#đŸŽ» anon
spoiled-rotten-puppy · 2 months
asks currently limited to returning anons only!
i will respond to nsfw asks after 7:30-8PM CT (UTC -5)!
💖, đŸŒ·, 🔼, đŸŸ, Fuzzy the bunny, 🍊, ✹, 💙, đŸ’«, 🍑, 🩊, 🩈, 🐙, đŸŽ»
about me :3
- names: Prince, Puppy, Pup, Doggy
- monsterfucking blog @lovercraftian , follow/like from @//p********
- born '06, do the math!!
- he/it pre t ftm puppyboy with PCOS
- white
- puppy sub + doggy dom :3
- currently single, not looking
- NO DMs
- queerphobic in any way; especially TERFs
- racist
- a minor/ageless blog
- over 35 years old (this is flexible! as long as you aren't creepy, i wont block you.)
- a Zionist/pro-Israel/pro-genocide/anti-Palestine
- straight and/or cis men. i am only comfortable with women and trans/not cis people interacting with me.
- men dni blogs. i am a man. (lesbians can still interact, as long as you're aware that i am a man, not a woman!)
- radqueer (transabled, transracial, paraphiliac.)
kinks + limits below!
- petplay
- praise and degradation
- cnc
- primal/predator + prey
- scent/musk
- orgasm denial/delay (edging)
- overstimulation
- cockwarming
- bondage (especially animal-related things like muzzles, leashes, harnesses, etc.)
- breeding (but no pregnancy or giving birth! only talk of impregnation.)
- i like calling fem dommes mommy but i don't like fauxcest!!
- oviposition
- objectification
- ageplay, dd/lg, anything related
- incest/fauxcest
- scat/related (piss is okay though!!)
- detrans/misgendering
- feederism
- snuff
you CAN interact with me if you participate in these kinks! just do not bring these kinks onto my blog! i may still block you if you indulge in these kinks, but just know that it isn't your fault— i'm just making my online experience as comfortable for me as possible!
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plurillean-confessions · 2 months
in exomems, how I met one of my fellow headmates was that after my ship crashed and capsized, I ended up having to swim to the seaside city she lived in at the time (still have no idea how I managed that). i hid in an alleyway until she happened to notice me, i was paranoid and tired so i instantly decked her in the face and left a really nasty black eye.
we've been married for going on five years, together for about seven and she still teases me about the moment lmao
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kopivie · 7 months
The sound of knocking roused you from your half-sleep at half past ten in the evening. You grumbled under your breath as you rubbed your bleary eyes with a groan and stood up, ready to shoo away whichever eager-eyed, candy-hungry children were standing at your door this time. 
“I haven’t got any sweets, you know,” you called, hoping whoever was outside could hear you as you turned the lock. The door swung open. “So don’t bother with any trick-or-treating.”
“That’s a pity,” said Spiderman. “Here I was, hoping for a candy.”
You blinked. Still riddled with sleep, your brain took a second to make sure he wasn’t another cosplayer. He responded to your bewilderment with a smug, “Happy Halloween?”
 what are you doing here?” 
Spiderman shrugged. “I thought I’d swing by to see my favourite person.” He nodded over your shoulder. “Can I come in?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah, sure.” 
“You seem a little out of it tonight,” he observed as you led him into the living room. DVDs laid in piles on your table, all horror, and some half-hearted attempt at decoration was evident in the cobweb on your wa— Oh, wait, no, that was an actual cobweb. “Is something wrong?” He gasped suddenly. “Wait, I know. You’re scared of all the ghosts.” As he said this, he wiggled his gloved fingers in the air. You landed a playful punch on his arm, but your jesting mood died down with a sigh.
“It’s nothing much,” you admitted. “Just
 Kazuha said he might be able to come over tonight. We were planning to watch some horror films, but that obviously didn’t happen. I guess he couldn’t make it after all.” You ran a hand through your hair. “Still, it’s my fault for getting my hopes up. He never confirmed anything.”
For once, Spiderman was oddly silent. You raised an eyebrow. “And now it’s my turn to ask if you’re okay.”
“I’m good,” he replied with what sounded like a smile. “I’m
 sorry to hear he didn’t come. I’m sure he feels terrible for letting you down. You must be really disappointed, right?”
“Nah, it’s no problem. You’re here, at least, so it’s not all bad.”
“You sure?”
“Why are you so concerned about this?” you asked, amused. 
“I don’t know,” he replied in a quiet voice. “I don’t like the thought of you feeling lonely.”
You smiled and flicked his forehead to rekindle the previous playful atmosphere. He batted your hand away with a chuckle. “Thanks, Spiderman. I appreciate it.” 
