#⌈⌈building up. (machina)
andi-o-geyser · 1 year
Percy de Rolo and Keyleth of the Air Ashari my beloveds, my dearest companions, my comfort pair, nobody does it like them. They are the basis of what all friendships should be, they are the fucking blueprint, they show how meaningful profound affection in different forms other than romantic is, they are best friends, they are siblings, they are the platonic ideal of platonic ideals, they are soulmates, they have matching earrings, they are both massive nerds, they gift handmade jewellery to each other, they are the exact opposites, they are so similar, they are sunshine and shadow, they are nature and science, they are all the elements of the universe working together, they are creators, they are leaders afraid of their destinies, they care incredibly deeply about everybody around them, they are fuckups, they try to learn and grow, they argue, they fight, they hug and make up and never hold it against one another, they joke and drink and are always there for each other, they have died and been revived and brought each other back from the brink, they have met the gods themselves and still know that the connection between each other is worth more than divinity itself will ever be, they have fought monsters and titans and their greatest fears together and have come out the other side broken and battered but stronger for it, they are brother and sister, they are siblings-in-law, they are the epitome of chosen family on all possible levels, they will live through their lifetimes and legacies, they are love itself.
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it makes me so sad that we probably won’t get any of the rakshasa plotline in tlovm and that since vax and gilmore didn’t have their breakup scene in the show, even if we do get the rakshasa, we definitely won’t get hotis!gilmore’s “it’s all i think about”…. it’s genuinely so tragic that line is so fucking good 😩😔
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if i had a nickel for every time a blorbo of mine started wearing a plague doctor mask to indicate when he was being possessed by a bird-themed demon, and was pressured and then mind-controlled by said demon into trying to kill his friends & allies with a handgun, i’d have two nickels.
which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice!
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dreamofbecoming · 2 years
i love petals to the metal because it’s the first place we really see griffin be like “listen i know y’all are here to play a game where you make choices that drive the narrative, but as the narrative, i’ve decided to do my own thing, so go ahead and sit down for a while” and he was RIGHT
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clownbrad · 1 year
Finished playing The devil in me and that was definitely a game. it had graphics and sound, and you could control some characters in it.
#dark pictures anthology#the devil in me#wow that was disappointing#the worst of the anthology by far#most of it was just boring#the characters were bland af#i could not get myself to care for any of them#the prompt to kill the dog... what were they thinking#the ending was so stupid and it kept getting worse#i was hopeful to the end#thinking they may have a plot twist at the end that's gonna help recontextualize the entire story#and make me go... maybe this game was a drag and completely uninteresting but this revelation makes me wanna play it again#i get what they were going for with the main antagonist#sort of michael myers meets jigsaw but like#i hate the trope of the villain being unbeatable#despite you know seeing him get turned into puree by a boat#how is the main villain so incompetent and also a complete deus ex machina at the same time#the characters are so stupid too#it seems like they wanted to die#when the guy falls from the building and kate goes and picks up the hat#girl what#the only scary thing is the bad ending#what was the point of the traps? at the end he just wanted to kill them#but he also helped them escape at various points?#maybe if i need to read through every collectable to fully understand his motivations#i guess it could have been worse#it could have been a robot killer or something#ngl i was hoping Erin was gonna turn out to be the bad guy#it would have been so interesting and maybe make you think about the segments where you play as her#the fact that they had to explain each character's arc at the end was so stupid
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sentofight · 1 year
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machina tags
ic.| machina
building up.| machina
musing.| machina
img.| machina
aes.| machina
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drakonovisny · 2 years
will the episodes be released all at once or like 2-3 every week?
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reilora-borealis · 6 months
I think people (cast included, I bet!) really want Bell's Hells to be as tight as Vox Machina or Mighty Nein, they want the team building exercises to work, they want these characters to talk about their issues and come to terms with their trauma, etc.... but I just don't think it's going to happen. (For a variety of reasons I won't get into in this post.)
And that's not necessarily a bad thing?
Everyone loves the found family aspect of D&D, the group-of-besties-against-the-world adventuring party. We had that with VM, though we didn't get to see their characters meeting/bonding since it happened pre-stream; and we had it with M9, who we did get to see as they gained each other's trust and came to rely on each other in a really narratively satisfying way.
But with Bell's Hells, we have a party where the characters are bonded by their quest, but their dynamic is utterly dysfunctional. Which is fascinating, and so much more like a real family. I honestly don't think these characters would be friends at all if they didn't have this shared goal. They're like reluctant coworkers who were forced to work together by their boss (Eshteross, Keyleth, Allura, take your pick), and each person lowkey thinks the other members of their team are bad at their jobs. Some groups just don't work well together, and you can't force it. You can try your hardest, but it will always be like a machine working at 60% efficiency.
My point is, I think we should stop trying to force BH to be more like VM or M9. What if the dysfunctional found family is a feature, not a bug? What if this challenging dynamic ends up being the whole point of campaign 3, and internal conflict is the real enemy BH -- and Exandria at large -- is facing?
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celluloidbroomcloset · 6 months
Y'know, I was rewatching pieces of both Season 1 and Season 2 for an analysis I was considering, and it struck me that there is indeed a tonal shift between seasons (without it violating the development of the characters or the overall ethos of the show) as love and desire stop being marked by fantasy and become...real.
So much of Stede and Ed's early romance is framed with romance and fairytale tropes - the meet-cute/deus ex machina, the Prince and Pauper switch, the full moon "fine things" conversation, the break-up/divorce speech Stede gives the crew when Ed leaves with Jack, the casting of Izzy as the villainous complication and the English as the encroaching threat.
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Then something shifts with "Act of Grace" and the kiss on the beach - the physical and emotional declaration that "this is real" between them. It stops being fantasy - it stops being Stede's fantasy, which was romantic and clean and largely sexless, and it stops being Ed's fantasy, which was to get to be a part of a different world and change what he thought was his fate - and becomes true. It becomes untidy and complicated, but deepens with every moment. There are hints of it building throughout the first season, but with the end of "Act of Grace" and "Wherever You Go," the fantasy falls away and leaves desire and heartache and hope.
Season 2 makes them messy and hurt and angry and so deeply joyful with each other. There's no more wealth and no more toy boat and no more full moons, but there is a dream that saves Ed's life, a kiss under a gibbous moon, passion born from pain and such intense love, and a home where neither thought a home could be.
The fantasy breaks, but pieces of it remain, and what's underneath is so much better.
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spacecowboyhotch · 5 months
In Plain Sight, Ch 5: To Atomize
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summary: nathan leaves his house to tell you he loves you.
pairing: nathan bateman x f!reader
contents: 18+/NSFW/MINORS DNI, enemies to lovers (sorta), boss/employee dynamics, mentions of sick/dying parent, pining, dom/sub dynamics, mid love confessions, oral (m + f receiving), p in v sex, creampie, squirting, NATHAN’S SO IN LOVE AND SIMPY AND FREE
wc: 6,138
an: we've sadly reached the end of the main story. thank you thank you for all the support on this fic. a girl watches ex machina once and suddenly is writing 20+k for an asshole simp. i do plan to write the extras fairly quickly (the next month or so) and they'll vary in length. i hope y'all stick around for more of them.
in plain sight masterlist | family dinner | tiana | TIONB | planted | little hamlet
You and Nathan are doing work out on the couch, your legs thrown over his. It’s all very domestic, something the both of you could get used to. 
