#((tentoo voice. from the other room.) OUR ship)
quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
journey’s end au where the doctor tries to kick everyone off the TARDIS and they just go, ‘???? no?’ and won’t leave. can’t be stupid and think everyone will leave you when they won’t get out of your house.
#the doctor is simultaneously so happy about this and SO annoyed. get out of his house!!! this is his tardis!!!!#(tentoo voice) OUR tardis. (doctor voice) MY TARDIS!!!!!#rose and martha and donna and jack are literally having a girls night in the same room as this argument#sarah jane was invited but did not join them. autisms.#however mickey and her have been bonding and the doctor feels so betrayed. sarah jane is supposed to be on his side!!!#can’t even complain to the metal dog. k-9 is still busy.#(sarah jane voice) oh i should invite luke and his friends- (doctor voice) NO CHILDREN ON MY SHIP#((tentoo voice. from the other room.) OUR ship)#jack manages to sneak ianto and gwen on board before sarah jane gets the bannerman gang in simply because torchwood is easier wrangled than#literal children (not saying much)#how does gwen manage to sneak rhys on that one time? no one’s really sure. he didn’t stay on very long but it was long enough for jack to#lose a bet.#i think only jackie leaves but NOT before she and tentoo and rose have established interdimensional facetime so that she can phone her#daughter and her son-in-law and her guy-who-her-son-in-law-is-cloned-from#(doctor voice) donna i need to erase ur memories ur brain will explode otherwise (rose from across the room) hey didnt i absorb something#that would explode my brain once. i still have my memories. (donna voice) YEAH DOCTOR CARE TO EXPLAIN THAT????#donna metacrisis is solved because jack says ‘fuck it let me eat the metacrisis somehow it probably wont kill me’ and then he glows for like#a week but he’s fine.#he is literally never getting rid of any of them. get found family-ed idiot#(god wait funniest fucking thing if end of time happens here and the master’s plans are completely derailed because he gets tackled by seven#different companions. kicking him while he’s on the ground while the doctor goes D:)#doctor who#tardis family au
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wordsintimeandspace · 6 years
All Out
The Doctor has dealt with Daleks, Cybermen, and all kinds of terrifying creatures. But none of it prepared him for the challenge he’s facing now: coming out to Jackie Tyler.
Tentoo/Rose, rated T, around 2.6k. Read it on AO3!
It's asexual awareness week, so here I am with another ace!Tentoo story. :) This story is set some time after More than Okay and Intimacy, but can be read as a standalone.
(Note: this fic includes discussions about having a baby someday, but it’s not babyfic. Just in case anyone is uncomfortable with that.)
When he heard the door open, the Doctor looked up from the instruments in front of him. Rose stood in the doorway, her face softly illuminated by the glow of the TARDIS coral that stood in its tank in the corner of the room. A smile spread on Rose’s lips as soon as she saw him.
“Rose!” he exclaimed, jumping up from the chair with a grin. Rose quickly crossed the room, wrapping her arms around his neck as their lips met in greeting.
“Hello.” Rose grinned when they pulled apart. “Had a good day without me?”
“Yep! I mean, not because you weren’t there. That was a little lonely.” The Doctor nudged his nose against hers. “But I did successfully recalibrate the nutrients for the TARDIS. A little more oxygen, a little less calcium. Added a few other things. And look how she’s glowing!”
Rose turned around to the TARDIS, stepping closer to the tank and pressing her hand against the glass. Her fingers were just inches away from the coral. A broad smile lightened up her face. “She seems to like it.”
The Doctor let out an affirmative hum. He leaned against the workbench, watching the gleam in Rose’s eyes as she communicated with the ship. Affection bloomed in his chest, nearly making him dizzy. How did he get so lucky to have both the woman he loved and his ship back in his life? “She does sound happy, doesn’t she?” he said, his voice soft.
“Yeah. More than.”
When Rose turned back face him, a shadow fell over her face and the Doctor suddenly realized how tired she looked. “How was your day?” he asked, worry creeping into his voice.
Rose settled down on the workbench beside him, leaning her head against his shoulder and letting out a sigh. An uneasy feeling spread in the Doctor’s stomach as he took in the tension in her shoulders and the furrow in her brow.
“You all right?” he asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and kneading the cramped muscles in her back. Slowly, Rose relaxed under his touch.
Rose bit her lip, hesitating to answer, but finally nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. Mum has been getting on my nerves, that’s all.”
“What did she do?”
“It’s stupid.”
“It isn’t, not when it upsets you like that. You can tell me,” the Doctor said softly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Rose let out another sigh.
“She’s been asking about our plans to have a baby for a while. Since the wedding, actually.”
Raising his eyebrows, the Doctor looked down at his wife. He gently took her hand, tracing a finger along her wedding ring. He thought back to the blissful day he married her, stretching his Time Lord senses that only got a little dulled after the metacrisis. Five months, six days, four hours and twelve minutes - that’s how long Rose had been wearing it. But this was the first time she spoke about that. “You didn’t mention that before,” he finally murmured.
“I wanted to spare you that discussion. It’s getting a bit much.” Rose finally looked up at him, her eyebrows drawn together into a frown. “I didn’t want any champagne for brunch today because I had a headache and all day she kept asking if I’m pregnant. Can you believe that?”
“That sounds worse than just ‘a bit much’”.
Rose nodded, glancing back at the TARDIS coral. When she continued, her voice was quiet. “It’s just… I think she finally accepts that with the TARDIS nearly ready for travel, a baby wouldn’t fit in our lives right now. Not when we have a whole new universe to explore together. But now she started asking what would happen if I accidentally get pregnant. Couldn’t really tell her we’re not shagging anyway, could I?”
“Ah.” The Doctor grimaced. “I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“But it would be easier if she knew.”
Rose paused for a second, the furrow in her brow deepening. “Do you want to tell her?”
An exasperated sigh escaped the Doctor’s lips before he could stop it. “This whole concept of coming out, it’s a bit ridiculous, isn’t it? Why do you people have to make assumptions in the first place? I wouldn’t have to go around and correct people on my sexuality if you didn’t do that. Besides, our sex life, or lack thereof, is none of her business.”
“That’s us, ridiculous humans,” Rose said, her lips twitching. She jumped off the workbench and stepped between his legs, cupping his face and pressing a kiss on his lips. “I’m sorry, Doctor. I wish things were different. But we’re nearly ready to travel, yeah? Might be good to get a break from Earth for a little while.”
“Mhh, maybe,” the Doctor said, nuzzling her hand. “Although I have to admit, I am quite fond of you humans, despite your silly hang-ups.” He smiled, leaning in for another kiss. Rose leaned into his touch, letting out a content hum as she stepped even closer.
When they broke apart, he rested his forehead against Rose’s. For a few moments, they were both silent. “I’ll still try to talk to her,” the Doctor finally said. “Just to get her off your back.”
Rose pulled back a little, studying his face. Her frown did nothing to hide her worry. “You don’t have to do that.”
“I know. But I think I want to.”
“Okay.” Rose smiled, brushing her fingers through his hair. When she started to pull back, the Doctor grabbed her hand, keeping her close. He let out a shuddering breath, trying to ignore her questioning glance as he struggled to find the right words.
“I just want you to know, when… no, if we decide someday that we do want a baby, we can always reconsider the ‘no sex’ thing,” he finally said. “Or just look into other options. Adoption and so on. I don’t want you to think that just because I’m asexual, you can’t be a mum someday.“
“I know.” Rose hesitated, biting her lip. “You would actually want to have sex if we want a baby?”
“Maybe. Might give it a try,” the Doctor said with a shrug. His lips curled upwards as he tried to suppress a grin. “I suppose with you it wouldn’t be too terrible.”
The Doctor’s laugh echoed through the room. “That was a compliment, you know. I wouldn’t say that about anyone else.”
“Such a charmer, you are,” Rose said with a roll of her eyes. She stepped back, pulling him with her towards the door. “Come on. Let’s get somewhere more comfortable.”
A week passed until the Doctor eventually saw Jackie Tyler again. The doorbell rang, announcing her arrival to pick them both up and drive to the restaurant where they would meet Pete for dinner. The Doctor looked up from his mug of tea and glanced towards the bathroom door. He could still hear the water of the shower running - it would be a while until Rose was ready. Apparently he’d have to deal with this on his own. Letting out a long breath, the Doctor set his mug down and stood up to answer the door.
As soon as he opened the door, his resolve crumbled. “Jackie!” he announced with a fake grin as he ushered her into the flat. “We’re running a little late. I’ll get you a cup of tea.” And with that, he dashed towards the kitchen and out of sight.
Preparing the tea calmed his racing heart, if only for a moment. Jackie narrowed her eyes at him as he came back into the living room, handing her a steaming mug of tea.
