ostoratv · 2 years
برناردو سيلفا عَنْ مستقبله مع مانشستر سيتي: يعرفون ما أريد
برناردو سيلفا عَنْ مستقبله مع مانشستر سيتي: يعرفون ما أريد
اعترف الدولى البرتغالي، برناردو سيلفا، بانه لا يعرف ما إذا كان سياثناء فى مانشستر سيتي هذا الموسـم فى اثناء ارتباطه بإمكانية مغادرة بطل الدورى الإنجليزى الممتاز هذا الصيف. ويأتي برناردو سيلفا على رادار برشلونه، حيـث يريد النادي الكتالوني بقوة فى التعاقـد مع البرتغالي، كَمَا ان لاعـب موناكو اللاحق يريد بارتداء قميص فريق أحلامه. واعلن سيلفا فى تصريحـات تداولتها صحيفة “مانشستر إيفىنينج نيوز”…
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elomdasport · 2 years
برناردو سيلفا عن مستقبله مع مانشستر سيتي: يعرفون ما أريد
برناردو سيلفا عن مستقبله مع مانشستر سيتي: يعرفون ما أريد
اعترف الدولى البرتغالي، برناردو سيلفا، بانه لا يعرف ما إذا كان سيظل فى مانشستر سيتي هذا العام فى ظل ارتباطه بإمكانية مغادرة بطل الدورى الإنجليزى الممتاز هذا الصيف. ويأتي برناردو سيلفا على رادار برشلونه، حيث يريد النادى الكتالوني بقوة فى الاتفاق مع البرتغالي، كما ان لاعــب موناكو اللاحق يريد بارتداء قميص فريق أحلامه. وقــال سيلفا فى تصـريحـات أعلنت عنها صحيفة “مانشستر إيفىنينج نيوز” البريطانية:…
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ii2xj · 3 months
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#الكاريزما المزيفة مالتي تفتت الليلة🥹💔#هي مب حلطمة كثر م هي معرف شو، الزبدة سالفة طويلة🌚#آهخ والله صداع من الإحراج#القعدة كلها كانت تنمر علي☺️بس منجد اذا كانت هالقعدة صارت قبل سنتين كنت راح ازعل واقلب ويهي بس الحين انا اضحك وياهم على روحي!!🥹#قاعدين ويا عمي وبناته وعياله -الي م يعرفون تفاهتي لني اسوي نفسي ثقيلة قدامهم🌚واخواتي واخوي، يعني حرفيًا اي شي راح ينقال بينقلب سخافة و ت#واخوي عزوتي قرر يحطني موضوع القعدة و قال: تذكرون يوم سلمى كانت تمشي وهي نايمة؟ 🌚☺️#انا طبعًا كنت طفلة حرفيًا يعني عمري كان ٧ وكنت امشي بنومي مسافات واسوي اشياء بعد وافتح ابواب واطلع الحوش واشياء وايد🥲#المهم توقف هالشي بعمر ال ٨ فجأة بدون م أخذ ادوية ومعرف هالشي كان بسبب شو والله🤷🏻‍♀️#يعني اوكي حتى انا كنت اضحك وياهم وبنفس الوقت مستحية لان اخوي حرفيًا ذكرلهم كل موقف سويته وبالتفاصيل😃😂😭😭💔#بس كان المفروض م يذكرهم قدام عيال عمي🥲الكاريزما المزيفة مالتي تفحتت وهم يقولون سلمى مستحيللل ويضحكون علي ويطالعوني بعد☺️😃#من المواقف الاكثر رعب الي م انساها لني صحيت فجأة وانا واقفة بروحي بالحوش بالليل الساعه ٢ متخيلين؟ رعب قسمً بالله مخيف وايد#ودخلت البيت ركض وانا ابكي واصارخ باقوى صوتي لدرجة إني قعدت يومين حلقي يعورني والكل صحى بسببي ههه😂😂😭😭😭#لا واتذكر اني طحت بالصالة وانا اركض وتميت ع سدحتي واصارخ وابكي واطالع الصالة وكانت مظلمة وزدت خفت وهالشي خلاني اصارخ أكثر#الين امي واخوي صحو ونزلو وشغلوا الإضاءة وشفتهم وهدئت شوي لكني تميت ابكي بهدوء واقولهم ليه تخلوني بروحي اطلع😃🌚#امي من وقتها بدأت تقفل كل الابواب حرفيًا حتى باب المطبخ كانت تقفله بالمفتاح قبل لا ننام🥹😂😭😭#والله ابد م انسى هالموقف لني صحيت فجأة، عكس المرات الي قبل امي كانت توديني غرفتي وتصحيني بشويش والصبح يخبروني البلوة الي سويتها وانا نايم
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lordsd34 · 2 years
علمتني القراءة حب الهدوء والتواضع الشديد في حضرة الذين يعرفون أكثر ،ويقولون أجمل وأطول وأعم. - أنيس منصور
علمتني القراءة حب الهدوء والتواضع الشديد في حضرة الذين يعرفون أكثر ،ويقولون أجمل وأطول وأعم. – أنيس منصور
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evmorfi-a · 1 year
مشاهدة فيلم رجال لا يعرفون الحب كامل اون لاين HD
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alewaanewspaper1960 · 2 years
بوتين ينتقد التعددية الجنسية لدى الغرب ويصفها بالغريبة على الثقافة الروسية: لا يعرفون حتى ما هي الأم
بوتين ينتقد التعددية الجنسية لدى الغرب ويصفها بالغريبة على الثقافة الروسية: لا يعرفون حتى ما هي الأم
بوتين ينتقد التعددية الجنسية لدى الغرب ويصفها بالغريبة على الثقافة الروسية: لا يعرفون حتى ما هي الأم   انتقد الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين، التعددية الجنسية لدى المجتمعات الغربية، مشيرا الى أنهم لا يعرفون حتى ما هي “الأم”، إنهم يعتبروها “الوالد رقم 1 أو رقم 2”. وقال بوتين: “بعد انهيار الاتحاد السوفيتي، بدا للكثيرين منا أن حياة جميلة ستبدأ الآن، وغدا سنعيش مثل باريس أو مكان آخر، على الرغم من أنه…
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amereid1960 · 2 years
بوتين ينتقد التعددية الجنسية لدى الغرب ويصفها بالغريبة على الثقافة الروسية: لا يعرفون حتى ما هي الأم
بوتين ينتقد التعددية الجنسية لدى الغرب ويصفها بالغريبة على الثقافة الروسية: لا يعرفون حتى ما هي الأم
بوتين ينتقد التعددية الجنسية لدى الغرب ويصفها بالغريبة على الثقافة الروسية: لا يعرفون حتى ما هي الأم   انتقد الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين، التعددية الجنسية لدى المجتمعات الغربية، مشيرا الى أنهم لا يعرفون حتى ما هي “الأم”، إنهم يعتبروها “الوالد رقم 1 أو رقم 2”. وقال بوتين: “بعد انهيار الاتحاد السوفيتي، بدا للكثيرين منا أن حياة جميلة ستبدأ الآن، وغدا سنعيش مثل باريس أو مكان آخر، على الرغم من أنه…
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alqahria · 2 years
مدينة ١٥ مايو تستعيد جمالها بسواعد شباب لا يعرفون المستحيل ١٠٠٠ شجرة في شهر
مدينة ١٥ مايو تستعيد جمالها بسواعد شباب لا يعرفون المستحيل ١٠٠٠ شجرة في شهر
