#(is it obvious that i am not taking this film as seriously as it wants me to. is that obvious)
I deleted the ask because I just woke up and it pissed me off, but holy shit am I fucking sick of hearing people say “The Barbie movie wasn’t even that feminist like oh my god it’s so generic ‘be what you wanna be’” like America Ferrara taking the audience by the shoulders and loudly explaining to them the inherent contradiction in being a woman in society or the general theme of womanhood being complicated and painful but entirely worth the experience no matter how you choose to enjoy it fully realized in the void scene or the Ken subplot being a means to show how the patriarchy severely hurts everyone involved, not just the women, all didn’t fucking matter.
I have no idea what these people wanted out of Barbie but I am long past the point of taking criticism of the movies feminist theme seriously when even the non Ben Shapiros in the audience watched a movie where Margot Robbie absolutely stole the show with a heart wrenching film about what it means to be alive and spent the whole time going “WOW KEN IS THE ONLY THING WORTH TALKING ABOUT HERE IM SO KENOUGH HAHAHA”
Like maybe the blatantly loud and obvious feminist message needs to be at the level it’s at because people still weren’t getting it at that level. Maybe when the amount of people talking about America Ferrera or Margot Robbie in the movie instead of how Ken is “just like them fr” hits the double digits.
I get that your personalities revolve around hating popular things and digging for things to complain about, but kindly piss off with that shit around me, cool cool?
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matttgirlies · 14 days
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Matt & Me🎀
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a story heavily based on Priscilla Presley’s Book “Elvis & Me” based in the 1950’s - 1970’s.
fem! reader x singer! matt
disclaimer!! - in no way am i saying matt would ever support or do these kind of things, for the sake of the book certain unethical things do happen at times.
warnings - mentions of an affair
y/nn = your nickname for any confusion🩷
Chapter 20
In my diary entry dated April 5, I wrote, “The baby’s getting more beautiful as each day goes by. Dr. Turman said she’s healthy and progressing well. Matt went with me to the pediatrician, waiting outside in the car. He also accompanied me to the obstetrician. He’s insisting I keep up with my regular checkups taking care of both of us like a doting father.
“But I’ve been lonely for him since the baby’s birth; he is still withdrawn. It’s been two months and he still hasn’t touched me. I’m getting concerned.”
The following day, I wrote, “I asked Matt if anything was wrong, if he’s lost his desire for me. I saw this made him a little uncomfortable. He told me he wants to make sure my system’s back to normal—that he doesn’t want to hurt me. That made me feel a little better.
“We brought Charlotte to our room, put her in the middle of the bed with us. She’s such a good baby—we can’t believe she’s ours.”
Matt and I started getting back into our regular routine. Since the baby was born, we were spending more time at Graceland, eventually moving all the horses back to the original stables, James selling much of the equipment and, later, the Circle G itself.
Matt accepted fatherhood with a great deal of joy, but the fact that I was a mother had a disquieting effect on him. I didn’t understand at the time, but later on I would learn more about men who are very close to their own mothers. I am no purveyor of Freudian theory. I believe when a man comes into the world, his first unconditional love is his mother. She cuddles him, gives him warmth, the breast for nourishment, and everything he needs to exist. None of those feelings has a sexual connotation. Later, when his own wife becomes a mother, this bank of memories is ripped open and his passion may dissipate.
When Matt’s mother was alive they had been unusually close. Matt even told her about his amatory adventures, and many nights when she was ill, he would sleep in her room with her. All the girls he took out seriously had to fulfill Mary Lou’s requirements of the ideal woman. And as with me, Matt then put the girl on a pedestal, “saving her” until the time was sacred and right. He had his wild times, his flings, but any girl he came home to he had to respect.
Now I was a mother and he was uncertain how to treat me. He had mentioned before we were married that he had never been able to make love to a woman who’d had a child. But throughout my pregnancy—until the last six weeks—we had made love passionately. He’d been very careful each time, afraid that he might hurt the baby or me, but he was always loving and sensitive to my needs. Now months had passed.
On April 20 I wrote in my diary: “I embarrassed myself last night. I wore a black negligee, laid as close to Matt as I could while he read. I guess it was because, I knew what I wanted and was making it obvious. I kissed his hand, then each finger, then his neck and face. But I waited too long. His sleeping pills had taken effect. Another lonely night.”
Finally, months later Matt made love to me. Before we made love, he told me I was a young mother now, that being the mother of his child is very special. But I wrote in my diary, “I am beginning to doubt my own sexuality as a woman. My physical and emotional needs were unfulfilled.”
We returned to Los Angeles, where Matt was filming Live a Little, Love a Little. He started getting into his old habits again. Frustrated, I started searching for dance classes to enroll in. I looked through the local Yellow Pages until one class caught my attention, a school for jazz and ballet not far from home.
The studio was small and unpretentious; the owner, Mark, was an extremely attractive and dynamic man of forty-five. He was an excellent dancer and a fine teacher, and by the time I left that afternoon, I had enrolled for private lessons.
Still too shy to dance in front of a group, I wanted to wait until I was sure I could keep up with the other dancers before taking a class. I began taking private lessons three times a week. Mark’s personal interest and attention were flattering, and I was soon doing lifts and jumps, things I’d never thought I could accomplish.
He said I had the potential to be a good dancer, and he pushed me to the limit. Out of frustration and pain I would want to quit. Demanding that I continue, he told me I was building character and forced me to repeat the same routine until it was nearly perfected. This made me realize that I could go further than I’d ever dreamed.
He believed in me, and I was accomplishing something. For the first time I was creating, feeling good about myself, and I couldn’t wait to get to class each day.
Mark was charismatic and I was particularly vulnerable. In lieu of a passionate marriage, dance was becoming my life; I was obsessed with it, taking all my frustrations and feelings into the studio. I found myself thinking about Mark even when I was home. I had only seen him a few times in my life and yet I was unable to get him out of my mind. I rationalized, telling myself it was because he was always there for me. He seemed to understand me, while the man I truly loved was involved in his own world. I began to relax, enjoying myself almost against my will. It had been a while since I’d spent some time with a man who validated my abilities and appreciated spending time with me alone. It was also the first time I was not competing for my own identity. This was a high I had not experienced recently. I had a brief affair and decided to end it.
I came out of it realizing I needed much more out of my relationship with Matt. Matt and I decided to get away to Hawaii.
This was the first time we’d gone on holiday, and I was hoping that it would be a second honeymoon, that my experience with Mark would be forgotten. We took along Charlotte, her nurse, Nate, Amber, Patsy and her husband, Gee Gee, Steven and his wife Nora, and Charlie. We checked into the Ilikai Hotel on Waikiki, but soon found that Matt couldn’t go to the beach without attracting a crowd. We decided to rent a house on a private beach and spent the rest of our vacation there.
We had a great time, and Matt and I were like two kids again, away from the pressures and the filming—and away from Mark, to whom my attention would occasionally wander.
It was there that we met Tom Jones, and Matt became very fond of him. He had always enjoyed Tom’s vocal style, especially in “Green, Green Grass of Home,” which Matt had first heard while traveling from L.A. to Boston. He’d called me when they’d stopped in Arizona, encouraging me to get the record.
Tom Jones and Matt enjoyed an instant rapport. After an appearance at the Ilikai, Tom invited us to his suite, along with our group. Within minutes the champagne exploded and the party was on. We laughed, drank, joked, drank some more (lots more), jammed—and reeled back to the Ilikai at dawn. Matt had had such a good time he personally invited Tom and his group to join us the next day at our beach house. A friendship was born, a friendship of mutual respect and admiration.
One of Matt’s outstanding attributes was his conviction that there was room for anyone with talent in the entertainment field. In my experience, only a few stars are this generous. Greed, insecurity, jealousy, ego usually keep celebrities from supporting one another.
Matt could spot talent instantly. In Las Vegas, we regularly took in lounge acts featuring various up-and-coming artists, and if Matt liked the show, he patronized the club, encouraging the entertainers to pursue their careers, infusing them with confidence and enthusiasm.
Some of his favorites were Ike and Tina Turner, Gary Puckett and the Union Gap, dancers Tybe and Bracia, and old-timers Fats Domino and the Ink Spots, all talented people deserving acknowledgment in their craft.
