#(he wanted it comfortable. she wanted that pain. he wanted a bride. she was making her own name. chasing that fame. he stayed the same.
yandere-writer-momo · 2 months
Yandere Fairytale Series:
Part 1 Part 2
Yandere Witch x Rapunzel Reader x Yandere Prince
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Vinicio had finally discovered his princess! He was so thrilled to live out his biggest fantasy of saving a damsel in distress! He’d make sure to pamper you for life once he was able to save you from this tower! But first he had to gain your trust… so he’d be an open book.
Vinicio had kept his promise to you. The lavender haired man smiled below your tower while he’d shout at you so you could hear him.
You genuinely enjoyed his company as he’d share stories with you of his kingdom and about the outside world. Vinicio made you curious of what lies beyond your tower in merely a day.
Vinicio began to visit you for the next two days before he told you he had to return to his kingdom. His company was refreshing and comforting since Hilda had been gone for so many days…
It was the weekend when Hilda returned to you. The young woman shouted for you to let down your hair so she could climb up
Hilda’s arms engulfed your form as she eagerly inhaled your scent. A big smile on her pretty face when she finally pulled away.
“I’m so sorry I took so long. I went a bit further than normal and I brought you a gift.” Hilda reached into her satchel and pulled out a small box wrapped in parchment paper. “It was a little expensive, but I wanted to make it up to you.”
You opened the gift and were in awe of the seashell comb inside the box. The little white comb was covered in seashells and pearls… “It’s beautiful, Hildy.”
Hilda blushed at the nickname before she shyly glanced to the floor. Her green eyes peaked up at your smile while her heart fluttered.
“It’s not as beautiful as you.” The two of you shared smiles before Hilda began to get around to cook with you.
To Hilda, this was the ideal life. To cook and cuddle with the woman she loved as the two of them were far away from civilization. Her mother, Agnes, had handpicked (your name) just for her! You were Hilda’s bride and she’d never let anyone steal you away! Not like your mother was taken from Agnes! No! Hilda wouldn’t let any man in your vicinity! She didn’t want to lose you to childbirth like Agnes lost your mother!!
Agnes had told Hilda of how your mother was her lover before your mother was swept away by a handsome noble who spotted her in the village. Of how that man’s friend sullied Agnes and created Hilda (a fact that didn’t stop Agnes from loving Hilda). Of how Agnes had tirelessly searched for your mother only to be too late… Agnes simply couldn’t bear to leave you in the care of the man who had ripped her lover from her.
Agnes didn’t want Hilda to go through the same pain she did so she used her magic to build this tower. A spell that aged her significantly, but it was worth it so Hilda could be happy. Hilda was so blessed to have Agnes as her mother and you as her lover (a fact you were unaware of). And now Hilda had to magic to protect you! The two of you will never starve or lose one another! Hilda had the abilities to give you a good life.
Yet you didn’t weep like you normally did when she returned from her trips… Hilda observed your chipper form in suspicion. Had you been in contact with anyone else- no. That wasn’t possible. No one has discovered this tower in over twenty years and Hilda would prefer to keep it that way.
It was another month before you saw Vinicio again (luckily when Hilda was gone again). This time the prince brought you a large bouquet of flowers. You believed they were called roses! Except Vinicio had kindly removed each thorn.
Vinicio excitedly chattered away with you as he shared that he was camping nearby in the forest. The prince shared his woes with you. Vinicio had been hounded by his parents to get married since he was the only heir to the throne, but he was insistent to find his own wife. “I want to marry for love, despite that being corny.”
Despite how the warning in men was instilled in you, you didn’t feel like Vinicio was evil. He was rather charming actually and he had such a trust worthy aura. You enjoyed his friendship… yet you were unaware that Vinicio was actively courting you.
It took four more months of Vinicio’s visits for you to lower your hair and let him into the tower to talk. Vinicio always kept a polite distance even as the two of you shared tea. You were so happy to hear about the outside world and be shown the wonderful world of books.
You had to hide your books under your mattress from Hilda (an action you felt guilty to do) but you adored the stories from the words. Why did Hilda keep you away from civilization? It seemed wonderful to be out in the world!
You shared your desire to see the world with Vinicio’s whose eyes went dark as he smiled at you. “If you want to see the world, I can take you. We can see it together.” And you made the mistake of accepting his offer.
Hilda, on the other hand, felt as if she was going insane… at least until she discovered a romance novel under your mattress when she changed your bed sheets. Hilda nearly went ballistic at the novel that detailed the make believe love between a man and a woman. Yet she refrained from acting out on her feelings of betrayal. No… she’d have to punish you.
Hilda wrapped her arms around you as you at the meal the two of you made together. A few tears fell down her face which made you do a double take. Yet you couldn’t even ask her what was wrong before she grabbed the shears off the table.
“I’m so sorry… but you can’t leave.” Hilda began to sob. “Whoever that man is, he is going to ask to marry him and he will take you far away… you will be locked up somewhere else. This is all for your own good.”
Your screams echoed throughout the forest as Hilda chopped off your long locks. The young woman sobbed the entire time as she cut each chunk to a shorter length. You had to learn that you couldn’t leave her. Hilda didn’t want you to suffer the same fate your mother did. This was all for your own good.
When Vinicio came by after a week, he was shocked to not see you greet him right away. “(Your name)? Can you let down your hair?”
He had no suspicions when your long locks were tossed out the window for him to grab. The prince quickly scaled up the tower with a big smile on his face. Today was the day he’d ask you to be his wife… his forever princess.
“(Your name), I was thinking all week about this but I think I’d like to marry you.” Vinicio shouted as he inched closer and closer to the balcony. “I’ll take you far from this tower and we can see the world together. You can have as many dresses as you want and we can eat all kinds of good food! Would you like that?”
Vinicio couldn’t help the dread that began to pool in his stomach when you didn’t respond. Why haven’t you responded? Were you okay?
Yet he was shocked when he came face to face with the wicked grin of Hilda once he reached the balcony. You loudly sobbed as you sat tied up in a chair with your own hair. Your poor hair in a messy, (hair length) style. Was this the witch who kept you locked up? Did she hurt you?
The two stared at each other for a few seconds before Hilda sprang into action.
Hilda’s Ending:
“I won’t let you take her!” The black haired woman threw herself forward and shoved Vicinio off the balcony. The man couldn’t even scream before he fell down the tower in shock.
You began to sob when you heard a loud, wet thud. There was no doubt in your mind that Vicinio had splattered all over the bottom of the tower… a sight you didn’t want to see of your poor friend.
Hilda turned to you with a thrilled look on her face. “He’s gone… we’re safe now. We can be together just like we’ve always been.”
The black haired woman knelt down beside you as she knelt down to cup your tear stricken face in your hand.
“Shhh. Don’t cry. I’ll explain everything, okay?” Hilda pressed her lips against yours in a tender kiss. “It’s better this way.”
Vicinio’s Ending:
Vicinio side stepped Hilda, which caused the young woman to nearly tumble off the ledge. Yet Vicinio had caught her and slammed her head into the balcony, knocking the witch unconscious.
Vicinio quickly ran over to you as he began to untie your binds made from your own hair. Vicinio pulled you into a tight hug as you cried into his chest.
“It’s okay… I’m here now.” Vicinio pressed a kiss on the top of your head. “I’ll make sure that witch is punished for her crimes.”
You froze when he said that. Witch? Hilda wasn’t a witch…
You gasped when Vicinio gave you a smile, yet the look in his eyes made your blood run cold.
“I’ll have her burned at the stake for hurting my precious princess.” Vicinio took your hands in his before he pressed tender kisses to each of your knuckles. “We can ride my horse back to my kingdom! I have a small group of my men down below to bring any of your belongings too. I can’t wait to be married!”
You trembled as Vivinio continued to babble on and on about your future marriage. Perhaps Agnes and Hilda had told some truth about men…
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lainsshop · 4 months
Tears To Shed ୭ৎ
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Pairing: Alastor x Zombie ! Reader
Tags: angst(?), fluff, out of characters(?), established relationship, corpse bride n probably more..
Song: Tears To Shed - Corpse Bride
A/N: I need more Rosie and Alastor interactions to be honest like.. I already miss them😭 anyways please enjoy this!
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“Why so blue, dear?” Rosie asks as she puts a cup of tea onto the table. You were currently sitting at Rosie’s lounge feeling melancholy over someones comment to your relationship with Alastor, most of the time you didn’t care but this one- stung in your imaginary heart.
You see, you met Alastor when you two were alive, somehow and someway you both got together and your relationship bloomed to the point he proposed to you but- you got killed before your wedding even started. So, imagine the joy you felt when you encountered him again in Hell.
“Maybe.. he’s right, maybe we’re too- different.” You sighed. “Maybe he should have his head examined,” She suggested as she took a sit in front of you. “I could do it.” You wanted to smile at that but- “Or perhaps he does belong with someone else.” You looked at your cup of tea. “Someone who isn’t lil’ miss/mr non hearted,” You mocked yourself as you stand up to look at a mirror near you two. “Someone with rosy cheeks and a beating heart.” You murmured sadly.
“Oh, those people are ten a penny,” Rosie rolled her eyes as she follows you behind and puts her hand on your shoulders to try to comfort you. “You’ve got so much more, darling! You’ve got- you’ve got..” She looked around to try to find the right words for you. “You’ve got a wonderful personality!”
She smiles to you through the mirror. You truly wanted to feel better after hearing that but negative thoughts were still ruining in your head, Rosie sees this and sighs.
“What do those wispy lil’ brats have that you don’t have double? They can’t a candle to the beauty of your smile!” She croons as she places you down onto the chair, placing her index fingers in the corners of your mouth to make you smile.
“… how about a pulse?” You looked at her. “Overrated by a mile-“ She slightly scoffs. “Overfed, overblown!” She makes a gesture making the idea of a pulse uninteresting. “If only they knew the you that we know—“ You sighed as you stand up again, crossing your arms to think. “And those silly little creatures don’t even have a ring! And they don’t play piano or dance or sing!” She carefully grabbed one of your hands, and with a graceful motion, she twirled you into a seated position.
“No, they clearly don’t compare,” “But they don’t look like they’re decaying-“ “Who cares?” She interrupted. “Unimportant! Overrated, overblown! If only they could see how special your relationship with him can be,” She drags you through the mirror and adjusts your wedding clothes. “If only they knew the you that we know..” You gently push her away.
You went to Rosie’s balcony and hug yourself to try to find comfort. “If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain-“ You begin to sing plaintively. “If you cut me with a knife it’s still the same..” You moved your hand to the sky, fingers curling into a determined fist, as if reaching to grasp it.
“And I know they have a heart and I know that I don’t-“ You placed your hands on the railing, feeling the cool metal beneath your fingertips. “Yet the pain here that I feel, try and tell it’s not real.. it seems that I still have a tear to shed.” You touched your right cheek, feeling your eyes water a bit.
Rosie couldn’t help but feel sympathetic for you but she couldn’t just give up on cheering you on! “The sure redeeming feature from those little creatures is that they have a heart! Overrated, overblown, my dear friend!” She grins a bit wider as she stands next to you. “Everybody knows that they don’t know how to use that heart but you, sweetheart, even without a heart you can express it well with him!” She pointed out.
“Who cares? Unimportant! Overrated, overblown! If only they could see how special your relationship can be,” She grabbed one of your hands again and lead you inside the building. “If only they knew the you that we know..” She put you in front of the mirror again as she handed you a bouquet of flowers.
You looked at yourself, you imagined yourself walking through the aisle but- “If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain, in the ice or in the sun it’s all the same,” You handed the flowers back to Rosie. “Yet I feel my heart aching—though it doesn’t beat its breaking,” You looked at yourself in the mirror as you fixed your hair and dust off your attired.
“And the pain here I feel- try and tell me it’s not real, I know that I don’t have a heart..” Rosie couldn’t help but hug you.
“Yet it seems that I still have some tears to shed..” You sang.
You were now at the hotels lobby after your visit with Rosie, sitting at the pianos bench playing a few keys letting your mind wonder around.
“Ah! There you are, my dear!” A familiar voice you know enters the building, Alastor, your lover.
He walks towards you, the radio static getting a bit louder. You didn’t looked at him though, you continued to with what you’re doing. Alastor tilted his head a bit, curious about your reaction just now.
“Something wrong, my dearest?” No respond. Usually he would try to poke you just to get a reaction of you but your mood seemed different to him, he could read you like a book!
Since you’ve met when you were alive till now. He could sense that you were upset with something and he knew exactly what so he took a seat next to you and started to play a few notes.
You perfectly recognized them and looked at him with a surprised soft look and he just smiles at you as he continues.
You looked back at the piano and started to join in little by little, playing the song that used to play together when you were alive also being the song that was suppose to be played at your wedding.
You both looked at each other with soft eyes and- “Whoever made that comment will pay for what they did, I’ll make sure of that and also,” He paused for a bit trying to look how to say the next words that he’s about to say. “How do you feel about the possibility of marrying again, not in the sense of a second attempt, but in embracing the chance we never had when life took you away before we could say 'I do'?"
You froze at that moment, you didn’t know how to respond right away, you felt so many emotions blooming as he asked that. “… you serious?” You inquired. “You know I’m always honest with you, darling.” He grins a bit wider as he took one of your hands and place a small kiss on it.
“So?” You wanted to cry tears of joy at that moment. This is the same man who known for being a huge narcissistic, sadistic killer who also liked, and still does, to est his own people but yet- he still fell in love with you where you were alive.
Even if it took awhile to figured out his feelings for you, he absolutely adores you. You accepted all his flaws and even his weird habits, and even deep down he blames for your death but here you are.. next to him, forgiving him and still loving him the same way when you were alive together.
“Absolutely.” You smiled as a tear rolled down your cheek.
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pigeonpeach · 5 months
Yandere Genshin
Prompt: youve caught their eye but… you’re already taken… that won’t be a problem…
Cw: yandere duh, mentions of murder and violence, manipulation, kidnapping, etc. fem reader
Characters: Jean, Diluc,Yelan, Neuvillete
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Jean finds herself more and more infuriated with your commitment everyday. A simple hunter from Springvale is the one that catches your eye? How absurd! She knew she should’ve been more forward with her tatics. Oh this frustration and heartbreak has been tormenting her, impacting her work ethic as she tries to give you space. But its hard because you work for her. A cutesy little maid. You belong to her.. you’re everything she could want in a partner. So delicate, so plump, you’re the perfect bride. There’s no way she’s letting a man who can’t read s kid’s book without struggle surpass her!
So… she staged a little accident lets say.. she happened to cut the patrols in the area, making them closer to the city itself. That way there still was protection for the city… just not for the hunters. For awhile they’d been complaining sbout how the patrols spooked the boar. Even though those patrols were meant to cut down and discourage hilichurl camps. From a political perspective she just gave the hunters what they wanted. To up the anti more she had Kaeya tell him about a legendary boar deep into the wilderness. How the boars get bigger in hilichurl camps because they’ve started to fence them off and fatten them up, if he goes at night when they’re asleep, he could surely nail himself a big boar and pass it as a authentic catch…
The short of it was this. Your almost boyfriend snuck into one of the biggest hilichurl camps without the knights patroling nearby. And Kaeya knowing Jean’s work was negatively impacted by him.. may or may not have done something to alert the hilichurls to the the intruder. Quickly he was overwhelmed and beaten. With no knight in sight he was all alone. His struggle only made the hilichurls more violent. They threw him out, beaten to a pulp. When he saw Kaeya he was relieved thinking he was saved. But Kaeya had orders to finish the job of need be.
His death? A accident. Later hunters found him rotting near the camp, no foul play found. No one knew of his idea or who gave it to him, or who gave that person the idea. In your devastation you ended up right in her arms weeping.
“I am so sorry for your loss. I’ll make sure patrols return to normal and those camps are wiped out soon enough. I won’t let you experience such hardship ever again.” Crying to your boss felt so unprofessional but Jean was just so comforting to you. You had been putting on a brave face until now. You stood as she held you. “Lisa bought me this tea recently. It helps to steady my mind when I’m stressed, would you like me to give you some. I know it won’t remove your pain but it should help you somewhat. Unfortunately I can’t give you time off as two others are currently sick. But once they’re back I’ll give you some vacation okay?” She wiped your tears as you nodded.
“Th-that’s reasonable.. th-thank you.. oh god i must be such a burden. You’re already so stressed i didn’t mean to make it worse for you-“
“That’s not the case at all. I care about you. I want you to be safe and happy as every citizen in Mondstadt should be.” She kissed your forehead as she handed you the cup she prepared. “Here drink some tea. It was originally for me but I figure you need it more. I haven’t dranken from it.”
“Y-you’re sure that’s okay? I don’t mind waiting for another cup.” You asked. Oh how innocent you looked. Jean hated how she had to come to this, asking Lisa for a love spell to be put into the tea. But she couldn’t risk doing this to every suitor who got close to success. She needed to make sure you chose her otherwise she might go further next time.
“Its fine.” She said. You drank it with no further complaints.
Diluc was certain this was some sick prank. You, his beloved little maid, in love with nothing more than a simple merchant? Its not uncommon for the route from dawn winery to be used. But a certain merchant he purchased seeds from seemed to be getting far too close to you. Sure you two weren’t dating, he hadn’t even made the first step. But now he was absolutely was going to take drastic measures.
The first step: Distract you. You found yourself being assigned to chores more indoors an less outdoors. Diluc could sense how you would look out beyond hoping to see him again and he didn’t want that to continue. The second step was to lure said merchant back on a day you weren’t working. His arrival was horrible as the maids had all gone home leaving Diluc and Adelinde to recieve him, on a new moon, there was no moon to illuminate his path home so Diluc offered him to stay the night. He thought of this gratefully, originally the death Diluc planned was a simple killed in his sleep. But when he asked about you… oh it activated something in him. He even brought you a gift… how thoughtful… Diluc struggled to maintain his composure.
The merchant never did make it past the night. Despite his struggles. His body found beneath the bridge near Stone Gate. A investigation launched but ultimately blamed on bandits. With it his gift was smashed. You were devastated yes but your employer seemed to suddenly be more attentive than usual. He offered you meals and tea. Often requesting just to talk to you.
“Its getting late. I really should be going.” You set the tea cup back. “This was nice though. I wouldn’t mind doing this again but… oh.. is it raining?” You look out to see water coating the windows as what sounding like rain came from outside.
“Oh my it appears to be. At this hour you would be most vulnerable if you left now. You have no pets correct?”
“No.. oh dear…” you silently began to worry.
“You could always.. stay over. There is many a guest room and there’s spare pajamas for you. I’m certain it’ll be better than getting sick. Besides there’s bandits on the roads at these hours. You remember what happened to that merchant.” His voice luring you to s false sense of safety.
“Yes… I’ve been quite nervous going home now to be honest. Do you know if they ever found who did it?”
“Still nothing. Guards are posted more though. But it wpuld be easier. You do have a early shift here anyways in the morning so you wouldn’t need to go home right away. If that sounds alright.” He says, you jolted slightly as his hand gently grazed yours as you held your jacket. At that moment thunder clapped, startling you.
“I suppose that makes sene. I’ll take you up on that offer then..” you smiled shyly.
“I’ll lead you to your room then.”
He wasn’t going to let you leave.
(A/n: this is a alternative route to my other work Yelan vs Pantalone, dont consider this cannon to that piece but as its own spinoff)
Everyone has secrets. And Yelan’s is the fact that she stole a bride straight from Pantalone. It was mostly just to spite him, and also because she’s a sucker for a pretty face and couldn’t stand letting that happen. But oh they’re far more irresistible than she could’ve imagined. Now that they’re safely hidden in the jade chamber, working as a intern. She’s been visiting them when she comes to visit Ninguang, lucky her that Ninguang would allow her little damsel to stay in the jade chamber. But while her back was turned to her former life, she set her eyes on the people once known as parents to them. Her little Damsel cannot return to her former identity ever. And thus its better for her to believe that Pantalone went back on his word and killed them.
And that’s exactly what ended up happening. The Fatui’s search was halted and stopped because the Millieth wasn’t going to let the Fatui kill civilians just because they lost a bride. Even though they insisted they didn’t all signs pointed to that. She then forged documents to show to her beloved little damsel that this was the plan from the beginning, that Pantalone would have killed her parents upon acquiring her. Like the others so far, she used this opportunity to soothe them and bring them closer. At least this way they are alive and safe rather than in the hands of their families killer. Only… they are infact in the arms of their families killer. All seemed well until some stupid guard started poking around. He seemed more interested in courting them, believing they myst secretly be from s powerful family outside of Liyue and hiding. It was a rumor she purposely started to cover for their true identity. But now it backfired as this man saw a opportunity to climb up the social ladder. She isn’t quite sure what his exact plan was but her guess was he intended to make her fall for him and then marry him when she returned to her life, this guaranteeing a life of luxury. Unfortunately for him that won’t be the case. But Yelan can’t go killing her own. So she decided to simply use her influence to have him demoted to ground work instead. Convincing Ningguang that if allowed to stay he’ll uncover their scheme. The reason given to him was that apparently he was too loud or social than was acceptable in such environments. Afterwards he died to a hilichurl raid. Whoops.
