#(but feel free to tag or comment below a little bit about yourselves if you want i'd love to get to know some more swifties 😊💕)
taylorsabrina · 7 months
over half a year on this blog and i still don't know how to introduce myself to the swiftie side of tumblr, so i just log on loitering around everyday like "hi, how are ya?"
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Red Strings of Fate (Ch 10)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Wait For Me
Next Chapter: Kyoto-Tokyo Goodwill Event
Tags: Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, please mention it in the comments below ty <3
We are halfway through the story~ I never planned for this to be over 40k😅 but I've added some integral scenes in the later chapters. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 10: Invisible Ties
You couldn't sleep at all the few nights that followed. Mai and the others noticed your fatigue. They worriedly asked about you and let you cuddle into them and nap when you had some free time.
Miwa even let's you stay with her in her room at times, and it does help for a bit, but you don't want to bother them. And something was telling you it wasn't just regular fatigue.
You sometimes zone out in class and could barely stay awake during physical training. Eventually, you consulted Utahime about your possible insomnia.
You had a feeling it was tied to your feeling of unrest over your soulmate bond. It didn't help that your soulmark was stinging and all your heart wanted was to be with Noritoshi. There was a strong sense of unease over this bond.
You pulled down your sleeve to reveal the mark on your wrist flashing madly like a broken stoplight. You groaned and shoved your face into your pillow.
You've taken to wrapping a black velvet ribbon on it during the day, to not attract attention. If this light flashing keeps up, you might have to use a thicker fabric.
Noritoshi was feeling the same uneasiness you did. He tried to shake it off and act as natural as he could around you, but even he was still shook at how quickly your negative emotions transmitted over the bond.
He was in his room and it was past 11. He tried to get to sleep, but found that he couldn’t so he tried studying. He was actually distracted for once, looking over his desk at the soulmate record and diaries of Hotaru and found himself reading them.
On the other hand, you were restless in your room.
"I shouldn't bother Noritoshi senpai but..." You glanced over at your clock. 12:06am. Just past midnight, he was surely asleep. And yet you found yourself grabbing your pillow and blankets, and quietly making your way to his dorm room.
It was as if your body was moving under the command of your red strings. Pulling you back to the man who was responsible for messing you up like this.
You stood outside for a good 5 minutes, contemplating on whether or not you should knock. You haven't had a proper sleep in nights and it is starting to show in your studies.
Finally, you decided to quietly knock a few times. A beat passed and there was no response. You were about to walk away when the door opened. He was awake to your surprise.
He was in his dark navy Kimono, hair wrappings undone. Some strands of his hair fell over his eyes. At that moment, you thought to yourself that he was the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
“Can I help you y/n?” He was staring at your pillows and blankets.
Ah right. All of the sudden you feel so small and dumb for coming all the way here for no good reason. “Ah, Noritoshi senpai. Um, good evening.” You scrambled for words.
“I, uhm, I’m sorry I can’t really sleep- Ah what I mean to say is that I haven’t been sleeping well lately and I was wondering if I-” a cold gust of air blew past you and you shivered.
Noritoshi’s eyes widened at this and he pulled you into his room and closed the door behind you. He was so close, your face turned bright red. Way too close for comfort.
He seemed to get the hint and took a step back from you. “So you want to stay the night with me, is that what you’re getting at?”
You stayed still before slowly nodding, then looked up to see his reaction. His face was like stone, nothing was giving anything away. He didn’t look so happy to see you in your opinion.
“I’m sorry to disturb you
. I was gonna
. ask
 if I 
.. could 
. on 
 your floor
, “ your voice was getting smaller and softer with each word, heart clenching painfully. Your fists tightly scrunched up in your blankets.
Suddenly he leaned down close to bring his face to yours and raised his hand. You flinched and closed your eyes tightly, expecting a “no.”
He cupped your cheeks gently and touched the bags of your eyes with his fingers. “You’ve been looking so exhausted lately, I was actually going to bring it up to you, but I wasn’t able to catch you earlier today. Just share the bed with me.”
You blinked. What. Did you hear that right?
You looked at him with wide eyes. His face was red too. “Is this okay with you? I really don’t want to overstep my boundaries
 Last time
.” you opened your mouth then realized you didn’t come here to dump all the shit that’s troubling your mind onto Noritoshi.
‘I’m sure he also has it hard on his end’. “Ah, never mind. Thank you so much senpai.” you smiled up at him.
Noritoshi’s chest hurts to see you fake a smile towards him. Time and time again, he’s loved watching how expressive and honest you are with your emotions.
He’s seen your genuine smiles more often than not. Seeing you like this just felt wrong.
“Tell me.” He said.
“Ah- it’s really nothing, I know you’ve been dealing with so much on your end, you’re also stressed, I’m just thankful that you’re letting me stay here in your room-” you were rambling without realizing it.
“Tell me. Don’t hold back. I can feel your unease through the soulmate bond.” he said sternly.
Noritoshi was starting to understand that you both had to work through the negative emotions each one feels together. That’s the reason for the soulmate bond. Ignoring it would be like dragging yourselves through mud.
You got the gist of his line of thought, having the same realization at the same time. You spoke cautiously so as not to offend him, "This has been bothering me. Last time in your room, it just felt like you were treating me as an outsider and it hurt. Like I thought that we were more than that, but maybe it's just me. Also, you once said I didn't know who you are. So I just
. Wanted to understand you better..."
Noritoshi’s eyes softened, and he just couldn’t resist you anymore. He pulled you towards his bed and set down your blankets and pillows. Then turned back to you, “Can I hug you?”
“Of course.” It was fun to see him blush and awkwardly hold his arms out towards you. You stepped into his space, grabbed one arm to throw around your shoulder, and the other around your waist. As he didn’t seem to know where to hold you.
"I do admit I have my secrets and I’m not ready to tell you about them yet. For that I apologize, you have to wait a bit longer until I’m more comfortable with you. But you're not an outsider to me my dear. You could never be. I also believe that we are more than friends, like I said before. I need you to trust me a little more. And I’ll do the same with you, I’ll trust you a bit more. I want it all and this soulbond, as long as it's you."
Your eyes widened and sparkled upon hearing his words. Your bond finally settled into something of a quiet hum underneath your veins. You hugged him tighter, which he smiled at.
"I'm sorry, I should have explained to you how I felt senpai." You whispered sadly. But he just hushed you and held your hand. "It's okay, next time we can do better. Let’s start anew shall we?"
You spoke out a soft yes in response. It was honestly still a disjointed relationship. Like you’re both just two parts of a whole trying to find their way to each other.
"Let's face the truth. This is really an unconventional relationship. We can't really abide by the normal fall in love then confess situation can we?" You said.
"Why can't we?" Noritoshi asked, looking a bit surprised. "It's unconventional and gives us a fair share of problems, that's true. But we can still fall in love and confess the normal way. With time." He added.
You just hummed and nodded.
You pulled back from him, “Anywayss, Why are you still awake at this hour anyways senpai? It's bedtime.”
“Reading the diary of a man who was my past life.” Your eyes widened at that. “Let’s read a bit of it together, then we can sleep?” You nodded.
He set up the pillows so both of you could lean side by side in bed while reading the diary entries. The story was not a nice one. Hotaru eloping with his lover, on the run from their families, curses and curse users. Constantly taking odd jobs to get money, and hiding in old inns. It sounded so exhausting.
You found yourself looking over at Noritoshi every now and then, wanting to lean closer, your eyelids getting heavier.
He turned to you then looked at the clock. 12:47am.
No classes tomorrow, since it's the weekend but you looked terribly sleepy. So he closed the book, set it aside. Closed the lights before climbing in beside you.
You stretched out like a cat before tucking yourself under the sheets. "Sleep time??"
He smiled at you. "Yeah." He laid down beside you, and you were both lying on your sides, facing each other.
"Good night darling." He whispered. Your face heated up but you thanked the darkness that he couldn't see your blush at the pet name.
"Good night Nori- ah senpai." You whispered back.
He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Drop the Senpai, just call me Noritoshi."
. Noritoshi."
2 minutes passed, but you're both still staring at each other.
"What is it?"
"Nothing much
 Just saying your name feels nice. Can we hold hands while we sleep?"
He chuckled and reached to clasp both your hands in his. Your mark has long stopped flashing wildly. It's now a warm dark red glow.
You smiled at your marks.
"Can I kiss you? Properly?" He asked hesitantly.
Oh. You would like that very much. Your heart is literally in your throat, beating so furiously Noritoshi could probably feel it.
You could feel some of his stronger emotions through the bond. He really wants to hold you in his arms, you realized. You never felt so bare with another person before. He could probably feel your emotions too, so no point in hiding it.
As you nodded, he slowly crawled over you, caging you in with his arms. Slow, he was too slow.
You grabbed the front of his Kimono and pulled his lips down to yours. His eyes widened, but soon closed shut as he finally finally got to taste you. He was careful not to crush you as he pressed you into the sheets for a deeper kiss.
You both found yourselves running your hands over the other's body. His tongue entered your mouth and played with yours. Dangerous. Your hands tugging at his hair. It was getting dangerous.
Noritoshi quickly pulled back, chest heaving against yours, and tucked you under his chin. His heartbeat was beating furiously before quickly calming down.
"Darling I'm-" how could he tell you that he wants you right now. This wasn’t good, he had to hold himself back. He kissed you on the forehead.
"Shhhh, I'm right here." he whispered sweet nothings into your ears as you whined out at the loss of his lips on yours. "Time for bed as you said. Good night." He kissed you once more on the cheek.
You pouted and looked up to see him cuddle you with such a soft expression. So you relented, "Okay. Good night Noritoshi." And fell into a deep sleep in his arms.

. You opened your eyes to see Noritoshi groaning above you. It's like 3am, in the middle of the night, and you accidentally shoved your knee in his gut.
He was still asleep, but he could feel the pain. You hurriedly retracted your knee, reaching over to pat him on the back. Then moving to stroke him gently on the head.
As he finally settled back into sleep, you subconsciously moved forward to tuck your head under his neck. He is feverishly warm and comfortable. It’s gonna be hard going to bed without him.
And as you fell back into a deep sleep in his arms, Noritoshi, still asleep, wrapped his arms tighter around you and then continued dozing off.
You felt yourself wake up with the best night’s sleep you’ve had in years. And that was saying something.
Noritoshi was still sleeping. He looked like he was having a rather nice dream. You traced the outline of his features with your fingers until his eyes snapped open.
You jumped back, shrieking and almost falling off the edge of the bed. But Noritoshi had fast reflexes, hand reaching out to grab your waist and pull you close to him. Your face smacked into his chest.
"Morning." His voice was so deep and raspy, you shivered at the sound. His eyes darkened.
"Morning senpai." You whispered, feeling so small.
"Do you make it a habit to play with other people’s faces while they’re asleep?" He whispered.
Goosebumps prickled along your skin as he stroked your arms slowly. "Ahh, I didn’t know you were awake, I’m sorry." You blushed.
Both of your stomachs were kind enough to growl and save your sorry ass. Noritoshi laughed at this.
"My darling needs some breakfast. I'll have the Kamo household prepare and deliver some for us." He said as he reached for his phone.
"Noritoshi, you don't have to, I don't want to be a bother really." You tugged at his sleeves.
“I already said you're never a bother to me haven't I?” He slumped over you as he typed out a text.
You groaned from underneath, "You're heavy Noritoshi."
"That's to stop you from leaving my room without breakfast." He deadpanned.
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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misterewrites · 3 years
Intro Casey 101 (Mirror’s Edge)
Hello everyone, E hoping you are all doing good! Here it is! The next chapter of the side project that's now my second major one. Because I have a problem and cannot be stopped! Haha stay safe, wash your hands, wear your masks, keep yourself, your loved ones and each other safe, get the vaccine if you can and remember to take care of yourselves.
Feel free to share this with your friends, leave me comments, feedback, reblogs. every bit makes me happy and helps! Have a great week and stay safe! E is out!
If you want an easier time to read it or to read it from the beginning you can follow the link below. Tumblr hates links and will probably shadow block my tags but you know what? Tumblr hates me in general so oh well
Summary:  Casey is the head of the local Neighborhood Watch (and by head, he means only employee) Whenever not helping his best friend take down corrupted, evil jerkbutts, he spends his time running, maintaining and helping the magical/supernatural residents of Willow's Brook. Life is never static but Casey sometimes wishes it was a little less hectic. Just because he can handle it doesn't mean he wants to.
Willow Rook was a peaceful neighborhood suburb located on the outskirts of Newton Haven, just within the city’s boundaries. Rows of mismatched houses and apartments spread out across the maddening maze that was suburbia. Fernspeaker Drift park was nestled in the heart of the neighborhood, its magical and mundane flora bringing a peaceful harmonic nature to the urban sprawl of man. The towering skyscrapers of downtown could be seen far into the distance, a reminder to the residents the city was never too far away.
The sounds of children screaming and shouting is what awoke Casey. He let out an unhappy groan as he rose from the hard wooden desk he accidentally fell asleep on. He rubbed his aching jaw, trying to loosen it from the rough night he had.
“Fuck” He yawned groggily “I really need to have a pillow here or something.”
He ran his hand through his normally wavy dark brown hair as his sea green eyes glanced about his “office”.
Office was much too generous a word for what he worked out of: It was tiny bungalow with barely enough room for a desk and chair, a case file drawer and the tv that sat ontop of it. Casey mentally prepared himself as he pulled open the curtains and allowed natural light to hit his face.
“Ugggggggh” Casey shielded his eyes from the harsh gleam of the morning “Why must the sun punish me?”
Casey stretched the crick in his neck while keeping an eye on the outside world: The neighborhood was particularly lively today with people out and about. The elderly elf Mr. Thistlebush was complaining about something or another to his dwarfish neighbor Mrs. Boulderfist who politely nodded and humored the old elf. Evan Starsunder, a muscular orc with dark green skin, tipped his mail cap tiredly to everyone he passed as he made his way into his cozy abode for a well earned rest. The newly married halfing (similiar but legally distinct from hobbits) couple Mr. and Mrs. Tealeaf took a stroll across the grassy field where Casey’s office stood, hand in hand and very much the picturesque ideal of young love.
Casey opened the window to let everyone know he was open for business.
“Good morning Mister Remington!” Mr. Tealeaf waved with a smile.
“How are you doing this morning?” Mrs. Tealeaf asked, half curious and half cheerfully.
“Great!” Casey lied, trying to stifle a yawn “Just great. Keeping on eye on the neighborhood, same as usual.”
“Keep up the good work!”
“We appreciate everything you do for all of us!”
“You’re welcome!” he gave a halfhearted wave after the retreating couple.
He sighed, mindlessly fiddling with the engagement ring on his finger.
“I should take it off” Casey spoke to no one in particular “She probably isn’t wearing hers anymore. I shouldn’t give people the wrong idea. I should just take it off and that’ll be it. That’ll be it. Yep. One slip and
His voice trailed off as he was unable to finish the thought.
“CASE!” A voice shouted.
Casey leaned out and squinted, trying to see through the glare of the sunlight to find the person who demanded his attention.
“CASE!” The voice called out again, the blurry far off figure slowly shifting into a more recognizable shape.
Casey rolled his eyes “What is it Kay? I’m working!”
Kasey Remington or, as most people called her, Kay was Casey’s twin sister. Nearly identical face with the same wavy dark brown hair and sea green eyes except Kay had gotten their mother’s button nose out of the deal. Growing up, the twins often questioned why their parents had named them Casey with a C and Kasey with the K but the only response they ever gave was it was funny.
Well not to the twins but they were used to it by now.
Kasey, in her mommy cardigan and white blouse, flagged down her brother to come outside.
“Yeah I’m good up here.” Casey smiled from his slightly elevated position.
“You’re tall for like 5 minutes and you’re already being unbearable about it.” Kasey huffed, shooting her twin a stink eye.
Casey chuckled “Mad with power. Classic story troupes.”
“Cliche you mean.” Kasey laughed “Sorry to bother you but
.did you sleep in your office again?”
Casey rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as he realized he was still wearing his purple tank top and black basketball shorts from the other day.
“Umm well you see
“Is your office still a mess?”
Casey glanced at the half crumpled burger wrappers and scattered papers that littered every inch of desk.
“Pfft, no.”
“That’s a yes” Kasey replied with a knowing smirk “Case
Casey fiercely pointed at his twin “Don’t.”
“Case, you can’t keep
“Yes I can. Watch me.”
Kasey rolled her eyes “I have better things to do.”
Casey scrunched up his face with false hurt “Better than hanging out with your brother? Alright I see how it is. See if I get you anything for Christmas.”
“No! Not my possible Christmas presents!” Kasey fell to her knees dramatically “You monster! How could you do to this to me?”
“Like this.” Casey spoke with a grin, closing the window without another word.
And made his way out of the building a moment later. He offered a hand to his sister and the twins burst out with laughter as Casey helped Kasey to her feet.
“So what’s up Kay?” Casey asked with genuine interest “Where’s Chester?”
Kasey scratched her chin thoughtfully “He’s...got...a
.little league game today.”
“Wooooow took you a full five seconds to remember what your kid’s up today.” Casey snickered “Finally stop signing him up for everything?”
“Ha flipping ha.” Kasey shook her head mockingly “It’s not my fault he wants to do any and everything. Besides it’s not the worst thing in the world to enable my son’s interests. I just wish he slowed down a bit.”
“True. Did you thank him for the house he made for me?”
“Yes and he said you’re welcome. Still got it?”
Casey scoffed as he pulled out his necklace: The simple shape of home clasped carefully onto his chain.
“As a cleric of the hearth nothing is more important than a family’s love.”
“Except” Kasey murmured softly “Maybe your fiancĂ©e?”
“Nope!” Casey threw his hands in the air and turned away from his sister “Not having this conversation. Byeeeee.”
“Case! Casey you’re acting like a child!”
“Would a child do this? Hey Seth!”
A gawky human teenager with dark black clothing and every skull accessory imaginable flinched uncomfortably at the sudden attention.
Casey nodded his head in confirmation “Yeah you! Curfew’s 2:30 A.M. The Hallow spell won’t work during the witching hour so I want you back here before 3. Got it?”
Seth gave a low mumble and wandered off as quickly as his legs could take him.
“Casey.” Kasey laced her voice with a firmness only a mother could muster.
“Whaaaaaat?” Casey whirled around irritated “Look I made my choice and she made hers and that’s it.”
Kasey raised an eyebrow “You two have been in love with each other since we were kids.”
“Don’t you
“Case, why don’t you ask her again?”
Casey said nothing, opting to gesture to his office to answer his question. Written in bright white letters across the walls of the building were the words “Neighborhood Watch.”
Kasey rubbed her arm guiltily “Case
“You gonna take over?” Casey questioned, his voice soft but controlled “You gonna take over for mom? Cuz she retired and unless there’s someone running the watch, all of this...”
He motions to the families walking, playing, living their lives together in harmony. A magical community at peace.
“All this goes away. We’re going to have to move everyone into other magical neighborhoods and under their Neighborhood Watches. And that’s not fair to them.”
Kasey let out a sad sigh “It’s not fair to you.”
“I’m fine” Casey lied “I’m okay I promise. It’s for the best.”
Kasey shook her head “You can lie to yourself but you can’t lie to me. See you for dinner?”
Casey hugged his twin tightly, pouring as much love as he could into the gesture.
“Of course. I’ll bring fries.”
Kasey made a face, playfully pushing him away “Would you bring something else, please?”
“Fine, mashed potatoes.”
“Ugh. Bye Case.”
“Bye Kay!”
Kasey eyed the engagement ring for a moment before taking her leave.
Casey ran his hands through his hair, wondering how much worse today could get.
He turned to make his way back to his office when he spotted a familiar face nearby.
His heart began to thunder loudly in his ears, the phantom sensation of lips pressed against his own ran chills down his spine while his cheeks flushed a bright red. His legs felt weak and butterflies filled his stomach as he took in the sight of Jaime casually walking down the street.
Jaime looked as beautiful as ever: Her long dark red hair was tied into a single braid that hung over her shoulder and shimmered in the soft glow of the morning. Her light brown eyes gleamed with a thoughtfully gaze as she looked at her phone. She was wearing his dark purple hoodie with dark blue jeans and sneakers. Her glasses were cutely askew and Casey felt the overwhelming urge to run over and fix them for her.
The engagement ring on his finger felt impossibly heavy yet light all at once.
He should talk to her. That was okay, right? To talk to someone he’s in love with and desperately wanted to be with. Did she want to talk to him? They left on decent terms. Well maybe. Hopefully. God what if she was mad at him? Or worse, hated him? She could never hate him that was silly. But perhaps she wasn’t ready to speak to him.
He knew he wasn’t ready.
Casey turned to Jaime’s direction then pulled away. He pivoted on his feet to face her again before glancing downwards towards the grass. His hands fidgeted uneasily as a shout threatened to spill out of his mouth.
Casey returned quickly to his office and shut close the window. Resisting the urge to stare at Jaime, he opted instead to reach for a crumpled piece of paper. He smoothed it out and began mindlessly scrawling upon its surface, drawing nothing in particular.
It was comical how automatic Casey’s responses became while he worked in this building: Upon hearing the knock at his door, he rose to his feet and opened it without a second thought.
Casey’s heart leapt to his throat at the sight of Jaime standing at the base of the steps from the bungalow. She smiled shyly, pushing up her glasses further up on the bridge of nose before giving a friendly wave. Her other hand was tucked deeply in the hoodie’s pocket.
“Hey sweetie” Jaime paused, pursing her lips for a moment “Case. How are you Case? Doing good Case? Can I stop now?”
Casey let out a genuine laugh “Hey swe
.Jaime. You can stop. I’m good. I’m good. Good.”
He caught sight of his engagement ring gleaming in the sunlight. He quickly shoved it inside his pocket.
“That’s good. That’s good.” Jaime nodded “I’m glad to hear that.”
Casey caught her wandering glance across the office and quickly shifted his weight to block the view.
“So how’s the new job?” He crossed his arms in an clumsy fashion “Everything okay at the Grimoire?”
Jaime dug at the grass with her shoe “It’s good. Chaotic as usual but hey what do you expect for a magical library, right?”
The two chuckled together and locked eyes for a moment. As one they broke off their gaze, their cheeks slowly turning a pinkish hue.
Casey recovered first “How’s your brother? We talk but ever since last month he hasn’t recruited me to topple any corrupt bosses lately. I’m getting bored.”
“You sure you bored?” Jaime rolled her eyes “There’s no way the Neighborhood Watch is getting that soft.” “Haha I wish.”
An awkward silence fell over the couple as the realization of what subject they landed on washed over them.
“Finn’s good. Busy but good.” Jaime spoke with a fragile softness in her voice “You know my bro, always trying to save the world.”
Casey couldn’t help but noticed Jaime’s body language: She tucked both of her hands into the pockets, her frame shrunk like she was mentally kicking herself as she gawkily fidgeted back and forth.
Jaime glanced upwards towards Casey, her light brown eyes shining brightly in the sun’s glow.
Casey could feel his heart ache with love and longing as he spoke simply “Don’t worry about it beautiful.”
Jaime said nothing. Instead, she closed the distance between them, gently cupping his cheek in her hand.
“Take care of yourself sweetie. Please. For me?”
Casey could feel his ache worsen but he just nodded, murmuring softly “For you.”
Jaime’s smile was sad but lovely. She pulled away slowly, allowing her fingers to linger for a moment.
“Bye for now Casey.”
“Bye Jaime.”
She left without another word and Casey felt exhaustion rush into every fiber of his body. He closed the door reluctantly and took a seat. He stared unhappily at the drawing of Jaime he hadn’t realized he’d be sketching.
“Fucking hell.”
He slumped deeper into his chair, feeling much too drained to face the rest of the day.
“Shit, shit, shit” Seth muttered to himself as he raced through the night. The normally inviting, homely suburb was cold and distant: The shadows moved in eerie unnatural ways and once or twice Seth could soft pattering of paws follow closely behind. The modest homes and apartments were silent, basked in the darkness as they towered over him in silence.
“Just a cat” He mumbled to himself, glancing at his phone and wincing at the 3:30 AM it showed in a white font.
Seth entered Willow Rook proper and paled at the lack of comfort he normally felt in the air. Casey had warned him the Hallow spell, a powerful ward of holy magic that protected the neighborhood and hid it away from the world, would not work between 3 and 4 AM. Seth assumed he was merely attempting to scare him to return early. It never occurred to him that Casey was telling the truth.
Seth fumed silently “It’s fine. I’m late, it’s fine nothing followed me here and it’s fine.”
A chill ran down his spine as something rustled nearby. He whirled around in time to see something lunge straight for his chest.
He was ashamed how quickly he flinched, closing his eyes shut while raise his hands in a poor attempt to defend himself. He made quick prayer to whatever deity who happened to be on duty at the moment.
Something thudded against his chest. It didn’t stay long, instead quickly making its way up his shirt and tucked itself comfortably on his shoulder. It wasn’t too heavy but it was big whatever it was. Seth was surprised how warm and fluffy it was and swore it was purring in his ear.
He cracked open his eyes and found himself staring at an orange tabby cat: it was a fat cat with stripes of white and orange running down its body. Its dark green eyes stared curiously at him. If he didn’t know better, he would’ve thought it was asking him a question.
“Hey buddy” Seth breathed a sigh of relief, scratching the cat’s chin “What are you doing out here? Scaring the shit out of me?”
The cat pawed at his face rather roughly and with enough force to actually make him turn his head.
Seth felt the blood drain as he saw something approach in the shifting shadows: A monstrous thing, thin and skeletal. Its skin was a dark shade, almost as black as the darkness it blended in with. It crawled forward slowly on all fours, thick talons digging up and cutting through the pavement with ease. A bloody wrap covered its eyes and two thick, elongated fangs protruded from its lower jaw. The rest of its face was smooth and featureless.
The words died in Seth’s throat. The best he could do was a pathetic croaking noise he was grateful no one could hear in the dead night.
The creature tilted its head as if listening for any sign of its prey.
Seth couldn’t move, the fear gripping him tightly in its thrall. His breathing hitched and he could feel his body shake beyond his control as the creature inched closer and closer.
The cat leapt off his shoulder, silently landing onto the grass and bolting into the night.
Seth’s stomach churned and twisted anxiously as the creature stared in his direction, a growling rumble escaping its mouth. It let loose a maddening shriek, one that shook Seth’s very bones. It stood on its hind legs and grew to an inhuman height. Its mouth lowered, stretching impossibly wide as it leapt forward.
Seth felt cold and empty as the sight of the monster filled his sight. The fight ebbed out of him and left only an overwhelming sense of dread and finality.
This is how it ended.
It was an odd sensation to feel at the end: the warmth and glow of the sun at his back. Perhaps some higher being was taking mercy on him in his last moments on this plane of existence.
Wait, no the warmth was getting brighter and hotter. An unbearably stuffy and blazing with an intensity of a summer day that grew each passing moment.
Seth groaned, wincing in pain as a sudden flash of light zoomed past with incredible speed. It burned brightly, dispelling the silhouetted shadows with a burning flame despite it being no bigger than a baseball.
The creature reared back and thrashed about, too caught off guard by the sudden glow to realize it was coming straight for it. The orb collided with the creature’s chest and sunk deeply into its chest. The creature howled and buckled in pain, bending and twisting at unnatural angles.
The light faded and the orb with it but Seth could see the fist sized hole it had burned through the chest of the creature.
The creature weakly swayed, seemingly weakened by whatever hit it.
“Not in my neighborhood you punkass bitch.”
Seth weakly turned to find Casey standing there, the fat orange tabby at his feet. The head of the Neighborhood Watch finally changed his clothes: He wore a purple jacket with a black shirt that read “Neighborhood Watch” in faded white lettering. His gray sweats were wrinkled and his feet were adorned with two different sneakers. Outstretched in his hand like he had taken a swing at something was a glowing metal baseball bat that pulsed with radiant power.
“Casey, I
” Seth mumbled out but Casey motioned with his head.
“Go home kid. This ain’t the minor leagues.”
Seth was ashamed to say he ran, frantically and as fast as his sore legs could take him. Whatever just attacked him was out of his weight class.
Luckily Casey was in a league of his own.
The creature clicked its tongue unhappily as it moved uneasily on its hind legs. It bent and twisted its neck in a way that would’ve broken it if the creature had been human.
Casey rolled his eyes as he gripped the bat tightly in his hand “Drama queen much, aren’t you?
The creature said nothing. Instead it threw itself forward full force towards the cleric.
“Here we go.” Casey murmured tiredly as he drew his bat back.
The creature took a swipe at him but Casey already moved out of the way, dodging to the side and allowing the creature sail past him. It twisted its head around only to get a face full of metal: Casey’s swing caught the creature in the cheek and sent it reeling backwards.
The creature shrieked in pain as smoke curled off its face, the cheek swollen and charred an ashy black. It didn’t hesitate to attack once more: It stood up and tried to crush Casey under its full weight.
Casey just shoved the bat directly into the hole he made earlier.
The creature hissed and retreated away from the holy infused weapon. More smoke bellowed from the now enlarged hole.
Casey raised his bat threateningly “Go back to wherever the hell you came from or I will beat you out of existence you flipping abomination.”
If the creature understood the threat, it made no indication. Instead it doubled down on its poor choices.
It sat back on the balls of its feet, tensing its legs in preparation for a mighty leap.
Between helping the inhabitants of the neighborhood with their requests, talking to Jaime and frankly being awoken to a fucking demon attack at 3 am, Casey was just done with all yesterday and evidently today.
Casey’s hand glowed with a dazzling radiant light as he spokes the words of faith. Magic formed and condensed into a single ball of pure sun in his palm.
The creature sprinted forward, tearing up the grass underneath its feet while it desperately made one final dash towards the cleric.
Casey lobbed the ball high in the air and fell into a batter’s stance.
The orb hung in the air for a moment like a blazing sun then fell back to earth.
The creature leapt, talons aimed for Casey’s neck.
Casey let out a mighty swing. There was a loud crack as the bat made contact with the orb. The ball of light sped off and shoved itself down the creature’s throat. The bat follow through connected with the head of the creature and knocked it cleaned off.
The ball gleamed bright in the beast’s stomach before exploding outward like a supernova. The creature flaked away into blacken ash, head and all.
The gleam of light vanished and Casey found himself under the cover of night once more.
He wiped at his eyes tiredly as his phone beeped. He glanced at it to see it was now 4 in the morning.
There was a soft hum as the Hallow reactivated: the air shimmered with an unseen power and grew warm with comfort.
The ashes vanished without warning, the unholy remains cleansed by the sanctity of the neighborhood.
The cat drew closer to Casey, its eyes peering at him thoughtfully.
“Hey Julius” Casey greeted the cat politely “Long night?”
Orange Julius meowed in response.
“Thanks for keeping an eye on him. I knew he’d stay out late but hopefully he understands why we have a rather generous curfew.”
Orange Julius nodded.
“That’s been like what? The third demonic hell beast/ abomination this month. That’s a lot for a month.”
Orange Julius meowed in agreement.
Casey pursed his lips thoughtfully “Hey, did you see Finn?”
The cat tilted his head quizzically.
“I mean all this time you. He. Well you aren’t around whenever he comes by” Casey scratched his neck sheepish “You are his dad’s cat. You sure Fernspeaker wouldn’t want you to be with him?”
The cat paused for a moment before shaking his head.
“It’s not because Jaime’s folks adopted him after
..well that happened, is it?”
The cat pawed the grass below him.
“Right.” Casey nodded in understanding “Neighborhood’s your responsibility. I get that.”
Orange Julius meowed then vanished into the darkness.
Casey glanced at the statue of Fernspeaker that stood tall in the center of park. It had been erected the same time the park was named after him, both shortly after his and his wife’s death 22 years ago.
Fernspeaker Drift, Finnrick’s biological father, was once a powerful druid, deeply in tune with nature and a firm believer in helping others. This neighborhood was his passion project. The Neighborhood Watch was formed after his passing.
The Neighborhood Watch was created because of his passing. Nobody wanted a repeat of what happened all those years ago.
Finnrick told him it was okay for Casey to not to take the job but it felt like such a disrespect to let this whole place dissolve and scatter its residents.
Casey sighed and wandered back to his office. Office hours were closed but the Neighborhood Watch’s job was never done.
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queerofthedagger · 3 years
Creator Tag Meme: Top 5 of 2020 ✹
rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I was tagged by @seadeepy ❀
I’m going to go with only fics because otherwise, I’ll spend ages trying to decide.
5. Love Me Like My Demons Do [HP; Sirius Black/James Potter, 130k words]
Technically, I wrote most of this at the end of last year, but I rewrote a lot of it and posted it this year, so it still makes the list. This fic really was a ride and so much fun, and is kind of my love letter to Prongsfoot as well as Regulus. It’s a first war AU with lots of mutual pining and slow burn, and I just, love it a lot. On a more personal note, what really was an experience about this was that, as I said, I wrote this in a rush last November and December, gave it a edit, and then let it sit. When I came back to it this summer, I could actually see how I’ve grown as a writer, which was a great feeling after only six months. ❀
4. Free Fall [Merlin; Merlin/Arthur, 1k words]
So, even before this whole mess of a year really got going, I started watching Merlin. I did not expect it to take over my life as it has, and I remember going from, “Well this is nice,” to, “Okay, I read a few fics but I’m probably not going to write one myself,” to -- well. Whatever this is. This fic was my capitulation and my first for this fandom. My wip list for Merlin has now over 25 projects, I have no idea how this happened, and I have no regrets. As for this fic, it’s just a sweet little one-shot to get a feel for writing this world/characters, and it has a fond place in my heart.
3. A Study in Choices and Second Chances [HP; Regulus Black/Harry Potter, 90k words]
If Love Me Like My Demons Do is a love letter to Regulus, this fic is me, screaming from the rooftops. It’s a Time Travel, Deathly Hallows AU and while I wanted to throw that book against a wall more than once, I’m so, so proud of this. I wrote it for the Regulus Fest and still can’t believe I got done in time. I think it’s my favourite HP fic of mine, and I’m constantly in awe of the response it got, considering what a rare pair this is. ❀
2. everybody needs a place (will you always be mine?) [Merlin; Arthur/Merlin, 2,7k words]
I wrote this fic in an absolute haze, and it might just be my favourite short fic I’ve written. Not only is it so very self-indulgent and the kind of softness that I need more of for the two of them, but I sometimes re-read it and question if I really wrote this. It was a bit of a personal breakthrough in terms of writing for me, even though I don’t know why or how, or how to explain it.
1. To Bare Our Teeth and Our Hearts [Merlin; Arthur/Merlin, 124k words]
My first multi-chaptered fic for Merlin, and I’m so fucking proud of it y’all have no idea. It’s a canon au with so much angst and a happy ending and a lot of tropes I really love, and sometimes it nearly drove me insane but I not only got it done but am so satisfied with how it turned out. I learned so much about my view of the characters, and even though they still don’t behave half the time, I feel like it taught me how to handle it when they don’t.
As an end-note, I want to thank everyone who left kudos and comments and any form of encouragement; writing and sharing it really is what got me through this year, and I can’t express how grateful I am for the fandom-communities I’m in. ❀ 
Tagging: @atlantablack @wynnefic @being-luminous @marshmallowmcgonagall @mother-of-lionss @messandahalf10 @unmarkedinlife @fervidasaflame @acciomeriin @nextstopparis @camelotsheart if you like, no pressure of course!
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arlenianchronicles · 3 years
2020 Art Highlights :)
Thank you so much for tagging me, @mellar1l! <33
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Oh goodness, I have a lot of favourites! I’ll start with my four large paintings; these were done to practice full-body compositions and backgrounds.
