry if it’s not what you wanna hear and we can go back to normal but please don’t avoid me again because I can’t take it” he finished quieter than before, his heart racing the same as hers at the vulnerability.
“You love me?” She whispered only for his ears and he could’ve groaned at the undertone to her voice.
“I’m afraid so” he smiled slightly eyes focused on her wild eyes and pink, his own green ones darkening slightly as she wet them with her tongue.
“Now would be a really great time to tell me you love me too” he breathed moving impossibly closer to her.
She went on her tippy toes and brushed her lips against his ear.
“Or I could show you”
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sunbaby01 · 2 years
Coming Home
Dean Winchester x reader
“Fuck” Ava groaned head leaning back on the cool wall of the bar, she could hear her friends inside still singing along to the music and yet he still consumed her thoughts. They hadn’t left things badly, instead deciding to explore whatever they had when the supernatural world calmed down to both of their dismay. That was 6 months ago. Old promises of nights together were now replaced by drunken times with people who didn’t even know her second name.
She dug around her bag for a rogue cigarette breathing a sigh of relief as she felt it between her fingers, lighting it in a instant and breathing in the familiar taste. A taste she grew addicted to having tasted it on his lips. “Fuck it” she slurred unlocking her phone and pulling up their chat and typing the best she could.
Ava: barS ant teh sAme wkthout youuuu
Dean: how drunk are you???
Ava: iDkk
Ava: missin u Deannnnnnn
Ava: whre u homEe??
Dean: where’s Jo?
Dean: you said you were saying with Jo and Ellen??
Dean: Ava???
Dean: fuck sake
Her phone started ringing and her cheeks heated up seeing his contact as if she hadn’t just been drunk rambling.
“Dean” she cheered.
“Jesus Christ, don’t you think it’s time you went home?” He pinched his nose with one hand the other on the steering wheel of baby.
“Probably” she huffed and inhaled the smoke.
“I thought you’d given up?” She could practically see his worry through the phone.
“N I thought you were comin to me” she sighed at the same time as him.
“How’s the night been?” He chose to change the subject.
“It’s alright, drank a lot…some man tried chatting to me”
“Yeah?” His interest piqued.
“Yeah…” she nodded.
“And?” He waited for the bomb to drop, for her to say she’d moved on.
“Told him he was wastin his time, that someone else already as my heart”
“Is that so?” He teased her.
“Yeah…some idjit” she teased back.
“He sounds amazing, a real catch” he carried it on expecting her to reply again but instead she let out a wistful, “he is”
The phone line went silent.
“I miss you” she admitted, willing herself not to cry.
“I miss you too sweetheart” he grinned as excitement bubbled in his stomach, not that he’d ever tell Sam who was side eyeing him from the passenger seat with a knowing smile.
“I was only joking about you coming to me, people to say and all that” she sniffed, definitely not joking.
“Should I turn back around then? Head back to the town we left about an hour ago?” He asked her finally admitting his location.
“You’re on your way here?”
“Sweetheart I bet I’ll make it to your house before you”
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sunbaby01 · 2 years
I don’t hate you, you know
Dean Winchester x reader
As soon as they walked through the bar door she felt two sets of eyes on her. One of them belonging to her ex and fellow hunter, Liam, who she’d walked in on with another woman and the other Dean, her best friends brother who pushed all the right wrong buttons.
“I can’t believe you convinced me to come here-“ she turned round to complain to Sam once again but he was no where to be seen, obviously already having found a sweet blonde to talk to. Turning back around she caught Liams eye and watched as he stood up to move, ducking her head and pushing through people to the bar and grabbing a drink, shoulders relaxing slightly knowing the alcohol would soon work. She stood on her tip toes, only being 5’2 to try and look for her best friend- or anyone she knew for that matter, only to meet Dean’s eyes again, him quirking a brow when she didn’t look away.
“Here we fucking go” she drank the rest of her drink as fast as she could hearing Liam shout her name above the chatter and music in the bar, once again dodging drunk people pushing her way to Dean.
“Hi” she said pursing her lips awkwardly.
“Hi?” He said confused about why, out of everyone, she would come up to him, “where’s my brother?”
“Fuck knows” she sighed turning round not seeing her friend anywhere.
“Not to be rude- actually, scratch that, why are you here?” He asked in his usual tone.
“It’s a celebration?” Her brows furrowed confused.
“No, here, with me?” He smiled slightly at the look of confusion on her face but hid it quickly.
“OH! Well Sam left and I don’t know anyone else…” she knew he didn’t believe her words, it only took one look in his hypnotising eyes to see that, so with a sigh she finished her sentence, “I know you hate me but my ex is here and you’re the only one I know at this stupid thing” she huffed snatching his beer out of his hands and taking a swig herself.
“The dick?” He’d aptly nicknamed Liam a long time ago.
