#//minors dni.
ashes-writing · 2 years
skin | the walking dead ; s.walsh
A/N ; As you all know good and well by now I am one thousand percent not sorry for sharing this. I probably should be, but alas, I'm not, so here we are. This takes place at the CDC and there are vague mentions of Lori. It's barely there, though.
Tag List; @beardedbarba is the only person on my Walking Dead taglist. If you'd like to be added, hit the link below or let me know. Otherwise, I won't tag.
Other Stuff ; tag list || rules - fandoms and some of the characters I write for || requests ; open -headcanons + fluff and smut alphabet letters for any fandom/character but wrestling please and thanks?
I do not consent to having my work reposted elsewhere or reworded, copied/reposted here. Reblogs / likes are nice and greatly appreciated though.
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18+ only. Minors, don't you dare, oh my god. Go read fluff. Also, if you're not into shower sex, body fluids, biting/marking, nudity/peeping and p in v sex, you won't like this and should probably just skip to something else. Ignoring this warning is strictly your own fault.
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“Only one room left.” Shane said it with a shrug as he gazed down at you. You popped a bubble with the gum in your mouth and stared right back. “Take it. I can sleep on a couch or somethin.” you answer after a minute or two.
“Or,” Shane rubbed his hand over the back of his head as he took a deep breath, “We could share th’ room. Ain’t like it’s a big deal, right?”
Dark brown eyes were searching yours. Probably looking for any sign of fear -or everyone else’s second favorite emotional response when it came to him, loathing. It shouldn’t have shocked him when he found neither emotion displayed in your eyes but somehow, it still managed to. 
 You licked your lips and tried to swallow down the massive lump in your throat as you shuffled your feet against the hallway floor. You leaned against one of the cool brick walls of the hallway and shrugged. “We could.” you answer after a pause that felt heavy and lasted just a little too long. Your hand tangles in your hair and dark brown eyes follow the movement intently. He’s sizing you up. Waiting for an actual answer one way or another. You laugh softly as you step just a little closer to him. “Am I makin you nervous… Officer?” you toy with the button on his dark blue button up just a little and focus your eyes on the muscular patch of skin left exposed by the fact that he’s left the top two buttons to the shirt undone. Just the faintest hint of coarse and dark chest hair. Just a hint of old ink peeking out that draws your attentive gaze as your tongue softly drags over the outline of your lips.
He takes a breath and it’s shaky. And he snorts at the question you asked seconds before. “Kinda think I’m th’ one makin you nervous…Princess.” he tacks on the term because he knows that princess and any other cutesy little nickname, those tend to get you real irritated, real fast.
It’s a little game you two have been playing since you found the group and were talked into joining up by one of the women, a real nice lady named Carol. You’d come to think of her as the mother you never really got. And if Carol were present to bear witness to the little scene unfolding between you and Shane right now, she would not be thrilled at all.
But it didn’t matter.
The simple fact of the matter was that there was only one room left to sleep in. Either you cohabitate or one of you sleeps down in the lobby where the two kids were camped out due to gaming consoles and all manner of other ways to keep themselves occupied.
And you could’ve easily chosen to do just that. You could’ve but honestly, the thought never really even crossed your mind. 
Boldly you look right up at him, twisting hair around your fingertip as he stares right back at you, waiting. A sarcastic gleam in deep dark eyes as he rubs his chin thoughtfully.
“Yeah, that’s a big ol’ firm no… Officer.” you do it right back, referring to him by his job title just like you’ve done since early on in joining the group when you surmised completely on your own that he had to have been in some kind of position of authority just because of the way he carried himself and because there was just something about the man that irked you instantaneous, he didn’t even have to try most of the time. You step towards the door of the room in question and you turn back to look at him as you lean against the cold metal of the closed door. “You comin or not? Because I’m going to take a shower. A real one.”
Shane rubs his chin again. He raises the bottle of Wild Turkey to his lips and takes a sip. You take a sip of your own chosen drink of choice and push open the door, letting it close swift behind you. At first you think for sure he’s chosen to go down and sleep in the community area on a blow up mattress but to your surprise, just as you’ve started the shower and the bathroom adjoining the little bedroom is starting to get real good and steamy, the door to the bedroom outside closes firm. And the lock clicks as the door is locked.
Shane moves around the little room and tosses down the gym bag with the few articles of clothing he’s still got onto the bed closest to a small window that kind of made him think of the cells down at King County Jail for a hot second or two.