A Party in Tirion. My first large painting! I especially love the lighting and atmosphere of that piece.
The Baths of Menegroth. I painted this one as a way to practice female anatomy and atmospheric backgrounds, while also taking the opportunity to develop my headcanons for LĂșthien.
The Argument. There’s not a lot of art on this scene, so I thought I’d try my hand at it. I learned that I needed to practice more male anatomy, and also that Maedros was pretty much the sole point of interest of this piece.
The Elven Bathhouse. This one is from my stories, not Tolkien XD I learned quite a bit about male anatomy while painting this piece, and I’m quite happy with the result though I know there’s lots I can improve on.
Next are the solitary pieces! I’ll put this under a “keep reading” since it’s a bit long, sorry ^^;;
Fire and Smoke. I think this is my favourite of the kidnap fam paintings I’ve done so far. I was able to closely match my initial vision, and I also tried an experimental style for the backgrounds, which turned out nicely.
Findekáno and Arakáno. You ever have that painting that you keep coming back to, maybe because it feels very ... cozy? Or fuzzy? Or the composition is just very ... cuddly? I don’t know how to explain it ^^;; I think it’s just the way Fingon cradles Argon, and how Argon holds Fingon’s shoulder. I’m not sure how I brought this effect about, or if anybody else feels the same as me, but it’s like I can feel the cloth of Fingon’s sleeve and the arch of his shoulder as though I’m leaning my head against him. Is it just me? Maybe I need a break from the House of Fingolfin lmaoo
Tell Me About Your Family. Beren and LĂșthien are my favourite couple, but I hardly make any content of them. This was really fun to draw in that I was able to create a comfortable, warm atmosphere between them ... or at least I hope I was able to ^^;; 
Autumn Tree. Two of my favourite OCs, Aurelydan and Talevar, in the style of my Fire and Smoke paintings. Honestly, I hadn’t drawn them for a while at that time, so it was nice to spend some time with them.
NolofinwĂ«an Wrath. I think this is my favourite Fingon piece to date. At first I was going to draw him with a blank expression, as though to suggest that he’s dissociating. But then I thought to myself, no, let’s make him angry.
Annael and Rían. I love how Annael turned out here. I dunno what it is, but I just have a thing for immortal beings (usually elves loll) holding mortals in their hearts, if you know what I mean. And I still can’t get over how small and round and cute Tuor is XDD I just imagine Annael holding him so tenderly against his chest, and Tuor falls asleep surrounded by the body heat, and dreams of shiny droplets splashing against the cave walls from little waterfalls ... 
FĂ«anturi Siblings. I need more content of NĂĄmo and Irmo with Nienna. Please, more platonic family interactions, I need them.
Illumination. My favourite rendered piece of Aurelydan and Talevar, and the physical form of Aurelydan’s power -- the Firebird. Not only did I get to practice drawing wing anatomy (which took me a dang while to get right loll) I got to have fun with all the lighting, too!
Sisters at Odds. I haven’t drawn these two for ages and ages, so I was all too happy to spend some time with them.
Tagging: @toastedbuckwheat, @gamjawo, @lembas4frodo, and anybody who’d like to join! Please feel free to, if you want! :D
Happy New Year, everybody! Thank you so much for supporting me by liking and reblogging and commenting on my work! I really really appreciate it :’’’’’))) Here’s to another year filled with art and other good things! <333
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seven-oomen · 3 years
Creator Tag Game
I was tagged by @for-the-love-of-wolves
RULES: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works <3
1. Once Upon a Time   ( 99.768 words)
(Teen Wolf, The DILF Club, Chris/Peter/Noah, A/B/O) 
Summary: Having one soulmate is a blessing, having two is cosmic. Chris Argent left town seventeen years ago under the threat of his family, only returning briefly eleven years later for a funeral. When he left again he couldn't have foreseen the circumstances that led to the Hale fire and yet, he blames himself for it. So when he finally returns with his three pups in tow, he has to navigate a barrage of emotions, old friends and lovers, and murders being committed in the town where it all began.
Notes: I feel like I would be lying to myself if I said that this wasn’t my favorite creation of all time. It’s been SO therapeutic to write, has gotten me through hallucinations, ptsd attacks, panic attacks, and my own worst memories. It’s truly what I consider to be my magnum opus and is still ongoing. It’s a story about found family, about trauma recovery, and rekindling old flames while overcoming your past demons. 
2. Once Upon a Time trailer  (1:37 long)
What is it? A little video project I made as a trailer for Once upon A Time and it still makes me smile. I’m very proud of it even if it doesn’t have many notes.
Notes: One of the only vids I made this year and it was a blast to do so. If it had done better I might have done more of them. But we’ll see what next year brings.
3. Parachute   (8.336 words)
(Detroit: Become Human, Hank Anderson/Connor/RK900/Gavin Reed, A/B/O) 
Summary: Staring at his hands, he realized he couldn’t take any of this for much longer. The words kept replaying in his head, like a broken record or a terrible unending mantra. He shook his head, groaning miserably as another wave of nausea hit him. He had to get himself through this. He knew that hooking up in the middle of a revolutionary celebration- or humanities last night of freedom- as he called it, wasn’t the best idea. But he couldn’t have known it would fuck his life up beyond repair. Not unless he got it fixed. He wasn’t sure he wanted to.
Luckily there's three assholes who are more than willing to help him out. Or Gavin Reed's introduction to polyamory and basic human decency.
Notes: Honestly, one of the better written fics I’ve put out this year. I never really finished it as I moved from the dbh fandom into 911 and then into teen wolf as my hyperfixations changed. But I still really love what I have written and consider it one of my better written works despite its unfinished state.
4.  The way I tend to be (5.542 words)
(Teen Wolf, The DILF club, Chris/Peter/Noah, Cabin fic, Trans Chris Argent)
Summary: Peter, Chris, and Noah get stuck in a Cabin while searching for a rogue wolf. Oh, however will they keep themselves entertained and warm? Shenanigans ensue. - Fate could be a very cruel mistress when she wanted to be. And often she came together with a little vicious thing called irony.
The last year had been crazy. He discovered werewolves, banshees, wendigos, and werecoyotes were real, and so was whatever Kira was supposed to be. Chris Argent, Allison’s father and Isaac’s foster father, turned out to be a hunter, and the little bane of his existence during his career as a deputy, a certain Peter Hale, turned out to be a werewolf. As was Peter’s nephew Derek and his niece Cora. He still couldn’t completely wrap his head around that one.
Notes: Self indulgent porn with a plot and accidentally aquired a universe to write in. Was supposed to be a cabin fever fic and somehow I already have 3 new fics lined up for this universe. I just have to write them. Very smutty, a bit angsty, and features both a trans male character and bisexual dilfs who fuck each other. What’s not to like?
5. Honey, honey (1.600 words)
(9-1-1, Eddie Diaz/Evan Buckley, A/B/O, Mpreg, I didn’t know we were dating)
Summary: Eddie's been calling him this word for a while now and he can't figure out what it means. So naturally, he asks the internet for help. Specifically, Reddit. What else was he supposed to do?
Notes: Just a really sweet short story based on a reddit post that was going around at the time that I wrote this. Pretty well received, one negative comment, but overal people seemed to like it. And considering I didn’t create that much this year (6 fics and a video), I figured it was a good addition to the list.
And those are my five favorite creations this year. Though honestly, I think despite the type of year that it has been, I think this features some of my best work to date.
I am tagging @msmischief101 @mostly-vo1d @latelierderiot @thoughtfulbreadpolice @mother-shipper @crystallized-iron and anyone else that wants to do it. Also feel free to ignore if you don’t want to do it.
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knoepfchen · 3 years
Thank you Alex, my fellow “I have a URL that no longer really fits the fandom I’m in but I’ll be damned if I change it now” TOG AU conspirator, @meet-the-girl-who-can, for tagging me in this!
I enjoy “end-of-year reflection” a lot actually, but I’ve not really gotten round to it much in previous years, and so I’m making the best of my planlessness this year. (Also it’s Theodor Fontane’s birthday tomorrow, and I believe it’s what he would have wanted.)
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works (fics, art, edits, etc.) you’ve created this year and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in  2020. If you don’t have five published works, that’s fine! Include ideas/drafts/whatever you like that you’ve worked on/thought about, and talk a little about them instead! Remember, this is all about self-love and positive enthusiasm, so fuck the rules if you need to. Have fun, and tag as many fellow creators as you like so they can share the love! <3
The Old Guard found me at a strange little time in my life. I lost my job earlier this year and decided to take it as a clean break, try to go back to university and take it from there. The Old Guard came out the day I got the acceptance letter from my uni, which was great – but also meant I would definitely be starting all over again, and find myself in a long-distance relationship after years of living with my partner. I guess what I’m trying to say is, when I randomly saw the film on Netflix and pressed play, I was in a bit of a mental and emotional limbo from all the uncertainty suddenly going on in my life, and I latched onto the ideas of immortal love and the only true difference we can make is through acts of kindness like a baby koala to its mother. I wrote my first TOG fic a day later, and what a ride it’s been since.
I’ve read fics by and spoken to so many amazing people in the past couple of months, but I think they’ve all already been tagged (because I’ve been reading these posts like the morning paper) and so I will cop out of tagging on this one. (If you haven’t been tagged and want to do this, feel free to use me as your tagger though – I mean it when I say I love reading these posts!)
5 - a slow landslide AND what i wouldn’t gif
I can’t pick between the two so I’m including them both. This is probably surprising to anyone who’s read both because they could not be more different if they tried, but that’s exactly the problem – I like them equally, but for entirely different reasons. (I also wrote them really shortly after one another, and so it’s quite hard to disentangle them in my mind.) But because while I think I personally just want to read the same fic with the same topic from the same authors over and over, the fics I write sure are all over the place in tone, theme, setting and relationship tackled, and nothing has made me happier than seeing people read and enjoy both :) 
4 - i am lost, in the robes of all this light
Writing Andromaquynh fic can be a bit demoralising if you also write Joe and Nicky – and I don’t mean this as a dig at all, it’s just that that part of the fandom is smaller and so there’s less people reading/commenting/leaving kudos – but I really like how soft this one got. My friend somewhat rightfully pointed out to me that it’s basically an atonement fic because I felt guilt for writing an absolute angstfest of a witchhunt retelling beforehand, but if you can’t guilt trip yourself into writing fix-it fics, who can you guilt trip?
3 - and you smiled, because you knew.
This is the first thing I wrote in this fandom, and it’s a silly idea (five times Joe proposed and one time he didn’t) executed with a degree of serious introspection I’m not sure the trope is made for. Looking back, the narrative voice is off, the tense I used for flashbacks questionable, and the imagery quite literally all over the place, but it also has some of the best lines I’ve ever written and it introduced me to @avaniesque, who has taught me so! much! about history and been a wonderful beta whenever I forayed into historical settings with the guard, so I can and will not complain about it. (She’d tell me to shorten that sentence, too.)
2 - we that are true lovers run into strange capers
Okay so. For my brain, writing this fic was a little like going to my favourite fast food restaurant every day for a month. It was a strangely addictive endeavour, occupying most of my waking thoughts and causing my Spotify Wrapped to look like a fever dream, but it was also the most fun I’ve had writing anything, ever. By all rights, it should have been a hot mess, (I guess it kind of is, but by the time I noticed it seamlessly transitioned from rom-com to corporate heist it was too late) but that’s the way of self-indulgent fic! I still read the comments on this fic when I have a bad day, because everything about it is my happy place.
1 - not sleepy enough to give it up
I was tempted to put this here just because it’s the last thing I’ve written, and the last thing I’ve written is always the momentary best thing I’ve written. But more than that, I think this is the first time I managed to actually write the fic I intended to write; a fic that, reading it, feels exactly the way I imagined it would in my head. I don’t usually reread my own work, but I’ve reread this one a couple of times for non-editing purposes, and I still love it.
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cno-inbminor · 3 years
thank you for the tag dear <3 @xakusa
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
i think the writers i would tag have already been tagged, but pls feel free to do this and tag me!!
i had to sit and remember if i’ve even written 8 works this year LMAO -- in no particular order: 
Immergo  - My first ever HQ fic. I binged the 3 seasons in April and lurked around in the tags for a while before I felt like I could write something. It’d been so long since I last wrote and published anything so I was really nervous! I certainly don’t regret it -- not my best work, but it was fun to write so much again. And the fact that it’s a comfort fic for some and SOMEONE PRINTED IT OUT is just...wow. What a way to get into the HQ writer sphere. 
Untitled 2 - Iwa - I’m not sure why I would consider this a favorite. It’s not as popular, but I just love the idea of Iwaizumi being soft and very passionate about his love for someone? Throw in soulmates!au, reincarnation, and vampire -- very self-indulgent on my part, really.
Adsentio - You put Keiji and Royalty!AU together and I will froth at the mouth. I just rewatched The Swan Princess and felt mildly inspired to write something of my own. The first part and the bonus letters might’ve been my favorite to write. Again, very self-indulgent. 
Untitled 1 - Keiji - I just rewatched Little Women (2019) and this was born from it. Soft, thoughtful Keiji is one of my favorite Keiji’s. 
Inpetus - You’re starting to see a theme here -- I watched Burlesque and wanted to try something a little bit on the slightly risque side, although nothing happens in it. I think this was before we knew what Kuroo was doing post!time skip so it was fun imagining that. Looking back, I’d fix the dream sequence but writing it at the time was a slight whirlwind. 
Domus - I have an odd relationship with this fic -- it’s my most popular one thus far, but it was the one I least expected to gain any traction. My brain was...melting at the time of writing it? And I had some stuff bottled up inside so I was really just trying to find an outlet. But I’ve grown to like it more as time has gone on, and it’s really because of everyone who ever reblogged or liked it or commented or sent me asks about it -- the fact that multiple people have come and told me that this was a comfort fic for them and how much they loved Keiji in this? It’s left me floored and just feeling really honored. I don’t think I deserve it but I’m so thankful for it. 
Untitled 1 - Kuroo - You can also see that I’m shit at coming up with titles. But this was really fun to write for me -- my guilty pleasure is like...where the character chases the reader in some form or fashion? I’m a romantic idealist and I’m hooked on the idea of someone just fighting for you, in the most general sense. Dash in good/best friends relationship...I’m a sucker for reading those and writing them. I’m not a very eclectic writer LMAO 
Ipsum Exitio - And last but certainly not least, this fic. I’m still working on Pt. 2 -- Raenah, if you ever see this, I can’t thank you enough for being my beta. You put up with all my rambling and chaotic thought processes to put this together and gave it so much care, I don’t deserve you. (Side note: I hope you’re doing well and had a good holiday season!)  This fic is personal, to a certain degree. And there’s so much exposition and character building, which I think is something that might bore people but it’s a manifestation of how I’ve thought about others for a while: What drives people to do the things they do? This is something that’s extremely pertinent in my field, but also how I try to get to know people and look at them as holistically as possible. Self-destruction is the theme of this fic, and honestly, it stems from my own self-destructive tendencies. There’s not a whole ton of dialogue, and my writing isn’t the most interesting of styles either, so I would say this is one of my least popular fics. I spent a lot of my time just hoping that it all makes sense as to how the characters, including the reader/YN navigates through her life. 
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fiction-fun · 4 years
Manchurian Gold: The Great Escape
@creedtheconquer @theconfusedleo @friedrich-the-gay @hamiltimes @braidedchallah @haha-gunsgoburrr @alexanderdamnhethin @rthoney @andpeggy21
Fandom: Man of Medan, Dark Pictures Anthology
Pairings: Alex/Julia, Conrad/OC, Brad/OC
Words: 13262
Warnings: Mentions of Guns and Knives, minor violence
Reading Key:
Bold: Narrator
Regular: Laurens
Italics: Me
Oh hello and welcome to my repository, if you choose to stay may I offer a story to keep you entertained? 
Fantastic, now where should we begin? Oh yes this one is one of my favorites, shall we begin?
"Jesus there you are, we are already running late as is." Alex slightly scolds his brother's best friend, a young lady by the name of Cheyenne.
"Sorry Alex kinda got lost or did the fact that we are in a different country escape your understanding." She fires back causing Alex to raise his arms in surrender.
"Julia and Conrad will be there any minute we need to head out now." He says grabbing the things they need and he starts to head out.
"Be nice Alex I'm pretty sure if they get there before us it won't be that bad." Brad interjects giving Cheyenne a sympathetic look.
The 3 friends climbed into the rental car and they headed off to their next stop, where they will be spending the next few days.
"Conrad, there will be plenty of beer, would you relax?" Julia called from the front seat of the car.
Conrad looked back and waved her off.
"Seriously Jules, you'll get to see your lover boy soon. If Lil ol' Connie wants to grab a drink let him." Julia's friend Kaley said looking at her from the driver's seat. 
Julia sighed and looked at where Conrad had disappeared too.
"I'm not worried about that, they're going to be waiting for us!" Julia said with a huff.
Kaley stifled a chuckle and looked at her friend critically.
"Julia, are you sure they won't mind my sudden appearance?" She asked, watching her friend closely.
Julia waved her off much like Conrad had moments ago.
"Yeah, they won't care. Alex is cool and from what he says his brother is pretty chill too." Julia said just as Conrad jumped into the back.
"Alright you two, enough gossiping let's get on the road!" Conrad called with energy.
Kaley shook her head and put the car in gear, the three heading off towards the docks where they'd meet up with the others.
"Can you go grab that last case of beer while we get set up here." Alex asks Brad and his brother nods leaving the boat and going back to the car.
"So we finally get to meet this Julia you've said so much about." Cheyenne teases, taking a seat and Alex shakes his head ignoring her and starts to unpack some things.
"So Julia." Brad says setting the case of beer down.
"Did you take those diving classes like I asked you too?" Alex asks and Brad shakes his head.
"No I didn't." He responds and Alex sighs.
"How are you going to get in the water." He asks and Brad shrugs.
"Just wing it I guess." Brad responds and Cheyenne snorts biting back the laughter threatening to spill out.
"Brad, Julia and Conrad don't mess around with this kind of stuff we are swimming with the big fish now." Alex states and Brad rolls his eyes, "I shouldn't have let you tag along Julia just wanted to meet you."
"Tag along? Last I checked I was invited." Bred fires back and Alex instantly regrets his choice of words.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean that I'm just a little stressed with Med school and this whole long distance thing with Jules." Alex says apologizing to his brother and Brad nods.
"Don't worry man I understand." Brad says, offering a small smile to his brother to reassure him.
The three of them pulled up and Conrad jumped out, phone in hand.
"What are you doing now, Connie?" Julia asked, looking at him.
Kaley just sighed and grabbed her bag, before walking over to the other side of the car.
"Seriously, Conrad? One track mind much?" Kaley asked, moving to stand a bit ahead of them.
Conrad gave a smirk and jumped forward,wrapping his arm around her.
"Come on, Kaley! It's a vacation! Live a little." Conrad said with a little laugh.
Kaley and Julia just shook their heads and the three of them started walking towards the pier.
"They are here." Alex says clicking his phone off as the other two look towards the dock and see 3 figures moving closer to them.
"Julia hey." Alex says to the girl with dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes.
"Alex!" She squeals, pulling him into a hug.
"This is my brother Brad." He says pointing behind him.
"Brad oh my god it's so nice to finally meet you, this is my best friend Kaley and my brother Conrad." She says introducing the ones behind her.
"And who is this?" Conrad asks as Cheyenne comes up from below deck.
"Oh this is
." Alex starts but she walks past him.
"I'm Cheyenne, and you are?" She asks, sticking her hand out to Conrad and a ghost of a smirk appears on his face.
"Conrad." He says and she nods with a smile as they shake hands.
Kaley smiled at the gathered group and moved off to the side to look out at the ocean, noticing that Brad moved towards the side as well. Then Conrad walked up.
"Hey, man." Conrad said looking at Brad.
Brad nodded.
"Hey." Brad said looking to the side.
Conrad being his normal self, wrapped his arms around him and dragged him towards where the beer was.
"Come on, share a cold one with me!" Conrad said, moving to pass Brad one.
Brad shook his head and put his hands up.
"No, trust me, you don't want to see me blowing chunks!" Brad said.
Kaley smirked and grabbed the bottle that had been held out to Brad.
"Then I will just take this." She said, moving to sit on one of the seats.
Conrad shrugged before turning his attention back to Brad.
"So have you ever done this before?" Conrad asked motioning towards the dive gear and ocean beyond.
Brad shook his head again.
"No, I never have."
Conrad smiled, and Kaley who noticed shook her head knowing Conrad was going to say something stupid.
"Ocean virgin nice! We'll pop your cherry, together!" Conrad said with a determined look.
Brad looked distinctly uneasy. Kaley leaned forward, grabbing her tablet from her bag.
"Hey Brad, want to come look at some of my photos from my last free dive? I think you'd be interested." She offered sliding over to give him room.
"Yeah, thanks." Brad said, moving to sit by her.
"If you're handing out drinks I'll take you up on that offer." Cheyenne says coming up to Conrad and he smiles handing her a cold one.
"Tell me, how do you know Alex and Brad?" He asked leaning against the frame taking a swig of his drink.
"Me and Brad have been friends since middle school and well Alex tolerates us." She says sitting down on the seat next to where Conrad was standing.
"Is this your first dive?" He asks, casting a glance over to Brad and Kaley.
"Not my first dive I've done but it is my first one of this magnitude." She says and he looks pleased as he turns his attention back to her.
"Awesome! Glad I'm paired with someone who at least knows somewhat, what they're doing." He says amused and she nods as the captain boards the boat.
"Looks like you and I are a pair." Kaley says softly as the captain boards.
"I'd say make yourselves at-home but
.anyways we'll be leaving shortly." Fliss, the captain of the 'Duke of Milan' said as she headed towards the controls in the front.
Brad looked at Kaley, and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Sorry you got paired with such a noob." He said softly.
Kaley just laughed lightly shaking her head.
"Don't worry, everyone starts somewhere. All these pics were taken mid range free diving. Swimming but a bit deeper. I need more pictures anyways so if you want we can just chill up in the upper water." Kaley said reassuringly.
Brad smiled happily.
"Yeah, that'd be great." Brad said excitedly.
"Finally we can get going, felt like I was about to bake out in this sun." Cheyenne groans finishing off her drink and she places it in the trash as Conrad takes a seat next to her.
"What do you like to do for fun?" He asked, trying to strike up a conversation.
"Oh you know the usual, watch movies, listen to music. I also love to read and write but that's more of a guilty pleasure past time." She says, sitting criss cross and she turns slightly to face him.
"What kind of stuff do you write?" He asks and she laughs slightly looking down at her hands as she feels embarrassment start to bubble inside of her.
"Nothing really just little short stories and a few poems here and there." She says and he playfully nudges her shoulder.
"You should let me read some of your stuff some time." He comments and she laughs nervously again.
"Maybe but only if you tell me a little bit about yourself first." She says finally looking back up at him and he nods.
"I like diving, watching movies, uhhhh can't really think of anything else." He says and she nods.
"Alright what do you do for a living." She asks and he smiles slightly.
"I just finished college, I'm trying to become a bartender, what do you do for a living?" He turns the question on her.
"I also just finished college, I'm trying to do something in the history field but haven't found anything yet." She says and he looks somewhat impressed.
"Damn...you're interesting." He says softly.
"So Brad, what do you do? Just, in general?" Kaley asked, adjusting to look at Brad.
He paused and pushed his glasses up, before adjusting to look at her too.
"Well, I'm still in school, studying history with a large focus on world war 2. I love learning all of the different aspects that no one really teaches anymore. Beyond school...I study and read, I work too, I'm a battlefield archeologist. Basically I get to go explore and dig at old battlefields, but I'm only a junior member." Brad said, looking embarrassed as he finished.
Kaleys eyes widened, and a smile split her face.
"That's so cool! I love what you can find in and around battlefields. I myself am studying oceanography with an English secondary and a little bit of a history minor... although my area of expertise is in the civil war. Beyond school I read different things Shakespeare, Homer the  iliad and Odyssey, and a bunch of other stuff. As far as work goes? I work at the aquarium by my school, it's peaceful and relaxing." She said, smiling still.
Brad looked back at her with shock registering as he digested the similarities between them.
"That's...so cool." He said with a bright smile.
After that no one could disturb them for a while as they began debating the differences of their chosen wars and discussing other aspects and things they had learned.
"We're here." Fliss says bringing the Duke to a stop and she lowers the anchor.
"I'm so excited!" Julia squeals zipping up her wet suit.
"If there was a wreck here this place would be swarmed with people like you." Fliss states with a hint of anger in her voice.
"There is a wreck here, if Brad says there is I trust his judgement." Alex says fighting back an eye role.
"Have you ever dove before?" She asks, crossing her arms.
"Yes I have a few times." Alex responds, zipping up his wetsuit.
"Well if you have you should know regulations, if this is an undocumented wreck we need to turn it in
.now." She says and Julia sighs getting annoyed.
"Look we paid you ok we can handle this don't worry." Julia snaps and Fliss shakes her head as she walks off.
"Julia, relax ok? She's right. We know regulations, we need to turn it in." Kaley said with a sigh.
Julia looked like she wanted to keep arguing but Alex cut in.
"So what you're saying is that we shouldn't dive? Come on! You even said you wanted to get in the water!" Alex said, trying to get her to their side.
Kaley put her hands on her hips.
"Yeah, I do. But I want to freedive and only take photos for my oceanography course. Not mess with world war 2 era fighter planes. You guys are treading on dangerous territory, who knows what is on that plane!. Long story short I agree with Fliss, we need to report this." She said crossing her arms definitely, daring them to argue more.
Alex opened his mouth to continue, but paused when Fliss walked back, looking frustrated.
"Just don't touch anything. Take pictures if you want but don't touch anything. Otherwise we all will be at risk of being arrested." Fliss says, with a hard glare.
Kaley turned and looked over to Brad.
"Let's go get ready and I can show you some cool stuff." She said walking away from everyone else.
Brad nodded.
"Yeah, alright." He said with a small smile.
"I agree, we should call this wreck in." Cheyenne speaks up, throwing her 2 cents in.
"At least there are a few people on this boat who have their head screwed on straight." Fliss says under her breath as she starts to set up the diving gear.
"Lets go get ready." Cheyenne says giving a nod to Fliss before turning towards Conrad.
"Alex are you ready?" Julia asks making the last connections on her rebreather and he nods, "Alright let's go."
The pair jumped into the water and they started to descend to the wreck.
"Hey Fliss, I'm sorry about them." Cheyenne says coming up to her.
"Thanks." She says not looking up from what she's doing.
"No Fliss, she's right. They were totally in the wrong. Julia's one of my best friends and she can be a major bitch sometimes. Conrad's not a lot better when he gets his mind on something but he at least tones down to a loud jerk while Julia just steam rolls you. Long story short they should have reported it." Kaley said walking over to get her and Brad's flippers goggles and a couple underwater cameras.
Brad walked up behind her, gently taking his goggles and flippers from her.
"Thanks, and both Kaley and Cheyenne are right, Alex can be a big jerk when he wants to be." Brad said as he got his flippers on.
Kaley smiled and moved to sit on the edge of the boat by Brad.
"Don't worry Fliss, we'll follow guidelines and stay in the upper waters so you won't have 2 sets of misbehaving people." Kaley said as she finished getting her flippers and goggles on.
Brad looked up and nodded with a smile.
"Ready, Brad?" Kaley asked as she stood on the small platform that hung off of the boat.
Brad gave a last small smile to Cheyenne and Fliss before moving to stand by Kaley.
"Yeah, yeah I think so!" He said as he pulled his goggles down.
Kaley passed him a camera and with that the two of them leapt into the water and dove a bit to get a better distance from the ship to see the animals and plants of the area.
"Could your first mate interest you in a cold one?" Conrad asks walking up to Fliss.
Fliss turns with a slight disgusted look on her face, "You're not my first mate."
"Cabin boy?" He questions and she shakes her head causing Cheyenne to snort watching his failed attempts.
"Not even close." Fliss says crossing her arms and Conrad takes a deep breath.
"How about if your dashingly handsome well paying client has asked you to join him for a frosty amber colored liquid?" He asks again and Fliss shakes her head.
"I'm only taking this because you people give me a headache, now would you please go I have work to do." She says and he nods handing her the bottle.
"Aye aye captain." He says turning and he takes a seat on the deck.
"Wow that was almost embarrassing to watch." Cheyenne teases Conrad as she takes a seat next to him.
"Hey I'm a man of many talents." He says and she laughs shaking her head.
"Oh are you now." She says back and he nods looking down at her.
"Yes I am, I can show you if you'd like." He quips and she side eyes him.
"Charm must not be one of them." She says looking him over and he shakes his head.
"That is where you're wrong, it's like a boomerang once you think it's gone over your head it comes back and hits you." He says with a wink causing Cheyenne to look away from him as she feels a blush creeping up her neck.
He was right at first she was unfazed by his advancements but as the day has dragged on she's found herself falling little by little and she hates it.
Kaley and Brad slowly swim a little lower in the water. Brad swims a bit ahead of her just to test his flippers and Kaley shakes her head before grabbing him and pulling him back quickly. Brad wide eyed looks at her. Kaley waves her hand through the water in the direction Brad had been headed, causing Brad to look and see a small shark slowly approaching.
"Ahh" Brad bubbles out in surprise.
Kaley smirked a bit and carefully covered his mouth before holding up her camera and pointing at him then the shark. Brad shook his head frantically, so Kaley shrugged and pointed to his camera before starting to swim over to the Shark. Brad, shocked that she had reached it and was carefully resting a hand on the dorsal fin of the shark, slowly raised his camera up and snapped a few pictures. Kaley smiled as he gave her a thumbs up before pointing behind Brad. Brad turned slowly expecting another shark but saw just some flowering sea plants, with a nod and a smile he swam over to them and Kaley captured a few nice shots. An hour or so later they both surfaced and climbed back into the ship.
"I can't believe you grabbed that shark!" Brad said amazed.
Kaley, who was looking over her pictures paused on one of Brad by a coral structure and shrugged lightly.
"Brad, it was a baby reef-back. They aren't dangerous, not even the adults are. The only sharks even less dangerous are nurse sharks." She said as she finally put her camera down and slipped her flippers off before moving onto the slow process of extracting herself from the dive suit.
"Still, it could have been risky." Brad muttered softly, slowly pulling out of his suit.
Kaley plopped onto one of the benches and pulled the suit off her legs, before looking up at Brad, she offered a little sigh.
"Brad, I know sharks and I know the species that are in this area, I was safe. But I thank you for being worried about me." She said smiling softly as she pulled her wet hair into a high ponytail.
Brad sighed and looked up, eyes going wide for a second as he saw her in just a pair of short swim shorts and a tight tank top.
"I...I was worried that you'd be ripped apart. But you do know what you know." Brad said finally.
Kaley smiled and sat next to him.
"Thanks Brad, honestly one of the best free dive partners I've had. Let's look over these pictures." She said smiling brightly.
Brad swallowed before nodding and grabbing his camera to pull his pictures up. Kaley tore her eyes away from Brad with a soft blush, Brad made a sight in only swim trunks.
"Hey is that a boat coming our way?" Cheyenne asks as she scans the waters.
"That must be what was popping up on radar ...I don't think that's the coast guard coming to arrest us, I've got a bad feeling about this." Fliss says picking up the binoculars before glancing back at the others.
"So what do we do?" Conrad asks, crossing his arms and Fliss glares at him.
"We aren't doing anything, I'm the captain so you be quiet and let me talk." She warns and he nods holding his hands up in surrender.
Not even 10 minutes later the boat comes racing by and hits the dive line before it comes to a stop.
"You have to back up, we have divers in the water!" Fliss calls out as the guy that looks to be the quote unquote captain looks over the side of the speed boat.
"Look what you did to our boat." He says pointing at the very obvious indentation on his speed boat.
"Look man we're sorry, how much would it be to fix that? 10." Conrad says bringing out money and he flicks a 10 dollar bill into the water, "No? How about 20?" He flicks another bill into the water, "30?" He flicks another, "Here take it all." He finishes throwing all of it in the water.
The men speed off and Fliss looks up at Conrad, "You're an idiot." She says harshly before walking away.
"What the hell was that, they could have been pirates
..good job." Cheyenne scolds walking away from him.
"You guys are right, why don't I start up the grill." He says walking over to the grill and he starts to put the starter on the charcoal and he lights it, but it blows up and catches on fire.
"Shit." Fliss says rushing to grab the extinguisher and she rushes over and puts the fire out.
"Fuck, Conrad are you ok." Cheyenne says getting up and rushing over to him and she looks him over to make sure.
"Yeah I'm fine." He says letting her examine his arm.
"What the hell was that?" They hear Julia say from the water.
"Some guys ran into the dive line." Fliss informs and Julia nods looking at the money floating in the water.
"Who decided to pay the ocean?" She asks and both Fliss and Cheyenne look at Conrad.
"I don't know, ask your idiot brother." Fliss says and Julia shakes her head.
"Connie I swear to god you can be stupid sometimes." She says shaking her head before holding up her hand, "Anyways everyone shut up and look."
"Oh my God congratulations you guys!" Cheyenne squeals as she gazes at the ring on Julia's left hand.
"Well damn this is cause for celebration." Conrad smiles as he helps bring them in.
Brad and Kaley who had been down below deck until then came up in time to hear Conrad.
"What's the celebration for, Connie?' Kaley called out as they walked over.
Julia squealed a bit and jumped up onto the little platform, before shoving her hand in Kaleys face.
"LOOK!" she squealed happily.
Kaley upon seeing the ring smiled a happy smile for her friend.
"Congrats, I guess Conrad is right. This time." She said muttering the last bit.
"HEY! I heard that!' Conrad called with a smile still plastered on his face.
Kaley rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"That was the point. So how are we going to celebrate? And before Conrad says alcohol, why don't we let Julia and Alex choose since it's their celebration." Kaley said, and the rest nodded, Conrad looking properly chastised.
"How about food? That is if Conrad didn't break the grill." Julia suggested.
Everyone agreed to that and before long everyone was seated with food and all except Brad were drinking a beer, Brad had a soda.
"Why don't you tell us a ghost story Brad." Cheyenne says relaxing back against the bench she was seated on next to Conrad.
"Yeah I agree, come in Brad." Julia says taking another sip of her drink.
"Alright, this is the retelling of a true story." Brad started but Alex cut him off.
"Woah wait a true story? Where did you hear it?" Alex asked.
Brad gave him a little look.
"An old man, on a beach." Brad said pausing.
Alex seemed to settle back down, Kaley leaned forward, getting into the story.
"It was a long time ago on a cloudy day, an old lighthouse keeper was walking the beach, when out of nowhere a frantic woman ran up to him begging and pleading for help. The lighthouse keeper asked what the problem was, and she said her parents had been murdered. Now the lighthouse keeper, realizing the gravity of the situation, started back with her before asking where she was taking him. 'the old lighthouse, I've lived there for years' the women responded. Now the keeper knew that wasn't true because he was the only one to live there in several decades. He tried to tell the woman this, but she wouldn't listen and instead lead him up the stairs. When they reached the top, there were two bodies splayed out in a bloody fashion on the floor." Brad paused for a second to take in the reactions knowing the best part was coming up.
Julia looked freaked out while Fliss looked interested, Kaley leaned even further trying to fully take in the story, he almost felt bad knowing the ending would probably make her jump and fall off the bench. Conrad and Alex looked marginally unimpressed. He continued.