“Yep” she popped the p and took another swig.
“Well, not to alarm you sparky,” she scowled at the nickname, “but he’s on his way over”
Nickname soon forgotten her body tensed up at the information and she ignored every fibre in it to turn and run out the front door. Especially when Dean stepped closer to her.
“Do you trust me?” He asked loud enough so she could hear, smiling at her response.
“Not in the slightest”
He lifted his hand and wrapped it around the back of her neck, pulling her into one of the, no, the best kiss she’d ever had not knowing he felt the same. He pulled her closer so their chests had no space between and squeezed her neck slightly enjoying the noise she made far too much. They pulled apart breathless and hazy eyed. His eyed flicked behind her head to see Liams retreating body.
“Don’t think he’ll be bothering you anymore sweetheart” her heart fluttered.
“Thank you” she looked over his face from his eyes to his lips.
“I don’t hate you, you know” he admitted watching the way her eyes lit up.
“You don’t?” She breathed, still close so he could hear it.
“No…I just hate how much I want you”
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sunbaby01 · 2 years
Dean Winchester x reader
“I’ll grab another round” famous last fucking words.
Her and Sam sat in silence as her heart clenched over and again seeing Dean work his magic while the blonde woman was putty in his hands. It would never be her. The fact he looked over every time made it even worse and just twisted the knife. She was always left with Sammy, not that she minded of course but it just wasn’t what she wanted. Even when Dean was there things had gotten awkward, there was a weird tension and everyone could feel it.
“Movie?” Sam spoke up, grabbing her hand and pulling her up.
“Movie” she nodded both of them heading back to the bunker both very unaware of the green eyes glaring at their joined hands as they disappeared through the door.
“Shit” Dean huffed as the door slammed behind him making him stumble, in his head he was quiet and careful but in reality he’d woke her up the moment he’d fell through the door.
She stood in the kitchen glass of water in hand, scanning his face and the frown that adorned it quickly.
“Are you okay?” She spoke causing him to look up abruptly.
“Peachy” he smiled sarcastically and headed towards her to grab a water himself.
“So did you and Sam have fun? I hope you cleaned that couch after” he let out an emotionless laugh.
“What?” Her brows furrowed.
“You know, you and Sam…alone…the couch-“
“Ew Dean no” she shook her head trying to get the image out.
“Look, it’s fine you don’t have to hide it on my account, you should probably take my shirt off though. Bet Sammy doesn’t appreciate you wearing that to bed” he went to turn and go to his room.
“You’re really dumb sometimes you know? Me and Sam? Best friends. Siblings. Sure he’s good looking but like I said - ew” she started walking and stepped round him when he stopped in the doorway at your words.
“So you and Sam aren’t-“
“Are you sure-“
“Pretty sure”
“Yeah but like 100% sure-“
“I like you, you fucking idiot” youshe blurted out. His eyes widened while her heart raced.
“Oh..” he started wetting his lips with his tongue, “oh” he finished smirking.
“Oh” she said softly staring at his mouth.
“I suppose it’s a good job I like you too sweetheart, although I have to admit you could’ve said it a bit nicer- I’m kidding! I’m kidding,” he held his hands up in defence to the glare he received, “I really do like you sweetheart, always have, only flirted with other girls when I thought you liked Sam to distract me…obviously it didn’t work”
“Obviously” she huffed with rosy cheeks.
“Can I kiss you?” He spoke the softest she’d ever heard, lips barely parting.
She just nodded, words unable to leave her mouth as the moment her head moved an inch his lips were on hers. The fireworks, the spark people spoke about and wrote about? Completely real.
By the time they broke apart she know her cheeks were even more red, her lips swollen and eyes hazy.
His hair was messy, eyes heavy and chest heaving.
“I definitely think you should take my shirt off now, especially when you’re looking at me like that - only if you want to”
With a wicked glint in her eye she spoke one more time holding eye contact as she did.
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sunbaby01 · 2 years
‘Please just go with it’
Dean Winchester x reader
The man hitting on her couldn’t be further from her type if she tried. In fact, she didn’t think he was anyones type and the way he was looking at her - as if she was a piece of meat. God he may as well have been on top of her how close he was.
“So whaddya say about that date?” He slurred leaning closer.
“I already told you I have a boyfriend…” she looked around until she saw two men come in, one tall with long hair and one slightly shorter with green eyes. She thanked whoever was watching over her in that moment “, in fact, there he is now!” She hopped off the bar stool just as the man leaned in lips puckered almost falling flat on his face by the time he realised she’d moved, she could feel his glaring eyes on her as she made her way to the pair.
