lovphobic · 3 years
on one of my incorrect quotes someone was like what was fro/sta doing at a gay bar shes 11 and i did not say this but believe me when i tell u I wanted to reply 'so is the intended age range for this show but that doesnt stop yall writing smut for it'
like i think it says more abt them that their first response to that post was who let this child into a gay bar. like. fucking nobody said she went into a gay bar??? you put those words where they never existed
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jakelandryshorts · 2 years
Not Planning Things Through
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“R-right now!?” Hank held up his hand. “Wait! Don’t you—” But he could already feel the growth running through him. The average built college student was rapidly undergoing a transformation. Instantly every part of him started to bulk up. His arms doubled in size. Muscle built upon muscle to give him massive biceps that bodybuilders would dream of. It was the same with his triceps. With the lightest of flexes, a strong horseshoe shape bulged from behind his arm.
Each one of his fingers grew to be able to hold heavier weight. His shoulders grew incredibly broad and round while his chest pushed far out in front of him. Underneath them, his abs formed 6 thick blocks. Each one defined without even flexing.
It was the same with his legs as they bulged with muscle and power. His quads grew to unbelievable proportions while his ass pushed far out behind him. yet, he still maintained a thin waist. Pants would be a problem as each of his legs was far thicker than the average man, and the thinness of his waist would make it hard to find any that would fit him properly.
Hank glared at his friend. “Now what am I supposed to do about clothes?” He quickly grabbed a sheet off his bed to cover him up. Their dorm room was pretty small, but they still had that.
Matt pulled up his phone and started typing. “Done. You never wore clothes before. Now you don’t need them at all.” His smile widened as he watched the sheet fall from Hank’s hands. The cock he’d been covering up was amazing. Thick and long, running halfway down Hank’s thick leg.
“I guess you’re right…” Hank felt the second set of memories taking over. He could remember walking around proudly in the nude in his less than stellar form. Now there was definitely no reason to cover up. His hands naturally started to explore the muscles over his chest. It felt so normal but different. Never had he had such firm and large pecs to run his hands across. Nor had he ever felt the power held tightly in his biceps. Each muscle was firm and strong. Even as he gripped them, they barely moved. Blood pumped faster through his body, filling his hardening cock. What already looked large, only grew as it pointed directly at Matt. “Now those frat guys won’t know what hit them. You think it’ll work?”
“D-dude! Of course it’ll work,” Matt stammer. His free hand was absentmindedly rubbing his own penis as he looked up and down the other man. “I made you so sexy that straight guys wouldn’t be able to say no to you.”
“Oh?” Hank raised an eyebrow.
“Now I just have to do me and we can—”
“No,” Hank said. Matt stopped typing in his phone. A grin appeared on his handsome face. He watched as Matt’s fingers tried to touch his phone’s screen but couldn’t seem to do so.
“Wh-what do you mean no?”
“I don’t think you need to change. Actually, you don’t want to change,” Hank said. He watched as Matt’s eyes shifted back and forth. Clearly trying to deny that he didn’t want to change. They had agreed to change together. To go to the frat party and steal all the girls. But Hank was feeling something different. “Give me your phone.” Hank held out his hand.
Matt struggled as he gave Hank the phone. “But—”
“But what? You wouldn’t want to show up this body, would you?” Hank threw up a flex watching his muscles bulge. Matt’s eyes followed perfectly as his mouth hung slightly agape. His head shook side to side at the inference. “Of course not. I can already see how much you want to feel these hard muscles.” Matt slowly nodded. His hands reached out but paused. “Go on. Don’t keep me waiting,” Hank ordered.
Matt flung himself into Hank’s body. His hands landed on his firm chest, groping it. “Oh gawd…” he moaned. It was deep and sensual. A long breath escaped him as though he’d been holding it for a long time. Matt’s hands continued to rub against the other man’s smooth skin.
“That’s it,” Hank goaded. “You feel more turned on than you ever have.” Matt couldn’t say no to the implication. His body reacted and he could feel his cock throbbing in his shorts. Hank smirked as he watched the desperation to please him from Matt only seemed to grow. Matt’s body started to rub up against him, almost as though to obey the command to the absolute best of his ability. “Alright,” Hank placed his hand on top of Matt’s head. “Do you want to suck my cock?”
Slowly, Matt nodded. “But… I’ve never done it before…”
Hank bellowed out a laugh. “It’s alright buddy,” he said. “I can fix that.” He pulled out Matt’s phone and pulled up the Chronivac. “Just go ahead and get started.” Matt’s hands slid down his firm muscles as he dropped down to his knees. His mouth hung open as he tried to lick at the thick cock pointed at him.
It took a moment but he felt like he was starting to get the hang of it. Matt’s lips kissed the head of Hank’s penis and then opened around it as he slid it inside his mouth. “That’s it,” Hank moaned. The grip of his hand tightened around the back of Matt’s head. “Keep—Going—”
The unexpected compliment, followed by the encouraging touch, sent Matt over. He couldn’t believe how good it felt to please another man. His body couldn’t help itself as it finished faster than Matt had ever before. Yet, he still had a mission. Hank’s firm hand still laid on the back of his head as he suckled on the thick cock inside his mouth. His lips slid back and forth, sending the cock to the back of his throat.
“Soooo gooood…” Hank praised.
Matt felt his body jerk again. His eyes went wide. His fingers clawed at the ground. ‘I finished again?!’ But he knew he had as it started to drip down his own leg. And somehow it felt even better than before. He let out a moan as he continued to suck on the rod inside his mouth. Never in his life did Matt think it would feel this good to please another man, but right now he couldn’t stop. Each moan exuded by Hank set him off just a little more. He could already feel his cock hardening again while Hank’s throbbed inside his mouth.
Each lick set the big muscular man just a little closer to the edge. Hank’s strong hands squeezed tightly as though to hold it off as long as possible. But it was getting to be too much. His body jerked several times, fucking the inside of his roommate’s mouth. Yet, Matt swallowed the massive loads with an untold amount of greed. “That’s a good boy,” Hank praised again.
For a third time, Matt unloaded in his shorts. He couldn’t help it. Each compliment just seemed to set him off. The strong commanding nature of Hank’s voice was far sexier than he even imagined possible. Though, his body fell after the experience. It was too much. His body had never experienced such sexual bliss. And he almost felt like his body was going to force him in a round 4.
“That’s alright,” Hank made sure his friend didn’t hit the dorm room floor too hard. Then picked him up. “You can rest. I’ll go have enough fun with the frat guys for the two of us.” He waved the Chronivac in his hand as he turned the lights off and left their room.
more stories over on my wordpress
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animehideout · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers boys : First date headcanons part 2 💓
check part 1 here .
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Characters : Ken Ryuguji / Sano Manjiro / Matsuno Chifuyu
@swirrley I hope you enjoy this part 🌸
Genre: Fluff 🍬🍭🧁
Ken Ryuguji :
• This man would take you to the gym with him without hesitation.
• When he asked you to go on a date with him you started imagining a romantic dinner with candles and roses all over the place but he interrupted your fantasies when he said: "Don't forget to bring your towel and extra clothes to change"
• " eh? are we going to swim somewhere?"
• " hh no we're going to workout together"
• you be like 🥲😐
• But still you were low-key excited for it, what really matters is you spending time with him.
• Besides you would get to see his ehm abs.
• Both of you were alone at the gym, yes he rented the gym for both of you so you can be alone.
• " ohh no one came today? aah why are they so lazy?" he would say trying not to be sus.
• Lets say the whole work out session was you staring at him in awe. He was flexing and showing off his skills.
• He would help you in pull ups. you would be struggling a bit so he would grab your waist and help you up a bit complimenting you.
• " yes you're doing great ".
• He touches you whenever he helps you in something.
• Both of you were tired at the end of the work out session.
• " Thank you for today y/n , you're a great gym partner i admit it. Let's do this more often" he said while both of you were packing your things after taking a shower.
• You would smile but low-key sad because nothing romantic happened yet.
• Again you were interrupted when he pushed you on the locker gently and towered you.
• " ehh D-draken? "
• " I just want to say that i like you so much, I'm sorry if going to the gym as a first date is a boring and stupid idea but i had nothing else in mind, i really suck at this, b-but *he would look away blushing* Mikey told me that going to a coffee shop would be better as a first date , so *he looks back at you* please let me make it up for you... y/n would you go out with me ?"
• You would smile and rest your palm on his cheek " nothing is wrong with going to the gym as a first date Draken, as long as I'm with you i would literally follow you anywhere."
• Both of you would smile then share a little kiss.
Sano Manjiro:
• This cutie would take you to a restaurant and order a lot of food.
• "y/n what about we go out and eat together ? I'm starving"
• "oh? y-eah sure"
• You didn't think about it as a date.
• Maybe because he wasn't clear about it. I mean you thought it was a normal thing just to eat together because you usually eat together but not alone tho.
• You lowkey hoped it was a date tho.
• " So y/n what do you like to eat?" he would say excitedly.
• " Whatever you like Mikey I'm fine with everything "
• " oh what about a kids' meal? i brought two flags so we can put them on the food"
• You would be surprised but it would warm your heart , just seeing him excited over a kids' meal, or even the idea of eating together and sharing cute moments even if it wasn't a date.
• " here y/n open your mouth, take a bite from this one...yeah good girl"
• After eating your food and laughing a lot he would become really sleepy but he would express his feelings, he tends to be extra honest when he's about to sleep " y/n thank you for going out on a date with me,, i -i really had fun and ate a lot of tasty food... but i think your lips are tastier."
• you would be shocked, so this was ...a date?
• He would grab your chin and kiss your lips, your eyes wide open and your face heated up.
• He would pull back smiling and yawing.
• You took a few seconds to realize everything.
• When you looked at him to tell him that you like him, you found him sleeping.
• " eh? Mikey!? are you asleep. How am i going to carry you home now? "
• You would run your fingers through his hair smiling to yourself. " so it was a date".
• You would call Draken to come to the restaurant so he can carry him home.
Matsuno Chifuyu:
• He would be really shy to ask you out on a date.
• Would be stuttering but Baji would expose him.
• " Y/n are you f-free this evening?" he would say almost as a whisper.
• " huh? i couldn't catch that can you say it again?".
• " um i was s-saying..."
• " He said are you free this evening, he's planning to take you out in a date because he lik-" said Baji but chifuyu jumped on him and closed his mouth with his hand.
• " ahah Baji-san why did you do that"
• Baji would shrug his shoulders laughing.
• "actually yes I'm free, we can go on a date if you want of course".
• " yes of course i want to".
• " see you should thank me for that Chifuyu, enjoy your date guys". said Baji smirking
• "So where are you taking me?"
• "What about the arcade? it would be really fun!"
• You would nod excitedly happy that your crush finally asked you out.
• Both of you would have a lot of fun playing all the games. Most of the time you beating him.
• He would pout and say " ohh y/n-chan you're really good at this"
• He would walk you home at night.
• " mm Chifuyu earlier Baji-san was about to say something but you didn't let him finish it and I'm kind of curious about it".
• "oh about that.. I'm sorry maybe Baji-san ruined it but what he wanted to say is that i like you"
• you would look at him, your eyes lit up from happiness.
• " I like you so much y/n ,, no i actually love you,, it took me months to realize those feelings, i didn't know how to explain them, the sudden heart race whenever I'm near you, the butterflies in my stomach when you smile to me...or the electricity running through my body whenever our hands touch. y/n would you be my girlfriend?".
• "Chifuyu.." you would say and hug him immediately.
• " I've been waiting for this for a long time, I'm glad you love me back".
• Both of you would share a very long warm hug, taking into each others' scent .
• His hands wrapped around your figure protectively and your hands on his back grabbing on his shirt tightly.
• " I'll protect you forever y/n" .
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
I wanna see gang yn tell Harry she’s pregnant- or see little moments between them while she’s pregnant, like finding out they’re having twins. 🥺
okay but I imagine this.
tw: violence, blood, weapons, smut
There is currently three dead men in their warehouse.
Harry has another one tied to a creaky old wooden chair, interrogating him with a sharp knife on his cheek, “Where the fuck is Richie? I know you killed one of my men.”
The man spits at Harry, leaning away from the blade, “Fuck you. I’m not talkin’.”
YN is watching casually from where she’s sitting on a countertop, a iced coffee in her hand, and she’s just admiring how hot her husband is.
His long hair is pulled up in a bun, his sharp jaw clenched, blood on his white shirt that’s clung a bit to his body with sweat and other fluids.
He’s so lean, muscular with bulging biceps, abs taut under his clothes. Her name tattooed proudly on his neck, little beads of sweat.
Harry slices down his cheek, tearing the skin open, “Tell me right now or I’m goin’ t’kill you. This is your last warning. I am about to show you why they call me Diablo,” Harry seethes, the knife dragging down to his neck.
He refuses to speak, Harry gets impatient and pulls out his weapon of choice - his desert eagle and delivers one resounding shot.
Harry looks unsympathetically at the rival gang members, his own men sitting back and letting the leader work.
The associates began to scuttle around to begin the clean up process.
Her husband tugs off his shirt and then shimmies out of his tight black jeans - tossing them carelessly by the bodies so his men can dispose of them.
Just in his tight briefs, his intricate morale of the depth of hell and the devil decorating his whole chest and stomach.
Then he’s trailing over to his wife, grabbing her jaw and searing their lips together for a long kiss as she runs a hand over his tensed abs.
It’s not the right moment, well it wouldn’t be for a normal couple but they weren’t any normal couple to start off with.
“I want to have a baby,” YN blurts out as her husband’s hands grip onto her thighs to pull her center against his.
Harry doesn’t look surprised often.
His mossy green eyes widen, puffy lips parting, as he searches her relax, open face, “You want me t’put a baby in you?”
She nods, feeling a nervous fluttering, they’d been married for three years - it had been on her mind a lot.
“If you aren’t - I know we’ve been talking about it. But if it’s not some-“ She stutters out as she observes Harry’s stoic face.
He leans forward, cupping her face, and telling her firmly, “I will give you whatever y’want, sweetheart. If y’want me to make y’a mommy - I’ll do it right now.”
By this point the men had dragged the bodies out to a nondescript van and were pouring industrial grade bleach on the tiled floor.
Harry turns around and booms, “Get the fuck out, right now.”
The associates pause, confused, Greg speaks, “But we just start-“
In true Harry form, he grabs his gun next to his wife, and fires at warning shot at their feet, “Fuck off or next time it’s going to be y’leg.”
They run out like there’s fire under their arses.
YN shouldn’t get wetter at that but she does.
He turns around after the leave, wastes no time to in yanking her shirt over her head, bra, and then roughly stripping off her legging, and panties
“Fuckin’ look at you, made you my wife, now m’make y’the mother of my babies,” Harry hisses when YN sneaks her hand in his briefs to tug his thick length out.
“Remember when we first met. You told me you never wanted to even have a girlfriend, let alone a wife. You told me you didn’t want kids,” YN murmurs as she pumps him with a firm grip.
Harry groans into her mouth, “Baby, jus’ like tha’. All that changed when I fell f’you.”
YN swipes her thumb over the tip before tugging the fabric down his narrow hips and guiding him right into where she’s so warm and ready for him.
“You told me love was made up by pathetic stupid people who were too dumb to realize it was a scam,” She reminds him, breath hitching when he stretches her perfectly.
As they’re waiting for drinks, Harry scoffs at a young couple kiss and cooing at each other on the other side of the way.
It was a really shady bar.
They were there to do business together - Harry and YN - nothing more than that.
“Fuckin’ idiots,” He shakes his head, swigging down his whiskey dry as soon as it’s placed in front of him - he doesn’t even flinch.
“They’re in love,” YN defends with a small smiles as she watches the man make the girl giggle with glee - just happiness.
“So y’a fucking idiot too?” Harry asks meanly, giving her a glance over with a pursed lip, “Guess y’beauty and no fuckin’ brains.”
“You have a real way with women, charmer,” She replies sarcastically, sipping her whiskey sour.
Harry laughs with a tinge of arrogance, “I don’t need charm. Any women and most men in this bar would fuck if they had the chance.”
“Well I’ll be one who won’t,” YN says haughtily.
His jaw clenches subtly, “Don’t be bitter, darling. Love is made up. It doesn’t exists. It’s for weak-minded little sheeps like you.”
Harry takes a deep inhale, eyes dark as night, teeth bared as he tells her, “Our love isn’t what other average people have. I still believe all of that. My love f’you is s’strong I’d fuckin’ die for you this second.”
YN moans when he fucks in hard enough to make her skid back on the counter - he grips her harder and anchors her back down.
“D’you think any other man would do tha’ f’their wife? I mean truly do that? No. I’ve seen men let their wives die to save themselves,” Harry grits out, tugging her legs around his waist.
She is panting, not able to get a word out between breathes, he’s giving it to her so fucking well. Her nipples brushing against his sweaty chest, making it feel so much better.
Her grips her jaw hard, “Answer me.”
“Baby, I know, I know. I love you, please,” She begs loudly, whining when he wraps his hand around her neck.
“Open,” Harry orders, hand forcing her mouth open before spitting and then chasing it with his tongue into her mouth.
“H, m’coming.” YN warns him, pushing her hips into his until their skin is slapping and making noise in the room.
“Y’get so sweet when I’m fuckin’ you,” Harry praises, tweaking her nipple as she wets his cock even more than before.
He speeds up, sweat beading down his temple, he curses and grunts, “Gonna give y’a baby, give you anythin’.”
And when they finally slow to a halt, catching their breath, he whispers in a syrupy soft voice, “You’re my everything.”
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astroboots · 3 years
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Summary: Santiago and you bring out a competitive streak in each other and Frankie is always caught in the middle.
Pairing: Santiago x female reader (you) x Frankie
Warnings: Deep throat, somnophilia (they've been married for half a decade so there is pre-established consent in this even if it is not explicitly discussed), poly-relationship, really damned explicit M/M, cum play (cause I am a whore alright?) blink and miss it hint of voyeurism.
Wordcount: 4,500 words
Homecoming Universe | Astroboot’s Masterlist
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The thing with you and Santi is that you both have a dumb competitive streak. Without fail you two always find a way to compete about something incredibly stupid. More often than not Frankie ends up being caught in the middle as the hapless referee.
It always ends in one of two ways. Either you lose, Santi wins, and the man will be unbearably smug about it. His insufferableness increasing tenfold. Or you win, Santi loses, and he will do the manly adult's version of sulking.
And you? Normally you take wins and losses with equal grace, but there's something about Santi that brings out your inner five year old, and if you do not immediately descend to his level, Santi will be sure to needle you until you do.
One would think that after so many years, Santi would know to concede a loss when he sees one coming. But it is like throwing a mongoose and a cobra into a boxing ring. You’d think the snake would learn after the first time and go:
'Shit, it’s that weirdly mean rodent that keeps handing me my ass, maybe I should not engage this time.'
But no, every single time there’s a chance to compete, no matter how innocuous— a game of pool, a disagreement about an obscure World War II event, Benny asking about who J.Lo is dating now— like clockwork, Santi will raise one perfectly arched brow at you. That lightning bolt of competitiveness will flash across your eyes and off you two go.
Frankie knows all of this and yet for some godforsaken reason decided to come along with the two of you tonight, even though he knows that Thursdays at O’Learys is Quiz Night.
It started out well enough. You won the movie round, Santi won on music trivia. The point it started derailing was when it became evident that the two of you were closely matched in points and that every single answer would make or break the game.
And now Frankie’s sitting here, half an hour after the quiz actually ended. He’s tucked away in the corner booth, sipping lukewarm beer. A shitty microbrew that tasted watery and sticky sweet at the same time.
Pulling his cap down with a weary sigh, he watches the two of you arguing with the quizmaster on the answer for the largest desert on earth.
Santi thinks it’s the Sahara.
You think it’s the Antarctic desert.
Frankie thinks he is tired and would like to go home and take a nap.
In the midst of the crowded bar, Santi’s voice cuts through, measured and stern. His palms bracing each side of the mahogany counter in that familiar stance Frankie used to see when the man would be standing over blueprints before a recon, planning out his strategy with unwavering confidence. “Antarctica is not a desert. There is no sand,” Santi says.
You don’t back down from his idiocy, equally passionate with your submission. “A desert doesn’t have to have sand. It’s defined by the level of precipitation in an area. Look it up on Wikipedia.”
“Since when is Wikipedia considered a reliable source for citations?”
Frankie swears that the only person in this bar that is more done with this than he is, is the quiz master, a mammoth of a man with a tribal ink tattoo sleeve on his bulging forearm. He looks like he’s praying to the gods above for a meteorshower to rain down on this bar just to spare him from this conversation. It’s almost impressive, how your combined persistence is enough to wear down a seasoned quiz master.
