Replaying act 2 is so funny. Siffrin is just so deliberately Not Thinking about could bother him. Ah yes. What an interesting diary entry. Got nothing else to say other than that, bud? No? What about the star leaf you were gifted? Just wants to make you look at the sky? Why's that, Sif? Just gonna. Leave all those feelings packed up, never to be seen again. Gotta keep your laid back funny-jokes-person persona even in your head, right? Okay okay. Cool cool cool. Let's see how that works out for ya by act 3.
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myfckingnameisnuwanda · 7 months
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Thinking about The Ultimate Sacrifice again TnT
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void-tiger · 3 months
…I just want to plant a bunch of flowers. Make a meadow fortress. You won’t find me unless you come looking for me between the petals. Oh, and my cat and bird have to like you.
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ffb6c1lover · 4 months
Imma be real with y'all, I'm not thriving
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mainfaggot · 4 months
got snowed on and got slushed on but im still standing
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lameotello · 1 year
I can't get over how tiny the turtles are.......... Barring Rise! Raph I'm taller than all of them and I don't know how to feel about that
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minglana · 2 years
worst part about a tv show rearranging your brain is the urge to make a sideblog on tumblr...
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ancientdreamkdj · 13 days
Now that I have less things going on in my life at the same time, I am feeling sad over situations that came up already a while ago and that I thought didn't bother me
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void-tiger · 11 months
I want to collaborate with you. But more than that, I want you to feel comfortable around me. That I’m safe and trustworthy. That if you’re not interested or anxious, you trust me enough to tell me “no.”
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strawberry-peach · 6 months
gotta be real i just split another side blog to store the pixel versions of my moustache babes bc it was starting to get messy crowded here
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odinspattern · 1 year
You know, maybe the less hours will be good after all. I mean, I am getting checked for endometriosis in the new year and I’ll have more time off to get that under control. I have saved up quite a bit in the year, mostly to be able to get a lisence.
I can live longer without having it, even if it is a bummer.
Not to mention it gives me more time to check more mental health services and maybe it is time to consider moving on from here.
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booticro · 2 years
Cutie organizator, ideala pentru depozitarea articolelor mici, transparenta, din plastic cu 10 compartimente.
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cacaitos · 11 months
the thing abt KS is that like, the fact that it is a thriller does not necessarilly mean it's de facto not an lgbt story bc a criteria like that would just limt the range those kinds of stories can have
however, the amout itself of the story you can quantify as a lgbt or just 'gay' certainly is far less important than how much is structured strictly as a psyhorror, like you wouldnt precisely advetise it as treating in a great manner lgbt issues themselves lol
AND THEN, it's foolish to pretend the intent of the author, deep down, is even trying to appeal honesly to any of the previous points bc at the very core almost every aspects of the dynamic, the storylines, visual framing, situations etc are subservient to the fact that this is just a genre BL lol, in the derogatory sense. so a lot of the momentum of the layers above get stumped abruptly whenever it talks abt homosexuality bc it doesnt kno how to act normal lol.
AND THEN at the, actual, thematic core is deeply heterosexual admitedly for not completely unintentional reasons. in broad strokes it does center around the reproduction of family dynamics, trauma etc. now the thing is that that both fuels the BL fantasy aspect, and yet the BL aspect does not really awknowledge it wholly, it´s even sometimes contradictory.
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originalaccountname · 5 months
replacement suggestion for people who want the drama of Arahabaki being a voice in Chuuya's head that yearns for destruction and stuff (since canonically it has no thoughts or will of its own and is just raw power):
Picture our Nakahara "I do everything for my friends" Chuuya, Nakahara "with great power comes great responsibility" Chuuya, Nakahara "if I compartimentalize my trauma it can't hurt me" Chuuya.
Picture our guy so raw from using Corruption, or maybe not dealing as well as he thinks with his trauma, or maybe just really tired, or any moment of weakness where you'd want the Arahabaki whispers to kick in.
In those moments of weakness, the Bad Feelings get a hold of him: self-doubt, despair, anger, loneliness. It's so unusual for him to dwell on those things it might as well sound like someone else is feeding him those thoughts. Maybe it adds another layer of frustration. Maybe it does make him want to blow everything up, just to let off some of those feelings.