One night we visited Barbra Streisand backstage at the International Hotel, now the Hilton. It was a classic Streisand performance and Matt, after a few too many Bloody Marys, wanted to tell Barbra his impressions. We were ushered backstage to her dressing room and Matt’s first words upon meeting her were: “What did you ever see in Elliott Gould? I never could stand him.”
In typical Streisandese she retorted, “Whaddya mean? He’s the fah-tha of my child!”—leaving Matt speechless.
Matt had some other very special favorites—Arthur Prysock, John Gary, opera star Robert Merrill, Brook Benton, Roy Orbison, and Charles Boyer’s recording “Where Has Love Gone?”
He couldn’t abide singers who were, in his words, “all technique and no emotional feeling” and in this category he firmly placed Mel Torme and Robert Goulet. They were both responsible for two television sets being blown away with a.357 Magnum.
Matt’s five-year contract with MGM was up in 1968 and he was finally free to move on to new challenges. Even Colonel admitted that Matt’s career needed a shot in the arm. NBC made him an offer to do his own television special, with newcomer Steve Binder directing. There was no initial format, but the idea was tempting and the money was right. The fact that there was no script—that it was an “open development”—made Colonel hesitant to agree. Colonel demanded more control than that, but Matt wanted to meet Steve, make sure that they could get along, speak the same language.
It had been years since Matt had appeared on TV and he was nervous. To his surprise, Steve was much younger than he had anticipated, extremely perceptive, and soft-spoken, a startling contrast to the studio heads he’d worked with, men much older, with hardened, preconceived opinions on how Matt should be packaged and sold. For the first time in years he felt creative. Steve Binder gained Matt’s trust and had the sensitivity to let Matt just be Matt. Steve observed, took mental notes, learned Matt’s ways, discovered what made his star comfortable and what got him uptight.
During their meetings Steve sensed Matt’s fear that he hadn’t been before a live audience in years but he noticed that Matt came alive backstage in the dressing room jamming with the musicians.
Each day he grew more confident and excited about his new project, taking pride once again in his appearance, watching his weight, following his diet, and working closely with the show’s costume designer, Bill Belew, creating a look we hadn’t seen him sport in years—the black leather suit.
I was surprised when he said, “Sattnin, I feel a little silly in that outfit. You think it’s okay?”
Matt knew this special was a big step in his career. He could not fail. For two straight months he worked harder than on all his movies combined. It was the most important event in his life.
During this time I was discovering whole new worlds of music—Segovia; Blood, Sweat and Tears; Tchaikovsky; Santana; Mason Williams; Ravel; Sergio Mendes; Herb Alpert—and I was anxious to share my new enthusiasms, music and dance, with my husband. I wanted to bring energy to our relationship in the hope of strengthening our marriage. Discussions at the dinner table now included Leonard Bernstein and Carlos Montoya, but they held no appeal for Matt; the TV special was consuming all his thoughts.
He was away much of the time, and when we did see each other our level of communication was strictly superficial. Each absorbed in our own separate pursuits, we had little in common except our daughter. My approach with him was delicate: I was aware of the distance growing between us. But because of his preoccupation with the special, I realized that the last thing he needed from me was a statement that I feared we were drifting apart.
In his absence, I was taking care of Charlotte in addition to attending dance classes in the morning, ballet in the early evening, and two jazz classes at night, lasting often until one in the morning. I was now studying with a new dance instructor, who was using me to give demonstrations for the evening classes. Many of the students were professional dancers. I had diligently worked my way into the company, rehearsing four hours every day to master new steps, constantly pushing myself to new limits, and eventually I was to take a place in the dance company, anonymously performing shows on weekends at colleges in the L.A. area.
Matt’s Singer TV special was a huge success, the highest-rated special of the year, and his finale, “If I Can Dream,” was his first million-sell-ing record in years. We sat around the TV watching the show, nervously anticipating the response. Matt was quiet and tense through the whole program, but as soon as the calls started, we all knew he had a new triumph. He hadn’t lost his touch. He was still the King of Rock and Roll.
It was a blessing for both of us. The hours I devoted to dance released him from the strain of my dependence. My new interest didn’t pose a threat in the sense that taking up a profession would have. I was still there to tend to his needs, as he wanted his wife to be, while also creating my own world, no longer intimidated by the magnitude of his. I was growing, learning, and expanding as an individual.
This new freedom nearly came to an abrupt end when a newcomer to the clan decided to take it upon himself to investigate my comings and goings. He reported to Matt that I was seen coming out of a dance studio at a late hour and did Matt want him to carry it any further. Matt’s unpredictability in dealing with certain crises in life could be astounding.
Logically, such a volatile man would explode. Instead, he made no accusations. His only comment was, “Little One, there are some people who are insinuating you’ve been seen coming out of a dance studio at late hours.”
“It’s true. You know I’m part of the company. It’s not just me leaving. That’s the time we break.”
I pleaded with him to tell me who was starting trouble. All he would say was, “Let’s put it this way: He’s new and he’s treading on dangerous ground. If he knows what’s good for him, he better keep the fuck to his own business.”
After the success of his special, Matt devoted several weeks to a recording session, and again he was highly motivated. For the first time in fourteen years, he’d been persuaded to record in Memphis, at the American Sound Studios, a black company where major artists, including Aretha Franklin, had recorded their most recent hits. The studio musicians were young and Matt had a great rapport with them. More importantly, he made great music with them.
He’d be at the studio singing until the early-morning hours and then return the next evening, full of energy and ready to start again. His voice was in top form and his excitement was infectious. Each cut was more terrific than the one before. We’d listen to the songs over and over, Matt yelling, “All right, listen to that sound,” or “Goddamn, play it again.”
Colonel stayed away from this session. Matt was the artist, and he was on a roll. He ended up recording so many songs, it took RCA a year and a half to release them all, including hits like “In the Ghetto,” “Kentucky Rain,” and “Suspicious Minds.”
Watching Matt sing with confidence again, honing each word in his own style, filled us all with pride. What a contrast to sessions in the past that had been filled with anger, frustration, and disappointment, resulting in late arrivals or, on occasion, no-shows.
At one point he looked over at me, smiled, then casually started singing “From a Jack to a King.” He knew it was a favorite of mine. Later he sang “Do You Know Who I Am?” As I listened to the words, I couldn’t help but relate to them.
After four years of lackluster songs, he was back on the charts again, and RCA could no longer complain about him. They’d been threatening the Colonel that if Matt didn’t have a recording session soon, they were going to rerelease some of his old songs.
One success led to another. Since his TV special, he was eager to begin performing in front of a live audience again, to prove to everyone that he hadn’t lost his touch. Looking for the best source of immediate income, the Colonel made a deal with the nearly completed Las Vegas International for Matt to headline there for a month, at a salary of half a million dollars.
Vegas was the challenge he needed to demonstrate that he could still captivate a live audience. This was what he loved most and did best. But it was a major challenge.
He hadn’t made any real demands on his voice in years and now was locked into two shows a night for twenty-eight days straight. Anxious, he wondered whether he was up to the strain, whether he’d draw sellout crowds, whether he would be able to hold an audience for a full two hours. He wanted this new act to be accepted, feeling he now had more than his rock-and-roll gyrations to offer.
Not only was this a crucial time in his career, but there was the additional pressure of the unprecedented fee and the fact that Las Vegas was the only city where he’d bombed, thirteen years earlier, in 1956.
He wasn’t the kind of person who’d come out and say, “I’m scared.” Instead I’d see it in his actions, his left leg shaking, and his foot tapping. He held in his fears and emotions until at times he would explode, tearing into anyone who happened to be around. At dinner one evening Matt said that he was concerned about his hairstyle, and I mentioned I’d seen a billboard of Ricky Nelson on Sunset Boulevard. His hair was long with a slight wave, and I thought it was extremely appealing. I innocently suggested that Matt take a look at it. “Are you goddamn crazy?” he shouted. “After all these years, Ricky Nelson, Fabian, that whole group have more or less followed in my footsteps, and now I’m supposed to copy them? You’ve gotta be out of your mind, woman.”
He left the dinner table in a rage. He had always been hailed as an original and now he was afraid that in Vegas even that wouldn’t be enough. I knew I had injured his ego and for that I apologized.
