#(i love my mutuals and followers and ppl who have interacted with me positively the last 6 or so years!!)
milkbreadtoast · 7 months
someone called me 1 of their fav twsb artists....🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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infected-paul · 5 months
hi friends!!! i just wanted to do a little thing where i thank my friends for being my friends and helping make my year brighter!! this is loosely inspired by @mirxzii!
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Firstly, thanks soo much to all my mutuals and followers and everyone else I've had positive interactions with this year on here :)
I'd also like to take a moment and thank all my friends who made my year:
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☆ OLIVE | @jewishruthfleming
↳ hiii ilysmmm you've been such a great friend to me and i'm soo grateful you're my friend. thanks for putting up with me and my hyperfixations which are completely different from yours, thanks for listening to my rambles abt alex wilder. you have literally been one of the best parts of my year, and i wanted to make sure you knew that so
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☆ NOOR | @kohinoors
↳ noor omg first off hi. i hope this is year is soo good to you. you are one of the coolest people i've ever met. even though neither of us like the same things anymore, i still love you soo much, and im so glad you think i'm cool enough to be your friend 🥺 you're like my cool big cousin, ilysmm
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☆ LUNA | @mexicancokewannabe
↳ LUNA BBG HII, literally ilsym. ty for always being there for me and always cheering me up when i'm sad and making me laugh, and making sure ik to sleep. you're such a sweet, fun person and my life is better bc of you 🦐🦐
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☆ MARTY | @vidnasty
↳ marty, i hope you know i think you're like the coolest person ever. even though we don't talk much anymore, i still love you so much, tysm for making me laugh and smile and cry (with your angst posts and fic ideas)! i hope you have a wonderful 2024!!!
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☆ ROXIE | @mirxzii
↳ roxiee i love you just as much now as i did during our encanto phases, even though we don't talk much or have the same interests, i still enjoy seeing your posts on my dash, and i hope you have a lovely year, hon ^_^
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☆ IZZY | @luckynature
↳ izzy!! ilysmmm you are so sweet and cool, and i'm so happy seeing you get the love you deserve this year, (and hitting almost? 1k followers), like congrats babes, you deserve it!!! your ideas and concepts for characters whether oc or existing are always so amazing, like you literally are soo creative omg. you're like the mirabel to my isabela, ilysm have a great year!!
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☆ JUNO | @madwickedawesome
↳ juno u r literally so poggers. omg ilyy ur soo cool and have such great taste. and THANK you for introducing me to lacrimosa. life changing frr alshskk anyway ily!!!
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☆ JAS | @isitovrnow
↳ jas, you're such an angel, thank you sooo much for being my friend!!! you're such a kind, beautiful soul omg, i hope this year is kinder to you, ily
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☆ VARI | @mapsareforbraindeads
↳ niaaa ilysm you are such an amazing writer, and you're so cool. like omg, ilysm i hope you have a great year and i hope life is kinder to you
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☆ ASH | @the-wank-shank
↳ you are like omg. you are so cool, you are also like a big cousin to me!!! your humour is so funny, and your art is so poggers. ily hug!!
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☆ AERON | @lanawinterscigarettes
↳ MY big bro!!! i love seeing you spam my notifs, its like my little way of knowing your online lol, your such a bright person you always make me smile whenever we talk ilysmmm
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☆ AMI | @foxboy-light-yagami
↳ ami you are so funny, your vibes are immaculate, and i love being correct abt light yagami with you. you are literally such a joy and ilysm
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☆ IZZIE | @hateful1979
↳ izzie!!! you are such a lovely person, and have such banger taste omggg i love you so much you're such a delight
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☆ ACHILLES | @nibblelinephym
↳ achilles you are so poggers!!! ilysmm ty for being my friend! you're so nice and always brighten the dash
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☆ CLOUD | @sillysnack
↳ CLOUDDD!!!! YOU ARE ONE OF my favourite ppl omg, you're such a lovely, sweet person ^_^ we've been friends since jan 2022 with our encanto phases (2 YEARS!!) AND i can't wait for another 2 years and beyond omg ilysm i can't put in words hi
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☆ SOPHIE | @larsgoingtomars
↳ sophie, you're amazing and i love you so much!! your such a lovely person and i love talking to you, you're such a great friend ilysm
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And a special mention to all my friends and mutuals who've deactivated- Asha, Envy, Oli, El, Deus, and everyone else, I still love you so much and I hope that you're okay <3
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chiyoso · 7 months
seeing other writers/mutuals who are so skilled at what they do talk about not getting support in their sfw, fluff and angst fics just piss me the fuck off, i'm genuinely so heated at the amount of old and new writers struggling because of new tumblr users
ik a lot of you readers like to read our smut fics/porn fics, but those writers, also talking abt only getting likes, instead of reblogs n interactions from those types of works as well is just so depressing that im starting to have this growing idea of what some to most readers are in tumblr
ill be the voice that other writers are hesitant and afraid to express:
LIKES are like a quick glance for us writers.
LIKES are like people who pass by us when we walk anywhere and everywhere.
LIKING is like telling us writers who take our time to write FREE shit for you; “we see it, we like it, but we will not do anything about it”
LIKES will NOT get us writers anywhere in this app.
LIKES is like deafening SILENCE for us writers, crickets, ghosts, an eerie dark night.
LIKES arent similar to instagram, tiktok and other platforms. it is DIFFERENT in this platform. they dont mean jack shit.
LIKES are like a hit and dip shit scenario. one night stand, loveless sex, meaningless encounters.
i've seen so much amazing fics, nsfw or sfw have over almost 9k interactions, then i look to the reblogs count and see only a whopping 500 or so like THE FUCK? SCUSE ME? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT RATIO?
if you're apart of the "ooh! i genuinely like this!" then only press like—thank you, truly. we're glad you like our work, to gain your interest and your silent support, but i want to inform you simply liking doesn't help us in a technical sense, it doesn't help our blog, our reach, it doesn't help our blog grow.
and if you're one of the blogs who only likes, i genuinely don't know what's so trifling and difficult about reblogging and adding the pre-made tags for you to spam and get it over with. i do it and its so, so fucking easy.
i genuinely, genuinely don't understand the analogy as to why you can't just... press that helpful ass button beside the heart. please, someone, enlighten me behind the reasoning.
if you're a bot, fuck you.
will at least (without tags/comments) be seen by your following and increase our significance only slightly.
REBLOGS with # tags INCREASE our chances of being discovered by a fuck ton.
REBLOGS with tags MIXED with your comments HEAVILY motivate us, your thoughts about our WORK motivates us.
REBLOGS are so, so fucking relieving for us, and that relief has been addictive to those starved from support, especially to writers who are struggling OUTSIDE of their work/hobby/blog.
