#this is the same for klapollo too actually
ever watch an animatic so many times that every time you see the characters in it in any other context you start singing the song under your breath
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box-dwelling · 4 months
@vexx-ation you also asked so here we go. (As have a few anons sorry this is long and it's taking a while to write everything down)
So my Klaryan take is kinda a mega theory that takes a lot of mini theories into consideration so here it is. This will be long. This will be unhinged. This is my Pepe silvia
Tw for discussions of substance abuse and abusive relationships
1) AA4 parallel foils
Ok so this is semi common knowledge. Every character in AA4 is ment to be a direct foil to a character in aa1. This is well documented and also applies to a lot of the witnesses too. Apollo is a foil for Phoenix, Ema is a foil for Gumshoe, Trucy is a foil for Maya, Klavier is a foil for Edgeworth. This goes on for almost every charcater in the game.
But here's the thing. The trilogy already has foils already. So some of these charcaters end up being massive parallels to eachother. A non relevent example I think about daily is that Trucy and Franziska are very similar but where this is relevant is Klapollo and Narumitsu. I have a post explaining this I'm more detail but basically while far from identical there are a lot of perhaps unintentional but at minimum unexplored parallels between Phoenix and Klavier and Apollo and Edgeworth. This is important.
2) Krisnix as an allegory for substance abuse
So first of my opinion of this doesn't really influence my take on grape juice but it's pretty undeniable that even if you don't think Beanix has addiction issues, hes almost coded to. There's the comment about Ema and the white powder and then the extent to which he's always surrounded by grape juice which at minimum looks like wine. In universe it's easy to see this as a part of his mask and that is my in universe take, he's trying to look in a bad way to hide how he's actually doing.
But I think we can take this further. Miles and Kristoph are superficially very very similar characters however underneath are deeply different and as such have a very different effect on Phoenix's mental state. Miles is absent during the 7yg at his request. And there's a miles shaped hole left in his life that he wants to fill with something that is superficially the same but is in it's effects very different and very bad for him.
Anyone who has dealt with addiction will likely recognise that pattern.
3) Klavier is on some level (whether he's in denial about it or not) aware that Kristoph is in some way dangerous or abusive and was running from him with the band
This is mostly just my take on how he acts in sucession and another very good post that I'll have to find that talks about how similar him joining the band was to the things the other people involved with the Gramarye trial did to try and evade Kristoph.
4) Phoenixs biggest flaw and how Kristoph tests it
So I basically never shut up about this in some places but might not have talked about it here so the tldr of this is that Phoenixs biggest flaw is that he is constantly trying to see the best in people. The final test of this is not breaking the black psyche locks and accepting that just because he's a human being with complexity, doesn't mean his actions are excused or that Phoenix has to forgive or protect him.
So this is where we can start bringing it together a bit.
Klavier and Phoenix are both very similar characters and both victims of Kristophs abuse. Phoenix has a relationship that exemplifies his harmful behaviour after the trial, it's pretty interesting to explore the same thing happening to Klavier.
Especially when we start to compare Daryan to Kristoph and find that they're superficially very different even if both of them turned out to be murders. Kristoph is reserved, Daryan is brash. Kristoph is classy, Daryan is flashy. Kristoph is well spoken and poetic, Daryan is straightforward. You get the idea.
And isn't that fucking fascinating? That Klavier ran to someone who was the complete opposite of his brother but ended up being just as dangerous? And also is it not really interesting that as Phoenix has to learn to accept Kristoph's humanity doesn't excuse his actions. If we take Klavier running to Daryan in this way to be him refusing to acknowledge the human side of his brother, that but running to the superficial opposite and not recognising what truly did make Kristoph dangerous, he fell into the arms of a murder.
And of course, the person he then falls for, is someone who is Apollo. Who is genuinely a good person but was Kristophs mentor and is very similar to him in a number of superficial ways. He has to stop running from his trauma and confront it head on.
Basically this interpreation means the klaryan/ Klapollo and Narumitsu/Krisnix love triangles function as basically a microcosm for how these two handle their trauma and how they have to over come it and each is a direct mirror of the other.
