#( munday meme )
shinsources · 1 year
What's one thing you've been dying to ask the mun?
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mintymemesandrpshop · 6 months
In Depth and Personal Munday meme (Remember to respect the mun's privacy, feel free to cross out or decline questions if needed!)
🎨Are you neurodivergent or disabled? Anything that uniquely affects your RPing? 🫥 Have you ever felt invisible? What was a way that the RP community made you feel better? 🏴‍☠️ Name something that your muse might not get away with IRL. How is it fun to write? 🦊 What is the ambiance like, where you are? Are there any sounds, or sights that might be distinctive? 🦀 Name something that you probably wouldn't ever do, that is unlike yourself! 💅🏼 What's your aesthetic? ☯️ Define something that you're all about, as simply as you can. 🐸 Something that makes you smile for fandom reasons? 💀 Last time you felt like death? 🕳️ What's a major time sink for you? 🪓 Worst Chore you have? Or, the best chore! 🦚 Last moment you felt proud? Or, any moment you have! 🐣What were you like as a kid? Allegedly? Has anything changed, and have people noticed? 🪅What are holidays like for you? 🐦‍⬛What's something that animals or your pet do? .....Is it smart? 🧣 What do you need to be comfortable? Can be physical or emotional. 🍳 Basic routine? Or, is there something different that you do in the day than 'typical' of your area? 🍼Do you have a comfort food? 🧋Any cultural osmosis in your life? What's the last thing you learned like this? ⁉️ Your last 'oh shit' moment? 🚴🏼‍♀️ What would you see, generally speaking, if you went peoplewatching? 🦜Name a person in your life, can be anyone. 📣What's on your mind?!
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noahsresources · 2 years
munday asks!
🌈 — name(s) & pronouns 🎈 — gender and/or sexuality 🎂 — age and/or birthday 🕗 — time zone 💕 — single or taken? ⭐️ — sun, moon, & rising signs, if known 💭 — MBTI and/or enneagram, if known ❓ — three adjectives that describe you ❤️ — what are some of your best qualities? 💔 — what are some of your worst qualities? ✨ — what would you change about yourself, if anything? 💘 — what and/or who do you consider near and dear to you? 🚗 — what vehicle(s) do you drive? ✈️ — ever traveled anywhere interesting? ⌨️ — what operating system(s) do you use? 📱 — mobile or desktop version of tumblr? 🖥 — favorite platform besides tumblr? 🎮 — favorite video game(s)? 🖱 — any cool devices/tool(s) of the trade? (i.e. type of mouse, monitor, keyboard, tablet, etc) 💍 — any piercings? 💎 — want any (more) piercings? 🖊 — any tattoos? 🔏 — want any (more) tattoos? 🎄 — favorite holiday(s)? 🍝 — favorite food(s)? 🍦 — favorite ice cream flavor(s)? 🍰 — favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)? 🐶 — any pets? 😍 — celebrity crush(es)? 😊 — any career desires? 📚 — if you’re in college, what’s your level (undergrad, grad, phd, etc) and/or degree program? 😖 — what annoys you? 🎶 — favorite song at the moment? 📕 — favorite book/series? 🧶 — any non-writing hobbies/interests? 📺 — favorite movie(s) and/or tv show(s)? 📇 — does your url have a meaning? if so, what is it? ✏️ — how long have you been roleplaying on tumblr? ✍️ — what other platforms have you roleplayed on? 🗒 — what is/are your favorite genre(s)/theme(s) to write? 🤔 — what genre(s)/theme(s) do you struggle to write the most? 😁 — what’s your favorite part about being part of the rpc? 😤 — what do you dislike the most about being part of the rpc? 💻 — how many friends have you made in the rpc? feel free to tag a few of them! 🎧 — do you write while listening to music/podcasts/videos/etc, or do you need total silence? 🤗 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’d like to meet irl? 😀 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’ve met irl before? 💖 — what was one of the greatest/happiest moments you’ve had in the rpc? 🖤 — what was one of the worst/most depressing moments you’ve had in the rpc? 😳 — what was your most embarrassing moment in the rpc? 🎁 — what have you accomplished in the rpc that you’re proud of? 🫂 — how many friends are in your irl friend group(s)? 🎉 — what are some of your favorite things to do with your irl friends? 😗 — what are some of your favorite things to do when you have some time to yourself? 💯 — share three random facts about yourself that your mutuals may not know about you.
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wonderlandmemes · 1 year
Munday Questions. Send in a number(s) to get to know the mun better! Disclaimer: the mun reserves the right not to answer a question for their own personal comfort.
What is your preferred name?
What are your pronouns?
How old are you?
What is your zodiac sign?
What time zone are you in?
What other fandoms are you in, apart from this one?
What drew you to writing your current character(s)?
Have you ever met anyone outside of RP?
How would you describe your aesthetic?
What is your favorite fictional character (in or out of the current fandom)?
What are your favorite hobbies besides roleplaying/writing?
What is your first language?
How many languages do you speak?
How long have you been roleplaying?
Have you ever caught feelings for a roleplay partner?
What is your favorite band/music genre?
What is your favorite food?
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
If you could learn any language at the snap of your fingers, which would you learn, and why?
Who is your celebrity crush?
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hymemena · 9 months
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ Munday Meme ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
Send a question to find out more about the mun!
What's your zodiac sign? Do you know all three? If so, what are they?
Do you have any pets?
What do you think about exotic pets?
What other creative hobbies do you have?
Do you have a piece of advice that you stick to for most things?
What is your favorite color(s)?
Any tips for writing with you?
How do you feel about formats other than the ones you use?
Do you have a green thumb?
What song is stuck in your head right now?
Favorite song?