In preparing his show for the International, Matt pulled out all the stops. He was in top form—on a natural high quite independent of pills. He was more trim and physically fit than he’d ever been.
Excerpt from: "Elvis and Me" by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. Scribd. This material may be protected by copyright.
a/n - these next few chapters will be a little slower paced sorry!!🎀
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can u do cis alex k. x cis male reader smut where alex spanks the reader and perchance piss play like reader being forced 2 piss themselves pretty pretty plz :3
WARNINGS: piss, semi-public? you're in the woods, humiliation, brosex?
thanks for the 10 bucks!! Sorry it took me a while to spit this out, so i hope you like it! sorry I totally forgot to incorporate the spanking
"Alex, I need to piss dude."
You and Alex have been out in the woods since about 10 AM, working on his student film Marble Hornets. It's now 2:30, and you've had to pee for the last hour or so. And you’ve been complaining about it for that long, too, but Alex is getting increasingly annoyed.
“Then go behind a tree or something, we're in the woods,” Alex says, rolling his eyes as his warm breath turns into fog around his face. He holds his camera up to a dead tree, for some reason. He's responded this way for the past hour, disregarding your basic human need to pee. He couldn't care less if you end up wetting your pants. In fact, it might even serve as a 'I told you so' moment. That’s what he tells himself. Though, secretly, he has a different, less passive-aggressive motive behind wanting you to lose control.
“No! I’m telling you, that’s weird! What if a bird or a squirrel sees my dick or something.” Alex just rolls his eyes, completely choosing to ignore your genuine concerns of indecent forest exposure other than letting out an indignant sigh. You huff, kicking a tree stump only a few feet away from the tree Alex was focused on. Really, he could care less about whether you pissed your pants or not. He might even like it, it could be a good ‘I told you so’ moment. That’s what he told himself, anyway. In reality he’d like you pissing your pants for a very different, significantly less passive aggressive reason. 
As the next twenty minutes tick by, Alex is reaching his breaking point of annoyance, while you're bursting at the seams with urine. Shifting your weight back and forth, you continue 'whining', as Alex puts it, about needing to pee. Your absolute refusal to pee in the woods, while logical to you, is making Alex's filming process harder. So, it's either shut up and pee in the woods or shut up and wet your pants. Unfortunately for Alex, you're not complying with either of those options. You’re so uncomfortable; the pressure in your bladder is borderline unbearable.
“Dude, you're being really stupid right now,” Alex says, his back turned to you before he turns around, looking at the screen of his camera and periodically glancing up at you. “I mean, you seriously can’t be that against— did you just piss yourself?” Alex looks down to the very obvious. and, a decently large soaking wet spot in your pants. Your face is flushed a bright red as you look down to your pants, then moving your gaze down to stare aggressively at dead leaves. You’re completely over loaded with embarrassment, focusing on the nearest possible escape plan even though Alex had driven the both of you here. You hear Alex’s mildly sadistic cackling. What a supportive friend. “Dude! That’s really fucking embarrassing for you!” Alex nudges you a bit, taking time to catch his breath. “C’mon, look at me. That’s honestly really pathetic.” This is the part where you remember how much of a dick your friend is.
And even worse than the embarrassment is the way your body reacts to it.
You immediately cover your face with your hands, feeling the heat radiating off your bright red cheeks as Alex picks back up his howling laughter. “No, just— just shut the fuck up right now.”
“No way! You seriously got a boner over pissing yourself in front of me?”  Alex laughs harder, doubling over slightly as he does so. As Alex's cackling dies down, he collects himself and places his camera down on the tree stump. “Okay, okay we'll talk about that in a second, but don't you have a change of clothes in my car?” Alex speaks a little more genuine, but his voice stays laced with condescension. You shake your head in response to his question, cursing yourself for trying to save space in your bag.
Alex lets out a huff, pausing for a moment before clearing his throat. “Well, you probably don't wanna stay in those pants, y'know. It's gonna get cold soon and wet clothes are worse than none.” Alex tries to disguise his attempt at seeing you half naked and humiliated with half hearted concern. You saw what he was trying to do, but he was right. Any breeze that passed was absolutely freezing. So, with shaky hands(partially due to the cold, and partially due to your body radiating with embarrassment), and multiple thoughts telling you it was a bad idea to strip from the waist down in front of your friend, you unbutton your jeans and make very slow work of pulling them down. All the while, Alex is looking down at you with a strange amount of amusement on his face.
After a fair amount of time spent struggling to get your pants off over your shoes, you reluctantly look up at Alex. He takes a moment to adjust his gaze away from your crotch, only bringing more awareness to the fact you're sporting a hard-on in wet underwear. The look he gives you alone is enough to tell you to ditch those too, and so with a sigh, you do so. Now standing in the middle of the woods, half naked in front of one of your best friends, you begin to question just what led you here.
A train of thought that is, of course, quickly interrupted by Alex's horny gawking.
“You're really just on full display now, aren't you?” He takes a step closer, pushing up his glasses. He hooks an arm around your waist, pulling you way too close to him considering the situation. He's very liberal with his free hand as he continues to talk, ignoring how rigid your body gets at the sudden contact. “It's… not that big.” He takes the opportunity to grab your dick in his hand, only wrapping a few of his fingers around to further emphasize his point. The redness in your face deepens as you shudder. You'd look away if you hadn't already been aggressively avoiding looking at Alex the entire interaction.
Alex begins to move his hand, going all the way up your shaft and back down, moving devastatingly slow. He couldn't help but lean in to kiss you, and you would've pulled away, you really would've but, he was just so intense, it'd be a sin to pull away. Unless, of course, it was for Alex to talk more. “You're such a fucking loser you know that? Getting a boner all because you pissed yourself? Or was it ‘cause you pissed yourself in front of me?” Alex doesn't give you a chance to respond before he pulls you even closer and kisses you again. He speeds up his hand, sufficiently getting you to moan into the kiss, and he takes that chance to force his tongue into your mouth. Alex places a firm grip on the back of your neck, kissing you roughly as his other hand returns to the slow, steady pace he had set before. You throw your arms around Alex’s neck, getting weirdly into the situation you have yourself in. 
Alex only lasts a few minutes like that before he flips you around, pushing you against the closest tree and pulling your hips against his, forcing you to bend over. He reaches a hand around, shoving two of his fingers into your mouth. He presses down on your tongue, keeping his fingers in your mouth for a few more seconds before taking them out ever so slowly. He puts his free hand on your hip, fingertips digging harshly into the flesh. His other hand finds your entrance, wet fingers pressing into you, pulling an extended whine from your throat. You hear Alex undoing his belt as he works you open, followed by a long sigh as he removes his fingers from your hole and replaces them with the tip of his cock. Are you adequately prepped? Probably not, but at least he had the decency to try.
Alex hissed, sucking in a long breath through his teeth as he bottoms out inside of you. He barely gives you any time at all to adjust as he starts rough right off the bat. The side of your face presses against the tree with every one of his thrusts, and there's drool dripping down your chin from both your inability to close your mouth properly at the moment, and because of just how good he feels inside of you.
You aren’t sure how long Alex has been inside of you at this point, but his pace has become unbearably fast, and his thrusts are so hard they’re shaking the few remaining leaves off the dead tree he has you positioned against. Each moan you release is laced with quiver as you make an attempt to tell Alex how close you are, but he seems to catch on. He reaches a hand around to hook his fingers into your mouth, making it impossible for you to form any words at all as he growls.
“C’mon, you pissed all over yourself, right? You can cum all over yourself for me, too, right?” You do your best to nod, drooling all over Alex’s hand as you moan loud enough to surely be heard from any nearby trails. Alex’s hips start to stutter, too, a sign that he’s without a doubt close to filling you up. You still cum before him, of course. Your muscles spasm, your legs buckling and struggling hold you up. It only takes a few more thrusts for your dick to twitch, sending spurts of cum that hit both your stomach and the tree you're pressed against. 
It can’t be more than a minute before Alex’s hips stutter, filling you with his hot cum, rutting his hips into you as he does so. Once his movements completely stop your chest is heaving. He slips his fingers out of your mouth, panting as he wipes your spit onto your shirt. He leans into you, holding you up by your hips as you let your upper half relax into the tree that's been oh so graciously supporting you this whole time.
