#👑Don't Waste My Time👑Asks
pxison · 9 months
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Unprompted @mischievous-misdirection asked: This probably was an unnecessary step to the whole ordeal but Yorin felt the prince had the smallest right of knowing. Yorin doesn't expect much beyond a deeper frown than his usual fair and blaming her, nothing was ever his fault after all. "Ichiji." They find him in his office, always the busy bee. "This is a courtesy of your status: I'm pregnant and won't be keeping it. I'm sure you understand why."
He could tell someone walked into his office he just never bothered to stop putting pen to paper until they spoke. It was Yorin of course, who else would bother the prince swimming in work he made for himself?
The subject matter at hand is what stops the constant scratching of his writing hand. Ichiji seemed statue still letting those words sink in that unwanted progeny were going to be disposed of and out of a bitter taste left in his mouth does his nose crinkle up rudely when he turns in his chair. He smooths himself out quickly enough to hopefully go unnoticed, but Yorin was one of the few here now that was observant enough to catch his little 'tells' by now.
"Is that so? Then that's all well and good, a bastard child would be a burden on resources as is." And if he wanted a child, it would be planned and not come out of the fold like this one seemed to attempt to. Well, it got as far as it did developmentally and that's all the little fetus will ever achieve. Or was it a bundle of cells? He wasn't going to poke for the grisly details anyhow.
"If there isn't anything else go away, I'd prefer not to be distracted."
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kingbcwser · 5 days
Just put a wig on Angel Dust and you'll get the perfect princess! ...As long as you got money! Are you rich Bowser?
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"Why, of course I'm rich! I'm a king, after all! Money is not really an issue for me, hehe."
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chrolloluvr · 3 months
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Adam, Mammon, Alastor and Lucifer if S/O is on their period
Note: AFAB!Reader, not proofread, (should I make a story out of mammons??)
Warnings: Mentions of sex, minor degrading?, fluff 🥺, cute moments
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Adam 🕊️:
He has an idea of how periods or the menstrual cycle work. In his time of being married to Eve and Lilith, he basically just let them handle it themselves. But with you, thats not how it works
When you get moody swings, he tells you that your being dramatic.
"Babe what the hell? Take a chill pill, jesus."
Please slap him across the face.
When you get cramps, he will throw you some Pepto bismol and call it a day.
If you send him to the store, he will ask you what flavor tampon you want (???), and if he can have a visual representation on what size he needs.
He tried to FaceTime you 15 times...
Had to disguise himself so nobody knew he was there.
He will offer to have sex with you, since that was what seemed to work with his other two wives
Goes out and buys you snacks, but he forgets that you're on your period so he mostly bought them for himself.
Asks Lute for advice, since he isn't a girl.
You end up with your head resting on his shoulders, while you sit in his lap. He will call you a drama queen, but he will still comfort you.
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Mammon 🕸️:
He knows literally nothing about periods or the menstrual cycle.
He never really cared to learn anything about it either, since he had never taken any romantic interest in anybody until you. He considered it a waste of time.
When you have mood swings, he does not take you seriously, and he will probably baby you.
"Awhh, dont get your thong in a twist sugar. Now calm down before i have to hold your ass down-"
When cramps roll around, he will just put his hand over your lower stomach. And just, leave it there? He thinks it helps you, so don't argue with him or he will back off of you.
When you send him to the store, he asks you for your pussy size...
Will FaceTime you, and show you all of the options.
Gets stopped and asked for photos multiple times, so it takes him like an hour.
He ends up getting you Nutella, pads, and a menstrual cup, because he thought it looked funny. He even jokes about it being his next big product.
Offers to eat you out. Yes, while you are on your period. He is a freak. He does not mind getting his mouth bloody. I HC that he actually prefers when you are on your period, because he likes the metallic tase and smell it emits.
Wont let you out of his sights during this time. He will let you lay on top of him while you two watch your favorite show. And he will hand feed you the chocolate and say,
"Heres comes the choo choo train cutie 😙"
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Lucifer 👑:
He knows a lot about the menstrual cycle and how it works. He was very attentive to Lilith during their marriage.
When you get moody, he will distance himself from you, not wanting to add more fuel to the fire.
"Hey honey, I just wanted to check in on you, see how you were doing, you know-"
When you have cramps, he hates seeing you in pain, so he will heat up a heating pad and rest it on your stomach.
When you send him to the store, he goes in a disguise. He will call you and ask what specific products you want.
He ends up getting you strawberries, chocolate, medicine, etc.
He treats you like you are sick. Will force you to stay in bed under his supervision.
Will also offer to eat you out. He just wants to make you feel better, and he is an expert.
He will spoon-feed you medicine, and turn on your favorite show. He will snuggle up against your chest and fall asleep.
Will ask Charlie for some advice and help. He really does care for you deeply. So he just wants to make sure you are content and satisfied.
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Alastor 🦌:
Knows quite a bit about period and the menstrual cycle.
When you get moody, he will also coddle you like Mammon. Will purposely try to get you more upset. But stops after a while, since he is a gentlemen.
"My little doe, lets stop with this tantrum. Your a big girl, aren't you?
When you get cramps, he will come up behind you and trap you in a bear hug while rocking the both of you. He will do this while using his thumbs to rub your shoulders.
Instead of the store, he goes to Rosie and asks her for supplies and advice. He hates seeing you upset, so what better of a person to ask for advice from than his long time friend Rosie?
He will not want to do anything sexual with you. Not because he does not like getting bloody, (he has, and isn't afraid to.), But because he does not want to possibly hurt you.
He will try to stay near you as much as possible. He maaaay even let you touch his ears if you look up at him all nice and cute.
Tells you a story, or will turn on the radio for you to both listen to.
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dr3c0mix · 3 months
Alistair x (platonically) Teen Reader
In the fic he is like oh my god a bride, he walks in and instead of an adult..or a bride-
They find a teen, who literally threw a pebble at him, an angsty teen💀
I’m very happy to read ur fics and usually pair them with teen/child mc because I find it funny because they expect the love of their life
and teen mc standing there :🧍‍♂️
anyways sorry for the long request, luv ur writing, and ur art :D
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Yandere! Evil King x Teen! GN! Reader
CW: platonic relationship, Alistair is a bit of a DILF so do with it as you will, Dads are hot you guys!! READER IS A MINOR.
👑 Who is this sassy lost child?
👑 His minions kidnapped you while you were on a carriage ride back to your kingdom.
👑 He was hoping for like a princess or something to marry and take over the kingdom with or whatever so like...what tf he gonna do with you???