مها أحمد يواصل جهاز مدينة ١٥ مايو بقيادة المهندس / محمد خلف الله التحدي لاثبات قوة المدينة والسبق لتكون في مقدمة المدن العمرانية من خلال مواصلة العمل من إدارة الزراعة برئاسة المهندس / جميل الشرادفي مدير عام الزراعة وطاقم العمل التابع له في تنفيذ عدد ١٠٠٠ شجرة خلال ٣٠ يوم من توجيهات وزير الإسكان تحت رعاية المهندس / معتز أبو الفتوح مدير عام الزراعة بالهيئة وتنفيذ شركة تاله ومازال العمل متواصل ليلا…
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mvniro · 2 months
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 . . . (🍷) ֶָ֢ 𔓘 DRIP IT DOWN, ETERNAL BLISS ; a fyodor dostoyevsky fic. ❞
أنت قاسي، قلبي لا يزال ينبض لك. بنفس الطريقة التي تكون بها الشمس قاتلة، إلا أن الأرض لا تزال تدور حولها. في ساحة المعركة، دعهم يعرفون أنني كنت الأشجع. لكن أمام دموعك عندما أرادت رباطة جأشي أن تهرب. أوه هل كنت أحمق؟ كل العشاق هم. هل ما زلت أحمق؟ لا، أنا مجرد عاشق دون حبه، عاشق تجرد من كبريائه. رجل حرم من سعادته كأنها حمامة بلا جناحيها.
you are cruel, my heart still beats for you.
the same way the sun is deadly, yet the earth still revolves around it.
In a battlefield, let them know I was the bravest.
Yet infront of your tears is when my composure wanted to flee away.
Oh was I a fool?
All lovers are.
Am I still a fool?
No, i'm just a lover without his love,
A lover stripped of his pride.
A man depraved of his happiness,
Like without its wings, is a dove.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍷 ꒱ . . . it's my birthday week so a present from me ♡.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍷 ꒱ . . . fem!reader, vampire!fyodor, immortal!fyodor, husband!fyodor, wife!reader, established relationship, nsfw, blood play, religious themes used, God referred to as Him, biting, set in old russia, abuse is normalized, 'sweet child' has been used once as a nickname to put emphasis on fyodor being immortal, reader has been given traits like 'pure' and 'innocence' for the reason of again, putting an emphasis on fyodor, his immorality and him being a vampire.
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the clouds roared and the thunders proudly announced the arrival of an upcoming storm, letting everyone below the vast sky of this specific region of russia whose name you never had the privilege of knowing despite growing up here as a infant, know of the dangers the grey and almost black sky is going to bring in a matter of time.
in a matter of a few hours or even less, most of the land below will be covered, almost drowned with the water as peasants would begin to curse while they picked their trash and transferred it upstairs or try to find shelter with all their possessions on top of their heads.
yet you did not have time left to ponder over what the peasant man will do to fight this unexpected disaster as the sound of footsteps reverberated through the otherwise silent hall of the mansion and you turned almost at once to see the man who owned this mansion walk in, his expression as cold and confident as it was the first time you saw him yet what paired with his pale skin and maroon, crisp shirt was a cut running through the length of his neck and disappeared behind but you guessed it must've ended near his shoulder blade.
the man raised his eyes and you dare not refer to him with his name unless you stand on a stage where your intellect and personality can clash against his -- these were the words that were punctured into your mind by the most gentle of mothers but also the most cruel of women who had fallen from their high class, married to a peasant for the sake of a promise made by fathers who they never saw.
"you are hurt." you quietly observed as you stared up at his delicately cruel and cold face, holding your chin high to not let your nervousness be disclosed.
but he had seen it, he sees it all.
he had tilted his head and raised his hand to probably run it through the gushing wound, had you not taken quick strides to grab his wrist and stop him from doing so.
"what had gathered your interest so immensely that had you staring out of the window for the past fifteen minutes?" fyodor, the man you are married to and which is considered to be the greatest achievement of your life ; to be chosen by him, grabbed your wrist which was holding his own and pulled you in closer.
your nose bumped against his shoulder and you immediately and unconsciously breathed in his scent for it was always oddly comforting, fyodor smelled of old books and oud yet the distinct crisp smell of the outside greenery also mixed in with his scent.
fyodor looked down to watch your composure crumbling as you grew nervous and tense when he raised his other hand to wrap it around your lower back, pushing you to be more closer to him.
to watch you drop the mask and show your vulnerability whenever he did gestures like this was too pleasurable and amusing for him. coming from a place where love and affection or even peace are concepts which are only available for one to hear and fantasize about, you never got used to being showered by the attention and interest of your husband ; a man notorious and admirable at the same time.