“Finally, I was staring to worry!!” She walked up to the green eyed man, kissed his cheek before he pulled him into a hug “please just go with it” she whispered in his ear, her trying to ignore the smell of aftershave mixed with engine oil and him trying to ignore the way he felt when her lips brushed against his ear. Before he could even reply or register what was happening she was out of his arms and pulling Sam into a hug the best she could “hey!! It’s so good to see you” she stepped out of the hug and stood in front of them, sparing a glance behind her before she spoke.
“Oh god he’s coming over, I’m so sorry he wouldn’t leave me alone even when I told him I had a boyfriend so when I saw you come I just- fuck- I’m sorry-“ she rambled much to the pairs amusement.
Dean moved his eyes to see the man practically stumbling over, he grabbed the girls hand pulling her close and wrapped an arm around her so by the time the drunk came over she was stood safely tucked in Deans side.
“Can I help you?” Dean spoke gruffly
“Just warning you to keep an eye on your bitch, she’s been a tease all night” he smirked cockily eyes raking over her body for the millionth time that night.
“That’s funny, because from what we could see you were the one that wouldn’t leave her alone, isn’t that right sweetheart?” Dean squeezed her hip.
The man opened his mouth to retaliate but by this point Dean had enough.
“Yeah I’d stop there if I were you, you’ve pissed me off already tonight and from what I can tell whatever you say next is only gonna add to that. Unless you wanna take this outside I’d shut up, put your drink down and leave” Dean took a step forward with a straight face.
The man sized him up for a moment before glancing at Sam too who was stood ready incase he was needed.
“Whatever” the man huffed leaving Sam, Dean and Y/N all to themselves.
“I’m Sam…” he waited for her to fill in her name smiling gently when she did, “I’ll go get us a drink” he said heading off towards the bar.
“Y/N” dean repeated, liking the way her name felt in his mouth. “I’m Dean” he offered her a small smile one she returned instantly.
“Y/N- oh wait you already know that” her cheeks reddened “, I can’t thank you enough”
“Does that happen often?” He asked not realising how close they were till he could see every shade in her eyes.
“More than I’d care to think about” she shrugged.
“Well in that case, you’d better stick with me for the rest of the night just in case” he put on a charming smile.
“You sure?” God did she want to.
“Positive” he nodded, “besides I gotta get to know my girlfriend haven’t I?”
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sunbaby01 · 2 years
Tommy Shelby x reader
jealous tommy makes me happy, also John and Arthur meeting Michael is one of my favourite scenes
Pol and Michael looked towards the front door, Michael with wide eyes and Pol feeling anxious about her son meeting his cousins. Three Shelby’s came in and one honorary Shelby too, Arthur and John came thundering in closely followed by Millie and finally Tommy - forever keeping his cool.
“You’re dead, go down!” Arthur shouted playfully pointing his gun at his brother “John!” He tried once more before noticing Pol and the younger boy staring at them with amusement in their eyes.
“You fucking Shelby’s, Tommy tell them! I shot you five fucking minutes ago Arthur you bast-“ Millie ranted, mouth like a sailer as always, stopping abruptly noticing the silence in the room and Pols pointed look. The five stood in silence for a moment until Tommy came in and introduced Michael.
“That’s your cousins Arthur and John and this is Millie” Tommy exhaled smoke as he said her name and moved to stand close to her - closer than friends would, Michael noted.
“I used to throw you out of the window, so John could catch you” Arthur half snorted, jolting when Millie elbowed his stomach.
“I used to put you in a shoebox and kick you down Watery Lane” John continued making Millie look up at the ceiling and sigh.
“I bet you’re glad to be back” Millie looked back down to find Michaels eyes already on her.
“And you?” He asked her.
“I came along too late to meet you” she smiled softly at the sensitive subject.
“That’s a shame” his lip lifted back.
“Come on I’ll get some tea on” Pol took Michael to refill the pot while John laughed, “think our cousins took a fancy to you love…better watch out Tom” he smacked his brothers shoulder and followed the pair.
“He’s just being friendly” Millie huffed, dragging Tommy with her, the middle Shelby only having one though in his head. Michael was being a bit too friendly.
The group sat around the far too small kitchen table filling Michael in on almost everything he’d missed up until now. But Michael was much like Tommy in the way he noticed things. He noticed how Tommy liked to observe - particularly the pretty girl in front of him. John and Arthur were almost always in competition to speak louder than each other and spoke over one another the majority of the time…and Millie? Millie jumped in wherever she could, whether that was a loud laugh at Arthur, a smack on the head for John, a loud “oh fuck off!” here and there would be heard too. He especially noticed how her body was angled leaning more towards Tommy and how his arm was on the back of her chair.
“So what do you think? You gonna stick around? Pubs ours, we have the horses too. Can’t forget the women of course” John leaned forward on his chair eyeing his cousin - his words ending up with him being on the receiving end of one of Polly Gray’s famous glares.
Testing the waters, Michael looked towards Millie before he spoke.
“If every woman is as beautiful as Millie here, staying isn’t even a question.”
