taesiccc · 2 years
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Someone said that HYBE might be letting BTS have long hair, before they shave it off to go the military...
I’m actually looking forward to bald BTS btw…👀👀
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taesiccc · 2 years
HIATUS?! okay. this is my nightmare fr now.
🙂 I have no idea bestie. I’ve got some major shit to sort out so..I’ll be around? Prolly.
also updated the m.list
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taesiccc · 2 years
~Café Notes~
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PAIRING: Taehyung x Reader (f), Namjoon x Reader (f)
GENRE: Yandere au, fluff, slight angst?
RATING: Teens and up.
DISCLAIMER: Mentions of all characters and events occurring in this writing are fictitious and only written solely for entertainment purposes. 
SYNOPSIS; You receive these peculiar notes and it's no longer appealing or cute when they start appearing in your bedpost. It's only starting to get creepy..
AU/NOTE: This is an oneshot/drabble. I wrote this in a hurry so editing is a joke.🤡 Read the end for more notes.
The bell chings as you enter the cafe. The shift was usually light during the noons which didn’t totally mean relaxing in the aroma, It also meant lesser staff. As an university student, part time jobs weren’t surprising to you but it still meant extra effort. Also, working in a cafe was not always fancy like that. Every job has its own cons and yours was the shift timing. It constantly changed to its own comfort, destroying every other plan you schedule for the day. Just another month and hopefully you'll hopefully be able to get an organized agenda like your manager promised.
Converse feet drag along the familiar tiles immediately putting you in character. The same apron, the same name tag, the same ambiance with a slightly different set of people but, one thing remains the same.
The note.
‘Luv ur smile! :)’
The note read. You’d normally appreciate compliments but this was starting to get a little creepy. These notes simply keep coming and it was growing evident with the fact that it was meant only for you. No 'from' name was ever mentioned, nor was there any evidence of this person.
Eventually, It felt cute when they started; even so having you write back notes and sometimes even storing them but once they’ve started appearing on personal visiting spots or even your front door; nothing has been the same.
You weren't seeing anyone at the moment and its not like the cafe staff were super close or this nice to begin with. Except for some staff, same aged as you but to think those female staff were lesbians, didn't set accurate to your accusations. Costumers? Well..your shift was never the same and you haven't heard from any other staff of receiving notes like these. You were turning worried, fearing if you've acquired a stalker or some sort. You weren't an influencer to attract weirdos but you were aware that its very much possible for an ordinary student like you as well.
Changing shifts or even writing them back to stop didn’t work. The notes were still very visible and still very readable. You feel yourself become more like a paranoid, skeptical with anyone you met. You stare at the note once again before crumbling it and tossing it over the bin.
“That was so close!” You flinch at the sudden invite.
“Oh- I thought…your shift was over?”
“That’s no way to greet your coworker, I mean I understand- I’ll just leave if you hate me” he pouts as he states, making you roll your eyes at him.
“Will you ever stop being so dramatic Taehyung?” you stare in disbelief.
“Maybe, one day…but the world will live to regret missing a sweet person like me” he grins knowing he'd earn a sigh from you.
“And uhm, looks like your secret admirer left you another note!”
“About that-
“Didn’t you store them? Like you always do? And why? didn’t you like the message?” he interrupts and you feel your body tense at the moment.
“Hey relax- it was just sticky and nasty so I.. uh preferred to pass that out” you lied.
Taehyung was soo convinced that it was your secret admirer! At times you even find yourself contemplating if that was true. But to you, it just seemed like a novel thing. He was nothing to blame since he has a knack for fascination. He just self proclaims his love for romance and hearing another lecture leaving his mouth about how it’s apparently a “deadly sin” to deny a ‘pure form of love’ can wait for another week. He even says that you're lucky for something like this. Taehyung is not necessarily delusional but in most cases he does behave like one. He’s basically a childishly adorable dude that you’ve managed to befriend but definitely don’t regret.
At times he makes it look like he's left the notes then later tell you that he was lying all about it. and it wasn't one day but several times making you check him off the list, a lot frustrated. He is most probable to do stuff like this but, you'll immediately be able to make out since he's built like 'captain obvious'.
You still have an eye on him in case he's actually doing it; so you can get back at his ass for having you in constant dilemma for all this long!
“This feels so nice!” You sip the hot beverage. It was usually another staff that worked this shift with you but leave takes for substitute.
��I didn’t know you guys drank off of the company! Should be illegal right?” he sounded baffled.
“Yeahhh? But we kinda just accidentally switched off the cameras one day and started drinking some”
“Did you just say ‘acci-den-tally’? Geuss what? You can miss me that shit!“ he scoffs.
“It’s okay then. Just pay for that beverage you’re drinking right now and hopefully 'Sir Taehyung' can live in righteousness” you spoke rather unamused as he peaks through the fifteen bucks worth drink before reviewing your comment.
“Never mind. I think our boss deserves this for the ridiculous prices” he gulps the hot liquid while you spurt out a hearty laugh.
It was great spending time with Taehyung. He was like the only genuine friend you owned. Even tho you only got to see him at the cafe, he was always there by your side when you needed someone. He’s taken care of your sick self at bed, sometimes even buying you chocolates and candy during your cramps. It surprised you to experience so much care coming from a somebody. You weren’t necessarily childhood friends but still friends to an extent. To be honest, you just loved how he was being sincere with you and you appreciated it a whole lot. That was something really remarkable about him.
He insists recording all your favorites or anything to begin with yourself as a sense of growing your friendship. You were initially weirded out by the fact that he lend ‘matching charms’ for both of you within four days of meeting but nothing surprises you now that you’ve known him. He’d send birthday cards and cupcakes for the entire birth month until it was finally your birthday. He got attached way too quickly and his actions constantly make you question his sanity; only to conclude that he was being nothing but a sweetheart and much of a gem you didn't wanna miss!
“See ya dingus!”
“Goodbye beautiful! Sleep tight!!”
You wave Taehyung and shut the door behind you. Hurriedly you shake yourself off the clothes before plopping yourself on the bed. You feel slightly uneasy laying down as you toss over to the other side. The scent feels oddly different but puts you to sleep very soon.
The next day you leave for university and seat yourself through the lectures. Calculus class was always shit but it feels more terrible today. Your eyes droop uncontrollably, barely seeing anything around you. You’re feeling a lot sleepier than usual so you stretch your limbs hoping to feel refreshed but it seems impossible for you to focus.
Would a class of sixty three know if you were to take a friendly nap? The lecture itself sounds like lullaby at this point. You cross your elbows and lay your neck by the seat soon dozing off officially.
I woke up feeling a little cold. It was as if I could finally open my eyes for the first time. My limbs ache and I wish to lay a little more if not my attendance begging for dear life. My cheeks felt moist; it’s probably just my drool.
Once I’ve lifted my head up I immediately feel the urge to sleep again. Regardless, I stretch my hands above and yawns leave my mouth a little too loudly. I wipe my cheeks with my sleeve, ready to finally get out.
As I rummage through my bag I feel a pair of eyes on me. I look besides me and a boy, almost twice my size looks at me while I stare back confused. The corner of my vision distracts me to a stain on his shirt that looks crooked. I keep looking back and forth until the thought finally hit me.
‘Did i lay on him? And god- could that be my drool? Shit!’
You feel your lids widen at the sight also feeling very much embarrassed of yourself. You quickly look over to his eyes that crease in a matter of seconds. He presents himself before you could; interrupting from telling anything.
“It’s okay! Don’t worry about it!” he says as he overlooks your panic.
“I’m really sorry about that! I really am! Is there something I can do to-
“It’s completely fine miss, you don’t have to do anything” he smiles but it only makes you more guilty and embarrassed.
“I apologize again, I-I probably gave you a lot of hassle all this while- is there something I can-
“Hey- calm down. It’s no big deal, really! It’s a normal thing so no biggie!-' he assures still having you look anywhere but his face.
'-Do you think I’ve not drooled when I sleep? let go…Don’t even worry about it!” He smiles again patting your shoulder. You feel awkward standing there visibly having nothing to say. The silence falls; his tall frame standing there while the clock ticked. Your insides torture you to tell something that could maybe help fill the void-
“How about I treat you a drink!" I ramble and his eyebrows furrow at my offer. I was scared for a second; Later realizing how I sounded; I regret putting that up like some creep trying to hit on him. Should have sounded absurd and sudden..