"it looks like it'll rain heavily." you speak quickly and nervously as you raise your head to look at fyodor, a childlike nervousness in your eyes ; the kind which is seen in a child when he arrives at a new place or is pushed to introduce themselves by their parents to adults whose friendly smiles are nothing but scary and ugly curls on their scary faces.
yet with that childlike nervousness, your eyes also held the wisdom and knowledge of a man given mercy after being brought to be beheaded ; this beheaded man who had calculated the time he had left before his head would be cut from his neck and who watched his surroundings and himself for the last time with an incredible understanding. you looked like you wanted to cry yet at the same time didn't want to move away from him, like a child who clings to his mother after being smacked by the mother.
the innocence in you had attracted fyodor who had seen so much that he forgot if he ever was innocent once.
he tilted his head down and your eyes fluttered shut, his lips gently came in contact with your eyelid as he left a kiss there before doing the same with your other eyelid and he leaned back to whisper,
"do you really have no one to go to?"
"you are my husband, you are my everything now. i'll go wherever you go and i'll go wherever you tell me to." why is it that your nervous and anxious voice had more impact then those of philosophers and kings he have heard?
fyodor led you by your waist to the couches where he sat on one of the velvet armchairs and pulled you to sit on his knee, staring up at you with no expression on his face yet his eyes weren't sharp like they always were when he talked to others, no, his eyes were soft.
"i spoke of you to a friend of mine. he too was amazed when i told him what a sweet little wife i have chosen for myself. i told him how i immediately make you sit on my knees whenever i come back and watch you shyly and at other times nervously squirm under my gaze." fyodor began as he played with the hem of your white robe under which the only article of clothing on your body was a white babydoll nightgown but your eyes were glued to the way the cut on his neck from just a few minutes ago disappeared and his skin appeared as if he never had any wound to begin with.
does this explain his beauty too?
one which is considered otherworldly and which exceeds the one of both women and men? for how can he look so delicate yet intelligent at the same time?
"he asked me why. can you believe he would ask something so obvious? has his age been playing a factor in asking such a idiotic question?"
". . .i wonder the same too sir. why?" you raise your eyes to look in his eyes again and fyodor raised one of his eyebrows but didn't look up or stop playing with your robe. he had just changed his action to now playing with the knot of your robe and he only hummed before he spoke,
"i am a man who thinks his wife should not be influenced by traditions or societal influence but by the word of Him and after Him, by me. please refrain from referring to me with titles that are meant for others." fyodor explained gently yet the warning in disguise in tone made you immediately nod and fyodor almost smiled, not quite, you supposed you would have to work harder and please him more to get the privilege of seeing him smile.
"alright then, . . . dostoyevsky. please do answer my previous question." you hesitate before you attempt again to dive into the surface of his mind to try and understand him, to take a step closer to get him to warm up to you in a way you are familiar too -- directly, not subtly like he does.
for greed is felt by humans and humans aren't angels filled with virtues, they sin and sin and then they beg for forgiveness before they sin again ; and everytime they repent, He forgives them and showers them with His mercy.
you raised your finger to gently trace his nose. your fingers felt cold on his skin, ironically, as usually it is him who has skin as cold as the cold walls of a room during a winter night. so why would he feel your touch to be cold?
cold to the touch, soothing to the sensation. a normal and well known gesture, a foreign feeling it bloomed within.
"i like pretty girls like you who are obedient and quiet yet also playful." fyodor muttured as he let you raised your fingers to the corners of his lips, pressing it against his skin and turning it up and down as you tried to make him smile and frown but the thought that itched at the back of your skull remained one you've thought of before as well ; when he would smile for real, would you feel breathless or would would rather feel groundless as the ground beneath you disappears to make you float in air?
"i am not that pretty. many others were prettier. though mother always told me i would be picked to be the bride of a nobleman over the preety ones due to my obedience. and at other instances, she smacked me with her bible till my skin cracked and i truly resembled what she would call the 'devil's nasty joke' on her, to be given a child who is ordinary in beauty unlike her." you tell as you pull on his upper lip to reveal his sharp canines which separates him from the rest and let his identity be known, gazing at the unusual sharpness -- to you, a human --with curiosity as you raise your finger to poke at the tip of his teeth.
a supernatural being, an immortal man, a vampire possessing great beauty and a man who is cursed by knowledge yet blessed by wisdom.
"your mother is preety but she has a loud mouth. i always liked when the women around me had strong opinions and strong will yet with an equally gentle mouth." fyodor interjected calmly as he then lightly sinked his teeth into the plush of your fingerpad, amusement glowed in his eyes when he felt you jerk a bit due to the unexpected teasing.
"and i do?" you ask in somewhat interest and somewhat surprise as your pupils fall on his face once again to see amusement dripping down his own eyes as he didn't answer you, didn't want to give you the relief of having your curiosity answered.
"sweet child, you make me feel divine." is all the ancient vampire breathed out and to save yourself from becoming a shy and nervous mess infront of your husband, you quickly change the topic.
"if you bite me, will it hurt?" your change in topic is abrupt but adorable. you leaned down to look at his sharp teeth better and in your eyes were the wonder and thoughts and assumptions and theories of what it would feel like to be bitten by him, to have your skin pierced by his teeth, to have his breath fanning your skin and to have his arms caressing the supple flesh of your ass, you blinked. then coughed nervously at the thoughts in your hand.
"hm, it will. alot." fyodor opted for a whisper to tease you as he looked at you but he sensed it, felt it and realised it all. the subtle clenching of your legs and the quick blinking once you realised your own thoughts and how they circled concupiscence.
"really? i feel like you are lying." adorable efforts and adorable suspicion as you timidly smile at him and fyodor hummed before he grabbed your hand (which had been poking and inspecting his sharp teeth) while he began to move his knee up and down and watched how your shoulders tensed before relaxing as you tried not to notice the slight pleasure his movements are giving you.
to ignore the way his knee bucked into your crotch everytime he moved his knee and how your panties were pushed towards your folds by his movement, you looked at fyodor to see him raise your wrist towards his lips.
". . .si --" you stop, immediately correcting yourself when fyodor's grip on your wrist tightened, "-- dostoyevsky, what are you doing?"
you did not need to ask, you knew he would be answering your curiosity in a way that it would leave you satisfied and without any more doubts but the time period before he does so is of now and this time period is making your heart beat faster in anticipation and erotic joy due to the movement of his knee.