The man is at a complete loss in deciding who should be the rightful winner, and that’s the problem. It’s not really about who wins. It’s about the thrill of the competition in itself. If Frankie let you, the two of you could very well stay here and hold the man hostage for weeks on end.
In the end you get a point each, ending it with another draw. And that’s the worst outcome of all. Because Frankie knows the two of you are going to take all that unresolved dog-eat-dog energy home and make it his problem somehow.
He's proven right, of course. No surprise there. Frankie knows you both so well--better than the back of his hand or the flight control system system of a Sikorsky UH-60. Loves you both too, though God only knows why.
The two of you don't even make it to his truck before you are already at it again. Battle axes drawn. Going over every single question of the night, to find technicalities to claim a pointless moral victory over the other.
For people who don’t know the two of you well enough, this might come off as bickering. For complete bystanders, who don’t have context, from the volume of your voices, they’d think you were shouting and arguing with each other. Except that’s not it at all. You’re both elated, brimming so bright with excitement it practically lights up the unlit parking lot.
You’re speaking a mile a minute. There’s a soft glow to your cheeks, eyes crinkled with your uninterrupted smile as you’re listing out to Santi all the reasons that he is wrong.
And Santi…
Glancing back at the rearview window, Frankie catches the small tug of a smile on Santi’s lips that he is barely able to hide. The raw delight in his eyes as that smart mouth of his defies you at every turn.
This is what Santi loves the most, to have someone go head to head with. You’re the only one that will never tire of rising to the occasion to meet him, step by step along the entire way.
Santi’s gaze locks with the rearview mirror and he’s looking straight at Frankie. “Fish help me out here.”
Of course, that stupid idiot is going to try to get him involved in this. Frankie pretends not to hear Santi and busies himself with the panel of the car, switching radio stations.
“Baby?” you prompt, and shit, he’s definitely getting dragged into this.
Frankie takes a deep steadying breath to resist rolling his eyes like a catty teenager. There’s only one way to end this.
“The Antarctic is the largest desert in the world. It encompasses 5.5 million square miles compared to the Saraha desert that’s 3.5m—”
Santi opens his mouth in protest, but Frankie cuts him off before he starts. “And no, Pope, it doesn’t matter that the Antarctic Desert isn’t covered in sand. A desert just needs to have low precipitation and hostile conditions for animals and plants and shit.”
Your lips split into a radiant smile, the taunt ready on your tongue. “Satisfied, Santiago?”
Santi throws both his hands up in the air in a gesture of admitted defeat. “Fine, not going to fight Professor Pilot on this.”
"Why is it that you always argue with me about every single thing, but you'll swallow anything as long as it comes from Frankie?
Santi doesn’t respond with words, just gives a slow curl of his lips that rises into a smirk in line with one sly eyebrow at the innuendo. Frankie has to hide a grin. The man is surprisingly childish at times, but to be fair, your phrasing was practically begging for it.
“Really, Santiago? Are you proud of yourself?”
If you were aiming to come off as the adult in this situation, you’re failing miserably. From the pitched reflection of the passenger window, he catches your expression. Your eyes glitter with amusement and your voice is practically bubbling with laughter. The two of you are loving this.
By the time he pulls the truck into the familiar driveway of your home, Frankie's ready to be done for the night, but you are still going, pecking at each other from the garage into the living room.
The two of you appear to be unwittingly recreating the argument scene from Annie Get Your Gun, and Frankie presses a kiss to your hair, thwaps Santi on his ass, and leaves you to it.
As he's heading up the stairs, he only catches the tail end of the conversation as he hears Santi tell you, "Please, princesa. Anything you can do, I can do better."
And if Frankie wasn’t half asleep already, he’d be laughing at the hilarious stupidity of it all.
“Fine, you want to put your money where your mouth is?”
Instead, he shakes his head in amusement, as he gets ready for bed, the two of you will always find something to compete over.
He can still hear the two of you downstairs as his head hits the pillow. His eyes fluttering close as sleep claims him.
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The first thing Frankie registers when he wakes is that he’s hard and aching.
His eyes flutter open and all he sees is the blank slate of a ceiling. Doesn’t even know where he is—just how good he feels.
Pleasure warms and spreads from his stomach outwards, until it settles on the base of his spine with a weight that won’t be ignored.
It takes him a while to make sense of where he is, content to linger in the haziness between sleep and wakefulness until another dizzying spell of pleasure spears through him. It has him scrambling, fingers gripping into the most nearby surface he can find to anchor himself. Cotton sheets, he realizes as he palms the soft material underneath— he’s in bed.
Christ, he feels so fucking good. In his sleep-drunk state, it takes him much too long to recognize why. Heat crackles down his thighs, and all he wants is to fist his own cock and thrust up for relief.
His hand trails downwards, but before he even gets close, his wrist is captured and pinned to the mattress. Then he hears the familiar honeyed tone of your voice, “morning baby,” followed by that sweet heat of a soft tongue dragging along the hard line of his cock, and he shivers into it.
Into your touch and your perfect mouth.
The moment of clarity lasts for all of two seconds before he hears Santi's voice coming from the same direction.
"Shit, my jaw is sore.” Santi rubs his thumb over his jaw as if to show you and garner your sympathy. “It’s like trying to swallow a goddamned beer can. How do you do this without your jaw cramping up?”
Drawing his eyes downwards, it takes Frankie’s brain several moments to process what he’s actually seeing. His cock is nestled between Santi and you, inches from your mouths, shiny and slick with saliva. He doesn’t know if it’s yours or Santi’s or both—fucking Christ, does he want it to be both.
Curling your fingers around the base of him, you shoot Santi a smug grin.
“With practice,” you say, then you wrap your plush lips around the sensitive tip and slide down, taking him in with one long practiced glide.
Fuck you’re good at this. It has him moaning, hips lifting off of the mattress into your hot, wet mouth. The pleasure of it is white and blinding and so fucking perfect.
Any disapproval Frankie may have had in him at the unsexy allegory of his dick being compared to a fucking beer can (even if it is a compliment that makes him the tiniest bit smug) melts away into a quiet groan that sounds perilously close to a whine.
Santi groans too.
"What?" Santi says, unrepentant when you pause--Frankie's cock deep in your mouth--and shoot him a raised eyebrow. He reaches out to wipe the shiny line of drool that's escaping the corner of your mouth. "That was hot."
It’s close enough to pass for a sincere compliment from Santi. Enough to make you smile even as your lips are stretched full around Frankie. The sight of it is so fucking gorgeous, Frankie can’t help the way he is twitching against your tongue.
And he’s pretty sure Pope feels the same. Because Frankie can see the muscles in his forearms flexing, as the man tightens his grip around his own cock, giving it a firm squeeze as he watches you.
Frankie's mouth is dry, his voice throaty when he tries to speak. He gets as far as "G'mor–ngh" before his air cuts off because fuck he can feel himself hitting the back of your throat.
Blinking up at him with big shiny eyes, you hold his gaze for a gorgeous second and then sink down a few inches more. He can feel the way you swallow around him, fighting down the inevitable gag reflex as you take him past your limits. Feels how he is enveloped by the blissful warmth of your mouth. How you stay there for so long Frankie forgets how to breathe. It's enough to make him want to flood your throat with his release.
It’s surprisingly affectionate when Santi reaches out and gently draws your hair away from your shoulders, gathering it in his fist and holding it in place for you. "Do that again," he murmurs, voice filled with something akin to awe, "swallow him all the way."
Santi is staring blatantly at you, at Frankie’s cock disappearing between your saliva slickened lips, like he’s unwilling or unable to look away. His eyes hungry for it. It’s the same look he had the first time he was in this bed with the two of you, and it sends fire streaking down Frankie's spine all over again.
Frankie's not an exhibitionist. Doesn't get off on the idea of being watched and finds the thought of "getting caught" stressful. But right now, having those dark brown eyes focused on him has every nerve in Frankie's body singing out with want. He wants Santi to watch. To never stop watching him.
Because it's Santiago. It's always been Santiago. The man just has that effect on him.
Then you pull back, pausing to curl your fingers around the girth of him before your lips leave him with a sloppy wet sound that has Frankie reeling. His back tingles.
Turning towards Santi, you flash him your most brilliant smile, all challenge as you tilt the throbbing length towards the man's mouth like it's a delicious treat you're offering to share with him. "Your turn."
Santi chuckles, a huffed out breathy laugh. "Don't know how I'm supposed to follow that act, cariño."
"Try, Santi," you say, kissing the underside of his aching length, and his stomach clenches at the brush of your soft plush lips. "I'll take what you can't handle,” you murmur lips dragging against the fine gritted stubble that Frankie can practically feel on his own lips through yours, the stinging prickle. “You can do anything I can but better right? Isn’t that what you said.”
The man can never back down from a challenge. But there's a second of pause, and something flickers in Santi's eyes. For once it's not his boundless competitive drive. Instead, it's a look Frankie's not used to seeing on Santi's face--something akin to hesitation.
Maybe you sense it too because you lean up until your mouth presses to Santi’s cheeks.
“Can’t you show me, honey? Show me how well you can suck Frankie’s cock.”
It’s an encouragement and a challenge all at once, and as ever it’s a testament to how well you know Santiago.
A sharp hiss of air escapes between Santi’s teeth, and Frankie can see that man’s pretty cock flushed red with impatience. The dark wet patch where Santi’s cock has been rubbing–dripping onto the sheets. The incriminating string of silvery thread connecting the swollen head to the spot.
Santi nods, an almost compliant gesture that makes Frankie that much more lightheaded. Then his head leans down, lips parted, and he fits his mouth over the fat tip of Frankie’s cock.
Fuck, is this even real?
Maybe Frankie died of a heart attack in his sleep and this is all a simulated version of heaven. Or maybe he caught pneumonia and this is all a feverish dream.
He scrambles for proof that this is in fact real, not just an illusion born from his depraved mind or one more questionable wet dream in the embarrassingly long series of explicit dreams he's had about this man. The only thing he can come up with is that Santi's lips are so fucking soft. So much softer than he ever imagined or dreamed they would be. Less practiced than he thought Santi would be too. The rhythm uneven as he tests his way forward, trying to gauge what Frankie likes the most. There’s something about the slightly hesitant movements of it that makes it even better.
Then he’s sinking down, taking a page from your book and imitating what he saw from you. But Santi, for all his stubborn enthusiasm, doesn’t manage to get very far. Try as he might, he can’t seem to overcome his gag reflex. Frankie feels him struggle, can feel the tight resistance of Santi’s throat spasming around the head of his cock.
Santi can barely fit Frankie halfway in his mouth, but it doesn’t even matter, because fuck, this is Santiago. He’s wanted this for so many years and now that it’s here, it’s mind-numbingly good. Everything burns sweet within him and for several long moments he entirely forgets to breathe.
"Go slow, Santiago," you encourage him softly.
Your usual sharp competitiveness is nowhere to be found. The challenge in your tone has melted into something honeyed, and you murmur sweet nothings into Santi's ear, pressing a line of kisses along the sharp line of that gorgeous jaw as you encourage him to take Frankie deeper.
Then he does.
And fucking Christ, Santi's nearly there, the tip of his nose tickling at the sparse hair of the base of his cock.
“Stay, Santi,” you murmur, thumb tracing the whitened scar on the back of his neck. Not exerting any pressure, just a reminder and encouragement. “Frankie likes it that way. Stay as long as you can.”
Even from above, he can see Santiago shiver at the fine sensation of your touch. You lean closer, pressing your lips to those muscular shoulders with open-mouthed kisses. Kisses that make Santi's throat squeeze around him with something that might have been a moan if Frankie's cock wasn't in the way.
Sharp blinding heat settles against the base of Frankie's spine, and it's all he can do not to come down Santi’s throat, right there and then.
“You’re doing so good. Such a good boy, Santiago,” you praise as you press another kiss to the side of Santi’s hollowed cheek.
Your voice is soft and encouraging and Frankie wonders if the sight of Santi like this has made you forget about the flimsy pretense of any competition between you two.
Santi doesn't seem convinced that's the case. He pulls back far enough to make an indignant sound at your praise and sucks a desperate breath before plunging down again. It almost passes for a protest.
Because of course, he can’t just take the compliment. Of course, he has to put up some show that he doesn’t want to be condescended to. Has to pretend it doesn’t affect him. And maybe Frankie would buy it if it weren’t for the way that Santi’s hips are grinding against the mattress, more needy and desperate with each word you whisper into his ear.
Santi pulls off his cock, plush lips made even more swollen as he gulps air into his lungs like it burns him.
It’s Frankie’s turn to watch Santiago now. He watches Santi lean into your touch, as your fingers gently brush back the lock of hair that’s fallen into his eyes. Watches as the two of you share gentle intimate kisses that make his heart squeeze tight in his chest. Watches as you both turn back to him, and then Frankie's whole body lights up with pleasure, eyes nearly rolling back in his head. He fights it, forcing his eyes to stay focused so he can keep watching as the fat glistening tip of his cock emerge between both of your swollen lips.
It should be depraved, the wet sounds and saliva that shines slick against your tongues and lips, the connecting silvery thread from your plump mouths to his cock. But it’s also strangely tender, and sweet. Slow-paced and thorough as you both take your time like you are trying to draw out this moment for your own enjoyment and pleasure as much as it is for Frankie.
He doesn’t even know what’s sexier, the way that Santi’s eyes are closed with a determined focus as he engulfs his hardened length. Or the way your eyes never leave his, your hair sticks to your sweat-dampened forehead as you smile up at him with a playfulness that makes his head spin.
“How are you feeling baby?” you ask, “Santi's doing a good job isn't he? Tell Santiago how good he's making you feel."
“So good,” Frankie slurs, and he barely recognizes his own voice. He sounds drunk. Can’t find the words. "Shit, Pope. S'good. Feels so fuckin' good."
“Yeah baby?” you coo, your palm kneading his hip, at the sore muscle you find there and he arches into the pleasant touch, heat and pressure simmering in his guts in that all familiar tell.
“You think you’re close? Think you can come for us like this?”
He is. He’s going to if you don’t—
“Fuck, fuck, baby I— I–”
You don’t even let him finish. Lips trailing down the slope of his stomach. Your cheeks are soft and smooth against the inside of his thighs as you press overindulgent kisses over the sensitive flesh there. It’s all soft and sweetness in a way that drives him absolutely mad. White streaking pleasure and blind heat. He’s so fucking close he can taste it.
Then comes the sharp sting of your teeth biting down on the firm muscle. An edged pleasurable pain that spreads everywhere, burning sweetly up his spine—and Frankie is gone.
His cock throbs, flooding Santi’s mouth with his spend. Spilling in endless pulses across the man’s tongue. There's a choked cough, a sound of someone gasping for air, but Frankie barely registers it. He's so far gone that the only thing he knows is regret when the soft wet heat of Santi's mouth pulls away from him.
Opening his eyes, Frankie sees a clear line of cum stripe across Santi's face and chin, then you take over, leaning in to wrap your lips around his cock with a happy hum and swallowing him down to take the rest of his release down your throat.
His fingers twist into the sheets, scrambling for an anchor to keep him there with the two of you as you’re still swallowing down every line and drop of cum he has to give you and—
Fuck he’s still coming.
You don’t stop even as the aching bliss pours from inside out to the point of the unbearable. Don’t stop until his raw groans melt into a moan and teeters into a staggered whimper, and Frankie is absolutely sure he cannot take anymore.
When you're done--after your lips finally pull off of him--you immediately reach for Santi. Before he has a chance to react, you grab the man by the back of his neck, fingers digging into his unruly curls, and pull him to your mouth. Dipping in between those swollen lips, letting Santi taste the spend that is still warm and bitter on your tongue.
Moaning gratuitously into your mouth, Santi brings a hand up to tilt your head further back so he can lick into your mouth properly. It’s a deep and indulgent kiss that gradually winds down into something a bit more playful, small bites and kisses. Then you pull away to kiss and lick at the traces of Frankie's cum still smeared across Santi's chin and cheek. The nub of your thumb reaches up to wipe the last remnant from Santi's cheek and slip it between his puff-swollen lips for one last taste.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Between the way Santi’s closing his eyes as if to savor it, and the quiet hum he makes, Frankie doesn’t think he can survive any of this. His entire face is burning, the base of his skull prickling with feverish heat. If he looked away or closed his eyes to ground himself, he could calm down but he can’t. Wouldn’t miss even a second of it for anything.
Your hand trails down between your bodies until that soft hand is tight around Santi's flushed cock. There’s a firm squeeze of your hand and Santi lurches into your fist, hips stuttering. You look at him with that challenging competitiveness in your eyes. "Say it.”
"Fuck," Santi growls, and the tone of it, deep with need, has arousal pool in Frankie's lower abdomen. His own cock is already giving a twitch of interest despite the adrenaline that is still rushing hot in his veins from the aftershocks of his orgasm.
"Christ, woman. Fine,” Santi concedes, and Frankie’s transfixed with the movement of Santiago’s throat as he swallows down his whole damn pride. “You're better at it."
“And?” you purr, goading him.
Santi grits his teeth. He’s putting on a show like the next words are the most painful thing he’s ever had to say in his adult life, but there’s that subtle tug near the corner of his lips, threatening a smile that lets Frankie know that’s all it is—a front. For once in his life, the competitive bastard doesn’t seem to mind losing.
“You win,” Santi finally bites out.
There's a victorious grin that splits your lips, and then you bend down, pressing a kiss to Santi’s navel and the muscles on his abdomen jump at the contact.
"Clever boy," you say, "that wasn't so hard was it?"
There’s no funny quip or smart remark from Santiago, he just concedes.
It does something funny to Frankie, to see the most stubborn man in the universe surrender to you. Something akin to pride for you simmering in his chest, because he knows better than anyone that Santiago Garcia never admits defeat.
But maybe defeat isn’t the right way to look at it, because when he eyes Santi, defeat is the farthest thing he sees there. The smile Santi gives you when you settle between his legs is careless. His dark eyes gone soft, and he’s gazing at you like you hung up the whole of the night sky, one star at a time.
Those soft lips of yours wrap around Santi’s cock. His head lulls back, baring the graceful line of his throat with parted lips and all that comes out is a defenseless moan.
A defeat and a win in the best of ways for the man.
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Dedicated: as always to @thirstworldproblemss the m**** t**** l**** of my heart, who has gone through this with me three times because this whole thing was an absolute train wreck and she wrote so many of the best lines in this so that it even made any semblance of sense. I love you so much and I will never tire of embarrassing you for the world to see.
Also big big thank you to @songsformonkeys and @jazzelsaur who gave this a once and second glance-over and provided me with a good dose of talking down and also amazing advice and pointers—when I tried to yeet this out of the space airlock and hide the evidence it ever existed.
Follow me on astroboots-writes and turn on notifications to be notified when I post something new!
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ricciardostoast · 2 years
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GR63;;Throw a fit [one]
you planned to get what you wanted, and make him work for it along the way
[a/n: mini series. been saying i was going to write for george for ages and here i am]
wc: 4k
warning: mild;; language
masterlist | next
“George Russell.” He smiled exposing his perfectly white teeth. The posh accent draws your eyes, unable resist the proper drawl amongst the cruder advances you’d received tonight. Noting glint of interest in your posture, he laughed lightly, extending his hand.
Offering your name, you couldn’t help but want him. Already wanting him.
The media view of him did his real image no justice. He was even better up close. His hair always looked so put together on screen, but tonight it looked a little unruly, like he’d taken a firm hand through it just before stepping out. And that smile, it was enough to kill any self control you’d had built up to this point. Mr. Put-Together obviously came here with a plan in mind and you decide you would be his first and only.
You’d have this man, preferably before day break.
“You’re already everything I want in a woman, and I’ve just learned your name.”
“You’re already everything I want in a woman, and I’ve just learned your name.”
“You’re already everything I want in a woman, and I’ve just learned your name.”
Names were just learned to be polite. You hated being on the end of a one night stand being called anything and everything but your own name.
“You’re not too bad yourself.” Now, it was your turn to smirk. George chuckled, raising his eyebrow slightly.
“Really now? Just not too bad? Cause the way you’re looking at me now makes me believe otherwise.”
You bit back a curse. His eyes were like a freaking whirlpool sucking you in. You couldn’t look at him without at some point meeting his gaze. This one would be a tricky one. But frankly that just made it more of a challenge.
You softened your stare, letting your eyes glance lazily over the club before returning back to him “That’s all.” you smiled innocently through your lies.