"The man turned to the woman and asked her 'who did this?' she looked at him and said  'my husband, and he's still here, in the closet' she pointed to the old closet and the keeper looked at it before cautiously making his way over to it, he took a second to take a breath expecting to be attacked. The lighthouse keeper opened the door and sure enough, there was a man in the closet and in the shadow the lighthouse keeper couldn't see his face, so he leaned closer, and closer until finally he could make out the man's face. And
.it was his OWN FACE and before the keeper knew what happened the man jumped and his eyes bulged out and "WAHHH"" Brad lunged forward, lightning cracking at that moment and Brad's face went creepy.
Julia laughed, Alex looked impressed and Kaley, as expected, fell off her chair in shock.
Fliss looked the slightest bit impressed, Conrad laughed giving Brad a nod while Cheyenne yelps instantly clinging on to Conrad and she hides behind him.
"Alright as much as the story was interesting, I think it's bedtime." Alex says standing and Julia follows him.
"I agree." Fliss says as she too stands up and walks off.
"Was the story really that scary?" Conrad says looking behind him slightly at Cheyenne.
"N-no, just the lightning caught me off guard." She says letting go of him and she fixes her shirt.
"Whatever you say sweetheart." He responds with a wink and a smile and her jaw dropped slightly.
Kaley stood up and stretched lightly.
"Scuse me love birds. Hey Brad, nice story. I was wondering if you wanted to come chat a bit before bed?" She asked side stepping Conrad and Cheyenne.
Brad smiled at her lightly.
"Yeah sure, wanna talk down in my room? So we can sit comfortably?" He asked her as they started walking.
Kaley nodded.
"Yeah that sounds good." She says and follows Brad down and out of sight.
"I would actually like to get to know you better." Conrad says relaxing back against the bench with Cheyenne.
"I would like that too." She says softly looking up at him and he smiles.
"Let's start with the basics, how old are you?" He asks and she nods playing with her hands.
"21, how old are you?" She returns.
"22, do you have any siblings?" He asks the next question.
"Yeah 3 actually, an older brother and sister and then a younger brother." She replies and he nods.
"You know you have beautiful eyes." He whispers and she feels her face heat up.
"Stop you're just saying that to say it." She responds and he looks confused before he shakes his head.
"No, I'm serious it's true." He reassures and she smiles slightly.
"Thank you. If my eyes are beautiful yours are otherworldly." She responds and he smiles happily.
"I could go on with the compliments but I get the feeling you really don't want to hear the truth which is a shame because you deserve to know." He says and she feels her heart stutter at his words.
After a beat of silence, she clears her throat and looks away from him, "As much as I'm enjoying this and your company I think I'm gonna call it a night." She stands and he follows stopping her.
"I mean you can join me, I have the top bunk but we can work something out." He says and she smiles nodding.
"Alright, lead the way." She says moving out of his way and he walks them down to his bunk.
Kaley ducks into Brad's room, looking around before joining him, sitting on the bed. She leans her back against the wall next to him and they sit quietly for a few minutes.
"So...so uh what did you want to talk about?" Brad asks, breaking the silence.
Kaley smiles a bit and looks over at him.
"Well we know each other's majors, and what we enjoy and do for work, but that's all. So tell me about yourself, how old are you?" She asked him, turning to him a bit.
Brad shuffles and looks at her.
"I'm 21, how old are you?" He asks her softly.
Kaley smiles a bit.
"I just turned 22 last week." She said softly.
Brad smiled and nodded.
"Do you have any siblings?" Brad asked her.
Kaley nodded and offered a small smile.
"An older brother and a younger sister." Kaley said softly, slowly slipping down the wall.
She let out a yawn, one that Brad mirrored a few seconds later.
"So, have you always been interested in world war 2?" Kaley asked softly.
The two of them had slid down and we're facing each other on the bed barely awake. Brad nodded, his glasses pressed up.
"Yeah, just seeing the
.the differences that have happened have always intrigued me." He said voice, soft.
 Kaley smiled and nodded.
"You're intriguing." She murmured.
Brad laughed a bit.
"So are you." He whispered as they both dozed off.
"Shhhh, we have to be quiet, the children are sleeping." Conrad teases pointing to the bottom bunk where Brad and Kaley are sound asleep.
"Duly noted." Cheyenne whispers climbing the ladder and she settles into the sheets.
"If you want me to, I can sleep on the opposite end with my back to you." He whispers and she shakes her head patting the just big enough space for him to lay next to her.
"I don't mind
..might actually help me sleep better, never was really good at falling asleep on boats." She whispers and he nods, settling next to her closing the gap between them with an arm around her.
"Goodnight." He whispers against her ear and she smiles to herself.
"Goodnight." She whispers back and they too are sound asleep within minutes.
Barely 2 hours later Cheyenne is shaken awake from the force of a random guy pulling Conrad off the bed. She sits up right as Conrad smashes a bottle over the guys head and she jumps into action and she kicks him sending him flying back to the wall, "Are you ok, are you hurt." She frantically says climbing down from the bed and she starts to look at the cut on his forehead.
"I'm fine, are you ok?" He asks and she nods looking over to the other bunk and seeing the two that were there previously are gone.
"Where is everyone?" She asks and Conrad shrugs.
"Both of you shut the fuck up." The man, her and Conrad had tagteamed shouted standing up holding a knife and the two of them held up their hands.
The man ties their hands behind their back and he tapes their mouths before leading them into Alex and Julia's room. When they enter they see everyone there but Brad.
The man pushes them down to the ground harshly and when they land he takes a swing at Conrad but luckily Conrad dodges before he can land the punch as both Alex and Cheyenne kick the guy sending him to the floor. He stands up furious but storms out of the room quickly.
When he leaves Conrad moves to take the tape off of Cheyenne's mouth and she does his before they slowly start to remove the others tape as well, "Is everyone Ok?" He asks and most of them nod when the guy from earlier comes back and takes Fliss.
"What the fuck do they want?" Julia whispers and Conrad looks down.
"I think those are the guys I may have pissed off on that boat earlier." He says softly and a sympathetic look washes over Cheyenne's face.
At that moment the door opens again and the guy drags Conrad out.
Kaley shoots a glare at Cheyenne as she tries to work her socks off. The others watching between the two girls.
"Look at this mess your damn boy-toy got us into!" Kaley hissed in frustration before turning to Alex.
"Alex, weird thing, but pull off my left sock would you?" She asks as she shuffles a bit.
Alex looked at her before turning so both hands were visible.
"Uh sure, but...why? And where's Brad?" He asked as he pulled her sock off.
Kaley smirked with triumph and grabbed the pocket knife that had fallen out of her sock with both feet.
"Because I have a habit of sleeping and existing with a pocket knife in my sock." She says smirking.
"The fuck do you mean boy-toy last time I check he's her brother and your friend." Cheyenne snaps as she wiggles free of her restraints.
"Guys seriously where's Brad?" Alex asks again as she unties him.
"I don't know, maybe you should ask Kaley here, she was getting a little friendly with our dear Brad last I checked." Cheyenne says leaning against the bed again, her head in her hands.
Kaley rolls her eyes before getting Julia to cut her ropes and then cutting Julia's ropes in return. Alex looked at her. Kaley sighed and shuffled against the bed behind her, hiding the pocket knife in her bra.
"I don't know, one minute we were talking and getting to know each other, relaxing before bed. I had planned to go to my room and sleep there. We must have fallen asleep cause a bit later I'm getting grabbed and tied up by these damn goons that CHEYENNE'S boy toy pissed off earlier. My only hope is that he heard something and managed to hide. They didn't see us earlier so maybe we just keep his existence quiet as long as possible. And yeah Connie is her brother and my friend but if anyone was getting friendly with someone it was you and him." Kaley says in a quiet huff, worry etching her face as she talks about Brad.
"I agree about keeping Brad's existence secret. But what exactly do you define 'getting friendly' do tell the class please." Cheyenne huffs looking up from her hands as a shout can be heard from outside.
"So you're saying you didn't grab onto Connie cause you were scared earlier? Or maybe that you haven't been staring at him every chance you get? The flirting you're both playing off as subtle, it's not subtle." Kaley says rolling her eyes as she pays attention to the door.
"Me grabbing onto him earlier during the story was pure coincidence, had anyone else been sitting there I would have grabbed on to them. And in regards to me 'staring at him every chance I get' I'm getting to know him he's the only one that's even bothered to get to know me. You haven't even tired, Julia has given it a little try, same with Fliss. So of course I'm going to naturally gravitate towards him since you have been spending every chance you get with my best friend and Alex, the only other person on this damned boat I actually know has been spending this time like he was supposed to with Julia. So forgive me for looking for a little bit of company. And fuck I'll admit Conrad is one hell of an attractive person you happy." Cheyenne fires off before sinking back into herself.
Kaley pauses and takes a deep breath before letting it out slowly.
"Look, yeah maybe you're right. I have been monopolizing Brad, but can you blame me? We have so much in common...I haven't found that with anyone else. And sorry I haven't been trying to talk to you as much, truth is I suck at talking to people and groups freak me out. Julia had to practically beg me to come on this trip because I'm so crowd-phobic. And the only reason I got the ability to be friends with her and then Conrad is because our English professor paired us together for a research paper, and she introduced me to her brother. But to be fair yeah I've been monopolizing Brad but you've got Connie wrapped around you so hard I haven't been able to say more than 10 words to the guy. As for getting to know each other, that's all me and Brad have done, is get to know each other. But alright, you admitted what you think of Connie, Brad is an amazing, wonderful, gorgeous guy and why he's still single is a damn mystery to myself." Kaley said before leaning back from where she had leaned forward to look at Cheyenne, and turning to look out the window.
Cheyenne goes to respond but the door swings open and they shove Conrad in with the side of his head bleeding and an obvious black eye, "My god are you ok?" She asks standing and she notices the tip of his right ear missing.
"What the fuck happened to you?" Julia asks and he shakes his head taking a seat.
"Alright, we need to come up with a plan. When they come back we get them." Alex says and they all nod as the door opens again and they drag Julia out faster than anyone can react.
"Fuck." Conrad shouts as Alex pounds on the door.
A few minutes later Julia returns and she looks fine, "What did they want?" Alex asks.
"They were asking about our parents. They want money." She says and Conrads sighs.
Kaley shoots a little glare at Conrad.
"Way to go Connie. How's your ear?" She asks the fight, leaving her as she fails to find a solution.
Julia sits looking sad but looks up at her question.
"My ear is fine, doesn't really hurt any more." He says moving to sit by the window as the storm starts to roll in.
"Look, Kaley I'm sorry for going off on you earlier it was uncalled for." Cheyenne says trying to ease the tension in the air.
Silence falls over the group when a clap of thunder erupts in the sky making everyone jump slightly. Another bolt of lightning flashes and Conrad starts to softly count to himself, "8 seconds, that means the storm is 8 miles away." He says and everyone looks at him confused.
"I'm not following you." Alex says standing and walking over to him.
"If we time it right I can sneak out and steal their speed boat and try to go and get help." Conrad says and Alex nods, processing what he was saying.
"Won't they hear you hitting the window?" Julia asks and Conrad shakes his head.
"Not if we time it with the sound of the thunder." He informs her and everyone agrees, "Ok on my count."
On six both Alex and Conrad hit the window and it pops open allowing Conrad to slip through right before the men come back in.
Conrad breaths in deep and holds his breath as he hears the commotion going on in the room when one of the guys sees him. He grabs the knife next to his foot and he takes off along the side of the boat before jumping back onto the deck completely forgetting the escape mission and he holds the man that tied him and Cheyenne up at knife point.
The guys in the room with the rest of the group stop when they all hear a thump on the main deck. The big one turns and walks back upstairs.
"Damn it, Conrad." Kaley mutters knowing he didn't get away.
Before too long they are all led upstairs, where Conrad rejoins them.
"What happened to the escape?" Julia asks voice low.
Conrad shrugs and glares at the guys.
"He gave it up to try and get them away from us." Kaley whispers back.
"Put the knife down." The big one says and Conrad shakes his head, his grip on the knife tightened.
"Get the fuck off our boat." Conrad shouts back and the guy shakes his head.
"I won't ask again." He says pointing a gun at Kaley and Conrad freezes and a look of fear flashed in his eyes but he doesn't let up.
"No." Conrad says calmly and the big guy shakes his head again.
"I must have threatened the wrong one then, how about now." He says pointing the gun at Cheyenne.
With all backs turned to her, Kaley slowly reaches up to grab her knife.
"Bitch-boy you want my knife where?" She growls and she jumps, and cuts the big ones forehead/cheek.
He grabs her and throws her down repositioning the gun on Cheyenne even as the blood from his new wounds runs fast down his face. Kaley lays on the ground virtually unconscious from the impact blood slowly trickles from her forehead and arm.
"One more time, put the knife down or say goodbye to your girlfriend." The man snarls as he cocks the pistol and places it directly against her temple.
"No, stop please don't." Conrad says shoving the guy he had away and he throws the knife on the ground as they throw him on the ground with the rest of the group.
Kaley comes to, as they drag her back to the group, groggy and unfocused,she slumps gently against Cheyenne where they drop her.
"Sorry, I'm getting you bloody." Kaley mutters softly as she tries to gain more focus.
"It's fine look at me." Cheyenne says holding up her bloodied and scraped up hands.
"I'm sorry I caved, I just couldn't let them shoot you." Conrad whispers and Cheyenne gave him a weak smile, "And I'm sorry I kinda got you knocked out Kaley."
"It's ok." Cheyenne whispers back reaching up and she places her hand over his and he turns his and holds her's.
"All of you shut the fuck up." The guy Conrad had at knife point shouts as the boat hits a rather hard wave and it rocks everyone forward harshly.
"Why are they taking the boat?" Alex whispers and everyone shrugs.
"They say that sign you guys brought back talking about the Manchurian Gold." Fliss hisses glaring at Alex.
"You know what doesn't seem right? How they had you up there nearly this whole time and there is not a scratch on you. I think Fliss is working with them." Alex accuses and everyone looks shocked.
"With them? Are you that stupid, why would I be working with them? Fuck you Alex." Fliss snaps back shaking her head in disgust.
Kaley hums trying to sit up as her head spins.
"Conrad it's fine, not your fault, you know my training...Alex seriously no starting
.shit when we have idiots trying to kidnap us." She murmured softly as she tried to look around a bit, but the waves shaking the boat didn't help her with her dizzy head.
Conrad watched her as she swayed trying to focus. Julia looked around as well.
"Manchurian Gold? What the hell is that??" Julia demands in a low whisper.
Fliss just shrugs a bit.
The group falls silent after a few minutes, Julia clings onto Alex, Cheyenne clings onto Conrad as she shakes slightly, Kaley trying not to fall unconscious again and Fliss just stays off to herself.
After about 30 minutes the boat is rocked hard as it hits something else about 4 times before it comes to a stop, "Alright all of you up, now." The guy says and he leads them to the deck as another takes the distributor cap.
Kaley sways violently as she's shoved up onto the ledge to jump into the other boat.
"Hey man! She can't make the jump!" Conrad and Alex both shout, the girls having already jumped but were watching from the door.
Kaley stuck her hands out in front of herself.
"I got it, don't worry." She mutters as she sways again.
She bends her knees and everyone holds their breath, Kaley jumps and just misses the ladder falling into the cold rolling waves below.
"KALEY!" Julia and Conrad scream out, as they rush to try and get down to her.
The guy with the gun points it back towards the girls, causing them to freeze.
"On the boat." He says demandingly.
The guys don't fight trying to protect the other girls. What they didn't know is hitting the cold water had woken Kaley up and snapped her out of her daze. She managed to find a small air pocket below the small platform and she took a deep breath before swimming lower under the boat to avoid their captors detection.
"Keep moving." They shout pushing the 5 remaining group members along.
"Take my hand." Conrad whispers to Cheyenne and she takes his hand holding it tightly.
The guys lead them to a room and they lock them inside in the pure darkness, "Hey can you at least give us a light it's dark in here." Fliss shouts banging on the door and it opens and one of the guys hands her a flashlight.
"We need to find a way out of here." Julia says as she lights an old lamp and she starts to look around the room for something.
"Hey, are you ok?" Conrad asks Cheyenne as she sits in a corner shaking slightly.
"Scared and cold is all." She says looking up at him and he nods sitting down next to her and he pulls her in close and she lays her head on his chest.
"We'll get out of here alive, it'll be ok. When we do, what do you say we spend a little alone time together just the two of us." He whispers, placing a kiss to the top of her head and she nods.
"I'd like that." She whispers back as she feels the shaking starting to die down, "Thank you."
"Hey I found a vent, help me get this open, someone." Alex shouts from the opposite side of the room.
"Someone needs to distract the guards as we get this open." Julia whispers and Fliss nods walking over to the door and she starts to pound on it and shout random things as the other 4 work on getting the vent open.
"It's open come on let's go." Alex whispers and they all sneak out.
Meanwhile back on the Milan, Brad finally walks slowly upstairs to see if the coast is clear. He hears a slight splashing and a slap sound. Before Kaley pulls herself up.
"Brad?" She says as she tries to pull herself all the way on, still weak from before.
"Kaley!" Brad says rushing over to help her.
Kaley lands on the deck and coughs a bit trying to get air back into her body.
"Where is everyone? What happened?" Brad asked as he looked at the navigation system.
Kaley pointed towards the large boat, as she scooped up her knife, and grabbed the first aid kit.
"We got boat jacked and kidnapped, they pointed the gun at me, and then at Cheyenne and I jumped and tried to stab the main guy. He threw me into the control panel which is how I got these, and the rest are on the ship." She said as she cleaned and bandaged her arm.
Brad reached over and took some of the cleaning solution and wiped the wound on her head, before bandaging it.
"Now what?" He asked softly sitting next to her.
She sighed and leaned against him, before looking at the big ship.
"We gotta go after them. The kidnappers don't know about you and they think I'm dead, everyone thinks I'm dead. But if we can get on there and catch up with everyone else, we can work through and maybe get the part they stole." She said quietly.
Brad nodded and after a few moments where he sat and held Kaley softly he stood up and walked over to the side by the ship. He went to step up before stepping back and bouncing a bit.
"Shit! Fuck fuck fuck fuck shit! Come on B you can do this!" He said psyching himself up.
Kaley stood and walked over to him and looked at the ladder they'd have to catch. Brad looked over at her with a small smile.
"Hey, if we survive this, you wanna get food or something?" He asked her.
Kaley paused, not thinking this was the best time, but knowing Brad was too adorable to say no too, nodded.
"Yeah, I'd like that a lot." She said happily. 
Brad whooped in joy before running and jumping onto the ladder and scurrying up to the door. Kaley sighed softly before running and leaping barely catching the ladder this time. She climbed up and Brad pulled her in.
"Now what?" Kaley asked looking at Brad.
Brad looked around, before shrugging.
"Keep walking? Try to find them?" He asked her.
Kaley nodded and feeling adventurous, grabbed his hand.
"Alright, let's go." She said and together they walked down the corridors.
"Alright there's the distributor cap." Fliss says pointing to the deck below them, "I'll go down and get it."
"Be careful." Cheyenne whispers and Fliss nods dropping down to the bottom deck.
Things go south and Fliss gets captured and the other four get split up.
"Where did Alex and Julia go?" Cheyenne asks and Conrad looks behind them.
"I don't know, hopefully they find a way out. Now stay close ok." He says, pulling her closer to him and they continue to walk down the corridors.
"Conrad!" Cheyenne shouts as the floor gives way underneath her and she falls just barely catching herself on a beam.
"Shit, no no no." Conrad yells trying to find a way down to her but to no avail.
"Keep going I'll find my backup to you ok." She shouts back up to him and he nods reluctantly to himself.
"Just be careful ok." He responds.
"You too!" She shouts before she heads off trying to find a way back up.
As she's walking the winding corridors she starts to hear odd noises and see things from the corner of her eyes. She rounds a corner and comes face to face with a clown and she shrieks taking off in the opposite direction.
Kaley and Brad keep walking the corridors, trying to avoid the kidnappers and find their friends. Suddenly they hear a shriek.
"That was Cheyenne!" Brad says and Kaley nods. They pick up the pace and run towards where they heard the shout.
Kaley jolts to a sudden stop, her breathing picking up and her shaking all over the place, Brad looks at her concerned.
"Kaley? Are you ok?" He asks her softly.
She shakes her head and points, but when Brad looks he doesn't see anything.
"There's nothing there Kaley." Brad says gently.
"S-s-spiders." Kaley whispers before backing up and turning racing away from the scene, Brad trying to keep up behind her.
"KAY STOP!" Brad yells as he trips and she races towards an open ledge.
Kaley skids to a stop and shakes her head a bit, taking a deep breath and looking at Brad.
"Brad? What happened?" She asked, still looking pale.
Brad wraps his arms around her and holds her close, pressing a soft reassuring kiss to the top of her head.
"You got spooked, said you saw spiders." He said softly.
Kaley shook, and buried her head in his chest.
"Brad I can't do spiders. There was this thing in summer camp back when I was like 7 and long story short I got trapped in a building that was basically a huge spiders nest." She whispered shakily.
He nodded and held her.
"Don't worry, I won't let the arachnids get you." he said softly.
Kaley giggled softly at that and nodded. The two started to move forwards after that, trying to find their friends again.
"Come on Conrad get it together." He says to himself as he walks the corridors after having a few unexplained experiences since he parted ways with Cheyenne.
He's found his way into a room when a door slams and he turns, coming face to face with what looks like a hag. When he sees this he takes off running but the hag is in hot pursuit and after a few near death experiences he gets outside and looks behind him and sees the hag still chasing him.
After Cheyenne's run in with the clown she somehow found a door leading outside and she takes a deep breath and she feels a weight lift off of her. She looks around and she spots a set of stairs leading up to the next floor and she smiles going up them and finally stepping back inside.
She walks around for a few minutes before she spots Conrad walking, "Conrad!" She shouts trying to get his attention. He turns to her but he takes off running when he looks at her.
"Come on Conrad get it together." She hears him say to himself as she chases him to a room when she hits a loose pole and it slams a door behind her.
He turns again and sees her and yet again he takes off running again and she runs after him calling out his name. They both go through a series of near death experiences before she follows him out onto a ledge, "Please Conrad it's me stop!" She pleads and he turns back to her and a look of panic flashed in his eyes as he looks for a way to escape.
"Connie please!" She shouts and he blinks looking at her again and a look of confusion comes over him.
"Cheyenne? Is that really you?" He questions and she nods her head, tears filling her eyes.
"Yes it's me Connie, now please come here." She says reaching her hand out and he takes it.
She walks him back off the ledge and he just looks down at her, "It's really you." He repeats more for himself than anything.
"God you really scared me." She whispers, hugging him tightly.
"To be fair you scared me too, but you called me Connie." He says and she looks up at him and he smiles.
"Shut up idiot." She smiles and brings him down for a kiss to which he happily returns, "Don't ever do something like that again ok." She whispers and he nods hugging her again.
"Brad, there's a door." Kaley says pointing after what feels like hours of walking.
"Yeah, let's see where that goes." He says quietly.
They walk to the door and shove it open taking a deep breath of the fresh air the small deck they had found offers. They walk to the railing and lean against it for the support. 
"We should keep going." Kaley says standing up.
Brad turns and looks at her, noticing now that they have light, that she has blood running down her cheek again, and she looks pale.
"Hey, are you feeling ok?" He asked, softly wrapping her in his arms.
She sways a bit but nods.
"Yeah I'm fine, why?" Kaley asks looking up at him.
He doesn't respond but reaches up and swipes her cheek a bit, before showing her his thumb.
"Your bleeding again." He says gently.
She sways again, and nods.
"Yeah, I have been for a bit." She tells him quietly.
"What?" Brad asks looking at her.
Kaley nods.
"Yeah, since the whole s-spider vision thing." She says softly.
Brad sighs and leads her over to a pallet in the corner, and pulls her down to lean against his chest. Kaley softly sighs and snuggles against him a bit more.
"Why don't we wait here, I'm sure they'll find us soon." Brad said softly.
Kaley nodded and let her eyes slide closed, resting softly but not really sleeping. Brad rubbing her back and shoulders as they waited.
"Hey is that Brad and Kaley?" Cheyenne asks when they reach the deck.
"It looks like it, HEY!" Conrad calls out as they get closer.
Brad leans forward jostling Kaley awake, before helping her stand.
"Hey!" Brad calls waving.
Kaley waves dazedly as she leans on Brad.
"Hey guys." She says quietly.
"Thank God you guys are ok." Conrad breathes a sigh of relief as he and Cheyenne sit down next to them.
"Hey guys." Cheyenne says softly, laying her head on Conrad's shoulder.
"If you want to sleep you can." Conrad whispers moving slightly so she can lay her head in his lap.
"Thanks Connie." Cheyenne whispers laying down and she relaxes slightly when she feels him rubbing her shoulder softly.
Thankfully about an hour later they hear the door open and they see Alex, Julia, and Fliss walk out holding the distributor cap, "Come on, let's get off of this shit hole." Fliss says climbing down the ladder and she jumps onto the Duke and the others follow.
"What exactly happened to you guys in there?" Cheyenne asks the others.
"After we got split up from you two Alex and I got split up briefly but once I found him there were so many things that had Alex's face
That's one memory I do not want to relive ever." Julia says as a shiver runs down her spine.
"Nothing much, escaped those pirate assholes then met back up with Alex and Julia before finding you guys." Fliss chips in.
"I'm not sure about you guys but this calls for a frosty." Conrad says coming back with a drink in hand and everyone groans.
"What happened with you guys?" Julia asks leaning against Alex.
"Well we got split up after we lost you two but then found each other again after whatever that gas was made Cheyenne here, something entirely different than she is but she was able to snap me out of it
.." Conrad says, still trying to understand what exactly happened.
"Before you get too comfortable I'm gonna need to clean your ear." Cheyenne says turning his head so she can look at it now in better lighting.
Kaley sat up as Brad grabbed some of the antiseptic, and looked around.
"After I fell in the water it woke me up a bit. I managed to find a pocket of air, and stayed under water until the coast was clear. Brad helped get me on the...ye-ouch! Careful...he helped get me on the boat and then we talked for a few minutes before getting on the boat." Kaley explained her part.
Brad smiled apologetically, before continuing to dress her wounds.
"I had heard something during the night, and it woke me up. So I climbed out of bed to see what was going on, but when I saw the other boat, I just freaked out and hid. After everything settled down I snuck upstairs to see if anyone was up there. And I saw Kaley trying to get on the boat and rushed to help her. After helping her we got up into the boat and wandered around trying to find you guys. Kaley freaked at one point and ran off but I kept with her." Brad explained as he finished up and Kaley snuggled into his chest.
"He broke me out of whatever gas induced nightmare that was. And after that we kept walking around the boat to find you all. After a few hours we found the deck and intended to keep going and find you." Kaley said, explaining more.
Brad wrapped his arms around her and nodded.
"But I noticed Kaley was bleeding so I decided it would be best to sit on the deck and wait for you all." Brad finished.
"I'm just happy everyone is ok." Julia says breathing a sigh of relief.
"Me too, as much as you guys can be idiots I can at least trust you." Fliss says smiling for the first time since the group had met her.
"Alright Connie come on gotta go get you bandaged up." Cheyenne says holding her hand out for him and he stands following her back.
Cheyenne finds the first Aid kit Brad must have found and she places it on the counter, "Can you sit in the chair please I kinda need to reach your ear to clean it." She says looking up at him and he smiles taking a seat.
She cleans the wound and he hisses slightly wincing at the burn but the small amount of pain is gone as fast as it came and she places the bandage over the wound and cleans up her mess, "Am I done doctor?" He teases and she nods.
"Yes you are free to go." She smiles returning to him.
Kaley rests against Brad the entire way back, the two talking softly to each other. 
*A year and a half later*
Kaley walked towards the dock before turning and smiling gently at Brad. She put her hands on her hips and smiled a bit brighter.
"Bradley come on! We're going to be late" she says and Brad shakes his head before running up to her and wrapping her in his arms.
He smiled and pressed a kiss to her check, before releasing all but her hand
"That fast enough?" He asked jokingly.
She smiled and nodded with a laugh.
"Yeah, perfect. Look! The Duke!" She said turning away from him a bit.
Brad looked up and they both froze slightly as the memories hit them in a rush. Brad gave Kaley a small smile and a hand squeeze.
"Come on, the others are going to be wondering where we are." He said softly.
She shook herself and nodded.
"Yeah you're right let's go." She said softly.
Before long they reached the boat and climbed on, not seeing anyone they settled onto one of the benches.
"We can't be the first ones." Brad says softly.
Kaley nods but shrugs shortly after.
"They could be below deck, who knows for sure. Just relax for a few." Kaley said looking up at him.
"Come on Connie I think I hear Kaley and Brad." Cheyenne says sitting up in bed and she stretches climbing over him and then down the ladder.
"I think all we are waiting on now is Fliss." He says climbing down too and they walk above deck.
"Yeah Alex and Julia were first here." Cheyenne says squinting as the sunlight hits her eyes.
"Hey guys!" Conrad calls to the two on deck.
"Hey look here comes Fliss." Cheyenne says pointing as Fliss steps onto the Duke.
"I see some things never change." She teases starting up the boat.
"Alright we are all here." Conrad smiles relaxing on one of the benches.
Kaley and Brad offered Cheyenne and Conrad smiles.
"Hey guys, hey Fliss. I'm guessing Julia and Alex are downstairs then?" Kaley asked them.
Brad pressed a kiss to her head before wandering off down the stairs.
"Yeah they were here when we got here, Alex said Julia wanted to rest because you know the baby." Conrad sighs opening his arms up for Cheyenne to cuddle in next to him.
"How far along is she again?" Fliss asks from over her shoulder.
Cheyenne cuddles up to Conrad and she sighs, "6 months I think." She says looking up at him and he nods playing with the ring on her finger.
"Yeah that's what they said at least." Conrad responds as she lays her head back down on his chest.
"So when are you guys getting married?" Fliss asks, finally turning to them.
"Next month." They both say happily and Fliss smiles at her friends.
Kaley watches the three talk, smiles softly. Happy that her friends were happy. She leaned back and watched everyone, smiling the whole time.
"So, how's it feel to be this close?" Kaley asked the happy pair.
Cheyenne looked up at Conrad before looking at Kaley.
"It honestly is the best feeling in the world, I love him so damn much." Cheyenne smiled at Kaley as she brought Conrad's hand up and she kissed it.
"Best thing to happen to me, I love you too." Conrad says softly and he kisses the top of Cheyenne's head.
Kaley smiled sweetly at the sight as they started to hear voices coming back up stairs. Brad and Alex both emerged from the doorway leading to the lower deck.
"Hey, so that's where you disappeared too? Hey Alex." Kaley said, turning slightly.
Brad smiled a bit and walked back over to them.
"I actually went down to put our bags in our room, and I ran into Alex on the way back up." Brad said as he sat back beside her.
Alex waved and gave everyone a smile.
"Hey everyone." He said sitting down with a small yawn.
"How's Julia?" Cheyenne questions as she sits up from Conrad.
"Tired but she's perfectly fine." Alex smiles leaning back relaxing.
"I guess the real question now is when are you and Brad going to get hitched." Conrad says sending a knowing look towards Kaley and Brad.
Brad instantly turned beat red and rubbed his neck. Kaley sat up and smiled at him, from where she had leaned against him.
"We will, when we're both ready. Right now we're just enjoying each other. No stress, no rush. We know it's an option and when the time is right, it's on the table, right?" Kaley said with certainty until the end when she turned to Brad for confirmation.
Brad sat up and wrapped his arms around her from the side.
"Of course it is, you'd have to probably kill someone to get rid of me." He said jokingly.
Everyone, even Brad gave an involuntary shudder before laughing at his joke.
"Don't worry, I have no murderous plans." Kaley said, smiling innocently.
Conrad looked at her and shook his head.
"That look says otherwise." He muttered.
Kaley and Brad leaned back and Kaley gave a short laugh.
"No, really the only thing I plan to kill is maybe a fish if we fish, otherwise hamburgers." She said smiling happily.
*Two years later*
"Careful you know how slippery these docs are." Conrad says holding on to Cheyenne's arm softly.
"Connie, I'm pregnant, not fragile." She warns and he nods.
"I agree, I just want you to be careful ok." He says softly, placing a kiss on her temple and she smiles.
"I will, I promise." She says as they reach the Duke and Conrad breathes a small sigh of relief.
"There they are." Julia smiles and she hugs her brother and Cheyenne as her and Alex's son clings to her.
"Hey there buddy." Conrad smiles at him and takes him from Julia.
"Where is everyone else?" Cheyenne asks, smiling slightly at the sight before her.
"Alex had to make a quick run to get more drinks, Fliss is almost here she just texted me and I'm not sure about Brad and Kaley." Julia says sitting back on a bench and Cheyenne follows, "How's your little one?"
"Oh she's perfect, but her and me both are ready for her to come out." Cheyenne laughs and Julia nods knowing all too well how Cheyenne is feeling.
"Come on, let's go back to mama." Conrad coos softly to the little boy in his arms before he walks back over to the girls and he hands him back to Julia.
"Looks like someone loves his Uncle Conrad." Cheyenne teases and Conrad nods with a smile.
Brad parked the car beside the other one.
"Looks like Conrad and Cheyenne are here, I wonder where Alex and Julia are?" He muses lightly.
Kaley laughs softly.
"They do have a son now, maybe it takes longer to get ready with kids? Besides Fliss isn't here either so, all things considered..." She says with a smirk and sent a small smile towards Brad.
"We made pretty good time." She finishes grabbing her bag, the sun glinting softly on the silver band with the purple and blue stones adorning her finger.
Brad nodded smiling and blushing lightly.
"Right, but some of the delay was traffic." He said, grabbing his bag.
Kaley nodded and looked at him holding out her hand.
"Yeah, but traffic wasn't the only reason. Now come on, let's go see what this crazy group has been upto in the last few months since we've seen them." She said smiling happily.
Brad nodded and grabbed her hand. The two of them walked slowly over the small parking lot, crossing the beach before hitting the dock.
"Oh, Julia is here, where's Alex?" Brad muttered softly.
Kaley shruggs before giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
"Maybe he ran to the store?" She suggested.
Brad nodded accepting that answer.
"Hey guys!" Brad called as they stepped down onto the deck of the Duke.
Kaley smiled and waved as best she could with a bag in her hand, and her other one occupied by Brad.
"Hey everyone." She said smiling happily.
"Hey there they are!" Conrad said standing up and he meets them both with a hug.
"Hey guys." Cheyenne and Julia both say from the bench with a small wave.
"All we are waiting for is Alex and Fliss." Conrad sighs moving to go sit back down next to Cheyenne.
"Alex just got parked and Fliss is 5 minutes out so we should be getting out on the water here soon." Julia says checking her phone and everyone nods.
Brad takes Kaleys bag with a small smile.
"I'm going to go take the bags down to our room, you relax a bit." He said kissing her softly, before moving downstairs.
Kaley smiled and nodded moving to sit on the other bench.
"Alright, but you need to relax too." She said laughing a bit.
"So, how are you guys?" She asked looking at the group at large.
"Well to be expected." Cheyenne teases pointing to her baby bump.
"Tired but good." Julia sighs cradling the little boy in her arms.
"We are good, how are you and Brad?" Conrad asked, offering up a seat for Kaley.
Kaley smiles softly at both girls and nods in thanks to Conrad.
"We're good, we've been busy with work and travel. I actually got the opportunity to dive down and see sharks and rays up close. It was fantastic." Kaley said excitement radiating from her.
"And of course I had about three heart attacks when she said she was diving into a school of sharks." Brad said walking back up and settling down on a chair.
