#'what was meant to be' does have the ring of a season finale tho
markantonys · 1 year
the remaining 2 episode titles for season 2 are up!!
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they aren't listed in episode order, but they are:
A Taste of Solitude (confirmed 2x01)
Daughter of the Night
Demane (presumably a type of Damane)
Eyes Without Pity
Strangers and Friends
What Might Be
Daes Dae'mar
What Was Meant to Be
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decoy1 · 11 months
Had a dream I was watching season 3 of Rottmnt, it was so vivid and now I’m sad that it isn’t real. So I’m writing some highlights from the dream before I forget.
Draxum and Casey focused episodes on what they were doing during the movie. There were really cool action sequences with original music and everything. It was so cool. There was one scene where the screen divided in half to show both battles.
Music during action scenes. There was a lot of it. I suspect it might have been because I watching Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur before going to sleep tho.
An episode premise: April finally had a good stable job. She was going steady for a whole 2 weeks setting a new record. The turtles got a little suspicious since April can never keep a job for long. Cue investigation, it turns out the job is a front. A front for a cult. April accidentally joined a cult. By the end of the episode April accidentally destroyed the cult in the same way she usually ends up losing her jobs. Alas the curse of April losing her job was too strong.
Another Episode Premise: Splinter and Draxum go undercover for an intel mission at a fancy club. The cover story being that they’re two friends who are trying to reconnect. They’re kinda bad at it since both argue like a married couple. This actually works in their favor tho as the person they’re trying to spy on to get info on is a huge romantic who is super invested in trying to get the two to “reconnect”. Both are forced by the turtles to play along for the sake of the mission. By the end of the episode Draxum and Splinter have performed a proposal, a wedding, a divorce, another re proposal, alongside with a remarriage, but not another divorce because they have to book it away because the turtles got captured. Which meant by the end of the episode Draxum and Splinter were still married.
Over Arching Story: Bishop was hunting down the remaining Foot Clan members. Which included trying to find former Foot Clan members for any information. Of course leading Bishop to Casey. Casey sends him on a wild goose chase as she goes on her own mission to find her former bosses. Being the B plot for a lot of the episodes. In one instance she teams up with Piebald in a gambling ring to win some info.
Running Gag: Casey Jr tries going into the dating world but has trouble since most people who are his age now, were adults during the apocalypse. So if he does find someone to date who he doesn’t recognize they usually end up being some form of “not real”. Highlight examples being: an alien who assumed a human persona to lure specimen to experiment on their ship, a demon with similar motives to the alien except it wanted to eat Casey Jr’s soul, an ai made by Bishop made to find potential Foot Clan members. What was funny was how obvious a lot of them were, like the alien wore a “I believe” shirt but with sharpie added “don’t”, changing it to “I don’t believe” (real master of disguise right here). The demon’s “flirting” was something along the lines of “if souls were edible and had taste, I bet yours would be a delicious meal that would amplify my demonic powers. If I had demonic powers, which I don’t because I’m a perfectly normal human. But in the hypothetical where I do-”. The ai when asked it’s favorite hobby responded with “breathing and being human”.
Bishop had an entire episode where he beat up different clans in his attempt to find the Foot Clan. Making some leave their old clans to join Bishop since he bested them in battle. But Bishop didn’t want a bunch of ninja (idk why not, that sounds incredibly useful) so he sent them on a wild goose chase but every time he did they came back having accomplished the goal. (Again I don’t understand why he kept acting like they were an annoyance when they were getting him things like THE GOD DAMN ELIXER OF EVERLASTING LIFE)
That’s all I have the energy to write. If I remember anything worth adding I will but I think these were all the highlights.
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realcube · 3 years
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characters ❥ mikey, draken & baji 
tw ❥ the beach, bad driving, mentions of murder and cursing 
cr ❥ requested by anon
a/n ❥ i’ve not read the manga yet :’(
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♥ his love language is shoplifting for you <33
♥ like okay.. in writing it kinda sounds pathetic compared to all the other shit he does but like.. he goes through the effort of personally picking up your favourite snack from the grocery store —instead of getting his toman underling to do it for him — and hiding them under his shirt 
♥ and he thinks about you the whole time he is sprinting away from security 
♥ if that isn’t true love idk what is 
♥ today wasn’t any ol’ day tho, snacks and sweets were going to cut it 
♥ instead, he went for the big shiny rock on a ring he keeps seeing the window of the rock shop on the high street
♥ it was pretty, for a rock, but not pretty enough for anyone in their right mind to think it’s worth £10,000/$14,000/ ¥1,500,000!!!
♥ however, after hearing that price from a salesperson, he knew that stupid rock ring was exactly how he’d win your heart <3 
♥ it was a challenge and it had him working overtime, but after pulling some strings, doing a couple favours, and maybe even inadvertently killing some people (you never know 🤷‍♂️), he managed to get his hands on the pristine stone, which he had come to learn was called a diamond, which was why it was so expensive 
♥ the guy who did him the favour of stealing it initially asked if mikey was planning on proposing and mikey said yes —since asking you out on a date is technically a proposal — and the dude didn’t even question it, he just said good luck
♥ and that sort of energy was exactly what mikey needed right now as he stood behind a wall near your lunch table as he mentally prepared himself for what he was about to do 
♥ all your friends had left yet you were still sitting there alone since mikey texted you and asked for you to wait behind, and the fact you actually did filled him with hope from the get-go
♥ “(y/n)! there you are!” mikey greeted as if he didn’t know exactly where you were this whole time. why was his heart thumping so harshly in his chest? and why did he suddenly feel overwhelmingly embarrassed? i mean, he’s not done anything worth being awkward about.. yet.
♥ he didn’t understand. he never usually gets this way around people. but then again, he shouldn’t be surprised since he knew you were an exception from the beginning
♥ “hi, mikey.” you hummed, head propped gently on your arm while you slipped your phone away, “why did you want to see me? is something wrong?”
♥ the slight concern he detected in your voice was enough for him to immediately blurt out, “oh, no! nothing like that! everything is great; i am great and i, erm, hope you are too.” he announced, somewhat glad that your only reaction was a blank stare as it meant he doesn’t feel inclined to explain himself 
♥ “so, uh, i was just wonder if you..” he started, clenching his jaw as he mentally reassured himself. the fact that he felt embarrassed about feeling embarrassed made things infinitely harder from him. he took a deep breath, and spilled
♥ “do you want to go out on a date with me sometime?” he basically screamed, squeezing his eyes shut tight and emptying his left pocket onto the table in front of you so that his special gift would accompany his proposal 
♥ he closed his eyes as if that was going to protect him from rejection, but before he was able to silently rebuke himself, he heard faint sobbing from where he dropped his present 
♥ upon opening his eyes, the shock from the sight before him was enough to give him whiplash
♥ in an unfortunate turn of events, he must’ve emptied the wrong pocket because sitting on the table in front of you was not a diamond ring, but rather a sherbet dip he bought to share with you if you said ‘yes’ to his proposal 
♥ and his suspicions were correct, you were the one crying 
♥ ....
♥ waIT WHY ARE YOU CRYING mikey panicked, frantically looking around for someone who might’ve hurt you, or perhaps someone he’d have to send to A&E
♥ “are you okay?”
♥ “yeah.” you whispered, your light chuckle enough to prevent mikey from worrying any more, “i’m just..” you stuttered, smiling fondly at the blonde, “i’m just really happy. i thought you’d never ask.” 
♥ it was impossible for mikey to conceal the sigh of relief he breathed as he slumped down next to you on the bench, “thank god. i thought someone had threatened you or something.”
♥ “threatened me? why would they do that?” you innocently cocked your head to the side, rubbing your eyes as you did so. 
♥ oh, yeah. mikey hadn’t been fully transparent with you about his.. current employment. as far as you knew, he was a full-time student at ‘toman academy’ and he had a part-time job babysitting (which was hardly a lie, in his opinion)
♥ so you didn’t really know about how he was the leader of the tokyo manji gang or any of that
♥ originally he thought it was fine to keep it a secret, but now that you were officially his partner it would be immoral to not let you know about his affiliation with the gang 
♥ so he decided to tell you over a sherbert <33
♥ “so, are we official?” he cooed, ripping the lollypops out of the bag and popping one in his mouth while offering you the other by tapping it against your lips lightly 
♥ “yep.” you smiled, taking the lolly into your mouth with a smile, glad that he didn’t bring up your little waterworks a few second ago 
♥ but in all honesty, he was preoccupied wondering what the most appropriate way to phrase ‘i am the leader of a gang of delinquents’ would be 
♥ poor little mikey brain working on overdrive 
♥ he decided to pull out the ring, since he still had to give that to you, so while you were entranced by the fat gem glistening under the light in mikey’s possession, he began, “so, babe, do you think being a gang leader is hot?”
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♥ he honestly didn’t have a clue how to ask you out
♥ in fact, he didn’t even know that he had a crush on you until mikey pointed out all of his weird behaviours around you 
♥ so his first instinct was to go to mikey for advice when thinking of ways to ask you out 
♥ but the only idea that mf was to get ‘will you go out with me, (y/n)?’ tattooed onto his ‘thick skull’ and ofc draken wasn’t about to do that
♥ although he did consider it for like.. a minute
♥ (he was like.. hmmmm... well, the tattoo guy does owe me a favour so... maybe i could get it for free?)
♥ (or permanent marker might work???)
♥ anyway, he eventually decided to ask you out the good ol’ fashion way!! by just telling you how he feels
♥ however, once he explained this plan to mikey, he was scoffed and said ‘good luck with that’ in the most condescending tone of voice
♥ draken’s initial instinct was to simply beat up mikey and go ask you out anyway, but this conflict ran deeper than just him and mikey bickering about trivial issues- his whole relationship was on the line! 
♥ so after hearing the leader out, he finally decided on the most appropriate way to confess — just like how all the dudes in the animes mikey and him and watched did it 
♥ by giving you flowers and chocolates <3
♥ and mikey even offered to come into the store with draken and help him choose the goods since mikey was a self-proclaimed ‘love-expert’
♥ draken obviously denied his offer but he came along anyway 
♥ “ooh, ken-chin! look at these ones, they’re on sale.” mikey gasped, happily grabbing a pack of heart-shaped chocolates off the shelf, ripping them open and stuffing his face, “and they are delicious too!”
♥ paying no attention to the fact that mikey had essentially already committed a crime since there was no way he intended to pay for those chocolates, draken mused while eyeing up the rest of the sweets, the bouquet of flowers he had already chosen tucked under his arm, “valentine’s day was a week ago, that’s probably why they are on sale.” 
♥ “draken?” 
♥ a familiar voice from the end of the aisle caused draken to avert his gaze from the chocolates displayed in front of him and instead search for the source of the voice, which happened to be you standing innocently with your basket in-hand
♥ “ah, (y/n),” draken tensed, immediately shoving the bouquet of flowers behind his back at hopefully out of your sight as he put on a forced smile to distract from them too, “what a nice surprise seeing you here.”
♥ “hm?” mikey chimed in, unable to vocalise his curiosity through the chocolates stuffed in his mouth, but that didn’t stop him from trying, “is that the (y/n) you were talking about? the one you were going to conf--” 
♥ “that’s enough outta you.” draken hissed through a fake smile, shoving mikey into the next aisle, which happened to be the snack aisle so, entertained, he decided to stay put
♥ “oh, is that your friend mikey?” you inquired, having only ever heard about mikey through rumours up until now. though none of them exactly matched the image you saw just there
♥ “yep, he’s pain sometimes, but he’s still cool.” draken muttered, awkwardly rolling on the balls of his feet as he waited for a deity to save him from this interaction —  not that he didn’t want to talk to you, it’s just that every second you spend with him, the less likely it becomes that his confession will go as planned
♥ and you only confirmed that with your follow-up question
♥ “i see you’ve got flowers, and you’re looking for chocolates. who’s the special someone?” you teased, poking draken’s cheek playfully (which is one of the many things he only finds comfort in when you do it)
♥ “oh, no one.” he hummed, his coy smile doing a number on your heart rate
♥ “how about you? who is that card for?” he inquired casually, gesturing to the classic pink ‘i have something to tell you... <3′ confession card that was only in-stock during valentine’s day season, that was sitting atop the groceries in your basket
♥ a cocky smirk tugged at his lips — as if to say ‘i won’ — while he watched you become increasingly flustered right in front of him. it was adorable
♥ but he thought it would stop there; stop with him winning the teasing battle, you getting all sheepish then leaving but that apparently wasn’t your plan
♥ instead, you lowered your head and outstretched your arms to give him the card (which was still in the wrapping plastic) 
♥ “red-handed. i bought these with you in mind, draken.” you said, voice barely above a whisper, “but if you don’t accept then that’s fine too, have a nic--”
♥ “who said i don’t accept?” draken grumbled, almost as if he was annoyed, as he took your card and examined the card thoroughly for a couple seconds
♥ then suddenly, he froze. the shock of the realisation leaving him stunned to the point where the only thing he could do was shift his eyes from the card on to you and utter in a terrified tone, “this isn’t, uh, this isn’t a confession, is it?”
♥ you shrugged, “i guess, it is.” 
♥ “damn it.” draken cursed, glaring at the snack aisle and hence mikey, for giving him this stupid idea
♥ “is there a problem?” 
♥ “no.” draken said through gritted teeth before pulling out the bouquet his had hidden behind his back, “but i was meant to confess first.”
♥ your jaw dropped, leaving draken concerned for a second until you instantly pulled him in for a tight hug; another thing he admired about you was that you gave hugs like you were in the mafia, strong enough to cut off his airflow
♥ “double confession!” you squealed, absolutely delighted that draken not only wanted to confess to you, but he had the same idea to come to the shop and buy stuff beforehand
♥ “i guess so.” draken chuckled, handing you the bouquet of flower as soon as you pulled away, “these are for you.” 
♥ you gasped, smiling at how he managed to remember your favourite kind of flower after a single off-handed comment you made ages ago, “thank you!” you hugged them to your chest, “have you already paid for them?”
♥ “no.” draken replied simply. “but they are still yours.”
♥ sometimes it slipped your mind that draken was part of a literal gang since.. he just seemed so normal and humble 
♥ but on some other occasions, it was painfully difficult to consider draken anything close to ‘normal’
♥ and one of those moments was when he was trying to convince security he was pregnant with a flower-baby, and when that evidently didn’t work, he just made a run for it with mikey, whose pants pockets were filled with sweets that trailed behind him where ever he ran
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♥ he didn’t even ponder about how he was supposed to confess to you for over a second
♥ the idea just came to him instantly and he went with it
♥ the only question he asked was ‘how can i show them how badass i am without bragging?’ and he immediately came up with an answer and rolled with it, no questions asked 
♥ and there was no planning or anything done beforehand either, he literally just texted you ‘where are you?’ at like 7PM and when you replied ‘the park’, he hopped on his bike and sped over 
♥ like he didn’t even ask which park.. he just guessed.. but he guessed correctly 
♥ your heart almost stopped as you watched a chunky motorcycle come speeding towards you at such a rate that all you could do was brace for impact and kiss goodbye to your relatively peaceful live
♥  however, at the very last second it swerved around you and came to a halt, allowing the rider to extend his free hand to you, “hop on.”
