#*flattered* oh my gosh thank you ;u;
pjsk-writin · 1 year
hello amiaaaa i hope you're doing well~ im here for another request! as always, take all the time you need, ok?
anyway i request rui and tsukasa with a reader who has a crush on them and they like to secretly leave home-made baked treats on their table everyday (they say the way to someone's heart is through their stomach after all LMAO) maybe they even come with little notes to cheer them on for the day! also!! if it's not too much can you include a part where reader couldn't make it to school one day so now they're wondering where their daily treats went D: up to you if they realize who the reader is~
you seem so lovely btw and you write so well so i think i'll be a regular here, can i be anon 🌻 if it's not taken yet?
hihi, I hope you're doing well too !! and this was super cute to write, and waaa ty !!! ik we've talked before this but welcome aboard 🌻 anon, and i hope u like this ! <3
♡ TREATS FROM A SECRET ADMIRER - Rui Kamishiro and Tsukasa Tenma x Reader
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If there's one thing that Rui isn't used to, it's the idea of having a secret admirer. Most people could barely tolerate his existence, but the fact that someone admired him to the point they'd bake for him...It was unheard of!
He thought it was a pleasant accident when he found the baked treats on his desk. Perhaps someone had left them for the wrong person?
However, when they quickly became a daily thing, he couldn't help but feel...a tad flustered
Someone went through the trouble of baking treats just for him, and it was clear that they were a really good baker
He might have been flustered by the baked treats, but once his secret admirer leaves notes? Oh gosh, he feels like he could melt
Each note was full of a loving sentiment that he was not quite used to. Even a simple "I hope you have a good day!" makes his heart flutter
Was it weird to be falling for a faceless stranger? Maybe, but he couldn't bring himself to care
It was him falling for his secret admirer that caused his concern when there were no treats one day. Or the next day. Or the one after that
He hoped his secret admirer was okay, maybe he should try to come early to see if they were back?...
He always wanted to meet them, just to see how wonderful they were face to face. So, he makes it to school early that day, and finds you
You had gotten sick, and almost felt bad that you weren't able to leave Rui his usual treat and note. So, you decided to give him an extra treat today
What you weren't expecting was an all too familiar chuckle behind you. You froze, slowly turning to see the one person you never wanted to see you
He grins, stepping closer to you before glancing at the treats you had laid on his desk. "Ah, it's lovely to meet you, my secret admirer."
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Tsukasa prides himself on being a future star, which is why the thought of having a secret admirer makes him incredibly flattered! Especially one who left him treats, it was absolutely wonderful!
He was shocked at first when he found the treats on his table, but it was definitely a pleasant surprise! They tasted wonderfully too!
He was even more pleasantly surprised when he discovered that those treats were left for him daily!
Not only were they the best baked treats that he had ever tried, he was also happy that someone recognized his stardom!
Once his secret admirer starts leaving him notes, he feels absolutely wonderful! Each note gives him just the boost of confidence that he needs to get through the day!
Even messages that are as simple as, "I hope you have a good day!" motivate him quite a lot! He wishes to leave his secret admirer his autograph as thanks <3
He was falling for his admirer, but how could he not? They seemed wonderful, the perfect co-star material!
He takes notice of the things that happen to his loved ones, which is why he grows concerned once the treats stop coming in for a couple of days. What happened to you?
This simply would not do! He wished to check up on his secret admirer, but he never learned their name. Perhaps he should ask around?
No no, he always found that learning things on his own always worked better. He decides that he'll come to school early, just to see his secret admirer and make sure they were alright
You were sick for a couple of days, and felt very upset that you couldn't drop some treats off for Tsukasa like usual. You decided to give him more than usual that day
As you laid the treats out neatly on his desk, you heard an all too familiar gasp behind you. Turning around, you find the very person you admired staring at you with a wide grin
He laughs with excitement, walking up to you and asking if he can hug you. Whether you hug him or not doesn't change his reaction, "My lovely admirer, how wonderful it is to finally meet you!!"
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montimer · 9 days
Howdy ! Okay I just read your post about the Three Jokers and gosh how I’m so happy to see that you wrote for them ;-; I feel like they’re quite niche- so- if you ever feel inspired ! I would love more interactions with them-! Either the way each one of them (or in group) acts and develops feelings for the reader or something like that- (maybe some angst to comfort for the Criminal as well-? Nah I’m sorry I have so many ideas about these 3 dorks xd) thank you again for making me happy with your works ! You rock !