He doesn’t look up when he asks, “That date out— do you still want it?”
“I do but honestly, I don’t think it’s realistic. You like being out here, Emma and Phillipa shouldn’t be at home by themselves for so long— not to mention my mom.”
“You don’t talk about your mom,” He observes, his eyes rising from his laptop to look at you. 
You continue your work as you talk, “There’s too much to talk about. And nothing at all.”
“And the vagueness returns,” There’s more bite in his voice than he wants there to be, but he can’t help it.
You notice immediately— going rigid like stone before you fix him with an empty gaze. “She’s dying. She can’t work. She sleeps most days. In the mornings before I come here, I read to her and when I get home I tell her I love her and kiss her goodnight. Is that specific enough for you, Mr. Bateman?”
Nathan just looks at you, his eyes for once, void of any emotion to tell you how he’s feeling. Nathan 3 months ago would have stormed away, or said something snarky. But, he just keeps looking at you. The silence makes you uncomfortable and your words replay in your mind over and over, guilt building each time. Your mother’s a tender subject, but Nathan is…more than anyone has ever been to you despite not making that clear to him. You open your mouth to apologize but he shushes, closing his laptop and then yours before he pulls you into his lap and holds you close. 
He kisses at your temple, your forehead, your cheek, “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
It shouldn’t catch you off guard, his affection and tenderness but it does. You melt into him even as your walls go up inside. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not, honey. It’s not. Can you tell me what—“
“Cancer. Off and on since I was in high school.”
“You’ve been taking care of your sisters off and on since they were born?”
You shrug. It was true. In the moment, when you and your mother had made those decisions together— your father wishing and washing his way in and out of your lives whenever he felt like— they hadn’t seemed like a big deal. But, Nathan’s tone can’t help but make you realize how much you’d missed out on because of your duty to your family.
“Shit, honey.”
“It’s alright, Nathan,” You breathe. It’s not, it’s never been okay, but you’ve been telling yourself that for as long as you can remember. 
“It’s not. You’re a good fucking woman. You and your family deserve better.”
“They do deserve better. My sisters don’t have a time remembering her like I do. Before she got sick. That’s fucked up isn’t it?” 
“Yeah, baby, it is.” His hold on your tightens, a hand smoothing up and down your back. “Let me take you out for one night.”
“Nathan, I just said—“
He takes your jaw into his hands, intentional yet gentle with his grip as he guides you to look at him. Those big brown eyes are warm but firm. “We’ll do it in the city. I’ll pick you up from your apartment, you’ll be a phone call away. I’ll bring you home first thing in the morning. C’mon baby, you deserve a break. Let me give it to you.”
You agree to Nathan’s advances, like you always do these days. This date takes a lot of coordinating— but somehow it all turned out in your favor. Nathan jokes that it’s because of his god-like will. You’re just happy to take the breather when it’s presented to you. Emma gets invited to her first sleepover, Phillipa’s school is having a lock in. Somehow, Nathan had convinced you to accept him paying for one day of round the clock care for your mother so her usual nurse, Celia, could have a day off too.
You’re realizing that maybe you’re just as gone for him as he is for you. That you believe what he’s said about the depths of his feelings for you and maybe, you’re ready to take the next step and allow yourself to feel them openly for him too. How quickly the tide turns. How quickly Nathan had put in the effort to show how badly he wanted this— you. 3 months ago you could say with sincere surety that you did not like Nathan Bateman. And now…well you were sure you couldn’t deny loving him. 
He tells you to dress formally— it lands you in your favorite black dress, the one that always gives you a boost of confidence and makes you feel good. You’re going to need if your racing thoughts about how your feelings have deepened are any indicator for how the evening will go. And maybe, once or twice, you’ve imagined Nathan peeling you out of it when your fingers slipped beneath your waistband late at night.
When you open the door, Nathan’s in a crisp white button down and slacks, a suit jacket draped over his shoulders— your knees nearly give out. So do his.
“Fuck me,” He breathes.
“My neighbors can hear you,” You remind him breathlessly, your face hot as his eyes slowly trace your figure. 
“They should be lucky we’re not staying here or they’d hear a hell of a lot more. Fuck. You look incredible, baby.”
“My eyes are up here.”
“I’ve seen enough of those.”
“Can you fucking blame me? You walk out here in this tight little dress, one I imagine will stay on until after dinner, which is a fucking sin if you ask me. I’m giving commotion for the dress honey, it is what it is. Come here,” He reaches for you, snaking his arm around your waist so he can kiss you thoroughly. When he breaks the kiss he whispers, “Hi.”
Some of your nerves dissipate at his clear attraction to you, his sweetness. You smile against his mouth, bumping his nose with your own. “Hi. You look so handsome.”
“Thank you,” He murmurs, a smug grin spreading across his face. 
“Patience and good manners, you’re a changed man yet.”
“Does that mean if I ask to feel you up in the limo, you’ll say yes?”
“My neighbors, Nathan,” You remind him sternly, though you’re still smiling. 
“Stuffy old fucks probably need a good show.”
The limo ride to the nearby docks is 40  minutes with the traffic — and he helps you out like a gentleman, guiding you to a moderately sized boat. It’s impressive, all cream and blues, the 
“Nathan, why is there a helicopter next to this boat?”
“In case you need to get home,” He says simply, if that explanation is enough. 
“In case— we got here by limo.”
“You’re a phone call and a 10 minute helicopter ride away from your family.”
How were you gonna make it through dinner without dragging him to the ground so you could ruck up your dress and fuck him? He was saying all of this, doing all of this so nonchalantly, like it isn’t the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you.
He leans in, mouth and beard tickling your cheek as his whispers teasingly, “This is usually where people say thank you.”
You lean away, giggling a little. Your tone is suggestive, “What if I’m saving my thank you until after dinner?”
“Finally gonna show me some of those methods? It’s been driving me fucking nuts, honey.”
“Depends on how good you are.”
Nathan bites back a moan. This is all so fucking surreal. Being out of his home, being with you. Learning more and more about you, seeing you. Being yours and you being his. It’s more than he could’ve hoped for. He thought he would’ve fucked up by now— and he has, but you held a selfless amount of patience in your heart. He finds himself feeling…grateful? It’s an unfamiliar feeling, one he pushes away from a young age. 
“Don’t be filthy before dinner,” He murmurs lowly.
“You‘ve been eyeing my tits since you picked me up,” You challenge. 
“I’ve been appreciating them, there’s a difference. You ever been on a boat before?”
You eye the boat thoughtfully, “My mom used to take me on the ferry. Does that count?”
