#šŸ•Æ anon
silverbladexyz Ā· 5 months
OKAY so i had a really specific idea in my head, i feel like Tecchou would be super oblivious to someone actually having romantic feelings towards him, and it would definitely take him a while to actually realize whatā€™s going on. Imagine reader working with the hunting dogs and having a crush on Tecchou, always being paired up with him to go on missions together, except he literally has no idea about reader feeling something towards him LMAOOO
(I also feel like Jouno would find out about the whole situation early on because of his enhanced senses yk? Feel free to do basically anything with this thought of minešŸ§ā€ā™€ļø)
šŸ‘€ I like how you think, my dear šŸ•Æ anon >:)
The picture does not belong to me. It belongs to it's original owner.
TW: Mentions of death and kidnapping. Tecchou is oblivious and adorable while Jouno and Tachihara are best wingmans. Gender neutral reader.
Tecchou being oblivious to reader's feelings
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-Tecchou, despite being the strongest Hunting Dog, was actually the most endearing of them all. He had a strong sense of justice, he never hesitated to save and protect people, and he always treated you with respect, never once judging you for your mistakes or quirks
-Not to mention, he's really pretty! Those golden eyes of his always hold you captive by how gorgeous they are, and the smoothness of his deep voice never fails to make you weak in the knees. Tecchou has some sort of natural beauty to him that would make him look good regardless of what he was doing or wearing. If he weren't a Hunting Dog, he'd make an excellent model
-He intrigued you at first with his habits. You had never seen food combinations as unique as his, and his patience and unwavering stamina amazed you when he would look at ants and other insects for hours upon end. But you quickly grew to find his oddities cute, and even joined him sometimes as he pondered on which foods to mix together next
-Because your ability worked well alongside Tecchou's, it was natural that the two of you were paired together on a lot of missions. Even if you weren't as strong in the field as he was, you were great at support, as well as rescuing the innocent civilians that were unfortunately caught up in the mess. This boosted up the success rate of the missions by a lot, which meant that you and Tecchou were now assigned to more dangerous and time-consuming operations. You didn't mind, since you had always considered him to be a friend. Until one single mission changed everything for you.
-While rescuing the hostages from the kidnappers, you hadn't anticipated that it was a trap until it was too late. When the last hostage was set free, the enemy snuck up on you and caught you by surprise, resulting in you being knocked unconscious due to the powerful ability your opponent wielded. Then, the adversary decided to use you to lure Tecchou; with no intention of releasing you
-At this point, it was obvious that the most reasonable thing one should do is to retreat and call for backup. You had hoped that your partner did just that, since the hostage-taker did have a very strong ability that could rival Tecchou's. But even though you knew that the enemy was going to kill you anyways, you still hoped internally that someone would rescue you
-Right after you made your wish, your saviour burst in. He engaged the criminal in a fight so ferocious that by the end of it, his opponent was unconscious on the ground while Tecchou was no better. But he still rushed towards you and caught you as you were released from your binds, even when he himself was on the verge of collapsing.
-Then, the realisation hit. Tecchou came back, potentially risking his life just for you.