Kaley laughed and pressed a kiss to his check.
"Like, you not telling me the battlefields you were digging in were dangerous didn't cause me my own heart attacks, dear." Kaley said with a small eye roll.
Brad laughed a bit and nodded.
"Yeah, that's fair." He said.
 Brad turned to the others and giving a smile started to dive into a tale from their trip.
"So I'm exploring this old battlefield and I get a text, 'hey by the way diving into sharks! See you later' I thought the rest of the crew were going to have to pick me up off the ground." Brad said waving his hands around.
"That's Kaley for you, leaving something probably dangerous to the last second." Julia laughed softly.
Kaley shook her head and smiled gently.
"I was perfectly safe!" She exclaimed.
"Hey looks like the gang's back together!" Cheyenne exclaimed as both Alex and Fliss walked up.
"Is everyone ready?" Fliss asks with a smile and everyone nods.
"How's my little man?" Alex says sitting down next to Julia.
"He is perfect." Julia smiles at Alex and he nods happily.
*Three years later*
Brad pulled in and parked the car, before shutting it off and running around to get the door for Kaley.
"Brad relax, I'm not going to break." She laughs as she takes his hand to stand up.
Brad nodded and makes sure she was standing ok, reached and grabbed the bags before taking her hand.
"I know, I just want to help." He said smiling and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
Kaley laughed and nodded walking along with him, she let out a small giggle before resting her free hand on her belly, and smiled gently. Brad smiled and reached over rubbing her belly.
"Is little one tossing and turning again?" He asked, smiling.
Kaley laughed and nodded.
"Yeah, but not as much as usual, just a little bit of a floppy." She said smiling.
Brad laughed and rubbed her belly gently.
"You be nice to momma." He said softly and gently.
They continued talking as they walked up the beach, Brad carefully helping Kaley on the deck. She let out a loud laugh.
"Really Brad! I'm fine!" She said giggling.
Brad nodded and helped her down.
"I know you are, but...still." he says as she helps her settle into a bench.
Kaley sighs and settles back, Brad setting the bags by the steps.
"I'm going to run the bags down to our room, you relax for a bit." Brad says smiling.
Kaley leans forward and presses a kiss to his lips. And nodded.
"Alright sounds good, I wonder where everyone else is? Usually they beat us here." Kaley mused, as she settled back.
Brad shrugged as he reached down to grab the bags.
"Maybe it took longer to get ready with the kids?" He suggested as he started down the steps.
"Come on Lily let's go." Conrad said happily, picking up his daughter as the three of them arrived at the docks.
"Connie, I can get some of the bags since you also have Lily." Cheyenne smiles stepping out of the car and he nods handing her 2 bags.
"Looks like Kaley and Brad are here." Conrad said pointing to their car and Cheyenne smiles happily.
"Hey Kaley!" Cheyenne says happily, carefully giving her a hug when they reach the Duke.
"Why don't we run down and find Uncle Brad yeah?" Conrad asks Lily, setting her down and she nods her head happily, blonde curls bouncing.
"How are you?" Cheyenne asked Kaley, turning to her after watching her husband and daughter go below deck.
Kaley laughs and settles back again rubbing her belly.
"I'm as good as can be expected, wore out and I think we're both ready for her to come out. And I feel bad, because Brad has to pick up all the slack that I can't do anymore. But enough about me, how are you doing?" She asks as she refocuses on Cheyenne.
"They always say baby number 2 is easier so like you as can be expected but he's been good and not giving me a hard time, but Connie is always right there acting like I can break at just the smallest of wind gusts but he's super excited to meet our little man." Cheyenne smiled, placing a hand on her belly.
"Hey everyone." Fliss greats stepping onto the deck and the two girls smile and wave at her.
"Hey Fliss!" Cheyenne said happily standing and hugging her friend to which Fliss returned the hug.
"Where is everyone?" She asked looking around.
"Conrad and Lily are below deck with Brad and uh Alex and Julia are almost here." Cheyenne responded when the three from below come up.
"Look Lily it's Aunt Fliss." Conrad whispers to his daughter and the little girl's face lights up and she runs as best as she can over to Fliss.
"Hey pretty girl." Fliss smiles picking the little one up.
"Hi." She says softly hugging Fliss.
With some assistance, Kaley stands and carefully hugs Fliss.
Brad smiling right by Kaley offers a wave before helping her back down. 
"How are you doing Fliss?" He asks looking up from his wife.
"I'm good, it's nice seeing you guys again, like always." Fliss smiles at him as Alex and Julia step onto the boat.
"Aunt Fliss!" Noah shouts and runs over to her hugging her leg.
"Hey little man." She smiles down at him and he giggles.
"Hey guys, how was the drive?" Cheyenne asked and Alex smiled.
"Long but we are here now." Alex said, helping Julia sit down.
"And how are you sis?" Conrad asked, taking a seat next to her.
"Tired but happy to be here with everyone." She smiled at her brother and he nodded.
"Shall we get going?" Fliss asks, setting Lily down and the little girl runs back over to her father.
"Yeah I think we are." Alex sighs, relaxing back a little.
Kaley sighs and looks around with a smile.
"What's up?" Brad whispers to her with a small smile, giving her hand a squeeze.
Kaley smiles at him and rests their joint hands on her belly.
"Just happy, who knew that kind of terrible trip those years ago, would lead to us all having and being one big family?" She said softly as she watched the kids run and play on the deck, while Julia, Alex, Cheyenne and Conrad talk between themselves.
Brad smiled and nodded looking around again.
"Who knew." He agreed.
Cheyenne took a seat next to Conrad and he smiled at her leaning over, placing a kiss on her lips and she smiles relaxed.
"I can't believe all of us are here right now. It feels so good to be surrounded by all this joy when not so long ago it could have been so different." Cheyenne whispered and Conrad nodded, placing a hand on her belly.
"Yeah but we are all here now that's what matters." He whispered, placing a kiss to Cheyenne's temple and she nodded.
"I love you." She said and he smiled wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close.
"I love you too." He said kissing the top of her head and he sighs softly.
And that concludes our little story, our group of friends luckily got out of everything alive and they lived happily.
I hope you like our story, but be sure to come back soon there are many stories to be told and it's all up to you.
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addictofsupernatural · 5 years
The Southsider (pt. 14)
Sweet Pea x reader
Chapter Summary: Y/n isn't taking the news about her father all too well.
A/n: The accounts that don't work when I try to tag them will be tagged in the comments.
Warnings: smut (labeled where it starts and ends)
Word Count: 2022
Chapter 1 ‱ Chapter 13
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You looked at the phone, tears making your eyes foggy. Sweet Pea ended the call and looked at you. "Babe." He said quietly.
When you looked at him, he was taken aback. You began to breathe heavier and tears were streaming down your face. But that wasn't it. You had the look of pure terror on your face.
"Sweets." You looked at him with the most vulnerable expression. "I'm scared."
"No, babe-"
You began to breathe faster, panicking and shaking your head. "He's gonna come for me! He'll find me! He'll gonna kill me!" You began to shake uncontrollably as you went into a panic attack.
All Sweet Pea could do was grab you and engulf you into his arms, holding you as you cried in fear. He rested his head on top of yours as you just let everything out.
By the time FP and Jughead barged into the trailer, you were calmer in Sweet Pea's arms as you both sat on the couch. Your face was puffy and you wore a broken expression. "Kid." FP said gently as he knelt down to you.
"He's gonna take me." You said in a hoarse voice. "I'm going to die." You didn't look at him. You then looked at Sweet Pea. "And you! We have to break up."
"What?" His grip loosened on you.
You nodded your head quickly. "If he finds out that we're dating he'll come for you." You were beginning to shake again.
"Kid, look at me." You looked at FP with hopeless eyes. "What is the first law?"
You sniffed. "No serpent stands alone."
He brushed some hair out of your face. "What is the fourth law?"
"No serpent is left for dead." You snuggled into Sweet Pea further.
FP gave you a gentle smile. "What is the sixth law?"
You smiled back. "In unity, there is strength."
"In unity, there is strength." Sweet Pea and Jughead echoed.
"Well there you have it." FP said. "He's not gonna hurt you. The Serpents won't let him."
"And you can't get rid of me that easily." Sweet Pea whispered as he kissed below your ear.
The four of you then made a plan. The Serpents were going to stay at your house with you so nothing would happen to you at night. At every shift at Pop's, a few members were to stay there with you. Sweet Pea or Fangs were to be with you at all times.
Although you still felt a heavy fear deep within you, you couldn't help but feel more safe. You finally had a family that you could love without being afraid to lose them. Maybe you could be happy.
The next day you set up a huge pile of blankets and pillows. You bought a ton of groceries and took more shifts at Pop's, despite feeling a little more unsafe there. If people were going to sleep in your living room to make you feel safer, then the least you could do is get food to make for them.
Different Serpents would be there when you were working. Sometimes it was old Serpents, sometimes it was regular Serpents, most of the time it was your friends, but the one who was always there was Sweet Pea. Either way, you always gave whoever was there free dessert.
You really got to know everyone. At night Sweet Pea would sneak into your room, sometimes just to feel your warmth, and sometimes it was for not so innocent purposes. But you'd wake him up earlier than FP so he wouldn't know.
Everybody woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. "Who wants breakfast?" You called out. Everyone cheered.
Jughead was leaning on the counter next to you, munching on bacon as you served people some pancakes. "So," he said as he ate. "When are you gonna tell my dad about Sweet Pea going to your room every night?"
This caught Sweet Pea's ear. "About the same time I tell him about you sneaking off at night to go to Betty's." He glared at you. "At least I'm assuming you go to Betty."
"Fair enough." He passed a paper plate to you, and you put more waffles on it. You gave him a big smile as you gave the plate back to him.
"Nice." Fangs said, sticking out his plate for some pancakes. Sweet Pea pushed his shoulder and gave you a quick peck on the cheek.
"We're going to school dad." Jughead called out.
"Alright." He called back.
"Guys please clean up after yourselves!" You shouted before leaving.
After school you, Jughead, Toni and Fangs would all go to the Carrie rehearsals. Sweet Pea offered to be there as well, but you insisted that you wanted him to see your performance on the day of the play.
You began to grow exhausted, whether it be from the rehearsals or school or work or having to cook for about 30 people almost everyday. It was mainly from worrying about when or where your dad would show up. It showed, and your loyal boyfriend took it upon himself to do something about it.
"Come on." Sweet Pea said, tugging your hand.
"Where are we going?" You said, tired and stressed. "I should probably cook dinner for everybody."
"No, not today. You've been taking care of everybody lately. You deserve a break." He hopped on his bike and handed you your jacket. You slid it on and hopped on, loving his warmth as you held onto him.
You rode to his trailer. You went inside to where you felt most at home, most at peace. You felt his hands snake around your waist as he buried his face in your neck. He began leaving kisses up and down your neck. "You haven't been taking care of yourself. I noticed that you've been skipping meals."
You breathed out a sigh. "I've been busy. I did eat dinner though."
"I know, but I still feel like you should have a treat." He took you to his room, where there was a big tray filled with small pastries. "I went to Greendale earlier and got them at a bakery."
You turned around and kissed him. "Sweets you are so perfect."
"Gotta make sure my girl feels appreciated." He then took you to the bed, where you two sat and ate with each other while talking and joking. Once you were finished with everything, you set the tray on the floor. "Babe, you have a bit of cheesecake on your lip."
- - - smut starts - - -
Before you could do anything, Sweet Pea grabbed your cheek, licking off the cheesecake before kissing you deeply. "Sweets." You breathed out.
He pulled your shirt over your head and unclipped your bra, gently pushing you to lay on your back. He hovered over you, putting wet kisses down your neck to your collarbone. "Let me take care of you. I want to make you feel special."
You nodded and laid your head back. You closed your eyes as you felt him kiss his way down your chest and stomach, opening them once he yanked down your pants as well as your panties. You gasped at the cold breeze onto your core.
"Already so wet for me." He licked up from your core to your folds. "Only I could make you like this." He then kissed your clit, causing a moan to escape you.
"Sweets, please." You whispered.
"Don't worry sweetheart, I'm nice." He then slowly inserted a finger into you. He waited a moment for you to adjust before slowly moving it in and out. He then picked up the pace, and pretty soon he added a second finger.
"Oh God, Sweets yes." You began to get noisier as the tension built up inside of you.
He left kisses on your clit, driving you closer and closer to the edge. He then began to suck on your clit, causing your thighs to shake. "That's it." He said. "Come for me, princess."
You just let go of the tension you were holding in as your orgasm washed over you. When he made sure you were okay, you sat up. "Come here, babe." You said, reaching out your hands.
You both went in for a deep kiss. You could taste yourself on him, but you didn't care. "That's the first time you called me babe." He smiled against your lips.
"I want you to feel good too." You said as you palmed him through his jeans.
"Tonight was about you though." He said as he moved your hand away, begining to breathe harder.
You straddled him and ground into him. "Then make me feel good again. Please." You buried your face in his neck.
"You're amazing." He breathed out.
- - - smut end - - -
You opened your eyes to you snuggled up against your boyfriend's chest. You were engulfed in warmth and didn't want to get out. You gently got out of the arms that were wrapped around you and checked your phone. 7:47. School starts in 13 minutes.
You quickly got up and looked around for your panties, not being able to find them. You did find your bra, and put it on. Sweet Pea stirred away and smiled at you lazily. "We're gonna be late for school." You said. "You gotta get up. Up up up!" You threw the blankets off of him, then pecked the top of his head. "Where's my underwear?"
He sat up and picked up the ripped material from the ground. "Sorry. Got a little carried away." His smile didn't match his apology. "Wear one of mine."
You huffed, putting a pair of boxer briefs on and tossing on your jeans and one of his shirts. You then got ready at lightning speed, pushing Sweet Pea around with you for him to get ready.
You both got there at 7:58. You ran to your Biology class and sat down right before the bell rang. Toni looked at you, about to make a comment about the mess that you were. "Don't." You said.
After work you opened the door to see Sweet Pea leaning on his bike in the parking lot. He had a grin on his face. "I have a surprise for you."
You went up to him and hugged him. "Another one? Last night's surprise was amazing enough."
He kissed your cheek and pulled out a small box, handing it to you. "Open it." You smiled and pulled off the ribbon, opening it. It was a pocket knife. "I figured you would feel safer with it, and every serpent has a pocket knife on them."
It was a Galaxy color, and when you opened the blade it was also the same color as the handle. It was thicker than most, as well as sharper it seemed. "I figured that when I'm not there to protect you, you'd think of me when you're being a badass."
You giggled and put it in your pocket. "Always so thoughtful, Pea." You deeply kissed him. "I can't help but fall in love with you."
He froze. "What?"
You immediately back away. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said that. You probably weren't ready, and I probably shouldn't be rushing into saying that I love you, and-"
You were cut off by Sweet Pea's lips. His hands were on your hips as he pulled you closer to him. You ran your hand through his hair, your other hand on his shoulder. He suddenly pulled back. "I love you too." He gasped out.
You giggled as you took a look at Sweet Pea. His eyes were wide and his lips were swollen. His hair was in a mess and he had a goofy smile on. You jumped on him and kissed all over his face while he laughed in response.
He pulled back as you paused and pecked him on the lips. "Is my girl happy?" You excitedly nodded. "Is she ready to leave?" You nodded again. "Then let's go."
What you both didn't know was that same night, your father had been released. They asked if he wanted to be taken to you, but he said no. They asked if he wanted your address, but said no. What he asked for was money, only ten dollars. He then went to Riverdale High, and bought a ticket to Carrie: the Musical.
Author's Note: Sorry I didn't update last week. Writer's block. This was kinda my least favorite chapter so far, but I'll try to be better next chapter.
Tag List:
@madaboutlili @sireennotsiren @elsie2018 @greyfairie @iamaunicorn4704 @wanna-plan-world-domination @whenallsaidanddone @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @live-love-bailar @thecraziestcrayon @cvvlxx-deactivated @grim-adventures58 @official--fangirl @jesus-jagiya @skeletalwolfcat @theunofficialduke @punkrock-cinnamonroll @rhi-an-onn @amongthewildthingss @apocalypticriot @anahgiedd @dreamsfromanemptyteacup @maddiebee2019 @fromheroestodust @blue-pink-green @alaynaadams22
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justauthoring · 5 years
No Reason To (24/50)
Prompt: “And I guess
 when it comes down to it, I trust you.” 
It has come to my attention that by adding links to my posts, it stops that post from being seen in the tags tagged. So, sadly, I will no longer be able to tag previous parts of NRT on new chapters. BUT all part can be found easily on my “No Reason To Series MasterList!”
A/N: A little surprise for you all being so patient with me!! NRT a day early :)
Send me a little comment in the ask section or leave it below on what you thought of this chapter. As usual, I hope you all enjoyed!
AGAIN, remember if you’d like me to continue this series, just leave a little comment or an ask letting me know. I will NOT continue the series if no one wants me to.
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
Pairing: Stiles x McCall!Reader
Based off of: Teen Wolf 03x23 and 03x24
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“We don’t have to do this.”
“No,” you interrupt, shaking your head as you narrow your eyes in the direction of Kira’s mother. “I can tell. Listen, I know it’s him.” Shifting your body, you turn towards Stiles. “I know it’s you, Stiles.”
“Y/N,” Stiles calls once again, and this time you remain silent. Your shoulders feel heavy, your heart plummeting to the pit of your stomach as Stiles nods his head at you. “I need to know for myself.”
You want to argue. Tell him and Scott and your mother that that feeling is gone and that means that the Stiles stood before you really is Stiles. But they won’t listen, you know they won’t. And they don’t know your powers or instincts like you do. So, with a heavy sigh, you step back, allowing your brother to help Stiles make his way into the living room where Kira’s mother remains.
As her eyes land on Stiles, she shoves her hands into the pockets of her coat; “do you recognize me?”
Stiles takes a step forward, setting his hand on Scott’s own, silently telling him it’s fine. Just as he takes a step towards Kira’s mother, the girl herself comes running into the house, breathlessly calling out; “stop!” Her mother only holds her hand out towards Kira, halting her movements as she turns back towards Stiles.
“It’s okay,” he assures, “i’m the one who asked her to come.”
“You’re the one who’s going to get stabbed with swords,” Kira reminds, shaking her head.  You feel your body tense at Kira’s explanation, shaking your head with a sharp inhale. “Mom, don’t do this to him.”
“It’s already done.”
Following her words, two Oni appear in your living room. Your mother gasps in response, grabbing a hold of your brother tightly as your eyes widen, landing on the back of Stiles. Just as you move to step towards him, wanting to get him as far away from the Oni as possible, the Oni disappear and reappear right before him. Stiles gasp as the one in front of him grabs his head tightly, pulling him close and doing the exact same thing they’d done to you and the rest of your supernatural friends.
You feel your heart practically lurch into your stomach, fearing the worst. You know he isn’t Void anymore, but what if because he’d once been possessed by the nogitsune, the Oni still try to kill him?
But then, the Oni lets go, slashing the side of Stiles’ neck like they’d done to you, Scott and everyone else. Stiles falls to the ground, and without even a second of hesitation, you rush forward, grabbing him by the cheeks and gently pulling him into your lap.
“Look behind his ear,” you hear Kira’s mother order.
Abiding to her words, you peer behind Stiles’ ear, a breath of relief leaving your lips when you see the familiar five printed there.
“It worked,” Scott breathes from next to you.
“So, i’m actually me?” Stiles questions, moving to sit up. You let go of him, allowing him to do so.
“More you than the nogitsune,” Kira’s mother answers.
“Can the Oni find them?”
“Tomorrow night,” she explains, “it’s too close to dawn now.”
Stiles face twists in frustration; “can they kill him?”
“It depends on how strong he is,” she says simply.
“What about Lydia?” Scott asks, voice pitching in panic. “Why would he take her?”
“He would only take her for an advantage.”
If that was the truth, why had Void taken you that one time? Mind you, he hadn’t kept you for long but... if every move the nogitsune made was calculated and for a reason, why did he take you?
“You mean her power?”
Smiling slightly, Kira’s mother nods; “the power of a banshee.”
“We got an APB out on Lydia’s car. Every unit on the road is looking for her.”
Nodding your head, you let out a heavy exhale. It might not be much, and most likely, it won’t be enough to find Lydia. But it’s better than nothing, and having just that little bit of extra help can definitely be beneficial. Because finding Lydia, now, was the only thing that mattered.
Taking a step forward, Scott shakes his head; “isn’t there anything else that we could do?”
“At this hour?” Noah replies, shaking his head, giving his answer. “No, not really.”
“He took her for a reason, dad,” Stiles reminds, finally speaking up as he pulls your attention on him. “Look, if we can figure out the why, then we’ll figure out the where.”
“Okay,” you nod, crossing your arms over your chest. Glancing around, you make sure there are no wandering police officers before you turn back to the Sheriff, your brother and Stiles. “Let’s think then. What would a nogitsune need with a banshee?”
“I don’t know,” Stiles shrugs, “Lydia’s pretty good at finding dead bodies. Maybe he needs to find a body?”
“Scott,” Noah calls, pulling your brother’s attention on him. “You know more about this than all of us.”
“Me?” Your brother questions.
“You said you got the whole story from Noshiko?” 
“Yeah,” Scott nods, shuffling slightly. “But that happened during World War two. Like seventy years ago.”
“Wait,” Stiles calls, and you turn to look at him. By the look on his face, it seems like something about Scott’s words registered as familiar within him. “What did you say?”
“Noshiko told me about the internment camps--”
“No, no, before than,” Stiles interrupts, raising his hand up towards your brother. “You said the whole story.”
Slightly confused, Scott nods; “yeah. What is it?”
Glancing down at his feet, Stiles’ voice lowers; “there’s a girl at Eichen House. Her name’s Meredith. I think she might be able to help.”
“Sheriff, Meredith Walker.”
“She’s still there?”
“Yeah,” Parrish nods, “but they moved her to the Closed Unit.”
Slowly turning around, Stiles’ eyes narrow; “why?”
“They said behavioral issues.”
Eyes narrowing, you shake your head; “what issues?”
“She wouldn’t stop screaming.”
Shifting slightly, you help Stiles lean back into the couch, crouching down in front of him the moment he’s settled. Tucking your hair behind your ears, you briefly glance over your shoulder, meeting Scott’s eyes from across the room. Sending him a nod, he understands what you mean without even having to say anything and turns around, leaving you and Stiles to yourselves.
As you turn back towards Stiles, you find him already glancing back at you. From your point of view, Stiles’ eyes look heavy, as if they’ll fall shut any moment. You know he’s tired, so you know it’s best to just leave him on his own. You’re at a standstill at the moment, not much else to do but wait. And if anything, Stiles needs rest.
You move to leave, but before you can, you see Stiles raising his hand out of the corner of your eye. He’s reaching towards your neck, and for a moment, against your will, with seemingly just a blink, you think back to that time with Void Stiles and you find yourself gasping out in fright, pulling hastily away from his touch. You hate it, hate that you did that to Stiles but Void had been him -- had looked like him. Even if Stiles’ actions hadn’t been his own, when Void had pressed you against that wall and wrapped his hand around your neck, it had been Stiles’ eyes that you stared into.
Stiles instantly pulls his hand away and sudden guilt floods you.
“I’m sorry,” you say instantly, shaking your head. You force your body to ease, trying to ignore the slightly race in your heart. It hadn’t been Stiles’ fault, you repeat in your mind. He hadn’t had any control of his body and Void had done what he did best, cause chaos. He used your fears and Stiles’ against the both of you. “I’m sorry,” shaking your head, you sigh. “I shouldn’t have, I... I know that it wasn’t...”
“I hurt you.”
Your words halt, lips left parted as your eyes fall on Stiles’ own. He’s not staring at you, instead, staring down at his lap; at his hands.
“I... hurt Scott, I hurt Coach and so many others. But... I hurt you.”
“No,” you argue, shaking your head. “No, it was Void. Void did all of that stuff, not you, Stiles.”
“But it was my body,” he whispers, forcing the words out of his mouth. Slowly, he raises his gaze to meet your own, shaking his head. “It was my hands that stabbed Scott. My hands that set up the trap that hurt Coach and the bomb that blew up the police station. It was my hands that wrapped around your throat.”
It’s obvious Stiles is staring at your neck, tears in his eyes as he shakes his head.
“God, he... after everything with your father and then I--”
Taking Stiles’ hand in your own, you squeeze it tightly, keeping your gaze trained on his. “It wasn’t you.”
Stiles doesn’t say anything.
Shaking your head, you use your free hand to point at your neck. “This,” you whisper, “wasn’t you. Doesn’t matter if it was your hands, it wasn’t your mind. And I don’t blame you, I never could.”
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” The words leave his lips with a choked sob, shaking his head with distress.
“There’s nothing you need to be sorry for,” you assure, moving to stand up. “Now, you’re going to get some rest, okay?”
“Just sleep, okay?”
Stiles hesitates a moment, before sighing; “okay.”
You pause by the kitchen, your body tense. Something’s wrong.
Blinking, you glance down at your hands, swallowing thickly. You feel panicked, concerned. And you’re not sure why. But the only thing you can think is Stiles.
So, with an abrupt turn, you move towards your living room, finding both Scott and Stiles sharing a conversation you can’t quite hear. Stiles, who’s facing your direction, looks panicked, shaky, as if he can’t seem to calm down. It causes you to quicken your step, just managing to hear Stiles call out in a panicked, terrified voice; “what about Y/N? Where is she?”
“Right here,” you answer before Scott can, pulling both of the boy’s eyes on you as you make your way into the living room. You frown at the look Stiles gives you, and the way his eyes lower to your neck, where you know he’s staring at the faint bruise that still remains. Stopped before him and beside Scott, you move to reach out for Stiles, your hand just landing on his arm before you gasp, yanking your arm back.
It was only for a moment, and you can’t rightly explain it, but just the touch of Stiles brought about a world-wind of pain and agony. Not only was there mental and emotional pain, but physical, all mixed with extreme amounts of agony and worry and regret and guilt. There was loneliness and terror and it all mixed together makes you feel like you’re loosing your mind.
One touch and you feel as if you’re going insane.
You stumble back, barely able to hear Scott who calls out for you or the look Stiles sends you as you stumble over your feet, landing on the ground with a thud. The world seems to fade to black as you try to gain control over yourself, calm your racing heart and your panicked breathing. But you can’t seem to get control of yourself.
At least, not until a hand falls on your shoulder.
It pulls you out of your revere, your eyes landing on that of Scott, who’s crouched before you, before looking past his shoulder at Stiles who is staring down at you with wide, concerned and panicked eyes.
“Y/N,” Scott calls, his hands landing on your shoulders as he tugs you towards him, pulling your eyes on his own. “What is it? What’s the matter?”
,” as you try to find your words, you once again glance past Scott’s shoulders at Stiles. It happened when you touched him. All that pain and agony and loneliness and terror happened when you reached for him. It was like when you touched Isaac or Scott those times, and you could feel everything they were currently feeling.
Swallowing thickly, you turn back to Scott; “i’m–i’m okay.”
Scott frowns. “Y/N, you were screaming.”
“I was?”
“Yeah,” Stiles nods, finally speaking up. You move slightly, letting Scott help you up to your feet as Stiles explains himself shakily. “You touched my arm and then this look came over you
 and you just started screaming.”
“Y/N,” Scott calls, pulling your attention on him. “Was it your powers? Like that time you touched my arm?”
Without saying a word, you nod.
“What?” Stiles asks, shaking his head. “What are you talking about?”
“Why didn’t you say you were in pain?” You ask Stiles, ignoring his own question. His eyes narrow as your words register within him, shaking his head.
“I’m not–”
“I could feel it,” you interrupt, gesturing towards Stiles. “When I touched your arm, I felt everything.”
“It’s a part of her powers,” Scott adds.
“So why didn’t you tell me o-or Scott you were in pain?”
“It’s not that bad,” Stiles dismisses with a shake of his head. “Just more like a dull ache.”
“Where?” Scott asks in concern.
“Sort of everywhere.”
“You’re freezing too,” you add, your eyes crinkling in worry. “You’re practically shaking to death.”
Shaking his head, Stiles turns slightly, grabbing his jacket off of the couch and pulling it on. Once he’s settled, Stiles lets out a shaky sigh, taking a seat on said couch before setting his head in his hands. Scott briefly glances at you before taking a seat in front of Stiles, you coming to a stand next to your brother with your arms crossed over your chest.
“Tell me the truth,” Scott speaks up, his voice flooded with concern. “How much does it really hurt?”
Stiles’ breath continues to exhale shakily, his eyes flickering between you and your brother in hesitation. In truth, you already know the answer to Scott’s question – you didn’t just know it, you felt it. Every single inch of it combined with the mental torture Stiles has had to endure since the nogitsune’s arrival. You felt every bit of it, burning it and etching it into your mind.
Before Stiles can answer, if he ever planned on doing so, Scott’s phone buzzes. With a sigh, Scott pulls his phone out of his pocket, reading the contact name. “It’s Kira,” he explains, to which you and Stiles nods, telling him silently to answer it.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“What are you doing here?”
Pausing, you raise your head in confusion at Scott’s voice, until your eyes land on that of your father’s.
With his hands in his pockets, Rafael takes a step forward from his spot next to Isaac, shrugging his shoulders. “I could ask you the same thing,” he reminds, raising a brow.
“Free period,” Stiles is quick to explain, “we’re doing group study.” He continues, gesturing to your brother and yourself, along with Meredith that you’d just picked up from the school after escaping from Eichen House. Meredith was the one Stiles believed would help you find Lydia, but it seemed it was going to be a little more difficult than you originally thought.
Pausing, your father tilts his head in the direction of Meredith; “who’s she?”
“She’s my girlfriend.”
Jerking your head back, you raise an unimpressed brow in the direction of Stiles upon his words, frowning when he wraps his arm around Meredith’s shoulders. You know he’s simply saying it as an excuse to get your father off your backs, but couldn’t he have come up with something else?
“You’re not my type,” Meredith stammers, peering up at Stiles.
“Well, obviously we have a lot to talk about,” Stiles mumbles, “we should maybe take this upstairs.”
You’re unable to fight the grin on your lips when Meredith lets her eyes land on Isaac. “He’s my type.” Despite yourself, you snort, instantly placing your hand against your lips when three pairs of eyes fall on you, narrowed.
“Okay,” Stiles says eventually, “Isaac, you can come too.”
Lips parting, Isaac’s eyes widen; “uh...” He doesn’t argue against the idea though, and when Stiles gently guides Meredith towards the stairs, Isaac meets your eyes briefly before following after the two.
Scott then steps forward; “hey, dad, i’ll explain all of this later.”
“I don’t care that you’re not in school,” Rafael shrugs, “either of you,” you curl into yourself when his eyes land on you. “I know your grades are fine. All I want to do is talk.”
A feeling of panic washes over you at his words -- talk about what?
“Now’s not really a good time,” you say, stepping forward with urgency.
“Y/N, Scott,” Rafael calls, shaking his head. “We need to talk.”
Your body’s tense, your shoulders squared as you feel your heart pounding against your chest madly. You know Scott can hear it, given the looks he keeps sending your way, but you ignore all of them. You’re not ready to talk about whatever your father has to talk about, and you’re terrified it has to do with your past. With what he did to you.
Scott doesn’t know, and you’re not ready for him to know either.
“Dad, can’t we do this tomorrow?”
“That’s actually something I’ve been saying for a long time.”
You bite your lip at your father’s words, watching him carefully as he rocks on his feet before pushing off of the chair he’d been leaning against. “Come here,” he calls, and despite your better judgement, you stand up, following after him, behind Scott. Rafael pauses by the stairs, “you see this?” He asks Scott, “this indent on the floor?”
Crouching down, Rafael touches it lightly; “that was from your head.”
As your father continues to speak, you find your worry and panic fading away, and being replaced by confusion. You remembered this night. The night he speaks of, and you’re not sure why it’s the one Rafael chooses to speak of.
“The night before I moved out,” Rafael continues, and your eyes narrow. “Your--Your mother and I were fighting.” You swallow thickly when you see Scott follow your father’s lead, crouching down next to him. “You came out of your room. I grabbed you by the wrist. You pulled back. And you fell.” Words can’t even begin to explain the emotions that wash over you as your eyes fall on your father’s face, watching the way his eyes water and the clear signs of distress that flood his expression.
“We watched you tumble down those stairs. Us and your sister,” you jerk back when Scott’s eyes fall on you. “You were out for probably twenty seconds. When you came to, you didn’t remember a thing. Your mom told me to be out by the morning. That was the last time I ever had a drink.”
That was the last time I ever had a drink. Bullshit.
“And that’s why I left.”
“You coward.” The words leave your lips in a choked cry, breathless and in disbelief. It pulls both Rafael’s and Scott’s eyes and full focus on you, the two of them just finally noticing the way your eyes have watered and the hurt and disgust in your eyes. “You fucking coward.”
Here you thought... Thought that your father would finally own up to his actions. Sure, you hadn’t wanted Scott to know; hadn’t wanted what you knew would follow, you thought that finally, just for once, your father would have an ounce of regret in his bone and tell the truth. And then, instead, he talks about a time where he hurt Scott, which was still bad but accidental and in all trust, way less worse than anything he’d ever done to you.
Scott stands up, obviously concerned, but your eyes never leave your fathers. He’s much slower, coming to a stand with hesitance as his face falls and he shakes his head.
“That’s not why you left and you know it isn’t.”
“No,” you interrupt, your voice pitching in anger as your eyes narrow. “You can’t even realize what you did now, sober. You’re a fucking coward.”
Silence echoes for a moment, your eyes water and eventual tears pouring down your cheeks as you shake your head in disbelief. All this time has passed, hasn’t had a drink in years and yet, your own father can’t even admit to abusing you. Hitting you for years as a child. Instead, he talks as if one mishap, the one time he ever laid a hand on your brother is the reason why he changed; why he never drank again.
And maybe it is. Maybe Scott really is the reason why he stopped drinking, but it isn’t why he left.
“Mom didn’t just kick you out because of that,” you continue, shaking your head as you feel your fists clench tightly. 
Then, Scott speaks up and you feel your own world come crashing down on your own shoulders. 
“What are you talking about?”
In the heat of everything and your own emotions, you’d forgotten about your brother who stood directly beside you. You’d forgotten that he was there as you hinted at your darkest and most kept secret. You’d forgotten about why you’d kept it a secret from him for all these years, why you’d begged your mother to never tell Scott.
And now, there was no going back.
When Scott doesn’t receive an answer, he pushes; “Y/N, what are you talking about?”
Your eyes finally leave your father’s, meeting Scott’s. He’s staring at you with desperation, practically pleading with you to answer him. 
And you will. Because as you said, there’s no going back. And maybe, it’s time Scott knew.
“Why don’t you tell him dad,” you finally speak up, looking past Scott and meeting your father’s eyes. A moment passes and Rafael says nothing. You scoff, shaking your head as you take a step forward. “Why don’t you tell Scott about how you hit me every time I got a bad grade?”
“Or how you’d pull me out of school early just so mom would never see?” You continue, ignoring Scott as every bit of your pain that you’d buried deep, deep inside of you came pouring out. “How I was your personal punching bag for years before she ever found out? How once, you hit me so hard, I had a black eye and had to tell Scott that I tripped and fell while skating? That before you ever hit me, you’d keep me up all night crying and pouring all your issues onto my shoulders. How I had to grow up because of the things you said and did to me.”
Your voice cracks by the end of your sentence, the anger fading and being replaced with a deep sadness that has nestled inside, deep inside of your chest, for years. A sadness you hadn’t realized you were so tired of keeping buried until then.
