#// n*dity
onii-onahole · 12 hours
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boyquiet · 9 months
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gun it while I’m holding on
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millies-theme · 29 days
ok, i haven't had time to rework all my art examples, buuuuutttt i've been hit with about 450$ work of unexpected bills (got bit by ares, had to go to the doctor, that was about 180$, had to buy a lawn mower bc the one i was left Is Shit, that was about 150$, and ares had to get neutered (not unexpected, but i haven't been paid back for it yet... was about 150$) in the last couple months, so its time for a commission sale!
(i am also not in any sort of dire straits, this is money that came out of my savings, i'd just like to get it back to where it was seeing at this seems to be becoming a monthly issue 🙃)
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(great googly moogly i need to update this stuff @/@ maybe when artfight comes round rofl)
Everything is 30% off, except derps which are a flat 7$ for unshaded, 10 for shaded.
Here are some more recent examples:
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and you can find more on my blog here (don't have an art tag, but most of it here is my artwork)
(psst, if you're an adult, and you're interested in some artistic n*dity, send me a dm and i can give you a link to my cohost, which has examples for that stuff.)
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nectar-cellar · 2 years
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TS3 Lighting Tutorial: Backlighting
A cool lighting setup I came up with for photo studio portraits!
Inspired by @rebouks and @tau1tvec TS4 CAS lighting mods ✨
You need:
Buhudain invisible lights (I always use the “wide spot” versions)
Murano photo backdrop
Pose Player & some poses of your choice
Reshade, Gshade, or a photo editor of your choice 
1. Build a closed rectangular room with a roof covering it. Pose your sim and put them in the center. (Use the moveobjects on cheat.)
2. Position the lights as shown in pic 3 and 4. You can adjust the light color and intensity in Live Mode by clicking on them, or Ctrl + Shift + left click on them in Buy Mode.  
3. Recolor the photo backdrop to pitch black, and put it around your sim to make sure the room’s walls are not visible. Use more than 1 if necessary, they seamlessly intersect. Murano’s photo backdrop is also technically a light, so make sure you either turn it off, or play around with the light’s color and intensity to create an effect you like.
4. Find a good angle, turn your Reshade/GShade on, and snap your pic. Adjust the contrast, brightness, exposure, and color settings in a photo editor to make it pop even more. You can download my Reshade preset on my downloads page if you want, it works in Gshade as well. 
What does each light do?
The white-colored lights are there to provide a general brightness to the sim and the room, and to offset the intense colored lights. Without the white lights, the sim would be completely lit in red & magenta. You can turn up the intensity, or add more white lights if more brightness is needed.
The red and magenta-colored lights are there to provide intense color on the side and outline of the sim, for a neon backlit effect.
- You can play around with each light’s position, intensity and color to create different effects. For example, you can remove some lights on one side of the sim to create more dramatic shadows. Or remove some white lights so that the colored lights are stronger.
- You can make the colored lights monochromatic, or you can pair them in analogous colors (i.e. red and orange, red and magenta), or you can pair them in complementary colors (i.e. red and green, blue and yellow). 
- In Buy mode, hold the Alt key, and click and drag your sim to rotate them in small increments, to make sure the light hits them exactly right.
I hope this tutorial gives you some fun ideas for taking pictures! 💗
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multi-fandom-imagine · 6 months
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Day 26- Hanging Stockings
Fandom: Call Of Duty:Modern Warfare 2 / 3
Character: Johnny ‘Soap’ McTavish
Naughty or Nice.
A/n: I guess spoilers for COD:MW 3, but ya known I'm not doing thar B.S ending.
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Getting shot in the head was something he never thought he would survive but after weeks in intensive care and month's of physical therapy Johnny could actually tell people that he had survived a bullet to the head. Part of him jokingly said he should thank Makarov for shooting him, it was how he met you after all.
Though then again it is hard to thank a man that's dead. It is what he would tell you anyway, with that cheeky smile on his face.
And now two years later he was here relaxing in the chair, Johnny tilted his head to the side as he watched you dig through some boxes.
"Lookin for somethin love."
Standing up, you had a small scowl on your face as you placed your hand on your hips. "A little help would be nice McTavish."
