#[ to him they are but they're not and i shaking biting maiming
pirateborn-a · 1 year
lies down,
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violent138 · 2 months
A nefarious, as yet unknown Gotham villain sends a message to the Batcave that the annual Gotham Easter egg hunt contains eggs that are poisonous/explosive. Jason and Dick are annoyed that a city like Gotham even has an Easter Egg hunt, while Damian reports that all his classmates and definitely half the city's children will be scouring the streets for eggs.
"Idiots." He scoffed, shaking his head. "Egg hunting is a massive waste of time."
"Yes, thanks Damian, that's what we need to hear right now." Tim smiled flatly at him, predicting where this was going.
In order to avoid panic due to the unconfirmed possible bombs, the Batfamily splits into teams to go find eggs, check them and return them back to the hiding places if they aren't explosive. The news picks up on it, rather confused to see the Red Robin, Spoiler, Signal, Orphan and Robin at it, but whatever they're kids. And Orphan looks particularly delighted to find eggs before hiding them somewhere better and Signal lights up the eggs a little and charms the kids.
However, Red Hood and Nightwing look a little more ridiculous, especially since Batman decided to scour the city for the villain instead of the eggs.
"No because he'a a [Censored] coward." Red Hood grumbles to a reporter when asked if Batman will also be participating.
"Oh look I found another one." Nightwing reported excitedly in the same broadcast and Red Hood immediately goes over, both of them examining it.
The side effect of them being out is that more kids decide to look for eggs. There's a mild panic and Steph questions the logic of not telling people the eggs are maybe bombs.
The day comes to a nail-biting end with zero maiming and Alfred reveals it was him and that he threw a pretty extravagant dinner to reward them for their hunting.
Bruce snickers at the look on the kids' faces.
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chloreen · 4 months
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✨caution! Izzy rant ahead✨ Every time I see posts villainizing Izzy I'm kind of baffled. I know i should have gotten over it by now but making Izzy the villain is kind of missing the heart of the whole story? "Oh no, Gentlebeard is the heart of the story-" It's a story about found family. About dysfunctional people. People who err and fail and make horrible decisions and overcome their traumas. I know that's not lost on the fandom when it comes to Ed, not one little bit. He's all cute and bored when we meet him, right? Not the man who sets ships alight anymore, with all the people in them? Not a psychopat, just a tired little boo who's ready to shake off Blackbeard's mantle? And it's great that he's ready. People get there. But what I get from many posts is that it's fine for Ed to get there when he's ready but Izzy had to follow him straight away into the land of the mentally healthy or fucking die. Only Izzy is just as dysfunctional as good old Ed if not more, and he's not ready, and nobody is asking him to be ready when they board the Revenge. The only person he feels close to in the world ignores him, Stede (understandably) offers him none of the talk-it-through treatment and the crew mocks him. All within reason, but when you have severe mental issues and trust issues and defense mechanisms your first instinct is not to open yourself up. It's to lock yourself down. Bite back at those who mock you. Attack those who disdain you. Destroy your chances of happiness, because you think you dont deserve it. Wrong approach? yes, god, yes, of course it is, but "wrong approach" is basically the title of every other episode in this show.
Now I know that many of you see maiming (not a one time thing either. continuous maiming) as a suitable payback for Izzy's deal with the English. (Maybe you don't even see what baffles me in that statement) "I fed your darkness. Blackbeard" has been quoted as a closing statement more times than I can count. Everybody can read into "I fed your darkness" as they please; I know how I read into it. I've been in love with people who's darkness I fed and they fed mine in return. And I'm not even going to point any fingers here, regardless of how disproportionally abusive that relationship was. It's a we thing, it's always a we thing. Darkness feeds on darkness. Izzy didn't create Blackbeard. Izzy didn't burn that fucking ship with all the people in it. We don't even know if Izzy met Ed before he was Blackbeard or not. It was most likely a "we" thing, where they built together upon an existing structure, a joint tower of darkness. Feeding the myth, throwing all of their insecurities in it, creating a monster. Forging a bond not with the touch of silk and gentle fingers but with whatever nightmares you can imagine. So Izzy playing doctor Frankenstein to Ed's Kraken is…it's wrong, it's simply wrong. Ed was not a corpse when they met. He was not a blank slate. He was probably already a mess of his own when the darkness-feeding started.
That turned out to be quite the rant but it's important for me to voice it. Izzy is far from blameless. Ed is far from blameless. A lot of other people in this show are technically far from blameless. But making a person who's a member of (the ofmd) family your villain? There are some straightforward villains in this show and then there are those who want to, crave to, strive to belong but have a hard time because they're so genuinely flawed.
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lesbian-empress-nero · 4 months
“You have to be the dumbest person I have ever had the misfortune of interacting with!”
Akechi stood in front of Ryuji, glowering and livid.
And Ryuji was having none of his shit.
“I’m the dumb one? We figured out your whole shtick because of pancakes! Effin’ pancakes, dude! And you’re the one who let it slip!”
Akechi folded his arms, scowling beneath his mask. “Yes. And once again, I have proven myself to be a valuable asset to the team- unlike yourself. You blunder around, miss attacks, get knocked on your ass every three turns... Honestly, it’s a miracle you’re still allowed to be a Phantom Thief.”