“You.. you got my stuff?” You were surprised when she came to you with a crate.
“Yes, since legally you’re dead, your parents stuff was sold at auction at request of your family members. I grabbed what I remembered you valued myself.” She said with s smile as you beamed at the sight of your old things.
“It won’t raise suspicions will it?” Yu asked.
“I won’t let it. Don’t worry your pretty little head about the details.” She said patting you.
“I-i don’t know what I could do to repay you. You’ve done so much for me i-i truly have never had someone like you in my life.” You looked at her expecting a sort of humble brush off or something to actually be named.
“A date would be nice. Once everything cools down of course.” Her voice was like a purr, making you flustered.
“O-oh sure.. as long as it won’t cause you any trouble.”
“Perfect.” She said. You didn’t see it but she was considering drugging your tea that sat on the table behind her. A love potion, how typical but how effective. But seeing your blush she could tell you had infact fallen for her already. Which made the potion more of a backup if you ever lost feelings.
Neuvillete is anything but dishonest. But… seeing you cling to the arm of a guard, how happy you two looked.. it left him green with envy and red with wrath. To control himself he decided to simply change the guards routine to be out of your way. But you just went to meet them after work. His favorite little employee falling for the guard rather than him.. he felt deeply insulted.
Time for more drastic measures. He asks a favor from the clueless and happy Sedene (a simple melusine) to sneak into his house. To which she happens to find something. Just as planned he spends his time arranging scenarios to increase suspicion causing the other guards perform a check up right as he is planted with primordial sea water. He is quickly taken away to be questioned. Meanwhile you are distraught. You never thought him capable of such feats. But alas he was hardly the man you thought he was.
“I-I’m so sorry.. i truly didn’t know anything… i- Oh god ll this time..” you were hyperventilating as you were brought into questioning. “I-i.. oh god.. am i in danger? I could’ve ended up just like those missing girls..” Neuvillette’s hands reached out to your space as if to tell you to quiet down.
“I understand this situation is difficult. If necessary I’ll give you a moment to compose yourself. There isn’t any reason I have to suspect you but I still have to take precautions. You agreed to the random house search and no trace of seawater was found. I’m simply asking if he told you of anything suspicious or gave you any implications of his true nature.” He lowered his voice in a more gentle manner than he would in court. You sniffled as you wiped your tears.
“He.. he did keep inviting me to his place. I never went though. I didn’t think we were far along to do such things.. you know like… intimacy..” you nervously muttered. He still heard you, he was pleased to know you two didn’t get too serious.
“Were you two officially a couple?”
“No.. but we were close… i was going to ask him but then this all happened and… you know the story from there.”
“Hmm.. I see. It appears you infact were a target. Is there any reason you can think of?” He says. The sight of you so heartbroken and shaking is strangely attractive to him. So timid, so easily manipulated.
“No.. no not at all.. i don’t understand why?” You seemed more and more frightened. “S-should i not leave the house for a bit. This sounds very scary.. i don’t know if I can continue my routine as normal like this!” You whimpered as your hands seemed to get closer to your body. As if you retreating into she’ll to hide in.
“Fear not, I’ll have the secret patrol watch over. And each guard will undergo inspections from here onward. But i will be seeing you more. I want at least weekly updates to know of any strange activities or unexpected changes. Understand?” He said. You nodded. “With my life, I promise you, you will be safe. And I will let no harm come to you.. ever.”
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diejager · 4 months
Soooo, i have been thinking~~~ recall the stepdad!konig and dbf!horangi where they got reader pregnant and horangi took the responsibility for it? While i do know that they are tight knit buddy buddies and probably lives sharing reader with each other, what if horangi manages to trap reader into moving in with him and having a shotgun wedding? And because i’m a bit of a slut for angst - What if he becomes more possessive and decides that only he should have reader?. After all, konig already has his wife yet is still so greedy and going mad with jealousy
Cw: DARKFIC, DUB-CON/NON-CON, STEPCEST, forced marriage, panic, possessive behaviour, implied kidnapping, marriage tradition, tell me if I missed any.
König drowned in anger, letting his vitriol consume him whole at the sheer audacity his best friend showed. How dare Horangi take and keep you for himself? Had he grown so comfortable that he could discard König like an old and rusted toy? He was a bumbling and raging mess throwing a tantrum in his office, ripping into the paperwork on his desk and throwing things around the room, screaming and physically pained. His heart throbbed at the betrayal, the agony Horangicaused him for taking your hand in marriage when he was left with a whore, unlovable and discardable —though you wouldn’t know, you didn’t know how little he felt for your mother. She was nothing but a stepping stone for him and Horangi to approach you without any suspicion. 
He attended the wedding, a traditional one, it would’ve been so beautiful if he wasn’t burning with envy. You were draped in silken cloths and fabrics, the bright and passionate red of your hanbok, sewn with flowery details and white and golden accents and Horangi’s navy blue, accentuated with golden strands and a impressive imagery at his front. Every part of it screamed traditional with it’s matching bride’s maids in white and lilac dresses, the tea table, the Jeonanyrye (a duck your mother received from Horangi), and the acts of Gyobaerye and Hapgeunrye that had bile rising in König’s throat. 
Truly, it was amazing to see you being wedded, dressed in beautiful garments, face powdered and cheeks flushed, you were angelic to look at, dripping allure and innocence that he wanted to corrupt and devour. He cornered Horangi after the first night, confronting him about his sudden act and decision to marry you. König wanted to know if this was Horangi’sfirst act of separation, to take things within his own hands to keep you to himself, but Horangi had reassured him that it was simply the first step to trap you for themselves. König wouldn’t believe it, his mind running miles and miles, without a single though in his mind that would help his or Horangi’s case. 
He knew he was increasingly more possessive than he used to, like the hold he had on Horangi when he tried making other friends, or the grip on you that he couldn’t let go. It was a monster that grew and grew in his body the longer he left it unattended, a vile creature with an insatiable thirst for things that he made his —his friend, his items, his mask and his little pet. Both he and Horangi were victims to it, their bloods running green and their eyes seeing red whenever another approached you, but König suffered much, much more than Horangi did. He felt like ripping into Horangi for binding you to him, but he’d regret it, killing off the sole being that understood him on a fundamental way.
“She’s ours, König,” Horangi promised, his course pads holding König’s face, the cool ring searing his cheek while he made König look into his dark eyes, “This is just to bind her to us, when her mother is gone, we can take her elsewhere, hmm?”
König blinked owlishly, his mind moving at a snail’s pace in this moment of frenzied fear, his breath caught the back of his throat when the vision of you in a white dress at his wedding with Horangi bringing you to the podium to marry him. It would seal your fate with them; albeit slowly.
“Ja,” König nodded, gazing into Horangi’s mesmerising browns, “Ja, you are right, Mein freund.”
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @lucienbarkbark @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @223princess @maylovesyousomuch @infpt-zylith @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 7 months
Speak Now ♥️
Today is the day Eddie is getting married... you do your best to watch the man you love marrying someone else...
Warnings: Angst, fluff
"I think real true love, your soulmate is when you find someone who is your best friend, who you can talk about everything with and who loves you for who you are, who you can't wait to see everyday and spend the rest of your life with that person"
Steve toasts the crowd and you smile through tears, it was a beautiful best man speech.
Everyone is cheering and you plant a smile on your face as you toast along with everyone else. Best to keep smiling, even thought it feels like your heart is being crushed.
Robin squeezes your hand, you don't realise that Eddie is frozen at the head of the table after Steve's speech.
You do notice Jessica is quiet and smile at her encouragingly, trying to cheer her up. She was a real sweetheart even though she was marrying Eddie, the man you had been in love with for five years, you couldn't hate her.
It was your fault for never telling him how you felt about him and now it was too late.
It's the night before the wedding and your heart is slowly breaking. Eddie was happy though and that's all you wanted.
Jessica was wonderful and she would make Eddie happy and vice versa.
It was time for you to move on because you didn't want this heartache. Didn't want this pain in you all the time.
You just wanted to look at your friend and not be reminded about how much you loved him.
That night you go to bed, sharing a room with Nancy. She comforts you as you cry and you swear in your heart that it's the last time you're going to cry over Eddie.
Tommorow he would be a married man, you needed to accept that and finally move on. It would be difficult as hell but you needed to do it.
The wedding is set, the guests are seated and you're trying not to fall apart as the rest of the wedding party arrive.
This was it Eddie was getting married. At one point you assumed you would be the bride when it was time for him to marry or more like you daydreamed about.
Alas that dream never came true and you were here watching the most amazing man you had ever met give his heart away to someone else.
You remember the day Eddie had gotten engaged like it was yesterday, Eddie gathering the gang together with Jessica at his side as he announced the news.
He had been dating Jessica for a year and when the engagement was announced it came as a shock to everyone. Pretty much most people thought that you and Eddie would end up together at one point.
The two of you had been friends for years and the love you had for him grew and grew all the way through senior year of high school until now.
Nancy said you should have told him, Dustin, Steve, pratically all your friends told you to tell him but you never did. Eddie only thought of you his pal, his buddy, that was all.
There was no way you were risking your friendship for anything.
It's exactly why you were standing here right now with a lump in your throat as you waited for Eddie to arrive. You were a bridesmaid, Jessica had asked you and you couldn't say no.
She looked beautiful, nervous but that was to be expected. Perfect dress, perfect bride you sigh. You didn't look close enough to see the signs at that point, telling you the anxiety was something else...
When Eddie finally arrives with Dustin and Steve they are running late. Jessica's family don't look happy and Uncle Wayne has this strange resigned look on his face.
Eddie walks up the altar and you're struck for a moment at how pale he looks, paler than you've ever seen him. He must be so nervous, your heart tugs at this but you know he will be better once he's with Jessica.
The ceremony begins and you keep the smile on your face, ignoring the ache in your heart as you do.
When it gets to the part "Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace"
You feel Nancy's eyes bore into you practically begging you to say something but you can't. There's no way you can do that to Eddie or Jessica.
It turns out that someone else does it instead.
"I object" Jessica says softly and there's gasps all around when Eddie nods instead of looking heartbroken.
"I do too"
The guests are stunned, so are you and your friends. What the fuck is happening?
Jessica's parents stand up as does Uncle Wayne who looks a lot less tense than he did earlier.
Suddenly the five of them go outside for some privacy and you look to Steve helpless and desperate to know what's going on.
He and Dustin must know something because they won't meet your eye.
"Dustin? Steve? Did Eddie say anything?" you ask them and one of Jessica's cousins and fellow bridesmaid rolls her eyes.
"He's totally in love with someone else. Could have realised it fucking sooner" she snipes and you shake your head.
"There's no way" you would know he was in love with someone else. He would tell you. Right?
Steve hurries out with Dustin at his heels and literally after ten minutes of confusion they come back in and announce the wedding is off.
"It was a mutual decision" Steve assures everyone and you slump on one of the seats as shocked as everyone else.
The church was pandemonium when you left, relatives arguing with each other, saying who was at fault.
By the time you get back to your room your head is pounding. It's dark outside but it was the middle of November so that wasn't much of a suprise.
All you wanted was to have a soothing bath and then find Eddie who had been awol all day.
So it's a suprise to you when you find him sitting on your bed. He's out of his suit and in his usual jeans, band shirt and leather jacket.
He looks so exhausted and you rush to him throwing your arms around him.
"Are you okay? Where have you been?" you ask him relieved he's okay.
"Talking to Jessica's parents, Uncle Wayne, plucking up the courage to talk to you" Why would he feel nervous to talk to you? You told each other everything.
Well... Not everything.
"Where's Jessica? What's going on Eddie?" he looks up at you and his big brown eyes are full with something you can't place.
"She's gone princess, she left earlier. I thought proposing, marrying her was something I was expected to do. It turns out we were both having second thoughts for a long time"
You process all of this as you sit beside him and stay silent as he continues to speak.
"We just both knew it wasn't what we wanted, we weren't what each other wanted, should have realised sooner. I know" he gives you a little smile and you squeeze his hand.
"Oh Eddie, I am sorry" he swallows and you realise that his hands are shaking.
"Steve's speech last night made something just click into place in my head. What he talked about when finding your soulmate, one true love. I've never thought about Jessica like that"
What Jessica's cousin said comes back to you and you have to ask him.
"Eddie are you in love with someone else?" he nods and you gape at him. '' Who? Eddie you've been keeping this to yourself and driving yourself crazy. You could have told me"
He's quiet for a few seconds then slowly brings your hand up to his and kisses it.
"Kinda hard when it's you who I'm in love with princess" he says gently and you feel like your heart stops for a split second.
"You what?" he looks nervous and a blush creeps up his cheeks.
"I'm in love with you sweetheart. You're my soulmate and who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I finally realised last night, thought its been building for a little while now. Just needed that final thump on the head as Steve would say"
That's why Dustin and Steve wouldn't answer your questions. Tears pool in your eyes, happy tears and Eddie sees them and panics.
"Shit sweetheart. If you don't feel the same way then..." You kiss him, there and then and despite the circumstances it's perfect.
"I love you Eddie Munson, always have" he blinks stunned and then the words register and a beaming smile spreads across his face, all dimples.
"I love you princess. I'm so fucking sorry I've been such a dumbass and took so long to realise"
That was okay. You had a lifetime together to make up for it.
Exactly six months later your dream of marrying Eddie comes true.
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amethystwrytes · 5 days
Imaginary Games
▪️Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Fem. Reader
▫️Genre: Romantic, Smut, Exes to Lovers, Smidge of Hurt
▪️Warnings: 18+ Explicit language, sexual content (vanilla), pining idiots, past infidelity.
▫️Summary: The only thing that could make a destination wedding - in which you're the maid of honor, who has to give a speech in front of a crowd, who has to wear a dress that cost you a pretty penny that you'll never wear again - worse is the fact that your cheating ex is the best man.
▪️WC: 8k and some change
▫️AN: Repost from previous blog. Honestly I just really liked this fic. It wasn’t everybody’s cup of tea and I get that. Cheating is one of those things that we all have very strong opinions on, naturally, and that’s totally valid. For me, I just really enjoyed writing this and I liked how it turned out. The whole bit about Taehyungs ruined cashmere alone was enough for this to make the reposting cut 😂🧶
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“He isn’t here yet, he won’t be here until dinner tonight so you can relax,” Fi, your best friend and blushing bride-to-be tries to comfort you as she shifts around on her beach chair. 
She’s talking about Taehyung, of course, you don’t need to ask. He’s your ex, that you haven’t laid eyes on in two years. Not since the night that he admitted to cheating on you with a co-worker. You’d felt so incredibly stupid. You’d been casually babbling about meal planning of all the mundane things (it’s more cost effective and healthy blah blah!), and he started crying and spilled the whole story out of guilt. You’d been too stunned to argue, or fight, so you did what you always do when someone hurts you: You said nothing, or at least nothing of value, and you walked away. He’d tried to run after you, begged you to just talk to him, tried to wipe the tears that fell from your face in a devastated shower, but you wouldn’t let him. You slapped his arm away so hard your fingers had tingled for an hour, and you told him never to speak to you or touch you again. 
A typical person might fight, scream, or try to have a discussion. A typical person would ask questions between bouts of screaming like “Do you love her?” “Did it mean anything?” “Do you still want me?” - the kind of questions that are natural when you’ve been fucked over like that. You definitely dwelled on those questions a lot, but you were too stubborn to ever ask them, because that would mean you’d have to speak to him, and you’d made it clear you were done speaking. If you spoke to him that might give him the impression that you were willing to listen to his side of things, and that might lead to him thinking you could forgive him. Can’t have that. 
You’re not a forgiving person, not when the offense is that deep and it was. You loved Kim Taehyung with your whole heart. You planned on doing ‘old and gray’ with him. You built future plans together, he was your best friend, he was your safe place and you were all those things for him as well. It was right, he was Mr. Right. 
You find it so unusual and infuriating that even after two years, you feel that pain like it was freshly served every time you think of him.
“I’m relaxed,” you tell her with a stiff shrug, “and this weekend is about you and Joon, not me, so I don’t care when he’s coming.” 
 In the two years you’d been broken up with Tae, you had found it quite challenging to keep up your friendship with Fi, considering her significant other - and now fiance - was Taehyungs older brother. In fact, they met because you and Tae had set them up on a blind double date. You managed, however, to avoid him at all costs. Until now, because who else would Namjoon choose to be his Best Man other than his brother? 
“Yeah you really look it,” Fi snorts, “you’re sitting beside the ocean underneath a warm sun and you look so uptight that I’m scared you’re going to start shitting diamonds.” 
“Well maybe I’ll shit a necklace, it can be your ‘something new’,” you tease and she laughs, maybe you’ve dodged the wrath of her observational skills. 
You try to go back to your book, you’ve made it all the way to page two, but just like every other time this morning you’ve attempted to read - the words start to blur together when your mind begins to think of the inevitable: He will be here. You will have to interact. You’ll have to play nice. 
“You know, Joon says he hasn’t gone out with anyone since you two split,” she offers casually as she flips onto her stomach. 
“Fi…” her name comes out as a warning. 
“Sue me, I’m just saying that it’s worth noting the man has been punishing himself the entire time you’ve-,” 
“Where’s your phone? I need to check the time,” you say quickly, digging in her tote until you feel the shape of the device that you don’t need whatsoever. You’ve got nowhere to be until dinner this evening. 
“You can change the subject all you want, but tonight at dinner you’ll have to face the problem you’ve been running from all this time head on,” she reminds you, painfully. 
“I’ve not been running Fi. I walked away, with the entire thing blowing up behind me and didn’t look back. There’s a difference,” you point out. 
“Fine. Avoiding is the better verb then. Semantics,” she eyes you from under the brim of her hat, “you never gave him the chance to explain what happened.” 
You scoff, “Unless his dick leapt off his body and kamikazed into her vagina I don’t really need to know what happened. Do you know what happened?” you ask out of curiosity, though you immediately regret the words, it gives the impression that you give a shit. 
“No, I don’t. I promised you I wouldn’t discuss you with him and I haven’t - though he’s tried many, many times - but I do think it’s a conversation you should have with him ___,” she props herself up on her arms, “People move on from affairs all the time, sometimes together, sometimes apart. The point is that they decide what’s best based on all the information, not just the pain it caused.” 
She’s making you angry. You bite down hard on your lower lip to ground yourself. You don’t want to yell or fight with her, not this weekend when it’s her big moment. Her wedding. 
“Hey, I’m starting to feel the sun,” you say, and it’s not a total lie, “I think I’m going to go in and cool off, get some water and lunch. Do you want anything?” you ask. 
You look up towards the hotel and see that Namjoon is on his way down with a towel draped over his shoulder. 
“Ah, nevermind,” you pat her on the back, “a buff Sea God approaches. He’ll take care of you.” 
You gather up your own things and start walking up the beach access where you cross paths with him. 
“Joon,” you greet him with a little nod. 
“Hey. So, how many mimosas has my bride had this morning?” he chuckles. 
“Four,” you answer, “but those last two had like the vapor of OJ in them, so I think it’s probably time for a dunk,” you wink. 
You don’t quite make it into the hotel before you hear Fi’s shrill scream and you smile as you watch Joon pluck her off the chair, toss her over his shoulder and head to the water. They splash and play and you can’t help but enjoy it - but then pain encroaches on the moment and your smile fades as it so often does, and you disappear into the hotel before anyone can see how bitter you are. 
Namjoon and Fi had wanted you all to carpool to the restaurant together, but you’d insisted on driving yourself for a few reasons. 
For one, it gave you an immediate means of escape, should the sight of Kim Taehyung drive you to projectile vomiting. Also, it gave you some time alone to talk yourself up, to psych yourself into thinking you could navigate this evening without succumbing to any emotions. You’d done such a good job, for two long years, of not letting him know what he did to you. Not letting him see how he devastated your life. Most importantly though, not letting him in. 
“The Kim-Park wedding party?” you tell the hostess as you walk into the lobby. It must be freezing in here, the way your arms and legs erupt in chills. 
“Sure,” she smiles brightly and points across the dining area, “out on the patio, just through those glass doors.” 
No less than sixty seconds ago, getting out of your car, you’d felt confident. However, as you close in on the patio doors you realize that despite knowing this moment was coming, despite going over it in your head every night for the past few months - you have no idea what to say to him. You’d not practiced the conversation even once in your head, which is unprecedented for you. 
You pull your hand off the door like it burned you and slip to the side before anyone from the party can see you through the glass. You press your back up against the cold wall and take a deep breath. 