AGWHBSZMAjz thank you sm :]
I have so many ideas w em im happy that u like my writing‼️
The three jokers x reader
I'll try an all in one! This is gonna be a long one. I will do them separately in another one!
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The clown >:D The comedian >:} The Criminal >:{
Okay so first things first. How they fell for you.
'The Comedian' was the first one to take a notice in you. You might be a hero, or villain. Even just a random citizen. He will talk to you and annoy you all night. His face is covered with his hat and he deepened his voice incase you are indeed a hero just out of suit. Yes he will know its you, he did all his researched and even followed you home, he calls this "Just happened to walk the same way a bit close behind".
In the night he'll joke and show you tricks. Even a smile can make him a happier men that day. Especially if you talk with him.
'The Clown' will join him soon enough. Saying "Sharing is caring". He absolutely adores you.
'The Comedian' knew about you for a long time. He just wanted you all for himself. But now that the two of them grew interested in you he believes its the best to confront you.
With good old kidnapping of course. They will lead you into an alley way, then gather around you, one of them spraying you with sleeping gas. "Im sorry, its the only way we can do this without trouble. But don't worry you're in good hands" The Criminal says before you fall asleep.
You woke up in a bed. One of your hand chained to it. You obviously panic. After hearing you wake up The Comedian comes in.
"Oh yeah, sorry. We had to make sure you don't run away... But worry not darling, the sooner you realize why you're here the sooner you can walk around freely!" You gave him a confused face and he just giggles seeing your surprised face.
He goes out and soon comes back with the others, now all three in the room as you. And you sit there scared.
Do i own them money? Is the first thought that comes to your mind.
One of them kneels down so his face is directly looking into yours. As that happens you notice something strange. He isn't smiling, he looks moody.
Im really in trouble aren't i?
He starts explaining to you that you don't need to fear and they brought you here because you interest them.
Still confused you just stare into his eyes. Tho you only see two white dots since his hat is covering his eyes with a dark shadow, barely making his green eyes seeable.
He notices that you're not responding so he puts his hand in your hair and ruffles it, in a way trying to calm you.
After that he tries explaining again, this time more forward.
"We have fallen for you."
"Grew an interest in you!"
"We love ya, it's that easy!"
The three of them spoke after each. You tried to gather your thoughts to respond.
"But...why me?"
"How could we not fall for someone like you? So caring,kind and loving. You have great humor and a beautiful smile too!"
You felt...flattered?
Moving on. After that they all try to make you feel home. They show you around, chat with you, eat with you, even buy you games and plays them with you (tho only 'the clown' has the patience for that. The other two suck at games and call them stupid)
They buy you things you like. Bring you whatever you'd like
They also call you different nick names like: Darling, My love, Sweets and many other, its just the main one for them.
They also get very, very jealous. When you seem to enjoy yourself with one, the other feels either left out or the need to barge into the two of you.
For this not to happen, The Criminal as the boss of them succeed to talk it out with them saying they can all spend quality time with you in different times.
When you can finally walk around without one of them following you or without a chain, you want to also go outside.
Not to escape, you just need some air and all, after being locked in for like a month.
You ask The Criminal for permission. He is worried that you will escape but you just have to explain to him that you do love them and won't leave forever. You wouldn't be so comfy and talk to them if you still wanted to run away.
After a good explaining and some nice words he finally let's you go. He worries the whole time but after like a good 20 minute you come back saying there's not much out there (nothing different to see).
He gives you a hug calming down saying he missed you. But now trusting that you come back you can go whenever ya want! Just please tell him
Important thing is, they don't do stuff that will make you upset/cry or atleast try really hard not to. Your first weeks trapped there was a nightmare. You snapped at any noise and was always expecting the worse. It hurt them to see you so sad and scared. They told you many times that they won't hurt you. The Clown and The Comedian thought that hugging you randomly or surprising you would help (it didnt), The Comedian was angry with them a lot and cus of this you saw him as an angry moody guy. In the end he was the one who made you feel the most safe. He usually tried to sneak into your room and calmly have little chats.
It was usually "Do you need anything?" "Are you hungry, thirsty?" "Feeling alright? You can tell me anything you know.."
At first you just shaked or nodded your head but it turned into responding in small words and soon it became actually talking to him.
You also didnt liked to make eye contact at first, just looking up for a second to see which one of them is bothering you this time.