Pol tutted and could practically see the steam leaving Tommys ears, not that Michael could. The only thing Michael saw was Tommy lean forward to put his cigarette out and stand up holding a hand out to Millie.
“C’mon we’ve got business,” he started holding a hand up to Arthur and John who caught on quickly smirking “not you two”
He wrapped an arm around Millie and pulled her flush to him, “we’ve got business” he lifted a brow teasing her, testing her to say no.
“Business is important…” she trailed off watching the glint in his eye grow wicked.
She couldn’t even mutter a bye to Michael before Tommy was pulling her out the room.
“Subtle Tom, real subtle! “Arthur’s voice bellowed a final time, he turned to Michael who despite his warning was smiling anyway at his new found family.
“Yeah…that wasn’t the woman I meant”
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sunbaby01 · 2 years
Dean winchester x reader
The first time she called was the day after, she looked at the phone in her hand before taking a deep breath and dialing the familiar number, heart clenching when he heard his recorded voice.
“Hey Dean…I don't really know what to say to be honest. I think I just wanted to hear your voice even if it was just a voicemail. Sammy hasn't spoken to me since we said goodbye to you. I can't bring myself to leave the area - I can't bring myself to believe you aren't actually here anymore, it wasnt supposed to end like this… god this is stupid” she put the phone down and stared at the freshly dug ground not moving for hours.
The next time she called was two weeks on, Sammy had upped and left and she was all alone. Broken, angry and alone. She punched in the number for a second time.
“It’s me again…Sammy left so it's just me. It's so quiet Dean but then out of nowhere I hear the screams from when they- from when it happened. I miss you so much Winchester…I’m not ready to lose you yet” she wiped her tears and hung up the phone crying herself to sleep once again.
The third time she’d done it she was filled with pure anger, and alcohol, three months after he was taken from her.
“Surprise surprise it's me” she laughed emotionlessly “I don't know what I’m doing anymore. I drink to feel numb and I’ve done things no one with a heart would do but then I know I have a heart because I still feel it breaking every single time I go back to an empty motel room and you’re not there and there's no Baby parked in the lot.” she breathed out the cold air leaning against the outside wall of the bar. “just..fuck you Dean Winchester, fuck you and your fucking hero complex for leaving me- for leaving Sammy. Fuck you…” she whispered and hung up sliding down the wall hiding her face in her hands.
The fourth time was full of tears, sat in one of his shirts she dialed again.
“Do you…do you remember when we first met? I’d have never admitted it at the time but I was completely smitten…funny isn't it how we admit things too late.” she closed her eyes and pictured it in her head, “you were wearing your leather jacket and had the most charming smile on your face and then I heard your laugh- my favourite sound. I wish I could hear it again for real and not just in my mind…I’ve tried everything, hell, you’d probably hate me for all the deals I’ve tried to make to get you back” she trailed off and just sat in silence. Alone like usual.
The next time she saw that number it was ringing her instead, she blamed the alcohol and wishful thinking. Afterall, she was on her fifth - or was it her sixth glass. She turned her phone off and headed to bed.
Head pounding she woke up to banging on her door, she headed down the stairs ignoring her gun on the side and straight to the front door.
“What” she asked, still rubbing her eyes.
Dean felt his heart break, the usual full of life woman he used to know was now standing in front of him a shell of herself. Her eyes accompanied by dark circles and a new scar adorned her bottom lip and down onto her chin.
“It's rude not to answer your phone” he spoke, voice gravelly for not using it so long.
Her breath caught in her throat, she lifted her eyes to the man she’d longed to see for the last four months, she opened her mouth but no words would come out. She glanced at Bobby and Sammy who nodded confirming it was him. That was all it took for her to jump into his arms.
“I’m home sweetheart, I’m home” they relished the feeling of being in each other’s arms, but what Dean didn’t expect was for her to pull away so soon and feel a sting on his face as it turned to the side.
“Son of a BITCH” she shook her hand as the pain shot up her arm.
“You had that coming” Sam laughed slightly.
She felt everyone’s eyes on her as she carried on shaking her hand but Bobby’s was more of a glare, months and months of ignoring his calls and his messages was finally about to kick her ass - and that made her freeze.
“Hey Bobby-“ she said weakly flinching when he made his way up the stairs and into her house slamming his gun onto the kitchen the brothers quickly following with a glance at each other.
“Don’t hey Bobby me, I’ve been calling you for months and you can’t pick up a phone to tell me you’re okay but you can leave this idjit messages-“ he pointed to Dean who’s eyes widened, “I had to find out that you almost god damn died from Jo”
The room went silent.
“What?” Dean asked and looked between her and Bobby who stayed quiet.
“Will someone tell me what the hell he’s on about?” He pressed.
“I-“ she began.