Nathan hums. He hasn’t ushered you onto the boat just yet, the two of you standing out on the docks in the salty breeze. It’s nice, being out in the fresh air like this, the water dark as the sun finishes dipping below the horizon. He’d anticipated much more anxiety given his hermit tendencies but it was just you and him and the few staff he’d hired to manage the boat. 
“Do you want to name it?” He blurts out all of a sudden.
“Name what?”
“The boat,” He nods towards the ship. 
You frown, confused. “You haven’t named the boat?”
“I bought it last week.”
“Nathan, did you buy this boat to take me out on a date?”
“Yes I did,” He says with no shame. 
All of that will be an adjustment, the blasé way that he spends money— especially when he spends it on you. You know that he has a fuck ton of it but still; you’ve never lived a life of luxury. 
“Do all employees get this sign-on bonus?” You tease.
“Hush, cheeky girl. Name the boat.”
You grow thoughtful, and that thoughtfulness quickly melts into a melancholic, wistful feeling. You think about your mom. How she’s been swayed back and forth by the tide of life, doing her best to float above it all. It would be nice wouldn’t it, to name something after the woman you love most?
“Boats are named after strong women. So I think…Tiana,” You murmur, voice full of emotion. You clear your throat quickly, hoping he doesn’t notice. 
But Nathan’s obsessed with you— and now that you’ve let him in, he can sense every push and pull. He maneuvers you so that your back is flush with his front. “I like it. Tiana…is that your mother?”
You don’t trust your voice. You simply hum, nodding a little bit as you press back against him. 
He squeezes you tighter, “It’s perfect, baby. Absolutely fucking perfect.
He cups your jaw with one hand, guiding your gaze to his. He’s never seen you nonverbal like this before, never seen sadness in your eyes like this. It makes his chest ache. He guides your mouth to his, kissing you with gentle reverence you never would’ve guessed he was capable of until recently.
Nathan just holds you, letting you melt against him in silence for an undetermined amount of time. His worry grows. “Do you want to call the nurse before we sit down for dinner? Emma? Phillipa?”
Finally, you speak. “No. No, it’s alright. I spend the entire day away from all of them when I’m working for you— I can do this.”
“Just say the word, okay, sweetheart?”
You lean in to give him a soft peck of appreciation, “Yes, I will. Thank you, Nathan.”
Dinner is much more elaborate than it had to be— but this is Nathan you’re talking about, a man with practically the entire world at his fingertips. Of course a 10 course meal makes sense to him. Not that you’re complaining about a personal sized crawl through Italy; breads and antipasto, pastas of all sorts, wines that are perfectly paired, and to end your favorite dessert from the first time the two of you shared a meal together. Despite his underestimating himself and his chaste manner, you think that Nathan is good at romance. He’s great at romance. By the time you’re finishing the last bite, you’re warm and full, a little buzzed and most importantly— needy for him. 
Your entire body is craving his. You’ve denied your desires and his for long enough. You need him, you feel like you might go insane with lust— with love, if you don’t have him. 
“Are we sleeping here?” 
“There’s a suite downstairs, or there’s a hotel nearby I reserved. It’s your call.”
“Here…here is good. Will you take me to bed?” You ask, nonchalantly. 
Nathan chokes on the wine he’s sipping, setting it down to looking at you more intently. “Take you to bed,” He repeats.
“Yes, Nathan, take me to bed,” You practically purr at him this time, voice low and smoky.
Nathan has had  lots of sex in his life, never been flustered or taken aback by anyone. He’s accepted that all of his past experiences go out the window when it comes to you, but he doesn’t expect such a strong reaction out of himself when faced with the opportunity to finally ravish you. He feels like if he stood up right now, his legs would give out like jello. 
The way you’re looking at him— he’s sure no one has ever looked at him like this in his entire life. Carnal and hungry, like when you kissed him breathless in the forest, but more intense. It’s almost overwhelming. He’s never been consumed before, and that’s exactly how you’re looking at him. Like you’re going to swallow him whole. His cock twitches and he takes a deep breath.
“Come here,” He says softly, pushing away from the table and holding his hand out for you.
You stand, moving closer to him but don’t take his hand. “If I touch you…if we start here, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.”
Nathan feels winded. He squeezes his eyes shut, and nods. “Fuck, honey, alright. Follow me.”
Nathan guides you through the dining room and down a hall, not even bothering to mention what doors the two of you pass. His heart is pounding in his chest— he’s ready for this, been ready for so long and he wants this to mean something. He had been ready to wait as long as you needed in order for this moment to be everything it can be. 
The suite he takes you to is larger than you anticipated it to be, but you can’t bring yourself to care. As soon as Nathan shuts the door behind you, you practically launch yourself at him, your hands starting at where his shirt is tucked into his pants. You ruck it up, leaning forward to kiss him.
“Whoa, mmm,” He hums into your mouth. His hands finally fall to cup your ass, kneading and squeezing the way he’s wanted to for hours now. “You been this desperate the whole time?”
“Have you?” You counter as you press him against the door, grinding your hips against his. You can feel him through the fabric of his trousers, and it makes your mouth water. 
“Fuck, baby, lemme get you on the bed at least,” He breathes when he feels the way your hips rut.
You pull away, looking at him with bright but hazy eyes— like he’s just come up with some revolutionary idea. “The bed, right. Come here.”
You start to walk backwards, guiding him with you by his shirt. Once the back of your thighs hit the bed, you switch positions with him, encouraging him to sit down so that you can straddle him. Nathan feels weightless— this is like his dream come true. Just a couple months ago he was jerking himself off imagining a sight like this, and now he was living it. 
Looking up at you, he feels warm. Fuzzy. Like he’s in the safest place he’ll ever be in. With his limited data and hope, trust— things he’s never had with anyone— he knows that he is. This is all he’ll ever need. You’re all he’ll ever need. He loves you so much it hurts. 
“Baby,” He sighs, guiding your mouth down to his. Where your mouth is hurried and insistent, his is lazy and indulgent. He wants to savor every moment.
“Hmm,” You hum grinding down against his clothed cock in a move that makes both of you moan. 
“I fucking love you.”
You lean away, eyes wide with alarm. Part of you, most of you, thought that to be true. Well— whatever he was capable of feeling that was close to love. He’s proved himself to you. All of his intentions, his actions, his words— no matter how haphazard he’s been in communicating them— have been pure. While just a few months ago you were sure Nathan could love no one but himself, you’re sure now that he’s being completely honest. It sends you further into your frenzy. He loves you. 
Nathan Bateman fucking loves you. 
You’re quiet for so long that he feels antsy. There’s no regret, no anger in his heart like he thought there could be when first pursuing you. But he is starting to feel small, like a nuisance like his parents made him feel all those years ago. 
“Really?” You ask breathlessly, unsure if it’s from his declaration or your body’s response to being pressed against him like this. 
He scoffs, squeezing your hips, “Really? You think I fucking—“
“Okay, alright, I love you too.”
You fix him with narrowed eyes. Of course you get scolded but he gets to do the exact same thing as you. It’s very Nathan. It makes you love him more. 
