#{Amara Answers
amara-among-the-stars · 5 months
Do any of the ghouls/ghoulettes have any hobbies outside of band practice? I'm curious to know your thoughts!
THEY DO!! I'm so glad u asked me Coral.
Dew - he LOVES slack lining. The fam does not get how he keeps his balance!! Or some times he'll do tight rope walking as well. And he's oddly good at tumbling/gymnastics
Aether - this bitch KNITS. The infirmary is stocked with cute baby blankets and hats and mittens. Omega once told him to slow down. Aether said no bc how else is he gonna IMPROVE CMON OMEGA
Mountain - gardening but he also has his massage therapist license and loves giving his family nice massages. Especially Copia who is a stressed man. Mountain also likes yoga.
Swiss - very ADHD HOWEVER!!! This ghoul LOVES drawing. Either digital art or charcoal art ect. If he can draw it he'll try to! He has many notebooks filled with drawings
Rain - he loves to bake and cook! Hes always creating new recipes for the family to try out. Phaeon is usually is taste tester. Sometimes Rain gets Dew to also be a taste tester but it usually ends with Dew making out with Rain bc he thinks Rain baking/cooking is cute (thats a story for another time)
Phaeon - He got hooked into video gaming. Sunny and Dew set up his stream stuff up after tour. He will stream on whatever platform is the most popular. Has a small but mighty streaming community. Loves playing red dead redemption 2 and dead by daylight and horror games. His chat will try and jump scare him. He does stream un glamoured but his community thinks its just a costume and Sister Imperator and Copia let him get away with it.
Aurora - she loves to make jewelry! AND she loves make up! Will film GRWM videos and talk about the latest make up trends. Shes also into SFX make up so when she does un glamor, she pretends her horns and fangs are fake depending on the SFX Look shes doing! Like Phaeon, Sister Imperator and Copia let her get away with being un glamoured at times due to the SFX parts!
Cumulus - she writes is her free time! And will do cross stitching! It helps calms her down along with crocheting. She makes gifts for everyone and they adore it!
Cirrus - PHOTOGRAPHY!!! She does a lot of nature photography and has a cute lil website for her photos that people can get as prints! She also helps with the ministry's newsletter and does also do like a "day in the life" type photos! Theres many candids of Dew slackling, Swiss drawing, cumulus cross stitching ect ect
Sunshine - now that shes retired she does a lot of glass making! The siblings and the papas love it. She made Primo some really cool cups and stuff :)!!
Mist & Ifrit have started wine making after they retired. They get the fruits and ect from Mountain or Primo. Its a great side hustle tbh! And now Terzo doesnt spend a shit ton of money on mediocre wine!! Huzzah!!
Alpha - woodburning! He makes a lot of signs. He also really likes karate. Dont... ask... its a thing okay? Omega teases him for it lovingly at times. He did try pole dancing... but he broke the pole and his ankle... so Omega and Terzo put an end to the pole dancing.
Omega - CALLIGRAPHY!! He LOVES it. He likes writing fancy and likes to try out different calligraphy pens! Sometimes he gets together with Cirrus for Siblings of sin who get married and he'll do the wedding invitations while Cirrus does the photography!
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amaradangeli · 2 years
Drunk Tim
His voice is loud. It's not belligerent, exactly, but it's clear that he's had one too many. Maybe even a few too many. She catches the bartender's eye. Paul knows Tim. He knows all of them. It's why he'd found a familiar name in Tim's phone instead of just calling, well, someone on duty. She points toward Tim and Paul nods, his expression concerned and maybe a little wary.
He doesn't do this. Not just not often... not ever.
Tim Bradford will have a drink. He enjoys a good beer, or a nice glass of whiskey. He'll sit around with friends and have a couple drinks. He'll take the edge off. He'll turn his smile easy.
But he doesn't pass the point of total control. He doesn't do messy, and he can't abide maudlin.
It's how she knows that something isn't right.
He's told her before: he doesn't need to be drunk to be angry, to be hurt, to be lonely. And she remembers him when he was all those things, only those things. For a while now, though, he hasn't been. And tonight... well, it takes her by surprise.