“She tried to make a deal with every demon possible to get you back, getting drunk and fighting her way up the ladder to try and get to the one in charge but one was too much. Beat her so bad and stabbed her straight through the chest just missing her heart. I don't know who or what saved her but it was a close call” Bobby finished his rant and Sam and Dean took in his words.
“I think we should talk” Dean spoke finally and went out the front door, her following him.
“I got your messages” he said, “listened to them when I woke up”
“Yeah…I didn’t think you’d ever hear them” she said softly, sitting on the porch steps looking out at the trees that surrounded her house.
“I’m glad I did, means your voice was the first thing I heard when I woke up” he sat down next to her and nudged her shoulder softly.
“Fucking flirt” the breathed a laugh.
It was quiet for a moment before the energy shifted.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” he said quietly clenching his jaw at the idea of what she’d been through.
“I just wanted you back…needed you back” she trailed off slightly at the end.
“So you think that’s the go ahead to almost get yourself killed” he was frustrated.
“Pot kettle” she tried to reason which once again put them in a momentary silence.
Dean took a deep breath.
“Did you mean what you said? About how you feel about me?” he kept his head facing forward but felt her eyes on him.
“Yes” she said firmly.
“Sweetheart…I-I’m not the same person I was all those months ago, I’ve seen things- done things I’m not proud of” he warned her, eyes closed, mind flashing back to his 40 years in hell.
“Yeah well as you heard so have I. I was lost for four months with you not here and I don’t know if it’s gonna work out but I do know I don’t want to waste another second not trying. After not having you for so long” she took her hand in his and he gripped it back just as tightly neither of them believing it was real.
He smiled softly looking over to her finally, taking in her rosy cheeks and gentle eyes when his heart warmed after being cold for so long. It would take some time, but they were gonna be okay.
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sunbaby01 · 2 years
‘It’s always been you’
Dean Winchester x reader
Based on season 4 episode 14
“You go ahead to the club, I’ve got some research to do with Sammy then I’ll meet you there” Dean told her with a lifted brow, “okay?” He asked.
“Dean Winchester not jumping at the chance to go to a strip club…what has the world come to?” Ember teased watching a sarcastic smile appear on his face.
“Funny sweetheart, real funny. This is serious, it could pose as anyone okay? Just keep your guard up” he said loading his gun.
“I’m here all night darlin. Stop worryin and start researchin” she grinned and headed for the door.
“Be careful!” both Dean and Sam shouted as she shut the door with the bang leaving them in silence.
Ember sat in the club beer in hand trying to scope out any suspicious looking girl only to find nothing unusual.
“Couldn’t wait for me?” A voice broke her thoughts and she turned to see Dean sitting at the table in the chair opposite her.
“My bad, had to do something to pass the time” she shrugged and gestured to the bottle.
“You know, I’d love to see you up there” he said casually staring at the stage making her choke on her drink.
“Excuse me-“ she asked wide eyed and red cheeked turning to face him again.
“What? I’m just bein honest. Bet you’d do a better job than any of these girls in here” he shrugged taking her beer from her. “You’re more beautiful than them anyway”
“Now look who’s being funny” she asked confused, trying to play it off as a joke. Of course on the inside it was a completely different story, her heart was racing and she couldn’t stop that hopeful feeling in her chest that there was a chance, no matter how slim, that Dean felt the same way.
“You know me sweetheart, I don’t joke about beautiful women” he smirked in the way she loved taking her breath away.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom…” she started to stand up and walk past him only to be pulled down onto his lap.
“Dean-“ she gasped.
“If you want me to stop, tell me to stop” his thumb rubbed her cheek. He took her silence as her answer and pressed his lips upon hers for a long awaited kiss. She relished in the feeling of his hands in her hair and on the back of her neck holding him to her. It didn’t feel real. But the very fact they had to break for air showed her it was.
“I had to” he mumbled eyes closed.
“I’m glad you did” she smiled softly looking into his eyes when he finally opened them.
“I’ll be right back” She said carefully getting off his lap and heading into the bathroom to splash some water on her face. Staring at herself in the mirror she looked her how pink, and slightly swollen, her lips were and smiled again. Finally.
Eventually pulling herself together she headed back to the table where Dean sat bottle in hand.
“Hey” she said still blushing
“So you see anything?” He asked sipping his beer and eyes darting around the place.
“What?” She asked, her stomach sinking.
“Have you seen anything?” His gaze fell onto a particular girl and Ember’s heart broke.
“No” she said swallowing the lump in her throat.
“No one come up to you? Posed as your dream guy or gal?“ he teased laughing. That’s when Embers sadness turned to embarrassment, and the embarrassment to anger.
“No” she gritted her teeth, “I’m gonna head back to Sammy. Have fun” she didn’t give him a chance to respond instead leaving him there confused and eying the Hyacinths on the table.