In honesty, George Russell was far from ‘not bad’. In fact, you were sure you had never been more attracted to someone in a long time, maybe ever. Whatever it was, he had it, and you wanted it.
“Well I think I can say with support from the majority of the female population that I am more than ‘not bad’ ” Again, he smiled. A subtle curl of the lips that wasn’t smug or challenging. As if he’d already paced the future and was just riding the script. It was effective and you couldn’t deny the fact your body tingled when he did that.
He shook his head and reached out a hand; you noticed his tanned skin and strong, veiny arms. “Confident.” He replied simply, his fingers pushing a loose lock of hair behind your ear. You swallowed, hard, noticing the definiteness of his abs through his shirt every time he made a slight movement.
This was definitely more than a challenge.
“Told you I was better than ‘not bad’.” His voice interrupted you as you turned your gaze back up to him. He was back to that bright smile, one that said ‘Me? I could never.’ “I can see you checking me out. Again.”
Running out of options, you knew you needed to hook him quick before he entanged you.
You shifted your eyes immediately, mirroring the smile he’d presented to you thus far.
“So, you might look good. That still doesn’t change the fact that you’re probably still a cocky little, self loving, obnoxious sports star.” You smirked, satisfied with your own response, while your eyes managed to remain serious.
He laughed lightly again, shaking his head. “Let me prove you wrong.” He said, edging slightly closer to you. “Let me take you out sometime.” He smiled.
Those were the words that would normally send you packing. A guy that asked for a date normally would request another and another and string a girl along into a sense of comfort until he could get in your pants.
Whether George was that guy or not didn’t matter. You didn’t need the frivolity of propriety in order to get what you both wanted.
You just didn’t date.
You shook your head immediately knowing that it was out of the question. “I don’t do dates.”
“You don’t?” He asked, an eyebrow rose. You reasserted with a shake of your head. He was silent for a moment, almost waiting for the ‘just kidding’. That ‘just kidding’ was never going to come, you was serious, and eventually – he realized that. “Why not?”
She turned to face him more, their bodies even closer than before. The height difference between you is even more evident now, despite your heels. “You and I both know dates are only used to get on a girl’s good side so a guy can take her to bed and fuck her senseless. Guys don’t really want to go to that restaurant, they really aren’t interested in the terrible day you had, and they really don’t want to be paying all that money for a dinner that their ‘fucking’ conquest probably didn’t even finish.” you stated diplomatically.
You watched George, unable to read his expression – his eyebrows were furrowed but there was still that smile playing on his lips. “I can’t change your mind, can I?” she shook her head.
He couldn’t. No one could.
“But, I think you’re wrong.” You felt your own eyebrows furrow then, you didn’t like being wrong.
George judged your reaction in an instant and continued to talk. “I love to eat and especially love a girl with an appetite, and my friends tell me I’m a good listener and I bet I could make you laugh so hard you’d forget about your bad day and, honestly? I couldn’t care if you finished your meal or not, ladies don’t pay.”
You were speechless.
You couldn’t help it; you didn’t even try to fight it.
The boy was good. No denying that.
You let a sarcastic laugh leave your lips. “Smooth George, I’ll give you that much.”
“So, you wouldn’t like to go on a date with me?” He asked moments later, his face the image of pure seriousness.
“I don’t do dates,” you repeated, “With anyone.”
You weren’t used to that reaction. Normally guys would kill to get one night with a girl without any drama or emotions. George on the other-hand was questioning it, defying it.
“You can’t really be serious’ There was a hint of humor speckled disbelief, though you didn’t seem to find it funny. “I mean, what do you do if you like a guy?”
“Cut out the chase.” you smiled, batting your eyelashes slightly more than before – hoping he’d get it. Hoping he’d be quiet shut-up and get with the program. Your program.
“What about boyfriends? You can’t date someone just because they’re a good lay.”
“I’ve dealt with boys,” you told him truthfully, “I don’t like their definition of relationships.” you shrugged. You could feel his critical eyes watching you suspiciously again, as if he still didn’t believe you, still didn’t get it, and still didn’t understand.
“So what now? You just don’t bother trying. I have to tell you, you’re missing out.” He was intrigued, but meant every word he said.
You could feel your facade falling. It was then that you realized that George Russell wasn’t just some guy. George wanted to ask questions. He wanted to know more. And, for the most part – from the way things looked right now, he really did want to date.
It was then that you normally would have given up, smiled and retreated back to the bar and waited for another one to come along. But, with George – there was something. There more you listened to his voice got mesmerized by his eyes, his body – even his damn mannerisms got you. Licking his lips before he began a sentence, you didn’t just want George then. She needed him. Her body almost craved him.
And you needed him to feel the same way. Preferably without the commitment.
“So, you’re telling me that if I asked you to come home with me right now you wouldn’t?” you smirked playfully, gauging his expression carefully. He was hard to read, you noticed that immediately. He would laugh warmly, not awkwardly, not because he thought the comment was hilarious –Just because. He would smile, then trace his tongue across his lips, his expression more serious.
“I can’t answer that.” He stated.
“Why?” you almost sighed, sick of him playing the game that seemed to go nowhere. Sick of him being a ‘good guy’. ’ nice guy’. No guy was like this in real life. They all had their secret motives.
“You haven’t asked me.” He shrugged nonchalantly.
You hated this. You were the smug one, mostly. You sighed audibly, visibly annoyed with him. He only smiled in response, happy with that reaction.
“You know, I’m unsure if you’re even going to be worth all of this shit.” you stated simply, cocking your head to one side as you glared at him. But you silently prayed he would come around and see things your way. God, it would be sinning if a man like that was to go to waste.
“Oh I definitely am, that I can promise.” He spoke seductively, biting his bottom lip as he finished his sentence. You knew it was put on, but, you didn’t care –it was working, he was making you want him more than you had anticipated.
“You know, I still think you’re a cocky self-loving, obnoxious sports star.” you told herself it was still true, yet in those brief few moments he already slightly swayed your judgment. Slightly. He was still a man, men still lie.
“And I’m pretty sure you still want me despite that. Plus, I’m starting to think you’re a stuck up, man hating sex maniac.” He almost choked on his words with laughter.
“But I’m pretty sure you still want me.” you stated, yet it came out like a question. Honestly, now you weren’t sure if he did.
“ Maybe. But-” He smiled playfully; he knew what he was doing. “But not in the way you apparently want me too.”
“Why are you so damn adamant?” you asked genuinely wondering.
He reached forward, closing the small gap between then his strong hand clasping at your side – pulling you closer to him. “Because a girl like you doesn’t come around everyday. And you’re worth more than I one night stand.” He whispered gruffly.
You watched his eyes reconnect with yours, before they fell to your lips.
They were softer than you imagined. They way they moved against your in such a passion it was unreal. It was different than those sloppy drunken kisses you shared in the past. It was unlike anything you ever experienced. You felt almost felt like there was something else. Something more meaningful.
You pulled away quickly suppressing a gasp. Your fingers brushed against your lips; your mind clouded. This boy was dangerous. Maybe you were a little too in over your head.
“Let’s make a deal” He said the second your lips parted. You looked up at him, he paused for a moment a thoughtful look on his face, before returning his attention back to you. “But first, let me point out that I’m not going home with you tonight.” He stated, and, you felt your stomach drop. The excitement, lust, anticipation disappearing in an instant.
You looked at him, now looking for the ‘I’m kidding’.
That ‘I’m kidding’, never came either.
Nothing should be a surprise at this point.
“But tomorrow night I will” he spoke up suddenly gaining your attention.“If you promise to go on a date with me the morning before.” He finished, watching you expectantly.
Now you were really looking for some guys to come out informing you that you just got pranked. Because this guy wasn’t serious, he couldn’t be. Did he not hear what you had been saying this whole conversation?
You. did.not.date. What was so hard about that to comprehend?
Yet here this guy was blatantly asking you out after you just explained to him.
“You know you’re dumber than you look,” you muttered disappointedly. Here you were thinking you were going to take an athlete home. What a waste.
George suddenly reached for your waist forcing you to meet his gaze. The same gaze that got you in this mess in the first place.
“Would you just hear me out, love?” There was a new edge to his voice, something that made spoke volumes about how adamant he was about swaying the night.
You instantly recoiled at the sound of the pet name. Jerking your head to the side, you avoided his gaze before it sucked you in.“No I won’t. What don’t you understand? I don’t date!”
There was a silence between you.
George looked up after a moment,“ Eleven o'clock sounds reasonable for a breakfast date. Meet me at Seaside for brunch.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. This man was ridiculous.
Wrenching out of your hold you didn’t bother to respond, hoping your abruptness would get you answer across. You didn’t date. That was your final answer and you was sticking with it.
Even though you didn’t look over your shoulder to confirm, you were hoping he would reconsider and look at things your way. You prayed that your little player would come pawing behind you like a lost puppy.
Finally noticing his loss before it got away.
But he didn’t. That night, you went home alone.
. . .
“Sara! Will you turn your damn keypad tones off? My head is throbbing!” You moaned, pulling back the door of the restaurant. That mixed with the sound of your friends fingers clicking audibly against her keys was enough to make you want to lie out, then and there.
“Are you still pissed off about that athlete dude? The car driver?” She asked as the male waiter led you to the table. You closed your eyes tight briefly, throwing your head to the ceiling in annoyance. You couldn’t care less about George.
You couldn’t care less about the fact that he turned you down. At least, that’s what you were telling yourself.
“I don’t care about him, in the slightest!” You spoke more defensively than anticipated as the waiter pulled out your seat. You smiled, sitting and taking the menu as he disappeared.
You turned your attention to the menu, hoping Sara would stop, give up, shut up.
“You’ve been a bitch all day,” Sara stated, causing you to look above your menu. You dropped your eyes towards her. Sara was like you in that sense. She said what she really meant, she didn’t hold back – and, even though you shared that trait you hated her for it.
“So don’t try tell me something, namely some athlete isn’t bothering you.”
“He isn’t.” You snapped, “Now just order some damn food and drop it, okay?” You could tell by the look in her eyes that she wasn’t going to drop it. The way she stared right back at you, trying to read you. Read you like you’d had tried to read George the previous night.
She cocked her head slightly as she stared at you across the table. “What ? Have you developed a girl crush or something?” you hissed.
“It’s because he rejected you, isn’t it? Because he didn’t actually come home with you?” You felt yourself swallow, hard.
“Sara if you don’t drop this, I’m leaving. Seriously, drop it!” You retorted defensively.
George did reject you, but that was nobody’s business. No one but yours and his. There was a long pause as her warm eyes continued to look at you, she stared before they widened slightly, almost in shock.
“Oh, my god.” She said slowly, a half smile appearing on her face. You wrinkled your face up in confusion waiting for her to continue. As much as you loved your best friend, occasionally this she could grate your nerves. “He’s the first person to reject you, isn’t he?”
She said almost triumphantly. You felt your breath hinge in my throat. You cleared it before turning back to the menu.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Sara.” You scoffed, your eyes not even focusing on the list of choices offered.
“Oh come on, even the damn waiter is smitten on your ass!” She nodded to her right. You lifted my eyes from the menu, noticing the university aged waiter staring right back at you.
Smiling awkwardly, you returned your gaze to Sara. “You cannot tell me you’ve given any other guys the option of having fun, no strings attached sex with you and they’ve declined it?” You scoffed again, causing her to smile widely. “I’m right, aren’t I?”
She was right. You didn’t answer. You wouldn’t answer. You wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.
“I am.” She said smugly, leaning back into her chair.
“George’s the first person to ever say no to you.” You hated her smugness.
“And? So what?” You scoffed, turning your attention back to the menu, as if it didn’t matter. As if you didn’t care. But, the more Sara pushed it. The more you thought about it, the more you thought of him, of his rejection you did care. It did matter.
“And now you’re pissed.”
“No, I’m not.”
“So, you want him more because he rejected you.” She pushed, smirking from across the table.
“Why do you care so much Sara, really? What satisfaction are you getting from this?” you wondered genuinely, as she smiled.
“I just want to know if you’d try again.” She said almost slyly.
“Why?” You huffed louder than before, your frustrations growing. It was over, it was done. It was none of her business.
“Because, he’s right over there.” She almost laughed as she finished her sentence. You furrowed your eyebrows, following the direction of her eyes. You felt your stomach drop, she was right. You watched as he walked towards his seat, his loose jeans still cut fitting, exposing his tall posture. His hair was better kept today, matching the persona you’d known from newsfeeds.
You hadn’t even put two and two together when you’d taken Sara up on her offer for brunch. The idea of citrusy mimosa blinding you past anything other than the refreshing drink.
‘Eleven o'clock sounds reasonable for a breakfast date. Meet me at Seaside for brunch.’
Jesus Christ.
Before he could take his seat you snap your attention back to your friend. You propped an elbow on the table, covering your face slightly with your hand as you stared at the menu. “Are you trying to hide?” Sara snickered, almost choking on her words. You didn’t answer; you just narrowed your eyes towards her.
She was right. You didn’t know how to deal with rejection.
“Good morning’ ladies.” Your eyes widened as you looked at the menu. That rich, sexy voice.
He remained a gentleman, guestering to the empty seat politely to which Sara nodded exuberantly.
You swallowed, forgetting last night’s events as you smiled back towards him. Nobody won against you, no one. “Good morning, stalker ” He laughed lightly, leaning back comfortably in his chair.
“What are you doing?” He asked innocently. Because that’s what he was, innocent…
You looked at him, gesturing to the menus. “What does it look like?” You snapped without a thought. You realized then that you were more affected by his rejection than what you had previously thought.
Looking at his wide smile, his full lips, his blue eyes.
“Looks like someone is a bit eager, early bird,” He grinned playfully as the food was placed between yourself and Sara. You waited for him to get the hint, to politely leave you to eat. He didn’t. He joked with Sara as you stuck your fork loudly, annoyingly into your meal. “What’s wrong?”
He asked minutes later, turning his attention back to you. You ignored him, surprisingly getting good at that as focused on your food, continuing to eat.
You didn’t get it. You didn’t get him. He didn’t want you; 24 hours ago he rejected you. You knew from the moment you met George he was hard to read, but now? Now, he had you down right confused.
“You know,” George began, leaning forward towards you, his voice lower than before. “Is this what you consider a date? No wonder you gave up. .” Across the table, Sara muffled a squeak of glee.
“No, this was called ‘I’m trying to eat and you won’t go away’”. You replied snort, watching his smile never falter, like what you said didn’t matter –didn’t affect him.
That was new. He wasn’t offended easily. Sara sensed the tension, as she excused herself. You watched as George nodded, licking his lips slightly.
“Ok, fine. This wasn’t a date.” He said simply. You smiled, you had won. “Kind of a shame though.” He said simply, his lips turning into a smile just slightly.
“Why?” You questioned confused.
“Date’s end with a kiss, right?” His gruff voice asked, you nodded. “Kissing can lead to anything.” He smirked, biting his lip as he finished his sentence, his eyes burning through you. You felt it again, that energy.
That tingle. Sexual chemistry. You swallowed, before shrugging.
“And here’s me thinking you were a good guy.”
“I am,” He grinned again, exposing his white teeth. “I’m just wondering whether this was a date or not.”
“Not.” You confirmed, wondering inwardly if you said ‘yes’ would you get what you wanted, him. George continued to look at you, waiting. Waiting for you to say it. You wouldn’t give in, not to him, not to anyone.
“Anyway,” you continued, pushing your chair back, brushing against his jeans purposely. You watched his reaction closely, the way he looked down as you did so, the way his lip disappeared between his teeth. You knew at that moment, he wanted it just as much.
“I better get going.” You lied; you had nowhere to be.
You felt his eyes burn into you as you stood up, reaching for my bag.
He sighed your name. As you turned to him, his smile faded. His tongue traced his lips again, sending shivers through your spine. You wouldn’t let him see.
George laughed lightly, running his hands through his hair almost in annoyance. “You’re so frustrating.” He said simply, honestly. You ignored him, knowing he was right. It was true.
You turned on your heel, hearing him follow behind. You reached inside your bag as he pushed slightly past. Looking up, you caught as he handed the waiter the payment, pointing to our table- your table. He paid, before pressing his hands against the glass, pushing it open and leaving.
You stood there for what felt like minutes, but in reality it was only seconds.
He had paid. He wasn’t lying when he said he always would. You sighed, shoving the money deep within your bag, simultaneously shoving your pride deep within your stomach. Your shoes smacking loudly against the floor as you followed him out the door.
“George,” you called his name quietly seeing him a few steps ahead, he turned around as your breath hinged in your throat. There was an awkward silence as he waited for you to speak, as you waited for you to speak.
“- Thanks.” you barely mumbled.
“No problem, darling.” He said again simply. How he said everything, he wasn’t fazed at all. He turned again; you felt my stomach drop in disappointment. You groaned quietly, staring at the sky.
If you were to get what you wanted, you had to swallow your pride.
You followed his steps, reaching him and tapping his shoulder. You didn’t take in his reaction, you didn’t care. In an instant, you pressed your lips against his.
Within seconds you could feel him smile against the kiss. His strong hands holding your waist, his strong assured grip that you longed to feel elsewhere.
“So, I can count this as the first of many?” He almost groaned against your lips. You opened your eyes, staring into the honey pools staring back.
You were most definitely ready to count as many as you could.
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yelenassecretlover · 3 years
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Swimming lessons [nsfw]
anime: attack on titan
characters: yelena x reader
warnings: oral, fingering
words: 2k
a/n: Can you tell I’m obsessed with how tall yelena is and her hands?
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Your feet touch the cool tiles of the locker room floor. You feel a slight chill from the wet and cold room. Goosebumps litter your skin. The one piece the school gave you didn’t fit, so now you’re in a two piece you brought as back up. It was a lot more revealing. However, it would be just you and the girls swim team captain, so it shouldn’t be that big of an issue.
‘What a stupid rule! I need a swimming credit to graduate, Ridiculous’ you roll your eyes as you grab your towel. Students normally take a class to learn how to swim, but you decided going to the local mall was a far more interesting way to spend your time. ‘I mean c’mon swimming, How hard could it be?’
Well, turns out very hard; when you failed your swim test last week, spectacularly. You practically sank to the bottom. The professor had to fish you out. Super embarrassing. But he is a kind man and offered you a deal. If you learned to swim by the final exam in two weeks he’d pass you with a B for the semester. He even referred you to Yelena, the girls swim team captain.
So now you find yourself here, in your university’s indoor pool waiting for Yelena. You're sitting on a bench counting the seconds. She's about ten minutes late before you finally see her rush through the doors.
“I am so sorry I ended up taking longer than anticipated on my exam. Please excuse me” she says wide eyed, searching your face for any reactions. You don't immediately say anything, how could you? She was beautiful. You are caught off guard, resulting in your delayed reaction.
“N-No problem, really don't stress it….” You trail off. Her rigid body loosens and you see her shoulders relax.
“Okay, awesome, let's get you in the water” she giggles. She actually giggles. And you can't help but feel a certain warmth creep on you.
“How tall are you?” You blurt out and almost physically cringe at your candor. ‘God how rude ughh’ you avoid making eye contact with her and chew your lip.
“Oh no worries doll, I’m 6’7” she chuckles at the way your eyes widen and your face heats up.
“Before we begin, um your attire?…..”
You look at her confused and you realize she has the standard one piece uniform. On her though, it looks absolutely gorgeous. You can see every imprint of her body, and captain of the swim team she was. Her body was evidence enough of this. The swimsuit hugged her breast’s, hips and accentuated her abs and thighs. Not skinny by any means she was pure. raw. muscle.
“(Y/n) ?” Yelena interrupts your thoughts.
“Oh shit sorry, um, the school uniform issued to me was too small so I’m wearing this back up bikini. I hope that's alright?” You respond extremely flustered. You pray she didn’t notice the way your eyes undressed her— she definitely did.
The two piece you were wearing was incredibly skimpy but you didn’t have any other options. The bikini showed off your ass in just the right way and barely held your breasts together. One wrong move and you’d expose yourself. As bad as it was, the thought of showing Yelena your tits excited more than embarrassed you.
Yelena was only worried about your attire, as swimming was best done when comfortable. She didn’t have any objections to seeing you in such a revealing outfit. She could barely keep her eyes off the way your tits bounced when you entered the water. She shakes her head in an attempt to refocus. Afterall it was her responsibility to help you. She should not be thirsting after her student.
The water is cold when you're in it. You cling to the wall as your 5’5 in the 6ft deep end of the pool. You look over to Yelena and notice how much of a giant she really is, she towers over the water.