“Anything for you, lovebug,” he said. You couldn’t tell whether his tone was light-hearted or serious. “Oh—and let me know if that Kazuha guy doesn’t make it up to you. I’ll have a word with him.”
You rolled your eyes in good humour. “Let him off easy, alright? I’m sure he had his reasons.” You walked over to your sofa and plunked yourself down. “Anyway, enough about him. Since you’re here, we can do the movie marathon, right? If you have time.” You patted the place beside you in an invitation which he gladly took.
“As far as I’m aware, there isn’t anyone terrorising the city right now, so I should be all yours.”
You bit down a grin as Spiderman began rifling through the various DVDs strewn on the table. 
“Anything catch your eye?”
In reply, he scooped up the whole lot and deposited them in front of you. 
“How about all of them?”
You sent him a wry look. “Are you sure you can handle all that horror, Spiderman? You won’t have any trouble sleeping?” 
“Oh, I’m not scared. You’re here to protect me, after all.”
You snorted, opening the first DVD. “You bet.” Before you could put in the disc, Spiderman’s hand stopped you. Puzzled, you turned around to face him. Funnily enough, you got the impression that he was blushing beneath the mask.
“You know how you said earlier you weren’t doing any trick-or-treating?”
Yes,” you answered slowly. “I did say that.”
 I was hoping to come by for one thing.”
You squinted at him. Your brain felt very slow as you struggled to figure out where he was going with this. “You want some sweets?”
He laughed. “Not quite. Rather, I was thinking we could flip the roles.”
Finally, after what you could only compare to an eternity, your brain began to grind in what felt like the right direction. “You have something for me?”
You could almost hear his smile from under his mask. “Sort of.”
“That’s definitely not cryptic.”
Ignoring your comment, Spiderman stepped forward. “You’ll only know what it is once you ask.”
You sighed and folded your arms across your chest. “You really do delight in being elusive, don’t you?”
“Only for you,” he sang by your ear. You couldn’t help but notice your increasing proximity with every passing moment. Being around Spiderman really was magnetic, and not only emotionally. Your heart began to thud when he lifted your chin up with an index finger, levelling your eyes to where his would have been. “Well?”
You swallowed. It took an effort to fight down the heat rising to your face enough for you to trust yourself enough to speak. Somehow, you suspected you knew what was coming as you asked, “Um. Trick or treat?”
Spiderman chuckled, and then next thing you knew, he was kissing you from behind the mask. You squeaked, despite yourself; a sound he all too readily consumed, only drawing you in closer until your chests were flush against each other’s. 
You’d always felt conflicted about spending time—this kind of time—with Spiderman. He was supposed to be impartial; you were supposed to like Kazuha. Even though you two weren’t together, you almost felt like you were doing something wrong by stealing such seconds with Spiderman. It was groundwork you and Spiderman always tiptoed around, careful not to disturb in the fear that you might break whatever tentative relationship you had should you delve too far into it.
But whenever moments like these did happen, against both your better judgements, you could never find it in yourself to resist.
Through the fabric of the costume you could feel Spiderman’s smile, wide and boyish, as he broke away to begin peppering masked kisses over your jaw. 
When you came apart, you felt as giddy as he was, your heart beating like a furious antelope was springing around your ribcage. His mask was slightly rumpled, and you’d reached out a hand to right it again before you knew what you were doing. Another laugh, airy and bright, escaped him. His hand chased after your own and threaded fingers through yours, giving them a light squeeze.
In a voice verging on sheepish, he said, “Happy Halloween?” 
(For one night, you thought, maybe you could lose yourself in him.)
-đŸŽ» anon
(Also, another Halloween-related idea: a ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ AU?)
oh god, today was such a shitty fucking day and i was literally about to cry on my train ride home and this just tipped me over the edge. in a good way though, i promise! i don't even care about my mascara running either. it's halloween; for all anybody knows, it's just makeup for show.
hhhhh god i missed him so bad, oh god my chest hurts so bad;; i might just write something of my own when i get home just to make myself feel better... hhhhhh fuuuck..
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simplyreveries · 3 months
Hi! I'm just sliding this in for the matchup!
(I'm just going to answer the question like things you put because I have no clue what to write otherwise!)