There were no precipitating events. Work had been fine. She hadn't ridden with him. She doesn't much, not since the undercover operation. Not since they'd decided they wanted to trade aiding for dating. It was a conflict of interests, she understood. But still, she works in the same place he does and she talks to him all the time. Nothing had happened at work.
Except, he'd been just a hair off all day. And now this.
She'd chalked it up to nothing. People have off days. And Tim, more than most people, gets quiet and a little short when he's having a bad day. He long ago explained that what he needs when he's feeling that way is space. And she long ago explained that she was fine with that, but she was also going to check in with him.
And she had. She'd handed him a cup of the fancy coffee he favors but won't submit to actually ordering, asked him if he needed her (to help, to do, to be; they've been together in some form long enough that she doesn't need to run through all his options anymore). But he hadn't. He hadn't been mean about it; he hasn't been in a long time. But no, he'd doubled down, he really didn't.
Except now she thinks that maybe he really had.
He's still being loud and aggressive when she makes her way to him, but it agreession is reactive, at most. The guys he's talking to has some loud and bad opinions. Sober Tim would roll his eyes, ignore him, and walk away. Drunk Tim, apparently, feels like poking the bear.
The bear notices Lucy before Tim does, likely because she's at Tim's elbow and in the bear's line of sight. It doesn't take long for the guy to make that kind of face at her and Tim follows the gaze. The fight falls out of his shoulders and neck immediately. Like her presence, the back up, has taken the edge off. She likes that. She wishes he hadn't felt like fighting at all.
It doesn't last long, though, because the bear makes a sideways comment, more than a little lewd, nothing she hasn't dealt with before and Tim turns on him.
She knows better than to step between two men who are about to come to blows, but she's also a cop and the only sober one in the little group, so she's got the upper hand. She flashes her badge with her left hand and pushes Tim back, a firm hand on his abdomen, with her right. He de-escalates quickly and it makes her feel in control of the situation. Hell, it makes her feel powerful.
The bear, on the other hand, doubles down. Makes a crude gesture with his tongue. She can feel Tim bow up behind her, but it's posturing, she can tell. They both know she can take care of herself and him too, if required. She knows he'll let her. But she likes that performance. That makes her feel powerful, too.
The bear is smart enough to drop it all. He tosses a well-aimed pussy in Tim's direction, and even though Tim's drunk enough to make bad choices, he's got the wherewithal to let it go.
She rounds him up, touches his bicep and feels the tightly-coiled emotion just beneath the heat of his skin and a thin layer of jersey cotton.
In the parking lot she props him up against her car. He pulls her in, holds her tight against him. He feels tense, but not in the same angry way. It's not aggressive, but it could be. In a different way. In a better way.
They haven't had sex yet. They've both agreed that the chemistry is there, the desire is there, but they owe themselves the chance to change how they relate before they complicate things, before they add the layer.
Despite what his body is screaming, she also knows tonight won't be the night they change that.
That doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy being pressed against him, pulled in like he's trying to pull her inside him. It doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate the way the hard planes and columns of his body feel against the soft curves of her own.
It doesn't mean she doesn't let her hands wander, further than they've allowed so far.
His hips feel good in the cups of her hands, the bite of his denim waistband blends together with the bones of his pelvis. His back pockets obscure the topography of his ass.
When he kisses her, she tastes the whiskey and pretzel salt. This part, at least, is familiar. Now she knows what he'll do with his mouth, the shapes he makes, the way he uses his tongue.
He teases her nipple into a fine point with the pad of his ring finger and she arches into him. It's been a lifetime since she let someone touch her like this in public. It doesn't turn her on, the idea of being caught. She doesn't want to have to stop. She wants to ride a freight train, and tonight that's just not in the plan.
But once he's got her pulled up, cupped in the palm of his hand, he eases back, like despite the alcohol and his adrenaline, they're still on the same page, working towards the same thing at the same pace.
It's like nothing she's ever experienced in a relationship before. She's never been known by someone so well. And, in return, she knows him too. Differently than she's ever known anyone else. As if she hadn't known, though, tonight's proven she still has more to learn.