👑 Clearly you were too young to be in a situation like this, but theres no way he's giving you back without a reward, so yes he still holds you for ransom.
👑 "Child, I am Alistair, King of-ACk!"
👑 Did...did you throw a pillow at him?!
👑 "How dare yo- AHK! Stop it!" another one..
👑 You refuse to listen to anything he says, you just wanted to go home
👑 You two had a bit of rivalry for a bit. He hated you and you hated him.
👑 He promised not to show any affection or care towards you since in his eyes, your actions didn't deserve it. How can someone be so rude to a king !?
👑 But he starts to notice you don't eat much. He never sees you in the dining hall and has only seen quick moments of you nibbling on some bread or pastries the servants gave you.
👑 He scoffed, so irresponsible! You must eat a proper meal right this second or you'll starve!
👑 You're surprised to see a meal prepared for you during your routine trip to get a snack from the pantry with a note on the plate.
👑 "Next time, ask for a proper meal. I don't want your parents to think I've been starving you. -Alistair P.S. go to bed early."
👑 Huh...
👑 Alistair smiled from the doorway of the dining hall, watching you eat up with a smile on your face. You might have been too scared of him to ask for food so you've been sneaking snacks while he wasn't looking.
👑 Of course he wasn't doing it because he cared about you, he just didn't want royalty like you to resort to such pathetic means to eat!
👑 Why are you still sad? Perhaps he should get you some things to keep your attention..
👑 He asks (threateningly may I add) about your hobbies or interests.
👑 The next morning your cell (which has been upgraded to a lovely room in the castle because he didn't want you to be filthy and gross in a dungeon) was filled with anything he could find that he thought you'd enjoy.
👑 Don't think he wants you to be happy! He's just tired of seeing you sulk everywhere!
👑 He denies everything, but you swear you could see a tiny smile on his face when you hugged him happily.
👑 You start being a little more open to him, showing him anything you've made or done with pride and he'd receive it gratefully, but he won't show it of course.
👑 "I made you this friendship bracelet!"
👑 "I've seen better jewelry."
👑 "Oh I'll take it back then I guess.."
👑 "No, it's mine now, back off."
👑 Drawings and the like that he said would be thrown out as soon as you left would be seen framed in his room
👑 It would be a..waste of good canvas..
👑 And of course he buys a few books of your choice for you to read, he'd be damned if your brain turns to mush.
👑 Bro bro he'd be the type to let you swing around while holding onto his bicep.
👑 If you ever have any problems, or come to him in a bad mood, he'd have no idea how to help other than to sit down and listen to your troubles.
👑 He's not the most physical when it comes to affection, but you bet your ass he's gonna do everything he can to cheer you up.
👑 At this point he's rewriting his demands for the ransom. Either your kingdom lets him sign some adoption papers or he's starting a war.
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jazeswhbhaven · 17 days
If the devils have their own way of courting rituals, what would you think the kings courting rituals gonna be?
ahhhh courting rituals???? I love this, let's go!
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💞Courting Rituals for WHB Kings👑
Canon-wise, it was explained that there's a specific ritual for proposing and weddings, strictly followed in Gehenna mostly. The devil is to ask their intended partner 3 times, each time must be a yes for the wedding proposal to proceed. (this is heavily paraphrased)
With this in mind let's say that each country does things a little bit different from that point! We'll start with-
Satan: The three times rule he follows, but it's more of he expects you to say yes so he's very confident each time. He tells you his intentions day one, you are to be his and he feels it. Each time he asks for your hand, he licks or bites it softly to leave a mark that way others can tell he asked you so they won't ask. He also cuts off some of his hair and gives it to you to keep on your person, and he makes you a custom jacket that matches his in whatever color you choose with the same necklace. These are the gifts you receive and will wear until the day of your wedding together. Mammon: Oh my...the great Mammon has chosen you for his life partner. It starts off as a declaration and a set wedding date already delivered by a golden note from Bimet. If you decline, (IF hehe) he will ask you once more but a solid gold note. If you agree, a gathering (think of Met Gala but for Tartaros) happens and this is where Mammon has gifts, tailored to your specific likes brought to you, and a custom outfit sewn by hand from the local seamstresses. After this gathering, you stay in a "guest home" (which is the size of a human world mansion) that he builds for you and you both have lunch and dinner dates together to get to know each other more. After this, you must take a royal bath with him before the wedding date, and he cleans you himself. (the wedding night, you will cleanse each other and have your feet dipped in gold (don't worry he thinks of a way so your feet literally don't melt off)) Beelzebub: Uh...well normally, devils in Avisos do not get married, so there's no set ritual. You are first visited by ALL of his clones at different times and schedules and you must say yes to each one and make sure you notate it somehow so the main Beel can confirm. After this, you aren't allowed to shower/bathe for a week. (I know...but...trust the process ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ ) At the very last day Beel smells you to make sure you've listened so the smellier you are the better. Finally you can shower, but it's a tongue bath from all of his clones and him (don't worry Bael says you can properly clean yourself after) Also after that until the wedding date (set by Bael because Beel would forget) you are to eat a specific menu he's made for you. Changes can only be made if you get sick or have allergies. (All dishes have something "extra" in there iykyk)
Leviathan: Alright so, this devil right here? get ready because this will be the most tedious courting ritual you've ever had to do and it must be correct and up to standard. First, you have to even get him to say yes to proposing to you directly. Anything indirect is not to be assumed. His proposal must be seen and heard by all of his nobles present at a specific time and part of the day. Once you get that to happen, and you agree (otherwise risk being hung by wasting his and your time to even get him to propose if you were going to say no anyway) the next step happens. You must select your personal coffin that will be sat next to his and you are to sleep in it for the next two weeks at the same time as Levi (it doesn't matter if you aren't tired you must go in at the same time) and get out of it when he wakes up. After this has been successfully done, for one entire day, his nobles take the day off and you are to assist him with everything. He gives you three chances to fix your mistakes or the ritual must be down all over. If you pass, then the wedding date is set and you aren't allowed to see him until the day of. And you guessed it, if you run into him even by accident or see a photo of him, you have to start all over again.
Lucifer: Well, he's never done this before. Angels were never to be betrothed to anyone less long a human. Gamigin suggests something from his culture as something you two can do. Lucifer is to approach you with a ceremonial gemstone (in Lucifer's case he just finds a local gem in Paradise Lost) and then the two of you must carve jewelry for each other out of it under the moonlight. Lucifer then brings in his own idea for the next step, and it's to tame the serpent on his clothing. You must be able to soothe it at any given time, and be able to touch it without it hissing. The last step is easy, but it just takes a longggg time, you must be able to avoid any injuries while staying in Paradise Lost, and be able to sleep in the same bed as Lucifer for a year but without touching him (a pillow barrier is allowed) this will test your patience and independence in case Lucifer cannot be by your side all of the time nor his nobles.