Letting out a laugh, Johnny sat up then pushed himself out of the chair as he gave placed his hand on your hips. "Whatever you say love." Giving your cheek a kiss he then started to rummage through the boxes, an excited yelp escapes his lips. "Found em"
Holding a pair to the Christmas stockings in his hand he placed a kiss to your cheek. "Now let's hang em up love."
Rolling your eyes, you snatched the stocking from his hand as you walked over to the mantle, your gaze softening as you watched Johnny grip his cane as he followed you. Once you and Johnny's stocking's were hung the man then turned his attention to you.A bright smile on his face as he placed his hand on your belly.
"Soon you'll have your own little stocking! My ma already had one made."
Laughing you placed your hand on top of his, another Christmas with the man you love and soon more stockings will be hung across the mantle, you couldn't wait.
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facsimila · 2 months
happy sunday / easter ... ! see this post for reference there are bare tatas beneath the cut.
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litriu · 11 months
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wearethekat · 1 month
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thinking about Her again (serebrennikov's staging of lohengrin)
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ashes-writing · 2 years
showers || csi vegas ; g.sanders
A/N: Is this my second filth post of the day? Yes. Yes it is. Do I care if that makes me a filthy little whore? Nope, not at all. I'd apologize for this but honestly we all know I'm not sorry. This is what happens when I start thinking about the contamination shower episode from Vegas... And Greg, unf. Anyway, enjoy or whatever.
Pairing ; Fem!reader x Greg Sanders
Tag List ; @beardedbarba @uncrownedmox and @justmeandanoverdrive are the only three people currently on my csi taglists. If you'd like to add yourself or wanna be on it, let me know or add yourself by going through the little link below.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || my rules / fandoms and some of the characters I write for || requests ; open - anything but pro wrestling is on the table ; headcanons / nsfw alphabet / fluffy alphabet only.
I do not consent to have my work reposted elsewhere. I also don't consent to having my work reworded/rewritten and reposted. But rebloogs and likes are nice and make me happy.
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18+ only. Minors, absofuckinlutely not. Go find fluff. Also if you're not into p in v -unprotected, body fluids, nudity, peeping on someone whilst showering -mutual ofc, biting/marking, dry humping, teasing and kissing, well... you don't need or want to read the rest of this.
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“Everybody out. The scene’s been contaminated, it’s a biohazard.”
On the outside you remained calm and professional but on the inside… You were panicking a little. Sara Sidle must have noticed because she nudges you and leans in close. “Relax. This has happened before. We’ll have a decontamination shower, they’ll send us home for the rest of the night to monitor ourselves and that’ll be that.”
“Wait.. Run that by me again, Sidle?” you blink as the brunette’s words settle over you. You’re still the new girl on the team, you barely know anybody save for Sara and you damn sure aren’t prepared to get bare assed naked in front of your co-workers.
If it happens at all, that’s at least a five year on the team mark. Not five fucking months into your new job.
Sara laughs. “A shower. It’s not a big deal, okay? I’ll go first with Grissom.”
It made sense because they were married.
But then you realized that this left you to go in with Greg Sanders and the realization had you swallowing hard. Gulping. Your gaze fixed on the taller male as your eyes darted around the room in search of him. Your cheeks were burning hot because unfortunately, imagining Greg naked was not something totally new to you, but..
Seeing him naked wasn’t something you ever really stopped to consider happening. Now, no thanks to a contaminated crime scene, you were about to.
,, And, your mind served up it’s usual dose of torment, he’s about to see you naked too. In what world is this not about to make things just a little more awkward between you both?”
But Sara said it wouldn’t be that bad and she hadn’t steered you wrong yet. Maybe there were partitions. By the time Grissom and Sara finished their decontamination shower and you were being led in with Greg, you had yourself convinced that everything was going to be just peachy.
Except, of course, it wasn’t.
The tent set up offered no privacy at all. And the officer escorting you had to give you a nudge. “Go on. We need those clothes. Your emergency contact is on the way with a change of clothing.”
You took several shaky breaths and your fingers were shaking so hard as you stripped down that you fumbled it up on more than one occasion. And of course, the clasp of your bra would choose today to get stuck and refuse to budge.