♥ the voice was all to familiar and you weren’t surprised at all to see baji with his signature ‘i could kill you’ grin plastered on his face 
♥ as your heart rate slowly began to return to normal, you cried, “what do you mean ‘hop on’? you almost ran me over!”
♥ he unclipped his helmet and tossed it to you, “safety first.”
♥ “did you even hear what i just said?” you grumbled, putting on the helmet anyway 
♥ “i think you said something about how excited you are to finally go out with me.” he mused, shuffling forwards slightly to give you more space to sit on behind him, like a true gentleman /s
♥ “no.” you replied simply. 
♥ though you initially had no intention of going anywhere with him, you still found yourself reaching your leg over his bike to take a seat behind him, “where are we going?”
♥ baji shrugged, chuckling slightly as he felt you gently wrap your arms around his hips, “don’t know, but hold on tight.” he warned, revving his engine and taking off without another word
♥ perhaps you were the fool for getting on a motorcycle with baji and letting him take you to an undisclosed location, but you trusted him enough to know that he wouldn’t try to drive you off a cliff or put you in danger.. or at least, that is what you hoped
♥ however, if it wasn’t a rival gang that kills you, baji’s driving definitely would
♥ he drives like a madman and left you with no other choice but to cling onto him for dear life, since if you didn’t bury yourself into his side, you’d probably fly off with all sharp turns he does around the other cars/bikes
♥ it was like being taped to the top of a vehicle in mario cart
♥ eyes squeezed shut, you yelled over the harsh blaring of the wind, “slow the fuck down! where are you even taking me?” 
♥ baji was having fun, but he was getting the feeling you weren’t..
♥ usually he doesn’t care about what other think but this was the first time he was taking you out, he didn’t want you to think of him as a maniac driver, or else you might not want to come with him ever again
♥ “if you open your eyes, you’ll see.” he uttered, slowing down slightly so the noises weren’t as harsh 
♥ taking his word for it, you hesitantly pried open one of your eyes and turned your neck so your face was no longer pressed against his shoulder
♥ and honestly, you were glad you did. passed the edge of the road, you had the perfect view of the beach below, the sea gently glistening under the orange sunset 
♥ now that your nose was free from only breathing in baji’s sickeningly strong, wild spice body spray, you finally able to enjoy fresh ocean air 
♥ “the beach.” you mused, smiling down at the completely deserted sandy shore, which looked so beautifully peaceful in contrast to how busy it was when you usually come 
♥ “no shit.” baji chuckled, his eyes remaining glued to road, despite how much he wanted to see your reaction
♥ you let out a defeated sighed, leaning against his back, “but it’s closed.”
♥ baji nodded, “yep, that means we’ve got the whole place to ourselves!”
♥ before you could question what baji meant by that, he steered off the edge of the road and down the steep hillside which led to the beach, though it definitely was not meant to be drove on as there were several warning sign at the side of the road, warning drivers about the hill
♥ “baji, what the fuck?!” you screamed over baji’s amused laughter, similar to the way you’d laugh if you were playing GTA, rather than playing with actual human lives
♥ “isn’t this fun?” he yelled back, enjoying how the wind felt against his skin as he maneuvered his bike down the steep hill 
♥ honestly, you weren’t sure whether you enjoyed it or not, but as soon as the bike came to a smooth landing upon the soft sand of the beach, you found yourself silently wanting to do that again
♥ “well, how was that?” baji asked, immediately hopping off the bike on his own only so he could offer you a hand
♥ accepting his hand, you stepped off the cycle only to notice that your legs were shaking, yet you oddly liked it, “that was.. okay.” you murmured, not wanting to feed his ego but also unable to lie to him.
♥ “great.” he uttered, leaning forward to carefully unclip your helmet for you and sling it over the handle of his bike
♥ “so,” he started, looking around the beach for any stray cops or surveyors, “what do you wanna do?” 
♥ he felt a light tug on his jacket sleeve, causing him to look down and meet your pleading gaze, “do you think we could go out again? some other time, maybe?”
♥ all baji did was laugh, resulting in you become sheepish for a moment, until he wrapped his arms around you picked you up for a hug, “obviously!”
♥ you smiled, your cheeks heating up slightly, “nice!”
♥ “anyway,” he started, placing you back down and dashing off towards the sea, “loser owes me lunch!”
♥ ignoring how he gets lunch either way, you immediately sprinted off behind him, watching as he dramatically fell over a large shell and face-planted into the the sand
♥ being the kind friend you are, you ignored him and continued running towards the water, only for him to grab your ankle and trip you up too
♥ “ha!” that is how he shows affection <3
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smoochkooks · 3 years
—chapter four: white lies
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this is a part of my an ode to a broken heart drabble series.
pairing: jeon jungkook/reader
genre: unrequited love, best friends to (?), heavy angst, future smut
word count: 1.5k
summary: it came easy to you to lie. but with every untold truth, you were hurting more on the inside.
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one year and 6 months ago
April was exceptionally moody that year.  
Every day you woke up to either heavy rainfall or a beautiful, cloudless sky. Alternatively, it could also snow for a couple of hours just to have it all vanish once the sun reappeared. As much as you loved Spring, you hated the capricious weather with passion.  
It was a normal, peaceful, Saturday afternoon. Saturday meant no classes to attend, no work to do on the side. It was just you in your small, cozy apartment, tucked underneath the blanket and binge-watching Attack On Titan.  
You were never an anime enthusiast per se, but you happened to befriend a doe-eyed weeb all those years ago. Your current occupation was just a part of the aftermath. It wasn’t like Jungkook was obsessed, not at all. He was actually far from it. Now, at the tender age of twenty-three, his old hobby was like a relapse. His love for anime was coming in waves every once in a while, gradually transforming into a two-months-long hyperfixation and then, it was nothing. And the cicle continued.
He was currently in the stage of re-watching Attack On Titan, hence why you had been forced to finally give the damned anime a try as well. Hell, he was even coming over tonight to have a marathon with you.
(He’d said that season three, his favourite, you had to watch alongside him.)
You: eren's annoying little shit  
Jungkook: told you so
You: but levi? damn I’d sell my soul for him  
Jungkook: for a 5’2 emotionally unavailable man?  
You: yep. that’s my type
It was far from truth. As much as you liked Captain Levi, he wasn’t Jungkook. You are my type, you wanted to write instead. There hadn’t been a man in my life who managed to even come close to you. But, as always, you kept those confessions to yourself.  
Right when you were about to play another episode, your phone buzzed again.  
Jungkook: I have a weird question  
You: I’m used to that  
You: shoot your shot.  
Jungkook: what’s your finger size?  
Confused, you read his last message once again. That was indeed a weird fucking question to ask, you thought. You had never really been a fan of rings. You only owed one - a gift from your grandmother she gave you for your sixteenth birthday. Rummaging thorough your drawer, you found it in a separate, black case.  
It still fit just right, so you took a ruler, measured the size and googled the results.  
You: it’s 7.5 I guess
You: why do you ask tho?  
Jungkook: I need you to go somewhere with me before our marathon if that’s okay
You: you didn’t answer my question  
You: but okay. what time?
Jungkook: ill pick you up at 5pm  
Jungkook: you’ll see  
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Maybe it was for the better he hadn’t told you where he was taking you. If you had know, you would have backed away last minute. Come up with so lame excuse, blame it all on a headache or period cramps.
If you had known Jungkook was taking you to pick up an engagement ring for Soojin, you would have never come with him.  
When you parked in front of one of the most high-ranking jewellery stores dowtown, the solemnity of the situation hit you like a whiplash. You took a deep, shuddering breath. Jungkook was thinking about marrying Soojin. Jungkook was going to propose to her, soon. He was ready to spent the rest of his life with her. 
Jeon Jungkook, the love of your life, was about to slip out of your reach for good. 
You couldn’t cry. Not in front of him. You clenched your fists so tight the knuckles turned white.  
“I figured out you could help me,” Jungkook said, breaking the silence and unbuckled his seatbelt. “I checked Soojin's finger size once when she was showering and then I found out that your’s the same and well, you’re a girl so you obviously know more about jewellery than me and–”
“Jungkook,” you cut him off with a dry chuckle. You didn’t want him to speak. You didn’t want to see him. You wanted to jumped off his car and ran away from that place as far as possible. “You don’t have to explain yourself. I get it.”  
You smiled at him with reassurance. It was actually hilarious, how you mastered the art of feigning your real feelings when you were with him. It came easy to you to lie but with every untold truth, you were hurting more on the inside.  
“I’m here, so you don’t have to worry about chosing something horrible.”  
He grinned and you noticed a dust of pink covering the apples his cheeks. It was hard, so fucking hard seeing him happy because that was all you ever wanted and yet it pained you not to be the main source of it. Jungkook was twenty-three and already so in love he wanted to get married. You were going to see him in a black tux, a prince charming waiting in front of the altar for his princess.  
It ached. Why did it ache to see him happy?
The lady who worked at the jewellery store greeted you politely with a bow. “What can I do for you?” she asked.  
“We are looking for engagement rings.” Jungkook answered.
You could tell she was a bit astounded but her professional smile never faltered when she responded with, “Oh, that’s still quite unusual to see the couple chosing an engagement ring together.”  
You were about to protest but then, Jungkook did something you would never expect him to do.  
He grasped your hand.
(It was warm. His touch was soothing. Comforting. Then why did it hurt so bad?)  
“My girlfriend wants to chose the ring herself but she doesn’t know when she will get it.”  
To make matters worse, he sent you a wink. The store’s clerk cooed at the scene and clasped a hand over her chest. For her it was yet another day at work, yet another pair of adults who had decided to get marry.  
“You make a really beautiful couple.” she said. 
Even Jungkook’s hand squeezing yours couldn’t ease the sting you felt hearing her speak those words to you. You smiled lightly for good measure. She then pointed at the display and gave you some time and space too look at the options.
Your whole face felt hot. Jungkook was still holding your hand, still playing the role of a perfect boyfriend. He didn’t seem to notice what kind of effect it had on you. He didn’t know how fast your heart was beating, how warm his touch felt on your skin. It was all just a silly joke to him.
He leaned closer to you, so the store's clerk couldn’t hear him. His breath tickled your skin. “You’re blushing.” he whispered.  
“Shut up.”  
He chuckled and let go of your hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”  
(No matter how much it hurt you on the inside, you already missed his touch.)
“It’s okay. Let’s chose my damned ring, shall we?” you proposed, mustering a nonchalant tone.  
Dodging uneasiness with humor always worked out, it seemed.
You felt odd and out of place standing next to him and staring at all those glimmering jewels. In the corner of the eye you saw the lady who worked there glancing at you from time to time and that was when you remembered you were supposed to act like a soon-to-be fiancée. 
“They’re all pretty.” you said to Jungkook. 
“Which one you like the most then?”  
You didn’t have to think long about the answer. The ring with an emerald stone caught your eye from the beginning. It was different than the others, definitely not a standard choice for engagement but something about its peculiarity made you want it to have it shinning on your finger one day.  
Except, you weren’t here for yourself. Jungkook wasn’t your boyfriend. You were helping him chose a ring for Soojin. And you knew exactly what she would like.  
So you pointed at the number thirty-two. A sparkling, white-gold ring with an oval-shaped diamond.  
Jungkook let out a hum. “It’s really pretty, yeah. Excuse me,” he called. “My girlfriend would like to try out this one.”  
You ignored the phantom pain you felt as you put the ring on. You flexed your fingers and just for a moment, you pretended it wasn’t a farce your best friend came up with. The diamond shone brightly just like the glimmers of happiness in Jungkook's eyes. He didn’t have to worry about Soojin's answer. He knew it would be thousand times yes.
You were good at pretending. After all, you had been practicing the art of it almost your entire life.  
So you drove with Jungkook to your apartment and listened to him babbling about his newest project at work. You made snacks, sat in front of your TV and spent the next couple of hours watching Attack On Titan. You cursed him for spoiling you a few bits of the show and Jungkook, like the petty Virgo he was, reminded you how you accidentally revealed him Little Women's ending because you had read the book years before.
As you laughed and bickered with him, you still remembered about the crimson box tucked in the pocket of his leather jacket, but you didn’t allow yourself to break. Not yet.  
It was only when Jungkook fell asleep around 1am that you stepped into the shower and let the tears flow.  
And a week later, when the dreaded became real–
Jungkook: she said yes!!!
A white lie was told to avoid hurting someone’s feelings.
You: I��m so happy for you, Jungkook!  
After all, the best you could do was give up your happiness for the sake of his own.
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cottage-babe · 4 years
Bolin x pro-bender!Reader
here... take this bolin headcannon... just take it
i feel like there’s not nearly enough bolin stuff and since i’m almost finished w LOK, i guess ill aid this deficiency :)
also, i just started Book 3, so if theres some things that aren’t right or something, ignore it 
Bolin HC (during Book 1/Book 2)
so you guys met at (you guessed it) a pro-bending match
you were an Earthbender for the Ba Sing Se Badgermoles, a widely known team because you guys represented such a big city and you guys were actually kinda good
the Badgermoles were constantly interviewed, put on the covers of magazines, and bombarded by fans. The people loved you and your team
and so the day came where the Badgermoles were put up against the Fire Ferrets
you had heard about this team a lot; how they lost a member of the team, then the Avatar, actual master of the elements, filled in that empty space
it honestly took you so long to process
anyways, your team didn’t get the chance to meet the Fire Ferrets before the match; you just threw on all of your gear and made your way to the play area
you saw the Ferrets and instantly saw Avatar Korra, the only girl on the team
honestly, you couldnt see her well, but she was so pretty
the battle started and the Badgermoles got the advantage pretty quick
you took out their firebender and was working on the earthbender while the rest of team handled the Avatar
the earthbender put up a huge fight, it was so impressive
he even knocked you back a zone, but you recovered and, with a streak of luck, knocked him straight out of the field
you guys won that round
the next round didn’t go so well
the fire ferrets managed to knock all three of you guys off the platform, resulting in a win and a knock out
this meant that the entire match went to the Fire Ferrets
the other members on your team were annoyed and angry, but you weren’t phased too much
after all, Ba Sing Se treated you all extremely nicely, whether you win or not
so after the game, your team found themselves walking through the Fire Ferret’s locker room so you could leave
after your team mates walked past, you stayed behind and talked to one of the Ferrets, the Earthbender
“Hey, you were really good out there.”
you took off your helmet, just like in the movies, and he swore time slowed
he just stood there, completely frozen with his mouth agape
you raised an eyebrow at his antics and it wasn’t until Avatar Korra slapped him on the back that he came back to
“You- good- were good, uh im- im Bolin.”
you just laughed at Bolin and smiled 
“My names Y/n”
you walked up close to him, noses inches apart
“And next time, we won’t lose.”
he just gulped and nodded him head
you turned and walked out, laughing quietly to yourself
the interaction boosted your mood up exponentially
anyways timeskip to when their looking for the airbenders
you were just chilling in Ba Sing Se in the upper ring
you and your team were given super nice houses since you were the city’s pride and joys
then suddenly, you see Bolin and his brother walking around calling for someone
“Bolin? is that you?”
that boy turned around so fast
he blushed so brightly when he saw you and kinda looked at his brother for help
“well, well, what are the Fire Ferrets doing in my city? you know.. i’ve been dying for a rematch!”
you were only joking of course
you knew that their team had broken up after the year you met Bolin
not that you were keeping tabs on their team
of course
“yeah not right now, we’re looking for someone” his brother said
“oh? need some help?”
it took some time to convince Mako, the brother, but eventually you annoyed him enough to let you join
you were all walking through the upper ring looking for some kid named Kai, but you weren’t really paying attention
you maybe, kinda, might only be there so you could hang out with Bolin
from what you had heard (once again, you definitely weren’t searching for info), Bolin was an outgoing, loud guy
now he was quieter than a mouse
“So, i heard you were making movers now. What, getting tired of being a Pro-Bender?”
