ever watch an animatic so many times that every time you see the characters in it in any other context you start singing the song under your breath
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black-dragon1998 · 3 years
Stoic keeper and sick girl chapter 4
Summary: (Y/n) and Lexa tell the team everything and emotions surface.
Also, COVID19 doesn’t exist in this fic!
warnings:  Talking about cancer. if this is a trigger don’t read. Everything mentioned is from my own experience as may not apply to everybody.
Talk about past trauma’s and shitty childhood.
part 1 -part 2- part 3
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Waking into the dining room you noticed it was still rather empty. The only ones who were already there were Alex, Kelley at one table and Alyssa at another. Alyssa was probably the safer one to sit at. The younger ones would probably want to joke with Kelley and move around a lot, Alyssa most nights stayed at her table and was one of the most rational people on the team.
The blond keeper looked up when you neared with a nervous Lexa. You tried to reassure her with a hand on her shoulder as you let her closer to the table.
“Alyssa I like you to meet Lexa. Lexa this is one of my many good friends, Alyssa Naether. I know she looks scary but she is a big softy inside.” You introduce. Alyssa rolls her eyes at you but introduces herself to the girl. She could see that the girl was relaxed around you.
“it’s nice to meet you, Lexa.” Lexa doesn’t say anything but does give Alyssa a little nod so the keeper took that as a win.
“is it okay if the two of us sit with you? That way she can take off her facemask and eat in peace.” You ask Alyssa, who looks a bit confused at your panicked state. Normally you were far more relaxed with her.
“sure.” She said trying to reassure you with her eyes. If you were freaking out then it has to be pretty serious about what you had to tell or what was going on. The only thing she could do was support you.
“sure.” Alyssa tried to reassure you with her eyes and a kind smile.
“Thanks, Lyss, you’re the best.” You beamed the keeper with your best smile as you put Lexa’s bottle down on the table and lead Lexa toward the food.
“come on Lexa let’s go see if they're in anything you like.” you tried to stay optimistic, you knew how hard it could be to eat when everything you smelled or saw tasted disgusting. Even too today you had days you couldn’t swallow anything and had to fall back on meal replacement shakes.
Throughout the whole buffet, there was nothing Lexa seemed to fancy at the end you sighted, Lexa looked up with a small face.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered under her breath, your heart broke. It wasn’t her fault she wasn’t feeling like eating.
“hey, you don’t have to be sorry about this okay. I will talk with the trainers, normally they have some shakes for me when I don’t feel like eating. I will get you to try one-off those okay. Maybe a cola.” She shakily nods looking down at the floor. Taking her chin between two fingers you make her look up at you.
“say it to me.” Your voice is stern but comforting. You don’t want her to live in the constant fear of disappointing you. You give her an encouraging smile.
“I have nothing to be sorry about.” She told you. Not as confidently as you liked but it was a start. You lead her back to the table and tell her you will be back. Taking her sports bottle with you to fill with some cola.
Alyssa watched as you placed the little girl on the chair in front of her and reassured her that you wouldn’t be gone long. Alyssa had never seen you this tender.
Like the rest of the team, Alyssa had questions, after the end of the game. You had disappeared just after the final whistle had been blown and they had found you thirty minutes in the trainer's locker room with a little kid. When Ali and Christen had tried talking to you, you had given them some very specific orders that the girls couldn’t place. Now seeing the girl in front of her with the face mask and bandana with baseball cap those question only rang louder but they were for later.
“Hey, Lexa.” Alyssa tried to get the girls attention by calling her. Het girl looked up at the keeper with big uncertain eyes.
“Don’t you want anything to eat?” Alyssa asked pointing to her empty plate. All Lexa did was shake her head and look down at the table. Alyssa decided to drop it not wanting until you got back, it was clear you had a connection with the little girl.
 The silence in the room was broken when more of the team dripped into the dining room and when more of the younger players it even became rowdy and Lexa flinched at every harsh sound and hoped you would come back fast.
 You returned to the dining room with Lexa’s sports bottle filled with cola and one of your shakes. After doing the whole story to Vlatko he had promised to help you with the legal papers and that set up an appointment with your doctor for tomorrow and one for yourself also.
After the whole ordeal, you felled exhausted, all the emotions of the day catching up to you and all you wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep.
Emily spotted you halfway through the room and strode toward you. Like the rest of the team, she had heard about the kid and had seen her with Alyssa. No one of the younger players dared to approach in fear of the older keeper.
“hey (Y/N) how’s the little squirt doing,” Emily asked hoping you would spill something but you weren’t int the mood to talk to anybody.
“buzz off Sonnett.” You growl not being able to contain your frustration and exhaustion. The conversation with Vlatko was a heavy one. Now the stress of getting your blood draw tomorrow was causing extra stress. You had awful veins and you dreaded it.
Emily was taken back by your tone, normally it took you a lot more to rile you up.
“wow, what got your panties in a twist?” Emily tried to lighten your mood.
The conversation between you and Sonnett had drawn the attention of the rest of the team. You could already see Ali and Ash make their way toward you.
Lexa had gotten of her chair and was running toward you, she could see how stressed you were and she wanted to help because you always helped her.
“(Y/N)!” Lexa grabbed your hand tried to give it a reassuring squeeze but because of her weakened state, it wasn’t hard and also tried to give you a reassuring smile. You didn’t know if you should laugh or cry, how could a child that had gone through all she had to be still so compassionate. Sinking through your knees make you almost eye level with her.
This caused all the veterans to immediately come running toward you while the younger players just watched. There was a small panic going around the team, you never showed emotions so openly.so I kind of freaked them out. Even though you hadn’t shed a single tear you looked exhausted.
“I’m okay Lexa. Thank you.” You whisper to the girl, looking at her gave you enough courage to scrape yourself together and lead her back to the table. When she sat down you handed her the coke and shake, which looked at sceptically but opened it when you told her it tasted like strawberries. After the sip, she takes another and another.
 When the team decided you have ignored them enough they send Ali and Ash to talk to you. Seeing as they had the best track record with you.
You could feel their eyes burning into your back and it was just a matter of time before they tried to talk to you. For the moment you just watched Lexa enjoy her shake.
“your friends are staring at us,” Lexa commented looking at you from under her cap. She looks cute with one of your caps and hoodie.
“I know. They will come over here any moment to talk. They like to do that. You want to tell them?” you would leave the choice to her, it’s her life and you would support her either way.
“I want to stay with you.” She confesses looking up at you with big eyes. It makes you happy she felled secure with you.
“I know that sweety but that doesn’t mean I am forcing you to tell them. I’m not going to force you to tell them anything you don’t want to.” You assure her.
“But I want to be honest with them.”