My take on Daryan
Ok people might have seen me joke that he's straight. Here's the thing. I think he definitely has been sleeping with Klavier. They are in some kind of relationship. Buuuuut, I do not think the feelings he has about the relationship are ever well traditionally romantic or sexual. I think it's driven from his side primarily by envy and rage that Klavier gets the spotlight more than him. He can never upstage Klavier on stage, but he can posses him. He can make him feel like shit as revenge.
My General Klayran timeline
They start whatever their weird thing is during the 7yg.
After 4-1 Klavier spirals a lot and it puts intense strain on their relationship because Daryan does not care about this bitch and does not want to support him
4-2 Klavier meets Apollo, sees him in court and kinda starts to develop a big old crush. He realises that Daryan is making him miserable and breaks it off after the case
4-3 newly broken up and it's taking its toll. Then we'll 4-3 happens and that's the end of them.
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klapollo-minibang · 2 months
Answering a few questions from our Interest Check form (which you can still fill out 💜❤️) below the cut!
I'm new to this kind of event. How do I participate?
Good news! If you're interested in participating and you filled out the form to tell us so, you're already doing it right. For now, take a look through our Rules/FAQs document, and watch this blog for updates! The next big date for us is April 13th, when we'll officially open sign-ups via a form similar to the Interest Check.
Is it a problem if English isn't my native language?
Not at all! We're a global event, and we're happy to have anyone who wants to ramble about Klapollo with us. Entries and most communication should be in English for safety purposes, though, since the mods are only guaranteed to be able to moderate English.
Do I have to be established in the fandom to take part?
Nope! We'd love to be the event that sparks your first finished piece or your first fandom friendships! ❤️💜 Folks of all skill levels and at all levels of familiarity with the greater AA canon are so, so welcome. There's no selection process or anything—you just sign up on the 13th to commit to the rules and timeline, and we'll send you an email when things are ready.
Do you include beta reading?
All participants are allowed (and encouraged) to take beta reading roles to do peer reading, but there's no enforced beta period and no guarantee that anyone's piece will be beta read—it's up to individuals to make those connections. The same goes for adding alt-text to art; while we'd love to encourage everyone to make their pieces accessible, it's not enforced for this event, but there will be people in the server who will help anyone develop alt-text if desired. We do recommend using an email address/document sharing method that does not include your real actual legal name! We only ever need your fandom name, and we want everyone to take care if you plan to share your docs with anyone for beta reading.
Is it possible to pair up with someone we already know or who we previously worked with?
Definitely! on the sign-up form, there will be a field that allows you to enter the name/username of a partner you want to work with. Your partner will also need to enter your name in their copy of the form! There will be a grace period between the server opening and matchups being made during which people can contact mods to say "Hey! We just met each other in the chat, and now we want to work together!"
How are you so awesome?
Maybe we're born with it! Maybe it's the Gavinners-branded cosmetics. (Thank you <3 We think you're awesome, too.)
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haventseensun · 8 days
actually maybe being into AA and proseka at the same time is perfect for me because for proseka I can draw so much ship art just ship art after ship art after ship art and cute anime girls and silly things and so much vocaloid song redraws and shit and for AA I can all my weird very specific character analysis symbolism mumbo jumbo that would take way too long to explain weird references to the bible and like one klapollo drawing for the minibang
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taxkha · 10 months
Hi :3
Klapollo sleep headcanons?
Do they share custody of pets yes or no
What are your love language headcanons for each of them?
How did you discover the ship and why do you like it?
What are your post aa4 headcanons? or post aa6 if you consider 5 and 6 to be canon (since i know some people don't). So like apollo justice 2 headcanons
1. Before they actually go to sleep, Apollo likes to take up all of the space in their bed to annoy Klavier and Klavier then has to wrestle him to go over to his side but in the end they always fall asleep on the same side. Klavier has tons of photos of sleeping Apollo on his phone and he thinks he looks adorable. Apollo has terrible bed head. Apollo gets cold easily so he tends to sleep in Klaviers sweaters, especially in winter.
2. absolutely
3. I think mostly just spending time together and a looot of physical touch, I see Klavier as being a very touchy person which Apollo is not used to at first but that quickly changes.