And maybe in that already bad state of mind, intrusive thoughts enter the field. Things he doesn't really want and things he would never do. Things that make him uncomfortable, things that scare him. He would be able to bring down the Port Mafia. He could kill all those random civilians. He could run away. He already has black holes at the tip of his fingers, he could just destroy everything and leave nothing behind.
And between the very real (but enhanced, put at the forefront) bad feelings and the persistant intrusive thoughts, things might get jumbled in his head. If missing departed friends is real, maybe wanting to get rid of those left is, too. If he's angry at how unfair things have been for him and his loved ones, blowing everything up might be a legitimate reaction. Maybe it really is what he wants? Perhaps that little voice, no matter how scary, is right?
In short: replace "Arahabaki" with "Chuuya's subconscious", for better and for worse. Not to quote Dazai, but: let Chuuya suffer as a human being. Let his struggles be tragically mundane and common.
(and for comfort there's nothing like bringing other people in for a reality check and ground him again)
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fate-motif · 1 year
harry: don’t be deceived, this doesn’t mean harry would go to therapy willingly. but i am 90% sure at that whatever posting he took after voyager, he was asked to do therapy and he scoffed because he didn’t go through the dominion war, why would he need therapy? but he’s still convinced to do it to go with the flow, you know, make everyone else feel a little less bad for needing therapy. but no matter how he ends up in therapy, that therapist is just shocked by all the shit harry’s telling him, and he can tell harry’s not telling the whole truth, but because he can’t make harry tell him anything he doesn’t want to, especially if it’s about the others’ insane psychological issues, that therapist needs to start getting therapy themselves. i’m half convinced this was migleemo and this is how he ended up on the cerritos.
chakotay: he’s perfectly well aware that he needs therapy, but he puts it off successfully for a long time by justifying that with so many dominion war veterans, he does not want to take away their more urgent care when he’s relatively well off in terms of functioning. of course, he’s hiding the trainwreck of a personal relationship he had with seven, and by the time he takes the protostar posting he’s like, okay, alright, i’ll take a therapist with me on the protostar, this is going to help. and then he vanishes. and the therapist probably dies. rip.
tuvok: tuvok’s first inclination is to look for a psychiatrist, not a therapist. he can compartimentalize his trauma so much easier if he just points to any kind of damage he might have incurred between all those mind melds and head trauma in between missions. this lets him look a lot saner than most of the voyager crew who refuse to see any kind of professional but eventually t’pel outs her foot down and confronts him with the fact that his time on voyager has had a lasting impact on his rationality and control and he Requires assistance in addressing it. even then it’s most likely some kind of spiritual guidance, which is pretty close to therapy for vulcans considering their spirituality revolves around psychological control and all that, but he still dodges the needing therapy allegations publicly like a pro.
the emh: he recognizes that he needs therapy, would most likely want it, but he doesn't last more than a couple of weeks with anyone he tries because he thinks they're too dismissive of his issues because he's a hologram, so he tries to pour out his issues into trying to defend the right to mental healthcare for holograms while avoiding any kind of therapy himself because he doesn't want to go through all of that again.
seven: the federation has universal healthcare so therapy is available to seven, but she still refuses mental health care services when she realizes what the attitude towards xBs is in the federation. the closest she ever came was considering couples therapy when she was still with chakotay but that was a passing consideration and it was the prelude to her breaking away from the federation entirely after she broke up with chakotay. if she has received any kind of therapy afterwards it’s unlicensed, highly questionable, and probably self-managed which really shouldn’t have been the case. 
tom: he’s fully well aware he needs therapy, but he refuses to on the principle that he knows the therapists are going to blame his issues on voyager when clearly it all started with his dad and his unfair expectations of him and — but he does end up going to therapy specifically as couples therapy when his relationship with b’elanna was beginning to fall apart. the therapist recommends they both go individually for their own issues and they reject that vehemently. they probably continue to attend just for the insane task that is co-parenting miral between the two of them and they continuously rotate their therapist when they start getting into voyager a little too much.