Yelena is calm and stoic now. She silently watches as you struggle to stick to the wall and you dart your eyes away. ‘God this is gonna be rough’
Yelena begins by showing you how to float. She has you lay on your back in the open water; eyes to the ceiling. This is stressing you out, so much so, that you don't notice the way Yelenas devours your body with her eyes. Staying focused on the task at hand is proving to be a real challenge for her.
One of her hands reaches under your back when you start faltering in the float.
“Relax kitten, relax. If you start to scare yourself you’ll drown” Yelena coos. You can only manage to let out a hum as you try and calm yourself down. Yelena's hands are big. One hand is enough to hold your entire back while the other finds its place right under your ass. This adds to your stress.
“Alright looking good……” Yelena murmurs. The hand that was on the verge of touching your ass now finds itself on top of your thigh. Slowly and gently touching it before moving to your stomach. Your breathing quickes, you cant react or it’ll fuck up the entire excerice you can only stay still as Yelena feels you up.
Yelena's hand starts caressing your stomach, her other hand still on your back. “Good girl, your doing such a great job for me”
You blush at her comments and shut your eyes as you so desperately try to concentrate on floating. You feel her hand creep closer and closer to your breasts before stopping right in the middle of your chest. She starts palming the area, you take a deep gulp, unsure of what she plans to do.
“Bunny your breathing needs to slow down, you need to relax” You glare at her before closing your eyes once more, and she chuckles. It’s completely her fault your breathing is all out of whack and she knows it. Teasing you is entirely too much fun. She shifts you up right in the water, to indicate you're done. You let out a sigh of relief as you cling to her. This might be a whole lot harder than you anticipated.
“Okay that's enough for today, great job” You hear Yelena call out behind you. You sigh in relief and return to the pool's wall. You’re panting heavily. The session was brutal. You can't even count the amount of different exercises Yelena had you try. But, you did feel better about your swimming abilities overall after this whole ordeal.
You try to climb out of the pool when you hear water swish behind you. As you pull yourself up you feel two big hands pull you back into the water and you squeal.
“I’m s-sorry, I thought the lesson was over” you stammer. You look over your right shoulder and are confronted by a completely different set of eyes. When the lesson first began Yelena's eyes held a false warmth. Now they were unapologetically full of lust and want. You could feel the way she was fucking you with her stare. You look away in attempts to escape her gaze, but you could still feel her eyes burning holes into your back.
“Well……..we aren’t completely done for the day” Yelena presses herself against your back. You feel her breasts rubbing against you looking for any sort of friction. Your own nipples harden. This isn’t lost on Yelena as she observes your chest from her angle, before moving closer to your ear.
“There’s still some other stuff I’d like to teach you” she growls in a low, hungry tone. She nibbles on your ear. Then leaves a trail of small hungry kisses on your neck. You let out a soft whine and buck your ass into her.
“I’ll do whatever you recommend……captain” you moan. Yelena takes this as a green light. Immediately her hands are roaming your body. Her left hand snakes to your chest, under your bikini and starts rubbing your nipple. The other finds purchase in your inner thigh, squeezing the fat.
Yelena's mouth moves from your nape to your lips. Her lips are smooth and move at a fast pace. Her mouth is rough against yours, and with the way she’s touching your nipples you almost start seeing stars. You moan into the kiss and she pulls away.
“Huh-“ She turns your whole body, so now your chest to chest and crashes right back into your mouth. You can barely breath as she grabs your ass to press you closer against her. Her wet tongue enters your mouth and your eyes are fully closed as you try to just feel her everywhere.
She stops kissing you to attack your neck once more. As she does that you feel her untie your bikini and discard it in the water. She kisses down your nape, your collarbone and starts sucking your breasts. Her tongue feels hot and wet against your nipples. You grab her head to balance yourself in the water.
“Y-yelena” you can't help but moan her name. At the sound of her name, Yelena internally curses. She wanted to take her time with you, but with the way your squirming against her all her patience is gone.
Yelena then proceeds to remove your bikini pants with two fingers, and lifts you to the ledge of the pool.
“Wearing such a skimpy outfit. You wanted to me fuck you didnt you?” Yelena says in between heavy pants. You’re affecting her as much as she is you. You just shyly shake your head in response when you look down at her. It really wasn’t your intention to tease her with the outfit, but if it got you here you definitely don't regret wearing it.
Yelena still in the water, picks both your thighs up so they’re on the side of her head and licks a long stripe up your cunt. You throw your head back, eyes half lidded in lust and anticipation. Yelena's tongue is big and pushes past your folds. You feel the heat of her thick wet muscle inside you and arch into her. Your hands are wander her hair as your moans get progressively louder.
“Ye-Yelena please, more” you whine, she moans into your pussy before latching her mouth onto your clit.
“Aah Lenaa” The grip you have on Yelena's head tightens. The tighter you hold Yelena's hair the hungrier she feels as she laps you. Yelena loves the way your gripping her head so desperately as she takes you in her mouth, her clit is pounding.
Yelena then takes two fingers and pushes them into your hole. She immediately begins to pump her finger as she sucks your clit. She can feel your walls tighten against her. She’s thrusting her long fingers quick and deep within you and soon she starts hitting that special spot.
“C-close Lena” your on the verge of tears with the way Yelenas mouth and hand are fucking you. Your vision starts to get blurry and your breathing quickens. “I know baby, I know. Cum for me. I want to taste you all over my mouth bunny”
With two more pumps of her fingers and licks at your clit you completely unravel. Her name strains past your lips as your walls convulse on her fingers and you orgasm. Yelena pumps a few more times to help you ride out your high as you squirm beneath her. You try to take some deep breaths to calm yourself, when you look over at Yelena. She’s licking the remaining cum off her fingers and you shyly look away.
“Aww don't be getting all shy on me now. Did you forget your cunt was just in my mouth?”
You pout at her and she laughs before giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. She hugs the lower half of your body. You snuggle yourself on the top of her head and wrap your arms around her.
“You were such a good girl for me today. Now let's get you all cleaned up, does that sound alright bunny?” Yelena asks in a raspy voice,
You hum into her. If this is what swim practice is gonna be like for the next two weeks consider your test aced.
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wonlouvre · 3 years
hello!! can i request a fwb!wonwoo + angst to fluff 🥺 thank u
start | j. ww.
pairing: race car driver wonwoo x g.n. reader genre: fluff, angst if you squint, also 18+ (some sexual themes, mentions) warnings: couple’s arrangement is FWB, but nothing explicit, accident, injury mentions of sex (please tell me if i missed anything!) word count: 1.5k+ (i have no regrets)
💌: hi anon! thank you so much for requesting <3 this is not as explicitly fwb and angsty and i’m so sorry :((( i hope you still like it tho! i actually thought of developing this into a oneshot someday-ish. who knows? tell me what you think!
It’s no secret that you frequent Jeon Wonwoo’s office a lot. It’s also no secret that something bloomed the first time you introduced yourself to him after he won the race hosted by his very own racing track. You’re interested in cars as much as you are interested in the youngest owner of the most coveted luxurious cars in the world. You own yourself a few. Some you have purchased from him and some he has given himself for free in exchange for the special arrangement that the two of you have.
The attraction was quick but it took quite a while for the two of you to give in. Being professional business partners and all. But along the way, the two of you reached an agreement. An agreement that you thought would only last for about two months tops and yet here you are, eight months later, still running to his arms. You know Wonwoo is no different. 
“Hi Woozi. How’s my favorite racer doing?” You greet Wonwoo’s friend lounging outside the closed doors of the office you’re supposed to be visiting.
“If you’re here to visit your man, there’s a line,” Woozi deadpans as he boringly flips through the magazine with his fingers. “I’m supposed to be practicing with Wonwoo right now but he seems to be caught with something, someone that isn’t you.”
You didn’t fail to catch Woozi’s disdain and that only makes you giggle. You sit on the opposite side of the center table, placing your Prada purse beside your hip as you cross your legs. You feign ignorance on his “your man” remark but the term “someone” fuels your jealousy. Of course, you will never admit that to him. 
“It’s an admirer,” you say and grab yourself a magazine to skim through. Might as well entertain yourself if you’re indeed going to wait. It’s unbelievable. You keep in mind to avenge your wasted time in the bedroom with Wonwoo. “Been doing a lot of visiting on behalf of they’re old father who has no single interest in race cars.” 
Woozi frowns at the information. “How do you know that?”
You look up from the latest issue of racer weekly and blink up at him before pursing your lips. “I saw their car parked in my supposed parking spot. Plus, they send an awful lot of gifts that Wonwoo just gives away to his staff. Gifts are a normal exchange between potential business partners, but it’s not when said business partner always leaves love notes.”
“And, you’re not bothered at all?” Woozi finally asks the question you know he’s been dying to ask. 
You smirk and return the magazine to the table. Then, you pick your bag up as you stand to your feet. “Of course I am bothered. I could be with Wonwoo right now, at this moment, but they’re holding me up and I don’t like that.”
You fix your hair and skirt before strutting to the huge doors and opening them without knocking. Wonwoo is not surprised to see you but you can tell he’s relieved with the way he’s smiling at you. On the other hand, his visitor doesn’t appreciate you barging in like that. They’re resentment is pretty obvious with how they’re glaring at you. 
But it doesn’t matter. They don’t matter as you walk to the man you’re here for. 
“Woozi is waiting for you,” you cheekily say before rounding straight to his executive table to give his cheek a smooch, your red lipstick leaving a mark. You gingerly wipe it with your thumb while he just keeps smiling, looking up to you. “I wanted to stop by to invite you for lunch, but it looks like you’re busy.”
Wonwoo shakes his head and holds your hip and stands up from his chair. “No, I’m good. They’re just about to leave.”
The other person in the room panics. “But I wasn’t done explaining—.”
“My team will review your proposal and we’ll get back to you if they deem it beneficial for our company,” Wonwoo bids farewell and holds your hand to his. “My assistant will escort you outside. Thank you for your time.”
Wonwoo didn’t give them the chance to say anything else because he’s already leading you outside to meet Woozi who’s been waiting for him. You also didn’t have the chance to say your goodbyes to them because the toned arm around your waist and deep voice against your ear is enough to distract you. 
“They were cute,” you make a point to mention the culprit behind your stolen parking spot when you finally get the chance to sit down at Wonwoo’s favorite restaurant. “I think this is the third time I saw them at your office this week.”
Wonwoo gives your orders to the waiter without the need to ask what you fancy because he already knows. When the order is set, he returns his attention to you and flashes his signature smile that makes your legs grow weak. “Why? Are you jealous?”
“No, no,” you’re quick to answer before sipping on the lukewarm water you requested. “Just annoyed that during the three times I saw them, they have also taken it upon themselves to just park at my spot.” 
Wonwoo chuckles and opens his palms on the table, seeking your hand to hold halfway. You roll your eyes, but you don’t hesitate to grant him access to your ring clad hand (the ring was a gift from him and you haven’t taken it off ever since you received it). His phone suddenly dings! and you know it’s Woozi grilling him for not keeping to his end and practicing with him. 
You let Wonwoo cater to his friend’s needs all the while letting his other hand caress yours, his fingers digging on the silver band once in a while. Your heart and mind can’t help but get confused about where you stand with him because of gestures like this. 
At some point, you’re supposed to end this, right? Whatever this may be. But the real question is, do you want to end this with Wonwoo? This happiness, this warmth, this comfort, this lov—.
You step on the brakes before you could continue and blink away the daze you were stuck on for a moment. Wonwoo must have noticed you flinch because he drops his phone back on the table, eyes full of concern directed towards you.
“Are you okay?”
You force a smile. “Never better.”
It’s not less than three days later when you receive a call from Wonwoo’s assistant, voice frantically shaking as they inform you about what happened. 
To your horror, Wonwoo got injured in an accident while performing practice laps with his friends. 
You own race cars but you never thought you would be driving one beyond your usual speed limit because the stupid boy you’re in love with got in an accident. There, you admit it. You’re in love with Jeon Wonwoo not only because of his stroke game, abs, broad shoulders and deep voice among many perfect features of his.
You’re in love with him because he makes today's you look forward to tomorrow’s him. 
You try to calm your heart that’s been beating so fast because of the adrenaline and anger that’s coursing through your blood right now. Wonwoo better make sure he’s not badly injured, otherwise you would throw your hands at him yourself. 
A cut on his forehead, lips and nose. 
And a dislocated shoulder as cherry on top. 
You couldn’t mask your disappointment when you saw Wonwoo getting checked on for the last time by the doctor in charge. You grimace when you hear him groan as they place the sling on him. What do you even do with this boy?
When everyone else is gone and it’s only the two of you left, your disappointment and anger vanishes the moment he calls you.
“Hi baby.”
Your tense shoulder loosens and your legs quickly run towards him (carefully). 
“I hope you know that I hate you right now,” you say without meaning them anyway. 
Wonwoo has the energy to giggle and tug at your hand to sit beside him. He leans his head near your chest, a habit he’s been doing whenever he wants you to coddle him. Carefully and gently, you hold his head and caress his greasy locks. You’re sure it’s going to be a struggle to help him shower in the coming days. 
“Did you see your parking spot?” Wonwoo suddenly mumbles. 
“Why are you bringing that up now?” You frown. 
“I put your plate number on the wall so that no one can take the spot.” 
“Baby,” he whines. “Not so loud.”
“Why would you do that?” You hiss. 
“Because I love you?” Wonwoo answers, his soft kitten eyes gazing up at you. 
You gulp and look away, trying not to smile at what he just said. 
“I was supposed to make a romantic confession over the weekend,” Wonwoo says, making you look back at him. “We’re gonna have to postpone, I guess.”
“You’re an idiot,” you whisper before pressing your lips against his smiling ones. “But, I love you too.”
“Does that mean you’ll be staying over my place until this shoulder is back to normal?” Wonwoo pleads, lips moving against yours. 
Your eyes glimmer with mischief. “Yes and that also means no sex until then.”
“Wait, what? No!”
There’s still a lot of talking to do and a lot of changes to happen. But for now, you’re just glad that today’s Wonwoo is alright. 
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carlisles-girl · 3 years
a/n: Thank you so much! I’m very excited to write for Aro, he’s one of my favourite characters, more so because of Michael Sheen’s performance. I put a slight reference to something in this, you might catch it if you know other projects Michael Sheen has been in, but you might not, and that’s alright. Hope you enjoy <3
another a/n: I did put one or two feminine terms in this work, such as ‘mia regina’ which is ‘my queen’ in Italian, so do skip over it or replace it with something else if you’d like. I love writing this type of material in the middle of my classes, it adds so much adrenaline to not get caught.
Aro Volturi With A Human Mate
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Instead of being angry and frustrated like Caius, Aro was more excited.
Like as if he was getting ready for a big party.
A human for a mate was inevitable for some vampires, of course, but Aro didn’t expect to be included in the some.
He was excited since it was rare for such high profile vampires to socialize with humans.
Aro often gushed to his brothers, excited to meet you, but also for them to meet you.
He wanted to host a ball for your welcome.
But Marcus noted that it would probably be slightly frightening for you to be in a room full of vampires.
Most of the vampires would look at you as if you were some sort of a snack.
Because it Marcus’ comment, Aro assumed it would be a greater choice to send an invitation to a tour of the castle.
Free of cost, of course.
When you had received the invitation, you were beyond excited.
An invitation to a tour of an ancient castle with endless legends, for free?
The tour was the next day, so of course you were slightly nervous.
When the tour commenced, a very pretty woman named Heidi lead the tour group.
She began to speak of secrets of the castle, as well as secret corridors and legends.
Some things a normal tour guide would most likely have no idea about.
Heidi then looked in your direction, and smiled brightly at you.
“It’s very lovely here. I’m sure you’ll love it.”
Just when she had finished her sentence, she opened the doors where there were three men sitting in thrones, and what seemed to be 4 guards.
The man who sat in the middle, greeted everyone and began speaking greatly of the castle.
He had only stopped when he motioned for your tour guide, Heidi, to come forward.
She did as told, and held her hand out towards him.
You would have thought it was to greet him, but it seemed like he was concentrated, or zoned out.
“Magnifico! I will get Demetri to escort them.” (Translation: “Magnificent! I will get Demetri to escort them.”
A man who you assumed was Demetri, walked in your direction.
“Come with me, all will be alright, rest assured. However, do not look behind you.”
You went with him, doing as he said, but immediately turned around when the rest of the tour began screaming.
“What the hell was that?!”
Demetri just grabbed your wrist and brought you upstairs.
“Just stay in here, I’ve been instructed to keep you under my eye. Aro will explain everything to you.”
“The man who sat in the middle throne.”
You nodded, and decided to sit on one of the window seats.
You wanted to ask Demetri as many questions as you wanted to, but you didn’t want to bother him, or disrupt him from his job.
When the door had opened and Demetri bid his farewells, you had turned around and saw Aro.
“You must be Y/n, correct?”
“Yeah, and you’re Aro?”
“I am, I assume you have a good amount of questions?”
You nodded, and Aro moved swiftly but smoothly towards the opposite side of the window seat.
“May I?”
“Of course.”
He sat opposite to you, and smiled slightly at you.
“There’s no need to be afraid of me, or the others. You’re the most safe you could ever be in the castle. I promise you, I will keep you safe.”
“May I ask why the rest of the tourists were screaming when I left?”
“I sense that that question should be answered later, appropriately.”
You were slightly frightened as to what the final answer would be, it could be anything.
Perhaps there was a reenactment of the past after you had been escorted, one of the tourists got pushed and the rest screamed since one of them fell, or the worst:
They were murdered.
“I feel like I already know what happened.”
“I sense that you do know, too. I will tell you everything in a moment. But for now, would you care to lend me your hand?”
You trusted Aro, though you were positive your ancestors were screaming from above or below not to trust him.
You held your hand out in front of him, and before he held your hand in his own, he asked for permission or something else.
“I want you to think of the happiest memory you have stored in your mind, I will describe it to you. I will not see anything else besides the things you want to show me, unless I have your permission.”
You thought of a memory, and then placed your hand in Aro’s palm.
He covered the back of your hand with the palm of his other hand, then he began telling you small details of your chosen memories you had even forgotten about.
When he was finished, he brought his head up from looking down, and smiled at your face of bewilderment.
“That is so cool! Is that like your superhero power?”
Aro smiled widely at your interest in his gift, and began explaining what his was.
“I have a gift, it’s called tactile telepathy. I can read everyone’s thoughts and memories with a single touch. The others in this coven have multiple different gifts, they help keep us safe.”
“So you’re all like superheroes?”
“Vampires, darling.”
After that, Aro enjoyed seeing your memories whenever you two were apart for some sort of time.
Especially say you were having a difficult time attempting to explain something to him, he would hold your hand and immediately understand what you were trying to say.
“I understand you, cara mia. I always will.”
And he was right, he understands you in every way possible.
Aro memorized your body language on how you react to different things, as well as your facial expressions.
When you’re uncomfortable with something, he will do absolutely everything in his power to make you comfortable.
Aro will burn down the entire world for you.
When it’s time for you to go to sleep, you best believe that Aro set up the most lavish and comfortable room for you.
The best and most comfortable bed, of course.
You lay down on his chest, and he brushes the hair out of your face, admiring your tired eyes looking back at him.
“Would you like for me to read to you, dearest?”
You nodded your head, and Aro would get up from wherever he was seated, swiftly retrieve a book, lay back down next to you, and begin reading.
He loved having you hold his hand while he read, it lets him see what you’re imagining the scene that he’s reading to you.
And when you fell asleep while he was reading, he would be so very content.
You curled up next to him, sound asleep on his chest.
Aro adored seeing what you were dreaming.
He loved how humans brains worked while they were sleeping, keeping your mind entertained with multiple little scenarios.
When you woke up, however, Aro would prefer to have you describe your dreams, if you remembered them.
He loved to learn more about humans, especially in the modern age.
And you loved to learn more about vampires, especially in the ancient times.
Aro would often tell you stories of each coven he encountered, his old family and friends, and his past human life.
As much as he wants you to be changed into a vampire like the rest, he can’t help but smile whenever you got slightly nervous around him, stuttering over your words, and hiding your face with your hands out of embarrassment.
He pays attention to little details about you.
Especially your eyes.
Even the shade of your eyes stops him from changing you. Your eyes wouldn’t be as unique anymore, they’d be the same red as everyone else’s.
“You have the most magnificent shade of colour in your eyes, mia regina. I simply cannot get enough of them.”
Being absolute best friends with Demetri.
But wherever Demetri was, Felix wasn’t too far behind.
You three are like a troublemaker trio, always causing trouble and pulling pranks on different members of the guard.
Never Jane or Alec, though. Unless it was a scheduled board game night or something along the lines.