He sinks down onto the edge of the bed to sit, his hands braced across his head as he’s bent it down. Taking a few deep breaths because honestly, he had to really stop and think about whether he wanted to spend the next stretch of time immeasurable ahead of you all with you so close underfoot again.
Everything about you has gotten under the man's skin and it’s the one thing he told himself he wasn’t going to allow to happen after the huge shit show with Lori Grimes that still hasn’t quite blown over. It’s an on-going internal struggle because despite telling himself he’s not letting it happen, he was the one who brought you to the group after saving your life in the first place. And for a while there, until you went on a supply run and came back with not only your own damn tent but a pretty damn big machete to use as a weapon, he’d been dealing with the struggle of having you underfoot constantly. Just always present. He’s only just gotten used to being alone again and now, here the two of you were… Sharing a space again.
The running water in the bathroom goes quiet and his head snaps up. He’s looking right at the door to the bathroom when you push it open and wander out, totally nude with wet vanilla scented hair piled up on top of your head.
When you see him, you freeze. He freezes too. And right along with both of you, time and space seems to freeze as well. You palm your face first and then remember to throw up your arms over your tits to at least pretend to have a little decency.
Thing is, you haven’t ever been one to bother with the formality of it. Working a club like you did before the world went to shit got you real comfortable with people seeing you in the flesh and in the flesh only.
Shane coughs and in a hurry, he drops his gaze and his little taunt from the hallway comes rushing back to you. Being the antagonistic type, you smirk. “Now who’s nervous, huh?” you call him out on the fact that you’re totally fine with flitting around the room bare naked and he’s the one looking down and away like he’s never seen a pair of titties in his whole entire life.
When everything about the man screams otherwise. You’d almost bet all the money left unguarded in the United States Federal Reserve that not only has he seen a lot of naked women before, he probably went through the women like a fish in water before the world went to shit. Probably had stupid reasons for ghosting them all and you laugh to yourself quietly about the thought while nodding to the open bathroom door. “Should be a little hot water left.”
“It’s at least 110 out. And yer takin a hot shower?”
“Keep your opinions on my hell water to yourself.” you smirk as you grab the first shirt you find spilled out on the second bed where you’d also dumped your clothing. The shirt is olive green. It’s too big for you, it hangs down to the middle of your thighs.
And it smells just like him. Earthy sweat and just the slightest hint of old detergent from the last attempt at washing clothes down in the quarry pond still lingers. Maybe it’s a power play on your end, maybe it’s the fact that the scent of him is so strong, so masculine that it makes you feel just a hint of safety, but either way, you don’t bother taking the shirt off once you realize what you’ve done.
His eyes are fixed on you, glued to your body. They travel up bare legs and he swallows hard, your eyes fix on the way his throat bobs just the slightest when he does it. He nods to the shirt. “ ‘At one’s dirty, woman.” and he digs around, tossing you his clean one, a simple black tee.
You turn the soft garment over in your hands and you bite your lip. Laugh softly to yourself. While you’re thrown for a loop over the little olive branch in your hand, Shane’s started to strip down himself across the room and it just so happens that you glance up and catch sight of him.
And now you’re the one who can’t seem to swallow down a massive lump in their throat. Now it’s your eyes roaming, taking in the muscles and the way they flex as he stretches his arms and rests his hands against the back of his head.
He just stands there. Can he feel you staring?
The question is answered when he turns to you with a teasing smirk. A wild gleam in dark brown eyes as he nods towards the shower. “I’m goin t’ cool off. Want me to leave th’ door unlocked case y’ need t’ get in, princess?”
There’s something different. Something huskier about the way he calls you princess this time. It brings back the last time he said it in a similar tone, early on. When you first joined the group and you awakened to find your injuries from a run in with another group bandaged and him sitting in an olive colored folding chair with his head down. Until he looked up and right at you.
He was the one who’d saved your life then. Brought you back to the group with him. And until you gor your own tent to sleep in, you’d shared the back of his Bronco with him.
And suddenly, you’re looking at the man in a whole new light. One that has your thighs clenched. Your heart racing just a little as you tug at wet hair and tilt your head just to continue staring. Your mouth opens but closes again. “Uh.” you stammer out after seconds stretch to hours in the blink of an eye somehow, “Could you?” the question comes quieter. A little syrupy toned and you want to kick yourself for it. Now is not the time to flirt, to try to push the man. It’s the end of the world, now is not the time to think with the sudden re-emergence of your sex drive.
But you just can’t help it.