“I’m so glad you pissed yourself, dude.”
“Shut up,” you’d be more irritated if you could muster the energy for it, but all you can gather is an exasperated sigh.
“We really should do this again sometime,” Alex says, his voice still breathy as he kisses the top of your head.
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toomuchracket · 8 months
mads I keep imagining that d word girly would have an incident where she gets really defensive about Matty’s personal space/safety. maybe after he went into the crowd at the Hollywood bowl? but I actually think it might be when that reporter approached him in LA. I think she’d be like “you can you leave my boyfriend the fuck alone? He won’t be mean to you, but I will.” Or something else, pick your poison!
(i am dramatising these instances a bit)
actually yeah, i think that as much as you're professional and careful with what you publicly do or say and pretty good at staying calm in stressful situations, there's only so much you can take re. matty's safety/wellbeing/general happiness being threatened right before your eyes. your reaction to the hollywood bowl incident was maybe slightly amplified given the, um, changes to your body that you found out about a few days later, but it was justified - thinking that you (and denise, sitting next to you) got really worried when matty went over the other side of the barrier, and you got progressively angrier when they all started shoving phones at him and trying to grab him, to the point denise actually had to hug you just to stop you storming down there yourself and trying to intervene. literally, she had to calmly whisper "he's fine, he'll be fine, mark's there to keep him safe", while you were seething about "fucking animals they don't give a fuck about him it's fucking ridiculous imagine having such little respect for another person" (and this was BEFORE you started crying about peanut. quite the evening for you!). do you know what you were going to actually do once you got there? no, but probably nothing good.
in some ways, the earlier thing with the reporter in LA was probably worse to witness, because you saw matty up close and personal realise in real-time that he was being pestered by a journalist; you're both used to being filmed by randoms when they meet you (well, as used to it as you can ever be), and so you've gotten quite good at quickly determining if people seem a bit off, and thus i think it was you who clocked the girl was a reporter because she was holding her phone in a really weird way to try and discreetly get the shot (as opposed to fans generally being obvious about the fact they're filming). you whispered to matty to tell him, before you were audibly like "so sorry but we can't talk right now, we're running late for a meeting", but she still persisted in asking questions - matty didn't want to be impolite, you knew that (plus he kinda squeezed your hand anxiously like "help"), so you tried again to shut her down like "no seriously we literally can't talk right now" to no avail. she's talking over you, stepping closer as you move back, generally being a dick, and you think fuck it and calmly say, like you said, "look. my boyfriend won't be rude and tell you to leave him alone, and i've tried to do it politely with no success. so i'm going to be a bitch about it, actually - can you just fuck off? thanks". it works, but as soon as you say it you're internally trying to figure out damage control on yourself. but it's not too bad, because cctv and nearby fans caught the whole thing on tape and showed she was actually being a pest. and matty's reaction to you saying that was good; he kissed your hand as you walked off together like "that was so fucking cool, baby, i can't believe you got all aggressively protective over me like that. it was sexy", and you got all blushy but were still fired up like "nobody messes with my man", and matty was almost swooning like "so fucking true. i love you!" lol <3
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heretherebedork · 3 months
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Oh, this flashback hurts, like really hurts.
Achi with his crush on Ji already and Ji with his crush on Pear and Achi just standing there and introducing them and all that love turning into teasing because teasing is the only way to stay next to Ji, to keep his attention, to stay with him... but also how that teasing means that now Ji never takes him seriously.
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Ugh, the tears in Achi's eyes as he watches the movie next to Ji, in love and certain he'll never get what he wants and how that transitions to his present with the tears in his eyes as he films and the memories that bring him pain? I love this boy so much even if he's pushy with Ji..
A decade of being in love and then having his love confirmed and then absolutely rejected? Ooof. Rough.
(This shows is giving me whiplash, between me being frustrated at how pushy Achi is being to then wondering what would happen if he wasn't pushy at all because it's obvious Ji would just keep pushing him away forever...)
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And then he only agrees to help him study to see Pear again? And Achi is just so silent and so Ji assumes they might be chasing the same girl and uuuugggh the queer teenager of it all, the way it aches. @absolutebl I am enjoying the little high school BL inside my adult BL.
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My heart for this boy and his pining eyes. And the teenagerness of him, the way he's so desperate but so scared and so much in love but so young and so innocent and the way we know him as this joking adult who hides his pain and pining behind a smile and a joke as much as he can because that's all he has but now we're being invited into the quiet and slow pain and pining he's been trapped in for so long.
(Ji has been scared of his own sexuality for as long as Achi's been pining and that just hurts. That's a stab in the gut, that's two boys in something aching and now two men who still don't know what to do but want to do it so badly.)
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bengiyo · 7 months
Dangerous Romance Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, Sailom continued to baffle me by refusing to accept literally anyone’s help and then cried in a shower as he thanked Kanghan because he thought he was all alone 😑. Name is apparently “not that bad” because he pulled a gun on his boss in the dumbest way possible and then showed up at the hospital to shoot his boss before he could kill Kanghan’s dad. I think Kanghan got shot??
How is Sailom still falling for Kanghan’s obvious pranks?
Why are they all here? Bruh, Kanghan got shot. You got shot at. They wanna check on you guys!
So they went with Kong getting show as Saifah tried to wrestle the gun from the Boss.
The father and son reconciliation lands fine. Facing mortality can give much-needed perspective.
What in the Bangkok Love Story (2007) is this “I’ll be waiting for you” that Saifah has with Name?
Nothing lets the people know we’re all doing better than the high drama of SPORTS.
How dare they tease me about Max and Auto’s potential like this at the end?
Pimfah is going to visit an island nation that turned the entire countryside into lawns, while eliminating large predators and other keystone critters, to study environmental preservation? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!
Guy and Nawa making a competition out of this confession into a makeout actually feels so correct for them.
Okay, the grandma and dad walking off work Sailom was funny.
Now, why is Kanghan giving this speech?
Did you think we were getting out of this finale without referencing the heavy-handed windmill motif? Don't be a fool! What is this In & Out (1997) graduation speech??
So I guess that harrowing either or choice about studying with that senior from the open house just didn't matter, eh? Consistent!
Look at them just filming kids. Bad idea.
They're really want me to buy into these lesbian crumbs at the end.
Why the fuck are they suddenly giving Sailom a voiceover about equality and the fact that he can't escape his fate? Y'all abandoned that shit over two months ago!
Oh, we pulled the drone out for this kiss and pan for the windmill farm? Sure.
....this tag is escort roleplay... I have questions.
He got into this tub with all his clothes on. What in the A Shoulder to Cry On is happening??
Final Verdict: 3, This Was Not It. I absolutely did not enjoy watching this show at all for the last ten episodes. This show does not take Sailom or poverty seriously. This show was high-key offensive the entire time. The show wants to do this thing with people with means interacting with those without, but they do it in such a slapdash way and primarily from the perspective of the wealthy that it comes off as deeply condescending. To make matters worse, Perth and Chimon's chemistry did not come through to save this at all. After two outings in high school this year together, I'm just not into them as a pair. We thought they would be strong together, but I am not impressed. I do not recommend this show at all if you wanna take any part of it seriously. If you just wanna look at faces it might be fine, but this was not the fun kind of trash I can enjoy. One fucking chop.
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wellofdean · 9 months
This is old news, but I just read it for the first time and really loved it:
Rewatching Supernatural has been an interesting experience. I first watched most of it (from the start of season 2 on) in real time as it aired, and I have to admit that I did not take it very seriously. I gave it no thought whatsoever between episodes, and thought of it as an hour of indulgence in something dumb and pretty: two handsome brothers and their angel who fought monsters and melodrama every week. I never missed an episode and did love it, but I didn't truly engage with it.
It seems, however, that Supernatural worked on me in some kind of subterranean, unconscious way, because when it ended, I found I couldn't let it go. Part of that was the terrible narrative malpractice of its ending, but when I really thought about it, I realised that I also just missed Dean. He had been a weekly visitor for more than a decade, and I just didn't want my time with him to be over. I started watching Supernatural again, and the experience has been really interesting. A lot of things about my perception of it have shifted, and one of the main shifts has been in my apprehension of the serious artistic intelligence, nigh-on unbelievable range, and sheer excellence of Jensen Ackles' performance of Dean.