“well if you are brave enough maybe I could half as brave and do the same.” You stroke her cheek and smile at her. Krashlyn took that moment to interrupt you.
“What should you tell us?” Ashlyn asked while she and Ali sit down in front of you before you look up you catch Lexa’s eye.
“ready little warrior.” She gives you a simple nod. Turning to the couple and try to give them a reassuring smile.
“Lexa and I have to tell you all something.” Suddenly a lot of voices started talking. Asking what it was and how you met Lexa. You cut through it with a sharp whistle and instruct them all to take a seat and listen. You had never seen them sit down so fast and be shut up, maybe you should try that whistle more.
“you want to tell them first?” Lexa swallowed hard before she looked up at the soccer players.
“okay guy’s this is Lexa I met her today after the game, after talking to her I have decided to become her legal guardian. Vlatko is helping me with the papers.” You pause for the information to sink in but not long enough for chaos to break out.
“wait with the questions and judgment until after Lexa and I have done our story.” You gave Lexa a reassuring smile while glaring at your teammates. Lexa grabs your hand for support.
“I have leukaemia and (Y/N) had promised to stay with me so I don’t have to do the therapy alone. I hate being alone in the hospital and she makes me feel safe.” The weight of the word behind the childlike didn’t go unnoticed by you.
Many of the soccer players in front of you had unshed tears in their eyes. After her story, Lexa buries her face into your shoulder. Hugging her back in return almost seemed like second nature.
“you were so brave, little warrior. I’m so proud of you.” You Lexa while hugging her close. When I was obvious she wouldn’t be say anything more.
“I saw Lexa in the stands alone and could immediately tell what the problem was. A couple of kids were picking on her for it, that is when I decided to step in and take her inside with me, I didn’t know how bad her immune system was so I didn’t want to take any chances. Tomorrow both of us have to go to the hospital for a blood test. Then I can tell how much resistance she is against bacteria.” You explain stroking Lexa’s back soothing her and trying to minimize her stress.
“why would they be picking on her?” Christen asks, not understanding why Lexa would be bullied. You have to chuckle at their childlike innocence, most never had to deal with people looking at them weird or shinning them for being different.
“Because people are A-holes, who mistreat everything that is different and not to normal standards.” You grith out between clenched teeth, memories from your past resurfacing. You still remember the stares and the whispers from when you were in a wheelchair because you were to weak to walk. People were far less subtle than they thought they were.
“yes, they are.” Lexa agrees with you while climbing in your lap to hug you. You figured all the emotions and exhaustion were getting to her, so you drab your arms around her so she can rest a bit.
 The whole team looks at you shocked at how soft you are with the little girl. They had never seen you so soft. Some of the veterans were concerned when you told them you were becoming this little girls guardian, to team standards you were still a baby. Only being a couple of months older than Tierna but seeing you like this changed their minds. Also, an unspoken promise was going through the group, they would help you in any way they could.
Taking a deep breath you looked at your team, who were watching you and Lexa with big eyes. Now was as good a time as any to drop your own bomb, hoping that having Lexa with you will lessen the yelling they were going to do.
“There is something I want to tell you guys,” you speak before losing your nerves, freaking out internally. What if they start treating you differently? What if they start looking at you with pity?
Well, you couldn’t go back now.
“There is another reason I stepped out into the crowd today. I saw a lot of myself in Lexa. Because I also had leukaemia as a kid. Twice actually.” Gasp go through the group moments before questions are fired at you.
“(Y/N) sweetheart, why didn’t you tell us?” Ali asks coming closer so she can give you a reassuring smile and doesn’t scare you away.
“This is the only place I feel normal.” You confess not looking up at your team.
“it’s tough being a kid with leukaemia, people treat you different when they know. I was diagnosed for the first time when I was six. You are forced to grow up mentally and emotionally so fast sometimes you forget you are only a kid. I learned to put things into perspective fast, fearing you are not going to going to make it to the next day makes other kids tantrums banal in comparison. This caused me to stick out around my peers and made it hard to make friends. Not that it bothered me that much at that age, I was in the hospital a lot. You take a moment to take a couple of breath before you continue.
“Football is something I love and I didn’t want to be treated differently because of it. That is the big reason I didn’t tell anybody.” A lot of the woman around you are crying or holding each other for comfort. Lexa tightened her hold on you.
The silence in the room is heavy buy familiar. Most people didn’t know what to say after you told them so you decided to let them process everything first before they had to speak to you.
“Alright, that is enough emotions for one day. I’m taking Lexa back to my room so she can rest.” Getting up you grab her sports bottle with you while making your way to the elevator with Lexa in your arms.
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miaxeu · 4 years
      though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, MIA STOEGER is actually a descendent of DIONYSUS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-ONE year old MYTHOLOGICAL STUDIES MAJOR from LOS ANGELES, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite CHARISMATIC & DUPLICITOUS. 
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( y’all dont deserve this real messy intro but im workin w half a bwain cell at 4am so i beg thee 4 mercy. nywyy im the excited new girl who’s hella pumped to meet all ur charas : katya ! feel free to hop in my ims to plot or drop a like and i’ll hop in urs ! x  )
natural acting abilities — her ma’s a hollywoo agent so she started actin real early & now shes a big shot actress. there r more deetz on her career below !
chlorokinesis — it wasnt as natural as acting n she only started working on it when she turned 13 n started going to camps. b4 she just noticed shes good w plants but it wasnt super crazy or nything. its p good now tho ! shes prioritizing vine binding and manipulation 4 the self defense bc awards r cool n all but they dont rlly protecc from monsters ykwim 
levitation — shes trying her best ur honor
alcokinesis  — she cant conjure it or anything, she’s just immune to it ffff
BIO POINTS — cw: drug use ( full biography here )
her mom raised her by herself bc dionysus the party god was out of the picture immediately. she never told mia she’s a demigod & it was always just “ wow ur so talented ” or “ aww u got a green thumb ! ” but when she saw him claim 13 y/o mia by placing a weird hologram over her head while she slept, she knew she had to spill da beanz & tell her kid
ofc mia thought her mom was jus playing sum weird acting exercise w her bc her powers r so lowkey she could highkey just be a Mortal but insert sad whistle, the realizashun & the claiming meant heightened monster threat !! so yea ,,, one ended up chasing her a couple days later rip 
aside from the trauma, mia was ok. mostly bc she ended up cryin for dionysus like any child would n lo & behold he came & helped !!! as he should. nywy she made sure to go to summer camps every year after that but mostly just for protection purposes
she lowkey rlly hates this whole god business esp now that shes grown lmfao deadass thinks she got a bad deal bc life threats arent sexy !!! went to eonia eventually bc its Too Much Man. she just wants to go back to work and her life w the mortals w/o worryin for her life. would deadass fade her father if she could. may or may not be majoring in greek mythology to figure out the logistics of it all out of spite, who knows !