"quiet. love." he muttered out.
oh he did, he certainly did!
he used the pet name again. and again, he watched. he watched as you whimpered quietly and nodded, falling silent as you can't bring yourself to look at him, shyly staring at his mouth and waiting for him to proceed with his action.
with a strange calmness, you waited and watched. fyodor found it amusing how a mere nickname got you squirming but his action didn't.
parting his lips to sink his sharp teeth into your wrist where your veins were visible, fyodor perked up at the reaction he craved out of you, which came late, a gasp of surprise.
a melody fyodor wanted to engrave into the depths of his mind.
"you lied dostoyevsky, it doesn't hurt at all." you speak after a few seconds of silence as you inspect the way the blood flowing through your veins entered his mouth and flowed down his throat, was it like water to him or did he have separates tubes and enzymes for this blood -- your blood.
"it doesn't?" fyodor whispered out to tease you with a faux surprised tone before continuing, "then what does it feel like, love?"
the nickname sits nicely on his tongue and he likes the way it rolls off his tongue and the effect it has on you.
"have you not heard it before from your previous wives?" you tilt your head, the ecstacy of having his thumb run across your wrist as he tries to soothe the piercing and churning like pain from your wrist is what is making your tongue so loose and sharp. yet when the depth of your words settled on your tongue, your heart sank. what did you just say?
"you are my first wife."
"oh indeed." fyodor repeated with a smirk, the only closest thing to a smile you assume you'll see because there is no way fyodor would smile or even talk to you after the way you've disrespected him.
he may not be showing it but a man doesn't like being disrespectful and a respected man knows the clear line separating playful teasing with sugar-coated snarky remarks.
you aren't one though. you are young and naive and you mix up silent amusement for having taken offence. your hands shake in fear of these negative thoughts walking in your mind being true.
a thing to be noticed before going further is the use of 'sharp teeth' or 'sharp canines' instead of 'fangs'. the use of such terms instead of the other and more commonly known one is due to your stubbornness.
fyodor may be a vampire but he is not an animal and so, you try your best to view him as a human but he isn't one and so, unconsciously the words like 'canine' pop out.
old habits do die hard and old traditions are just someone's expectations and way of living being forced onto others.
fyodor knew it, he always did. nothing escapes his eyes afterall. and has anyone wondered what this would make him feel?
such a naively idiotic way of thinking that only humans are capable of as they spend lives in misery or happiness which is actually delusion in disguise.
"p-please forgive me dostoye --"
your words were cut off as the man leaned to place his lips on your's, the metallic taste in his mouth lingered and entered your's albeit faintly and was soon washed away by his saliva. your eyes were open in wide and visible surprise yet once fyodor separated, as if to just remember the feeling of your lips on his for memories have always been his companion.
and memories are the only thing as immortal as him, as ever living as him and as enchanting as him.
"call my name again." fyodor whispered out as he felt the hair on his nape rising as if to welcome the doom of him and of his heart.
falling for a mere mortal, oh, what a tragedy!
indeed, it is Him laughing at fyodor for the predicament He himself placed on him, he is sure of this much.
oh father, why has thou forsaken him?
why be so cruel to let him fall into the garden of love, it's a sin for someone like him. a sin he is committing on himself.
to love is to die for. to die for is to love.
"dostoyevsky?" oh.
heavens and the angels residing in it, is this a curse or a blessing?
fyodor closed his eyes and tilted his head up to exhale deeply as he needed a moment to process and to repeat the frail call of his name in his mind, he felt giddy and he felt disgustingly giddy.
"once more." fyodor demanded in a whisper as he tried to find his way through this garden where flowers bloomed and the sunlight showered on trees and the ground, making them relish this light falling upon them. this place doesn't feel hostile but unfamiliar and fyodor knows the dangers lurking behind that which is unfamiliar.
"dostoyevsky." you had gasped out this time when fyodor's hand, as if it had a will of its own, dipped in between both of your legs to grasp the under of your thigh and fyodor let out a satisfied breath.
"once more." he repeated his previous words. the flowers moved in one particular direction with the wind and fyodor, with skepticism guarding him, followed the path it pointed at.
"dostoyevsky. are you alright?" you leaned forwards to cup his pale yet extremely handsome face between both of your hands as you tilted his head down and after thinking for a few seconds on what to do, you leaned to leave a gentle peck on the tip of his nose as your eyes fluttered shut while doing so, due to shyness.
this doesn't make sense. fyodor thought as he stood at the destination the garden seemed him to want to arrive at yet all he saw a vast ocean which spreaded till infinity and the sun's reflection on the surface of the water was nothing special.
yet when you kissed the tip of his nose, there was a movement in the still water and fyodor felt himself getting irked at the slow realization. the ripples in the water slowed along his heartbeat.
love is like a ocean, deep and mysterious and no matter how much one tries, has there really been anyone who ever understood the sin that love is?
". . . seventy three." fyodor uttered slowly as he opened his eyes and stared at you.
"this is the seventy third time i smelt the arousal oozing out of you, my love." fyodor mumbled to you in amusement as he watched whatever confidence was left in you, vanishing and crumbling.
you knew it would be of no use to make an excuse or lie, he would see through you anyway.
perhaps fyodor noticed your chain of thoughts as well as fyodor's hand which was grabbing the under of your thigh, lifted it up to have your legs parted and your core to be completely vulnerable to him and he tapped your cunt with his knuckles making your breath hitch.
"hormones, they give away many things about someone. the excited signals in your brain and your heartbeat -- they give away a human and his intentions very quickly." fyodor further explained even if he knew you, or any human, would be able to fully grasp for this is far beyond what the human mind is functioned and trained to think.