“I think we’re both doing the same thing.” 
His voice, so deep and familiar, daggers you. You look over and sure enough, on the other side of the doors he stands there, tall and lean, pressed up against the wall with his fists shoved into his pockets. 
He crosses over to you, and you take an instinctual step back, he notices but doesn’t remark on it. 
“I’m hiding from you and you’re hiding from me,” he continues. 
At some point, you’ll have to speak. Eventually he’s going to think you’ve either lost your voice or worse, that his presence has rendered you speechless and you refuse to let that happen. 
“Why would I hide from you?” you ask, correcting your posture and steeling your nerves. 
“Because you don’t know what to say, and you hate not knowing what to say,” he answers and your blood boils at the fact that he’s right. You hate that he knows you, inside and out, knows your personality, your faults, your strengths, your comforts. He knows what you look like naked, what you love in bed and how to - STOP. There is absolutely no way you’re letting your mind go there. 
“Why would you be hiding from me?” you ask instead of admitting he was spot on with you. 
“Because I was afraid at how much it would hurt to see you,” he says, “turns out it was worse than I’d thought.” 
He looks at you then, really looks, from your face all the way down to your heels. 
“You look so pretty,” he whispers with the saddest smile you think you’ve ever seen on a human being. You think you also see the glint of tears dusting his lids. 
“Thanks,” you say in a cold, disinterested cadence, “We should get in there before they start wondering where we are.”
“Listen, __, I’d really like to sit down and talk to you this weekend,” he stops you by placing his palm gently on your shoulder. It may as well have shocked you, the way you stiffen up and shimmy away from it. 
“Taehyung,” you say sternly, “We’re here this weekend because your brother and my best friend are getting married. It’s their weekend, and you and I are responsible for making sure everything is memorable and good. That is the beginning and end of my obligations. So I really couldn’t give a flying fuck about what you want.” 
Then you push through the doors without giving him a chance to reply. 
You hate yourself. You didn’t have to be that cruel, not after two years of giving him the silent treatment. The look on his face tells you that you may have taken it too far. 
However, by the time you’ve sat down you’ve already switched gears. You angrily set your clutch on the table. The look on his face? On his face? It’s nothing compared to the look that was on yours. The look you wore for months in the wake of what he’d done. So he can look however the fuck he wants. To Hell with him. 
A waiter brings you a glass of champagne and you fight the urge to chug it down and ask for another. That won’t do any good though. The last thing Fi and Namjoon need is for you to get hammered at their party and ruin it. Besides, champagne hangovers are the worst. It’s not worth upsetting Fi. 
When you look up to see Fi storming towards you, you think that ship may have already sailed. 
“What?” you ask like a child about to get yelled at. 
“What did you do to him?” she hisses, taking the seat next to you. You don’t dare ask who she means, else she might smack you out of your chair. 
“That’s weird,” she scrunches her face, “because Joon is in the mens room convincing Taehyung not to leave! He’s crying ___.” 
“Oh for God’s sake,” you roll your eyes. 
Her hand squeezes your arm, more violent than comforting, “Go fix this. For two years I have been on Team ___ one hundred percent. I have cried with you, screamed with you, drank with you, wallowed with you and hated on him with you. It’s my turn. Please go be on my team.” 
Her words hurt, and you suddenly feel like a villain. 
“Okay, okay,” you stand and finish off your champagne, “I’m going right now.” 
When you swing open the mens room door you catch sight of Taehyungs disheveled face in the reflection of the mirror. You have to look away because he’s so devastatingly handsome, but also because it turns your stomach in knots to see him hurt, even after everything that happened. 
“I’ll just,” Namjoon mumbles, side stepping you towards the door, “yeah.” 
You both stand there silent for a long time, the only noise in the space are his sniffles, which echo against the metal stalls. Eventually someone is going to come in so you need to move it along. 
“I won’t apologize to you,” you begin with, because you feel like it’s important to outline that boundary. You owe him nothing, least of all an apology. “There are no words that I could use against you that will hurt you more than you hurt me.” 
“I’m sorry,” his apology comes out in a hoarse rasp that grates on your deepest heartstrings. “___, I’m so fucking sorry. You have to know that by now. I’ve not dated another person, I’ve not even fucking touched anyone since you walked out of my apartment - two years!” 
You don’t believe for a second that he’s been touch starved for two entire years, and you add that on to his pile of lies. 
“I love you, still, I’ve loved you every second,” he blurts it all out in a rush, and you expect he assumes you’re going to walk out or slap his mouth shut any second. The words still effect you, the notion that he still loves, after all that’s happened, and you feel your throat tighten with the threat of tears. 
“Don’t,” you hold up your hand, “Just don’t. We need to get it together. Namjoon and Fi expect us to be there for them this weekend and that’s what we need to do. So we’re going to walk back in there together like we’re best fucking friends, go on, do what you need to do,” you wave toward the sink. 
He sighs, resigning to you, and turns away. 
When he’s splashed his face and dried off the two of you end up where you started at the patio doors. He offers you his arm. 
“Pretending to be friendly doesn’t require you touching me Taehyung,” you point out. 
“Can I at least open the door for you?” he asks, pushing the door ajar before you can answer. The palm of his hand ends up resting against the small of your back. You stiffen and shoot him a look. 
“Sorry,” he pulls it away rapidly, “old habits.” 
“Break them,” you seethe, then transition back into the party, trying to look pleasant. 
Your back tingles in the wake of his touch, or maybe tingle isn’t the right word, but you feel it. Like a phantom pain. You hate that it felt good, natural, and like a comfort. 
You try not to think about it. You try not to think about how different this weekend would be had he not ruined everything. You try not to think about how happy and fun it would be to celebrate Namjoon and Fi together, as a couple. Would he have proposed by now? Would he have done it this weekend? After Fi and Joon ride off into the sunset together, would he have taken your hand and walked you down the beach and given you a ring? 
You push it down, pretending that you’re not hurting. You smile through a dance with Taehyung and Joons father, and brush it off when he mentions how disappointed he was how things ended between you and his youngest son. You smile through a photo of the wedding party, which just consists of you, Tae, and the bride and groom - thankfully you stand on the opposite end of Taehyung. 
You wait until you get back in your hotel room to fall apart. 
“No rest for the wicked?” 
Namjoons voice startles you. You’ve been sitting in an outdoor area of the hotel that overlooks the ocean. 
“I don’t get to come to the beach often, just soaking it in,” you tell him and look out over the seemingly infinite darkness of the water against the night sky. 
He hands you a beer and sits down in the seat next to you. 
“Thank you,” he says, “for talking to Tae so he wasn’t a sniveling mess all night.” 
“I didn’t,” you reply honestly, “I have no interest in talking, but I did tell him we needed to keep it together for you and Fi.” 
Namjoon nods and sips his beer. 
“You’re still angry with him?” the question sounds more like a statement, but either way it irks the shit out of you. 
“Wouldn’t you be?” you snap a little. 
“I don’t know,” he shrugs, “Maybe. I’d think I’d at least want some closure though. So I could move on with life without being so angry all the time.” 
“I’m not angry all the time,” you argue. 
“Aren’t you?” again, it sounds more like a statement. 
“You know, since it’s such a monumental event I’ve been trying really hard not to knock your heads together, but if you and Fi don’t stop dredging up my relationship with your brother I make no promises,” you half joke, half warn. 
Namjoon laughs a little, but his smile fades after a few moments. 
“Maybe we just see something you don’t.” 
“Yeah? What do you see?” you challenge. 
Namjoon raises an eyebrow, “Do you want me to be brutally honest?” he asks permission. 
“Sure,” you lie and take a difficult swig of beer. 
“I see my little brother, who made a mistake. A terrible, awful, stupid mistake - but a mistake no less,” he begins but you cut him off already. 
“Namjoon, a mistake is filing your taxes wrong. A mistake is forgetting to pull the roast out of the oven. A mistake is something you didn’t mean to do. Fucking someone else is a very long string of choices in which multiple opportunities to stop occur and the person chooses to continue anyway,” you explain. 
“Okay, fair enough,” he sighs, “I see my little brother who made a very awful and stupid choice. I’ve watched him rot in it for the last two years. I’ve watched him punish himself to torture. He won’t let himself enjoy anything, he won’t let himself be happy. He doesn’t smile, doesn’t laugh. I’ve never seen him in such a dark place.” 
“You’re breakin’ my heart,” you mutter darkly, taking a long sip. 
Namjoon tenses, but he doesn’t scold you. 
“Then I see you,” he points the tip of his bottle towards you, “who’s writhed in your own misery for two years. You never even had a conversation with him, you just stamped a period down before the sentence was even over. You love him,” he holds his finger up to shush you when you start to deny this, “Don’t deny it. Just shut up and listen. You love him, because if you didn’t it wouldn’t still effect you so much. He loves you too, by the way. I’m not saying you need to get back together with him, I know it seems like that’s where I’m going with this but I’m not. What I mean is that you need to talk, and I’m sure it will be a very uncomfortable conversation, but you both need that closure. This misery has to end.” 
“He cheated on me Joon,” you say pathetically, chin wobbling. 
“I know, I know he did and it was so disappointing to all of us. We were all pissed at him, but I also know how uncharacteristic it was. He’s never done anything like that before, and I doubt he’d ever do it again. You’ve got to stop acting that even entertaining the idea of forgiving him or even speaking to him would make you lose this imaginary game that no one is playing,” he says. 
An imaginary game that no one is playing. 
The words play over and over in your head long after you finish your conversation with Namjoon. They plague you all night, and most of the next day. 
Are you playing a game in your head? The more you allow yourself to think about it, the more you realize that you’re no different than you were that night. You haven’t changed or grown or moved forward in any direction in two years. You’re still the same wounded, humiliated, hurt woman who was sitting in his apartment while he told you he fucked someone else. Maybe you should have had a discussion - no maybe - you should have. Probably not that same evening, God knows you were in no condition to have a stable, adult conversation. 
In the aftermath though, that’s when people start to rebuild, and you did nothing of the sort. Not with Taehyung by any means, but not with yourself either. You’d chosen to stay miserable, chosen to hold that hate so strong in your heart that no one, not him or anyone, could penetrate it. You’d done it all because you thought it would punish him, but all you’ve truly done is punish yourself. 
Rehearsing the ceremony, and going to the dinner that followed was non-negotiable as Maid of Honor. Obviously. This is the part you’d been dreading, because as Best Man, Taehyung was practically your escort for the duration of the wedding. 
So far you’ve managed to remain civil, if being completely silent is civility. Thankfully Taehyung has read the vibe and hasn’t tried starting up any type of conversation with you. Eventually the minister pulls Namjoon and Fi off and you and Taehyung are left completely alone. 
“Think we’re done?” he asks. 
You’ve rehearsed the ceremony no less than seven times, and aside from the bumpy first take, the rest went off without a hitch. The music is on point, you and Taehyung know your cues, Fi’s youngest cousin had a blast tossing her pretend flowers. Everything went according to plan. 
“Probably,” you offer him three syllables and no more. 
“Good. I’m starving,” he says, resting his elbows on his knees. He starts playing with the sand beneath him, and you watch him. Like this, with his attention elsewhere, you can observe. His hair is much longer, his frame a little thinner and you wonder if that’s got something to do with an emotional issue or if he’s been dieting or something. It bothers you, that he might not be eating properly, and you get angry with yourself. Then Namjoons words echo, “an imaginary game that no one is playing.” Being concerned about a man that you spent loving for so long won’t make you lose anything. 
“You’ve lost weight,” you tell him, attempting to keep any emotion from your voice. You pull your arms around you. 
“I guess,” he shrugs, looking at himself as if he’s never seen his own body. 
“You should eat more, you look thin,” you say, then before you can add anything else, you stand up and walk away toward the banquet room. That’s where the rehearsal dinner will be, and that’s where they can find you if they need you. You can feel Taehyung staring at you as you go. 
Everyone is so enamored with the bride and groom that you scrape by without being noticed much. You fill a plate that you poke with your fork, and smile when it’s appropriate. You look happy whenever Fi starts talking to you about anything, and you smile and participate in pictures. 
You’re sat next to Taehyung for most of the dinner, but thanks to the chaos of the event with so many conversations going and attention on Fi and Joon, you don’t have to interact with him much. 
“These noodles are fucking good,” he says as he slurps some into his mouth. 
“Here, take mine, I’m full,” you use the back of your hand to scoot the bowl over to his area. 
“Thank you,” he says politely, though you can feel his eyes boring into you as if to ask ‘why are you being nice to me?’ 
“You’re welcome.” 
“Wine sir?” a waiter asks Taehyung and gestures to his empty glass that’s remained as such the entire time you’ve been eating. 
“No, some more water would be nice though, thanks,” he says and the waiter nods and trots off. 
“It’s good, not too sweet,” you tell him, picking up your own glass and taking a sip. This is your attempt at a conversation, the sweetness of wine. 
“I don’t drink anymore,” he says in a way that makes you feel like you shouldn’t ask why. Something in your stomach twists and you think you can probably guess. 
He was probably drunk, when it happened, when he decided to bed somebody else. It puts a sour taste in your mouth as you swish the wine around. You force it down your throat and set the glass back down on the table, wiping your mouth with a napkin and standing up. 
“I’m going to go lay down, not feeling good,” you tell Fi, and you can see in the way that she looks at you she knows you’re lying. You don’t care. The rehearsal went fine. No one cried. No one yelled. You’re still on her fucking team, but dinners over, and you don’t have to do this anymore, at least until tomorrow afternoon. 
As you’re heading out you notice the table where they’re keeping the bottles of wine and champagne being served. With a quick look around to make sure no one’s watching you pluck a bottle off the table, they can consider it your fee for having to make a speech in front of a crowd tomorrow. Small price to pay for gushing about love and happily ever afters when you’d rather eat dirt. 
The hotel pool closes at 10PM, and it’s well after midnight as you sit on the edge, skirt bunched up around your thighs, legs dangling in the water. 
Fi had come to check on you, and you’d continued the charade of a headache, explaining that you’d taken something and you’d see her in the morning to help her get ready for her big day. She was apprehensive, but left you alone. 
Too overwhelmed by the silence of your room, you decided to take your stolen booze and sit by the empty pool. The sound of the nearby ocean should be enough to drown out your thoughts. 
Except it wasn’t. 
You were still thinking about everything Namjoon had said. You were still thinking about what you wanted to say to Tae. And each time you took a sip of wine, you were thinking about him hovering over his coworker, the scent of alcohol on his breath, as he pushed into her and made her feel good the way he did with you. You felt like vomiting, but kept drinking anyway, call it self-flagellation. A punishment for being a bitter hag who can’t let anything go. 
When the pool gate creaks open, you turn, expecting to explain to a staff member that you were just about to leave. It’s not an employee though. It’s Taehyung. 
Your gut reaction is to tell him to fuck off, but you stop yourself. He seems to expect it, in the cautious way he approaches, he looks as if you’re about to send him away any second. Instead you turn back to the water, watching the reflection of hotel windows ripple on the waters surface as he rolls his pants up and sits next to you. 
“It’s warm,” he says after several moments, when it’s clear you’re not going to snap him in half. 
Silence. You sit next to one another for what feels like forever, though only about ten minutes probably pass. You take languid sips from the bottle occasionally, but you don’t look at him or offer any words. You’re just procrastinating, sitting stagnant as you’ve been doing for two years.
“Go ahead,” you finally say. 
“What?” he croaks, seemingly shocked that you’ve spoken at all.
“I want to know,” you take a big gulp from the bottle, “I want to know why you did it.” 
He takes a long time to answer and you wonder why. After two years, after all the five thousand word essays he tried to send you, shouldn’t he have all this outlined already? 
“The entire PR department was at that conference,” he starts. You remember. He’d gone to a week-long conference with the other people in his department, which you’d not really given much thought to, but that’s where it happened. While he was away. 
“The group had never been out together, in all the years we’d worked with each other, so on the last night we decided to go out drinking at some bar. It was all just good fun, until it wasn’t,” he says darkly and you waiver, but let him continue. 
“We got so drunk, God I was wasted,” he says with a shake of his head, “the kind of drunk where anything sounds like a good idea. Someone could suggest jumping off a bridge and you’d be like ‘fuck yeah, that’s the best idea I’ve ever heard’ because you’re just so out of your mind. Eventually we all had to go back to the hotel we were staying at, but I honestly can’t remember if it was because one of us suggested it, or because the bar staff wanted us out, but somehow I ended up in an Uber with Lia.” 
Lia. You’d met her several times at his office Christmas parties, and you knew she was the one he’d fucked without ever having to say her name. You choke down the whimper that wants to escape and wipe your tears away with the back of your hand. 
“She randomly admitted to me that I was her work crush, but I could barely comprehend what she was saying. The car was spinning. I kept looking out the window, but then she’d start talking again. She was telling me that her marriage was ending and she was depressed. She felt alone and hopeless - it was all so heavy - and then she started touching my leg, and scooting closer-,”
“Okay stop, stop,” you suck in a ragged breath. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, “I thought maybe being transparent was best, but the whole truth - without the gory details - is that there was no reason ___. I was drunk. She was drunk. I think I felt bad for her, but I don’t remember feeling anything. I don’t remember what we said, I don’t remember how it felt,” he drags a hand down his face, “I threw it away for nothing. I ruined us, everything we built, everything I loved, everything I wanted for absolutely fucking nothing.” 
You look away from him and hide your face so you can sob quietly. He places his hand on top of yours, and you stiffen, but don’t pull it away. 
“Please say something,” he urges. 
“I don’t know how to feel,” you sniff, “I don’t know if I should feel better because it was nothing or feel worse because you threw me away for nothing.” 
“I’m so sorry,” he repeats and you’re not sure how many times you’ve heard the words, a thousand - millions? Suddenly though, it doesn’t disgust you when he says he’s sorry.
“I hated you,” you say.
“I know,” he cries, “I deserve it.” 
“I hated you because it was your fault, you’re the one who ruined everything, you’re the one who should’ve suffered but instead I spent six months balled up in my apartment sobbing, screaming for you, screaming at you, I was a fucking mess Tae,” you sob. 
“I know, God I know that I hurt you so bad, and I know you may not want to hear it, and I know it was a different kind of pain but I swear to you I have been in agony for the past two years,” he sniffs. 
“I will never be the same,” you admit, to him and to yourself, “I will always feel like I’m not good enough, I will never be able to trust like I used to, and I will always wonder when someone is going to choose someone else over me and it’s all your fault!” 
“I’m so sorry ___,” he says. He scoots over close and starts to wrap his arm around you. God damn it you want him to. You want him to comfort you, you want to cry into his shoulder. You want it so bad. 
So you shove him into the pool, naturally. 
You watch him flail for a few seconds before he realizes the water is only waist deep, then he stands up, flinging his wet mop of hair from his face and sputtering water. 
“Are you kidding?” he squeaks, he looks like a drowned mouse. 
The look of utter shock on his face has you biting down hard on your lips trying to hold it together, but it comes out anyway. 
You laugh. You laugh so hard you can’t breathe, so hard that you snort, so hard that you feel like your chest is going to burst but you can’t stop. 
“Sorry, I gave in to my intrusive thoughts,” you tell him between gasps of air. 
“Intrusive…fuck,” he mutters, trying poorly to pull himself back onto the edge of the pool. You use your foot to shove him back in. 
“___!” he scream-laughs. 
“I couldn’t stop myself,” you shrug, still giggling. 
“Yeah?” he gives you a look as he pushes his wet hair out of his face. 
“No…” you warn, but before you can even get the whole word out he drags you in by your arms. 
“Bastard!” you squeal, wiping the water from your eyes. 
“Sorry, I gave into my intrusive thoughts,” he parrots and then splashes you for good measure. 
You shove him backward and he disappears under the waters surface, until you feel him grab you by the ankles. He pulls hard and you lose your footing, joining him under the water. You fight the sting of chlorine as you open your eyes, finding your target, and you reach out and pinch one of his nipples beneath his ruined sweater before pushing off the bottom to get air. 
“Oh that does it!” he jeers, dramatically rubbing his chest and leaping over to where you try to scramble out of the pool. He grabs you by the waist and drags you back down, pinning your arms with one of his and using his other hand to tickle you. 
“Stop! Please stop!” you plead between fits of laughter. 
You manage to loosen his grip and twist yourself until your chest is pressed against his. Suddenly playtime is over, and it’s just you looking up at him, his arms still around you, unrelenting. 
“What are we doing right now?” he whispers, pushing a wet piece of your hair off your cheek. 
“I think I’m forgiving you,” you say, and you rest your forehead against his chest as he holds you tighter. It feels so good that you continue to stand there, despite the absurdity of standing in a pool fully clothed. 