not ! a Drama Queen  —  dont get me wrong, shes hella Extra in the way she moves n acts sorta like shes always bein captured on film. is quick-witted & playful & can be a huge tease/flirt if she feels like it, but miss her w Real Feelings ! totally not sentimental. srsly she will try to rationalize away everything and is just,.,., not good w it. so soz folks, we just keepin it breezy here
ugh, she’s an Actress — aka she can act like she cares tho ! shes very much into keeping ppl on her good side. shes friendly n palatable to everyone bc its how shes been trained & while it doesnt seem fake, its def diff when its genuine
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known —  lemme circle back to the first one, ok so shes good w emotions but only in theory. does intense character work with her roles so she thinks that counts as her having eq when rlly shes just emotionally stunted, projecting n repressing like an idiot
blonde, skinny, rich, & a lil bit of a Bitch — shes only a bitch inwardly or to ppl she trusts enuff to let in on the gossip. if anyone full on opposes her or becomes real emotional, then this lil diva will rear its superiority complex head n snap a lil. will most probably do it v underhandedly n w a smile but it will be Brutal
girls just wanna have FUN ! — shes the child of da party god, so ofc she a true party girl. officially off the rails when she parties. inhibitions ? we dk her. can be insensitive in that case bc smtms its truly no strings attached, tis all abt the fun. likes company a lot & it doesnt even have 2 be loud or particularly abt her, she just likes having people around n the escapism of it all. will make friends with everyone n make sure they have a jolly fun time guaranteed at dionysus parties 
Work Hard, Play Hard — real responsible when it comes to work and commitments and if she trusts/likes u enough, she’ll give it 2 u straight, no bs. def thinks Calling Out is an act of love but maybe does it a lil too harshly smtms. v much into efficiency, sentiments be damned. not the feely words type. will sit next to u or party w u or even pay 4 ur therapist if u need sum1 to talk to. she will Be There while u work thru it, so long as u dont expect her to change n be all emotional n stuff
if she seems a lil contradictory thats bc she kinda is. tis the good ol nurture vs nature. her ma’s a real no nonsense chick n her pops is a frat guy drama geek greek god whos rlly into cottagecore so u get this lil blonde bitch whos sorta teetering on the edges
OTHER INFO  — cw: drug use ( full headcanons here )
re her career, she achieved pegot status when she was 18 aka she truly b dat bitch. shes not super mainstream famous tho, more like indie sweetheart, film snobs/critics fave typa gal. if ya want a trajectory she started w baby commercials then a sitcom from 4-10 ( think modern fam’s lily ) then it was off to the big screen & the stage ! 
mia has a lil bit of a drug habit. its not abusive or dependent, but it is a staple whenever shes parties bc alcohol is useless 2 her. started a lil young too bc hollywoo. primarily uppers/hallucinogens. she smokes weed a lil more liberally but the rest is mostly just an on occasion thing ( which, ngl, is a still a lil problematic when u party a lot rip )
after she got claimed, mia ended up going to demigod camps in a lot of diff places n countries, depending on where production would take her. there was never an established place, more like wherever was nearest when they wrapped up shooting bc monsters afoot n wutnot  
she was always homeschooled but she still managed to go to a prom and homecoming bc party is life. that makes eonia uni p much her first chance at having a normal educational environment & experience and even then its anything but. still tho this is her moment !!! im lit rally begging her to get a personality that isnt her internally rolling her eyes going “ its not that deep ”
might put up a bio/stats page if im feelin sxc but i wud jus like the records to show that mia stoeger is a bi sxc babe bc me ? write a het ? no grassy ass.
POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS — cw: drug use ( full connections here )
omg danny devito i love ur work ! 
,,, p self explanatory sdkjfs sum1 who loves her work ! it can be lowkey/highkey fangirl to a civil admiration
OR alternatively, y/m can Not Be a fan of her work. they might think the storyline of the projects she takes on r too out of touch n highbrow yada yada yada, but yes, we love to see either of it ! 
summer camp sweetheart !  
someone she met when at camp when they were teens ? doesnt matter in what country/city, but mia was only visiting so it was truly a one summer romance typa thing. bc she was younger, im thinkin 13-17 or w/e she was probably sweeter n a lot more emotional then. was it either’s first puppy love ? first kiss ? first “ relationship ? ” idk, do yk ? truly, so many possibilities. nothin set in stone just hmu bub 
summer camp pals ! 
p much the same as above but make it Platonic
party buddies !
or druggie pals. either way works but she wud luv it if theyre both xoxo
friends w benefits !
most probably ( but not limited to ) sum1 she met at a party skdjhsjk is it exclusive ? is any1 starting to develop feelings ? im down 4 nthing n evrything
alexa play true friend by hannah montana !
give mia her college bestie ! her confidant who knows her feels and can call each other out viciously with no ounce of resentment. we stan the friendships !
omg i love ur skirt !
that is the ugliest effing skirt i've ever seen. lmao basically sum1 mia pretends to like or acts civil w but rlly ,,,, Cannot Stand for w/e rzn   
im p much braindead rn but those are just sum ideas !!! ofc the usual staples like the pals, enemies, wutnots are also v welcome we love to see it. if u also have a wc that u think mia would fit in, id luv to know more ! there are also a couple more detailed ones here, but pls feel free to shoot me a msg n we can get 2 plotting x 
( * wipes brow * how did i type so much n say so little rip. mia is also a completely new muse so pls b patient n if i fuq up from time to time, pretend u do not see >.< nywy thnx 4 readin, sweets ! feel free to hmu here or at discord if ya wanna <3333 )
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enchanted--roses · 4 years
New OC
So this is one of my Plot Bunny that actually became an OC. I stop watching Arrow around the end of the second season but decide to get back to it after the last season (i relly wanted to know the end) By doing this i got the idea of Natalee stuck in my head until i put her in word... Hope you like her!