"remove." fyodor quietly ordered and you nodded quickly, breathing pattern uneven and not in rhythm is just making it more evident of how spot on he is when he caught you red handed.
caught you? but what is their to catch? it's not a crime to feel aroused by your husband who only touched you no more then thrice during your nearly reaching one year of marriage.
you slowly yet carefully undo the knot of your robe before fyodor raised his hand to push the robe down your arms and onto his lap as he removed it, his hand trailed down the length of your arms as he did so and when you moved to find a more comfortable position to sit on his knee, the prior protection of the robe now stripped away to let his eyes fall upon every curve and every inch of skin uncovered along with the feeling of your core moving against his knee, the primal urge took over fyodor.
even a vampire has instincts and primal urges that he can ignore for a long time but can never be free of it.
the babydoll nightgown did the purpose it had, to tempt the man who parted his lips to let his tongue out and moisten the bottom lip, in a attempt to feel anything other then the arousal burning through his veins.
fyodor abandoned your thigh and raised his hand to place it over your neck and added pressure to it as he glided his hand down to make you feel a small and faint burning sensation as he did so and you did.
but what followed his action, this simple test, is the result he was hoping for.
for the reason behind this action of his was to hear your breath hitching in your throat as if your body suddenly forgot the way it naturally worked. your heart hammered in your chest but you still ignored it to let out the words,
"if my obvious arousal for you is so obvious . . . dostoyevsky. then . . " you trail off to stare at his face and you smile a bit, nervously before it falls down from your face and you are once again left to be anxious at the reaction he will have but you cannot stop now, not when the subtle way his tongue lapped on your wrist when he sucked your blood is still something you can feel like a shadow lurking behind a traveler on a full moon light.
you take a deep breath before shakily raising your hand to place it on his collarbone and after looking at his face for any signs of displeasure and not getting any, you begin to caress his collarbone.
"then why be so cruel as to not relieve you of it? is this it? is this what you wanted to say?" fyodor smirked again as he took in the sight of the surprise dancing at every nook and crook of your facial features.
and with a slow nod, you watch as fyodor leaned near you to peck the tip of your nose and then leaned his head down to lick a strip up your cheek towards your cheekbone as his eyes narrowed.
"beg for it if you are so desperate." fyodor muttured against your cheek, you close your eyes.
"you are my husband. it's your duty to satisfy me." you murmur back but due to your eyes being closed, you missed the chance of seeing his lips curve up into a amused smile just the slightest bit as your words brought up a sense of amusement.
playful. oh how much fyodor likes these moments.
"you ruin my reputation. don't you know i'm not supposed to be this gentle, my love?" fyodor sighed out as he decided to adopt a more serious and sincere mood, letting the playfulness in his evaporate in thin air.
but desire, oh it precipitated when fyodor's hand traveled down to raise your nightgown up and he then used his hand to grab hold of the back of your thigh to part it and have your cunt be more visible to him as your underwear showed a wet patch.
"is it my fault?" you ask with a nervous smile and shaky breath, a smile that doesn't fail to convey your affection and anticipation for the man who nodded. rather then answering his playful accusation, you raise your slightly trembling hands to pull the hair tie that had been keeping your hair in one place. "may i?"
once fyodor nodded to grant you the permission to do as you wish, you leaned a bit forwards as you used both hands to gather his hair and style it in a ponytail as a means to distract yourself from the hammering of your heart due to excitement.
yet fyodor must have sensed your intentions and this is why he immediately grasped both of your thighs in his hold, lifting you up slightly as he shifted his body to lay you down on the couch next to the armchair you two were occupying till now.
fyodor isn't a man of many words so during such an intimate moment, his eyes did the talking and it made blood to crawl up your skin under the intense and hot gaze of his eyes which were narrowed, a glint in them so unnatural and unhuman that it made you aware (that is, if you forgot of his nature for a moment) of the genetic and biological difference between you two.
you nervously held your breath as fyodor sat on his knees above you, still holding both of your thighs apart after which he raised his eyes to look into your eyes and the way his lips parted as he smirked, his fangs glinted due to the light falling on them.
"not gonna beg me?" fyodor asked again yet his usually calm and stable voice had noticeably dropped a few octaves, sounding extremely arousing considering the state you are in and the way his words are being partnered up with his fingers which caressed your calves.
you take a deep breath but it doesn't calm your nerves for whoever talks big about being level-headed and calm must've never been under fyodor dostoyevsky when he is smirking and pridefully showing off his fangs while sweatbeads forms on the sides of his lips and frankly, you hope no one ever gets the privilege after you die.
selfish but that's what makes us human.
"n- i mean yes . . .er no, wait --" you stutter while watching fyodor raise your leg towards his mouth as he placed a soft kiss on your ankle before he began his journey higher up your leg and every kiss which followed from here on became unique due to being accompanied by a quick nibble on your skin, his tongue licking your leg or even bluntly biting your skin.
"time is running, love." fyodor murmured against your leg as his eyes stared up at you and you parted your lips but what were you even going to speak when no words in your favor were forming in your head?
you lay your head on the couch cushion as you let out a breathy whine, a sound fyodor himself greedily repeated in his mind but originality always reigned over mimicry.
with each kiss traveling upwards the length of your leg, fyodor leaned down and down instead of raising your leg higher.
"time isn't one to wait for anyone. not even for a man like me. so tell me, are you going to beg or not?" voice turned sharp, a breath was stolen from your windpipe cruelly when fyodor's lips reached your inner thighs and he clamped his mouth shut, sinking his teeth into the fat of your thigh.
you could feel it as his fangs pierced your layers of skin and flesh, drawing out blood and gifting you with a shrill kind of pain but it soon turned into something else you can't comprehend when fyodor began to suck on the abused area, it didn't pain yet neither did it feel good -- it felt something in between.
your eyebrows furrowed in thought as you tried to comprehend this sensation which is very new to you. fyodor raised his eyes again to watch you and once he found you behaving the way he wanted ; distracted, his lithe fingers slipped past your panty and entered your hole without any warning which made you jerk up as you let out a squeal of surprise while at the same time, your hole sucked his lithe middle finger in and made him let out a hum of approval.
"dostoyevsky --" you were not able to speak as the moment you called his name, fyodor pulled his finger out and thrusted into your wet entrance again and suddenly the sucking on your thigh is making sense, now that his finger is slowly moving in and out of you, you feel his mouth on your thigh is only adding to the anticipation and arousal building in you.
