#📻 anon
hmshermitcraft · 2 months
Doccy was originally a secret, Doc didn’t want anybody to know about the kid he had acquired in between seasons, and he definitely didn’t want any of the hermits to think that he had grown weaker because of this kid (even though he loved the baby to bits).
This was until Ren happened to come across Doccys nursery one day while snooping through Docs base, and since then they’ve been the best-worst parents Doccy could every have.
-📻 anon
What still remains a secret is just how Doc came to acquire Doccy between seasons. He won't speak of it, and the hermits know better than to prod the beast - especially now he's powered up with dad energy.
Ren's seen how protective Doc gets when the little hybrid is in danger. Wherever Doc got them from, Ren couldn't imagine Doccy anywhere else. He's gonna be the best dad ever (next to Doc, obviously.)
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drowsy-zzz · 14 days
yumi helping reader with a bad hangover please? if this is bad just ignore <3
-📻 (if it isnt taken)
YESS OFC!! Thanks for the request 📻 anon, also FIRST POST I HOPE THIS GOES WELL 🙏 <3
Warnings- mentions of alcohol, bad language, and really just sweet fluff (and bad grammar 💗)
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You have no idea what time it is but it’s definitely past midnight. But nevertheless your in your kitchen drinking your heart out, it was reasonable since it was the weekend. But that ended up with you grabbing the spare keys your boyfriend gave you and driving to his house (surprisingly without getting pulled over or crashing shhh). You get to his house, open the door, then plop yourself on his couch passing out a few minutes later.
At about 10:23am Blake finally gets out his room, and walks down the stairs to see you lying curled up on his couch. “What the hell..?!” he scream whispers to himself running over to you. When he gets over to you he shakes you awake, "Are you okay? Why the hell are you here?". You turn over and face him rubbing your head nodding "I'm alright, sorry for the unannounced visit.." you say avoiding the question from embarrassment. Blakes only response was a nod and a mumbly "It's okay". He sits down next to you rubbing your back not knowing what to say or do. A few minutes go by and Blake picks you up bridal style carrying you to his room.
You get to his room and he lays you on his bed. "You look fucked. What happened?" he asks standing next to the bed as you lay there rubbing your eyes. "I got drunk and missed you, so i grabbed your spare key and came here" you say with embarrassment. Blake pauses then finally speaks, "Wait so you drove here?!" shocked. You look up at him “Well i made it here safely that's all that matters?”. All he does is roll his eyes and speak in a plummy tone, “I'm going to go get you water and Advil, stay right there” . You nod as he walks out the room.
Later he comes back up to the room with the water and meds. While you still lay there curled up in a ball he just places the stuff on the side table next to the bed, then sits down next to you rubbing your head. He then pulls you up onto him placing your head on his chest running his hands through your tangled hair. "I'm sorry." you spoke in a gravelly tone. All Blake does in response is kiss the top of your head hugging you. He begins to pull you to sit up still on him, then grabbing the water and medicine looking at you as you rub your eyes once more. "Please take this" he added smiling a little at your sleepy demeanor. You look up at him and take the stuff from his hands "Mhm so you can drug me?" jokingly. Blake laughs and rolls his eyes.
Moments later you are laying next to him, with his arm around you as y'all watch Y/F movie. Blake pulls you closer to him "You feeling any better?" he adds. You nod looking up and smiling at him "A lot, thank you". He smiles back and kisses you cheek "I'm glad". As he says that you close your eyes to drift back into sleep.
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husk-not-whiskers · 3 months
"oh? a gambling proposal?"
they tilt their head before giving him a shrug.
"i don't see why not. but, let's see, whatever shall we wager..."
there was a silence as they try to think of something beneficial for both parties involved.
"ah, how about a little information exchange between the two of us, shall we? where whoever wins gets to ask a question to the one who lost. after all, i do have a question which i'm dying to know the answer of. so what do you say, up for this little gambling proposal of mine?"