"or...or this would make me feel terrible for the entire day” I say, trying to make the intention much much clearer this time.
Relief rush through me as he chuckled, highlighting his dimples to my sight. He looked handsome and appeared really polite with his gestures. A smile crept down my lips, feeling rather comfortable this time. A good man like him definitely didn't deserve drool stains! At least I was convinced..
“You don’t have to” he smiled ruffling his hair, still flaunting the pair of hollow dimples.
Maybe it isn't too bad to hit on him after all..
“I insist”
I was practically jogging beside him. His steps were wayy too longer and faster for someone with an average height. It wasn’t really my shift but I’ve decided to get this over with. It just felt like I was deserved to waste my twenty bucks on a drink especially for a stranger in consideration to what I did. I totally deserve this. I confess, my sleep schedule is trash but blaming it for my actions? That's a little too much.
You were in the midst of classes, still hurrying to buy this guy his drink. You didn’t know how many classes you have missed but dear, you had to hurry.
“What would you like?” your fingers tap the counter slightly impatient.
“Uhm how about we both get drinks? It’s a little awkward for me to drink while someone watched” he chuckled lightly, rubbing his nape.
Normally at these situations you would lie to someone about your financial status basically being a bitch to your expenses and excuse it with something else but it was not like you were gonna see him everyday and engage in amazing conversations about space and neither could you come with a lie so quickly. well.. it didn't even matter if you lied anyway! did it?
“Erm..I’m kinda low on budget right now, it’s cool if only you had it. It's fine, I don’t feel like drinking one” you admitted with utmost decency.
Although these are some very embarrassing series taking place altogether in a day, you didn’t currently care but you knew you’d recall this one day and fall down a pit of dipshit you’ve done all along.
“If that’s the case, I’ll pay for the drinks!” He supposed as you feel yourself blush at the sudden offer, making you appear slightly tinted due to the embarrassment.
“Uhm..I’m the one that’s supposed to pay for you.. some other time?..maybe?” you speak in uncertainty, not sure where this was going.. as if you expected to meet him again?
“I insist. How about you give me company instead of buying one?” he anticipated for your reply while you froze in serious thought.
“Take this as my favor miss?” he smiles, tilting his face to look at yours.
You didn’t know if it was him that made you come to terms with his deal or if it was your budget anymore. You didn’t know what to say either but couldn't bring yourself to deny with whatever he had to offer. You’d be hesitant to agree but you were certainly welcomed by his charms that appeared way too attractive than it should have.
The drinks were bought and being slurped on by it's owners. You haven't talked a lot other than the basic things exchanged in a conversation; to even call it a conversation would be a crime. You just sat besides this random guy, pretending to be very calm and casual while in reality you sucked the life out of this drink, wanting to get to your classes. You just wished you didn't choke on it and make it any awkward.
"May I know your name?" he spoke a little sudden as you successfully choke on your drink like you hoped not to, startling the boy beside you. He leaves and hurries back with some water lending it to you also putting your drink aside in the process.
You don't divert you gaze as you feel your cheeks burn to his actions. You concentrate on drinking the water before answering his queries.
"Are you okay?" he assures as you nod in response.
"Yes and thank you for this" you say between coughs pointing to the bottle.
"Don't mention it"
Soon the silence fills, hurting you physically to stay there.
"We never- "And about my-
You interrupt eachother making a very clumsy conversation. You did not enjoy any impressions you were giving him from the beginning, even so wondering if he regrets inviting you for a drink.
"ha ha so uhm like i was saying, we never exchanged our names?" He talks again bringing you out of your thoughts. He seems to want to know about you while in your perspective, you start to contemplate if he was interested in you.
Your mind takes a turn suddenly making you anxious to face him but you set aside these temporary thoughts, finally stating you name. Something you should have done in the start.
"Right! Yes. my name is y/n. you?"
"Namjoon. Kim Namjoon." He pronounces as he smiles.
"That's a nice name. It's got a wise meaning to it actually, I'm not sure if you know that-
"Wait..Really? I've always been interested in name analogy- just that I wasn't sure if anything was ever authentic. They say name analogy varies from horoscopic inspection which i think is utter hogwash! There is a clear line distinguishing both astrology and and scientific observations! Don't you think?" He rapped them all in one go. He sounded really consumed in topic making him look like a reporter.
You took in all of his words, somewhat amazed but still managed to scrutinize them. His eyes glistened as he looked at you; really eager to know your opinion.
"Woah- so name analogy is not fake after all." You mumbled at the thought.
"Mind elaborating?"
"My uncle does these things and I basically grew up listening to them and he's had people asking him to analyze the name 'Namjoon' and according to him, it means 'something genius from the south' and surprisingly, It's not fake at all!" You tell him, getting a little lively about the experience also complimenting him on the side.
"Damn..Thank you! I'll flaunt that around for a bit now!" he jokes earning a genuine chuckle from you.
The day passed but it didn't even look like it! You spent all your time talking with Namjoon and maybe even walking around for a while and it felt really warm having his company. It's safe to say you liked his calm but talkative nature or that you simply liked him. You observe attraction to Namjoon but also do not want to make a fool out of you in the end. It could be an infatuation but until then you just know you've got that crush!
Like wise, like the gentleman he is, he leads you safe at your doorstep, biding you with a goodbye and pleasant night wishes. This day was not any other day but a very pleasing day in your life. It was certainly very pleasant unlike your first impression but turned out way better and modifying than you expected it to go like. With that being said, you flee off to your bed with circling thoughts about him.
The bell chings as you enter the cafe. Converse feet drag along the familiar tiles immediately putting you in character. The same apron, the same name tag, the same ambiance with a slightly different set of people but, one thing...disappears?
You don't see the note.
As much things made you felt suspicious and off, you were equally happy it was ending. The door chings again as you look over. Your moody face turns contented as you watch him walk in.
"Taehyung!" you wave but he seems nonchalant. His lazy steps make their way into the counter, completely ignoring you. Now, you were sure something was very off with his behavior. You look out the counter making sure no one came, before strolling behind him. He works like a soulless frame, showing no acknowledgement of your presence. It almost makes you cringe.
"Tae? You okay?" You halt. His hair fled down like he'd just woken up. He ties his apron around his abdomen, making it clear that he refuses to face you. You think before your hand flinches at the shudder voice.
"Yesterday. Where were you?" he sounded stern, tying his apron repeatedly for what took like two seconds.
"..I...was..." your words trail to think of something else. You didn't know why you didn't just expose the fact that you met someone you liked but you knew that you wanted to tell it first to him more than anyone else until the second you really saw him.
The café calls for service and you leave the place. It wasn't disturbing to you the way Taehyung acts but it set you at unease to see a different side of his.
You lavish yourself, free from thoughts and continue blind copying orders.
"What can I get you sir?"
"Your company?"
Your eyes deviate at once looking over to the man with a greenish trench coat. Foxy eyes, rough yet supple hair, and undeniably adorable dimples. You almost sigh as he coughs catching you off guard. Your cheeks blush severely burning your insides. He grins in return, quite flushed himself.
"The usual" he says, making you frown; "yes?" your voice sounding almost like a whisper. You clear your throat collecting your voice, gulping down any signs of fidgety.
He chuckles, before he talks, quite rasp as you find- "You know what? drop it. HEY! EXCUSE ME?!"
He beckons Taehyung to the front. Taehyung roams his way around reaching out to your side. "Just get me a Espresso con Panna and y/n what do you want?" you struggle to grasp before he orders something else for you, pulling you out with him. You look back at Taehyung who stares back idly.
You smile sheepishly, before sitting down with Namjoon. Things were escalating quicker and you didn't even wanna judge. Although you liked spending time with him, it still concerns that you were very much at work.
"HELLO? YOU" not too long but you hear from the counter. His loud voice captures everyone as Taehyung signals Namjoon to come over while you insist that you leave. "Why? doesn't he work here? Sit." he orders. You hesitate to sit nonetheless follow.
He removes his trench coat revealing a thin fabric shirt poorly covering his buff chest. Your eyes wander elsewhere, shocked over the impact over sized clothes can hide. He retracts backwards gesturing Taehyung to come over instead. It makes you uncomfortable to see Taehyung act so unfamiliar but watch helpless.