"that's my name, yes." fyodor smirked cruelly as he stopped the movement of his finger as it settled knuckle deep into your hole and he lifted his head to stare at the two small circles on your thigh and the nearly red skin around it.
fyodor stopped holding your other leg and used his free hand to pluck a few strands of free hair that the ponytail wasn't able to cage, behind his ear as he stared down at your panting form with a calculative gaze.
"i do not entertain brats. you want something? you be a good girl and nicely request for it --"
"please dostoy?"
fyodor let out a sharp breath as he raised his eyebrow, a silent order for you to repeat yourself and you do, leaning up on your elbows as the strap of your babydoll nightgown dropped down your shoulder, you timidly repeat yourself,
"please dostoyevsky. please?" you do not go in detail of what you want due to shyness and shame. fyodor doesn't mind as the moment the three words left your lips, a low growl of your name emitted from his throat as he immediately leaned forwards and tore the straps apart, the fabric of the nightgown teared into two by his hands as they pulled the fabric apart to reveal your naked breasts to him.
fyodor lowered himself on you, between both of your legs and your wet core as he lowered his mouth on one of your nipples and touched it with the tip of his fang, making you shudder.
at the same time, fyodor's lithe fingers swiped up some of the oozing blood from your thigh and brought it towards your lips, shoving his finger inside your warm mouth when you parted your lips and the small hum of disapproval at the ironic taste of blood had fyodor grazing your nipple with his sharp fang, providing a ticklish yet arousing sensation.
the short moment of tease died when fyodor moved himself up and pressed his crotch down on your core, making you shudder as your back arched. taking this chance, fyodor's hand traveled to your back and he immediately and harshly pushed down your panties, letting them pool by your feet as he did not bother to take them off fully due to being impatient which is out of character for him but when have someone actually stayed fully composed when the nimble hands of lust slowly dragged themselves down the abdomen of the person they are affecting.
due to the confinement of his pants, fyodor's dick pressed against your core when he pressed down, a painful kind of pleasure traveled to his body and he found himself doing it again and again, letting out short hisses at the painfully addicting and mind numbing sensation.
"dostoyevsky please. i need you so bad -- want you so badl -- m-mhmm." you closed your eyes when fyodor lowered his mouth and bit down on your skin below your breast, hard enough to draw blood but the pain was evened out by him dry humping against you.
"you make a man loose his mind." fyodor gritted his teeth before he whispered something in a language foreign to you, perhaps an ancient language and by the familiarity of the word, he was cursing for you remember the same word being used in multiple occasions with a frustrated tone, why would he curse?
for he wanted to do to many things, feel too many sensations and give you too much pleasure but alas, he two, has only two hands yet his brain, oh, his brain  is a wonderful organ and works better then most of those who walked on this earth and perished on it.
"so much, so so much." fyodor muttered again in a language you understood and spoke since the beginning of your existence after you gained enough conscience to use verbal communication. he messily and clumsily undid his belt, removing his pants and practically kicking them off his feet, he let out short pants and his eyebrows were furrowed ; a sight enough to make you cum and fyodor noticed your hole sucking in air and so, he immediately pinched your labia in such a manner that between both of your lips was your clit as a prisoner of pleasure.
"you make me loose my mind so much. make me loose my morals and forget my manners." fyodor continued as he released his hold on your folds for a second to let the pleasure vanish before he pinched them again and as your folds squished around your clit, you let out a small sigh akin to a quiet moan.
"do you know how many times i've thought about bending you in a public place and taking you?" fyodor groaned at the remembrance of his perverted fantasies, he leaned down to bite on your skin again and this time, it drew out blood but the pain wasn't noticeable, not when fyodor pushed the tip of his cock against the spot on your thigh which he had bitten to smear the last wet drops of blood on your skin and on his tip, he groaned again at the messily erotic sight.
"there is only one solution for this." fyodor muttured as he leaned his head up to lick at your breast, his tongue stopping only when it hovered above your nipple as he wanted to let the bite he left on you to be undisturbed until it had enough blood flowing out of it.
without looking away from your eyes and without moving his face away as he pressed his tongue down on your nipple which hardened up, fyodor used both of his hands to spread your legs and try to clumsily push his cock inside your slit. his body weight falling on you, his tongue pressing down on your nipple yet not quite making any friction and his eyes which didn't tear away from your's even once ; all served to add to the pleasure he gave you as his dick bumped against your folds many times before he finally entered your slit while using his index and middle finger to spread your folds apart.
his tongue began to show movements as he licked a strip along your nipple before encircling around it and then it came, the moan you bit back and instead the choked breath you let out when his lips clamped down on your nipple and he began to suck on it, alternatively doing this and pulling your nipple with his teeth.
for every action in nature, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
fyodor pulled his dick out and he could feel the anger of your cunt at the sudden emptiness at it squeezed around thin air, arousal dipped out of you as it weeped for him to enter again, your hips spasmed as if heartbroken by the sudden lose of him . . . your entire body wanted him, didn't it?
this made fyodor shudder in satisfaction, his cocky nature taking the best of him as he smirked.
fyodor's lithe fingers traced down your fold and down the length of your inner thigh as he rubbed his finger on the spot which was faintly smeared in your blood, this made his dick ooze out precum and he thrusted inside you again.
you barely opened your eyes to lift your head up, spotting his free hand which was on top of your thigh and grabbing it to raise it towards your other breast which had been neglected for a long time. with your hand on top of his, you placed his hand on your breast and squeezed it, letting out a loud and breathy moan as your eyes closed once again.