REBLOGS in a literal sense, mean so much more to us than likes. especially with your damn thoughts. the mere thought of taking your time into writing something FOR US and OUR CREATION is so fucking motivating, every positive input from you will be CHERISHED no matter what.
and the fact we have to beg for it, to speak out about it as of late...
god, i remember in full detail the day where i wrote my first story, it had only 200 interactions max, and most of them were only likes and a few reblogs, but my inbox was full of positivity, mixed in with a few shitty ones, but i pressed on because of SAID INTERACTIONS AND MY LOVE FOR WRITING.
to my mutuals and other writers; i fucking love you and your stories so much, sfw or not, the writing community has done so much for me mentally, and lots of fics have been healing me. god its my first time releasing such emotions into this blog, but yea, ive just had it from the amount of turmoil ppl have been causing into all of you, outside tumblr or not.
hhh fuck im so pissed ill stop it right here, stay safe and may your favorite characters kiss you goodnight
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channel-01-clown · 6 months
☆ Hello!!! My name is Gwynplaine. I draw and write but I honestly mostly just use this account to shitpost and dump my thoughts, I'm on ig as 47clowner where I share my art (tho I haven't posted there in a while lol) so also follow me there :))
☆ I am a convert roman catholic from Pakistan, I'm pashto and also part afghan. I'm also chronically ill and queer so please be respectful !!!
☆ These are my current interests in no particular order, the ones that are colored are my fixations;
Most horror (ESPECIALLY TCM!!!)
I have no mouth and I must scream
DC (especially batman!!!)
FAITH: the unholy trinity
Resident evil
The cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Fight club
Better call saul/ Breaking bad
Mortal kombat
The man who laughs
Neon genesis evangelion
TMNT (I'm a little biased to the 2012 one bc it's the one I grew up with but i love all versions the same!!!)
Death note
Grand Theft Auto
☆If you have the same interests then please please please interact I would love to be mutuals !!!!!
☆ DNI: basic criteria, (ableist, racist, etc) proship, zionist, have anything portraying the devil in a positive light on your account or view the devil in any positive light or just like... disrespect Christianity on purpose on ur account, NSFW account, map or zoo
☆ Boundaries: don't sexualise me or my family in conversation (ur mom jokes excluded I'm fine w those ig), don't try to debate me on my religion or make fun of it, don't be passive aggressive for no reason and please just be direct with your emotions and boundaries, if I tell you I need space then respect that, if I'm uncomfortable answering something don't press further on it, if we're friends and I'm being affectionate towards you and it makes you uncomfortable then tell me, but please don't make fun of me for it, I'm always okay with listening to people vent however I'd appreciate if you asked first, I'm NOT open to debating my identity.
☆ BYI : I sometimes struggle with understanding boundaries, so please be clear on them and establish them firmly and if I disrespect them then tell me as I don't do it on purpose but I just. genuinely don't get it sometimes, I do talk alot so if it gets draining for you then lmk ofc and yeah if I ever do something you don't like then plsplspls just tell me, if I go a while without responding I'm likely just either drained or forgot, which I'm sorry for and I'll try to tell ppl more when it happens but also if I do tell you then pls don't try to text me till I tell you I'm feeling better or I interact first as it can be very overwhelming for me, I can be a bit awkward but if u want u can always dm me!!!!
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meraki-yao · 4 months
thank you so much for your reply <3 i think grief is a good word to describe what i'm feeling. it might sound silly to some but the book has been one of my favourites since 2019 and the 'what could have been?' aspect of the movie's promotion devastates me bc the crew and the fans deserved more. i think im also a bit terrified of ppl moving on from rwrb to nick's other projects meanwhile i can't (and don't want to) do it, ugh it's just a mess of weird feelings and sadness and longing for something we've never had. not to mention how some people already talk about his new projects being upgrades from rwrb. that hurts me on so many levels bc henry is a complex and beautiful character, rwrb is a wonderful story and i genuinely think that even with all the changes they created something amazing.
Glad I could help <3
It's not silly at all. I'm in a similar position: if you've followed my blog you might have seen this but long story short my irl life is a bit fucked up and I was really, really depressed. (still kinda am) July and August, waiting and watching RWRB release became the happiest I've been since January 2022, and in the following months RWRB and the fandom (well, and my sister) nearly became my sole reason for hanging on. So trust me when I say I get the feeling.
I understand your fear, and I'd be lying if I say I wasn't afraid that the rwrb tag will be full of George instead of Alex and Henry, but please remember that liking something new doesn't necessarily always lead to leaving the previous fandom: I know for a fact that me and a couple of my mutuals are going do both. We're gonna be happy to watch M&G (personally not interested in the idea of you but the same applies) but we're still going to make RWRB content. M&G will be a great show but it won't have nearly the same emotional weight to me as RWRB. It's been five months, so those of us who hang around and are active are active for a good reason.
As for the comments about "upgrade", that's ridiculous and a very surface-level assessment. One of my best friends is studying to become an actress and we talk about acting often. Here's the thing: there isn't a thing called "easy" acting. Every genre of acting has its own challenges: for comedy many times you need to sacrifice your personal dignity; Sci-fi blockbusters you need to interact with nothing and make it look believable; even for things like kid shows you need to be hyperactive so the kids can focus and find it entertaining, which can be so draining. M&G is a historical thriller, TIOY is a romance, and RWRB is a rom-com. These are three different film genres, and each set out to achieve different things. For example in terms of relationships: TIOY needs to make the romance believable, RWRB needs to make the romance believe, funny, and be a fair representation of a queer relationship, and for M&G if history serves there's no "true love" relationship at all. You're right: Henry's a complex and beautiful character, and Nick clearly put all his heart into him. But you cannot take Henry's layers of grief, love, fear, and self-esteem, and say it is lesser than Geroge's cold ambition. Funnily enough, while Henry is so careful with his power as the prince, George rose to the same if not a higher level of power and abused it so badly, that it caused his assassination and downfall. A well-written character is ultimately, a human being, and there isn't truly a human being who's "easy to be". So don't listen to those haters.
I'm all ears if you still want to talk <3
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heeseongism · 2 years
Can you do a mutual appriciation post pls?