His walk slugs along your table finally scenting his scent.
"What's the matter?" Namjoon demands rather harshly. "We don't have whatever you asked for" he replies, detached. "Fine. Just get me coffee black".
Taehyung turns to leaves but halts when he comments "Work better and maybe I'll spare tips".
You suddenly feel so scabby of Namjoon. You look over to him and his aura is something very contracting. Your eyes meet and his lids crease in a matter of seconds, and you already feel so used to it.
"I come here everyday but I never see you around.."
The conversation continued.
You had forgotten all about today just like the last time. You no longer felt irked nor did you worry about Taehyung. You're just captured when he's around; Like a picture of a flower in the of midst a war.
Long fingers slide past your vision. The order is served by Taehyung on the table. He carefully places your drinks before leaving. Once again, you feel some what unpleasant. He brings back all that had happened; Like the flames behind the flower.
"It's on me." Namjoon reminds as you nod knowingly. Your hands pick on the straw and just as your lips touch Namjoon grabs it away. You look at him baffled before he yells out to the counter.
A wearisome Taehyung walks out only to get yelled at by your infuriated crush. You don't seem to make heads or tales out of this situation.
"THIS IS THE WRONG ORDER!" he yells at his face and your eyes immediately diverts back to the drink. You rotate the cup reading out the name. 'cold brew'. It was your drink!
"Joon stop! it's the right order!" you yell and pull him back as an attempt to stop this unwanted drama. Taehyung seemed unaffected to the scene and looking at him upsets you. You were no good to his strength as he pushes you away gripping his collar.
"CAN YOU NEVER MIND YOUR BUSINESS? YOU'RE SUCH A SHAME AND I EXPECTED NOTHING LESS FROM YOU!" His words, very spiteful, outraged you leaving you speechless to his behavior. You didn't know why he was making such a big deal out of a darned drink!
"JOON PLEASE STOP! HE'S GOT THE DRINK RIGHT! STOP IT" you yell on top of your lungs stopping the brawl. The café falls silent, having many people even leave the once peaceful ambiance.
Namjoon sighs as he collects himself. You look at Taehyung who looked pathetic and weak but somewhat aggrieved by the look of his eyes.
"See. This is not what I ordered. I ordered this." He points to the board, in a way explaining it to you. You ignore him, making your way to Taehyung instead. "Taehyung why?" you ask distressed. "That's not your favorite" he ends simply, softening your eyes and wavering heart.
"And? did I ask your opinion?" Namjoon heated back. Taehyung simply apologized to him and accepted to pay for the drink. You no longer wanted to stay there. You pitied Taehyung so much so you claimed the drink beyond Namjoon's quarrel and as a result he simply left.
Only you and Taehyung remained.
You took glances as you swept the counter. He stood by the cash register recording funds. In a way to lighten him up you quickly finish the chores and and discreetly get to the register.
"Hello! I'd like to pay for this!" you exclaim to which he simply doesn't spare a glance instead, passes you a slip. You look through the contents to find he had already paid. He abruptly leaves before you could catch hold of him. His moody self or anything else other than the Taehyung you know only perplexes you and it only gets worse when he doesn't talk. You follow him to the backroom and he's left.
You didn't expect many chaotic events to occur but one thing you did expect was a headache. You lay your head on the marble counter but soon remember to dispose the towels. As you dispose the waste, something catches your attention. Something that looks like a note.
You pause for a moment but reach out to the note. You open the crumbled paper and it stated a single sad smiley. The note lies lifelessly on your hands instantly making you conscious of your surroundings. 'Did this supposed stalker watch me the entire day? Was he present in the café?' You feel yourself twitch at the thought.
You crumble it back throwing it in the bin; this time more palpitated from the scenarios. Not a second later you hear the backroom door unlocking and you rummage the desk acquiring a knife. The front exits were locked, leaving only one option. Maybe if you haven't looked at the note you wouldn't have to be this paranoid. You clutch the knife through your sweaty palms agreeing to commit also feeling lumps of sweat deposit down your chest.
"Time to close. Hurry up." you recognize the voice,
At once bringing you out of your dilemma. You lift your quivering self and collect your belongings dashing to the source.
As soon as you see his face, a pressurized urge pushes you to embrace him. Your hands lock around his figure, almost crushing his ribs. Your cheeks stain pathetically that tumble down his sharp collar bones as you let out your compressed breathing onto his nape. You wish to never let go off of him, feeling confident that no one would harm you if he was beside you. Your heart rate bang through your ears nearly making you pass out.
You don't notice until he backs you away. You look at his face but it looks the same. You don't understand why he behaves this way and it annoys you how he doesn't even look at you. Your hands slid back onto his torso and you continue to deliberately stare at him. Determined you'll make him talk. He clicks his tongue, portraying clear annoyance. He doesn't even wish touch you nor speak to you.
Unexpected, your tears well up disconnecting yourself from Taehyung. You seem to have forgotten the fear that over took you moments ago, replacing it with guilt and humiliation. You never realized how much his actions mattered until they actually showed.
His shadow passes yours and you stay still condemning yourself. The lamppost flickers, glistening your replacing tears. You look back one last time and see yourself left out in darkness. It perplexes you and you walk home mundane.
Feeling weak, You reach your door and chills run down your arms feeling a distanced gaze from somewhere. You stand by and watch for moving bushes or stomped on leaves. But instead, you see a note. Not any normal note, but the same exact note you still receive.
Your head watches over the sides while you gulp lumps of stored saliva down your throat. You contemplate but regardless curiously pick the note and rush through doors. You make sure they're locked before reading them out. You open it at once and all you find is a single word with a smiley.
'SORRY! :('
The note flees down from your palm and lands graciously on the floor. You simply stare at it knowing that you were being watched. Watched by 'them'. You hated how silent the home was. It mad you mad very second. You could even be watched right now and you wouldn't know. They could even be inside your cupboards. Your thoughts surround your actions and the people you have met.
You analyze just as you receive a text. Afraid to even read it but your thumbs slid through as his name pops up.
'Have you reached home? I'm so sorry! Let's please talk!'
The message ends with a '-joon'. You look through the number before texting him back with a reply. Such activity clearly makes you feel at ease, feeling like you're not alone. Just as the message sets in, you see a received text from Taehyung.
It seemed quite normal at first sight but it makes you anxious and hideous to think about it. You no longer feel safe or doubtful as you keep reading his simple yet concluding message.
'good night'
You watch the clock as it strikes 1Opm sharp. The message reads at 9:57pm; the time you should have reached home. The time you should have picked up the note..
The time he must have been here..
Gone crazy you collect yourself in a corner. The clock sounds, Joon's spamming messages, and lastly settling silence, make you shudder every now and then. To think you've trusted him makes you feel shitty if you were him. Your head feels unsteady with visuals of a psychotic bastard like him.
Taehyung. Taehyung. Taehyung.
You fall ill by the thought of something sickly startling. You just don't trust yourself the moment everything reflects itself. You finally start to understand moments better and nothing helps considering the fact that you loved him very much dearly. You grow self conscious and concerned by every passing minute not allowing a bit of drowsiness to settle in. You refuse to lay and even wished the same for torturing yourself with an unsound mind.
With no darned sleep and aching heels that stayed up the entire night watch guarding the house, there was nothing you can do but to get your job resigned. You didn't wanna go back to seeing Taehyung or holding any ties with him. It's been almost a minute and and you've left the job by a spoken fake reason for the owner. Of course you refused to go the café but you made sure it wasn't his shift.
You didn't know if Taehyung would stop stalking you or not sure how to restrain him without any clear proof. You were convinced and he was still much of a stranger to you and why would there ever be a reason for defending his actions? Nothing would stop you from ever being paranoid and cynical here after and he was all to blame. Just the thought of him made you quiver under nothing and to think of the mask he wore was something even disturbing.
Namjoon helped you find an apartment conveniently close to his so you didn't have to feel unsafe. He was sure he'd help you move out but after he's heard all about Taehyung, he insisted you stay with him.
Not sure if you had to share anything at all with him in the first but he's all you've got, closest to not being a stabber. He's been with you for a while and you knew he sincerely cares about you unlike an obsessive psycho. You've heard from Taehyung a crazy amount but it's only best if he'd stay the hell away.