There’s a moment of silence. Rafael just staring back at you, tears in his eyes as his lips part, trying to say something but no words leave his lips.
“You didn’t leave because of that,” you spit, “mom kicked you out because one day you were careless, and she saw you grab me by the arm and slap me across the face. That’s why you two were fighting and that’s why she told you to pack your bags.”
As you finish, your shoulders fall, the weight finally off of them.
No one says anything for a long time, and then, with just one second passing, Scott lunges towards your father. He grabs him by the collar of his shirt, slamming him up against the railing of the staircase he’d sent him tumbling down all those years ago. As you feel Scott’s anger bundled up inside of yourself, you’re reminded of why you never told Scott.
And especially now, when his emotions are dialed up to a eleven...
Rushing forward, you cry out Scott’s name, setting your hand on his shoulder. His breath is heavy, rapid and it looks as if he’s about to burst any moment -- and if there’s one thing you know, it’s that your father can not know about Scott being a werewolf.
“Scott,” you call again, this time albeit calmer. “Scott, listen to me, this isn’t the time. This isn’t you.”
Scott’s grip only tightens, and his eyes narrow, watering with distress. “But he... he beat you. Hit you... I--...”
Tugging on his shoulder, you call out; “and he was a drunk.”
Scott’s furious eyes fall on you; “you forgive him?”
“No,” you deny, without a moment of hesitance. Briefly glancing at your father, you sigh, shaking your head. “I don’t know if i’ll ever forgive him, Scott. But now isn’t the time. We need to find Lydia.”
Scott’s jaw clenches, the knuckles of his fist turning white at how harshly he’s gripping your father. As a minute passes, your heart pounds against your chest in fear -- fear for what Scott will do. And it seems Scott senses it, because eventually, he lets go, your father letting out a gasp in response, nearly tripping over his own feet.
You pull Scott away, holding him close as he desperately tries to keep himself from shifting.
Your eyes land on your father when he takes a step forward; “Y/N--”
“Get out,” Scott growls, surprisingly. 
“Get out,” Scott repeats, his voice even more deadly than it had been before. He raises his head, his eyes surprisingly not glowing and glares threateningly at your father. “Get out. Now!”
Your father sends one more look your way, before abiding by Scott’s words. He rushes out, his breath pitched and you let out a sigh when you hear the door slam close behind him.
The moment you know you’re alone, you turn to Scott. “Scott--”
He interrupts you by pulling you into an embrace. It surprises you, your lips left parted and eyes wide as Scott clings onto you. “I’m sorry,” he whispers, and you blink when you hear the crack in his voice, alluding that he’s crying. “I’m sorry I didn’t protect you. Didn’t... didn’t do anything.”
Easing, you return your brother’s grip; “you couldn’t have known,” you remind. 
Your words cause Scott to pull back; “why didn’t you ever tell me?”
You don’t reply right away. Your grip loosens on him as your eyes fall to the floor, letting out a shaky breath. You know why, you just don’t know if you’re ready for Scott know why. For anyone really to know why.
“Because I was ashamed,” you whispered, hesitantly meeting Scott’s eyes. They widen in response, head jerking back as if he can’t believe the words that leave your lips. “Ashamed that I never did anything, that I never tried to stop him. And then, as time went by, I became ashamed that I never told you. That I.. I kept a secret from you and...--”
Scott’s hand falls on the back of your head, pulling you into an embrace once again. He lets out a shaky breath, his grip tight and secure as you let yourself go even for just a moment. You’ve kept this a secret from Scott for so long; spent years terrified of how he’d react. Little did you know the relief that would fall on your shoulders with the weight of your burden gone.
To know that Scott didn’t hate you or think any less of you made your eyes water with relief.
“I...” Scott hesitates, pulling back and meeting your eyes, his gaze steady and unwavering. “I won’t let him touch you ever again, Y/N. I promise. I can’t imagine what you went through, but I won’t ever let you go through it alone again.”
“Hey, you okay?”
Raising your head, you briefly meet Isaac’s eyes who’s sat beside you before turning your attention to the front once more. You just manage to catch sight of Stiles glancing over at your brother before returning his attention on the road, his words from before echoing in silence for a few seconds before Scott responds.
“Yeah,” he nods, voice light. You know, deep down, that he isn’t. After everything that he’d just found out, with Lydia missing and his best friend looking like he’s about to die – how could he be okay? “Yeah,” he repeats, “you don’t have to worry about me.”
“All right,” Isaac speaks up, pulling your eyes on him. “I’ll say it. You look like you’re dying. You’re pale, thin and you look like you’re getting worse.”
Eyes narrowing, you slap Isaac against the chest, causing him to flinch back in response as Scott whips his head around to glance back at the two of you. You challenge Isaac’s glares back at you, causing him to shake his head; “what?” He exclaims, “we’re all sitting here thinking it. When we find the other Stiles, is he gonna look like he’s getting better?”
Sighing, your shoulders fall; “Isaac
“What happens if he gets hurt?” Scott questions.
“You mean,” Stiles starts, his voice raspy. “If he dies, do I die? I don’t care.”
Brows furrowing, your lips part; “Stiles–”
“No,” Stiles interrupts, glancing at you for a moment before shaking his head. “Just so long as no one else dies because of me. I remember everything I did, Scott. I remember pushing that sword into you. I remember twisting it. I remember choking you, Y/N,” you frown when he glances at you through the rear view mirror. “I remember squeezing until you couldn’t breathe.”
“It wasn’t you.”
“Yeah, but I remember it,” Stiles says easily. “You guys gotta promise me. You can’t let anyone else get hurt because of me.”
“We’ve done this before, guys. A couple of weeks ago we were standing around just like this and we saved Malia, remember?” 
Staring back at Scott with almost a sense of pride, you nod your head.
“That was a total stranger,” he reminds, “this is Lydia.”
“I’m here to save my best friend,” Allison speaks up, nodding her head determinedly. Smiling up at her, you nod your own head; “me too.”
Keeping his gaze trained on Stiles, Scott smiled faintly; “I came to save mine.”
“I just didn’t feel like doing any homework.”
Scoffing, you turn to Isaac once again, raising your hand without hesitance and slapping him across the chest. He gasps in response, placing a hand over the offended spot as he glares down at you; “stop hitting me!”
“Stop saying stupid things!”
Shaking his head, Isaac turns, making his way through the gate before you follow him. You meet Stiles eyes briefly, before turning and falling by Kira’s side. As Kira, Allison and Isaac head to the left and Scott and Stiles continue forward, you hesitate a moment, causing your brother’s eyes to fall on you; “Y/N,” he calls, “you coming?”
You hate to leave Scott and Stiles, especially the latter, and you want to make sure Lydia’s safe, but you know you’ll be better helping the others fight. Especially with Isaac there, having not forgotten your training with Derek, the two of you could really do some damage together.
“You guys save Lydia,” you smile lightly, nodding at the two of them. 
Scott nods in return, and Stiles only hesitates a moment longer, staring back at you as you glance back at him reassuringly. When Stiles turns to follow Scott, you turn yourself, falling next to Isaac’s side as you, Isaac, Allison and Kira come to a stop before the latter’s mother.
“Kira, go home. Take your friends with you.”
“I can’t,” Kira shakes her head, as she unsheathes her sword and Allison readies her bow. You notice Isaac transform into his wolf form, claws out and inhaling deeply, you close your eyes, mentally preparing yourself. “I realized who I was actually playing. You.”
Flicking open your eyes, you feel a new sense of power wash over you. Something you’ve never felt before this one moment. As your eyes fall to your hands, you find yourself shocked at the purple
 almost mist that emits from them, hovering over your skin and fingers. When you look up, you find Isaac staring back you, eyes wide. “Your eyes,” he whispers, barely audible so only you can hear. “They’re purple.”
You supposed a part of you should be afraid, but no part of you is. The sense of power that floods you feels normal, familiar. Like it’s something you’ve been waiting for for a long time.
With a smile, you don’t say anything to Isaac, letting your gaze return on that of Kira’s mother as you raise your hands, prepping yourself.
Allison raises her bow, pointing it at Kira’s mother and the Oni; “call them off.”
“You think you can take him alive?” She counters, standing her ground. “You think you can save him?”
You have no doubt in your mind of who she speaks of.
“What if we can?”
“I tried something like it seventy years ago,” Kira’s mother dismisses with a shake of her head. “Your friend is gone.”
“Well we’re not gonna stop,” you speak up, narrowing your eyes at the woman. “And we’re sure as hell going to at least try.”
“Besides,” Kira adds, taking the small few steps over to her mother. “Are you sure? Or maybe Stiles doesn’t have to die, then maybe Rhys didn’t have to die either?”
The two Oni behind her raise their swords, poising them at the four of you as Kira’s mother smirks. “I see i’m no longer the Fox now, Kira. You are. But the Nogitsune is still my demon to bury.”
Then, as soon as the words finish leaving her lips, the Oni behind her disappear.
“What is that?” You hear Isaac faintly whisper, shifting on his feet slightly. “What does that mean?”
“It means there’s been a change in ownership.”
Lips parting, you spin, eyes widening when they fall on that of Stiles; or rather, the nogitsune. Behind him stand the two Oni who had disappeared moments before from behind Kira’s mother and more, guarding either side of him as he smirks down at the five of you. “Now they belong to me.”
Kicking your left foot back, you crouch, raising your hands once again as your eyes flash, ready.
A cry leaves your lips as a sharp pain radiates in your side. Jumping back from the Oni, your left hand falls to your right hip, applying pressure there as your head snaps upwards, your eyes landing on the Oni stood before you and sending it flying back.
It clatters to the ground with a thud, pushing yourself off the wall and rushing forward with a tense exposure. Your eyes fall on that of Isaac on his back, moving to help him before Allison beats you to it, shoving back the Oni that had crouched over him seconds before. Your eyes snap to the Oni you’d just knocked back as it comes lunging towards you, sword raised. Raising your hand, you stop the Oni from stepping any closer to you, fighting for dominance as you turn back towards Isaac and Allison.
Now on his feet, Isaac hastily turns to Kira’s mother; “how do we stop them?”
Stood behind a wall, Kira’s mother shakes her head; “you can’t!”
Your eyes widen as a Oni comes running towards Isaac, slashing him in the stomach. You move to help him once again, but you lose dominance over the Oni before you, stumbling back as you just barely miss it’s sword slashing you across the throat. Eyes flashing, you swipe your hand forward, fire coming from the tips of your fingers and flooding around the Oni. Your eyes widen when it simply does no damage, eventually evaporating with the Oni still stood before you.
In the back of your mind, you hear Kira’s sword clanging with the Oni’s and the sound of Allison’s arrows whizzing in the air, desperately trying to stop the two Oni that have cornered Isaac. You want to help all of them, but you can’t, managing to duck just in time as the Oni sends it’s sword flying towards you.
Raising your hand, you move a piece of sheet metal off the ground, slamming it into the Oni’s side. As expected, it does nothing. Doesn’t damage the Oni in anyway.
They’re impossible to defeat.
A sudden rumbling, that nearly causes you to lose your balance, catches your attention though. Your head snaps to the left once more, eyes widening at the sight of the Oni with one of Allison’s arrows piercing it directly in the chest. Then, before your very eyes, it combust’s. Smoke and green light blinds the area as the Oni just literally vanishes, it’s sword clattering to the ground.
You stand there, in disbelief; in relief for only a moment. Then, out of the corner of your eye, you see Allison and the Oni that rushes towards her. Before her name can even leave your lips, the Oni’s sword has impales her directly in the stomach. Time seems to slow as you watch Allison’s body hunch forward, your lips parting disbelief.
She can’t... that can’t have just happened.
Pain floods your entire being. Deep sadness burns into your mind; but it’s not just your own. Your eyes flicker upwards, landing on that of Scott who’s stands behind a gate, eyes wide as his gaze remains focused entirely on Allison. He hastily pushes open the gate, catching Allison in his arms just before she falls to the ground as the Oni around you disappear.
You can’t explain it. Your own heartbreak and worry is ten times worse with Scott’s added onto it.
Your eyes fade back to normal as you stumble back, a hand falling to your lips. You see Isaac fall to the ground before you, and without a second thought, you crouch behind him, grabbing onto him tightly as he falls against you, his eyes watering with parted lips of disbelief and shock. You can barely believe it yourself, seeing Allison, your friend Allison, with a sword in her stomach...
You cling onto Isaac as he leans helplessly against you, unable to stop your eyes from watering.
Moments pass as Scott and Allison share a conversation you can’t hear; either because you’re too far away or because you can’t properly focus on their words given the events of what have just happened. Then, Allison’s body falls limp in your brother’s arms, and you feel a sense of sorrow flood you; sorrow for Allison, for Isaac, for your brother, for yourself because you just lost a friend just like that; in seconds.
The tears finally fall when you hear your brother sob out Allison’s name.
“Here, it’ll calm you.”
Raising a brow, you glance down at the mug Kira’s mother slid Stiles’ way, clutching your hands tightly in your lap. Your leg won’t stop pouncing, the feeling of tears stained on your cheeks evident as you huddle close to Stiles’ side; you’re not sure if it’s for your sake or if it’s for his.
“What is it?” Stiles questions, his voice raspy as he reaches out to grab the handle of it. 
“What? Like magic tea?”
“No,” Kira’s mother shakes her head. “Chamomile tea. Drink it.”
Stiles nods, and your hand falls on his shoulder as he slowly brings the mug up to his lips.
Just then, Kira’s father walks into the room; “he’s not safe here.”
“He’s not safe anywhere.”
“But Allison killed one of them,” Kira reminds, voice soft. “Doesn’t that mean something? She killed an Oni.”
“Is that even possible?”
“I’m not sure how.”
“But she did it,” Kira urges, “she killed one of them.”
“Yeah,” you finally speak up, shaking your head. “And then they killed her.”
An echo of silence passes at your words, and then Stiles speaks up; “Allison’s dead,” he whispers, face scrunching up in distress. “Now I guess the only good thing is it looks like i’m dying too.”
Inhaling deeply, you shake your head.
Kira’s mother stands, moving over until she’s sat next to Stiles. “He made a powerful move by splitting the two of you,” she explains, nodding her head.
Leaning forward, Kira sets one of the board game pieces back onto the board. “So, what’s our move?”
“At this point,” Kira’s father sighs, “you need a divine move.” 
“What’s that?”
“In the game of Go, it’s what we call a truly inspired, or out of the box move. The nogitsune had a sente, the advantage, until this point. What you need is a divine move in order to turn the game around.”
“Okay,” Stiles says slowly, “so is anyone feeling divinely inspired?”
Shaking your head, you sigh.
“Mom, you said you trapped it in a glass jar, right?” Kira asks.
“It wasn’t the jar that trapped it. It was where I buried it.”
“The nematone,” you nod.
“A place I don’t know too much about,” Kira’s mother admits, shrugging her shoulders.
“Who does?”
Turning to Stiles, you meet his eyes as your own widen.
“Deaton. Deaton does.”
Running forward, you set your hands on Stiles’ waist, shifting his body slightly. You meet his eyes as he wraps his arm around your shoulders, and you let him lean some of his weight against you given his weakened state before following the others towards the school doors.
You and Stiles pick up the speed in your step slightly to keep up with Scott, Lydia and Allison, reaching the doors to the school in no time. However, just as Scott goes to push open the doors, you feel Stiles come to a stop, causing you to follow as well, your head turning to the left to glance up at him as he calls out; “Scott, wait up.” Turning his head over his shoulder, Scott turns to Stiles with furrowed brows. “I know what you’re all thinking. If this works, it might kill me, too.”
You feel the corners of your lips curve downwards at his words. You’d thought it, of course you had, but you hadn’t really noticed it until Stiles brought attention to it. Not only that, but you feared what Stiles would add to his previous words; because part of you already knew, and it left an unsettled feeling in the pit of your stomach.
“But even if it does, you have to go through with it. Stick with the plan, okay?”
“The plan is to save you,” Scott reminds, not an ounce of doubt in his eyes. “That’s the plan I’m going with.”
Without another word, your brother turns, pushing on the handles of the doors before they slowly open. Your eyes narrow slightly when, instead of seeing the familiar halls of the school, you see a courtyard covered completely in snow. As you continue to walk forward, you instinctively find yourself curling into Stiles, your hand settled on his lower side for support, at the cold. Stiles’ grip tightens as well, the arm wrapped around your shoulder pull you closer as you both gaze around in wonder.
Then, as you all come to a stop, Stiles slowly pulls away from your side, stepping forward. “Oh, this is definitely not part of the plan.”
For a while, none of you say anything. You simply stand there, shivering slightly, as you let your eyes wander across the entire courtyard, trying to figure out where you are and what’s happening.
Then, breaking the silence, you hear footsteps. Your head slowly turns to the right, your eyes landing on a man covered head to toe in bandages -- just like when the nogitsune had separated himself from Stiles, the same type of bandages. You don’t have to ask to know who it is; the nogitsune in it’s true form.
You hear the sound of Kira’s sword unsheathing, and taking a step forward, you fall in between both your brother and Stiles, squaring your shoulders in preparation for what’s to come.
“Like I promised, Stiles,” the nogitsune speaks up, it’s voice slurred and muffled slightly. “We’re going to kill all of them. One by one.” At the end of his sentence, two Oni appear on either side of the nogitsune, Kira instantly raising her sword to block the Oni’s.
As you shuffle backwards, you notice for the first time two more Oni stationed behind you.
You close your eyes for a moment, feeling that sense of power wash over you before opening them. As you raise your hand, the purple mist once again begins to float around your fingers, moving with each twitch of your hand. You’re in complete control of your powers now.
“What the hell is this?” Scott breathes, voice shaky. “Where are we?”
“Between life and death.”
“Bardo,” Lydia concludes.
“But there are no peaceful deities here, Lydia,” the nogitsune speaks up, turning it’s head in the direction of your friend. “You’re dying, Stiles.” At the nogitsune’s words, you feel your heart plummet, your head turning in Stiles’ direction instantly. “And now everyone you care about is dying, too.” Your eyes follow the nogitsune’s movement, unconsciously shuffling towards Stiles’, as it’s words register in your mind.
“What?” Stiles breathes, voice soft. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve captured almost all of the territories on the board, Stiles.” In your mind, you see the chest board. The pieces you, Derek, Chris, Noah and Allison had all found that day in Stiles’ room. “The hospital. The sheriff station. And now the animal clinic.” Swallowing thickly, you grip Stiles’ shoulder tightly, in hopes of assuring him, even if you don’t feel any hope yourself.
“Do you know the ritual of seppuku, Stiles?” The nogtisune continues, turning and walking back the way he’d just came. 
“No,” Stiles shakes his head, “and I don’t want to.”
Your grip on Stiles’ tightens when you notice the nogitsune heading your direction, pulling him closer as you hold your free hand out next to you. You try to ignore the fear that installs itself inside of you, raising your chin defiantly.
“When a samurai disembowels himself with his own sword to maintain his honor, but that’s not the cut that kills him. The killing stroke is made by his kaishakunin, who beheads the samurai with his own katana.” Your eyes widen when the nogitsune raises it’s hand, pointing at your brother. “Scott... Scott is your kaishakunin.” Lips parting, you turn to your brother who shakes his head, mouth agape in disbelief. “I’m going to make your best friend kill you, Stiles. And you’re going to let him.”
Your grip once again tightens as the nogitsune grows dangerously close to Stiles. “Because just like you,” it continues, “they’re all going to die. Everyone touched by an Oni’s blade. Unless, Scott kills you first.”
Coming face to face with the nogitsune, Stiles leans forward, shaking his head. “Why? Why are you doing this?”
“To win the game.”
You flinch when the Oni suddenly move, pulling their swords out and waving them dangerously around themselves. You pull Stiles close to yourself, your arm reaching out for Lydia and pulling her behind yourself. “Stay near me,” you order, keeping your eyes trained on the Oni around you. “Don’t leave my side.” 
You hear Lydia let out a whimper but otherwise nod, Stiles huddling closer to your side in return.
You can’t help the shriek in your voice when you see Stiles grab Kira’s sword off of the ground. You rush out to reach for him, but halt to a stop when you see him press the tip of the sword against his stomach. Lydia stops beside you, the both of you briefly glancing at each other, cold and shivering, before your eyes fall on Stiles’ once again, desperately shaking your head.
“Stiles!” You hear Scott bellow, “no!” Pushing the Oni away from him, Scott takes a step towards Stiles; “no...”
“What if it saves you?” Stiles counters, your shoulders falling at his words. “What if it saves all of you?”
“What if it’s just another trick?” You remind, unable to stop the desperation and screech in your voice as you meet Stiles’ eyes, shaking your head.
“No more tricks, Y/N,” the nogitsune growls. “End it, Scott. Let your friend fall on his own sword. Do for him what he cannot do for himself.” Your face twists in distress, your nails digging into the palm of your hand as you shuffle helplessly on your feet watching Stiles struggle but continuing to hold the tip of the sword against his stomach regardless. “Do it, Scott. Be his kaishakunin. Give up the game.”
There’s a moment of stilled silence. You watch Stiles shake, the sword doing the same in his hand, violently, as he continues to grip the handle tightly. When your eyes land on that of Scott, you see him on the other side of Stiles, repeatedly shaking his head but at a lost on what to do.
Then, Stiles suddenly stops shaking. He just stills, his eyes obviously catching something, but you don’t know what. The sword lowers, and he turns his head over his shoulder, looking at something.
“You have no moves left.”
Glancing down at the sword, Stiles shakes his head; “I do,” he whispers, nodding. Turning, he passes Kira’s katana back over to her, which she catches with ease, before turning back to the nogitsune.  
“A divine move.”
“Stop fighting them. It’s an illusion.”
Clutching close to Stiles, your grip on him as tight as he desperately tries to explain himself, out of breath. “You have to stop fighting them,” he continues, shaking his head. “It looks real and it feels real, but Scott, you gotta trust me, it’s an illusion.”
Slowly, your brother turns, facing the nogitsune. Kira is quick to fall behind him, then Lydia, but you stay close to Stiles’ side. You’re not sure if it’s more for him or for yourself, but either way, it both reassures you and helps you remain as calm as possible.
The Oni line up before the nogitsune, two on either side, their stance threatening.
Then, Scott takes a step forward, bracing himself as the Oni slash and cut as his skin. Kira follows, and Lydia as well, the four of you slowly following behind your brother as their cries echo in your mind. Your brother reaches the nogitsune, limping slightly because of his injuries, but with his last burst of strength, he presses his hands against the chest of the nogitsune, shoving him back.
Before you know it, you’re back in the halls of the school.
You turn to Scott as he looks down, eyeing his body in search of injuries and turning to you with surprise when he finds none. “We’re okay,” letting out a chuckle, Scott shakes his head; “we’re--”
He’s interrupted by a sudden force sending him flying into the lockers. Your eyes widen when they land on Stiles, or rather Void Stiles. Kira instantly turns to face him, raising her sword in preparation, but he easily slaps the sword away, knocking her to the ground.
Gasping, you shuffle back, pulling both Lydia and Stiles with you as Void turns to face the three of you.
“This was my game,” he growls, “you think you can beat me at my game?”
“Divine move. Divine move.”
As Void steps forward, you hastily pull back Stiles, clutching onto him as Lydia follows your actions. You feel your heart pound against your chest as Void takes fast and long strides towards you three, intimidating and threatening all the same.
“You think you have any moves at all?” He snaps, shaking his head as his voice gradually pitches louder and louder. “You can kill the Oni. But me? Me? I’m a thousand years old. You can’t kill me!”
“But we can change you!”
Void suddenly halts; “what?”
“You forgot about the scroll,” Stiles reminds.
Raising a brow, you smirk; “the Shugendo scroll.”
Void’s face shifts, and you see a sense of panic flood his eyes. “Change the host.”
“You can’t be a fox and a wolf.”
As soon as Stiles finishes speaking, Scott appears behind Void, digging his claws into his shoulder before taking a bite right on the upper part of his arm. Void bellows out a scream, struggling in Scott’s grip, but it’s too late. The moment Scott lets go, Kira’s runs forward, driving her katana through Void’s chest.
Thunder suddenly cracks, the lights in the hallway sparking as you instinctively step back, feeling Stiles’ grip on you tighten.
Kira pulls her sword out of Void, him falling to his knees in response as his body jerks and shakes violently. Your lips curl in disgust when a fly flies out of his mouth, flying past you, Stiles and Lydia, causing you to turn. A smile, however, grows on your face when you see Isaac, with the needed box, capture said fly, screwing the cap shut.
Perfect timing.
You hear a gasp, and turning, you find Void, lips parting as his body jerks continuously. Then, he stills, and you watch as his skin literally cracks before your very eyes, falling to the ground before turning into nothing but dust. 
Your lips part, holding Stiles close in fear that the same will happen to him -- that he’ll just turn to dust and disappear. Instead of that though, you feel his grip on you loosen, his entire weight falling into the palm of your hand as you stumble forward, falling to your knees as Stiles’ body thuds to the ground.
You let out a breath of relief when you see Stiles’ eyes finally open.
“Oh God, I fainted, didn’t I?”
Chucking lightly, you nod, keeping your hand clasped in Stiles’ as he lets out a heavy exhale. “We’re alive,” he whispers, “we all alive?”
Your eyes slowly raise to Scott’s at Stiles’ question, frowning when you see the look in your brother’s eyes. “Yeah,” he breathes, “we’re okay.”
You turn your head up when Lydia suddenly stands, helping Stiles’ up and onto his feet himself as you regard her with furrowed brows. Before you know it, she’s hastily making her way out of the school, without so much as an explanation, before collapsing against the stairs, a choked cry leaving her lips. 
When you see what she did, your eyes widen, your lips parting. Aiden... Aiden is dead... dying, he’s just..
She spins, falling into you without another word as Stiles comes to a stop next to you. As you wrap your arms around her in return, you feel your vision darken, even for just a moment and you realize you’re feeling all her pain and suffering and fear in that one moment. But you don’t pull away like you have before, holding Lydia close as she sniffles against you, Stiles setting a hand on her shoulder.
You bare through the pain, because your friend needs you and that’s all that matters.
“Isaac! Isaac, wait!”
He listens, Isaac’s feet halting to a stop. Chris glances back at you for a moment, before meeting Isaac’s eyes. There’s obviously a conversation passed between the two of them, but you don’t know what and then suddenly, Chris is nodding, sending you a small smile before making his way over to his car. As he does so, Isaac slowly turns to you.
Reaching him, you feel your chest and rise rapidly, eyes wide as you meet his own. “You’re leaving?”
Swallowing thickly, Isaac glances briefly back in the direction of Chris and his car before meeting your eyes, nodding. “Yeah.”
Biting your lip, you blink back the tears that well in your eyes, gaze falling to your hands as you fiddle with them. It wasn’t that you blamed Isaac, or couldn’t see the reason why he was doing what he was doing. You understood perfectly. It just... saddened you. Because a part of you still and always will love Isaac, and to know that you may never see him again is... scary.
“Look, Y/N--”
“I get it,” you assure, swallowing back your own fears and burying them. This isn’t about you. This isn’t your decision. It’s Isaac’s and you’re not gonna stop him from making the right one for himself. Smiling faintly up at Isaac, you nod. “I understand. I just... I wanted to say bye.”
Isaac’s face softens at your words, slowly nodding as he smiles. “I’m glad.”
Inhaling sharply, take a step forward, raising your hands and wrapping them around Isaac’s shoulders. You pull him close, and Isaac doesn’t hesitate to return the embrace. One of his hands press against the back of your head while the other wraps around your waist, and as you stare out at seemingly nothing in front of you, reveling in the feeling of being in Isaac’s arms once again, you think back to all the amazing memories you’ve shared with him.
They’re bad, just like there was bad with any relationship. But those memories, you’d never forget them. Any of them -- you’d cherish them.
As you pull back, you hastily wipe at your tears, sniffling as you compose yourself and meet Isaac’s eyes once again. “Keep in touch, yeah?” You ask, almost pleadingly, your eyes filled with hope. “Don’t go disappearing on me.”
“Of course,” Isaac grins, “I love you, Y/N. You know that, right? I still do.”
Nodding, you smile; “Yeah, I know. Just like you know I love you.” A moment of silence pauses, the two of you sharing a silent conversation with one another. Then, you take a step back. “Okay, go,” you chuckle faintly. “Don’t keep Chris waiting for too long.”
Laughing, Isaac nods, stepping back before turning. You watch him go, returning the wave he sends you just before getting into the car with Chris. And you watch the car pull out of the driveway, turn and disappear down the street. 
You stand there for a few moments longer before turning yourself, shoving your hands in your pocket and heading back home.
“Hey, can I talk to you?”
Your body stills at the sound of your father’s voice, instantly straightening out as you turn your head over your shoulder. When you meet his eyes, you let out a shaky breath, letting your bag fall to the ground with ease, clasping your hands before yourself. “Stiles wants to talk to me about something,” you explain, swallowing thickly. “I can’t talk for long.”
Stepping into your room, Rafael shuts the door behind him, “This won’t take long,” he says simply, and you feel your body flinch slightly when the sound of the door shutting echoes. 
You can’t explain the feeling that floods you when you meet your father’s eyes once again, watching as he takes a hesitant step towards you. He seemed scared, frightened but all the same determined. With his hands clasped before him, Rafael holds your gaze steadily. “I know you can’t ever forgive me for what I did. I don’t expect you to.”
While you had no doubt what the conversation would be about, you still find a bundle of nerves growing in the pit of your stomach at the start of it. You’ve been waiting for this conversation for years, and yet, when it’s finally here, you don’t even know if you’re ready to follow through with it.
“But I need to tell you that I know what I did,” Rafael continues, you feel your heart spike in response to his words. “I know that I hit you. That I... I abused you, both mentally and physically. And I know that it’s taken me a few years too long to admit it, but, Y/N,” his names leaves his lips in a shaky voice. You feel your eyes water at the sound, lips parting in disbelief. “I am so sorry. For everything. I... I’ve never stopped hating myself for what I did to you, and I never will, because it’s unforgivable. Ans I am just... so sorry.”
You don’t say anything at first. You let the words echo in your mind, let them repeat so you can properly asses them. Let them register within you.
All your life, since your father left, all you’ve ever wanted him to do is to admit what he did and apologize for it. He’s right, you may never be able to forgive him. But just to hear the words -- to know that he’s sorry and that he knows what he did is beyond terrible... well, it’s all you ever wanted.
So you don’t say anything. Because words can’t describe how you feel. Instead, you take a step forward, slowly and hesitantly, and then another, until you’re directly before your father. You raise your hands, shakily and unsurely and you know Rafael is watching you with both confusion and surprise. And then, you wrap your arms around his shoulders, something you’d once been sure you’d never do again. You pull him close, hug him like a daughters supposed to hug her father for just a second.
Then, you pull back. Because it still feels odd and a part of you is still scared of him, still unsure. But it’s the closest you’ve been to him in years and it’s something you’ve missed, despite everything.
“I don’t forgive you,” you say after a moment, meeting his eyes. “I don’t know if I ever will. Part of me doesn’t want to. But I can come to terms with it; come to peace with what you did and you. And slowly, very slowly, i’m willing to rebuild what little of our relationship we have left. But it’s on my terms and only mine.”
Rafael’s eyes flood with hope, like he’s been waiting for this just as long as you have, and he nods without even a second of hesitation.
“Thanks for coming to talk with me.”
Smiling up at Stiles, a new and fresh smile because things are finally falling back into place; things are becoming good again. You’d never forgot about those who you’d lost or what you’d had to sacrifice in order to win, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t move on. And you were. Things were... Things felt better. There was that hint of darkness, but you felt anew.
“Of course,” you laugh lightly, meeting Stiles’ eyes as he stops before you. “How are you holding up?”
Inhaling deeply, Stiles nods, pushing off of his jeep as he crosses his arms before you. He seems almost nervous, though you can’t begin to wonder why. He is constantly shifting, shuffling on his feet as he fiddles with his hands nervously. He meets your eyes, but then looks away, unsure. 
“I’m okay,” he nods, smiling lightly. 
“Okay,” you say slowly, your brows furrowing in confusion. “So, what did you need to talk about? Is everything--”
You’re interrupted by Stiles pressing his lips against your own. It surprises you, baffles you, your eyes widening as his fall shut and your body stills. It’s so sudden, out of the blue. Out of all the things you expected Stiles to do, kissing you certainly wasn’t one of them. But, as a moment passes, you find yourself easing into the intimate action, leaning into his warmth as Stiles’ arm moves to wrap around your waist, molding his mouth against your own.
He pulls away, too fast, breathless. You blink up at him, stunned. “What... what was that?”
“Something... something I should’ve done a long time ago.”
Shoulders falling, you feel your stomach flood with butterflies, a glimmer of hope welling within you. Taking a step towards Stiles, you move your head to meet his gaze head on, finding the way his cheeks have warmed quite adorable. “Stiles?” You call softly, slightly pushing for more answers. Stiles eventually turns to look at you, his eyes flickering downwards for a second before taking your hand in his own.
Your eyes widen, lips parting as your gaze lands on your entwined hands in confusion.
“I like you,” Stiles whispers, causing your eyes to fall on his once again. “I... love you,” the words are hesitant, unsure, but he means them all the same. “I have for a long time now, and I should’ve done something about it even before that. But Y/N, after everything that’s happened, it’s made me realize how much I don’t want to lose you. How much I need you by my side.” His grip on your hand tightens, gaze unwavering. “I love you, Y/N.”
Smiling softly, your body floods with ease. It feels like an eternity that you’ve been waiting to hear Stiles say that to you -- the boy you’ve had a crush on for longer than you can remember.
So, stepping forward, you press your lips against Stiles. Your hands fall on his cheeks, cupping them, before pulling back, a soft smile playing on your lips as Stiles’ gazes down at you in disbelief.
“I love you too, Stiles,” you whisper, “and you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that.”
A grin falls on Stiles’ lips as he chuckles; “yeah?”
Nodding, you let your eyes fall shut for a moment, leaning into Stiles with ease. 
Well, there we go! Season three, done!
I hope you guys enjoyed this season and this part. It’s probably my longest one to date, so, I hope you had fun reading through it all :)
Tag List: @potterheadbbc - @sunsetblake - @mythicalamphitrite - @loverofwaytoomanythings618 - @minuteandahalf - @mnk - @gazebros - @colie87 - @quilliamfears - @quellum - @pessimisticbullshite - @desired-love- @kaylinfayezink - @maiabiovillage - @tr1chst3r - @arkcangel - @quirkytwinkles - @thegirlwhoimagined - @noones-girl1980 - @illumminated - @fairchild345 - @all-will-be-well-love - @animemes-trash - @starryrevelations - @literallyhelpme - @theskytraveler - @jinandton1c - @ilovemymoose-blog @bibliophilesquared - @stilessarcasmqueen - @mersuperwholocked-lowlife - @newtsshelbys - @pancakefancake - @saturno-in-the-night - @pizzamelon7384 - @riskregretting - @mdgrdians - @ravenclawnerdfromnarnia - @franchisefan14 - @lovingpeterparker - @audreysduvxl - @kararanae23 - @alioop3818 - @a-gir1-has-n0-name - @andyl394 - @sclestial - @jayymocha - @2ptonpt - @itsfangirlmendes - @deafeningmusicdetective - @alex–awesome–22 - @nicholerodz  - @kellbell44 - @serrahruby - @agentmarvel13 - @egg-in-a-spork - @nickigv - @vxidnik - @marvelousgab - @emmaleighrose- @danielag1969 - @digicharr - @shantayok - @cherry3bombshell - @thatprofessionalfangirl - @itsjaynebird - @grippleback-galaxy - @dafukbish - @randomfanfictiontime - @unicorn-sparkles123 - @sammyrenae68 - @myfanficlibrarium - @liveforthenight130318 - @booknymph02 - @smileyouresopretty - @fionnthebandersnacc- @voidsarahh - @kal-pal - @darlingimmafangirl - @burningmusicmarchi - @celacaveremo - @maolhy71706 - @supernatural-kinda-girl - @wherever-life-takes-us - @natalien-92
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 4 years
So calls my heart to bad decisions (Kalos)
Based on this , cause I can’t get it out of my head and I think it’d be funny to give mini versions of the crack ideas I said.