Okay so I'm skipping Belphegor for now because I'm unsure of how he'd want things to go??? I just need more info on that. Loosely, I'm just be silly for Asmo, but the courting ritual for him is literally->
Sex on the first yes Avoid getting pregnant within the first six months Sex orgies only allowed with his nobles, you have to at least participate once Continue to avoid getting pregnant until the wedding day (ʘ‿ʘ✿) lol
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helloiamadrawer · 3 months
Kinger 👑 Tweaking CRACK HEADCANONS
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triggers/warnings: drugs (weed in general nothing too hard) cigarettes, mainly kinger just trying to cope from all the shit going on in the digital circus DON'T DO DRUGS PEOPLE
First things first, where did he get the drugs from? well, it's easy Zooble's room but it's actually in her endless box of spare parts she puts on her and we know SOMETHING has to have a stash of hiding somewhere.
Caine would definitely waste his time doing this if he knew Zooble had drugs but shhhh..we'll pretend he's dumb for one day okay?
Kinger has been having rougher times at the digital circus more than usual, plus the lingering paranoia of abstracting like Kaufmo on top of that just makes it worse for his mental state. He just needs to find something new to do instead of Caine's insane adventures. So what does he do? Go to Zooble's room for advice.
"Well, I was going to give this to you at a later time if you were reallly going over the edge but you do not tell a single soul about this. Caine will throw us in the cellar for a year and a year goes very slow in the digital world." she threatened as she slides him a small bag of weed and some pieces of paper . Kinger blankly stares at the pouch and just says, "oh."
He shoves it in his robe pocket and heads back to his room. He lays it out on his bed and ponders about if he should do it now or tomorrow.
Next morning, he decides to try it after another treacherous adventure, tired, he takes a palm full of the chopped cannabis and rolls it up in the paper like a joint. Mans was really doing this but hey, beats anything but getting abstracted. In the middle of the night, he knocks on Zooble's door, she grumpily opens it and sees the chess piece holding out the joint to her as he asks, "Do you have a source of fire to light this?"
"Oh, i forgot about that, come on in, I gotta find a lighter anyway in my box so it may take a minute." she whispers until she closes the door behind Kinger. She pops out her normal arm and her claw arm holds it as she inserts it into the Zooble Box, searching for her lighter.
Should he really be doing this? I mean doing drugs never really existed to Kinger until Zooble came around, he was just collecting insects and hanging out in his pillowfort, but thats when the day Pomni came in and then Kaufmo got abstracted and after that day he feared of himself becoming like that so nothing really took his mind off it.
Maybe I should leave, I can try and find something else
"Ah-ha! Gotcha!"
Zooble's triumphant outburst made Kinger almost jump out of his robe. "AH! Zooble, you found the lighter, good.". She flicks the lighter switch and lights up Kinger's joint as a line of smoke puffs out from it.
"Now, you can't leave my room with that, Caine will find out what we're doing if he sees this, so take a hit..you'll know exactly how I deal with this bullsh$t around here a little bit more easier." Zooble states as she rolls up a joint and lights it for herself.
Kinger stares at the nowlit doobie and takes a puff from it...
PART 2 will be in effect for later and it's going to be angsty and it'll be my first angst piece of headcanons so it might take a while, see y'all soon!!
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twsthc · 6 months
twst character playlists pt. 2 🎧☆
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⚠️ warnings: not a warning but i just wanted to say that i have 2-3 asks in my drafts rn!!! i have not been ignoring you ive been procrastinating studying for finals and sleeping ^_^!!! they should be answered soon i prommy, ty for ur patience <3
last updated: december 17, 2023
🌹 🎼
Riddle: Red Velvet - Day 1 , Lee Hi - Only , Laufey - Promise , Beabadoobe - Glue Song , Men I Trust - Show Me How , Humming Urban Stereo - Banana Shake
cutie patootie basically
also music thats easy to study to!!! i just swiped this from my study playlist.
Ace: VANO 3000 - Running Away [adult swim] , Gorillaz Ft. Kali Uchis - She's My Collar , Worthikids - Friends In Low Places , Joey Valence & Brae - GUMDROP
music i listen to in roller skating rinks and drinking slurpees and crying
only ace uses a skateboard and probably wouldn't be crying and would drink the cola icee instead of the blue raspberry one
Deuce: AC/DC - Highway to Hell , Dominic Fike - Mama's Boy , The Offspring - Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) , Army Of Lovers - Crucified , Joan Jett and the Blackhearts - Bad Reputation
"ACDC stands for acedeuce" -someone from the twsthc server
ummm not really much to add to this. deucepel canon. join my server
Cater: Aliyah's Interlude - IT GIRL , Girls Generation - Gee , IVE 아이브 - After LIKE , NewJeans - Super Shy , LE SSERAFIM - Eve, Psyche & The Bluebeard's wife
cater is a kpop stan and knows all the lyrics and dances and hums them randomly whilst walking down the hallway i saw her
Trey: Fuji Kaze - Shinunoga E-Wa , CAFUNÉ - Tek It , monsune - OUTTA MY MIND , piri & tommy - soft spot , Essosa - Waste My Time , Tatsuro Yamashita - Fragile
chill as fuck. in his zone. moisturized. at peace.
he plays this on low levels as he bakes and while hes studying
Leona: SZA - Broken Clocks , Childish Gambino - Redbone , Kendrick Lamar , Money Trees , Tyler, The Creator - See You Again , willowsmith - Wait a Minute! , Tyla - Water
leona is a part of the sassy male apocalypse
listens to Broken Clocks while its raining like he just went thru a breakup (he didnt)
Ruggie: Chief Keef - I Don't Like , jnhygs - JERK! , babyxsosa - EVERYWHERE I GO , Flo Milli - Conceited , Ice Spice - Princess Diana , Brent Faiyaz - Been Away (Jersey Club Remix) 
n i just fell n luv w a gangster, so he put my name n a tatt
but i dont let em come 2 the crib, so we get it on where we at
Jack: Outkast - Ms. Jackson , Destiny's Child - Bills, Bills, Bills , The Notorious B.I.G - Big Poppa , MF DOOM - Rapp Snitch Knishes , 2Pac - California Love
my favorite african american
Azul: Queen - Killer Queen , Joan Sebastion - Secreto de Amor , Caravan Palace - Rock It For Me , Lady Gaga - Americano , Chicago - We Both Reached For the Gun
once again older jazzy sounding songs
also electroswing. the octatrio are electroswing, and the Chicago musical
Jade: The Buttress - Brutus , Elita Harkov - Sour Switchblade , Elita Harkov - Mentally Not Here , KikuoHana - 不幸屋の娘 , NASTYONA - 09 요단강
in part one i put their cute girly girl hiking mushroom collecting playlist but here is their fucked up evil plotting and biting playlist
also useful for studying and lounge shifts! three in one!