-And just like that, you were now in love with Tecchou Suehiro. Which was... not as amazing as it seemed. Because 1. Tecchou himself didn't express much emotions, much less understand them, and 2. You didn't want to ruin your friendship with him by confessing to him
-Your secret crush would've remained a secret if it weren't for a certain blind colleague of yours who had a temper to match his attitude. Jouno had certainly picked up on your increased heart beat whenever you were around Tecchou, as well as your palms becoming sweatier than normal. And if that wasn't enough, he could swear that he heard your brain crash whenever you spoke to his colleague
-To be honest, Jouno found it quite amusing, and confronted you right after he found out about your crush on Tecchou. Now, normally, people would have wished you luck with your feelings, but Jouno was Jouno; meaning that he couldn't help but let his sadistic tendencies take over when you asked him to keep it a secret
-Cue him smirking as he teases you a lot. Jouno can and will use this information as blackmail material, albeit harmlessly. He'll ask you to fetch a lot more things for him, or do some small favours for him with the threat of telling Tecchou about your feelings, all while you glare at him and that smug smirk on his face while cursing his name a lot in your head
-But after a while of this, Jouno gets quite tired of hearing the same biological reactions from you every time you saw your crush. He doesn't understand why you refrain from confessing to Tecchou, and only deadpans when you tell him about your fear of ruining your friendship with him. And this, my friends, is when wingman!Jouno comes into play
-You see, deep deep down, Jouno cares about you! (He would never admit it though) Although it was fun to tease you and see your reactions, he found it annoying and pitiful that you were forever stuck in the pining stage. So, like any good Hunting Dog would, he settled down to give you some advice on how to get your oblivious crush to like you back. He even drags Tachihara in on this and subtly threatens him to never tell a single soul about your dilemma
-The first piece of advice was to give Tecchou some special chocolates on Valentines Day. It was already a tradition, and plus why not confess through indirect means and save yourself from a harsher rejection? So you gathered up all the expensive ingredients, and made your own Honmei chocolate*; it took a few tries, but you were determined on making it perfect for Tecchou. In the end, the chocolates were so pristine and velvety-looking that anybody eating them could taste the passionate love you made them with in each bite Jouno stole some of them when you weren't looking
-14th of February rolled around, and you nervously gave Tecchou his chocolates that took you a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to make. You made sure to have gifted your colleagues friendship chocolates so that nothing would seem out of place, yet you still felt nervousness wash over you as you handed the chocolate over to your crush. What if he didn't like it? All your efforts would have been ruined then, and you'll have to buy chocolates for yourself instead so you could drown out your sorrows
-You didn't expect Tecchou to simply say 'Thank you for the chocolates'. I feel like even though Tecchou is denser than the average person, he'd know which dates are festivals and celebrations. This man must have received lots of chocolates when he was still in school because he is reallyyy attractive, so he is familiar with the act of receiving and gifting chocolates
-Your crush then opened the box of delicately crafted chocolates, lifted one up as you watched in anticipation with bated breath.... and he dipped it right into beef sauce and ate it. You swore you heard the biggest facepalm ever from Jouno in the distance, while Tachihara winced and gave you a look filled with sympathy. At least Tecchou was still a gentleman and complimented you on the deliciousness of the aforementioned sweets
-If food didn't work, then you'll resort to impressing him. Under Tachihara's suggestion, you might have a better chance impressing him with random but useful knowledge. Many people find intelligence to be an attractive trait, afterall; and maybe Tecchou was one of those people
-So this ended up in you spending many hours upon researching into topics that Tecchou was interested in, with courtesy to Jouno for being able to get the oblivious man to tell him what things he liked. As expected, Tecchou liked anything to do with foods of the same colour, as well as muscle training and hard-working animals like ants and whatnot. And whenever he was about to eat another one of his food combinations, or gaze at another army of formicidae (scientific word for ants), you would always drop an interesting fact, hoping to catch this pretty man's interest
-Except the most he did was compliment you for your rich knowledge, sometimes even asking you questions about the random facts you said. And when Jouno asked Tecchou what he thought about you, Tecchou only replied 'They're a smart and reliable friend. I'm glad to be paired on missions with them.' Tecchou pleasešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
-When you found out that knowledge didn't work, you resorted to what all Hunting Dogs were good at: combat! Well, you weren't necessarily going to fight Tecchou. Under the pretence of wanting to improve your fighting skills, you asked Tecchou to spar with you. He agreed it was your ploy to spend more time with him hehe