They either talked about plans, jokes, or asked stuff about you
They are very clingy and love when your attention is on them
They will flirt, a lot. Even ask to shower with you to 'save water' (some of them dont even try to hide it with puns)
They can be lustfull and very possessive
They will protect you, always. Someone hurt you/made you feel awful? They get rid of em dw. Feeling sad or depressed? They will cuddle and listen to you, might aswell try to find a solution too
They love you endlessly ;]
For the angst/comfort part with The Criminal heres a little nothing!
Oneshot, gn!reader, angst/comfort but mostly soft
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He walked around the building, trying to find which room you were in. He missed you and wanted to spend some time with you. Only the two of you.
He got his hopes up too high. At one open door he heard laughing and he stopped, he went up to it and saw you and the other two playing games together.
One of them on your lap, the other hugging your neck cheering for you as you hold your controller in ur hand all smiley.
He felt happy to see you but also a strange feeling encountered him.
You were enjoying yourself with the other two so much. Have you forgotten about him? No, surely not. Right?
They all can spend time with you, of course they can. He was the one who even came up with that so why? Why do they have to be with you the same time he wants. It's been some time since he got to spend time with you.
Many feelings crushed trough him. Anger to sadness to agony to confusion.
He didn't wanted to come in, not to crash there 'little party'.
He left and went to his work room. He tried planning, writing, anything to get his mind off the matter. After hours he still hasn't left, still covering over his desk, pencil in hand with a paper full of drawings that are all scribbled over.
He then heard a knock on his door. Was it one of the Jokers? He didnt wanted to bother with them, not right now. He looked back and saw the door creak open, with you standing there.
"Is it okay to come in?" Your voice softened his heart.
"Come in Y/n. You're always welcome to give me a visit."
You smiled at him as you locked the door behind and came up to give him a hug.
"I wanted to see you!" You said still holding him.
At his surprise he couldn't react. Your not here to ask for something, you really didn't forget about him?
He put his arms around you and pulled you into his lap. Still quiet.
You petted his head and asked if theres something bothering him. He responded with a low grunt.
Even if he really wanted to he couldn't tell you that he got jealous over seeing you overjoyed with the other two. He feels a bit embarrassed, he is still unsure how you view him. What is he in your eyes? A leader? An angry man? Or just a criminal?
He hoped you saw some comfort in him, other than him being moody.
"Can we just lay down and cuddle? Like, just the two of us...alone."
He tried to make himself clear hoping you'd agree.
You nodded at him and gave a kiss to his cheeks. That one simple act made him blush a bit with a slight smile.
You guys walked to your own room and layed down to cuddle on the bed. He put his head into your chest, feeling the warm of your body and your hand caressing his back. It made him feel so loved. It filled him with joy. It calmed him down. He felt relief.
You told him yall can stay unbothered since the others are busy. You saw how his mood changed from quiet and grumpy to less quiet and a small smile on his face showing.
"Where you jealous?" You asked and he gave out a 'mmm' sound and you just giggled at it.
"You don't need to be. I'll always have time for you. I love ya!" You kissed his head and he couldn't help but smile at that. His head still in ur chest, he put his arms around you trying to pull you even closer.
He muttered "I love you too"
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shakooo · 5 months
hi shakooo i just really love ur art so much that it makes me go insane like hello? the lines are perfect, coloring is so warm, the anamoty is just the best ive seen and the little details on ur drawings just make me go feral. oh my goodness i could rant about it for days and not get tired like ur artstyle is so addicting esp when u animate like OH MY GOSH i shake every time i see it. ur style can represent so much cultures and things like that my goodness you have such talent.
i feel very flattered about what you say about my style.....its very nice that you like it so much and i'm glad to know that you appreciate it too 🫂🫶 AAAWEEEE
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mickmundy · 2 months
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hi i found your bushmed fics recently and they've converted me into a bushmed enjoyer thank you so much, sorry if the art is bad
AND OH MY GOSH YOUR ART IS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!! ;__; PLEASE DONT EVER BE SORRY!! i am so honored and overjoyed at this, it's absolutely stunning!! ;;; EEEEE i am so so sorry for my slow response, i was kind of "locked out" of my tumblr for a while but AAAHHHH ;;;; THIS IS JUST!! I CANNOT GET OVER IT AHHH i am so so so flattered that you enjoy my series and that it made you a bushmed enjoyer HEHE!! that's such an honor!! ^u^ <3333 ILYYY THANK YOU SO MCUH ONCE AGAIN!! <333333
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st-agatha-city · 6 months
I’m obsessively interested in this game, but I don’t have a PC or MacBook (u don’t even want to know how hard I tried to get it to work with shady Windows-emulator apps and sheer dumb hope 💀 ) SOO I was wondering if anyone has posted a play-through or anything? Or if there’s a wiki or smth where I can at least read the lore? Idk help I’m going insane 😭
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Oh my gosh - I am so flattered!! There are no play-throughs YET (barring my own crummy demos of like... 2 different routes?), and there are infrequent streams from small creators, but I will absolutely be posting here if I or anyone else releases a Let's Play!