“My really is fucking justified, I’m some asshole, you’re…you’re the moon. The sun. The sky. I’m not good at this poetic shit but I mean it.”
“You’re the sweetest, most thoughtful, insightful and just— kind. I know what you’re thinking, I know that something or someone’s taught you not to think that you’re kind and worthy but you are. Even if you’re an asshole and a clown, you are. And I love you.”
“We’re fucking corny and sickly sweet and so cliche. I could vomit,” He says, his grin wide and genuine. 
You nuzzle into him, laughing softly at the tickle of his beard, “You would study it, see if it quantified any of your love for me.”
“So you think I’m disgusting,” He murmurs, using his grip on you to rock your hips down against his cock. 
The pressure is sweet, and you shiver even as you try to get your voice even. “Am I wrong?”
He laughs a little, eyes fluttering when you help him rock you down even further, “No.”
You reach up to remove his glasses, bending to set them on the side of the bed— you didn’t want to break them, now with how you were about to ravish him. “Kiss me, Nathan.”
Usually, he needs to be told things once, twice, and again but this request Nathan obeys immediately. His hands start to travel up your body, fingers sliding under the fabric of your dress to expose inch after inch of your precious skin. His eyes are closed as he bares you to him, pulling down the cups of your bra so your breasts spill out, but he can feel how beautiful you are under his fingertips. Smooth and soft, fitting perfectly in his grasp.  Every touch, every kiss is electric. His hands skate up your stomach, cupping your breasts before he takes your nipples between his fingers, rolling them gently.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, you feel so good. So good,” He mumbles into your mouth, his fingers still working, eager to hear the soft little sound you made.
You melt into him, nodding frantically as you continue to sip from his mouth. “You too.”
Nathan breaks away from your mouth, biting and kissing his way down your neck, sucking a faint mark into your skin. More. He wants more of you, and you more of him. He kisses a trail between your breasts before leaning in, suckling one of your nipples into his mouth. You taste so fucking good. Like honey and cocoa, so delicious. Not for the first time, Nathan thinks about how much he wants to consume you. Or be consumed. He can’t choose, his head is spinning and he’s getting more frantic, shaking beneath you as he sucks and nips at you. 
You can feel yourself getting lost in him, but this isn’t what you’ve thought about all these months. He feels incredible, his mouth is warm, his hands sure. The pleasure that’s blooming all over your body is one you'll never give up. But, no, for all these months, you’ve thought about turning him into a whining, shivering mess. You’ve thought about making him cum over and over until he can think of nothing but you. 
You lean away, cupping your face in your hands,  “Wait— please, let me touch you. I get off all the time, but I haven’t touched a man in so long. I wanna see you.”
Your hands fall, gripping his shirt and ripping at it. Buttons scatter as you work him out of the shirt, leaning in to coax his mouth open for you once more.  “Let me make you cum. Please, I need it.”
“That’s what you want?” He asks skeptically.
“Yeah, and you’d give me anything, wouldn't you? You ask, tilting your head at him expectantly.
“I’d give you anything,” He confirms.
You slid out of his lap, reaching behind to unclasp your bra and discard it. It leaves you in nothing but black lace panties. “Then take your pants off.”
All Nathan can do for several moments is stare at you, his mouth agape, ready to drool. He could believe he’s died and gone to heaven, except he doesn’t believe such a place exists. And if he did, he would not end up in a place where he would be so privileged to be met with the sight of you. You're an angel in the most sinful way.
“Nathan,” You coo when he doesn’t move, a soft grin on your face.
“Sorry,” He mumbles, a soft blush rising in his cheeks. 
It’s adorable, it makes the heat in your lower belly burn brighter. You can feel yourself getting wetter for him by the second. “I thought about you like this so much.”
“Could've fooled me,” He heaves, trying to seem less affected than he is. That boat sailed the moment you asked him to take you to bed. 
You laugh softly at his words, dropping to your knees and resting your hands on his broad thighs.  “Don’t be snarky, baby, just let me make us feel good. You want that don’t you?”
Nathan shivers, even as your warm, honeyed voice glides across his skin. God he knew you’d be like this, knew he’d bend to your will so easily but to hear it and feel it. “I do,” He sighs, allowing you to guide him to sit down on the edge of the bed.
Your eyes are dark with hunger, and you lick your lips a little as you look up at him. “God, your cock’s so fucking pretty. Can I put my mouth on you?”
“You can do whatever you want to me,” He whispers earnestly.
You aren’t gentle or patient or thoughtful about letting him adjust. You take Nathan’s cock completely, so deep that he feels like he’s starting to enter your stomach. It takes everything in him to keep his hips down, a will that crumbles when you swallow, your throat tightening around him. The sound you make is a cross between a gag and a satisfied hum. You pull off without missing a beat, spitting on the tip of his cock and lifting a hand to grip and pump him.
“Mmm, shit, that’s really…that’s really fucking—“ Nathan babbles incoherently, words cutting off. 
You start in on him again, your head bobbing up and down as you take him over and over again. The noises he’s making have you squeezing your thighs together. Soft and breathy and so so sweet. You peer up at him wanting to see how he looks. The flush in his cheeks is deeper and redder, his eyes somehow sharp and hazy all at once. Seeing him so vulnerable, gooey and nearing the peak of pleasure you don’t stop, sucking harder, allowing the tip of his cock to go deeper.
One of his hands falls to your shoulders, gripping it gently, “Wait— wait— fuck, hold on baby, just,”
Carefully, you pull off of him, wiping at the trail of spit that connects your mouth to his cock. You look up at him with those sweet little eyes, like you haven’t nearly sucked what little of a soul lies within him. “Hmm?”
“Wanna cum inside you, please.”
“This is you cumming inside me,” You challenge, kissing at the head of his cock.
“Inside your pussy,” He gasps, the vein that trails down the center of his forehead on display as he fights to stay still—as he holds back.
You rest your head on his thigh, looking up at him like he’s hung the moon. The sight alone almost makes him cum. 
“Say, please,” You whisper.
“Please, sweetheart.”
“You’re so good, do you know that?” You ask him softly, reaching up to cup his face. 
“Good?” He asks with a furrowed brow. The word directed at himself feels clumsy in his mouth. 
“Good,” You repeat as confirmation. “So good that you’re gonna lay back against those pillows without another word aren’t you?”
Processing your words, he simply nods, helping you to your feet before he scoots back, propped up against the pillows, looking so devilishly handsome. If you stared at him long enough, you’re sure you could cum from just this sight. But why torture yourself like that, when you’re this close to having him buried inside you? Body humming with anticipation you crawl up the bed, straddling him once more. 
“Do you want to feel how wet I am?” 
“Yes,” He answers quickly before tacking on, “please.” 
That sentence alone shows just how much Nathan Bateman is a changed man. Please without being promoted? Atop apologies and vulnerability and love confessions. 
You hold your panties to the side for him, “Go on then. Touch me, baby.”
Nathan’s eyes track to where your pussy runs along his cock, burning hot. He reaches for you, letting his fingers sweat through your folds, causing both of you to moan. You’re so fucking wet, dripping, glistening in the warm lamplight. 