-Well, apparently Tecchou took the role of training you up a bit too seriously, because instead of impressing him with a new fancy sword trick you learned recently, you were instead collapsed on the floor, out of breath, while he held a bottle of water and patiently waited for you to recuperate. And... well... he isn't called the strongest Hunting Dog for nothing :')
-After all your failed attempts at trying to woo your crush, Jouno had had enough and resorted to his last attempt: which was shoving you and Tecchou into the storage room and locking the door, promising to let you out once you 'confessed'. Tecchou nearly tore the door off it's hinges, but you managed to persuade him to first listen to what you had to say
-The thing is, this man is so dense that when you said to him 'I like you', he merely replied back 'Me too. You're a great friend to me.' And that, my dear readers, is when Jouno performs the facepalm of the centuryā„¢ (he's eavesdropping behind the door of the storage room)
-So the only thing that remained was for you to grasp Tecchou by the shoulders, and confess your undying and bottled up love for him all in an ardent torrent of words as you stare into his eyes with a fierce passion that could rival his sense of justice. And by the end of the speech, Tecchou is staring at you, speechless, with widened eyes as he processes your feelings for him
-You were almost about to tear down the door yourself and run away from the sheer tension in the room, but what you did not expect was for Tecchou to say that he felt the same towards you. Apparently, he was like this for quite a few months now, however, he always thought that it was just a strong platonic attraction towards you I lied. Now this is when Jouno performs the facepalm of the centuryā„¢
-But hey! You and Tecchou are a couple now :D. Jouno and Tachihara couldn't stop internally celebrating when they saw the two of you walk out of the storage room, hand in hand and smiling like a pair of lovebirds Teruko kept asking when the wedding would be
I hope this has been enough to feed the Tecchou stans šŸ–¤
*Honmei chocolate is chocolate that is used to profess one's love on Valentines Day
@circinuus @sariel626 @dazaiyohane @riiwrites @judasgot-it @yuugen-benni @irethepotato @yukitomybeloved @chuuyas-beloved @chunshiya (Please let me know if you wish not to be tagged!)
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hfjone-headcanons Ā· 4 months
airy would say "thanks for nothing" not knowing its sarcastic. like. if he asks someone for something and they dont have it he would say "thanks for nothing :)" genuinely trying to be nice -šŸ•Æļø
hes so me
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emmettland Ā· 2 months
may I ask, why is green!Logan allowed to wear only one earring if greens are supposed to be symmetrical in design?
ofc! that's the only part that's allowed to be asymmetrical, because it's taboo for Greens to have piercings; it's considered to be tainting their flesh, which is why only one earring, a Green earring, is allowed.
compared to Golden Logan, who has both ears pierced, and True Green Dirk, who also has both piercings; True Greens can have as many piercings as their Gold/Golden allows.
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emmettsin Ā· 2 months
have you considered password protecting this blog? Especially since hate anons found it already. If they found it by just guessing the blog name, the password might help? /gen question
that was the original plan, but there are too many limitations with the password protection, and you can't access password protected blogs on mobile, so it's very inaccessible.
to be fair, i did give out the blog name on my main knowing that the hate anons could follow me here. i'm not too worried about dealing with them, i'm just making sure my content is safe and only being shared with those i know/trust.
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dither-effect Ā· 1 year
<A plastic toy phone appears next to you. It begins to ring!! Will you answer it?>
*they flinch at the phone's sudden appearance and noise. but, they do answer*
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thewholeharmonic Ā· 5 months
Hello, fellow... twin? DoppelgƤnger? Same person?? I'm unaware of how to phrase it from how strange it is, but hello! How are you doing? ~šŸ•Æ
Oh hello there! Now I find myself quite curious; are you really another version of me? I mean, I have met versions of myself before, but I'm wondering to what degree you are me - that is, are you the same wine loving eccentric host I myself am, or are you perhaps a variant upon that?
Ah, forgive me, I may be rambling and I haven't even answered your question! I'm doing quite well thank you. I've just made myself a lovely beverage with some stunning coffee whiskey, and it is very tasty.
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hopelesslygaysstuff Ā· 9 months
All of you bottoms flirting with one another is making me confused on what a bottom is
I'm a switch, so I like both sides haha. Honestly, idk atp either i'm just having fun lol.
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alullinchaos Ā· 2 months
you make my days brighter
thank you anon, this means a lot (even if I'm not sure who you are)
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grimpriests Ā· 2 years
father, so overwhelmed with desires am I. what is a pitiful sinner like me to do? im a slave to my passions, a victim of my desires- father please a bible isnā€™t enough to occupy my restless hands any longer as prayers are no longer enough to occupy my lipsšŸ•Æ
Oh, my poor darling ... mayhaps it is not because the bible and its holy scriptures that are not enough, I believe you are simply just in need of a little more guidance. Fret not, with my enlightenment, you are soon to be freed from these tantalizing desires.