“This pool is closed, and those clothes are not appropriate swim attire to be wearing in the facilities,” a stern voice intrudes and you both spin around to see a very annoyed looking employee drumming her fingers on the top of the fence. 
“Sorry!” you yelp, jumping towards the pool stairs. 
“We were just going, we’re very sorry,” Taehyung echoes as he follows suit. 
“Yes, well, the pool rules are posted right here,” she taps a sign hanging on the fence aggressively, “for future reference. Have a good evening,” she grumbles, though she looks like she hopes the two of you have anything but. 
Taehyung grabs a few towels off a nearby caddy and you pour out the wine, then toss the bottle into a waste basket. 
Only a few people stare as the two of you walk towards the elevators, clothes drenched, but then again, there’s only a few people around at this hour anyway. You both grin like cheshire cats as the doors shut in front of you. 
Without giving it much thought, you reach over and lace your fingers into his, and when the elevator opens on the floor that’s been rented for the wedding, you lead him out and down the hallway to your room. 
“Wait,” he stops short, though he doesn’t let go of your hand as you slide the card into the door lock. 
“Are you sure you want me in there? I don’t want to wake up tomorrow morning and have you regret all of this,” he says, holding your hand to his chest. 
“I’m not going to, at least that’s not my plan,” you assure him as you cross the threshold - though if you’re being completely honest, you have no plan. You have no idea what you’re doing, or if it’s a good idea or a bad idea. 
“Then… what?” he wonders, looking like if he breathes the wrong way or says one wrong word you’ll smite him. 
“Take your wet clothes off and just lay down with me,” you shrug. 
“You want me to get naked, then get in your bed?” to say he looks stunned is an understatement. 
“Yes, if it will make you less uncomfortable I’ll sleep naked too,” you tell him with a shrug, pulling your skirt off. 
His eyes darken just a bit, “Is this some kind of torture? You want me to press my body against yours and try not to touch you?” he laughs, but his mouth sounds dry as a desert. 
“It’s not meant to be a punishment, but yes, that’s what I want. I want to lay here with you, in a very vulnerable state, because I want to know what it feels like. I want to know if it makes my skin crawl or if it makes me want you to fuck me and hold me against you the rest of the night. I’m testing the water, so to speak,” you say. You continue peeling wet layers of clothes off until you’re completely nude, then you pull down the sheets and get in. 
Taehyung stands there for about three seconds before he starts fighting his wet clothes off. You watch the lean muscles of his stomach ripple as he tugs the, very expensive looking, ruined cashmere off, and you lock eyes with him as he pushes his jeans and boxers off in one go. 
He’s hard, which isn’t very surprising, not that you’re just so incredibly irresistible that he can’t help it, but you understand what he’s going through because you are too. You’re wet, you can feel the slickness with every movement of your lower body. It’s been two years. You weren’t completely chaste in that time, though it was never anything that lasted more than a weekend, and the number of encounters were very few. You also aren’t sure if he was being honest about his two year celibacy streak, you’re not ready to accept that or not, but if it is true he’ll probably combust. You only take a tiny bit of inappropriate satisfaction from that. 
When he crawls in as well the two of you just lay on your backs, a whole other person could fit in the space between you, and you stay like that for a little while. 
“Skin crawling yet?” he asks timidly. 
“Not yet,” you sigh, and turn the lamp off, then roll over next to him, draping your bare thighs across his. You’re a little embarrassed that your slick slides against his leg. 
“Jesus christ,” he groans in a whisper as your hand slides up to find purchase on his chest, his arm coming around to pull you in close. 
“What about now?” he asks in a strain. 
“Nope. Not yet.” 
You’re being honest. It doesn’t make you sick, or angry, and it doesn’t make you feel like you’ve lost. There is no imaginary game. No imaginary score. Not anymore, and you breathe the first easy breath you’ve taken in two years. 
You take his hand that rests on top of yours and pull it down your torso, his fingertips brush over one of your nipples and your lips part against his shoulder. 
“Fuck,” he breathes out, and you continue pulling his hand lower and lower until his fingers rest above your cunt. 
“What do you want?” he asks, twisting over so you’re more under him than beside him. His fingers play idly in your soft tuft of hair, but he doesn’t try dipping them any lower. 
You take a deep breath, your pussy aching, “I think you owe me one, wouldn’t you say?” 
He nods, licking his lips, “I’d say I owe you a lot more than one, tell me, I’ll give you anything you want. Just tell me,” he urges you, his lips ghosting the side of your face. 
“I want you to touch me, and then I want you to go down on me like your fucking life depends on it,” you take his mouth with yours, sliding your fingers into his still damp hair to anchor him. 
You both let out involuntary moans when his fingers come in contact with your slit. He drags the wetness up from your entrance to your clit, circling around in a way that has you pushing back, spreading your thighs further for him. 
He toys with you as you kiss him, tongues teasing, teeth bumping, but his fingers persist. Then he pushes one in, followed by another and you groan. 
“Tae,” your voice is soft and pleading, and he delivers, thrusting his fingers into you hard and deep, the way you love. The way he knows you love. He pauses every so often to work your clit, and each time you have to hold yourself back, have to control your body so you don’t cum so soon, so you can enjoy it longer. 
“Does it feel good?” his voice is deep and scratchy in your ear and you nod, eyes closed, hips moving in time with his fingers, “Are you close?” 
You can’t help the breathy laugh that escapes, “Yes. So fucking close, fuck,” you curse as his fingers go back to your clit, this might be it, but he slows down. 
“Do you want me to finish you like this, or do you want me to eat you out? Because I really, really want to eat you out,” he smiles, taking your ear between his teeth gently. 
“Tongue,” you manage, “Definitely tongue but please keep using your fingers for the love of God.” 
“Absolutely,” he kisses you deeply once more before disappearing under the sheets. 
“Oh my god.” 
When his tongue drags up your slit, your back arches so far off the bed you’re pretty sure you’ll feel it tomorrow. Your mouth drops open as he fights your hips back down on the bed, tongue snaking and sliding over every centimeter of you. When you finally manage to settle down, he pushes his fingers back into you, lips wrapped around your sensitive bud in a gentle suck. 
Your eyes water at the sensation as you gasp and shake, then he switches to soft, wide licks and it finishes you. 
“Ohfuckohfuck,” your hands land on the sides of his head and you hold him in position as you cum, contracting rhythmically around his fingers, still buried inside you. 
When he resurfaces you immediately drag his wet mouth onto yours and wrap your arms around his neck. 
“More,” you tell him, reaching between your bodies to guide his cock to you. 
“I won’t last long enough for you to go again,” he warns. 
You shake your head, “I don’t care, just keep going, please,” you beg and it sounds so desperate but you don’t care anymore. 
“I missed you,” he whispers, and he pushes into your still throbbing cunt. “Oh fuck.” 
It feels like forever before he starts moving, thrusting in and pulling out agonizingly slow. You meet him with every push, grinding into him, connecting yourselves. 
“I can’t,” he whines, “I can’t hold it.” 
“Then don’t,” you tell him, dragging your nails down his back. 
“Shit,” he freezes on a particularly deep thrust and you feel him twitch, spilling himself inside. 
He collapses beside you, damp from sweat and breathless. He’s beautiful.
You scoot over and wrap yourself around him, like before, and he pulls you in, kissing the side of your head. 
“I missed you too,” you whisper, then close your eyes and let yourself rest against his chest. 
You wake up to frantic knocking on your hotel door. 
“___! Hi, it’s me, Fi, I’m getting married today, in case you forgot - just mentioning it because you and I have an 8:30 appointment for massages and it is now,” a brief pause, “8:27 and I’ve not heard from you!” 
“Shit!” you scramble out of bed, grabbing the blanket as you go to wrap it around you.
“Ahh!” Taehyung whines, “Cold!” 
You open the door and greet her. 
“Oh my God,” she says, looking at your naked, disheveled state wrapped up in a hotel duvet. 
“I’m cold!” Taehyung shouts from the darkness of the hotel room and you squeeze your eyes shut, bracing for her reaction. 
“Oh my GOD,” she screams. 
“I’ll meet you at the spa, I swear, just…go…just…I’m so happy and this is your special day…but go,” you stumble over the words. 
“I…” she points to the hall, “I’ll go. Meet me down there,” she says then jerks you close, “and be prepared to tell me fucking everything.” 
You pad back into the room, flipping on the light switch. Taehyung sits up and rubs his eyes. 
You slide into your bra and grab a shirt, “Hi,” you say back. “You have to go.” 
“Do I have to go because you’ve got somewhere to be? Or do I have to go because I make you nauseous and you don’t want to look at me anymore?” 
You press your lips together trying not to laugh, “You have to go because my best friend and your brother are getting married today, and we both have places we need to be - with them. After everything is over, we can figure all this out,” you say pointing between the two of you. 
“I swear.” 
He nods, then gets up grabbing his discarded clothes from the night before. 
“This is still wet,” he frowns, showing you his sweater. 
“Sorry about your fancy sweater,” you laugh. 
You’re not entirely sure what to say or do, so you stand on your toes and kiss his cheek. 
“I’ll see you later,” you tell him. 
He nods, “Later.” 
When you check in at the spas front desk they send you to the waiting area, where Fi awaits you, looking very smug. 
“Don’t,” you tell her, taking the seat next to her. 
“Don’t what?” she says innocently, “Don’t bring up the fact that I just caught you red handed from spending the night with my brother-in-law?” 
“Technically he won’t be your brother-in-law until after 1 o’clock,” you point out. 
“Deflecting. Interesting. What does that mean I wonder?” she raises a brow. 
“Weren’t you and Namjoon both hounding me, telling me I needed to talk to him?” you ask. 
“Talk?” she snorts, “Boy, when you have a talk you sure go all out.” 
“We did talk!” you defend, “Before - we had a conversation at the pool.” 
“How did that go?” 
You think about it for a second and sigh, “Well, it definitely made me sad. It reminded me of everything I felt in those months after everything. I ugly cried clutching a bottle of wine,” you say with a half laugh. 
“I can tell, your eyes are grotesque - no offense - we’ll have to fix that for the photography later, but go on,” she compels. 
“So yeah, I cried, I told him how much I’d hated him and how miserable I’d been, he apologized for like the trillionth time and I don’t know, I felt different all of a sudden, I actually believed him. So I pushed him in the pool and ruined his cashmere,” you explain. 
“The cable knit Celine?” she gasps. 
“Jesus Christ,” you mutter, walking over to the coffee bar, praying it’s strong. 
“Sorry,” she says, “but that shit is easily more than two G’s. But yes, we’re talking about you, sorry. What made it feel different? And why did you push a grown man in cashmere into a pool?” 
“Something Namjoon said, the first night Taehyung was here after the bathroom incident, he kind of put things in perspective for me,” you tell her. 
She smiles dreamily, “Yeah, he kind of has a way of doing that huh? What was it he said?” 
“Imaginary games,” you say. 
“I don’t follow?” 
“Would you say I’m a forgiving person? That I handle offenses well?” 
“Abso-fucking-lutely not,��� Fi says resolutely. 
“Agreed. I get in my head and keep score. If they hurt me, I have to hurt them worse and if I can’t, then I act like letting it go is losing, so I hang on to it and stay angry because in my sick little toxic mind, that means I’m still winning,” you sit back down and slurp the coffee. 
“Tired of winning now?” she says softly, taking your hand in hers with a squeeze. 
“Yes,” you sigh, lay your head on her shoulder, “I’m tired of winning now.” 
Fi was stunning. No, more than that - she was traffic stopping, literally. In her custom wedding gown, guests and even strangers literally stopped in their tracks to stare at her. You cried all day at how beautiful and happy she looked. She glowed. You only looked away from her once really, to see Namjoons reaction when she cornered the aisle and came into view - worth it. 
At the reception Fi leans over to you, “I think someone has been itching to get you alone all day,” she whispers, nodding over to Taehyung who’s in the middle of a conversation with a cousin, but you see him side eyeing you every couple of seconds. 
“I’m your maid of honor Fi, it’s my job to be in your ass all day in case you need me,” you tell her, resisting the urge to run to him. 
“Okay. I appreciate that and everything, but I’m letting you go. Your job is complete, you married me off. Now go,” she nudges you out of your seat. 
You walk over to him as the cousin disappears back into the throng of people and he turns to you. 
“Dance with me?” he asks, and you nod as he takes your waist on the floor. 
You sway back and forth to some romantic jazzy number, resting your head on his shoulder, drinking in his scent and his warmth. You smile. 
“So what happens now?” he whispers, “What happens when we leave this paradise and have to go back to the dreary, gray city?” 
You look up at him, and he kisses you gently on the lips. 
“I think…” 
You tilt your head and smile, “I think we should start meal planning.” 
“Meal planning…” he looks perplexed, but then recognition reaches his eyes and his face softens. “Meal planning.” 
“Yes. It’s more cost effective, and it’ll be easier to eat healthy if we only buy what we plan for.” 
“Sounds like a good plan,” he grins, then pulls your head back onto his shoulder and the two of you continue dancing, even when the music changes to a more upbeat song, you just sway back and forth, pressed together tightly to make up for the distance you held for too long.
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poppadom0912 · 5 months
His Girl
Warnings: Brief mentions of the Burke drama and Hannah's overdose situation, Will's dating life?
Summary: Through all the women in his life, at the end, only one ever truly mattered.
A/N: Just because I want to, I'm changing a few things around just for the plot. I was inspired by several fics on ao3 about singlefather!Will so i thought i'd make this part of my Faith Halstead series. Hope you enjoy!!
This is my last fic of the year. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and will have a wonderful new year. Fingers crossed 2024 will be our year. See you all next year!!!
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Faith's mother had never been present. It had always been just Faith and Will from day one and he never saw a reason for that to change till he moved back home to Chicago.
Then Will's favourite duo became a trio, Jay unsurprisingly becoming a staple in their lives. Will didn't see any reason to change this dynamic when everyone was happy.
But then he met a few women who changed some things.
Natalie was the first to some degree. There were feelings on both sides but she had a newborn son and a mother-in-law who didn't like him for some reason. Their kiss was a 'mistake' and so he moved on.
Nina was his first official girlfriend since moving back and his hesitancy to get back into the dating scene was as clear as day. So they took it as slow as necessary.
Will was scared. He liked Nina relatively and they were at a point where he was comfortable enough to introduce her to Faith but the lingering fear of abandonment remained. He didn't want to introduce a female and a possible maternal figure into her life just for them to leave.
Luckily, Faith was just touching five when they broke up and he finally got with Natalie.
Those two to three years could be described as near bliss.
He loved Natalie and to see how she took Faith in with open arms, he could've cried on the spot right then. And she was the perfect older sister to Owen, three years her younger, getting along as though they were blood related siblings and being as thick as thieves.
"Hey bubbles." Will called out. His nerves radiating as he sat down besides his daughter on the floor with her toys splayed out on the carpet.
"How would you feel about papa and Natalie getting married?" He asked, apprehension lacing his words. Marriage and having a mother were topics Will often breached with Faith but it had never got this serious and he'd never do anything to this degree without having Faith's permission.
But the second her brown eyes lit up as bright as the stars in the sky, Will felt like everything was finally coming together and for once, he could give his daughter everything she wanted and deserved.
Faith was seven when everything came tumbling down.
She'd been with the bridal party when everything unfolded. She tried remaining naive to the nerves of the bride who she had yet to start calling mum. She tried remaining oblivious at the church when her dad hadn't shown up yet but she sobbed her little heart out when Will was dragged away from her into witness protection.
For the first time in her life, Faith didn't have her dad and she didn't know what to do with herself. Nothing made sense to her, living in a house with Natalie and Owen but not her papa.
When uncle Jay Jay brought him back though, Faith's world was glued back together again, she could finally breathe and for a second everything went back to normal and she thought they'd get the happy ending they deserved.
But then Natalie, the only motherly figure she had besides Maggie, broke up with Will and wouldn't let the duo back into her life.
That was the first ever heartbreak Faith experienced and somewhere deep down, she wasn't sure she was ever going to forgive Natalie for putting her and her papa through such pain like they hadn't been through so much already.
Her newly turned hatred was made apparent. Once the father and daughter moved out, whenever Faith found herself visiting the ED, she actively tried avoiding the woman and if they happened to stumble upon each other, Faith would send the hardest glare a seven-year-old could muster and not even a hi was exchanged.
Natalie's hurt didn't make Faith feel too guilty. She only felt a little bad when Will gently scolded her for being so cold to the woman who was supposed to be her mother once upon a time.
Faith was eight when she was introduced to Hannah. Ever since Natalie, Will had been more hesitant than ever to get into a relationship. The pain Faith went through post breaking up with Natalie had been long lasting and the thought of that happening again deterred Will from the dating scene.
But surprisingly, Faith was the first to propose he go forth with whatever his feelings for Hannah were. Somewhere deep down, apparently, Faith had a soft spot for the OBGYN that gave Will the confidence to move forward.
However, fast forward one year and no disrespect towards Hannah, but if Will could go back in time, he would've changed things.
Will could never forget the events that unfolded that night.
He was coming back from work, you were with Hannah at her apartment, spending the night together which made Will feel some sort of way knowing how well the two were getting along.
The apartment was pin drop silent when he entered which was surprising since it was a weekend and Faith always begged with her puppy eyes to stay up, Hannah could never resist them.
Just as he was taking his jacket off, he heard a familiar cry that caused the hair on his arms to stand on end, his head snapping up at the sound.
Will moved faster than he ever did before, taking large strides towards the distressing cries he barely heard from his little girl as she got older.
"Bubbles, what's-" Will cut himself off as he rounded the corner and caught himself in the bathroom doorway, gripping the doorframe so he wouldn't trip from how fast he was moving.
"Papa!" Faith's voice cracked as she cried. The second she saw her father; she scrambled up from where she was sat on her knees on the ground. "I w- I was just going to brush my teeth when I heard a bang and, and I found her..."
Faith sobbed into her father’s shirt, back turned to the unconscious woman on the floor, her face pushing into his torso as though she could burn away the image from her mind but she had seen enough.
Will immediately switched back on. "Bubbles, listen to me. I need you to go into her room and get that big bag that papa has at home and bring it. Can you do that for me Faith?"
Faith hiccupped, rubbing her red eyes as she nodded up at her dad. Will pressed a quick kiss onto her temple before watching her scramble out the bathroom allowing him to give all his attention to his girlfriend.
It was safe to say, that night did quite a number on Faith and Will found himself taking the blame.
Now in present time, Will hadn't dated anyone since Hannah. He talked to a few women at work and if things had been so much more simpler, something could've happened but then everything flashed before his eyes and he stopped himself.
Faith was eleven now and she was still the sole focus of his life besides work. He could never forgive himself for what he put her through with the women he tried bringing into their lives only for it to never work out.
In the end though, when all was done it seemed that just the two of them survived and thrived perfectly alone.
When Faith first came into Will's life, it was just the two of them battling alone together in a world neither could navigate and eleven years later, it was a little easier but there was still so much Will wished he could get rid of just for her sake.
The sound of the car door opening broke him out of his thoughts, his head turning as he smiled at his dishevelled daughter.
"Hey, how was school?" Will asked, softly smiling at her messy braid, tucking back the fly away hairs behind her ears before pulling away from the school.
Faith hummed, fiddling with her beaded bracelet. "Was good, I have a permission slip you need to sign."
"I'll do it tonight after work, make sure to remind me." Will told her as he started driving towards his brothers and sisters-in-law’s place. Despite his failing love life, his younger brother managed to settle down and Hailey loved Faith despite the short amount of time she knew her.
"Papa-" Faith stumbled over her words, picking the skin around her nails as she tried to form her question. "Um, are you happy?"
Will was caught off guard. His eyes widened a little as he took one hand off the wheel to stop Faith from picking her skin, his tutting making her stop instantly.
"What? Why would you ask that bubbles? Of course I am, I'm more than happy." Will answered confidently, looking at her at a red light to try understand what was going through her mind.
"Why? What happened at school?" Will's tone changed at the thought of someone saying something bad to his little girl.
"No! No! It was nothing like that I promise!" Faith hastily answered before her dad could turn the car back around to give the school a piece of his mind.
"It's just, you haven't gone on a date since Hannah..." Faith licked her lips nervously as she brought up Will's ex who didn't have the best lasting effects on them. "Is it because of me?"
"Of course not. Why would you think that?" Will asked her calmly, completely confused as to why she was thinking in such a way. "I promise you bubbles that I'm happy. You're all I need Faith."
While he drove, Will took a quick glance over to his right and found himself smiling at the adorable face Faith was making. Her eyes squinted from how hard she was smiling to herself at her father's comment.
"C'mere you little gremlin." Will said, welcoming how fast she got up from her seat to be enveloped into his arms. Squeezing as tight as he could, Will made sure not to suffocate her before pressing a kiss onto her hairline.