Ok so my hobbies are competitive traditional dance (poi and Irish mostly) as well as writing! I'm not quite sure how to describe my personality, but I suppose maybe I'm just a fast person? Like I always jump from one thing to another and I'm a bit sassy, even when I'm not trying to be lol
For physical features I'll just say I definitely do look IrishMaori incase the types of dance I do didn't give that away lol, like almond eyes, lots of freckles, round face, red hair lol as well as being very, very short. (4'10)
I go use she/her and I suppose just a few more things about me would be that I have a speical intrest in wonderland and marine life and I have an eraser collection. (Yeah, the things you fix mistakes with, I have weird ones like a fire extinguisher eraser, golf club erasers even a mini ping pong eraser set-) So yeah, I hope that's good for you to work with and I look forward to seeing who you pair me up with!
BTW your writing is amazing, I always look forward to when you post ok bye 👋
I match you with riddle rosehearts!!!
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he's very fascinated, though he is a lover of the arts and knows a lot when it comes to the historic side of it. he doesn't exactly know how to do much of it himself. if he did try, he'd spend too much time trying to follow some tutorial step by step and upset when he can't exactly replicate it. he finds himself completely mesmerized an interested in what you do for dance. riddle is awkwardly stiff; he could never imagine doing the things that you can do. he does bashfully crack a smile if you playfully try to dance normally with you. he'd love it.
does find your personality endearing. though ... he has lightly scolded you sometimes because he doesn't want you getting yourself unintentionally getting some savanaclaw student upset over any witty comment or banter back to them. he is slightly concerned for you with such troublesome people at this school!
riddle really does think your interest and collection is cute. he is someone who probably has a lot of generally, stationary for when it comes to school. if there's ever a chance he finds some when he's out somewhere and in a shop, he'll gladly get some for you. especially if they're something that resembles something strictly in twisted wonderland, since he knows you love that so much.
he does secretly enjoy the fact that you are in fact shorter than him... it is pretty rare for him to experience so he has an internal sense of satisfaction whenever he's looking at you and can't help but notice the difference. he finds it so adorable. though he does not take it kindly (actually personally) if someone like floyd would tease you about it. its quite an easy way that eel gets even more of a rise out of him!
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awlumii · 2 years
Here’s a snippet of snow prince!Albedo stuff I whipped up! I’m too tired to figure out how to open it, so it starts a bit abruptly, but
 ah, well.
“I should probably go now, Albedo,” you said, shoulders sagging a little in your disappointment. “I can’t stay here forever.”
Albedo frowned at this comment, the corner of his lip twisting downwards almost imperceptibly.
“Can you not stay a little longer?” he asked, moving closer to you and tightening his hold on your hands. You shook your head, making a half-hearted attempt to tear yourself away from him. 
“No, I
 I can’t.”
“Why is that?” 
“Because there are people waiting for me,” you explained. “I can’t just abandon them out there in the cold.”
“You could,” he pointed out.
“Ha ha.” The look you sent him contained no amusement. At this, Albedo’s lashes lowered, and he mumbled something you would have missed had you not been so close.
Please? Stay with me.”
In that moment, the vulnerability in his voice almost made you want to drop everything and say yes, waltzing away into this wonderful fantasy of a man you had dreamed of since childhood. 
“I can’t,” you repeated, softening your own voice a little.
His eyes snapped up to meet yours the next instant, their crystalline stare lined with subtle desperation.
And, under that gaze, you couldn’t help but wonder how long he had been alone for before you came. Years? Decades? 

Spent all alone in a castle of ice, with nothing but butterflies and snow to keep him company.
No wonder he didn’t want you to leave.
“Why not?” he said. “You won’t grow bored: your needs will be tended to, and should you ever wish for companionship, I will be here, and I can always create sculptures of those you miss—“
“Albedo.” You called his name, gentle but firm in your tone. He swallowed. 
“I can’t stay here with you. I would love to, really, and I’ll visit when I can, but
 I have responsibilities and people in the
 real world who need me. I’m not about to give up on them.”
He looked away, lips pressed together in a firm line. “I see.”
He drew in a breath, composing himself before you once more, smoothing over the cracks in his facade. 
Then a smile crossed his lips, containing both understanding and a hint of wistfulness. 
“Very well. I won’t keep you here if you don’t wish to stay.”
You returned his smile with a fraction of your own. Then you slid your hands out of his own, preparing to leave. “Thank you. Now, I really should go
But as you turned around, the familiar touch of an ice-cold hand caught your wrist. Before you could react, Albedo spun you swiftly back around and took a step forwards.
Your lips met in midair. His were cold (as all parts of him were), but soft, too, and slotted over your own perfectly, as if handcrafted for this very purpose. He raised a slender hand to cup your cheek, pulling you further towards him still, as if even now there was too much distance between you. You relaxed into his touch, never having guessed it would be so easy to melt into something so cold. He must have sensed the release of your hesitation, because you felt a smile steal onto his lips as he drew out the kiss for even longer, deepening the contact until you felt you were drowning in a sea of ice and longing, but doing nothing to free yourself from the biting current.
