#((jake; devon; and lexy as dolls; chucky and tiffany back together and going on the road as dolls again))
theheadlessgroom · 1 month
"Pa," Randall began, just as surprised as Emily was by what his father said, but before he could say anymore, Wilhelm raised his hand to stop them both, saying gently, "I know, lad, I know. I remember what you said the other night about you being engaged, and...you both have our blessing-both Junie's and mine."
"We want our son to be happy," June said, giving a tender smile in turn. "And we want you to happy too, Emily, and we've seen for ourselves that you two are at your happiest together, and...it would just be wrong of us to keep you apart! We know that now, and so, if being together makes you happiest...well, then who are we to argue?"
Like any parents, they wanted to ensure the safety and happiness of their child, and it was very clear to the Paces that not only was Randall happy with his bride-to-be, he was also safe with her-and the same could be said of Emily; she felt secure enough around their boy to confide her true nature to him, and was very clearly over the moon to be with him. To try and keep them apart as they did before...it would deeply unfair of them.
"And even beyond all of that," June confessed shyly, speaking now to Emily. "We...we'd like you to have not just our boy in your life, but us as well, if you'd permit it. Wil and I...we can't imagine what you've been through, and how lonely you must've been, and for so long, and...we'd like to change that, and be a support to you, if we can."
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
How would u rewrite the chucky series?
OH BOY!!!!! How I would personally rewrite the series?
Ok if we're going to keep the generic plot the same, Chucky going after teens.
I would keep most of the episodes the same. Season one wasn't horribe....well.....
Ok I would ENTIRE REMOVE NICA X TIFFANY.....because it's toxic and horrible. Second, I would remove the awful backstories given Chiffany. Because that's what really made them one-dimensional. To make an enjoyable character they need layers and REASONS behind their motives. Because I'm still trying to figure out the whole purpose of Nica x Tiffany......there was no point.
And the stupid take over the world think can go too. I'd picture Chucky having a bigger motive than that, because the whole point of him being a doll was to commit murders with nothing tracing back to him, if people know what he is then what? People will just stop the production of Good Guy Dolls.
Tiffany ratting Chucky out to the cops? OUT THE DAMN WINDOW! Don needs to take some lessons on how to write a damn plot twist. Because NO. DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE. And how would she know to ask for Detective Mike Norris specifically? She loved that man with every inch of her heart and she ain't a petty bitch.....well not that petty.
And making Chucky born a killer? Uh uh....this can only be achieved by characters with no personality such as Michael Myers because he is portrayed as a killing machine. BUT CHUCKY, he has a life and is capable of loving others (Tiffany in bride and Seed). He was given depth, and emotion, and making him born evil just doesn't make sense. If someone is born evil and a killer, they are a psychopath and aren't capable of emotion or loving others.
I enjoyed Jake and Devon I loved their relationship, it was so cute from beginning to end. I liked Lexi's character development.
Season two was kinda everywhere.....
So the whole doctor Mixter thing? NOPE....uh uh.... Cannibal Chucky no makes no sense. I came out of no where, that was Chucky's other plan for Andy? To just eat him? No.
Glen and Glenda must be protected at all costs.
Oh and bitchy Tiffany? She can be dropped into hell for all I care. I don't care that they tried to give her a mini-redemption arc by saving Glen. That wasn't earned at all. I would want Glenda to just end Tiffany and put her soul into the Bell doll....AND NO SHE AIN'T WALKING FREE....Glenda's going to get some info out of Tiffany and that cage? Oh, that would come in handy.
Tiffany doesn't get a free pass NO....after all she's done? I would make her redemption arc long and earned.....and she has to give something up....something of value.......a sacrafice.....or punishment..... which is where Glenda comes in to learn about the past.
I don't understand why Jennifer Tilly was brought back and immediately killed...I want her to get some revenge.....because she has one of the saddest lives. Forcefully impregnated, losing her two twin babies, her potential lover, her life and career, ALL IN THE SAME DAY.....now that's tragic.
Back to the church
All the OG characters meeting YES, Andy and Kyle, YES....only highlights of the show, as well as the twins.