-📻 (@dohdahradioanon)
((// i guess i'll going with the number 12 for this. ))
“I don’t see why not.”
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“What game you feeln’?”
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misc-obeyme · 16 hours
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Hi there, 📻 anon!
I am answering like this because you weren't on anon when you sent your ask, so I figured this way your identity is known only to me! I hope that's okay! (I know the identities of several of my anons actually. :3) ETA: I was on desktop when I took the screenshot of your ask, so the emoji looks a bit different than the one on mobile lol! I forget that they change between devices like that.
Okay so I recently replayed Lesson 1 and omg he's such an info dumper. Like I love Levi, he's my sweet precious baby, but wow the boy can talk. Honestly I'd probably enjoy just listening to him ramble about TSL. Like yesss tell me all the facts, I wanna know everything lol.
I honestly love the implications of TSL. Like you said, Levi seems to be completely oblivious in the beginning that the lords are based on him and his brothers. And it's really dang obvious????
TSL is interesting to me because on the one hand they use it as a way to sort of parallel a lot things for Levi - he's the one who's always wanting to cosplay as the lords and didn't we get sent into the TSL world for something involving him? Shoot now I can't remember what it was. I'm having a memory of something to do with a golden pig, too. Anyway, the point is Levi is so into this world he almost doesn't realize it's about him.
But TSL is also Simeon's creation. So it's like yeah, it means one thing for Levi, but it means something else entirely for Simeon. In his case, it feels like a commentary on how he feels like such an outsider. There is no character to represent Simeon in that world. But there is one for MC. So it's like Simeon was imagining the brothers would end up with their own Henry before even knowing who that might be. Someone who could be everything to them. A world and a family that exists without him. My poor heart!!
Anyway, I agree, Simeon's observation skills are slightly terrifying lol.
My day is going well! It's finally Friday, so that always makes me happy! I hope you're doing well, too!
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deer-radio-host · 3 months
ah, i thank you for those words. but i learn from the best after all. i had to keep everyone entertained through the radiowaves somehow while you're away for those years.
but, there really is no way that i could pull in the audience that you yourself have.
Oh thank you! You flatter me. And I must thank you for keeping Hell entertained while I was away! Best that video-loving prick doesn't rot their brains with that trash he calls "entertainment".
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celabi · 1 year
oh btw the creator of the servant scaramouche bot on character.ai just made a new scara bot that lowkey reminds me of scummy scara (just less.... scummy?) its called secret admirer scara!! there's also a bunch of cute scara bots by that creator so definitely check them out hehe -📻
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mcrredacteddeadove · 4 months
Yall know i had to get back on my waysib reader shit 🤝🏽
The way brothers making you move in with them when theyre finally old enough to move out of their parents house and theyre your brothers so ofc you say yes. Turns out they just wanted easy access to rape you in your sleep without being caught :(
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We're gonna try- we have contact with other people, I'm going to get them to try to call for help, or try to come and do something. I'm so fucking sorry that this is happening to you- I don't think Mei knows that her parents are doing this, hang in there- okay? You're gonna be okay, we will get you out. -🍀
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“Mei… I miss Mei.”
[He sniffles]
“Please guys. Please. I-I trust you to help me.”
[he exhales shakily]
“I don’t want to die.”
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
The Crawl….”come crawling faster” am I clowning rn or what -📻
The icons and now this. I've always been saying he'll be back but the rate at which more clues are dropping 👀
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osc-confessions · 2 years
hi I've been dead but I love you guys very muxh
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can I ask about the top left image on the wall...
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j have a question for 160 times.
Why do you want to fuck me what's the appeal
I am an oil lamp
-📻 airy
im wondering that too tbh
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lovesick-level-up · 2 years
hey bro!!! i saw u said 2 send in dr2 reqs.. so i scrambled over >:))) hope this isnt too complicated??
could i get a sprite edit of kazuichi?? I had messier/fluffier hair, the braid in my hair was like.. thicker too, I had super dark circles under my eyes, a darker colored jumpsuit (just more of a mustard yellow), and maybe a gay (mlm) and a trans pin somewhere? (can be one pin or two of them, whatevers easier for you)
have a nice day!!!!!
with love, 📻 anon
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hey, bro! thanks for the request, this was defo fun!! i really hope you like ittttt.