Love your works ! Slay bestie 💪🏻💜✨
Ooh okay !! Im rlly bad at writing sappy messages tho so bare with me 😭 also im going thru my following list as im writing so this isnt in any particular order <3 also ty @sluttyenha for re-sending this ily
@foxdaisy MY PRECIOUS DAISYYY 🥺 notice how i said my daisy? Thats bcs shes mine so all of u hoes better back off, daisy should srsly have the Guinness world record for most adorable person in the world bcs my god shes the cutest 🤧 always so so supportive of all her mutuals and never has anything bad to say abt anyone, shes rlly reminds me of this one mutual i used to have on my old acc and it just made me feel so at home on this new blog <33 daisy rlly just deserves the world, she's just that one friend that you can always count on to brighten up your day 💕 i always look forward to the asks that she sends me and ngl i feel my eyes watering sometimes by how adorable she is :( we’re always active at different time but whenever we do interact it makes me rlly appreciate and love her <3
@sunghoonalter raven, oh god where do i start. raven first and foremost is my bae so everyone back off bcs she is MINE MY PROPERTY 🔪 yes i have claimed both raven and daisy deal with it (i may claim some of my other mutuals so beware) shes also my no 1 angst writer even tho i hate reading it bcs it crushes my heart but I'll read it for her ✋😔 honestly raven deserves way more than shes getting on this hellsite BCS WHY TF ARE YALL SLEEPING ON HER DAMN GOD GIVEN WRITING SKILLS?!?!?!? WAKE UP AND APPRECIATE HER FFS shes the cutest girl in the world with her bambi eyes and might i say beautiful lips 😩 also her humor >>>>>>> it makes me love her even more than i alr do. We may disagree on some stuff (her being bambi and sunghoon having tiddies) but i still love her nonetheless ! I hope ive made her tumblr experience just a little bit better just like she did with mines ❤
@hee-pster - jan my fellow girl boss and lifeline is by far THE LOVELIEST person ive met on this site and im not even over exaggerating. She was the first person i properly interacted with and she immediately made me feel so comfortable on her and ilh for that 😭 she rlly deserves all the praise and love that she recieves bcs shes just such a kind, funny, and bubbly mutual who im proud to call my friend :( shes also hilarious and i love how we can both match each others energy, shes such a beautiful person and i just know shes beautiful on the outside too 😔 we wouldnt be able to handle a face reveal 💔 i rlly do love her, so much that words cant explain how much she means to me, I'll always try my best to be her supportive moot 💕 I hope she always remembers to take care of herself bcs life can be an ass sometimes <3
@jaylaxies aria aka the president of coochie clenching smuts AKA MY QUEEN 😩 WHY IS NOBODY ON THEIR KNEES BOWING TO HER FEET RN??? She is just so so hardworking and i rlly admire her for her perseverance despite all the obstacles she faces on her blog. Shes such a gorgeous person inside and out and shes still so humble even after gaining a massive follwoung which makes me love her sm more. Shes just one of the ppl who im extremely proud to call my friend bcs its not every day you meet someone as amazing aria, shes a rare gem fr 💕💕 I want to give her the world and to protect her from all the hate but sadly im merely a 19 yr old with multipe deficiencies and couldnt fight for my life without shattering my bones. However i hope that my love and affection can help her even if its in the tiniest way possible. Shes honestly one of the sweetest ppl ive met on here and i always look forward to her posts and when we interact :(
@end-hyphen MY LITTLE 5'2" GENIE IN THE BOTTLE 🧞‍♀️ ik alot of ppl say this but genie rlly is just like a big bundle of sunshine and she never fails to make my day whenever i see her in my notifications :( literally a free package of positivity like WHAT DID I DO IN MY PAST LIFE TO DESERVE BEING BLESSED BY SUCH A WHOLESOME HUMAN BEING ??? We haven't been mutuals for very long but i rlly hope our friendship can last for a very very long time bcs tumblr would be so lifeless without her, the happiness would literally be drained out of my tumblr experience ngl 😭 im always looking forward to when we interact and just seeing her interactions with other ppl on my dash makes me so happy that theres still sm positivity despite all the hate anons ew,, genies rlly is just a beautiful person both inside and out and i wish her all the happy things in life!
@jaysbiceps amy or should i say my angel in disguise and by disguise i mean KINKY LEATHER CORSET,, i legit never wouldve expected someone as sweet and GORGEOUS as her could be this sexy but im loving it. Amy is probably the person i dm the most on here, and shes just the cutest most adorable mutual i could ever wish for. Shes so supportive and is always checking up on me which i appreciate vv much, whenever i say i love her i rlly do mean it. I love our talks whether its abt being horny or screaming abt random drama she never fails to make me laugh even if im having a rough day :( She deserves all the love and happiness in the world and i hope she doesnt have to deal with nasty anons anymore bcs or else i will personally go to their house and drain the happiness in them and then gift it to amy.
@shu-ramyeonz shu is... chaotic to say the least... BUT SHES MY CHAOTIC BAE (another one added to the list hehe fight me if u object) I love how she always acts so friendly with ppl even if its the first time they've interacted she acts as if they've know eachother forever nd have gone thru 5 divorces together 😔 I admire her sm for her confidence and positivty despite all the haters in her inbox who hve nothing better to do. also she looks exactly like a pinterest girl THE ENVY UGH 🤧 anyways i love her sm she's always hyping me up and complimenting me for no reason whatsoever which never fails to cheer me up 💕
@hwxnghyynjin BILLIE MY HANDSOME BOY, firstly can we just appreciate how god damn sexy he is bcs the fact that there isnt a billie visuals appreciation day where we all cry over how hot he is doesnt sit right with me 🤨 billie is a mutual of mine from my old acc so we go WAYYY BACK and i can't think of any other mutual i would rather have find this acc (well technically i told him but who cares) he is the cutest bean ever and his smile is so so so so precious it just lights me up inside hes so cute sjakhska :(( someone stop me im fangirling anyways billie is just the light of my life rlly and we dont interact much nowadays but i still feel so comfortable with him which is a huge thing for me. I just love him 😭
@lunarxsun luna is the cutest most adorable most precious person to exist istg words cant explain how hard working she is, i rlly hope one day she gains the recognition she deserves bcs her ocs are SO GOOD 😩 shes always so positive no matter what the haters say and i love that abt her. She's always coming into my ask box to give a little hello and i rlly appreciate it so so much, she's always thinking abt those around her and u can tell she genuinely loves her mutuals, shes such a good person and im manifesting with her that she meets her future husband at the COOL club ;)
@clelevanters tala is an angel that was sent down by god for being too horny and i will stand by that statement 😤 she rlly was blessed by god with those stunning visuals and stunning voice too?? Apparently she sings and im crying bcs i haven't heard her heavenly voice yet 😭 shes such a positive bundle of energy and i love when she randomly pops into my ask box simping over enha or the dark moon characters sjsjsksj tala also shares my pegging kink ugh could she get any better. Shes yet another one of my mutuals who i just wanna protect with all my might and also the fact that shes younger than most of us makes her so babie :( enhablrs babygirl me thinks
@polalvsjy MAE IS THE HUMAN PERSONIFICATION OF COTTAGECORE ISTG SHES SO SOFT AND CUTE except she listens to chase atlantic- shes one of the most beautiful person ive seen im not even joking. She gives off HUGE golden retriever vibes and its so adorable 😭 literally jakes soulmate in my opinion. She's also extremely talented LIKE FIRST SHES AN AMAZING WRITER AND THEN I FIND OUT SHE CAN SING LIKE AN ANGEL, DRAW LIKE PICASSO AND DANCE?!?!? God truly does have favorites 🤧 i always look forward to seeing her on my dash and in my inbox <33 i feel like it’d be rlly nice to just have a picnic with her and talk abt anything bcs shes so easy to speak with <3
@forjongseong NANA IS LITERALLY MY SOULMATE ATP HER MUSIC TASTE IS CHEFS KISS SHE ALSO LISTENS TO MAYE TOO SO LIKE 😍 once again a very very very talented mutual of mines,, her carmesi series OH MY GOD SHE MADE ME FALL IN LOVE WITH THE SECRETARY!JAY AGENDA. We actually dont interact as much as it feels like we do bcs i just feel so comfortable with her and i love that abt her, i love how shes such a kind inviting person and also extremely pretty too might i say 👀 shes adorable and her love for jay is even more adorable skjndk i always look forward to seeing nana on my dash and i hope we can become even closer!!