"Alright, love you lots. Have fun-"
"But not too much fun. I'll keep Uncle Jay in line." Faith rolled her eyes, already knowing what her dad was going to say since he'd been saying the same thing all her life.
Watching his not so baby girl run out the car and towards her uncle's home, Will felt his heart flutter, his chest all warm.
Yeah, he's made some questionable decisions regarding his love life but there was not one mistake made when it came to Faith. When everything came tumbling down, she was all that mattered and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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manawari · 4 months
A bit of angsty idea—
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When he (Eun-seok) was sunshine, she (Hee-jin) was midnight rain. He wanted it comfortable. She wanted that pain. He wanted a bride. She was making her own name. Chasing that fame. He stayed the same. All of her changed like midnight.
Hee-jin was a famous popstar, living up to her group's name to entice the audience endlessly. She stole the hearts of hundreds. Many wanted to be like her. Many wanted to be with her. But little do they know, her heart was already someone's property.
Eun-seok was your trusty average guy, he preferred the life of simplicity and was happy with what he had. And of course, his relationship with one of the cherished figures in the entertainment industry was out of the world.
But sometimes, they couldn't make it work. When Eun-seok called her, Hee-jin usually wouldn't answer as she was too busy. When Hee-jin tried to call him, he was busy with work too. Hee-jin was started to feel bad and Eun-seok reassured her that it was fine, he understood, but it made no help.
In the end: Hee-jin was the one who chose to break it off the night they met up. . . Not knowing Eun-seok already had a ring in his pocket.
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mjlovescm · 4 months
Illicit affairs, Spencer Reid
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Very old Spencer oneshot inspired by "Illicit affairs" by Taylor Swift.
“Meet me outside in seven minutes. We need to end this now.”
As you read the text, you could feel your stomach turning. 
“We need to end this now.”
We, huh? He ended it months ago, so what could he possibly need to talk about. You walk to the gift table and drop your present off. Perfume and cologne. The same ones they wore the first day they met each other. No name signed on that part would hurt too much. 
You asked Spencer so you could be exact about what you planned to buy. It's a simple gift, really, but it's the thought that counts. It's sweet with sentimental value. The perfect gift for the perfect couple. The perfect girlfriend and boyfriend, soon to be the perfect husband and wife. 
With the gift gone, you walked towards the exit before being stopped by a worried Penelope. 
“Y/n have you seen Spencer ?” Your heart drops. “We want to start soon, and the guests are getting anxious.”
You panicked not knowing what to say so you shake your head instead. You were flustered, your face warm in anticipation.
Of course, everyone is anxious. No one wants the groom to be missing on the wedding day. Everyone's looking for him, and he's waiting for you outside. You felt disgusted with yourself. Guilt was written all over your face. And soon tears would be too. 
Scanning the parking lot, the only person you could see was a tall man in a large dark coat. You almost didn't want it to be him. 
It had been ages since you and Spencer spoke one on one, and you knew this would be just like the last time. He'll tell you it's over, the best thing to do now is to move on. But maybe this time would be different, maybe this time you would say what needed to be said. Maybe this time you'll be the one he wants…
The man turns around, revealing himself, his face covered by the hood on the coat. You smiled seeing him again, all dressed up with his long brown hair gelled back and the bowline glasses that fit his face perfectly. You opened your arms for a hug, any sort of embrace from him. Instead of doing the same, Spencer roughly grabbed you by your arm, pushing you against a car behind him. Making sure no one could see you. 
This isn't the time or place to make a scene. 
“Why are you here?” He barked.
“What no hi, hello you good y/n.” you attempted to lighten the situation. 
Clearly you failed. 
“Answer the question,” he demanded. 
From this angle you could see his face fully, it was lit up by the moon. Being pressed against the car brought back memories. Memories of him and you, but his face lit by candles, and you were pressed against his bed. Naked. 
“Are you gonna answer or not?”
“Surprisingly, I was invited by the bride, Ms. Jennifer Jareau. Well, soon to be Jennifer Reid, but I highly doubt she'll take your last name.” 
The tension and anger is visible not just on his face, but also in the way he was holding you. His nails digging into your skin, you still pressed to the car. The only time he was as you was when you threatened to tell her about your relationship. If you could really ever call it that. 
“Fine. Then why did you show up.” he hissed.
He lets go of you, he knows remaining calm was the best thing to do. He wouldn't ever hurt you, at least not in a way you wouldn't enjoy. 
“Why wouldn't I show up? My friends are getting married.” 
You state the obvious.
“You know why you shouldn't show you. We've been over this y/n, it was a lap in my judgment, JJ and I were having issues, and you comforted me when things escalated.”
“A lapse in judgment for almost half a year.” you yelled, pain cracking your voice.
His hands flew over your mouth and Spencer silenced you. 
“Y/n, JJ is my best friend, okay she means the world to me. I'm sorry I no longer think about us the same way you do, but the fact is… I am marrying the love of my life today.” He speaks slow and careful, praying you understand. “You telling her we slept together for a few months would break her trust in me, in our relationship, in your friendship with her, but most importantly, it would break her.”
It would. It would absolutely shatter her, you couldn't care less what happens to Spencer in the end. But JJ, she deserves to be happy. She deserves the truth, right?
Spencer calms himself and takes a step away from you as you think. 
“Fine, I wasn't planning on telling her anything anyway. But I have to stay for the wedding.” you attempted to stand your ground. 
“No.” He demanded. “No, you have to leave. Coming here was one thing, but staying is something else.” 
You stood still, frozen in disbelief. He didn't trust you enough to stay.
How did everything crumple so fast ? How did he go from crying in my arms about how much he missed her to coldly forcing me away again ? You could feel the tears in the corners of your eyes. It soon became hard to breathe, but you hold yourself together. Crying in front of Spencer wasn't something you could do, not again. Not now.
“Promise me you won't have any more laps in your judgment, JJ doesn't deserve that, no one does.” 
As you began to walk away, you felt Spencer pull you back. His cold hands cup your face. He kisses you, forcing your face into his. His hands shake from the moment, from the cold, from you. Spencer pulled away from you with tears forming in his eyes. 
“I love you, y/n.” He whispers it, like the secret it is. “Thank you sincerely.”
He ran back towards the building at the speed of light. Leaving you in shock as you stood alone in the large, dark parking lot. That was the first time he'd said those words. 
You walked to your car freezing, your jacket left in the coat check. Silent, you sat in the car for a moment before releasing a large sad sigh. It felt like the first time you'd breathed in months. For too long, you were caught in Spencer's awful chokehold. Without your notice, tears streamed down your face as you looked at the building in your rearview mirror. 
You could stay sure, but what would be the point? 
This night was painful enough, JJ doesn't need that kind of hurt.
“She deserves happiness and he deserves her. No one else needs to get hurt tonight.” you repeat to yourself as you drive away.
Masterlist - mjlovescm "Flashing Lights" Spencer Reid x black fem stripper reader fic
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ultralightpoe · 10 months
Midnight Rain - Jamie Tartt
Authors Note: I have been trying to find any sort of energy to post and get out of bed. Got so close to giving up on life itself and I'm barely back, please bare with me as I try to find my way out of my depression hole I have dug for myself everyone. I know it's been a minute but life has been kicking my ass. Be patient with me - Ultralight
Word Count: 4274
Warnings: slight angst
Apart of my MIDNIGHTS EVENT. (Next Event is Sour by Olivia Rodrigo. Requests closed. Event following yet to be decided)
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Rain, he wanted it comfortable
I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride
I was making my own name
Chasing that fame
He stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
It was an odd thing, falling for a famous person with everyone watching you both, it felt like every private moment had been laid bare to the world for them to mock and laugh at. There was nothing normal about it. 
But then again there was nothing normal about the way you and Jamie Tartt had met. 
You thought of this as you left the Richmond Stadium, glasses covering your eyes as you did your best to hide your face from the flashes, your bodyguard holding the small of your back as he pushed you forward. 
“Just a few more steps until we are in the car.” He informs, blocking a poster from being shoved into your face. 
By the time you are shoved into the air conditioned car you risk a look back at him, and this is the moment all the paparazzi catch a picture of your tear stained face. 
You wish this had never happened.
“I just don’t understand.” You whine, eyes cast up to the ceiling of the building, swirling in the chair as your manager tapped her pen on the desk in front of you with an unamused expression. “I didn’t do anyth-”
“HE WAS MARRIED!” In your defense he had never mentioned his wife and how the hell were you supposed to know? He never wore a ring, he was always in costume and character so it wasn’t like you had talked about his family at all. 
That being said, you felt horrible when you found out, and then your surprised face had been printed onto every magazine and gossip site known to man, which made you look like the homewrecker and him like the lost puppy husband.  What a scuffing tool. 
“So what on earth does this have to do with Jamie Tartt?” You had never heard of him before, not that you were a football fan in general, but you did kind of recognize him from some cheap reality show. 
“He is looking for a change in image, a happy healthy family image.” Your manager explains. 
“So you want me to be his pretty little wife?” You snark, lifting your voice until you're whispering like a 50’s pinup girl and batting your eyelashes at her. “Should I make him dinner every night and kiss him sweetly-”
“How many job offers have you gotten lately?” She snaps, slamming your gossip mags on the desk in front of her. 
She had you there, since he had played victim you had close to no job offers, your image had been destroyed by that pompous man.  
So it seemed Jamie Tartt was your only option. You would play the role of your sweet girl. 
My town was a wasteland
Full of cages, full of fences
Pageant queens and big pretenders
But for some, it was paradise
Your face was printed everywhere by the next morning and Jamie Tartt couldn’t help but try and throw as many of the magazines and papers away during his early morning jog with Roy. 
“The fuck are you doing?” Kent snaps, crossing his arms, his back straight and his eyebrows pinched. 
“I don’t fuckin’ know mate!” Jamie snaps, face bunched up as he panics, the stack of papers in his hands heavier than he thought when he makes eye contact with your photo. You looked so sad he felt his heart shatter. “I jus’ don’ want any of these fucks seein her like this, ya know?”
“Everyone has phones.” His running partner points out and Jamie sighs of disbelief. “Come on, you massive twat.”
With that Roy starts running again and Jamie is forced to drop the magazines in the trash, picking up his speed to catch up with his coach, heart racing against his ribs. 
After this he would call you, maybe try to clear the air. After everything you both went through he was sure you would at least want to talk to him……right?
“So…..I just go to the restaurant…..for the date you set up for me?” Jamie asks, confusion laced in his tone as he stares at his ex girlfriend and now his social media manager. “I just don’t get it Keeley.”
“It’s not something you get, ya?” She smiles, rubbing his shoulders. “Just trust me Jamie, I think she will be good for ya.”
“And she’s interested in me?” There was a small excitement in his chest now, the feeling of being adored always enough to boost his ego. “Then I think I can give this a chance, ya?”
So he did give you a chance, he showed up (late) wearing simple workout gear and asking the host about your reservation. She gives him a disgusted up and down look before side-eying him as she points to a table in the far back. 
You were there, your nose in a book, and not caring about anyone else in the restaurant. And he instantly knows he should have dressed up more, he figured you would be some fangirl and would like him as he is. But now he sees that he looks like a massive twat who showed up late and not dressed up at all. 
“Y/n?” He asks slowly, reaching a hand up to fix his hair subconsciously. Nerves were getting the best of him and when you finally looked up he could not think straight, let alone breathe. It’s like life stopped short. “Holy shit.”
“Yeah? Jamie Tartt I presume?” You ask and he can do nothing but nod. “Why don’t you sit, the paps are going to be here in no time.”
“Paps?” He asks, lunging to sit in front of you, fixing his hair once more. 
“They follow everywhere. I haven’t ordered yet, even though you were late.” 
“Right. Yeah. Thank you for waitin’.”
My boy was a montage
A slow-motion, love potion
Jumping off things in the ocean
I broke his heart 'cause he was nice
He had been one of the sweetest fake dates you’d ever had in your career, and for a couple minutes you wondered if it was a real date, only to laugh it off as a camera flash caught him in the middle of a dramatic retelling. You had to remind yourself that night that it was fake. It was all fake. 
But the kiss you gave him outside the restaurant felt more real than anything else you had felt before, and when you had pulled away your hands were shaking. But he simply smiled and kissed your cheek before disappearing. 
You had exchanged numbers that night, so you wouldn’t have to go through your managers everytime you needed to meet. And that had worked well for the first 2 weeks. 
He had gone from making you laugh at coffee to texting you at 3 am. And though you had a red flag in your mind about the professional boundary you ignored it because why not? If you were forced to fake date someone then why not have fun?
But now you sat in your empty apartment, legs pulled into your chest as you sobbed, wondering why on earth you had crossed the professional boundary. 
Your phone rang somewhere behind you and a part of you wanted to dive to answer it, already knowing it would be him. But you drew the line in the sand, why run to the water to drown yourself now?
So instead you pulled your throw blanket over yourself and let the world wash away. 
“Is there a reason you called me this early?” You laugh, pulling your coat closer around you as you meet him at the side entrance of the Richmond field. “And when will the paps get here?”
“They won’t be.” He looks proud to say that, excitement crossing his face as he reaches for your hand. “I figured you had enough of them so I’ll sneak ya in.”
His hand finds your own and you are filled with the same warmth of the night you kissed him so you follow him without questions. And he seems ten times happier to lead you to the main field. 
“Okay so there are sooo many rules about being on the field, it’s a bit of bad luck yeah? So don’t tell anyone you were here.” He rambles as you look around before pulling out a ball from his backpack. 
“Oh, what on earth is that?”
“It’s a football?” He laughs, throwing it at you which makes you scream and hit it. It bounces off his forehead with a thud that has you gasping. 
“Oh my goodness I am so sorry about th-” But he merely laughs. 
“I said a football not a handball!”
“You mean a volleyball.”
“A what?”
“Why am I here?” You interrupt, leaning to touch his forehead where the ball hit. 
“I was hoping I can teach ya to play.” He blushes when he says it and for a second you are not Y/n L/n international actress, you are Y/n L/n, dumbass in a soccer field. 
So you spend the night running around the field with Jamie as he teaches you tips and tricks of the game, you are sweating and laughing. 
Then he slips and falls harshly and you are a goner, holding your stomach as you fall over him, cackling. 
“You’re a traitor!” He laughs, catching you before you hit the grass and leaning to tickle you. This ends up being a small wrestling match and by the time it’s over you are both laying in the grass, your head on his chest and staring up at the sky. 
“This was fun.”
“Yes. I am really thankful I picked the call up.” You giggle, looking up to him and before you know it you are leaning up to kiss him. And just as the first time you are left breathless and shaking. Then he smiles at you and there is a red flag once more. But you don’t listen. 
“You wanna come back to my place?”
He was sunshine, I was midnight rain
He wanted it comfortable
I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride
I was making my own name
Chasing that fame
He stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
“I just don’t understand, yeah?” He rants, walking back and forth in the coaches office as all five of the men stare at him with odd expressions. “Like I woulda understood if she just told me it was a public stunt-”
  “Ah, I see your dilemma here young pup-” Ted starts, only to be interrupted by Beard and Higgins howling while Roy and Trent both stay silent. “It seems to me like you had some deep feelings for this girl….like, oo oh come on fellas help me out here-”
“Love is dead.” Roy supplies. 
“Beats me.” Trent shrugs. 
“I’m blanking-” Beard panics. 
“LUKE AND LEIA!” Higgins rushes only for beard and Ted to turn on him slowly. 
“You ever seen those movies, Higgins?” Ted asks slowly, and everyone in the room stops. 
“No….No sir.But I know they kiss.” He smiles and Ted nods. “Watch em and then get back to me.”
“Will do, sir.”
“Will you blokes help me?!” Jamie snaps and they all turn back to him. “She won’t even pick up her fucking phone.”
“Well……” Roy grunts and everyone sits up. 
“Oh boy, Roy is about to open up. Buckle in.” Ted giggles. 
“I think if you truly love the lass then you should be Jamie about it and go do what Jamie does.”
“And what does Jamie do?!”
Weeks and weeks of this, dates at restaurants and secret dates away from the paps that relentlessly followed you, and then he would spend the night with you in your apartment. Which was never a requirement but gee what a bonus because you managed to take his breath away with every kiss. 
One tug and his soul is gone, one bite and he is swearing himself to you. 
But his favorite moments between the two of you were when he was laying in your bed, the sunlight streaming through your curtains as you kissed your way up his back to wake him up. In this room you never had that actress pretense you swore by, in this room you were just Y/n. Queen of his heart. 
“I think it’s time to wake up.” You whisper, nipping at his ear as he smiles. 
“Or we can just sleep in…..” He offers. 
“You have a huge game today, and I have my first session on my new film.” 
“A new film?”
“Yeah! I’m playing the love interest, a bit weird when I have to kiss someone dressed as an alien but who am-”
“So you’ll be kissing someone then?” 
“Well acting…. Just like the sex scene is acting and this relationship is-” You are cut off by the sound of his phone ringing but something in his ears screeches. 
It came like a postcard
Picture perfect, shiny family
Holiday, peppermint candy
But for him it's every day
You were right back where you started, swirling in your manager's chair as she glared at you, only this time you felt like there was a gaping hole in your chest that you couldn’t seem to fill. This entire idea had been a mistake. 
“You are right back where you started, but with ANOTHER SCANDAL!” Your manager shouts, slamming the pen onto the table and reaching to grab the tabloids laid to the side. You didn’t bother to look since you already knew what would be plastered all over them. 
You were now not only known as the woman who cheated on Jamie fucking Tartt but you were the reason the team lost their game. You were bad luck. 
A whore. A homewrecker. A lame actress. A waste of space……. But those were just the things that Jamie had said. The public had many many more things to say about it all. 
Your heart stung at the thought of him, trying your best to erase the image of him as tears sprung in your eyes, picking up your stuff as fast as you can before you storm out. 
You didn’t need to be told what a fuck up this was, you already knew it. 
“So… the other day, when we were lying in bed?” Jamie starts, leaning against the wall of the coffee shop as he stares into your eyes, letting you play with the zipper of his jacket. Your back was pressed to the wall as he covered you from the paps, all that could be seen was your legs and at this moment you couldn’t be more happy. 
You, as much as you hate to admit it, loved hanging out with Jamie when it wasn’t a performance. 
“You mean when you forgot your underwear in a rush to leave?” You tease, enjoying the nervous look that crosses his face. 
“Well, you said something that just…. It made me nervous, yeah?”
“What made you nerv-” 
“JAMIE!” A voice calls, breaking you both out of the small trance that had built up between you, both of you taking a step back from each other. You keep a hand on his chest, his own flies up to keep it there as he smiles at the man who interrupted you both.  “DANNY ROJAS!”
“Oy, keep it down, Mate!” Jamie laughs, pulling you to the man dancing. “Danny this is Y/n, Y/n this is Danny.” 
“Wonderful to meet you-”
“You coming to the game?” Danny asks, face filled with excitement. For a moment you want to say no, there was no need for a public appearance at his game, but then you look to see the hopeful expression on Jamie’s face and you feel yourself smiling. 
“If handsome is okay with me going?” You ask, eyes not leaving Jamie. He gets excited, rushing forward to kiss your cheek. 
“I’ll save you a seat!” 
So I peered through a window
A deep portal, time travel
All the love we unravel
And the life I gave away
Jamie found himself running the next morning, thinking about what fucking Kent had said. “Jamie Tartt would fuck it all up of course.” 
Fuck it up? Roy Kent is saying he would fuck it up? That wanker didn’t know anything at all, and Jamie would never fuck it up. 
But then he finds himself at your doorway, sweaty and nervous as he tries to figure out how the hell he got here. Fuck fuck fuck. 
Just as he goes to dash off the door swings open, revealing your tear streaked face staring right at him. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“I have no fucking clue.” He blurts, hands flying up like you are about to swing at him. But you don’t, you merely stare at him as he stares back with a heavy heart. “But I am here…..and I’d love to talk.”
You were thrilled, looking around the stadium with wide eyes as everyone cheered for Jamie. You had seen this man in his element many times, you knew he loved the game but you had never seen him in his element surrounded by his fans. 
This was one heck of a thrill. 
He was cheering with them, and yelling, and honestly just owning the field (or Pitch as the coach had explained). You could do nothing but watch in amazement as the two females beside you cheered them on as well. 
But that’s when things started to go sideways. 
You had just been cheering Jamie on, jumping up in your seat when he made the goal, when you saw your old co-star from the corner of your eye. The pompous asshole that forgot to mention he was married. Within a second of making eye contact he was nodding his head, moving closer to you, mumbling out excuse me’s to book it to you. 
For an instant you think of telling him to piss off, but for some reason you didn’t want the group of people you were sat with to realize that you were a homewrecker, whether you meant to or not that's embarrassing. So you let the panic get the better of you and dash to meet him halfway, tugging on his jacket to drag him up the stairs. 