“Goddamn it.” you swore under your breath.
The harsh and frantic whisper caught Greg’s attention and he gazed at you a second or two. You struggled with the clasp a second or two longer and finally, the garment fell to the pavement. 
“Shit.” Greg’s sharp intake of breath as he spun around to face away at warp speed stung more than a little but you shoved it down. As the water beat against your skin in sharp bursts, you turned. And as you turned, you tried not to let your eyes linger on Greg standing not even four feet away in a similar state of undress.
But a droplet of water dripped from chestnut colored hair and rolled down his nose before settling on his lips. And while you were fixated on that, your eyes happened to catch on the sparse darkness of his chest hair. And naturally, what would happen next but your eyes darted just a little lower. You were just grateful that Greg was squeezing those magnetic brown eyes of his shut tight right now. You turned away when you were told and squeezed your own eyes shut to combat the steady beat of water hitting your body from at least two different angles as it moved up and down. You took long and deep breaths as you stood there.
The baggy clothes he normally wore hid away muscular shoulders. Biceps. A hint of a six pack and the happy trail that you hadn’t dared to stare any lower than and now thanks to the shower you were both enduring, those things about him were burned into your brain and you just knew in the depths of your soul that you were never going to look at him the same way again.
If anything, the infatuation you felt had grown.
And seeing him like this left quite a few questions lingering in your head.
Questions that wouldn’t ever have an answer -or so you thought.
Greg’s softly muttered obscenity got your eyes fluttering open but not all the way. Enough to know that the intent gaze you were feeling right now wasn’t just from the biohazard team. Greg was looking right at you. Trying to do it covertly, of course, but the fact remained. He was looking and this meant that you were no longer the only person guilty of sneaking a peek when the other wasn’t aware and that… That made you feel so much better, way less dirty than you felt when it was you who were doing the staring at him earlier.
His tongue dragged the outline of his mouth and when his eyes settled on the little cartoonish ghost stick and poke on your shoulder, the slightest hints of a grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. But then his eyes did the same as yours, they went lower.
Because of course they did, it couldn’t be helped.
By the time his eyes were making a trail back up your body -slow and intent, really taking in every inch you couldn’t help but notice it, the water pressure was dying down to a trickle. One of the biohazard team held out a towel to you and you took it, wrapping it around you as you took a deep breath to pull yourself together and made your way out to the second tent where a change of clothes was waiting.
Your friend must have been the one to bring clothes by and drop them off because you saw your favorite shirt on top of the pile of clothing left for you -your faded and thin Rob Zombie concert tee. As you rushed to tug up your underwear and then your jeans, Greg dressed quietly across the room but you could feel it, his eyes lingering, burning into you.
You glanced up. He managed that adorable little half grin that always made your heart melt just a little more every time he did it. You stuck out your tongue because it seemed like the current situation was in need of something to lighten the mood a little.
The tension was palpable. Thick enough to cut with a knife or pluck out of the air with your hand and hold it.
You plucked the red bra off the top of your shirt and began to put it on, grumbling when you realized that your fingers were still kind of shaky, making the clasp a pain in your ass all over again.
And maybe it was your inner antagonist at play, but you wandered over and you tapped Greg’s shoulder.
Greg turned around swift enough that your bodies just barely grazed. His breath caught and he tensed just slightly. You took a shaky breath and gazed up at him. “Can you fasten me?” you asked, squirmy under his intent gaze. Your arms crossed over your tits to at least attempt covering your upper body.
Greg’s mouth opened and closed for a second or two. Then he chuckled and motioned for you to turn facing away. You slipped the bra onto your body and Greg’s bare chest brushed against your bare back for just a split second before shaking hands fastened the dual clasps at the back of the garment.
And when you whirled around it put you body to body all over again because of course, you did it fast. You locked eyes with him and your teeth tugged at  your bottom lip. “Thank you.” you managed to mumble before walking back over to the side of the tent where your favorite pair of thick soled boots were waiting. You sank down onto the stool and tugged on the shoes and for a few seconds you kept sitting there as you tried to pull yourself together.
And you tried and tried. But it wasn’t happening.