How about I invite you to sit on my lap, have you repeat the scriptures word by word after me and your hands intertwined with mine ļ¼ so there is no room for your mind to wander off to something so sinful and focus on me instead. Would that be enough guidance for you, or would you prefer something more harsh.. such as the unspeakable?
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silverbladexyz Ā· 2 years
Helloo! It is i, the same anon who requested the night and morning routines with the hunting dogs, and first of all i just wanted to say that i really love your writing and how detailed it is!! Everytime i read one of your fics i am literally so amazed at how you write the characters, no matter who it is. So when i saw that youā€™re requests were open i got so happy, and this time i would like to ask for the hunting dogs (YES THEM AGAIN, I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH) and how they would spend the holidays with their s/o, how they would prepare for christmas, etc. (and of course just platonic with Teruko, like a best friend reader. And also no Fukuchi lol) And once again, feel free to remove whoever you want to because i completely understand if this is too much. Anyways, i hope you have a great day/night!!
Omg helloooo anon!!! Welcome back!! Thank you, I'm honoured to know that you like my writing >.< and I love the Hunting Dogs too, so of course I'll write for them :)
The images do not belong to me. They belong to their original owners.
TW: Slight mentions of death
Hunting Dogs spending holidays with their S/O (best friend for Teruko)
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-I feel like the Hunting Dogs donā€™t get a lot of holidays, however, for the sake of this post letā€™s say that they do ^-^
-Tecchou wouldnā€™t really mind spending the holidays in any way really, as long as he gets to spend time with you. You could literally drag him out to do a day-long hike or go shopping at the mall until it was 11PM and he would not complain. In fact, he likes it and always looks forward to going out to a new place everyday
-However, he also wouldnā€™t mind just spending time at home with you. Do some fun couples activities together! Like baking, playing video games, couples yoga, reading books, working out, anything really! Although please keep an eye on Tecchou when he bakes, because not only might he add some sus stuff into the mixture, he might set the house on fire
-Would probably wake up early just to exercise. Iā€™m so sorry if youā€™re not a morning person, because Tecchou would drag you to exercise with him everyday at 7AM in the morning, even when it was the holidays. But sometimes, he also likes a good sleep in that includes a long cuddling session
-Holidays with him are either chill or quite adventure-filled. There is never a dull moment that goes by
-Now I feel like Tecchou doesnā€™t really celebrate Christmas; at the most heā€™ll bid everyone aĀ ā€˜Merry Christmasā€™ and accept gifts from people. But he is more than happy to decorate a Christmas tree with you and just spend a great Christmas with you in general
-Oh but please tell Tecchou that the pine trees that are put up for Christmas are normally fake and could be bought in stores... because Tecchou is going to actually drag a pine tree all the way home to use as decoration. Yes, you heard me. A literal. Pine. Tree
-Even though itā€™s sweet that the thoughtā€™s there, Iā€™m pretty sure that you wouldnā€™t want to be sharing your home with tons of bugs and whatever else lives in pine trees, am I right? Not to mention it probably is illegal to do that
-But other than that, Tecchou is absolutely down to celebrating Christmas the way you celebrate it. Heā€™d help decorate the house, put Christmas lights everywhere, even put on some Christmas songs. Even when his taste in food is questionable, his taste in decoration is impeccable. Because all he wants for Christmas is to have a good time with you :)))
-Buy presents for him!!! He would be a bit clueless on why people give presents on Christmas, but heā€™ll catch on quickly, and even buy presents for you!! But beware, heā€™ll buy you a lot of presents, and they are the most random presents you have ever seen. Please educate him on this whole Christmas-gifts thing, because heā€™s trying :(
-Teach him everything about Christmas, because he would love to learn about it. Tecchou might even dress up as Santa Claus and volunteer at the local mall to talk to the kids, and he answers questions so seriously that the kids are lowkey scared of him lol. Please teach him before Jouno murders him