Floyd: DIGITAL CIRCUS - Pilot Official Soundtrack , Kikuo - 天国へ行こう , Rufus Wainwright - Another Believer , Chuu - Heart Attack (sped up) , SB Soundtrack - Clownfish Capers
what can i say
silly goofy music for a silly goofy guy
Kalim: Heavenly - P.U.N.K Girl , No Doubt - Just A Girl , TWINKLE ♡ HEART/jun 音源 , Cascada - Everytime We Touch (Nightcore) , Dolly Style - Cherry Gum (Nightcore) , S3RL - All That I Need
hime gyaru kalim lives
i snuck in nightcore and S3RL im really not sorry
Jamil: Marie Madeleine - Swimming Pool , X-RAY SPEX - I Am a Poseur , Vundabar - Alien Blues , Memo Boy - Insomniac
just a girl
Vil: Lady Gaga - Beautiful, Dirty, Rich , Barry Manilow - At the Copa , NewJeans - ETA , Judy Singh - Up and Down , Amy Winehouse - Stronger Than Me
Epel: MF DOOM - Doomsday , Primus - The Devil Went Down To Georgia , The Crane Wives - The Moon Will Sing , October Country - My Girlfriend Is a Witch ,
The Devil Went Down To Georgia is the type of shit epel would listen to while performing the most back breaking nail chipping farm chores
Rook: I Monster - Lust for a Vampyr , Kali Uchis - I Wish you Roses , peace - stolen dance , Lamp - From The Window ,
Idia: TOPHAMHAT-KYO -Princess♂ , LamazeP - 難聴系男子が倒せない , Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan OP , BLEND-A - Bon Appetit S , Bakudan Poppy - Oha-Yo-del , Dancing Samurai
Malleus: Soap&Skin - Me and the Devil , Yoko Kanno - Green Bird
Silver: Korn - All in the Family , batta - chase , Lil Boodang - Jesus Don't Like That I'm Gay but Satans Cool With It , My Chemical Romance - Teenagers ,
yes thats the name of that song
emo teen music, not cos theyre an emo teen but cos lilia introduced the genre
Sebek: deaf, doesn't listen to music
Lilia: BABYMETAL - Headbangeeeeerrrrr!!!!! , Graveyardguy (feat. Slayyyter) - Final Girl , NANAOAKARI - One Room Sugar Life
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mountainofhistory · 5 months
👑 + Also, and throwing... Eirin :D
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"Once again, Eirin, thank you for being willing to help me out with this. It's really not something I'm comfortable with normally, so... it means a lot."
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"Think nothing of it. Besides, I won't deny I'm interested for a few of my own reasons as well. Now, I'm guessing you're already wrapped up in preparation, correct?" At a nod from the teacher, she'd continue. "Well, you said you hadn't tried this in years, but it's probably going to be disorienting just like it was the first time. So take this." Without explanation, the doctor reaches into a bag she had taken with her and pulls out a small pill bottle with a single pill inside.
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"...Huh? Aren't you going to at least tell me what it does first?" Despite saying that, she's already working the cap free to take the pill, just as ordered.
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"I thought it would be obvious! It's an anti-emetic. So you don't throw up on yourself when you inevitably get all dizzy." Very matter-of-fact, and lucky for her, Keine's used to that... most patients aren't. "Ah, sun's set. The transformation should be starting shortly, and... ah, there it goes. Wow, it really is fast, isn't it? I felt like I'd have missed it if I looked away."
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"Ugh... come on, Eirin, take this more seriously. It's really important to me, you know? I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't."
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"Yes, I am aware. And trust me, Keine, I am taking this seriously. But that doesn't mean we need to be dour. Anyway, let's not waste any time, we only have the single night to practice, after all." Only now would she stand up, walking over to join the teacher. "You're going to have to take off your dress now. I'll handle the rest, okay? I'll make sure you have something to hold onto as well. You're probably going to need it."
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colemansdimple · 1 year
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Part 2 of my first ever vicbourne fic 👑🎩
It's nsfw NOT SAFE FOR WORK get it? Don't let anyone else see you reading this, not even the cat! Not only this is my first ever vicbourne fic BUT this is my first ever nsfw content!!! I wanted to pay tribute to all the nsfw vicbourne fics that warmed me up on cold nights so you might find some references here 😉
Here goes nothing 🤞
One last time...before sunrise
By colemansdimple
It's been almost a whole day since Queen Victoria's experience visiting the past, seeing her Lord M in his younger days. That was a time before he became her prime minister, her friend, her soul mate, her everything. But there he was still alive! And they shared a kiss which was still warm on her lips.
When she got back to her own time she discovered that the instrument that allowed her time travel, the enchanting music box, was nowhere to be found. Because it was very late she decided to lock the room and search for it the next day. She ordered the palace staff to not go anywhere near that room because she feared the box was to be found by a stranger.
She couldn't sleep well that night. Dreams of a wild haired, green eyed and naughty half smile William Lamb plagued her imagination. She never thought she could still feel this way even if this man wasn't the one she would meet or have met...god her head was spinning like mad!
So many questions on her mind but she knew she would find no answers that day. Next day she spent it all locked in that library, madly searching for the music box. In the back of her mind she heard the words of the note "one night only". But she didn't care! She needed to see him again! It was like an addiction, she tasted the sweetest of happinesses for the first time and she just couldn't let it go. She needed to feel him again!
She prayed for god to forgive her. She knew she was being unfaithful to her husband, although she never had any love for him and only married him because her true love had rejected her. It was late at night when she gave up hope of finding the box. Exhausted, she fell into the nearby chair next to the fireplace and started crying. The grandfather clock stroke midnight.
She might have finally fallen asleep because she thought she heard Mozart playing. Out from the corner of the room a very much alive young William Lamb appeared before her eyes! He was holding the music box! He looked at her and to the room.
"Is that you Nancy? Where am I? What is this place?"
She couldn't believe her eyes. She ran up to him and hugged him with all the strength left in her body. Still she couldn't speak. He smelled somewhat of that same yellow beverage from that time mixed with his own intoxicating aroma. He softly pushed away from him.