@drunkjaked SAX IS ALSO MY SOULMATE STFU she introduced me to kehlani and i’ll always love her for that 💕 we also havent interacted much but it feels like shes a lifelong friend whenever we talk with eachother! Shes such a talented writer and im proud to be mutuals with such a sweet and funny person such as her. I hope that in the future we can become closer friends and i hope she takes care of herself <33
@donghoonie-3 AVERY MY LOVE istg describing how precious they are is impossible, i always love seeing them interact with other ppl on my dash, and HE ALSO SHARES MY LOVE FOR SUBBY HOON 🥹 the best sub!hoon blog on here imo. I dont have much to write bcs we dont interact much but i truly do love and care for them <33
@hee-pot @vivvys @robyncore @4hsng @thots4hee @softforqiankun @amourhee @svnoohe4rts @muffinminnie @criceofpain @blond4enha @sluttyenha @taekookstiddiemilk @nyanggk @valley-of-lies @2minbin @heetro @pandorasblogbcuzican @tfwheeseung @yunskies @jinfie-lvr ILY GUYS I RLLY DO BUT WE HAVENT INTERACTED ENOUGH FOR ME TO WRITE ANYTHING 😭 but i srsly do love u all equally and i hope we can interact more in the future mwah <33 also if i missed out any moots the same goes for you guys
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melit0n · 6 months
Oh geez, I'm sorry to hear you've been getting hate! I'm not on twitter but maybe the vibe IS just different for each social media platform? Anyways, I feel like ppl have the tendency to over idolize or like, think if you don't 100% love something then you're like a "fake fan" underserving of respect (or, undeserving of a band/media/fandom/etc, which is so weird.) Like I still love Sleep Token I'm just very meh :/ over the masks right now (but that may change in the future idk, doesn't mean I'm a fake fan.!)
The vibe is so different for each social media platform, definitely. Both with the people who interact with you and how much interaction you get.
For example, (hate to boil part of this down to likes, but oh well), sometimes I crosspost some of my shorter posts onto twt, and while they can get good interaction on here (e.g; a good chunk of my followers see it, people outside of my followers see it, carries on getting attention for a good week etc.), it gets basically nothing on twt.
For the people, I've got one absolutely lovely mutual who I interact with like, once a month (they go by Ces, has the tag @/Necromancess) but they're super nice. Came about from them reposting my Euclid post (with credit this time! Yippee!) and me popping into the replies being like 'thats me :D' and just bam, mutuals. But, other than that, it seems to be oddly hard to make mutuals, at least compared to here.
Admittedly, due to my experiences on twitter, I'm afraid to interact with bigger accounts mainly because they are bigger accounts, and also for the fact I know some of their mutuals have me blocked, but everyone on here is really sweet and understanding. So far, with my post about ST's new masks, the few people that have seen it have been really chill about it and just silently accepting it, which is all I ever wanted.
And you're so right about the whole idolisation thing. If you're not the perfect positive fan then you're not a proper one, according to half of social media, apprently. It always weirded me out when some fans have a non super positive opinion on the thing they like, then suddenly they're underserving of being in the fandom, like you said. I've never really experienced that properly until I got absolutely bashed on twt for having said non super positive opinion (which I what twt is known for, but I had the hope that a fandom I've been apart of and enjoying for 4+ years would treat me a bit better than telling me to off myself).
And exactly!! Just because you don't 100% like a change doesn't mean you're a fake fan. I don't know how much emphasis I can put on that sentence.
I've been a fan of Ghost for a couple years as well, and some people have compared the changing masks to how the Nameless Ghouls change their masks for each era, but the Ghouls still stay as a collective, y'know? There's basically nothing that seperates them other than their own small motifs they've added or the instruments they play. They're still a collective of Ghouls, if you get what I'm putting down, compared to the complete individuality that Sleep Token has produced for ii, iii and IV. I got used to the new Impera Ghoul masks within like, a week because I really do like their steampunk aesthetic, but I think it'll take me a bit longer to like The Lad's new masks because they're so utterly different from what I'd been looking at for the past four years. Balaclavas to what some have compared to being look-a-likes to Slipknot masks is a massive change, and I just have to wait a bit, like you're doing, to see if I'm fond of them or not. Either way, I'm still entitled to my opinion.
Thank you for being really chill and understanding with the ask anon, I appreciate it!
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growingboi · 1 year
i’m probably one of those normie blogs lmao… i have a kink side blog but i’m definitely not that active/involved in the community?? part of why is that i’m not super experienced and idk what tumblr ppl would want from a subish feeder i guess 😅
idk do you have any thoughts on what kinds of blogs pique your interest? if i had a better idea what cute feedees are looking for maybe i’d be less shy or something??? lol feel free to ignore this ask or whatever u want
omg no i love that you hit me up !!
i can only speak to the queer/trans/fat positive & fat liberationist aspects of this community but honestly i don't think anyone minds inexperience or shyness at all. as long as you respect peoples boundaries ime people are mostly nice & welcoming !