It felt like Ryuji had been punched. It felt like Kamoshida had broken his leg again, like his father was screaming at him, like Mona was calling him pathetic and useless.
“....Y’know what, actually? For once, you’re right. Why am I still a Phantom Thief?”
Akechi shifted, now silent. Ryuji vaguely wondered if he was the reason ol’ Black Mask was quiet. Yeah, right. As if he, of all people, could be clever enough to shut someone up.
“Sakamoto...?” Akechi’s voice was sickeningly quiet. Ryuji wanted Akechi to yell, to scream and shout at him. He wanted to hear the fury in Akechi’s voice, the sorrow and heartbreak and every ugly emotion after.
Ryuji wanted Akechi to hit him. He wanted to feel something other than the hollow pit in his gut, he wanted to feel something other than guilt at his own uselessness. He wanted Akechi to take his attention from his pathetic self-pity and direct it at something else, something like hitting. It seemed like that was all Ryuji was good for anyways.
A good little attack dog, biting and maiming whatever he was told to. Thrashing limbs and bloodied teeth were all Ryuji knew now. It made him sick.
“Tell the others I’m staying behind. Make something up, say I’m keeping watch for Shadows or something. But tell them I’m not catching up.”
Suddenly, he felt hands on his shoulders. It was now that he realised he was shaking.
“Sakamoto, you are coming with us. I won’t let you do something stupid and risk your life for us again,” Akechi said with finality. Ryuji couldn’t find it in himself to argue. He couldn’t even push Akechi off.
“Whaddya mean ‘again’...?” Was what he said instead, desperately fighting back tears.
“Time and time again you’ve thrown yourself headfirst into danger, never giving it a second thought. It’s always been to protect us, but it’s as though you don’t even spare yourself a single thought.”
Because he didn’t. He never thought about himself, about his safety. If his friends were unharmed, he’d gladly take as many hits as his body could handle.
“...It keeps you all safe, doesn’t it...?”
He was met with silence.
Though this time, it was arguably worse.
RYUGORO KAKJDJDBDBDNDBFB HOW IVE MISSED YOU!!!! I WAS going to say the girls are fighting but as that went on the girls got sad... RYUJI LISTEN TO AKECHI ryuji risks his life for everyone and gets absolutely nothing in return. just because he loves them so much and wants to protect them but they never give him credit for it. they are ASSHOLES to him sometimes but he still can't let them go because he feels like they're all he has.... im getting thoughts...
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metal-mouse · 1 year
How do you think the boys would react upon hearing that Leander got so frustrated with MC turning him down (yet again) and cast the eat slugs curse at her?
My opinions for this definitely change with my mood, and I'm absolutely projecting on MC here. I put Ominis, Sebastian, and Garreth and kept it p gender neutral
i rant forever so it's under the cut
His initial reaction to hearing about the whole incident was to make sure MC was okay. Eat Slugs does go away after awhile, but it's uncomfortable, and Ominis also can't stand that sort of incel behaviour tbh.
He's mad and wants to defend them, but he trusts MC to do what they need to and he will be there for whatever they choose to do.
if Ominis was present at the time of the hex he would prevent MC from maiming and/or killing Leander. MC can beat him up and hospitalize him, but NO cut off limbs and no murder!
Ominis would show up to the hospital wing with a package of the best-selling fudge from Honeydukes to visit Leander while he lay in his recovery bed from the absolute shit-kicking that MC gave him.
Like, MC would not stand for that disrespect and MC is the superior duelist and would pulverize his ass even though they're burping up slugs.
Leander would be so surprised to see him as Ominis sat down beside the bed and opened up the box of fudge.
Ominis would ask how he's feeling, before taking a bite out of the fudge and setting it back in the box.
Leander tells him he's still in pain, MC really kicked his ass.
Ominis offers his most insincere condolences and picks up another piece of fudge and takes a bite out of it before putting it back.
Nurse Blainey comes by, Ominis offers her a piece of fudge. She takes one and leaves.
Not once does he offer Leander a piece of fudge, he just keeps taking bites out of individual pieces and putting them back until he's taken a bite out of all of them while making barbed quips to Leander.
Ominis genuinely just showed up to gloat over Leander's pain, eat some of his favourite fudge in his face, and then leave to rub some salt in the wound.
It works, with Leander genuinely upset at being insulted and the fudge being thrown out.
Honestly it's very sexy of Ominis to kick a man while he's down.
Sebastian would want to immediately track down Leander and throw him off the Astronomy tower he's killed once what does one more body really mean?
Despite his blood boiling furiously, Sebastian goes to find MC and make sure they're alright first.
It surprises MC who was certain Leander was a dead man walking.
He stays with them while the hex runs its course, and then when MC finally stops throwing up slugs he returns them safely to their common room and goes on the hunt.
Leander, unfortunately, had good enough sense to anticipate Sebastian. He's made a point to remain in well-populated areas, in his common room, or the professors were keeping him quite busy in detention for hexing MC.
So, Sebastian plays Madame Scribner like a fucking fiddle and earns his way into detention himself.
This risk ends up working out, when Leander and Sebastian are assigned to clean the trophy room together.