-Christmas nights are normally spent cuddling in front of the fireplace. Itā€™s dark, the candles give a cosy atmosphere, and cuddling with Tecchou is the absolute best thing to do šŸ’—
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-Jouno isnā€™t really fussed on how he spends the holidays; so long as he isnā€™t exhausted by the end of the day or has to go to really loud places, then heā€™s perfectly fine with anything
-He strikes me more of the type to stay at home with you and spend quality time with you. Youā€™ll find that cuddling sessions have increased by at least two times, and the amount of kisses too
-Slow dancing with him in the kitchen at nighttime!!! Even though Jounoā€™s blind, his other sharp senses and great reflexes make him a really good slow dancer. If you donā€™t know anything about slow dancing, he will teach you, but beware he might tease you a bit for how cute you looked as you were struggling to learn it. Step on his feet please
-Now that itā€™s the holidays, Jouno definitely is going to sleep in with you. If you wake him up early to work out with him, heā€™s going to be a bit annoyed, but he wonā€™t object to working out with you. It might help him be stronger than Tecchou, afterall
-If you wanted to go out somewhere to spend time with him, Jouno doesnā€™t mind, as long as his senses donā€™t get overwhelmed. But he would prefer taking nice, long walks in the evening where the sunset is beautiful and there is just the two of you on the stroll
-In the rare moments, he might even link his fingers with yours. Hold his hand back and stroke it! It might catch him by surprise at first, but if youā€™re observant, you might just notice his thumb lightly stroking the back of your hand. Itā€™s very soft though... so pay extra attention
-Honestly just wants to spend his holidays by being with you as much as he can. I feel like his love language is mostly quality time, so Jouno is going to spend as much time as possible with you
-Now for celebrating Christmas... Jouno isnā€™t really the type to celebrate Christmas. However, convince him and he will eventually join in with your Christmas celebration. He wouldnā€™t want the house to be decorated too much though, because he just doesnā€™t want to spend a lot of time packing them up :/
-But he will go gift shopping with you! I headcanon that Jouno has great tastes when it comes to presents, itā€™s just that sometimes heā€™s a troll and gets you something to tease you. However he will be serious and buy you some extra nice gifts for Christmas
-I feel like Jouno would be a bit more romantic on Christmas. Playful kisses, fleeting touches, and just being more romantic in general. If you tease him for being all lovey-dovey and soft, heā€™s going to tease you extra hard 10x back
-Would definitely whisper to you a merry Christmas on Christmas Eve, probably accompanied by a kiss
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-Tachihara definitely wants to get out of the house and spend the holidays with you
-I feel like heā€™s more of the hiking and beach type, but if you wanted to go shopping with him heā€™d gladly accompany you. Just please donā€™t buy too much stuff because heā€™s going to trip and fall while carrying them
-Sleeping in and cuddles is a must. Now that Tachihara has more time to spend with you, heā€™s not losing a second of it, so expect lots and lotsss of affection. He wonā€™t do it every single second, but when he does, youā€™ll be covered in hugs and kisses
-Also loves taking walks with you. He would take you to actual 5km walks where the scenery is beautiful, and you wouldnā€™t feel so tired because Tachihara would keep you company. But if you were absolutely exhausted, Tachihara will definitely give you a piggyback ride, maybe even carry you bridal style when nobodyā€™s around xD
-Video games and movie nights!!! I headcanon that Tachihara loves playing Mario-Kart and Fortnite, as well as anything you play. Most of the time you two end up trolling little kids on Roblox, and itā€™s mighty fun. Even then, itā€™s very amusing watching Tachihara play, because he always manages to make the gameplay interesting
-Now for Christmas... Tachihara secretly wants to celebrate Christmas with you so bad, because when he was younger his family unfortunately did not celebrate it with him. So go all out and celebrate Christmas in the most fun way possible! Buy heaps of gifts, decorate the entire house with Christmas lights, hang up Christmas stockings, just do everything with him! Heā€™ll love it, and heā€™ll also fall in love with you more
-Definitely lights up a fire in the fireplace and watches good Christmas movies with you, alongside a nice hot cup of cocoa or hot chocolate. Also cuddles with you wrapped in blankets on the couch, and itā€™s just really nice and cosy