Shane walks into the bathroom and the door shuts behind him. It’s left open a sliver and you notice that he’s taken the bottle of Wild Turkey into the shower with him.
You fall back against the empty bed of the two in the room and throw a hand up to your forehead dramatically. Then you pull yourself up to a sitting position and reach for the black shirt he’d handed you and you tug off the olive colored one you currently wore, tugging down the black one in it’s place.
After a good minute or two of quietly sipping your tequila and staring at that damned bathroom door, you take a few long and very shaky deep breaths and pull yourself off of the bed, slinking over to the door. Stepping into the room.
You can see him through the thin plastic curtain and you lean in the doorway, a leg crossed over the other one and your arms folded against your chest and you just… watch. Your mind racing as you try to find one good reason to stop yourself from what you want to do right now.
You can’t find one. And you shed the shirt, letting it settle on top of the pile of clothing he’d brought in for himself. You tug open the curtain and step in behind him just as he turns around to face you and you reach down, prying the green glass bottle he’d been chugging free from his hand, setting it out of the way of the water in the corner of the shower. 
Shane chuckles quietly. Brown eyes flit over your exposed body slow. Lingering.
You take the soap covered cloth from his hand and motion for him to turn away but he doesn’t. He steps closer instead. And with a quiet chuckle, he speaks up in that same husky tone.
“If I’d known y’ were gon do this, darlin..” he gasps as your hand raises and the soapy cloth makes contact with his chest, “Woulda just got in with you like I started t’.”
The confession does make your hand falter in it’s slow journey over his chest and you swallow hard as you try to figure out what to do with what he’s just said. Because this is… Huge. And the ramifications of getting entangled with somebody, especially now when it’s probably the worst idea in the world, especially considering it’s somebody like, well… Him.
But you knew exactly what you were doing when you wandered in, prepared to offer yourself up to take care of him like he took care of you after saving your life and bringing you up to the  quarry with him and the others.
There’s really no sense in fighting the magnetism anymore.
Life was too short before and it’s gotten so much shorter since.
You step closer, your soft curves melt against his firm muscles. And you keep working the soapy cloth over the front of his body as he bites back a growl on more than one occasion and stares down at you. Wordless. Quiet. In awe.
“Y’ didn’t have t’ do this.” he finally speaks, his voice is the perfect velvet gravel mix and it goes straight to your core like usual. You shrug, wordless. You motion for him to turn away so you can wash his back and he does, but only after he lets a hand settle against your hip as he squeezes. “Yer playin with fire right now, princess.”
“Am I?” you question. “Maybe I enjoy playing with fire.”
The words and the way you’re being so soft, so.. Gentle with him. That last shred of self  control he’s been clinging to for a while now snaps completely and he tries to reign himself in as the soapy cloth moves over his back and you hug against him slightly while soaping him down but no amount of his palms against the wall to brace himself and try to keep himself tethered and keep his hands from everything they actually want to touch… It’s not working.
He turns to face you and pries the cloth free from your hand. Towering over you as the water streams down over you both. His hands are all over you and you’re hauled against his body as his head dips down and his forehead rests against the swell of your breasts and he breathes heavily.
You can feel his cock rise, standing at attention. Pushing into you when he pulls you as close as he can get you while pulling you up his body. “Gonna take real good care of y’, princess.” he groans out against the front of your throat as his teeth scrape against your skin and you dig your nails into his shoulder, your legs squeezing either side of his body after wrapping around his waist, “Fuck.”
And you can look into smoldering dark brown eyes and tell he means exactly what he’s just said. Every word. In every sense it can be taken to mean.
Starting here and now, if you’ll allow him.
And the realization stuns you. Somewhere in everything, in all the chaos and insanity that’s been your life for months by now, you trust him.
Your fingers card his hair as his tongue drags a circular motion around one of your nipples. Between the stubble on his jaws and the necklace around his neck banging against your skin when he moves, you’re whimpering at rough lips against your skin, rough hands as they caress your body and grip, squeeze now and then to mold you against him a little better. The leaky tip of his cock drags against your folds and you shiver violently in his grasp, your cunt soaked and throbbing so fast all you can do is nip roughly at his neck to leave an angry red bite mark against his skin. The bite mark has him laughing, pausing the movement of his mouth over your opposite nipple to gaze up at you and you pout because you’re aching for his touch, the connect you feel when his lips dance over your skin.
The water is freezing by now and he grimaces and reaches out a muscular arm to shut off the shower. Your back is pressed firmly against cold and wet tiles, goosebumps raised to the surface of your skin that you’re not sure are from the cold or just the way his touch feels so damn good.