“For me?” He asks, voice and hands trembling as he finds your clit, pressing his thumb against it.
“For you. Because you’re so fucking good for me. Good to me.”
Every fucking word out of your mouth pulls his closer to his release. He needs to be inside you, he can feel the clock ticking. “Can I fuck you now, honey? Please, I need to feel you.”
“Who knew Nathan Bateman would beg?”
“On my knees for the rest of my fucking life, baby.”
You can picture it, except in your dreams, Nathan’s beard is shining with your slick. Your breath catches, and you grow too needy to continue teasing him. It takes you just a few seconds to line him up with your entrance, giving neither of you time to adjust as you sink down on him completely. His back arches, huffing a heavy, labored breath. He’s sweating, he can feel it, his skin slick underneath your fingertips as your pussy grips him so deliciously tight. You’re dripping down his cock already.
“Fuck, honey—,” He laughs, squeezing at your hip, nearly pushing you off to hold on. “Fuck me, you couldn’t have— warned a guy?”
“Sorry,” You breathe, grinning down at him, “needed to fuck you.”
Nathan’s eyes roll as you rock your hips, completely breathless, “Shit—your pussy’s so fucking tight. So hot, you been saving this all for me?”
You bend, your nose resting against his as you gaze into him, “Savor it— don’t think. Don’t control. Just enjoy it, Nathan. Be with me. Give in to me. Say yes.”
“Yes,” He slurs, drawn out and drunk on you. 
You guide his hands to either side of his head, holding them down by his wrists as you start to move, your pussy taking his cock the way your throat had with even more ease. The two of you fit together so perfectly, your cunt swallowing his entire length over and over, pleasure mounting higher and higher inside you. Nathan’s winning the fight against his body now. He’s happy to submit to you, it feels so good, so perfectly sweet, like he was made to be underneath you like this. But his body screams for release, to roll you over and fuck you hard until you squeeze his cock so tight there’s no choice in his cumming.  
“Wanna cum…wanna cum in your pussy,” He whines, his hips lazily rocking up to meet yours. 
“You will baby, I’ll let you fill me up,” You assure him, slowing the rhythm of your hips, teasing yourself and him for a moment as you close your eyes and let yourself really feel every single inch of him.
Nathan’s lips are parted slightly, pink and flushed, soft gasps leaving him as your hips grind down against his. You remove one of your hands from his wrists, leaning back so you have room to run your thumb over the swell of his bottom lip.
“You okay, baby?”
“Yeah,” He says, his words syrupy, “feels good. So good.”
“Let me in there,” You murmur, tapping two of your  fingers against his lips, and he opens wide immediately. You purposefully clench your cunt around him, a small reward for his obedience and he groans, his back arching as pleasure burns in his veins. 
“I’m gonna soak your cock,” You tell him matter of factly.
Nathan’s eyes go wide, his chest rising fast as his lungs beg for air. No matter what he does its not enough. He’s drowning in you, there’s nothing he can do about it. There’s nothing he really wants to do about it. “Soak my—“
“Nice and wet, all over you. Gonna make us messier,” You whisper, like the sound of his cock gliding in and out of you isn’t already obscene. “You want that don’t you, Nathan?”
He doesn’t have words, just soft, needy sounds. Pleading round eyes. Shallow, noisy breaths. It’s all the answer you need.
“I know, baby. I know. Cum whenever you need to, I’ll make it,” The gentle tone of your voice doesn’t match the devious look in your eyes. 
You know exactly what you’re doing. You know his cock aches with the need to release, know he’s fighting this because he never wants this to end. Know that he’s never been this deep in subspace in his life, that he’ll obey any command you give him.
You shift up on your knees, until you’re taking nothing but the tip, and then rock back, taking him as deep as you can. Bending to your will, Nathan cums with a sound that can only be described as sweet agony. 
As he fills you up, your hips slip into a grind, pressing and pressing the tip of his cock against the sensitive spot inside you. You can feel it coming now, you know just how to twist your hips, just how long to rub at your clit to make it happen. Your thighs grow tight, your cunt clenching as it starts to milk him for everything he’s got. You gush around him, the sound so wet and filthy that Nathan thinks he might cum again. Your slick is everywhere; your thighs, your stomach and all over Nathan, his lower belly glistening with you. He looks down and groans again, need rising sharply in his chest. He wants to taste you. 
“Let me taste you, please. Drown me,” He begs, one of his hands shakily reaching for where the two of you connect.
Your hands fall to the pillows on either side of his head, propping you up from where you’d since collapsed onto him. “Nathan, baby, you’re tired—“
But, Nathan is desperate— as desperate as you were when you asked him to take you to bed, you can hear it in his voice as he pleads, “Sit on my face. Please, please, please, baby. Fucking, please. Let me eat your pussy.”
Your lost to him and his begging. With the little strength you have left, you shuffle up, getting you thighs on either side of his head, gently lowering yourself down through the burn of your muscles. Nathan has another idea, weakly reaching for you and effectively smothering himself in your pussy. Its messy, the sounds of his mouth as he licks and sucks at your clit like a starved man. Like you two hadn’t just stuffed yourselves full at dinner. 
“Nathan,” You mumble, trying to steady yourself by leaning against the headboard. His beard tickles against your thighs, but makes the work of his mouth even better, brushing each and every bit of your sensitive pussy.
Despite your plea, Nathan is insatiable, pulling you down by his grip on your ass. He’s gasping and whining into your cunt, like it's all too much and too little at the same time. He can hardly breathe with how firmly he’s got you pressed against his face, though he wouldn’t change his position for the world. He would happily die here if it was what you wanted.
He can feel your thighs shaking against the sides of his head and knows that you’re close to cumming. Doubling his efforts, Nathan switches from running his tongue through your folds to focusing solely on your clit, circling and circling in a maddening technique. When you fall apart on his tongue, he presses his tongue inside of you, eager to drink up every single drop of your sweet honey. 
He feels like he’s cumming again, his cock jerking behind you though there’s nothing for him to release. He feels like he’s been split right open, all of his tender, vulnerable spots on display.
It takes several minutes for Nathan to come back to himself once you shift off of his face, laying your body against his. He’s gasping for air with tightly shut eyes, his entire body shaking. You run a hand up and down his chest, cooing soft praises as you try to soothe him. 
He stares at the ceiling, steadying his breaths. “Jesus fucking Christ, baby. You’re the filthiest person I’ve ever met.”
You tilt your chin to look up at him, admiring the shine of his beard that’s completely covered in you. A mark that he’s yours. “Thank you.”
The grin on your face— you’re trying to fucking kill him. How many times has he thought since he’s started this endeavor of winning your heart and why is it not over now that he has? Your grin is smug, full of fire, the fire he’s wanted from the moment he laid his eyes on you. He loves you so fucking much. If this is what he gets, he’ll be better for the rest of his life. He’ll move to the city, do the house in the crowded suburbs with the picket fence, get married. Have kids, and attend the most boring PTA meetings that plan bake sales. Bake sales where he’d have to make cookies— real cookies, not the ones with coconut sugar and almond flour, and low sugar chocolate. If it was what you wanted he’d do it all. Any of it at the drop of a hat.