Back at the motel she lay in the bed and started at the ceiling.
“Em? Are you okay” Sam asked her worried.
“Fine Sammy, just fine” she said ending the conversation but then sat up abruptly.
“Sam am I attractive?” She asked the younger sibling making him look up from his book in shock.
“What-“ he asked
“Never mind” she shook her head.
“Em has something happened?” He tried, turning round in the chair to face her.
“Don’t worry about it” she said ending another conversation just in time for Dean to come back to the room with another person.
“Guys this is Nick, he’s working the case too” he gestured to the man behind him who just nodded to Sam, his eyes focused on Ember.
“And who might this be?” He asked Dean who tensed up at the way Nick was looking at his girl friend.
“I’m Ember” she waved awkwardly hating the way he was looking at her.
“May I say, you’re very beautif-” he tried to continue, only to be interrupted by Dean.
“So Sammy, any news?” He asked going and sitting next to Ember.
“So it turns out, the condition can be spread through different fluids. Doesn’t matter how just as long as it gets into the bloodstream.” He closed the book.
“So like-“ Ember started, realising what happened earlier was no coincidence.
“Saliva” Nick finished, feeling now was time.
“You know, I’d really assumed you three were smarter. The puzzle pieces are all there…” Nick commented, “but having fooled one of you already, I don’t doubt this will be an easy fight”
Embers eyes widened in shock before glaring at ‘Nick’
“You-“ Ember stood up the boys following behind her piecing together what he was implying and who he was - or rather what he was.
“Fooled one of us?” Dean demanded an answer, he glanced at Sam who shook his head, both brothers then turning to Ember who refused to turn their way instead faced the siren with clenched fists and watery eyes.
The siren directed his attention onto her.
“Did you really believe that?” He began cackling, “why, out of everyone, would he want you? A broken little hunter with anger issues” he just kept digging and her knuckles grew whiter and whiter.
She could feel the boys eyes on her.
“Shut up” she spat.
“So desperate to be loved and yet he hasn’t looked your way twice. Have you Dean?” The siren smirked and evil smirk. “I have to admit, you’re missing out…her lips are so soft“ Dean clenched his jaw and Ember launched at the siren shoving it into the wall with a slam.
“You’re dead” she gritted her teeth, anger and embarrassment fuelling her fire and her hand round the sirens throat.
“Now now, that’s not very nice” he shoved her off him making her fly back into the table and chairs Sam was sat at earlier. Both brothers headed to go towards her but froze when the siren pulled out a gun and pointed it their way.
“You know,” he took a step forward towards Ember, “you should be nicer to me…it only takes a handful of words to get you to do whatever I want” he finished with a sinister smile upon his face. He reached down and gripped her jaw to face him.
“Get off her” Dean stepped forward again only to freeze panicked when the siren pulled Ember against him, her back flush against his chest and gun pointed at her temple.
“Will you humans never learn” he sighed, “I’m bored of this game…”
He changed his voice to match Dean’s.
“Sweetheart, that man is trying to stop us from being together…I can be everything you want. We can be together forever. You’d do anything for me right? He needs to be gone” he brushed Embers hair behind her ear.
“He needs to be gone” she repeated in a trance.
“I love you Ember” the siren said still impersonating Dean, “do you love me?” He asked once again.
“I love you Dean” she spoke her voice monotone.
“Then kill him” he nodded to the real Dean and allowed Ember to step away from him. Deans eyes widened not only at the fact she was going to listen to him, but for her confession.
“Sweetheart I’m not gonna fight you, it’s me, it’s your Dean…” he tried throwing the gun to the other side of the room.
Completely ignoring his words Ember launched at Dean while Sam was busy fighting the siren, both engrossed in their own fight neither Ember or Dean noticed Sam and the siren go through the motel room door and into the hallway.
She had Dean pinned to the ground and straddled his waist, pulling her knife out all she could see was red. All she could see were the promises made by the siren.
“Sweetheart please…” Dean tried to reach for her face but got punched in the face instead.
“He said he’d stay with me forever” she said and reached up ready to dive the knife deep into his chest, she began moving the knife closer and closer to him until she stopped. The blade tip touching his shirt slightly.
“What the fuck-“ she whispered seeing what she was doing.
“Dean!” Sams voice came and pulled Ember off of his brother and lightly pushed her towards Bobby who wrapped her in a hug still in shock of what she was about to do.
“Are you okay?” Bobby tried to talk to her, Ember only shook her head in response.
“Go see Dean, make sure he’s okay” she pushed her way out of his arms and ran down the stairs feeling the older Winchesters eyes in her back. She found herself sitting on the bonnet of the impala she loved so much feeling incredibly anxious about what came next.
Would Dean forgive her?
Would Sam?
Did Dean feel the same?
What now?
She felt someone sit next to her and straight away knew who it was.