She kisses him again, gentling him into something docile and open. "So what was this all about, huh?" She says it quiet, low, her lips brushing his, then across his cheek, then pressed under his jaw.
"I want to tell you," he reassures her, "but I want to do it sober."
"Okay," she says. And she hugs him tight. It makes her heart shudder in ways kisses just can't quite, like maybe he has been able to pull her all the way inside him. Like maybe she's been able to do that, too.
When he folds himself into her car he's more himself and less the guy Paul had called her about and it's good. She'll take all the versions, but she worries about that other one. He's too reminiscent of someone that the person she loves the most doesn't like to be. She'll drive him home, she might even stay, because their plan is safe now.
When she pulls out of the parking lot he threads their fingers together, hands resting on her thigh. In the glow of a red light she sees him relax into to passenger seat, eyes closed, head lolling. She gets a little thrill, seeing this private side of him. Being one of the few people he allows to see it.
She squeezes his hand and he squeezes back.
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Hiiii 'Maraaa
Hiiiii Stickyyy!!
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rowaelinsdaughter · 3 months
I just had the worst day ever and but was wondering if you could write a rowan fic
Where reader has a panic attack and rowan helps her breathe and bath and dose her hair well she just kinda gose numb to world I desperately wish i had a rowan to go home to and comfort me and make the whole world blur for even a second
she didn’t know where she was. 
her surroundings were unknowing and familiar at the same time. her chest hurt, she was sweating heavily and her hands were trembling. she had the feeling someone was with her, a comfort presence that smelled like pine and snow. the last memory was that she was working and something happened, something her brain couldn’t remember but her body does. 
a pair of hands grabbed her trembling ones, her gaze distant and blurred. a voice talked to her, slowly and soothing, like she might have another panic attack. she knew that voice. somewhere in her memory she remembered the voice, and it was talking to her. something about a bath to relax her. she felt two strong arms lifting her and carrying her to the bathroom. those same arms, undressed her and got her into the bathtub. 
his hands worked on her hair and body, massaging them. slowly, she felt her body again, and the blur on her eyes faded, and she looked at her mate. rowan whitethorn. his eyes locked hers, and his hand went to her face, caressing her cheek, and a small smile appeared on his face. “hello there. you okay?” she nodded as if she didn’t remember how to talk, but she did, and she was so tired and drained… she wanted to sleep.
rowan finished bathing her, and dressed her with her favorite shirt, one she took from rowan. rowan laid on the bed and hugged her by the waist with her on top of him. and like that, she faded into sleep.
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incorrectnevermoor · 7 months
hihi it’s been awhile (a few days but like that’s close enough)
anah and morrigan know how to sew, morrigan not very well but anah shares a few pointer, anah knows how to sew because of the nuns
also for some reason i used to imagine lam as pale, silvery blonde, grey eyes????? i just?? ignored the description??
Anah’s stitches are clean, precise, almost medical in nature, no matter what material she’s sewing.
She finds it almost therapeutic, in a way, the repetitive motions and attention to detail. If she focuses enough, you can’t really see the stitches. She hides them within the patterns on the fabric, threading and unthreading seams to near-perfection.
Mog likes sewing. She really does, but she’s mostly self taught, having to stitch her own ripped clothes more often than not, lest she be berated for doing anything other than sit perfectly still. She evolved from clumsy stitching, meant more to hold things together than look pretty, to sturdy, if a little uneven, mending.
Anah and Mog probably bond over that, at least a little. Morrigan probably started giving embroidering a shot, just to have something to do, maybe to understand the Art Of Weaving better, to have something physical to liken it to. Anah would help, hesitant at first, still not entirely convinced that Morrigan is part of her team, the little family that Unit 919 is supposed to be. But they’d learn from each other, share little jokes, soft spoken conversations as they sew and embroider, side by side.
Perhaps they weave a friendship.
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yxnswife · 6 months
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In love with a white girl
(ref + no glasses ver. under the cut)
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realprissygirl · 5 months
Girl i just want your foundation shades lmfao
mac nc45 + nc50, too faced chai, fenty 420, huda beauty peanut butter cup, maybelline warm coconut, nars macao
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one-patient-soul · 4 months
*walking around new home*
-Queen Tree 🌲
[*Amara is sitting on a bench nearby when she spots Tree. Her eyes light up in recognition, but she says nothing.]