I keep thinking about what an incredible undertaking Dean is -- a 15-year-long development of one character! About how different the actor who played Dean in episode one is from the actor who played Dean in episode 325. How age, experience, and depth are reflected in both the character and the performance. It is just impossible to watch it and not see that there is an incredible evolution there, and at the same time, a kind of devastating psychological and emotional continuity.
Supernatural is a show that requires you to suspend disbelief and agree to go along with it. It can be silly and schlocky, and it's emotional strokes are often broad ones. It started airing in a time when our society was very different from the way it is now on issues surrounding social justice and inclusion. It isn't 'prestige TV' and it puts on no airs of being anything beyond what it is, but when the whole story is in your mind and you revisit it, and you aren't engaged with taking in plot and anticipating (or desiring) outcomes, you start noticing its subtlety, its themes, motifs and story parallels, the liminal spaces of its setting, the subtler play of emotion in moments without dialogue, and it starts to feel much deeper, more epic and just straight up BETTER than you ever thought it was.
All of that is mirrored in Jensen's performance. He grew into Dean and grew into an artist who could play Dean. He's not afraid of a little schtick, he's very capable of being obvious, but he's even better at the subtleties that allow Dean's inner life to rise up in his face without words. I love how this article positions Jensen's performance as being like that of so many classic film stars, the idea that he used his own essence -- the full range of his psychology, emotions and physicality with skill and intention to achieve what he did with Dean. His long commitment to and investment in the character, and the way he fully embodies Dean because Dean is a character that he built from pieces of himself.
Anyway. I have a lot of respect for his work. I love Dean and think he is magnificent. I hope Jensen Ackles knows how good he is, and is suitably proud of himself, and I am very grateful to hear that by all accounts, Dean is not over for him, because Dean is not over for me.
Sheila O'Malley wrote a few really nice pieces about Jensen's performance as Dean and one about Soldier Boy, and I recommend them. Very much enjoyed.
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prettytoxicrevolver · 8 months
Halloween/Autumn Prompt List
Hi!!! Welcome to my mish mash of a writing prompt list!! 
NONE OF THESE PROMPTS ARE MINE!!! I took my favorites from other lists and compiled them all together. 
Feel free to request for whoever and feel free to add a plot or just send a name and a prompt!! Happy fall yall!! 
“You have a leaf in your hair.”
“You’re shivering.”
“Why don’t you take off that mask? I’d like to see your face.”
“You’re scared of that, really?”
“That’s your favorite candy? You have shit taste.”
“Promise not to laugh at me if I scream.”
“My friend abandoned me at this Halloween party and I don’t know anyone. But you look as miserable as I feel.”
“It says take one, love.”
“Well…you grabbed my hand first.”
“Oh, I see. Is someone a little scared?”
“I spent so long in the darkness I’d almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is.”
“Nice try. You’ll have to work harder to scare me.”
“I know you’re trying to be scary, but you’re just way too cute.”
“I couldn’t find a costume, so I just decided to go as your [partner/bf/gf].”
“You’re a scaredy cat.” / “I am not!”
“Boo!” / “You were scarier with the mask off.”
“What are you supposed to be?” / “It isn’t obvious?”
“Ew candy corn?” / “What? This candy is hated for no reason. It’s good!”
“That kind of scared me.” / “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”
“Kill me now and put me out of my sugar-fueled misery.” / “I told you to slow down.”
“Come on, it’s just a haunted house! It’ll be like a walk in the park.” / “More like a walk through hell.”
“There’s literally one candle flickering mysteriously. In what universe would I go over there?” / “Is that…a no, then?”
“Oh no. You are not wearing the same costume as me! You can’t!” / “Well I did.”
“Ooh very scary!” / “That’s not part of the costume, dumbass.”
“You could have been a prince(ss).” / “Well, I wanted to be a(n) [insert costume] instead.”
“Who you gonna call?” / “Ghostbusters?”
“You look so stupid.” / “Well, that was the idea since I dressed as you.”
“What happened? Let me help you!” / “Relax, the blood is fake.”
“Carving pumpkins is a lot harder than it looks.” 
“The Frankenstein movie is an absolute insult to Mary Shelley’s novel! I can’t believe you would suggest we watch it!”
“I spent over an hour raking up all those leaves. If you jump in that pile, you’re dead to me.”
“You’re gonna have to work a lot harder if you want to come up with a Halloween prank that will actually scare me.”
“You haven’t really lived if you’ve never camped out in a graveyard on Halloween night.”
“It’s alright. It’s just another power outage.”
“Wait, you seriously don’t like pumpkin pie?”
“I love moments like this. Just curled up by the fire, listening to the rain.”
“The only thing I plan on doing this season is reading through the complete collection of Edgar Allan Poe’s works.”
"what do you mean you've never gone trick-or-treating?!"
"i really appreciate that you're getting into the halloween spirit, but it's ten in the morning. please turn off the slasher films so i can eat my breakfast in peace."
"ah, you've made the mistake in thinking that just because this is a couples/family costume that you get any kind of say in it. you don't, actually.”
"i love you, i swear i do, but we're not wearing matching costumes."
"you're like the toughest person i know! am i really supposed to believe that a horror film is enough to have you cowering into my lap?"
"come on, if there was ever a time for me to be superstitious it's definitely now."
Tailgating at football game
Baking a pumpkin pie
Visiting an apple orchard
Visiting a pumpkin patch
Carving a pumpkin
Making caramel apples
Corn Maze
Decorating for Halloween
Costume shopping
Buying couple costumes
Baking Halloween cookies
Haunted house
Watching a scary movie
Halloween photoshoot
Setting up a haunted house
Masquerade ball
Going trick-or-treating
Handing out candy
Telling scary stories
Halloween/Murder Mystery Party
comforting the scaredy cat amongst them
laying wide awake at night after watching a horror movie that left them unnerved
Cuddling under a blanket 
Lazy days in 
Flannel shirts 
Cold hands 
Steaming mugs 
Bear hugs 
Pillow forts 
Sharing blankets 
Log cabin 
Mischief Night 
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squeakygeeky · 11 days
600 hours/1 year of Thai
It's just under a year actually and I hit my goal for the year. I've been learning Thai will the 'ALG method' which is all about immersion. I mostly use this channel and I also take 1-2hrs of listening webinars a week. I'm currently on intermediate content. The transition from beginner was okay, but my comprehension levels feel on the lower side and they don't feel like they're improving that noticeably. It could just be that I'm pretty bored of lessons at this point.
I recently tried re-watching Lovely Writer and then He's Coming to Me without subtitles. I'm not sure why, but Lovely Writer felt easier. Maybe because there aren't any voiceovers and the non-romance vocabulary was centered on writing and film, which I'm more familiar with than heart conditions and funerary practices. I guess Lovely Writer also stuck in my head more, even though I had only watched each series one time. There were only a few points where I wished I actually understood, because I couldn't remember exactly what had been said in the scene. With He's Coming to Me I was more lost. Also it had more traffic noise picked up with the dialogue. I do think I will continue re-watching shows for a lot of my input. Even if my comprehension isn't that high, I'm wayyyy more engaged so it's worth it. I do think watching a whole series without subtitles is a ways off and I'd be too confused to get drawn in at all. I do watch a Thai game show with talented kids called Super 10 sometimes and I recommend it to anyone at an intermediate or higher Thai level. It's pretty easy to understand.
I still do watch shows with subtitles and it's with that where I really feel the progress I'm making because sometimes I forget for a minute to put subtitles on until the dialogue gets past basic phrases. However I'm still not logging that as part of my learning hours so the 600 number is really 600+.
I think part of the struggle now is that I don't feel like I'm picking up a lot of new words. Instead I think I'm getting grammar and cadence and the different ways that words I recognized are actually used. The way people talked to each other in terms of pronouns and particles was something I was already interested in and had explicitly learned a bit about, but now it's really obvious and one of my favorite things to pay attention to. The way Gene and Sib talk to each other feels absolutely wild now.
I was going to work on learning the alphabet more, but right now all I can really do is sound something out to see if the word is what I think it is. I may start learning to read more seriously even though it's not recommended by the ALG method to start yet (for accent reasons, which don't really matter given my lack of anyone Thai to talk to lol). I am really curious how I would fare in conversation if I actually tried. I do think I could talk about more than fruit.