"I...I...I searched for you like mad! You were gone before my very eyes! I spent the whole day thinking I had imagined you because of the alcohol! The only thing I had to prove that I wasn't mad was this music box. When I made it work and thought of you I..."
She silenced him with a kiss so powerful he had to step back to hold her. He was here again with her and she wasn't going to waste another minute thinking about hows or whys.
"Does it all really matter?" She asked when they finally broke apart.
William looked into her eyes and felt only certainty.
"No" he answered and kissed her again.
Slowly they walked towards the fireplace and laid down on the carpet floor still kissing. She groaned softly as he started kissing along her neck. At that moment she forgot everything. Forgot that she was Queen. That she was married. That this was only a past version of her true love that already left this world.
All that mattered was that her Lord M...her William...was finally touching her like she always wanted him to. They got up on their knees and started to undress. She helped him with his clothes until he was only in his shirt and breeches. She breathed heavy at the sight of his chest hairs and exposed neck. So much of his skin that she never thought she would see. She started to give open mouth kisses along his neck, sucking and tasting the saltines of his skin. All the while running her fingers through his luscious black curls.
He moaned in approval as he tried his best to undress her. He was really struggling with the laces of her dress and Victoria grew impatient. Then...she had a sudden thought.
"William...is this your...first time?"
"What? Absolutely not! I've had hundreds.. thousands..." He stopped, blushing. Somehow he couldn't lie to her. "Yes, it is." He said looking down.
She touched his face delicately and made him look up. "It's alright.. I've...I've only done it a few times with my husband. I've always had this fear of childbirth...and it was only done to breed an hei...I mean...it was only to secure the family line. This will be my first time too...doing it with love."
It was all she could say. But he understood. She wasn't the first woman he saw to marry without love.
"I'll do my best not to disappoint you ma'am." He said still blushing a little.
"YOU could never." She replied with a smile and helped him to free her from her clothes. When they were both finally naked she felt again that uneasy feeling of ugliness. She wasn't 18 anymore after all, she thought. But the look on his face calmed her.
"You are the prettiest woman I've ever seen." He said softly but with truth and she felt her eyes damping.
Slowly he moved to be on top of her. Unsure of what to do first he decided to touch her breasts. At least that was a familiar territory to him. He kissed them and laved them with his tongue, smelling the delicious natural scent of her. He felt his cock growing harder and harder.
When he touched her nipples she spasmed under him and when he closed his mouth on one she moaned loudly.
"William...don't stop...please!!"
He continued from one breast to another his actions becoming more and more hungry when she asked him:
"Please...touch me...there." She said panting. Struggling a little with his lack of experience, William slowly touched her belly and went lower lower until he found the center of her warm body. She was dripping wet already and he hadn't even touch that place. He didn't know it was possible.
"Show me what you like ma'am...how I can please you." She took his hand and started to work it on herself. Doing circular movements on that tiny nub of flesh she discovered not long ago. Only herself, and now William, knew of that secret place of hers.
He worked her faster and faster. His fingers became a blur. He grew bolder and worked his hand all around her sex. He found her tiny entrance and without much thinking slipped one finger inside.
"OH DEAR GOD YES!!" She screamed. After her approval he pushed two more fingers up inside feeling her loosen up around him. Her hips moving luxuriously on his fingers as she tried to do more but couldn't because of the heavy hard man above her. His fingers now pumped her madly and his hand was totally coated in her desire.
Victoria already felt overwhelmed by his 3 fingers inside of her combined with the wet suction on her breast. When he pinched her nipple with his other hand she finally saw stars and spasmed under him, moaning loudly and calling his name.
He was panting hard and trying to slow down his own lust as his cock grew unbearably hard. He was on his knees admiring her post orgasmic bliss and he didn't even realise he was touching himself. Like he was trying to calm a wild beast.
When Victoria came back to herself she looked over at him and at his now considerably larger member. He was really blessed with length and girth she thought, biting her lip. Although she did not have much to compare to. Her husband had...as she liked to call it behind his back...only a "little prince".
She came over to him and hugged him tenderly. "Thank you for that. It was a real gift. I...I wonder if...if I may return it?" She asked boldly.
"Yes...yes ma'am...please I would like that very much." He said blushing. She smiled and started a slow path touching his curly chest hairs all the way down his belly until she found her target. Now it was her turn to blush.
"Show me what you like my darling, just like I've showed you." She whispered hotly in his ear.
He groaned and guided her tiny hand up and down his shaft. Moaning loudly and dripping his pleasure already. Victoria wasted no time to use it and ran her thumb over the mushroom head.
"Oh Nancy...you're soo good...your...your touch is soo..soo good on me..."
At this Victoria stopped. Hand still wrapped around his cock. This wasn't right. She needed to tell him the truth. This was her first and probably her only night with her true love and she was deceiving him. But what could she do? He would never believe her. So she thought of an alternative solution.
"Drina...call me Drina...when we're like this" She couldn't give him her name... but she couldn't continue to lie either. So she gave him her childhood nickname. A name only the closest people in her world knew of.
"Drina" He repeated with a smile. She started to work on him harder. Going faster and faster. His moans becoming louder as he let her do what she would and embraced her burying his head on her shoulder. His pleasure was to be completely in her hands. When she sucked hard at the pulse point on his neck and after bit on it he came to the pleasure pain of her.
"DRINA OH GOD! OH MY GOD!" He screamed.
His mind was spiralling as his seed came bursting on her hand, arm and belly. His body felt heavy. It wasn't his first orgasm but surely it was the most powerful. And he didn't even enter her yet!
They laid down together and stared at eachother silently. Her blue ocean bathing his green forest. Breathing slowly she felt so fulfilled seeing him come that she almost thought she didn't need more. But one look from his hungry eyes and she felt herself already getting wet again. She started by kissing him slowly, languidly. Only teasing with her tongue. Then she hooked one leg over him and rubbed her wet center against his member. He groaned and rubbed back at her getting immediately hard again. They started this slow luxurious dance of naked sweaty bodies.
"William I...I can't wait anymore...I need you..."
"Where do you need me ma'am? Huh?"
"You know where.." she said. Their bodies still moving against eachother as she felt all that was promised to her.
"You need to tell me ma'am...so I can assist you.. thoroughly..." He teased still moving as his hands came down to fully squeeze and massage her bottom. Taking great pleasure in opening and closing her arse cheeks filling his hands with that delicious part of her. They moaned as their rubbing became harder and harder.