*TRIGGER WARNING HEAVY! Please check tags, thank you.*
Out of all the places they visited so far this was turning out to be their favorite. It was a broken mess of parts, twisted melted metal, and full of dangerous groans from creaking parts. In other words, completely free for them to run a-mock in. 
“You know they never did find the body of that guy. What if he’s haunting the place?”
Will pipped using his powers to shake a platform to test it’s stability. Once he was assured it was secure he leapt off the door he was currently standing on to land on the sheet of metal. It wobbled under him but he stayed standing with Karen taking his spot on the door. 
“A little early in the year for ghost stories.”
“It is never too early, and I say we find a place to camp to see if my theory is correct.”
He retorted moving aside so she could join him on the platform. Easily she hopped on letting him catch her just to be safe. The two were making there way down the large chasm created by the blast from the weapon that once stood in it’s place. They had hoped to be able to reach the bottom, but due to the size they were starting to have doubts. I mean it was mid day already, and they had arrived in the morning. Not to mention the sun beating down on all of the metal was making it incredibly hot. Sure they dressed for it generally, shorts, a tanks with some sneakers. Karen instead of wearing a tank just had the cropped Magma hoodie they stole from their first excursion having realized it was actually made for hot environments. That was a lesson she’d learned the hard way after trying to take it to Mt. Cornet, and almost freezing in it.
“Camp? Here? Will we’re not that stupid, and I don’t have a death wish.”
She countered taking out her belt for the next stretch. The next stretch wasn’t necessarily far but the path they had to walk was terribly narrow. Wrapping he gold chain around her hand Karen looped it to what was previously a rail of some kind, and unclipped a gold coin from her belt loops to connect the belt into a circle. Then casually began to walk the narrow edge of what was possibly a part of the machine? It was hard to tell with the charring, but with this she was able to use the belt as a safety line if she slipped, and could hold onto it for balance.
“I guess. I still find it funny one of the legendary pokmemon here is a dark type bird. Here you are having partnered with Ho-oh, and Yveltal was an option. Maybe you two ended up in the wrong region.”
Karen rolled her eyes at that comment. Ok, sure Yveltal would of been more thematic for her, but she couldn’t see herself working with any other legendary. Though it felt like such a brief point in time she had genuinely felt such a kinship with the bird. 
Once on the other slide she gave the looped belt a hard snap to send back to him. Adding to the groans of heaving metal came the echoing scrape of metal on metal as it zipped along the rail. Will catching it easily on the other side, and starting to follow in suit. 
“In the wrong region, huh? You’d have a different partner though, and I highly doubt they’d be as patient with your antics as I am. Then again, I could probably run an evil team. No help needed either.”
She teased before feeling a tug at her shoe. Looking down she was able to see her shoe laces tighten into a dainty perfect bow. Will’s grinning face there to greet her when her glare lifted to meet him. Without a word she shuffled over to start unclipping her belt from the rail. 
“This only proves my point about people putting up with your antics.”
“And while you fume over tied shoes Miss I-could-fight-the-world-if-I wanted-to I’m going to go on ahead.”
Will remarked again testing the next platform which he could only see the edge of by giving it a few tugs with his powers. A large piece of metal seemed to be blocking most of their path from here. They could still get by if they slipped through, but he was double checking the surrounding area a few times to be sure since their vision of what was coming next was obscured.
After discarding a loose pipe to let it fall aimlessly into the pit below he grabbed onto a sturdy chunk above and dropped onto the piece below. There was a solid thunk as his feet hit the ground as he began to wish they’d used the belt again. Oh well, Karen would of likely messed with it after his last little gag on her, so maybe it was for the best. 
As he dusted himself off his eyes were on the ground catching a small red object in the corner of his vision. He quickly recognized the logo, and what it was. Ha, Karen was about to be jealous!
“Hey guess what I just found a ba-aaaauhhhhhh.....Karen.”
As his hand had reached for the small metallic badge he realized there was something else on the platform with him. Better yet, someone, because he also now saw a hand nearby. When he followed it sure enough a body was attached. 
“I’m retying my shoes give me a second.”
“Ok after you finish that you might want to come here as soon as possible because I found the ghost, or wait-”
“I’m sorry what?”
“I was wrong he’s breathing. Not a ghost, likely will be soon.”
Now he had said that, and he honestly meant it the more he took in the situation. First they were unconscious which was never a good sign. The amount of blood that had drained onto the metal was certainly sizable, and the rank from heat and blood was out right offensive. He was tucked under almost a cave of metal. Then there was the most glaring problem, a pole about half an inch thick had pierced the metal above him, and sunk into the lower abdomen. He inched his way closer trying to get a good look of the situation seeing the other’s chest shakily fall and rise. Gently setting his hand in the other’s he wanted to double check on the unconsciousness. 
“Si tu es rĂ©veillĂ©, peux-tu me serrer la main?” (translation: If you’re awake at all can you squeeze my hand?)
As he asked this he felt the metal shift a bit under him, and looked back to see Karen had lowered herself down onto the platform using her belt for a gentle landing. Like him her face was quickly filled with concern. They had seen enough that while this was graphic it was not as horrific as other sights. Though unable to understand Kalosian she knew exactly what he was doing, and her face grew more worried when he went from holding the other’s hand to putting two fingers on their wrist. No response then. 
“I don’t smell infection. I mean it smells bad, and it normally takes a day for it to set, but with how hot it is I would of assumed the worst.”
“He’s far from out of the woods. His heart beat is pretty weak, and speaking of the heat I don’t need to do any checks for body temperature to know he’s over heating.”
Will muttered a second later hearing the clank of metal at his side. One of Karen’s coins sat next to his foot now. He picked it up flicking open a back stop for a blade to pop out. 
“That heavy jacket is probably one of the causes if you want to start cutting that off I’m going to try to think of how we’re getting him out of here.”
“Get him out? Karen he’s practically already dead.”
“You say that like I care, Will can you honestly tell me right now that you’d leave him?”
“Well...no, I couldn’t-”
“Then we’re not leaving him.”
She replied matter of factly watching his reaction. Instead of saying anything though he looked at the metal they were standing on expecting her eyes to follow his. Karen hadn’t noticed before, and Will hadn’t until he crouched down to get the other’s pulse but this platform wasn’t fully clean. Where it jutted from the earth there was some flattened out area of dirt that leaked onto the metal. In it was distinct shoe prints. These prints that didn’t match either of theirs. They both went very quiet having the same thoughts, if someone was already here why didn’t they help him?
“...Karen maybe it was impossible to get him safely.”
“Or it wasn’t and they left him intentionally. He did try to end the world and if there is one thing humans are good at it’s hurting each other with malicious intent.”
Again they went quiet mutually horrified by a thought like that. No matter the situation when they were in the business of crime they could always count on the fact that the other wouldn't let them be left behind. To be left alone to die in such a slow and painful way felt inhuman, and yet they knew all too well it was something a human was capable of doing. 
“We get him out, but my priority is keeping us safe.”
He answered going to start cutting at the coat. Karen silently agreed to this turning away to start forming a plan. There wasn’t much room for her to pace so she got out another coin to start fiddling it as she talked her thoughts out aloud.
“Getting out of here is going to be do-able but we’ll have to be as careful as can be. The only flying pokemon we have that could carry a person is Clem, but we have a few problems there. He’s old limiting his strength, we’re currently in a narrow section for a good while here, and I worry about moving him too much. I mean if he’s still breathing after a day of lying here that pole must of missed any major organs, or worse it’s hit something and the only thing keeping him from dying is that pole holding things in place. That means if we move him it could rupture, and he’ll become septic-”
“Getting out of the hole Karen go there first.”
Will interrupted wanting her to stay on the first issue she brought up.
“Right, ok sorry. You have your full team of psychic pokemon, and yourself which can all levitate a person. You’ll likely have to take turns to not wear yourselves out. If you guys can manage to get him the entire way out perfect, if not we’ll use Clem. Although let’s save your bronzong till we’re fully out so that he can carry him to where we need to go.”
“Ok so getting out is solved. Where are we taking him once he’s out? Call the ambulance?”
He asked peeling the rest of the coat off to see the fresh wound blocked only by.a dress shirt. Despite the red color it did not hide the stain that had soaked through. The one upside to the coat is that it had helped shield his wound from debris keeping it cleaner. 
“No if we do that they’ll call the cops, and he’ll just get carted to jail.”
“Uh, yes, and why is that bad?”
Will asked turning to her in confusion. Without any words he knew what she was trying to tell him by the flat stare. They never went to jail, it was a very good thing they hadn’t, and she wanted to do the same here. The only thing was that the situations were a bit different considering what he attempted to do that wasn’t even addressing the fact that there was no way they could patch this wound up, or the fact they had jobs in Johto.
“...Ok confession. I opened a secret bar about a year after we joined the league where I have been running most of my security of Johto operations from by keeping in contact with criminals from our crime days, and I also made it into a refuge place because I really hate the prison system finding my method more helpful. You remember Yuki right? The guy who’s garage he kept paying us to set on fire so he could commit insurance fraud?”
She spat out knowing full well that blank reaction she was getting was hiding the flurry of emotions racing through his head. Even with a mask covering his upper face she could feel the anger radiating from his eyes at hearing this secret. If it weren’t for the emergency currently in front of them he would be exploding. 
“Yes. I do.”
“Well helped him get straightened out, payed for some medical school, and he is a top notch doctor now. He did move to Kalos recently to escape uh....someone recognizing him, but what’s important is that I have someone who owes me favors.”
There was a heavy sigh as Will attempted to exhale his emotions. This was the second time now he was finding out a secret on one of there trips that she kept hidden from him. Sure this one was far more severe compared to her last one, but still! This was the SECOND time, since when did they EVER keep secrets from each other?!
“We are talking about this later, but fine. Two of the three problems are worked out, third problem is this pole, and the fact we do not have nearly enough bandages in the med kit to perform a surgery.”
Finally stepping closer Karen took in every detail she could of the wound. It was so much worse up close and seeing where it was along with his physique she was even more scared that if they removed it they’d be basically be dooming him then and there. She followed the pole up as well wondering if it was supporting anything. While he was under a great deal of things the only thing tethering him to this place was that pole. If they could just remove him, leave the pole, or-wait what if they took both things?
“You and I can stand on this platform fine without problems. Garnet and Tilla could likely do the same we would just have to be else where to not put too much weight on here. You could be on that platform on the other side of that hole we came through, that door on the other side of the chasm can fit two people. It’ll be a squeeze but manageable.”
“Ok so what are your drapion and houdoom doing here then?”
“Taking the pole with him. If your xatu flies and lifts him just high enough for Tilla to get her claw under him she can snip it out from the bottom, another claw snip the top, and her third on her tail can help hold the pole in place. From your platform you can make sure the overall structure is sound so Garnet can grab all the scrap metal she can to push against the pole and use her fire to meld it together. All the while your xatu can lead him up through the opening. Then you can take over from there, and bring him up to me leaving him levitated so I can bandage him up. Then when I’m done you can return the pokemon to their pokeballs. Can you think of any holes in the plan?”
She asked after rattling everything off. Will was nodding along the whole time envisioning what she had in mind. It left a bad taste in his mouth to have to leave a part of the pole in, but it sounded mostly solid. 
“We have a bottle of alcohol for cleaning wounds, let’s use it on the pole to sterilize it. That’s about it, and no puns. Hole? When a man has one through his body?”
“Oh hush I’m stressed! Now come on we don’t have anymore time to waste.”
The woman huffed back honestly not even aware she had made a pun that time around. Reaching in her pockets she took out the two pokeballs he would need  as he got to work on cleaning the bit of the pole they’d be using. This was going to work, she told her self mentally trying to keep her spirits up.
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mars-bar81 · 4 years
Tagged by @hptruefan-cheekytorah
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2019. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Sorry, this became quite long! If anyone’s just looking for fics, I’ve bolded them to make them easier to see!
1.    A Week at the Humdinger
This was written for LCDrarry 2019, and I can’t tell you how much I love it. I’ve always loved the movie Pretty Woman, and this fest popped up on my radar a few months after I posted my drabble, A special client. The idea to continue it had already been floating around in my head for a few months, so I figured, why not? 
The world building on A Week at the Humdinger was very self-indulgent. Opulent hotels, fancy dinners, being able to buy out an entire row of tickets at a charity concert, paying my friends’ tuition—good stuff man, good stuff.
I think this was also the first long fic I’d written and posted that didn’t revolve around children or have them heavily feature in it (yes, I know, I put Teddy into it, but still, the story would have worked perfectly without him).
Finally, I loved creating the art to go with A special client. It took a lot of work (and a lot of coaching from my sister, who actually understands proportions, lol) but I love how it turned out.
Rating: Explicit Length: 52 231 words (plus A special client- 235 words) Summary: What happens when Europe's richest business tycoon asks London's poorest (probably) prostitute for directions? An adventure at the Humdinger, and a love story to last the ages. Or at least the week. Pairings : Drarry, Pansy/Millicent/Luna
2. Sex Ed for Witches and Wizards of All Ages
Okay, so Sex Ed is a topic that is very near and dear to my heart. I have studied it extensively through my academic career, and continue to learn so much amazing stuff from so many amazing people every day! I’ve said time and again that Sex Ed for Witches and Wizards of all ages is not a reliable guide to sex ed, because I did not fact check the entire thing, and honestly? It’s fan-fiction. 
That being said, I really wanted to challenge readers to reflect on what they think is important to teach children, and how much of an impact learning about consent, respect, trust, sexuality, healthy bodies and healthy relationships can have on all humans as they grow. As always, please talk to a trusted health care provider or qualified sex educator for questions/concerns related to sex ed!
Rating: Explicit Length: 77 066 words (my longest fic posted!) Summary: Draco and Astoria decide on their wedding night that they're not going to raise their future children with the same outdated traditions they were raised with, especially relating to love and sex. They never could have predicted exactly how much that decision would change Scorpius' life. Pairings: Starts with Drastoria, Hinny, eventual Drarry, Scorbus and Jeddy
3. The Godric’s Hollow Wizarding Parents Association
This is technically a year and a bit ago, but I think to this day GHWPA is one of my favourite fics I’ve written and deserved a mention! It was inspired by a Tasty Junior video showing how to arrange your fridge so that children could pack their own lunches, which is what Harry does with his kids in my story. I always see all kinds of clever tips and tricks online, and never get to use them irl, so I figured why not put them in a fic?
I also took GHWPA as an opportunity to really express how much food means in my daily life. I love cooking and baking, but I also love learning about different cuisines of the world and sharing that joy and connection that so many people associate with food, sometimes without even realising it!
Rating: Explicit Length: 26 298 words Summary: When Draco decided to move his small family to Godric’s Hollow, little did he know he’d have to deal with misleading television programs, some surprisingly friendly neighbours and a bit of peanut butter. Okay, lots of peanut butter. Pairings : Drarry, Past Drastoria and Hinny
@hptruefan-cheekytorah also made a gorgeous mood board for it, go check it out!
 4. I hosted the Drarry Discord Drawble challenge! It’s a lot of fun participating in the drabble and drawble challenge every month, but it was a whole new experience to host it, because it made me so much more aware of the artists in our community and gave me a whole new set of responsibility to manage for the month! It was a lot of fun though, and I encourage anyone who wants some drabbles and lovely art to check out the Drarry Discord Writer’s Corner Drabble Challenge tag on AO3 for all the amazing work creators have made in the months that this challenge has been running.
 5. So this isn’t an accomplishment that’s easy to display on Tumblr, but I’ve gotten a lot better at balancing my fandom participation with my real life. There was a time in the past couple of years when I would write and interact in fandom during every free moment I could find, often as a way to get away from stress and uncertainty in real life. I’ve been getting better at stepping back from fandom and managing my real life, and it’s working—my marks have improved in school, I left a job that was terrible for my mental and physical health to find something that makes me much happier, and I’ve pulled a complete 180 on my career path, and now have a much happier outlook on the future! Funny enough, through all that, I feel more connected to the fandom community than before! So if you’ve beta’d for me, cheered me on, liked or commented on my work, made a meme that made me laugh, sprinted with me, shared your own work that inspired and moved me, or even just said hi to me in passing, know that I really love and appreciate you!
 I won’t tag anyone because I’m sure the few people I know on Tumblr have already been tagged, but if you haven’t and would like to do this, please do!
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hispeculiartreasure · 6 years
Weekend in the Woods - Steve Rogers x Reader
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: You manage to drag Steve Rogers into the woods for a long weekend to yourselves!
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Can brief melancholy be a warning?
A/N: This has been in the works for weeks. It’s the longest oneshot I’ve ever written for Steve, and I’m fairly proud of it. Hope you enjoy it! I also tagged a few people who’ve been interested in my stories in the past, but I don’t have to tag you in the future if you don’t want me to. Also, the ever-lovely Pia - @abovethesmokestacks - beta read for me and created this STUNNING moodboard for me!
Tags: @firewolfkelly @almighty-rogers @promarvelfangirl @barnesrogersvstheworld @ursulaismymiddlename
As soon as Steve put the car in park, you were opening your door, practically bouncing towards the cabin. Somehow, you had finally achieved the impossible – you convinced Steve Rogers to go on vacation.
Last week, you had been badgering Steve about taking some time off. He had trudged in one night looking particularly worn down when you commented on how exhausted he looked. You had made some snarky comment about how he needed a night off. Steve had turned to you and shocked you with the two most beautiful words you had ever heard him say - “You’re right.” Before he could elaborate, you had whipped your cell phone out and already booked the cabin you’d had picked out for months.
Steve couldn’t help but feel satisfied at your excitement. He was hesitant to agree to go off the grid in case Captain America was needed, but your begging wore him down. You did have a point, he hadn’t had a getaway from real life since before the war. He had to admit he was tired, plain and simple.
But that didn’t stop the worry nibbling in the back of his mind. What was he going to do for four days in the middle of nowhere? Even he could only draw and sketch so much. Being away from work made his fingers itch to stay busy.
He opens the trunk of the car and easily manages to grab your overnight bags and the groceries the two of you had picked up on your drive into the mountains. You emerge from the cabin, eyes sparkling.
“Looks like those bags might be too heavy for you, need help?” You teases, head tilted to one side.
He chuckles in return, adding “It wouldn’t be a struggle if you hadn’t packed so much.”
“A girl’s gotta be prepared.” You hold the door open for him as he lugs your belongings into the cozy cabin. An oversized bed was tucked into the small bedroom that was attached to the bathroom. The rest of the cabin held a couch and a couple armchairs, the couch, a tiny kitchen table with chairs, and the kitchen itself. It wasn’t luxurious, but it was all you needed.
Your goal for the next four days was to figure out how to help Steve rest. This weekend may be turn out to be more work for you than ever before.
The first night was easy enough. The two of you usually spend your nights catching each other up on your day while making dinner together, and tonight was no different. Tomorrow the work would begin.
But for now, you dance around each other in the kitchen, working in tandem to stir the sauce, make sure the chicken is cooked through, check that the bread didn’t burn, and make sure the cookie dough was packed. Like always, the meal was perfect as Steve complains about the team’s latest prank on him during training and you tried your best not to laugh.
Steve rose with the sun the next day - and so did you, begrudgingly. He insists that you didn’t have to get up with him, but you knew he was likely to get in some kind of trouble if he was left to his own devices for too long.
“You up for a hike today?” you ask around a yawn that wouldn’t give up on you. Steve couldn’t help but grin at your sleep-rumpled hair.
“I think a better question is if you are up for a hike today, sunshine.” He only received an eye-roll as you entered the bathroom to get ready for the day. He couldn’t be more grateful for you.
He went about packing the backpacks you’d brought with food and water for the day. Before you’d rolled out of bed, he’d checked a few satellites so he could plan a hiking route in case you were willing to explore with him at some point this weekend.
Once you were both dressed and had your backpacks strapped on, you head towards the trails hand-in-hand until you came to a fork in the path.
“Okay, where do you wanna go? Wanna just wing it?” you ask Steve.
“Uhhhhhh. . . sure. We can wing it.” Your critical eye seems to make him nervous.
“Did you already plan exactly which way you want to go?”
Steve’s mouth opens and closes several times as he struggles for words. “I just wanted the most efficient route that got us to the best viewpoints of the mountain and allowed for comfortable water breaks that got us home before it got dark. . .”
“Steve, you’re supposed to be relaxing.”
“Strategic analysis relaxes me, you know this, darlin’.”
You throw your hands in the air with an exasperated, “Fine, it’s your vacation. Lead the way.”
Steve sheepishly takes the lead down the trail on your right. You didn’t really have an opinion - Steve was keeping busy, which was the goal. And the view you had from behind? Golden.
A few hours into the walk, you pull Steve to a stop and stare at the gorgeous view. After hiking uphill for a while, you had reached a break in the trees that revealed a valley below you. For miles, you could see mountains covered in trees, the low clouds providing a peaceful yet somber atmosphere. A gust of wind bit through your jacket, but the fresh air was exhilarating. You turn to Steve to comment on the scenery, but stop at his pensive look.
Steve enjoys the relative silence and the sounds of nature, he really does. What he doesn’t enjoy is the frenzy set free in his mind. When he wasn’t busy, his mind wandered. When his mind wandered, he had no control over the memories it dredged up or the thoughts that took over. Which is why Steve liked to stay busy. Some say he’s a workaholic, he reasons that he’s surviving. The truth is, he had to plan a strategic hiking route. He had to run through a list of ways the two of you could evacuate the cabin in case something happened. It was less about worry and more about what would happen if he didn’t stay--
But then you squeeze his hand in yours and he remembers that he isn’t alone. Your cheeks are flushed from the exertion of hiking and your hair was tossed with the breeze. And the way you’re looking at him - with adoration, with concern, with love - he can’t help but feel he doesn’t deserve it.
“Let’s keep walking?” you ask him softly. He nods and you two continue on with your exploring.
It turns out that in the midst of Steve’s calculations, he forgot to take into account how long it would take an out-of-shape non-supersoldier to traverse the path he had planned. You refuse his offer for a piggyback ride the rest of the way back to the cabin, only to prove that your stubbornness could out-stubborn his own. That stubbornness dissipates with the nightfall, the darkness making you nervous and Steve overprotective as you clamber onto his back. Steve’s brisk pace causes the already-chilly air to pierce through your skin, your arms wrapping around his neck as a reflex. .
The cabin finally comes into view and you had never been more excited to get warm. Steve being Steve, he didn’t put you down until you both were inside with the door secured. That was when he noticed the shivering.
“I’m so sorry, doll,” he sighs, “this is my fault.”
“Oh stop, I’m fine! Just a little cold.” Steve grabs a quilt from the couch, tossing it around your shoulders.
“But you wouldn’t be if I had picked the right paths—“ you gently grab his face between your hands, forcing him to look at you rather than fidget with the blanket.
“Steve. I’m really okay. I’m already getting better, see?” you hold your hands out in front of him, “the shaking is almost gone.”
He smiles softly and grabs your hands. The kisses he brushes across your knuckles definitely start to warm you up.
“You know what you can do for me?”
“What’s that?” Steve asks, inching close enough for your noses to brush.
You whisper huskily, “Make me dinner.”
Steve closes his eyes and huffs out a breath before you both dissolve into giggles. Gosh, you love that laugh, you love this man.
After dinner, you read a book as Steve sketches some of the landscape you’d seen together on your hike. But you could see his anxiety as you got ready for bed together. You stand in front of the sink and Steve stood behind you, both of you brushing your teeth. His posture was more rigid than it usually was at the compound, the fingers on his free hand constantly moving.
“You okay, babe?” You must’ve broken his train of thought, because it took a few seconds for him to register what you’d said.
“I’m fine.”
“Fine isn’t great.”
He sighs, leaning around you to rinse out his mouth. “I don’t want you to think I’m not enjoying this uninterrupted time with you, because I really am. It’s been nice not to be the Captain for more than a day.”
“. . . but?” you prompt, switching to running a brush through your hair.
He rubs the stubble on his chin, watching your movements. You could see the struggle on his face. Steve did not enjoy sharing his feelings. The possibility of showing weakness made him prickle like a porcupine. It was something you’d both been working on - you learning to give him space and him making an effort to communicate and be vulnerable. You don’t push him for an answer, just continue brushing your hair in the quiet.
“I feel . . . useless. I’m not good at relaxing. If my hands aren’t busy, my mind gets noisy. . . Does that make sense?”
You nod thoughtfully. “We can find some kind of project for you tomorrow. And if you get too antsy, we can always head back early. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, that would defeat the whole purpose of this trip.”
“No, I want to stay here with you. I just need to be busy with something.” You tamp down your instinct to tell him to embrace the uncomfortable and confront some of his thoughts. Now wasn’t the time to talk about this. Getting him to talk about anything personal was challenging enough. That was for another day.
“I understand. We can figure it out. But I need sleep before that. How about you?”
“Agreed.” He follows you to bed and tucks himself in next to you, always insisting on taking the side of the bed closest to the door, no matter where you were. You immediately snuggle into him, savoring his warmth in the cool fall air. “Thanks for listening,” he murmurs into your hair.
“Always, Steve.”
It was a rare morning that you were awake before Steve. He was usually an annoyingly cheerful morning person. But you had a feeling his sleeping-in was due to a sleepless night. Steve didn’t need a lot of sleep to function, thanks to the serum. But even the super soldier needed a few solid hours.
You extricate yourself from his arms, which stirs him from sleep. His puffy eyes squint at you in question. “Just going to the bathroom, go back to sleep,” you whisper, gently sweeping hair away from his eyes. He nods and closes his eyes again.
After visiting the restroom, you snag a quilt from the end of the bed to wrap yourself in and close the bedroom door softly behind you. You would start making breakfast, but Steve was a restless sleeper and your noisy preparation would wake him up for the day. Instead, you chose to make the morning’s coffee and step out onto the back porch.
You blow a soft stream of air across the top of your warm mug, looking out across the scenery. For the first time since being there, you notice a small shed a few paces away from the cabin. Pulling the quilt tighter around yourself, you pull open the heavy door to the shed. Looking around inside, you start to get an idea, a smile spreading across your face.
Two hours later, Steve emerges from the bedroom to find you curled up on the couch with a book.
“Good morning, sunshine,” You smile warmly at him and offer him the steaming mug waiting on the coffee table.
Steve eases himself down next to you and pulls your legs into his lap as he took a sip of coffee. “Ahh, just how I like it.”
You snort as you lean your head on his shoulder, “Steve, you like your coffee black, it’s not that complicated.”
“But you know that about me and I appreciate it.”
“Always. You doing okay?”
“I’m much better now that I have my coffee and my girl,” he returns with a kiss to your forehead, “What’re you grinning for?”
You lean back to properly look at him, a twinkle in your eye. He could tell you were excited about something, and your energy was contagious. “I think I figured out what you’re going to do today.”
After breakfast, Steve follows you to the shed to discover piles of different kinds of wood and wood-turning machinery. Layers of dust cover everything in the shop, except for the places where Steve could tell you had swept your fingers over the wood and some of the tools. The shop was small, but had several windows that could air the place out in no time.
Steve put his hands on his hips and turns to face you. “What exactly do you want me to make?”
“I dunno. . . anything you want to.” Steve didn’t look convinced with his eyebrows knit together. “But you really don’t have to. It’s a new challenge and obviously no one is going to miss this lumber. Thought it might keep your hands busy and your mind occupied. If it doesn’t sound like something you’d enjoy. . .” The longer you spoke, the more insecure you began to feel. Maybe this was a dumb idea and was presumptuous of you. Steve was a big boy, he was capable of taking care of himself.
But then he smiles at you. Not a big grin or a flirty smirk, just the corner of his mouth lifting up - that was enough to send the butterflies a-fluttering.
“Thank you for caring, sweetheart. I’m willing to give it a shot if you’re okay with having a rickety coffee table.”
You both change into clothes for the day, you engulfed in one of Steve’s sweaters while Steve pulled a flannel over his broad shoulders. After opening the windows and propping the door open, you settle into one of the rocking chairs on the porch with your book. There were a few books left in the shop that Steve picked up and brought to the rocking chair opposite of you. It took him about an hour to speed-read the three books that spoke to how to get started and the finesse the job took.
To be perfectly honest, the project was rocky starting off. Steve had never built anything more complicated than a tent at a campsite. But he was one of the quickest learners you knew. He proved you right in no time.
At one point when you look up from your book, you found Steve bent over what would eventually be a bookshelf. A few stubborn locks of hair had fallen in front of his eyes, but he hadn’t noticed yet. You try to stop yourself from drooling when you notice he had rolled the sleeves of his flannel up, showing off the veins along his forearms. He was so focused on his task, not worried about the world around him. It was the most beautiful sight you had ever seen.
He took that moment to look up, locking eyes with you. He winks, you melt. That man knew exactly what he was doing to you.
Oh yeah. This was your best idea yet.
By the end of the day, Steve had crafted a beautiful coffee table that was by no means rickety. Preceding that were some other. . . structures. . . that appeared rickety. Hey, even Steve Rogers faced a learning curve. But the coffee table was beautiful; simple, strong, steady - everything you love in Steve.
That night, you notice a big change in Steve’s demeanor. His shoulders were completely relaxed as he grilled dinner that night, you received more than one flirty kiss while preparing the side dishes, and you were pretty sure you caught him whistling at some point. Rare form, indeed.
You were gathering up the dirty dishes when his strong arms wrap around your middle and brought you chest-to-chest with the soldier. “Someone’s feeling chipper,” you laugh, setting the dishes beside you on the counter.
“Well, someone had a really great day thanks to a certain adorable someone,” Steve murmurs into your neck, scattering light kisses across your throat.
“Someone is more than welcome.”
Before you knew it, you were being lifted to sit on the kitchen counter, with your lips pressed to Steve’s.
With a light touch to Steve’s chest, you lean back with a smile. Steve hums deeply at the separation between you, which only causes you to smile more.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better,” you say with a whisper, your fingers toying with the buttons on his flannel.
“Thanks to you.” Steve pauses for a moment, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear before brushing his thumb along your cheek. The intensity in his gaze sent tingles down your spine. “Really. Thank you. I know I have a hard time. . . talking about. . . feelings, s-so much s-so that-,” he groans in disgust, “I just want you to know that I see what you do and I appreciate it more than I can say.”
You grab his shirt collar and pull him impossibly closer. “Right back at ya, babe.” Your lips met once again and you knew there would be no problem staying warm tonight.
On most days when Steve woke up at the crack of dawn, he tried not to disturb you as he went about his morning routine. But somehow, as per a miracle, you were still wrapped in Steve’s arms when you woke up. You roll over to face Steve, squinting up at him. Unlike yourself and your haggard morning appearance, he looks like an angel. The morning light reflected off his golden hair, confessing beautifully with his dark stubble. You had never seen him looking so content.
“Did you already take your morning run?” you ask, wincing at the huskiness of your morning voice.
“Nope,” he answers simply, smiling down at you.
“Are you going to?”
“Nope,” he smiles even bigger.
You clear your throat, “Wow. Vacation Steve is really serious about this relaxing business.”
Steve props his head on his hand, his elbow digging into his pillow. “I love the way you sound in the morning.”
You could feel your cheeks heating up at his blatant adoration. Steve was usually fairly reserved, but Vacation Steve? Seems like he was pretty honest. You could get on board with that.
Vacation Steve continued to rule the day. It was a quiet day, but one that was incredibly peaceful and comforting. The most exciting moment in the day was when Steve managed to get the smaller machinery in the wood shop to power up. After reading a few more books he’d found, he managed to turn a dark block of wood into a beautiful vase. He surprises you with this vase by filling it with sunflowers and setting in on the counter where you were preparing lunch.
Before the end of the day, the cabin’s bed had a new headboard with an intricate pattern of swirls adorning the curves at the top. Several more bowls and vases were made and stashed for future Christmas presents. Steve didn’t consider himself a huge planner when it came to gifts, but he knew you would be surprised and pleased by the trinkets he’d made himself.
The day passes peacefully into night. With two mugs of hot chocolate in your hands, you pause at the backdoor to watch Steve. He was in one of the rocking chairs, gazing up into the night sky afire with stars. Moonlight lit up his face, accentuating his jawline and strong features. Your heart swells with emotion -- seeing him at peace was overwhelming in the best kind of way. The last few days made you realize how deeply you did care for Steve, how much his happiness meant to you.
Steve must have sensed your hovering, he turns towards the doorway and beckons you closer. He thanks you for his hot chocolate and when you turn to sit on the rocker opposite of him, he grabs you by the hand. “C’mere,” he murmurs with a tug of your hand. With a giggle, you settle across his lap, wrapping an arm around his neck.
Together, you enjoy the quiet night and each other’s presence. That’s all you need at this moment: the sounds of nature settling in for the night and the feeling of the one another close.
Steve was the first to break the sleepy spell. “Can I be honest with you?” You nod against his shoulder. “I was really nervous about this trip. I didn’t know what I would do with myself for this long without work. But. . .” You sit up to look him in the eye, encouraging him to continue.
“Then you worked so hard to guarantee that I would enjoy this time. I’ve struggled for years with who I am and what I want, even what I like. You have given me so much in our time together. And you deserve to know just how highly I think of you and how much I respect you.”
“And I feel the exact same way about you.” Steve smiles softly, his gratitude evident.
“I didn’t dream I would feel this way, but I’m going to miss this place. I don’t really want to leave.”
“Again, I feel the same way. We can always come back, though. As long as I’m in your life, this isn’t going to be your last vacation,” you assure, bringing a hand to caress his cheek.
“I know. This weekend was a pleasant surprise. Thank you, sweetheart.”
“You’re very welcome,” you whisper, leaning in for a chaste kiss, “Now come on. I’m determined to kick your ass at Monopoly before we leave.”
Neither you or Steve want to burst the happy bubble you’d created here. But, your alone time with Steve was coming to a close - The Captain was calling.
Your last morning in the cabin was spent in quiet preparation to leave. You spent your time packing bags as Steve tidied up the woodshed and cleaned the kitchen. Making sure to tuck in the trinkets Steve had made you, you zipped up the last duffel bag and set it by the front door. Through a streaky window, you spot Steve wrestling your new coffee table into the back of the car. When it came to loading your luggage, you left that to Steve. He loves puzzles, and having a life-sized one to solve was a treat to him. Not to mention that he had the muscles you didn’t  - you were both pretty content with the tradeoff.
After one last sweep through the cabin to make sure you hadn’t left anything, you lock the front door and join Steve by the car.
“All set?” Steve asks as he shuts the hatch on the back of the car.
“I’m ready if you are.” With that, Steve pulls the keys from his pocket and starts towards the driver’s seat. “Oh wait!” Steve looks over the top of the car at you quizzically.
“Did you forget something?”
“No, no. We didn’t take one picture together while we were here. C’mere.” You open your phone to the camera and snuggle into Steve’s side. You snap a few pictures before Steve takes the phone from you.