“What are you thinking about?” You trace small shapes on his chest, enjoying the post-coital cuddle. 
“What about me?”
“That you’re everything,” He says easily. It’s nice— the reservations, the anxiety that he had about all of this has faded in the shadows. 
With you, Nathan gets to be completely honest, knowing that he’s safe. None of what his parents said was true. He’s not unlovable. He’s not selfish. He isn’t just a fuck up that can never amount to anyone’s expectations. Despite his mistakes, he’s allowed to be loved. 
“Remember when I was just your employee?” You ask teasingly, snuggling further into him.
“Fuck, I was an idiot for months. Best thing I’ve ever had, dangling in front of me in plain sight.”
“Not Bluebook?”
“Or buying that property?”
“The money?”
“Your freedom?”
He snorts, “My freedom?”
“You said I could do whatever I wanted to you,” You remind him. 
“And I fucking meant it.”
“It doesn’t sound very…freeing. Very Nathan,” You muse softly. 
Nathan’s quiet for a long time— so long that you grow nervous, afraid that you’ve said the wrong thing. Just as you’re about to sit up to apologize, he wraps his arms around you, dropping a kiss on your forehead, “This, sweetheart, is the freest I’ve ever been in my life.” 
nathan taglist: @missdictatorme, @hon3yboy, @runa-falls, @campingwiththecharmings, @toracainz, @steven-grants-world, @clemdango04, @jdbxws, @crispysublimecupcake, @sub-aro, @faretheeoscar, @cupidysm, @whentheskyispinkandabitblue, @nova-ivy541, @sparkypantelones, @veritable-trash, @mangoslushcrush, @thhriller @tenderhornynihilist, @queerponcho
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neversetyoufree · 4 months
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[Image Description: a panel from the Case Study of Vanitas manga. The Marquis Machina, in her Lady Archiviste form, looks up in surprise just as she's finished building a large house of cards. End Description].
I do think it's very funny and on the nose that Machina is building a house of cards when Teacher drops the line about dhams trafficking drugs.
Machina has carefully created a situation where she has a network of dhampirs bringing her information in exchange for granting them a degree of societal protection. I'm guessing neither the church, the racist vampire aristocracy, nor the dhampirs kept subservient to her are particularly thrilled about this arrangement.
Surely the literal house of cards she's just finished building when we first hear about a chaotic unknown element in her delicate dhampir system doesn't mean anything.
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vitaminseetarot · 5 months
PAC: Your January Forecast 🎇❄🦢
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Sup y'all, I'm back for the very last PAC I'm gonna write for 2023. By the end of the weekend, we will have shifted to a whole new year, with a new moon close in tow. I'm gonna be honest, this has been a rough year for me, but not without its bright spots. Like the birth of this blog, for one! I'm already planning the 1 Year Special.
The plan is only to expand from here to see what more there is to do! There was a lot I wanted to do this year but didn't get around to doing because of life, so I have a lot lined up for January.
Thank you for your support this past year in helping my blog grow! The circle is small, but each like and reblog makes a difference, especially to newcomers like me.
Please choose your swan ornament below to find out about how your January will look for the new year. Instead of Tarot today, I'll be using my Black Salt Lenormand deck and Astro Dice to get details along with oracles for advice.
Pile 1 - Black Swan Pile 2 - White Swan Pile 3 - Gold Swan
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Pile 1 - Black Swan
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Death, Sun; 49. Sun A♦, Cross 6♣, Crossroads Q♦; Uranus, 11th House, Aquarius
Hi, pile 1! Hope you're feeling alive and well for 2024. I kinda called this the "zombie pile" while drawing cause I'm getting this sluggish energy dragging along. Mumbling, creeping, hair disheveled. Goodness, this past year had you wiped out, didn't it? If you're feeling pressured for a resolution, I wouldn't, because for you I think simply sloughing off the old year like snake skin is your main priority for January. I'm hearing Usher's lyrics: "I feel like a zombie come back to life." Maybe you could treat this month like an extended New Year's Eve party. You can't force yourself to be excited for it, but you can slowly build up to it.
There is an emphasis on positive thinking with this pile. You have two Suns from different decks. Doing what brings you simple joy will be healing for you this month. Focusing on little joys can help you shift perspective. Being in the present is very important right now, and you're being asked not to think too much about last year as it will only drain you of further energy. You can't draw healing to yourself if you're spending all your Magic Points on looking backwards for answers. It it feels difficult to be positive, think outside the box at how you can move away from past thinking, like making a vision board for what you most desire to experience this year.
One of the real impressive things about your reading are the dice. You have Uranus, its natural house 11, and its sign Aquarius. Emphasis on CHANGE, much? You know how in movies, where the main character is falling into darkness and has relinquished all hope of being saved, and just as it fades to black someone swoops in to help them while casually laughing off "hah, yeah, I just happened to be in the neighborhood when I saw you falling into an infinite chasm, y'know?"
The word "Deus Ex Machina" is also popping up, or "god out of machine". It's a Latin term referring to an ancient Greek theater technique where a crane would lower an actor dressed as a deity onto the stage during the final act of a comedy, delivering sudden divine intervention and saving the day for the heroes. In other words, there is massive and very unexpected change for you, one that's gonna pull you out of the sluggish stupor of 2023. This is why resolutions aren't important for you now; whatever 2024 will be for you, it's coming in lightning hot and will do that for you.
And I think this change, however large and surprising, will be ultimately wonderful for you. There is so much sunlight emerging from this fog, new life will be breathed in for you by divine planning. It's going to help you work through some of the damage that last year left behind. It will also help you pivot to your next chapter in life. It may feel weird going into a new year with very little expectations, not knowing where you're going to end up next, but it'll be worth it. When the door swings open for you, it will BURST open, so stay on the bright side and focus on regenerating your health for now.
May your new year be shockingly bright, pile 1!
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Pile 2 - White Swan
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Strength, 25. Sapphire; Garden 8♠, Anchor 9♠, Person A♥; Gemini, 12th House, Pluto
Hello, pile 2! This month will be a quiet one for you, in a good way. This will be a time of retreat for you. If you found yourself being rather social at the end of 2023, expect the new year to start off with a whimper. I see you going into a hermit mode and disengaging from regular activities, especially involving other people. I get the sense that this pile is the type to want to overextend and please everyone around them. If you need a resolution suggestion from me, it's to put the brakes on now before you careen over the edge. January is putting a halt to this behavior.
Yes, you are strong. No, you do not always need to be strong for everybody else. It will wear you thin to even try, and you may end up resentful over it. It's not worth the struggle. I'm not asking you to snap at anyone who comes too close, but consider not adding more of other peoples' errands to your schedule. Consider saying, "actually, I can't go today," without feeling the need to explain why. You have a right to your own personal space away from distractions now.
