sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
omegaverse worldbuilding
there is so much more that can be done with this concept than what gets done most of the time with it.
- quarantine islands similar to the plague islands of the last century would be created by puritanical cultures and would evolve into refuges. alphas would be shot on sight.
- human trafficking would thrive on omegas sold into sex slavery
- entire unecessary beauty and grooming trends would evolved based on selling the illusion to omegas that they could control who is attracted to them and who isn't by altering their appearances. of course they would be extremely expensive, and become something mandatory in order for an omega to even be considered for a career, despite the fact that omegas are paid less for the same work that a beta or alpha does.
- red tent cultures
- underground omega bars similar to the Stonewall of the early 20th century- constantly on the verge of being shut down by the police they constantly have to bribe.
- j. edgar Hoover style closet cases
- disphoria and surgical/pill based solutions to it for As, Os AND Bs.
- constant legal battles about the legal consent regarding heat-triggered rape. " he was asking for it, he shouldn't have left the house smelling like that" vs "consent isn't possible under the influence of heat"
- phone order beta services for both alphas and omegas that are covered by health insurance for alphas but not omegas.
- medication and cultural behavior rules for omegas, but none for alphas.
- alphas who dont want to be partnered because they know it will hinder their about to be seen as anything viable professionally. no omega comes out of anywhere to change anything for then because that's actually genuinely what they want
- alchohol/pill addicted omegas who lean on legal speed and extreme eating disorders in order to feel like they have some kind of control over their own bodies and lives, as everyone seems to take for granted that all an omega could possibly want is to get laid and make babies
- harems. the real kind, with politics and backstabbing and child murder, not pillow fights and cupcakes
- omega rights to health care constantly under threat. some international organizations provide floating healthcare facilities that are free of any one countries legal restrictions because they hang out in international waters.
- vulnerable omegas are statistically murdered far more than alphas and betas
- puritanical societies. purity rings for omega boys, families that refuse their omegas medical solutions and insist that they pray their way out of heat instead. parents that refuse their omega kids college tuition if they have sex outside of marriage.
- free love communes. most of disintegrate after ten years, but one or two turn into Oneida-style capitalism success stories.
- omega monasteries for men who choose not to participate in traditional omega lifestyles. they probably make a living delivering babies or making beer or something. they're real sick of the 'pregnant monk' costumes that show up on Halloween
- an experienced and qualified omega political candidates are never elected because damnit, ita just tnot in their nature to be leaders!
- omegas and alphas who pair off with something other than their 'natural' partner are considered aberrations. in some countries, murder of these people isn't even hidden that much.
- an alpha really wants an omega. the omega doesn't want him. they don't get together.
- alpha women/omega men partnerships, you cowards.
- omega rights groups. you are of course considered ugly if you go
- ACE and ARO characters
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
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Heats could be really difficult for little omega Izuku, but there is an alfa Kacchan to help uwú
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
Ok so I adore Omegaverse and Captive Prince and I was wondering have you ever thought about what Captive Prince would be like in the Omegaverse world? (Aka got any headcannons?)
Oh my god I too love both of these things!!! I’ve never done headcanons for Captive Prince before but this is gonna be so fun!
No surprises I’m gonna have Laurent as the Omega and Damen as the Alpha and these are totally not in any order. I kind of just vomited Omegaverse ideas out onto the page but I loved it so hopefully you do too ;)
* 100% Fated Pairs which 100% fucks up Laurent since Damen murdered his brother. Adds about 1000 layers of internal conflict, denial and self-hatred to Laurent’s constant struggle with the concept that Damen is actually one of the best men he has ever met.
* Laurent is actually the only Omega Damen has been with. He purposefully only ever sought Beta lovers before because he didn’t want to lose control and bite them accidentally.
* Damen in general just sees pair bonds as special and important. Unlike Vere where every Alpha in the court has a whole harem of bitten Omegas which horrifies Damen.
* All that court gossip about Laurent’s lack of sex life is escalated tenfold in Omegaverse. Not only is it a massive source of shame that a member of the Royal Family is an Omega (a class usually only found amongst the prized pets of the court) he doesn’t even act like one.
* The Regent using Laurent’s status as an excuse for his abuse. Brainwashing him to think that because he’s an Omega he wants him to do those sort of things to him.
* Laurent asks Damen to bite him at the Summer Palace. Damen always said that he wouldn’t bite him until he was asked because he never wanted Laurent to feel forced into anything ever again.
* Please reimagine the scene where Laurent has been given the aphrodisiacs as the first time he went into heat in front of Damen. He’s bewildered that Damen didn’t push him down and have his Alpha way with him causing a shift in his opinion and their relationship to improve.
* Damen convincing Laurent that his line shouldn’t end with him and Laurent being terrified by the concept of pregnancy because he’s spent so long pretending to be cold and shutting people out he’s scared he won’t be able to love a baby enough. Damen spending hours convincing him that that’s just not true, reminding him of how kind and how loving he really is.
* Charls is obviously their child’s Grandad and provides them with the finest silks imaginable and enchants them for hours with wild tales about a terrible Merchant’s Assistant called Lamen.
* Damen spending days pleasuring Laurent when he’s on his heat. I mean it’s canon he spent 7 hours doing the do with some gladiator in his chambers can you imagine what an Alpha’s stamina would do to that boy? Best. Alpha. Ever. (I mean unless you’re the Palace Help because Damen would not let anyone within 2 feet of an in heat Laurent)
* Laurent actually enjoying being an Omega when he’s with Damen because he doesn’t make him feel less. They’re always equals, even if Damen can make him incapable of rational thought from time to time ;)
* Laurent just camping out in Damen’s room and reading books because it’s his favourite place to be.
I’m gonna stop now… otherwise I think I’ll be at it all night 😂
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
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The duality of man.
This is on my nsfw blog cause it’s based on this camboy!yuuri fic (which is amazing and really smutty). (oh and also it’s ABO just to like give you a heads up).
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
I have a terrible fic idea.
Keep reading
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
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So Kaede & Ayame had a “delinquent phase” during middle school. I’m sure Mama straightened them out pretty quickly. 
From Tsuba Daeki’s twitter ♥
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
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✧・゚:* Check out my Twitter for the full uncensored version! *:・゚✧
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
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Shuu is so cute when he’s shy! You should just let Ayame shower you with all his love and affection! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
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sweet-sweet-omegas · 5 years
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The only correct response to ur fiance telling u he’s pregnant lmao
((related to this??? I make things up as I go))
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