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mxwhore · 1 day
Do you think Jon/martin were thinking of kids names back in the archives?
In general, i think Martin and Jon headspaces in the archives wouldnt have allowed thoughts of that kind. At this point, Martin has already put his own egg donor at a home so im guessing he must have had a lot of Thoughts about parenthood as a whole; and Jon, I dont think the concept of kids ever grazed his mind at this point in time. I do think he could've considered honoring his parents/grandparents while naming his kid though
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prissygrlsorority · 1 year
I really wanna make a binder but sadly I don't have a printer any ideas on how to make a digital one? What program did you use to format yours
hi! mine is physical but i recommend canva, notion, and google docs. notion is so good for compartmentalization. canva is great for graphics and visuals and google docs is straight forward. i also recommend finding a trusty phot editing app for captions and collages.
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amara-among-the-stars · 3 months
oohhh! #29 (as a promise) with Mountain and Dew? Pretty pleasee? ♥
Anything for you my darling Comet 🩵🩵
Mountain and Dewdrop were casually laying in bed talking back and forth, both giggly and high, tails intertwined with each other. Dew had been sketching Mountain as a present for Aether’s summoning day when the ghouls got too high and decided to just laze about and talk while they passed the joint Mountain had stolen from Ifrit back and forth. They were interrupted by Dewdrop’s phone ringing. With a furrowed brow the fire ghoul answered with a raspy hello.
“Dewy. Its Phantom, he managed to get him stuck and neither of us can get him unstuck. We need your help.” Rain’s voice rang out. Dew sighed and rubbed his forehead while Mountain was trying to stifle a laugh at the image of the poor quint being stuck.
“Alright, I'll be there to save our pretty princess, just give me about five minutes alright?” Dew answered and hung up. Sighing he turned to Mountain as he got off the bed.
“I'll be back okay Butterfly?” Dew assured. Mountain lazily nodded before sitting up.
“Promise me?” Mountain asked. Dew smiled tiredly and crowded against Mountain, pressing a kiss to his partner's mouth and gently nibbling at his bottom lip, pulling away. Mountain let out a soft pleased sigh.
“Is that a good enough promise?” Dew teased.
“One more kiss.” Mountain demanded. Dew obliged, kissing his partner once more before leaving to go save Phantom.
(It turned out Phantom was stuck in the rafters and was too afraid to get down. He was finally coaxed down with blueberry pie and received many kisses all over his face from Cirrus and Cumulus)
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amaradangeli · 2 years
Protective lucy🤭
God damn it! He sucks in a breath and presses his own hand over one of the stab wounds in his torso. This one is right under his ribcage and hurts like a sonuvabitch. His vision swims and he's nauseated and he can't really reach the other stab wound, but that's probably fine because the knife is still mostly plugging the hole...
Lucy doesn't even spare a glance over her shoulder and he's so damned proud of her. He knows she's scared. He's scared too. But she's doing exactly what she needs to be doing: holding off the advance of the two armed robbers with guns. All things being equal, he'd take that to the one with the bowie knife who got the drop on them.
Tim's just glad he'd been in between Crocodile Dundee and Lucy. And that Lucy was a good enough shot that he'd only been stabbed twice before she'd dropped the guy with two well-placed shots. And if Tim's ears are ringing due to the proximity of the bullets to his ear, well, he's not going to tease her for it. Buy her a drink, maybe. That seems more appropriate under the circumstances.
He hears two rapid shots and then one more. All hers. Silence underscores her tightly controlled breathing. Then, she's on him. Her hands poking at the places he's leaking from. He flinches when she presses her hand tight over his and reminds himself that the harder he presses, the better his potential because the ambulance is on the way but it doesn't matter if he's already bled out.
A scuffling sound erupts a couple of rooms away. He feels the press of her body against his as she provides literal cover and also cover fire. Her hip digs into him as he passes out.