This pile could belong to a group of people or community that's close to you, which could be going through a lot of hell or has been in the past year. They may have asked a lot from you with few other options. It's made you have to stand up and advocate, at the cost of your own issues being put on the back burner. It is not selfish to walk away for a while and take care of yourself, doubly so if the group in question deals with a lot of arguing and gossip. If it feels bad, trust your gut and keep your distance for now. Don't try to solve big arguments while Mercury is retrograding.
I know how Pluto in the 12th house is, as it's prominent in my chart. Imagine walking downstairs to get to your basement, only for the stairs to never end until you find yourself floating in a weird little wonderland. Somewhere, in that surreal underground mindscape, is a deeply entrenched karmic pattern that may elude you at first. Some shadow work may be required here to dig through the trenches for unpolished gems. If a pesky pattern is repeating in your life, it's time to withdraw and connect to your dreams and subconscious for clues. This pattern may have something to do with this group.
You're actually going to get more progress done by meditating and seeking out nature rather than getting too involved with these issues. The time will come when things can be handled with a clearer mindset. But your higher self is pulling you inward to help ground you through this, to remind you that you are your own amazing being even when you're separate from these people. You have the strength to stand on your own, otherwise there wouldn't be so many folks seeking you out in need. Sapphire wants you to marry your heart with your mind. It's a stone of wisdom guided by compassionate understanding and care. You spin your wheels overthinking an issue, when instead coming back to your heartspace will provide the key.
Take it easy this winter, pile 2, may your dreams give clarity and hope for 2024!
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Pile 3 - Gold Swan
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Protection, 15. Opal; Bouquet Q♠, Person A♥, Crossroads Q♦; 4th House, Capricorn, Mercury
What's going on, pile 3? Looks like somebody wants to enter hibernation mode, lol. I don't blame you one bit. As the full moon in Cancer has passed and the season changes, there's a strong desire to nestle into the home. Your house will be like your castle for you to improve during this month. You may feel up to redecorating or rearranging furniture to make it feel more cozy or season appropriate as you settle in. Or you may simply desire to clear out old things to decide what to keep.
You may want to do a spiritual cleansing of the house to ring in the New Year, too. Try infusing magic herbs like lemon verbena into your cleaning products, or toss cinnamon outside the front door while ringing a bell to invite prosperity in. A simple incense stick with a very fresh, mild scent like lavender can also do the trick. Does your family have a special trick or recipe they use? Whatever herb and scent combination brings out that "New Year New Me" feeling is best!
I heard loud and clearly, "YOU'RE PROTECTED!" for whomever needs to hear it most. Things might feel shaky and ungrounded at the moment. I wanna wrap a big blanket around y'all. You're being totally protected right now by your guides, so please don't let the uncertainties of 2024 leave your head dizzied. Yes, there's a lot of plans to be drawn out and a lot more work to be done, and you may not know where you're heading next, but perhaps there's a reason we like to begin the year at such a slow quiet time, after all the festivities have passed. It's not sound to start off in a rush.
You're being heavily affected by Sun in Capricorn doubled with the current Mercury retrograde, regardless of your chart placements. This is absolutely not a time for rash decision making, even if it feels you're not being your most productive. Our modern society doesn't like it when workers take a break or listen to their body's needs in any way. It will always have its excuses for its ruthless standards. After a while, though, you have to learn to shrug those expectations off and do what's right for you, or you'll risk burning out before the new year has even started.
Some of you might be thinking of even doing the Dry January trend as part of your resolution. If it's a serious issue, I'd talk to your doctor about how to do it sustainably. If you're already stressed and at risk of burnout, more pressure is not going to help. But a sober month could prove beneficial for you overall. This is not a command for you to have a Dry January if you're not interested; this message is for those who already plan on doing so. Try to take it one day at a time, keep your head free of self criticism, and don't guilt yourself over "cheat days". I will be doing one as well, so please reach out if you need a supporting voice.
Wishing you all the best to come this year pile 3, may you succeed in your resolutions!
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
Cards Used: Black Salt Lenormand, Prism Oracle, Crystal Healing Cards, Astro Dice.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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silhouette-cosplay · 5 months
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Hello travellers! I'm Sil, an avid cosplayer and professional costumer with too many Lokis and a detail obsession. I handmake most of my costumes, and I love sharing the behind the scenes of my builds! My ask box is always open for questions (seriously, I will never shut up about making stuff xD)
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: Astarion/Faded Drow Armour (Baldur's Gate 3)
FINISHED!!: Loki (Ragnarok concept art by Aleksi Briclot) Upcoming: Vax'ildan (Champion look from Critical Role)
Cosplay Masterlist (for this blog, which I only started in 2017, so this isn't everything I've made!) Loki (MCU) - Briclot/Ragnarok Concept Art | wip tag - Dark World | wip tag - Original Design | wip tag - Concept Tunic | wip tag - Avengers | wip tag - Jotunheim - Jotun - Prison | wip tag - Black Suit Black Widow (MCU) - Winter Soldier - Civil War - Infinity War | wip tag - Endgame Galadriel (Tolkien) - Mirror Gown | wip tag - Silverlode Cloak | wip tag - Lindon Gown | wip tag - Ceremonial Silver Vax (Critical Role) - Legend of Vox Machina | wip tag - Champion | wip tag Eowyn (Tolkien) - Shieldmaiden | wip tag Culinwen (LOTRO OC) | wip tag Raven (RWBY) | wip tag Qui-Gon (Star Wars) | wip tag Daenerys (Game of Thrones) - Dragonstone | wip tag Rapunzel (Tangled) - Classic - Rapunzel Rider Crowley (Good Omens) | wip tag Amity Blight (The Owl House) | wip tag Arthur Pendragon (BBC Merlin)
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bettsfic · 2 months
Hi, do you have any tips on how to write better unresolved sexual tension?
i feel like there are two questions here, one about approaching tension that goes unresolved, and another about creating the tension itself. i'll try to answer both and hopefully that addresses your question.
there are a lot of ways to create sexual tension between characters, but my favorites are:
POV character spends an inordinate amount of time describing acute physical details of their sexual interest, maybe with total neutrality.
POV character forecasts their desire by imagining the things they want to do with their sexual interest, and maybe then force their daydreams away and/or feel guilty about them.
sexual interest behaves in a way that clearly indicates their reciprocated interest but the POV character denies the possibility.
careful rendering of close proximity or brief physical touches.
flirting! banter!
as for not resolving that tension, the trick to writing a satisfying ending is to resolve or conclude a different and more important conflict such that the reader understands that nothing could have, or should have, happened.
if you have a character who has a goal, let's say getting into grad school on the other side of the country, the reader knows the relationship is perhaps ill fated, but it's for the best. if one or both of your characters are married, the audience may be prepared for the relationship to go either way, because both roads lead to conflict. if they don't get together, oof. if they get together, OOF.
but if your story's main conflict is the sexual tension building between characters and there's nothing else going on, like you're developing the real hope and expectation of sex, if the story ends before that can happen then it's just kind of disappointing.
i firmly believe there is a difference between tragedy and failure. a tragedy is forecasted somehow. the audience goes "oh yeah no this might not work out," and the delight is in seeing how it all unravels. a failure is a story that sets up all the pieces for success but then it just doesn't happen for some reason that is never setup for or foreshadowed. the opposite of deus ex machina. diaboli ex machina.
i probably didn't conjugate that correctly.
a very good and classic example of UST is the film In the Mood for Love. i think watching that, if you haven't yet, can give you a lot of good insight and approaches.