My YouTube can be found here! Animatics and voice actor previews are put here, as well as some AMV oddities and the like :) I haven't updated in quite some time because YouTube scares me now I've been busy with IRL stuff and programming, but I intend to update the channel in the future :)
My St. Agatha Play Through footage can be found here!
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As for keeping up to date with fan content, projects, and lore -
My Toyhouse acts as an informal wiki. Many pages are under construction or contain outdated info, but will be updated overtime, especially if prompted to make any pages or characters a priority :) You can do that in my DMs, inbox, on Toyhouse, or via Discord (more on that in a second.)
If you want a Toyhouse code to join the site (as anyone can view, but only invited members can utilize it's services) for the purpose of leaving comments, saving things to your favorites, or for storing your own characters and lore - DM me here! I can get you one no problem :) I also make tutorials and answer questions on how to use the site, as it has a fairly steep learning curve, but is WELL worth the time if you have it to spend. I love it so so much now that I know how to use it.
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People who are sixteen or older can join the Discord! It's invite only, but you are encouraged to message me for access! You can meet other fans, see WIPs, and ask questions to me or others in-the-know more directly :) I also do dev tests and we host live play throughs there!
⚠️ Heads up - the themes and subject matter of this game are discussed openly. This is a mature, but not adult game. There is no nudity or pornographic content, but there might be references to this as well as to gore, death, drug use, assault, and animal violence. As for other potential triggers - suggestive humor, references and cartoon depictions of violence and mild gore can be seen in art and fan art. Any art involving blood will be censored :) We do not tag self harm scars, but do tag open self harm wounds in art. That's another thing to keep in mind.
These are matters of importance or passing importance in the game, mostly in character backstory, they can be expected to be brought up in the server, and I don't advise joining if this might be a deal breaker for you
This server is also plural friendly, and hosts both pluralkit and tupperbox. The server is also pro-endo, and I will not be entertaining discourse on the matter.
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I'll do some asking around to see if anyone has seen or has been considering doing a Let's Play! I've had some people bring that up to me before.
Thanks for sending in the ask!! And thank you for your interest 💌
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lovedazai · 5 months
hii <3 sorry I hope I'm not a bother I just realized your inbox is open and I've just been wanting to say that I think your writing is the best and most accurate that I've ever read (ever read including books, not just on Tumblr yk?) I hope this comes off really positively bc all I want to do is say how talented you are and that I absolutely adore your writing so much <3 literally it makes me want to work hard because I'm not sure that I could capture characters as accurately and perfectly as you (i hope that makes sense???) I hope you're doing well <3 congrats on 3k!!! you deserve it and so much more ❤️❤️
nonnieee now ur just flattering me (∩ ⸝⸝ ∩) i mustve read this ask like five times now w the biggest smile on my face !! oh my gosh pls this isn’t a bother at all im so so happy my writing could make u feel like this. asks like this make me want to work hard & keep making u happy <3 <3 i feel like i can never properly articulate how grateful i am for kind asks like this, all i can say is thank u so so so so much for being here & taking the time to type this out, i never ever forget things like this. it means the world to me truly <3 <3 <3 thank u!!!!!