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Natalee Ariel Queen -> Jenna Coleman (Arrowverse OC) -> born May 16,1985 -> Paragon of Loyalty
(I know Jenna is younger than Stephen, but since they gave Oliver a birthday in May 1985 and Jenna was born in April 1986, I’m making them twin 😀 )(Some of the story will be a little bit against Laurel, i don’t hate her like some Olicity shipper seems to do, but since i never really like the actress my problem with the character came from that and how some of the stories portray her. So for some part of this story she will be more “bitchy” than the show, only for a small time) (Tommy will also be different, more mature)
Natalee Ariel Queen, second child of the Queen family, born mere second after her twin brother. Those two will always stay close, never completely moving away from each other. Despite the fact that they were very different from each other. Oliver always acted like a spoiled child and made a lot of problems for his parents, while Natalee never acted like that and could have been seen as the perfect child. At seven she will meet and befriends Tommy and later Laurel and just like it happen for her brother those two will become her lifelong best friends well at least with Tommy it will be. At one point she will meet Sara Lance and despite the fact that Sara was younger, they will become best friends, like another sister. They will always tell each other everything, the only time Sara will hide something to Nat will be the fact she was sleeping with her brother. When Oliver disappears, she will feel her world crashing around her, in one breath she will lose her brother, father and her best friend, it will be Tommy whom will help her go through everything, having himself lost Oliver he will understand what she’s going through. Laurel will separate herself from Natalee thinking that her friend knew about Sara and Oliver, even if the young woman tells her time and time that this was the only thing she never knew. As the years go by, she will finally decide to tell her mother about her plan of not working for the company and het choice to become a journalist. Moira will not understand but seeing that her daughter needs to have her independence and will leave even without her accord, she will give her part of the company which Robert had put in an account that he made sure only Natalee will be able to touch knowing his daughter better than his wife. The young woman will then buy a loft in town, leaving Moira and Thea in the manor. She will also pass more time with Tommy and will fall in love with him, even though he will sleep with Laurel, Tommy understanding quickly the mistake he made and seeing that he had falling in love with Natalee will make his move two years and a half before Oliver will be found on the island. They will begin their relation in the biggest secret not wanting bad tongues and journalists to get involved in their relationship.  Despite the fact that they are trying to hide the nature of their relationship, they will not accept any offer to go out with other people, surprising many who saw Tommy as a womanizer. This relationship will change the way of life of the young man who saw what being independent and having their own job can do to a person by looking at Natalee, who seemed more confident and happier. He will find himself a job in management and will work in different nightclub and restaurant to bring them on top, knowing how rich people think. Natalee will be extremely proud of the way he was changing his life around, seeing the man she always knew he could be. To get people out of their space Tommy will be acting around people as the “trustafarian” he was before, using the trust fund his father got from him to pay every excess and the apartment, but having in secret another bank account in his name. In September 2012 as they hear the news that Oliver is found, they will decide to hide their relationship from him, Tommy not wanting his best friends against him, since he slept with Laurel, before beginning a relation with Nat and her cause she will not want him to think Tommy took advantage of her during his absence. 
When her brother came back and decides to become the Arrow to fulfill their father’s wish to clean the city, she will decide to become a vigilante herself and help her brother, having discovered his secret fairly quickly, it was fairly easy to figure out since the Hood appears right as Oliver came back. Being an expert swordswoman, she will become Gladius fighting with swords instead of arrows like her brother, surprising Oliver who didn’t know his twin was able to fight with swords. She will hide for a little bit the fact that she was fighting with the hood from Tommy, before going clean not wanting to put their relation at risk, he will be against it a first but will understand she needs to do it, even if he doesn’t know the whole story. As the sibling crusade advance, they will meet Felicity Smoak, Natalee will adore her, finding her way to be amusing and a breath of fresh air and will laugh seeing her brother surprise by the blonde personality. She and Tommy will finally tell everyone of their relationship when Laurel tries to mess with all of them to get a reaction from Oliver and Tommy wanting both men in her life. Oliver seeing his sister with their best friend will be angry at them for not telling him and more at Tommy for sleeping with Laurel before moving on his sister, he will be a little less angry at his twin not able to live without talking to her. This reaction from him will make Tommy separate himself from his brother of heart sooner than when he found out about him being the Hood in canon. Finding out about Oliver will make Tommy understand why Natalee helped the Hood (yes, he will find out sooner than canon). When they found out that Malcolm cut Tommy from the trust fund and took back everything from him, they will decide that now they were living their relationship in front of everyone it was time to move in together staying in the apartment of Natalee, living together will force Tommy and Oliver to see each other since Oliver could never stay angry at his twin. Having no choice to talk to each other for the sake of Natalee, they will mend their broken relationship and they will decide not to talk about the vigilante life, still not in agreement about what they were going. Oliver will ask Tommy to take care of Verdant having heard about the job he was doing in the shadow. The couple will stay together proving wrong to everyone that was giving them not long, especially Laurel who was still trying to have Tommy seeing him in a new light. They will celebrate their three-year anniversary not long before he dies trying to save Laurel, to help Nat and Oliver, who even thought were angry at the young women will never want her in peril, he will call them and left them running to stop the undertaking. After seeing him die in her arm, she will lose herself falling into depression for months reliving what she had experienced when the Queen Gambit drown. 
Her brother as he comes back from Lian Yu, with the help of Felicity and John will do everything to show her she is not alone and help her, she will come back gradually to herself, but angry at Laurel putting the blame on her for being in danger in the first place. Knowing full well that the young woman had nothing to do with Tommy’s death and she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. She will try to help Oliver take care of the company and Thea now that their mother was in prison. As the Hood reappears she’ll be asked to do a story on him, she will refuse and ask to do one on the apparition of the new vigilante The Canary. As she tries to find information on the new vigilante, she will discover things about her that will make her question what her brother told her about the island. She will find before her brother who is under the mask of the Canary. As she sees her late best friend, she will be upset having believed like everyone else that her best friend die when the Gambit drown. She will also be angry for a small time against her brother finding out that he knew she survived the Gambit, but will forgive him finding out he thought her dead too since he saw her falling from another boat. The two girls will try to mend their relation and come back to being friends but after everything that happens Natalee was not sure they can come back to being best friends. She will quickly realize that Laurel is drinking too much and that she is taking a lot of anti-depressants, she will try to help her by making her face her demons, Laurel still angry at her for being in a relation with Tommy, will tell her that she was just a replacement in Tommy’s mind for her cause he could not have her and he never love her. Natalee will tell Laurel that nothing she says will ever make her doubt’s the feeling Tommy had for her and when she’s ready to believe in their friendship again she will be there. She will tell Sara that she should try to help her sister and rebuild the relationship she had with her family. Meeting Barry, she will rapidly think of him as a friend and someone she can trust. Those two will stay in contact even after he left Starling City to go back in Central, he will be one of the few to tell her to do an article in other cities than her, telling her she needs to travel and stop being stuck in one place. In December 2013 as she is visiting Barry and searching information for an article in Central City, she is too struck by the wave of dark matter of the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator explosion. They will call her brother since she was not in contact with her mother anymore, he will fly to Central City to bring her back to Starling City. She will be one of the lucky ones that will awake really fast, that accident will make Laurel realize that she could lose her friend without ever saying how sorry she was. This will push Laurel to go and see Nat who will forgive her easily knowing that this day will happen. They will at this moment try to mend the friendship they lost when the Gambit drown.