“Let’s get a picture where we can see the cabin behind us.” With his long arms, he manages to capture the cabin that had been a haven over your long weekend. You lean into him further, resting your head on his shoulder as you both smile at the camera. “Perfect. Let’s hit the road.”
Steve settles behind the wheel as you scroll through the new pictures. As he maneuvers the car down the dirt driveway, he watches the cabin become smaller in the rearview mirror. A profound gratitude toward you fills his soul. You had orchestrated the weekend not only to spend time with him, but also to give him the first true rest he’s had. A spare glance to the passenger seat found you smiling at the selfies and probably sending them to close friends and family who knew about the trip. He grabs your left hand and squeezes tight, trying to convey the feelings he struggled to put into words.
He didn’t deserve you. He didn’t deserve any of this. But he had it and he was damn well going to appreciate it while he could.
The cabin disappeared from sight as the car descends down a hill, which sparks an idea in Steve’s mind. One of another cabin, built by hand. Nothing too fancy, but something that held the same magic you had experienced together. It would be small. It would be quaint. And it would be an escape. Weekends in the woods would become much more frequent, he suspected.
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hovercraft79 · 6 years
Circle in the Sand
3rd in the Hecate’ Summer Playlist series
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 12,656 Fandom: The Worst Witch (TV 2017) Rating: General/Teen  Warnings: Some violence, someone being drugged without their knowledge (to comedic effect), injuries. Summary: A long weekend at the beach sounds like the perfect setting for a Cackle’s staff retreat. Unfortunately, nothing goes to plan and nothing is as it seems.
This story continues Hecate’s adventures from weeks 1&2. Again, it’s helpful, but not necessary, to have read those. This one is a bit of a departure from those; I thought I’d give Hecate a break from having so many feelings this week. The title, of course, is from Belinda Carlisle’s classic ‘90s song.
As you know, I’ve been following my own extremely loose version of the Hackle Summer Trope Challenge (foundational, life-altering friendship, not romance), but the Hicsqueak is starting to assert itself so I’m not going to tag it that way anymore. I’m still using the prompts and following the trope-a-week schedule to motivate my entry into writing fan fiction for tumblr. Thanks to cosmic-llin for her advice and encouragement.
Again, thanks to Sparky, who is still editing my fics. She really wishes I would write something shorter.
               Hecate silenced her buzzing alarm spell and flung her arm over her eyes. She wondered if she could possibly convince Ada that she was too worn out from last weekend’s family retreat to leave for the annual staff planning retreat.
               Each year, once Selection Day passed, the entire faculty would gather at the Cackle family beach house to plan for the upcoming school year. The incoming First-Years’ skills and weaknesses would be evaluated and appropriate curricula developed. Each level of students would receive the same evaluations and lessons would be adjusted accordingly. The retreat allowed the teachers a set block of time to work out their own plans in a new, more pleasant environment, as well as pair up for interdisciplinary lessons. Most importantly, as far as Ada was concerned anyway, the retreat allowed the teachers to spend time together in a less formal, child-free environment.
               Hecate sighed and threw the sheets off to the side. Ada wanted them all together. That was all the reason Hecate needed to be there. Besides, she thought, there are worse things than being forced to spend a week in a beachside cottage. She sat up, smiling at the framed picture on her nightstand – two small witches, one dark and one light - standing with their arms linked in front of Miss Amulet’s Academy.
               Making her way to the bathroom, Hecate ghosted her fingertips across the petals of the flowers in the vase beside it, smiling. A new bouquet appeared every week, no card, no comment included - not that she needed one. The flowers began arriving shortly after the Spelling Bee and each time the primary color of the bouquet had been pink -  not much mystery there. She opened the bathroom door and stopped short. A brightly colored, cross-stitched thing had been hung from the side of the mirror. Since their reconciliation Pippa had also taken to leaving bright, frivolous things in her rooms to ‘give them a little color.’ Hecate still didn’t know how she managed to get them in past her wards, but she suspected Pippa may have enlisted Ada’s help on that front. The large stitching read You look so FABULOUS today darling
 Hecate smiled and leaned forward so she could read the smaller stitching below 
that I just had to stab something 10,000 times! Hecate laughed out loud; after all these years she’d not forgotten how weird Pippa’s sense of humor could be. She summoned her maglet and sent a quick thank you before getting on with her morning routine.
               An hour later, she was still smiling, even in the middle of the noise and disorganization of five people getting ready to fly out to the cottage.  “Are we all ready?” Ada asked, double checking Pendell’s carrier. Receiving a full set of agreements, Ada nodded at Miss Drill. “All right then, Dimity, we’ll follow you.”
               “All right you lot, there’s a spot of weather to the south, so we’ll head out on a bit of a northern route. Flying should be good, and we should be landing in about forty-five minutes.” 
               Dimity brought them down in the front garden of the buttery yellow cottage exactly forty-nine minutes later. “You’re slipping, Miss Drill,” Hecate drawled.
               “It’s not my fault Miss Bat kept falling asleep and drifting off course. Maybe you should brew up some Wide-Awake potion, and we can start slipping it into her morning tea.”
               “Ada said no,” she said with a shrug. They turned to face Ada, who had stepped onto the porch and set the starfish-shaped windchimes to ringing.
               “Welcome, friends, to this year’s planning party! As always, I hope you will make yourselves at home and enjoy the cottage as if it were your own.” Her expression sobered. “Unfortunately, things will be a bit different this year.” She paused, looking down as she began wringing her hands together. Hecate stepped closer and placed a comforting hand on her arm. “Thank you, dear,” she murmured, offering a tight smile before straightening her shoulders and continuing on. “As you know, we at Cackle’s have encountered a few
difficulties over the past couple of years.”
               “That’s an understatement,” Dimity muttered under her breath.
               Ada shot her a look and continued. “As a result, the Council feels that some supervision is necessary, at least for the time being.” She held up her hands, hoping to forestall any protests. “They also want to see us incorporate explicit lessons on the Witches Code into all of our subject areas.”
               “You mean that pompous toad Hellibore is going to be interfering with our curriculum?”
               “I’m afraid so, Algie.” She shot Hecate an apologetic look. “I’m afraid I’ve also had to adjust our usual rooming assignments. My mother is here and will, of course, be in the master. I’ll share with her. We must leave one room free for our
guest that will be arriving late tomorrow. I’m afraid that Hecate and Dimity will have to make do with Agatha’s and my old room.” If Ada had suddenly dropped a rotting fish out of her handbag, Dimity and Hecate couldn’t have looked more horrified. Ada refused to make any eye contact whatsoever. “Algie and Gwen, you have the same room as last year.” At least at the retreat, no one bothered to pretend that those two weren’t basically living together. “Now, I’ll let you get settled. Shall we meet in the living room in
thirty minutes? Then I’ll tell you more about what’s going on.”
                  Within fifteen minutes everyone had gathered in the living room, tense and wary. Much like Ada’s office, knickknacks covered most surfaces, instead of cats and owls, though, seashells and colorful fish dominated. Only the Cackles had yet to arrive. Unable to sit, Hecate stood rigidly in the corner, the only movement her thumbs rubbing across her fingertips. Dimity sat on the sofa, knee bouncing nervously, while Gwen and Algie sat on the loveseat, hands clasped in support. They looked wholly out of place in the cheery environment. Finally, Ada entered, followed by Alma.
               “I see you’re all eager to get down to it. Very well.” She gestured for Hecate to take a seat and waited for her to settle stiffly next to Dimity. “As I said, the Council feels we may be in need of
monitoring. Now, nothing has been formalized yet, and I’m quite optimistic that, after spending time with us during our planning sessions, the Council will be satisfied and the matter dropped.” Even Ada could hear how forced her optimism sounded. “We shall carry on as we normally do, with
a few
accommodations for our guest. Tiny ones, I’m sure.”
               “Who is this guest?” Algie interrupted. “You seem to be avoiding giving us a name. Is it Doomstone again?”
               Ada shook her head. “No. This time it’s Wilbur Birdsong.”
               Algie leapt to his feet. “That strutting peacock? He wouldn’t know quality teaching if it crawled up his robes!”
               “Who’s Wilbur Birdsong?” Dimity asked.
               “I’ll tell you who Wilbur Birdsong is – he’s the one that prances around schools telling teachers how they should teach and how they should grade, criticizing everything that isn’t done just the way those fools on the Council want it.” Algie crossed his arms and flopped back into the loveseat with a huff.
                “You mean
like a School in Need of Improved Pedagogical Expertise?” Dimity looked back and forth between Ada and Hecate. “Are they saying we’re a bloody SNIPE school? Our comparable scores haven’t slipped that much, have they?” Not even Wormwood had ever been a SNIPE school.
               “They most certainly have not,” Hecate said, finally speaking up. “Ada, I can’t believe you would allow this
to come in and interfere with our academy.”
               “Our academy, Miss Hardbroom?” Alma Cackle stepped into the middle of the room, staring them all down. “I don’t believe it’s your name on the school letterhead. It’s mine and Ada’s names which are being tarnished by this infernal monitoring. Now, I don’t know what all you lot have been up to for the past two years, but it certainly doesn’t look like student discipline has been a priority. Fires, student feuds, the theft of the Founding Stone? It looks like those girls are running amuck. Now, Deputy Headmistress, I believe you are charged with school discipline, are you not?”
               Hecate sat, frozen, while her mind struggled to formulate any sort of response. Her mind failed, but she could feel her body responding – her cheeks burned so hot she knew her face had to be flaming red, and she could feel tears flooding her eyes. Before she could even think about it, her fingers had spasmed and she transferred away.
                  Dimity closed the door of their shared room as softly as she could. Hecate was lying face down on one of the twin beds, breath coming ragged and unsteady. Oh my broom, she thought, is Hecate Hardbroom crying? She knew the potions teacher’s tough-as-dragonhide exterior was all a façade, but these were uncharted waters indeed. However, she told herself, desperate times and all that
 Dimity took a deep breath and forged ahead. “Hecate?” The woman on the bed went rigid. So far, so good, she thought, she wasn’t vanished or turned into a toad. Yet. Dimity stepped forward and nudged Hecate’s hips. “Budge up, Hecate. We need to talk.”
               “I don’t want to.” Hecate’s voice was muffled by the pillow, but her petulant tone still rang through, loud and clear.
               Dimity pushed harder, until Hecate grudgingly rolled over enough for her to sit down. She kept one hand firmly on Hecate’s hip in case the older witch decided to transfer away again. She summoned her blue teddy bear to her hand and held it out to Hecate. “Mr. Monkey wants to say hello – he missed you.”
               Hecate looked at the stuffed animal and sniffed. “I’m not a child, Miss Drill.” Dimity simply raised her eyebrows and wiggled Mr. Monkey in Hecate’s face. After a moment, she rolled her eyes and took the toy, snuggling him to her chest. “Thank you, Dimity.”
               “Any time, HB.” She waited for Hecate’s breathing to even out before continuing. “Mrs. Cackle had no right to say those things to you.” The older woman said nothing, but Dimity could feel the tension increasing in her muscles. She flicked her fingers towards the window centered between the bunks, raising the sash to let in the sea breeze and sound of the waves. She hoped it Hecate would find it soothing. “It’s been a pretty eventful summer for you, yeah?” Hecate shrugged. “C’mon now – those book signings and lectures, making friends with Mildred’s mum and that retreat last weekend? For someone who likes to be a hermit during the summer, you’ve barely been home. And now this? Even you are allowed to be overwhelmed.” She patted Hecate’s hip. “If you promise to stay here and talk to me instead of disappearing, I’ll let go.” Hecate nodded, and Dimity moved her hand. Instantly, Hecate disappeared. “Dammit, Hecate Hard-“
               Hecate rematerialized, sitting primly next to Dimity on the bed, Mr. Monkey in her lap. She was trying, unsuccessfully, to keep a smug grin off her lips.
               “You’re an arsehole, HB,” Dimity said, bumping her with her shoulder.
               “You aren’t the first to say so.” She looked a bit embarrassed. “I just needed to burn off a bit of magic so I can settle. What did you want to talk about?”
               “This whole SNIPE, but not SNIPE thing. It all sounds fishy to me. Look, I know you don’t think I take things seriously enough and that I teach something frivolous
               “I don’t.” Hecate looked as surprised as Dimity when she disagreed. “The girls need to be fit – stronger witches are better able to use their magic. And look what happened when the Founding Stone failed – a forced march into the village? No, Miss Drill, you serve them well.” She turned and stared out the window, eyes focused on the whitecaps breaking just offshore. “As for the rest, it’s true that you are opposite me in most ways, but I can’t look at the state I’m in now and honestly say that’s a bad thing.”
               “Thanks.” Dimity reached out and patted Hecate’s knee. “So, now that we’ve sorted the mushy stuff, back to business. Cackle’s is on the ropes – again, and I think Ada is too punch-drunk to come out swinging the way she needs to. We need a plan.”
               Hecate looked at her blankly. “You’re using sports metaphors, aren’t you? I haven’t a clue what you just said.”
               Dimity shook her head. “I know you’ve been watching the Harry Potter movies with the Hubbles. How about you spend an evening watching Rocky with me sometime?” She didn’t give Hecate a chance to answer. “It means that we are under attack. I’m not sure what kind or where it’s coming from, but it feels like we are. And we’re losing. I’m telling you, HB, this whole thing stinks like my old gym shoes. If the Council still had concerns after you and Pentangle proved the scroll Ursula Hallow used to remove Ada had been faked
well, why didn’t they leave Pentangle in charge then? Or appoint someone else? Or assign this Birdsong git then? The Great Wizard was satisfied with restoring Ada to her position.” She leaned in and lowered her voice. “What made him change his mind, Hecate?”
               The potions mistress’ brows furrowed together. Dimity had a point. “It does seem odd
What does ‘punch-drunk’ mean? Ada hasn’t been drinking.”
               “It means she’s
taken so many hits she can’t think properly,” Dimity answered, sadly.
               Hecate’s black lacquered fingernail traced the outline of one of the seahorses printed on her bedcovers. She wanted to disagree, but
 “I fear that assessment is fair.”
               “Why else would she have called in her mother? You and Ada have handled every situation so far.”
               Hecate snorted. “Mildred Hubble has handled every situation of late. We’ve scarcely been more than her hapless assistants.”
               “And I’m not above asking for her help – or anyone else’s for that matter. I’ve bloody well had enough of being a punching bag. Sorry, sports metaphor.”
               “I think I understand that one. What’s your plan?”
               “Well, that’s what I need you for, isn’t it?” Dimity winked. “The way I see it, we’ve got two problems. The first one is this Birdsong fellow and his meddling that are going on right now. The second is finding out who’s behind it all. And. Making. It. Stop. Now,” Dimity stood and began pacing in the narrow space between the twin beds, barely missing Hecate’s toes. “Who do we think can help us? I don’t think we can expect Miss Cackle to do anything but
be here? Be her usual self? But what about Mrs. Cackle?”
               “I don’t know. I don’t understand why she’s here. After tonight, I doubt she’ll want to have anything to do with me.” Hecate’s shoulders slumped the tiniest bit.
               “Then she’s a fool,” Dimity spat. The other woman’s shock was almost comical. “I don’t care, Hecate, she had no right, none, to attack you that way. I’m not too proud to admit that Cackle’s would have fallen apart long ago if not for you.” She noticed Hecate’s shoulders straighten again. “Unfortunately, I think we need to know her motivations. Job one for you then is to find that out. If Ada will tell anyone, she’ll tell you. Otherwise, you’ll have to go straight to the source. If anyone’s got a brass broomstick big enough to ask Mrs. Cackle, it’s you.”
               Hecate’s eyebrows arched, but she still looked rather pleased with Dimity’s assessment of her
 broomstick. “I’ll do my best.” Her tiny smile faded away. “I do suppose we need to address our weakest link
               “Miss Bat,” Dimity provided. Hecate nodded. “She certainly knows her material. She’s Esper Vespertilio for heaven’s sake. Not to mention that she’s forgotten more witchory than most people know.”
               “That’s because she was there for most of it,” Hecate said drily.
               “Careful, HB, I might get the impression that you’ve got a sense of humor.”
               “I’ll deny it to the bitter end.” She subtly maneuvered Mr. Monkey’s arms into a rude gesture.
               “Oy! Don’t be teaching him bad habits!” She chuckled a moment before turning serious again. “I know Miss Cackle said no Wide-Awake potion for Miss Bat, but she meant at school, during the term, right?” She sat on her own bed, facing Hecate.
               “Strictly speaking, I suppose.” She didn’t feel comfortable with the direction Dimity seemed to be going.
               “I think we need to abide by the letter of the law here, HB, not the spirit. If Miss Bat falls asleep while Birdsong is here
” She left the threat hanging in the air between them. “I know you use Wide- Awake potion,” she held out her hand between them. “Give it over. If I’ve got it, then you can honestly say you didn’t dose her.”
               “The letter, rather than the spirit, Miss Drill?” After a brief hesitation she shook her head and summoned a small vial and handed it over. “Two drops, no more, at breakfast and lunch. Nothing after that. We simply want her more alert, not an insomniac. What about Mr. Rowan-Webb?”
               “Dunno, he might be a bit too
to help out.” She looked at Hecate, grinning expectantly.
               Hecate sighed. “Isn’t the council punishing us enough? Must we endure your vile puns as well?”
               Dimity laughed, warm and friendly. “We’ll play him by ear, I guess. I think it’s up to us, HB. Maybe that’s why Ada put us together? So we can plot?”
               Hecate stroked the fur on Mr. Monkey’s head. “Perhaps.” She looked up to see Dimity chewing her bottom lip, looking at her. “Out with it, Miss Drill. You’ve never been afraid of me before.”
               “No. Me mum’s too fond of you. Anyone she likes that much can’t be that bad.”
               “She was very kind to me when I first arrived at Cackle’s.” A tiny bit of warmth flickered in her heart. “Just say what you want to say.”
               “I was only thinking that you – and I – are going to have to be less ourselves while Birdsong is here. You can’t insult him or roll your eyes and mutter under your breath, no matter how ridiculous he is. Certainly, I think we have to expect that we’ll be told we’re doing everything wrong.”
               “That will be
               “Tell me about it. I have to be serious and responsible – basically, I have to be you!” She wrinkled her nose in mock disgust.
               “Such a burden.”
               They were interrupted by a knock on the door which was opened immediately by Alma Cackle. “It’s time for dinner.”
               “On our way!” Dimity said, hopping to her feet. As soon as Mrs. Cackle snapped the door closed she bent down and said, just loud enough for Hecate to hear her. “I hope she’s not popping into Gwen and Algie’s room that way. She could wind up with quite the eyeful.” She added a clarifying hand gesture or two.
               “Thank you, Miss Drill, for that lovely image that I’ll never be able to scrub from my brain.”
               “Yeah, well, your bed’s the one up against the wall adjoining their room.”
               Hecate leapt off the bed as though it had burst into flames.
                  Dinner was quiet, conversation stilted. Ada tried gamely to keep up a constant stream of chatter, but it only served to emphasize how quiet everyone else was. Finally, dessert was served and the group was dismissed. Unlike most years, no one stayed around to chat.
               By eight pm, the twins’ bedroom looked like a command center. Papers outlining different possible motives and outcomes were scattered across both beds and the dresser. Dimity was having a heated hand-mirror chat with her mother about the crisis, and Hecate had just made the connection to Pippa Pentangle on the vanity mirror.
               “Hello, darling, you do look fabulous today!” Pippa glanced at the sports witch pacing behind Hecate. Her bright smile dimmed ever so slightly. “I see we have a guest tonight. Hello, Dimity!” She waved a greeting, and Dimity waved back. “Is it just splendid to be at the beach? I can’t tell you how envious I am.” She finally noticed the grim set to Hecate’s features. “Hiccup? What’s wrong?”
               Like a dam bursting, Hecate told her everything. Unable to stop once she’d begun, she told Pip about Birdsong, Alma Cackle’s harsh words, Dimity’s suspicions and even the guilt she felt about secretly dosing Miss Bat with the Wide-Awake potion. She didn’t even notice that Dimity had finished her mirror call and was now standing behind her.
               “Oh, Hiccup! What a horrible situation! What do you need from me? Do you want me to come?” Her hand reached up and stroked the star brooch she wore on her lapel. “I can be there in an instant.”
               Hecate smiled and reached for her own crescent moon pin, her half of a Twin Pin set that would always let one wearer instantly be transported to whoever possessed the other half. She’d worn it ever since Pippa had gifted it to her, even pinning it to her night dress. The only time it was ever off was when she was in the shower or bath. “As much as I’d love to say yes, Pipsqueak, I think now is not the time. I do need your help, though. We can’t work out how this got started. I’ve not seen our ratings yet, but I find it hard to believe that Cackle’s could possibly be a SNIPE school.”
               “Quite right,” Pippa said, summoning a scroll and her reading glasses. “The ratings only came out today, so I’ll admit that I’m quite curious how it could already have been decided that you need a monitor.” She opened the scroll and put on her glasses, following her finger as she skimmed through the information.
               Hecate stared, mesmerized. How the woman managed to make reading glasses look
sexy, Hecate had no idea, but she was bewitched every time Pippa wore them.
               “Down girl,” Dimity murmured in her ear. “We’ve got work to do.”
               “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” Hecate insisted, desperate to ignore the blush she felt rising from her chest onto her cheeks.
               “Whatever you say
Hiccup.” Dimity knew she was dancing along the edge of being mollusked, but she didn’t care.
               “Oh, here it is, darling.” She glanced up long enough to catch the knowing smirk on Dimity’s face, and the rising blush on Hecate’s. She winked over the top of her readers at Dimity and gave Hecate a tiny shrug before continuing. “Only Amulet’s is rated higher than Cackle’s.” Her finger edged sideways across the page. “Your raw accountability score is two points higher than Pentangle’s score. If you are in danger of becoming a SNIPE school, then we surely would be as well. Instead, I received a congratulatory maglet message from the Great Wizard. Ada should have as well.”
               “That’s why none of this makes any sense, Pip.”
               “I’ll see what I can find out. I don’t usually attend many events during the summer, but I’ll make the rounds. Ummm
you might also get in touch with Julie. Hubble.”
               “Why on earth
Do you think she knows about the political machinations of the witching world?” Hecate caught the barest frown on Pippa’s face. “I’m sorry, Pipsqueak, that came out wrong.” She sighed and rubbed the space between her eyebrows with her thumb. “What do you want me to ask her?”
               “It’s all right, darling. I know you’re under a lot of stress. I wish you’d
” She glanced back at Dimity and shrugged again. “I wish you’d let me visit, just for a bit, though I understand why now is not a good time.” She sighed, wondering when it would ever be a good time for them to just
be. “I think you need to ask Julie to let you know what sort of messages Mildred is getting on her maglet. Remember last week, when she said that Ethel had somehow found out that Julie wasn’t being allowed to attend the retreat? She couldn’t resist taunting Mildred about it. Ursula Hallow talks and Ethel tends to repeat it if she thinks she can get some sort of advantage from it. She may do it again if she hears any talk about Ada – or you. Don’t forget the roles you and I played in discrediting her mother.”
               “That makes sense.” She looked at Dimity. “I do not want to involve Mildred Hubble in this, however. That girl has endangered herself enough on our behalf.”
               “Agreed.” Pippa pressed her hand against the mirror, their usual signal that she was getting ready to sign off. Hecate looked back at Dimity, who jerked her chin toward the mirror. With a tiny smile Hecate leaned forward and pressed her hand against Pippa’s. “Promise me that the two of you will be careful, Hiccup. Dimity’s right, I don’t like the way this smells at all. Tell me you’ll have each other’s backs.”              
               “We’ll be careful,” Hecate assured her.
               “You don’t need to worry about
us.” Dimity said, grinning broadly.
               “Thank you, Miss Drill,” Pippa said, coloring slightly.
               “Please be careful as well, Pip, I don’t think we have the full picture of what’s going on.” She brought her hand away from the mirror just long enough to kiss her fingertips and put it back. “Sleep well, Pipsqueak.”
               “You too, Hiccup.” Pippa blew her a quick kiss, and the mirror swirled back to Hecate’s reflection.
               She met Dimity’s eyes in a challenge. “Not a word, Miss Drill.”
               “Not even congratulations?” She watched the smile flitter across Hecate’s features. “You two deserve whatever happiness you can get. Now,” she pointed at the mirror, “Julie Hubble, before it gets too late.” Hecate summoned her cell phone and started tapping in her code to unlock it. “I still can’t believe you have one of those.”
               “Julie made me. She said she needed a way to contact me since she can’t start a mirror call.” She opened the phone and tried to remember where to find Julie’s number. “Ummm
” She looked up at Dimity, confused. “Julie explained, but
               “Not used to it yet, huh?” She sat on her bed and patted the space next to her. “C’mon, I’ll give you a refresher.”
                  Julie Hubble was up to her elbows in oven cleaner when she heard her phone chime. She’d just sent Mildred to take her bath, so she couldn’t get her to check it for her. She decided to ignore it, but then it chimed again, and again. “Bleedin’
” She yanked her gloves off and snatched up the phone, glaring at the texts.  Hecate. She glanced at the messages.
               “JuLiee. I hewd to tak”
               “yolu. Ptobstrly”
               Julie threw her head back and laughed, a deep belly laugh, harder than she had in
since the slumber party. Say what you would about Hecate Hardbroom, that dour witch could make her laugh. She checked the living room mirror to make sure that Hecate wasn’t on the other side. When she saw she wasn’t, she headed to her bedroom. Success. “Having a little trouble with the keyboard?” She asked, waving her phone at the frazzled looking woman in the mirror. “Hello, Miss Drill!”
               “Well met, Ms. Hubble! We’ve been practicing texting.”
               “My nails make it difficult,” Hecate ground out.
               “Why didn’t you just shorten them, like when we were bowling?” The gobsmacked look on Hecate’s face was Julie’s first clue that the idea had not even crossed the witch’s mind. She decided to just let that one go. “Did you need me or Mildred?”
               “You. Please don’t let Mildred hear this conversation.” The smile slipped from Julie’s face, and she stepped away to close her bedroom door. “Thank you,” Hecate said when she returned. “I don’t exactly know where to begin
               “We think somebody is trying to mess with Cackle’s again, but we don’t know why,” Dimity supplied. Hecate scooted over and magicked up a second chair so Dimity could join her in front of the vanity. “There’s nothing concrete, but
something feels hinky.”
               “What do you need from me?”
               “Nothing,” Hecate said quickly. “I don’t want to involve you in this, and I certainly don’t want to involve Mildred. All we’re asking is for you to pay attention to any messages Mildred may get from her friends or, Ethel Hallow. She seemed to have access to information she shouldn’t earlier, if she makes any comments that seem to involve the school, let me know.” An idea struck her. “Also, try to read Felicity Foxglove’s gossip column. I don’t know where she gets her information, but she often has knowledge that she really shouldn’t.”
               “I can do that. I’ll start reading through the Witching Weekly as well.” She shrugged. “Mildred wanted to start taking it during the breaks. I’ll see if anything looks odd,” she chuckled softly, “odder than the rest of it, I mean.”
               “That’s brilliant, Ms. H.” Dimity high-fived the mirror. “Brilliant.” Julie preened under the praise.
               “Whatever you do, Julie, don’t let Mildred know what you’re doing. We both know she can be
” Hecate searched for the right word. “Impulsive. And prone to acting without thinking things through. I don’t know what the undercurrents are to this, and I don’t know if there is danger or not.”
               “I won’t. I know how she can be. You be careful, too, Hecate. I don’t fancy having to find Mildred another magic mum.” She looked at Dimity. “Both of you.”
               “We will. Pippa’s helping as well, so if you have any questions
” Julie nodded. “By the way, since you mentioned it, I
I filed the paperwork yesterday. Everything is in order.” She sucked in a lungful of air trying to calm the bats that took flight in her belly every time she thought about this new role she would have in Mildred’s world.
 you’re officially her magic mum then? That’s wonderful, Hecate.” She started tearing up, fluttering her hands in front of her eyes until the feeling passed. “I’m so pleased it all worked out. We’ll tell her about it together, next week. We’ll have a nice dinner and do it properly. Just the three of us, or with Pippa and Ada – a real family dinner.” Julie scrubbed a tear off her cheek. “I hear Mildred getting out of the bath. Don’t you go getting yourself hurt, Hecate Hardbroom.”
               “I won’t. We won’t.” She ended the mirror call but didn’t move away. She’d told Julie it was done. That felt more official than filing the paperwork had. Realer. Another flicker of warmth spread through her chest.
               “Magic mum?”
               Hecate released an aggrieved sigh. “An adult that would be
responsible for Mildred in the magic world, a guardian of sorts. A way to keep her here if something should happen to Julie.”
               “You have had an eventful summer, haven’t you HB?” The older woman nodded. “Good for you.”
               “That’s it? No jokes? No teasing?”
               “I meant what I said before, Hecate. You deserve every happiness that comes your way. I just hope that one of these days you’ll believe that.”
                  The morning planning session proved just as hideous as Hecate feared. By 9:15 she was certain she would rather be back in the woods, cooking gritty eggy toast on top of a tin can. She’d asked Ada if she’d seen their accountability ratings, but Ada changed the subject, wandering away to offer the staff tea and biscuits. Each time Hecate tried to speak with her the same thing happened. Finally, she resigned herself to analyzing the errors of the First-Years’ potion-making test and plotting out the range of lessons she hoped to cover. All the while Alma Cackle stalked from person to person criticizing their plans, their teaching strategies and, in the case of Mr. Rowan-Webb, the state of his beard.
               Hecate had already adjusted her plans three times and still Alma Cackle wasn’t satisfied. “Are you certain the Second-Years might not want to duplicate cheese this term as well, Miss Hardbroom?”
               By lunchtime everyone was tense and irritable. Miss Bat skipped eating altogether and instead chose to have a lie down in her room. Algie made himself a plate and followed along behind her, stroking his beard and muttering to himself as he left. Hecate tried to sit with Ada but, no sooner had she pulled out her chair, than Alma called her daughter into the kitchen. Voices were just starting to rise when a silencing spell slammed down, muffling the words, but not the noise.
               Alone, Dimity and Hecate forced themselves to eat. Hecate couldn’t even do that properly until she’d transferred herself to their room and back twice.
               “You know, I always thought you did that to be flashy,” Dimity said between mouthfuls. “Just that much more drama for the girls to be afraid of. It never occurred to me that you had so much magic that you had to burn it off.” She pointed at Hecate with her fork. “Should have though, you don’t really do things to be flashy on purpose. How far can you transfer?”
               “I don’t know, really. I know I can transfer to Pentangles and London. I’m not sure if I could transfer to Cackle’s from here, but I think I might.”
               “That’s pretty amazing, HB. I could maybe go from Cackle’s to the village, and then I’d have to sit down a bit I think.”
               “Luckily, you’re the Star of the Sky.” Hecate checked her maglet. “I’ve not heard anything from Pippa or Julie.”
               “It’s a bit early, though-“
               The kitchen door swung open with a bang and Alma Cackle marched to her chair at the head of the table. Ada followed, head down. She made her way back to her seat, and Hecate could swear that she felt Ada’s hand trail across her shoulders as she passed, but when she looked Ada gave no sign of it. Still, she thought, Ada was in there somewhere. Punch-drunk, indeed.
               After lunch, Alma gathered them all into the living room. “We’re going to take a break from whatever it is you think you’ve been doing,” Alma glared at all of them, daring someone to argue, “and we shall now discuss the new curricula the Council wishes for us to incorporate: Lessons on the Craft and Code.”
               Here, at least, Hecate felt confident. Her knowledge of the Code was perfect and her respect for the Craft immeasurable. Then Alma kept talking.
               “Clearly, the standards at Cackle’s have fallen.” She ignored the strangled noise that escaped Hecate. “It’s true and you know it. I can’t say I fully blame you all of course. It all comes down to a failure in leadership.” She looked scathingly at Ada.
               Hecate couldn’t bear it another second. “How dare you?” She jumped to her feet. Everyone flinched when a ceramic dolphin on the side table exploded. “How dare you say Ada is a failure! Ada has kept this school running under impossible circumstances and you’re blaming her? She has been cleaning up a mess that you made fifty years ago! If you hadn’t tried to hide Agatha’s problems or
or ship her away, then perhaps she could have been helped or stopped before she became what she did.” A shell-encrusted lamp cracked, and the lights flickered. “Don’t stand there judging us when the blame for our problems lies squarely at your feet!”
               The only noise was the crackle of the electricity and Hecate’s gasping breaths. All at once the reality of where she was and who she was talking to crashed down around her. Ten wide eyes were staring at her as she transferred away.
                  The sea churned before her, spraying foam until it hung like mist in the air as dozens of angry seabirds swirled above, almost entirely blocking out the sun. Sand rippled across the beach like water in a pond after a stone had been thrown in.  Hecate stood in the middle of it all, arms wrapped around herself, shoulders hunched, static electricity crackling in the air around her.
               Alma kept herself well back, waiting patiently for the magic storm emanating from Hecate to pass. In a few moments it eased, at least enough for her to feel safe in approaching. She transferred to just behind Hecate and walked slowly into her field of vision. Alma watched, fascinated as the younger witch slowly opened and closed her hands, keeping time with her breathing. Hecate didn’t look at her, but the sea and sand both calmed and the birds drifted mostly away.
               Hecate straightened her shoulders and dropped her arms to her sides but otherwise gave no indication that she’d seen Alma. “Have you come to relieve me of my duties or my position?” She wasn’t prepared for Alma’s soft chuckle.
               “Are you kidding? I don’t fancy having a Section 7 with Ada for trying either of those. It’s bad enough I owe her fifty quid.” She took a few steps closer.
               “I’m afraid I don’t see the humor in all of this.”
               Alma took another step closer. “No, dear, I don’t suppose you would. It really isn’t funny, just a bit of gallows humor on my part, I suppose.” Finally – finally – Hecate’s eyes flickered her way. “My job yesterday and today was to get you lot ready for that Birdsong man. To poke you and prod you so that, if anyone was going to lose their cool, it would be with me. Frankly, Ada thought Mr. Rowan-Webb would be the first to crack, but I told her it would be you and that I knew just what buttons to push. Told her I’d have you lose your stack by lunchtime or I’d owe her fifty pounds – a hundred if you didn’t snap at all. After me, I think that Mr. Birdsong won’t be much trouble to ignore, do you?”
               Hecate was quiet for a long time. She didn’t know whether to be angry or hurt or how she should feel. “Is Ada all right?”
               “She’s angry. I was here to test her, too. I don’t know what the Council’s game is here, but I intend for us to win it.”
               “As do I, Mrs. Cackle.” Taking a deep, cleansing breath, Hecate turned and looked back at the waves rushing against the sand. “I’m sorry about the things I said. I had no right.”
               “Hecate, you are as dear to me as either of my daughters – in fact, I’d say quite a bit dearer than one of them. Of course, you have the right. Let’s not kid ourselves
what did you say that was actually untrue?”
               “Mother?” Both women turned to see Ada standing behind them, hands stuffed in the pockets of her pink jumper. “I told you I’d give you five minutes to settle things up with Hecate. It’s been seven. I’d like a few words myself, if you please.”
               “Certainly, daughter.” Alma slipped an arm across Hecate’s shoulders, ignoring the way she stiffened at the touch. “I’m very proud of you, Hecate Hardbroom. You are a credit to Cackle’s Academy and a blessing for Ada.” She transferred away before Hecate could reply.
               Ada looked at her Deputy, silently asking permission to come closer, nearly stumbling in her haste when Hecate held out a hand to her. As soon as their hands touched, Ada pulled Hecate into a tight hug. “I’m so sorry about today, Hecate, but I
I can’t tell you how it felt to hear you stand up for me this time.”