“Huh? No. I still play! I’m just doing this until the season starts...”
you were visibly happier after hearing that
you had thought that acting was going to be his permanent thing from now on
but still one thing plagued your mind
“And whats that princess girlfriend of yours gonna think about it? Ginger, I think her name was.”
Spirits you had done wayyyy too much research on this man
to be fair, you didn’t think you’d see him ever again
he blushed and stuttered out something about how they weren’t really dating, how it was a publicity stunt, blah blah
you weren’t really paying attention because after hearing his availability, you decided that today was the day you were gonna make a move on him
if it fails, then you don’t really have much to worry about; he lives in an entirely different city and you would only have to see him once a year
but if it succeeds; ohohohoh you’d finally get to live out your crush
the pros really outweighed the cons right now
so you guys searched for Kai for a while more
you decided that you were going to make some subtle hints toward Bolin
you let your hand brush against his a couple times, but never really looked up to see his reaction
then, you guys found Kai
he was stealing some old guy’s money by... airbending? why does this day just keep getting weirder?
so you guys chase him down an the streets and eventually follow him onto a train
unfortunately, he tricks you and sends you guys all the way to the lower ring 
you used to live here when you were younger, before you became a Pro-Bender, and it wasn’t a nice place
only now, it seemed to have gotten worse
all of you tried to find a way to get on a train back to the upper ring, but none of you had your passports or any money
if only you hadn’t left your house in such a hurry
you even tried to pull the “im a Pro-Bender!” card, but it didnt work
so you guys stayed on the streets for the day
Bolin was really trying to lighten the situation up, but it wasn’t really working 
“C’mon guys! Korra will realize that we’re gone and then come rescue us! I know it!”
she did not come
eventually, they had to find a place to sleep and no where was letting the stay for free
so they found a place in an alley and slept on the floor
yup, the dirty floor
you were not used to this
you almost wanted to stay up for the whole night to avoid sleeping on the ground, but Bolin assured her that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed
it was
“mmm here! you can use my jacket.”
he took off his jacket and laied it out on the floor neatly before gesturing for you to lay there
you hesitated for a second before sitting, not really putting up much of a fight because of how tired you were
Mako was already asleep somewhere across the alley and Bolin began gathering up some papers to use as blanket
then he found a spot somewhere away from you and started to settle down
“hey Bolin? do you maybe wanna share the jacket?”
he looked up so quickly and even the soft light from the lamp post caught his blush
“uhh sure”
and so he came over and laid halfway on the jacket so that you could take up most of it
he even offered you some of his picked up trash to use as a blanket, but you grimaced at the grossness and shook your head
you turned away from him, not wanting to be too overwhelmed by his proximity, so you didn’t notice that Bolin was staring at you
before you could completely fall asleep, a cool breeze burst threw the alley way and you began to shiver
maybe you should’ve accepted his paper
“hey Y/n you awake?”
since you were currently bouncing between consciousness, you decided not to answer
you feel him scoot closer
“okay please dont be mad at me when you wake up”
then you felt his arm cover your cold skin and warm you instantly
Spirits, he should be a firebender with how warm he was
you scooted back to meet his chest and let him envelope you
you fell asleep so quick
both of you woke up to Mako above you speaking loudly
“hey lovebirds, wake up”
since you already know of the position you were in, you didn’t really jump back with the surprise that Bolin had
“S-Sorry Y/n! You just looked so cold last night that I-” 
“its fine Bolin” you smiled at him “and thank you”
spirits he was so cute
and so you guys went on with the day, thinking about stealing food, then meeting their long lost family
it was such a nice reunion
they talked a bit about their family history, but since you felt out of place, you settled for playing with the babies on the floor
you bended little toys out of rocks and watched as some tried the same
it was so cute
meanwhile, Bolin was having a little dilemma
he and Mako had just finished having a heartfelt conversation with his Grandma and now he walks out here to see you playing with little babies and laughing with them
you were just so cute
“you know she likes you too right?”
“huh?! what- staring? im not staring.”
Mako just sighed because wow his baby brother is so dumb
“just talk to her before we leave Ba Sing Se”
and so they got their passports and left to the Upper Ring
you were so excited to go back home and sleep in a real bed
but you had one more thing to do before all of that
“So uh Bolin”
“So uh Y/n”
you guys spoke at the same time
“Oh! you can go first”
once again at the same time
“listen Y/n, I think you’re really pretty and super strong, like you could beat me up if you wanted to and i think thats really cool.” *cue your confused stare* “um anyways what I meant to say was, I think I’m about to fight the queen of Ba Sing Se and if I make it out alive, do you think we could hang out? like just us two?”
you decided to ignore some parts of what he said because umm you can only handle so many things at once
you settled for kissing his cheek and confessing too
you went back home so excited
even tho your crush was about to commit treason <3
aww the two of you are so cute I can’t
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 years
Icy Is The Avatar Of High School; The Essay
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I would like to begin this essay with a song. While reading this essay keep in mind that Icy has the exact same energy as this song which (imo) embodies prep & jock with a touch of nerd. No goth tho, press f in the chat.
Wow I put way too much into this. I hope y’all love it.
Okay so lets get into this! We will begin with the obvious one, goth:
*Gestures to all of the snow*
Edit: that was supposed to say show but snow works too.
Next we will talk about Jock.
So think of your typical jock. A stereotypical jock has a few qualities; reckless bravery and determination, large ego, usually at least kind of an asshole, doesn’t know when to quit, craves them gainz, and makes impulse decisions. 
Icy is definitely a very brazen person. It takes balls (and a large ego) to get banned from your campus and then very boldly strut back onto said campus in the middle of dinner while the whole school is assembled. She looked at Lord Darkar, shadow phoenix of the underworld and was straight up like, “yeah, whatever dude.”  Dude is such a jock word. 
So onto determination! Okay look, we have like 7 whole seasons of her trying to take over the world. She was arrested, what? 5 times? She literally doesn’t know when to stop. Give up??? Who’s that??? 
I feel like the large ego thing also speaks for itself she is constantly talking about how she deserves to be Darkar & Valtor’s main witch. She is well aware that her plans are usually fantastic. She just exudes an I’m better than you energy. It’s in her posture, her gestures, her tone of voice. Icy is absolutely certain that she is the shit and in the 4kids version one of her demands to the professors was to stand before the student body and say, “Icy rules, Icy’s the greatest.” *Spoiler alert* she is. I promise that she is not holding me hostage. 
Which brings me to the next point, getting dem gainz! Your average jock is at the gym, drinking protine shakes, and building muscle! While Icy is not in a gym trying to get 6 pack abs, she 100% chases them magical gainz! The dragon fire is just a really hot protine shake.  
In the 4kids version, upon overrunning Cloud Tower, she addressed the student body by welcoming them to her pep assembly. Ya know who else likes pep assemblies? Football jocks. 
Also that whole scene in episode nine (Spelled) where she rallies up the witches and they all chase Musa. That’s like the goth equivalent of getting the entire football team to chase after the nerd (or a member of the rivaling team).
And let’s not forget the ‘nerd run’ from season two where she rode this dinosaur thing and chased Timmy, the stereotypical nerd type. (It’s funny because she doesn’t know that she’s a nerd too). 
Okay so now that we dug deep into jock, it is time to discuss Prep!
I tend to use prep & always wears pink, blonde, mean girl interchangeably. But wiki says; Characteristics of preps in the past include a particular subcultural speech, vocabulary, dress, mannerisms and etiquette, reflective of an upper-class upbringing. Both definitions hold up in my book. 
So we’ll start with wiki’s. Icy (depending on whether or not we’re going with the season 8 retcon) is from an upper-class upbringing. Tbh she’s like Stella but a witch.  Icy is Stella’s goth phase and that’s why Stella fears Icy because she knows that that’s what she could be. I feel like Icy also has the most preppy dress style of her sisters.  Also pretty sure preps are known for being over-achieving perfectionists. Icy was actually pretty good with her academics. 
As for the Regina Gorge type prep; Icy is totally your classic mean girl bully, but make it witchy. I really think that this speaks for itself. It sings for itself too in 4kids OST. One of the lyrics in the Mean Girls song is that they will steal your boyfriend and trash your makeup. If that doesn’t scream prep, Idk what does. 
She reads them magazines. I don’t remember which one but I do remember her mentioning that there was a question posed in said magazine about ‘what would you do if you took over the world’ and apparently she wrote, ‘you’ll find out soon enough, loser’ and sent it in. 
Loser, pixies, nerds, dweebs. Icy has a whole list of mean and petty insults to put in her burn book. Like bye girl. 
Literally all of the Miss Magix contest. That is peak mean girl shit. The Trix literally went to a beauty pageant for the sole sake of making everyone look stupid and to trash on everyone’s fashion and makeup. On top of all of that she did that just because Lucy agreed to do their homework for ???? amount of time. Let’s be real, it was a life sentence.  
Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for! Nerd!
Literally every time she calls anyone a nerd or a loser I wheeze because, girl, check yourself! Prior to getting kicked out (for being a dumb jock), it is heavily implied that Icy, Darcy, and Stormy were at the top of their classes. Like these three were Griffin’s best students. And I am inclined to believe that Icy was thee top student. This woman was an overachiever whether she wants to admit it or not. 
Icy is the plan person. She’s the one who keeps the Trix on task. Though Darcy exudes ‘group mom’ energy, Icy is usually the one to snap at them to stay focused. She’s the organized one  and the one who seems to do most of the scheming. That takes some deep thinking and brain power. She knows how to summon monitors, banish trolls into oblivion, astral project into virtual reality using voodoo dolls, summon nightmare monsters, and summon an army of rot. Like how does she know all of this?  Studying. I almost said that I have no proof except in the Winx comics (this one) she is seen venturing to the library to research dark magic and spells. 90% she has done some extensive research and reading into all of these things because I highly doubt that Cloud Tower teaches things like summoning the army of decay. That was all down time research because this nerd enjoys learning about dark magic. Ya know who else enjoys reading and learning? Nerds. I know, I’m a nerd who loves reading and learning. Just because she likes learning about ~cool~ thinks like dark armies, doesn’t mean it’s not a nerdy quest to know everything about the subject she knows. 
Speaking of which (lol get it, witch), Icy also knows about history. She was the one who told Bloom all about what happened to Sparks and all about the coven. Why? Because that knowledge is floating around in her brain and she chose to retain it. I have a feeling her knowledge of history goes beyond the coven and Sparks too because she also knew that the Ring Of Solaria had fragments of the dragon fire.  She knows too much about this shit. 
I think that her nerdiest moment though, had to be when she solved that riddle at Red Fountain to get the codex. Like you have to have brain power to solve a riddle with the added pressure of being surrounded by your foes on enemy territory. In general her nerdiness just bled through in that season because she was snatching those codexes left and right. 
Also lets get into the fact that she (especially in the comics) has a tendency to humiliate herself, whoops. She managed to get her own (and Darcy & Stormy’s) memories erased, she got them trapped in an avalanche (and then dated a fellow nerd for two seconds and pretended like she didn’t hate it), and she is constantly pulling ‘we’ll be back’ speeches every time she gets defeated. Like seriously this is the evil equivalent of ‘lol I meant to do that’ or ‘haha, that didn’t happen, you didn’t see anything.’ And then she will make her next attempt as if she had never gotten defeated at all. Because losing is for losers and Icy ‘totally isn’t’ a loser. 
And honestly what’s more nerdy then prattling off your entire evil plan? Like this is her trying to flex her intelligence. 
Let’s not forget how she had her nerdy fangirl moment. She simped for Darko for like two or three whole comics. Like full on simping over here. If she could have bought a T-shirt with Darko’s face on it, she would have. Bonus, he was her childhood crush.
And finally, I am also very  inclined to believe that Icy is the fake it until you make is sort. With her it’s all about presentation. The only thing that saves her from being an obvious nerd is confidence. I touched on this with the whole ‘you didn’t see anything’ bit. But legit, pretty much everything she does would be kinda nerdy if she didn’t make it look good. 
Please feel free to add if you think that you have more examples of Icy being a nerd. 
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flightofaqrow · 4 years
Send 🌟 for lines of your writing that I enjoy a lot!
There’s probably a billion more that I could toss in here, but I’m pulling stuff that immediately jump to mind from my favorite threads, and what I can peep doing an archive skim. I’ll probably miss ones I really adored at the time IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO PICK WITH YOU OKAY.
Speaks lots about his character that he would drink it dry over mixed. A concoction often mixed with water for its taste. Something you sip, not drown yourself in.
And Qrow drowns.
He drowns himself in everything that he consumes. From the busted pack of cheap Parliaments in his pants pocket to the oxygen that he breathes. Knows no such thing as self-control. The one variable in his life that he seeks to restrain forever flowing freely from his fingertips. Feels the glass slip from his grasp and its only luck that he catches it before it clatters onto the counter.
Wracked with guilt, Qrow pushes himself away from the counter onto shaky feet to look the other properly. Ozpin only taller by a few inches. He wipes at his mouth with the back of his hand, wet with booze and now tears that fell unprompted. The death of many weighing heavily on his conscious.
“I’m so… stupid,” Qrow breathed out finally, breaking the uncomfortable silence that fell between them.
“Everyone said not to, and I did.” A bitter laugh and Qrow’s face is all but happy. Twisted up in sadness and sorrow as he looked the other with pleading eyes.
“I gave you everything,” He breathed out, voice barely audible, “And you couldn’t give me the truth.”
PLAY ALONG for now, mister.
Nothing more needed to be said as a warm body cozies up against his side, Qrow only mere seconds away from downing his third shot of Scotch. Sets the glass back down and he knows a trap when he sees one. Knows when a game is being played, having been one who played such games when he was younger, before Beacon.
A ploy harder to keep with age.
And age shows well on Qrow. It’s the weapon secured on the small of his black and the title he’s earned for himself that makes playing hard. He’s not as cute or coy about it anymore. Too well seasoned and trained for cheap party tricks. Secures information in more adult manner now.
A smirk graces plush lips as she leaned in, the smell of cheap perfume tickling his senses. Hooks an arm around her waist and pulls her forward and around, so she was trapped between him and the counter of the bar itself.
“Say no more, doll.”