You haven't briefed Namjoon on anything but keeping it cut short. You were happy he didn't dig deep on it and offered to help instead. The notes still remain a traumatizing part and you'd rather keep it to yourself.
"That's way too much!" You panic taking the seasoning away from him.
You both engaged in weekly cooking for fun and this time it was your turn. He'd make a mess out of your apartment in just a matter of minutes!
Namjoon suggested you'd both spend time together, so you didn't feel uncertain. You very much appreciated his thoughtfulness and understanding; and shifting apartments were more entertaining.
"ALRIGHT! How about I cut these onions?"
"OH PLEASE NAMJOON! Don't even think about onions anymore!" You yelp remembering the time he'd cut them with the knife held upside down.
He simply sighs and instead watches you stir the dish. You flush feeling his chin rest down your shoulder. At this point you were very much aware that you liked him but you weren't ready to get rejected just yet. Love was always something hard to understand for you cause you've only had experiences of the wrong kind. Namjoon made you feel special in ways you didn't know you could have. You'll be sure to confess, but not anytime soon.
"oh! my phone.." you excuse yourself to the ringing call.
"JUST STIR!" You yell across the hall while he gestures standing like a soldier.
Your lips slip a smile as you attend the call but soon wither as you hear his voice. A voice you haven't heard all month.
"Y/n listen to me! PLEASE JUST LISTEN! GIVE ME A CHANCE!" he begs aloof of the volume, crying by the line and you feel your pits sweat through your clothes. You try to stop the mild headache that kills you with memories and betrayal.
"No" you manage to speak and its barely even subtle. He continues screaming through the call, not being able to hear the whisper of words you're letting out. You keep an eye on Namjoon, in case he hears about Taehyung. He's got a terrible temper when it comes to Taehyung and you're least interested in including him with this.
"n-no..i won't-
The line trails and you panic through every second. Your hand clutches the phone tighter when you hear small sobs. You always cared for Taehyung and hearing him cry, burdens your heart to your stomach. You wait in line, unable to cut the call until you hear him again.
"..please..this once. please" His voice trembling and distant. You decline immediately feeling your lids moist up.
'Were you wrong all this while? Was this fair?'
Your mind collapses with consecutive thoughts. You certainly couldn't bare how he sounded and your gut signs you to meet him. He was someone very important to you and he was such a jem you promised yourself never to miss. Things would only kill you to desperate curiosity if you didn't meet him but you also needed to know that he was nothing but a stranger.
The sun falls and you finish your dinner quicker. You've made up your mind. You don't really inform Namjoon and rather excuse yourself to a sick friend. Your brain appears fogged to think of anything but only Taehyung. His words ring continuously, stirring you with advance guilt.
All you ever wanted to do now was to meet him and get answers.
You wrap the towel by your wet body and turn down the door knob. You let a slight welp feeling a strong electric shock pass through the metal. Clueless, you proceed to open it once more getting shocked the second time. The knob falls down heavily and you reach out to fix it. You push it through the door only to get shocked third time in a row. You look into it and find a lean thin black wire sparking red lights.
You stand unmindful until the thought finally seemed to have hit you. You hide yourself away feeling your knees strain weak while your palm shuts your mouth tight, other holding the towel. Fear settles down your gut realizing something disgusting and horrific happening to you. Your heart beat dooms through your ears and you curl yourself feeling disgusted and unreal by the happening.
You hear your room door creek through the silence making his footsteps echo around. The door bangs with no voice or exposure. Goosebumps settle behind your neck as you sob into your hand flooding it with salty tears. The bangs get louder and louder making you horrendously anxious and frightful.
"y/n? I know you're there. Open the door and I won't hurt you darling.."
His shadow lurks around the door while he bangs it like he'd break it. His voice so smooth but the sound makes you quiver in fear, bunching your swollen lids. You whimper helpless and betrayed by him. You're aware he'd break the door anytime soon and you sit put not knowing what to ever do. Recording your nudes was the last thing you've imagined that might happen to you. Your toes curl by the thought of him watching your videos for god knows how many days.
"y/n...Y/N! I SAID OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" He bangs the door as it slightly crashes from the sides.
You quickly attempt taking the nearest vase seeing how he'd still catch hold of you. Cries leave your mouth wailing to leave you alone and nothing more. You scream in fear asking for help from someone who you thought was your savior but a sickening bastard in disguise.
"YOU BITCH! UNLOCK THIS RIGHT NOW! DO IT BEFORE I FUCKING CHANGE MY MIND!" He screeches banging the door violently.
Your hands shake making you nauseous and unfocused of the situation. The more the door broke the more you feel yourself loose control.
Next thing you know, the door crashes open to his view. Your eyes widen and your feet backs up to his vile appearance. His body glistened with absurd amount of strained muscles and sweat, really making him look like a monster.
To your defense, you swing the vase by his head but he switches your arms in one tight grip strangling your neck.
"How cute!" You hear his wicked chuckle as you suffocate under his arms.
You struggle to hold your towel and at least manage to stay alive while his corrupt eyes overlook your dreadful ones. He drags you outside as you choke pathetically attempting to yell for help.
He lifts you up in ease, hovering over your frame then spraying a familiar scent. You feel yourself ahead of huge pain and torture in the midst also crying over your aching heart more than anything. You last wished Taehyung would appear to save you from a psycho you're going to be condemned to..
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let me know if yawl want a bonus where all the truth is unveiled cause there are more parts to this. It was initially planned that I would just include it in here but it's already too long.
HAND! (iykyk)
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taesiccc · 2 years
You're moving AGAIN?!
Didn't you move like a month ago😭
I’m legit loosing my nerves and anything to even begin with like- WHYTFFFF?!?!
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0 notes
taesiccc · 2 years
I AM MOVING AGAIN.. (?!?!jsishisihskkJjAHHH!)
I’m moving again…
Very VERY frustrating indeed. I hate it. So much.
New places are starting to get scary..ngl
But before I go on over again and do all the shit again, imma post a fic. Idk maybe a Drabble???
(Not me keeping promises💀)
Bye my tumb fam.
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taesiccc · 2 years
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taesiccc · 2 years
Recently, I've been obsessed with Seoul and everythingoes, wbu any songs you can't stop listening to?
Just stickin with the classics! 🎻
If you’d ask me about my song preferences I would keep going for a day…lmao 🗿
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taesiccc · 2 years
Did you see the new Seokjin live? I would've smashed my computer if I was him, yet all he did was make some questionable noises...
*actual footage of me after playing getting over it*
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taesiccc · 2 years
I love what you did with the moon emojis on your masterlist :)
‘I’ Love that, ‘you’ loved it!! (👉゚ヮ゚)👉
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taesiccc · 2 years
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⚠️It’s advised in advance for readers under 18+/Minors to not engage with posts marked with a {📍} as they contain explicit content⚠️
Everything mentioned here is updated to a level, or might even take time; check the homepage if specific post is not found.
For the time being not every member will have stories, which i'll obviously have to write; headers for each will be put up once the stories are written for the respective member.
The following indicates-
🌜- ongoing
🌝- completed
🥀- angst
☁️- fluff
📍- explicit
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Your Part 🥀📍🌜
SYNOPSIS: You are married to Taehyung. A stranger you’ve only seen twice or so. You find yourself neglected of pleasures in the marriage and could this have anything to do with Taehyung’s medical history? what is that affecting him? what could he have done worse? tf? A.. Crime?……perhaps..?
Your part -Pt.1
Your part -Pt.2
Nerdy simp 🥀📍☁️🌜
SYNOPSIS: Your nerdy friend Taehyung would die for this girl at your university but he’s really shy even thinking about approaching her and you think teasing him would make him confess his feelings…Or he had other plans?
Nerdy simp- Pt.1
Café Notes~ ☁️🥀🌝
SYNOPSIS; You receive these peculiar notes and it’s no longer appealing or cute when they start appearing in your bedpost. It’s only starting to get creepy..
~Café Notes~ (oneshot/drabble)
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~Café Notes~ ☁️🥀🌝
SYNOPSIS; You receive these peculiar notes and it’s no longer appealing or cute when they start appearing in your bedpost. It’s only starting to get creepy..