Which Alec loved to take away different players senses, allowing him to cheat in the games you’d play.
He doesn’t do it all the time, though.
Marcus was a lot more welcoming towards you, perhaps more than anyone else.
Whenever Aro couldn’t, he’d show you different areas of the castle you hadn’t seen yet, and would give you wonderful pieces of advice along the way.
“Remember to stay true to yourself, never let anyone think for you.”
Aro will spoil you insanely.
If you mention a specific piece of clothing even once, you better expect that when you wake up the next morning, Aro has an elegantly wrapped package placed at the foot of your bed with a note written in fine handwriting.
“Mia amato, I have seen you speak of this article of fabric, and I have gone out of my way to make sure you have every little thing you admire. I need you to be the happiest you can possibly be. Please accept my gift, and meet me by the gardens by noon. I’ll see you then. Cordialmente, Aro.”
You two have annual walks throughout the garden, usually during golden hour. The sun still above, but setting at the same time, making it seem like Aro was made of a trillion Tiffany Yellow Diamonds.
He loved finding a flower that suited your mood for the day, and putting it behind your ear.
“My beautiful.”
You two often walked either arm in arm, or hand in hand, but sometimes you would hold him closer with your arm wrapped around his waist, your head leaning on his side or shoulder.
Often times, when the moon is visible, you would slow dance together, looking at each other with smiles on your faces, just appreciating each other’s presence.
Usually, Aro would come back into the castle around 2 in the morning, carrying your sleeping self up to your shared room, after you had fallen asleep on his shoulder while sitting in the garden.
The rest of the kings and guards would be predominantly more happy than from before you had arrived.
You had given Aro something to look forward to after trials and mountains of work, something he didn’t have for hundreds of years.
Though, Caius was still slightly jealous of you.
You had practically stolen one, if the not the most, needed member of the vampire world. Aro was nearly as focused on you than he was on trials and legislature.
He’d warm up to you eventually.
At least, you hoped.
Speaking of trials, you wanted to sit in and watch the trials, to see what it was about, and how it worked.
You knew the most of it, of course, Aro had already told you. But you wanted to see it live.
Aro was quick to say no, he didn’t want you to get hurt, or worse, killed.
He understood what would happen to him if his mate was killed, Marcus was the example. He couldn’t even bear the thought of you not being by his side.
Though, you owning the key to his heart, convinced him to let you watch, letting both Jane and Alec stay on either side of you, protecting you if anything were to go wrong.
You would usually sit on Aro’s lap, and then the throne when he had to see what was truly going on by using his gift.
Jane usually stood on the left of the throne, and Alec on the right.
Mainly since Caius sat on the throne in the left, and Jane loved to torture the criminals.
He loved the front seat view.
Constant look backs of reassurance to make sure that you’re alright.
Nearly always having your hand in his.
Forehead kisses.
Constantly bringing the back of your hand up to his lips.
Getting the absolute best care in the world, health wise especially.
When Aro proposed, it was in the bedroom the both of you share, and he was reading some poetry to you.
All was going swell, and then he got to one page.
“I can write no stately poem
As a prelude to my lay;
From a poet to a poem
I would dare to say.
For if of these fallen petals
One to you seem fair
Love will waft it till it settles
On your hair.
And when wind and winter harden
All the loveless land.
It will whisper of the garden,
You will understand.”
At the end, you were leaned up closer to him, looking at him in awe.
He closed the book, and placed it aside gracefully, before leaning slightly closer to you. Placing his hands overs yours.
“Do you remember who wrote that, cara mia?”
“I do. That’s Oscar Wilde, right?”
“That’s right. There’s so much I want to say to you, especially in this particular moment, but I don’t think there’s enough words to express my love and affection towards you. I’ve known you for a little while, and I can feel the bond between us, and I know you can feel it, too. The universe has guided us together, and I am so very thankful for every second we have spent together, and I’m even more thankful for the rest of eternity we have. However, I am the most thankful of the fact that I have the most gorgeous human as a mate. I love you so much, anima mia. Will you do me the best thing that could ever happen to me in my thousands of years, and marry me?”
You said yes, obviously, who wouldn’t?
You leaned over to press your lips against his, as he held one side of your face with one hand, and the other hand slid a ring on your ring finger.
While Aro wanted an extremely lavish wedding, with all the diamonds in the world, you wanted something more of a homely essence.
So you compromised, and had a bit of both.
Aro invited nearly every vampire to the wedding, wanting to show you off in every way he could.
The Denali’s, Cullens, Irish coven, everyone was invited.
Except for the Romanian coven, Vladimir and Stefan. Not trusting them to be in your presence.
The wedding was held in the garden, the arch where Aro stood had your favourite flowers intertwining around it, with diamonds pressed in the centre of each individual flower.
Demetri walked you down the isle, smiling proudly when he handed you over to Aro.
Proud that his leader had finally found true love, and that one of his best friends is finally where they need to be.
After the official wedding ceremony, the rest of the night and day were spent smiling and showing off each other to the guests.
When the night ended, it was finally time for you to be changed to a vampire.
Aro sat by the bed were sitting on, making sure that you were absolutely ready to be converted to a vampire for the rest of eternity.
“Are you ready, my darling?”
You nodded your head, and Aro took one final look into your coloured eyes, attempting to remember every small detail of them.
Aro then moved your hair away from your neck, before placing his lips over where he would finally bite down and turn you immortal.
“Just say when, and I’ll see you after.”
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hanazuma-inactive · 3 years
Hi, I love your writings ❤. I really enjoy reading them.
Um, can I request Oikawa Tooru with virgin!reader who is (sub, bottom); (praise kink, but doesn't know he has and kinda shy when he knows it); (has shy, soft, and really submissive personality) (3rd year student) ? Reader with Oikawa is a couple of lover, and a roommate. They usually do some cuddles in their bedroom that always started with Oikawa teasing the reader. One day, when cuddling, Oikawa asked reader if he wants to do something more intimate than cuddling and really feels good.
Sorry if that is too much. Thank you
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king and his prince, (nsfw) oikawa x bottom!reader
pronouns: he/him (FEMALE ORIENTED DNI!!)
warnings: creampie, praise kink! flirty oikawa
a/n: oikawa is probs my least favorite character in haikyuu, im pretty sure i hated him at one point cuz of his personality. i later found out from many website i am unfortunately a oikawa kinnie (even tho i dont really think so but idk) explains all the self hatred lmao, again for the anon that requested it im sorry for the bad quality cuz i stayed up to write this at 6 am so undoubtedly there will be some mistakes
"y/n, my dear prince~ doesn't it feel good like this?"
"t-tooru…it feels good, i-it really does!" you said, messy hair and looking directly at your boyfriend.
"you look so beautiful when you enjoy it, keep up that pretty face won't you?"
oikawa tooru was too popular for your comfort at school. everyone liked him and they all had a good reason to, and that doesn't make you any different. you were shy and didn't catch a lot of attention so you were incredibly surprised that someone as popular as oikawa even wanted to talk to you.
you were smart and in fact smart enough to compete with oikawa. in fact the first time you caught his attention was when you corrected an answer, making him embarrassed in front of the class. he wanted to "settle this" only to find you harmless. later on he talked to you more and more. the contrast of personality of you two complimented each other pretty well. a cocky bastard who doesn't know how to shut up and a shy boy who likes to listen. inevitably the two of you grew closer as friends, so much to a point where you moved into the same apartment unit.
you didn't mind getting closer to oikawa, emotionally or physically with him being your crush and all so this was pretty much what you wanted, you just didn't think he would be the one to offer instead. being enclosed in a space together made oikawa get a lot more comfortable with you. random hugs here and there, maybe a little head pat, and sometimes leaning on each other's shoulders. it was practically a dream come true and you didn't think this could possibly get better until the man pulled something else out his sleeves.
one day you fell asleep watching the tv in the living room. the weather was a little chilly so falling asleep without a blanket near you wasn't the best idea. oikawa came home to find you shivering in your sleep so of course like the genius he is, he didn't decide to throw a blanket or carry you back into your bedroom and instead cuddled with you on the couch, leaving you wrapped around his arms basically unable to move when you woke up.
both of you would be lying if you said you didn't enjoy it. therefore, this whole cuddling session became a regular thing between you two. oikawa being the big spoon and you being the small one. it went on for a while until both of you realized this might not have been the most normal thing that "friends" did. at this point you're pretty sure oikawa had feelings for you, or else he wouldn't have done a lot of the things he has. after a lot of urging from his friends, he finally decided to confess to you. despite him being the playboy he is, he was quite nervous this time, due to the fact that he had to say it to someone he actually has feelings for. so just like that, the relationship between you two finally became official.
another day you guys during your normal cuddling session, oikawa proposed an interesting idea, and to be honest you saw this coming.
"babeeeee, why don't we try something more interesting this time~?" oikawa said, staring at you with his arms around you.
you knew exactly what oikawa meant, you weren't stupid, but you know that he likes it when you act all innocent so you decided to do just that.
"hm? what do you mean tooru-kun? i don't think i understand?"
"oh…baby boy i know you know what i mean alright~" just as he said that the brown haired man grabbed you in for a kiss.
your tongues started to intertwine immediately. this was very much oikawa's style, aggressive and dominant, but soft and caring when he wanted to. the kiss was generally messy but you could tell that oikawa was putting effort into this with all his tiny and intricate movements. a string of saliva connected you after he broke the kiss. leaving you panting and gasping for air while he's on the other side with a sly grin.
"you ready for the next part now?"
"t-there's more ah-!" you gasped as your boyfriend pulled down your pants at once, leaving your hard cock to bounce out.
"of course there is~ we have to tend to this guy don't we?" he said, holding your dick and positioning himself to suck your dick.
yet again attacked by oikawa's mouth you just couldn't keep it for long anymore. it's like his mouth is heaven made or something and it will continue to turn you on and make you cum without fail.
"a-ah! tooru..i'm gonna cum! mmghm!" you said, shooting all your load straight into your boyfriend's mouth, which of course he gladly swallowed right after.
"t-that's it right? i don't think i'll be able to handle more, you know…" you said out of both fear and excitement.
however all you got in response was a smirk from oikawa as he slid off his shirt to reveal his perfectly toned abs.
"almost done, pretty boy."
something about that word, made your half flaccid cock immediately rise up and become as hard as your boyfriends again.
"heh? what a strange reaction, could this mean…" oikawa leaned in closer, enough so that all the hair near your ears would stand up and said,
"my prince likes to be praised?"
you've heard about this so-called praise kink before but didn't exactly think you'd be into it this much. your face turned redder than they already are and you just wanted to cover your face and run away.
"aw, c'mon, it's cute! and if you like it-' oikawa said, spreading your legs open, exposing your asshole and angling his cock head to the entrance of it.
"i might just praise you a little more than usual, hm?"
your boyfriend was hot but this was undoubtedly the most attractive he's ever been. towered over you whispering praises in your ear as he prepared you with his fingers for something bigger that's about to come next. without a warning oikawa began to inch his way into your ass, moving and adjusting his cock to fit your tight asshole.
"you're taking me so well baby...keep doing just that alright? i know you're so good for me aren't you?" oikawa said, leaning closer at you.
at a loss for words due to how flustered you are, you could only give your boyfriend a little nod and covered your face with your arms while flashing a little red on your cheeks once again.
"y/n, my dear prince~ doesn't it feel good like this?"
"t-tooru…it feels good, i-it really does!" you said, messy hair and looking directly at your boyfriend.
"you look so beautiful when you enjoy it, keep up that pretty face won't you?"
the praises that he showered you with were too much. you were already so sensitive since it was your first time and all. now with all these lustful words turning you on, you couldn't hold it in anymore and came onto your stomach while your boyfriend continued to make slow but deep thrusts onto your prostate.
your head was still a little fuzzy but you could still feel your boyfriend jerking his hips faster and faster, ending with a long thrusts at the end which wasn't hard to assume that your boyfriend came inside you, just like how you wanted it. before passing out from bliss, a hand cupped your cheek followed with a gentle kiss on the forehead.
"you did so well baby…i know you're tired so rest now, i'll be here alright."
you couldn't be more happy, with such a loving and caring boyfriend. that being said, you fell into his arms once again and slipped into your dreams even thought they have already become reality.
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babu-haitani · 3 years
I saw the request is open, so i hope you don't mind me requesting.
Can you write the reaction of Mikey, Baji, Hakkai, and Souya (separetely) when they and their fem!crush hang out together and both of them accidentaly find out her (the crush) boyfriend cheating on her with another girl? She already have a feeling that her boyfried, now ex, is off lately but try to be positive along while bracing herself to prepare for the worst.
Feeling humiliated, mad, and sad, she said this to her boyfriend, later ex, "So you HAVE been cheating on me this whole time. How long? You know what, I don't care! We are breaking up! I am dumping you, bastard. I don't need you, anyway. I am BETTER than staying with your cheating ass. I know lots of other men who is more handsome than you are. Lets go, (TR character name). Oh, by the way, my friend over here, he have better abs than you'll ever have. And much more handsome than your ugly mug. Bye!"
And please make them end up together. The TR bois and their crush. After one day of pity party for herself, she bounced back up. Not letting her ex drag her down for reaching her own happy ending. I hope this is not too much.
I didn't know If I got this request right?! but I hope you still like it either way! ENJOY!!
Better Than Him (Tokyo Revengers)
Genre: Fluff, Crack?
Pairings: Mikey, Baji, Hakkai, Angry x FEM! Reader
TW: Characters might be OOC
It was a normal Saturday, you were hanging out with your Delinquent friend in the library. You had asked him to come with you and help you study for the upcoming exams, but instead of actually studying with you. He was staring at you.
"Stop staring and study, you'll repeat if you keep on staring out of nowhere" You spoke making them jolt from their doing, he quickly shook his head to a no.
"I can ace that test, don't worry about it!" He grinned, you raised your head to look up at him but instead of actually looking at your friend of yours, your boyfriend with another girl behind him caught your attention.
"Y/N?? No need to stare at me like that...fine, I'll study..." He spoke, as soon as he was about to grab one of your books from the table you quickly stood up and walked past him. Confused, he stood up as well and followed you but was shocked to see your boyfriend with another girl and was being lovey-dovey to each other.
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He would be standing there while eating his Dorayaki.
Just staring at you and your cheating boyfriend.
Yeah, he's mad but as long as he doesn't ay a finger on you then he won't do anything. He knows how much you hate violence, especially when it isn't needed.
Nearly died from choking when you started to compare him and your now ex-boyfriend.
"The audacity of you cheating???Really? If you were as good-looking and as fit, as awesome and as sexy as Mikey then I might've just let this slide and even accept your apology but damn! you're not even close to looking like Mikey's soft feet!"
Had to pull you away before you get into too much detail about his 'SOFT' Feet...
He questioned you all day regarding his feet and for some reason, he was glad that you only developed a feet fetish because of him...(on second thought...)
He was definitely cocky the whole day.
He likes you but He will give you some more time before confessing cause he respects that you just got out of a relationship and still need time to cool down. <3
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This man was the first one to even land a punch on your boyfriend as soon as he saw him with another girl.
High chance that he would start yelling, questioning your ex on why would he cheat when you were too much of a beauty.
Lots of praises towards you, despite him, scolding your ex...
"YEAH! just what Keisuke said! I'm too good for you! can't believe I wasted my time with you when I could've just started dating Keisuke if I've had known he liked me! Let's go, Keisuke! were going on a date!"
...I know Baji is schtoopid but...
Please believe me that he would purposely praise you so he can give you signals about his feelings.
In layman's terms ---He took your ex cheating on you as an opportunity to prove that he is better than him.
Yes, all those praises were both planned and genuine.
It's a win-win situation, to be honest...
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He would cry...
You know those little siblings who would pull you away to not cause any scene? Yeah, that's him...
High chance that he would call Yuzuha and get both you and Hakkai away.
Was rushed to the hospital when you told your ex that Hakkai was better than him and that you might even start considering dating him.
"A BEAUTIFUL A WORTHY WOMAN LIKE ME DESERVES SOMEONE WHO WILL TREAT ME RIGHT! right, Hakkai?!" You looked towards Hakkai who just nodded, his face was beet red. "On second thought! I remember Taiju and Yuzuha wanting me to date Hakkai! Yeah! I'll date him! He's nicer, handsome, sexy, knows how to treat a woman right, and isn't like you, you ugly mf! hmph!"
You had to call Yuzuha cause when he was about to call her, you just had to say those things...
Refuses to see you for a whole week cause he was still shy but also felt guilty cause he wasn't beside you when you broke up with your cheating ex.
Don't worry it was a happy ending, Hakkai just needed time to gain confidence.
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Started crying and kicked your ex's ass...
He felt so bad that your boyfriend cheated that he just started crying and sent your ex to a nearby hospital...
You and Nahoya had to save him from the police station...
"I can't believe that jerk, cheated on me when he got everything he wanted! A lot of men would want to date me but he would just cheat and replace me with someone who looks like a fish out of water because of how big their lips are?! I mean come on!" You whined. "I know right! If I was angry, I would've taken this chance to ask you out already. since your single..."
You were left there alone because Souya had to chase down his brother for outing him like that.
Like Hakkai, this man avoided you for god knows how long because of how embarrassed he was.
You had to barge in his room just to talk to you which he did talk to you (In reality, he was just nodding and agreeing that he didn't even notice he agreed to go on a date with ya').
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kingexpl0sionmurder · 3 years
Body Electric - Kaminari Denki - Smut
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Author: @kingexpl0sionmurder Pairing: Kaminari Denki/F!Reader Rating: 18+ (contains smut) Words: 5,491 Warnings: Sex work (Cam boy/girl), Quirkless AU, Aged-up Adult characters (someone is in grad school! wow!), mentions of masturbation (both male and female), mentions of casual ShinKami, established KiriBaku, Idk they are all just really sexually liberated and don’t care about watching each other cum. Is that voyeurism? I’m bad at tagging things. Title taken from a Lana Del Rey song. AN: Another BNHarem collab piece! The theme was sex work, and I have wanted to do a camboy Denki for a long time so here we go. This was really smutty in my head but Denki makes me soft and it turned out really cute in the end, I’m sorry? He’s such a dork I feel like any sexual encounter with him would just turn out like this in some way, idk.  Thanks to @unbreakablekiribaku​ and @sailorsero​ as usual for being supportive of me. Happy birthday to @lady-bakuhoe and @burnedbyshoto​ 🎂🎂 There is no one else I would rather be birthday triplets with!
Please check out the Collab Masterlist: HERE Look 👀 at My Masterlist: HERE Buy me a Kofi if you’re scared of clowns too: HERE
Sighing, you sat up on your elbows, squinting at the chat on the screen, willing your heart to stop pounding and your breath to even out. The donations were pouring in, the chat moving so fast you couldn’t even read it. “Alright, lovelies, I hope you enjoyed that. Be right back and we’ll chat a little bit, okay?”
Donations popped up, the chat slowing a little as the clients who only came to jerk off to you left, leaving those who considered themselves true fans. You stood and made your way to the bathroom to pee, rinsing your toy off in the sink and washing your hands. You went back to your room, pulling on a hoodie and settling in front of the screen again.
“Alright, I’m back! I have some time for a few questions and then I have to go for the night. Let me see what we got!” You scanned the chat, ignoring the normal inappropriate questions. Mindfucker:  Do you know who Chargebolt is? Cause I heard he watches your stream.
Your heart, which had finally slowed to a normal rhythm, picked up again. You most definitely knew who Chargebolt was. You gave him a good amount of money from your donations when you watched his cam shows yourself. “I do actually, he’s pretty popular on here, isn’t he?” You sat back a little, furrowing your brows. “How do you know he watches me?”
RedDaddy: He did a Q&A and mentioned your channel! Told everyone to check you out.
You recognized the names of the viewers and knew they were also regulars on Chargebolt’s streams as well, so you believed them. Chargebolt was gorgeous and funny, just your type. The knowledge that he was interested in you enough to watch you get off on camera was flattering. You hoped your blush wasn’t showing on your face. 
“I’m surprised he knows who I am!” You had missed the last Q&A he’d done, since it hadn’t been on his normal streaming day, and you’d been stuck at work late. Leaning forward again, you bit your lip, looking into the camera from under your lashes. “Can I tell you guys a secret? I watch him, too. Why do you think I never do shows on Thursdays? That’s Chargebolt day.” With a wink you sat back, trying to will the blush from your cheeks. Mindfucker: I knew it! I bet he’s watching right now. You smiled, shrugging. “I hope he enjoyed the show, then!” You tried to hold it together, suppressing the urge to burst into a fit of giggles at the thought, answering a few more silly questions from your regulars, before signing off for the night, promising to be back again the following week.