Leander shakes in his boots the entire time, anticipating Sebastian's inevitable murder attempt.
It's the longest 2 hours of his life. Sebastian just keeps staring at him, but since Mr. Moon sticks around there's nothing he can do.
Their detention ends, and just as Moon leaves Sebastian slams Leander against the wall with his wand at Leander's throat.
He threatens Leander, letting him know that if he so much as looks at MC from now on he'll have to answer to Sebastian.
Sebastian promised MC he wouldn't physically harm Leander, who just wanted to put the entire event behind them. Deep down
Sebastian knew that MC could defend themselves, but he liked being protective of them.
and then like 3 weeks later MC is paired with Leander for a class project and Leander has a crisis over it lmao
He'd just beat the shit out of Leander. Like, with his fists.
Garreth's got siblings, the man can throw a punch (source: i have sibling).
Garreth's a really sweet guy, but even warm and friendly people can reach their limit. Garreth's limit just so happens to be MC getting hurt in some sort of way.
He's unbelievably pissed that it was his friend and fellow Gryffindor who happened to cast the hex - and for Leander to have cast it because he was rejected by someone who had repeatedly told him they weren't interested? Mmmmmmm no thank you sir.
Garreth doesn't make Leander wait for anything, he doesn't toy with him, he just kicks the hell out of him and tells him to smarten up.
It's a short and sweet way of dealing with it, and honestly very on brand for both stereotypical boys and Gryffindors.
Quick, easy, and done. Leander ends up apologizing to MC and swears he won't bother them like that anymore.
He seems genuinely remorseful, but MC does avoid him for quite a long time. If he wants to prove himself, he's got to do it slowly.
Leander absolutely learned his lesson.
Garreth can hit really hard.
MC doesn't really mind Garreth's reaction, in fact they find it pretty amusing to find Leander with a black eye the next day.
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avatarkurukdefender · 16 days
Adhd is still adhding so lets talk about A Literal Team Avatar instead of writing it :3
Aang is NOT gonna have a good time. In fact to quote Sans he's in for a BAD TIME
So you know in the Yangchen books how her past lives would frequently possess her body at the absolute WORST TIMES for example, the past life that had really really really bad claustrophobia possessing her when she was in a tight claustrophobic space and making her freak out? Yeah that. You know how none of the avatars after Yangchen never seemed to deal with this? Well I headcanon that the reason why was because Yangchen actively BLOCKED the previous incarnations for pulling that same awful shit with every avatar after her.
So what do you think is gonna happen when Yangchen has been removed from the avatar cycle (and teenified) and is no longer to keep the others from fighting over Aang like a chew toy?
Lets see how badly this can fuck with the poor twelve year old boy
(aka a bunch of random headcanons I came up with for the avatars we only have names and even a few of the nameless ones)
Szeto first of all had BAD sleep paralysis. Like almost every night, hallucination fo something just standing over him (or in some cases full on trying to strangle him) and he cant move or even speak levels of bad. Also had severe hemophobia (fear of blood) and would literally faint at the sight of blood (hehehehe)
Next is Salai who had severe thalassophobia (fear of the ocean/ fear of deep bodies of water) like he would get full on panic attacks every single time he had to cross the ocean. Even worse since I headcanon that he drowned in a a severe storm while sailing on the ocean. And considering the fact that the gaang presumably spends a few weeks on a BOAT on the OCEAN to get from the Northern Water Tribe to General Fong's base...yeah thats gonna be a really bad time for Aang.
Avatar Gun, aka the one that possessed Yangchen to go on a rant about how humanity is selfish and uncaring, how they expect you to pull of a hundred miracles and then get mad you didnt do a hundred and one, yeah...they're gonna be a fun one (also they are nonbinary now because they were never said to be male or female and the wiki used they them pronouns for them so bite me) aside from...that they also absolutely HATED crowds, like avoided them at all costs unless absolutely necessary, otherwise would be sweating and shaking the entire time until they could leave. (Which means Omashu, Ba Sing Se, literally any crowded town or city is gonna be absolute HELL for our favorite little airbender)
Ok now for the ones without names (I have two of those so far)
This armless firebender who someone on tiktok named Avatar Kazza (I dont remember who named her that though)
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Oh boy :3
So you know how General Fong pulled Katara under the ground to trigger the avatar state in Aang? Well the same thing happened to her partner. Only difference is that her partner wasn't pulled back out. Oh no. Her partner was pulled underground and CRUSHED to death. (When Kaaza bent them back out, there was nothing but blood, broken pulverized bones and completely crushed organs...) Yeah its gonna be a lot bloodier than in canon (None of General Fong's soldiers will die Im not gonna traumatize Aang THAT badly, but they will be maimed very badly.)