"so eager." fyodor couldn't help but notice, thrusting into you slowly, in an antagonizing slow pace but to make up for it, his hand harshly squeezed your breast as if to tear your mind into two, to make you confused on which sensation to focus on.
fyodor's tongue flicked your nipple one last time before he lowered his head to place it on the spot he had bitten, now that it had a fairly safe yet good amount of blood pulling and he pressed his lips against the fluid. he lifted his head up towards your face and kissed the side, almost the end of your lips and dragged his lips down as he left small pecks along the way and the blood left its trail on your skin.
fyodor's dick picked its pace all of a sudden as he did not want the pleasure to disappear for even a second, he was sure to steal your breath away and leave you addicted to his touch, he will make sure of it.
his dick despite being clamped down by your walls, remained indifferent as he thrusted in and out, his ears drank the moans and whines your lips were letting free and his hand came down to grip your hip tightly, tight enough to leave a bruise.
fyodor went down to press his lips against your bloodied skin again, kissing the underside of your boob in the process before he raised his face to leave an open mouth kiss on your shoulder.
fyodor's dick entered with a particular thrust and touched your g-spot but he didn't pull back and rather, lifted you up by pushing on your hip till the tip of his dick touched your cervix.
it was a repeating process for fyodor to dip his head down and gather blood on his lips and then smear it down your skin as he kissed your body. your back arched when you felt his hand leave your hip to grab your thigh and spread your leg more, your leg dangled off the couch as he thrusted in again with the same pace he started out with ; slow yet deep.
yet his movements on your breast remained hard, harsh and fast and he, once after finding his action repetitive, switched to pinching your nipple and pulling and twisting it between the pads of his index and thumb, returning to his original action once he found this new one to grow repetitive and he alternatively switched between these two after every few minutes or perhaps, after every half minute.
"dostoyevsky." you moaned out and fyodor at once froze before he hummed and began again to ravish and abuse and mark your body as his, treating it delicately yet passionately, letting out short growls and whines every once a while.
fyodor's sacks began to tighten the moment your walls increased the intensity with which they clamped his length down and this was done after the second thrust to your g-spot and beyond it -- to kiss your cervix.
fyodor raised his head, licking his bloody lips and smirking arrogantly at how you appeared below him and how much more he can ruin you further, his hand abandoned your breast and grabbed your own hand instead. he clasped his fingers with your's and pushed your hand down on your stomach to have you feel the bulge his dick in creating inside you as it moved in and out and once again in and out before he pushed it in deeper and deeper inside.
his head kissed your g-spot and kissed it, and pressed on it harder and harder. fyodor's tongue licked your bottom lip before he bit down on it to draw out blood but he wasn't satisfied with this, he went down and bit down on the side of your neck and shoulder.
your legs raised as if on instinct and you wrapped it around his thin and small waist while your free hand grabbed at his clothed back and digged hard, your lips now letting out loud moans.
"i am gonna --dostoy -- ah - ahh. please let me cum, please please. harder -- please faster. don't stop, ah - oh, dostoy. dostoyyyy." you whined out his name when he pressed your hand down on your stomach harder while he used the other to grab and squeeze your breast again, digging his nails into your skin as he smiled against your skin to hear you being such a mess for him, to hear your shyness disappear due to the pleasure he is giving and bringing out a bolder side of you.
fyodor lifted himself on his knees just a bit to have a new and fresh angle to thrust inside you, his balls smacking against your ass harshly with each thrust he did and his dick went deeper and deeper, kissing and hitting your g-spot and cervix.
pleasure waltzed down your torso and up your feet as if to meet with each other with extended hands, fyodor's fangs pierced your skin as he continued to bite down hardly on your skin and his nails digging into your skin also drew out blood. the smell of so much blood made fyodor's breath to quicken and he moaned out. immediately the hands of the two forces of pleasure touched each other and with a moan akin to a scream, you came.
". . . dostoy?" you panted out while your hips spasmed as fyodor helped you ride your high out.
with a hum, fyodor lifted his head and blood had tainted his fangs. you raise your free hand to cup his jaw and pull his face towards your own as you left small and continuous pecks on his lips, kitty licking the blood off of his lips.
after a moment or two, fyodor's pace made you scream again as it increased at a inhumane pace, to give one an insight, you were able to respire only once between two or three of his quick thrusts.
he whimpered and pushed his lips hardly against your own, kissing you with force as he thrusted in again. the tip of his dick touched your walls and just the next second, ropes of sticky white shooted out and coated your walls white.
fyodor's body fell on top of your's as he tried to catch his breath, having no intention to pull out of you anytime soon.
rather, once he had calmed down a bit, he pushed his dick deeper to push his cum into you more and hopefully, into your womb.
"do you like the taste of blood now, love?" he quietly asked as he inspected the trail of blood he left on you -- from your cheeks to neck to shoulders to (faintly) your breasts and below it and above it -- wherever the eye could see, fyodor tainted your skin with your own blood.
you licked your lip before answering, "no, i like the taste of your lips."
━━━━━━━ 💋 end.
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zainab-april95 · 3 months
"‏أنهم لا يعرفون شيئا عن الشخص الذي أواجهه عندما أصبح بمفردي ..؟"
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su3luk40 · 1 month
‏"ولو كانوا يعرفونك حقًا، لعرفوا أن تغيرك هذا لم يأتي من فراغ، لعلموا أنك متعب جدًا، وأنك مررت بظروف كان ثمنها غاليًا من نفسك. لكنهم يعرفون فقط أنك أصبحت إنسانًا آخر، ويعرفون كيف يستنكرون ذلك منك ويلومونك عليه بإحتراف، هذا ما يعرفونه فقط."
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ala-mhmd · 1 month
‏في يوم كان أبو هريرة جالسًا بجانب المسجد ومعه مجموعة من الصحابة، فمر عليهم النبيّ ﷺ ونظر إليهم وتغيرت ملامحه لوهلة بسيطة ثم قال: (إن فيكم لرجلا ضرسهِ في النار أعظم من أُحد) فأنصرف النبيّ لكن كلماته عجزت أن تنصرف من أذهان هؤلاء الصحابة ومن أذهان كل مسلمين المدينة.
‏إخبار رسول اللّه ﷺ أن واحدًا منهم سيكون من أهل النار هو أخبار ليس كأي اخبار وياله من إخبار من الصادق المصدوق ﷺ ، فقد حقّت النار على أحدهم وليس أي احد من عامة القوم او من مشركين او كافرين، بل صحابة عظام أحدًا منهم في النار؟ فمرت السنين والأيام وهذه الكلمات لم تغب عن أذهان احد.