Greg was waiting in the SUV you’d ridden to the scene together in and the ride back to the station was quiet. Filled with that smothering tension. You did your best to keep your eyes trained on the buildings and trees as they whizzed past in your window and Greg focused intently on the road stretched out ahead, his knuckles white against the wheel.
“Welcome to the team, I guess.” he joked quietly. You laughed and the laughter died away leaving behind heavy silence that lingered just a little too long all over again. As the SUV pulled to a stop in the garage, Greg killed the engine.
“On the bright side, we get some extra sleep.” he mused. You glanced over, your brows raised in question. “Hm?”
“They’ll make us go home and monitor ourselves just to make sure we didn’t get too much exposure to whatever they found.” Greg shrugged as he got out of the SUV. You hopped out next and it just so happened that he’d walked around to your side, apparently to open your door for you. It was this sweet little habit he’d developed. As you settled on your feet you found yourself body to body with him for the second time in a day and you gulped.
You tried not to picture him, his chest under the baggy t-shirt he wore. Your finger raised, growing a mind of its own as it dragged over the top of the design on the soft fabric. If you’d been looking up at him you would’ve seen the way he gulped and if you’d been looking a little further  down you’d have seen him straining hard against the baggy faded blue jeans. But you were practically staring a hole through his chest as you tried not to recall the muscles lurking beneath or the true broadness of his shoulders. Or, better yet, the way he towered over you like he did.
You failed miserably at all of the above. Eyes trained to his chest as your mind spun out of control.
“Your cell phone is ringing.” Greg chuckled quietly.
You were dragged back into the moment by your cell phone blasting a slowed down version of Do I Wanna Know” and you shrugged, unable to do much else. The ringing died away and you finally managed to look up and meet his gaze. 
His eyes settled on the faded logo on the front of your shirt, once a vibrant red and now more rust in color. As brown eyes darted over the words Rob Zombie, he grinned to himself, eyes lingering a second or two before he looked up, right at you. “You like Rob Zombie?”
You laughed softly. Nodding.
Neither of you noticed that you were migrating closer to each other until your back met the side of the SUV with a soft smack and you found yourself trapped between Greg’s towering frame and the door at your back.
Not a word was coming out of either of you.
That ever-present tension between the two of you seemed to grow even heavier, suffocating. Almost too much to breathe.
“Do you wanna..” he trailed off, shaking his head at himself. He was distancing from your body a little and you pouted about it. He seemed to be talking himself out of saying whatever it was he’d been about to say or ask. You reach out and grab hold of his belt loop, pulling him in close all over again. 
“If you wanna ask me something just do it. It.. Can’t get much more awkward than it already has, can it?” you were only partially teasing. A soft laugh bubbled up from deep inside and he grinned a little, shaking his head. “It can’t.” he admitted as he took a deep breath. Fidgeting and shuffling worn sneakers against the pavement. “Do you wanna.. Maybe grab a bite to eat? Sara’s already gone, I can take you home.”
Your heart was beating so loud you could hear it echoing, banging around like a drum in your ears. If it beat any faster it might just vacate your chest entirely.
“Yeah.” you grinned. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Greg’s grin was brighter this time. Less shy. He seemed to stand a little straighter, you couldn’t help but notice it. This made him even taller and if you didn’t secretly want to climb the man like a tree already, you definitely do now.
“I know this great place, their ribs are to die for.” you groan at the thought as you say it and he laughs. As you’re walking over to the spot where he usually parks, you bump against his side and your hands brush. You don’t dare look at him when you do it but you graze your pinkie against his. 
Brown eyes dart down, fixed on your hands as they brush against each others with each step taken. He doesn’t say anything about it and neither do you. For almost a split second he’s teetering on the borderline, he’s wondering if maybe Sara and the rest of the team weren’t… onto something when they pointed out the way you two seem to just drift together.
And then, to top it off, his mind chooses to replay his dream from the night before and the glimpses he’d stolen of your perfect body, dripping wet in the impromptu decontamination shower earlier. If he were braver he’d probably go for it, he’d probably at least try acting on the magnets pull to you he feels lately.
Your hands brush again and this time you slip your pinkie through his just for a split second. He nearly chokes on his goddamn tongue when it happens and he tries to tell himself it had to be an accident but you’re not letting go.