She hugged him impossible closer. Breasts rubbing sinfully against his chest hairs and nails scratching at his back. "Between my legs." She managed to whine from lust and kissed his earlobe.
"You want...my cock...inside your little quim?" He panted and teased her further, loosing himself in the moment.
"Yes YES oh please William PLEASE I need you..."
"You need what?" She couldn't see his face now but she could feel he was fully smiling. A wolffish smile at his prey.
"OH FOR GOD'S SAKE WILLIAM I NEED YOUR COCK INSIDE ME NOW!!" She screamed angry with lust.
"Mmmm....very well ma'am. " He smirked and quickly got on top of her. Finding her entrance with his fingers he tried to go slow but she was so wet and he was so needy he was all the way inside of her in one big trust.
They both moaned loudly and he whispered urgently in her ear as he embraced her. "oh god oh dear god in heaven you're so tight on me ma'am...so tight and warm..and wet ..."
"oh William please please move on me...I need you so much!!"
At this he started to move on her... trying his best to keep a steady pace. But his trust soon became harder and his hot breath and raspy moans were driving her insane.
"oh William you're soo...soo big...you're filling me up soo good." She moaned.
"OH DRINA OH FUCK! If you keep this up I'm going to cum inside of you! Your quim fits me so soo well"
She raised her legs and wrapped them on his middle, holding him tighter inside her. She would not let him go.
"yes yes YES please I need all of you I WANT ALL OF YOU!! GIVE IT TO ME PLEASE!!" She lost control of what came from her mouth. His trusts becoming more and more erratic. She was doing her best to keep up with him trusting her hips and meeting his cock halfway. Both of their hands locked together on either side of her face.
Their breathless kisses were hungry and sloppy. Tongues searching and saliva dripping from their mouths. His tongue was fully inside of her mouth while his cock was as deep as it could go. He was pounding her with all the strength and vigor of his youth. The sound of their wet friction sinfully filling the room. The fire nearby painting beautiful shadows of their moving bodies on the walls.
Contrasting with their frantic movements down below she reached one hand up and lovingly scratched her nails on his scalp through his curly black hair. His vision got white from the pleasure pain.
They came together screaming the palace walls down. He was shaking like the fever as burst upon burst of his cum filled her. The suction of her orgasmic sex milking his cock dry.
Breathing hard he moved so that he wouldn't crush her as he fell and they cuddled while recovering their breaths. She never felt happier but at the same time knew she would never feel this happy again. This really felt like her first time. A proper first time. She was giving small kisses on his chest and silently proclaiming her love while he cuddled her closer and mapped her back with his touch.
A few moments later they heard noises coming from the corridor. William quickly got up and went searching for his clothes surely thinking it was the husband looking for his wife...as Victoria watched him she thought about this whole situation. How would she get William to his own time? Then...the first light of dawn came through the window and he started to fade away just like she did before.
Panicking that she would lose him again she came running towards him. She gave him the music box.
"Use it ..use it to find me again...it's safer with you." Then she remembered the "one night only" rule and wrote it down hastily on the first piece of paper she found so he wouldn't forget.
For one last night, until the sunrise.
She gave him the paper and touched her lips with his swiftly.
"Farewell my love, we will see eachother again."
He nodded, blinking, confusion still painted on his face.
After William faded Victoria realised he never actually found her again. The music box only worked one time for both of them. This made her return to sadness for a while. But soon she began to notice the changes on her body. Nine months later a green eyed princess was born and happiness returned to Victoria's life because she knew that at least she had that bit of him and the loving memory from their one last time, before sunrise.
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msommers · 1 year
🤥🎂🕷️🙈👑 for riya and aphrodite!
thank youuuu xxx even if it was a hate crime to send me a spider i'll forgive it // oc emoji asks
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
RIYA — i think she can be a decent liar when she sets her mind to it, but usually she just can't be bothered as she's never had much reason to deceive others. the biggest tell would be her eyes, depending on the severity of the lie she doesn't have that level of deception in her to fake what she's feeling through her gaze very well.
APHRODITE — incredibly good liar, started off very young. her tells would come down to those small details you hear body language analysts point out in videos breaking down true crime aka the things most people don't notice because why the fuck would you unless you're analyzing every movement and word
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
RIYA — 18th of cloudreach! it should come as no surprise that she loves to celebrate it, because it usually comes along with some grand party arranged by her parents with no expense spared. maybe she should waste the last of her money splurging on frivolous things to make up for the fact she had to spend her most recent birthday traveling near the orlesian marshes smh
APHRODITE — i believe i gave her an april 18th birthday for the initial vibecheck. she has mixed feelings on birthdays. loves spending them with her friends because they know how to make her happy, but there's always a hot minute spent lamenting the fact her parents have little to no interest in celebrating with her. can't count the years she's assumed they fully forgot or didn't care what day it was tbh
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
RIYA — has the looming worry that her new status as a grey warden won’t be enough to protect her from the murder accusations thrown her way, which would mean all bash sacrificed to keep her safe and alive would have been for nothing :// super super dramatic about her fear of insects and rodents. does a fear of getting a papercut count as irrational or mundane?? she’d surely have one of those
APHRODITE — irrelevance lmao. gonna assign her with the irrational fear of escalators. victim of the classic “bitch i fuckin KNOW this thing is gonna start eating my coat and i’m gone get me OFF of this”
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
RIYA — well for her entire life up until about a month ago it was her being truly upset, but that’s been a thoroughly obliterated defense because she couldn’t even begin to attempt masking her misery after bash. it's been a deeply humiliating experience and i can't wait to see how she moves on from it
APHRODITE — it’s probably been about 4 years since anybody has seen aphrodite be anything but….Aphrodite™. seven’s departure signaled the building of a significant wall for her, bricking people out from seeing the vulnerable moments. those few minutes that come every few days or so where she grapples with just how well and truly miserable she is when she’s not performing or indulging.
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
RIYA — she has absolutely no idea anymore. her mother's ambitions of grandeur and success definitely influenced her growing up, she had lofty dreams of becoming a renowned figure for her participation in the grand tourneys. she at least got to entertain that fantasy for a single night before her life blew up 😬 i imagine that now she only wishes she won’t be remembered as the mage who defeated her lover in a tourney then proceeded to murder him that very same night. hasn’t really had time to develop any other type of aspiration tbh
APHRODITE — the next queen of pop. the hottest bitch. the top girly. she wants to be a household name! she wants to be everywhere!! all the time, for as long as she can!!! her dreams are imposing, incredibly difficult to reach things because she’s had a need for attention and recognition that’s grown with each passing year. something snaps in a bitch when you’re told that your talent won’t get you anywhere, y’know
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@mightiboy asked:
👑 Damian Desmond [ Izuku wants to adopt him. (AU) Let him save him and become his friend too (SpyxFamily, the peasant, I mean, a normie, child Izuku.] I did vote for Damian on the pol too, I have no shame when it comes to my fav, I think he'd grow well in your care. He has all the unhappiness you enjoy in his background, including an inferiority complex with his brother [who he admires and aspires to be], and the thing with his dad and his mom's complicated feelings. You would have the power to bring his story into a fluffier, and happier, dynamic.