“Not gon’ last long, princess.” he’s almost apologetic about it and you laugh, the soft sound makes him bite his lip as his mouth crashes against your mouth finally. Frantic, needy. Almost desperate when his lips lock on your bottom lip and catch it between. You manage to mumble that it’s okay and your next words bring a rare grin to tug up the corners of his mouth and he stops, staring at you in awe. Making you grab hold of the back of his head and pull his mouth against yours all over again, greedy. Desperate. Your tongue slips past his lips and his tongue meets it, dominating the kiss in the bat of an eye. The tip of his cock grazes between your folds and you shiver again, moaning out quietly before you can stop yourself.
“Fuck.” he grunts and his fingers dig into your body harsh, “Feels so good.” he repeats what he said to you minutes before, promises to take care of you and you grab his face in your hands. “I know. I believe you.”
You reassure him quietly. The reassurance has him giving you a cocky smirk and his cock pushes into you a little more. 
“Next time, darlin.. I’ll taste y’.” he promises in a loud groan against your neck as he buries to the hilt inside you and goes still, searching your eyes to make sure you’re okay and he’s not hurting you. Brown eyes squeeze tight when you start to fuck yourself up and down on his cock after you’ve gotten adjusted to the way he fills and stretches you out. You can feel the tip smashing against your cervix and your nails drag up and down his back and shoulders as his mouth buries against your neck, leaving more bites to litter skin that somehow got forgotten about in his earlier quest to do so. 
His name falls from your lips like a prayer, over and over. He’s groaning, growling and swearing with each deeper drive into you, saying your name so loud that you’re pretty sure anyone in either room beside the one you happen to be in can hear him but you don’t care. Both of you are completely lost, caught up in each other. Your stomach coiled tight as you beg for release only to have him coax you back away from the edge in just enough time. His hips beat against your body in a harsh steadiness and you shiver with every graze of those rough hands or lips against your skin.
“Shane,” you beg in a whimper, “Please.” you breathe against the shell of his ear. “C’mon darlin. Let go. I gotcha, promise.” he mutters his permission and your orgasm smashes into you and leaves you clinging. Whiny and needy, desperately fucking yourself up and down on his cock as he holds you against his body with your back against the shower wall and his mouth crashes against your own. “Fuck. Fuckin shit, princess,” he groans in need as your release coats his cock, your walls vising around him to push him headfirst into his own release. It happens without much warning, you can feel the way he throbs as his hips stammer against you and finally come to a stop, his forehead resting against your own and it’s gentle. So is the look in his eyes for once.
Not teasing or irritated, just.. Gentle. Relaxed.
You finally untangle yourself from his body and climb down from his arms and slink over to the towel near the pile of clean clothing. You hold the towel out to him and he takes it, wrapping it around you. After he grabs the second towel and knots it at the waist around his body, he pulls you against him all over again. Rough hands caress your face as he stares down into your eyes.
Neither of you say a word. Neither of you need to but both of you secretly want to.
But life is too short now to make promises. No matter how much you know you mean it.
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jplupine · 7 months
So apparently some people new to Tumblr think a repost and a reblog are the same thing, so when they see creators asking for people to not repost, they're thinking the creators are saying to not reblog 😭
Y'all, a repost is when you copy/download the work and create a new post using the work making it seem as if it's yours. A reblog is you using a site provided feature to share the creator's post directly from the creator so that it's still credited to them and they still get all of the traction/notes from the work.
Please, reblog fics/art/etc. that you enjoy! Reblogging is not reposting! Creatives need support too, and reblogging is a way to do that!
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needyvampyres · 5 months
being sleepy but horny is such an odd mix of emotions bc like yes i’m about to knock out rn but also i would not complain at all if you pushed up my nightgown and started eating me out and then fingerfucked me while i’m tiredly whimpering.
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oatmilkbunnie · 8 months
Desperately need to be reassured while someone eats my pussy, telling me how good it tastes, how good it feels, how good I sound. I need to feel so pretty while someone touches me and makes me cum.
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musenextdoor · 9 months
Want a wife so I can do really slutty things for her like make her coffee in the morning and give her forehead kisses
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Being single is so fun until you are pathetically horny and just need someone to fuck you to sleep
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cherryluvss · 1 month
Clitwarming >>
Just imagining myself lounging around at home while my s/o is working tirelessly at their desk. They haven't taken a break as they know they have to get this work finished but they're nowhere near done.