~Café Notes~ (oneshot/drabble)
24 notes · View notes
taesiccc · 2 years
Your theme change just inspired me to finally change mine (I've had for like a month or 2, and I hated it so much)
Same sis- 💪🏽🌝
New theme lookin bomb btw! 👀😮‍💨✨✨
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taesiccc · 2 years
New theme looking good :)
Slayy :’]
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taesiccc · 2 years
Pretty in Pink~ ✨🌸🍭
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I finally changed the theme! 😮‍💨
0 notes
taesiccc · 2 years
Your part- Pt.2
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PAIRING: Yandere Taehyung x Reader (f) 
GENRE: Yandere au, smut, angst 
TW: Mature content, mentions of violence, Yandere, Manipulative behavior
RATING: 18+ 
DISCLAIMER: Mentions of all characters and events occurring in this writing are fictitious and only written solely for entertainment purposes. 
SYNOPSIS: You are married to Taehyung. A stranger you've only seen twice or so. you find yourself neglected of pleasures in the marriage and does this have anything to do with Taehyung's medical history? what is that affecting him? what could he have done worse? tf? A.. Crime?......perhaps..?
“Shall we leave??”
“Yeah! In a minute!” Your voice echoed back to him as you hurried brushing your hair and tinting your lips.
You still had about half an hour left to reach the ceremony but your husband suggested leaving early since it’s a bit far from the west. You slapped the pins onto your bun hoping it would stay stable and make you look more like a professional. Few strands of curls fell down your forehead entrancing your face. You would be lying if you haven’t seen a prettier ‘you’ in days worth. You took one last glance at your self;
Indeed. very lady like.
The green satin hung flawlessly over your collarbones on your body hugging your curves just right! A small low cut starting from your thigh, exposed your flushed skin like fresh tan dawns. You caressed your exposure feeling like the sexy figure you are. Content with how you looked you moved away to adorn your feet.
Just then Taehyung stood by the door for what took you longer than your said it was going to take for you to arrive. You had excused yourself to slip into some heels completing the look. Coincidentally, Taehyung stood right in front of your bending figure having him catch sight at your cleavage. Unaware of the situation you continue fixing your heels but the door slammed shut in front of you.
He was gone. Did you make him mad? Did you take too long? You didn’t know but sure hurried the process up.
She’s definitely making a wreck out of me.
Stroking myself in the car isn’t really my intention. I’d wanna fuck her against the wall and later destroy her bratty self but this is not the time. She’d think I’m a creep ruining her up in a occasion like this. I don’t wanna make her mad or to even disappoint her. Even if it takes to cutting my boner off but, nothings works right now goddamn!
I remember. Vaguely.
Treatments do me no good with my past. Mia feared me. All I had done was to take her home and fuck her up like she wanted. She asked for it; her dress was way too short and cute. What else did she want? She was mad cause I told we were going to the library instead? But she loved it! I can hear her screams, her voice... The way she bled through pleasure; It’s only fair if I’ll give to y/n too. But no. Not now. I’ll hand it to her later so she wouldn’t cry like she did. So she didn’t fear me like she did. She’ll love it!
My hand does the loser job while her cunt would fit just right.
“Ah- shk-”
To rail her and force every drop of cum she could produce. Cum for me. Perfect. All for me. To squeeze her breasts, to suck her skin, to soak her insides, to spread her wide…
All for me.
I watch, as my cock stands like a spring. No matter how I handle it, I can’t keep up. I don’t have a lot of time.
I flinch as I hear a knock on the glass. She’s here. Shit. This would strangle me inside my zippers. I can’t seem to get this moving but I’ve got no other way..
“Taehyung? Is everything alright? Can you hear me? Uh..The door is locked!”
The car just stood there idle. You stood there just the same. He was definitely in the car; the head lights said otherwise.
What is he doing? Was he so mad, he’s locking you out until you apologize? Is he talking to someone over a call? Is it confidential? Nothing stood out except for him being mad at your timing. You decided to apologize. Maybe that’s what he wanted. You clutched your purse in you hand feeling a little embarrassed; knocking once again.
“Uh..SORRY!” You voiced a little louder; not sure sure if he could hear you.
You voiced out even loudly but the car sped away. Weren’t you loud enough or something? You’re sure you would’ve heard it. Why was he this mad at you? To leave you behind for your own friends engagement? What was he going to do there alone anyway? Couldn’t you just be late at all? Like- since when wasn’t it normal?!
It was getting on your nerves now. Being a little late, in the midst of 30 minutes earliest wasn’t bad at all! Why must you apologize? You unlocked your phone and scrolled through his number. 'This wasn’t that offensive at all!' thoughts mumbled-
You called him several million times and had a trace of nothing from him. Did he just leave for the party? Without you?! Just as you’ve taken the decision to call upon a cab his name popped up.
'Taehyung' - it read blandly.
You thought for a second but took up the call anyways. You planned to yell your voice out but his soft, breathless voice is having you concerned-
“Sorry….I’m on my way”
“Hey! Where are you? Are you o-
Beep beep beep.
The call is already cut displaying you a dead screen. Did he meet with some accident? What was happening? You’re breaking you head while you wait. Sooner or later the car has arrived. So has he. He looked as if he’d ran a marathon which he might have since you didn’t know this enigma of a man.
You open the door and set yourself inside the car. The car smelled unusual but the open window will do just fine. You slam the door shut to his notice; to show him what he’s done. You don’t wanna talk. In fact you won’t talk! There is no point since he won’t be truthful besides, not talking to him was a part of showing your attitude right about now. That’s all you had anyway and that didn’t make a difference for once!
The avenue was fresh and gave you a feeling of joy. It's been a whole long since your wedding seeing such ceremonies. You needed that of all people considering a suffocating ride with the man you married. You lead yourself inside having him follow you. But to your extreme disappointment the after party is what he has taken you to.
The entire thing was over.
Why the fuck would you want to be here unless to you wanted to embarrass yourself with image of only coming here so you could enjoy drinks and dance? You would rather head to a club. The entire point of existence there was over. How much you wanted to yell at his face? Oh how much! Where was his sense of timing now?
You turn abruptly, off towards the car and Taehyung followed along like a lost confused pup; Only secretly happy for what he had to do tonight for having him masturbate in some open park to your name; thankfully no eye witnesses around the area or he would be behind bars but that’s no different from facing your irritated aura. Just as you’ve seated your fuming self inside the car your seat mate at office has managed to spot you. ‘He’ then progressively ‘they’ wave, practically inviting your utterly nothing but useless appearance inside. You hide yourself in embarrassment but soon you’re out and in the party territory. Of course, Taehyung had to tag along.
He accompanied you after all.
You were immediately greeted by so many people you’ve never even interacted with. You were quite surprised by the attention. Were you so well known? But your stupid ass hadn’t caught on the point like your husband had. You looked glamorous and extremely beautiful for men like those to come gnaw on your stunning appearance. Who wouldn’t look at you in such way when your body portrayed itself like some Greek goddess on loose? Your figure stood out. You stood out.
Your eyes searched for Grace. You couldn’t just go dig on some food immediately and that totally wasn’t your intention. Weirdly she hung out at the bar. You weren’t normally surprised but still quite surprised. You held Taehyung’s hand heading over to her.
There was no use in telling around that your husband was so fucking handsome but to show how damn ethereal he looked. How dreamy he was and how he exclusively belonged to you!
You only intertwined your fingers making him a blushing mess. You failed to notice anything from his side since you were set and a pure psycho to bless your just engaged colleague with his appearance. You dusted her shoulders and she looked at Taehyung. Taehyung just stood there not knowing what to do with her piercing eyes on him. You cleared your throat a bit and Grace pounced on a dramatic hug.
“Congratulations!!!” You squeaked and she thanked you back with a louder squeal. You haven’t realized that you’ve been holding taehyung’s hands until he pulled you back to him. Oh. Right. He was there. You pulled him by the shoulder ready to introduce him and oh! So ready to flex your one in a millionth of treasury!
“Taehyung this is Grace, my friend and Grace this is Taehyung, my husband” you empathized; Taehyung’s face glowed with flush and butterflies in his stomach. He slightly smiled trying to control the uncontrollable feelings-
“Yeah yeah! Taehyung! She’s said a lottt about youuu~” She sounded a little too drunk.
Taehyung suppressed his feelings from looking a little odd outside.
‘A lot? About me?’ The thought itself spread like wild fire inside of him.
You looked like you needed help and that’s exactly what you needed.
Being stuck between your self reflective awkward spouse and a really drunk dead colleague. You signaled your hands off him and proceeded to talk to Grace.