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Damian Desmond
It seems I have a tendency of adopting rich boys with daddy issues, right? Thank you for the suggestion ( and all the kind words I certainly don't deserve ), and if I add him, I'd love to write him with your Izuku!
What I love the most about him is the hints of kindness he shows, especially with Anya, and that despite all, he's more ‘ grounded ’ than the kids in his class / age: even though he comes from an influential family, him looking down on others is more of an act, than real. I also love his inferiority complex! He reminds me of Jean from SNK in a way, and I've always thought he'd be an interesting character to explore too. I might give him a try, but I'm always stressed about adding new muses, and especially a child ( children are x10 times more complicated than teenagers / adults, plus, unpredictable ).
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“ You really don't get it? ” How many times was he supposed to explain the same thing? As if he had any obligation to deal with them plebs. “ I'm done with you, ” and before anyone noticed, Damian had left the scene. Having wasted precious time, on people who weren't worth it in the first place, on people who weren't willing to pay attention. A mistake a Desmond shouldn't have done, serving as the reminder of who he was meant to become.
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pxison · 1 year
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some meme I guess  
@abysmal-black asked: “can you say that again? I heard you I just feel like maybe you didn’t hear yourself just say those words.” For Ichiji
Ichiji pauses in the midst of his mission briefing delivered to him by their father personally and so with the weight of the importance this assignment held to have not only himself present but to include Sanji too, he had to relay information to his younger twin. By now he should've figured it would never be as easy as he'd like but there was serenity in hoping and not the insanity of accepting none of them will ever change their brattish ways.
"Are you serious? I hear myself just fine and we will complete this in a timely manner whether you want to or not it isn't your decision to make."
Sanji was the best at stealth among them given his abilities, but it could be such a pain in the ass sometimes to track the younger down when he decides to skip out on a whim. And to prevent that, Ichiji made sure to have a firm grip on his shoulder to prevent him from escaping even if he turned invisible on him.
"You better be ready to disembark on time or I will ensure it's your ass that is grass and not mine when Father finds out one of his sons is behaving rebelliously."
There is a serious threat there that Ichiji allows to hang as he finally separates himself from Sanji's being and walks off to prepare himself and get soldiers on board one of the snails in time for their leaving.
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kingbcwser · 2 years
Amy is inside the castle. There's a resounding PIKO as doors burst open. She's staring absolute daggers at Bowser now. "Give. Sonic. Back."
For all the cuteness to her, there is a swath of carnage left in her wake. (sooo sorry bestie that this is our first interaction here /hj)
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             Welp... There goes the doors. But most importantly Bowser’s ego and even bravery as well, perhaps... Dear God he just wanted to play around a little!
             “S-Sonic? Ahahahah w-what Sonic? He uhh, h-he already left heh! I promise the hedgehog is not here anymore! I promise! It was just a prank, a prank!” Please let him live...
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aceghosts · 2 years
all emojis for the resident evil ask!
LMAO! 🤣 Thanks!
🏆❤️⭐️ answered here.
💕😱⏰️ answered here.
👀When did you first get into resident evil?
I joined the Resident Evil Fandom kind of late. I think I played the first game sometime in 2017, but I was hooked.
🎮What’s favourite main game? (0-8 and Code Veronica)
REMake. First game I played and I still love it. The Mansion is still one of my favorite settings, and no other RE game has managed to keep me quite on edge the whole time.
🕹What’s your favourite side game? (Eg: Revelations, Operation Raccoon city)
RE: Revelations. I get to play as Jill again, and I really loved a lot of the side characters.
💥What’s your worst game?
RE: Revelations 2, which is shame, because I really like Claire, Moira, Barry, and Alex. It’s been a while since I’ve played that one, but it just felt like a lot of wasted potential.
😈Who’s your favourite villain?
Besides Wesker?
I would probably say the Bakers. I found the Bakers to be really compelling, and their story kind of tragic. I would probably include Eveline in that. (Although, I don't include Lucas as a tragic figure. Fuck that guy.)
👹Favourite B.O.W?
Lisa Trevor.
👑Who’s your favourite of the four lords?
Heisenburg! I really liked him, and every time he showed up was a delight. (Plus, I think Heisenburg and Hunter would get along really well.)
😇A character you wish didn’t die?
He's a relatively minor character, but I wish Clancy Javis didn't die. IDK, I just really liked the guy and I was really rooting for him to get out alive.
Oh, and also Wesker.
🚨Do you have an opinion that is deemed unpopular?
I think Resident Evil: Revelations should get a remake. No one else has been asking for it, but I am.
📺Do you enjoy the CGI movies?
Truth be told, I haven’t really watched the CGI Movies. I just like to reblog stuff from them. I should though, considering Rebecca is in one of them.
✏️Do you have a favourite line/quote?
“And S.T.A.R.S. were Umbrella's... No, rather, my little piggies.” From Wesker in REMake.
Really, I enjoy any of Wesker’s lines. Dude sounds like he’s been reading comic books to get ideas on evil one liners. He is such a nerd; I love him.
🦝Have you seen Welcome to Raccoon city and did you enjoy it?
I need to preface this one by saying it’s fine to enjoy this movie. I’m not gonna hate on you for it.
That said, I fucking hated WTRC. It’s fucking terrible, and I willingly watched all of the Anderson RE movies which should tell you something. I mean, look at what they did to Wesker! That dude is so not Wesker.
And, I’m still baffled by the decision to combine 1 & 2 into a single movie when the logical choice would have been 2 & 3. There are a lot of choices I’m baffled by in that movie.  
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ruvviks · 2 years
🍀, 👑, 🌈, and 📦 for Mikhail and/or Ronan?