i think honestly what most ppl want (barring ppl who are making money here whose experiences i can't speak to) is... attention! my favorite followers/mutuals are the ones who dm me and send me asks and reblog my posts with cute comments in the tags 🥰 i totally understand being shy but also i've never been upset about any interaction on here that wasn't misgendering me or crossing my plainly stated boundaries yknow? oh and posting about scenarios u think are hot & things u find attractive about fat/growing bodies (especially if they're usually underappreciated) is also probably gonna score u some points with the cuties
ok also i love subby feeders tho 👀 & i'm definitely not the only one on here !! love being rly greedy and demanding in a dominant way lol - have definitely had a lot of subs in my dms who just wanted to fantasize about waiting on me and worshipping my body and being pinned down under my weight etc lol
um anyway. this is getting a little long but i'm happy to answer any other questions u have! also slide into my dms if you want, i don't bite 😌
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possession1981 · 1 year
aleks!! it’s your borfday !!! happy happy happy birthday ♡〜٩( ᐢ⸝⸝› ‹⸝⸝ᐢ)۶〜♡ I hope your day has been wonderful and you got a little smth nice for yourself whatever it may be because you deserve it !! I also hope Jacob is taking you on a date or else it’s ass whopping time anyway ! I am here to present you with a couple things so ahem
to our one and only belovedest Aleks goes the 🏆 best cc on tumblr award 🏆 need I say more? I think a lot of ppl would agree with me here, you never cease to amaze with your creations, I remember when you followed me back it felt kinda crazy cause your stuff is on such a different level you can make anything and everything look so beautiful and nice and polished. truly insane. mind blowing. award deserving. I could spend hours looking at your work ♡
ofc the 🏆 best fashion mutual 🏆 also goes out to thee, I’ve already told you this but you have. The Vision. you Know. you Understand. I always love to hear your takes on ppl’s outfits srsly I live for your fashion reviews and insight, I mean you are after all a fashion icon in your own right so it only makes sense
I also have to bestow you Thee Official Taemin Mutual🏅title, I mean not that you weren’t already just personally I cannot listen to a Taemin song now without having a little thought for you, hoping that you are well wherever you are, the two of you are indivisible in my brain literally if I ever meet Taemin I feel like all I would wanna say to him would be like “my friend is your biggest fan !” yk
and finally the🏅coolest mutual award🎖️ I mean just. overall. idk how else to put it, you’re so cool and fun and nice and the best ? my tumblr experience wouldn’t be worth half of what it is if it wasn’t for you, it probably doesn’t seem like much being on tumblr but you have such a positive impact on this site I hope you know that, thank you for being here and being yourself ♡
sorry for the very long message x_x sending big love on your special day!^^ I’ll see you later when me and the guys bring you your cake in your room and sing you hbd, please try to act surprised :0 also don’t tell jongin i told you but the rover announcement was an early bday present for you shhh~ ily ❤️
first of all neo i am sorry for leaving this for like 4 hours i was trying to think of ways to adequately respond because actually i don't think u know this but like genuinely thoroughly forreal you are one of the most important people on this website to me and i'm still always like wow <3333333333 neo interacted with me <333333333 neo liked my gifs 👉🏻👈🏻 and so on and so forth.... but i have now returned from my date so u don't have to be beating anyone up babes altho i appreciate the sentiment <3 i will make sure to act surprised when u show up w the cake tho i promise
now to accept these awards that i do not feel like i am worthy of but i will accept anyways because i love u so much and value ur opinion so highly i would like to say that one of the greatest ccs on the entire platform awarding my content feels like a fever dream, and your judgment of my coolness means everything to me actually like. kissing u. <3333 and i hope u know that as much as u think of me when u listen to taemin i think of u when i listen to baekhyun (AND miss suzy!!!!!!) or probably even more in fact. now when it comes to the fashion awards i can only humbly accept and say that i think it's CRIMINAL that we don't have our own fashion evaluation show to rival johnny's yet. we deserve it we are the ones who get it.
i will be thinking of this message for ages to come btw hope u know this..... ily ily ily 💞💕🍒
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ofgentleresolve · 1 year
FERRE MIGHTY FERRE DID I EVER MENTION HOW DEAR YOU ARE TO ME? LET ME COUNT ALL THE WAYS I CARE YOU~ Seriously, though, you're one of those people that I sigh about dreamily while kicking my leggies, one of those people I don't need to double check on name-spelling anymore because I'm always yelling about you, one of those people who both on mobile and on laptop my searchbar auto-fills the url of because I'm simply that big of a stan.
To have you not only as part of my Tumblr experience but also as someone I am so blessed and thrilled to call my friend, I can't begin to describe how soft it makes my tiny heart. The warmth you add to my dash and my DMs simply by being there, because I can't ever get enough of the notion that I get to cradle our friendship to my chest like a goblin would a precious gem.
I seriously can't put it into words, I am so happy that I know you? You're such a wonderful presence in my life that I don't even want to entertain the memory of when you weren't, the relaxed maturity with which you talk about certain things, your thoughts and your views and the way you treat life as a whole, you've somehow become a presence, an energy in my life that I didn't know would feel this awesome and wonderfully right.
You're so cool and neat and dedicated and?? I can't even gather all the adjectives I want, seriously. It's why I throw 'mighty' around so often, you are simply THE MIGHTIEST, I love your emojis (weird thing to add out of nowhere but I just LOVE THEM SO), the way you reach out and check in, I'm enough of a stan and simp to genuinely find it so neat how you communicate. It's just I LUB all aspects of 'Ferre' I get to experience and that I got to do so all the way to the end of 2022 is a blessing I can't thank you enough for.
For into 2023 and as long as you'll have me, I hope to be able dedicated more yeeting and blabbering to my massive case of 'Ferre Stanning' so I can have even more to yell about at the next New Year ♥
@mythvoiced so len is making me go 🥺🥺🥺
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Not me smiling SO WIDELY when I saw this in my inbox 🥰🥰🥰 I will admit, I had not been the greatest of moods coming into the new year BUT THIS?? Gave me LOTS OF SERATONIN in which I am SO HONORED to have the respect and attention of someone who is so sincere and kind and just gives off both REAL and positive vibes 🥺 makes me really wonder what I did to get ur attention fsjdklfjsdl  :’D
But but!! Lmao I am glad you straight up admit to having my url in your autofill for ur searchbar….bc I am also very much the same way with ur blog JFLSKDJF I PROMISE IT’S FOR A GOOD REASON 😂😂😂 but let me get back to my point here- I know you probably know this about me already, but coming back to tumblr rpc for me back in 2021 had been a rather daunting experience and one thing I really wanted this time around was to be surrounded by genuinely good and sincere ppl who cared about their mutuals both as writers BUT ALSO as ppl….i will admit, I did lurk from afar for a like, a month or two before following to see what kind of person could possibly be running this blog- and I will say!! From when I started lurking, I already got very good vibes and once we started actually writing and plotting 2gether, I was not disappointed 😌😌😌