He’s hunched over the edge of a crate in the middle of a fucking alleyway in Mantle during a patrol. Clover the unfortunate sap stuck to tend to the huntsman in his current nauseated state of being. Withdrawal symptoms hitting him at the worse possible time and all he wants is for it to end.
A moment of peace in his life devoid of pain and suffering. He wants to breathe and be at ease. No fear of his semblance and what harm it could bring. No fear of being hurt and left behind to die. Could count the times he’s been left behind by the tribe to waste away. Liquor his saving grace from his misery.
Numbed the hurt and gave him something better to feel in return.
This, this was not better. This was miserable and god awful. This needed to end right now and all Qrow wants to do right now is to bitch and gripe about it. Shoves the hand reaching out to smooth his hair back away as he hurled once more.
There’s a clench of his stomach in response. Empty. The idea of eating is unappealing to the Branwen however. The body wants, but Qrow does not feel the urge to feed it. Craving for liquor and basic necessities all merged into one, he can’t quite tell the difference anymore.
HE’S QUICK. He has to be. Doesn’t have muscles oozing off of him like every other huntsman he knows. No where like anyone else in the tribe.  Qrow is all speed and skill. A natural talent honed in on to make up for the everything that follows him. He over compensates for being a bad luck charm. The movement is fluid. A  smooth transition, from running up on the Grimm, the fall of his footsteps quiet and controlled, to the extension of Harbinger. Qrow pirouettes from first position to second and swings down into third. Harbinger’s blade slicing clean through with each transition as he comes into place in front of Clover. Stops mere inches from slicing the other in half with his scythe. Cool metal starring dangerously into the face of the other.
I won’t copy/post nsfw stuff, it might even be weird to mention it but uuhhhhhh THIS WHOLE ANSWER
It’s like kissing ink on paper, bitter with a touch of something else underneath. Meant to stain and leave an impression. 
[ oddly enough the first half of the imagery with these lines kind of had a disconnect for me, because while I appreciated the hell out of the reference I couldn’t see why black coffee would need to be shaken OR stirred, so I wasn’t exactly sure what was being communicated. THE INK METAPHOR HIT ME HARD THO. especially with the concept of it being a layered thing. ]
Free them all from the burden of carving out their hearts and stabbing it into the trees of the woods where it can be maimed and torn apart by the very same creatures they hunt.
They’ve fought many times before and now should be no different to rekindle their love for one another. What she did hurts, but nothing hurts more than having a part of him forcibly torn away. To see her suffering further than he can feel from afar.
They’ve wounded each other enough as it is. Not a part of them scratch free. Their blades permanently carved into one another. Said things neither one of them truly meant and felt nothing, but each other’s pain in return. Tears shed from both twins, strong and overwhelmed with the emotional force combined by both parties.
Reaches out the only way he knows how, by baring himself whole. Put his emotions on display in it’s rawest form. Knows nothing else, but how to be honest. Tells her with little words that he still feels everything that she feels, if not more that she ever could. “I’m here, Raven.”
A hive abandoned by it’s own Queen is destined to die. Wither away blindly completing tasks with no end-goal.
He tightens his grip around her hand, rings pressing into the other’s skin. Only then is he mindful of how tight it exactly gotten. Something akin to fear in his hold. Like if he doesn’t take this, take all of it, she’ll slip away from him again and he’ll be here. Standing alone in the rain with an empty hand reminiscent of warmth he craves. Warmth that could only be fulfilled by her.
[ I should actually do some of OURS huh... lmao]
No, Qrow offers himself up on a silver platter. Highlights his best features and puts it on display with the intention of captivating anyone who inched too close.
His next drink is lined up and Qrow circles the rim with his index finger. Feels the welcoming warmth of intoxication slowly begun to consume him. Combs through his hair with a level of familiarity and comfort he’s grown far too accustomed with. Beckons him to coo in delight at the sensation.
This conversation is far too convoluted to keep his interest. There is both nothing and everything going on at the same time and Qrow has little interest in thinking. If he was looking for a chat, he would have reported back to Ozpin hours ago. He would have followed through with his meeting with James, but he has done none and neither of these things.
He smiled as Briar laced their hand together, swinging their arms back and forth as they walked the streets of Mantle post-drinking spurge. Wherever it is their feet leads them is wherever they will go for the night. It doesn’t matter as long as she’s by his side.
Sweet is the first word to come to mind at such a brazen promise being bestowed upon him. Briar is sweet. How could she not be? Gentle in nature with consideration tucked under her belt. A dosage of sugar and spice he never knew he needed in his life. She is fun and a blast in the wake of his somber lifestyle.
Makes a request for rum and ginger ale, something sweet to satisfy his tongue. Far too odd for him to simply order whiskey on the rocks in a club. A drink meant for isolation, not mingling.
He pulls back and Qrow brushed at her shoulder with his hands to get rid of everything that left him. Disgusting as it is. Small smile on his lips as nervous laughter follows next. Doesn’t know what to do with himself as he stood there awkwardly, drenched to the bone in Briar’s apartment. “Hey,” he tried, “I’m back.” What else can he say after all that? The moment gone and Qrow more than ready to move on like it never happened.
It’s Briar! Qrow LOVES Briar. Qrow loves Briar except for when Briar is being the most Briar she can be and this, long pointed finger in his face as vermilion eyes narrowed at the sight of painted nails mere inches away from his nose as he drank is the least version of Briar he liked. Briar with a point.
The people outside the tribe far too fragile about their precious masculinity and feminity. Whereas Qrow could not care about these gender norms they aspire to. He sees a pretty outfit. He wants to wear it. It’s as simple as that.
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devourer--of--books · 4 years
Remember that one time I wrote a Tangled AU?
During 2016, I submitted a few stories for Tagatha Ship Week. Not my best work, but some of my most known works nonetheless. Amongst those, I had a Tangled AU that was originally meant to be a one shot (which has been deleted because sweet lord that was bad), then turned into a draft for a multichapter story and then turned into this cursed WIP I completely forgot about, which you can find on both Ao3 and FF.net  under the name of ‘blinking in the starlight’.
Every once in a while someone comes across it, as it was the case with ‘if you’re not the bride’ and it would remind me of its existence. But unlike IYNTB, I have no interest in rewriting it or continuing this story. 
A few weeks ago I found the original draft for ‘blinking in the starlight’ in my dad’s old computer, so I thought I might do a post no one asked for (some people did, you guys are great, humoring me like that) on what the plot was supposed to be.
But after sitting with it I wasn’t fully satisfied (as usual, fml). So, like the clown that I am, I decided that since we are already here, might as well make it into an actual AU post, mind my language, I’m frustrated.
Blinking In The Starlight: Tangled AU
Okay, so I’m gonna presume that you read the WIP, so if you didn’t, maybe check that out first and then come back to this post. Or don’t, it’s not like it’s a very complex narrative anyway.
Many, many years before this story starts, there was a cruel sorcerer named Rafal.
He tormented the Endless Woods for centuries, extorting kingdoms and stuff, you know, very much a two-dimensional character whose motivations I definitely did not think through. Being evil I guess?
No one could defeat him, because he always somehow ended up knowing the traps were coming and was two steps ahead. No one knew how, so they just like, presumed it was because he was psychic or something.
Until one day, a young vain prince named Arthur of Camelot decides to order a hunt to the big blue falcons, to get their feathers as a present to the girl he was courting, one Lady Guinevere.
Would you believe those birds were Rafal’s spies? Now that everyone was hunting them, they could no longer listen in as easily.
So when Prince Arthur campaigns against Rafal’s evilness and challenges him to a duel in which he tricks the sorcerer and defeats him, stripping him of most his powers (and therefore his immortality), everyone was shook 
Don’t ask me how he did it, I honestly do not know
But instead of killing Rafal, Arthur agrees to spare his mortal life as long as he gives him a powerful love potion for Guinevere and never shows his face around Camelot ever again.
Rafal is pissed, but says sure why not, because he knew  Arthur would be crushed once the potion effects wore off and Guinevere left him anyway
So yeah, they became King and Queen, everyone thinks Rafal is dead, Camelot became known as the guardian kingdom of the Endless Woods alliance, yada yada.
Meanwhile, Rafal, now mortal and still pissed af, looks for a way to get his immortality back, because he is now old and tired all the time.He goes to one of his oldest allies and they tell him a rumor about a woman named Vanessa who found a way to stay young forever using a bird.
It takes a few years for him to track her down, but when he does, he tries to convince her to show him the bird. Vanessa is like that sounds like a you problem, so he threatens her and she tells him she ate it to save her life during her pregnancy (do not ask me how this works, why she couldn’t have healed herself like usual, I don’t know okay)
Rafal is pissed again, because Vanessa was still looking young, so either she lied or she was omitting something and decides you know what, screw you and murders everyone, trying to find the damned bird.
But then he hears soft singing from the closet. A little girl named Sophie, who apparently had inherited the bird’s ability to restore youth. 
First, he thinks of raising her as his daughter. But then, one day she’d try to leave him for a boy, so he decides to trick her into thinking he was that boy, so she’d never want to leave him.
He sells her this bullshit story about everything being a fairytale like the ones her books, makes himself look like a teenager and tells her he is now going to take care of her because they are true loves and whatnot
Using the money from his previous evilness (why am I like this), he builds a tower and gaslights the hell out of her telling her is was to keep the danger outside, when actually he was caging her in. Her guards are all mercenaries and her maids are kidnaped slaves so, hm, that’s nice
He keeps visiting her to restore his youth, but he needs the macguffin Arthur used to take away his immortality (I didn’t specify what it was in my draft, so let’s say its Excalibur, for the sake of storytelling) to restore his full greatness, so he starts a long-long-plan to overthrow Camelot once he gets him hands on the sword.
However, Sophie is a person of her own, even being manipulated and gaslighted. She wants to go outside and see the world. Obviously Rafal won’t let her, and even gives her a ring to summon him and stuff, so she won’t think about going anywhere out of his sight.
But she ends up doing it anyway because she’s Sophie
Now hold on a minute.
Back in Camelot, Arthur has already died, Guinevere ran off with Lancelot and Tedros is a brat, walking around with Excalibur (not knowing how powerful it actually is) playing glorified police officer for the royal guard as a way to prove he’ll be a good king someday.
Festival season is approaching and prince Teddy is on a man-hunt (woman-hunt?) for the thief that has been ambushing noble carriages.
They have some good banter, but the thief always manages to distract him and get away.
Guess who is the thief
It’s Agatha, leave me alone, I was 15 and loved cliches, shut up
Yes, I know I’m now almost 19 and still love cliches, moving on
Agatha is stealing money from the rich like a robin hood pro, because festival season is expensive and poor people need to eat okay
But prince-holier-than-thou keeps showing up so she decides to be petty and steal directly from him. Girl just wanted some gold, but ends up with Excalibur because Tedros is an idiot
So he chases her through the woods for days on end, hot on her trail, and Aric gets caught on the crossfire between them. Agatha presumes from his uniform that there is a castle near and decides to hide there.
Tagatha ends up in Sophie’s tower, and she hides Excalibur to bargain with them.
She strikes a deal with Tedros to show her the festival in exchange for Excalibur. 
Agatha is just f this shit im out, she didn’t want the sword in the first place and last thing she needs is going to Camelot with a pseudo-police-officer.
But then Tedros realizes he doesn't know how to go back to Camelot and Sophie makes him promise not to turn Agatha in. Agatha is still skeptical, so he promises to lift taxes for the lower classes and she agrees to be their unofficial guide back to Camelot.
Princes can't break promises, don’t ask
The three of them escape the tower. 
Shenanigans ensue.
There’s a scene of Agatha helping people in a tavern and Tedros is like???? she nice????
Sophie finding out that the old wizard from her story was the guy King Arthur supposedly killed and doubting Rafal’s lies.
There’s Tedros explaining his need to be just and abide by the laws all the time due to the pressure of his father’s rep after the three of them nearly die of hypothermia (?)
Sophie telling them about her talent.
Very wholesome really.
Meanwhile tho, Aric finally manages to alert Rafal that Sophie left, and Rafal summons his birds to look for her, figuring out that she had Excalibur (how? Idk)
When the trio reaches Camelot, it’s still a few days before the festival. Agatha says she is done and needs to be on her way, but Tedros (softly, may I add) asks her to stay, at least until the lantern scene/day/tradition/thingy
Their unspoken feelings are all over the place and Sophie decides to play matchmaker.
They stay in an inn (why did Tedros not sneak them into the castle, you ask? I don’t know, don’t ask) and Sophie makes the guy tell them there is only two rooms. She then makes up some balloney about wanting to be by herself, so Agatha and Tedros share a room.
Yeah, you know what I’m doing, don’t you: there’s only one bed.
Some other tropes for a very fluffy chapter equivalent of the score of Kingdom Dance, which is my favorite song in the Tangled Soundtrack, fight me, is such a good ‘falling in love montage’ song
But the fluff doesn’t last long, because the very night of the festival, just as you can almost hear Tagatha singing ‘and at last I see the light’, Rafal’s birds find Sophie and take off her ring by force.
Rafal crashes the festival, stealing Excalibur from Sophie and unleashing his coupe against Camelot, back to being immortal and super over-powered.
He throws Sophie back in her tower, and when she doesn't comply and asks him to stop we have a ‘I never loved you’ ‘you were always just a bird to me, a dumb bird’ moment and Sophie is just destroyed because aside from her new friends (whom she believed were dead) Rafal is all she has.
Back in Camelot, complete mayhem is being wrecked, bloodshed and stuff. Agatha manages to rescue Tedros before his execution and they figure out that they need to rescue Sophie and get Excalibur to kill Rafal for good.
“Insert part one of TLEA here”, bitch, I kid you not, that’s exactly what I wrote wtf even is this draft
Somehow it all leads into this big confrontation, in which Sophie strips Rafal of his immortality using the sword but can’t bring herself to kill him. So she asks Tedros to do it, so he can prove himself to his kingdom.
I do not know where Agatha is during this, but I’m pretty sure she’s like, fatally wounded or something
Rafal reveals to Tedros why Arthur spared his life the first time and offers him a potion to make Agatha return his (already mutual, you idiot) feelings. 
Tedros is like, nah, I’m gonna kill you, and Rafal is like are you sure she won’t just ride off and leave you like your mama?
And Tedros is just, honestly, man, I’m not, but I’m not gonna force her. Then some analogy about caging birds and Rafal is dead.
Yey, happy ending.
So Tedros and Agatha are left in this limbo, because she poor and she a criminal and he a prince. 
Tedros decides to have Agatha take the glory of killing Rafal to redeem her in the public eye, grants her a title, she makes Sophie her lady-in-waiting and they all live happily ever after the end.
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shipping-receiving · 5 years
JB Fav Fics
Ages ago, I reblogged @chickren​‘s post (from 2013!) and I promised to give it a shot but got all tied up with my dissertation and my own fic. Now that my dissertation is done, I HAVE COMPLETED THIS. Bear in mind these answers might be a bit ‘dated’ as well (by a few months) because I’ve not been reading much fic on my end. Turns out when I’m writing my own, I can only hold one version of J/B in my head. 