“What the fuck are you doing-” You start to ask, anger coursing through your veins but when you whirl to glare at him his hands are on your jaw pulling you in for a swift kiss as cameras click in the background. 
In a moment of panic you gasp out, only to swing your hand quickly so slap his face harshly. The sound rings out in the hallway followed by multiple ‘oohs’ as you twist to walk away quickly. 
But the damage had been done already, and twitter was on the jump already. 
'Cause he was sunshine
I was midnight rain
He wanted it comfortable
I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride
I was making my own name
Chasing that fame
He stayed the same
All of me changed
Like midnight
You watch him in amazement for a moment, eyebrows raised while you tried to process the words he just said. He stares back for a moment, tilting his head while he waits for your response, but you can’t think of a single thing to say. 
“I think we already said enough,” You start, wrapping your arms around yourself while he shuffles uncomfortably. 
“No, Y/n let’s just-”
“Jamie, just drop it. We both already said what we had to.” You mumble, attempting to close the door before his foot catches in it and he huffs in pain. 
“Just….. Five minutes, that’s all I need.”
“.......Fine,” You sigh, opening the door and letting him in. 
“Um- what the actual fuck?!” Jamie snaps, coming around the corner his phone glued in his hand as he glared at you. “You mind tellin me why the fuck you were lockin’ lips with that wanker?!”
“Wait, it’s not what it looks like-” You start, but he is too mad, sneering at you when you try to reach for him. 
“So you weren’t actin’ like a whore with a man while I was playing my game?!”
“Excuse me?” The feeling of panic vanishes, replaced by another wave of anger as his words settle in. “Coming from the dumbass that was in Love Island?”
“It was Love Conquers All, I’ll have ya know!” He scoffs.
“Not to mention I don’t owe you anything! THIS IS A PR STUNT!” You shout, not caring at the amount of paps that were beginning to swarm. 
“A pr stunt?” He asks, face falling as he looks at you. “You mean to tell me that you have been dating me for-”
“Pr. Yes. This entire thing has been PR. Did you not know that?” That laugh that slips from your lips is bitter,  eyes welling up with tears. Dear god, did no one tell him?
“Right, so this entire time I have been used by a lame ass actress? You been using my fame to get roles? Is that it?”
“More like I have been using you to clean up my image after….”
“RIGHT! Sleeping with a married man-”
“He didn’t tell me he was married!”
Rain, he wanted it comfortable
I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride
I was making my own name
Chasing that fame
He stayed the same
All of me changed
Like midnight
You watch him shuffle across your living room, jumping up and down on the balls of his feet as he tried to talk himself up,  breathing out slowly as he turns to face you. 
“I have never been good with this whole….feelin’ thing. But then I met you and for a moment I thought I had it, you know? I thought I was gonna get the life with the girl that loved me because everytime I was near ya my heart started cracking through my fuckin’ ribcage.” He begins, rubbing the back of his neck. “Then you are tellin’ me that it was all fake-”
“It wasn’t all fake.” You whisper and he sucks in a breath. 
“It wasn’t?”
“No, I wouldn’t have slept with you if it was.” You scoff, rolling your eyes. 
“I’m sorry for what I said.”
“Me too.”
“I….. I want it to be real.” He admits, taking a step closer. “I know it was all fake……now I do. But I want this.”
“Because you’re the wind beneath my fucking wings!” He smiles, moving until his hands are on your shoulders. “You make my heart race and you are the only one on this earth that doesn’t seem to mind my massive fuck ups. I fall in front of ya so many times a day, and you’ve seen me flex in a circus mirror and get frustrated and you have seen me-”
“I get it.” You smile. 
“Please, Y/n, just give me a chance back. Let’s make this real.”
“But it might not-”
“We can make it work! If you can learn football then we can make this work.”
You stare at him, and he stares back. For a moment he thinks you are going to say no, and he begins backing up until you nod. 
“Yeah.” You nod. “Okay.”
I guess sometimes we all get
Just what we wanted, just what we wanted
And he never thinks of me
Except when I'm on TV
  From that point on there was a stark difference between the actress you and the real you. Actress you kissed handsome men on screen and ended up in a tabloid once a week, accusing you of vile things. 
Real you, well real you ate gummy worms in bed with your charming husband that loved hearing all the rumors, reading through them and acting them out like a fake fight. You went to all his games, he showed up to all of your premieres. 
Sunshine and rain mixed into a storm of chaos that both of you loved. 
I guess sometimes we all get
Some kind of haunted, some kind of haunted
And I never think of him
Except on midnights like this (midnights like this)
“Are ye ready yet?” He calls, laying on the couch as he watched the screen before him, laughing a bit when he sees Nate the Great slip on camera. 
“No, I am not!” You snap, rushing into the living room in a panic, searching around. He picks his head up to watch you, laughing a little when you trip over the rug. “What are you lookin’ for?”
“My heels!”
“You are wearin heels to a concert you’ll be jumpin around at?”
“They complete the outfit.” You sigh, watching a smile break across his face. 
“No, lovey, your gorgeous tits complete the outfit!”
“OH YOU PIG-” He laughs as you move to throw something at him, dashing to chase you back. You scream out, dashing up the steps to avoid his clutch as he chases you around the house. 
The next morning you both wake up to the headlines “Football star and movie star late for T Swift concert!”
“Is this all they have time for?” He asks, yawning a bit as you laugh. 
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bloodwrittenballad · 7 months
Rotten Work | Izzy Hands x Reader
Summary: You never break a promise
Warnings: Swearing, angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of blood and injuries, established relationship, reader is gender neutral, not proofread!! first time writing for the ol’ wet rat man, i love him
Izzy didn’t want to be seen.
Scratch that, he just didn’t want to be seen by you.
After the “incident” with Blackbeard and losing his toe, there was a shift. A major one. You could see it, the pain on his face and in his soul. Though he hid his emotions well, you could still read him like the back of your hand. You two were married, after all.
That wasn’t all though, course it wasn’t. Even after all these years spent together, going to literal hell and back you still managed to pull through every time. This time, however, it felt like Izzy was giving up. Not just on you and your relationship, but himself, as well.
It pained you greatly, knowing that the man you loved more than life itself was going through the unimaginable and you couldn’t do a damn thing about it. Because Blackbeard wouldn’t allow it.
Because Izzy wouldn’t accept it.
Time after time you tried to get him to let you in, to let you help him, countless nights spent outside his door - the cabin you once shared, before Blackbeard decided to ruin that. He forbid you from even being near Izzy. The closest you could get to him now was to sleep in the hallway, and having to put up with hearing as his soft snores turned into hushed cries when he woke up from yet another nightmare.
You couldn’t do this any longer. He, couldn’t do this any longer. Your time with Izzy had already been cut short due to being forced away from one another, and now you were worried it was going to happen permanently.
Izzy was strong, you knew that, course you did. But what would be the straw that broke the camels back? One person can only endure so much before it all becomes too much, so what would that be?
And when?
After another near sleepless night, you had to fight tooth and nail to make sure you were on deck before Blackbeard decided to make himself present for the day. And god, when he did, well… you just wished he hadn’t. Apparently the last few days you and the crew spent raiding and slaughtering any ship you could find wasn’t enough, because Blackbeard wanted more.
Hasn’t he taken enough?
To mark the matters of the day worse, the ship you raided just so happened to be a wedding. The already impossibly tight knots in your stomach worsened, as you were forced to play a pawn in his little game and tear apart what should’ve been a special day for the newlyweds. Soon, white became splattered with red as you cruelly and savagely sliced apart the bride.
And even when it was all over, you could still hear her soul shattering screams as she cried out for her lover.
You felt sick, not being able to stomach the thought of eating right now. Blackbeard decided to take the cake, now seemingly kind enough to divvy out some for the crew. No one ate any, all too tired and burnt out from the countless other slaughters from the day before. This just seemed like over kill. Heh. Literally.
The others tried making idle conversation, wanting to lighten up the atmosphere, but what could be said right now? It was all so, so… poisonous. At least, that’s how Jim put it. Yeah, was a good word for it. Man, if only you knew how badly those words would bite you in the ass later on.
Word got back to Blackbeard, as it always did.
He wasn’t too happy in what was said. Now, as you all stood before him on the deck, desperately trying not to break when he waved his gun around at the crew when he made them all go around and state that the atmosphere wasn’t poison, it was your turn.
“And you, dear little y/n Handsssss,” he dragged on your last name teasingly. So much malice, so much madness in his eyes. “Do you think the atmosphere on this ship is poison?” Gun pointed at your head, a man you once trusted behind it, the man you loved standing behind him. Izzy. Your eyes, tearful and pained, found his pleading ones. “No,” you let out a gasp, closing your eyes and letting a stray tear fall.
It felt like ages before Blackbeard got through the whole crew, but he wasn’t done yet. When you opened your eyes again, you were met with the sight of him now holding the gun up to his own chin. You looked at Izzy, who refused to look back at you.
Until he did, a fire inside of them that you hadn’t seen in a while. “Fucking end!” he yelled, and that’s when all hell broke loose. The gun went off, so loud and so deafening. Damning. Haunting. Red, a color you began to hate so deeply, starting to stain the wooden floor beneath you. And Izzy… oh, Izzy.
Oh god, you couldn’t breathe. Izzy, now laying on the deck, screaming in pain and bleeding, so close and yet so far from you. The next few moments of your life went by in a blur, and yet you felt like you were moving in slow motion.
You’re not sure who helped you down below deck, you just remembered someone gently scooping you up into their arms as they followed where Izzy was taken to.
And that’s where you where now, where you have been for what felt like days now. His hand was tightly clutched in yours, the grip you had never wavering, even when Izzy was in and out of consciousness, muttering widely and thrashing about.
Your presence and loyalty never wavered, either. Not even when he finally came to, for real, and wouldn’t look you in the eye. Too afraid to find judgement or resentment in your eyes, but those are feelings you would never know how to feel towards him, anyways.
“Iz, please,” you tried to plea. Over and over. You needed him to talk to you, needed to hear his voice. But he just… wouldn’t. He couldn’t. It was bad enough that you had to see him like this, so how the hell was he supposed to keep himself composed and not break into pieces if he trusted himself to talk?
“Izzy, please, just… talk to me.” your voice was so quiet, so gentle, but the pain was there. He couldn’t just hear it, he could feel it too. Your pain was his pain, and his pain yours. The both of you were hurting, for reasons both the same and not.
Hell, Izzy realizes. He’s putting you through hell.
“My love, please. Please,” you cried. The grip you had was beginning to falter, showing him just how tired you really were. He kept his eyes down, off and away from you. His chest rose up and down, tense with the words he wanted to say but didn’t know how. Maybe you’ll get so fed and and just leave him there to rot, as he deserved. He put you all through this mess, you didn’t need to be the one cleaning it up…
But you, being you, stubborn and hardheaded as always, weren’t going to give up so easily. He thought maybe you were, when you released your hand from his, standing up in the meantime. He closed his eyes, thinking this is it. You were going to walk out that door, where you’d never enter from again, leaving him alone to hide in the guilt and shame he felt.
Instead, gentle but firm hands cupped his cheeks, the warmth of them making Izzy open his eyes and meet yours. Finally. You looked down at your, with love and worry and… fire. “Now, you listen here, Izzy Hands. I know, okay, I know it hurts. But it’s me, you can trust me. You have to trust me, Iz. I’m here, I’m here and I love you and I’m not going to leave, even if you want me to. I am here, and so are you… and god damn it, it’s been forever since it’s been just the two of us. We’re safe, we’re okay. You’re okay. You’re safe, I promise. I’ll take care of you, I just… I need you to let me. Let me take care of you, please.”
Izzy lets out a shuddering breath, his eyes never once leaving yours as he replays the words, “you’re safe,” and “i’ll take care of you.” that was supposed to be his job, he was supposed to say that to you. Yes, you were married and yes it was a promise you both made, but he was Izzy fucking Hands, he was supposed to be the protector.
“Izzy,” you stated again, your voice still gentle but firm. Izzy’s tired, teary eyes met yours. He looked so fragile, even more so as you placed your hand on his. “I’ll take care of you,” you promised. Izzy whimpered, “you shouldn’t have to, its rotten work.” he all but whimpered, his face heavy and scrunched in pain. A part of your heart cracked upon hearing the words, because he sounded so defeated.
You shook your head, stroking his hand with your thumb. “Not to me,” you said with finality in your voice. “not if it’s you…”
Izzy’s eyes found yours once more, hating the way your voice cracked when you said that. The walls Izzy began to build up high were slowly but surely coming down, his reluctancy to let you aid him diminishing by the second. “okay,” he said softly, a ghost of a smile on his lips. A smile meet yours as well, “okay.” you nod, hand still in his as you raise it to your lips in a gentle kiss.
“We will get through this, Izzy. I promise. I meant it when I said in sickness and health.”
“I know.” Izzy replied, “and you never break a promise.”
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It's Not Over, Is It?
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{Where a silly game of blooming romance, becomes tangled in a spiders web of jealously and rivalery.}
Cast: (Y/N) (L/N), Bruce Wayne, Talia Al Ghul [Rule 63], Catwoman [Rule 63].
Au Synopsis:
(Y/N), having been chosen as Bruce Wayne's manager/secretary for his "playboy act". Controlling over the media and press that had anything to do with Bruce Wayne or Batman.
(Y/N) is in love with Bruce and is a mother figure to Dick. But Bruce has never once tried to express his love for the reader. Afraid to ruin the little peace and normality he had in his life with you, Dick and Alfred.
So, he finds "comfort", in other's embraces unknowingly.
(Y/N) knows everything about Bruce, to his coffee, to the names that he slept with or fancied when in his "playboy persona".
Has helped create every file and notes or each vilian or other in his rouge gallery.
Talia Al Ghul, the son of the Demon Head: Ra's Al Ghul.
Knows of the little game of "hopeless lovers" when he sees a pair. Instead of waiting for the other to fall, he instead makes his move. Finding (Y/N) under the guise of friendship and a random civilian that happened be at the right place and right time.
Yet. He toys with the Detective, that he and his father had found quite intriguing.
Though he is not seen as a worthy enough successor in his father's eyes. He doesn't mind, finding Batman much more of a worthy advisory and leader.
Ra's sees you as the perfect bride for his son. Along with carrier for the perfect successor.
Catwoman: Selina Kyle
Selina adores poking fun at the Bat when knowing somewhere you could be listening. Often stealing Batmans communicator to converse with you.
He too plays the civilian card with you, wanting to charm you with his real self instead of the sleek cat burglar he dressed as.
He found you gorgeous, more precious than any jewelry he could've stole.
But you know his true intentions (?) and identity.
So often leading him astray with words of formality and obliviousnsss.
"You know, I think it's weird.." The young Grayson started, watching you clean up Bruce's wounds carefully as he stares at you. Doing his best not to flinch or show any signs of pain. Failing terribly, but you didn't seem focused on it. More wrapped up with placing bandages over his ribs.
"What is odd to you, young master Richard?" Alfred questions the little Robin.
Dick looks away from the two, giving Alfred a stern look.
"Mom's been busy as of late..." The sidekick kicks his legs back and fourth on the small chair.
"In what way?" Alfred rose a eyebrow.
"I've noticed she's been getting flowers or little notes. I think, she thinks, there from Bruce." Dick sighs, "but I know there not. But also, I saw this guy follow me and her to the nice bakery she takes me too when I get a good grade on my tests."
"Yeah, the desserts are good. But not as good as your's Alfred."
"Why thank you, Master Dick." Alfred smiled at the young lad. "But I must say, a strange fellow following the two of you around sounds concerning."
"Don't worry, I kept glaring at him and told mom about it. So we left in a hurry. I made sure they didn't track us!" Dick said pridefully.
[Just a small idea I had at 3am, hope you like it!]
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optimizche · 1 year
Missing (Part 11) [Aemond Targaryen x Reader x Jacaerys Velaryon]
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Warnings: Smut, angst, mentions of s*icide
"Tighter, Nyla," you told your handmaiden under the watchful eye of the seamstress, biting down on your lip while she dutifully laced the bodice of your ivory wedding dress. While this was just an initial trial, you were certainly impressed with the skills of the woman who had been commissioned by Queen Rhaenyra to create your wedding gown.
Composed mostly of Myrish lace, its intricate detailing was complimented by thread of gold running throughout the fabric. It hugged your figure gorgeously, curving along your waist and hips while emphasizing the slight swell of your breasts without looking inappropriate.
"I'll be rather surprised if Jacaerys manages to make his way through the entirety of the wedding feast without tearing this dress off of you," Baela commented, a sly grin on her face.
"Baela!" her twin, Rhaena, exclaimed, shocked by the bawdy remark. She turned to you then. "You're going to be the most beautiful bride in all of Westeros."
You smiled at the twins as convincingly as you possibly could, trying your hardest not to show the sinking feeling in your heart at the words.
It was the right thing, you told yourself, agreeing to marry Jacaerys.
You did love him.
Although not in the way as you loved him…
The words of his last letter, that had arrived that very morning swam before your eyes, your mind having memorized it to perfection:
Ñuha dōna rūklon,
I wish to congratulate you on the joyous news of your betrothal. It gives me hope, knowing that you will find your happiness in this marriage, knowing that you will be cared for and well looked after by your lord husband.
Although I must admit, a part of me felt rather relieved upon hearing that you are not carrying his child just yet, it won't be long before you do. And I know that you will take to motherhood as naturally as you have taken on every role in your life.
Do not spend a moment worrying about me, I implore you. In two days time, I am to board a ship to the Free Cities to start my life anew. It will be difficult without you and without the comforts of home, but such is the consequence of my actions and I must live on with the pain of losing you in my heart. I will continue to write to you as long as you want me to. Just knowing that you are happy and reading my words is my only solace in this misery.
Take care of my heart, it belongs to you.
Aedrean Tarbor.
The choice of Aemond's pseudonym made your lips twitch. He was always so dramatic, ever since your childhood days-
It was Baela's voice that pulled you out of your mulling thoughts.
"Where are you lost?" she asked, chuckling.
"I'm sorry," you shook your head, thinking of the piece of parchment hidden in your chambers. "What were you saying, Baela?"
Rhaena spoke instead. "We've been requested in the Chamber of the Painted Table for council."
"Of course, just give me a moment," you said, giving Nyla the go-ahead to help you get changed back into your usual day gown.
By the time the three of you had hurried to the Painted Table, the meeting had already commenced, with Prince Daemon speaking.
"Princess Rhaenys sends us the news of a resurgence of the Triarchy in the Gullet," Prince Daemon said. "This time, they are in alliance with Otto Hightower and his Greens. Aegon the Usurper plans to exact revenge for the humiliation he suffered at Winterfell with Cregan Stark's refusal to ally with his cause."
You frowned, as Rhaena gasped beside you. It was no doubt that the Triarchy was going to target the Velaryon fleet that was blockading the Gullet.
"We must send our dragons to supplement the Velaryon fleet," Queen Rhaenyra said. "Meleys alone will be insufficient against Aegon's Sunfyre."
"Send us, Mother," Jacaerys spoke up confidently from across the table. "I shall fly on Vermax, Lucerys on Arrax and Baela on Moondancer."
"I shall join you on Aquerion," you spoke suddenly, but Jace held up his hand, a soft smile on his face.
"You've just been returned to us after being abducted, dearest," he said.
Queen Rhaenyra nodded in agreement. "You must stay here and rest, dear one."
The Queen gave you a look and you silenced yourself, not wishing to upset her by speaking against her as you had done while she sent Lucerys to Storm's End.
"It is decided, then," Queen Rhaenyra said. "Lucerys, Baela and Jacaerys shall fly to the Gullet on dragonback to strategize with the Princess Rhaenys. That should sufficiently outnumber the dragons of the Greens."
Prince Daemon noticed the distressed look on your face. "Don't fret, little one," he said, giving you a fond smile. "If needed, Rhaena, you and I shall fly to meet the Greens."
You nodded uncertainly, looking over at Jacaerys with worry. He gave you a calm and reassuring grin.
"And now for some happy news," Queen Rhaenyra smiled proudly. "Once our dragonriders have secured victory for us on the Gullet, we shall celebrate with the wedding feast of my son, Prince Jacaerys and his betrothed."
Applause and cheers rang throughout the hall and you looked at Jacaerys, a slightly hesitant smile forming on your own lips seeing the delight on his face.
You swallowed thickly, trying to calm yourself. Trying to internally cope with this sudden and almost overwhelming turn of events. Was it all too much, too soon?
It will be alright, you told yourself. Everything will be alright.
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You had just finished reading the letter 'Aedrean' had sent you for the umpteenth time, shoving it under the mattress quickly when there came a quiet knock on your door.
At this hour of the night, you were certain that it was Jacaerys seeking out your company, your suspicion confirmed almost as instantly as you opened the door. Locking it shut behind him, he had pinned you against it, his lips finding yours with a crazed hunger.