Next is this pretty avatar
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I think someone on tiktok named her Avatar Imiq but dont quote me on that
She's the avatar that was absolutely terrified of the Spirit World, to the point that it caused Yangchen's sister Jetsun to get kidnapped by spirits when they went there (because you know the spirits get hostile when you're afraid and guess who decided to pop in at the worst moment?) Luckily this one isnt going to cause too much trouble since I dont think Aang actually goes to the spirit in books two and three unless you count Wan Shi Tong's Library (though Aang is not gonna have a good time when Avatar Imiq starts freaking out because of Wan Shi Tong) but I havent rewatched the show in awhile so I could be wrong
Also you know the avatar that had claustrophobia? That was Wan. With the exception of his tree house Wan absolutely hated small tight spaces. And that is something he was going to make everyone's problem (just like how every avatar inherited Wan's iconic crooked avatar smile, every avatar also inherited some claustrophobia, some worse than others. Unfortunately thats now gonna be Aang's problem)
I just keep coming up with these and thinking "What would suck/be the most inconvenient for Aang to have in this moment" and then assigning that to one of the past lives
(Also here's something funny, you know the air nomad avatar behind Kuruk? They actually used him TWICE in the TLOK image of all the past lives. He's also the second one behind Szeto on the left side)
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koreposion · 1 year
"I do not get why you like Horror hurting you so much." Geno says as he puts Ink's head back into his body and twists it into place. He slaps the top of the skull twice to make sure it stays out, "The way he chases you down makes me want to pass out."
"First of all-" Ink starts as he feels his head seal back onto his body, "Viles, second, I really love the way he hates me. It's so passionate and careful. Because even when he tears me apart he's mindful of others in the area."
Geno goes stiff as he remembers the earlier battle where Horror and Ink tumbled past him. It was such a close call and he could have gotten dragged into the scuffle, "Wow... that's sweet of him I guess."
"Yeah isn't he just the best?!" Ink chirps happily as he checks over his scars. Keeping some and healing others, "He's so careful with his carnage that it's beautiful. Someone really must love him."
"I still... don't really get it, but if him tearing you limb from limb makes you happy then so be it." A sigh leaves Geno as his mind tries to process the ramblings of the artful skeleton. Sure, Horror is a sweet thing overall but his care is something to fear.
Blue told him of the trap they planned for him once and how he never fell for it again. That was to be expected from a hunter, but that would take a keen mind to do. Geno is lucky he barely fights Horror. Thought of being charged and bitten by the brute crosses his mind.
For a moment he understands what Ink might means before he shakes it out of his mind. He's fine enough with not taking damage and to fight Horror was to take the most damage possible. Not only that but Cross was one to watch out for as well, his fangs don't go unnoticed.
They're sharp and Geno had the pleasure of his hand getting maimed by them. Cross tried to bite him out right and it would have worked if Blue didn't warn him beforehand. It was one of the most important pieces of advice he had ever gotten. A slight hesitation when it came to fighting and Cross could pounce on him.
Killer certainly didn't make it easy and flourished in Geno's pain. Holding him down and burning his bones with a knife full of hot LV. The scars didn't heal properly but it was good enough. These things didn't scare him as much as they could but he couldn't understand the pleasure that his team takes from it.
There was a small intimate moment he had with Dust. Once and only once, and they both refused to even mention it. When he had managed to hold Dust in place and was met with an iron filled kiss. It rattled his brain and Dust had managed to kick him off but retreated.
Maybe their teams needed to sit down and talk with somebody. However if might just drive someone made tying to process what Gods and thralls could possibly be saying. At least he was hopeful that he wouldn't become as weird as they were about pain.
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settersprouts · 3 years
꒦ ikanaide : chapter four ! ꒦
. . : oikawa is the son of athena, while iwaizumi is the son of ares. both godly parents are known to be rivals, but what does that mean for their children ?
or, hq + percy jackson au, where oikawa is not the son of aphrodite for once, but people still think he is because he's pretty, and he's flattered and confused.
. . : okay hear me out, oikawa is known to be strategic and analytical, which is perfect for a descendant of athena. that is my reasoning for this alr dont attack me pls also, vv sorry this was late, i was feeling like shit all week and couldn't finish m sorry :((( hopefully you guys didn't wait too long :((
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iwaizumi's about had enough of his bullshit.
his fists were shaking as he stood in front of his divine cabin, the front door ajar and an absolutely horrid smell wafting out from the cabin. he stepped closer to the cabin, stiffening even more as he pushed the door open the rest of the way. the whole place was absolutely trashed- both his and his other roommates' clothes mixed together in many piles on the floor. he could tell just from the strategically placed items all around the room that the place was definitely rigged with mediocre traps. nothing would kill him, but it would most likely maim him.
the demigod growled, stepping over the tripwires on the floor and grabbing his khopesh. it was charged with electricity, thanks to yū nishinoya from cabin one. in exchange for the many weapons the son of ares' crafted, the son of zeus would help charge a select few and give them back to him.
the added energy would definitely be helpful for when he beat the absolute shit of a certain demigod.
he was seething with bloodlust as he stepped out of his cabin, walking towards the beach, where he knew the person he was looking for would be.
and there he was. sitting in one of the little tide pools, talking with one of the sea nymphs. she was way too close to him, but oikawa didn't look like he minded in the slightest. or he didn't notice, one of the two.
she bent down to whisper in his ear, his pupils growing smaller in his brown eyes, and he let out a laugh. it was really melodic, which was common for a son of aphrodite. their beauty was immaculate, and they were practically irresistible to everyone, unless you had a decent sense of self control. iwaizumi knew that oikawa had the whole camp under his fingertips. except for him.
iwaizumi let out a groan, clenching his fists. fuck morales. he knew that his father and oikawa's mother were on really good terms, but he couldn't help but feel attracted to the absolute need to punch the brunette in the face. with a concrete slab. or choke him with aphrodite's famous scarf. one of the two.
he let out an animalistic growl, drawing the attention of oikawa and the unnamed sea nymph. oikawa blinked at him, unimpressed, while the nymph shrieked and dove back into the ocean with a splash. oikawa glanced at the bubbles where the nymph had disappeared, and let out an unamused sigh.