So I decide to waltz myself over to their home office and take my usual spot under the desk, but I simply place my chin on the base of the chair between their legs, like a puppy craving attention from it's owner.
"I'm sorry baby but I'm so busy right now, you're gonna have to wait a bit okay?" they coo, cupping my cheek with their hand and showing a sincere smile before putting all their focus back onto the computer screen.
But I want to be the one that helps you out, helps you relieve some stress without having to move from the desk.
"Can we try something? I promise it won't be too distracting, trust me" I whisper faintly, perching up slightly on my knees and trailing my fingertips along their exposed thigh.
It's getting late so all they're wearing is an oversized shirt, luckily that makes it easier for me see what I want.
Before they can even get a word in I place my soft lips around the hood of their neglected clit, my tongue just resting peacefully against the bud of nerves. I won't make any sudden movements though, like I said, I won't be too distracting.
The sweet sound of their breathy gasp as they look back down at me, their thighs closing in on my head to prop it up.
Every now and then I feel them rock against my tongue, their wetness seeping into my mouth with each one whilst I stay put.
That's all I'm here for after all, to keep their clit warm in my mouth whilst they use my tongue whenever they need some added friction.
Also helps keep my oral fixation at bay😉
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nighttimenothings · 3 months
thinking about slow saturdays. edging my girl all day—fleeting looks and lingering touches. in the morning, touching you gently over your panties while we're tangled up in bed, waiting till your hips are rolling and you're whimpering before stopping.
later during lunch, keeping my hand high up on your thigh, thumb stroking slowly, so close, yet nowhere near where you want me to be. you like that, baby?
in the afternoon, we're on the couch, a movie playing on the tv, but neither one of us is really paying attention because i've got two fingers thrusting slowly in your cunt and my other hand pinching and tugging at your nipples. you're soft little moans become more and more desperate as i bring you close to the edge. and right before you're about to come, i stop. that's my girl. just one more. can you hold on for me?
we're cooking dinner together, i'm stealing kisses, hands trailing over your stomach, waist, and hips. you giggle and tell me i'm distracting you, and i laugh because this is nowhere near distracting.
during dinner, i can see you squirm in your chair when i nudge my foot against your leg. i raise a brow and you flush. you're so easy to fluster, sweetheart. i adore how pink your cheeks are and how shy you get.
cleaning up is simple. you wash and i dry, but today i can't help but stop, stepping up close behind you, pressing you against the counter and sneaking a hand down your panties again. your slick has already leaked all over your thighs and my fingers glide frictionlessly.
i'm touching and tasting, licking and leaving kisses all over your neck. you're so pretty, baby. i love seeing you like this. thank you for being so good for me. my hands are everywhere and i can't stop touching. soon enough, you've given up on the dishes and we're now facing each other.
fingers or mouth, baby? you're voice is breathy and high when you tell me you want both. greedy girl. but you've been so good for me, so i'll give you everything—i'll make sure you can't stand by the time i finish with you.
i get on my knees and i pull down your pants, panties coming off too. there's a string of slick that sticks to your panties and i groan at the sight of it. good god, you're dripping and making a mess everywhere. let me clean you up.
you taste so good. you're thrusting and gasping, fingers threaded in my hair. i have my hands wrapped around your thighs, keeping you up as your thighs start to shake and your slickness continues to drip. the sound is obscene, the steady squelch of my tongue in your cunt, my lips sucking your clit.
you beg for my fingers and i oblige, immediately giving you two. you're getting close—i can tell. your breaths come out strangled and your eyes are bleary and unfocused. can you wait, baby? hold on for just a little longer for me? you're so close to crying, i can see the tears clinging to your eyelashes and can hear the way your voice cracks. you tell me you can—that you wanna be good for me.
i add another finger—you whine, high and desperate—and i lick your folds gently. so perfect, so good. that's it. finally, when i know you've reached your limit, i curl my fingers and suck your clit. come for me, baby. you've been so good for me.
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yourprettyfemme · 2 months
Fuck me until I’m arching off the bed when I cum and then hold me down when I can’t keep still. Show me how strong you are and how you decide when I’m done cumming. I want it. I need it. My arms are so tingly just thinking about it.
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milf0bsessi0n · 2 months
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transfemmes · 2 months
When Megan Thee Stallion said "Pussy like a wild fox looking for a Sasuke" 10 angels got their wings
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 10 months
*NSFW* The mating habits of Yandere! Animal-Human Monsters
Yandere!Monster men who sometimes forget that their poor darling is a human and misinterprets their actions when it comes to mating. Short drabbles about yanderes trying to seduce their darlings, but the list gets progressively darker the further down you read.