“You all right, sweetheart?” Jackie asked, looking him up and down. “You seem a little… jumpy. More so than usual, although it’s hard to believe that’s even possible.”
“Erm.” The Doctor wrapped his fingers around his own mug, just to keep his hands steady. Now or never. He cleared his throat. “Actually, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Go on then,” Jackie encouraged after a moment of silence.
“It’s… Rose told me that since the wedding, you’ve been asking about us having a baby.”
Jackie tilted her head, regarding him carefully. “Yeah, I have. And?”
The Doctor let out an exasperated sigh. “And, in case she hasn’t made it clear enough, she’d like you to stop. She isn’t exactly enjoying these chats.”
“I’m her mother!” Jackie cried in protest. “It’s my job to worry about these things.”
“But there is nothing to worry about right now. We’re not having a baby. The timing couldn’t be worse, with the TARDIS nearly fully grown.”
“Well, yeah.” Jackie set her mug down on the coffee table with a loud knock and crossed her arms over her chest. “You know my opinion on that thing. I don’t think it’s a good idea to just swan off again, like you did before. You’ve got family now, here on Earth.”
“So you… what? Are you trying to talk Rose into a baby so that we stay here? Settle down? That won’t happen.” The Doctor clenched his hands into fists, trying hard to keep his irritation at bay.
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous,” Jackie said with a scoff. “I know you won’t settle down, the two of you. And a baby is entirely your decision, no matter how much I want a grandchild. I’m just saying you need to think about the possibility of a child when you’re back to travelling.”
“I really don’t understand what you’re trying to say.”
“Well, it’s different now, isn’t it? Than before? Now that you’re together. What happens when she gets pregnant and you’re off on some kind of alien planet? Won’t that harm her? Or the child?”
The Doctor blinked. This was a direction he hadn’t expected. “That’s what this is about?”
“You can’t blame me for being worried about that! You apparently didn’t think about it, you daft alien.”
“She won’t get pregnant, Jackie. Not anytime soon. And you don’t have to worry about Rose. I’m taking care of her.”
“She could though,” Jackie protested. “Tony wasn’t planned, you know? I love him to bits and would never change anything, but it was an accident that I got pregnant. Accidents can happen. And…” She raised her eyebrows and accusingly pointed her finger at him. “I know Rose is not taking any birth control, so you’re not exactly careful, are you?”
“I promise you, there won’t be an accident.”
“How can you be so sure about that?”
The Doctor gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. No matter what kind of excuse he came up with now, he doubted Jackie would believe him. But maybe, just maybe, she would be convinced by the truth. The words were there, at the tip of his tongue, but still they wouldn’t come. His single heart thumped hard against his ribcage.
Jackie’s expression softened at the unexpected silence. “Is everything all right? With you two?” she asked.
The Doctor nodded and finally uttered the words. “Jackie, I’m asexual.”
A stunned silence fell between them. “What does that even mean?” Jackie finally asked, frowning.
“It means I don’t experience sexual attraction,” he began to explain. “Not to anyone, not even people I love. And believe me, I love Rose more than anything. I want to kiss her, I want to hold her, I want to make her the happiest woman in this universe, but that’s it. I don’t have the urge to do anything else. I hate to disappoint you, but we don’t engage in any activities that could result in a baby.”
“Oh.” Jackie’s shoulders slumped. The fight seemed to drain out of her. For a moment, she was at a loss of words, but then her eyes widened in understanding. “There’s a word for that?”
All the Doctor could do was gape at her. “What?” he finally managed to get out.
“My friend Steph, in the other universe, she used to be like that. She never used that word though, always thought there was something wrong with her.”
“Well, you humans are certainly good at making us feel that way.” The words came out more bitter than intended, but it was too late to take them back. They were true anyways. Not wanting to see Jackie’s reaction, the Doctor tore his eyes away from her and stared down to the mug in his hands.
“Oh darling, I’m sorry”, Jackie began, her voice wavering. “All the things I said… I just didn’t know. I didn’t want to make you feel bad about yourself. I just thought, well, you’re always so affectionate. Can barely keep your hands to yourself, the two of you!”
“Well, you thought wrong,” the Doctor mumbled.
“I know. And I’m sorry I got it so wrong.” Unsure what to say in response, the Doctor was quiet, before Jackie finally continued. “I won’t bring this up again, I promise.”
A long sigh escaped the Doctor’s lips. “It’s all right. I know you meant well.”
Jackie reached out to him, giving his hand a squeeze. “And I really don’t care though, as long as you make Rose happy.”
Raising his head, the Doctor finally met Jackie’s gaze. He smiled hesitantly. “Well, I hope I do.”
Jackie rolled her eyes. “Course you do, dumbo. You just have to look at her to know that. She’s so lucky to have you.”
Without meaning to, the Doctor glanced back towards the still closed bathroom door. He longed to have Rose in his arms right now. Before he knew it, a smile bloomed on his lips, despite the tension he was still feeling. “Feels more like I’m the one who’s lucky. Rose is just… she’s just amazing, about all this.”
“I didn’t expect anything else from her. And really though, you could’ve just told me.”
“Well, I didn’t expect you to react like that. I was more prepared for a debate.”
“Oi, cut me some slack,” Jackie protested. “Where do you think Rose gets this from? I was the one who raised her!”
“I know. It’s just…” The Doctor struggled for words for a moment before he eventually continued, a relieved sigh escaping his lips. “Thank you. I don’t think I realized it before, but this means a lot.”
“Oh, sweetheart. Come here.” Before the Doctor knew what was happening, he found himself in a hug. He was stunned for just a second before he raised his arms to embrace Jackie. He let out a shuddering breath, blinking against the moisture in his eyes as relief poured through him. It felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders that he hadn’t realized he was carrying.
“It’s all right, darling,” Jackie said softly, rubbing circles on his back. “You’re all right. More than. And if anyone ever tells you otherwise, I’m gonna have words with them, I promise you that.”
The Doctor chuckled. “Thank you, Jackie.”
Behind them, the door opened, but the Doctor didn’t hear Rose until she spoke up, clearly startled to find her mother and her husband in an unexpected embrace. “What…? What are you doing? Did I miss anything?” she asked.
“Rose, there you are!” Jackie exclaimed, letting go of the Doctor and crossing the room to hug Rose in greeting. “We’re fine, aren’t we, Doctor? We were just having a chat.”
“Yeah,” the Doctor replied, his voice a little breathy. He smiled as he met Rose’s gaze - still confused, but definitely relieved. “We’re good.”
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Tentoo x Rose "you married this"
Rubber Ducky, You’re the One…
Thanks for the prompt!  This got a bit long, and definitely a bit smutty.  NSFW, etc.  Also kid!fic (not at the same time, obviously)
Shutting her front door behind her, Rose slumped against itwith a sigh, relieved to finally be home. It had taken skipping the last presentation, two zeppelin changes, and asix-hour delay, but she’d managed to make it home eighteen hours earlier thanscheduled to surprise the Doctor for their wedding anniversary the next day.
Given the late hour, she wasn’t surprised that the house wassilent; the children’s bedtime had long since come and gone, and if they’dbehaved half as poorly for him as they did when she was on her own, the Doctorhad likely passed out 0.2 seconds after they did, possibly still in their room.
Idly wandering through her house, her lips twisted inamusement at the disaster it was.  The Doctorhad assured her multiple times that he was keeping up on the housework, and everythingwas running well.  Her sitting room andkitchen, however, told a different story, with messes everywhere; and sureenough, stuck to the fridge with a magnet, was a note in all caps reading MAID HERE 9AM.
Heading upstairs, happy to leave her bags by the front door,she first stopped in Sarah’s room. Somewhat unsurprisingly, the little girl’s bed was made exactly as ithad been when Rose left eight days earlier; the Doctor was a total pushover,and had obviously never even tried to make her sleep in her own bed.
William’s room was the same way; toys and clothes strewn everywhere,but the bed neatly made.  More than happyto let the maid deal with it tomorrow in exchange for a large tip (there weredefinite perks to being the Vitex heiress), she moved down the hallway to themaster bedroom.
Already relaxing at just the thought of crawling into bedwith her family, it took several moments for Rose to realize something waswrong in her bedroom; for being where three people were ostensibly sleeping, itwas far too quiet.
Flipping the light switch revealed that their bed hadn’tbeen touched while she was gone either. Trying not to panic, as she’d talked to her husband just that morningand everything had seemed fine, Rose considered calling her mother before theobvious answer sank in.
Shaking her head at her own foolishness, Rose turned aroundand headed down the stairs, through the hall, and out the back door to theunassuming, very large oak tree in the middle of the lawn.  Running her hand along the bark, she foundthe depression she was looking for and the door swung open.
Entering their TARDIS, she headed for the console, pattingit in greeting.