`oh, well, she was kind of boring anyways,` he said nonchalant, stepping out of the pool, buck-naked, without a care in the world. iwaizumi's eyes widened as he turned away almost immediately, his face flushing completely.
`what the hell do you think you're doing?` he seethed, his usual bark lacking no bite, since oikawa really couldn't see his facial expression.
the latter let out a chuckle. `calm down, you can turn around, now. i'm decent.`
forest-green eyes slowly darted back to the brunette's figure, pupils growing bigger in relief, as he realized that he really was decent. he was dressed in the atrociously bright orange camp half-blood shirt, and bleached denim jeans, rolled up to just above his ankles. his bead necklace was still wrapped around his neck snugly. it was extremely tighter than iwaizumi's, which hung down just over the scar on his left pec. he must've tightened it like a choker. it was kind of smart- usually, monsters with half a brain used those necklaces to pull demigods towards them if they couldn't grab their limbs. this tactic limited the amount of things they could grab on him.
iwaizumi would've never thought of that.
`so,` oikawa mused, folding his now damp towel. he must have used it to dry himself off while iwaizumi was looking away from him. `what do you need from me?`
the other demigod blinked, mouth forming an 'o' once he realized his reason for being there. he totally didn't forget that he wanted to sock oikawa in the face just because he saw him naked. `right. i have a bone to pick with you, oikawa.`
`oh? is that so?` the brunette smiled sweetly at him, his eyebrows furrowed in an act of confusion and innocence. disgusting.
iwaizumi stepped forward, whipping out the khopesh he had stuffed in his pocket. with a simple flick of his wrist, it extended. the contraption was thanks to someone in cabin number six, with the help of cabin nine- apparently, iwaizumi had saved someone dear to them, and he was given the khopesh as a thank you. however, the person never did reveal themself to iwaizumi. it was an athena cabin secret.
oikawa's brown eyes widened at the sight of the weapon, but that expression was quickly replaced with an amused sneer. `oh, what's this? you want to fight?`
`no, you're going to let me maim you in silence, i refuse to fight someone as weak as you.` iwaizumi retorted, fists clenching. the brunette gawked, his mouth agape in a silent shout.
`weak? excuse me? i'm far from weak. just because you come from cabin five, doesn't mean you're higher than everyone else.` he replied, sticking his nose high up in the air. `i'll have you know, i've won many tournaments against your cabin.`
iwaizumi rolled his eyes. `yeah, because you always cheat and sneak over to athena's group.`
`i don't cheat! and i don't have to sneak over to athena's group, i have a place there you know!` oikawa shrieked, whipping out a dagger and pointing it at iwaizumi threateningly. however, the latter remained unphased, which pissed the brunette off even more.
`yeah. sure, and what's that?` iwaizumi said, letting one of his eyebrows raise. if rules served him correctly, there was no teaming allowed in any game at camp half-blood, unless stated otherwise. however, he always saw oikawa with athena's group, but he let it slide, thinking the ares' cabin would win anyways. he was, unfortunately, very wrong.
oikawa blinked. `are you stupid? athena's my mother.`
`huh?` the son of ares' stepped back a bit, glaring at the other. `you- athena's son? but- you're-`
`pretty? yeah, i get that a lot.` oikawa sheathed his dagger, stretching out his muscles. `people mistake me for the son of aphrodite way too much. it's kind of annoying, actually. there's a lot more to me than my face,` he mused, glaring at iwaizumi. `looks like you're no different from the rest of them. shame. i actually took a liking to you.`
the other stood there, unmoving, confusion lining every forehead wrinkle. `what are you saying? there's no way-`
oikawa sighed. `i should've known you were going to be hard to convince. look, i'm the son of athena, and the current ruler of the cabin. if you don't believe me, ask my cabin mates. they'll tell you.`
`then who the hell's trashing my cabin?` iwaizumi seethed, still not convinced by oikawa's truths.
the latter let out a melodic laugh. `i thought that was obvious. i saw some of hermes' cabin sneak out to yours during lunch. makes sense, they're always trying to pull pranks on everyone and see their reactions. yours was most likely the best one of them all.` oikawa smiled, his eyes twinkling as he walked away. `well, while it was fun talking to you, i have to go. it's getting dark, and i'd rather not get caught being out past curfew.`
iwaizumi looked up to the sky to find out that he was, in fact, right. the sky was slowly darkening, the sun almost disappearing at the horizon. the green-eyed demigod let out a sigh, turning to glare at oikawa, to find out he was long gone.