4. I started playing Apollo Justice in December last year and I think I got to the third case and I really enjoyed their dynamic so I started browsing the Klapollo tag on tumblr a little because I did know the ship existed before playing the game and thought that its a sweet ship, but I then accidentally restarted the turnabout serenade episode because my emulator was being a bitch and then I was too demotivated to continue until uh. the end of February where I finally picked it up again, played through turnabout serenade AGAIN and the rest of the game and then I went straight back to browsing the tag on both tumblr and ao3 and yeah, I started drawing fanart and now look at me
5. So I havent finished AA5 yet so I also havent played AA6, yet but I do know what happens and. I'm not that big of a fan of what they did to these 2, sobs.
I just typed out something something which is irrelevant now because I just remembered that I drew a fanart about Klavier being convicted of murder and Apollo defending him and THATS my hc for AJ2, dual destinies and spirit of justice be damned.
The rough idea for this story I currently have for this case would be that someone whos connected to both Klavier and Kristoph, maybe a former colleague/mentor of Kristoph or something? Anyway, this person has had some shady things going on for a long long time that Klavier has spend a long time finding out more about, similar to Mia with Redd White. So this guy ends up killing someone and he frames Klavier and for reasons unknown to even me because I havent thought that far yet, Klavier isnt willing to reveal any informations and he absolutely does not want Apollo to get involved because that person is very dangerous and when Apollo insists Klavier actually snaps at him and asks him to please just let it go, but Apollo of course doesnt. He ends up talking about this with Phoenix and phoenix then calls in a favor with Edgeworth. Edgeworth is very fond of Klavier and gets along well with him and obviously doesnt want one of his best prosecutors be put in jail for a murder he didnt commit, so he lets Apollo into Klaviers office to find the files revolving around this person Klavier seems to be so afraid of. This is all I have so far but maybe Im gonna think some more about it.
Anyway, aside from that I like to think that Apollo, Klavier, Trucy and Ema become a very tight and close friendgroup that constantly give each other shit for everything. Oh and also Phoenix finally tells Trucy and Apollo that they are siblings.
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reikomakoto · 2 months
Yay silly tumblr games!! Thank you for tagging me @peemil, it's fun to do these once in a while ^^ (when I fucking remember to do them and don't get distracted 0.1 seconds after getting the notif)
three ships: Sigh. You all already know anyway. Let's add some diversity and provide 3 from each category.
Yaoi: kawoshin, klapollo, serirei
Yuri: homumado, kyosaya, lanamia
Het: mcwexler, neotrin, uhhh that's all I guess
first ship: god I don't fucking know. I had crushes on countless fictional emo boys but no ships with them. Zutara maybe? Actually no, let's go with something I remember substantially fangirling over: erin x ial from the most underrated anime in existence - kemono no souja erin
last song I listened to: glitter & gold from this westworld edit (I miss westworld so much.......)
currently reading: THIS lovely eva fic by @/buggreawlthys which you should definitely check out
currently watching: Nothing. I just pick random movies to watch in the evenings. I recently rewatched the terror tho and I've felt like rewatching hannibal for a while now too...
relationship status: I have too many bugs to care for to care about human romance
current obsessions: my current obsession is the same obsession I've had for the past [REDACTED] years, and you know what it is. But if I were to pick a new one I'd say dunmeshi :3
currently craving: belgian chocolate truffles......
fave color: it used to be light blue but recently, and I can't believe it, I'm shifting more towards a dark, rich red. Which is like a complete opposite but hey crazy stuff happens!
tagging: @uniworu @bingu-lou @outlaw-unicorn @tai-suits @catshinji @buggreawlthys @poyopoyopoyopoyo
Have fun! No pressure to do this ofc but I am sending you hugs and kisses <3
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troloyunu · 2 years
klapollo cuddling headcanons 1 2 3 go!
I think that most of the time Apollo is the big spoon -aka the koala- he loves to cling to Klavier, like, with his whole body. But they love it either way. Klavier probably really likes being the big spoon as well. I mean have you seen Apollo he looks very cuddlable
I think they are both naturally warm, I mean Apollo being a warm person is very fitting but at the same time. Klavier looks VERY WARMM TOO <3<3<3 so yeah.
Just. Hoodies. Whenever I think about Klapollo cuddling I imagine them in hoodies. I think Apollo is a very hoodie person AND I love Klavier dressing down.