b’elanna: it’s a miracle tom even got her to couples therapy at all. in the meantime, she’s mostly journaled, read books about therapy, done everything in her power to prove to everyone that she has her own mental health in her own hands and she’s doing great, but she can’t engineer her way out of depression since the age of 6 so you know. it would take a huge crisis for her to finally end up caving to suggestions that she go to therapy.
janeway: everyone who’s worked with her since voyager is telling their therapist about janeway and the way she is. no one directly asks her to go to therapy and the few people that do get shut down because clearly she’s keeping everything together, right? but the psychology academics’ circle of the federation and probably beyond know that they need to be ready for the day kathryn janeway gets therapy. they’ve been talking amongst themselves about who’s going to do it, who’s ready for it, how the dsm is going to have like 42 new mental illnesses at the end of it all and how they’re going to divide the work when they all start working on the scientific papers that make their careers based on how this woman’s brain works.
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thebusylilbee · 1 year
stupidly niche post about the way french and english think bird categories differently and it fucks with me
because I need to rant and show why looking up birds in both english and french is extremely frustrating ! Let's take the Accipitridae family for example ! Clearly the two languages decided to follow pretty different sets of rules to sort the birds out and it results in this fucking mess which gives me a headache :
all the eagles are "aigles" in french
but the hawk-eagles in english are also just "aigles" in french
the goshawks in english are all "autours" in french
but the "autours" in french are ALSO two sparrowhawks (the chesnut-flanked and the black one), one hawk (long-tailed) and one buzzard (lizzard) for some reason.
there are 5 "baza" birds in french and only 3 baza birds in english...
the 2 other baza birds in french are, for some reason, called cuckoo-hawks in english. Somehow they were seen as significantly different enough in one language but not the other.
the bateleur, honey-buzzards, harrier-hawks, snake eagles and serpent eagles in english (why snake AND serpent ? that's the same thing) are the only Accitridae birds with a unique translation in french. They're respectively called "bateleur", "bondrées", "gymnogènes", "circaètes" and "serpentaires", which means that the two languages agreed on exactly five (5) categories of Appitridae birds and nothing more.
you could think that the bird called "busard" in french is the bird called buzzard in english, right ? hahahaha, no ! fuck no ! "Busard" in french is harrier in english !
Buzzard in english is in 4 cases "busautour" in french and in MANY other cases MANY other words :))) I hate this :))))
the "buse" in french is an hawk
the "buse" in french is also MANY buzzards
the "buse" in french is also one fucking buzzard-eagle and two fucking eagles ???? what is the buse in french exactly ?!? WHAT IS IT ??? maybe english has been ignoring essential common features between all these guys ??? who knows ?? not me
remember how "buse" = hawk sometimes ? well the french word "épervier" also = hawk sometimes. clearly hawks aren't perceived as a unified group in french.
remember how "autours" = sparrowhawks in two cases in french ? well the rest of the sparrowhawks are "éperviers" ! that's right just like the hawks ! I guess that difference english sees between hawks and sparrowhawks is completley insignificant in the french system
there's only one Harpy in english but there are two "Harpie" in french....
the "creasted eagle" is the second "Harpie" in french. why did it deserve to be a harpie in french and not in english ? I do not know.
"élanions" are kites
"milans" are also kites because fuck you that's why
"milans" are ALSO "buzzards" (THEM AGAIN !!!) and one single "hawk" (the bat hawk. why.)
english has fish eagles, sea eagles and the white-tailed eagle and bald eagle. well french has "pycargue" for ALL of these.
that's right the bald eagle in french is not an eagle ("aigle") but a "Pycargue à tête blanche" ! I can guarantee you that statistically almost 0% of french speakers know that. we all call it an eagle in casual conversation.
for some reason when it comes to "Vultures" the french language kind of goes a little insane ???
bearded vulture = "gypaète barbu",
palm-nut vulture = "palmiste africain",
egyptian vulture = "percnoptère d'Egypte"
why so many unique names for vultures ???
all the other vultures in english are "vautours" in french
and that's why I will never be able to learn how to translate the name of these birds from one language to another, the logics are simply too different and my brain isn't powerful enough to compartimentalize both of them properly at the same time, I always forget explanations. fuck this. time to learn scientific names.
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