Anyway this list is LONG AND TOOK ME FOREVER and I also wrote comments because I can’t help myself. So everything is under the cut. I took out the Shuffled Challenge one (very 2013 lol) and I replaced it with a category called... favourite S8 fix-it. Can you believe it? After I made all this noise about not being able to read fix-its?
[J/B Fic Recs: Master Post if anyone needs it before we start things off]
Favourite fic set immediately after ADWD Second to fucking none: Honor Thy Regard by SigilBroken Nights Without Armor by bratanimus
Favourite fic set a long time after ADWD Oh. Salt Wife by Lady_in_Red. Breathtaking simplicity.
Favourite TV canon fic Pretty and Traveling Far by astolat A Man for All Seasons by dreadwulf
Favourite S8 fix-it Yes, I know. I can’t deal with fix-its. And yet. Ice by Gwen77 Ring Them Bells by kirazi Battle is the Great Redeemer by Lady_In_Red
Favourite modern AU Clean hands by you-know-who (... it’s Gwen77) + all the classics:  Fever by Lady_In_Red On the Night’s Watch by Miss_M It’s Like Weather by ssstrychnine Beast and the Beast by SigilBroken And of course our recent fandom favourite: two halves of a soul by angel_deux
Favourite kiss (Don’t specify chapter) Okay this is kind of a random one but I remember re-reading Roommate Wanted by JustAGirl24 a couple months back, and when they finally kissed I wanted to freaking throw my phone across the room. It’s not even described in detail, it was just such a perfectly timed OMFG!!! THEY KISSED! moment.
Favourite smut Anything by Miss_M, good lord. My all-time favourite is Golden and True (modern AU, sequel to Ball and Chain), but for canon!verse it has to be Heart’s Desire and Spring Awakening. And obviously I have to say Flawed by francoeurs – smut exploring J/B’s Issues with a capital I? I’m THERE.
And for multi-chapter fic, Everyone Has Secrets by ellaria is fire. Oh and also, everyone’s favourite professor AU, Stacked by QuizzicalQuinnia.
Favourite UST On the Night’s Watch and Someone to Watch Over Me by Miss_M. I love that these two fics take place over such a short time (a few days) but they manage to feel like slow burns. That’s fucking skill right there.
Best written fic I hate this question. You want me to pick the best-written fic out of the FIVE THOUSAND J/B FICS ON AO3? Lmao I’m skipping.
Favourite fic with an unusual premise Multiverse central: All the Roads are Winding by ShirleyAnn66 In which Brienne can turn into a sea lion: This Is Your Wilderness by hardlyfatal GENDER SWAP: all knights are gallant and all maids are beautiful by janie_tangerine Jaime is a sculptor: Madonna of the Balcony by QuizzicalQuinnia Jaime does needlework: Hold This Threadbare Heart at Needlepoint by nire
Favourite action scene Words by astolat. The entire battle sequence.
Favourite dialogue Clean hands by Gwen77, Chapter 9. So cathartic, and SO MUCH HAPPENING. Not just J/B but Tyrion and Cersei on the phone too. I mean I just tried to re-read it to pick an excerpt (I can’t) and I already started crying lmao
Favourite characterization of Jaime A Man for All Seasons by dreadwulf. THE NUANCE. THE DETAIL.
Favourite characterization of Brienne Any fucking thing by Gwen77. Especially Clean hands, Diplomacy and Ice.
Favourite relationship development Where I follow, you’ll go by Lady_In_Red Beast and the Beast by SigilBroken, OBVIOUSLY It’s Like Weather by ssstrychnine Patience on a Monument by betts, even though they’re already friends, because betts makes me sit through Jaime/Sansa and Brienne/Tormund and yet I still re-read this.
Favourite use of non-typical character. Exclude these: Jaime, Brienne, Podrick, Hyle, Cersei, Sansa, Margaery, Tyrion, Daenerys, Selwyn, Tywin. Hmm this is a tough one. Maybe Loras the photographer in Living Fiction by Archetype_Electraheart
Favourite plot In This Light by SigilBroken for canon!verse endgame On the Night’s Watch by Miss_M and Everyone Has Secrets by ellaria for modern AU. I love J/B investigating stuff together.
Favourite title Nobody Knows / You Know and I Know by Miss_M “There’s a story,” Brienne says, “about a corrupt official who went to a sage and offered him to take part in a scheme, promising no one would ever know. ‘How can you say that?’ the sage replied. ‘I know, and you know, and the earth knows, and the sky knows.’”
Favourite WiP (finished or unfinished) With All Your Faults by seaspirit (close to the end!!!) The Descent by openmouthwideeye And this is finished but Tale As Old As Time by BrienneofThrace. She came back after like four years to finish it?! That alone is fandom magic.
Favourite long one-shot Pretty by astolat (wtf this is 30k?)
Favourite short one-shot OH MY GOD THE GLASSES FIC. Age Gap by ikkiM
Favourite drabble Mmmmm I don’t really read drabbles so I’ll skip this too.
Favourite beginning What is True, But Not Ideal by Vera: Jaime doesn’t appear for like four chapters and yet I was still on board.
Favourite ending IT’S FUCKING Clean hands by Gwen77 OKAY DON’T @ ME. Traveling Far by astolat – because she just Went There and gave J/B five kids The Sorrows That Women Cause by Mussimm (seventh and final part of Works and Days, in which they just... bang)
Favourite story twist more like the man you were meant to be by janie_tangerine. I mean, this isn’t really an internal twist, more like a twist on canon The Importance of Knocking by Miss_M, since it’s a story twist for Cersei lol.
Funniest story St George's Day by sansasparky The Best Legs You've Ever Seen by ikkiM
Favourite angst In the first version of this list I said I wouldn’t pick Gwen77 again for this one, and then I re-read Ice and cried my eyes out for like, the whole thing. Special mention for catherineflowers’ series We Need to Talk About…, because of how much she just commits entirely to some really dark stuff. It’s something I wouldn’t necessarily re-read, but just the audacity it took for her to write this is really impressive.
Favourite fluff The Higher Education of Brienne of Tarth and Drunken Shenanigans with Jaime and Brienne by BrienneofThrace. Anything by BrienneofThrace to be honest. She does the purest J/B. Also, Nothing That Is So, Is So by RoseHeart, and i get to be the other half of you + The 'Kiss Me' Series by sameboots.
Favourite Jaime line Yooooooo that part in Laying Siege by astolat when Jaime just launches into his wedding proposal: “I swear to you before these witnesses that I will protect Sansa Stark with my life, beside you. I will never take the field against her. I will take your name and your crest and your house as my own—”... I can feel myself being Brienne going WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK
Favourite Brienne line Yeah yeah here I go picking Gwen77 again. The very last lines of all her fics always slay me, but this is the only line I can quote verbatim, from Diplomacy: “Trapped, he had said, worry in his voice. Ruined. She had never felt so free.”
Favourite general line or excerpt I love the way Gwen77 commits to the motif of walls in Ice. I freaked out about it here. And then after all that talk about Brienne building up her walls she just HITS US WITH THIS FINAL LINE:
“Jaime was hers, encircling, warm, solid as a wall. He would catch her if she fell.”
Favourite non-romantic fic The tale of Squire!Brienne series by LadyRhiyana
Favourite maiming adaptation in a modern AU Fever by Lady_In_Red, because I love how the whole story is built on Jaime learning how to ride again with a mangled hand
Favourite kidfic Not really a full-on kidfic, but You Know and I Know (sequel to Nobody Knows) for that Jaime & Tommen relationship, plus that conversation J/B have about having kids in future. Oh, and so brief, but Traveling Far by astolat.
Craziest scene that was in character and made sense (Don’t specify chapter) Let’s just go for the entirety of Stannis Baratheon, Fantasy Football League Commissioner by ikkiM AND THAT FUCKING J/B/C FIC THAT I READ BECAUSE I DIDN’T LOOK AT THE TAGS OKAY: Pride by astolat
Most underrated fic My Fall by TeamGwenee. Witches in 1600s colonial America AND in first person POV? IT WORKS THO. Such an interesting and original premise, and written in a very refreshing succinct style, and yet this multi-chapter fic has less than 200 kudos. Another one with less than 200 kudos: and you’ve whispered what I’m worth by angel_deux, a really lovely Mad Max: Fury Road AU.
Most desperate to see updated NO PRESSURE!!! for our world is cold and full of monsters by chancellor_valdez room service by ssstrychnine A Star Within the Mere by isavedlatin (sigh)
Favourite J/B as a secondary couple Some Kind of Family by crossingwinter
Most haunting Fool by astolat. I don’t know why. It’s a very beautiful story and it’s not even a bad ending for J/B necessarily, but the fact that it ends the way it does just really fucks me up. It’s the only fic in my bookmarks that I don’t think I can ever bear to re-read.
Favourite (friendship or hate) relationship between Jaime and another character One Of The Few Things by anniebibananie (Sansa) – I’m picking this just for the sheer I-can’t-believe-you-made-this-work-and-I-applaud-you factor
Favourite (friendship or hate) relationship between Brienne and another character What Is True, But Not Ideal by Vera (Tyrion)
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maraudingforflesh · 5 years
guess who’s hype about season 4!!!!!
Bleeding out (5,220 words); todoroki has a panic attack in the kitchen and bakugou helps him out of it and sits with him after. The whole thing is just very sweet and this is the kind of interaction they both deserve
Defend your rival (871 words); bakugou stands up for todoroki after they’ve both failed the license exam and inasa tries to start shit again
Crush? More like crush me. (8,588 words); bakugou has a crush and he’s not handling it well, todoroki has a girlfriend but they both might be a little bit gay
Getting Along (2,634 words); todoroki insists on bonding more with bakugou after overhearing midorya talk about his mom
The Simple Things With You (3,213 words); bakugou being casually affectionate with todoroki is so goddamn soft
in my headspace (8,961 words); bakugou is forced to go to a party and thanks to hallucinations and villains it manages to be even worse than he expected
playing for keeps (6,204 words); todoroki wins bakugou at a hero auction
chicken coop (2,201 words); kissing is a bit of a learning curve for them but they’re working on it
in sickness and in health (3,993 words); todoroki lowkey likes when bakugou is sick bc it gives him a chance to dote on his boyfriend (series now also contains a really cute engagement fic)
I Wanna Wake Up Where Your Love Is (1,529 words); todoroki and midoriya have a heart to heart but deku never really wanted to know THAT much about todoroki and bakugou having sex
Beethoven’s Romance (1,270 words); todoroki and bakugou perform a quick duet in the morning before class
Until Death Do Us Part (2,118 words); some kids have them get fake married and todoroki insists they keep wearing the rings
Of Bats And Cats (2,551 words); todoroki brings home a cat and of course his boyfriend and his cat end up conspiring against him
who would've thought i'd get you (2,164 words); todoroki has a secret admirer who’s trying to take care of him
Senbazuru (21,533 words); bakugou is in a coma and todoroki isn’t taking care of himself in his boyfriend’s absence
Hallow Fate (5,104 words); fem!todobaku, they’re the elite students at a school training murderers
why are you so pretty (23,117 words); todoroki is the beautiful customer at the coffee shop where bakugou works and maybe they fall into one another over time
2:41 AM (2,720 words); todoroki is flirting with bakugou over text and memes and it might be working
Ground Zero: Behind the Explosions & the Explosive Career So Far (1,312 words); bakugou does a magazine interview
of explosions (4,243 words); everything involving bakugou also involves explosions apparently even his reactions to todoroki confessing
It's A Work In Progress (20,465 words); college!au in which quirks/heroes are still a thing. Bakugou is pining and todoroki is oblivious and neither of them are great at maturely handling their feelings
Eyeliner (1,541 words); people start to notice that bakugou wears eyeliner and he’s insecure about the attention
Thirteen Hour Sunrise (14,011 words); Rey end up seated next to each other on a thirteen hour flight and they fuck in an airplane bathroom
Good Boy For A Day (10,347 words); bakugou gets hit with a quirk that puts him in Good Boy Mode and todoroki kinda likes it
better late than never (12,777 words); BODY. SWAP. QUIRK. and holding hands fixes it lmao
loss tinged with hope (20,812 words); todoroki and bakugou are in love until todoroki gets amnesia and doesn’t remember this and bakugou has to retire from being a pro hero. (personal note: hey, dude! Don’t reread this one maybe. It was really hard for you to get through bc it made your chest hurt and not necessarily in the good way. Really well written tho.)
It’s Better to Love And Blow Shit Up Than To Never Blow Up Anything At All (10,742 words); they’re dating and it’s a secret and neither of them are good at handling their feelings, especially with an audience
what love is (i think) (20,209 words); they’re working a case and bakugou wants todoroki and he is relentless in his pursuit and maybe todoroki needs someone like bakugou to keep him from being a total hermit
Direct Would Be the Best Approach (8,652 words); bakugou is flirting with todoroki over text on a burner phone
lover I don’t have to love (70,723 words); bakugou and todoroki hooked up a lot in high school and now they’re working a case together so maybe it’s time to start fooling around again or maybe it’s time for some commitment
damn, if these walls could talk (37,162 words); todoroki, bakugou, and midoriya are snowed in at a haunted hotel and somehow ghosts aren’t as weird to midoriya as the idea of his two friends being into each other
Just Add Sugar (7,074 words); todoroki just really likes to buy things for bakugou and maybe that makes him a sugar daddy even though he has trouble realizing it
First love isn't always the charm (33,399 words); they’re best friends at UA until bakugou catches feelings and todoroki has a crush on midorya and then years later they somehow just pick it right back up almost like they’re meant to be together
cicadas (22,103 words); todoroki brings bakugou home to meet his family for the first time. this fic is just incredibly sweet and they’re so good for each other.
once more, with feeling (25,458 words); todoroki is caught in a time loop and it takes a few tries but he and his boyfriend finally get things back to normal
Half-Assed (10,710 words); bakugou is still a little mad at todoroki and todoroki wants more than anything for bakugou to give him positive attention
I love you, Be Safe (1,844 words); todoroki is most certainly dying and his last wish is to call bakugou and have a normal conversation
Katsuki's Gay Predicament (1,884 words); bakugou wants to take his boyfriend on a date and jirou is lowkey his disaster gay counterpart
wanna put my tender heart in a blender (15,791 words); bakugou and todoroki are totally just friends bc it’s convenient to hang out and maybe they nap together and sleep over constantly and maybe they’re in love but it’s fine - also it’s traumatic to watch someone you love die even if it’s not real so
Safe haven (4,836 words); bakugou should see a therapist after a tough mission but instead he shows up at todoroki’s apartment bc that’s where he feels safe
On the Sofa (2,276 words); class 1A just has to deal with the fact that they take a whole couch for themselves
A Blessing and A Curse (5,000 words); bakugou sleep walks and ends up crashing in todoroki’s room and furiously cuddling him
believe in me, believe in you (4,694 words); bakugou sees the results of endeavor’s abuse and says something to todoroki. Now they’re in this together for better or worse.