“Hello, darling, I’m home. Where are our rugrats?”
The ship hummed in delight, a special song just for Rosefloating through her mind in welcome.  Therewas a tired, resigned note to the music, and she smiled.
“They’ve been living on here since the moment my taxi pulledaway, haven’t they?”
The lights flickered in agreement.
“And they are?”
An image of books appeared on the monitor, and Rose headedstraight there.
“Thanks, love.”
Meandering through the halls, Rose allowed her mind towander to what sort of greeting her husband would give.  She’d missed him desperately, both physicallyand mentally; she’d had to carefully block him when she started traveling home,so as to not ruin the surprise.  Busy ashe’d been with the children all day, he’d hardly noticed.
Walking into the library, she had visions of lovemaking infront of the fireplace playing through her mind until she looked up and froze.
She was in the library, for sure, but it wasn’t just alibrary.  A medium sized pool occupiedthe center of the room, only it looked more like a giant bath tub, filled withsoapy bubbles.  Her children, who weresupposed to have long since been asleep, were sitting on the stairs, wateralmost up to their chins as they watched the middle of the pool, cheering.
Sure enough, seconds later, her husband sprang out of thewater like a sea lion at Sea World. Letting her barriers fall, she could hear him mentally lecturing thechildren on all things manatee while he flopped around in the bubbles, simultaneouslyteaching them about the animal and practicing their mental link.
Between the Doctor’s lesson and the children’s giggles, noone had noticed her enter.  Stripping toher boyshorts and vest top, not caring if the children saw, she crossed theroom towards them.  Settling between thechildren who were on opposite ends of the step, she waited for them to seeher.  When they turned to each otherafter a particularly impressive jump, they found her in the middle; with joyousshrieks of Mummy! they tackled her,knocking her back against the steps.
“Hi, loves,” she laughed, as they took turns raining kisseson each other.  Pulling both childrentight against her, she looked up to see her husband standing in front of her,mouth agape.
At her first full view of him, she burst into uncontrollablegiggles.  He was wearing goggles and snorkel,had a lifesaver around his waist, and was wearing bright blue board shorts withyellow ducks on them.
“Hi, honey.”  TheDoctor said lamely, pulling off the accoutrements; she almost fell over whenshe realized he was wearing flippers.
“Hi.”  Despite havingher arms full of her children, she couldn’t help but appreciate the tight fitof the trunks, and the way they plastered to him soaking as they were.
Shaking his head like a dog to try to get rid of excesswater, he waded over to his family, leaning down to kiss her firmly on thelips.
“You’re home early.” Ears slightly red, he settled himself on the step below her, resting hishead on her knees.
“Missed you,” she said honestly, sending her love throughtheir bond.
“Missed you,” hereplied, sending far naughtier feelings back, making her give a lazy smile, ahint of tongue sending his single human heart pounding.
“Now, isn’t past bedtime?” She asked, looking down sternly at her children.
William, ever his father’s son, promptly protested, “ButMummy, there’s no time on the TARDIS.”
“That’s not exactly true, and you know it perfectlywell.  Sarah, do you know why that’s notright?”  She looked down at her daughter,who beamed back, happy to have the answer.
“’S ‘cause we’re not in the Vortex, right Mummy?  We’re on Earth, and outside it’s pastbedtime, so it is here too?”
“Precisely, well done Sarah.”  The Doctor rose, swinging the girl into hisarms.  “We’ve had our fun, but Mummy’sright, it’s time for bed.  Hop to it,now.”
Despite the whining and pleading, they soon bundled thechildren off to bed in their shared room onboard, before heading for their own.
“Hi.”  The moment thedoor closed behind them, Rose threw herself into the Doctor’s arms, claiminghis mouth in a steamy kiss.
“Hi.”  He startedbacking her towards their bed, sending images over their bond that made hisintentions for the rest of the evening more than clear, especially with the wayhis swim trunks clung to him.
Despite his intentions, Rose started to giggle, soon unableto keep kissing him she was laughing so hard.
“What?”  Offended, hepulled back to look at her.  “In case youdon’t know, when a bloke’s been reunited with his wife and has amorousintentions towards her, he tends to not like when she starts laughing at him,”he complained, which only served to make her laugh harder, nearly doubled over.
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” she gasped, trying to bring herself backunder control. “It’s just, how am I supposed to take this serious?”  She gestured to the prominent yellow duckscovering his lower half, particularly the one over his groin that seemed to reachingfor her.
“Hey!”  He objected,trying not to give into the humor she was radiating.  “You married this.”
“I did, and I’m so glad I did, but Doctor!”  She flopped backwards onto the bed, rollingfrom side to side.
Trying desperately to salvage the evening, he suggested, “Howabout I take them off, yeah?  Better?”  Quickly pulling them down his hips, he carelesslytossed them towards the corner of the room, leaving him standing before hercompletely bare.
At the sight of him naked, she abruptly stopped laughing, apredatory smile stretching over her face; he could feel her mind racing againsthis, but couldn’t latch onto a thought.
“I’ve been awful rude, haven’t I?  Sitting here laughing at you.  I’m sorry, love,” she said, a strange tone inher voice as she sat up.
“I suppose they are fairly humorous,” he admitted, steppingcloser to her.
“Still, it was rude of me.” If he didn’t know better, he’d say her voice had almost gone sultry andseductive, but given how recently she’d been in hysterics, he doubted that.
“I forgive you,” he promised.
“Let me make it up to you,” she invited, hands come up torub at his hips, pulling him slightly closer.
“Oh, you don’t have to- guh,”he began, losing all cognitive ability when she wrapped her lips around him,taking him almost all the way in.
His eyes crossed, and he steadied himself by putting hishand on the back of her head, panting, “Rose.”
I really am sorry forlaughing at you, she sent him through their bond, mouth busy working himover.
“If, unh, this is how you apologize, feel free to laugh anytime,” he told her, making her chuckle around him, the vibrations sending pleasurablesparks down his spine and short-circuiting his brain.
I love you, she toldhim, and he could feel it through their bond.
I love you, hereplied as he always did; he’d promised her soon after arriving that he would alwaysrespond, and never make a flip joke of it, knowing how she’d needed thosewords.
Pulling away from her, he encouraged her to settle on thebed, climbing up and stretching out on top of her.
Taking her mouth with his, sending her all the love in hisheart, he knew that no matter how much they may hate being separated, comingtogether again would always make it better.
A love like theirs could survive anything.
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Dear Father Christmas... Chapter 7: December 24, 2022
Characters:  Tentoo; Rose Tyler; Jackie Tyler; Pete Tyler; Tony Tyler; OC Hope Tyler-Noble; OC Charlotte Tyler-Noble; OC Wilfred Tyler-Noble
Rated: Teen
Tags: Family!Fic; Kid!Fic; Pete’s World; Letters to Santa; Christmas Fic; Family; Fluff; Hurt/Comfort; Angst; Romance; Love
Summary: When Rose Tyler was little, she always wrote a Christmas wish list to Father Christmas. As she grew older, the wish list became more of a letter to someone she could confide in once a year, but she fell out of the habit somewhere along the way. Now, as a new mum, celebrating her daughter’s first Christmas, Rose takes up writing her Christmas letter to Father Christmas once again.
Rose’s Christmas letters are excerpts from her life with her beloved Tentoo and their children in Pete’s World, written once a year, for each of 31 years.
Chapter Summary: When Tony decides to run away a few days before Christmas, the Tyler household is in an uproar, but he learns a valuable lesson in his absence..
Notes: Love to my wonderful beta team, mrsbertucci and @rose–nebula. You two are the very best!
A little angst and hurt/comfort. I love this one. Please enjoy.
Thanks to @doctorroseprompts for their 31 Days of Ficmas prompts. A reminder that I am using the prompts very much out of order, but I intend to use them all. The prompt I used today was Bells.
Also read at: AO3; FF.net; Teaspoon
December 24th, 2022
Dear Father Christmas,
Sometimes things seem to happen at the most inconvenient times, and it can be incredibly frustrating. And sometimes it seems those frustrating experiences happen for a reason, that the universe has a grand plan. What happened this past week was one of those experiences.
Me and the Doctor had just taken the TARDIS out on an unexpected diplomatic mission for Torchwood to Trunfleerin, a small Earth-like planet in the Gamma Quadrant. Because of the official nature of the mission, and because we were bringing several other people along, we decided it was best to leave the kids with Mum and Dad. It was a bit of a wrench, though, leaving the family this close to Christmas. Sometimes these missions end up taking way longer than expected, and while we have a time ship at our beck and call, we’ve vowed not to “time it” unless absolutely necessary. We use the TARDIS for time travel, yes, but just to visit places in the past and future; we never use it to make up for lost time in our own timeline, however tempting. The Doctor could cite all kinds of reasons for this, but for me, the most important one is that it whittles away the time you get to spend enjoying your forever with your family, ‘cause you’re aging yourself faster relative to them.