‏فمات كل هؤلاء الصحابة على خير والشهاده والإسلام، ولم يبق منهم إلا أبا هريرة، و رجلاً من بني حنيفة اسمه (الرَّجَّال بن عنفوة)، والرجال هو من الذين وفدوا على رسول الله في وفد بني حنيفة فأسلموا ، فلزم الرجال بن عنفوة النبيَّ ﷺ ، وتعلم منه ، وحفظ القرآن و الأحكام ، وجدّ في العبادة
‏يقول عبدالله بن عمر : كان بالرجال بن عنفوة من الخشوع ولزوم قراءة القرآن والخير شيء عجيب وقال عنه ايضا : كان من أفضل الوفد عندنا، كان حافظاً قوّاماً صوّاماً..
وظل إخبارُ النبي عالقًا برأس أبي هريرة رضي اللّه عنه ، وكلما رأى"الرَّجَّال بن عنفوة " ومداومته على العبادة وزهده.
‏ظن أبو هريرة عن نفسه أنه هو الهالك وأنه هو المقصود بحديث النبي وانه هو الذي سيكون ضرسه أثقل من احدً يوم القيامه، وأنه هو صاحب النبوءة وأصابه الرعب والفزع فلم يبقى أحدًا الا ومات ماعدا هو والرجال وكان الاخير زاهد عابد مؤمن فمن سيكون بالنار غيره، واستمرت هذه الوساوس تسيطر عليه
‏فلما ظهر مُسيلمة الكذاب في اليمامة وادّعى النبوة واتّـبعه خلقٌ من أهل اليمامة ، بعث أبو بكر الصديق الرجال بن عنفوه لأهل اليمامة يدعوهم إلى الله فالرجال كان من خيرة الناس واتقاهم، فذهب ليثبتهم على الإسلام، فلما وصل الى اليمامة التقاه مسيلمة الكذاب، وأكرمه، وأغراه بالمال والذهب.
‏لكن الرجال رفض هذه الامور رغم حاجته لها، فرأى مسيلمه ان الرجال قلبه سيميل لو ضغط عليه اكثر فقرر ان يعرض عليه نصف مُلكه إذا خرج إلى الناس وقال لهم إنه سمع محمداً يقول: إن مسيلمة شريك له في النبوة وهنا كانت بداية النهاية للرجال بن عنفوة فلما رأى نعيم مسيلمه وكان هو من فقراء العرب
‏ضعُف ونسي إيمانه وصلاته وزهده ، وخرج إلى الناس الذين كانوا يعرفون أنه من رفقاء النبي ﷺ وانه من اكثر الناس عبادة وايمانًا، فشهد كذبًا أنه سمع النبيّ يقول: إنه قد أشرك معه مُسيلمة في النبوة، وبسبب كذبته هذه أتبعه الالاف في اقل من نصف يوم فكانت فتنة الرجال أشد من فتنة مسيلمه نفسه.
‏فبعث ابو بكر الصديق جيش لمحاربه مسيلمه بقيادة خالد بن الوليد وهزم المسلمين مسيلمه وجيشه ومات مسيلمه ومات الرجال بن عنفوة على الشرك والكفر بعد ان كان ملازمًا للنبي مؤمنًا بالله ورسوله، فلمَ وصل هذا الخبر الى ابو هريره سجد باكيًا من الفرحه وتحقق ماقاله رسول الله وادرك انه نجا.
‏فلا تغتر بعبادتك، وصلاتك، وصيامك، وزكاتك، وصدقاتك ولا تمنن، وادع اللّه بأن يثبِّتك، ويـختم لك بخير، ولاتحقرن أحدًا بذنبه أو لذنبه، وادع اللّه أن يتوب عليه، ولا تُظهر الشماتة بأخيك المسلم فيعافيه اللّه ويبتليك! فأنت لا تعلم ماذا كُتب في اللوح المحفوظ والعبرة دائمًا بالخواتيم.
المصادر :
⁃سير اعلام النبلاء
⁃البداية والنهاية
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mghannam · 2 months
هؤلاء الذين يصرّون على الجلوس بمحـاذاة النّافذة ،لو سألتهـم عن تفاصيل الطريق ، لا يعرفون !
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ii2xj · 7 months
My day turns to blue
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lordsd34 · 2 years
يا بني فلسطين ضاعت لسبب بسيط جداً، كانوا يريدون منا -نحن الجنود- أن نتصرف على طريقة واحدة، أن ننهض إذا قالوا انهض، و أن ننام إذا قالوا نم، و أن نتحمس ساعة يريدون منا أن نتحمس، و أن نهرب ساعة يريدوننا أن نهرب.. وهكذا إلى أن وقعت المأساة، و هم أنفسهم لا يعرفون متى وقعت! - غسان كنفاني
يا بني فلسطين ضاعت لسبب بسيط جداً، كانوا يريدون منا -نحن الجنود- أن نتصرف على طريقة واحدة، أن ننهض إذا قالوا انهض، و أن ننام إذا قالوا نم، و أن نتحمس ساعة يريدون منا أن نتحمس، و أن نهرب ساعة يريدوننا أن نهرب.. وهكذا إلى أن وقعت المأساة، و هم أنفسهم لا يعرفون متى وقعت! – غسان كنفاني
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hana-93 · 2 years
- يقول ديستويفسكي في رواية الجريمة والعقاب :
" كل الذين أحبوني وأحببتهم، كنت أنا دائمًا الطرف الأكثر حبًا لهم، أقصد أن ورغم قدرتي الضعيفة على التعبير لكنني أقدم أشياء صادقة، أقدم أشياء ربما لا يعرفون قيمتها الا بعد نهاية علاقتنا، هم رائعون في البداية كـ الجميع كلهم رائعون في البدايات، الونس، الأمان، الردود الطيبة والشغف، أما عني فكنت دائمًا أبحث عن ما هو بعد هذة الخطوة، فقط البدايات رائعة في كل شيء، لكن الوقت يُبرد مشاعرهم، الوقت يكشف أن أقترابهم مني كان بدافع الفضول او مجرد نوبات احتياج فـ تعثروا بي لأعوضهم عن الفراغات التي يشعرون بها، لم يحدث يومًا ووجدت من تغير لأجلي، من حاول وضحى ليبقى بجانبي"
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