#*bonks torino on the head* your friends grandson deserves to live. go give him some taiyaki
mettywiththenotes · 7 months
I know this is like a distant detail in the wake of everything going on, but I hope we get Gran Torino admitting he was wrong. About telling All Might to leave the Shimura thing be, about not investigating it himself when AFO revealed it, about telling Izuku that killing Tomura was also an option
Because imagine Gran Torino seeing Tomura after he's been saved. Imagine him seeing Tomura get the help he needs. Imagine him watching and realizing that in a world where Izuku had listened and killed him instead, it can't be compared to the sight before him - of Nana's only surviving family having a chance to finally be happy and have people show him the worth in his life, just as she would have wanted
Gran Torino watching a child hero determined to save a too-far-gone villain, only to realize afterwards that maybe he was never that far gone at all. It just took hope and effort and an understanding that doing wrong doesn't make you a villain for the rest of your life, that there's the slightest chance things could change if you just reach out. And maybe being "too far gone" isn't an absolute, an excuse to take the easy route and go home, but a challenge instead
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