-Also sings a lot of Christmas karaoke with you. I feel like he would be great at singing if he removed the roughness in his voice. I headcanon he likes singingĀ ā€˜All I Want For Christmas Is Youā€™, because itā€™s such a nostalgic song
-Christmas is his favourite celebration now, because he can spend it with you šŸ’—
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-Having Teruko as a best friend means that sheā€™s dragging you to a lot of places to hang out in the holidays
-Most of the time she would go shopping or swimming at the beach. Teruko would definitely swim out to the farthest distance she could, and she will throw a tantrum if people tell her that she couldnā€™t. If you tell her that the sea could easily sweep her away or if thereā€™s dangerous marine life out there, it just makes her more adamant to swim out. Sheā€™ll even wrestle a shark if that meant she could swim as far as she wanted lmao Teruko please donā€™t
-Teruko is going to buy whatever is on discount. And when I say whatever, I mean whatever. Mostly sheā€™ll buy stuff that she thinks Fukuchi likes, but sheā€™ll also be happy to buy stuff that you like too! Teruko will mostly judge stuff and be picky, but the stuff that she thinks are good are actually the best quality. So always trust Terukoā€™s gut on which items are good or not
-Working out in the gym together! Donā€™t underestimate Terukoā€™s small stature, because she can just use her ability and suddenly turn into a very strong woman. She might even have competitions with you to see who can lift the heaviest weights and who could run the fastest on the treadmill she always wins lmao
-But sometimes even extraverts need to recharge. On those times Teruko is just perfectly happy to chill with you, talking about whatever comes to mind. Or you two would watch a tv show or a movie, sometimes judging the film if it was bad
-Also donā€™t be surprised if Teruko rocks up to your house and announces that sheā€™s booked a trip to a nearby island for a day. She loves planning surprises, and frankly speaking those islands that she drags you to are pretty nice, with lots of activities to do on them. And she will cover the cost, but it would be nice if you treated her to some food and stuff (dw being a Hunting Dog means youā€™re rich)
-Amusement parks!!! Teruko loves going on rides, especially the ones that are super tall and big and with a lot of twists and turns. But prepare yourself for a lot of her tantrums, because sheā€™s always too short for the ride lol. Teruko ends up using her ability in the end, but she is very vocal at expressing her annoyance
-And just because itā€™s the holidays, doesnā€™t mean that sheā€™ll stop asking for piggyback rides. In fact, her requests for piggyback rides will double. Teruko wonā€™t force you to give her a piggyback ride if you were really tired, but be prepared to give her a lot of piggyback rides the next day
-Now onto Christmas! Teruko would love celebrating Christmas with you, and she normally would go to a restaurant with you to have a Christmas dinner. She might even invite Fukuchi and the rest of the Hunting Dogs, and by the end of it Fukuchi is so drunk, Tecchou mixes a lot of suspicious food combinations, Jouno is ready to murder everyone, Tachihara is close to crying, and Teruko is also drinking with Fukuchi. Good luck dealing with them, but donā€™t worry because Jouno and Tachihara are surprisingly good at dealing with these stuff
-Teruko definitely invites you over to her house on Christmas. She sets up a pine tree, decorates it nicely, hangs flashy Christmas lights and stockings everywhere, basically just going all out with decorations. If you pay close attention, you might even catch her singing some Christmas songs when she thinks she is alone. Donā€™t tell her you saw though, because Teruko will threaten to punch you
-You two would also spend Christmas singing Christmas songs and watching Christmas movies. Teruko is definitely in a much more energetic mood, and she will be wishing everybody aĀ ā€˜Merry Christmasā€™ before you two go to sleep (Jouno was so confused lmao)
@pixyys @pianotross @yuugen-benni @the-mourning-stars @xxelfmamaxx @nekokinaxĀ @catzlivedforbsdĀ @i-just-like-goats
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hfjone-headcanons Ā· 3 months
i think airys human name would be oliver
oil lamp > oil > oli > oliver
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emmettland Ā· 2 months
idk if you've done anything with it before, but I'm imaging pirate captain Derek and it's such a hot concept.