Apollo does wake up early for his Chords of Steel practice so. I imagine after they get together he would sometimes go back to bed until the actual time they have to wake up in order to cuddle with Klavier.
Contrary to my belief of Apollo being a morning person, I think Klavier is a night owl. He works better when its late so he sometimes does come home late and he just finds Apollo sleeping and HE GOES INTO THE BED TO CUDDLE WITH HIM WITH APOLLO AND THE BED BEING WARM AAAAAA 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭  and sometimes he lies down w Apollo but doesnt sleep, reads or goes through case notes or something while Apollo is asleep next to him
Okay but just imagine. Them cuddling with Vongole and Mikeko. Did you imagine it yet. You are welcome
When/If they get married, everyone probably thinks that Klavier will make Apollo "finally live a little" and that he will make him more fun but I think Klavier himself gets boring instead and they are just that stay at home when it's their day off instead of going out kind of couple. Just cuddling and talking about law (nerd shit) and watching movies (and arguing about movies)
I also think in summer it does get kinda unbearable to cuddle while sleeping or whatever and Apollo suggests stopping for a while but Klavier absolutely does NOT accept. They sleep with less clothes on, with AC, the windows wide open WHATEVER but the cuddling stays.
I just love them cuddling. Cuggli ng.. . . . :(((( <3<<3<<3<33<3<3<3<<3 anyways this is all i have please feel free to send me any klapollo hcs YOU have i love them
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mikaharuka · 1 year
Slash Ships to Get to Know Me
Bleep (@bleepbloopbotz) resurrected this tag game from the depths of her notifications and tagged me and Annie (@udaberriwrites) on it, and of course, Annie being Annie went and tagged me too, so yay~
It got me thinking a bit, and I figured I might as well, since I never actually sat down and listed all the ships I had - slash and femslash alike. I'm only listing the major slash ones for now, but I'll continue my list beyond that... for real, though, I need to do this same exercise for my femslash ships (yes, I saw your tag, Annie, and will get to it soon!)
**Rules**: Name at least five (no upper limit) slash (M/M) ships you love. Each from a different fandom. (Sadly, I have no pictures here).
1 - Twilight & Life and Death
I'd be pretty remiss if I didn't mention the two slash ships I'm actually writing right now - Carlisle/Beau (MM Bellisle) and Edward/Mike. Being the only writer of the former ship (as of today) is quite the interesting experience! At first, they were just convenient characters to carry out worldbuilding plans... but jokes on me. I became a massive shipper as I wrote and I suckered Annie into them too XD
2 - Teen Wolf
I need to mention both my slash OTP, Steter (Peter/Stiles), as well as the Sterek (Derek/Stiles) ship that is so popular and well-known. I almost chose Teen Wolf as the fandom for my concept instead of the Twilight/Life and Death combination I settled on, and if I had, I'd be writing Steter and my femslash Teen Wolf OTP, Allydia, right now.
3 - Fire Emblem Three Houses
I'd also be pretty remiss if I didn't mention the slash ship that got me writing fanfiction in the first place - Ferdibert (Hubert/Ferdinand). I have no idea what about these two managed to get me writing after 15+ years of silent lurking, but they somehow did and I'm grateful, since it ended up in me being here, meeting so many lovely people!
4 - NBC Hannibal
Quite a few people know how I love the Hannigram (Hannibal/Will) ship - and I love that it's canon. It's the perfect darker ship for me! Heck, fun fact - I was heavily influenced by NBC Hannibal's fantasy-like sequences when I wrote Apricity's Azure Mystique dreamscape!
5 - Scum Villain (SVSSS)
You know what's interesting? Scum Villain is the only MXTX novel I've read, despite MDZS and TGCF being way more popular. I'm quite the fan of the main ship Bingqiu/Bingyuan (Luo Binghe/Shen Yuan), but I also love the dark ship that is original Luo Binghe and Shen Yuan.
6 - Ace Attorney
Decided to end this list with one of my more lighter, older, and cuter ships in Narumitsu/Wrightworth (Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright). Also, Momo is selling me on Klapollo (Apollo Justice/Klavier Gavin), so there's that! I love Ace Attorney in general and I'm pretty confident Capcom was intentionally making the whole thing ridiculously gay lol
You know, looking at this, I noticed two similarities across all of them.