He aims the key fob at his car and the headlights blink. As always, he stops by the passenger door, opens it for you. You find yourself body to body with him and neither of you are making a move to separate. All you can do is stare up at him while you replay the shower over and over again.
One of you had to do something. You remember a half joking conversation between you and Sara earlier in the month. The one where you admitted that maybe you were attracted to Greg. The one where she told you that if it were true, you were going to have to be the brave one, clue him in.
And you were just so fucking tired of holding back. Fighting the pull because it was consuming, stronger than you ever dreamt you were.
You snag a finger in his belt loop and use it to pull him against you and it happens so fast that at first he thinks he’s hallucinating, that he had to have dreamt the whole thing. But then your hand is fisting the front of his t-shirt, fingers tugging at soft and worn fabric. And you’re raising up on your feet to close the distance between your mouths. And every last bit of restraint he was hanging onto by a thread is gone. Snapped in half by the softness of your lips meeting his clumsily.
His hand settles on your hip, fingers digging against the side of your shirt as the tips graze right against soft flesh when the action causes your shirt to ride up. His other hand catches in the hair at the back of your head and it tangles in soft, wet locks to tug. To pull your mouth in deeper. His tongue parts your lips without much effort because your mouth practically falls open to allow it and when you give that quiet little purr it’s all he can do to shift a little just so you don’t feel the exact second that all the blood in his upper body rushes all the way down south.
But you feel it twitching. Growing. Pushing against the front of his jeans and poking against your clothed mound and the feel of it has you biting his lip. Rubbing against him just to get a little closer. The kiss breaks and you’re both light headed. You’re practically clinging to the man as he gapes down at you and drags the back of his hand across his reddened lips.
“I,uh… Fuck.” he mumbles quietly, closing the distance between your mouths all over again. You melt into him even more and your arm winds up thrown over his shoulder, your hand cradled against the back of his head as his tongue traces your lips and then your teeth before connecting with your tongue, massaging. Gentle. A little clumsy because somehow you manage to knock your teeth against each other and the resulting jolt leaves you both bristling at impact.  But the kiss deepens again and it’s deep enough that you’re lightheaded and the parking garage is spinning. You nearly forget to breathe a second or two and your nails drag lazily over his scalp and it sends a shiver through his entire body. His hands leave your hips and settle on your ass as he plucks you off your feet and your legs circle his waist.
Food is long forgotten by this point.
When the kiss breaks and you pull away this time, you surprise yourself when the words leave your mouth. “Greg, I… fuck.” you squirm against him just to get a little friction going as you toy with his t-shrit because you’ve barely got the boldness to say what you’re about to, let alone look him in the eyes while doing so. “What? Hey, c’mon.” he coaxes as he sits you on the hood of his car and steps between your legs so that he can grip your jaw and make you look at him, “Talk to me.”
“Fuck me.” you breathe the words out and you’re torn between wanting to simply disappear on the spot and wondering what he’ll say.
He growls quietly. “You wanna go home with me, kitten?” he questions.
He chuckles quietly. Brown eyes blacked out in lust when they meet yours again. “You.. want me to fuck you, hm?”
“Please?” you add the word as you tilt your head. The sight of your neck exposed has him staring. Licking his lips. He bends into you and his mouth locks against unmarked skin, you can feel the first bruise starting to form.
“I wanna make you feel good, kitten.” he mumbles the promise against your neck in a husky whisper. “I’m gonna.”
“I bet you are.” your head falls back as his mouth moves lower. Latching against skin sporadically until your neck is littered with hickies, big and small in size. “I couldn’t take my eyes off of you back there, y’know.” he admits it quietly. Just a hint of his usual sheepishness seeping through as his head dips down and his forehead settles against your clothed tits. He breathes in deep as if he’s struggling to control himself.
“We gotta get outta here, kitten.” he glances up at you after a failed attempt or two at self control. “If we don’t the security cameras are gonna have some real entertainment. Because I’m not gonna be able to hold it together much longer.”