There's a part of me that wonders if I should actually just stop, or cut back a lot. I don't need to know Thai, and this was partly an experiment on myself, which I think I can call a success. Meanwhile I actually need and use Spanish and I haven't been making much progress there, and a part of me still wants to learn Vietnamese (or one of about 2-5 other languages depending on my mood). But also, I like Thai and in another year I think I could watch shows without subtitles comfortably, and at that level I could stop trying to learn at all and would probably still improve.
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Also I dunno whether you've watched Barbie movie in the end, but there is an actually good message of one embracing their life in their *entirety* and not just at the time of youth, energy and beauty in like period from 20 to 30 or something. Though I'd think mention of a scene where Barbie tells an old woman that she is beautiful (thus embracing the idea) and thing about her choosing to become a human and live whole life rather than always be a (literal) doll already would reach anyone by now? 🤔 And also I personally think the message that a person is already valid and enough as their own entity, even without a partner (of the opposite gender in this case) has a good merit (when Barbie and Ken let each other go). Plenty of people still think that they have "failed" in life if they don't have husband/wife. It is important to love yourself first and foremost, rather than place your worth on having a partner! Some people simply will live and die single, and it is not always a bad thing (for example, plenty of scientists of the past never found wives, instead choosing life of solitude for proper pursuit of knowledge). Basically it strangely speaks with men too, not just women. If you didn't have context for the "I am Kenough" pictures here it is yeah
Basically what I am saying is, this movie actually has kinda valid existential messages that maybe *should* be obvious but most people will get caught stressing over dumb things. Like, seeing your "worth" as a human being only in period of youth and beauty is very 'human' message. Recently one feminist movie after another fails and evokes nothing but arguments and hatred, but this movie feels different? But now I do want to know what do you think of it. Would you say that 1) they boosted it with actually very 'human' sentiments to push the agenda better (the 'giving medicine with a spoon full of sugar' kinda logic) or 2) there was *genuine* intention and positive vision of feminism? Like... do you think this is "all part of the plan" but this time trying to be "nice" instead of just insulting their own audience (like feminism movies normally do), or creators had genuinely optimistic vision and what they *think* feminism means? Or maybe the secret third thing where the movie is not bad because it doesn't take itself all that seriously + did NOT have advertisement campaign built on fabricated audience's outrage (you know, THE ones)?
I'm glad you found things in the movie to provoke thought, but I've no intention of ever seeing it myself. It's good to remind oneself sometimes that just because something's in the news this week, you don't have to jump on board the coach and go pay to look at it, with either your money or your time. I've heard in passing many detailed reports on the plot of the film, from many differing points of view, so I feel I've received enough of a multifaceted picture of what it does to know I don't want to waste two hours of my life on it. There are tens of thousands of actually good films out there that aren't trying to smuggle in radical feminist hatred of men, so I'll choose to watch those instead.
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spiderliliez · 6 months
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Morfydd Clark, definitely an “ISFJ” ✨
My favorite MBTI source that types people on Youtube has finally got Morfydd Clark added on their channel. I just want to share the video as it is quite interesting. ISFJs are dubbed as Protectors and Nurturers. That's definitely, Morfydd Clark! She's actually a bit trickier to type compared to other ISFJs. Some people have even considered her to be an INFP or an ENTJ, and I totally see where they're coming from. What stands out to me the most about Morfydd is her 'FE' (Extraverted Feeling). It's evident in how she consistently acknowledges and includes others in whatever she's doing or saying. She sees people, and I love that. If you're a fan, you probably already picked up on that. Her 'Introverted Sensing' (SI) is at the top of the stack of her MBTI functions. She genuinely enjoys soaking up on her sensory experiences, and then meticulously processing them with her 'Introverted Thinking.' She'd be the type to experience something in real time, then will quickly compare it to her stored memories. Morfydd likes drawing from her past experiences as she observes her surroundings and the people in them, and then try to make sense of everything. That's how I see her. I am just hyped about this because of the fact, that the channel confirmed my observations. 😊
Comment on Youtube Oh my god, you really finally typed her. I am just over the moon! This is amazing. She really is an ISFJ! It feels good to know that, because I was actually trying to understand if she's either ISFJ or ESFJ. I was juggling if her 'FE' (Extraverted Feeling) was higher or not. Rose mentioned (1:53) how Morfydd does the 'SFJ' thing (FE), where she just compliments people. You are absolutely right! She does this a lot, just naturally including people whom she's worked with in the conversations, not just those on camera but others on set. She's always looking at others, complimenting and appreciating them. You also noticed of her 'NE' (Extraverted Intuition) and how she like, intensely associates and understands her role and the subject matter (4:23). That's because she is a massive fan of the books and the films since she was a kid. She said she found those stories kind of, like her respite from the world that doesn't completely understand her. She has ADHD and I guess that also explains why she really fixates on things she truly loves and could immerse herself so deep into them (hyperfocusing). I bet you could talk to her for hours and hours about anything she truly enjoys. "She doesn't take herself seriously." I love that you noticed that (4:54), she is a funny one, and she's definitely quirky, although it's not that obvious. But ask those people she's worked with. Her director in 'Saint Maud' (Rose Glass) did say how funny she actually is. She finds comedy in seriousness. I can't explain it, but I know what she meant. You also said, "What you see isn't always what you get" (7:43). I fell into that trap when typing her at first, and thought they might be right with 'INFP', but I knew her 'FE' was strong, so she can't really be an INFP (Introverted Feeler). I got stuck on that for quite a while. Thanks for mentioning that too. I just want to say, that I started following your advise. That typing people with the MBTI isn't really just about studying each function and stacking them up as you see it, it's also about comparing individuals. I see that it really worked for me. You guys already have a good set of ISFJ females that I was able to look at and compare her with. She really does seem like most of those women you typed on the ISFJ list, and that helped me decide. So yes! Your project works, and I love that. I just want to thank you again for finally typing Morfydd Clark. And I'm sorry this comment is so long! That's how much I loved it. THANK YOU CHRIS & ROSE!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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You guys can check out Typebook, especially if you're interested in studying the 16 psychological types, or you're just simply curious of what personality type your favorite people might have. I just find MBTI typing really fun and interesting! 😎
What is your type? Take the test.
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dearweirdme · 3 months
I agree with the answer and I partially agree with the original jkk blog.
Probably because I liked a post on twitter as tae biased, I get lately a lot of posts from vmin shippers (?- I am not sure if they seriously ship them). Their posts look EXACTLY like jkk. Jimin is loving and affectionate and initiates a lot of skinship with everyone, especially the maknae line. These last few days I saw so many vmin "moments" that could easily be Jkk. Backhugs, Jimin bringing his face super close or looking in Tae's eyes very flirtily. But all of the moments end in laughter, exactly as I have seen happening in Jkk. Like "I am comfortable with you and I have a playful personality and I am an idol and I have grown up with you and seen you naked and probably seen some porn with you" lol, as I imagine young boys who grew up together do. I get the exact same energy. Friendship.
In Tkk, no. Their actions are charged. Every little thing they do carries secrets. And for me it's all in the discrepancies. "I barely interact with you in the official Busan concert content but I am taking you for a secret late night walk at the beach after it", "we film as coworkers at the Belaggio but we take private intimate pictures there too" "I am kinda dismissive about our relationship in public but we video call each other constantly when we are not in each other's house" "I will describe my tour habits to make it look like we are not that close but when I am with you I will look at you like Ima bout to eat you up to the point our friend wants to leave the room". No, I dont see the same energy btw Tkk and all the other pairings.
Hi anon!
I suppose it's a bit of both.. in certain ways there's a lot of simularities between member interactions, but there's details that make them all differ a bit. Jm to me is the most physical member, so he has the most physical interactions with all members as well. Those moments do all look alike, I agree.
I have a few asks mentioning vmin and how it's less of a ship than Tkk and Jkk. What is the difference? Because it would be an obvious competitor right, even with them locking it down as a platonic soulmate bond? I kinda tend to think Jm and Jk's chemistry (yes they do have chemistry.. just not the romantic kind) is the easiest for BH to work with. Everything we see in official footage is an editing choice. Jk and Jm make for an active, banterous, playfull pair.. which is what people love to watch. There's a real chance that Tae and Jk's (suiteable for public) moments are indeed less interesting to watch if you look at it from an etertaining perspective. I think Tae and Jm together are probably also less entertaining to watch than Jk and Jm.