`..damn it!`
`can you believe he's even athena's cabin ruler?` takahiro hanamaki muttered lowly to his fellow cabin mate, issei matsukawa, who also stood in front of a very emotional toorū oikawa. he had been ranting about how he was sick of everyone mistaking him for a son of aphrodite, and when his cabin mate shigeru yahaba said it could've been a compliment, the hysterics had gotten even worse.
fortunately, the 18-year-old had tired himself out, and was now resorting to laying on his bed and blinking the tears out of his eyes.
matsukawa sighed. `no. i can't. not when he's like this.`
`i can hear you, 'ya know.` oikawa muttered, tear-filled chocolate brown eyes turning to them accusingly. `you can't even act like you're tired of me, you just got here.`
`true,` hanamaki replied, kneeling down next to his dear friend. `but according to yahaba, you've been complaining about this for the past forty-five minutes. don't you think that's a tad bit excessive?`
oikawa sat up abruptly. `no! well- maybe. but it's so stupid!` he exclaimed, fists furrowing in his fluffy brown locks. `i don't act like aphrodite at all! i don't even look like her, but i'm pretty and that's the only reason people need to lump me in with that cabin. i actually liked iwa. of course, he's just like the rest.`
`oh.` matsukawa snapped his fingers, pointing at oikawa. `he's the guy who rescued kiyo and takeru, right?`
the brunette shuddered. `right. that memory just gives me chills.` he thought back to that day, where a gorgon had came across oikawa while he was taking his sister and nephew shopping. the gorgon smelled him, and realized he was a son of athena, and attacked the group, leaving oikawa bruised and bloodied while he took kiyo and takeru as prisoners. however, a group of demigods from camp half-blood on a quest sensed the violence occurring, and rushed to the scene as quick as possible. iwaizumi was amongst the group, but he had taken off after the gorgon, and didn't get a good look at oikawa's face.
when the group returned to camp, oikawa had made the khopesh iwaizumi had sported, and left it on his bed while he was out training with his cabin mates. he also left a thank-you note, but didn't sign it, hoping to leave his identity anonymous.
`yeah, why don't you just tell him that you're a relative to kiyo and takeru? the whole camp knows about that quest, so if iwaizumi knows your identity, everyone else will too. people won't mistake you for a descendant of aphrodite anymore,` hanamaki supplied, reaching into the tupperware of ambrosia oikawa was given (he had started a fight with kyōtani from ares' cabin to relieve his stress- both parties sporting the same amount of cuts and bruises) and popping a bit into his mouth.
oikawa shrugged, snatching back the tupperware before hanamaki could steal any more. if a demigod ate too much of the sweet, healing treat, they could get extremely sick. `yeah, maybe. but,` oikawa grinned, turning to his two friends that stood by his bedside, `beating him at capture-the-flag tomorrow sounds way more fun.`
the two boys sighed, smiling at the sight of their best friend with a much happier mood. capture-the-flag with demigods was always a very violent and extreme sport, but all cabins ended up having a lot of fun playing the game. and, no matter what side the athena cabin was on, they always ended up winning. no one could remember a time where they lost.
beating the ares' cabin was going to be a piece of cake for oikawa.
`you seem on edge, iwaizumi.` ushijima had muttered to the demigod, taking a seat beside the other. they were currently stationed in the middle of the forest, with the job of guarding the red flag. `do you want to talk about it?`
iwaizumi glanced at his companion. under the absolutely atrocious battle helmet was a look of concern and worry for his friend. the dark-haired demigod let out a sigh, nodding slightly. `yeah. i'm just.. shaken up, i guess.`
`how so?`
`well..` iwaizumi pondered, trying to figure out the best words and phrases to lay his point across. `i pissed off one of the sons' of aphrodite here, because apparently, he's the son of athena, and not aphrodite. like, what the fuck? the dude even acts like the deviled spawn of her, so i don't understand why he's so pressed.`
ushijima nodded, listening intently. `you mean toorū oikawa, right?`
iwaizumi gaped. `how the hell did you know that?`
`i made the same mistake you did, thinking he was a descendant of aphrodite.` ushijima mused, looking up to the sky. the clouds reflected in his olive-coloured eyes, but were less noticeable than the clouds reflecting in oikawa's eyes. `when he had first came to camp half-blood, he was called weak by one of our cabin-mates. he challenged him to a duel and won. i then told him he should have been a descendant of ares, not one of aphrodite. he would have a rightful place here, with us.`
`oh? what'd he say, then?`
the olive-haired demigod shuddered. `he slapped me. very hard. and then yelled at me, saying he was a son of athena, not aphrodite. he apparently doesn't like being addressed as a child of aphrodite.`
a sharp wolf-whistle came from the trees. ushijima and iwaizumi stood up, quickly switching to a fighting stance. iwaizumi clenched his khopesh as the figure who was listening to their whole conversation emerged from the trees.
and of course, it was fucking oikawa.