First, that they all have at least a shade of darker themes among them. Heck, even Ace Attorney's Narumitsu isn't free of the ambiguity either, with the angst and all.
Second... I strongly favor the magical and supernatural stuff. I mean... there are vampires in #1, werewolves in #2, dark magic in #3, magical themes despite technically not being that in #4, heavenly demons and cultivation in #5, and the sheer absurdity present in #6
Tagging @udaberriwrites @axolotlsupremacyowo @alpaca-clouds @sliebman10 @0nelittlebirdtoldme @mrsmungus and the open tag for anyone else interested.
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sickiehugs · 1 year
So I saw you did "v3 Boys taking care of a sick reader" but how about you do the reverse; Reader taking care of the v3 boys
Oh my god tysm for the request, this is my first one!! I would love to :)
Skipping Keebo bc he robot
V3 Boys Sickfic Headcanons
With sickie!V3 boys and caretaker!Reader
Shuichi Saihara
Poor guy would do everything to hide his illness from you, he really doesn't like people worrying about him.
He canonically skips breakfast a lot, so he honestly wouldn't get very far with the above plan. Either fainting at his desk, or just becoming very obviously weak.
You carry him to bed and turn the lights out. You wheel his desk chair to his bedside and sit down, open up your laptop, and adjust the brightness, making it the only dim light in the room.
He sleeps most of the time, but would try to stay awake for the interrogation analyses you'd put on for him (Speaking from experience: Interrogation analyses are actually really interesting and easy to focus on when you're sick. Consider this a sick tip from a pro).
OH AND HE LIKES ACE ATTORNEY!!!! Snuggle up next to him and play ace attorney,,,, he ships klapollo,,,,
He's really weak and fragile. Out like a light and rarely wakes up to do anything. He's really upset that he can't do any work while he's sick in bed, but you're good at assuring him that he deserves all the rest in the world and he can always catch up later.
Can't stomach a lot of food, he doesn't eat a lot to begin with and the added nausea makes it pretty much impossible to keep stuff down.
He hugs pillows,, he gives them hugs,, hug me instead pls
Very apologetic and says he's sorry every time he needs something from you. You'd eventually convince him that he's worth everything and you're happy to help him get better.
Delirious Shuichi would be either a nervous, hallucinating mess, or the only time in history where his anxiety would go poof and he could just stare blankly at the wall and smile like an idiot. Or both.
Kaito Momota
(Assume he doesn't have his canon illness here.)
At first you don't even notice a thing, he's the same loud and confident guy he always is. Well, it seems that way, at least.
Tiny little things start adding up to something bigger; his cheeks are pink, his voice is a little scratchy, his hand is warmer when you hold it...
Everything goes downhill when Kaito's voice crAcks and he finds himself unable to speak, therefore unable to convince you that he's fine (he ain't lol). One big coughing fit later, he's in his bed with the lights out, his arms crossed tight and his face flashing an angry, defeated pout.
He's all like "I'm the Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! Some pesky illness is no match f- *COUGH* *HACK* *COUGH COUGH* *gasp* *COUGH*" bro needs a hug
Tired ramblings are all about space. They'd actually be pretty interesting if they were coherent. He won't stop talking even with the hoarseness of his voice.
He keeps trying to get out of bed to get stuff instead of asking you but he either kinda gives up halfway through and crawls back to bed or you catch him and give him a lecture.
He really really wants a hug but doesn't know how to ask D:
Before he falls asleep he just kinda looks at you and holds his arms out, you understand and give him the hug he's wanted all day... he yoinks you into bed with him and falls asleep with his arms around you
Kokichi Ouma
He'd mostly look fine at first but you notice he's a lot more careful physically, like walking a lot slower and protecting his stomach with his hands. If he had known it'd slowly get harder to hide his illness he wouldn't have come out of his room, but of course it's too late now.
He thinks he's doing a good job when... "Kokichi, you ok?"
The professional liar's mind would be too foggy to properly lie. A stupid guilty smile and two full minutes of tired stuttering go by.