You whimper in need when he bucks himself against you after pulling you towards him a little closer. He scoops you off the hood of his car in a rush and you’re carefully deposited into the passenger seat. He even leans across and fastens the seatbelt while stealing another deep and biting kiss with your hand caught in his hair, tugging at it to tug his mouth into yours as deep as it’ll go. One of his hands settles between your thighs and you gasp, arching yourself towards it, desperate to feel more of his touch.
“As soon as I get you alone..” he promises, his lips breaking from yours as he reluctantly shuts the door on you and makes himself walk around, getting into the driver seat. As soon as he’s in the car and buckled in, his hand is between your thighs again, squeezing the insides. Massaging. You melt against the passenger seat and your breath comes in short and shaky pants. The closer he gets to your throbbing, needy sex, the more you squirm and try to rock against his hand as it wanders.
When his hand settles against, cupping you and rubbing, his hand pushing against your clothed cunt, you whine out his name. The sound of it goes straight to his cock and his hand grips the wheel tighter, knuckles paper white with strain of his grip. “Fuck.” he groans out, “You’re so warm, baby. I bet you’re dripping right now.” he bites his lip and shifts around again as the car slows to a stop beneath a red light down the block from the apartment complex he lives in. It’s a good thing too because if he gets any harder his cock is going to burst.  Just the thought of what’s about to happen sends an electric thrill racing through his entire body.
The car comes to a stop in his assigned space outside the building and he’s unfastening your seat belt. Pulling you over the center console and into his lap with his hands and mouth all over you as he bucks himself into you with reckless abandon. Your head falls back as you meet the clothed thrusts eagerly, whimpering and whining, your hands catch in his hair as his head rests against your tits and he takes several deep breaths as if trying to restrain himself all over again.
He opens the door to the car and gets out, you’re still entangled with his body, clinging to him as he carries you to his door. Your back meets the door with a soft thud and you whine when his teeth latch down on your neck leaving a mark behind that stings a little but has you dripping even more. Your legs dig against his side and your hands tangled up in his hair, tugging as his mouth crashes against your own. It’s harder than he imagined ; opening the door with one hand while the other roams your body freely, but he finally manages. He steps into his apartment and the door bangs shut softly behind him. Your back meets a well cushioned brown suede sectional in the living room with the softest rustle just seconds later and his mouth is latched onto your neck, teeth against skin with every intent on leaving a tangible mark behind that he’s been there when he’s done with you.
Your fingers catch in the bottom of his shirt and you whine and whimper as you start to tug it off his body and he’s rutting himself against your thigh as his hands slip up your shirt, the clasp of your bra coming free with one finger slipped beneath the band. Your shirt and bra wind up settled on the coffee table beside the couch you’ve been laid down on and Greg’s shirt winds up draped over the back. You both pause and laugh quietly against each other’s skin when you realize that in the rush, somehow both of you forgot to take off your shoes and now, they’re a very tangible obstacle.
Or are they?
His fingers catch in the waistband of your jeans and he leans down into you again, his mouth conquering yours. You’re unbuttoning his jeans and he’s rocking himself into you in a frenzied pace, grunts and quiet groans filling the air as each thrust of his body into yours makes you warmer, sends you into a fever pitch to meet the thrusts eagerly. He starts to tug down your jeans and underwear after dragging the tip of his thick digit over the lace design and sending a shiver through your body while he’s kissing you all over, his eyes fixed on you with equal parts of adoration and hunger.
Like he’s been wanting what’s about to happen for a while now. It’s all happening so fast and somehow, it’s not fast enough. For either of you, apparently.
Your jeans and panties are around your ankles and he untangles himself from you to let his jeans and boxers settle at his ankles. Neither of you seem to stop to think that maybe just taking your shoes off would be the thing to do, the whole scenario has this overwhelming current of here, now. Before you lose your mind. Need.
He settles himself back between your thighs and his hand circles his cock as he drags it between your folds and sends a shiver racing through your body. Your arms raise and your hands settle on those broad shoulders, your nails dig against his skin just barely. A little harder when he slips the tip in as his finger circles your clit, teasing and drawing a very loud whimper out of you. 