Lucy sounds pissed, is the first thing he thinks as he comes around. He's in a hospital bed but he's alone in the room. He can see her in the brightly lit hallway, though, her hands flying around as she dresses down some kid in blue wool long sleeves that he doesn't recognize.
"Protective detail requires you to be at your post, boot," she hisses. "All the time. Not just when you don't have to pee." She sounds so disgusted when she says it, sounds so much like he knows he had when he'd dressed down boots, that it makes him smile.
Then she's next to him, her fingertips hovering over when he knows he was stabbed. "What are you smiling about? You just got skewered." Her voice is light, a little amused, and a lot affectionate. Beneath all of that, he can hear her stress, the tightness of worry.
"I like it when you go into protective mode." Shit. He must be on the good drugs.
She smiles, soft and sweet, and her jibing tone doesn't match her face. "You just like it when boots get schooled."
"That's true." He's waiting, breath bated, for her fingers to stop hovering. He can feel the electricity of the offered touch almost as surely as if it were the real thing. "Protective detail?"
She makes a frustrated, tutting sound. "The head of crew wasn't one of the guys I shot and Harper's intel says he's coming to finish what they started."
"So you're under the same protective detail, right?" Any fuzz from the drugs flushes from his brain almost immediately, knowing that she might be in danger.
She has the good graces to look guilty. "Yeah."
"So why the hell were you out there dressing down a rookie? Who's watching you?"
"The rookie." Her fingers do touch him, then. Just the gentle weight of her hand resting against him, though, threatens to be his undoing. "I told them not to bother assigning me someone because I'd just be here with you anyway."
"But then you... what?" He reaches up and tugs at the end of her hair. "What home and took a shower?"
"I went to your place and took care of Kojo."
"Oh. Thanks."
"And took a shower."
"Who was watching your back while you did that?"
"In the shower?" she asks playfully, and damn he likes it. "Between your security system, Kojo, and my backup weapon, I was covered. But nothing happened. And now I'm back here and actually under protection."
Tim tosses a glance out the door, not sure exactly what that protection is worth if the kid is willing to walk off to take a piss.
"Take it easy, Sarge," she says, her fingers gliding up his chest, over his neck, and onto his jaw, "he's been handled."
He thinks she might kiss him.
He doesn't know why he thinks that. She hasn't kissed him since the undercover operation. Since they went back to business as usual. But now he knows things... like the way she'd touch a lover — the way she's touching him now.
Instead, she brushes the dimpled place below his bottom lip with her thumb and then backs off to the recliner next to the bed.
"Still," he says, shaking off the immediate fog of lust, "I'm not sure he's qualified."
She settles herself in the chair and then raises the hem of her shirt to flash her badge and holster. "How about me? Qualified?"
"Certified," he concedes.
"Then get some rest. I've got your back."
"I know you do," he says. And he does find that he can relax, lean back, and close his eyes. "I know you do, baby." He hears the pleased sound she makes just before he drops off, all his energy expended on that one short conversation.
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galaxofmuses · 5 days
🚢 For Sonic and Amara :3
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𝑺𝑯𝑰𝑷𝑷𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑺𝑯𝑬𝑬𝑻 // Accepting!
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do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between ( what specifically? )
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: I think so far the potential is there, but hopefully that inbox message went through cuz that would be the starting point to develop the ship more. If it did not just let me know and we can figure it out! <3
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never-fair · 7 months
sage hi it's been a while how are you
hii im doing good! what about you, love?
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sovaghoul · 2 months
I saw ur ben post and you reminded me to check insta and lawdy.. that man liked my happy birthday comment 🫣😭😭. I got excited and had to share!! lol
Amara darling I'm not sure when you sent this but I'm so happy he perceived you! I've DM'd with him before and he is so kind and so positive and supportive and humble, I love him desperately 🥲
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rosesblush · 5 months
◝  ♡  𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑒 .
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  cheeks flush darkly at the words from the other femme , licking over her lower lip as she does as she's told . hands come up to cover her boobs , legs slowly spreading open for her . " this good ? " amara asks softly , hair splayed across the pillows as she bites on her lower lip .
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