“Safe to say I’m put off strip clubs for a while” he tried to joke.
“Seriously?” She breathed a laugh, half annoyed at his joke and half thrilled he wanted to make one.
“So it was me?” He asked slightly quieter.
“To be honest Dean, it’s always been you” she looked up at the stars.
“I’d never leave you, you know? You don’t need some siren to act like me. I’m here, I always have been and I will be until you no longer want me to” he moved his hand closer to hers so their pinky’s brushed.
“Why” she closed her eyes waiting for the rejection to hit. But it never came.
“Because it’s always been you too. The moment I met you I knew it was you and every single day after I knew it too. I know it’ll always be you tomorrow and the day after and the week after and the month after and the year after and-“ her hand covered his mouth.
“You’re not…you’re not fucking with me?” she asked vulnerable.
“Not yet” he mumbled beneath her hand, she felt the smirk along with it before it turned into a softer smile, he pulled her hand away from his face and moved her off the bonnet so she was stood in front of him between his legs.
“No jokes, no hiding and no more secrets. I’m in love with you Ember Danes” he said gazing up at the girl who filled his thoughts every hour of the day.
“I love you too Dean” taking her chance she bent down and pressed her lips to his. Now this was the real deal, the sparks people spoke about god could she feel them all through her body. He pulled her closer feeling exactly the same thing.
“So this is what I’m gonna have to deal with now?” Sam said but sighed when neither of them acknowledged his presence, “great”
Not even Sam could ruin this moment.
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sunbaby01 · 2 years
I know the sound of your heart
Damon Salvatore x reader
Everyone warned her away from the supposid mysterious vampire and yet his blue eyes drew her in every time. Their relationship wasn’t expected, not in the slightest, a dark brooding man best friends with the epitome of sunshine. And yet it worked, they were each other's rock and everyone, other than them, could see more than friendship there.
“You know, I told Damon I wouldnt come to this” Mia huffed, brushing down the skirt of her gown once more and linking her arm with Stefans.
“No , Damon asked you not to come to this. We need you to, Klaus took a liking to you when he saw you. You can be-”
“Bait” she finished lifting a brow as they came to stand in the doorway of the party.
“A distraction” Stefan corrected her, “all I need you to do is find Klaus and sweet talk him so I have enough time to talk to Elijah in private along with Damon who I'm going to find. Klaus just entered that room” he gestured to the dining room, “go to him, stay out of Damons sight and I'll come fetch you later” he nodded giving her a kiss on her forehead before disappearing into the crowd to fetch Damon.
“Here goes nothing,” Mia said, grabbing a glass of champagne and following in Klaus’ footsteps.
The younger brunette had to admit if her heart wasn't already taken by another, Klaus might indeed stand a chance. Maybe blue eyes were her weakness. Although Klaus’ blue eyes seemed to shift a shade darker as he heard a crash from upstairs.
“You'll have to excuse me love, I can hear Kol is playing up…” he left the room with no further information, rolling her shoulders Mia left the dining room to see everyone dancing. Including one person in particular. She knew him from behind, it gave her a moment to imagine what he looked like from the front in his suit. If only she didn't have to hide from him, maybe they would be dancing then instead of him and Rebecca. Moving her eyes across the crowd she spotted Stefan already looking at her, he nodded to the door telling her they were done with what they needed and it was time for her to go home and act like she'd been there the whole time.
Picking up her dress slightly to speed up as the song came to an end she stepped out the front door of the Mikaelson mansion and down the steps towards her car reaching for the handle when a hand stopped her from opening it.
“Now, don't get me wrong, you look beautiful, but if I recall correctly you told me you'd be at home, safe, three episodes into Supernatural right now drooling over Dean Winchester.”
She turned around slowly and leant her back on her car to look into those eyes she loved.
“Funny story really, Stefan needed me so I came” she watched his shoulders tense
“Needed you for what?” he gritted his teeth.
“To speak to klaus”
Frowning he looked her over making sure she was unharmed before letting rip.
“What about what I need? I need you to be safe, I need you to be okay which is why I asked you to stay home. What if you'd have gotten hurt? What if Klaus did something to you? I mean c'mon did you really think I wouldnt find out-”
“How did you?” she interrupted softly.
“What?” he asked, confused.
“How did you know I was there, I didn't speak in the same room as you and even when I spoke normally I kept my voice down so you wouldn't hear…I left when I saw we were in the same room”
His body relaxed and his eyes softened realising the girl in front of him had absolutely no clue how he felt for her. He placed his hand on her cheek gently, relishing in the way her eyes closed as she felt his touch.
“I always…I know when you're around” he started, a soft smile made its way onto his usually sarcastic face, “I know the sound of your heart. It's the first thing I search for when I enter a room”
“Really?” she asked, gazing at him.