"We both need to be quiet," he warned you, deathly serious, even as his fingers found their way underneath your skirts and into you.
You obeyed perfectly, biting down on your lip almost until you drew blood to keep yourself from crying out and awakening every resident of the castle, while Jace's fingers plunged and curled inside you.
He'd made you come, shuddering against the door until your knees felt weak, before falling into his arms. Guiding you into bed, he lay you down and undressed you, before following suit.
"Fuck, I missed you so much, my darling," he breathed, crawling into the space between your legs. Mind still addled on the remnants of your previous climax, you wrapped your legs around him.
The look in his eyes was wild, almost feral and it would've scared you if you didn't know that this was Jacaerys.
The stretch seared through you, as he pushed the entirety of his length into you at once, drawing out a keen from you. He groaned into the curve of your breast at the way your walls immediately tightened around him.
His thrusts had an uncharacteristic roughness in them, his usual care and gentleness missing as he plunged so deep into you that you were seeing stars.
Your hands flew to grasp at his shoulders, nails digging into his skin as you tried to process this sudden desperation in him.
"I'm right here-"
"I thought I had lost you," Jace gasped, bottoming out until your toes curled into your sheets. "I thought of taking Vermax and burning all of Lys to the ground for having taken you away from me."
"Jacaerys…" your voice turned into a moan that you muffled against his shoulder. "I'm here now…"
The words sounded empty to your own ears but the dark haired Prince seized your hips in a firm hold. "I'm never letting you go."
Pleasure bloomed and swelled inside you, your mind so far gone that you could only hold on to him and take what he gave you.
It was then that it happened, as your eyes fluttered closed, that you began to think that it was Aemond who was making love to you.
It felt so real, that you wanted to scream. You remembered the calloused roughness of his fingers, the warmth of his lips and the spiced musk of his scent. Instead of crying out, you pressed your lips into the pillow beside you, moaning into it while Jacaerys chased his pleasure.
Your mind fed into the illusion that it was Aemond suckling at your breasts and your body reacted almost instantly, the arch of your back steepening as a fresh gush of arousal pooled around his cock.
"Oh, my… I'm going to-" you moaned.
"Not yet, my darling," Jacaerys withdrew from you and before you could even open your mouth to protest he was laying you on your front and pushing right back into you. "Stay with me."
You purred into the pillow you had buried your face into, the sheer force of his thrusts making the bed creak.
Knuckles paling with the grip you had on the silk sheets, you allowed the curtain of your tousled hair to obscure your vision.
It was so much easier to pretend that the man above you, sucking a mark into your shoulder was Aemond, that the man who had his fingers rubbing into your sensitive bundle of nerves was Aemond.
Of course you felt guilt for letting your imagination get carried away, but the overwhelming roar of ecstasy swept everything away. Moaning into the pillow, you moved your hips in time with his, tuning out his groans and gasps of your name. If simply imagining that it was Aemond making love to you felt like this, how much better would it feel if you were actually with-
It crashed upon you without warning, drowning you in pure euphoria, until you felt lightheaded and incapacitated. Dimly aware of the large wet spot you had soaked into the sheets, you whimpered quietly into the silk when Jacaerys spilled inside you, painting your walls with his thick, pearly seed.
"Gods," he groaned, an arm encircling your waist, lips pressing a trail along your spine. "It has never been this intense for us, has it?"
"No, Ae-Jace," you quickly corrected your slurred words, eyelids heavy from exhaustion.
His hands coaxed you to lie down upon your back once more, encouraging you to spread your legs for him.
Cheeks flushing at the intensity of his gaze, you sighed. He eyed you lustfully, watching a glob of his seed dribble from your reddened folds.
You ran a trembling hand across your face, watching through lidded eyes as the dark haired Prince rose from your bed to fetch something.
When he returned, you saw that it was a velvet box he carried with him.
"What's this?" you asked, puzzled. He clasped your wrist in his palm and helped you rise into a seating position.
"I had this commissioned when you were abducted," he said, opening the box.
You gasped.
Inside the box, resting on a bed of velvet, was a delicate tiara. It flowed in a halo of intricately crafted golden flowers, encrusted in rubies that twinkled with the amber candlelight.
"I hoped that the Gods would be merciful enough to return you to me so that I could finally make you my princess," he said, taking the tiara and carefully placing it upon your head.
"Jacaerys…" tears flooded into your eyes suddenly, feeling utterly unworthy of the love he was giving you and at the same time, remembering Aemond's name for you.
Ñuha dōna rūklon.
My sweet flower.
Like the flowers on the tiara resting on your head.
"Hush," Jace leaned in to kiss you, his fingers running through your hair. "Let me pleasure you, my princess."
His hands slowly spread your legs apart, his lips drawing away from yours to kiss a fiery path along your neck. There was a darkness in his eyes as he made his way to your heaving breasts, guiding you to lie upon a mound of pillows.
"Jace, I need to say something," you stuttered, his mouth drawing the soft flesh of your inner thigh between his lips. Sucking a bruise.
"It can wait. I want to taste you. I want to taste us."
Fingers carefully peeling apart your sticky folds, Jacaerys licked a bold stripe, groaning appreciatively before diving in.
Instinctively, your legs opened up to him, the words you had wanted to speak dying on your lips. Arms snaking around your thighs, he held them open, his tongue sinking deeply into you.
Choking on your suppressed cries, your eyes rolled back, head falling back against the pillows. The vision immediately returned, even more vividly this time, of a silver haired, one-eyed man kneeling between your legs instead of a dark haired one.
"Let me… L-let me fly with you to the Gullet…" you moaned, fighting against the pleasure that licked at the base of your spine. "Please, A-Jacaerys…"
Your trembling fingers clutched at his hair, gently pulling him away from your aching cunt. He complied with a reluctant whine, rising to his knees until his lips were upon yours.
It was heady, the sweetness of your arousal mixed into the tartness of his seed. You sighed as his tongue danced with your own.
"My princess, you need to rest. I will lead us to victory in this battle, I swear to you," Jacaerys spoke in between kisses.
"But what if you need me to heal you?" you asked, your hands cupping his jaw. "What if anyone else requires my assistance?"
He grinned wickedly, a glint in his eyes. "All I need at this very moment is to get my fill of your delectable arousal. The world can wait."
Crawling his way down your body, he latched on to you once more, the sight of Aemond between your legs flashing before your eyes.
"I will return to you, my princess. And I will return victorious," Jacaerys reassured you, noting the worry on your face, taking your hands in his just as you fell back against the bed. "I swear it…"
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The taste of the strongwine felt bitter in Aemond's throat, his lips turning into a grimace as he managed to down another cup.
As a young boy, he never quite understood his older brother Aegon's inclination to remain drunk for as much time as he possibly could, choosing to chase women in his remaining time.
But the ache in his heart prompted Aemond to try his brother's favoured remedy of trying to numb the pain. Strongwine, not women.
While the searing agony that threatened to burst through his chest had somewhat dulled, his thoughts remained fixed on you.
Loathing himself for turning into a version of his own brother, Aemond signalled for the tavern wench to fill his cup with more wine.
Arriving at Gulltown after a tedious journey on horseback and using what little gold remained on him that had been bestowed upon him by his mother, Queen Mother Alicent, Aemond had managed to secure a cabin in one of the ships that were departing for the Free Cities.
Within two days, at the first break of dawn, the exiled Prince would well be on his way far far away from all the war and tragedies of his own life to start afresh in Essos. But deep down in his soul, Aemond felt empty. Pulling the hood of his cloak over his head to carefully conceal his hair, he drank another healthy swig of the strongwine. Trying to drown his memories felt futile, his bloodshot, sleepless eye welling up with the realisation of how much he had mucked up his life with a slew of foolish mistakes.
His first and biggest mistake, was letting you go. For letting you feel that your love for him had been worthless, Aemond would never forgive himself. He should've fought harder for you, urged his father, the King to help bring you back to safety. He should have apologized to you, then and there and told him the truth of how much you truly meant to him, instead of chasing after Vhagar.
His second mistake was finding comfort in Helaena once it has been presumed that you were dead or worse. Aemond did not know what possessed him to betray you and your love for him so ruthlessly by fathering the twins. But he had done it and the guilt of it would plague him for the rest of his life. As wonderful as the children themselves were and as much joy they managed to bring him, a small voice in Aemond's mind would forever taunt him and tell him that the children were symbols of his unfaithfulness.
His third mistake was, upon finding that you were alive and well when you had returned to King's Landing, instead of taking you into his arms and kissing you until you were breathless, he'd blamed you indirectly for the loss of his eye. It was his ego and pride that had gotten the worst of him in that moment, leading you to believe that he had only cared about you for your abilities. But it was wrong. He had always cared for you. Only he had failed to show it.
His fourth mistake was agreeing to the Baratheon betrothal, knowing now that you were alive, in full knowledge of how much the news would hurt you.
His fifth mistake was attacking Lucerys, a boy you were close to, in a maddened state of mind, trying to incite a war, to prove his worth to the Greens who had so easily discarded him.
His sixth mistake was hurting you that day near Storm's End, allowing his blade to cut into your precious and delicate flesh. How could he have done that to the woman he had always loved even if it was in self-defense?
His seventh mistake was abducting you, taking you away from Jacaerys, the man who cherished you like he should have. Despite his absolute hatred for his bastard nephew, Aemond held a sense of grudging admiration for Jacaerys. He knew how to show you how you were meant to be loved.
As much as Aemond yearned for just one, one last chance to show you how desperately he still ached for you, he wasn't sure he'd ever be absolved for all the times he had wronged you.
And he was now paying dearly for all of his follies.
Jealousy was an ugly emotion, something that sickened Aemond. But it was all that he felt when he thought of you becoming Jacaerys' lady wife, the mother of his children and a Princess. What wouldn't have he given to have you become his lover, his wife. Every time he imagined you walking down the aisle in the sept, Aemond had thought you would be walking towards him and not his nephew.
If there was anything, anything at all that Aemond could do to go back in time and stop you from running away from him on that night in Driftmark, he would do it in a heartbeat. He'd gladly give up his own life for it, if it meant that you knew that you were always his first love.
While he had told you the same thing when he had taken you away from Winterfell, he wasn't quite sure that you truly believed him. The way you had kissed him back that night gave him a sign that you still felt love for him. But just as determined as he was to try and find a way to prove that his heart had always belonged to you, you were steadfast in your belief of doing the right thing. And the right thing, in your mind, was marrying Jacaerys.
Having known you better than he knew himself, Aemond knew that even if you did marry Jacaerys, your heart would not entirely be with him. Somewhere, deep down, despite your best denials and efforts to suppress it, you'd still feel something for Aemond, because as you had said, he was your home.
And you were his peace.
"Fuck," he muttered, wiping furiously under his red rimmed eye, swallowing the painful lump in his throat with a long sip of the thick wine.
No one would even notice, the once renowned Targaryen Prince, sitting weeping in a decrepit tavern in a port city.
The despair and heartbreak of losing everything and everyone he ever held dear consumed him, viciously and steadily clawing away at his years discipline and self-restraint. Without you, knowing that now you were moving on to marry Jacaerys, Aemond felt hopeless.
He had always known that life was never going to be fair, but he had always imagined you by his side, no matter what. And without you, he was a ship lost at sea. So lost, in fact, that for a moment, the one-eyed Prince looked at the stretch of the ocean out the window before him, imagining the crisp saltwater filling up his lungs if only he decided to walk into the water with his pockets full of stones…
The thought had a startling clarity and a sense of relief enveloped him. Of course he had never dreamt of dying a lonely, miserable death. He had once longed to spend a long and fulfilling life with you, surrounded by your children and grandchildren with him.
But it was all for nothing. All because of a series of impossibly stupid mistakes on his part.
"Did you hear?" came the sudden voice of a burly, bearded man sitting at the table nearby.
"Aegon the Usurper has brought out his dragons to the Gullet."
The word captured Aemond's attention all of a sudden, realization coming at an instant that there was to be a clash between the Greens and the Velaryon fleet at the Gullet.
And Aegon had decided to bring out dragons.
Of course Sunfyre would be there. But the others? Dreamfyre and…. Vhagar?
While Dreamfyre was a docile dragon and could be well controlled by the keepers of King's Landing's Dragonpit, Vhagar was a different story altogether.
An old, war-hardened beast like her did not easily heed the commands of just about anyone. She barely listened to Aemond himself.
If Aegon had decided to bring Vhagar out into the skies, it was a foolishness that would only cost him.
Within a moment, a much more unsettling thought came to him. What if you were to be flying out on your own dragon to join the battle? You wouldn't survive Vhagar's unpredictability and Aegon would surely show you no mercy after Winterfell.
Bile rose in Aemond's throat, fear accompanied it. He had to warn you.
He simply had to warn you at any cost he thought, his feet taking on a mind of their own, taking him straight to the nearest rookery.
Perhaps a raven would fly to you faster than he could reach Dragonstone himself.
This time, Aemond wouldn't choose a dragon.
This time, he would choose you.
Part 12
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f1letters · 2 years
midnight rain | gr63
"chasing that fame, he stayed the same, all of me changed like midnight"
summary: what happens when he decides his career will always be more important than their relationship?
warning: angst, overall just sad, heartbreak, breakup, swearing, mentions of mental health struggles, mentions of hate from fans and media, lowkey toxic George, the beginning of the story takes place at the end of 2021 when George was announced as the new Mercedes driver, happy-ish ending
pairing: george russell x reader
word count: 3.1k
note: everything in bold are song references and in italic are thoughts not only by the reader but also by other people.
well... this story REALLY wanted to be posted, iykyk 🤠 hope the wait was worth it and you enjoy the FINAL version of this story! haha
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Life as we know it is made of cycles.
A conversation started with a hello ends with a goodbye. The beautiful birth ends in a painful death. An open door eventually closes. A sunrise in the morning ends in a sunset at the end of the day. Light always ends in darkness.
And love is very similar to this philosophy of nature.
Like the long-awaited magnificent spring flowers, it is born out of nowhere, giving a new colour and a completely new meaning to our lives. It symbolizes a fresh start, a new chance. With it comes enthusiasm, warmth, eagerness. You wake up in the morning happier, looking forward to facing the day ahead. Everything looks better, more colourful, happier.
Spring was in fact beginning when Y/N met George.
She could still remember the 16-year-old boy at the back of the classroom, constantly lost in thought as he stared out the window. His eyes were on the pink blossoms beginning to bloom on the long branches of the old tree in the high school garden. The girl found herself thinking "Why does he look out there so much?" and hence her curiosity arose. She wanted, no, she needed to meet the quiet guy in the class.
She remembered it all too well, and she was convinced that she would never be able to forget it.
She would never be able to forget how no one made her laugh as he did. How his hand fit hers as if they were made for each other. How the scent of his perfume made her heart beat faster.
Young Y/N didn't know if soul mates were true, or a myth created by hopeless romantics. But of one thing she was sure: if anyone was hers, it was George Russell.
Two halves of the same heart made to unite, two souls destined to meet in this life and all the ones to come, two bodies attached by an invisible thread.
However, every spring inevitably leads to cold, harsh winters. Blue skies are replaced by dark clouds. The sun rays by thunder. The flowers by snow. The colour by grey.
Again, love always follows nature's trend and, as time goes by, it too inevitably leads to rain.
He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride, I was making my own name
Chasing that fame, he stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
Years passed and with them went birthdays, anniversaries, Christmases, New Years, family gatherings and vacations. 
With them went births and funerals, laughter and tears, fights and reconciliations.
But although the wind changed with the seasons, one thing that always stayed the same was the passionate way that Y/N unconditionally supported her partner.
Seven years later, the young woman screamed his name from the audience with the same intensity as when she saw him win the first time in Formula 3. Her heart seemed to jump out of her chest with the same anticipation as when she saw him become a Formula 2 champion.
It didn't really matter to her whether he was racing karts or Formula 1 cars, as long as he was happy and fulfilled, and although his world brought cages and fences with it, she never felt so free as when she had him by her side.
Everything suddenly seemed to change with the announcement of George's new contract at reigning champions Mercedes.
With the career opportunity of a lifetime came happiness, gratitude, finally the reward for all the effort not only by him but by everyone who was part of his support system.
But on the other hand, what for some was paradise... for others has become a torturous hell on earth.
All of a sudden, all eyes were on the Brit. All the media wrote about the talented star who was to succeed seven-time champion, Lewis Hamilton. All the attention was on him, and so was all the pressure.
And to be perfectly blunt, George lived for it. The fame, the luxury, the focus on him, it was everything he ever dreamed of. 
He lived for the flashes, for the applause, for the screams of the fans. 
The lights that seemed to blind Y/N were swiftly becoming the cause of the driver's tunnel vision.
My town was a wasteland
Full of cages, full of fences
Pageant queens and big pretenders
But for some, it was paradise
In the midst of all the chaos, the same eyes that put the driver on a pedestal were the ones that threw knives at the innocent girl for simply... Existing.
In the blink of an eye, and with her boyfriend's last season in the Williams team now wrapping up, all of the young woman's movements started to be carefully studied, millimetre by millimetre.
How dare she be so happy and smiling ear to ear when he just finish the race dead last.
Look at that frown on her face when her boyfriend scored points in a weak car like that.
She looks so annoyed to be there, so ungrateful.
She has a millionaire boyfriend and yet she doesn't have the money to hire a decent stylist.
My boy was a montage
A slow-motion, love potion
Jumping off things in the ocean
I broke his heart 'cause he was nice
He was sunshine, I was midnight rain
Everything was a critique. Because she did something, or because she didn't. Because she said this, or because she didn't say that. Because she used a white that was too white, or because she used a black that was too black.
George Russell was a montage, and she was just an accidental stain beside him ruining the perfect picture.
But she tried. 
For him, she tried to be the bride people wanted for him. And nothing hurts more than trying your absolute best and still not being good enough.
George's focus was solely on making his own name in the world of motorsports and Y/N ended up forgotten and overlooked by the man while she was facing a world of hate alone.
He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride, I was making my own name
Chasing that fame, he stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
Suddenly two halves that once made a whole became two pieces of a puzzle that didn't fit together.
She was sunshine, he was midnight rain.
Y/N was sitting on her couch, just like every night. Propped up on her beige pillows, the young woman followed her daily routine of masochism and scrolled through screens and screens of comments about her, mentally taking notes of what could be improved.
She shouldn't do it, and she knew it herself, but the desire for approval and validation from others was more important to her than keeping her heart intact.
The unexpected sound of her doorbell woke her back to the real world and the girl was immediately confused, as she wasn't expecting anyone at that time of night.
The only company she wanted at that moment was the thunder that lit up the living room every couple of minutes.
The woman got up, putting her hands comfortably in the pockets of her sweater, and walked towards the entrance of her apartment. She looked through the silver peephole and a wave of panic ran through her entire body.
Fuck me, the team party.
Amid all the stress, Y/N completely forgot about the invitation until now she saw her boyfriend, in a full suit, standing there looking at the expensive watch on his wrist, indicating that she was fighting a ticking time bomb.
When she opened the door, George let himself in without even looking at her.
"So? We're already late." The man questioned, still with his vision glued to the counted minutes, while Y/N froze in her place, in her pyjamas, not knowing what to say.
"Why aren't you ready?" Russell questioned, confused and slightly upset with the girl. "It's almost midnight."
"Sorry my love, I completely forgot" Y/N answered sincerely, approaching her partner and placing a tender kiss on his cheek.
"How? I told you multiple times." The boy spoke angrily, releasing a frustrated sigh. "Come on. Go get ready quickly so we can get out of here. We're already going to be the last ones to arrive. Good job, Y/N." The irony escaped his tongue.
Although the guilt was already consuming her insides, the emotional exhaustion associated with the team only made her want to stay home more. She didn't have the energy to socialize, to make small talk, to keep up the shiny appearances.
"I don't feel like going, to be honest." The woman confessed, exhausted, crossing her arms in front of her chest defensively.
It came like a postcard
Picture perfect shiny family
Holiday peppermint candy
But for him, it's every day
"You never fucking do." His voice rose in pitch as he brought his hand to her hair, tugging at it, irritated with his girlfriend. "It's excuse after excuse. You never stop to think this shit is important to me and my career."
The words that escaped his mouth fell on the young woman like a bucket of cold water and, like the deafening lightning outside, the darkness charged through her and consumed her utterly.
There was no turning back.
"You must be fucking kidding me. This has to be a joke." She laughed humourless, in disbelief. "I'm the one who doesn't care. Me."
"What the fuck are you trying to say?" His eyes landed on her, sharp as knives. "Come on, say what you want to say. You started it, now you better finish it."
"What I mean is, I'm done with this picture perfect act. I'm tired of doing everything for you and getting nothing in return other than scorn, indifference, cold words." The girl screamed, releasing the feelings she had hidden for so long. "I never demand anything from you, I do what you ask me to do, I go where you want me to go, I act how I should act."