`y-you?` iwaizumi shouted, almost dropping his weapon. `how long were you there?`
the brunette stretched, calm despite the fact that a sword and a khopesh were both aiming at his chest. `i heard the whole conversation. i've been watching you two for quite some time, now.`
ushijima stepped forward as to greet oikawa, but faltered. his eyes widened, and he turned around. leaning on the flag they were supposed to protect was a silver-haired male holding a celestial-bronze axe. his honey-brown eyes met ushijima's olive-green ones, and a corrupt smile split his face. `finally. you noticed me. i was wondering how to get your attention.`
iwaizumi turned around to see the second attacker, letting out an almost animalistic growl. `it's a fucking ambush.`
`correct~` oikawa mused, taking out his dagger and smiling at the other. `however, suga-chan isn't allowed to touch you. i wanted to do all the dirty work myself.`
the silver-haired demigod nodded. `my only purpose here is to take the flag once oikawa defeats you. he requested to fight you both at the same time.`
oikawa nodded, flicking a little switch on his dagger iwaizumi hadn't noticed before. as soon as he did so, he dropped the dagger, and it extended into a much longer weapon. the other demigod scanned it, recognizing the weapon to be a scythe. 'suga-chan' smiled at the sight, meeting iwaizumi's questioning eyes. `you guys better be prepared. he hasn't lost a duel since he came here.`
the brunette nodded, pointing at ushijima with a smile before lunging at the demigod. before the latter could even react, oikawa had connected his foot with ushijima's abdomen, sending the demigod flying. he landed on his back with a gasp, having the air knocked out of him. iwaizumi's eyes widened- he hadn't even been able to react either. that was how fast oikawa was.
ushijima sat up quickly, blocking oikawa's attack with his sword. the other demigod smiled sweetly, twisting the scythe and yanking ushijima's sword out of his hand. it landed in the dirt a couple yards away.
iwaizumi growled, running at oikawa with his khopesh up high. the brunette turned around, unamused, sidestepping iwaizumi's attack and tapping at the end of his weapon. the khopesh hissed and groaned, a net pooling out from the back end, trapping iwaizumi in the knots. the demigod gasped, writhing around in the trap. `wh-what the hell?`
`you seem to be confused. could it be,` oikawa laughed, `that you didn't even know that was there?`
`s-shut up! how the hell did you know anyways?`
oikawa deadpanned. `i made the stupid thing. i think i would know every little thing there is to know about it.`
the dark-haired son of ares stared at his attacker, watching as he stalked over to suga and ripped the flag out of the ground. the brunette turned and smiled sweetly at his victims, waving. `well, see you.`
the two demigods sprinted off, laughing at the shouts coming from behind them.
`i can't believe him!` iwaizumi kicked the boulder, ignoring the pain from doing so. `he's so fucking insufferable! but i can't even do anything about it, because apparently he made this stupid weapon-` he waved the khopesh in the air, `-and i have to be grateful, but he's making it so goddamn hard!`
kyōtani glanced at the demigod, popping another piece of ambrosia in his mouth. he was still recovering from his fight with oikawa earlier. `you didn't know he made that for you? i thought it was obvious.`
the other glared at his cabin mate, confusion in his eyes. `what do you mean?`
`well,` kyōtani chewed the left over ambrosia in his mouth and swallowed, before continuing. `i'm pretty sure he has a crush on you, or something. he's been watching your duels ever since he came back with your group.`
`what group?`
`the quest you had a while ago.` kyōtani muttered under his breath, probably ridiculing iwaizumi. `you saved his sister and nephew from a gorgon. remember that?`
iwaizumi deadpanned, the memories all but flooding back to him now. `that was him?`
`that was him.`
`so he really is a son of athena?`
kyōtani nodded.
`..fuck, i'm an idiot.`
`i know.`
─── demigods.
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Lately I've seen a lot of posts talking about the environmental impact pet cats can have. And while this is absolutely excellent that awareness is finally being brought, I have yet to see a single discussion about pet dogs. Many don't know but they can be just as destructive as cats if allowed to wander unchecked! I'd really appreciate if you could take the time to read this or share it please! So cheers, I'll try not to drag this out too long.
Dogs just like cats, massacre animals simply because of instincts, they're bored, or because it's just fun to kill. Despite it being illegal in Queensland, Australia where I live to allow a dog to leave its property unsupervised, it is common place to see it happen anyway. Local councils are slack with pet cats and dogs so even if their wandering is reported often no punishments are enforced upon owners. Majority know how harmful a single cat can be; my backyard population of Eastern Water Dragons (5 adults, estimated 13 babies) was slaughtered by my neighbours cat. That damage has never reversed and to this day, roughly 8 years after, I have never seen another Water Dragon in my yard. Yet mention a dog and people will bite your head off with "dogs are angels" and "my dog would never kill"
We don't often hear about dogs killing wildlife although it does happen, considering they don't drag the kills back home likes cats do. Often dead possums and kangaroos will be abandoned wherever the dog killed them, unbeknownst to the owners. However what we do hear about commonly, is livestock.
Ask any farmer in Australia and they will tell you that they've had stock massacred by dogs, occasionally feral but usually pets. Feral dogs don't like light and are usually smart enough not to jump into a paddock where they'll be trapped and prone to discovery by humans. Pet dogs don't have this fear, and are often found covered in blood and gore surrounded by bodies.
Here are some of the stories I was told just from last year. Warning I have included very graphic descriptions so if you don't want to read feel free to skip. I'll summarise at the very end of this post how many stock died for you without the details.