Nadine.....my precious little angel!!!!!! AHHHHH it still hurts my heart.
I'll keep the rest the same....but oh god was this show a train wreck.
Lexi's mom? Dead
Junior? Dead
The Priest? Dead
Glen and Glenda? Dead (Thankfully they no longer have that hole in their chest and are together again)
Devon's mom? Dead
Bree? Dead
Oh and that random twist with Caroline at the end turning bad....no makes no sense. Sure, they hinted towards it, but I wouldn't expect it to happen so soon. Especially with what happened to her dad. And knowing Chucky's BAD....Like come on.
Ok so off topic, but what made Chucky interesting as a villain in the first films, was that we didn't know anything about his past. Which left him a nuanced character. Which is something good in writing, we didn't know anything about him or his mindset only his goal. HOWEVER, when we find out about his past all that goes to shreds, learning that he does it because he was born that way. Which completely ruins his whole character. Making h
im a trope, which is something you don't want. There has to be a balance.
AND ANOTHER THING I NEEDED MORE BONDING TIME WITH CHUCKY AND THE TWINS........He didn't even get to met Glen...and that scene where he threats to teach them a painful lesson because they disobeyed him.....no......in Seed he showed genuine care for the twins. I would write that out, and add some more moments in with him and the twins.
Lol sorry, I need to make another one of these that's clearer.
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askthechucktruck · 2 years
Ight so my overall season review!
Of course I was absolutely SAT for every goddamn episode and was left wondering what would happen next Wednesday.It was a wave of nostalgia that hit me every moment it got and I am NOT mad about it. I could tell that unlike season 1 this was a tribute to Dons Chucky movies that he filmed(Seed, curse, etc.). Basically season 1 was meant to drag in those that know the childs play movies og tone. And season 2 was for the actual die hard fans.
Now that that’s out of the way I just have to say that there was absolutely no real plot. Season 1s whole plot was that Chucky was doing the things he did for his army of himself. And this season just was about…trying to kill him off for good? Which they didn’t even succeed in? As for Jake, Devon, And Lexi?? They had NO part in this season if I’m being honest- it was mostly just showing how Chucky is the reason they are having all these problems in their life now. Like I’m sorry but- I’m pretty sure me, and the audience were mostly focused on the show stealers which was the Ray family drama all together. Whenever Tiffany, Chucky, and Glen/Glenda/GG were in a scene I was hanging onto every word. Then it would go back to the ‘main characters’ and I would kinda drift out of it.
Not including Nadine. Nadine was also a show stealer.
I think Dr.Mixter was a sorta good side villain but I really didn’t think we needed anymore unnecessary backstory in Charles Lee Rays life, ya know? Other than that I’m proud of Tiffany’s development. But very very angry about the ending. Chucky used some sort of glamour to replicate his face into the Belle dolls..? I mean it’s a twist alright.. but ‘kill off’(we didn’t see it on screen nor did we see her die so I’m adding quotes). Sure. Anyways can’t wait to see Jennifer next season.
But let’s talk about the real highlight of the entire show that alone would earn it a Grammy in my eyes.
Nearly brought me to fucking tears…
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aviculor · 1 month
I was not in love with this season of Chucky, but the finale was...interesting. We've come full circle with Chucky and Tiffany together and in doll bodies again, but those are the prototype dolls owned by the dollmaker who invented the Good Guy and Wedding Belle lines and the two are out of spares. For now, at least. Nica's fate is unclear, as are the statuses of Jake, Devon, and Lexy's bodies. Because yeah, the core trio of the show's protagonists have been imprisoned in marionettes and are out of the picture until someone saves them. And not just anyone, but a voodoo practitioner who can move their souls. On a similar note, Caroline is legitimately Chucky's loyal minion who sold her soul to Damballa. Not a fan of her character. I guess it's good Chucky has allies though, because it's unknown if he managed to impress Damballa enough to get his own voodoo powers back.
I don't really want Grant to become the new protagonist, but it's always possible we'll start following GiGi. Or Chucky/Tiffany/Caroline. I also wouldn't mind seeing Andy again.