There was something
 pleading about the way he kissed you. A request— no, stronger. A beg. A plead for your love, for your presence, for your warmth. He was clingy, almost desperate for your closeness, as if he couldn’t bear to be alone any longer.
And yet, beneath all that was the knowledge that he could never keep you here, not really, and so these wordless, yearning prayers he sent out to you like the lonely, fading echo of a distant melody, must end.
The first to initiate, Albedo he was also the first to break away, and touched his forehead to yours as you regained your breath, a thumb skimming over your cheekbone. You could feel heat radiating off your face, and you had no doubt that he could feel it, too. 
“You may go now,” he said in a voice perhaps breathier than intended. 
You swallowed and nodded, trying to stabilise your trembling knees. You abruptly turned away, afraid that if you stayed for even a moment longer, you really wouldn’t be able to leave.
As you walked through the frost-lined hall, shoes echoing coldly against a smooth ice floor and ignoring the flush on your face, he called out from behind you,
“I look forward to seeing you again soon, snowflake.”
You sighed a chuckle, and your breath steamed in the frozen air.
“Very well, my needy prince.”
It’s unedited and not particularly good, but
 I did warn you about word vomit, so

I need needy snow prince!Albedo content in my life.
(Also, I could send you a wip scene from my dark fairytale Cyno au should you be interested at all, but I’d rather you don’t reply to it publicly out of spoiler reasons
-đŸŽ» anon
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Im so late but have you see this 😭
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yandere-daze · 2 years
the anon below me is awesome bro, imagine how petty and probably will never talk to them again, not even a single word coming out of the player's mouth and only looking down or anywhere except their faces THAT kind of pettiness yk what I mean? But a player with a strong favoritism?? If only that person is good and didn't rlly do anything but ignores the player (adonis, hajime, maybe niki idk, mayoi etc) maybe the player will kinda able to forgive them.... BUT if that person is like kohaku for example bc he is hostile towards you, maybe the pettiness is taking over instead of favoritism, lastly the player will probably only spend time with the ones that ignored the player instead of the ones that's openly hostile to them.. probably me tbh.
also can I be đŸŽ» anon??
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Combining these two asks because they were about something pretty similar! And yes, you can be đŸŽ» anon ^^
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, mention of bullying, physical violence
The player ignoring/striking back against the characters that had wronged them once
It®s honestly an understandable reaction if we®re being honest. We®ve all explained at length just how shitty it would feel to be treated so horribly for no reason at all and no apology could ever make up for what you went through. Bullying can influence a person®s life forever so what do you think happens when 50 batshit crazy yanderes are all after you because you “chased away” their darling? You®re in for one hell of a bad time and I wouldn®t doubt that you couldn®t just pretend everything was fine once the truth was revealed. I mean yes, now they®re super nice to you and practically kiss the ground you walk on but that doesn®t just make up for all they®ve done to you in the past. None of it feels honest now that you know what they®re capable of and it®s only natural that you would hold a grudge against them now.
Of course, when you start ignoring people, theyÂŽre all very heartbroken, though they can understand where youÂŽre coming from. What they did was terrible! They love you more than anyone else and yet they insulted you and made you feel unwelcome. They know they have a lot to make up for but please donÂŽt just ignore them, it hurts so much to not get a single scrap of your attention and they feel like theyÂŽre torn apart every time you pointedly look the other way when you come across each other in the hallway.
At this point, they arenÂŽt really sure if you actively being cruel to them back or ignoring them is worse. At least when you throw insults their way or even hit them, youÂŽre paying attention to them even if your feelings are negative. TheyÂŽre still in your thoughts and theyÂŽre able to pretend that if they just withstand enough of your righteous punishment, you might one day forgive them. They donÂŽt care how much you hurt them as long as they can stay by your side! So just please donÂŽt ignore them, it hurts more than a thousand slaps ever could!
The second part of this is the favoritism and the jealousy that comes with it. It looks like youÂŽre more willing to talk to the ones that didnÂŽt do anything drastic and moreso just kept their distance and while itÂŽs obviously understandable why you would act this way, the ones being ignored canÂŽt help but simmer in self-pity and envy. If only they had recognized you sooner, if only they had held back, none of this would have happened and you would look at them the same way you do people like Hajime or Sora! But they messed it all up and now they really donÂŽt know what to do to ever earn your forgiveness for the grave sins they have committed
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suiana · 10 months
sorry if im being a bother, just testing out if my asks are sending or if im jist tripping:0
don't worry you're not a bother
and yes I've received your asks they're just buried under a pile of others
I have like nearly 800 💀
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rodolfoparras · 2 months
Your cat photos are so cute 😭
How have you been?? Hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself ‌
- đŸŽ»
Thank you my sugar plum!!