So when the invitation came in from the Trunfleerineen, as Extraterrestrial Ambassador to Earth, I couldn’t exactly decline, no matter how close to Christmas it was.
One of the Trunfleerineen ships had crash-landed on Earth, a little over a year ago and they’d been impressed with the kind welcome and aid they’d received from us Earthlings. They wanted to thank us for our generosity, and said they’d be honoured if we could stay for a few days and participate in the “Mourning” with them.
The Doctor told us, back in the Prime Universe, the Trunfleerineen were utterly decimated by a species called the Annexians; they’re sort of parasitic, I guess, unable to reproduce the normal way. There’s a long history there I’m not going to get into at the moment, but anyway, apparently they’re notorious all over the quadrant for kidnapping the young of other species to gradually and painfully turn them into Annexians through genetic manipulation. Only the children of a species will do, as they’re still developing. Once they reach adulthood, they are only good for slavery or breeding.
The Trunfleerineen are basically humanoid in appearance, with beautiful dark skin, huge green and yellow eyes, and tall tufted ears. They’re gorgeous, but they’re very delicate: small and slender, with fragile bones. Completely vulnerable. The Doctor says the low gravity on their planet probably contributed to that. The point is, being built the way they were, they were useless as slave labour, and in the Prime Universe they were slaughtered. In this universe, they were spared. No one knows why. Maybe the Annexians plan to come back and harvest them later. At any rate, they’re just thankful for a second chance, but they’ve been left devastated by the loss of their children. The Mourning ceremony we will be attending is held annually to honour those lost souls.
We’d been there a couple of days, visiting various sites all over their beautiful world, meeting the first baby born after the invasion (he was only four years old, Charlie’s age; every single child on that planet was younger than him), and attended several diplomatic functions. Just prior to the Mourning ceremony was a banquet of thanks for the lives spared and for the newly created lives that had a chance at a better future.
At the banquet, I was seated next to one of the females; Thir was her name. She had me in tears telling me about her babies who were taken, and her mate who was killed defending them. She was just telling me how she had been chosen to open the Mourning ceremony this year, when I was interrupted by my mobile blaring out the Imperial March from my pocket.
She was completely frantic. Tony’d run away, and they couldn’t find him… anywhere! It was like he’d just disappeared off the face of the Earth (Mum’s words but I couldn’t help wondering if there was more truth in them than she knew.)
The day we’d left, he’d told them he was staying overnight with a friend; then they assumed he’d been at school the following day. He’d had footie practise scheduled for that night, and it wasn’t unusual for him to get in late from that. Dad was late at work and Mum had fallen asleep watching telly, exhausted by my three hooligans, so they just assumed he’d slipped in unnoticed and gone to bed. So it was only the next morning when they found the horrendous note he’d left them, informing them he was sick of them telling him what he can and cannot do all the time, and that it was time he struck out on his own. That was the gist of it anyway.
I felt a weird combination of things over that call with my mum: relief that my own babies were safe and well; and a whole mess of different emotions about Tony. First of all, despite being a bit frightened for Tony (especially once Mum got a hold of him), I knew he had a good head on his shoulders and was pretty resourceful. He’d be all right. I made sure I told Mum that, but she wouldn’t listen. I could hear Dad in the background, trying to be a voice of reason, agreeing with everything I was saying.
Secondly, I was more than a bit shocked. My straight-laced brother saying stuff like that, even in a note, just blew my mind. He’s always been so… well, so good. Not perfect, by any means; he’s a Tyler, so his independent streak shows up quite often. But, independent or not, he’s always played by the rules. Bent them sometimes, but never broken them. Now, apparently, his “inner-Rose” is starting to show, and rule-breaking is back on the Tyler table. Blimey, right before Christmas, too! I gotta hand it to the kid, he knows how to maximize the impact of his actions. And yes, I admit, that was another thing I was feeling: a bit of (very restrained) pride.
After speaking with the Doctor, we decided I should return to Earth to help find Tony and to provide moral support for Mum. Our hosts were, of course, totally gracious about me leaving, especially with how the nature of the situation (a lost child) resonated with them. I went straight to the TARDIS and entered my coordinates (I’m quite adept at piloting, now) but had the Doctor check my settings just to be safe.
Dad texted just before I left. It turns out three days ago, Tony had been seen entering Torchwood. He’d told security he was meeting Dad for lunch. Thing was, he was never seen leaving, and he never showed for lunch. And it turns out one of the Doctor’s perception filters that he’d been working on had gone missing too. I showed the Doctor the message, and he quietly passed me his sonic. He gave me a kiss and told me he hoped I’d find Tony soon. As the doors closed behind him, I reached to press the launch button, but instead, activated the sonic, casting it around the room.
Sure enough, there was Tony, watching me in confusion from an arm chair up in the gallery. He didn’t know the perception filter wasn’t working anymore; he was just wondering why I hadn’t launched. I saw the moment the ball dropped and he realized I was making direct eye contact with him. His face turned so red. Blimey, he looked terrified.
He made his way down to me, soooo slowly, avoiding meeting my eyes, which was just as well; I was struggling to keep a stern expression on my face. I mean, half of me wanted to throttle him, but the other (somewhat smaller) half wanted to give him a high five.  
He started to panic when he saw me texting into my mobile. I told him I was just telling Mum and Dad I’d found him and that he was safe. I also told them I’d bring him back after the Mourning ceremony.
Mum was probably going mental, but he wanted to travel the stars, well, this was his big opportunity.
He was about the same size as most of the Trunfleerineen, so they were able to provide us with some formal robes for him. When we walked over to meet the Doctor and take our seats in the amphitheatre around the symbolic Tree of Life, the Doctor arched a critical eyebrow at Tony and the poor boy’s face flushed beet red again. He looked like he wanted die of shame, especially faced with the Doctor’s displeasure. I’d seen the way he looked at the Doctor. I knew the look well from my reflection in the mirror, especially when I had first been traveling with him: he had a bit of a crush on the Doctor, and wanted him to be proud of him. I could hardly blame him.
As night fell, and the entire amphitheatre was finally filled, everything suddenly went quiet. I don’t think I’ve ever been to such a solemn or beautiful tribute. I don’t think I ever will again. The silence was broken by the most exquisite sound: a tiny chime in the night, the sound of a bell. It seemed to reverberate and grow, and as it grew, a single light began to shine on the Tree of Life. It was followed by two more chimes, two more lights. I could just make out my friend, Thir, standing down by the tree: this was her tribute to her three lost babies. Then all around us, the air filled with the sound of hundreds upon hundreds of bells; the Tree glowed. Tears were flooding down my cheeks and when I looked at Tony, he was sobbing quietly beside me. I put my arm around him, and he snuggled against me. The Doctor draped a protective arm around us both.
Once the ceremony was concluded, we gathered our delegation and offered our gratitude and condolences to our hosts. They asked us to stay for several more nights, and I have to say, I was proud to hear Tony speak up on our behalf. I wish I could remember his exact words: something about thanking them for their generous offer, but that this time of year, for us, is one we like to spend with our families, and after the tribute he just witnessed, he really just wanted to give his own mother a hug for all the worry he’d caused her. Pretty mature. I was impressed. I’d say the future of Torchwood is in pretty good hands.
He and Mum were beside themselves when we got home, yesterday. Mum was furious, but just so relieved to have him safely returned to her. It reminded me a lot of how it had been when the Doctor brought me back after being away for twelve months instead of twelve hours. Fortunately, this time, the Doctor wasn’t on the receiving end of a Jackie Tyler slap.
Hope, Charlie, and Wilfred came barrelling out to see us when they heard our voices, and Charlie, jumping up and down, asked if we’d be able to go to Yultidia again this year, since there was still another whole day until Christmas Eve. I had to give her a “we’ll see” ‘cause I wasn’t sure if Mum needed me to stick around for moral support.
As it turns out, we did make it to Yultidia. Not only that, but with the help of my very persuasive children (my darling husband knew when to keep his mouth shut) we convinced Mum and Dad (mostly Mum) to put Tony’s punishment on hold for a few days (to be honest I think he’d already learned his lesson) and the entire family actually came on board the TARDIS for a trip to spend all of Christmas on Yultidia. Mum claimed she was “too bloomin’ fagged” to make Christmas dinner, this year, anyway, but if we ended up on some prehistoric planet getting eaten by dinosaurs, there’d be hell to pay.
Yultidia’s where you’ll find us tonight, Santa! Love to Mrs. Claus, the elves, and reindeer too!