I guess it's possible Tiffany didn't transfer into Belle but splintered her soul again, since it happened offscreen. But the part about acknowledging the authorities wouldn't stop looking for Jennifer Tilly implied they were letting "Jennifer" go.
My half-joking prediction about presidential ghosts was half-true. They didn't fight Chucky, but they did seal the fate of Warren Pryce, that conspiratorial CIA prick.
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robbyrobinson · 2 years
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What is the work?
Chucky is a 2021 slasher horror TV series based on the Child's Play franchise. Taking place in Hackensack, New Jersey, Jake Wheeler buys a doll for his collection but comes to the horrific realization that the doll is not only alive, but harbors the soul of a sociopathic serial killer.
Together, Jake; Devon (a podcaster and Jake’s love interest), and Lexy Cross must work together to end the doll’s reign of terror. Also returning are Andy Barclay, the original protagonist of the first film and his stepsister Kyle.
Who is Charles Lee Ray aka Chucky?
Chucky doesn’t need any special introduction given the longevity of the franchise. But, at the least, we do get some flashbacks to his early life prior to the main events of the films. Charles Lee Ray was born om March 1, 1958, to his parents Peter and Elizabeth Ray. He lived a moderately normal life, but unbeknownst to his parents, Charles displayed symptoms of sadistic personality disorder having bitten into a razor-laced apple he had gotten during trick-or-treating.
One day, an infamous serial killer called the Hackensack Slasher broke into his home and stabbed his father to death. He and his mother hid in one of the rooms’ closets, but when the killer finds them, it turns out that Charles killed his own mother to “help” his idol (though, that wasn’t really too shocking due to him killing his mother in the novelization for the second film but I digress).
From there, we watch the rest of Charles’ life play out up to and including meeting the boy who would eventually become his getaway driver; meeting his ex-girlfriend and eventual wife Tiffany; Tiffany ratting him out to the police after a heated argument, and so forth.
What has Chucky done this time?
Jake Wheeler purchases a Good Guy doll from a yard sale with the intention of using it to complete his art piece. While there, Chucky kills his pet cat because he’s a dick. After Jake’s father Lucas demolishes his doll sculpture, Chucky swipes some of his whiskey and turns the power off. Lucas is forced to go down to repair the fuse box. Turning the power back on, he discovers Chucky, and the doll vomits whiskey all over his bare feet and he is electrocuted due to an exposed cable.
Afterward, Jake has to live with his antagonistic cousin Junior and his parents Bree and Logan Wheeler. From there, Chucky reveals himself to Jake and tries to coerce him into killing Junior’s girlfriend Lexy Cross. This would be a recurrent element in the first season that would tie in to the final episode.
Jake, as one would expect, gets cold feet and opts to give Chucky to Lexy when her younger sister Caroline wanted the doll. During a party, Chucky stabs someone he initially thought was Lexy, but it turns out to be a completely different teenager named Oliver. However, given that he already had the knife deep in his spinal cavity, Chucky decides to finish him off. While attacking Lexy, Chucky inadvertently causes the house to catch on fire putting several of the partygoers’ lives in peril.
After causing chaos at the hospital, Chucky transfers a sliver of his soul into the replacement Good Guy doll Caroline’s parents bought her (since Chucky was burned in the house fire and was ugly as sin). Amongst that, Chucky also decapitates the principal when Lexy’s mother was holding a town meeting to discuss the recent murders. However, since Jake refuses to be like him, Chucky has to select another person.
In “Cape Queer,” Junior discovers his mother’s terminal cancer diagnosis and accompanies her to the hospital to cancel her treatment so she could spend whatever time she had left with her family. A fall out of a 20-story window puts a damper on that when Chucky rammed a cart at her. She crashes into her windshield much to Junior’s horror. But that’s only the beginning of this poor boy’s conga line of trauma. He also murders Devon’s police detective mother by forcing her down the stairs with her neck snapping.
At his mother’s wake, Tiffany arrives and plants a kiss on Logan’s lips all part of a plan Chucky had devised with Tiffany. This would lead to Junior’s belief his father was having an affair with another woman and his mother committed suicide because of that. He meets Chucky at that moment and, unlike Jake, Junior didn’t need much convincing to murder someone. When Logan returns from a night of drinking, he cruelly calls his wife a “quitter” much like his son which earns him a brutal thrashing by Junior who uses Chucky as the bludgeoning weapon. The two then top it off by singing “We Got the Beat.”