AAAAAAAA THAMK U!!!!! i will do them both because my brain is going very fast about both of them right now tee hee
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🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?
mikhail believes in luck, but is not all that lucky himself LMFAO he IS lucky in the way of finding his way back to people all the time but at the same time keeps finding himself in Situation after Situation and he really just. needs a bit of a break ://
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
mikhail wants to be remembered as a friend. he tries very hard to be kind and loving, and he IS kind and loving, and he doesn't need to leave a big impact on the city or on people or whatever he just wants to be there for them, and he just wants to be a friend ;w;;
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
"don't leave. stay with him"
📦 PACKAGE - what are some "most likely to…" that can apply to them?
most likely to end up with a phd (he gets one), most likely to get hit by a falling piano (hasn't happened thus far luckily for him), most likely to die a virgin (a mean one, probably said by his bullies in high school, they're probably right but mikhail doesn't mind actually), most likely to let a cactus die (...yeah that happens)
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🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?
ronan is the most unlucky motherfucker on the planet and because of that also no longer believes in it LMAO he sees "unlucky" as like. a general state of being and everyone who is "lucky" probably has a good reason for their "luck", either money or connections or anything like that
later on he also starts connecting "luck" to religion a little bit; god's favor or something like that. he tried to stay away from thoughts like that for a long time because he's ex catholic, but especially because of the events of the game it's all in his brain again and it makes him feel a bit :// can't elaborate much for this one yet but the thoughts are Here and spinning in the microwave LOL
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
answered here!
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
"stop trying to get people in town to like you. these people ain't your people- they're assholes and don't love you and never will, no matter how hard you try and no matter how much you give them. so, give 'em nothing. you'll find your people in time- don't waste your time and energy now. you'll need it for other things"
📦 PACKAGE - what are some "most likely to…" that can apply to them?
most likely to join a cult on accident 😭😭😭 others are: most likely to nearly drown in a river (check), most likely to get chased by a bear (check), most likely to shave his head while piss drunk (check), and most likely to set a kitchen on fire (...so far so good, but who knows what'll happen in the future)
oc asks!
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your turn to die dashboard simulator <3
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🤡 clowngirly-ai Follow
guys what do we think of our partners??? personally alice is kinda scary BUT i did listen to samurai yaiba a bit before and it was good so maybe he will drop a banger for me <3
🐑 emotional-bandages-ai Follow
i want mine to step on me
🥊 theconvertible-ai Follow
dude you could've just asked me, i would do it
🐑 emotional-bandages-ai
not what i meant
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💕 pinknako Follow
everyone place your bets on who at ASUNARO is running that rpf acc about the participants
#torn bc harai is husbandless but also namida and hiyori are just weirdos
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skullnutzofficial-deactivated-20170828 🔁 eideticnao-deactivated-20170828
painted this today!!
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🧣 sou-hiyori Follow
i hope sara rots in hell for what she did. kanna killers DNI
🕵️‍♂️ raweggenjoyer Follow
kanna literally asked for her to do it. she understood what she was getting into and she understood the logic of it, frankly she's more mature than you
🧣 sou-hiyori
what part of DNI do you not understand, you sicko
🎸 samuraiyaiba-official Follow
This behavior is disgusting! Would expect nothing less from the policeman.
🕵️‍♂️ raweggenjoyer
i can't believe you reactivated the samurai yaiba official tumblr account just to yell at me
🗡️ samurai0nna Follow
( 3,027 notes )
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🎨 eideticnao Follow
#please i don't know how to use a sword last time i hit someone it was with a pan and he weighed less than a watermelon
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💧 fallen-tears Follow
unfollowing everyone who liked ranger's post today, he's toxic and frankly none of us should be encouraging this behavior!!
👘 greatestmasterpiece Follow
👑 smileyemi Follow
you didn't even do the kung pow penis right, idiot
👘 greatestmasterpiece
you shut the fuck up or i'm tagging dad
👑 smileyemi
gashu can suck my whole ass
🍮 prize-exchange Follow
👘 greatestmasterpiece
🍮 prize-exchange
Kung pow penis, Ranger.
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🗡️ samurai0nna Follow
hey has anyone actually bought those vids at the prize exchange? i kinda want to but i don't want to waste tokens.
👘 greatestmasterpiece Follow
🗡️ samurai0nna
👘 greatestmasterpiece
the videos are home movies of me btw. ✨
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🍀 🔥 hiyori2 Follow ⠀⠀⠀now • sponsored with Blaze
Hello Tumblr, my account got deleted unfortunately :( but I'm back! If you need a wish granted, fill out the form and DM me ^_^
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Please reblog so this reaches people who didn't know I'm on a new account!
How this works:
Keep reading
#Please don't reblog this with your filled out form! Don't dox yourself :) #asu-naro
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🧣 sou-hiyori Follow
found this laptop lol im gonna see what's on it
🧣 sou-hiyori
🗡️ samurai0nna Follow
why would i have information about myself on my own laptop
🗡️ samurai0nna
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🌠 deathgame-fics Follow
sacrifice for two | a. yabusame/g.n. reader
A/N: still taking requests guys! send in an ask, i'm ok with writing anyone (including ships!) <3
GENRE: angst with a happy ending (and a sad ending? complicated), fluff
WARNINGS: death game obviously (do i need to keep saying this lol)
enjoy ~
masterlist | alice tag
. . . . . ╰──╮꒰ 🤍 ꒱ ╭──╯ . . . . .
Keep reading
#deathgamefics #death game x reader #alice yabusame #alice yabusame x reader #x reader #reader insert
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💧 fallen-tears Follow
kai satou is gorgeous i'd kill myself to be as pretty as him
💧 fallen-tears
harai stop sending me death threats some posts just aren't meant for you okay??
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🐈 mewchan2005 Follow
hey don't cry 🐱 23 types of alligators in the world okay? 🐶
#if there was a puzzle about alligators i would be so good at it 🐱
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🕵️‍♂️ raweggenjoyer Follow
sometimes a girl should get to shoot a man. as a treat
⚾️ cubeburger Follow
is that why you want SARA to handle the gun? that's a child right there! i'm perfectly capable
🍳 kainyoubelieveit Follow
Because you went to the US? Be serious Q-taro.
⚾️ cubeburger
i AM
🐕 joedog Follow
sara's probably more levelheaded than anyone in the us with a gun though, right??
⚾️ cubeburger
well we ain't in the states so lucky us
🗡️ samurai0nna Follow
girl help fully grown men are arguing over me about which one of us should handle a gun
#what the hell is a steelmind
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🕵️‍♂️ raweggenjoyer Follow
wait mishima is only 30?
🕵️‍♂️ raweggenjoyer
he should be at the club
#and in my arms
( 404 notes )
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🍀 hiyori Follow
You're in his DMs. I'm impaled on his fence. We are not the same.
#recruiting liveblog
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