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Hi, Miss Raven! I saw a theory on twitter that you might be interested in:
The Princess Glow might actually be the magic flower from Tangled, since Princess Glow might be a reference for Rapunzel and her glowing hair and the flower supposedly has healing powers too
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Hmm, interesting 🤔 That surprisingly… fits??? Rapunzul is a princess with glowing hair… hair which has the ability to not only heal (thanks to the magical flower her mom ingested while pregnant), but to reverse time. Heinrich also states he wants Princess Glow because he believes it will heal his ill father, the king.
… Which leads me into another theory I’ve heard. It goes, “so if Princess Glow supposedly has really great healing abilities, maybe they’ll find it and use it to help Lilia’s aging and make him young + healthy again”. I understand where this thinking comes from (we are obviously attached to Lilia and don’t want harm to befall him or his family). However, I think this would come off as a cheap deus ex machina, especially since Malleus said in book 6 that “not even he is capable of reversing time”. It would set up one expectation only to defy it with a super powerful item later.
I hope that it doesn’t happen 💦 because then it would kind of go against the messages of book 7… How we have to learn to accept loss, how we cannot fight the passage of time or change, how we can’t have happily ever afters all the time. It also implies a fear and a desire to run away from aging and saying goodbyes, delaying the inevitable rather than accept it as a natural thing we must cope with.
Sure, it might be a happy ending but it may be at the cost of sacrificing the themes and integrity of what the rest of the main story was building up to. Vil’s return to youth worked because some outside force drained his energy (it wasn’t the result of something natural). Idia still had a bittersweet ending because he was forced to confront and accept his brother’s passing even if he does gain a new brother in robo!Ortho in the process. Lilia’s circumstances are different. It would just be a net positive if he stayed with the group forever. If they do go down the “Princess Glow saves Lilia” route, I think they’d have to tread it very carefully so it doesn’t feel contrived.
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lovethatmakingcoffee · 2 months
Small town au stuff
Philza is kindhearted yet oddly knowledgeable and mysterious resident who seems wiser beyond his years and may or may not be a witch. Especially questionable is that giant ass hat of his. Maybe a witch. He is retired and has a suspiciously large income, and somehow knows how to fly a plane?!! Maybe a retired vet or spy? Its undetermined. Or maybe just your basic crop duster. He does talk about potatoes a lot for some reason.
Foolish, your local cop and sheriff. The heart throb of the police department and kind of the definition of abuse of power (but only when its funny). He'll probably let you off for speeding or doing donuts in corn fields. His previous job was the town's major architect, which he still builds sometimes, but wanted to harass random people as a police officer for a new temporary occupation.
Quackity, the emotional weirdo teacher who's got attachment issues out the wazoo. He is sweet, but spirals sometimes. Its been rumored that he's been beaten up by Phil's kid for reasons unexplained.
Wilbur, of course, the aspiring musician. Gets confused a lot for other famous people, but plays at events when he's home. Loves his kid, but has been gone for most of the year and feels insecure for not calling her as much.
Jaiden, the town's lawyer who is rolling in it. She wins a lot of her cases and maybe does some of the illegal legwork to prove her client's innocence or the accused guilty. She does a lot of investigating with Foolish and has a key to the polices archive room. She has gotten noise complaints about her two loud birds.
Forever, a new resident along with the other Brazilians who all live in his giant pink Barbie house until Cellbit moves out to get married. Forever quickly gains popularity among the town's residence and becomes mayor of Quesadilla Town. He has been chasing after Philza this whole time, but there are whispers that he has a thing for the local pastor.
Badboyhalo, the priest, which Forever has remarked that's probably the strangest one out of the town's peoples names but it fits. Bad is a strangely wealthy and knowledge priest. His face is always masked by shadows and a hood. He always appears out of nowhere and seems to derive amusement from spooking the other residents. Forever thinks that's cute.
Roier, from Jaiden's platonic roommate to Cellbit's husband, man has never had a job and is just a trophy roommate/husband. Always physically fit, the life of the party and if the town had a best looking competition, he'd be at least top 5. Spends his day working out and is often seen on long runs in the woods. He may or may not be the one always finding weird things on his runs. Like a random artifact or an unfamiliar body.
Cellbit, town's journalist. Always looking for clues on the strange going ons and always has one of those huge boards with photos, tacks, and red thread. Man hardly sleeps and is running on six cups of coffee a day. Get him some water.
Fit, he owns of course Fit's Fitness. The sexiest personal trainer in the county and has a prosperous business. Him and Phil are somehow friends, and he weirdly seems to know things he shouldn't. Has been seen fraternizing with the weird agents that come through town and cover stuff up.
Baghera is another school teacher in Quesadilla town. She is the funnier one but also there seems to be an immense sadness to her. She avoids any special agent from the Cucurucho Factory.
Etoiles is a mysterious vigilant who fights suspicious figures and deadly monsters in the night. He's kind of the ex machina of the town and can be found lurking in the back alleys. He may or may not be a clerk at your local giftshop.
Cucurucho is an interesting and strange character, a business man in a white suit wearing a bear mask at all times. He runs the Cucurucho Institution along with its factory and seems to hold some bizarre legal authority over the town. He also has connections in the hospital and school and all around is just a sketchy person. He has many of his underlings do his bidding around town and they have been seen dumping chemicals in the river and interrogating certain residents.
Pac is your new local gym teacher and has stolen the town's physical trainer's heart. They've been having a cute shy will they won't they. It's extremely obvious to the whole town. He is best friends with the mad scientist science teacher Mike. And they get up to shenanigans. And for a gym teacher, the guy sure is smart and knows a lot of ways to build things. He's like the ultimate package!
Missa is Phil's platonic husband who is always away on business trips. He shows up into town for about a week then has to head out again to do business related business. He is jealous of Phil's love interests but also won't deny how hot they are and that also makes him insecure.
Charlie is the troubled baker/conessieur in town. He always has a creepy smile about him when you ask what's in his food, but he's just screwing with you and its actually delicious. He has been seen dragging huge lumpy bags with red liquid pouring out of it and swears it's just strawberry jam. Turns out if you licked the floor, it is. His favorite dessert to make is green jello.
Tubbo is the weird little mechanic that is always putting bizarre attachments to your vehicle and making odd do dads in his spare time. No one knows where he got his mechanic license, but no one mentions that he's probably doing this illegally cause of his sweet deals.
Mouse is a famous vtuber who may be working with the occult on the side for the funsies. Is she running a cult? Perhaps. But it would be funny if she did. Anyways she has a lovely home and gives lots of her money as donations to less sketchy hospitals.
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