Coming to the season 1 finale, we see what Chucky was planning: he was wanting to distribute 72 possessed Good Guy dolls across the country which would result in more bloodshed, stating that people wouldn’t bother to remember any of the names of his victims once he and his legacy were immortalized. To do this, he needed a child to commit a murder and he had achieved that thanks to Junior.
However, he also knew about Tiffany’s wavering devotion and tries to force her to choose between him or Nica. Due to becoming attached to her, Tiffany backstabs him and cuts the lead Chuck doll’s head off. However, the plan is continued regardless at a charity event Mayor Cross was holding. While the audience were watching 1931’s Frankenstein, all the possessed dolls go underneath the seats and start stabbing away killing a big score of them.
Jake, Lexy, and Devon arrive to stop Chucky leading to Junior betraying Chucky when he threatened his ex-girlfriend only to be fatally stabbed by him in return. The Chucky that was fighting Jake gloats about Damballa giving him power. Jake is able to overpower him and poetically decides to strangle the Lakeshore Strangler to death.
As for the remaining possessed dolls, Andy Barclay does swipe the truck housing them, but his plans are thwarted by Tiffany also marking the first time in the series that Tiffany had properly met Andy due to him not being present in Bride & Seed.
Freudian Excuse? Mitigating factors?
That’s a negatory. Unlike most slashers who sometimes have sympathetic motivations for their actions, Chucky was always a psychotic monster even when he was a child. He lived an idyllic life with loving parents, but his cruel designs led him down the path of becoming the Lakeshore Strangler the moment he murdered his own mother.
For everything else...Jake. He tries to pretend to be his friend when trying to push him to kill Lexy and even mentions having a gender-fluid son when he learns that Jake was gay additionally claiming that “he wasn’t a monster.”
However, this is clearly all to manipulate Jake to kill for him and the moment he refuses to, Chucky has no qualms with trying to kill him or get either Lexy or Junior to do so. When he tries to say that he accepted Jake unlike his father, he bats his eyes when Jake says he could have reconciled with him had his life not have been cut short, stating that what he just said was “so gay.”
We get moments from his backstory such as him giving Eddie the severed arm of the janitor he killed as a gift before leaving the orphanage, but we do know what he did to him years later when he backstabbed him.
While Lighty already mentioned his whole “This is for Nica!” stint back in Cult, to further put that to rest, he tries to force Tiffany to kill Nica uncaring that he was currently sharing a body with her since, in his own words, there was more than enough of him to go around. Speaking of Tiffany...
There’s the whole “loving each other’s carnage” bit of their relationship, but, unsurprisingly, their relationship is as toxic as ever. He berates her for getting “fatter” when she was still residing in Jennifer Tilly’s body and decides to kill her for the fourth (fifth?) time once it was evident to him that she was a loose end. He only relents when another Chucky doll points out that she was still crucial to their plan. Their relationship only becomes rockier when she reveals that she was the one who reported him to the police back in Chicago out of anger that Chucky was leaving her out of his murders (even though it somewhat doesn’t line up chronologically speaking since Chucky would also be having Nica’s mother as his hostage). His response?
Lastly...the plan. While going over the killing spree he has planned for the charity event, one of his “clones” asks him about any age limits to which he says no one under 5-6 would be potential victims. However, he then states that it would make them potential pawns for corruption later. Chucky certainly has no hesitation when it comes with threatening kids or putting them in mortal danger such as him taking a comatose Caroline off life support to create chaos.
To sum it up, Chucky is a narcissistic serial killer with delusions of godhood who ultimately wants to immortalize himself as the most prolific killer there ever was.
Heinous standard
It’s the Chuck. But to be more specific, we have Chucky once more at his worst, but here, we have him take a massive leap in his depravity by orchestrating for possessed dolls to be distributed across the country, undoubtedly causing more deaths, all to satiate his colossal ego.
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