As she gets back to live normally and go back to being a vigilante, Natalee will soon find out that she is not normal anymore and is now able to manipulate water, not wanting to be a burden for her brother she will try to get control of her power with Barry and the rest of team flash help. She will decide to change her codename to Aquae, finding that Gladius was not her anymore. When Slade decide to hurt Oliver and will kill their mother in front of them, she will decide to go against the men herself, but her brother will stop her not wanting to lose her, having lost too many people. Together they will fight Slade and his men and will emerge from the battle triumphant and will decide to have a normal life. Well, as normal it can be when you are vigilantes. When her brother tries to have a relationship with Felicity, she will try to finally date herself, thinking that Tommy will want her to be happy. She will finally accept a date from one of her coworkers and friends Ethan Nash (Ben Barnes). After that first date, she will decide to try and have a relationship which will last until a couple of months before Crisis. Meeting Ray Palmer for an interview after him buying what was left of her family company; she will find him intelligent and friendly but will keep everything professional and decide to give the rest of the story to Ethan.  As they found out about Sara second death, Natalee will lose it and try to find out who did the murder and why. When they found out that their sister Thea did it, Natalee will be angry for her who will always remember what she did, and be angry against herself. When Ra decides to give an ultimatum to her brother and seems to kill him in a battle, she will find solace with Ethan and the rest of the team. When she sees Laurel try to take up the mantle of the Canary and became the Black canary, she will be proud of what her friend was becoming against Diggle and Ray wishes. She will also be happy to see Felicity letting herself go and accept for a little bit Ray advance. As they win against Ra’s al Ghul, she will see her brother finally be happy by leaving with Felicity. Felicity being her best friends after all this time together will tell her that maybe she should think about herself for once and not the city. After that talk she will leave the vigilante scene telling Diggle and Laurel that for once since they began all this, she can have her own happiness, and move in with Ethan.
As Ethan and Natalee get used to living together and being a full-fledged couple, they learn that Laurel and Thea have gone to get Oliver. Natalee will wonder whether or not she too should start her vigilante life again, Ethan knowing that the woman he loves would do everything for her brother tells her to go help him. With her boyfriend being OK with her fighting, she will tell the team Arrow that she is back. When she found out that Thea and Laurel brought back Sara with the Lazarus pit, she will be angry that they did something so stupid. But wanting to believe her friends can really come back she will try to help them. As Damien Darhk begins to attack her brother, she will stick by Oliver. She will try to send Ethan away not wanting him to be hurt, but he will just look at her and tell her that he will never leave her. As she finds out about her nephew William, she will ask many times that Oliver tells Felicity the truth but he will always say no, she will decide to stay by his decision having faith in him and not wanting to lose him like she lost Tommy. But she will tell him that whatever happens between him and Felicity she will never take sides, but some of their decision will upset her. As her relation improves and she begins to become friends again with her, Laurel is killed by Damien Darkh in front of the rest of the team. Not wanting to be in Star City for a time she leaves with Ethan accepting to write a story in Paris, coming back when she learns from Felicity that her brother was alone to fight for the city. 
She comes back to Star city to help Oliver, Ethan will join the team as a new recruit, he never told Natalee that he was a martial art pro and that he would be useful to them. They will work together with the new team and do everything for the city. She will be promoted to the redactor in chief when hers leaves to stay with his family. As the time advance, she will not be really close with the newcomer of the team especially Rene with whom she will always clash. When the Dominator attack, she is sent just like her brother in a false reality where she is married to Tommy and she is on vacation in Star City for her brother’s wedding. She remembers part of her real life when she meets the Ethan of this reality whom since they never meet was at the reception as a journalist. Remembering her life will make her understand that even though Tommy was the love of her life and the man she will always love; Ethan was the person send to her to make her love again and will not leave without him. As they come back, she will tell Ethan that she loves him and was sorry that she never told him enough. As their fight against Prometheus becomes more and more intense, they will have a point of happiness in their life as Ethan and Natalee get married. But their happiness will be short-lived when they discover that Prometheus knows everything about their lives. Natalee will also discover that Felicity works with Helix and will tell her that if she does not stop, she will force her to do so to protect their family who do not trust this group at all. When Adrian Chase kidnaps the majority of the team and their close friend, the Queen twins will take desperate measures by recruiting Slade, Nyssa, and Merlyn. Unfortunately, despite the fact that they will win the confrontation, William will lose his mother and Thea will lose her father. 
After the events on the island, Natalee and Ethan will decide to stay away from the vigilante world for a while, preferring to live their lives normally. They will take back their costume during what they will call Crisis on Earth-X to help their family. This new cooperation will make Natalee and Kara become good friends. She will also get closer than she was already to Barry and the rest of the Flash team but she will regret not having too much time to know all of them well, still having a crisis to manage. After the crisis they see that there are some tensions in the team, Natalee and Ethan will then decide to stay to reform the Arrow team. Taking up the place that Curtis, Dinah and Rene will give them by forming their own team. Natalee will be the first with Quentin and Ethan to believe that the Laurel of Earth 2 has changed and really wants to stop Diaz. As they tried to stop him once and for all, Oliver promises to get himself to be arrested if they can let him continue the battle, sadly that day they will suffer a loss that will upset them all, they will lose Quentin who will die of the same style of injury as his daughter before. Natalee will then promise her brother that she will look over Felicity and William. She will even force her sister-in-law to tell her where they are in hiding. As her brother is in prison, she will continue the vendetta against Diaz with Ethan’s help. She will want to have nothing to do with the person who was supposed to be on their team and will stick close to Felicity and strangely Laurel with whom she will form a strange friendship, both having to forget the other version of the woman before them. When Oliver was sent back home after five months in jail, she will welcome him with open arms and said that she missed him more than she could imagine that not having her twin with her was too weird, putting a smile in Oliver’s face. As the events of Elseworlds unfold in front of them, Natalee will know that her brother and Barry are in the other body just because of the way they act. As they find out about Emiko, she will begin to think that all her life was a big lie and everything she knew was not real. And that maybe everyone was right the Queens was responsible for a lot of problems for the city. Unless her brother she will want nothing to do with their new sister and will make it clear she doesn’t trust her, but she will stay close to her brother. She will also keep working with the team from time to time but will take more time to work at the journal. When her brother and Felicity leave the city for a small cabin to live there, she will make them promise to keep her in their life. In the flash-forward, we can see that Felicity keep her promise and keep contact with her, Natalee will actually be the only link Mia will have to Oliver during her childhood. She will be able to tell her story of the Queen family and how close they were before he disappears. When Mia will go to Star City and meet her brother and the rest of the team, she will appear before them to help since she will call her. Mia and Natalee are so close that Nat will decide to stay in Star City for a time to help her godchildren with their mission. 