Mob bosses translate into pirate captains pretty well structurally, and then you get the added bonus of capt. Logan out on the sea for the loot but also "Captain! Pretty whale off the starboard side!"
you know, i've done something with Pirate Logan and Navy Derek, but not with both of them as pirates. it could be hot šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘ļø
i still feel like they'd be on rival ships tho. you GOTTA have that spicy tension when one captures the other...or maybe them getting marooned somewhere and having to put their rivalry aside
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munsons-maiden Ā· 2 years
that story board has me so stressed out i just want one little peak at it
Iā€™m almost certain that Eddie will be back, but how long do you think it would be until we know something? Do you think they would announce it beforehand, (like in a teaser trailer or something) ??
also i hope youā€™re feeling better <3
- šŸ•Æ
Same šŸ˜­ I'm convinced by now that he'll be in season 5 AND get his own spin off šŸ‘€
I think the big reveal would depend on whether they wanted it as a plot twist that has us at the edges of our seats or whether they'd want to cash in on the Eddie hype before the season airs, like they did with the Hellfire shirts pre ST4.
If it's the first, and Eddie's return is one of the big twists of season 5, they'd definitely keep the info locked up tight and then have him return in the final seconds of, say, episode 1, as a cliffhanger leading to episode two. (Bonus points if Netflix actually changes course until then so there will be weekly epiaode releases. I don't think they will, at least not with ST, but I'm certain they'll split the season into two volumes again. I'm hoping for that, I hate what binge culture is doing to fandom but I digress.)
If it's the latter, we'll get a teaser like the From Russia With Love teaser they did with Hopper.
While the latter wouldn't surprise me and I'll be waiting and hoping for something like that, I think it'll be the first option, because they already did the big teaser trailer reveal for Hopper and with Hopper, we all knew he'd be back anyways. I mean, they kept telling us he was dead but he didn't die on-screen and we got the post credit scene teasing his return so the trailer was the perfect promo for after the long time of waiting.
With Eddie, it's different. We saw him die on-screen, and if he returns the way I think he will - resurrected and flayed by Vecna until the party save him and he joins them as his old sweet, lovable self - then revealing his survival in the episode instead of beforehand would be much more dramatic and epic, in a way.
Then again, there was no big twist in ST4 either (they even revealed Vecna in a trailer, which I found weird) and we know ST5 will already have a few big twists surrounding the Upside Down and Will.
Though my gut feeling is: they'll announce an Eddie spin off (maybe this Saturday even?? šŸ‘€) and keep insisting he won't be in ST5 - and then he'll be in ST5 as one of the twists šŸ‘€
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dither-effect Ā· 1 year
*there's a loud, demanding knock at the door.*
*the knock continues after those words are said.*
*it's hesitant, but...*
*the door swings open. Candle does not look well.*
the hell you want?
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iovetecchou Ā· 1 year
I just wanted to say that iā€™ve been around since you posted the first chapter of oblivious, and honestly i didnā€™t know how well you would actually characterize Tecchou and Jouno but i was NOT disappointed. Youā€™re writing is amazing and iā€™m sure all the Tecchou and Jouno fuckers are all very pleased with your works, and can i just say how amazing you are for interacting with everyone the way you do??? You seem like a really nice person and iā€™m getting kinda tired of being a ā€œlurkerā€ anonšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ also english isnā€™t my first language but if itā€™s possible could i be ā€œšŸ•Æļøā€ anon from now on? (Idk how active iā€™ll be and how often iā€™ll show up in your inbox since iā€™m a busy person in general, but iā€™d love to interact w/ you more from now on)
ohā€¦ my godā€¦ this is such high praise, thank you so much??! i truly am so touched, this means a lot to me (ā€˜: i really appreciate you supporting me and my works from the very beginning!! <3
also of course you can be my šŸ•Æ anon! i look forward to interacting with you more often, and please take your time, i understand how busy life can get^^!
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hopelesslygaysstuff Ā· 9 months
šŸ¦¦ are u a bottom too? Is that why you want me in ur dmā€™s?
they totally are
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