“Where’s the lucky guy?” You nudged her with a playful smirk on your face. She immediately called out to him pointing towards the other bar section; the said guy turned around and hoped into her arms like a wild bunny. They were both definitely drunk and it’s best they were sent to their room immediately cause what you both were witnessing was a lot of lovely moments that you haven’t exchanged with each other yet. If that didn’t ping a little pain in you..
“Heyyyyyyy…I’m Evan” he lend a hand to Taehyung as he lend it back to the drunk man anyway.
“I’m Taehyung- “sure Taehyung let’s go get some drinks” being said he was dragged to the other side. All that was left was Grace and yourself. She would normally talk nonsense but her drunk state was going to be something else. She offered you drinks and what not and you sat there drinking and drinking until she dug you on something. Drunk state was never a recommended for you. Your sorrows and anything to begin with feelings hit your gut and there was no control nor hypocrisy.
“How is your husband?”
You were quite irritated by the sound of that. The glass in your hand was placed on the counter by a forceful bang.
“What about him?” You sounded nonchalant already feeling down for worse.
“Are you guys getting along? Hmm?” She spoke like the nosy person she is.
“We do” you answered her curtly understanding where she was taking this. Anything about Taehyung made you think and especially this conversation is making you very dizzy on all accounts-
“Oooooh~ Guess Prince Charming pounds you very well till-
“NO! No he doesn’t!” The voice echoed quite dramatically along the vibey jazz. Your dribbling self couldn’t keep up with her apparent 'questions'. Your eye set a bit of neon along the corner but still stable enough to understand the surrounding.
“If you’re wondering, Yes! He has a big dick but NO! He doesn’t fuck me any well!” You confessed.
Moments of silence followed the voice. You were feeling very sexually frustrated but you didn’t want to be reminded of that. Just like any worse event of your life that reminds itself to be remembered, this part particularly bought about gloom and depression at it’s finest. You weren’t a freak but few certainties in a relationship has to be done and you didn’t understand why you were being devoid of said. Why wouldn’t your relationship be a normal one? You sat there trying to reminisce on your actions before they vent. Grace snickered along your side. More company, more gossip.
“Does he love you?”
You couldn’t answer this one.
You had to think. But the thought of you even thinking had already unveiled your answer. If you thought he had loved you in the first place, you shouldn’t even be giving it a thought!
“I…I don’t know” you confessed, once again, feeling pain rise up your chest; hating how pathetic you let yourself look. You didn’t know?
Right. You didn’t know.
But you’re tied to him. It didn’t matter if he loved you or not, you were tied. It didn’t even matter. The pain stir up inside of you. The thought of maybe starving for love and attention throughout your life with him kills you. Another glass of drink distracts. You don’t think, taking a quick gulp of it letting down all of the booze down hoping it would calm your racing mind.
“Well then! It’s time to test it!”
“Right. To test it”
-before you could think, you were already playing dolls with Grace and nothing seemed supportive rather than, to her demolishing company.
Grace handed you another drink while you proceeded with the act.
Grace is done convincing her fiance to have him agree to having Taehyung engaged in drinking while she starts the play. Taehyung is not quite drunk since he’s got driving to do. He’s been listening to all the nonsense Evan had to say for the sake of giving you space to talk with your newly engaged friend. His sight hasn’t let go off you for even a second. You look like you’re drinking too much but he’s sure he would love to carry your unconscious body and take care of you all night. His sight hasn’t let go off you for even a second. In fact, he wants to get you the hell out of the sight of these men eyeing and preying his wife.
One such man who has his eye lingering on you is Jimin. Grace’s cousin. He sleeps around with multiple woman multiple times a day and it’s safe to call him a playboy. His charms are irresistible but is it the same kind for you?
Grace had nudged the busy man for a wonderful mission he hasn’t expected he’d get.
“Stop playing with me Grace!” he says but very obviously hoping she isn’t.
“Jim..just get going! I’m never playing with ya!! She needs help and you’re the one who could be responsible for some sinister juncture she might share with her husband tonight!!” she snickers and coos excited.
Jimin is slightly disappointed but even getting to touch your body once could be holy so there is no denying! He immediately heads over to your boozed up self.
He slowly seats himself near you eyeing if your said partner was any near. As soon as his eyes met Taehyung’s he lets out an evident scoff but proceeds with trying to talk to you. Taehyung feels extremely turbulent by his behavior but is stopped by Evan.
What is he supposed to do now? Beat this man to pulp and kill the other man approaching his wife? He would if not for Evan being the engaged one. He is trying to patient and gentle but nothing really work without the meds. He seats himself clenching his jaw bones eyeing your figure form the distance. ‘He doesn’t want to loose you’ and that’s all that’s playing on in his mind.
“Looks like someone’s having a bad bad day…”
Your ears perk up and you look at the man beside you. Jimin is not alright anymore; not after seeing someone with graceful beauty like yours to such closeness. All he wants is to rub himself along your clit and see how that voice would sound like but sadly there are other decent ways to hear your voice. He intently looks at you and you question this man on all levels.
“Who are you?” Your very drunk self questioned him. He holds your hand pulling you towards his chest making you get up, out of your seat and into his body. And no. He doesn’t care about your husband nor your dad! All that matters is for him to hold you.
He smoothly escorts you towards the dance floor making you gain some thought process. In no time you were in his arms and moving in rhythm. ‘What did he do and who fuck is this guy?’ He smiles gracefully, creating an arc form up his eyes.
Taehyung looks over to the scene making his insides boil. ‘Son of a bitch!?’ He flares out of his seat but gets pulled back by Evan. He looks over to Evan with deadly eyes but Evan doesn’t know what he had gotten himself into.
“Do you-
He hiccups-
-trust your wife?”
What kind of question was this? He’d trust you with his own life! He’d trust with this entire universe! What was this jerk talking about? But in a sudden his eyes soften up. His heart rate increases dramatically after a mild thought.
‘I trusted Mia. But she..betrayed me’
The past haunts him again.
'Would you?
Would you leave him?'
What has he learned from all these years of healing? But yet, he decides to sit down and watch. Watch if you’d do the same. Know if he’d have to love someone so much and get himself broken down. Her actions haunt him. He’s aware that hasn’t given you anything like he gave her but if you’d have truly been loving him, you wouldn’t fall on some man like she did. Right?
He sat thereafter, looking at something his half wishes not to see but the other wishes to definitely know. Know if you were ever worth his attention.
Jimin closes all the gap between the both having your body completely paint his. His hands move a little lower, just a bit away from grabbing your ass. Your drunk self still hasn’t done processing yet and your cold hands stay still on his chest. Jimin inches closer to you lips breathing a hot sensation on them. You slightly flinch but soon lean on closer towards the random warmth. He is very satisfied with the result but that doesn't last longer. You were uncertainly sober and questionably functioning in no time. You looked into his eyes; rage and anxiousness fill up your soul.
He very much didn’t look anything like your husband and you very much did not appreciate some man holding you like this.
You immediately push his chest away but bounced right back to his. Before you could yell he held on to your your waist compact speaking the unwanted situation-
“Nice to meet you mi amor and I’m Jimin.-‘ His sweet caramel like voice invites itself to yours. ‘-We’re in a bit of a mission to see if your worthless husband would do something about me having you. Now, would you stop making a scene and cooperate-
You take a handful of his collar interrupting his excuse. Jimin wasn’t expecting such fierce from you but him being himself, definitely found that hot and it wasn’t helping.
His tongue rolled about his warm mouth checking your sloppy cleavage and you weren’t any oblivious to such actions anymore.
“Worthless as in you mister! Mind that language of yours and off with laying hands on me!”
You let go off his collar and clapped his hands away from you. He was surely hoping for the worst, as his hands slipped right back from behind.
'What kinda sick bastard was he?! Touching you like you’re were his damn property?!'
You were ready to throw hands but he had a point. A very convincing point that he oozes in your ears..
“Stoned as a rock…where is that worthy husband of yours now?”
Right. Where is Taehyung? Where was your husband? You had to show what would happen if he’d lay hands in front of your husband. He should be here for you..
Completely ignoring Jimin, you had started to move, looking for Taehyung, your dearly partner to beat him up, to save you from other hands, hoping for your very heroic experience!