*Warning* dub-con, non-con, yandere possessiveness, dead dove
Yandere!Crow Harpy who was a little disappointed when you refused to move out of your house. You didn't understand why the feathered man seemed so infatuated with you, but after a long while of him begging you to move in with him you agreed, only on the condition that he moved into your home. It wasn't a traditional harpy relationship, but he was ecstatic regardless, deciding that if he couldn't build a nest with you he could at least win your favor as a perfect mate by decorating it. It got on your nerves sometimes, coming home from work to find shiny bits of trash and feathers tucked into every nook and cranny of your home. Eventually the two of you created a list of acceptable "treasure" to bring home, and what you considered to be actual garbage. He spent weeks "decorating" your already furnished house, before one day pulling you into the living room where he had piled every blanket and pillow you owned into a makeshift nest on the floor. His smile was insecure, desperate for your approval as he wrapped you into his large wings, holding you tightly against his warm body before sinking down into the mass of fluffy objects. You could hear his heart hammering against his chest erratically as he gently began placing kisses against your collar.
"I wanted to help build a home with you, so it wasn't yours or mine, but ours. I pray that my attempts to prove I'll keep you and our future children comfortable impressed you..."
Yandere!Merman who couldn't help but feel awestruck by your beauty, often going on long rants about how much you inspire him. It was a chance encounter while you were studying abroad, and you grew emotionally attached to the beautiful man who sang you words of praise. Although he whined whenever you had to leave the beach, the bags under his eyes became deeper as the weeks went on, chronic exhaustion taking it's toll on the merman. Whenever you tried to convince him that his sleep was important, he would only give a dopey smile, responding cryptically about how his secret project was just as important as spending time with you, and that he would have time to sleep once it was all over. One day when you arrived on the beach he was already there, shaking with excitement and impatiently trying to drag you into the ocean before you could get on your snorkeling gear. Deep where the sun barely touched, a huge intricate mural was sculpted into the ocean floor. As your eyes widened in an attempt to take in just how massive the artwork was, following each perfectly symmetrical swirl, two strong arms snaked around your waist with a tired, yet content, sigh. He blew words into your ear that you were somehow able to understand despite the water, as he sunk with you into the middle of the circular masterpiece.
"You take my breath away every time we meet, and I wanted to do the same for you. Please say that, if you could, you would lie here in my arms forever.."
Yandere!Puppy-Hybrid who was always just a ball of energy, a hyperactive sweet heart who couldn't sit still when he was awake. Most of your days together, it was easy to forget that he could even have urges, with how innocent your relationship was, kisses and cuddles but nothing more. As a species who had mating cycles, although he would never tell you out loud, he was always waiting for you to go into heat. But it was taking so long! He did such a good job being a patient boy for you, you didn't even know why he was being so whiny lately, attributing his neediness to his attention seeking personality. But eventually, he took your phone to do some research. At first he was shocked, humans didn't have mating cycles?? How did you know when it was time to make a baby? Then he came across an amazing discovery. Ovulation. It took a couple of months, holding your belly to his face and breathing deeply for a couple of minutes each day, but he finally learned the subtle changes in your scent throughout your cycle. You had no idea what was going on, thinking he was just being extra goofy lately, until he refused to let go one day, tightening his grasp as his breathing turned into heavy pants, grinding your leg in between his.
"Ah.. you can't hide it from me.. I've been waiting for this for so long... Please don't say no..."
Yandere!Humanoid Spider who always did his best to never frighten you. Even when you first met, it was with him holding his hands up and pleading for you not to run away from him in a soothing voice. Despite the lower half of the creature you met in the forest being a giant spider, the top half was such a kind and handsome man that you quickly began to trust him, soon considering him to be a good friend. He was so thoughtful, always raising his hands as a show of surrender, whether he was approaching you from afar and didn't want to startle you or if you were jokingly fighting over something silly. Even amongst humans, he was the one you trusted the most. If you had known anything about spiders though, you would have been more on guard with his overt displays of feebleness, especially after he began telling you how beautiful you were. You didn't even fight back at first when he suddenly grabbed you from, until he bit into your neck. The kind man, no, the monster you thought you knew, wasted no time sliding your pants down as he still held your backside to his chest, chuckling into your shoulder.