Back to the present Natalee will be with John to find Oliver and take him back to their universe. As she sees the version of Tommy from earth-2, she will see how much a small change in history can actually change their life. When they run to try to escape the antimatter she will be tempted to take Tommy with them, but won’t do it. At they come back to their time, she will announce to Oliver that Ethan died a couple of weeks after he left with the monitor, they were working on a new mission with the team when he was shot, and die from his injuries. Oliver will be sorry for not being there for her and will promise that if he can he will be there for her in times of need. When the kids from the future arrive, she will be the first person to whom Mia will open up seeing that even in the past her godmother is the same and will understand her. They will actually be so close that they will train together, making Natalee use swords again after years without using them, relying on her power more than she should. When they found out that Lyla is working for the monitor, she will be angry but will say that Lyla probably have a reason to do this. As the Crisis advance, we found out that she is the 8th Paragon, the one of Loyalty, making her laugh thinking that she was becoming one cause her brother died and they need a Queen in the Paragon. At the Vanishing point, she will try to help Barry and be there for him feeling as lost than him. Proving the reason why she was chosen at the Paragon of Loyalty, cause even though everyone was miles away from their Paragon characteristics she will stick by her and be loyal to her friend. As they got into the speed force, she is thrown away to the time of Tommy dead, Barry will find her and makes her remember that she is need and to come with him. On Maltus she will fight the demon and help the other Paragon before seeing her brother die and create a new universe. She woke in the new world with a big headache lost about everything; she will try to understand was happening since all was destroyed and will decide to find the team. As she leaves she catches a picture of her and Tommy at what looks like their wedding. She will look at the picture a moment before leaving for the Arrow cave, where she will understand her brother didn’t come back like them. After their battle with Beebo, she will tell Sara that she was still seeing her as who she was before and will continue for as long as she lives. When they finally win against the anti-monitor, she will decide that she was leaving for real the life of vigilantes/heroes, and will try to live her life. That night as she comes back home, she will be nervous about what was waiting for her home. At she opened the door, she will see Tommy waiting for her in the living room. Seeing him alive and not a fragment of her imagination will make her run to his arms. The young man knowing what happens to everyone will just keep her close to him, and will tell her everything that happens between them since he was alive. In the new universe they stayed together through everything, and while she did meet Ethan they became best friends the three of them. Some of the things stayed the same about how she became Aquae and how Ethan died, but a lot have changed, like her mother being alive and them having a good relation. But she knew that she will need more than one night to learn everything. She will be happy to see Mia again, but knowing how the young woman got her memories back she will be angry at the responsible. When Felicity will reappears and they will do one last mission together, she will see that she missed her best friends more than she could imagine. At Oliver’s funeral, she and Tommy will be seen sticking together and the young man will support his wife as much she will do the same for him. In the flash we see Natalee and Tommy leaving their apartment for a bigger house and Nat look pregnant. 
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Ethan Nash -> Ben Barnes(Arrowverse OC) -> born June 22, 1982
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james-senpai · 7 years
On Gency
Okay, because some people have issues with Gency, I thought I’d compile a lil list of arguments that I find against Gency and why I think they’re bullshit. Disclaimer; The ship isn’t canon yet, this is refering to fan complaints, and everything below is my own interpretation of the current lore and character dynamics between the two. This is not a case FOR Gency, rather just debunking some of the toxic shit I’ve seen thrown at it. (long post incoming) TL;DR: if you have another opinion, you’re free to have it. Just try to stay on topic and don’t drag anything into it that doesn’t belong (’homophobia in OW’, current real world issues, that kinda shit) Oh, also I’m going to overlook the “It’s a het ship, so it’s boring” argument, because while I’ve seen it enough to tear y’all a new one over it, I’mma let it slide because that would be too easy to destroy (but I’ll get to that later) 1. Gency is abusive  Nowhere cited or stated. The largest asspull I’ve seen. Don’t have much to say about it since the people I’ve noticed who use this excuse can’t provide any other reason than this simple phrase. 2. Genji didn’t consent to what Mercy did to him This is like getting in a car wreck, going to a doctor, them saving your life, and then turning around and yelling at them for doing their job. Genji was injured, Overwatch picked him up, Mercy as chief medic of OW saved him, as per her job description. Genji probably didn’t want to die there either. He was a playboy at the time, so I imagine that that moment was one of clarity for him, realizing that he never truly lived for anything worthwhile and if being brought back as a part-cyborg would enable him to do so, then he’d do it. 3. OW used Genji to attack his family Again, nowhere stated or implied. It’s stated that Genji used his abilities to dismantle his family’s criminal empire, but never that Genji went on a vendetta against his family. Genji’s no idiot and was probably well aware of the things his family was doing to ensure that he lived the playboy lifestyle he enjoyed for most of his life, but never really cared until they turned against him. After being saved from death, logic would dictate that he’d have some resentment against his family for the criminal shit they were pulling and would’ve gone after them anyway even if working for OW wasn’t a part of the deal. 4. Genji hated his body, and therefore hated Mercy Another asspull and something people try to use to demonize Mercy. Genji’s hatred of himself stems from that: HIMSELF. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen anyone who’s disabled to the point of losing a part of themselves, but it really takes a toll on one’s mental state, self-worth, self-image and esteem. The stress of losing his ENTIRE body coupled with the betrayal of his family more than likely left him disillusioned with the world and his place in it. And as common for men, he found peace in something greater than himself. It’s why he’s so willing to write Mercy and keep touch with her through writing. After he has found peace with himself, he realizes how grateful he is to Mercy for saving him and giving him a chance to live for something greater than himself. Even without canon romantics, it’s genuinely touching to see one character grateful for what they once took for granted and were repulsed at. 5. Mercy had no say in saving Genji Mercy’s designation is the chief medical doctor of Overwatch. Last time I checked, a doctor’s JOB is to SAVE LIVES. Angela strikes me as the kind of person who does what she does, not out of obligation, but because she wants to save lives and make the world a better place. Even if you want to go with the excuse that OW MADE her save him, odds are she would’ve done it anyway because that’s who she is. 6. Mercy turned Genji into a killing machine Genji was ALREADY a trained ninja, so also bullshit. While he did indulge in a frivolous lifestyle, he was still able to contend with Hanzo and fight him off to the point where it wasn’t a one-sided slaughter. The fact that Genji lived AT ALL after their fight is proof of his abilities and skill. The cybernetic makeover they gave him had the primary purpose of saving his life, but because they are naturally more efficient than human limbs, they inadvertently BOOSTED his already stupidly skilled body even beyond what he could do before. TL;DR, the cybernetics didn’t suddenly make him a ‘killing machine’, Genji did. also he’s not a ‘machine’, as he still retains morality and free will. 7. Mercy is evil and a white savior The evil part has already been debunked by the creators, but the ‘White Savior’ bit is really confusing to me. She’s a doctor, so her job is to literally SAVE LIVES. LIKE I HATE TO BREAK FLOW HERE, READER, BUT WHERE THE HELL DID THIS EVEN COME FROM? THE BLONDE HAIR AND BLUE EYES?? SHE’S SWEDISH! LIKE ????? Worst asspull and people just resorting to spitting insults at a character. 8. Genji is a self-insert OC so the writer can live out his dreams of fucking Mercy Yeah, because as if implying that an Asian writer wants to plow his character ISN’T racist. ok. Every character that has ever existed is an OC. And honestly, this is one of the most disgusting pulls I have seen to come out of some people’s mouths. Think before you speak, like damn... 9. The writer is homophobic and favors a straight ship over LGBT representation He’s also the guy responsible for making the comic that revealed OW’s flagship character as gay. I’m not surprised that you missed it though because, while everyone else was celebrating this fact, y’all were complaining about Genji and Mercy writing one another. While he might enjoy the ship, he has also gone on record saying that people should enjoy what they love, regardless of canon. 10. Mercy has a savior complex Side note, but I find it funny how people will say stuff like this and then turn around and ship Mercy with anyone else. Like that makes it better... Again, DOCTOR, SAVES LIVES, HELPS PEOPLE. She doesn’t do what she does out of obligation, otherwise she wouldn’t even be active after OW disbanded, but because she genuinely cares about the good of others, even to the point of disagreeing with OW from time to time and helping those afflicted by war.