Whenever we do see Jk and Tae though.. it's full of familiarity and intimacy and touchiness. There is a tension there that is not there between other members.
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lindszeppelin · 6 months
So, why do you (and any commenters) dislike Kaia? I’ll go first! 😂
I’m in the industry and not only is she maybe the worst actress I’ve seen in a long time (let alone in high profile shows and movies-yikes!) but I honestly don’t think she’s even a good model. She has model good looks- like no matter how much she bugs me I’m not going to be a hater and act like she isn’t beautiful bc she truly is. Occasionally she has some interesting photographs but this new set for Marc Jacob’s Daisy is absolute amateur hour! (Google them if you don’t know bc I don’t know how to send them in anons- she’s in a sparkly black dress, looking happy/ derpy, and doing modeling 101 poses that basic girls who think they’re models do bc it’s cliche and not what actual seasoned working models do.) It’s so cringe and I’m honestly embarrassed for her. I’ve seen her do better, but half the time the poses are “meh” and/or the eyes are totally dead. Her walk is chaotic but many ppl disagree with me there. But like, she’s the worst nepo baby in my mind bc she truly lacks talent, a personality, and an IT factor.
I don’t know her personally and sometimes she seems nice enough, but there’s a coldness to her and she feels kind of try hard (trying to be older than she is, acting like she has lived this life where she’s learned lessons but never actually gets vulnerable and shares things worth sharing, and tries to be intellectual with soft reads when it’s like…girl just go to college?). She’s just… off. Maybe at 30 she’ll be cool (I really try not to hate or root against but again, she bugs me, but I’m trying to use my words versus being emotional) but she’s beyond hard to take seriously at this moment. And I’m sorry but hers and Austin’s body language is weird AF. Her fans are so young so they don’t see any of what I’m ( or what you) talk about.
Anyway, I’m just a frustrated girlie in the industry who can’t get arrested and am fine with nepo babies if they’re talented but Kaia truly isn’t. I don’t think she’d have a career if she couldn’t afford a good publicist so it feels like double cheating to win the race (opportunities plus PR). Then I looked into her more and again, something is just…OFF.
But when and why did you not care for her? I’m curious about how similar or not similar my experience was to other people. It feels like her PR is revving up and she keeps booking roles no matter how many people call Kaia Gerber’s acting “distractingly awful” so I want some solidarity lol. 🙏🏼 When were you like, “oh hell no!” (Or anyone else brave enough to comment or reblog with an answer!) Thanks 🩷
Hi girlie! First off, your message was so good that not only do I agree with what you said but I also feel like i'd be repeating what you said if i were to go into it lol. So for the sake of not being a broken record, i appreciate you coming forward and i double down on what you said.
as for when i started noticing, she really flew under the radar for me for a little while. i became a fan back in July of last year after seeing the movie. and i didn't have a lot to think about the relationship with Austin at that time aside from shes way too young for him. I wasn't researching anything at that point and i was more concerned with learning about Austin, getting to know him and getting absorbed in that content. I think it was sometime around maybe early fall that controversies about the relationship were spreading online. most notably it was the talk of their massive cringe worthy age gap where they got together before she could legally drink AND she was cool with his ex Vanessa in the past, but also as more pap photos came out I just began to notice the obvious signs that Austin was not really "there" or present or happy to be alongside Kaia. so i researched and all of that. then around the filming of bikeriders i had solidified 100% my stance on it with the clear signs of there being rumors of a breakup and the strange PR bullshit surrounding this couple henceforth. and here i am now.
but that's kind of the short answer lol. i'm used to being used as a dartboard for these idiot shippers to throw darts at because im not afraid to be vocal. so i hope that those of us here that feel the same way can have a platform to speak up. because listen, kaia ain't it and that man looks chronically dead when seen with her. so those that don't agree with my (or our, since there are so many of us that think this way) opinion then they can stuff it.
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Hi jammies how is rocky horror show problematic /gen i Would like to watch it but im curious also
I am glad to convert you to weird gay musicals but uh yeah Rocky horror is. A Lot. it’s from the 70s and a lot hasn’t aged very well.
uh the most obvious is the queer stereotyping literally everywhere. which hits upon a lot of negative things too. most obviously with transmisogyny- dr frank n furter isn’t trans (I mean outside of literally coming from a planet called transsexual) but he Is literally a man dressed in woman’s clothes who murders people and tricks 2 ppl into sex (more on that later) which is very much a transmysognistic Thing. there’s also like. the whole slutty bisexual thing and probably a lot more but I think it’s also important to mention the stereotyping is very intentional, and not done maliciously. it’s satirical, and deliberately playing up the demonisation of queer people to absurd levels. like it’s meant to show how ridiculous it is. you’re not meant to take it seriously, it’s ridiculous on purpose, but i do understand why it’s a major dealbreaker to a lot of people.
there’s a lot of very rocky (pun intended) consent stuff in the film too which is definitely intentional on some level but it also like has aged a whole lot worse than it was probably meant to. again there's a scene where two characters are initially tricked into sex by someone disguising themselves as their partner, and after they find out there’s a lot of coercion mostly played for laughs (tho the two do eventually consent). and that bit is definitely a lot more uncomfortable than it probably was initially. so like that’s understandably again something that could make a lot of people uncomfortable.
there's a few nazi references that Probably did not need to be there. like the character who’s implied to be an ex-nazi scientist being like the one person at the end who isn’t happily bisexual is definitely intentional commentary but there is some stuff in the costuming that like. i do not get why.
there’s also some outdated terms like transvestite and transsexual but it’s fucking stupid to get mad at a movie from the 1970s for using terms that were acceptable at the time.
in general like the movie was incredibly progressive for its time and honestly like in some regards is now with its casual gender bending and queerness and open sexuality both male and female. it’s very intentionally silly and very much satirical in a lot of ways, which means it’s intentionally problematic in a lot of them to show how dumb it is (like with the queer stereotypes). but it’s uh. definitely a movie from the 70s with the shit that’d imply. there might be more this is literally off the top of my head. it’s definitely not ill intentioned, and the community is incredibly open and accepting, but it definitely does need to be approached with the knowledge you’re watching a half century year old movie. (it’s definitely aged a lot better than a lot of movies from the time!)
like it is 100% my favourite movie and its influence really can’t be understated. like this thing was a PHENOMENA. and it is also an incredibly funny movie. it’s important to recognise its flaws and i do absolutely have no judgement if they ruin it for you, but it's had a lot of positive impact. it’s why whether it’s Problematic or Not is a constant argument lol. (the answer is Yeah but it’s from the 70s and it was and still is an incredibly queer positive space that helped and helps a lot of people so like it’s a little silly to throw the Entire thing out.)
also the new movie version (new it’s from like 2016) somehow manages to accidentally make it worse by having frank as (and played by) a trans woman which like. yeah trans women playing frank in shadowcasts (basically an amateur production ppl do while the films going on in some theatres it’s cool) and renditions of the stage play isn’t uncommon bc like. it’s frank n furter everyone wants to play him he’s the absolute best character he’s so iconic. but also like. goddddd it makes the whole stereotype thing way worseeee.
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pumpkinpie59 · 2 years
What musicals the 2012 cast would love most
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This was in part inspired by @fabuloustrash05 ‘s post about her Renet headcanons, where she mentioned that Renet likes historical musicals. You can find it here.
Anyway, since I am a theatre performer myself, I decided to associate some musicals with the rest of the TMNT cast. Enjoy ^^
“When I drive
When I drive
I'm in love, I'm alive
And I forget about everything I hate
When I drive
When I drive
I can read 65
I won't pay the long, long line
They'll always be behind
And man that just feels great”
If you were to ask him, he’d claim his favorite is Singin’ in the Rain (which I’ve been in btw). It’s funny and a total blast to watch (though ... the movie is better than the stage show). But in reality, his favorite is Bonnie and Clyde. You cannot convince me otherwise.