Also I’ve been well angel I spent the day writing my Izaack fic and I’m pushing myself so it gets posted on Saturday so tomorrowđŸ«¶đŸ»
But while im here I also want to thank y’all for supporting my work bc by having sm support I feel like I can write about the characters Im interested in rather than just those that are popular for example the milkman so thank you guys for making fanfic writing such a wonderful experience for me!!
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soyeonsbabygirl · 3 months
wahh ilysm < 333
Aww 💋💋💋
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kuuyandere · 3 months
been awhile since I've been around lol - but I've always enjoyed seeing your posts, so decided to send in a small tip to your blog. thanks for being here and I hope you're doing well! 💜
Hello again, thank you for the tip! You are very kind, I appreciate your support and continued presence immensely, and I hope you are doing well also!
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kopivie · 7 months
One more E&P!Xiao thought I had (I’ll be quiet after this, I promise):
For Xiao’s punishment of losing a wing — instead of it just being shattered/ plucked (well
 maybe ‘just’ isn’t the right word to use considering the severity of all that but
 you know what I mean), how about this: the god pours boiling wax over his wing in a way of both driving in the reader’s betrayal and saying: ‘Look where disobeying me got you. This is your fault.’
I think we could keep the reader accidentally damaging him with candle wax if we want to, because candles were used as domestic lightning and stuff in Ancient China, so it’s not inaccurate to the setting (or the period the setting’s inspired by, at least), or we could use an oil lamp—in which case his punishment would include boiling oil instead of wax—or even something fictional and inspired by adeptus powers or something, like some lamp designed by Cloud Retainer which harnesses adeptal energy or something; I don’t think it matters that much (as long as it can be used to make Xiao suffer — said in the most loving way possible.)
Just to make it a little more angsty, y’know
-đŸŽ» anon
okay, so i went over all your asks! and i'm gonna be honest, i have no objections whatsoever! i absolutely love the idea of marrying chinese and greek mythology, since that adds so many layers to the au.
(and potential fic?? if you wanna write it, please let me know; i'd be more than happy to collab on something like this with you! :D)
it would just be a matter of making the reader and xiao's, er... "parent"'s motif parallel, i suppose.
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simplyreveries · 3 months
So uh I got kicked off of tumblr for a good while- but apprently while I was gone you wrote my request (the speical intrest in all things wonderland) so thank you sm again!
And I don't think I saw anyone else claim this one, so could I prehaps be đŸŽ» anon?
welcome back!!! TYSMM! I’m really glad you liked it, I really enjoyed writing it!! and of course you can be đŸŽ» anon!! I’m so happy to have more😭💕💕
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awlumii · 2 years
These past few days had been, for the lack of a better word, shit.
It felt like you were being dragged along a street by the scruff of your neck, and getting not a single moment’s release. Stress pressed down on you from all sides, heavy and suffocating as it seemed to cage you in a little box of helplessness. Responsibilities, deadlines, due assignments; they hounded your mind and preyed upon your energy, draining you and draining you until nothing remained. When you looked around you, a world that had once been full of vibrant colour appeared grey and dull, and the sun was either harsh in how it beat down on you or not there at all.
(Hell, even picking your feet up to walk took effort recently.)
Your mind was like a floodgate, and the dam was on the verge of breaking.
You were just
 tired. So, so tired, and you needed a break. From your responsibilities, from your thoughts— from existing. Just for a moment.
But as long as life kept tossing you around in its cruel hands like a discarded plaything, that was impossible. 
And it seemed that life had only just begun its game.
The last straw came when you had an argument with your close friend about a group project you were working on. The deadline was fast approaching, and you weren’t anywhere near finishing. 
“Can you do six on Sunday, then?” you asked, voice growing heavier with each suggestion you made.
Your friend shook his head. “Sorry. Can’t do that one either. I have to babysit my brother,” he explained. You flared with annoyance.
“This is the only other time we’re all free,” you hissed. “Can you not get someone else to look after him? Just this once?”
He shook his head. “My brother’s a handful. I don’t think anyone else could deal with him.”
I swear to fucking god. “Are you just trying to avoid doing the project?” you jabbed at him. “Because it really seems to me like you’re pulling every possible excuse out your ass by this point.”
Your friend frowned. “What? No, of course not.” 