I think for me, what sticks out the most about you on this hellsite is just?? you’re so sincere in how you present yourself here and there’s something so inherently cheerful about the vibes I get from you, but it never like?? borders on toxic posivity?? I think it really has to do with the fact that we get to see both your highs and lows the fact that you are never trying to masquerade it, and that you are always truthful with yourself on here- what your limits are, which makes me in turn?? Feel comfortable with also being more open about myself knowing that when I do interact with you, I’m not going to be wondering if the person on the other side of the screen is being nice to me for ulterior motives….they’re ( you! ) being nice because they WANT to be :’DDD
but , but!! I just also wanted to note?? That like, you know how within the rpc there’s always like these posts about how ‘you should interact with your mutuals’ or ‘spread kindness and positivity throughout the community’ and like, sure!! It’s good to see those post, but I think one thing that really really makes me admire you is how you?? actually PRACTICE that idea of being kind and positive- I see it in the way you seem to never run out of energy to give and show LOVE to ur mutuals, the way you go out of your way to bring some cheer onto their blogs  whether that’s thru messages such as these but also in ur tags and comments…but then also making a priority to make them and their characters feel seen and heard….i honestly think that is SUCH a rare thing to find in an rp partner :’D and I am 100% honest when I say this- I think anyone who gets to be mutuals with you and gets to write with you is a VERY LUCKY individual….makes me wonder how you came admire me :’DDD
LMAO THANK YOU FOR ALSO NOTICING THE WAY I USE EMOJIS TOO 😂😂😂 I just?? feel more comfy with using them in sets of three bc I like the way it feels when press command+v three times – didn’t realize that’s supposed to be a stylic choice JFLKSJDLFJ
As we jump into 2023, I hope can continue?? To be a warm presence on ur dashboard and dms as you have been for me and I WILL DO MY BEST!! To be that sorta older sibling figure on here 4 u as well ( lmao fun fact, I’m actually the youngest sibling so this is very new to me 🥲🥲🥲 ) for as long as you’ll have me around <3
I hope your new year went well len and I HOPE ?? YOU’RE HAVING A WONDERFUL DAY- care u and adore u lots 💕💕💕
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fuckyeahkagepro · 5 years
me, a simple Kagepro blog: (*blocks someone*)
ME: :)
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tounacasserole · 2 years
random & kind of stupid half asleep, half assed appreciation post cause i wanna spread the love and for some reason sad thoughts in my head but let's ignore that (ft. my sleep deprivation sap, mutuals, ppl iloook up to, shitty puns and wordplay)
@moonxma ur the moon :o you give me like calm and peaceful moon vibes like a blue moon!! ty for being one of the first who kind of kickstarted my whole commitment to being here and writing content :D
@raysano ray? more like ray of sunshine shdhefj bad pun but i love indirectly interacting with you through games and hope we get to know each other and interact more mwah /p
@appreciatingtokrev appreciatingtokrev? appreciating YOU you beautiful human being :)) i like seeing your little thoughts and whatnot around your blog bc i find them interesting to me in a good way
@mochi-coffee absolute sweetheart ∑(゚Д゚) sweeter than ice cream mochi need i say more? no but seeing you wherever makes my day better for some reason because you give that positive n uplifting vibe. me 🤝 you waka skmps
@kallikrein me 🤝 you 🤝 mochi waka simps jdkfjskf ty for being one of the first to interact and leave messages in the tags of my silly little waka headcanons :]] and ty for being my majn source of waka brainrot too ( ̄∀ ̄) we krei-n (pronounced crying) over wakasa. i think that was fhe shittiest pun ive ever made in my entire life i apologize dearly
@simpywhore seeing your incorrect quotes make me snort in laughter a lot whenever i see them >:D we haven't interacted but i'm sure you're simp(l)y sweet ksjjfkfkskf
@offtaskotaku go follow them rn this is a threat /hj seriously so so underrated pls check out their work and send them requests i'm sure they work hard and they're bery nice :) great sense of humour 2 i like seeing u on my dash. makes me go off task for a bit to scroll through your blog and reread your hcs!!
@kakuchew also a contributor to my waka brainrot jshffkf your headcanons about the black dragons boys are so awesome and i love their shenanigans which makes it easier to envision them in my head!! less chewing on my thoughts and more space to appreciate them and you too :3
@sukunasbabymama your blog title is kk's safeplace and it sure as hell lives up to the name!! i get a homely vibe from you n i like seeing you pop up on my dash :D like my mama's homemade food! you've made me appreciate kakucho and mucho with your contrnt :))
@wwintersun holy crap i look up to you a whole ton!! your works are simply put masterpieces. when i read them it makes me feel fuzzy and warm it's like when the sun melts the winter away ;D i have a lot of your stuff saved in my drafts to reread on a bad day
@bajipaws your tokrev x male reader stuff has at least pawmped 5 more years into my lifespan (i'll take my leVe now). ur doing king shit and i can't wait to see more stuff from you!!!
@kageyahoe your latest work with baji made me Feel all the emotions /pos :] in fact all of your works do and made me love baji even more than i did before >:O i don't have a bad pun for you but honestly considering my punmanship you're lucky jdkfjskf
@shinscig i've interacted with you a grand total of one (1) time but you're so sweet :( i think your chifuyu drabble of painting flowers was one of the first fics i read here which: OOMPF /pos. that's it i can't describe it anymore better than that cause it's almost 3am. your braid train fic with mizo mid is also a big favourite :)! underrated they are
@softbajis You Have Made Me Feel Things but i swear most of it's good and soft besides the angst because it hurts so good hakfjwjfj i like seeing your little blurbs pop up from time to time!!
@tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang I LOVE SEEING YOUR POSTS ABOUT THE MANGA THAT ARE ESPECIALLY SO FUNNY??? they're always a riot and the absolute best. i snorted so hard reading your recent one of the wake me up scene SHEIWKJFWKFJDJ
@koffeekoko your angst. hurts so good. mr sunshine, flowers, and you hurts the best. i am writhing on the floor as i type this (/notsrs) idk if this is weird but seeing your tag "jel loves you!" makes me smile internally :)) your works about insecurities they love also make me really really happy :']
@n0vad your headcanons are so comforting to read,,, they also inspired me to post some of my own too in a similar format (hope you don't mind sjfhe)! i also love that you post for more characters that don't have a ton of content!!
@sunhee-sun your writing is like warm sun after cold rain (i'm a great poet) it's inviting and a guilty pleasure to reread all of your tokrev stuff. bows down to you.
@kakubun my main source of love for bonten. helping hands is one of my favourites and inspired me to make a character based off of that :D your headcanons are also so funny to read and have become a great source of inspo!!
@xuxitheii another whose tokrev x male reader has fed more life into me (°▽°)b i've probably went through your blog at least thrice now reading your works especially since you're one of the first i followed! good shjt right there... your confessing to mitsuya one is my fabourite
thats all i can roll out i think because i dint want to flood everyone's inboxes since your mutuals are doing this too skfjekfjjs ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ happy new year from this touma fish! 🐟 passes out
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tohokuu · 2 years
happy new years !
uh, so i saw a lot of these appreciation posts and wanted to do one for the moots that i'm close with. i appreciate you all and thank you for fixing up my terrible half of 2021. you guys made me laugh all the time and i couldn't ask for more.