Happy Christmas, Rose
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chocolatequeennk · 7 years
As Long As We Both Shall Live, 3/3
The Doctor has always wanted to share a telepathic bond with Rose Tyler, and now he finally has the chance. But, as always, the universe has a surprise in store for them.
Tentoo x Rose, telepathic bonding with Bad Wolf
This is part of Two Hearts, One Life, and it fills the alien beaches prompt from @doctorroseprompts this week.
It’s also a birthday present for @lastbluetardis. Happy Birthday, Ashley!
AO3 | FF.NET | TSP | Ch 1 | Ch 2
Rose was surprised when the Doctor hustled her towards the TARDIS the next morning after a campfire breakfast. “We’re not going to stay here? Go hiking, see a waterfall, that kind of thing?”
The Doctor pressed his tongue to the back of his teeth, and Rose blinked when she picked up on his indecision over the bond. It almost felt like her own emotion, and she realised it was going to take some time to learn to keep that straight.
He smiled gently and wrapped his arms around her. That’s why we’re taking a proper honeymoon, he told her as he nuzzled into her neck. It’s a lot to get used to.
Rose sighed and leaned back against his chest, relishing the warm glow of his mind in hers. Yeah, it is… but I’ve got you to teach me, right? She closed her eyes so she could focus on their connection, and when it felt real in her mind, she imagined herself running a gentle touch over it.
The warmth deepened, and the arms around her waist pulled her closer. Not sure you’ll need much teaching, the Doctor mused, his telepathic voice a soft mixture of surprise and delight. You’re already more skilled than any beginning telepath I’ve ever encountered.
Rose turned in his arms and looped her arms loosely around his neck. Oh… I think there are some things you could still teach me, she purred.
The Doctor’s eyes widened and his Adam’s apple bobbed. “Yep!” he squeaked. “Much more skilled. And as much as I would love to undertake those… lessons with you, I do have plans for the day.”
Rose smirked at him, then stepped back and let him regain his composure. “Which reminds me… about staying here?” The crisp mountain air wafted over them, smelling sweet and fresh this morning, inviting them to linger.
He sighed and looked around at the empty campsite. “Well… We could always come back at the end of our honeymoon for a few days?” he suggested. “I have other plans for the next two weeks, though.”
His eagerness finally sparked her own desire to explore, and she nodded. “All right,” she said and followed him onto the ship.
He grinned as he sent the TARDIS off to their next destination. “You are going to love what I have planned, Rose Tyler.”
“Probably,” she agreed. The TARDIS shook, and Rose grabbed onto the railing to stay upright. “I love most things you plan.”
The Doctor’s face lit up, and the rush of joy over the bond made Rose giggle. “You knew that, didn’t you?” He shrugged and his face turned pink, and Rose smiled fondly at him. “Well, I do. Even when they don’t turn out exactly the way you thought they would, I love the thought you put into things.”
The TARDIS landed before the Doctor could reply, and Rose furrowed her brow at the slightly… squishy feeling of the landing. “It feels like we just sank into something,” she said uncertainly.
The Doctor stuck his hands in his pockets and nodded at the door. “Take a look,” he invited.
Rose raised an eyebrow, then turned around and pulled the door open an inch. When sunlight trickled in through the crack in the door, she opened it all the way, gasping when she saw the sunlight sparkling on the turquoise water, only fifty feet away.
“Oh, it’s gorgeous.” Rose’s feet sank slightly into the sand when she stepped onto the beach, and she realised that was what had felt off about their landing. She took a deep breath and savoured the heady floral perfume and the tang of salt air. Behind her, she heard the TARDIS door latch, and then the Doctor took her hand.
“I thought you’d like a beach holiday for our honeymoon.”
“It’s perfect,” she promised him. “And you parked right on the water, so we have a beachfront view the whole time we’re here.”
A hint of something trickled over the bond, and Rose looked up at him. “Doctor?”
“Well… We do have a beachfront property,” he agreed. “But what would you say if I told you it was that one?” He used their joined hands to point at the closest house, a small cottage with a deck that ran the entire length of the back of the house.
The Doctor nodded and tugged her towards it. “Yep! One beach house, complete with a fire pit on the deck and a jacuzzi tub in the master bathroom. And gorgeous views of the ocean from nearly every room of the house,” he added as they climbed the steps to the back entrance.
Rose sighed happily when they stepped through the sliding glass doors into the lounge/dining room. Most of the interior was done in the classic beach house shades of white and light blue, and she felt the cares of their life at home melt away in the soothing atmosphere.
The Doctor held up the bag she hadn’t noticed he carried and pointed at the stairs. “I’ll just take this up to our room, and then we can walk into town.”
Rose looked down at the jeans and hiking boots she wore. “Oh, if we’re going to explore a beach town, I’m changing first,” she declared.
She followed him up the stairs and quickly changed into a white-and-red polka dotted sundress and laced up a pair of red low-top Chucks. Then she grabbed her bag and gave the Doctor a cheeky smile. “Last one out the front door is buying the first ice creams,” she called out as she darted down the stairs.
“Oi! You are a cheater, Rose Tyler!” he hollered as he chased after her.
Outside, with victory hers, Rose clasped her hands behind her back and smiled innocently at him as he wagged his finger at her. “Cheaters never prosper,” he warned as he locked the door with his sonic screwdriver.
Rose winked at him. “Maybe not, but we do get ice cream.” She took his hand and laced their fingers together. “Come on, husband,” she said, trying out the word for the first time and loving the way it sounded. “Show me the sights.”
“This way, wife,” the Doctor said, a rumble in his voice that sent a delicious shiver down Rose’s back.
She sighed happily and rested her head on his shoulder as they walked along a street that ran parallel to the shore. The sea air was invigorating, and Rose could easily see why the Doctor had been so determined to come here today instead of staying on Iastea.
The sound of dogs barking caught her attention, and she lifted her head from his shoulder as a man rounded the corner, being led by three eager dogs. She smiled, then blinked when a detail caught her attention. Three eager dogs with no noses.
“Barcelona?” she asked, looking up at the Doctor, who was now wearing his “I’m so impressive” smile. The satisfaction coming over the bond was so strong she could almost taste it.
“Well,” he drawled, “technically this is Sevilla. Another minor difference between this universe and our own.”
Rose shook her head and laughed softly. “Is the planet mostly like you remember, other than the name?”
The Doctor nodded. “Oh, yes. About the same size as Earth, with all major climate zones. I picked a small, sub-tropical city renowned for excellent food and better weather.”
As the beach houses lining the street gave way to shops, Rose asked the question that had been in the back of her mind all week. “How’d you convince Dad to let us have two weeks off, with only a week’s notice?”
Mischief pulsed over the bond, and Rose looked up at her husband. “Doctor?”
“First, I pointed out that it was in the interest of family harmony, since you were likely to get into a major row with your mum if she kept meddling in our wedding plans. And then…” He smirked down at her. “I promised we weren’t running off to elope.”
Rose stared at him for a moment, then tipped her head back and laughed until tears were streaming down her face. “Oh, my  God!” she wheezed as she tried to catch her breath. “Doctor!”
“Well, technically we didn’t,” he pointed out logically. “We aren’t legally married as far as the People’s Republic is concerned.”
Rose shook her head and wiped the tears from her eyes. “And I suppose what he really wanted to know was if we were gonna come back and refuse to let Mum have her wedding.” She pushed herself up on her toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Still. I love you.”
The Doctor hummed happily. Rose would have gone in for a proper kiss, but something tugged her attention away from him, like she’d seen something out of the corner of her eye. She turned slightly, trying to find the colour or motion that had distracted her, but there was nothing…
Then she felt it again, and she realised it wasn’t something visual. It was a ripple in time, beckoning her forwards. She focused on the feeling, and after a moment of trying, a faint trail of golden specks appeared, floating in midair and leading her on.
The Doctor frowned when Rose suddenly pulled back instead of kissing him, but then he picked up on her distraction and watched as she scanned the street with the keen eyes of a Torchwood agent. A moment later, surprise jolted through him when he felt her tap into her time sense with a dexterity that shouldn’t have been possible for someone just learning the skill.
Excitement buzzed over the bond when she found was she was looking for, and she smiled up at him as she took his hand. “Come on, Doctor!” she said as she tugged him down the street.
Despite never having been in this city before, Rose led them straight to the main shopping district, not stopping until she reached a small shop that he was certain they would have walked right by. Standing in front of the door painted a familiar shade of blue, the Doctor could feel the tug of the timelines now, too. It was no surprise to either of them when they spotted a small sign in the window, proudly declaring that the shop sold Bad Wolf Designs.
“Well,” the Doctor said as he reached for the door. “Shall we see what you left for us here?”
“Can I help you?” asked the shopkeeper, perched on a stool behind the counter.
The Doctor watched Rose study the shop, and he shook his head. “No… I’m not sure what we’re here for, but we’ll know it when we see it.”