“Then why can’t you spare even an hour to work on it?” Your voice was beginning to rise.
“I’ve told you; I have a busy schedule. I don’t have the time.”
“My schedule’s pretty much as packed as yours, but I’m still making time to get this done. Why can’t you?” Before he could answer, however, you threw in another jab. “You had time earlier in the month,” you pointed out. Your patience was running thin. “And you seemed to be doing just fine then. Not that you did any actual work, of course; you just sat there while we did all the research, and all the planning, and every single other thing.”
His mouth fell open. “Now hang on a minute. What do you mean I didn’t do any work? I did a whole page of research before someone,” he shot you a glare filled with venom, “decided that it wasn’t ‘essential’ and that we should ‘focus our time on more relevant topics’.”
You flushed with anger at his words. “And when you got upset about it, who did all the replacement work to make up for it?”
“You know what?” Your friend threw his hands up in the air. “Fine. If you’re so adamant on convincing me that I’m useless, that’s fine. I’ll leave you guys to do everything.”
“What? No, that’s not what I—“
“Sorry, I have to go now,” he cut you off, already walking away. With a sneer, he called over his shoulder, “I have a brother to babysit!”
You stood alone in the corridor, fuming. Your fists clenched and unclenched by your side. 
Shit. You were never going to get this project finished. You couldn’t wait for yet another lecture form another professor about how they ‘expected more from you’ and were ‘let down by you’ because you ‘didn’t put enough effort in’. You were the only person putting in effort these days, and yet somehow you were always everyone’s punching bag. 
You mentally listed all the things you wouldn’t get done: this project, that essay that’s due the day after tomorrow, that application form for your job, meeting another friend to hang out because you’d be up to your nose in work— oh, and that test in Friday which you hadn’t revised for.
I can’t do this. 
There was just
 so much to get done, so many expectations to live up to, deadlines to meet, friends to make time for, all the while trying to keep up the image that you were okay and managing to everyone— specifically Kazuha— and you could feel yourself crumbling under the pressure.
You hadn’t noticed that your eyes were stinging until something wet fell onto your cheek.
Maybe you should just give up. Not just on the project; on all of it. Nobody cared about the effort you were putting in, so why should you even bother in the first place? You clearly weren’t good enough for their time. 
Maybe you should abandon all your projects and just see what happens. Let the world do its worst and deal with the consequences later.
You just needed to leave for a bit. Take a break. Just for a moment, one single moment, you needed to give up.
It was raining when he found you.
You were standing on the street corner, absolutely still. Your eyes were fixed on the floor. Your clothes were long since soaked through, but you seemed to not notice the sheets of rain pounding down on your skin. 
He called your name, but still you stood there, unmoving.
Wait, no— you weren’t unmoving. Not exactly. You were shaking.
Kazuha sprinted over to you, umbrella in hand, his footsteps falling into puddles of rainwater. He muttered internal curses for not seeing this earlier. He should’ve known. You had clearly been feeling down over the last week or so— that much had been obvious— but the extent of these feelings you must have hidden well.
He reached you and took your hand in his, thumb stroking the back of your rain-soaked palm. You stiffened almost immediately, as if you had not noticed his presence until the physical contact had been made. You quickly pulled your hand away and instead used it to ferociously rub at your cheeks. When you turned to face him, it was with a forced smile, and Kazuha could not help but notice the red rims around your eyes.
“Kazuha! I didn’t see you there,” you said with a sheepish laugh. He fought down the urge to wince at the joyfulness in your tone which rang so incredibly false. 
“What’re you doing out here?” he asked, raising his umbrella to shield you from the rainy onslaught. The sound of falling raindrops tapped against the fabric, slightly muffled.
You were silent for a long moment, and when you could not come up with an answer, you only smiled at him again.
But it wasn’t a smile. Not the smile he knew, anyways. In your eyes, he could only see blankness and the remnants of tears.
“Let’s get you inside,” he coaxed gently, deciding to change his course of action. “You’ll catch a cold like this, you know.”
“Yeah, I
 I know,” you sighed, deflating a little. Kazuha held out his hand to you, and only after a long, long pause— far too long for his liking— did you take it. He smiled at you, his eyes warm and kind; so kind that, for a second, you almost wanted to tell him everything that had happened and all you had been hiding from him right then and there. Almost.
As you walked, countless thoughts and questions flooded your mind, ceaseless in their bombardment.
Was it wrong of you to be lying to him like this? Pretending that you’re okay to keep him from worrying about you? Were you an awful person for hiding from him when he placed so much of his faith in you?