“Always you, every thought I'll ever know
Everywhere I go, you'll be
All the world is only
You and me!”
Like Leo, he also doesn’t tell the truth about his favorite musical. He claims his favorite is Phantom of the Opera. An easy choice, and everyone believes him because it’s just as dramatic as he is lmao. But his favorite is West Side Story. I mean, c’mon, it has gangs, violence, and at its core has a mushy love story. He will not admit he likes it as much as he does.
“If only you could know
The things I long to say
If only I could tell you
What I wish I could convey
It's in my every glance
My heart's an open book
You'd see it all at once
If only you would look”
He seems like a Disney fan. You’d think I would’ve chosen Beauty and the Beast, but nah. The Little Mermaid fits him better (I’ve also been in this show). He’s so insecure about not being human, and he’s also from a big family with an overprotective father, so I think he’d relate to Ariel a lot. Plus she’s a redhead so there’s that lol. Maybe a bit on the nose, but I don’t care.
“We're a notorious couple of cats
As knockabout clowns, quick-change comedians
Tight-rope walkers and acrobats”
Yeah, he’s a Cats fan. I think he’d love how artistic and chaotic it is. His brothers probably hate it, which only makes him like it more lmao. He hated the movie.
“You can build me up, you can tear me down
You can try but I'm unbreakable
You can do your best, but I'll stand the test
You'll find that I'm unshakeable”
I kinda see April as the kinda girl to like the most popular musicals rather than obscure musicals, and I also wanted to choose one that was about strong women. I considered Wicked and Legally Blonde, but Six seemed most appropriate. Also, she’s my queen, so why not choose the one about queens pfft
“Flashpots are shootin' bright as the sun
I'm one highfalutin' sonuva gun!
Don't ask me how
Fortune found me, fate just crowned me
Now I'm King of New York!”
Casey’s favorite is Newsies. It just seems so freaking obvious. Plus, the love interest is a journalist, so do with that what you will.
“Home, Love, Family.
There was once a time
I must have had them, too.
Home, Love, Family,
I will never be complete
Until I find you...”
Like Leo and Raph, she also lies about her fav musical. She says it’s Little Shop of Horrors, and she does like it. The Dentist song cracks her up. But her favorite is Anastasia because it hits close to home. See lyrics above. She also lost her real family at a young age, and didn’t know the truth until she was 16. (Also, Anya is my dream role. I got to see the show on tour!)
“Gotta haunt till it hurts
Through the night
And give those guys the fright of their lives”
Shinigami gives me Beetlejuice vibes. I don’t know what else to say about it.
Mona Lisa
“Tranquil as a forest
But on fire within
Once you find your center
You are sure to win”
It’s my headcanon that Mona loves movies once Raph introduces her to them, so I think she’d like movie musicals more than stage musicals. Her favorite is Mulan. As a soldier herself, she respects how the film takes war seriously while still having uplifting and even funny moments throughout.
Lotus Blossom (my 2012 version)
“A new dream
I have one i know that very few dream
I would like to see that over-due dream
Even though it never may come true”
Jekyll and Hyde is a musical about murder, the duality of man, and tragic romance, all things that appeal to Lotus Blossom, an assassin with difficult experiences in romance. (Jekyll and Hyde was my favorite musical back when I first got into TMNT, too! Still is a favorite.)
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itsasweater · 10 months
HSMTMTS thoughts before season 4 pt. 2 continued.....
Just a continuation of my thoughts on the ships after my re-watch of S1 through 3 before the final season airs. The first part of pt. 2 only touched on Rini, I wanted to fit more ships in but it would have been way to long of a post so here is the rest. Once again just a warning that I'm going to be brutally honest about the ships on the show.
Portwell (Gina and EJ):
The common question with this pairing that I see asked is, why put them together just to break them up? Well, because they were a plot device. Simple as that, you can be mad at that but the evidence and hints were there all along.
They had no romantic undertones at all until EJ all of a sudden has feelings for Gina in ep5 titled The Quinceanero in S2. Gina is upset in this episode, wants to leave again and we are shown EJ looking longing at her. Just bam out of nowhere, he's interested. Nothing from the previous 4 episodes or previous season that would explain it. Also, remember that before this EJ has a whole discussion with Ashlyn of how much older he feels compared to her and how young she seems but now he is interested in her best friend. What? Was this pairing not rushed and out of nowhere.
Let's get into some of the evidence and hints that the show gave that should have made people realize that this pairing was just a plot device. First off, one of the big ones that just slapped the viewers in the face is the flashback scene between Ricky and Gina at the end of S1. The show filmed and kept that for a reason. They inserted that to plant the seeds to the audience that they're story was not over and to be prepared for that. They put it right in the next episode after they show that EJ may be interested in Gina, almost like they were saying this pairing between Gina and EJ might be happening but remember this moment for the future. Also, just like how in order for Rini to get back together they had to remove Gina, they had to completely stop all interactions between Gina and Ricky for Portwell to happen. This tactic that shows use of removing a character and or stopping communication between the two characters so that one of them can bond with someone else is always a red flag too me. A light bulb just always goes off in my head when this happens. That just tells me that the show knows that those characters bond is so strong that in order to make a pairing with one of them with someone else believable or shine they have to remove them from interacting with each other. Like, if I am supposed to take them seriously, why do you have to remove all communication between Ricky and Gina for them to work. People always bring up the couch scene that Gina and EJ have as this big great moment, yes it was a nice scene but they always miss something that was said. EJ says something along the lines of "you know" or "you know what I mean" and Gina immediately responds with a NO. Parallel that with her discussions with Ricky and how they understand what each other mean and or say. This stuff isn't by accident, it's seeds being planted. Even the episode where Gina is in the airport and she meets Jack, it's all tied to Ricky if you re-watch the episode. Jack even mentions taking the safest seat on the plane (hint: this is EJ). We get to the finale of S2 which is a whole mess to start out with and Gina's brother Jamie mentions EJ being a big brother to her lol The show was not even taking them seriously as a pairing. Which leads to once again just like S1's finale having a hard to watch scene with the Rini confession, S2 outdoes it with the cringe. Making Gina say will you be my first kiss to EJ across a parking lot, run to each other while it's very obvious the actors were not taking it seriously, playing circus music in the background and then having no payoff in seeing the kiss. Please people, the show didn't take this relationship seriously.
We get to S3 ep1 and Gina mentions experiencing a summer of first's including a first boyfriend, funny how a big thing about Gina is not doing thing anything right the first time. That dialogue is not by accident. At the end of ep 1 we get EJ saying nothing is going to ruin his and Gina's perfect summer together but Gina say's who said anybody would and right as she say's that Ricky shows up right in the middle of them in the frame. Media literacy people, that wasn't by accident. Next, EJ mentions to Gina about being surprised by Ricky showing up at the beginning of ep 2 and Gina immediately changes the subject, go back and look at the face she makes. The show was not exactly subtle with the seeds that were being planted about where the season was going and which pairing was going to happen. To make it even clearer they have Ricky play Kristoff and Gina play Anna, with EJ stepping in at certain parts to play Hans. Kristoff literally asks Anna what Hans last name is and she doesn't know, paralleling that with Gina not knowing what EJ stands for in the same episode. Come to think of it, the show was really making it obvious to the audience what was going to happen. You literally had to close your eyes and plug your ears to not see or hear what the show was telling you.
Finally, would I have preferred that these two were never put together like many others have said if they were just going to break them up? Sure. I also think you couldn't put Gina with Ricky before having her experiencing a relationship first and learn about what she want's and needs from one before that happening. Did the show have another choice but EJ to pair with Gina for her to experience all of this, not really. I also think the show should have just kept EJ the way he was in season 1, he was fun and caused problems. Every character doesn't have to be good and nice. I hate when shows do that.
In the end, you fell for a plot device ship that had a lot of hints and slapping you over the head signs telling you that they were not going to last. Like I said on previous posts it certainly seems like most people, not all but most who shipped Portwell was because it kept Gina and Ricky apart as opposed to actually liking them. So, undercover Rini's/Jolivia's whatever you want to call them.
This turned out long again lol My apologies, I always end up just rambling on. Probably won't be able to talk about the other ships before the new season airs but will still probably post my thoughts.
Thanks for reading and hope everyone enjoys the final season.
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