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lipglossanon · 9 days
LIPGLOSS I AM SO GAGGED YOUR NEWEST STORY with the princess reader IS SO GOOODDDDDD THE LAST LINE OF THE THIRD ONE U RELEASED WITH THORNS ONLY BEING LEFT OMGGFFFFFF STOP ITTTT ur so freaking good im literally screaming crying ripping my hair out i love this this is so good i can’t even explain how good you write i love you and can’t wait for the future chapters
- 🎲
🎲 anon, hiiii! 👋 👋
Oh my gosh, thank you!! 🙈 💜 I’m so flattered to hear that 🥺 This fic’s a bit different from my usual. But I’m having so much fun with this one, so I’m really happy people are enjoying it 🥰
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inkykeiji · 2 months
ur one of my favourite vox and alastor writers omfg... the alastor fic was so sick i need him Bad hes so evilllll *kicks feet*
oh my gosh thank you so much!!!!! i’m absolutely flattered omg omg thank you thank you thank you!! (*ノωノ) HAHAHA eeeee i’m rly glad u enjoyed it!! also rly glad you found it sick LMAOO because my intention was to make it like, sexy and emotional but also kinda hard to stomach >:)
anyway alastor is grabbing ur cute lil footies n pressing kissies to the balls of each and then maybe nibbling on a toe,, just a little <3
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netherfeildren · 10 months
will you ever sell binded physical copies of your stories (with chapter artwork and everything included)? i would absolutely send you all my money if so. i’d kill to have your work in a physical format but i would never want to pay anyone for it other than you! you also deserve to get paid for your work in some capacity, it’s all genuinely the best i’ve ever read - i know so many others agree and would most definitely pay for it as well
holy moly i’ve never even thought about it tbh but oh my gosh it’s so insanely flattering that you’d want a physical copy of anything i’ve written thank you endlessly
bookbinding is actually a pretty complicated, lengthy, and expensive process (so says one of my friends who knows about it) and i honestly wouldn’t know the first thing about getting into doing that. i had a fic from another fandom that is my favorite fic ever and one of my favorite pieces of writing ever period bound a few years ago for my bff as it’s a very special part of our friendship and it was such a lovely gift to give her. so if any of you would ever like to have one of my stories bound i would not mind whatsoever i’d just ask that you please let me know before you do it! i’d love to see the finished product and to just know youre doing it generally that’s literally such a nice thing to do honestly
thank u so much for this honestly truly i’m on my third margarita of the afternoon and reading this again made me a little weepy lmfao i don’t know what i ever did to deserve all of u amazing people on here omgomgomg i’m getting emotional just thinking about u guys ily😭😭😭
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barrenclan · 1 year
oh my GOD RAZ!!!! this is issue is INSANELY GOOD IM YELLING
Ok trasher FUCKING SUCKS but he is So Well Written like GOSH. its so easy to fall into shitty characters like him feeling unrealistic or *too* evil for no good reason but. the way you wrote him feels so real. like hes wrong, obviously, but his morals and ideals feel earned in a way- like they make sense for his character. i dunno how else to explain it- his dialogue is SOO good and unique from many other characters like him that ive seen. (the way he speaks kindof reminds me of how TMA statements are written sometimes and that is absolutely a compliment)
secondly i LOVEEE cormorant so very much, i feel so bad for him. hes such a good layered character i want to pat him on the head. i LOVE how its implied his fathers lessons DID leave lasting effects on him and his morals, even if he probably knows that a lot of them were wrong. Recovering from what he experienced and the expectations forced onto him as a kit takes time, and i appreciate you showing that
i loveee loveee this comic so very much, the characters are SO INCREDIBLE i love their relationships and dynamics A LOT. its extremely well written and illustrated thank u for ur service raz
GOSH thank you so much! I'm really glad you've been enjoying the story.
I'm also glad that Thrasher came across as well written! It's the first time I've really written a character quite like him. I will absolutely take him sounding like a statement-giver as a compliment. :)
Cormorant my poor boy... he can't help but take on morals and views from his father and the environment he was raised in. When that's the only thing you've been taught, it's not going to seem strange to you. Recovery will be hard for him, but hopefully it can go well with some help?...
So kind of you to say all that ah! I'm having a blast creating this story and I'm very flattered it's connected to so many people.
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bruisedboys · 4 months
im genuinely not exaggerating the fact that ur the best writer on here like ur blurbs have me blushing and kicking my feet!! I love the way you write everything u post is so so so perfect ur amazing n I just wanted to come on here to tell u that ! hope you have the best day ur awesome <3 <3
oh my gosh 😭 thank you angel this is so nice you’re so nice!!!! I’m very flattered you think so, even though I sometimes feel like my writing is mediocre at best </3 but thank you so so much for your kind words and support, you’re the sweetest <3333 hope you’re having a lovely day/night honey!!!!