You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding, leaning your head back and groaning. It was wild that the guy whose cam shows you watched on the regular, the one who had inspired you to start your own, who you thought of half the time when you were filming yourself getting off on camera for strangers, knew who you were and was one of your viewers. 
It brought you down a whole rabbit hole for a second, wondering if he got off on you getting off. Why else would he watch? Did he ever donate? You assumed he had a secondary account so you wouldn’t know it was him even if you tried to look at your past viewers, just like you had a secret account so you could watch him as well. 
Cracking your eyes open, you clicked to view the donation tallies for the evening. You’d made enough to pay the rent on your apartment for the month in just one night. Sometimes you wondered how you ever managed to survive before you started doing this. It was meant to be a temporary side job, but you’d been running this cam channel under the screen name Neko for over six months, and you had clawed your way out of debt in such a short time, it didn’t make sense for you to stop.
You viewed a few more visitor stats with interest, before logging off the computer and shutting the laptop. You had to get to sleep for your real job in the morning, so you figured it was time for bed, pushing thoughts of Chargebolt to the back of your mind for now.
It wasn’t until later when you were lying down to sleep, that you thought of him again. Your eyes closed as you ran through a scenario in your head, wondering if he would mention you on Thursday, and what would come of all this? You had noticed your viewer numbers had spiked that day, so it was definitely beneficial that you’d caught his eye. You just weren’t sure what would happen next.
Denki was grinning into the camera, wiping the cum off of his abs with the towel he kept beside him, his chest and cheeks flushed pink. He adjusted in his chair, tugging the toy out of his hole and chucking it to the side, pulling his boxers back up over his softening cock. “I hope it was as good for you as it was for me, babes.” 
He chuckled at the comments flooding the chat as he reached for his water and took a sip. 
Tapeman: As always, you never disappoint me, Chargebolt.
“Hey thanks, Tapeman! I appreciate you always coming to hang out...get it? Coming?”
Mindfucker: Ridiculous.
“Aw, you love me, Mindfucker.” He winked at the camera. “So, did you guys enjoy my Q&A the other day?”
The chat filled with praise, making him grin. He loved to talk to his fans, and sometimes they had some great questions for him. He knew a lot of people just watched him as a way to get off, but he liked to give a little piece of himself to them because he knew that most of the people who watched were probably lonely, and he wanted to help with that in some way. He kept things laid back, joking and laughing with his viewers before and after the show, taking requests and doing his best to remember some of the regulars. Some of the few who had been with him from the beginning he’d made into moderators to help with keeping things somewhat orderly in the chat. Some of them he actually knew in real life, like his roommate Hitoshi, who used the alias Mindfucker.
Mindfucker: So are we going to talk about Neko? Denki’s eyebrows rose. “Oh, you mean the stream the other day? It was…” He made the appropriate motion as he said it. “Chef’s kiss, immaculate. She’s so beautiful…” Trailing off, he let himself think back to the way your chest heaved and the face you made when you came. “I would do anything for her, man.”
RedDaddy: Dude, I agree! She’s also super sweet, like, the total package.
Sighing, he leaned his elbow on the desk, his cheek resting on his palm. “I am a simp, my guy.” He sat up, squinting at the chat. “She said she watches, right? Is she here right now?” He scanned the names of the viewers, frowning. “She probably has a second account. Well, if you’re here, Neko, you should hit me up. I read all of my DM’s okay?” He grinned, winking again. “Alright, I have to go feed the cats so I’m outie 5000, thanks for hanging out and I’ll see you guys next week!”
He said his goodbyes, ending the stream and sighing. He wiped off his toy with the towel and clicked through his stats for the day, smiling at some of the comments that came with the donations. Hitoshi came into his room a few minutes later, holding one of the cats, an orange tabby named Miso, in his arms. “I fed them, you don’t have to.”
Was it weird that his roommate watched him fuck himself on toys and jerk off on the internet on a weekly basis? Nope. Denki had forgone all sense of modesty when it came to sex a long time ago, and Hitoshi was the same. It helped that they fucked around on occasion, best friends who got lonely and lived together sometimes did that, he guessed. Or maybe they were weird. It was whatever, he didn’t like to think about it too much. 
“What would I do without you, Toshi?”
“Kill the cats, probably.” He deadpanned, leaning in the doorway. “Burn all the toast you try to make, buy the wrong peanut butter, eat Cheese-Itz for breakfast every day, forget to pay the cable bill.” He raised his eyebrows. “I can keep going.”
“Fuck off, I got the all-natural peanut butter once, it was an accident!” Denki threw his soiled towel into the laundry basket by the closet and picked up the toy he’d used, waving it around a bit. “Did you enjoy the stream?”
Hitoshi snorted, eyeing the dildo warily. “I didn’t really watch, I had my eye on the chat. I was looking for Neko.”
“Man, I can’t believe she’s a fan!” He waved the dildo some more, watching as it jiggled. “I would let her do unspeakable things to me.”
“Look out, your sub is showing, Denki.” Hitoshi teased. “But I agree, she’s pretty great. I wonder if she’ll ever do private shows.” Pausing to scritch Miso behind the ears, he continued. “I’m sure they’d be in high demand.”
Denki stood, pointing at Hitoshi with the dildo. He really needed to put it down somewhere and stop brandishing it around like a sword. “Don’t even, I’d spend all my money on that girl.” 
“I know you would.” He chuckled. “I did try to go through the usernames and see if I could find out who she could be, but I didn’t have any luck.”
“It’s okay! I’m leaving it up to fate now, man. If the universe wants us to know each other, we will.” He stuck his thumb towards the ensuite. “I’m going to wash my ass and then we can play Among Us if you want.”
Hitoshi, completely unphased as usual, nodded. “I’ll get a team together. Check the discord when you get out.”
Humming, Denki made his way to the bathroom, picking up his phone on the way. It buzzed as he closed the door, and he glanced down to see he had a message from his other moderator and friend, Eijirou, aka RedDaddy. Tossing the dildo in the sink, he looked down at the screen and opened the message.
Eiji: No luck on finding Neko on the stream, but she said she never misses a Thursday, so I bet she was there.
Denki: Thanks for keeping an eye out, man. I appreciate you. Among us in 30?
Eiji: Bet. I’ll ask Kats to play too.
Your next stream day had you feeling nervous. Chargebolt had talked directly at you on his last stream, asking you to slide into his DMs, and you had yet to take him up on it. You didn’t know what you were so scared of, Chargebolt was a nice guy. You chalked it up to the fear of the unknown. If you sent him a message, what would you even say? ‘Hey dude, nice cock?’ It was bound to be a disaster.
Pushing your nerves back down, you made sure you were ready for your stream, excited for the news you were about to drop on your viewers. You were needing a little extra cash due to some unfortunate car trouble, and you’d figured out a way to make up what you needed in record time.
“Hey everyone, welcome!” You smiled at the camera, waving your fingers. “Thanks for coming! I see a lot of familiar names here tonight. Hi Mindfucker, Dynamight, RedDaddy, Tapeman, LightningMcQueen!”
LightningMcQueen: Hey, beautiful! I’ve been looking forward to this all week.
Dynamight: Chill out, McQueen, you look desperate.
RedDaddy: Be nice, Dynamight. Hi, Neko!
Dynamight: Fuck off, Shittyhair.
Mindfucker: How’s your cat, Neko?
“Be good, Dynamight. You’re lucky I know you don’t mean that!” You giggled at the antics of your regulars, smiling at the question about your cat. “Ichigo is doing good, Mindfucker, thanks for asking! I’ll bring her on camera after the show if you want to say hi!”
Minfucker just sent a cat emoji and you laughed, shaking your head. “I’m beginning to think that you’re just here for Ichigo and not me.”
The chat went crazy with people denying it, telling you how much they loved watching you every week. You lit up, feeling more excited about your news.
“So I have something I want to discuss before we get started today. I’ve decided I want to try out doing some private shows, so I’m going to be offering up a few spots. I’m going to give some of my longest and most frequent supporters a shot first, and if all goes well, then I’ll open them up to the rest of you! I’ll be adding a signup link at the bottom of my page after tonight’s stream, so if you’re interested you can apply and I’ll pick a few of you and we’ll work out a schedule! How does that sound?”
Dynamight: McQueen already has his credit card ready I bet.
“Aw, you don’t want to play with me, Dynamight?” You teased, giving the camera your best pout.
Dynamight: You couldn’t handle me, Princess.
LightningMcQueen: Hush. You’re a bottom, Dyna.
Dynamight: Die you fucking extra.
LightningMcQueen: Love you too, blasty.
“I was going to let you pick the toy today, Dynamight, but if you can’t behave then I’m just going to have to let someone else have a turn.” You gave the camera a disapproving look, frowning. You’d picked up that these guys were friends, so you knew they were just messing with each other.
A donation popped up from Dynamight with a comment attached. 
Let McQueen choose this time, babe.
“It looks like Dynamight is going to let you choose, McQueen. Which one?” You pulled over the box you kept your toys in and showed it to the camera. “Pick a color.”
LightningMcQueen: Yellow
You pulled the yellow silicone out of the box and showed it to the chat, smirking. “I call this one Chargebolt because it’s the same color as his hair. Are you sure this is the one you want me to use?”
When your stream ended, Denki leaned back in his chair, taking a deep breath. The fact that he’d watched you fuck yourself with a dildo that you’d named after him was the hottest thing he could have imagined. He was jealous of that piece of bright yellow silicone more than he should be. He’d still enjoyed it, if the mess across his abs and chest were any indication. 
He cleaned himself up and pulled on a shirt, clicking on the link for the private show signup. It was pretty straightforward, listing the price and how long the show would be, and asking for his username and what he would be interested in doing or seeing and what day would work best.
Staring at the form for a moment, he contemplated his options. He could sign up with his LightningMcQueen account, and he might have a chance. He was the first one out of his friends to find your channel one night when he was bored and horny. Then he’d shown it to Hitoshi and then shared your info with Eijirou, Katsuki, and Hanta. He would be considered one of the longest and loyal viewers like you had said.
However, if you got a request from Chargebolt? What would you do? Would you ignore it? 
“Toshi!” He called out, knowing his roommate would hear him without him having to get up. “I’m having a crisis!”
The door opened, and the purple-haired man stood in the doorway. “I am not prepared to handle your bi panic right now, Denki.”
“Are you going to put in for a private show from Neko?” Denki pushed on, ignoring his friend’s exasperation. 
“I spoke that into existence last week, you know. You’re welcome.”
Flopping back in his chair, Denki closed his eyes. “Should I send in the request with this account or with the Chargebolt one?”
Hitoshi shrugged, watching their cat Sashimi wander into the room. “You’ve wanted to talk to her for ages, man. You could have messaged her forever ago and you wouldn’t be playing this game with her. Sign up with your actual account.”
“I mean, she must think I’m cute, right? Otherwise, she wouldn’t watch.” He sat up, logging out of his secondary account and into his main one. He had a few unread DM’s, so he clicked, his breath catching in his throat. “Dude, look.”
There was a message from you, short but sweet.
Hi, Chargebolt. I don’t know if you saw the stream today, but you should check it out if you haven’t. I left it up for you.”
“She wants you to see her use that dildo she named after you.” Hitoshi patted his shoulder, and then bent down to pick up Sashimi. “I signed up but I told her I just wanted to have a date with her cat. She probably won’t pick me.”
“She will, she loves cats.” Denki clicked on your page and scrolled down to the bottom where the signup was again, letting it populate his main account in the information, and writing ‘any day except Thursday’ in the section for the time that worked for him. “I’m going to get this girl to date me, just you watch.”
Snorting, his roommate closed the door behind him as he left. “I believe in you, Pikachu.”
Once his request was submitted, he went back to his DM’s and sent you a message back.
“I was there, Neko. I never miss a stream. I submitted for a private show, so I hope you’ll pick me. I’ve been one of your viewers since the beginning, you know.”
In your head, you tried to plan what you would say once you were face to face (via camera) with the one and only Chargebolt. Everything your brain seemed to come up with fell short. What did you say to this guy, who you’d been simping over for over 9 months, who lit up your screen every Thursday with terrible puns and panty-dropping smiles? You knew exactly what he looked like and sounded like when he came. It was a strange thing to think that you knew that but you’d never actually spoken to him before.
It made you feel a little better when you realized he knew just as much about you. That he watched you fuck yourself on a dildo you’d named after him, and then spent the rest of the stream showing off your fluffy white cat Ichigo. 
It was time to put on your big girl panties. You could do this. 
Chargebolt had been one of the few that you’d chosen to do these shows with. He was also the last one. You’d met with 4 others, the ones who were the most active in your chat, the ones you assumed were actually friends. 
Your first one was with Tapeman, who asked you to call him Sero. He was cute, with the widest, prettiest smile you’d ever seen. He made you laugh, and called you beautiful, and spoke to you in Spanish. You didn’t feel uncomfortable once with him, and the experience gave you hope that the rest would be just as nice.
Mindfucker was next, whose name was Shinsou and lowkey your favorite one. He didn’t want anything sexual at all, which surprised you. You sat with him and drank tea and you got to meet his two fur children, Miso and Sashimi, while he told you about his roommate. You let him admire Ichigo, and talked about music. He was sarcastic, but not in a mean way, and you were pretty sure he was going to be your new best friend.
RedDaddy and Dynamight had asked to do theirs together since they were dating. You wanted to question why they both watched your stream but RedDaddy, who was actually named Kirishima, answered it for you.
“We’re both bi, and we think you’re cute!”
“Yeah, plus McQueen has a thing for you so we like to be in the chat to help him out.” Dynamite, aka Bakugou, added in his gruff voice, folding his arms across his chest.
“Aw, that’s sweet!” You smiled at them. “He didn’t request a private show though, so I guess he doesn’t like me that much.”
Bakugou coughed and Kirishima grinned. “Maybe he was nervous! I’m sure you’ll meet him in one of these someday!”
“Enough about that dumbass.” Bakugou leaned forward, his hand on Kirishima’s knee. “Give us a show and we’ll give you one in return. Use that orange and green one for me, Princess.”
And give you a show they did. You got lost in how they looked at each other while they jerked each other off, and you were pretty sure they forgot you were even there at some point. When it was over, you suggested that they start their own channel.
Bakugou scoffed, but you could tell he was blushing a bit.
“I don’t know, Neko. I don’t think I could share him with anyone else. Except you, you’re the exception.” Kirishima grinned, winking at you.
But now it was Chargebolt’s turn. You made sure you had everything you needed, making sure Ichigo was out of the room, and then signed into your account. 
Chargebolt was online, so you made the private room and sent him the request. You felt like you were shaking, and you checked yourself in the camera to make sure you didn’t look like a wreck.
You barely had time to breathe before he entered the chat, his camera screen coming to life and showing you his smiling face. You melted a bit, biting your lip, gazing at how attractive he was. 
“Hey, Neko!” Chargebolt was as vibrant as ever, tucking his hair behind his ears, the black lightning bolt in his hair dark against the bright yellow of the rest of it.
“It’s nice to see you, Chargebolt.” You tried to relax, rolling your shoulders back. “It’s kind of weird knowing you can see me too.”
He laughed, leaning back in his chair. You tried not to stare at his arms in the tank top he was wearing. Chargebolt had a small frame, but his muscles were defined. You’d seen him plow through an entire bag of chips on stream once, without pausing to breathe, so you assumed he must be one of those people with amazing metabolism that you envied. “You can call me Denki if you want, kitten.”
You choked on air at the nickname, trying to compose yourself. “Kitten?”
“Well, Neko means cat, doesn’t it?” He raised an eyebrow. “I won’t call you that if you don’t like it.”
“No!” You practically shouted. “No, I mean, it’s fine. I like it.”
“Sweet.” He grinned. “Man, I’ve wanted to get you alone like this for so long, and now I’m just feeling really nervous.”
“You’re nervous?” You were surprised. The always cool but super dorky Chargebolt was nervous because of you? “So am I.”
Chargebolt- sorry, Denki, rested his elbow on the desk, propping his head in his hand. “Well, glad to know I’m not the only disaster here. I’ve been trying to get the courage to talk to you for months, and then finally Hitoshi got me to talk about you on stream a few weeks ago, and now here we are.”
“Who’s Hitoshi? One of your regulars?” Knowing that you weren’t the only one who was sweating bullets had you relaxing a bit. 
“Oh yeah, Mindfucker! You know him right? He did a thing with you the other day, didn’t he?”
Eyes wide, you stared at him. “Shinsou?”
“Yeah, that’s my best friend and my roommate. He said he showed you the cats.” He shrugged. “You picked all my friends for your private shows. Sero, Kiri, Bakugou, Shinsou.” He paused, smirking. “I forgot that you don’t know that I’m LightningMcQueen.”
“That’s you? I was wondering why they didn’t send me a request, but it all makes sense now.”
Denki shot you finger guns and winked. “Kachow!”
“Oh god, stop it.” You rolled your eyes.
He chuckled, grinning at you. “So, did Shinsou talk about me?”
You giggled, remembering back. “He told me a story about how his roommate mistook a fuzzball for a spider and spent the afternoon sitting on a table waiting for him to come home and kill it.”
“It looked like one of those freaky poisonous ones from where I was sitting. I was afraid to let it out of my sight in case it got away and then multiplied and killed me in my sleep or something.” He took a deep breath. “Spiders are terrifying.”
This man was amazing. “You are everything I always thought you’d be, you know that?”
“I’m going to take that as a compliment.” He sighed. “You have to have some kind of embarrassing story to tell me so I don’t feel like a fool. You’ve got to make it even.”
“One year my dad hired a clown to come to my birthday party. He walked in the front door and I jetted out the back door and hid in the garden until he left. Clowns are just as terrifying as spiders.”
Chargebolt laughed, and the sound made your stomach do a somersault. It was just as bright and happy as he was. “That is the cutest shit I’ve ever heard!”
“I’m glad my childhood trauma is amusing you.” You deadpanned, trying to keep the smile off your face.
“Aw, don’t be like that kitten! I’m glad we can bond over our irrational fears like this, you know?” He 
You shivered happily. “Okay, okay.” You cleared your throat. “So, you didn’t write anything down here for what you wanted out of our chat today.”
“Oh, okay, down to business then.” He sat up straight. “Well, I wanted to tell you myself instead of submitting it on the form.”
Intrigued, you raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t want to give me a chance to back out?”
Snorting, and shook his head. “Nah, I think you’ll like it, kitten.” He folded his hands behind his head. “I want you to tell me what to do. I’m at your mercy.”
Swallowing thickly, you blinked at him. That was...really hot. “You like being told what to do?”
“I would love nothing more for you to pull my hair and peg me within an inch of my life while calling me your little cock slut.” He stared at you with an eyebrow raised, looking pleased with himself when he saw your expression.
Your thighs clenched together involuntarily. “Fuck.”
“Yeah, right? I mean, I’m a switch, I’d do the same to you if you asked.  But we can save that for next time.” He smirked. “So, you down?”
Next time? This man was going to kill you. “Take off your shirt, Denki.”
“Fuck yes.” He groaned, reaching behind him and tugging the garment over his head. 
His chest and abs came into view, and you let your eyes linger on the barbells through his nipples. “Pants too.”
He pushed his chair away from his desk and shimmied out of his shorts, kicking them to the side. You gazed at him in his blue boxer briefs, eyes lingering on his thin waist, strong thighs, and the outline of his cock. He was a sight to behold, honestly.
You held the fangirling back, leaning forward to get a better look at him. “Do you have any toys, Denki?”
“Of course, Kitten.” He moved out of view for a moment, coming back with a box. 
“Let me see.” He tilted the box towards the camera, your eyes flitting over the different colors and shapes inside. “The pink one.” 
“Okay, hang on, let me-” He cut off, standing up and throwing the pink toy on the bed. He picked up the laptop and moved it, laying down beside it and angling the camera so you could see what he was doing.
“Did you stretch yourself, baby?” 
He made a noise that sounded like a whine in the back of his throat at the pet name, obviously pleased by it. “Yeah, of course I did.” He glanced at the screen. “You should, uh, take your shirt off too.”
“I thought you wanted me to tell you what to do, not the other way around.” Teasing him, you crossed your arms over your chest.
He pouted slightly. “I’ve been good so far though, right?”
“All you’ve done is take off two items of clothing and move to the bed. You’re gonna have to work harder than that!”
Huffing, he lifted his ass off the bed and tugged his underwear down his legs, kicking them off, his hand already moving to wrap around his already hard cock.