Now normally if you tried to grab the small guy he would run away and you'd have to chase him for hours, but he just can't do that today. He's already getting tired despite not doing anything, his vision is slowly fading and his legs are starting to give out. He knows what's good for him deep down and, as much as he hates it, he'll let you scoop him up into your arms.
Once he accepts that he's sick, this man turns into the ultimate drama queen. I feel like he just wants people to care about him, though? And exaggerating his condition might be the only way to achieve that?
It doesn't take long for you to realize it's not as bad as he says it is. But he's still pretty sick, so nothing about how you take care of him really changes. Just ignore him when he claims to be dying.
Do something wrong and he's like "Do you want me to die? So rude, Reader-chan~!" in his messed-up, scratchy and seemingly painful voice.
Oh my god he will not stay in bed. He literally climbs all over you like a child. Sleeps anywhere but where he's supposed to. Hides in his closet. You're really strong for agreeing to take care of this gremlin and making it this far, you know that?
Delirious Kokichi is even more of a menace but he's twice as tired so it doesn't last too long.
So, say he does get worse. Would his playful façade start to slip, or would delirium make it 10x as strong?
Gonta Gokuhara
(Short since I'm not too familiar with Gonta as a person + I haven't played his FTE)
Everything is fine until he suddendy latches an arm around his stomach and doubles over, teeth clenched and eyes shut tight. You rush to his side and ask him what's wrong.
He tells you it wouldn't be gentlemanly to ask for help, you argue that it would be even less gentlemanly to puke on the floor. He lets you walk him to the bathroom.
He slep,, he sleps so cute,, somehow he manages to look small cuz he is curled up in a little blanket burrito and sleping
Korekiyo Shinguji
(Again, short, sorry D:)
I'm getting gothic whump vibes from him
HE is getting gothic whump vibes too
I think he reads whump stuff when he's not studying anthropology
Lights candles instead of the lamp on his nightstand, his sheets are all white, keeps his windows open, yeah the whole deal. Your Kiyo values aesthetic and that is VALID.
Homies I apologize but I don't know shit about Ryoma and Rantaro. Ever since I started this post two weeks ago I've been stuck on them. Feel free to reblog with HCs for them!! Anyways, super duper sorry for the wait, Anon! I really hope it was worth it D:
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selfdestructivecat · 2 years
hdjsjsjxbbdk so glad you’re back into the headcanon game I present to you: Pearl and Apollo
(…ok maybe I wasn’t very into the headcanon game since I left this unanswered for so long aishdhdhsjeiwk IM SORRY!!! I got to it eventually though right?? XD)
Another duo that I’ve not thought much about before, but now that I have… oh boy, the rabbit hole is DEEP.
(You know the drill. This involves Apollo, so it contains Klapollo. You should know me by now lol)
Also, MAJOR spoilers for Spirit of Justice! You’ve been warned!
Realistic Headcanon:
I’d imagine that Pearl visits Maya in Khura’in as often as she can. She may have her responsibilities in Khurain village, but they’re lenient enough that she is still able to go for extended visits.
Therefore, I would imagine that she would get to know Apollo more after he establishes his own law office in Khura’in.
Pearl is likely still close with Phoenix, after all, so she would likely see it as partially her responsibility to look over Apollo. Perhaps she would even act as his assistant when he investigates crime scenes, offering some (admittedly quite limited) insight or offering to help carry potential evidence. And she does have some experience helping Phoenix in court, so maybe she could act as an assistant during trials?
(Continued Below!)
It would be like how Maya (and Pearl to an extent) channeled Mia to help Phoenix in his early cases! Dhurke has a much deeper understanding of Khura’inese law, likely knowing some lesser-known rules that Apollo could use to his advantage. So whenever Apollo is struggling on a case, Pearl would channel Dhurke to give him a helping hand!
SHE COULD ALSO CHANNEL CLAY! We can finally see Clay’s character fleshed out! Imagine the banter that could happen between him and Apollo as they investigate crime scenes, or the heartfelt moments!
HELLO!? CAPCOM!? Can this happen PLEASE? We need Apollo to start collecting young children as legal assistants to complete the cycle! He has Albi now! He had Trucy before! Give him Pearl and he’ll be GOLDEN!