The woman’s brow furrowed in confusion, but then she relaxed again, probably figuring that if they weren’t going to ask for help, there was no point in looking like she was ready to jump up.
The shop was narrow, with racks of clothes down both sides and one row of tables running down the centre aisle. Rose was working her way down the right side of the building, passing by the merchandise with only a cursory glance. With his hands in his pockets, the Doctor meandered over to the left side of the room, paying more attention to the way his time senses were tingling than to the clothes themselves.
Just past the counter, something caught his eye. A manic grin crossed his face when he pulled a long, brown coat off a high rack. “Rose, I found it!” he called out, spinning around to show her.
As he turned, he felt her awe and excitement spike, and he wasn’t surprised that she had her own find in her hands. When he saw the dress, its deep navy blue satin skirt covered in hundreds of beaded stars, his mouth fell open.
“Rose, it’s—”
“Your coat.”
“Your wedding dress.”
They looked at each other and laughed when they finished the sentence at the same time.
“That is stunning, Rose,” the Doctor said, reaching out to touch the delicate, almost sheer fabric of the bodice.
“Mum’s gonna have kittens ‘cause it’s not white, but I don’t care.” Rose traced the swirl of stars on the skirt. “Time and space, Doctor. That’s our life.”
The swirl of golden light in Rose’s eyes captivated the Doctor, and for the briefest moment, he allowed himself to look forward along their timeline, taking a glimpse of their future, walking together in stardust. He pulled himself away before he could see many details—life was so much more fun if it was lived day by day.
“Yeah,” he agreed, feeling breathless. “It’s our life together.”
Rose smiled, then gestured at the coat he’d almost forgotten about. “Does it fit?”
The Doctor grinned and swung the overcoat around dramatically, rocking back on his heels when the familiar weight settled on his shoulders. He stuck his hands in the pockets and made a face.
“Not bigger on the inside, but I can fix that.” He adjusted the lapels, then nodded in satisfaction. “It’s just like my coat.”
“Then I think we’re ready to go, don’t you?”
“Don’t you want to try the dress on?” the shopkeeper suggested.
The Doctor and Rose shared a smile. “No need,” he told her as he pulled out a credit stick. “I think Bad Wolf Designs made these just for us.”
“An’ besides,” Rose added, teasing him with a tongue-touched smile. “It’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her wedding dress before the ceremony.”
To Rose’s surprise, after their return home as a bonded couple, her fights with her mum over wedding details calmed down. The colour of the flowers, or the size of the reception… those things just didn’t matter to her, now that she and the Doctor were already tied together as intimately as was possible. They had hundreds of years and all of time and space at their fingertips—if they wanted to plan a wedding more to their own tastes later, nothing would stop them.
They were implacable on two points: Rose would wear the dress she’d found on Sevilla, and at least one layer of the wedding cake would be banana flavoured. Other than that, they gave Jackie free rein to plan the wedding she’d always wanted to give Rose.
And staring down the long aisle on her father’s arm, Rose had to admit that her mum had outdone herself. She clutched the elegant all-white bouquet as the music started, then took her first step onto the white runner that ran the length of the aisle.
The Doctor’s happiness glowed in her mind. You are so gorgeous, Rose, he told her as soon as he could see her.
Rose admired the sharp cut of his navy blue tux. You’re not looking too shabby either.
When Rose reached the end of the aisle and took the Doctor’s hand, his presence in her mind deepened. The bond beckoned to them both, and it was hard to focus on the wedding ceremony going on around them, instead of their own private conversation. Rose fidgeted impatiently while the minister rambled about the importance and solemnity of marriage and the lifelong commitment they were about to enter.
But then it was time. She handed her bouquet to her maid of honour and faced the Doctor, taking both of his hands in hers. He grinned and bounced on his toes, eliciting a chuckle from the minister.
Then the man cleared his throat and said, “Doctor, why have you come here on this day?”
“I came here today to take Rose Tyler to be my wife.” He ran a gentle caress over the bond, along with a whisper of an endearment. Then he continued, his next words all for her. “Rose, I promise to love, honour, and cherish you through all that life may bring—for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health. I promise to be faithful to you…”
He paused, and the fire in his eyes made Rose’s breath catch.
“As long as we both shall live.”
41 notes · View notes
A Whole New World
TenToo and Rose explore Disney World’s Magic Kingdom in Pete’s World, while debating which Disney couple’s costume would be most appropriate.
For @doctorroseprompts and @timepetalsprompts for Ten’s month and fall/Halloween.
Can you guess where I spent my Friday?
“Ready!”  Rose bounded into the console room, dressed casually in a t-shirt, shorts, and trainers as the Doctor had suggested.
“Excellent.”  He beamed at her, before beckoning her over to the door.
“So, are you going to tell me where we are?”  She bounced on the balls of her feet, excited for the day ahead.  After the exhilarating few weeks they’d had exploring other planets and times, he’d promised a fun-filled day on Earth.
“Nope!”  As always, he popped the ‘p’, as giddy and ready as she was. “Close your eyes.”  He ordered, and she did.
He carefully covered her eyes with one hand, walking her out the door of the ship and pulling it closed behind him.
He positioned them for the most dramatic effect, then let them stand there, taking in the noise and bustle without letting her see where they were, for several long moments, before he leaned down to half-sing in her ear, “I can show you the world, shining, shimmering splendid.  Tell me princess, now when did you last let your heart decide.”
Her heart stopped before beating double-time, so captivated by his voice whispering in her ear she almost missed the lyrics.  When that processed, she gasped, and the Doctor let his hand fall from her eyes to wrap around her waist as her eyes flew open to take in Cinderella’s castle standing tall at the end of Main Street.
“No!”  She spun, eyes bright with excitement.
“Ask and ye shall receive, Rose Tyler.”  He grinned down at her, more than pleased with her reaction.  She’d only briefly mentioned a few days before that she’d always wanted to go to Disney World, and he’d made a mental note to take her next time she wanted a break from their whirlwind honeymoon/maiden voyage on their fledgling TARDIS.
“Oh, thank you!”  She threw her arms around him, and he held her close.
“Ready to explore?” He asked after several long moments, and she slowly pulled away.
“Absolutely!”  He couldn’t help but take in how beautiful Rose looked, bouncing in place like a kid, beaming smile and bright eyes.
“Allons-y!”  He crowed, though he jerked her to a stop after only several steps.
“No, hang on, wait, it’s in here somewhere…”  He dug through his pockets with one hand, the other still clasped tightly with Rose’s.
“Aha!”  With a triumphant shout, he pulled out two matching sets of mouse ears, one black and decorated like a tuxedo, the other white with a small tiara and a veil.
“Are those…”
“Matching bride and groom ears!  I figured if we’re going to do this, do it all the way, yeah?”  He jammed his own onto his head, before handing Rose hers.
Giggling, she carefully put it on, though the veil got twisted and ended up flipped up in front.
“Ah, ah, ah…”  He carefully untwisted it, before brushing it back over her head.
When he revealed her grin, it was so reminiscent of the same on their wedding day he couldn’t help but lean down to kiss her.
Their mutual giggles made that somewhat difficult, however, and he gave up after only a moment.
“So?”  She waited expectantly, sure that there was a story.
“So…”  He drew the word out to tease her.  Her eyes and nose crinkled adorably, but couldn’t fully squash the smile.  “It is October 30th, 2017, and we, my love, are standing on Main Street USA in Disney World.”
The Doctor looked so handsome, standing there in his own t-shirt and shorts, the ridiculous ears on his head, beaming as proud as he had at every new location and experience to which he’d ever taken her.  If anyone asked, she’d blame it on being newlyweds, but the joy within her to know that he was hers, for a shared forever was too overwhelming; Rose threw herself back into his arms, laying a rather spectacular, if inappropriate, kiss on him.
“Get a room!”  An unseen man called with a laugh, and they broke apart.
“Right.”  Dazed, and slightly breathless, it took the Doctor a few long blinks to come back to himself.  He sent only one longing look back towards the TARDIS, parked innocuously besides the fire station, before putting on what Rose called his ‘tour guide’ voice.  “So.  In 19-”
“No.”  She interrupted, holding up a hand, not even looking at him as she gazed around in wonder, eyes wide.  “This is Disney World.”
“I don’t want to know.” She said firmly.
“Know what?”
She finally looked at him, taking in his confused, almost hurt look.  “The history.  I don’t want to know when he got the idea, or how it happened, or, at the moment, what part you played in it back in our original universe.  I’m in Disney World, something I honestly never expected to see – please, can we just experience the magic?”
He’d long since accepted he couldn’t say no to her, so he didn’t hesitate to nod.
“Absolutely.  What the lady wants, the lady gets.  And what does the lady want?”