But as soon as your eyes land on him, he diverts his sight-
Is he ignoring you?
You can see a tint of guilt through his posture and wavering eyes but why?
Does he want to give you away? Does he not want you!? Did he not care about you? Did he set this all up? Does he not love you!? Is he not interested in this marriage? You feel dizzy once again as these thoughts set in.
“Honey, trust me. He doesn’t care but you know who does?- he spun you around holding you like before. More satisfied. More fun.
“I do.”
Jimin was sure he’d have you on his bed tonight. He was sure to tear you apart while your partner longed. you?
You were lost. Your mind is fogged. Completely unawakened of this stranger’s touch. Unbothered to what he had to say or do. It didn’t even matter to you anymore nor did you want it to affect you this much. Pain only grew to conclusions; Conclusions to concerns; Concerns to pain again.
This was a terrible cycle of feelings.
Your body swayed by his palms. The rhythm sounds nothing like the one you heard before. Your heart ached; thinking of all possibilities of loosing him. You are submitted. You can’t move on anymore. You want him. You needed him. You needed answers.
You loved Taehyung.
Your eyes perked up at the man before you. He looked like a glittery charm. Nothing matters now more than to get answers. You needed to know the reason for giving you such denial and pain. He was hurting you and he needed to know that.
You had to show him how much it fucking hurts.
Your pain ridden eyes had turn naughty and vengeance worthy. Your hands rode up his beige suit and rested on his shoulders. Jimin was very much excited about the happening or his gestured said otherwise. His hands rose up your waist still threatening to grab your ass. His palms rubbed up your spine from time to time, taking all his chances to touch any skin he could. There was no need for space.
His lips were likely to touch yours if you’d like to. He didn’t make you want him but you sure did have him want you bad.
It’s time. It’s time for you to feed Taehyung his kind of medicine and you were made up to it. There was no going back to the spot.
“I didn’t know he’d mean this less for you.. jus-just give me a word and I’ll serve you just right darlin-“ Jimin spoke and you reckon he was wayy ahead of your intentions. You let a promisingly seductive chuckle, caressing his left cheek. You could feel your husband’s eyes on you but it didn’t even matter if he would stab Jimin right now.
It’s too late.
“Who knows? Maybe you could just have it that way. Hmmm?” You purred. His hands held you further tightly and in control. He moved you around sniffing your neck wolfishly while you rather looked at your 'dear husband' and his fiery gaze. Your grin only grew wider.
Jimin looked into your eyes, noticing your absence of emotion to his touch. He spun you around in a swiftness looking by your sight.
Jimin simpered looking at the other face, only fueling the fire. Taehyung wasn’t anywhere near rage after he’s seen so much! To say he was raged would never be close enough; not after he’s seen his wife being rolled on by some man.
Especially, when his wife’s doing this just to get him mad.
What does she think?
That I’d believe she’s throwing herself on some man? That I’d think she’s trying to seem betraying? She’s mine. She shouldn’t.
Call me awful.
To notice pain in her eyes and to see if i could hurt her more. To acknowledge her suffering and ignore it for my trust.
But, it pleases me to know that she longs for my attention..
It feels amazing.
Something I’ve missed for years worth! To have these feeling hit me again!
To have her mourn for my love- To have her starving for my invitation! Call me anything and I would deserve it but it didn’t matter to me,
Only I’ve longed for love and attention and touch. Only I’ve wanted validation from people- you sure wouldn’t know how exciting this feels..
To have someone beg for you..
To see how much of any impact you’ve been having on them..
To see them suffer because of you..
It’s wonderful..
Her pathetic acts of acting like a whore doesn’t pay off well. I could see some man fuck her to pulp but I’d be sure he’d lay six feet below after I’ve done testing for myself.
It’s a matter of myself.
She makes me feel special like this. And I love it.
The days when I ran around for love, crawling under people.. Having myself stamped on; hoping at least then i would be wanted-
No more.
That’s no more. Mia’s no more. Suck those feelings cause I feel brand new now..
Like I own her soul- Like I could control her emotions and destroy it if I wished to. To know that I’m wanted. To know that she sits right where I put her. To know that I’m valued. To know that I’m loved. To know that I’ve got someone for me now. I won’t be alone when I cry now-i won’t ever have to chase after love now..
She’s here for me. And If my pleasure be it from hurting her…
….so be it
The feeling of feeling real again; I’m feeling real again…like the psycho she’s named me..feels good to be myself-
For all the things I’ve felt, something that I’m watching right now will never excuse her behavior. It pleases me to know but certainly don’t entertain some scoundrel pinching her curves and drinking off her wretched figure and an excuse of a dress!
It shames to me watch this disgusting view by myself and hold a grip. I’m definitely changing for one side but it boils my veins up to a treat! I can’t live without her petty presence at all but for once I’m trying to respect these many years of treatment and nursing. For once.
If she thinks letting some fucker touch her would make me want to beat him away and ruin her, she’s not wrong…
-except for soaking my hands with that fucker’s blood and then ripping her apart with a watching corpse.
Her eyes never left his. She swayed and swayed and swayed her body around some other body. He was clearly aggrieved. He was clearly burning but the point?
She wanted him to know what he’s doing to her but he’s only been growing like an useless weed.
What was the point of lending flesh to a stray dog when the child besides acts no remorse?
“Are you sure sweetheart? I’d have you see goodness sweetie..” the man almost begged into her ears. She simply ignored his offer and set to her husband.
Like she feared. Like she hated.
At the end of the day, to him was where she had to lay. Whether she likes it or not. It didn’t matter if he’d have loved her like she does cause this is tied..
It wasn’t like she wishes to go home to him..not after she’s learned that he doesn’t care about her or that he doesn’t necessarily love her, but because she has duties to do being his darned wife.
To take care of his diseased sick self. To give him what he only absolutely needs. Whatever it takes to only live that life of his and not to give more than intended.
The ride home was awful. Both the partners hating to be on the sides of each other, let alone presence. Your never mending pain and his fickle feelings.
He can no longer stay stable anymore; you once again look like the woman he loves.
His monstrosity hides underneath your gaze, your presence, your scent, your.. love?
His eyes blur over the blue hue as these thoughts hit him. Bones shivering to even look to his side-
You loved him, how could he…?
I feel woke.
Different from the horrible man I was moments ago..
Lights reflected her stinging eyes as she forces her sight outside.
Having her this close to me only makes me blamable. Seeing her vulnerable gives that stinging ache of hurt and guilt of betrayal..
she can’t be devoid of anything in this world! She’s an angel and no one hurts her..
I’m a terrible person. How could I think of hurting y/n? What was on my mind?! Am I insane? No! I’m changing! I need her! I’m no monster! I’m no monster that Mia said I was! I’m here for y/n…I love her! No! I’M NO LONGER A MANIAC!
I can’t impart to look at those agony filled eyes..
Not when I am the soul serving reason! I don’t want to go back to the past years…I don’t want to be the bad guy for my love, for this most valued second chance but…
I don’t even get to deserve her…
she’d leave me…
What have I done?! WHAT HAVE I DONE!!?
The brakes screeched followed by mad pedestrians and drivers, horns start blasting here and there; annoyed at such irresponsible actions on a busy road. You looked at him with trembling hands which covered your head. His hands trembled themselves along with an abnormally breathing & acting Taehyung. His hands clutched the steering wheel tightly; anxiousness and fear were very evident. His eyes stood frozen. His body shivering under nothing..
You were bewildered by his actions and wouldn’t understand what was bothering him.
His sweat glistening along the random street rays and tears…? Was he crying? Your heart sank a bit looking at him. He looked unusual and terrified. His eyes looked over to yours,
unsettling you..
He was definitely nothing but scared. His lips fluttered, trembling with no control. Tear drops threatened to fall out his moist lids and this was something that you just couldn’t bear to watch or to try and understand. What’s he going through at all?
Wanting to be out of the scene, you got out the vehicle to secure the both and to peace the flaming background. You went by the driver seat and led him to the passenger seat. He was in no stage to drive; neither were you; you were mildly drunk but there is no other way. You parked by the side and switched off the steady car. You sat there in a moment of silence, wanting both of you to collect yourselves. You swore you could never understand Taehyung and his bearings. Looking by his side would only make you dwell into him. He looks devastated as hell and you were not ready to fall a mess.