I’m tired (1,571 words); todoroki is a prince. Bakugou is his personal bodyguard. They’re both soft. Good content.
a todobaku one-shot collection: as billed this is a collection of todobaku oneshots that I dig. Especially enjoyed:
- Chapter 7: scars and all
- Chapter 8: secret
- Chapter 15: home
- Chapter 17: force of habit
- Chapter 22: stargazing
- Chapter 29: feverish
- Chapter 72: wake me up (or don’t)
- Chapter 73: pro-shipping
- Chapter 76: engagements and insecurities
- Chapter 78: strengths and weaknesses
- Chapter 85: fuck you (i love you)
- Chapter 87: 3 times Bakugou and Todoroki almost kisses & the 1 time they did
- Chapter 88: better than pretend
- Chapter 92: love is... not patient. or kind at all, really
- Chapter 96: mountains of trouble
- Chapter 100: i don’t mind complicated
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callowaysrose · 4 years
where are they now ? // quarantine edition* 
peter - england; went back because he needs to take care of his parents. probably tried to take his sister with him. 
nathan - holed up in their apartment with indigo, playing board games, finishing puzzles, video games, and reading comic books. high key having constant debates on dc vs marvel. nathan had to sleep in the guest room one night problem.   all neighbors listen to from their apartment in never-ending indie music. it’s almost as if all is well.. for now.
joshua - googling how to talk to the cute england boy after quarantine without seeming like a total american fuck boii. are virtual dates a thing? 
lucas - honestly, he probably doesn’t have a job at the moment. it’s kinda bothering him because him and liana want to have a baby and this is not the time rona, it is not the time. this poor man just wants to do right by her. they’re also playing board games, reading books, it’s beautiful, to be honest. 
jason - living in supreme household mode. this is the life him and mia always wanted. he’s working from home, he’s helping mia with the twins (were the pregnant again?) and their homework. they either cook or eat take out. 
axton - honestly, i think his and cassie’s wedding was probably postponed? they’re a corona couple. probably hoping they can get married by august of this year. if not, they probably got married at the chapel with close friends and family and pushed back the reception for later. (am i wrong?! *you know whose voice i used*)
yasmin - trying to find out what to do with all the fucking horses that her daughter now owns. 
reagan - soccer season has been cancelled right now. has no clue what to do with her life at the moment. probably at home, in a penthouse room with her girlfriend and constantly visiting cassie and axton. 
zoey - she’s at fairwood. hasn’t been able to leave since they got back; is probably just photographing all around town. is probably constantly yelling “i hate it here!” 
amber - working from home, editing books. is probably editing the new midnight sun, i don’t know tho. i don’t know. waiting for a wedding ring and reading books with titles like “so, you’re a new step mom” “so, your boyfriend just found out he’s a father..” 
tree hill 
sawyer - home; looking for a job during these hard times. has someone checked in on lydia and sawyer? lmao they haven’t killed themselves, just.. they probably need it. 
madison - came back from washington; honestly honestly this woman was interning for bernie sanders and is sad af right now. 
logan - probably trying to run away with lily for the 50th time, to be honest but they can’t so they’re finally together, in his home, where she’s meant to be. is also trying to start an online version of pacsun store for surfers. it’s one of the things he misses about cali.  
nathan - suuuupes depressed right now because his wife does not love him. this man has not shaved in 3 months. has read book after book again, has probably tried to write a book in sadness. has also probably tried to make lily fall in love with him again. 
chris keller jr. - home probably wanting to kill his wife and still making sure his bar is up and alive. 
sebastian -  his mom passed away during this quarantine. rip momma marin, love you forever. 
alexa - debating on randomly sending logan an “yes, i’ll marry you” and then when he replies like an idiot she’s gonna be like lol jk because where’s their maturity? non-existent. 
anthony - went back to australia; left a ticket for ryan for her to follow him home if she wanted to go. 
sofia - quarantining at home with annie and garrett. 
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second part of assa and maxence's interview phew
J : What do you think about it Maxence? No but basically, what we can see in s3 is that Eliott has several ways to flirt. At the start he has one a bit more delicate, I'd call that "allusive flirting". That is to say that he's making a lot of little innuendos, he's throwing hints like that, i'm especially thinking about...
Max : "Not necessarily a girl"? (bitch is this allusive for you???)
J : Yeah, that scene! Where he walks with Lucas
Max : At that point he attacks
A : I admit!
J : Yeah but actually, he attacks but at the same time is that really clear? because frankly, me, you tell me something like this... Maybe I would tell myself "I'm imagining things", isn't it a bit too cryptic? (okay i'm waiting can someone please start being eliott-cryptic with me)
Mar : You're replacing his hair also [here's there's a confusion cause what she says ("tu lui redresses l'épi") sounds like "tu lui redresses les pieds" = you're straightening his feet]
Max : I'm straightening his feet??
Mar : You're replacing his hair
Max : Oh his hair!
A : Oh yeah, yeah right!!
Max : But this is to know how to draw him, it's not a flirting technique, you see...
O : He wants to draw him to flirt with him
J : No but there's that and there's all the piano scene (my dudes if that's being allusive to you how the fuck do you usually flirt)... He's super intense in fact, Eliott.
A : Even in the look in his eyes. You have a look in your eyes, it's crazy
O : It's intense!
A : Like you see everything in his eyes, you're telling yourself, fuck that's crazy what are you thinking about to...? We would love to get into your head, like it's.... Really.
J : So the Eliott way, a bit cryptic like that, is it working on you or not? Or do you flirt like that? Are you practicing allusive flirting?
Max : No, Eliottesque!
J : I don't even know if that exists, I may have used all along a term that doesn't exist, but...
A : It wouldn't work on me.
J : You wouldn't understand
A : Actually, even if i did understand, you need to be straight forward. You have to tell me things straight, you have to tell be things clearly, if you're not clear I won't mind you. So, yeah.
O : That's a Basile
A : totally! And you know that when I did the Serieously test I got Basile? Serieously did a test on instagram where you answer a quiz and in the end you get a character from the gang, and i got Basile.
Max : I got Yann (oh same i think)
J : Yeah you're more Basile, well Basile is a bit heavy in s3, even tho he's kinda cute, but he's still annoying
A : Yeah he's still heavy
J : At least you understand!
A : Yeah no we understand but, right, not heavy like that
Max : You're gonna start getting hit on by guys that are gonna be like...
J : True be careful, cause really some people take everything really literally.
O : Still, Basile is cute.
A : He's too cute! I like Basile, I like his character
O : Especially what he tells Daphné at some point, so cute, like at the end of s3 he tells her "I know I'm annoying, but i'm gonna do everything to get better so I deserve you". That's dope!
A : Oooh that's too cute!
J : Basile is Oumar's favorite character
O : I love him
Max : It's mine too.
O : He's great
J : So Oumar is more team Basile than team Eliott about flirting
A : Ouch
Max : Ah yeah
O : No I don't do like Basile! I like Basile. I don't do like Basile.
A : And you what do you say?
J : Umm... I'm team.... About flirt? In skam? Eliott wouldn't work with me. Actually I would always ask myself, did I understand well, I would always be scared to imagine things
A : Yeah that's it
J : So me when there's a doubt it annoys me, I prefer when there's no doubt
J : Marine wouldn't it work on you? Would it work on you?
Mar : Uh... Yeah maybe yeah. Yeah. I like little games yeah.
J : You're Eliott-like in flirting then (shout out to the dude who's listening to his boss having a casual conversation about how she likes her flirt it's... kind of surreal)
Mar : It's possible yeah.
J : It's probable.
Mar : It's possible yeah. I think.
Max : Another!
A : You didn't answer! (why does this feel like a truth or dare I'm so entertained)
Max : I'm the most naive guy on earth. In fact I never notice it when someone flirts with me. It's... Not but it's hell
A : He's doing it on purpose I think
O : "Oh yeah, that's true, you like me???"
A : "Seriously?? I didn't know"
Max : I know that talking about that....
J : "Last time I wrote you "I love you" in a letter"! "Oh I didn't understand"
Max : No, but like, in high school my friends were laughing at me so much cause every time, well when I was at parties and a girl was coming to talk to me a little and stuff, and I was like "ah that's cool !" and I was leaving. And they were telling me "but dude, it was ok" and I was like "nonsense" and actually, two weeks after I was asking her and yes it was ok. And... I didn't see it.
J : So you have to be the one to start because you don't understand anything
Max : But yeah, I'm really bad too. I'm very shy in fact, so... I can't do it. But I prefer... I like the things a bit... Where you don't really know. When everything is given, it's fun too...
J : You like being in doubt
Max : Yeah yeah, I like that
J : I don't like like it
Max : I like it. A bit of mystery, you see
J : It fits
O : We'll go join Basile
A : We'll go join Basile!
J : We'll form a small team, with Basile.
O : Ouch [no for real just look at his face it's so funny]
J : Uh, Eliott has another thing, when he brings Lucas in his little secret place, on the petite ceinture, so for those who aren't parisians, the petite ceinture is an abandoned train rail. So he takes him there.
Max : It came out as so snob when you said it. "so, for those who aren't parisians..."
O : Oh right I didn't even notice!
Max : "For those who live in "province""
O : "Hello losers"
Max : Sorry
J : That's not what I meant at all. Excuse me
Max : Excuse me
O : "Excuse me other people, excuse me the rest of France"
Max : Because I [inaudible], we're going to get destroyed. Sorry.
J : I'm not going to make it
A : Stop you're making her uneasy!
Max : Yeah clearly
J : Basically.... I'll kill you!
O : I forgot! I'm gonna get fired.
J : There's a little scene that's a bit- Okay let's focus, i'm not gonna make it
Max : You are, you are
J : There's a little scene a bit strange, where he brings him in a sort of tunnel, in a dark, and he starts turning the light off. Eliott does this, he's turning the torch on and off, he disappears, he's putting him in the dark, he comes back...
A : That's...no, I would've lost it. You don't do that to me.
Max : Me neither! Don't look at me it's not me!
A : You did it! You don't do that actually!
J : It's a bit scary actually
Max : When David told me that I was like "Seriously? Really? He's gonna do that?" I don't like that thing at all.
J : Oh yeah?
Max : Well, when i saw it on screen it was okay, because it fits the character and everything, but when he told me "yeah you're gonna do that, you're gonna disappear and you're gonna be like are you scared? are you scared?", I was a bit like "hmphff". And when we shot it, we were seeing everything. Like when I was.. how do i say it.. Well look, there's a table I can do it for you, Lucas is here, and actually the camera was at this height, and i had the torch lamp here, i was turning it off, i was like, hop ! and Lucas had to be like "??" (YEAH GO AHEAD AND WALK ON MY DREAMS JUST LIKE THAT) And it was really hard to act, cause well, we were seeing each other. So there wasn't this thing, well the final effect comes off well, but no, you don't, well you never do that to someone, it's weird.
A : Yeah
J : No but you take me in a cave and you act like a psycho, serial killer
A : I'm gonna imagine things like crazy! I'm gonna leave
J : And who says "you're scared uh???"
O : Well yeah I'm scared
Max : The sadistic guy
J : "and now you're afraid?" "well yeah I'm afraid, leave me alone". You never had moments like this kind of scary,first kisses stories? What was your worst... No ? Your worst memory? There's not any? Assa is like "complete censorship"
A : I don't see what you're talking about, I'm.... no, doesn't ring any bell.
Mar : You okay?
Max : I'm okay, and you? You good? What are you reading? What are you doing?
A : and you Oumar?
O : What are you talking about? I didn't understand. I don't understand what it means
A : Yeah same.
O : I think that's a joker.
A : Anyways, on screen the scene was great (she's trying to save the ship from drowning a+ changing topics smoothly)
Max : I love her eye makeup (???)
A : Seriously?
Max : Yeah and... Yeah. Next?
J : no but, anyways you disturbed me so much that I want to give up on you
Max : Okay, well if you want I'll take your place I'll continue the interview.
J : So no anecdotes? (lady just drop it everyone's uneasy) You're all... You've never lived anything?
A : No. Not much. What about you?
J : Me...
O : Yes, you wanna tell us!
J : No but for me it's all cute, my first kiss was in the forest, when I was 9, and actually it disgusted me because I found it dirty and I washed my mouth for three days.
Mar : Without ever stopping
J : Without ever stopping? I did stop!
Max : I'll join you I'll support you. (truth or dare I'm telling you) Mine was vaguely the same, I was in a holiday camp, to [some town name I don't understand] to do motocross in the mountains, and we did a party, i was 11 i think something like that, and, there was a girl who was like, two heads taller than me and uh, we were on a couch and she was making out with me and she had eaten mnms. And it was awful, actually it made me sick and I went to bed like I had a bellyache and everything it disgusted me too. See, I shot myself in the foot for you.
J : It's nice, thanks, thanks, thanks.
O : He was super nice. We'll let you in trouble and we're getting to season 4.
tumblr is doing shit so the following and end tomorrow!
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miraculous-ladyblue · 5 years
Party Crasher reactions:
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Wayhem really went full fanboy when he dyed his hair blond like Adrien's.
My heart hurts for Adrien everytime he talks abt Gabriel being hard/strict/cold towards him 😢😢😢
GABRIEL IS GLITCHING! I KNEW IT--HE ISN'T HUMAN LOL 😂😂😂😂 But it's so like him to have a hologram of himself to use as some kind of body double.
EMILIE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
If ever Emilie does come back, it wouldn't be because of your akumas, Gabriel.
Hold up. "OUR mistakes"?!?!?!?! Does Emilie have something to do with the butterfly and peacock Miraculous falling into the wrong hands??? Did she and Gabriel use their Miraculouses for evil and is that why she ended up in a coma (or almost dead-like) state?????
Gabriel fiddling with his ring on his finger reminded me of Adrien when he did the same thing in Gorizilla. I guess it's an Agreste nervous habit or something? 🤔🤔🤔
We finally learned where Gabriel gets his butterflies from. A+ for effort for breeding his own would-be akumas 👏👍
Lol at Nino's description + pic of Gabriel, Nathalie, and the bodyguard 😂
Nino is such a good friend (he would have been great or amazing if he had invited Marinette to their party although I understood that he wanted a boys-only party)😒
I love Mylene for being an environmentalist and getting her friends to help her plant trees in Paris 😍😍😍
Tbh the boys' excuses are mostly better than the ones Marinette come up with 😅😂😂😂
I love it how the Gorilla can be easily bought with action figures 😂
Yaaay for Adrien!!!! It's party time!!!! 🤩🤩🎉🎉🎈
Didn't expect for the majority of Paris's male population to be in his room.
Lol at Mayor Bourgeois and Chloe's butler's faces 😂😂😂😂😂
Gabriel being temporarily trapped inside the lift was a fave. But the power loss meant that Emilie could die in her coffin so huhu 😢
The Gorilla really followed Nino's instructions to not let any girls in and I found it amusing that he almost let anyone in the mansion for shallow reasons.
Low cost cosplay Marinette is back!!!! (why haven't they disposed of that helmet from season 1?? 😂)
MARINOT 😂😂😂😂 I love her/him 💙
Lol Master Fu what are you doing at Adrien's party??? 😂😂😂 And how dare you place the most powerful jewels on earth inside a cooler???
Aaaaaaaaaaaawwwww @ the look Adrien gave Marinette when she was exposed 😍😍😍😍😍 He does want her to be there!!!! How dare Nino not invite Adrien's just-a-friend-who-loves-fashion friend?!?!