@bajimi @kocoir @suget : you guys come in a package. all three of you are so funny and sweet. thank you so much for being some of my oldest moots. i appreciate you guys for being here. you're all amazing
@seraphdreams - heres to my oldest mutual. you've been here since the first couple days i've had this account. thank you so much for keeping me in check when i was having a rough couple of days. we don't talk much but you're the sweetest. and you're the prettiest girl ever <3
@svnzus - you're just so funny. we hardly interact but i just wanna get high with you. you seem like someone who you could get high with and i appreciate that vibe very much
@nymphobunnie - you've also been here for a little while now and i think you're so sweet. i had a nosebleed the first time i saw you. you're so pretty and you talk so cutely. im in love with you
@yunhoflrtz - our friendship was made in the funniest way. i was so sus of you at first, bro (im sorry) but you were so insanely sweet i felt bad right after. it's a funny memory now but i'm glad it happened. your works are amazing, your theme is amazing and i love talking to you so much. biggest yunnie simp i know <3
@mitsuxii - my little whore, arba. i love talking to you. i feel like when i ramble about some stuff, i;m not 100 percent annoying you (i might be) but i don't feel bad about talking about my interests when i'm with you. i can be comfortable when talking to you. thank you for always defending me against hate anons and talking to me about the shady things on this app
@atozfic - you're deadass amazing. i was so scared of you at first. you were so intimidating and i thought you;d step on me at any given moment, but youre actually so sweet and you're also absolutely fucking hilarious LMFAO
@bobateastay - you were like one of my first ateez moots and i was so surprised when you followed me. i was in love with all of your works and i went thru all your masterlist in just a couple hours. i am absolutely in love with your work and i love the tags you leave when you reblog my fics. whenever im scared of positing something you always say the nicest things and it just makes my heart soar. thank you so much
@getoswhore - my little key-sucky fucker <3 i love you so much. your fics are the absolute best and i love everything about you. you were also one of the first ppl i met on here and managed to stay connected with for this long. i appreciate everything about you and i think you're absoltely hilarious. those videos in your camera roll... the toe sucking one ... sends me every time
@nateezfics - nat nat nat omg. i feel in love with your writings and i was stalking your blog for quite some time before we became moots. it started with me sending a whole bunch of hj photos in your ask box and then you did the same. and then our exchange of hj content started. i remember the scream i let out when i found out that you liked that one hj fic i posted. the one with the mirrors. you're so funny and easy to talk to. ty for letting me get to know you, even if its just thru hj pics LMFAO
@woahhwa - you're so cute, ru. like i was just in love with your blog. your work is always so good and it made me so happy to get to know you more. i need to know how you manage to be so cute ?? you make my cheeks hurt from smiling and i just wanna take you on a trip back home to the mountains and eat gol gappay with you. you're so amazing
@fallinforgyu - your blog is so cute. i just stumbled upon it and i read a couple of your fics and just fell in love. they're so well written and you're blog gives me cloudy rainy morning, with a cotton scented candle and white bedsheets and a book vibe. idk how to explain it but i feel so safe on your blog
@kurosism - you have the prettiest blog. its so so pretty. it gives me such good vibes. its so well formatted ?? idk how to explain it. but your fics are amazing and i love talking to you. you're very sweet :)
@dairyminki - your blog is so pretty. your fics are so good and we don't talk all that much but i enjoy your work and vibes. thank you for sharing your content with us <3
@devilzumi - i met you a while ago too. you were just so cool to me, i was very very intimidated and i was like :0 but you're actually so sweet. you act tough but you're actually just so cute. wanna kiss your nose. teehee <3
@yxnkigi - you're so fucking funny bro. i love every interaction with you. you're the cutest and i was so shocked to find out that you were also brown. you took interest in any of my desi writings (theres only one) but the thought of that made my heart soar. conversations with you are always fun <3
that took a while LMAO but i meant every single word i said. thank you for being apart of my 2021 and i hope our 2022 is great as well <3 !!!!!!!
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ofgentleresolve-a · 2 years
❤️ alex maybe 😁 💛 💖
these are cute ferre thinks they should get some :D ( ft. mun positivity meme w/ @etherealve )
❤️ - talk about one of your mutuals/partners alex and why you enjoy them and their blog!
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*slams hands on table* why i would love NOTHING MORE than to tell you why i adore alex ( @jeoseungsaja // @theimpalpable ) and their blogs- thank you for this wonderful opportunity JFKLSDJF
let's start with the basics- alex?? is SO SWEET?? AND SO NICE?? and just all around super fun to write with, plot with, and just to be interacting with in general?? when i first started following her i was kinda like 'is this person for real?? this isn't like a trick or anything is it??' but that thought went away real fast because alex treats all of her writing partners SO WELL both on a writing level but also on a personal level...she takes genuine interest and care in her writing partners' ocs which is SO HARD TO FIND. like have you seen the meta questions she sends ppl?? they're deep!! they require a lot of thought to answer well. it's not easy sending in good questions so that alone already tells me how much she cares not only about her own ocs but her partners' ocs!! but also, she's just a joy to see on my dash in general?? even if it's not content that involves me, i always like seeing what she and her muses are up to- she's so supportive of all of her mutuals and also just welcoming of newcomers as well and just, it's comforting to see :'D
but you know who writes really well and is EXCELLENT at character development?? alex!! she goes hard with all of it and you can tell she put a lot of thought and research into her characters...the lore i wanna give it a chef's kiss because WOW the hcs she posts about all of them feels so natural and would make sense for her muses?? basically what i'm trying to say is that her character concepts are VERY WELL EXECUTED and feel so real...and she does it because she genuinely enjoys doing so!! also her interpretation of goblin's saja is to die for!! when i think of saja i think of alex's intepretation first and then i realize that's not the actual canon...but then again, alex might as well call saja/wang yeo/lee hyuk her own ocs because all three of them are distinct in personality, character arcs, aesthetics, etc. despite technically being the same person!! also she's so much fun to plot with?? I LOVE ALL OF OUR DYNAMICS LIKE HYURICK HELP THEY ALL LIVE IN MY HEAD RENT FREE- like, i give her an idea and then she gives it back to me tenfold and whether that causes me joy or pain ( *cough cough* hyurick in vigilante au GOD WHY ) i'll take it all...and she also has so many great ideas that i wanna write out with her too!! and finally!! her writing?? is to die for- it's beautiful prose but also so welcoming?? very engaging for sure, which is essential for rp me thinks, someone pls take the mic away from me before i accidentally launch into a full blown thesis on why alex is a great human being who deserves nothing but good things in her life :D
💛 - talk about something you love seeing on your dash!
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dash commentary?? i love seeing dash shennigans on my dashboard SO MUCH bc they're almost always goofy and weird and it's just wonderful to see in general...thank goodness for the comment sections too bc really?? that's where all the good rp stuff happens JFLKSJD
💖 - talk about a character arc or development that you’ve been really proud of!
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so i can talk about patrick here, right? because making him was my first time making an oc that was based off of a canon character and honestly?? he's grown into his own person outside of my beloved professor l*ayton and I LOVE THAT?? i didn't expect him to be so...mischievous. playful :'D i was also nervous about voicing a character who tends to be more formal in his speaking style but i like to think i've managed to nail it down!!