“Did I say you could touch yourself, Denki?” It was getting hard to keep up the stern act you were putting on, but you knew it was what he wanted. You wanted to watch him touch himself, watch the way his eyes fluttered closed when his thumb brushed over the leaking head of his cock, and the way he would bite his lip when he moved his wrist a certain way.
You could be patient though, so you continued.
“If I was there right now, what would you want me to do first?”
He stilled, blinking at you a few times. “I would want your mouth first, I think.”
Humming, you sat back, pulling your shirt over your head, letting him admire the lacey purple bra covering your chest. “You’d want my mouth on your cock? Trace my tongue along that vein along the underside and suck on the head a little?”
Denki groaned, closing his eyes, his grip visibly tightening around his shaft. He looked like he was trying not to get worked up too fast. You were amazed at how your words were affecting him, so you pressed on.
“I’d take you all the way down until I was choking on it, and I’d let you hold onto my hair and fuck my face. God, you don’t know how many times I've dreamed about doing that for you. What would you say to that?”
The blush spreading down his neck and chest made him look so pretty. “Ugh, fuck kitten, you’re killing me.” He swallowed hard, opening his eyes to look at you again. “I’d tell you how good you made me feel, but I wouldn’t let you finish me off that way.”
“Oh no? Tell me what else you’d do.” You took the opportunity to move to the bed yourself, pulling off your leggings and panties all at once. 
Eyes glued to you while you unclipped your bra and threw it across the room, he continued. “Fuck, um, I would...god, you’re beautiful.”
Flushing at the compliment, you looked down shyly, breaking character. “I’ve heard you say that before and I still don’t believe it.”
Denki scoffed. “If you need a daily reminder, I’d be happy to be the one to tell you, kitten.” You could hear the sincerity in his voice, and it made your heart do a little flip. “I might seem like a dumbass but I’m using this camboy money to pay off my student loans for my masters in English lit so I can quote you entire sonnets from Shakespeare without hesitation if that will help you believe me.”
Your eyebrows shot up, impressed. Realizing you’d ruined the moment, you sighed, covering your eyes with your hand. “I’m sorry, I’m crap at this. I really just want to watch you cum.”
Chuckling, you heard him shifting on the bed. “Okay, how about this? Forget the toys. Just close your eyes and listen to me.”
“If you were here with me right now, just like that, I’d spend so much time exploring every inch of you with my tongue. I’d start with your lips, your jaw, your neck. Collarbones, shoulders, your chest, those cute nipples-”
“How are nipples cute?” You interrupted with a snort.
You could hear him trying not to laugh, his voice pitched a bit higher. “Shh, don’t ruin it.”
“I think you just did when you said ‘cute nipples’.” You’d never had this much fun with someone in a situation like this. “If I had a dick, my boner would have just died.”
Denki wheezed, and you opened your eyes to look over at him. He was gazing back at you, his eyes bright as he laughed into his palm. “God, I like you so much, kitten.”
Your grin softened, your heart pounding at his words. “Me too, Denki.” 
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neeksnorton · 2 years
prison quickie, pt 2 ~ abner krill x f!reader
requested by ~ @tenshichan
read part one here!
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A/N - hi there! welcome to the long-awaited prison quickie pt 2! part one got great recognition, and a second part was formally requested! please enjoy!
~ After finally completing the first day of the mission, conversation between you and Abner was sparse to ensure that the Squad wouldn't think anything suspicious. Abner gets the wrong idea, and thinks... "was she faking it this whole time? ~
extra note ~ go leave a request here for 12 days of ficmas! thank you.
NSFW WARNINGS !! ~ ANGST, yelling, crying, piv, m!virgin, nipple play, slight body worship
Solitary sucks.
Yeah, you’re by yourself, so you get a little bit of privacy. But you’d rather be with Ab.
And your nose was KILLING you! Did the guard really have to smash your face into the tile on Abner’s cell floor? There was still dried blood on your face, even though you had tried to wipe off as much as you could.
You couldn’t get the sound of Abner’s shriek out of your head. The shriek he made when you hit the ground...He is just so madly in love with you. And you felt the same.
The morning came and the briefing began. Abner was there, in his suit. You’ve never seen him in uniform. He looked so meek, so meager just sitting there by himself. It doesn’t seem like Waller wants everyone sitting together, so you pick a spot in the back.
Something Abner says floats across the room.
“I hope so.”
What? What is he talking about?
It was cold, very cold. Not to mention you were just swimming, and you couldn’t stop shivering. Abner was RIGHT in front of you. You could feel the tension radiating off of him.
You two had not spoken throughout the mission yet, you didn’t want the group to figure out that there was something going on. You wanted to, but it was too risky. This was all just a test from Waller to see how you two would hold up together with the group. You would talk to him later, though. You wouldn't let her sabotage your relationship.
You weren't sure if Abner was in on the plan, but an explanation would have to wait. It stung, but you'd be okay.
Night rolled around, and everyone seemed to be asleep. Not you, though. Tossing and turning in your sleeping bag. Man, you couldn’t stop thinking about your face smashing on the tile of Abner’s cell, hearing him scream out your name. That scream really got to you. Pure terror. Not from the guards, but seeing you in pain. Blood pouring down your face, staining your lips and your teeth. Your eyes rolling back as your head goes fuzzy from the fall. It’s not something Abner ever wants to see again. He’ll kill if it means he could keep you safe.
Small gasps and rustles from a sleeping bag came from behind. You crane your head slightly to check out what’s happening. Abner. He’s leaving to expel his dots. Poor thing. You’ve never seen him with the dots that bad. The power dampener really helped a lot, it seems.
He makes his way into the woods and you see the neon, near-holographic glow of the dots. That can’t be enjoyable. Do the dots burn coming up his throat? Do they grow inside him as well? Fuck. It hurts just to think about it.
You walk over to him. He’s done vomiting the dots, but still doubled over from sheer exhaustion. Throwing up NORMALLY takes a lot of your strength. But this? You can’t even imagine. Lightly placing your hand on his shoulder, you say “You okay?”
He nearly jumps out of his skin with fear. “WHA- oh man, y/n.” He looked away with embarrassment. He was horrified that she had to witness him doing his business.
You realize what he’s thinking. “I don’t care about it, Abner. I know that you have to do this, it’s okay.”
He shrugged your hand off his shoulder. You’re bewildered. He’s NEVER blown you off before. “It’s not just that.”
“Then wh-”
“Why have you been ignoring me?” He jumps up, towering above you. “Acting like I don’t exist during the ENTIRE mission so far?” He was choking back tears, his voice was jumping up and down the octave. “Am I doing something wrong? Why are you just pretending I’m not here?”
You’re shocked. He’s NEVER exploded at you like this before. Your mouth hung agape as your eyes looked at him like he was a completely new person. Probably not the best idea.
“SEE, y/n? You’re looking at me like I’m some sort of ALIEN. What is HAPPENING? I don’t know what’s happening, I can’t figure it out…”
He fell to his knees, making some sort of grunting noise, attempting to choke back a sob but failing miserably.
God fucking dammit. You thought that he would understand the reason you kept your distance. You swallowed your tears as best as possible. You’ve done the unthinkable.
You’ve hurt him.
YOU have hurt him. He’s crying because of you.
He sobbed while holding his knees. You stood above him, carefully formulating how you were going to explain yourself. This may have been the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do. The guilt… the sheer guilt you felt was insurmountable.
“I… I-” you sigh and rub your hand over your face. Your heart was in your throat.
“I didn’t speak to you because i thought that if we kept things under wraps, the squad wouldn’t think there was anything going on betw-”
“But why? Why can’t they know? Why do you need to hide me? Wh-what am I doing?” he squeaked through his sobs.
“No, it’s not th-”
“Then what is it? WHAT IS IT? WH-”
“ABBIE STOP!” You didn’t want to yell, but you had to get through to him. He was refusing to listen, he was too stressed out at the moment. Overstimulated.
He clenched his jaw silently, and more tears formed.
“Hey, hey…”
You grab his shoulder and pull him into you. He sobbed into your shoulder, leaving tear stains streaking down your nightshirt. His hair was damp as you fiddled with the midnight strands on the back of his neck to try and calm him down.
Your opposite hand rubbed the small of his back, sending shivers up his spine and helping him get control under his breathing. his nightshirt was rough, and couldn’t be comfortable on his tender skin. Your fingers danced around the cloth and slipped under, feeling the warmth of his skin on yours. He just… he hated how the touch of your skin made his stomach stir. Especially right now. He was mad. Angry. Confused. Hurt.
“Abbie, usually when groups find out about a situation between two squad members, they’ll separate the two. Put them on COMPLETELY different missions. And even though it was out of our hands that we were chosen, Waller PUT us together to test us. And I can’t lose you. I can’t have Flag knowing and reporting us. He doesn’t know that Waller knows. Should he report us, who knows when I’d see you again.”
He pulled his head out of your shoulder to look at you. His undereyes were red and puffy. His tears were gleaming from the dim moonlight through the trees. Bottom lip quivering, he mumbles “...oh…”
He looked away in embarrassment ,his eyelashes sticking to each other as he slowly blinked.
“I, um… I just t-thought it meant you’d been faking what we had. I was c-confused, I-” he hiccuped.
“No, no. But… you had every right to think that, you didn't know…” There was no way to describe the sheer amount of regret you felt.
He chuckled in your arms. “Haha… yeah.”
You both bust out in laughter. It was only a misunderstanding, but it was hard. Abner had issues. YOU had issues. It was scary. But something you were both willing to work out together.
You both lean into each other and kiss. Lips dancing on each other like a beautiful symphony. Hands roaming on each other's hands and faces. His fingers, slowly swiping his thumb on your cheek. Yours, tracing his jawline, feeling his slight stubble from being out for a few days. His skin was slightly sweating, probably a reaction from the vomiting.
His hands got a little more curious. Down your neck, squeezing your arms. The angle was a little awkward, but he didn’t care. He attempted to wriggle himself in between your legs, trying to get as close to you as possible.
This was the FIRST time you two could be close. Yes, you’d been intimately close before. Touching each other under your pants laying side by side. And… that was about it. Exciting.
But the possibilities were endless from here. Anything was possible in this one moment. Alone.
As he worms his way closer to you, you take a quick look down. He is… hard. Painfully.
You reach down and give his bulge a slight squeeze. He whimpers into your mouth, grabbing onto you like you were the only thing keeping him alive.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get upset earlier, I-” he breaks away from the kiss suddenly. Tears welled in his eyes, and you removed your hand from his bulge, thinking you did something wrong.
“Nono, it’s okay i just-”
“Do you need a break?”
He was clearly at emotional high tonight, you wanted to be as understanding as you could. But his intentions came to light, as he reached for your hand and placed it back on his clothed length. He swallowed and took a deep breath.
“...No, please keep going.”
You look down at his lips, then back up at his eyes. “Okay, my love.” You begin stroking him through his pants, causing him to bite his lips and throw his head back, as to not moan too loud and wake up the others.
His hands make their way to your tits, massaging them tentatively. He leans forward, going to kiss the curve of your neck. You lean down until your back touches the dirt, causing him to chase after you and eventually be on top of you.
He chuckles nervously. This is the first time he’s really been on top of you.
He leans down and begins licking and kissing your neck gently. God, he was so careful. So fearful of hurting you, or perhaps doing something wrong. But the sounds coming from your mouth were a clear indicator he was doing something right. His breath was so shaky, you could feel it on your neck and it made your flesh erupt in goosebumps.
“Oh Abbie… you feel so good…”
“I do…?” He rolls his hips slightly as he speaks softly into your ear.
You giggle. “Of course you do, how could you not?” You writhe a little bit underneath, causing him to stop kissing your neck. He meets his gaze to yours. “With these beautiful hands, your pretty face, your handsome body…”
His bottom lip trembles and he looks away. “You haven’t even see me fully naked, you don’t know what I look like…”
“Well, we can change that now, can’t we?” you say.
His eyes snap back at you. “Yes but… I’m nervous and I… I’m just nervous, that’s all.”
“That’s okay.” you say. “I’ll go first.”
His mouth hung agape as you removed your shirt and bra, your nipples hard from the chilled air and from Abner’s touch. You hooked your thumbs in your belt loops and pulled down your pants and underwear, rather scandalously and slowly to see Abner’s reaction. He looked as if he had seen a reincarnation of God himself.
God. He hadn’t thought about Him in a while. With all of the bad in the world, he wasn’t sure that one even existed. But now, he was sure there was a Divine Creator. And it may not be a big man in the sky. It’s the bare-skinned girl underneath him. Hair messy in the dirt, looking up at him like he was the only person in the world.
You stared up at him as he took in all of your body. Sweet Jesus. He clenched his jaw, thinking about how long he was gonna last just looking at her. Or how long he WASN’T going to last.
“y/n, I… I haven’t done this before.”
“I know. I didn’t need a scientist to figure that one out.” you countered.
He chuckles nervously. “Can I… Can I…” He was looking intensely at your boobs, mouth salivating with need.
“Please, Abbie.”
He wasted no time placing your left breast in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the erect bud and sucking with hunger. Every single movement of his mouth lit the bundle of nerves between your legs on fire. Strained moans came from your mouth as you struggled to keep them in. The more you moaned, the more Abner moaned against your breast, and the harder he gripped the opposite breast.
He felt the tingly sensation in his belly. Already? He hadn’t even explored all of you and he already had the urge to cum. He released your breast from his mouth.
“I can’t keep going, I might… I might, yknow…” He tripped over his words.
“It’s okay, don’t worry. Abbie… take off your clothes, let’s... do it.”
His eyebrows furrowed slightly. “...do what?”
You roll your eyes and smile. “Have sex with me, silly!”
His eyes widened. “Oh! Yes, yes please, lets…”
He slowly removes his shirt and pulls his pants down, letting his cock bob free. He resisted the urge to cover up his body, he was only ever seen as a subject of cruel experimentation and scientific exploration. Not something to be desired.
“Oh, God…” You whisper. He’s beautiful. So very beautiful. Indescribable. “If you don’t put your dick inside me this instant I might have to smack you silly.”
He was practically vibrating from excitement. All the praise wound him up, his insecurities about himself melted away.
“Are you sure??”
“Abner, I swear…”
“Okay, okay.”
“Ohhhhmygod.” He whispered to himself as you spread your legs slowly. You were his dessert. He traced his hands down your thighs, gripping the flesh. His senses were quickly overwhelmed by your presence, but in the best way possible.
He let out a slow groan and squinted his eyes shut as he entered your heat. This was it. This was what the universe was made for. Every muscle within him was so tight. Just being INSIDE you was complete euphoria.
Then he started to move. In, out. In, out. No. THIS was euphoria. White hot heat began to run through his veins like a drug. He felt he could have a heart attack, the way his heart was pumping.
Your walls clenched around him. You knew he was huge, just not THIS huge. Fire spreads through your tummy and up your spine with each thrust. But you needed more, more, more. Always and forever.
“Harder, honey, harder…” You mewled. He bent down to your face,bodies touching.
Your orgasm was quickly arriving, heat overtaking your body. As you started playing with your clit, each thrust was almost unbearably good. Painfully good. Your moans became higher and sharper, more like gasping for air. He was intoxicating. For his first time, he wasn’t doing too bad at all.
Your connection grew deeper every time he entered your body. Prison quickies… those were nothing. This was different. He was one with you.
“Am I... ahhh- am I doing okay?” He said. His eyes were closed, sighing deeply trying to hold back his ever-approaching orgasm.
“You’re doing great, mmnnhh- keep going, just a little faster, I’m so so close…”
“If I- If I go any faster, I’m gonna… I’m gonna…” he babbled.
“Please?” You begged. He opened his eyes and saw you, face contorted with pure pleasure. The most beautiful thing he’s ever seen in his whole life.
“Yes… yes... “ he said breathily.
He picked up his pace, and within seconds you flew over the edge. Your body spasmed and your walls clenched violently around his cock. He was so good, so good, SO good.
He didn’t hold on much longer. “Fuckfuckfuck… I can’t-” He let out a strained groan as he released his spend into you with sharp quick thrusts. His pace and strength faltered, he slowly fucked you until his bones became jelly. He rested on top of you, you could feel him try and catch his breath.
“I should’ve asked where you wanted it…” he mumbled into your ear.
“Yeah… it’s okay though, this time. I’m on the pill.”
“Okay… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
He stayed inside you for a little while, not wanting to leave your hot heat.
“Abbie, I need to go to sleep,” You laughed. As much as you wanted him to stay in you, you needed to go to bed. You were too tired to think and there was way too much to do tomorrow.
“Fiiiiine.” he pulled out, shuddering at the loss of you around him. He slipped back into his pajamas, as did you. He walked back over to his sleeping back, and you crawled in with him.
“There's barely any room, y/n.” he whispered.
“I don’t care.”
He wrapped his arm around you, and you snuggled into his chest. This is how it was meant to be. No Suicide Squad, no prison quickies. Snuggled up into his chest, falling asleep to his heartbeat. Forever.
@pastelroadkill @choptopismyfaaave @breathinfive @theawkwardfangirlnextdoor
@theoretical-whore @Lilypetite88 @mourncoremusings @krillposting @1-v-0-ry @sadclowncat @breathinfive @inthesh4dows
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semischarmed · 3 years
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“Let me ask again- the FUCK do you think you’re doing!?”
I tremble in fear and stare in silence at the massive man in front of me, rank with the sweat of his daily session.
In my hands lay his used gym clothes, inches from my nose. My eyes widen. He was supposed to be showering. My eyes are drawn to the bar of soap among the pile in front of me. Shit. 
Fear becomes arousal when he leans down to my ear, tantalizingly close, and whispers. “If you wanted me inside you so bad, all you had to fucking do was assssk”. He draws that last word out with his teeth, lacing it with venom and seduction.
“Cmon, fucking say it faggot. Say you want me inside you” he taunts.
Ashamed. Terrified. Spellbound. He had reduced me to my most minuscule self. I reply meekly to answer him. “...I want you inside me.”
I hear the corners of his face widen into an unsettling smirk. “Good Answer”.
In the blink of an eye, he vanishes from in front of me, rushing past my side to my back before I can even react. Oh shit this is really happening. I am prepared for the night of my life. “Strip.” I comply.  I hear him make some movements and then... then... silence.
“What the hell?” I chuckle nervously as I look behind me in confusion and see his naked form crouching in a low squat with his hands clasped in a praying motion. I admire his massive sweaty muscles. He catches my gaze, looking up and giving me wink. I smile back awkwardly. “So-“
I am cut off by searing, unimaginable pain from the motion of him piercing my ass with his hands as he lunges toward me. Pound after pound of his thick arms shove up my asshole with so much force, he pushes me forward several feet. I stay still, breathing heavy for a few moments- not daring to look back- not daring to move an inch out of our precarious position. My mind races. “Shit. Shit. Shit. What was that!? God, was he ok?”
I finally muster the courage to look behind in horror. I could only see his shoulders. Shit. How is this even possible? God. Shit. I couldn’t see his head…he was probably dead- and judging by how far he pushed into me, I probably would be soon too. I whimper, tears streaming down my face, as recount my life and start fumbling for my phone. I felt sick to my stomach. How could this go so wrong? Every fucking time something good happens. Well… at least if I’m going out, I’m- My stomach churns. Wait. That... wasn’t my stomach. 
Impossibly, I felt worms squiggle inside me- no they weren’t worms. I dial in on the sensation. They were fingers. His Fingers. He was moving his fingers. I feel them claw at my throat from the inside. My mouth opens uncontrollably as his digging hands choke me from the inside, scrambling for a grip. I reach up trying in vain to get him to stop. Shit Shit Shit. As my consciousness begins to dip, the hands have finally found a patch of my flesh around my shoulder. I pant in momentary relief.
With each patch of my flesh they touch, I feel our nerves intertwine, tangling into each other until I myself could feel his fingers as a supplement to my own. What the hell was going on? Then, I feel him wrap his arms around more of my flesh and bundle more of our nerves together. Whatever this was, whatever he was doing, it was intentional.
He uses his arms as leverage and pulls the rest of his sweat-slick body inside, almost forcing my own to the ground. I fill up. Near-bursting. Impossibly full. As I stagger to stand, I watch from the mirror as he shimmies more and more of himself into me. I retch unprompted, dry heaving at what was occurring before my very eyes, but the motion only seemed to suck in his fleshy mass further inside me. Still, I couldn’t help but begin to get hard. Him being in here was hot as hell.  
I take shorter and shorter breaths, which again only slides more and more of him inside me, until the very last parts of him- his grimy toes- get slurped up in my asshole. My body wants to collapse from the strain of having to stretch to accommodate both our forms. Instead, I watch as his body is imprinted in my skin -near my stomach and chest, pulling me impossibly tight while he cemented himself in a fetal position. My legs begin to buckle from the pressure. 