Y/N felt tears form in her eyes as she continued her rant. "All of that and what do I get in return? Nothing. Not even a single thank you. It's like you don't even care about me at all." A sob escaped the girl.
"Don't be dramatic, Y/N. For God's sake." George shook his head, completely dismissing his longtime partner's admissions.
"See?" A sob escaped the girl, now shattered and heartbroken. "It's all about you. I have zero value in this relationship. What are we even doing in it if you only care about your fucking self and Mercedes and Formula 1? I'm nobody in your life. You don't have space for me in your life anymore."
The driver looked dumbfounded at the girl in pyjamas while trying to understand what he was feeling in the face of her accusations.
Ignoring the time and the party that awaited him, George turned his back on his girlfriend, leaving her alone to cry sitting on the edge of her sofa, and went to her balcony, closing the glass door and creating a physical barrier between them.
How did things go so wrong all of a sudden?
Neither of them understood how such a warm, sunny love story could lead to the beginning of such a cold, rainy end.
So I peered through a window
A deep portal, time travel
All the love we unravel
And the life I gave away
'Cause he was sunshine, I was midnight rain
Putting some distance between them at that moment was undoubtedly the only viable option to avoid ruining everything. Although the future of the two was uncertain, both would rather die than tarnish the past that they shared over the years.
One minute became five, five became ten, and ten became twenty. 
In her anticipation, the sound of the clock hands seemed even louder than the thunderstorm on the other side of the window to Y/N.
Eventually, George returned to the living room, with his jacket now over his arm and a few drops of rain running down his forehead, resembling the tears that now also fell from his sad eyes.
Without breaking the deafening silence between them, the boy moved to the sofa and took his place next to the trembling girl, not a word escaping both of their mouths.
They were both afraid, but they knew what inevitably had to happen.
"This isn't working anymore, Y/N." George was the first to speak, sighing. "This is not healthy for either of us."
The young woman's head and heart battled within her.
On one hand, she knew; she knew it was right and she agreed that it would be better to end it there than to ruin something that until then had been wonderful, even with its challenges.
But her heart…the poor thing wasn't willing to give up the one person who she believed to be the love of her life.
The girl stood up abruptly, making Russell's neck turn towards her, caught by surprise. "No, no, it can't be. I'll just go get dressed and we will go to the party and everything will be fi-."
"Y/N." The man got up and grabbed her hands, keeping her at arm's length. "This. Us. It's hopeless. It's for the best."
"You can't do this to me." The girl screamed, full-on crying and sobbing now, in complete denial. "You can't, you just can't. Not after all the life I gave away for you. You can't, George."
He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride, I was making my own name
Chasing that fame, he stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
She couldn't help but think of all the sacrifices she'd made for him, for his success even against her own well-being.
All the long flights she took to the other end of the world to support him no matter what place he ended up in. All the plans she cancelled to attend his celebrations, galas and dinners. All the mental health she put at risk. And now…she was alone, with nothing, no future, no hopes, no goals, no dreams.
She simply couldn't imagine a world where her future didn't involve him.
"This can't be the end…" She whispered, letting her inner thoughts escape.
George let his forehead rest against hers, savouring what they both knew were their last moments.
"I'm sorry for everything, love, I really am. You deserve so much more than this. But we want different things in our lives now, one of us would've ended up unhappy and resentful for having to be the one sacrificing everything."
The girl's silence was more than an answer for George, understanding that she agreed with him, even though both hearts felt like they were being ripped out of their chests at that moment.
The driver lifted his head until his lips reached the top of her head, where he placed a lingering, heartfelt kiss. His eyes closed tightly, trying to prevent more tears from spilling at the sound of the small girl's cries.
George broke away from the girl and, after letting his eyes study her image one last time, he walked to the apartment door and just left, not looking back once.
He knew that if he did he would never be able to make the right thing and let their beautiful story end there.
He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride, I was making my own name
Chasing that fame, he stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
How to move on when the person you love leaves? Time.
And like the seasons, time moves on.
You learn to get out of bed again in the morning. Getting dressed to go to your family. Gaining motivation to get on the bus and go to work. Accepting invitations to have a drink or go out with friends, even when you want nothing but to stay in bed crying, eating some ice cream.
You don't feel whole all of a sudden, you might still feel like a part of you is missing but you learn to feel... okay.
Time moved forward, and Y/N slowly began to regain her happiness, now depending on no one but her.
Her life went on and she got just what she wanted: anonymity, peace, comfort.
After a year, she never thought of him daily like she used to.
Except when she turned on the TV in her hotel room, after returning from a girls' night in Cancun, and she saw him.
On top of the podium, the driver had finally accomplished his dream of winning a Grand Prix Prix for Mercedes and, with that, add his name in Formula 1's history.
She couldn't help thinking about the "what if"s.
While she would never be able to admit it to another soul, she couldn't help but think about how much she still hoped he was the one.
I guess sometimes we all get
Just what we wanted, just what we wanted
And he never thinks of me
Except for when I'm on TV
Whether haunted by the memories of them or the happiness she could only feel with him by her side, Y/N would survive the heartbreak, and she knew it.
Of course, she still loved him and she believed there would never be a day when she didn't.
But the beautiful thing about love is that you can love someone and want all the success in the world for them… and still go on without them.
What cold, dark, sad winter it was.
But spring always finds a way to come back.
I guess sometimes we all get
Some kind of haunted, some kind of haunted
And I never think of him
Except on midnights like this
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taglist: @dan3avacado @starxqt @roseinnej @spiidergirlsworld @ccloaned @hotpigeon22 @dr3lover @lovelytsunoda @primadonnasdream @luxebeautystyle @wallfloweriism @ilivefortheleague @gwynethhberdara @satellitelh @adavenus @audreyscodes @wifeoflucyboynton @th6ccnsp6cyy @classifiedsblog @flyingmushroomss @motylekrozi @claramllera @gabrielamaex @handsupforamiracle @pierre-gasssllyy @lorenaloveslewis
@idkiwantchocolatee @simpforsunwoo @kissatelier @xweirdxsceletton @micksmidnights @miniminescapist @inchidentwithmax @hopelesslyromantics-world @alwaysclassyeagle @indieclarke @capela-miranda @okokoksblog @pulpfixion @sins-only33 @sainzclerc @allisonxf1 @honethatty12 @amsofftrack @flannel-cures @junkiespromise @loudoperahumanoidpanda @honeyric3 @holy-macncheese-balls @ricciardosheart @pierreverstapkin
@ravenqueen27 @majkaftorek @home-of-disaster @buendiabebeta @itgirlofnowhere @roses-of-eden @thewintersunset @rubychocolatechips
(taglist continues in the comments)
thank you to everyone that asked to be tagged! please let me know if you want to be added to the next stories! 💌
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agent-barnes40 · 1 year
The Truth
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Daemon X Rhaenyra
Bastard Velaryon!Reader X Aegon
Taglist: @velaena @poisonsage808
"What do you mean, your marrying Kepus?" You asked, your silver hair moving around as you circled your Muna, Rhaenyra. The older woman watched as you bristled. "My father just died and now you are marrying the man that forced you to marry my father!" You snapped, your violet eyes shining in anger as you suddenly stepped back, the realization showing in your eyes. "All of us are bastards, aren't we?" You finally snapped, eyes only hardening in anger. "That's why Rhaenys doesn't like the boys or me. I knew you were fucking Harwin, but Daemon?"
"You let me believe that this was a special occasion? That I was a blessing from the gods, to not turn out like my brothers who got the Baratheon blood!" You snapped, hands shaking as you stepped back more, away from Rhaenyra. "Daemon is my father. That's why the King can't look at me! I look like Daemon!"
Rhaenyra let you let it all out, her gaze hardening when you mentioned Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffery. "You will not talk about your brothers like that!" She chided and you scoffed.
"You let my brothers bond with their true father. Why didn't you let me? I should've had the same respect." You were close to the door and when Rhaenyra opened her mouth to answer, you held up your hand. "I know what you are going to say, That he chose Laena Velaryon instead of hunting you down and killing...."
Rhaenyra watched as you suddenly went paler and gagged. "Daemon killed Laenor, didn't he?" She moved to comfort you and pulled you into her arms. "Laenor died in a tragic accident, and it's not rare for people to remarry, it's a good match between the two of us, Daemon and I." She whispered and stroked your hair.
She didn't want to see your face, as she would see Daemon, the man who is causing her child this much pain. The doors to her chambers opened as Daemon pushed them open with a large grin on his face, expecting to see his newest bride, instead, he saw his niece holding her child and the two in visible pain.
"What happened? Are you two hurt?" He was asking, kneeling down. His hand reached out to push your hair away from your face and saw Rhaenyra's eyes glaring at him, the same burning glare that chased him down in his dreams.
"Get away from me!" You shouted and scrambled away, pushing both him and Rhaenyra away, you hurried to get up and took off, sprinting through the halls of Dragonstone and heading to the Dragon Pit to mount Sheepstealer and started to fly to Driftmark, or hell, King's Landing, whichever place Sheepstealer took you to first. Aegon popped into your head, the two of you were close, and he'd be able to comfort you. He'd be able to make sure you got your time to grieve the life you had.
You didn't know when the rain started but all you knew is that suddenly you were being greeted by dragon keepers and Kingsguard. "Can I please be escorted to The Red Keep, please?" You asked quietly. You were drenched and looked like a wet rat. A Guard wrapped their cloak around you and you shivered, thinking about Daemon and your mother. The guards kept a space away from you as they scrambled to assemble a carriage to take you through King's Landing and up to The Red Keep.
You suddenly lurched and the contents of your stomach left you. The guards came closer and moved you away from Sheepstealer, the dragon grumbled and settled down as the guards moved you into a room with a fire, to warm you up more. Aegon suddenly slipped into the room as the prince was near that part of King's Landing and wanted to check in on Sunfyre, only to find you shivering and soaked.
He kneeled down near you and brushed your hair out of your face. "Everything okay?" He whispered, his hand resting on your cheek, and his eyes meeting yours, and that's when the tears finally started. "M-mother is marrying Daemon, a-and I think something else has happened." You whispered in between hiccups and Aegon pulled you into his arms.
Aegon quickly picked you up and headed for the barely prepared carriage that was sent from the Keep to stay near the Dragon Pit. He got you situated in the seat before settling in beside you. "Tell me. What do you think has happened?"
"I think Daemon killed Laenor." You whispered, and Aegon's eyes widened. "Are you sure?"
"I'm positive, and I think my mother is involved." You said, a small bit louder and sat a bit straighter. "I want to become a ward to The King and Queen. I don't want to be near my mother and future stepfather."
Aegon brushed his hand against your cheek and nods. "I'll talk to them." He presses a kiss on the back of his hand, an indirect kiss to your cheek. You knew you were going to be safe, with him and away from those murderers.
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lucifersresources · 2 years
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taylor swift // midnights rp meme. 
edit/alter/change pronouns etc as you see fit!  
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lavender haze. 
meet me at midnight. 
you don’t ever say too much. 
i’ve been under scrutiny. 
you handle it beautifully. 
all this shit is new to me. 
i’m damned if i do give a damn what people say. 
all they keep asking me is if i’m gonna be your bride. 
they’re bringing up my history. 
they’re bringing up my history, but you weren’t even listening. 
i just need this love spiral. 
we lost track of time again. 
you were my closest friend. 
how’d we end up on the floor anyway? 
i see you every day now. 
i chose you. 
we were shaking. 
how the hell did we lose sight of us again? 
ain’t that the way shit always ends. 
i feel you, no matter what. 
and i lost you. 
i wake with your memory over me. 
that’s a real fuckin’ legacy. 
i get older, but just never wiser. 
midnights become my afternoons. 
my depression works the graveyard shift. 
i should not be left to my own devices. 
i end up in crisis. 
i wake up screaming from dreaming. 
one day i’ll watch as you’re leaving.
one day i’ll watch as you’re leaving, coz you got tired of my scheming. 
it’s me, hi. i’m the problem, it’s me. 
i’m the problem. 
i’ll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror. 
it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero. 
i’m a monster on the hill. 
did you hear my covert narcissism i disguise as altruism like some kind of congressman? 
life will lose all its meaning. 
she thinks i left them in the will. 
she’s laughing up at us from hell. 
snow on the beach. 
life is emotionally abusive. 
time can’t stop me quite like you did. 
i’m unglued, thanks to you. 
it’s like snow at the beach: weird, but fucking beautiful. 
you wanting me tonight, feels impossible. 
this scene feels like what i once saw on a screen. 
i’ve never seen someone lit from within. 
my smile is like i won a contest. 
to hide that would be so dishonest. 
it’s fine to fake it till you make it. 
i can’t speak. 
i don’t even dare to wish it. 
can this be a real thing? 
you’re on your own, kid. 
summer went away, still the yearning stays. 
i play it cool with the best of them. 
he’s gonna notice me. 
we’re the best of friends anyway. 
i hear it in your voice. 
i didn’t choose this town, i dream of getting out. 
there’s just one who could make me stay. 
i waited ages to see you there. 
you never cared. 
you’re on your own, kid. you always have been. 
you’re on your own, kid. 
i see the great escape. 
he loves me not. 
something different bloomed. 
i’ll run away. 
i gave my blood, sweat and tears for this. 
the jokes weren’t funny. 
i took the money. 
my friends from home don’t know what to say. 
there were pages turned with the bridges burned. 
everything you lose is a step you take. 
you’ve got no reason to be afraid. 
you can face this. 
midnight rain. 
he wanted it comfortable, i wanted that pain. 
he wanted a bride, i was making my own name. 
he stayed the same. 
all of me changed. 
my town was a wasteland. 
for some, it was paradise. 
i broke his heart coz he was nice. 
i was midnight rain. 
i guess sometimes we all get just what we wanted. 
he never thinks of me. 
i guess we all get some kind of haunted. 
i never think of him. 
i never think of him, except on midnights like this. 
we had one thing going on, i swear that it was something. 
i don’t remember who i was before you. 
i just may like some explanations. 
can i ask you a question? 
did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room? 
what did you do?
did you ever leave her house in the middle of the night? 
did you wish you’d put up more of a fight? 
it was too much. 
do you wish you could still touch her? 
did you realise out of time? 
fuckin’ politics and gender roles. 
i just may like to have a conversation. 
does it feel like everything’s just like second best after that meteor strike? 
i’m sure that’s what’s suitable. 
vigilante shit. 
draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man. 
you did some bad things, but i’m the worst of them. 
sometimes i wonder which one will be your last lie. 
they say looks can kill and i might try. 
i don’t dress for women, i don’t dress for men, lately i’ve been dressing for revenge. 
i don’t start shit.
i don’t start shit, but i can tell you how it ends. 
don’t get sad, get even. 
i’ve been dressing for revenge. 
she needed cold hard proof, so i gave her some. 
picture me, thick as thieves with your ex-wife. 
she looks so pretty, driving in your benz. 
ladies always rise above. 
i’m on my vigilante shit again. 
i think i’ve been a little too kind. 
didn’t notice you walking all over my peace of mind. 
putting someone first only works when you’re in their top five. 
i’m going out tonight. 
best believe i’m still bejeweled when i walk in the room. 
i can still make the whole place shimmer. 
familiarity breeds comtempt. 
don’t put me in the basement when i want the penthouse of your heart. 
i polish up real nice. 
i think i’ve been too good of a girl. 
i think it’s time to teach some lessons. 
i made you my world. 
have you heard? i can reclaim the land. 
i miss you, but i miss sparkling. 
sadness became my whole sky. 
but some guy said my aura’s moonstone. 
you can try to change my mind, but you might have to wait in line. 
a diamond’s gotta shine. 
it only hurts this much right now. 
i’ll be getting over you my whole life. 
i’m falling in love.
i’m falling in love again. 
it only feels this raw right now. 
lost in the labyrinth of my mind. 
you would break your back to make me break a smile. 
you know how much i hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back. 
you’re talking shit. 
addicted to betrayal. 
you’re terrified to look down. 
you’ll see the glare of everyone you burned. 
it’s coming back around. 
karma is my boyfriend. 
karma’s a relaxing thought. aren’t you envious that for you it’s not? 
my pennies made your crown. 
don’t you know that cash ain’t the only price? 
ask me what i learned from all those years. 
ask me what i earned from all those tears. 
ask me why so many fade, but i’m still here.
so many fade.
i’m still here. 
karma is the thunder rattling your ground. 
karma’s on your scent like a bounty hunter. 
sweet nothing. 
they said the end is coming.
the end is coming. 
everyone’s up to something. 
i find myself running home to your sweet nothings. 
all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing. 
this happens all the time. 
you should be doing more. 
to you i can admit that i’m just too soft for all of it. 
i’m just too soft for all of it. 
the planets and the fates and all the stars aligned. 
the touch of a hand lit the fuse. 
checkmate, i couldn’t lose.
i couldn’t lose. 
what if i told you none of it was accidental. 
none of it was accidental. 
the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me. 
what if i told you i’m a mastermind? 
i’m a mastermind. 
now you’re mine. 
we were born to be the pawn in every lover’s game. 
if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. 
strategy sets the scene for the tale. 
the first night that you saw me, i knew i wanted your body.
i wanted your body. 
it was all my design. 
no one wanted to play with me as a little kid.
i’ve been scheming. 
i’ve been scheming like a criminal ever since.
i’ve been scheming like a criminal ever since to make them love me. 
this is the first time i’ve felt the need to confess. 
i’m only cryptic and machiavellian coz i care. 
you knew the entire time. 
you knew that i’m a mastermind. 
the great war. 
my knuckles were bruised like violets. 
cursed you as i sleep talked. 
spineless in my tomb of silence. 
tore your banners down, took the battle underground. 
flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur. 
my hand was the one you reach for all throughout the great war. 
i vowed not to cry anymore. 
if we survived the great war. 
you drew up some good faith treaties. 
you said i have to trust more freely. 
you were playing with fire. 
maybe it’s the past that’s talking. 
maybe it’s the past that’s talking-- telling me to punish you for things you never did. 
i justified it. 
i vowed not to fight anymore. 
i vowed not to fight anymore if we survived the great war. 
got a sense i’d been betrayed. 
that was the night i nearly lost you.
i nearly lost you. 
i really thought i’d lost you. 
we can plant a memory garden. 
there’s no morning glory, it was war, it wasn’t fair. 
we will never go back to that bloodshed. 
we’re burned for better. 
i vowed i would always be yours.
i would always be yours. 
all the outfits were terrible. 
i’m so in love that i might stop breathing. 
i was taken by the view. 
romance is not dead. 
romance is not dead if you keep it just yours. 
levitate above all the messes made. 
i want to brainwash you into loving me forever. 
high infidelity. 
i didn’t know you were keeping count. 
you said i was freeloading. 
put on your records and regret me. 
i bent the truth too far tonight. 
i was dancing around it. 
do i really have to chart the constellations in his eyes? 
seemed like the right thing at the time. 
there’s so many different ways that you can kill the one you love. 
there’s so many different ways that you can kill the one you love. the slowest way is never loving them enough. 
do i really have to tell you how he brought me back to life? 
we were supposed to be just friends. 
maybe i’ll see you out some weekend. 
i think there’s been a glitch. 
i’m fastening myself to you. 
i’m not even sorry. 
i was supposed to sweat you out. 
our love is blacking out. 
the system’s breaking down. 
i’d go back to wanting dudes who give nothing. 
would’ve, could’ve, should’ve. 
if you tasted poison you could’ve spit me out. 
if you’d never looked my way i would’ve stayed on my knees. 
i damn sure never would’ve danced with the devil. 
the pain was heaven. 
now that i’m grown, i’m scared of ghosts. 
memories feel like weapons. 
i wish you’d left me wondering. 
if you never touched me i would’ve gone along with the righteous. 
you made me feel important. 
you made me feel important, then you tried to erase us. 
you tried to erase us. 
you’re a crisis of my faith. 
if i’d only played it safe. 
i miss who i used to be. 
the tomb won’t close. 
i regret you all the time. 
i can’t let this go. 
i fight with you in my sleep. 
the wound won’t close. 
i keep on waiting for a sign. 
if clarity’s in death, then why won’t this die? 
living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts.
give me back my girlhood, it was mine first. 
dear reader. 
if it feels like a trap, you’re already in one. 
just run. 
pick somewhere and just run. 
desert all your past lives. 
if you don’t recognise yourself, that means you did it right. 
never take advice from someone who’s falling apart. 
bend when you can, snap when you have to. 
you don’t have to answer just cause they asked you. 
the greatest of luxuries is your secrets. 
when you aim at the devil, make sure you don’t miss. 
i prefer hiding in plain sight. 
you should find another guiding light. 
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