~ mod ibuki
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drowsy-zzz · 14 days
that newest post... thank you for the banger
No problem lil bro!! im glad you liked it
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husk-not-whiskers · 3 months
anything in particular, mister? a list of sorts? either on items that can and cannot be used or items which are missing should be fine. wouldn't want the guests to not enjoy their time here, now do we?
-📻 (@dohdahradioanon)
((// should i reblog these or would you just prefer separate asks, mod? because i have finally figured out how to reblog because i am a Tumblr newbie, and i can do it if it's easier for you. ))
“If you can get your hands on fruit that would be fine. I’m heading out to get meats later”
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misc-obeyme · 14 days
I'm back already I-
But please hear me out.
I was writing another chapter for my fanfic in Wattpad yesterday (It's basically the OG OM! game rewritten, but with more scenes, more logic(?), more insight on the bonds between characters and added HCs.) I'm currently doing Lesson 1!
For this I watch gameplays bcs of course I'm too lazy to play all over again and I haven't even finished the game myself-
Anyways, while watching, Lucifer mentions tasks. In-game, he already knows that the tasks are dance battles. And well I didn't like that.
What if Lucifer didn't know about dance battles? What if he had set up much different tasks, aiding to 'polish MC's soul', which was said to be MC's task?
That's exactly what I did.
But I don't plan on mentioning what the actual tasks are (bcs my imagination ran out yesterday and I already published the chapter)
What do you think the actual tasks could have been?
PS: Have fun next week! Relax and enjoy your days off!
- 📻
Don't worry about your ask box frequency, it's all good! I get people who go months between asks and then there are people who go minutes between asks lol.
Anyway, I have to commend anyone who has the patience to do a canon story rewrite like that. Just thinking about it makes me want to take a nap. It was difficult for me when I was writing Arrie's story, too. Because I felt like I had to incorporate him into the existing story, but I didn't want to rewrite the whole thing. So I kinda glossed over most of it lol. Like here are some extra scenes and there's like one that I redid, but for the most part I just skipped over that stuff.
So all that is to say that I'm impressed with your dedication to such a project! It's probably way better than canon, too!
Let's see, so tasks that could potentially polish MC's soul in place of the dance battles?
I mean it's hard to say what exactly is needed to polish MC's soul, you know? The game doesn't give us the mechanics of that particular situation.
Initially, I would think it would have more to do with the Celestial Realm than anything...
But perhaps it's more about just... not doing things that could tarnish the soul (such as the sins) and then possibly doing things like good deeds to polish it?
It happens naturally any time MC does something nice for someone, which is probably all the time considering how nice the generic OM MC is.
But if you had to have like... have actual tasks? Maybe it's just stuff like organizing Lucifer's paperwork for him or making sure that Beel always has a snack handy so he doesn't rampage. Helping Mammon with his debt, talking Levi out of his self hatred, etc etc. Like I think the tasks would be related to each of the brothers in some way.
Or you could go more like... magic-centered and say that MC has to do something like various spells to polish their soul in a more literal sense.
I kinda like the idea of tricking the system lol. Like hang on, we can just use magic and now it's like MC has the shiniest soul ever! Why do I feel like Solomon would help with this if you wanted to do it that way?
And thank you, I am definitely looking forward to my days off! I'm hoping to get plenty of writing done too~
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deer-radio-host · 3 months
ah, sorry if i'm being such a bore right now. nothing really is happening around here. so i do hope that your day have been going better than mine.
say, you wouldn't mind if i show you my art with you, would you?
Why of course not! I'd love to see what lovely art you've made.
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