"Ah, my stupid little human~ Were you just pretending to be that naive because you wanted me to take you? ❤️"
Yandere!Naga who couldn't feel love in the same way that humans did. As a researcher working towards her doctorate specializing in Naga people and their many sub species, you were overjoyed to meet a small tribe of Naga men who were willing to allow you to enter their home and record their daily lives. There were so many types of Nagas loosely related to snake species still alive today, and they each had their own cultures, languages, and biology. Based on the coloration you couldn't tell what type these men were, but despite not being fluent in their language they were very kind to you. They seemed to have been in a period of mourning before you arrived, and lavished all their attention on you, babbling on in one sided conversations you could only understand a few words of here and there. One phrase they all stated was flattering only for the first few times they repeated it, but quickly became unnerving as they became more comfortable caressing your face and running their fingers through your hair. And when they pulled you into the center of a giant nest, taking turns thrusting their long tongues down your throat and running their hands over your body, trapping you in a pile of cold men staring deep into your soul with hungry eyes, you learned the species they were closest to.
"We need you... We need you..."
Yandere!Humanoid Scorpion who rescued you after a tourist attraction went arry, promising to protect you until you could be rescued. A strong, bulky man who enjoyed holding you (almost too tightly) in his arms whenever his peers came near. Everything was honestly lovely until in the black of night you were awoken by a strange chorus of sounds echoing outside the burrow the hybrids allowed you to sleep in. A blue light illuminated the large home, and as it noticed you finally woke, approached, revealing himself to be the scorpion man who rescued you, glowing with bioluminescence. Before you could ask what was happening, fear struck you like a bolt of lightening seeing a large, inhuman cock emerging from just below his human half. He lunged forward, and you threw up your hands in self defence. Your hands intertwined with his, fighting against him with all of your strength, but the harder you fought, the more excited he grew. You pushed and pulled, but he didn't loosen his hold on you. Eventually it seemed he had enough playing, and threw you effortlessly onto the bed. Tears streamed down your face at your helplessness, but this only widened his smile as he peeled the shirt off your sweaty body.
"There is no need to fear, my mate. As you can see, no one can match my strength. You and our brood shall be safe under my protection.."
Yandere!Humanoid Waterbug disgusted you, from the twitch of his antenna to the flirtatiousness of his voice. The moment you met him on the water of your lake house, there was no escape. Every time you left or returned back home he was effortlessly skating across the waters surface towards you, begging you to come closer. Although you did your best to ignore him, his loud cries for attention eventually wore you down. Maybe if you entertained him just this once he would leave you alone? You approached him calmly, but as soon as you were within reach he grasped your hands tightly, pulling you partially into the water. He spoke sickly sweet words of affection, chilling you more painfully than the cold morning lake water. You tried to turn him down politely, gently pulling at his grip. He pulled you into the water further, swiftly pushing the two of you away from the shore in one kick of his legs, his unamused gaze no longer holding the playful, flirty gleam it had before. One set of hands held yours tightly, while another pair grabbed your head shoving it without warning under the water. You struggled against his grasp, rapidly losing oxygen as you panicked, black spots filling your vision. But before you lost consciousnesses, he brought you back up, still staring into your eyes with cold fury as your lungs felt like they caught fire. He confessed his love again, but when you began sobbing he thrust you face forward into the water again with a painful smack, holding you down beneath him until stopped struggling. In the air once more, snot flowed and mixed freely with your tears as he aggressively smashed his face into yours, fishing out your tongue and biting it harshly.
"There's only one correct answer to my question, (Reader).. Be mine, or die. If I can't have you, then no one can."
Yandere!Marsupial Hybrid you never saw coming. Lost in the Australian outback, you cursed yourself and your impossibly terrible luck. Hybrids and monsters freely roaming the world were terrifying enough, but being in the land where even the greenery was planted by Satan himself? Your phone had lost it's signal about two hours ago, and your jeep died shortly after that. Trudging along by foot, you continuously felt eyes following your every step, and the fear that a giant spider or monster snake was stalking you made you cry for hours as you walked under the merciless sun. On top of the heat and new blisters forming on your soles, you had to use a restroom as well. Quickly surveying the tall bushes to make sure you weren't about to go next to one of Satan's previously mentioned bushes, you pulled down your shorts in discomfort. The feeling of eyes on you hadn't left since your vehicle randomly gave out despite being double checked before you left the city, but your bladder couldn't care at that moment. A rustle nearby ended your attempt to go before it started, pulling up your shorts so fast it hurt. A hybrid with round ears and a lung brown tail with white spots charged into you, knocking you down. His face was red and slick with tears and sweat, his eyes wide and frantic as he latched his sharp teeth into your neck with excitement. Everything was so fast, with his alternating between feverish rambling and biting into whatever part of your flesh he could reach as he tore off your clothes with a desperation you couldn't comprehend. Tears blended with your own as he kissed, licked and bit every piece of you as he fought your legs open, ignoring your screams of pain.
