#(I lied again I edited this like 5 times after posting it 🥲 small things but still)
misscellophane-ao3 · 2 years
Title - Little Apple (Demon)
Fandom - MDZS/CQL
Pairing - WangXian
Words - I didn't count. (I lied, I counted. It's 777)
Notes - This isn't edited, I just wrote it down immediately after getting the idea. I just couldn't resist the idea of Little Apple being a haunted stuffed donkey that just really likes apples.
Story -
Wei Wuxian unlocked his door, moving out of the way so Lan Wangji could step in after him.
"Here we are. Thank you so much for helping me, Lan Zhan." Wei Wuxian cheerfully said, closing the door and kicking off his shoes.
"I am always happy to help Wei Ying." Lan Wangji took his shoes off more gracefully, impressive considering the multiple grocery bags he was carrying.
"You're so sweet, Lan-Er-Gege!" Wei Wuxian chimed as he directed his boyfriend towards his kitchen, "I promise to make it up to you later." He winked, causing a light red to work its way over the Lan's ears.
Wei Wuxian giggled, taking a bag from him, "I can take this one! Can you start putting away all the other things?"
Lan Wangji inclined his head in agreement, watching Wei Wuxian out of the corner of his eye as he started setting things in the fridge.
The bag Wei Wuxian grabbed was completely full of ripe red apples, so he wasn't that surprised to see him walking over to a bowl full of apples that were no longer in the best shape.
There was a stuffed donkey sitting behind the bowl, the expression on its face almost looked as if it was displeased with Wei Wuxian.
Wei Wuxian paused a few steps away before he swept into a perfect bow, hands held in front of him with the bag of apples swaying from his fingertips as if in offering.
"I apologize for not getting you new apples sooner, I was busy with work, but if you allow, I will switch them for you now." Wei Wuxian spoke as if talking to someone, a moment of pause as if listening to a response, then–
"Ah, I am glad you approve, your Majesty. I will switch them right away! I even made sure they were all ripe this time, so you can't complain, alright?"
Wei Wuxian wagged a finger at the stuffed donkey before he grabbed a separate bowl to put the old apples into, he then turned and gently poured the new apples into the bowl, shifting them so they wouldn't fall.
"There you go, Little Apple. New apples for you!" Wei Wuxian patted the donkey on the head.
Lan Wangji was confused when he first came over to Wei Wuxian's apartment and was told to not touch the apple bowl. Even more so, when Wei Wuxian admitted to not being allowed to touch it himself.
He had wondered why Wei Wuxian had an apple bowl if he never touched it, he apparently didn't need to ask his questions out loud as Wei Wuxian answered almost immediately for him.
"The apple bowl is for Little Apple." He said, pointing out the stuffed donkey, "She doesn't like it when people take any." he had sighed, tone fond yet mildly annoyed, "We made a deal that I can change the apples out for new ones when they start to get bad, and use them however I want but I can't touch any apples until then. It's fine. I don't really mind."
Lan Wangji had blinked at him then, even more confused.
"Oh, Lan Zhan, that's right. You don't know about Little Apple!" Wei Wuxian smiled brightly at him, "I found her on the side of the road one day and brought her home. No matter where I set her down or how long I looked away for, I would always find her right next to an apple. If there were no apples around, she would make noises at night and toss things around. So I started buying fresh apples every week and switching the bowl out for her."
"You own a haunted stuffed donkey?" Lan Wangji remembered replying, earning a laugh.
"She's harmless! As long as she has fresh apples she doesn't care about what I do. Honestly, the worst thing she ever did was make loud noises all night and make a few of my dishes break; the one time I forgot to change out her bowl." Wei Wuxian waved his hand, "She's usually very quiet and actually pretty fun to talk to, so I don't mind keeping her around."
Lan Wangji wouldn't have admitted it to Wei Wuxian, but he didn't believe that the donkey was haunted at first, until a few weeks later when Lan Wangji kept Wei Wuxian so occupied that he forgot to change out the apple bowl.
Lan Wangji never made that mistake again.
He turned his focus back on organizing the groceries in the fridge, Wei Wuxian moving to start on the pantry stuff. Little Apple watches them from behind her bowl of fresh, ripe apples.
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