“Uh…”  She looked around, seeing most of the people streaming down Main Street towards the Castle.  “Can we go explore?  What are the best things to do?  Do you have a map?”
He pulled one from his pocket, handing it to her with a smile.  “Now, what do you say we go check out that castle?”
Two hours later, they were waiting in line for Space Mountain.  The Doctor, never able to resist sharing information, was giving her a detailed description of each section of the park, only to notice Rose was staring at him with that odd grin on her face.
“What?”  He interrupted himself midsentence.
“Nothin’.  S’just, standing here, with you – this is amazing. I still can’t believe we get this kind of life.”  She murmured, and he grinned at her.
“Me neither.”
She grinned back, before pulling him into her side.
“Selfie.”  She explained unnecessarily, holding her phone out in front of her to take the picture.
“Why?  Rose, we’re not in front of anything – you can’t see the castle, or any of the ride signs, there’s no characters – it’s just us!” He protested, faux-glaring down at her.
She shrugged. “Exactly.  That’s all I need – us.  Everything else’s just a bonus.  Plus, there is no such as thing as too many pictures of you in those ears.”
Rather than argue with her, he leaned down to kiss her.
“I love you, Rose Tyler.” He told her seriously, and she smiled back at him.
“This really is the happiest place on Earth.”
“You are the happiest place on Earth.”  He corrected.
She rolled her eyes, not bothering to hide how pleased she was at the cheesy comment.
“So, there’s a Halloween party here tonight?”
“Every night, since August. That’s at 7 – we’ll go change into costumes then.  Start thinking about what you want to be.”  He told her, and she tilted her head in thought.
“How about – the Doctor and Rose Tyler, the stuff of legends?”  She said cheekily, and he laughed.
“If you want – or, we could get dressed characters.  The new girl’s planning on spending the day learning all about this place, so by the time we go back she should have whatever kind of costume you like ready.”
“Like Chip and Dale?” She asked innocently.
“Of course.  Or a couple from a movie – I’d certainly like to see you dressed up at Jasmine.”  He told her, looking her up and down with mock-seriousness.
“Really?  I thought Belle and the Beast would be more appropriate.” Rose teased him.
“What d’you mean? Aladdin’s totally us – A Whole New World?  Have you heard that song?  Us.” He argued playfully.
“Nope.  Beauty and the Beast.”
“Hah!  How?”
She stared at him in amusement.  “‘Have you seen the movie?’”  She mocked. “Handsome man gets cursed to an ‘ugly beast’, mopes about for years growling at anyone who comes near, meets a plucky young girl who sees past the beast to the wounded soul inside, accidentally gets him killed, and then in a golden magical light he transforms back into a handsome young man?  And at the end, she asks, if not that he could change back, if he could at least take steps to look a bit more like his old self?  That doesn’t sound familiar?”
He opened his mouth to argue, then paused.
“How’d you know I was handsome before I was all big ears?”
Curiously, she immediately blushed and averted her eyes.  “Uh, long story.  Met you on a jump.  Very Victorian looking – cravat, curly hair, velvet suit.”
He stared at her in amazement, hardly noticing the line moving.  “You’re incredible, you are.”
She grinned cheekily, cheeks still red.  “So you admit I’m right?”
He made a noise, idly scratching his cheek.  “Little Mermaid maybe?”
She scoffed.  “You just want to see me in the clamshell bikini top.”  She accused, and he was unrepentant.
“Possibly.  Though, there was that whole one crying over the statue of the other thing…”  He realized his slip up immediately, eyes widening.
“Doctor!  Did you cry over the statue?”  She gasped, touched at the thought.
“No!”  He squeaked, tugging on his ear.  “Maybe a little.  To be fair, I thought I’d got you killed.”
She pursed her lips in amusement.  “All right, I’m going to need more of that story later, but for now I’m going to say ‘no’.”
“Then what’s your idea?” He crossed his arms, enjoying their little game as they moved along.
“Alice in Wonderland?”
His brow furrowed. “But who would I be?”  She merely stared at him, waiting for him to guess. “Oh, not the white rabbit!”  He groaned, remembering the one who would constantly worry about being late.
“What about Robin Hood?” He suggested instead.
“Eh, not as fun an idea now that we’ve met them.”  She decided, thinking back to only the week before when they’d stumbled upon Robin of all people.  Robin had of course flirted, and while she hadn’t been interested, the Doctor’s jealous streak had been awakened and it had been amusing to watch, when it wasn’t almost getting them killed.
“Peter Pan? “  She offered, before smirking.  “Nah, never mind.  The falling from Big Ben thing would make it more appropriate with Jack.”
He rolled his eyes, ignoring the Captain.  “Popeye?” He flexed, and Rose burst out laughing.
“No.  Oh, I know!  Lady and the Tramp?”
He pouted in response, but before he could say anything it was their turn to ride.
“Ready?”  This time, it was Rose waiting at the TARDIS doors for the Doctor, dressed in her costume.
“Yeah.”  He gamely stepped into the console room, dressed in his costume.  Though, when Rose gave him that smile and slowly ran her eyes over him, he perked up a bit, puffing out his chest.
“Shall we?”
“We shall, my love.” He gallantly offered her his arm, they stepped back out into the park.
Armed with a map, the satchel completing his costume, and the frying pan completing hers, Rapunzel and Flynn Ryder set out to experience the magic of Halloween at Disney.
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chocolatequeennk · 7 years
Memories and Promises
The Doctor takes Rose to a place filled with special memories to ask her for a promise for their future.
Tentoo x Rose, all ages. Betaed by @lastbluetardis. 
Going by the stated premise that all Tentoo/Rose moments are missing moments, this fills that prompt for @doctorroseprompts. It also calls back to Woman Wept, which was one of the missing moments suggested.
I did something fun with the structure in this story. See if you can tell what it is. 
This is a sequel to All I Need, in the series Two Hearts, One Life.
Rose sighed and pushed her plate away, dinner only half-eaten.
“Are you feeling all right, love?” the Doctor asked as he cleared the table.
“Yeah, I’m just worn out.” She massaged her temple. “Two trans-Atlantic zeppelin rides in two days… whose brilliant idea was it for me to take a forty-eight hour trip to the New York office?”
The Doctor walked behind her and rubbed her shoulders, and Rose melted beneath his talented fingers. “I’ve got a drinks thing at work—did you see in your email that we finished the teleport?”
Rose nodded.
“We’re celebrating tonight at the pub. I have to make an appearance, since I’m a department head, but I should be able to sneak away before too long. Why don’t you stay here and relax, and when I get home, we’ll spend the rest of the evening together?”
Rose tipped her head back and smiled up at him. She could already imagine the way a hot bath would soothe away the weariness of travel. “That is the best idea I’ve heard all day.”
The Doctor bent down and pressed his lips to hers in a soft kiss. “I should be home in two hours,” he promised.
The Doctor breathed a sigh of relief as he drove away from the house. He’d made it through the first step of his plan. Lying to Rose was almost impossible—she knew his tells too well. But he’d counted on her being too tired to notice tonight, and she was. There really was a party, but he wasn’t going. His coworkers had all agreed to cover for him if need be.
Time for step two.
After a trip to the shops to get the last few things he needed, the Doctor turned around and drove home, parking at the end of their quiet street and walking stealthily into their back garden.
The TARDIS hummed when he opened the door of her shed, and he patted the gleaming blue wood. Rose had been thrilled when the ship had taken the familiar form, and truthfully, so had he. He would have adjusted to a new look, but after so many centuries, it would have been hard.
“Are you ready, dear?” he whispered as he stepped into the console room. The lights of the time rotor pulsed briefly, and he could feel her shiver of excitement buzz around him.
He hadn’t been idle while Rose was gone. The ship had been so close to being ready when she left, and he’d wanted to surprise her with their first trip when she got home.
An unfamiliar weight rested in his trouser pocket. With our first trip, and a question. He ran his hands through his hair, then turned on the monitor so he could go over the final tests he’d run before work.
Half of his allotted two hours was gone. The Doctor pulled out his mobile and sent Rose a brief text, then he put on his glasses and sat down to read.
The warm water had lulled Rose to sleep almost as soon as she’d slid down under the bubbles. In her dreams, she and the Doctor travelled the stars in their new TARDIS, walking hand-in-hand as they explored new planets. She’d learned how accurate his words were when she walked through the dimensions—the one thing you needed to cross the universe was a hand to hold.
The vibration of her mobile woke Rose up, but she savoured the building anticipation a bit longer. They’d be travelling again soon, and she could hardly wait.
Finally, she yawned and wiped her hands on the nearby towel before picking up her phone to see what the Doctor had said.
Are you enjoying your night in, love?