He settles on top of you and you whine in need as he sinks deeper. Filling you. He stops when he feels you tensing a little and while he’s letting you adjust he’s kissing you, nipping at any skin he can get his mouth on, playing with your tits as you dig your nails in against his shoulder just a little more and  your other hand fists at the cushion below your body. When you start to rock yourself against his length and he sinks in even deeper he growls and both hands grip your hips to bring you to a stop. “Easy.” he groans out against your neck, “Feels so fuckin good, kitten.” he warns as he starts to drive into you all over again. Slower. More deliberate. His hand settled between your bodies as his finger circles and strokes your clit until your stomach is coiled so tight. He laughs quietly. “Feel good, babe?” he asks, biting down on your neck again when you’re too overloaded to speak up and you’re only whimpering incoherently.
“So.” you moan out, your back arching, pushing you up into him as you meet each one of his deep thrusts with your own, “So good, ah - oh god.. Oh.. right there.” your moan is louder, it’s echoing off the walls and shattering the silence, “Greg, oh.. Mmmm.. Faster, c’mon baby.” you beg.
He obliges you and your nails drag down his back, sending a shiver racing through him as it happens. He can feel you pulse around his cock and the way your walls vise him and hold him inside have him so close to filling you up that his hips stammer and he stops to lean down into you as he crashes his mouth against your own, a biting and needy kiss that lasts long enough you’re practically breathing for each other by the end of it. “Fuck.” he groans out, “Fuck you’re takin me so well.” the wet slosh of each deep drive making him just a little more feral every time he hears the sound. “C’mon baby. C’mon.” he coaxes. “You can let go for me. Let me have it all, kitten.”
And you shatter, your orgasm leaves you shaking as it rips through you and tears you apart. You’re clinging to him and moaning, your hips frantic to try and keep up with his sped up pace and the way he buries to the hilt completely and bottoms out a time or two while you fuck yourself up and down on his cock to try and ride out your high. Your nails digging in just a little harder which leads to him, pounding you harder. Faster. Deeper.
“‘M so close. Fuck. Fuck.” he growls quietly as his hips stammer and he tries to slow down, tries to back himself away from going over the edge. “Don’t stop, fuck.” you beg breathlessly as you feel his body tense and he leans down into you much more heavily, “Baby, c’mon. Need it, I-” you clutch at the cushion and his shoulder as your heel digs into his ass when your legs wrap around him even tighter and the new angle has him striking against that one spot over and over with each sloppy thrust, “Wanna feel you, c’mon.” you beg.
His orgasm is blinding, he practically melts against you from above and his mouth buries in the space between your neck and shoulders as he’s kissing you and throbbing, his warm,thick release filling you up inside as the excess pools beneath you. You capture his face in your hands and kiss him til he can’t breathe and he bites your bottom lip.
The ringing of both your phones at once has the two of you sharing a look as the haze begins to wear away for both of you. You finally manage to grasp what you think is your phone but you quickly discover you’ve grabbed his instead when Nick Stokes asks with a shocked tone, “That you, ___?”
“Mhm. What’s up?”
“What’s up with you, hm? Is there a reason you’re answering Greggo’s phone?” Nick taunts. Greg grumbles and takes the phone and hands you your phone. And naturally, Sara is full of questions. So many questions.
You wander up behind Greg and mold yourself against his bare body and he turns to face you, wrapping his arms around. He lowers the phone and chuckles and it’s a cute and almost sheepish sound. “You know they’re going to give us so much hell…”
His eyes light up and he bends down, pulling you up as his mouth crashes against yours.
“Can you two concentrate? Stop distracting each other. Wait til you’re off the phone, shit.” the Texan grumbles loudly on the other end of Greg’s call and on your end, Sara is just laughing. “I’ll call you back later, firefly.”
“Later, Sidle. Just like.. Not tonight. I think I’m gonna crash here tonight.”
Hearing you say it brings an even bigger grin to Greg’s face as he pulls you against him even closer. The phone calls are finally done and he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead.
Then he smirks at you. “I saw you earlier, ya know… Watching me in the shower?”
“Oh? Well I saw you too. Did you see something you liked, Sanders?”
“Plenty, kitten. And hopefully, it’s all mine now.”
You giggle and lightly swat at his chest as you look up at him and nod. “Definitely.”
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