But you couldn’t bring yourself to burden him with your issues, either. These were your problems to deal with, not his, and it would be so selfish of you to expect him to bear the weight of them on his own shoulders, too. If you could just get through all this by yourself without him finding out, all the better. That was possible, right?
Kazuha noticed the furrow in your brows and strain in your gaze as you walked. Though he could not tell your exact thoughts, he had a clear idea of what they may be, and that idea brought him no joy. 
You arrived quickly at Kazuha’s place despite the driving rain, and immediately had yourself a hot shower and a change of clothes. 
Before you left the bathroom, you drew our a long, heavy sigh. Going back out there, opening that door— it felt like entering a war zone. Not with Kazuha, but with yourself, and with the lie that you were doing fine. You forced a practiced smile onto your face.
(God, you were tired.)
Right. Here goes nothing.
You pushed open the door and stepped out into the apartment, ready for yet another round of fake-it-till-you-make-it. Not even sparing a look at Kazuha, afraid what would happen to your carefully crafted facade if you did, you made a beeline for the little sofa at the back of the room. It took all your strength not to simply collapse onto it altogether.
“Do you feel any better?” Kazuha asked, taking a place beside you. You nodded.
“Yeah,” was all you said. It was all you could bring yourself to say.
To be honest, you felt sick. 
Kazuha hummed at your answer, the look on his face unreadable.
“Are you certain?” he asked after a second.
Another nod, another lie. You were getting good at this, you realised, and the mastery of your skill disgusted you.
Kazuha sighed and took your hands in his, his thumbs rubbing circles in your skin. He leaned forwards so that you could not look away from him, your eyes caught within his own.
“Tell me the truth,” he said, voice quiet. “Please.”
Your heart missed a beat. You froze. Your mind faltered, desperately searching for something— anything— to say. When you found nothing, you swallowed, but your throat was dry. Your mouth opened and closed silently, no words coming out.
Had you really been that easy to see through? Was Kazuha mad at you for lying to him now? If he was mad, could you really blame him?
A soft calling of your name reeled your spinning thoughts in, and you blinked. For some reason, the world looked blurry and unfocused, and your eyelashes felt wet when you shut them. 
One of Kazuha’s hands came up to brush at your cheek, wiping the tears away with a feather-light touch. His other hand settled under your chin, and he gently angled your face towards him.
“Dove? What’s wrong?” His face was painted with concern, eyebrows drawn together in an expression of subtle worry. You shook your head, afraid that if you spoke, you would not be able to control the tears. Kazuha’s thumb ghosted back and forth over your skin, warm eyes gazing into yours and laced with a hint of desperation. 
“You can talk to me.”
That was the moment everything shattered. Your walls fell in pieces around you, and the dam that had strained against a raging current cracked, broke, and crumbled.
And yet your voice came out as a whisper.
You swallowed, despite the broken shards of glass in your throat. “Everything’s wrong. I just
” you trailed off, running a hand through your hair, and drew out a shaky sigh. “I can’t do this anymore, Kazuha.”
“What can’t you do?” he asked, his voice patient and calm in a direct opposition to your current state.
“This.” You gestured hopelessly in the air. “My responsibilities. My work. Existing.” Your voice began to break. “I’m so tired of it. All of it. And over the last few days
 I just can’t. Catch. A break.”
Kazuha nodded solemnly, his lips pressed together in a line. He raised his eyes to meet yours. “Then tell me everything that’s happened,” he said gently, and god, did you want to.
But these weren’t his problems. These were yours.
You drew in a shaky breath. “It’s
 it wouldn’t be worth your time. I don’t want to bore you.”
Kazuha shrugged. “I have time.”
And yet still you hesitated, though you didn’t know why. He knew something was up; so why were you still trying to pretend you were okay? Were you seriously so caught up in your lie that you’d fooled even yourself?
And for God’s sake, why was he being so nice about it? So kind to you? Was he not offended that you had hidden your thoughts from him? Did he not think you didn’t trust him and hate you for that fact? Shouldn’t he be mad or disappointed in you like everyone else was?
A knot began to twist in your stomach. Your head was swimming, breathing shallow, and your throat was closed as if you were being suffocated.
“Take your time,” Kazuha coaxed, the grounding presence in your hurricane. “If you aren’t comfortable talking about it at the moment, don’t push yourself. I’m here to listen whenever you need me.”
Kazuha paused. “‘No’?” he repeated.
“No. I
 I should tell you now, or I don’t know when I will.” 
He smiled, and mouthed a Thank you. Then you sucked in a shaky breath, and told him everything.