11. The patient/doctor relationship is weird and gross Newsflash! EVERYONE who has actively served in OW has at some point been Mercy’s patient. So if you go by that logic, you can no longer ship her with ANYONE in the game who has ties to OW.
12. It’s a poorly-written ship Of course it’s going to be poorly written when it isn’t even CANON yet. Look, bottom line is all we have right now for them that’s concrete is canon story connections, sweet fluff in game and out of game, and voicelines that tie into those story ties. No canon comic dedicated to them, no animated short. At the end of the day, that’s what people are sending death threats over: canon fluff and connections. 13. It’s a boring ship This one bugs me and it’s probably where I’m going to close with. I’ve seen this the most, even without the ‘het’ label (because bi, pans, demi people TOTALLY don’t exist yeah?) but that it’s ‘boring’. This, at the end of the day, is an opinion, but a very unfair one.  ANY PAIRING CAN BE BORING. ANY RELATIONSHIP CAN BE BORING, EVEN GAY ONES. WHAT MAKES A PAIRING INTERESTING, A RELATIONSHIP DYNAMIC, AND CHARACTERS INTERESTING ARE THE WAYS IN WHICH A PAIRING IS HANDLED, A RELATIONSHIP FLESHED OUT, AND CHARACTERS DEFINED, ALL OF WHICH OW’S CAST OF CHARACTERS ARE DESPITE NOT HAVING DEDICATED COMICS AND SHORTS TO EVERYONE. They have likes, dislikes, dynamics and themes, stories and agendas, motivations and convictions, and small bits and pieces in between. All of which makes them engaging and interesting characters that we as the audience WANT to learn more about. We WANT to see Lucio get a short because he’s a great and lovable character with a cause that he’s fighting for. We WANT a McCree short because of his past, his convictions in his time with Blackwatch, and want to see what he’s going to do next. And we LOVED the Reflections comic because, for the first time that I can remember, we saw Tracer get revealed as gay and it DIDN’T remove from her being a bad-ass, wise cracking adventurer who believes that the world could always use more heroes. What I’m getting at is if you think ship X is boring, then it tells me two things about you. Either 1.) You haven’t looked hard enough or 2.) You haven’t seen what someone who’s GOOD can do Because I have loved ships simply because of the heart and soul fans put into them. I love Symetrat because someone wrote a hella good fic that fleshed out their characters, explored the dynamics between their differences, and presented them, for lack of a better word, flawlessly. I’ve loved the sheer amount of sweetness in the art I’ve seen in the Pharmercy tag and loved the dynamic of McHanzo, two roamers looking for peace in their own way. I even loved Widowtracer, two opposing forces and ideologies, melding, clashing, and learning. And I love Gency because it’s different from the ‘guy saves girl trope’, it EMPOWERS Mercy, gives Genji a turning point in his life, and creates a dynamic friendship between the two characters that, even if it never reaches romantic canon, will always be one of my favorite character dynamics in gaming. I’ve seen it in and out of Overwatch and to several fandoms beyond. We as fans can do some pretty amazing shit when we’re not engaging in ship wars and tearing out the throats of our creators, things that can genuinely touch and impact other people’s lives in new and profound ways, add relateability  to already relatable characters, and flesh out stories and dynamics and relationships even after the official story is over, all while offering a new perspective on characters we already know and love. What I’m getting at, and will close on, is that the ship isn’t boring. You are
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Gormless Wrap-Up
A well-meaning friend gave me a book series that is hilariously bad. The first book was Souless and my riffs were entitled brainless. This second book is entitled Changless and these riff are then gormless.
I mean to say I have entitled them gormless! Not that my riffs are dumb, and the effort I spend on them stupid since I’m the only one who enjoys them. HAHA!
The story is SUPPOSED TO be about how a badass lady wearing a rad-looking carriage dress hits baddies with her umbrella and bangs her hot werewolf husband.  In reality it’s mostly poor attempts at being witty, flirty, and superior.
For the last book check out the brainless tag.
If you want the TL;DR version but want to read these new riffs anyway?
This story is set in supernatural Victorian steampunk England.  Alexia is our NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS protag.  She is a soulless, which means she’s able to negate the abilities of vampires and werewolves by touching them. She’s recently married a big oaf, named Lord Connel Maccon.  He’s the manchild in charge of the supernatural police with a zillion dollars and he’s totes super hot too ok.  Their relationship is mostly arguments about how Maccon can’t tell her fucking anything.  Alexia has also recently become head of ~Soulless affairs~ in Queen Victoria’s government.  She has a dumb friend named Ivy, a gay vampire friend named Akeldama, a family who’s evil because they do the same shit as her but while being blonde, and most importantly Alexia is better than everyone cause…cause.
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So here are my final thoughts on the book Changeless for those interested in such things:
Once again the big problem/perk of the story is the consistent frivolousness of it all.  The book is much more interested in its supposed comedy of manners than the last.  This comedy of manners mostly boils down to lol Ivy is stupid, and look at how uptight everyone is.  For the most part it’s just not that clever and more often than not I’m just rolling my eyes at it.  I will say this book is funnier than the last one.  There are a few jokes that are just so dumb, they do hit me in a good way.