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
one of my friends doesn’t use tunmble dot com so i tell her abt all the stuff that happens regarding the dsmp on here and i show her ur posts and she and i were chillin and scrollin earlier and she goes “u know tobie i think the tumblr friend with the lovely chickens is the only guy who likes techno in like. an analysis way. they’re right about it. they like him correctly.” and i thought you should know.
oh my gosh
this is so so flattering! i just love c!techno more than anything and i love analyzing his character like... there's so much there! he's changed so much! he's struggled! he's not always been a good person but holy crap did he try and did he change and i love him!!
so thank you and thank your friend <3 <3 <3
dream (chicken) is also very flattered.
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dennydraws · 7 months
Hey, I had a plan to write about the Sun Haven Halloween event today, and just wanted to check in with you if a) you want to be in it and b) you could give me a short rundown of what your character is like at this event? Just so I get her at least a little IC. Thanks.
Hello! Oh gosh this sounds super sweet and exciting! ;u; Thank you for considering Aryllin! I'm really flattered how much people seem to like her!
Funny enough I was just musing over this on the side while still at work xD;; which resulted in this ...
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Claude just goes with it like yeah totally meant it as a compliment;;; she is too cute blushing like that to continue trying to explain! So I was kinda stumped, I guess an angel to go with Claude's demon outfit? Or she dresses as a vampire!
Claude: Oh, you dressed as ...me- Ary: I'm a vampire! Claude: Right, that... I meant that.
I'm not sure which will be more funny :D;; Ary is a bit of a curious glutton one, likely going to be eating/trying everything on the festival and insist Claude tries this and that and everything! He may end up having to secretly pocket things/or give to others cause I don't see him sharing the same enthusiasm about sweets (or other food than tomatoes?) but how can you break her enthusiasm when she acts like this weird candy is the best thing she had ever tasted? XD Maybe he will sponge some of her antics as inspiration, like a little an energetic opening to whatever he composes next! I really hope my energies after work don't leave me and I get to draw something...;; in any cause whether you decide to include her or not, I'm really happy for the consideration, thank you!!
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astudyincontrasts · 2 years
penance is the most erotic thing i have ever read and i need you to know how amazing it is. i literally can't read other silco fics now bc they don't compare and i'm not even mad about it. i owe u my life tbh
Oh my gosh I’m so flattered! Thank you so terribly much 🤭 But look, there are lots of other incredibly erotic Silco fics out there my friend. Please please please try A Helping Hand by @x-amount-verbs if the denial and s/d vibes of Penance are your jam. Verbs has me in an absolute chokehold with her story and her writing acumen is bar none.
Thank you again haha this is such an amazing compliment, I’m kicking my feet that you like the story so much. I should have a fresh chapter for you in the next week or two 🖤
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mitsies · 8 months
hi mitzi!! (hope its all right i call u that!!) just noticed that u followed me back and want to thank u so much omg !!! 🥺 i’m so flattered AAH i love ur writing a lot and have gone thru most of ur masterlist omg 😭😭 (& can’t wait to read thru all of it eventually!! 😭) i especially liked sick days 🥺 (tbh all ur gojo 😭)
anyway !! since we are technically mutuals now hehe i was wondering if u would… like to be friends?? 🥺 aaah thanks again and wishing u a lovely day!! ❤️
OH MY GOSH HIIII SEL !!! you are so so cute jshdjsfj YES OF COURSE YOU CAN CALL ME MITZI (if i can call u sel?) and OF COURSE WE CAN BE FRIENDS :,) if you’re flattered, i’m flattered x2 💘💘 your compliments are gonna go straight to my head i can feel my ego getting bigger and bigger as we speak LMAO 😭 your writing is fantastic, better than great so these compliments mean the whole wide world comin’ from you 💟💟 SENDING U ALL MY LOVE NEW FRIEND !! feel free to drop by anytime :D
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darkbluescamvictim · 10 months
I SAW YOUR TAGS ON YOUR REBLOG FOR MY POST AND IM SO HONORED BC TWO LIES IS LITERALLY MY FAVORITE SAMPARD FIC OMFG i’ve reread every chapter so far LIKE the characterization, pacing, plot, dynamics and everything are just so good omfg literally ur so talented and ty for writing and sharing such a wonderful fic <33333
Oh my god I'm really so so so happy and flattered to hear you like my fanfic that much, thank you so much!! And I also still can't thank you enough for that wonderful fanart you did, it's just insane to me that someone would consider my fanfic good enough to draw about so I'm just very flattered and honoured by it and just, gosh, thank you ;u; ♡♡♡
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