You started the engine and not sooner, felt a cold fragile gentle touch on your wrist. You sat there in silence but you weren’t completely surprised when he broke down.
You reluctantly engulfed him in a slight hug while he scooted closer and cried floods of tears on your bosom. You were uncertain of what he wanted but worries of your own disrupt you. This was emotionally draining for both of you and it’s only growing into a defeat. You never knew what was wrong with him but a crying company makes you feel the same way. Your personal emotions and feelings brim up your shoulders; shuddering yourself with the sobbing man.
How much you wanted to tell him you loved him? To scream and yell all he’d done to hurt your feelings? To have him utter every damn detail on what was bothering him! To open up to you; at least considering you as his wife? To give you a chance to understand him? You would never force him to stay with you or to love you..
But why? Didn’t he know that? The same disgusting notions you wish to forget lingers around the small space.
He was no toy but a breathing man; doing too much by doing nothing, simply weighing himself on your figure. His smooth hair brushed your crook. The slight breeze spread through your collided warm bodies giving you a sense of comfort. His eyelids swell due to excessive crying also making your satin drenched and partly stained.
You caressed his hair hoping to calm the strained man only feeling bad and nothing to cross the limits. Tears left your eyes here and there but you care not to want to show your vulnerability to a man who wouldn’t even bother to care about it.
His hands held you closely to his own body, embracing you like a pillow. Embracing you like he cared. Neither of you exchanged words but the couple knew that they needed this. Your back rested on the window while he plopped his entire weight on top of you, sobbing like it didn’t seem to end.
At that moment everything felt right. For him to be in your arms and for you to hold him like you meant. He tries his best to muffle all the noises he makes but silent struggles leave you as you hold him close to you, very much knowing how poorly he hides it. The sight of seeing your most beloved drench into his own tears and anonymous despairs is awfully irritating your open wounds; making it bleed invisibly..
You feel his head engaging in movements as you immediately fixed your posture to get going but his hands grasp you down gently like the glaze of feathers. He simply made you weak but his weaker self laid you down like the heaviest burden that you no longer were interested in.
He made his way up to your eyes, badly wanting you to look at him and not somewhere else. To look at him like you always did. But once you did look into his eyes, the immense pain that filled both of your entirety felt as if you had a million things to say to each other but couldn’t bring yourself to tell it. You grew dumb and dumber; wishing to soon even be blind.
You chewed on your lips, not wanting to loose yourself and make a fool of yourself again. Your eyes welled up with tears replaced after tears. His mesmerizing ones stay put rather swollen weakly to look into your hesitating ones. His fingers touch your cheek as if your skin was something really delicate to be even be seen by and you look away from him as he’s intoxicating you until you felt like you wouldn’t feel yourself. His hands wandered about like breeze over your chin lifting it up. He was slowly cracking and shattering both of you- your heart could glide off your chest by the hassle he was giving you. Finally, unhurried, placing his palm on your profile he speaks,
“Y/n…please don’t ever leave m-me alone…
His voice sounding like he’d fragment any moment you uttered a simple ‘no’. Your long stored tears start flowing from your pitiful eyes, blurring the images you saw.
'You’ll never leave him…what was he saying..'
“…I’d have n-no one y/n…I’ve only got you..if y-you’d leave me, I would die the same-
His face reddened with a stinging pain on his wet cheek.
Tears follow up on both your eyes but this chance, more on yours. You shook his collar vigorously finally getting to speak up for yourself-
Your heart clenched to even state the reality. But he should know. Know that you now know.
Why must you have to suffer alone? Your voice decreases into a rabbit hole followed but your entire fucking sanity. Mouth growing hesitant and hurt even making the statement
“…maybe you don’t love me..i-
“W-Hat?! I’ve always loved you-
“SHUT UP! I’M TALKING SOMETHING! YEAH?!” You wailed at him. your voice trembling as you collect your helpless self..
You were practically yelling at his face which reminds you of what you’re doing. You let go off his collar and wipe your tears strenuously not thoughtful about even explaining it to him. What could possibly change? The fact that he’s lying? Pretending? The fact that he ever so easily rapped out words that never meant a thing?
No. There. There’s the answer.
You simply start the engine and move on with the life ahead of you. You haven’t exchanged any words nor did he.
When you expected the night to be a wonderful one, all it had to do was to disprove you.
To say you were guilty for slapping him would be an understatement. And to say you regretted telling anything would be an even greater understatement. You were a messed up shit and he was an even messier fuck.
The car was parked and the door besides you slammed shut.
He was gone.
Like always, he was gone. Gone without according what you required. Gone when you’d need him the most. What you’d at least expect he’d try to recognize you needed.
Every other day went around like usual except, you only started feeling even awkward and even oddly affectionate towards Taehyung.
Feelings like a high school crush and ego like an aged women.
Small interactions were no more and living under the same roof with him was hellish. Everything would be nice if both you had just talked it over that night…everything would have been fine…
You were shamelessly desperate in love. Raising hands towards him made you feel condemned to your actions, bailing him out. He made you feel as if you had done everything wrong, as if you were the flaw. Seeing his face and feeling his warmth besides you felt extremely uncomfortable the way it shouldn’t; simultaneously, overlooking for the same.
Fearing he would never come back to you and cherish you like you dreamed he would. Get sick of his life with you and leave you as such. The more you over thought it, the more you despised yourself. He is a sick man for god’s sake! It kills you to acknowledge how you have portrayed yourself before rightly considering his issues.
He’s making you feel as if you didn’t deserve to even have feelings in the first place. To not have an opinion. To only look after him. To not even care about oneself. He’s making you feel like the terrible person you’re not..
All that you wanted to do was to apologize to the pious man that you’ve been thinking he is. To tell him that he didn’t ever deserve you. To fall beneath your desires and have them nonexistent.
To you, he was nothing but a child. A child you’ll have to pamper and give love to, but never expect to get from. To take care of, cause he still isn’t the grown man you’d expect him, to understand and know you.
You’ve never felt this awful. To be emotionally disturbed and physically drained. You are several times even convinced that you’re cursed to live ill fated with an innocent man. Or maybe he’s cursed to live with a inconsiderate witch like you…
He walks past you, ignoring your efforts. You look at the reoccurring plate of unattended breakfast you’ve managed to cook for him. A breathless sigh escapes your dry mouth as you slip the food in the garbage bin just like the days before. Once he’s left his attention for you, so did your appetite or anything else to cope with. A whole of your self would want to apologize to him over nothing but another whole stands stable on ego. You bluntly follow his tracks to the car so he could do his just assigned duty of dropping you off at your work place and nothing more.
His emotional manipulation was working better than intended and ‘sickness’ was the ultimate excuse. You sure didn’t know if he loves you or not but you are for sure tired of examining for answers. Right now it didn’t even mean if anything ever sprayed conclusions cause you’re made up to earn him. Leaving him would only kill you to go back to the same. As a simple human, compassion was immensely affecting you, falling in love deeper than ever.
His sickness, his weapon, executed what he needed absolutely well and more.
He knew he would do anything for you and if at all he’d only call it 'love'.
You wouldn’t leave his side and that’s the point made.
He wouldn’t look at you, he wouldn’t talk to you, he wouldn’t acknowledge your presence on purpose; Taehyung is toxic and your affections open new gates for him.
A new way to see things.
A new way to get things done the way, the only way, he’d want it to be done..
To be continued..
tags: @sinnertae @allorareverz
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taesiccc · 2 years
I an’t wait for part 2 of both your fics!
Will you update soon? No pressure sorry ❤️
Heya! Pleasure’s mine!
You can definitely look forward to the story updates and YESSS! I will be updating them soon! :’)
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taesiccc · 2 years
I'm just asking and sorry if I come off as rude but are you going to be posting a part 2 of nerd simp cause I'm dying to know what happens when he finally found out she actually cheated. Thank you and I really love your work
Heyo! That’s totally okay :3 and thankooooo that’s so sweet!😭✨
YES! I will be posting, stay tuned!! 🌝
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taesiccc · 2 years
Hey, are you alright? Just wanted to check up on you since you haven't posted any updates (idk if it's bc ppl aren't sending asks or smth)
Yup! I’m doing good!✨
I was on an ‘unannounced hiatus’ 😬🤡 (I was basically moving out)
Tyyy! Hope you’re doing fine..Tc and stay safe tho :)
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