               “I’ll always stand up for you, Ada.” She squeezed a little harder before letting her friend go. “Walk with me?” She asked, linking their arms together.
               “Gladly.” They walked silently, arms linked, up the beach. After a bit, they reached a little tide pool. Hecate waded in to gather a few shells that were useful in potion-making.
               Finally feeling settled, she decided to broach what she knew about their accountability ratings, shocked to discover that Ada already knew.
               “Yes, Hecate, that’s why I’ve had mother giving everyone such a hard time. I fear this visit from Mr. Birdsong is meant to do one of two things: intimidate us into following whatever the Magic Council wants us to do or to provoke us into failing this meeting and allowing the Council to take us over anyway. I don’t know why just yet.”
               Hecate debated telling Ada what she and Dimity were up to, but finally decided not to, all her reasoning coming down to two words: plausible deniability. If there was any risk to be had from their activities, it would fall on Hecate. “What time is Birdsong scheduled to arrive?”
               “Around five. In time for dinner, of course.” Ada grumbled. “I suppose we should be making our way back, then.” She threaded her arm through Hecate’s again. “How are you and Dimity getting on in your shared space?”
               Hecate couldn’t check her smile. “Better than I would have thought, actually. Still, I much prefer my regular roommate at these events.”
               “As do I, my dear, as do I. Mother’s snoring is even worse, if you can believe it.  I could hardly sleep last night.”
               “That is
hard to imagine.” If Ada Cackle couldn’t sleep through it, Hecate hated to think how bad it was. “I
 talked to Julie Hubble last night. She wants to have a family dinner when we tell Mildred about my
new status. I hope you’ll join us.”
               “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, dear.”
               By the time they returned to the cabin, Wilbur Birdsong had arrived. A roly-poly little wizard with glasses and a wheezy laugh, he was the last person to look like he was up to no good. Hecate was immediately suspicious. She and Dimity crawled into their twin beds with no news at all from Julie. Pippa did report that she had wrangled an invitation to a garden party at the Hellibore’s and hoped that she would have more to share the following night. Hecate fell asleep listening to the rise and fall of the ocean, thankful that Dimity did not snore.
                  “Wake up girls, wake up!” Miss Bat flipped on the lights as Hecate bolted upright in bed, desperately trying to shield her eyes from the light. Disoriented, she heard Dimity shout something rude, quickly followed by a loud thunk as she rolled off her ridiculously narrow twin bed onto the floor. “It’s only two hours until breakfast! I can’t believe you girls are being such lay-abouts.” Gwen spun on her heel and was gone before Hecate was even able to focus her eyes.
               “I’m sure I specified only one or two
” A huge yawn nearly doubled her over. “Drops. How many did you use?”
               Dimity pushed herself off the floor and slumped halfway onto her bed. “It was two. I swear. I put them in her mug last night.” They both jumped as Gwen banged on the door again. Dimity groaned into the mattress. Clearly, they were up for the day.
  Hecate schooled her features into a blandly pleasant expression and forced herself to nod every few seconds, her hands folded serenely in her lap. She told herself that she would not be consumed by this fresh new hell. Repeatedly. Birdsong had paired them into ‘shoulder partners.’ Hecate had hoped to be paired with Ada, or at least Dimity. Instead, she was relegated to vain attempts to rein in a manic Miss Bat.
“Our objective, as you know, is to enhance performance-driven proficiencies within our professional learning community. Let’s begin by sharing our norms with our shoulder partners.” Hecate continued to smile and nod. By Merlin’s beard she would do so even if she burst into flames. She turned to find Gwen gone. Suddenly, she heard a loud crash from the kitchen. A moment later, Alma Cackle called Hecate over.
“I think I may have done something
ill-advised,” Alma said, a sheepish expression on her face. “I’m afraid I may have given Miss Bat some Wide-Awake potion.” They both glanced at Gwen, who was a blur of motion as she prepared a tray of sweets. “Too much apparently, though it was only a couple of drops in her orange juice.”
Four drops, Hecate thought, weighing the effects of the potion. “That should be
” She heard Mr. Birdsong ask for her and hurried back to the living room, summoning her Lessons Table for the First-Years, handing it over to him as she passed. Sitting patiently while he looked over her plans, she mentally shuffled through her prepared responses for today’s tortures.
“These are very thorough, Miss Hardbroom, but
I wonder if you might be open to some suggestions?” Hecate widened her dead-eyed smile and tilted her head. “I’d like to see more discovery learning taking place in smaller collaborative groups during potions.”
“D-discovery learning? Do you mean we should just let the girls
mix ingredients all willy-nilly and
see what happens?” He nodded enthusiastically. “That is a unique approach.” She tried to picture how that would work. Practically every scenario ended with her potions lab in ruins. Even so, she dutifully made the requested changes, certain this man had never brewed a potion in his life.
Miss Bat rushed through the room, foisting sweets on everyone as she passed. She made the rounds twice before scurrying away. Hecate spotted Ada looking at Gwen with a worried expression – and a guilty one as well. She caught Ada’s eye and arched a brow. How many drops? She mouthed. Caught out, Ada held up one finger. Five drops, Hecate waggled her head. Fresh hell, indeed.
At last, the lunch break neared, but just as they thought they would be set free, Birdsong announced that he had one more ‘quick’ item to cover. And thus, they were forced to sit through a motivational film on encouraging the students to have ‘grit.’ All it did for Hecate was cause her to grit her teeth. A faint ping sounded, but she ignored it – as she did the second and third time. A wadded-up paper struck her cheek and bounced into her lap. Straightening, she looked sharply around, surprised to see Dimity scowling at her. The sports witch pursed her lips and jerked her head at the wad of paper, flashing her eyes at Hecate until she picked it up.
Smoothing the paper open in her lap, Hecate could just make out the words in the dim lighting. Dimity has terrible handwriting, she thought, before turning her attention to the message. That pinging sound is your phone – answer it, you bloody Luddite!  Hecate wadded the paper up again and threw it back at Dimity, earning a stern throat-clearing from Ada. With as much discretion as she could muster, Hecate summoned her phone and pushed the home button, unwittingly bathing herself in bright blue light. Dimity tried and failed to camouflage her bark of laughter as a coughing fit.
The instant the video finished and the lights flickered up, Hecate checked the messages. All were from Julie Hubble and she wanted to talk to them – now. “Ada, Miss Drill and I will be a few moments late for lunch. I have something I need to attend to, and I require her assistance.” She leaned forward and lowered her voice. “Do try to get Miss Bat to drink some chamomile tea.”
Without another word Hecate transferred them both to their room, they mirrored Julie straight away. “Oy! What took you so long? I can’t keep coming up with jobs to keep Millie out of earshot forever now can I?”
“We were watching a film about grit,” Hecate drawled. “What have you found out?”
“Well it was a bit of brilliant telling me to look through Felicity’s blog. I don’t know where she gets her information, but she’s spot on. She had an article about the school accountability ratings as well as a mention that, in spite of the fact that Cackle’s came in as the number one non-fee-paying school and number two over all, you lot are still in danger of being a, a
a SNIPE school and are under monitoring. She even mentions that Birdsong man by name.”
“We already know all this
” Hecate was losing her patience.
“Yeah, well, keep your skirts on, Catey, because I haven’t told you the most interesting bit yet.” She set the maglet aside and reached for a copy of Witching Weekly. “Way back in the local section of last week’s newspaper for you lot, there’s a tiny article about an Education Minister winning a trip ‘round the world. Now, who do you think that Minister was?”
“Wilbur Birdsong.” Hecate couldn’t deny she was impressed. “Well done, Julie Hubble. So much so I’ll overlook ‘Catey’ just this once.”
“Does it say when he left on holiday?” Dimity asked.
“It would have been the day after the article ran.” Julie cocked her head, listening. “That’s Millie back from getting the washing. This is all skeevier that I thought it would be. You two be careful or I will kill you myself. Dimity,” she nodded. “Catey.” She cracked a wicked grin and ended the connection.
“So, Catey, you know what this means?”
“Call me that again, and I will hex you where you stand.” She called up just enough magic to turn her irises red.  “It means that man down there is most likely not Wilbur Birdsong.”
“Youïżœïżœre creepy when you do that. You know that, right? What do we do now?”
“I say some investigating is in order. Mr. Birdsong, or whoever he is, should still be at lunch, correct?” Dimity nodded. “Very well, come with me. You can be the lookout.”
They tiptoed down the hallway and crept into Birdsong’s room. Dimity stayed by the doorway. If she leaned just a little, she could see the staircase and could warn Hecate with enough time for her to transfer them away. Meanwhile, Hecate studied the room. At least he’s tidy, she thought. She thumbed through a portfolio on the nightstand, hoping it had some sort of identification in it. No luck.
She had just opened a drawer when Dimity grabbed her by the arm and started pulling her away. “He transferred to the second floor, lazy sod. We don’t have – quick, get in here.” She flung the cupboard door open, stunned to find Ada Cackle already hiding inside. “Bloody hell,” she whispered, nudging Ada aside and shoving Hecate in before squeezing in herself. She magicked the drawer shut and closed the cupboard door just as Birdsong walked into the room. Hecate grabbed both their hands, ready to transfer them away. “Wait,” Dimity breathed, “let’s see what he’s up to.”
Hecate kept her grip on both their hands but angled her head so she could see through the crack of the door. Humming to himself, Birdsong puttered around his dressing table, straightening his tie, combing his hair, cleaning his glasses.
“I suppose,” Ada whispered, “that it would be hypocritical of me to say I’m disappointed in you two?”
“I should think so.” Even in a whisper Hecate’s voice managed to drip sarcasm. Hecate pressed her eye up to the crack again. Birdsong had pulled out what looked to be a bottle of mouthwash. He gave it a quick shake and took a generous swig straight from the bottle. Hecate hissed – loud enough for Birdsong to pause and look around. After a moment he screwed the cap back on and set it back on the table before looking around one last time and heading out the door.
Hecate counted all of twenty seconds before bolting from the closet, Ada and Dimity trailing behind her. By the time they had crossed the room, Hecate was already sniffing the bottle’s contents. “Pondweed
grimly grass
bat drool used as an amplifier
” Hecate looked at her companions. “This is a Switching Potion – a powerful one.”
“Too bad it doesn’t tell us who he’s switched with,” Dimity complained. Three heads swiveled as footsteps lumbered up the stairs. “Time to go, HB.” She grabbed both Hecate’s and Ada’s hands and let Hecate transfer them into their own room. They’d no sooner materialized when Mr. Rowan-Webb poked his head in the door.
“Forgive my intrusion, ladies, but, I think I’ve made a terrible mistake.”
Hecate sighed and rubbed that space between her eyebrows again. “How many drops did you use, Algie?”
“Three – but not all at once.”
“Great Merlin’s beard, am I the only person who hasn’t drugged Miss Bat today?” Hecate glared at the lot of them. At least they had the decency to look embarrassed. “Does anyone have some sleeping potion?”
“I do. I brought some since I would be sharing a room with Mother.” Hecate held her hand out. “Really? Are you sure?” She gazed up at her over the top of her glasses, eyes pleading. “Please, Hecate, you don’t know what it’s like. Mother’s snoring would peel the hide off a dragon.”
Hecate arched one eyebrow. “I believe there’s a sports metaphor I’ve heard Miss Drill use before, Ada. Something about taking one for the team?” Ada slumped in defeat and summoned the potion, handing it over with a heavy sigh. Hecate took it at once and held it out to Algie. “Put
five drops in a cup of chamomile tea. Make her drink it, if you must. I’m surprised she isn’t emitting sparks with that much potion in her. You, Mr. Rowan-Webb, shall be in charge of administering any further doses of Wide-Awake potion.” She looked at Ada. “Tell Alma that no one else is to give Miss Bat anything.”
The four of them traipsed back down to lunch. Hecate and Dimity did their best to try to draw Mr. Birdsong into conversation but had little success. It wasn’t until a somewhat calmer Miss Bat asked him if he thought the new coursework on the Craft and Code should be a stand-alone course or a part of Witchory that he finally spoke up.
“For now, it may be that it has to be incorporated into Witchory. I know you’re down a staff member since you lost Mari Mould. It will be difficult to fill two positions.” He thought for a moment. “I suppose it could also replace a section of Chanting.”
“Replace Chanting?” Miss Bat sounded positively scandalized.
“Certainly chanting has a long history within the Witching World, but how are we adding value to the curriculum in order to establish a growth mindset that will allow your girls to develop Twenty-first Century witching skills?”
Miss Bat stared at him, glazed eyes blinking furiously. Hecate wondered if anyone would notice if she stabbed herself in the leg with a fork. It would surely be more pleasant than listening to educational jargon.
  “I’m sorry, Hiccup, I don’t feel like I found out anything that would be particularly helpful.” Their mirror call was later than usual and Pippa was already in her night dress - a pale pink gown made of a shimmery fabric that Hecate desperately wanted to touch. “I spoke with a couple of other Heads or Deputy Heads, and Hellibore sent out the same form letter of congratulations to everyone that wasn’t a SNIPE school.” She pulled out a white cloth and started removing her make-up. Hecate suddenly felt very parched. She started unpinning her bun just to give her hands something to do.
“As far as Wilbur Birdsong goes,” Pippa continued, “he simply seems to be a mediocre wizard from a mediocre wizarding family - exactly the sort you’d think would have his job. One odd thing, though, the witches in his family are very powerful, at least compared to the wizards. A few centuries ago there was even a Narvilla Birdsong that was the Great Witch. I’ve not heard much about them lately, though. Do you suppose the weaker wizards are diluting the line?”
“Possibly. I know it’s why some of the older, more traditional families still arrange marriages – to be sure their magic is preserved.” Families like mine, she thought with a shudder. Finally, the last pin was gone and she could rake her fingers through her loose hair, scratching her scalp and generally relaxing. She looked up to see Pippa staring at her, pupils wide, teeth chewing at her bottom lip.
“You are so lovely with your hair down, Hiccup.”
“Oy! Roommate present!” Dimity reminded them.
“And it’s lovely to see you today, Miss Drill.” Pippa leaned around Hecate and waved. “Anyway
 Hiccup?” She snapped her fingers at Hecate, who sat, playing with a strand of her hair and staring at the mirror - shy smile on her lips and a flaming blush coloring her cheeks. “Hiccup!” She knocked on the mirror, startling Hecate back into the present. “As I was saying,” she winked and colored a bit herself. “There doesn’t seem to be much of note about your Mr. Birdsong, personally or professionally. He certainly wouldn’t fare well in a Section 7 with you, darling.”
“Which would be good news – if this was actually Wilbur Birdsong.” She filled Pippa in on all the details, calling Dimity over to make sure nothing was forgotten.
“I like this less and less, Hiccup. Tell me you’re spelling your door and taking every precaution.” Hecate nodded, as did Dimity behind her. “I do wish you’d let me come. I hate being here when you could be in danger.”
Hecate smiled. “I would hate for you to be in danger even more, Pipsqueak.” She kissed her fingertips and placed her hand on the glass, doggedly ignoring Dimity behind her. Pippa did the same before pressing her hand against Hecate’s. They hadn’t kissed since that night at the retreat, but these mirror chat goodbyes felt every bit as intimate, maybe even more so. “Please don’t worry, Pip. Sleep well.”
“I always worry, Hiccup, have done for the last thirty years. Have beautiful dreams, my love.” The mirror faded back to normal.
Dimity gave her a moment to settle before resting a hand on Hecate’s shoulder. “You two need to go on an actual date – soon.” She squeezed a bit. “You make me need to take a cold shower.”
“Leave it to you to make things tawdry.” She patted Dimity’s hand. “I’d just like to be in the same building for a little while.”
A gentle knock sounded at the door. Dimity stepped away to open it. It was Ada, wondering if Hecate might care for a walk along the beach again.
“That would be lovely. May I transfer us? I’ve got some energy I need to burn off.”
“I bet you do,” sniggered Dimity. She just managed to dodge the pillow that flew towards her head as Hecate and Ada faded away.
  Again, the night was lovely. Clouds rippled like dragon scales across the sky, reflecting the light of the nearly full moon. The breeze had picked up, washing them in the clean, salty air of the sea. Hecate felt invigorated just from breathing it in. She noticed that Ada seemed a bit distant so she linked their arms and dragged them down to the beach, summoning a blanket so they could sit and listen to the night.
“How’s Gwen?” Hecate asked, leaning back on her hands to watch the clouds drift past.
“Finally settling down. It turned out she’d taken a dose of Wide-Awake herself.” She vanished her shoes and dug her toes into the sand. “This is lovely,” she breathed.
“Good Goddess,” Hecate ran through the various doses. “That means she took ten drops of the potion today, Ada. She’s lucky her brain didn’t
short circuit. I can’t imagine the state I’d be in if I took that much.” She snuck a glance at Ada out of the corner of her eye.  “How are you holding up?”
“Oh, well enough under the circumstances, I suppose.”
“Very well. I’m tired of playing the fool in all of Agatha’s maneuvering. I’m tired of children undermining the safety of the school – its very existence for heaven’s sake. And I’m tired of it being children who are pulling us out of one scrape after another – no matter how remarkable Mildred Hubble may be. Mostly, I suppose, I’m dreadfully tired of myself always, always, giving second chances to people who turn around and use it against me. It makes me wonder if the Council wasn’t correct when it removed me as Cackle’s Headmistress.”
Hecate jerked upright, grabbing Ada and spinning her around until they were facing each other, both hands on the older woman’s shoulders. “Of course, they were wrong, Ada! That’s why they reinstated you as soon as Ursula Hallow’s lies were exposed. It’s not your fault that Agatha is the way she is – you’ve tried to help her change and given her every opportunity to do so – but never knowingly at the expense of the school. It’s not your fault that the one thing Ethel Hallow needs – consequences for her actions – is the one thing you have been forbidden from providing. Well,” she smirked, “she needs that and a fit mother.”
“You’re being kind, Hecate.” Ada pulled away and stared out at the ocean. Hecate shifted so she could still see her face.
“I’m being honest, Ada. May I remind you that one of those people you gave so many second chances to was me? Where would I be without you? Who would I be without you?” She slipped a hand around Ada’s arm. “I would also remind you that the remarkable Mildred Hubble is someone else who’s benefitted from your kindness and second chances. And if I’m not worth all the heartache that comes from being let down, that girl surely is.”
“As are you, dear. You know, I can ask you the same questions. Where would I be without you? Still a snail, probably.”
“You would still be exactly what you are: the finest Headmistress I’ve ever known.”
Ada reached up and squeezed her hand. “That’s high praise considering who you’re keeping company with these days.”
Hecate blushed. She was really starting to get annoyed with how her face responds like it’s only fifteen instead of fifty.
“When do you think we might actually start seeing more of Miss Pentangle? You know she’s welcome anytime. You don’t have to keep her a secret.”
“I don’t know. I don’t even know what I’m doing. With everything that’s going on, now doesn’t seem like the time.” She pulled her knees up and rested her chin against them. With her free hand she started drawing random shapes in the sand.
“Surely you two have put things off long enough.” Ada’s voice is kind, but Hecate still feels the ache those missing thirty years cause her every time she thinks about them. “Besides, there’s always time for love, Hecate. I know that I, for one, am looking forward to meeting Hiccup and Pipsqueak.”
Hecate stopped drawing, her other hand dropped away from Ada’s arm. Something was writhing around in her brain, trying to get her attention. Ada started to speak, but Hecate raised her hands to stop her. “What did you just say? Say it again!” Her eyes were closed, and her hands clutched the side of her head as if she could will the writhing idea into stillness.
“I said I wanted to meet Hiccup. And Pipsqueak. Those are your nicknames for each other, yes?”
“That’s it!” They both ignored the small plume of water that shot up from behind Hecate as she leapt to her feet. “That’s where Birdsong made his mistake. During lunch today, he talked about Miss Mould, except he didn’t call her Miss Mould. He didn’t even call her Marigold; he called her Mari – a nickname. Did she ever introduce herself as Mari or go by Mari that you know of? Dimity will know.”
“You think Birdsong knows Miss Mould?”
“Why else would he call her Mari? Marigold was in Agatha’s coven. Do you ever recall anyone named Birdsong that would have known Agatha?”
“No, I don’t think so
wait!” Agatha slapped her forehead. “Rolando was a Birdsong. I believe she may have dated a Rolando Birdsong while she was at Wormwood’s, maybe some after as well.” She held out an arm and waited for Hecate to pull her to her feet.
“That’s two connections, then. So, what is their plan?” Hecate paced back and forth along the beach, kicking up sand as she marched. “Just to close the school? It’s possible, I suppose. We know Agatha has an ‘if I can’t have it, nobody can’ sort of attitude, but that wouldn’t matter to anyone but Agatha.”
“If you were a wizarding family whose powers are weakening
 You might attach yourself to a powerful witch with a low regard for the Code. Someone who could and would use an Extraction Spell to take another’s powers. But
” Suddenly, Ada grabbed Hecate’s arm. “The wards, Hecate, he was after the wards!”
“Tell me you don’t mean what I think you mean.” What little color Hecate had drained from her face.
“As a monitor, Birdsong gets total access to the school. Literally and magically speaking, he has the keys to the castle. That can only mean one thing
“THE PHOTOGRAPH!” They shouted.
Ada turned and started running for the cottage. It took Hecate a moment to realize what was happening, but she broke into a run as well, catching up with Ada in a few long strides. “We’re witches, Ada,” she shouted as she grabbed her hand. “We don’t have to run!” She swished her fingers in the air and transported them back to the cottage.
Birdsong was still there, sitting in the living room with Algernon. Hecate froze, but Ada recovered quickly. She held on to Hecate’s hand and pulled her into the living room.
“What do you say, Hecate? Let’s go see if Dimity wants to join us for a midnight swim. I haven’t been skinny dipping in ages!” Ada kept her grip on her Deputy’s hand and pulled her up the stairs.  As soon as the door closed behind them, Ada and Hecate filled Dimity in on their new theory.
“We need to get that picture – pronto. You said you thought you could transfer from here to Cackle’s. Are you sure, Hecate?” Dimity asked.
“I’m not positive.”
“And she’s not transferring into an unknown situation alone. Mr. Birdsong’s role in all of this may be to keep us here while others go to Cackle’s. Get your brooms, take the fastest two and fly as far as you need to before Hecate can transfer you both straight in. Get the photo and get out. I’ll keep Birdsong distracted.”
Hecate waved a hand, and her narrow dress changed into a black button-up blouse and a pair of black jeans. “Let’s go,” she said, checking to be sure her pocket watch and her moon pin were in place. Satisfied, she transferred them to the porch and grabbed her broom, Dimity right behind her.
“Ok, HB, you set the pace, we’ll-“
“Just go, Dimity. I’ll keep up.” She ignored the look of surprise on Dimity’s face when she mounted her broom in the racing position – astride it, leaned all the way forward with her feet against the bristles. She shot forward, not bothering to wait for her partner, assuming that Dimity would catch up.
She did, but it took her longer than Hecate expected - and Hecate wasn’t too proud to admit that pleased her. As she pulled alongside, Dimity took a good look at the reserved Miss Hardbroom. Her hair, still loose from before, streamed behind her; a full-on grin was plastered across her face. Dimity eased closer and shouted. “You never stop surprising me, HB!”
“I feel like I’m sixteen again! Come on!”
They flew. After ten minutes Hecate thought she could transfer them both to Cackle’s. After fifteen, she knew she could. She stretched out a bit further, eking out just enough speed to catch up with Dimity. “Time to go!” She shouted, grabbing her arm.
  They explode back into substance, hurtling over the rooftop of Cackle’s, both of them pulling up into a messy, tumbling stop. Dimity had to bite her tongue to keep from shouting. Hecate pushed herself upright, gasping and smiling, wild hair blowing every direction. Witchiest witch indeed, Dimity thought. For a moment, she was actually jealous of Pippa Pentangle. “Let’s put down on the roof.”
As soon as they landed, Hecate extended her power. “Can you feel the wards?” she asked. “It all feels normal to me.”
Dimity felt along the edges of the grounds, the outer walls and finally the wards surrounding Ada’s office. “I don’t feel anything strange, but if they’ve got the charms from Birdsong, we might not know, right?”
“I’m afraid that’s true. What do you suggest?”
Wow, thought Dimity, Hecate Hardbroom is asking my advice – after riding a broomstick like she could have been a Star of the Sky. In a pair of jeans. “I say we head straight in. Pop us into the office, grab the picture, and pop us back out.”
“In and out in thirty seconds, right.” Hecate reached up and magicked her hair smooth and back into its customary I-mean-business bun. She held a hand out for Dimity and transferred them away.
They knew the instant they reappeared in Ada’s office that they were in trouble. People were there. Luckily, they’d startled the intruders as much as they’d been startled themselves. A yellow ball of energy careened towards them. Hecate was barely able to deflect it. A second one screamed past her, grazing Dimity on the leg. With her wits collected, Hecate fired back, sending her own green balls of lightning as fast as she could. Her eyes darted behind her, looking for Dimity. Finally, she spotted her. Dimity had dragged herself behind Ada’s overturned tea table and, even on the floor, was sending her own shots at the intruders.
The fighting was fierce. Whoever the intruders were, they used both light and dark magic. The air sizzled with it. A dark bolt slipped past Hecate’s defenses, passing so close that it burned a hole in her blouse, pain seared her side, just below her ribcage. One more scar to join the others, she thought, at least this one would have a good story to go with it. Carefully, she edged her way back, until she finally got close enough to Dimity. “Grab my leg!” Hecate threw as many bolts as she could, as fast as she could, hoping to clear enough time for them to transfer.
Just as they were about to disappear, they were yanked back - like a giant hand was slamming them to the floor. Hecate screamed, certain she had dislocated her shoulder. It was all she could do to block the fireballs flying towards them. It occurred to her that they were losing this fight, that her home was under attack, and she was failing to defend it. That she never got the chance to tell Pippa that she loved her – had always loved her. She ignored the tears streaming down her face and kept blocking everything she could.
Suddenly, there was a clap like thunder and Pippa Pentangle was standing in front of her, swinging a shiny gold Wizard’s Staff like a battle axe. Sweeping it in front of her, Pippa channeled a slice of white lightning across the intruders, catching one in the chest and sending him howling away. When another threw a dark, oily orb her way, Pippa used her staff like a cricket bat, swatting it back at its caster. “Hello, darling!” She calls over her shoulder, sounding like she was having altogether too much fun.
Hecate tried to stand but got knocked off her feet again, white-hot pain flaring in her shoulder as it was knocked back into place. She felt like she might throw up, but at least her arm was usable again. She pulled herself to her knees and adds her own fireballs to Pippa’s. Under the noise of the battle, Hecate could hear Dimity chanting behind her. Realizing what’s coming, she pulled Pippa down just as Dimity yelled “DUCK!”
A second later a wave of blue energy rolled through the air above them, blowing the glass out of the windows and sending the last of the intruders fleeing into the night. For a moment, everything was quiet, save for the sound of their own ragged breathing.
“Are you lot okay?” Dimity called. She’d collapsed again, back behind the tea table.
Hecate and Pippa looked at each other. Both were disheveled and dirty. Half of Hecate’s bun had come loose, but they nodded. “We’re okay,” Hecate rasped.
Pippa lifted a shaking hand to brush a strand of hair from Hecate’s face, cupping her cheek. Before Hecate could think about it, she crushed Pippa’s lips in kisses, whispering ‘I love you’ every time she needed to breathe.
“You’re kissing, aren’t you?” Dimity called from behind the table. “That’s great! I am literally over here bleeding but you two keep on snogging. Bloody repressed lesbians – don’t you worry about ol’ Dimity. You just take your time. Have a right proper shag while you’re at it.” She looked up to see them both staring down at her, hands tangled together, practically glowing.
Pippa quirked an eyebrow at her. “That all seems a bit dramatic, don’t you think, Hiccup?”
“I agree, Pipsqueak. Quite unbecoming in a witch.”
Carefully, they helped her to her feet, quickly righting one of Ada’s chairs when it’s clear she can’t stand. Her leg would need medical attention, as would Hecate’s side. “Look at all this destruction. For a picture.” Hecate gestured at what was left of the office. “And for naught – the picture is gone.”
“I don’t know, darling. If you two hadn’t figured this out, they could have come and stolen the photograph and replaced it with a duplicate. We’d never know. At least this way we know to be on the alert.” Pippa pulled Hecate against her, careful of both her side and her shoulder.
“We, Pipsqueak?”
“We, Hiccup. There is no me without you. Surely you must know that by now.”
Hecate rested her head against Pippa’s. “Is that how you knew to come?”
“It was the Twin Pins. I was in bed reading when all of a sudden the pin jumped like it was trying to connect, but then nothing happened. I’d never heard of anything like that so
I grabbed my staff and here I am.” Dimity hissed as she tried to shift into a more comfortable position. “I think we need to get back to the cottage.”
“Can you ride, Dimity?” Hecate summoned their brooms from the rooftop. No reason not to go through the windows now, she thought.
“I think, if we use my staff, that we can transfer back,” Pippa said, pulling them over to stand where Dimity could grab the staff and they could support her on either side. “If everyone hangs on and puts their transference energy into the staff, that should be plenty of juice to get us to the cottage. Will you steer, Hecate?” She nodded and off they went.
  Dimity screamed when they landed in Ada’s living room, the rough landing jarring them all.
“We need a mediwitch!” Pippa wheezed. “We’ve got injured!” She turned to look at Ada, anger warring with sorrow in her eyes. “Cackle’s has been breached.”
For a heartbeat everyone was frozen; then everything seemed to happen at once. Dimity collapsed - only Algernon’s quick reflexes kept her from hitting the floor. Alma summoned the healing kit. Miss Bat set forth a stream of profanities that would send the swarthiest of sailors running for church as she hurried to call for medical help. No one commented on why or how Pippa Pentangle happened to be there, holding Hecate’s hand and keeping the potions mistress on her feet.
Ada tore her eyes away from the raw and blistered skin visible through Hecate’s shredded shirt. “I’ll summon the Great Wizard.”
As Ada moved past her, Hecate reached out and grabbed her hand, wincing as her shoulder and side protested the movement. “The photograph, Ada. It’s gone.”
“So is Mr. Birdsong, dear, whoever he is.”
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todisturbtheuniverse · 6 years
2017 Year End Writing Review
While I don't do monthly reviews anymore, I figured it would still be fun to post an annual review; I've been doing that for several years now and it's fun to look back on it.
I did not post very much fic this year. I wrote some. I posted less. I got very into this mindset of really polishing fanfiction, stressing about posting it if it wasn't up to quality, or whatever. So in total, I only posted 13 short-ish fics this year, made no progress posting in my one major WIP, and...you would think that would mean there wasn't a lot of writing.
There was a lot of writing. Slightly more than 500,000 words' worth. But most of it was original fiction, so I'll talk about it under the read more. (Bless you if you make it through this post, because it is lengthy.)
What I Worked On
Yet another draft of my 2013 NaNo novel. Is this thing taking shape yet? Somewhat. It is my whale. My big, dumb whale. My I-planned-a-trilogy-and-bit-off-more-than-I-could-chew story. My testing-everything-I-know-and-can-learn-about-writing story. But I can't give it up, can't leave it alone, always come back to it, think about it daily. Someday it will get there. Someday I will at least think, This will do.
A full draft of a new novella and associated planning/character backstory/tidbits that don't quite fit in-story but were useful to write. A cantankerous witch, her spurned fairy lover, and her plucky apprentice try to solve the my-garden-dies-every-night-and-I-don't-know-why problem. It's a fun bit.
NaNoWriMo 2017: A post-apocalyptic story of friendship, vengeance, and overcoming pride. There are gun fights! There are ominous rocks! There is a lot of sarcasm! I haven't yet reread it, but it's on my to-do list in 2018. The planning for this novel alone nearly constituted the word count of an entire novel. I went all-out. It was really fun.
@hollyand-writes tagged me for the following, so I'll roll that into this post as well:
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favourite works you’ve created this year (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2017. Tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works. <3 (Please feel free to consider yourself tagged if you want to do this!)
A Shadow, Passing Through & Before I Embark: A pair of fics where I explored some of that territory in Act 2 of DA2 where Hawke and Leandra might have repaired their relationship a little bit before. You know. I've always felt pretty hostile toward Leandra; she puts a lot of blame and responsibility on her children when it has no business being there. But I also attempted a DA2 replay this year, and found her occasional comments in Act 2...interesting. I saw them in a different light. And a mushy, selfish part of me wanted to see Hawke get some kind of closure--some kind of improvement--with her mother before she died. Anyway, though I did not make it all the way through DA2 (I always, always, always stall before All That Remains, ever since my mom died in 2013, because it makes so. many. complicated. feelings), I liked picking it up again. I missed Hawke, and I missed Isabela.
With My Whole Heart: A little more Cassandra/Josephine fluff, sparked by an anon prompt. When I finally started thinking about it, this little fic just...flowed. I think I wrote it in an hour and a half, non-stop. It helped me remember how writing fanfiction used to feel for me. Just fun and nice and kind of wonderful.
Practicality, Revisited: A Kima/Allura fic. I'd love to explore more of these two. Written for the Critical Role Relationship Week, which I adored the idea of--I got some fun match-ups to write about, but this was by far my favorite.
Flying, Falling: Ryder/Vetra. I wish my enthusiasm for Andromeda had not dropped off so damn abruptly (not the game’s fault, I don’t think; I just lost interest even though I enjoyed it); this, and the other two I wrote for this pairing, were such fun little fics. Maybe someday I'll take another dip into it. Video games in general had a hard time holding onto me this year. But this one is really sweet, and on a reread, I really liked it. The banter, especially. I like a good banter.
Overall Thoughts
This post has no structure and is getting abysmally long, so I'm going to try and wrap up.
I wrote a lot this year. In nine out of twelve months, I wrote more than 30K words. Of the remaining three months, I wrote more than 20K in two of them and less than 10K in only one. I had a streak where I wrote something every single day from August 30 to December 14. The longest in memory, and I'm sure the longest, ever. I had a pair of back-to-back crazy months: planning NaNo in October with 72,556 words, and actually doing NaNo in November with 100,227 words--not all of them for that novel, but about Ÿ of them. I really got my discipline together this year.
I worked on more original fiction, more often, than ever before, too. I miss fanfiction, but I am happy about that.
It was the most productive word-count year on record, at just over 500K. Beats out my previous most productive year, 2015, by more than 125K words. I wrote 373,467 words that year. It was also easily most productive in terms of time spent writing; I put my ass in chair and wrote for about 300 hours in 2017.
Last year's goals seemed to work out for me. I didn't always adhere to them perfectly, but the spirit of them led to a very productive year. So with that in mind, I'm going to reprise most of them:
Spend a little time writing every day: this was not true 100% of the year, but making an attempt meant I tried more, and led to more success.
No word count goal; I just want to make sure I'm keeping track with my handy-dandy spreadsheet.
Permission to write ficlets, drabbles, and even multi-chaptered fics as I want to. Still working on balance between original fic and fanfiction. After revisiting some of the joy of writing fanfiction late last year, I'd like to get back to it again, in some capacity. But multi-chapter fics with coherent stories, again, I would like to have a full first draft written before I start posting. It drastically cut down the WIPs I have floating around out there.
Get back to These Chains. I did some work on it mid-2017 to the tune of like, three more chapters, but didn't post. I have it planned out. I just need to do the thing.
I hope that, for all of you, you find satisfaction in your creative endeavors this year, in whatever art or practice that may be.
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