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alittleemo · 3 years
I wanted to leave valentine asks in all of your inboxes but it’s late and im tired so im making an appreciation type post instead!!!! long post under the cut bc i dont want to subject yall to that lol
@shades-of-blue- faith you add so much positivity to my day and you show so much love for me and all of your other mutuals and i hope you know how lovely you are <3 i love your art series and how positively u interact w your mutuals and followers, and seeing u in my notifications reminds me that other people are interested in what im saying and it really means a lot to me so thank u, sending u all of my love <3
@lunawedlers- audrey you bring so many new movies and shows to my dash and i adore it. you are so kind and supportive of others and your talent is out of this world and it brightens my day to interact w you or even see u on my dash and u deserve the world and all of its beauty. I may have no idea still what the plot of succession is but i thought i saw Tom when i was watching Star Wars the other day and thought of u and i think thats what love is yk? (it wasnt actually him but its the thought that counts <3). i love u sm bestie, im rlly glad we’re friends <3
@12monthoctober- grace you have always been one of my fav mutuals, you show so much consideration for others and your enthusiasm for the AO3 remakes brings me so much joy and u are such a friendly, supportive, and caring force on my dash and i love u and miss u. you were one of my first mutuals and quite honestly in the early months i was on tumblr and we were mutuals were able to ground me and bring me so much joy and ive stolen so much of my music taste from skam nt and the fact we already had similar tastes rlly enhances the vibe. I love seeing u on my dash and on my Spotify bar and i hope u are doing well, i love u sm <3 
@lesbeanfatou- clara you provide such a chaotic and kind whirlwind force on my dash everyday, and your boundless love for all of your friends and followers is so wonderful to behold. literally the joy i had in u immediately following me back and interacting w me in the beginning meant the world to me and i hope u know im here for u always. your love for 1d passed on to me and now i actually follow the convo when ppl talk abt them and my sister and bestie love me for it and ive saved too many of ur reaction images to use myself so ty for that too <3 love u queen u deserve the sun and all of her stars
@coffee-and-moo- grace i literally cannot describe how much joy i get from seeing your Star Wars and marvel posts on my dash, u share and encapsulate so many of my fav interests that i feel like we were destined to be mutuals. your enthusiasm inspires me and i love seeing u on my dash and in my notes—i feel like at this point we are equally spam liking each other’s posts and i love u sm for it bc i see posts to rn specifically for u now lol. you are so lovely and sweet and i hope the world is treating u well and i love u <3
@pianoandcookiedoughlover- you’re such a lovely presence on my dash, and it means so much to me that u took time to check on me after some of my rant posts, j the feeling of knowing other people care enough to check in and your calm, rational way of looking at situations was so important to me. im so excited for skam colorado s2 and i hope you’re doing well and ily <3 (also ive taken to calling u honey in my head bc of ur profile pic color/bc u have no name displayed lol but if u would prefer smth else lmk!!)
@maade-of-stardust- val you were my first mutual and literally the rush i got from a person following me for the first time fueled me for weeks. we don’t talk a lot but i love seeing u on my dash and your fics are incredible and deserve so much love and attention considering all of the love you’re put into them. I hope you are doing well, there are so many people who love and care for u and i love u <3
@paint-dreamscapes-on-the-wall- iris you are such a sweet person, and i still havent forgotten how u took time to give me phoebe bridgers recommendations when i didnt expect to get any—your thoughtfulness and excellent music choices really brightened my life a lot. i happened to find skam boston in the middle of quarantine (may or June i think??), and waiting for your updates everyday grounded me and added a sense of stability to my life as i watched graciela navigate her season. u are such a lovely being and i love u a lot <3
@fakieu- aj u are so creative and your sense of humor is immaculate and you have been such a positive influence on me (that sounds weird lmao but fr your calmness and creativity have inspired me and helped me so much). skam dc was the first remake i actually listened to with music, and i j have to say literally my music taste this summer was almost entirely stolen from u, so i appreciate that a lot. I hope you’re doing well and that school isnt beating u down to much, love u <3
@womenstan and @nori-in-pink- we haven’t interacted a lot but both of u are so sweet and the support u have for your friends and the enthusiasm u have for others is so affirming and rlly helped me feel like people cared about what i had to say here. em- it meant the world to me that u actually made something out of my gif suggestions, i have lots of ideas bouncing around but actually seeing them was mind blowing and i loved them. courtney- i love the cheerfulness u bring to my dash and u are such a lovely soul and i hope u are both doing well
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When you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes :^)
i also got this from @katsukes so im gonna include wat wouldve been my responses in this too! 
also theres a strong possibility ppl have already received this message in their inboxes bc every1 is wonderful
@celiabowens - first, TY SO MUCH! truly its an honor to get this from u! can i also take a moment to hype u up w/ how talented & sweet u r? its such a treat to have u on my dashboard! ur a huge inspiration and hopefully i can get to ur level someday hahaha. im also really happy to follow u bc im trying to get back into reading & ik that ur into literature so i get to have a bunch of reading recs. plus seeing ur lit posts motivate me to expand my tastes & get back into reading :)
@katsukes - ian where do i even start! u interact w so many ppl & make this website really fun to be on. u reach out to a lot of ppl & spread much needed kindness. i feel like u put in a lot of effort to make every1 feel welcomed, which is so appreciated. the content u make for so many fandoms as well is stunning! u truly do a lot for tons of fandoms & i think were pretty blessed to have u on this site
@whisperhearts - ur really kind & a positive person, to the point where it compelled me to start interacting with ppl more on tumblr to try to also bring some kindness on this site. i also really admire ur gfx too bc of the way u use typography! aesthetic is A++. u also inspired me to try bullet journaling & actually keep up w/ it for once in my life lmao
@queerbucky - u help me bring out my creativity & motivation to make gifs! u always makes requests & im so happy to make them for u. as a content creator, when some1 does this it makes u feel special. i really appreciate u & how kind u r!
@wuatsui - since i came back to tumblr, ur some1 who made me feel really welcomed. i iniatially followed u on my anime blog, where u tagged me in a lot of get to know u posts. prior to this i rarely interacted with ppl, so having u wanting to get to know me felt nice! ur content & gifs r also A+! i especially like ur naruto gifs & seeing them on my dash is part of the reason why i started rewatching it :)
@mafuyuh - u have a really warm aesthetic & personality. i super enjoy seeing u interact with others bc ur so approachable. ur also very creative & everything u put out is honestly amazing & breathtaking. i would never in a million years think up the things u do! seeing u in my notifications is always a treat!
@zuura - ur someone who i followed on the more recent side, & i sorely regret not doing it earlier! when i see u reblogging things, u always have something positive to say. the world could really benefit from more ppl like u! also ur colorings r AMAZING. i feel like theyre always glowing & vibrant! 
@arriettvs - ur a very sweet person! although we havent interacted extensively i feel like were kindred spirits :) ur content is remarkable. genuinely, i love seeing how u use typography in ur gfx & i love seeing the pretty colors u bring out in all ur gifs. u also follow all of my blogs which is extremely kind of u. also i hope this isnt weird but ur 1 of the few active followers on my photo blog so i try to reblog stuff i think u would like as well LOL
@yuuki-ko - ur work is super recognizable & i can tell whenever i c ur gifs on my dash. theyre always vibrant & stand out. also ik a lot of my mutuals follow u too & i can see why! u respond to every1 w such kindness! lastly, i love reading ur comments in the tags bc u seem so excited w/ a lot of stuff & it also makes me feel excited hahaha
@manganimae - first of all, ur URL is SO perfect & fun! my other social media usernames r also puns off of my name so when i first followed u & took a look at ur about i instantly fell in love w ur URL hahaha. i think ur also super creative to incorporate manga panels + gifs in ur edits :) additionally, its super fun to see wat new things u come up with! all ur ghibli gifs r so fun bc u color them in ways that i dont think ive ever seen before
@kiyomie - ur work amazes me every time i see it. u managed to create a look in all of ur edits thats specific to u, & thats a massive feat that i think is very hard to do, especially across different fandoms. ik that anon also sent u an accusatory message not too long ago, but i think u handled it very gracefully too, which i think is a huge comment on how mature & kind u r!
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