Poor Wayhem 😢 He's such a soft boy.
OMG LADYBUG WAS CAPTURED BY THE SUPERVILLAIN!!!!! I honestly thought that Adrien was going to give one of his friends a Miraculous but...
Master Fu just handed out Miraculouses to Luka and Max????!!!!! Wtf--was my initial reaction but I learned that the episodes were not released in order so 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, OMG VIPERION 😍😍😍😍 OMG PEGASE 😍😍😍😍😍
Luka looks so awesome as Viperion!!!! I love his costume design!!!!! And his superpower!!!!! 💙💙💙💙💙
Max looks so cool (and a bit older) as Pegase!!!!!
I'm looking forward to the episodes where they receive their Miraculouses!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
That incident with Master Fu and Kim was definitely a foreshadowing that he would receive the Monkey Miraculous.
I think it's nice that Master Fu personally chose a new Miraculous wielder himself after choosing Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Xuppu is sooo cute 😂😂😂 And so made to Kim's kwami!!!!
Kim's transformation!!!! I personally loved the music that played during his transformation 💙💙💙💙
Roi Singe's power is hilarious (at first--I mean, he conjures a rubber banana out of nowhere and tosses it at Party Crasher? Ofc, I found it funny 😂😂😂)
Roland looking into the camera like he was in The Office was another fave 😁 Pegase just teleported to borrow his radio hahahaha
So basically, everyone danced their way to victory in this episode. Nice 👍. Love the Stationation music tho. Uggghhhh wish there was an mp3/mp4 version of it that I can download/listen to 🙏🙏🙏🙏
We didn't get to see how they returned their Miraculouses tho. Did Ladybug find out that Kim was Roi Singe??? 🤔🤔🤔
Adrienette!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 Ugh although we didn't see much Adrienette moments in this episode, their few interactions were enough for me to be assured that: 1) Adrien cares for Marinette and considers her a true friend, and; 2) Marinette's friendship with Adrien has improved. I mean--she doesn't stutter/stammer around him; she didn't hesitate or was afraid of calling his phone, and she was not afraid to straight up go to his mansion uninvited 💖
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whateverisbeautiful · 5 years
Reveling in Richonne
#136 The Right One (9x03)
Y’all, if anything Richonne related was recorded and released then I gotta break it down. That’s just the rules. 😂 And there were three deleted scenes from this episode that didn’t make it on the air but were still filled with Richonne goodness so I definitely gotta break it down and revel in it.
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So the first deleted scene is with the Grimes Family visiting Siddiq. Judith is looking at Siddiq like doctors visits are not her favorite and Rick and Michonne sit next to each other on the side, trying to be as positive as possible so that Judith will be down to get her check up. 
R&M look adorable as they so easily go into this parent role of encouraging Judith. ☺️ Like I love that they’re the kind of parents who both will feel it necessary to take time off to take their daughter to the doctor together as a whole family event. 
So Siddiq suggests to Judith that maybe her dad can go first and Rick’s all cutely nodding and willing to do this for his daughter and then he reassures her “And Family Fun Day right after, I promise.” as Michonne nods in agreement. My face hurts from smiling like a dork lol. I love that “family fun day” is the coined phrase for them and that Rick is so eager to give Judith (and Michonne) (and him) this Family Fun Day. I could listen to Rick refer to the three of them as family all day. 💯 
So Rick gets up and he and Siddiq demonstrate the whole breathing thing which is cute and Judith smiles very entertained, which is even cuter. And then Siddiq mentions that Judith’s file doesn’t have a family history. 
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And Rick looks over to Michonne cuz they both know why this conversation is a bit awkward. I’m glad Rick confided in Michonne about that whole Lori and Shane moment in season 7 cuz now he has someone who can be on the same page with him about this kind of stuff.
Siddiq asks if there are any conditions that run in the family like allergies and chronic conditions and all that.
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Both Rick and Michonne share a knowing look like, “Look our daughter has a very complicated family history” lol. 😬 Like look at their faces and tell me that’s not a direct quote from their mind.
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It’s so interesting tho to have a moment in season nine that alludes to stuff that went down in season two. Again, Michonne never even met Lori and Shane but I’m glad she knows enough to be able to share an understanding and supportive feeling with Rick here, rather than this being something Rick has to carry alone. 
And Rick seems very happy to sort of look at Michonne throughout like “well ain’t this a little messy situation cuz of messy Lori & Shane”. Direct quote from Rick’s mind. 😂
But Rick plays it off saying, “I can’t remember much.” I feel like this really does cement that Rick has reason to be sure Judith isn’t his. Cuz I feel like if it was just a “feeling” that she’s not his biological daughter then he would’ve at least tried to think of some family conditions he might have, but Homeboy’s certain so he’s like nope I did the math and you don’t have to worry about my family history here.
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I know for R&M, Judith is their daughter period so I feel like that’d be why they don’t clarify to Siddiq that her parents aren’t actually alive, cuz as far as anyone is concerned Rick and Michonne are her parents.
Rick then quickly changes the subject and asks about Aaron and then they talk about the missing savior and all that. Michonne’s a bit concerned about the fact that a savior was sent packing by Rick and left at night, but Rick is fairly certain it’s nbd. 
And I wish it was no problem. I really do. Cuz then that perfect family fun day wouldn’t have had to end so abruptly. But I just have to note this scene for being yet another glimpse into the lives of the Grimes mom and dad. 😊
The next deleted scene is on the picnic blanket. I wanted this picnic blanket scene to be it’s own episode/spin-off series lol. 😂 But I’m glad that since it was only a clip in the montage, that there was at least a deleted scene with them in this moment.
The scene starts with Rick and Michonne watching Judith in this quiet peaceful environment. Judith coughs and Rick is quick to assure both him and Michonne, “It’s just a cough, nothing to worry about.”  
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Michonne agrees and says, “Yeah. Still I’m glad we checked cuz you never know.” Mama Michonne’s saying it’s better to be safe than sorry which I’m sure she feels strongly after losing both her sons so suddenly.
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There’s something deep about this moment between them because of course they’re caring parents so that’s why this cough is of note to them, but also as of now this is their last remaining kid. And I know they are both so resolved to never lose her or let anything bad happen to her, whether it be something big like a walker and outside threats or something seemingly “small” like a cough and potential sickness.
Rick gets closer to Michonne and says, “If we could just have a few more years like this; quiet ones. For her sake and ours.” 
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I really love that it’s been made clear multiple times throughout this series that Rick’s ideal life would consist of just getting peaceful time with Michonne and their family. 
Just like he wanted a few more days in 7x12, here he expresses wanting a few more years to have beautiful moments like this family fun day. The type of day they’re having and have clearly had in the last year and a half is the type of life he wants Judith to grow up with.
It’s sweet that he says for her sake but also for theirs. Of course they want Judith to have the best and happiest life possible, but I appreciate that Rick wants that for him and Michonne too. “And ours”. They’re married, y’all. 🙌🏽💯
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I feel like this line is also meant to allude to the fact that raising a new baby in a world that can finally be quiet and tranquil would be great for them and their expanding family. Like he’s saying, if we can have peaceful years like this, then our babies (plural!!) will really be able to thrive.
I’m just glad Rick was written to be so expressive of loving his time with Michonne and their family this season. Like any chance he gets he’s giving her his focus and expressing his love and appreciation both verbally and non verbally. 
It also just makes me think about how, in Carl’s final moments. Carl shared his vision of the future with R&M and one of the things he envisioned is that “Michonne is happy.” That’s something that was important to Carl and has been important to Rick for a long time too. Rick promised Carl he’d make everything in Carl’s vision real and I feel like making Michonne happy has been a priority to Rick this season, after having to go on his own grieving journey last season. 
With this deleted scene, I love that Rick somewhat randomly brings up how what he wants is to live out his years just like this with them. Years, y’all. 🙌🏽 That’s significant cuz in the past nobody had the luxury to think in terms of years, TF was just trying to survive and make it to the next day. But this really does show how sustainable life’s become, that Rick can now talk in terms of years and that he wants that much time to not just survive but really live and enjoy life with his family.
Michonne of course agrees and says yeah. And it’s emotional cuz this is all both of them want. As hard as they’ve fought to survive and as much as they’ve been through, all they want is to be able to put that aside and live life as a family.
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And then as they both smile watching Judith, who is their little light, Rick takes Michonne’s hand. I absolutely adore this. 🥰 
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One; I adore that they hold hands any chance they get and two; just the act is so sweet, especially because I feel like this is Rick at his most happy and content. And I feel like him taking her hand emphasizes the “and ours” part cuz he’s like this right here, watching our daughter is perfect and also this right here being with you is what makes it perfect too. So he wants Michonne to know that she’s his light and hope in this as well. 😌 
He takes her hand also to just serve as yet another reminder that no matter what happens they’re in it together. The world has a tendency to scream at them a lot but they know they can withstand whatever would come at them in these coming years. 
And this couple is balanced cuz he takes her hand in this moment to offer comfort and then as we saw in the actual episode, Michonne does the same when she takes his hand to offer comfort before he goes. I love the parallel of that cuz it illustrates how they both equally offer each other this comfort and unity. 
I was just looking at Rick and Michonne and Judith together at this picnic like...
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Like Rick knows he’s got the best wife and that with all the work the two of them have put in to making this world civil again, he believes they’ll be able to rest and enjoy it. 
He also knows that they’re taking a huge step and investment in believing this world will be at peace, by agreeing to bring a kid into all this. I love that in this moment it’s the two of them, as this unbreakable unit and as this unmatched love, ready to take on the future together. 👏🏽👏🏽😊
So the final deleted scene from this episode is one with Rick and Carol. They all split up with people they trust so Rick pairs with Carol. As they walk Rick notices Carol’s engagement ring and says, “It looks good.” And I was like, Rick there’s another woman who a ring would look real good on too. 👌
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Rick goes on to tell Carol how he’s happy for her that she found a good person and the right person in all this. And it’s sweet that he’s taking time out to address this and express his fondness for Carol and Ezekiel. He personally knows how fortunate finding that someone special is, so he’s happy Carol’s experiencing some of what he’s gotten to experience. 
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And Carol’s a real one cuz she tells Rick, “You too.” in regards to him finding Michonne. I seriously love that she tells Rick he found the right person for him cuz...
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And Rick also was thinking in his head “facts” at the moment, cuz he just looks so proud and certain when he lifts up his head and shoulders and confidently says, “Yeah, I did.” 😋
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I’m beyond here for this moment and I really wish it would’ve made the cut. It’s already nice to cement he found a good person in all this but the part I love most is “the right person”. Rick knows he is with the right person. He’s with the one. 
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I also wish this scene had made the cut because one thing I had been wanting is for outside characters to acknowledge Rick and Michonne as a couple more. It really hasn’t been since 6x11 where characters really made note of Richonne. And granted it’s not like it has to be the talk of the town but still. 
And it means a lot for Carol to be the one to say this cuz Carol was in season one. She’s known Rick a long time and she knew Lori. So for Carol to be like “Rick, we both upgraded in this apocalypse” is great and it’s true. 💯😋 
I love that Rick gets to acknowledge to someone that he found the right person. He found the person he was meant for and who was meant for him. And he proudly knows it. 
Him and Carol know he’s got the baddest chick in the game. Amen. So Rick says “Yeah I did” but y’all that translates to...
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#DirectQuote from the famous Rick Grime’s mind lol.
This moment also reminds me of when Morales ran into Rick in season eight and was surprised to learn that Glenn had found a wife in all this. And Rick was able to acknowledge both there and now how that’s possible, because he’s living out a story where he found his soul mate in all this too. 
It’s great that he so happily and naturally expresses this, especially after the day he’d had with Michonne. Like this is coming off of the beautiful morning he’s had with her and the family fun day they spent together and so he’s especially thinking about how he’s got the right one and the best one and is proud to declare it.
And then Carol smiles and says, “Who’d have thought?” cuz it is quite a whirlwind to think one could find the love of their life in all this, especially after such a tumultuous first relationship, but for Rick that’s exactly what happened.
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(Side note: I miss seeing Carol with this haircut. Hopefully she goes back to this style cuz if they’re going to take down Alpha then…they betta call Carol with the short hair 😂.)
In the part of this scene that did make the cut, Rick confides in Carol and tells her that every morning he wakes up and has this moment of wanting to walk down and kill Negan and just finish off the saviors and how in that moment it’s all he wants. I like the significance of this line because we saw what he actually did in his morning which is connect with his family. 
It shows that while he may wake up with a rage towards Negan, he instead turns his attention towards all the good in his life. He turns to Michonne, and Judith, and Carl and then he’s reminded of what’s more important than killing his enemy. His family brings him back. 😌
Rick says he thinks about everyone they’ve lost and how he has to honor them. (Although call me crazy but I low key think Abraham and Glenn would be honored to have someone kill Negan and keep him from messing with anyone else lol. 👀) And Rick says he knows it’s time to build life not take it which is exactly what he and Michonne are doing and have done. 
I appreciate that 9x03 was such a blessing, even the deleted scenes had prime Richonne content. 🙌🏽
And it’s great hearing Rick verbally confirm what we all been knew and that’s that; Rick and Michonne got the right one. 😊💯🎉
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gifs source: @michonnegrimes
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bakugaykatsukii · 5 years
I Talk About Bakugou Because I'm Bored
Bakugou. He's best boy. My son.
No, actually, I'mma explain in as few words as possible why I absolutely adore his character.
Oops this got long.
Okay, so it's the first chapter/episode (I'll go off the anime because it's practically identical and more widespread) and it opens with Deku narrating. This is to establish an immediate connection between the audience and the main protagonist; it conveys how important Deku is. Plenty of shows do this so it's not really a big deal, just common practise. HOWEVER, the second character we hear speak is Bakugou, who is insulting Deku.
This is framed in a way that's supposed to make us dislike him, and continues all throughout the first episode. He's presented as a four year old trying to beat up our main character, and then his next scene is being ten years older and Still Trying To Beat Up Our Main Character. This makes him seem rotten to the core, as his character hasn't changed whatsoever in that time, and as an audience we know very little information about him.
On top of that, within this first episode he is deliberately made to have no redeeming qualities, nothing that could make him sympathetic in any way. The Sludge Villain fiasco isn't until ep2, and in this one he literally tells Deku to kill himself, reaching peak middle school bully. He destroys something the Main Protagonist clearly treasures and is privelaged in every conceivable way, even his (later obviously intense) desire to be a hero is simplified to monetary gain, with "I'll be even richer than All Might himself!!!" (or something to that effect). Later on I'd explain such a line to be a result of young Baku trying to quantify his future success, something he never mentions again after the Sludge Villain.
In these first twenty minutes of the anime, he's been absolutely dragged through the mud. Not only is he this arrogant, selfish, mean bully, he's also the sort of bully we can all relate to having, making him even more dislikable! It's so easy for an audience to write him off as irredeemable almost immediately.