Before I fall, he stretches out his legs out inside my skin, stacking his over my own. They are sticky when they slide over my bones and musculature, likely from the sweat he was aiming to wash off with his shower. As he fills into my skin, my toes are lifted off the ground as my body rises to accommodate his far-larger form. My very own body betrays its owner, as it is drawn to his legs over my own and he hastens the process by corralling my skin to realign to match his legs instead. I can only watch and feel in silence as I feel the skin covering my toes detach from myself and overlap over his. I feel pricks as our nerves entangle together. His legs then digests mine, inflating themselves from my added mass. My skin constricts in turn around his legs, crushing them from all sides. From the depths of my body, a moan in his voice escapes my still-hanging mouth. Skin constricts even tighter and I wince in anticipation from the pain. Instead, I am met with pleasure as nerves fire and I reconnect to my new legs. Oh my god. This was everything… I’ve never been this tall nor my legs this muscular. 
I wait in anticipation of his next move. His arms unfurl from their place, and I watch them slip over my shoulders. I look hungrily at my soon-to-be biceps. Yummy. This time, I put no resistance, as readily I allow his pythons to coil around my two stick-appendages. I give these arms of mine to him willingly, which he happily assimilates. Then, a massive tension in the skin of my arms, as they are forced to spread out, rocketed outwards from the mass of his flesh filling into them. By all accounts, it was uncomfortable, but knowing what was soon to come had overwritten any fear, any doubt, any discomfort I could ever have with lust. My arms were never buff, so watching him rearrange his arms to become mine makes me go lightheaded with an abundance of elation and desire. As his nerves join with mine, and I finally feel the strength inherent in my new arms, my head leans back from the sheer sensation of our parts being one. He flexes our new arm together, before caressing it over the imprint of his body still in my chest and stomach. This was a dream come true. Still… more to come.
I watch expectantly as the large mass of his head begins to travel up my neck. I prepare to accept my new self. I could want nothing more than to live as this god of a man as his new flesh. Before his head can reach me, however, I watch as the remainder of his body fill into mine, including that perky ass. My arms are helpless to my whim as he commands them himself. He smears my skin around the outline of his body, slotting his abs over my flat stomach, tracing their indents as they fill over, and giving me the exact very same six-pack I had always fantasized over. He pinches my nipples- holy shit- stretching them forward, before releasing. They rebound back, slotting into their rightfully place- right over his. They’re rock hard. 
When the bare outline of his forehead head begins to peek over my neck, I feel him flex our entire body. He tenses our entire form, forcing my skin to compress even tighter around him. He continues until I feel a pop in myself. I look down and see the results. I see his wavy hairs pierce and poke through my skin. The scene was bizarre. He was literally wearing me. Though it was my normally supple skin, it was dotted by the roughness of his hairs. When our pores align, I finally release some excess heat. The scent was immaculate. I sweated his sweat, emanated his scent. By all accounts, I am his body. There would be no turning back. In the continuing process, I feel his organs and blood rush into mine. He was I and I was him. We now shared the same insides. With his blood rushing through us, I felt invigorated. Fuck. God. This was what he felt like every fucking day. I happily invite his wellspring of strength and energy as my own. This is what I am going to be feeling like every day from now on. We could do a million pushups right now without breaking a sweat. With him driving me, we would be unstoppable. My trance is broken when I noticed my dick in disappointment, unchanged from the whole process.  
I licked my lips as his head finally slotted over mine. I screamed from the pain of my face being stretched out to accommodate both of ours. He had far better control of us and instead contorted my outer face into a crooked smile. He began panting and moaning as the force of my skin stuck our heads closer and closer together. At long last, I feel sweet release when some arbitrary barrier inside me breaks and a spark lights in me as his head accelerates and smashes into mine. I welcome him inside with open ‘arms’. ‘I want you inside me.’ 
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He complies, greedily overlaying his very being into me. In all my memory, in all my thoughts, feelings, perversions, there he was and there he would be. I yield them all willingly, allowing him to become me, to transcend me. Our shared eyes close from the wealth of new identity he has captured as he and I become one. We would have each other in a way no one else ever could. It was beyond intimacy. With his tongue inside mine, he sticks it out of my face with a sneer. It’s a face I never made, but with our new selves, this just felt right. He guides them over my teeth. My jaw redefines itself on his terms, nose corrects itself to his shape. Altogether, he was wearing me as his own, comfortably taking and rearranging me to be a better vessel for him. Fuck did it feel good to be his outer shell. I think we both looked better like this- greater than the sum of our parts.
Dirty, lewd thoughts mix with my own as his personality bleeds into mine. I reflexively try to shake it off, but he is relentless. In his barrage of self into me, tears well in my face. Still… he continues to inject more and more of his self into me. And then... I finally let go. This felt good. Being his. Who’s to say if it was my thoughts on their own or our combined derangement, but the thought of him forever using me, forever being me? Sheer Fucking Ecstasy. This felt great. He subjugates my sense of self to forever be a part of him but I offer it willingly. Becoming me probably shaved a few years off him. Like my skin, He stretches my personality around his, further and further until we congeal into one. Goddamn. Fuck Yeah. This is fucking great. We lick our lips.
I feel a rush of confidence. The new me is brimming with it. We are alpha. My mouth and body move in a way that was alien to myself. He stands up straighter and cracks our neck, getting comfortable in our new form. We take our first real breath together as a new person, taking in more air than my old lungs had been used to. Amazing.
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Then, his hormones rush through our body. Fuck. I feel an outpouring of raw, sexual energy. Our body steams up in the heat- look at me, who wouldn’t- and, before I could react further, he starts pumping my dick in manic glee. Fuck. As it stiffens, I hit my old body’s limit. Average. Our grin widens by his command. “Time for an upgrade, baby” I say with a jock-like inflection in my voice. It sounds immediately comfortable, self-assured, and it rolls off my new tongue naturally. It feels wholly unnatural. He speaks in a lower register than I normally do. Still I yield to him, trusting in my new owner and allowing his parts to coalesce into my vocal chords. A disturbing itch runs through my throat as our voices meld together but I know it’s for the best. This newer, hotter me needs a newer, hotter voice. We take a deep breath before roaring “FUUUUUCK YEAH! Muuuuch better!” in a voice that resembled a harmonius mix both of ours. 
The itch courses through the rest of my body as I allow him to fully wear the rest of me. He brings my head to face the new me in the mirror for a closeup giving another wink. Beautiful. I watch as my eyes water uncontrollably. His amber eyes then eclipse mine, and we blink away the tears. In my head, I feel his thick, wavy hair push out beside my own, as my old hair merge into his. In its place, we now wear a crown of his hair signifying my new place as royalty. He drags my now-vascular hand across our chin, pulling slightly while a bit of scruff grows where bare skin used to be. He quickly nods our new head in approval as more of my features contort to accommodate their new owner. Yeah. We were fucking hot.
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Then, I feel his thick dick slot into mine, filling it out. Jesus fucking christ it was so big. It stretches me further and further, until I am hit by another wave of paralysis, until my skin snaps back into his, constricting weapon and sheath together. The sheer pressure merges them into one. Goddamn we were huge. Our shared tongue hangs from our open mouth, as we release a massive wave of cum. It rockets everywhere, covering me in my new, alpha seed. We sample a taste of our shared genetics. Fucking delicious. 
God we were so hot together. The feeling is surreal. There was nothing like it in the world. I was forever his. I am wrack in permanent pleasure from being us. He walks over to his old pile of clothes, putting them on. As they brush over my new body, I am flush with a sense of completeness. A perfect match.
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Ok, Ok, so not as ‘light’ as I would have expected. I was gonna make something cute for Valentines day, but got sidetracked by... I mean... look at him.
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serenehwa · 3 years
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Genre: Smut Pairing: insecure!Hongjoong x Reader Word Count: 2.1k Summary: You reassure Hongjoong that he is, in fact, quite a beautiful man... With your mouth. 
I did not proofread this and I am barely awake. Enjoy anyway! It was as normal of a day as any, the sun was shining and it was warm outside; not too hot, not too cold. The two of you were resting in Hongjoong's apartment, taking a day off from doing something socially exhausting, choosing to stay inside instead. Both of you were on the couch, you were sitting up and browsing social media as Hongjoong's head rested on your thighs, immersed in whatever game he was playing on his phone. You had been dating for about a month now, nothing too crazy or serious, but you obviously cared for each other and enjoyed spending time together. There was something you considered to be slightly strange, however, Hongjoong had gotten you off multiple times using his tongue, fingers, and even his thigh but you hadn't ever gotten him off or even seen him naked. You chalked it up to him being nervous, as he was a virgin and you were not but you hadn't really breached the conversation thus far. You were willing to be as patient as he needed you to be, but you'd be lying to yourself if you said you weren't even slightly curious about his reasoning.
"Hey, babe?" You questioned, putting your phone down and looking at him.
"Yeah?" Hongjoong looked up at you with his big eyes, smiling his big smile.
"I have a question, and I don't want you to like, take it in a bad way or pressuring or anything, okay?"
Hongjoong immediately sat up, a worried look suddenly making itself very apparent on his face. Before he could even start, you opened your mouth to speak again.
"It's nothing serious, really." You giggled, "Please don't look so worried! It's nothing bad!"
Hongjoong smiled again, sighing in relief, "Okay, what is it? I'm all ears."
"Is... Is there any reason in particular that we haven't... Like, ever gotten you off? Like, the focus is always on me..." You stuttered out, feeling slightly awkward about bringing it up seemingly out of nowhere.
Hongjoong looked at you with a serious face, before scrunching it up as he looked down, fiddling with his fingers as he thought of what to say.
"I mean, it will probably sound stupid to you, so I haven't talked with you about it." Hongjoong started, "You already know that I haven't ever been with anyone before, and I'm... Insecure about... things... I guess?"
"Can I ask you what things you're insecure about? I highly doubt I'll find them stupid." You questioned.
"I mean.... My performance? My weird faces I'll make? If I'll be too noisy? And... I'm not exactly... Big down there?" Hongjoong's voice just got quieter and quieter as he talked, "It's just, kind of scary to think about it not being good for you. So I just haven't done anything yet."
You looked at Hongjoong, who was too busy biting his lip and staring down at his own fidgeting hands to notice your staring.
"Oh, honey." You started, "Do you really think that I would care about any of that? I like you for you, and that includes all of you. Every part of you is special to me. I don't ever expect you to be perfect, no one is. I'm certainly not perfect."
Hongjoong looked up at you, staring into your eyes for a moment before speaking.
"... Really? You don't care about any of those things?"
You moved your hand to grab onto Hongjoongs, giving it a squeeze before speaking.
"I just want you to be comfortable with me, and happy... Also, you're really, really hot and I'm immensely attracted to you, if that helps you feel any better."
Hongjoong laughed, "Yes, yes that does help me feel better. But it's also scary! What if I'm not sexy at all during the times I need to be the most sexy to you?"
You raised your eyebrow, giving Hongjoong a teasing look, "You're... Literally so hot. I mean it. There is no way for you to not be hot when I'm working on making you cum."
Hongjoong blushed, feeling your words go from his ears straight to his dick.
You moved towards him, getting onto your hands and knees and crawling closer to him, "Can I try, please?"
Hongjoong slowly nodded, speaking with a tiny whisper, "I mean... Yeah... It's not like I haven't been wanting to, I've just been really nervous of what you would think..."
You finally brought your lips to his, kissing him slowly as you pushed him down onto his back.
"Are you really sure?" You asked, "I don't want to do anything you don't want to."
Hongjoong looked at you, gulping before beginning to speak, "Of course I want to do this, I've just been nervous and we hadn't talked about it or anything.... But I feel better after talking about it with you."
You nodded your head before bringing your head down to kiss him again, dragging your lips against his as your hands roamed his clothed torso. You could feel his heart racing, and his breaths were already getting shallow just from the kissing. He brought his hands to try to roam your chest, but you stopped him, pulling away to whisper in his ear.
"Hongjoong, this is going to be about you right now. I'm going to be focused purely on you. You deserve this, and I'm dying to see you."
Hongjoong let out a tiny groan, nodding as you brought your lips back to his to continue kissing him. You pressed your tongue against his lips, deepening the kiss to turn it into a full blown makeout session as you fully straddled him. You brought your hands to the waistband of his shirt, sliding under it to caress his abdomen. Hongjoong shuddered beneath you, letting out a tiny whimper into your mouth. All you could think was, "Fuck, and he didn't think he'd be hot?" as you felt his abdomen twitch beneath your fingers.
"Can I take this off?" You whispered against his lips, pulling at the waistband of the shirt.
Hongjoong let out a soft groan and nodded, sitting up slightly to assist you in removing it.
You looked down to see his bare chest, his nipples were erect and he was breathing heavily. Bringing your lips to his neck, you began to leave open mouthed kisses along his collarbone, nipping at his soft flesh as you moved lower to take a nipple into your mouth. Hongjoong brought his hand to cover his mouth, feeling embarrassed about letting out any sounds. You licked at his nipple, bringing a hand to fiddle with the other one as well and Hongjoong just arched against you, letting out small whimpers against his own hand. You could feel his cock twitching against your ass, knowing that he had to have wanted this for a while. You ground your ass against his cock and looked at him, only seeing his eyes roll into the back of his head as he moaned into his hand, body arching again and again off of the couch with every clothed grind into his cock. You moved your body lower, kissing along his abs as your hands began to fiddle with his belt.
"Please move your hand?" You asked him, reaching up to gently move it yourself, "I want to hear and see you, you're absolutely beautiful like this."  
Hongjoong looked away, feeling unable to meet your eyes, "I'm just... Embarrassed... But it feels really good..."
Hongjoong was blushing, his entire face and torso was flushed and a slight sheen of sweat was starting to form.
You focused your attention back onto his pants, making quick work to undo his belt as you tried to shimmy his pants down his thighs.
"Can I take these all the way off?" You asked, standing and stepping to the side of the couch to make them easier to remove.
"Y-Yeah..." Hongjoong sighed out, feeling like continuing to talk was going to be difficult for him.
You brought your hand to his boxers, slowly dragging them down his thighs as well. You finally saw his cock and immediately thought to yourself that he didn't exactly have any reason to be ashamed of it. It was maybe a bit below average length, a little on the thinner side but nothing to complain about. Hongjoong wasn't exactly a big guy in general, and his cock was proportional to his body size. All you could think about was how delicious he looked and how badly you wanted to please him in every way.
He was fully naked and you took in his entire body, he looked at you for a moment before covering his entire face with his arms, "Please... Don't just stare at me!" He shyly stuttered out from behind his arms.
"Hongjoong..." You began, climbing onto the couch again to rest between his thighs, grabbing onto his arms to try to move them to look into his eyes, "You are the most gorgeous human being I have ever seen, and your body is so goddamn beautiful, just like every other aspect of you."
You continued to look at him as he swallowed, not being able to find any words to respond to you. You brought a hand down to his cock, wrapping your fingers around it to slowly pump it and Hongjoong looked right into your eyes, letting out a soft moan as you stroked him.
"O-Oh my God." He groaned, "It feels so good."
You sat back onto your legs, settling into a position to let you see all of Hongjoong as you continued to stroke him. He was breathtaking; his entire body was flushed, he couldn't stop arching into your touch and at this moment you were nothing but thankful that he was so sensitive.
You brought your mouth down to kiss along his thighs as you continued to slowly stroke him, letting your tongue dart out to lick against the soft skin. Hongjoong whimpered, his legs began to twitch against your tongue with every kiss planted along them.
"P-Please...." He whimpered, "I need more, please. I can't-"
You looked up at him, his head was thrown back against a pillow, eyes closed and his mouth was wide open letting out continuous streams of heavy sighs and soft whimpers, his hands were gripping against the material of the couch and he looked desperate for release.
His begging is enough to get anyone going, you thought as you brought your mouth to the head of his cock, making quick work to lap up the beads of precum that had come to rest there before taking it completely into your mouth. Hongjoong let out a long moan as you took all of him into your mouth, arching into your touch as you held him at the back of your throat.
"F-fuck," Hongjoong stuttered out, "I can't believe how good this feels."
You continued to lick and suck on his cock, bringing one hand to lightly fondle his balls as the other hand rubbed tiny circles onto his inner thigh.
"I- There's no way," He spoke again, breathy and full of whimpers, "I'm going to cum."
You felt his balls tense up in your hand, and his shaft began to twitch and you knew he was definitely going to cum soon. You took him all the way into your mouth, letting his cock rest against the back of your throat. Hongjoong's hand found yours that was on his thigh, squeezing it as you felt him twitch against your throat.
It wasn't long before you felt him release, cum filling up your mouth and throat as he let out a long, breathy moan, crying out your name as he squeezed your hand as tightly as he could. He continued riding out his high as you moved your mouth against him, milking him for all that he has to give.
You sat up as he came down from his euphoric high, bringing your lips to his to kiss him again.
"Did that feel okay? Do you feel any better?"
Hongjoong looked up at you, breathing heavily and feeling slightly incoherent from what had just taken place, "Yes. I feel better."
"So, does that mean I can do this again?" You asked.
"Yes, you can definitely do this again." Hongjoong smiled, "In fact, I would be incredibly sad if you chose not to do this again."
You grabbed Hongjoongs clothes and stood up, "So, since I've seen you naked now... Does that mean we can start showering together?" You smirked.
Hongjoong sat up on the couch, "I think that sounds like a really good idea, actually." He giggled out, "And I'm thinking we could have some fun in there too? I think I owe you now."
You reached out your hand to grab onto his, pulling him up and into your arms for a hug, "I love it when you read my mind like that." You whispered against his lips, dragging him along to the bathroom for the inevitable round two.
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thekaykery · 3 years
[12:23 AM]
pairing: jeon jeongguk x fem!reader
category: smut
word count: 521
rating: 18+
warning(s): cursing, dirty talk/thoughts, mentions of unprotected sex (wrap before you tap)
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That's all you thought of while you watch Jeongguk perform on stage via the TV backstage, the one button on his cropped blazer the only thing keeping it from opening, even though it's useless. His entire chest and some of his torso is on display anyways, and Army absolutely loves it. You can hear the loud screaming from back here.
You're happy for him, for BTS as they perform tonight in Los Angeles for the first time in two years because of the pandemic, you really are, but you also want to go out there and attack Jeongguk.
It isn't fair, dating the world's hottest man, especially when he's wearing something like that.
You bounce in your seat as Jeongguk moves effortlessly with the music, the blazer shifting with his every action, revealing his muscular chest and abs here and there. You lick your lips. You definitely are not God's strongest soldier right now. A strong ache grows between your legs, the throbbing of wanting his nice cock in your cunt.
You are not going to give Jeongguk a nice time in the hotel room later.
Impatiently yet excitedly, you wait for the concert to end. When it does, you do your best to conceal any sort of hint of your arousal from Jeongguk, although your leg bounces the entire ride to the hotel. You walk a bit faster than normal on the way to your room, swallowing as Jeongguk unlocks the door.
Once you're inside, you toss your bag on the bed, turning and snatching Jeongguk by his jacket. You tug him forward. A sound of surprise escapes your boyfriend when your lips smash against his, which soon move eagerly against his mouth. You softly whine at the sensation, your arms twining around his neck, lifting up on your tiptoes. Jeongguk is obviously stunned, his stillness a clear sign, but his hands find your hips anyway. He returns your passionate kiss effortlessly, humming lightly against your lips.
Your affection trails down to his neck, mouthing kisses along the smooth skin. Jeongguk takes this chance to breathlessly ask, "What brought this on?"
"You looked so fucking hot tonight," you mumble in reply, nipping him here and there, your nails digging into his shoulders. "That fucking jacket drove me insane - "
A small laugh abruptly leaves your boyfriend. "Oh? Is that the cause of this?"
Hearing his teasing tone, you slow to a stop due to embarrassment, your cheeks flushing a gentle pink. Hesitantly, you part from him, your eyes directed at the floor. "Yeah," you murmur, swallowing. "S-Sorry..."
Jeongguk chuckles. His hand finds your waist, tugging you forward. Your chests collide with a soft bump. Butterflies erupt. "I don't mind at all."
As a result, you both strip and find your places on the bed. Jeongguk lies beneath you while you quickly mount him, his dick slipping into you with no problem. Your noises and the squelching of your pussy echo through the room as you ride him, your hands placed on his chest. Your poor neighbors.
Afterwards, you fall asleep curled up in Jeongguk's safe embrace, snoozing the night away.
© thekaykery 2021
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