"You accepted me didn't you?! You knew I chose you! Ah, it hurts! Why'd you put your clothes back o-ah! I need you, I need you now!"
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cheesit-notes · 10 months
and how they fuck you
cw: MDNI!, fem reader, rough fucking, raw dogging it, riding (cowgirl), finger fucking, slow ghost, thigh riding, fucking in front of recruits a/n: teehee pls don't ban me for this Tumblr, this is 18+
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soap who likes fucking you rough, and even rougher when in front of the recruits. not really into condoms, likes it raw kinda guy you know? don't worry, he'll do tons of foreplay for you. kisses trail from your face down to your thighs. will get down on his knees to eat you out, and mind you, he's as good as he says. he honestly forgets about any forms and sorts of dirty talk at this point because he's too busy, your moans do most of the talking. by the time you're ready, he's already superr impatient. his pants strained and he's leaking precum like a faucet, he's been so patient up until now so he feels like he deserves a reward. his reward being he gets to ram his cock into you with little to no warning^^ if you think being fucked hard and rough is the end of it, you're wrong. he's a cocky fucker, he'll fuck you in front of the recruits just to show them who's better.
gaz who has you ride him, cowgirl style. you could be on the couch in the common area or in his barracks on the bed, doesn’t matter. he’ll sit there and watch as you do all the work. at first you’re doing so well and he’s praising you for it but after a while, you start to get tired :( poor you. he knows when you’re slowing down and he can get soo mean. a hand on your hip as he instructs you to go faster, harder, until he has you slammed down, bottoming out in you. the entire time, he’s spitting out insults about how you can’t do something as simple as riding him properly. cums inside you, sticky hot white cum drips down your thighs as you try to get up before his hands force you down on him again. he’s just trying to keep the cum where it belongs so let him fuck it back into you, yeah?
ghost who, surprisingly, likes fucking you slow. really slow. so slow in fact you start begging him to go faster. it feels like he’s teasing you with how little he’s giving you, but he’s enjoying it. there’s two position you’re in: on your knees taking him from behind with his hand on your stomach, or on your back with his thumb pressed over your abdomen. has at least a finger over your stomach to feel the bulge as he slides in and out. shit gets him high. calls you his little doll ‘cause you’re honestly just laying there letting him do whatever. he cums just from feeling the bulge that’s his cock in your stomach. even after he’s all soft, he’ll still shove some fingers in. he’ll curl his fingers and they’re so big and fat, and god, even his fingers stretch you out. this’ll go on for hours until you’re a babbling crying mess who came just from some fingers. he’s got all the time in the world to play with his doll.
captain price who’s a more hands-off kinda guy. he won’t even fuck you until you’ve cum from riding his thigh. making a mess over his pants as your legs tremble from the sensation. shoves toys in your cunt in the morning, “quiet, i’know you can take it”, so by nighttime you’ll be all wet for him! he’s not rough like soap, and not slow like ghost, he’s just normal fucking. not too rough, not too slow, just right. trust, he’s got tons of experience so he knows how to please a woman. if there’s one thing to complain about, it’s his death grip on your thighs. it doesn’t stop at red markings that last for hours or days, there are bruises on your thighs that can last up to weeks. he takes making you unable to sit normally to a whole new level. price is like soap in some ways, he wants to show people that he’s superior but not as obvious as soap. he won’t fuck you in front of the recruits, but you will be riding his thigh during briefings with the team.
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cherryluvsss · 3 months
Hearing "you're gonna make mommy cum" is like music to my ears. Am I really doing that much of a good job? Am I making you proud?
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berrykissd · 20 days
wanna put on some pretty lingerie and sit on your lap, watch you squirm as i tell you to not touch and kiss up your neck and jaw, dragging my nails up and down your body so gently. i want to see you get desperate and whine, and then grab your hands and guide them up to my chest, whisper that you’ve been so good, hm? and bring one of your hands down to let you feel how wet i am for you. i’ll let you have your way with me then, and ravish me completely for being so good.
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needyvampyres · 4 months
wouldn’t it be cool if you came over, we baked cookies, and then i bent you over my couch and i fucked you with my strap until your legs gave out? no? okay, whatever.
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