12+ sheep (he stopped counting it was too distressing for him but estimate is around the 20 mark) attacked by dogs. 5 were still alive when he found them, 2 passed away as he went to get his knife. He had to finish 3 off. He doesn't know what time they were attacked but considering most of the blood was dry it was likely many, many hours ago. The dog wasn't caught but it was likely a pet one considering none of the carcasses were consumed at all and the owner lives close to both a university and a town where there are many pet dogs.
23 sheep including lambs and pregnant ewes massacred by two pet dogs. 11 were still alive when found and most needed to be finished off. These dogs had obviously taken great joy in chasing the sheep since all injuries sustained were to the rear with absolutely no scratch on the front end of the sheep. It's likely they chased them, grabbed them and pulled them down, them let them back up and repeated until the sheep collapsed from blood loss and exhaustion. Several of the sheep were missing the tendons in their legs and these tendons were found flung across the paddocks. The two dogs responsible were found on the property, they were playing with a deceased lamb. Throwing it in the air and shaking it. When they caught sight of the farmer approaching them they ran over for pats. I'm unsure what happened to the dogs? I believe the farmer found their owner and gave them a serving but allowed the dogs to live.
3 calves attacked by dog/s. Culprits weren't caught so this one could have been feral, but considering nothing was eaten again doesn't seem likely. 2 of the calves were found deceased, one with chunks taken from both sides so big you could stick your fist inside apparently. The other one was missing her ears and tail but had no other visible injuries asides from tears at her heels. She likely died from shock. The 3rd calf was found still alive, lying on its side with its intestines hanging out. The dogs had crippled its back legs so it couldn't stand or run and then torn open its stomach. It appears that they may have been going to eat the organs but were disturbed or scared off? This calf was shot.
7 sheep killed, 3 pregnant ewes and 2 lambs. I wasn't given details of how they died, or if any were found still alive, however I was told something which is incredibly upsetting. The dog that did this was their own. She was their pet German shepherd who had previously chased sheep but never attacked them. They rehomed her somewhere without other animals.
37 chickens. Once again no details but it was the neighbours pet dogs.
An alpaca who was guarding his herd of sheep died valiantly defending them from two dogs.
Somebody's entire flock of 10 sheep. They'd not long gotten them and since they were pets they were obviously crushed. Dog wasn't caught but was likely another pet considering the lambs bodies appeared to have been shaken around like toys.
That was all during 2018, last year. Please note that if vet treatment was feasible, a lot of these animals would have received it. Their conditions were so poor that there would've been nothing a vet could do asides from euthanasia. Although vet euthanasia is more humane and nicer than a slit throat or bullet through the skull, rural vets often aren't nearby so can take several hours to arrive. Although some cases would come down to money (a vet callout fee is around 100-200 bucks) majority were because these people didn't want to leave their stock in pain while they waited for vets to arrive (they likely would have died before the vet arrived anyway). So please don't come at me about how them putting their stock out of their misery is abuse or anything like that because it's an awful thing to go through and was not a decision made lightly.
All of this I only know from talking directly to the farmers (I'm involved in agricultural shows particularly the sheep and poultry sectors). Two of those people I mentioned are friends of mine. I had SEEN that first examples sheep on the Friday. He'd taken me down and showed me all of them. By the Monday, I think it was? Over half of them were gone. There was one little girl I fell in love with and joked about taking home with me. It crushed me finding out she was one of the ones he had to finish off, left there god knows how long in agony. I'll attach a photo of her because she deserves remembering.
That's livestock, I dread to think what dogs are doing to our local wildlife. Here are a couple cases I've heard about this year for wildlife. Descriptions are brief and not gory.
Pet dog killed a blue tongue lizard found in their yard. She also maimed another one which they got off her and took to the vets (likely euthanised)
Pet dog jumped and pulled a Ringtail possum out of a tree on an early morning walk. Owner got the possum away from it but she was pretty maimed, she was euthanised at the vets.
Pet dog kills big Brushtail possum it found crossing through the yard at night.
Pet dog on a walk takes off on owner chasing a wallaby. Leash wasn't securely being held so is pulled from the owners hand and the dog runs off into bushland after the wallaby. He came back after 10-15 minutes of calling him, muzzle covered in blood. It's unknown what happened to the wallaby.
Oh so many snakes killed by dogs.... people like to brag about their dogs killing snakes so I've probably got 30 stories of this for you. "He was guarding his family like a good boy" "only good snake is a dead snake and (dogs name) here knows it!" "Better the snake than me" "one less snake! I think that's celebration. I hope he gets more"
That last one in particular makes me incredibly angry. Vast majority of snake bites are because people either try to catch or kill the snake, if left alone we wouldn't have as many 'vicious snake attacks' as we do. Many dogs die annually or require antivenon due to being bit while mauling snakes. It's not that hard to train a dog not to touch wildlife.
I think it's great we're becoming more aware of the environmental impact cats have, and are hopefully becoming more responsible cat owners. However education also needs to be raised on how destructive dogs can be. We need to ensure that we're responsible owners and do everything we can to minimise the impact our pets have on both wildlife, and other people's pets.
Livestock summary: 12+ sheep killed, 23 sheep killed, 3 calves killed, 7 sheep killed, 37 chickens killed, 1 alpaca killed, 10 sheep killed. And not a single one was eaten, simply killed for sport.
Here's that gorgeous girl I said I'd attach a photo of, may she rest easy now.
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