However it’s kinda frustrating when nobody seems to care about the overarching plot at all.  Like there is an active shooter in the castle and they all just shrug and go to dinner and later bed.  For me personally, and I don’t know if people would disagree with me on this…when I pick up a supernatural action/comedy/romance.  I’m kinda there for the action, and hoping to enjoy it being peppered with a fun romance and silly comedy.  Not for the action to show up once every 3 chapters, and most of it is a couple of unlikable buttholes being belligerently horny at one another and a dumb character off in the corner going, “Duhhh what does this button do?” The action at the center should be propelling the rest of the story but rather it just feels as if it was an afterthought.
But I mean…at least I find the comedy funny a few times, I did not find the action at the center compelling at fucking all.  The ~who dun it spy~ antagonist was painfully easy to guess.  She does a piss poor job at structuring the suspense and wastes a lot of obvious opportunities for drama.  The few dramatic moments we do get I spend the time going, “that makes no sense” rather than, “WILL THEY MAKE IT OUT ALIVE?!”  Part of this issue comes down to the fact the book wants you to miss out on feeling the ~BAD~ emotions.   You’re not allowed to be sad, scared, or confused as to the right course of action. ONLY HORNY AND LAUGHING! ONLY HORNY AND LAUGHING!  Not only are we missing out on feelings that could make one more deeply invested in the characters and story…but there are moments that should be sad or scary and instead are just powered through with oblivious humor, which makes the lead characters seem monstrously callous or thick as pig shit.
Alexia was kinda a plucky idiot last book.  This book her utter lack of human empathy and kindness makes her harder and harder to root for.
Maccon’s asshole-osity becomes increasingly apparent.  He has a very bad case of hypocrisy in this book.  He refuses to share basic information with his wife but gets seething mad when she doesn’t tell him much less vital information. It’s really not hot or the sign of a good leader that his tactic for dealing with people is mostly intimidation, with a pinch of violence, and that he was seriously considering hurting his wife over listening to her. The only thing he puts effort into is trying to have sex with his wife, and he really should have a few things higher on his god damn list.  And honestly? He doesn’t really do much for this story at all. Alexia does all the plot lifting on her own.  The only thing he contributes to is the ending, and it casts him in an incredibly dark light.  And yanno it just sucks to know that he’s going to be forgiven for it and probably for as little as a “My bad.”  
I continue to find the Alexia/Maccon relationship beyond irritating but at least there were a couple of moments were they genuinely seem to connect in an intimate way, which were absent from the last book.  To be clear I am not conflating intimacy with sex when I use the word.  The two of them are most definitely not equals in the relationship. I wouldn’t classify the relationship as abusive, but best case scenario it’s not equal and worst case scenario it’s quite unhealthy with Maccon holding most of the cards.  But…I mean I can see why somebody would find their pissing contests entertaining.  But for me they’re child-adults who can’t speak to one another outside of annoyed sighs and dry humping.  Their banter is just not sexy or funny to me.
The Ivy and Tunstell subplot drama doesn’t work well at all.  The story outright tells you it doesn’t really care about it.  And the way it moves forward is clunky as all get out.  In particular when they just make-out out of nowhere.  I know they were trying to reconcile with how Tunstell saved her…than let that be the event that catapults them back together.  Let Ivy look up into Tunstell’s eyes after the rescue and breath, “….You saved me…and after all those awful things I said about you.”
Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh who cares!?
Speaking of which we get a lot more out of Ivy this book than last and I’m just not impressed with it.  I predicted that Ivy was going to be the comic relief dumb friend.  That Alexia would keep her around for her own ego and just be condensing to her the entire time.  Last book we didn’t get that. THIS BOOK WE GET WHAT I PREDICTED IN SPAAAAAAAAADES! Ivy is not framed as lovable, and not even for a second does Alexia interact with Ivy outside of irritated condensation she hides with a snide quip.  Sure Alexia can be snarky toward her, and Ivy frustrated but there is no affection from either of them.
LeFoux was cool though, even though there was no reason why she had to lie about Maccon asking her to keep Alexia safe.  And like the thing about their two dads knowing each other is interesting but honestly there’s probably nothing more to it.  I’m not a big fan of Alexia sexually assaulting her for no reason, or how Alexia needed it explained to her that lesbians are real.  But like, I’m glad the story is getting gay.
I’m kinda confused why Channing was even here?  She OPENS THE BOOK with a conflict about this character and then nothing of import comes out of him or the situation at all.  The whole team up with Biffy and Lyall sub-sub-sub plot should either not have even been in the book at all or there should have been significant more effort made to make their antics increase the drama for the main plot.  I suspect Channing is going to be more plot important next book.  AKA the next Angelique.  
Just like last book the antagonist is super weak.  I mean you could argue that she wasn’t revealed as the big bad until the 2nd to last chapter, you couldn’t build on her much…however her spy antics were throughout the book and none of it is very compelling. There could have easily had a better confrontation.  That Alexia confronts Angelique about spy stuff, and Angelique breaks out crocodile tears explaining, “NO it was LEFOUX!  I’m so sorry my lady, I couldn’t stop her!”And for a second Alexia questions it and hesitates but in that moment of hesitation BLAMO! STAB IN THE BACK! We should have had that stark contrast between her meek diligent servant persona and what a manipulative conniving bitch she’s supposed to be.  Make that betrayal FELT you know?
What’s good?
This book is more humorous than the last.  Again it’s just that NO-BUMMERS train chugging past a lot of dumb jokes in a steam-powered train straight into werewolf-fuckville.  The story getting gayer is enjoyable, and I have genuinely not read a het romance that teases any lesbianism. (Though I don’t read many het romances anyway.)  Despite my distaste for a lot of the characters and how this is all written, LeFoux was genuinely a lot of fun!  Her flirtations were WAY sexier than anything Alexia/Maccon had…but I don’t know if that’s cause I’m gayer than I am straight WHOOPS!  I will say that I think the pacing of the action in this book was better than the 1st.  Also the ending, despite me not caring for the characters, was a pretty good gut-punch.
And let’s be honest, in a trilogy the middle book is the hardest to pull off.
What’s bad?
Everything falls apart on any kind of base analysis.  The story spends way too much time holding your hand on stupid details like the current state of LeFoux’s dimples or is that other hot werewolf, who’s not plot relevant at all, still hot?  The mystery aspect was easily guessed, the plot does not hold water, and if you take a step back from any of these characters…most of them are completely distasteful.  Also this one featured much more open racism and sexism.  So booooooooooo. Would not recommend.
0 notes