You told him about the pressure you were under and the stress that held you in a chokehold, not once loosening its grip; you told him about the hateful thoughts that had been piling up on you lately, telling you how you weren’t good enough and never will be; you told him about how you were so, so tired and so, so done, and yet life was unwilling to give you a rest. 
You told him about the argument the previous afternoon, and when your voice broke and tears ran unconstrained, Kazuha took you into his arms and held you close, his fingers combing through your hair and carefully untangling any knots with a feather’s touch. He held you closer when you began shaking like a leaf, arms tightening around you like a shield from the rest of the world, not once caring for the damp patches staining his clothes. 
When you had finished talking, sobs replaced your words. Kazuha murmured words of affirmation in your ear; hushed I love yous and whispered compliments so soft that you almost mistook them for a passing breeze. He tilted your chin upwards and kissed away your tears, the backs of his fingers brushing your cheek and against your wet eyelashes. He pressed his lips to your eyelids and let the contact linger before guiding your head back to his shoulder, running his fingers up and down your neck and spine in a ghost touch that left tingles in its wake.
And when your tears subsided and your sobs were reduced to sniffles, he kissed the crown of your head and held you in silence.
Finally, you pulled away from his warmth, wiping away the wetness welling beneath your eyes, and cleared your throat.
“Sorry for being such a mess,” you mumbled, fixing your gaze on anywhere that wasn’t Kazuha’s own. “I
 wasn’t supposed to get that out of hand.”
Kazuha raised his hand to cup your cheek in his palm and moved your face closer, so that your foreheads rested against each other’s and your noses almost touched. 
“You have nothing to apologise for,” he whispered. “I’m relieved that you told me what was on your mind, and there is no need to be sorry about it.”
“But I’m just dumping my issues onto you— issues I should be dealing with myself, not burdening you with,” you grumbled, eyes glancing away once again. “I
 I don’t want to be a burden to you,” you muttered. Kazuha hummed in thought.
“Is this why you were so hesitant to tell me earlier?” he asked gently. You paused for a moment, then nodded your head shamefully. You were surprised to hear a quiet chuckle shake Kazuha’s shoulders.
“What?” you frowned, looking up at him.
Kazuha cleared his throat and mumbled an apology. “I just find it interesting that you think you could ever be a burden to me— and a little amusing, because you couldn’t be further from the truth.”
oh.” You hesitated. “Really?”
He nodded. “I will always be more than glad to listen to whatever you have to say. Receiving help from somebody is not akin to troubling them. And even if it were,” he paused, and smiled at you. “You would never be a burden to me, dove.”
You swallowed dryly. “So
 you aren’t mad at me for lying to you?”
He shook his head. “If anything, I’m perhaps a little disappointed that I didn’t pick up on the gravity of your situation later, but that has more to do with me than with you. And
” he sighed, and this time, he was the one who looked away. In a quieter voice, he continued. “I know what it’s like to want to deal with your own hardships alone and keep them from bothering others.”
A silence fell upon you for a long moment. Kazuha’s eyes were solemn, and he seemed to be lost in thought. He drew in a breath, and finally met your eyes.
“But we don’t have to worry about that anymore. Because I have you,” he looked at you with a gaze warmer than summer, “And you have me.” He reached out and tucked a stray lock of hair behind your ear. “And no matter what happens, I will always be here to listen to you.”
You sighed in defeat. “Okay.”
Kazuha’s eyes crinkled with his smile.
His smile faltered.
“If I’m going to trust you with my problems, the same has to be the case on your end, and you have to trust me with yours.” You tilted your head at him. “Do we have deal?”
Kazuha was silent for a second, before his shoulders sagged, and he smiled at you with a resolute nod.
-đŸŽ» anon
i read this as soon as i woke up and fucking cried. thank you for this, love đŸ„ș💕
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
Vacation is over and I have come to thank you author Ryen, and borahae-k for the confidence boost and advice. As you know, I did it. I can’t even express how I feel properly but it’s something close to: everything is right now. With that, we have a plan to compare Busted notes tonight after our first “real date” so get ready for more feedback soon.
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UGHHHHH I LOVE YOU BOTH😭💕🍊 proud of you for really going for it, and thank you to @borahae-k for the loving adviceđŸ«‚ gahhh this is cool as hell thank you so much for even letting us inđŸ„ș have fun on the daaaaate!
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wintersera · 6 months
u can take my electric guitar pookie i have an extra ! i do violin, guitar, flute, piano, and im currently learning drums
give me a chance 😞 - đŸŽ»
damn all those instruments hello?? hmmm maybe i’ll give you a chance
 SIKE me and minjeong are in a happy relationship 😊
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