“Every. Single. Time”
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sunbaby01 · 3 years
That skirts a bit short
James Cook x reader
I wasn’t innocent and I wasn’t a prude. I smoked, I drank, I got high but all because I didn’t wear the smallest of skirts to college or didn’t shag everyone who glanced my way i was teased my friends of being a prude. And by friends I meant Cook. Being the youngest didn’t help either.
“So what’re you gonna be?” Em asked me taking a drag of my cigarette.
“I’m not too sure…” I muttered, “I’ve got two outfits. The safe option people would expect me to wear and then the option no one would expect that would put me completely out of my comfort zone” - that I was excited to wear.
“I think it’s pretty obvious isn’t it?” Em started, “look, you’re tired of Cook calling you a baby, an angel or a prude. Surprise him. We all know how he feels about you away”
“Who feels what about her?” Cook asked appearing, brows furrowed, quickly followed by JJ and Freddie.
“Just some guy” I flashed him a smile watching his shoulders tense up.
“Probably not good enough for you anyway, Angel. Probably shagged half of college” he said wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
“Right, are we ready for tonight?” Freddie asked as we started walking to the college exit.
“Yes, meet at 10 right?” Em asked to which we all nodded, “I’ll text Naomi and Effy - Y/N I’ll see you later, I’ll be at yours for half 9” she pointed at me before heading off down the road.
“Right….” I started stepping out from Cooks arm, “I’d better get going then, I’ll see you all there?” I asked about to head off.
“No goodbye kiss?” Cook asked lips pursed ready, I just pushed his shoulder in response snorting at the way he dramatically fell onto JJ.
“I’ll walk with you” Fred said flashing me a smile, “see you later” we waved at JJ and Cook, the latter stood with a frown on his face as he watched his girl walk off with his best friend.
“C’mon Jay, let’s get fucked”
I stood in my room, hands on my hips and makeup done, looking down at my bed where the two outfits lay. One being a black crop top, black jeans that I’d wear with some fake fangs and blood. The other being a red satin mini dress with a open back held together with a tie, Red Devil horns, a devils fork and tail.
“It’s not even a choice is it?” Em said entering my room and leaning against the doorway dressed as a angel.
“Why would you even consider choosing the other outfit, c’mon Y/N, be the devil to my angel” she teased walking over nudging me.
“What if..what if I look stupid?” I look at her with a frown on my face, she grabbed my hand with hers. “You’ll look stunning, you always do. You deserve to feel confident in yourself when you look like that. Now c’mon, get that dress on and let’s start drinking”
With a sigh I got dressed, taking swigs of the vodka in Em’s flask getting us ready for the night.
We stumbled down the street towards the club finally booth excited about the night, gaining wolf whistles as we did. I think the mixture of spliff, drink and nerves had made me already absolutely gone. Heading to the entrance to the club, Emily checked her phone to see a message from Katie saying they were gonna be 10 minutes late and to carry on, putting her phone back in her bag, we flashed a smile to to the bouncer instead of our IDs and headed straight to the bar.
I’m not too sure how long they actually were but all I knew is in the time waiting for them I’d danced with a stranger, made friends with a girl in the toilets and was now dancing up on the table.
Cook, JJ, Freddie, Effie, Naomi and Pandora all entered the club, Cook of course leading the way.
“Can you see them?” Freddie shouted to them all.
“There’s Em” Katie pointed to her at the bar ordering drinks, everyone following her over there.
“Oi Ems lookin lovely as always” Cook started grinning at her, “where the fucks my girl?” He asked, the whole group followed her finger to see me on the table. The ‘prude’, the angel, the baby - dancing on the table, not caring how high my dress had ridden, with the girl I’d met in the toilet. Cook turned back to Emily muttering a ‘fuck me’.
“Go on Cook, go get your girl” she pushed him gently in the direction of me.
Still too lost in my own world I didn’t notice him appear until I looked down feeling a hand on my leg.
“James!” I squealed happy to see him.
“C’mere” he helped me down off the table so I was stood in front of him.
“Look at you luv, you look fuckin stunnin” he said taking a step back to appreciate me up close, “bit short though aye it” he reached down and pulled the dress further down my thighs, both of us relishing in the way his hands felt on me.
“It’s supposed to be” I pouted.
“I know it’s supposed to be but to many people are looking at you in the wrong way” he pulled me closer so his arm was around my waist.
“How would you know” I lifted a brow.
“Because it’s the same way I look at you, it’s the same way I’ve looked at you for a good few months now” he replied pushing of my hair away from my face.
“Well…we can’t have anyone else looking at me like that if you do, can we” I said teasingly, “especially considering I look at you the same way” I continued causing him to smirk slightly.
“We’ll talk about this tomorrow but for now let’s dance” I said dragging him over to the dance floor where we spent the rest of the night together. And admittedly shared more than a few kisses.
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