But then comes ep2. Seasoned anime watchers likely brush over some small details, but the fact that the Sludge Villain attack happens when Bakugou is 14? Wow. At this point no one likes him, and to many people seeing this happen could come across as a sort of karmic punishment, deserving and therefore less sympathetic. And so Horikoshi succeeds in continuing to make him dislikable but also adding depth to this character who so clearly believed he was invincible.
However, any such depth is pretty much ignored by the audience. I've watched many reactions, and, at this point, due to Bakugou's sub par personality, most people don't care about what happened upon first viewing. To be fair, it's treated as background until Deku steps in and proves himself a hero, at which point he's promised a quirk and That's all anyone can think about.
(also there's some symbolism in this ep because Bakugou and Deku were both attacked by the Sludge Villain and saved by All Might, showing they are actually equals in character and have a lot in common.)
Anyway, so for the first few episodes no one gives two shits about Bakugou because he's meant to be dislikable. He's set up to be as bad as possible without needing to be arrested/never being redeemable. Yet, he's also not clearly set up to be redeemed whatsoever. Let me explain:
Quick break from bnha to head over to atla, Zuko is the perfect redemption arc. And some of that can be attributed to his presentation in the first few episodes: where he's portrayed as antagonistic but still honourable, and has a tragic past. He's the sort of character you know isn't actually bad at heart. But Bakugou hasn't got any tragic back story to speak of, and certainly isn't honourable, so we don't expect a redemption.
That's so interesting to me, because it basically means his character could go in any direction but most shounen fans expect him to be the typical rival. He's mean now and will be mean later, nbd. Will probably betray Deku in order to gain more power. That sort of stuff.
But, as the first season progresses, we're shown that Bakugou (on top of all of his anger issues and cruelty) is also so incredibly determined, to the point where it's harmful. A lot of people, even in season three, expect him to accept the LoV's offer, but as early as ep7 he's shown to be dedicated to being the best on his own. He utterly fails at pretending to be a villain, and doesn't manage to work with his "villain" teammate. When the USJ attack rolls around, he fights alongside Deku.
I feel like I've just word babbled for a while so here's a picture:
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Isn't that adorable? Anyway, I continue.
Okay, recap: Bakugou is presented initially as bad and in no way sympathetic, but throughout season one some of his good qualities do get highlighted.
The Sports Festival is probably when I was most on edge about who my favourite character was. Todoroki vs Deku vs Bakugou was a whole internal debate. We all know who eventually won though. Point is, this is the first time Bakugou is supposed to seem likeable.
Like, yes, he helped out at the USJ, but he was still reckless and angry about it. In this arc his flaws stop seeming so antagonistic (even though he's now more at odds with 1-A than he's ever been) and are framed humorously; if you think about it, the only times you're not rooting for Bakugou in this whole arc is when you're laughing at his antics. He stops seeming like a massive unforgivable bully and becomes a secondary threat behind Todoroki, even though he ultimately wins the Festival.
One of the first things he does in the season is tell people messing with their class go away, albeit bluntly, and is then complimented for it by Kirishima, who is the nicest guy in the class! No longer are we supposed to necessarily dislike him, as he's being developed after all of season 1. Him saying "I'm gonna win" as his speach is expected by the audience and laughed at- absolutely nobody watching was scared he'd hurt Deku in some terrible way due to it.
The cavalry battle demonstrates that he can work in a team after some adjustment time, and he gets his own antagonist (Monoma) who we all root against! This makes us closer to his character, as in a way we have a common enemy.
Then obviously the single battles are super interesting, his one against Uraraka especially turning people to his side. Since Aizawa, who as an audience we trust after his actions at the USJ, backs up Bakugou's actions, we accept them as the right thing to have done. Especially since Bakugou later calls Uraraka "not fragile", demonstrating that he can respect people and actually isn't as discriminatory as his earlier actions against Deku might lead one to believe. Everything about this fight is pure gold.
The rest of his fights are also very interesting, so let me go off on a little tangent. He's the only person to 1) be uninjured by the end of the festival (he did win tho so...) and 2) he's the only person to win all of his fights by forcing his opponent into submission. He knocks out Uraraka and Kirishima, goes to knock out Tokoyami but has him give up instead and then knocks out Todoroki! His fights are so much more violent than the others, who are primarily trying to win by pushing their opponent out of the ring or by immobilising them, which could make him come across as more aggressive (which he is). But it actually works for his character considering the way he demonstrates respect is by giving his all, therefore in order to show he cares about these fights he has to go for absolutely decimating the person against him.
Also, interesting side note to all that, out of our main three festival contenders, Bakugou is the only one who actually needs to use the festival for its intended purpose: impressing scouts. Todoroki, as the son of Endeavour, is already known throughout the hero community as a promising young talent, and could even get the No2 hero to coach him if he so wished. Deku even says himself that he doesn't necessarily need to get scouted when All Might is already teaching him. Out of the three Bakugou has the most incentive to actually show off here, no guilt/baggage required.
Anyway blah Stain arc blah. Bakugou picks Jeanist to intern with, which many might think makes him shallow. Their quirks are in no way similar and their images are almost diametrically opposing, and Bakugou only chose him because he's such a highly ranked hero. However, I believe the creators crafted this pairing in order to convey how good of a future hero Bakugou promises to be. BJ, in these episodes, is all talk. He's such a superficial hero that, in order to rectify Bakugou's foul personality, he gives him a haircut. He demonstrates the arrogant nature that Stain hates so much. Meanwhile, Bakugou ignores him and is still arrogant in his own way, obviously, but not for anything other than his own pride. He, when you break it down, spends all of his time working towards a genuinely good goal, just to prove to himself that he's worthy- no desire for fans or fame in there, he wants success but isn't actually looking for any of the perks that come with it. This, imo, makes him better than BJ. Also, Bakugou never actually says he is working with BJ due to his rank and could be doing it because their quirks botha require so much time, practice and effort.
Okay, so, now for the final exams. This is where I decided he was my favourite. He works with Deku etc and proves to the audience that he can work with him and won't necessarily become a villain, plus All Might lets loose a little and proves he too can be violent and mean.
What I really love is about ep24 s2 is actually the bit that makes a lot of people chuckle: where Bakugou bites AM's hand. This kid has been giving his absolute all, putting every ounce of strength into beating his idol, because, lbh, his self worth depends on his success here, until he literally cannot raise his arms to punch anymore. And yet, he still refuses to go down, despite every odd against him. Something about that tenacity is just so incredible to me.
It's almost 1am, let's have another break, shall we?
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Idk I thought it was funny when it came onto my dash.
Btw, it's now I wish I knew how to hide most of a post lololol.
Season three is just Baku's season, ngl. Like,,, so many of his Stans got their start here, and it's not hard to tell why. A big reason why Bakugou felt irredeemable was because he had no reason to be so mean, but the narrative makes up for that by then putting him through so many bad experiences.
There's been a million metas on why he's so perfect in this season, and this is already abhorrently long, but ah well.
Okay so he's captured by the League through no fault of his own. As the audience when we find out Bakugou is missing we immediately think he's done the dumb thing and gone off on his own, but it's quickly revealed that he's already been kidnapped. Tokoyami is also taken, cementing that the LoV are looking for kids with some villainous feature, but also showing that their perception of what makes a child villainous is skewed, since we know Tokoyami is good.
At the hideout Baku is entirely restrained and silent, so clearly against his will. If we remember every other time he's been restrained (so goddamn many) we'll think back to the Sludge Villain, finding out Deku had a quirk, after his *win* against Todoroki and his internship with BJ. In this way, it's obvious to tell that this is all a Bad experience for him, as those were all very negative times in his life. There's no way he'll join them.
None of the pros even consider it a possibility. Aizawa defends him against the press (and, once again, we like Aizawa! So we trust him) and none of his classmates think he could be evil, they're all primarily concerned for his safety. Even BJ, who insinuated that Baku could easily become a villain, doesn't appear to believe he'll turn down that path.
Also Baku is pretty cool when he fights of the villain like I'm ngl.
And then, when he sees All Might? And his face screws up? With his lip trembling? It's undercut with a joke but he's so obviously just a scared/relieved kid in that moment and it's gut wrenching to remember that.
It's really getting late and I'm at 11% here so speed round through the provisional licence exam.
He can tell Shindou is two faced
Even though he's blunt he's still got the instincts and smarts of a hero
The class looks up to him
Aizawa has a lot of favouritism for this child, y'all, how did I not notice this?
His failure here is intrinsic to his character growth as it means he hits absolute rock bottom and we can move onto:
Deku Vs Kacchan 2
Where to even start. The guilt and pain he experiences has made me tear up several times just from thinking about them, and that GODDAMN VOICE CRACK AS HE YELLS nope it hurts too bad.
It's sort of the culmination of every emotional issue Bakugou has exhibited throughout the series. He can't find self worth without constant praise and pressures himself to be unimaginably perfect, to a self destructive point. He has no support system in place to help him with these issues. His anger stops being repetitive/funny/annoying and is finally, clearly shown to be more damaging to himself than to anyone else, as he feels the only way he can deal with his stress and hurt is by lashing out at those who try to help him.
In this fight we also learn why Deku, even though he's Baku's victim, still looks up to him so much. And the whole dynamic is so perfect I might cry rn.
I am annoyed, though, that further than that Baku's mental health has been pretty much entirely ignored for 200 manga chapters. Probably my only complaint about him.
At an entirely selfish level, I can relate to Bakugou. Obviously I'm not a teenage boy with explosion powers who bullies people in order to feel any self worth, but the high standards for himself? The pain at any failures? Being told through childhood how great you are only for it to be torn away in your teens? That's all so painfully relatable to me, and so I feel an even deeper connection with his character.
One last picture to finish off:
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callistawolf · 5 years
I’m not going to hope for/count on there being a fix for the 20 years
Why? Is it because I don’t want to see Oliver spend those 20 years with his family, watching Mia grow up, seeing William become a man? Of course not. I can’t think of a single fan who doesn’t want to see that. 
No, it is because I feel very strongly that a fix is not coming. Beyond that, I don’t feel that the 20 years is something that has been taken from us, the fans. I don’t feel we’re being robbed. To have that mindset would say that I believed the show would always give us a happy send off for these characters. Or, rather, a happy send off that doesn’t come with a MONSTROUS sacrifice. 
That’s what Arrow has been these last seven years: a tale of sacrifice. Of Oliver having to give up something that means the world to him. Season 1, he gave up Tommy. Season 2, he lost his mother. Season 3, he very nearly lost Felicity and his own damn SOUL (not to mention his life) but was given a reprieve. That was the closest we’ve had to a happy “ending” on this show. But it wasn’t the end because it wasn’t perfect. No, it was not. Oliver was still denying a part of himself. In season 4, he sacrificed his relationship with Felicity and his son and he lost Laurel. In season 5, he very nearly sacrificed everyone who meant anything to him beyond his son (tho that was all fixed save for William’s mother which I thought was very cheap at the time). The climax to s5 came with harsh consequences which played out in s6. Which means, in s6 he sacrificed his team. He lost Quentin. He lost his freedom and his anonymity. He sacrificed his family, not knowing how long he’d be imprisoned. 
This season, he’s sacrificing something too. We haven’t seen it play out yet but it’s been lurking since that damned crossover. We’ve already seen him give up his relationship with his son. But soon, he’s going to have to give up the rest of his family as well. 
My point in all this is: Oliver has always had to sacrifice. The core of the show is about how much he loses, how much he has to sacrifice but he still is a hero in spite of it. He does the right thing, when its the hardest thing to do. He gives up the things that no one would ever want to give up. Hero’s journey’s are such a bummer sometimes, aren’t they? 
I’ve been low key worried about the end of the show for years. I hoped against all hope that the show wouldn’t end with Oliver’s death, but I was never solid on that. I worried Diggle would die. Part of that is the fact that the mentor in a hero’s journey tale often dies (Dumbledore, anyone? Obi Wan Kenobi? Yoda? I could keep going but you get the point). I worried that his love would die. Felicity. There’s no getting out of this tale without some MAJOR final sacrifice. Oliver will only be done losing people and sacrificing when the show/tale is done. That’s just the way it is. It’s the nature of the story. 
Believe what you will about what the powers that be had planned. I do believe they had something major in mind for the end of Oliver’s story. But then, I believe a set of events took place that steered them in a particular direction. Stephen wanted to be done at 7. Emily wanted to be done at 7. Berlanti wanted to do the Crisis on Infinite Earth’s story before Stephen left. He was then coaxed into more episodes and agreed. Emily did not. They knew they would lose Emily at the end of s7. Meanwhile, plans were in motion to keep things going past Stephen’s commitment, even before the extra eps in s8 were a sure thing. Mia was cast, amongst others from the future. I believe the plan was to keep the show going with this mostly new cast. For whatever reason, (and I do believe it was the right reason) they decided to end the show with Stephen’s last episode but I do think they plan to continue with a spin off for Mia and Company. So that whole thing is still in play. 
So. We have Emily leaving at the end of s7. Stephen leaving 10 eps later. The Crisis on Infinite Earths (which they would have the opportunity to set up in the s7 crossover) crossover. The spin off. 
I think the writers found a way to spin all this together... keep Felicity alive, have her safe and raising Mia in a remote location. Have Oliver do something Big and Heroic for the crossover but which would remove him from the present for an extended period of time. This provides Mia with a properly sad and tragic backstory, where she grew up without her father. We saw this in 7x16. A lot of time was spent on this backstory... time that I don’t believe was wasted on something that would be reset. With these few episodes left, they wouldn’t want to waste that kind of time. 
THIS is what Oliver’s sacrifices. He sacrifices the time he could have had with his family. He missed his daughter growing up. He missed seeing William become a man. He missed living with and loving his wife. It’s a HUGE sacrifice. BUT. It’s not his death (which I do, much as I hate to say it, believe was on the table). It’s not Diggle’s death. Or Felicity’s death. 
I believe the intention is to reunite Oliver with his family in the future sometime in s8, probably after the crossover airs. He will get to know his daughter and William all over again. He will be reunited with his wife. And now, he’ll be able to walk away from the hero’s life, to retire in peace, something he couldn’t do at the end of s3. He wasn’t ready in s3. He’s going to be ready at the end of s8. He’ll have someone to pass the mantle onto. 
And so Mia gets her spin off. And Oliver and Felicity get their happily ever after. Will they have lost 20 years together? Yes. But their love can take it. I have faith in that. She still wears her ring. She loves Oliver deeply and he loves her right back. He told us earlier this year that she will ALWAYS be the love of his life. No matter what. 
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That line was no accident. In Outlander, Jamie and Claire were separated for 20 years and he missed his daughter growing up. But now they’re together and do you think they care, I mean REALLY care that they lost that time? No, the important thing is the time they have left. And I believe it will be the same with Oliver and Felicity. 
They’ll get to grow old together. Oliver will get to walk his daughter down the aisle and hold his grandchildren. He and Felicity will get to go to Aruba as much as they like. He can go to every Farmer’s Market his heart desires. I’ll take that over death any day and twice on Sunday. 
So that’s where I’m at. It’s okay if you don’t agree, if you still hope for a fix, if you still need those 20 years back. But I wanted to explain why I’m not gonna spend the small time I have left with this ship and this show hoping for something I don’t think will happen. And I hope I did that.
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