A warm bubble of happiness expanded in Rose’s chest at the caring, domestic question. Settling into a human life had been difficult; being planet-bound for two years had been almost impossible at times. But she’d never doubted that he loved her.
Rejuvenated by her nap, the earlier desire to be alone faded. A wicked smile crossed Rose’s face as she considered the Doctor’s text. She sent a quick reply, then relaxed back into the water to wait.
The Doctor could still read faster than a human, and as he skimmed the report for the pertinent details, a smile spread across his face. By the time he got to the last line, he knew he was beaming like an idiot, but he didn’t care.
They were ready.
A wave of giddy nervousness swept over the Doctor. If the TARDIS was ready to travel, then he didn’t have an excuse not to propose tonight. Not that they needed to be on an alien planet for that, but he had Plans and he didn’t really want to let go of them.
He was reaching into his pocket so he could look at the ring again when his Rose-specific text alert sounded. He read her reply quickly, and his heart sped up.
Just taking a bath and wishing you were here.
The Doctor swallowed hard. There was no picture attached, because Rose knew the power of his own memories would be far more effective. Her words reminded him of dozens of times he had watched her bathe, or shared a bath with her. He knew exactly how it felt to sit behind her in the tub, with his arms wrapped around her waist and her head resting on his chest.
And he knew the invitation inherent in those words. It was almost tempting to discard his plans. He could collect the flowers, chocolate, and champagne he had waiting in their bedroom on the ship, take them inside, and propose in their house. Buying that house together had been a symbol of their commitment to each other; it would be a good place to reaffirm that commitment.
The TARDIS sang pleadingly; she wanted to be a part of this moment. The Doctor sighed, but patted the console before sending Rose a reply.
I’m almost home. Why don’t you get dressed? I want to take you someplace.
Rose blinked; that was not the reply she’d expected. And if the Doctor was ignoring her rather blatant invitation, he must have a surprise planned.
Curiosity got her moving, and she pulled the plug on the bathtub and grabbed a towel. The Doctor’s surprises were always worth whatever effort they took on her part.
A few minutes later, towelled off and wrapped in her dressing gown, she texted the Doctor again. Any special instructions on what to wear?
We’ll be outside, so dress warm.
Rose pursed her lips and tapped her finger against her chin.  Curiouser and curiouser, she thought as she selected a warm jumper from the wardrobe. Not that it was unheard of for them to take late night rambles through hidden parks. Maybe he’d found a new place to go stargazing.
She laced up her boots and went downstairs as the car pulled into the driveway. Keeping the November chill in mind, she pulled a coat off the rack and zipped it up as the door opened.
The Doctor held out a hand and waggled his fingers, making Rose laugh. “Come with me?”
Rose laced their fingers together. “Always.”
The Doctor’s heart skipped a beat, just like it had the first time he’d taken her hand in the basement of Henrik’s and every time since. He knew he had a silly grin on his face, but when she laughed and pushed herself up on her toes so she could press a kiss to his lips, he decided he didn’t mind.
“Shall we?” he suggested, pointing to the open door. Rose stepped outside first, and he let go of her hand to close and lock the door before taking it again and leading her behind the house.
He swung their hands between them and pretended not to hear the confusion in her voice. “Yes, Rose?”
“You said you wanted to take me someplace.”
He pressed his tongue to the back of his teeth, then opened the shed door. “You’re right; I did. But not on Earth.”
Rose looked at their TARDIS, then at him. Her mouth opened and closed a few times, and he brushed away the tears gathering in her eyes.
“What do you say, Rose Tyler? Travel the stars with me?” She laughed breathlessly. He pushed open the TARDIS door, ignoring the “Pull to Open” sign as he’d done for centuries.
The TARDIS sang happily when Rose walked up to the console and stroked the controls. This wasn’t the first time she’d been in the ship, not by a long shot, but it was different now that she was ready to fly.
“I didn’t know she was ready.”
The Doctor closed the door and took his place at the console. “We wanted to surprise you when you got home.”
“You certainly managed that!” Rose grinned, letting her tongue tease him, and the Doctor tugged her close so he could kiss her.
Rose sighed into the Doctor’s kiss, but before she could get lost in it, he spun away from her and grabbed a lever. She laughed again when his eyes lit up with the giddy, almost manic light she loved.
“Allons-y, Rose Tyler!” he crowed, then threw the lever and laughed exuberantly when the time rotor began its slow up-and-down chug as she sent them through the Vortex to his chosen destination. “We’re moving, Rose!”
“I can see that, Doctor,” Rose said dryly. “But where are we going?”
He winked and shook a finger at her. “Nope. That’s a surprise. But you’re wearing a coat, so you’re ready.” He darted over to the coat rack by the door and pulled on the black peacoat he’d reluctantly purchased during his first winter in Pete’s World.
Rose walked over and tugged at the lapels. “Now that we have a time machine, maybe we can find this universe’s Janis Joplin and get your coat back,” she suggested.
“I love the way you think,” he proclaimed as they landed. “But today…” He pointed at the door.
Rose noticed the sky’s soft sunset colours before she recognised the ocean, captured for eternity in a cataclysmic tempest.
The Doctor took Rose’s hand and led her a few steps away from the TARDIS. “Welcome to Woman Wept.” His words were a whisper, but they still echoed slightly on the icy waves. “So named because from orbit, the single continent—”
“Looks like a woman crying.”
His fingers flexed around hers. “You remember.”
Rose turned from the waves and looked up at him. “I remember every place you’ve taken me, Doctor. Every trip, every adventure… Every time in the last two years that we’ve gotten itchy feet and jumped on the next zeppelin, without caring where it would take us.” She reached out to touch a wave. “This was a good memory to relive on our first trip in the TARDIS. Thank you.”
The Doctor swallowed hard and reached into his pocket. “I chose it for the memories,” he admitted. “The first time I brought you here—well, to the other universe’s version of here—you looked at me like…” He clenched his fingers around the jewellery box. “Well, like you’re looking at me now, actually.” He let go of her hand to brush his knuckles over her cheekbone, and she leaned into his caress. “I was already hopelessly in love with you, but bringing you here was the first time I thought you might see me as more than just a friend.”
“I loved you then, too.” That wasn’t news, not anymore, but there was something sacred in the way she whispered the words on this still planet, with the sunset casting a golden halo around her. “And I love you now, and I’m going to love you forever.”
Time sang around the Doctor, galvanising him into action. In one motion, he pulled the ring box from his pocket and dropped to his knee. “Then… will you marry me?”
Rose didn’t even let the Doctor open the box before she tackled him to the ground. “Yes!”
His chuckles reverberated through her as he tilted his head down to kiss her, and then Rose was swept away by the most perfect happiness she’d ever known. His lips curved in a smile as they kissed, and after a moment, she pulled back to press her forehead to his.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too, Rose.” He winced. “But can we stand up? It’s bloody cold down here with my back against the ice.”
Rose laughed and scrambled to her feet, then waited for the Doctor to locate the box he’d dropped. She clasped her hands together in front of her chest when he stayed on his knees and opened the box.
“Now, since someone was so eager to say yes, I didn’t get to do this properly.”
Rose stuck her tongue out at him.
The Doctor laughed and flipped the box open. “Marry me, love?”
A princess cut diamond solitaire caught what remained of the evening light and reflected it, but the sparkle in the Doctor’s eyes was even more dazzling.
Rose nodded and held out her trembling left hand.
Sliding the ring onto Rose’s finger felt almost surreal, and the Doctor stared at it for a moment. Rose’s hand. His ring. How long had he dreamed of this?
Rose squeezed his hand, and he looked up at her. “You all right down there?” she asked, her voice a gentle balm to his heart.
He nodded, then stood up and reached for her, running a barely-there touch over her eyebrows and nose and then brushing his thumb over her lips. He felt her hand on his waist pull him closer, and he bent down and replaced his thumb with his mouth.
Rose’s lips parted beneath his, and the Doctor took the bottom one into his mouth and suckled at it. She sighed and tilted her head so he could deepen the kiss, but he still kept the embrace soft and gentle.
Finally, his lungs burning with the need for oxygen, he broke the kiss and swept Rose into his arms. She shrieked in laughter and wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her back to the TARDIS.
“What are you doing?”
The Doctor waggled his eyebrows. “We just got engaged. I think it’s time to celebrate, don’t you?”
Her brown eyes turned the smoky colour of whiskey, and she pressed her lips to his neck. “Oh, absolutely.”
The TARDIS doors opened for them, and he carried her to their room. “And then, when we’re done celebrating, maybe a trip to a new planet? The TARDIS wants to show off for you.”
Rose sighed. “I have to work tomorrow.”
The Doctor shook his head as he pushed open their bedroom door. “Rose Tyler, I’m sure I mentioned it also travels in time.”
Rose smiled as he laid her on the bed. “The perfect life. Time and space and you.”
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