Last song listened to?
Do you prefer to binge shows or pace yourself?
Favorite movie genre?
Favorite movie?
What is one thing that drew you to your muse? Please specify muse for multimuse blogs!
Do you have any other hobbies?
How do you feel about frozen yogurt?
Do you like boba tea?
What is your favorite candy?
Do you like complex flavors?
Are you lenient with typos?
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spookmemepls · 1 year
☠ ― Send '🗣' + a character to hear the mun's opinion about that character.
(Alternatively, just send the character's name and mention what meme it's for if you cannot see the emoji.)
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piratememes · 2 years
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1. how do you feel about reblog karma? 2. is it hard for you to write with characters you don't know/don't know well? 3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.) 4. which muse of yours is your all time favorite? if you stopped writing them: why? 5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you? 6. is roleplaying the only writing-based hobby you have, or are there other things you like to write? 7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.) 8. do you expect your answered memes/asks to be turned into threads? regardless of answer, what’s your reasoning? 9. when you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing--? 10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.) 11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted. 12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends? 13. what themes/motifs do you hope other people notice most about your character? 14. which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in? 15. icons, or gifs? you can only pick one, and cannot say ‘neither.’
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chillinrpmemes · 4 months
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it can be a movie, tv show, game etc.
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mimble-sparklepudding · 7 months
Mimble's Monstrous Munday Musings.
Just some little Halloween-Themed Munday Questions for anyone in a Mysterious Munday Mood!
What is your favourite piece of spooky folklore or mythology?
What is the strangest thing you've ever dressed up as?
What is your favourite scary (or non-scary Halloween-themed) film?
What is your spookiest or most eerie personal experience?
Do you enjoy playing tricks on people?
If you had to go to a Fancy Dress/Costume Party as your opposite then as what would you be dressed?
Vampires or Werewolves?
What is your favourite ghost story?
Do you have a favourite confectionary or candy?
Would you ever willingly spend the night in a graveyard?
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In honor of Munday, here is your chance to ask the mun anything you’ve been wondering!! 
Come in the ask box on anon or not, ask about our lives, our writing, our pets or children or significant others! our habits or anything else you can think of!
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mintymemesandrpshop · 2 months
Mun Communication Preferences based meme
🏠 Do you prefer to RP within just one fandom, or more? Which verses of yours are more, or less compatible with others? 🗺️ How open are you to meeting new people? Do you like your muses being mentioned IC? To just anyone, or only fandoms/friends that you know? 🪀 How do OOC posts make you feel? Do they affect your IC writing or flow, to know other muns better? 🐣 Is there anything you're new at, just now learning, or practicing when it comes to RP? 💡Do you get ideas from reading meta/headcanons/bios, or do those only pop up as you write? 💌 Have you ever hit it off with a mun right away? What were they like? How fast do you think it takes to warm up to new people? 💋 Are you silly ooc? Casual? Chatty? Do you prefer or enjoy things like small talk, when not rping? 🩵 Do you have any apparent flaws when it comes to RPing/interacting? Be gentle with yourself! 👾 Is knowing a fandom more comfortable when RPing, or do you prefer knowing muns? (Overall.) Do you try new things, or get into new fandoms? ✨ Are you easily intimidated by muns or muses that you admire? ❤️ How does the love in your heart affect how you RP? Any other notable emotions? 🪽 In what way is tumblr better than real life for you? Different from your personal dash, if you have one? 🧤 Name the last need that you Had to take care of before rping!! Anything that made you leave dash, or before turning on the computer, etc.! 🟢 Do You like to tell people when you're online? Why or Why not? 🪪 What's consistent between RP life and not? Anything about you bleed into your writing? 🔦 Connect the dots between you and your muse. Ways that you're the same, different, last time you thought about them, etc. 🎀 What's the last nice thing you saw pertaining to rp?
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shinsources · 1 year
put a film in my ask
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
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ask-diane · 1 year
♡ Munday Game ♡
💞 - Send in this emoji with one of yours and one of my characters, and Ill see what relationship the two might either have or could be formed.
💫 - Send in this emoji for a random fact about the mod.
💌 - Send in this emoji + one of my characters for a random fact about them.
🎶 - Send in this emoji + a song of your choice, and I'll see if it fits any of my characters personalities. (Might come with a doodle)
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eveeonaartz · 6 months
Munday Questions!
A mixture of Mod and regular Munday Questions <3
🖌 - Send in this emoji plus a character of mine to see how I came up with their design (if I did) perspnality, etc..
🗓 - Send in this emoji to see an Oc that has the same birthday as me.
🧬 - Send in this to fuse one of my many sonas with another OC of mine.
🕧 - Send in this emoji to possibly see a future design for a character.
⏩️ - Send in this eoji to see into the future of a character.
⏪️ - Send in this emoji to see a bit of a character(s) past.
💟 - Send in this emoji to see if an Oc of mine has a crush and or is dating someone. Or see who they would to date. (In character)
💝 - Send in this emoji to see how compatible my Oc is with yours.
🌳 - Send in this emoji to hear some lore about Imaros & Jadefire- as well as regional variants.
🎲 - Send in this to see an unrevealed OC that will either appear in a new blog or an existing one.
🎨 - Send in this wmoji plus an art piece or Lil written blorbo on how you think a design of a certain character of mine should be. Instead of their current design.
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untitledmemes · 4 months
Send ✏ (or "PENCIL") for mun to write about a muse they thought about trying to roleplay or one they are already roleplaying outside Tumblr RPC.
It can be either original or canon.
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spookmemepls · 8 months
☠ ― Send '❓' + a question to ask the MUN.
(Alternatively, send 'question for the mun + the question' if you cannot see the emoji.)
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