Unrealistic (but Hilarious) Headcanon):
Honestly, this probably isn’t too unrealistic given Pearl’s character, but god would it be funny.
We GOTTA have Pearl get on Apollo’s case about having a “special someone”.
Juniper could be a good candidate, albeit an unlikely one given how I’m unsure if Pearl has ever met Juniper. I also don’t like the idea of Pearl shipping Apollo and Trucy, despite Dhurke endorsing it, cuz first of all… yuck. And also she and Trucy are about the same age, so that feels a bit weird.
Honestly? I love the idea of her seeing Klavier as Apollo’s special someone. And if Klavier does end up going to Khura’in to help Apollo after the events of SoJ, that’s not too far-fetched. And imagine Klavier going along with it, partially because it’s hilarious and partially because he is actually madly in love with Apollo and he gets to pretend, just for a moment, that Apollo loves him back and that they really are “special someones”.
Meanwhile, Apollo is incredibly embarrassed and is frantically trying to shut down Pearl’s attempts at matchmaking because there’s no way they would ever be “special someones”. Klavier is practically a god among men, and he would never love someone as comparatively plain as Apollo. But Apollo never voices his reasoning out loud, of course, which could potentially lead to some miscommunication between him and Klavier, where they both think that the other doesn’t want to be in a relationship.
But they figure it out in the end, because I crave Klapollo and because I say so.
(And wow I basically just wrote a fic here. If anyone wants to write this, go wild! But be sure to let me know about it so I can read it, that’s my only requirement!)
Heart-Crushing and Awful Headcanon:
Pearl reminds Apollo of Trucy. Painfully so.
The differences between the two girls are numerous, obviously. Trucy is loud, outspoken, and spontaneous, while Pearl is quiet, subdued, and hesitant. So of course, Apollo doesn’t see the similarities at first.
But then Pearl passionately rambles about the latest romance novel she read, or she pouts when Apollo shakes off her attempts at matchmaking him with someone, or her eyes shine with a fierce determination as she stands beside Apollo in the courtroom. And in those moments, the resemblance hits Apollo like a punch to the face.
Because he misses his sister desperately. He misses Trucy dragging him on random errands, misses being Trucy’s assistant in her chaotic magic shows, misses simply existing in the same space as her, him typing away on his computer as Trucy practices card tricks.
Apollo, used to bottling his emotions and burying them deep, deep down, tries to hide how affected he is by Pearl’s presence. And he succeeds… for a while. But all things eventually come to a head, and Pearl is bound to notice and make her own assumptions.
And honestly, the conclusion she comes to is perfectly logical. She doesn’t understand why Apollo is so cold and distant around her, but it must have been something she did, right? Why else would he act like he hates her?
(But things work out in the end. With some meddling from the royal family, the two talk things out and become good friends.)
Unrealistic Headcanon That Will Probably Never Happen:
Kinda harkens back to the first headcanon (which is ironic, since that’s the realistic headcanon), but… seriously, I want Pearl to channel some people for Apollo! He’s lost so many people close to him. He lost his best friend, he lost his foster father… He lost his real father.
I want Pearl to channel Jove Justice.
Much like Clay was in Dual Destinies, Jove was basically nothing more than a prop in the final case in Spirit of Justice. Despite the fact that, I don’t know, THAT’S APOLLO’S FATHER!? Um, hello? Can we PLEASE talk about that more!?
I want the drama! The angst! I want Apollo to speak with his birth father, to stew in awkward silence as both struggle to find the words to say to each other. I want Apollo to wrestle with his confusing feelings regarding seeing his father again, batting down his feelings of abandonment and worthlessness with the logical assessment that it wasn’t Jove’s fault, of course it wasn’t. I want Jove to fight tears as he sees the child he never got to raise, feeling bittersweet in the knowledge that his son turned out okay, but that he never got to have a hand in that.
I want guilt from both parties, Jove obviously feeling guilty for leaving Apollo all alone, and Apollo feeling guilty for feeling… not enough? Too much? He doesn’t know what he’s feeling, but it’s overwhelming and painful and he both wants it to stop and he wants to feel more, because he should be feeling more, right?
Just give Apollo the opportunity to finally grieve the people who were taken away from him and the life he never got to live. Give! Apollo! CLOSURE!
This was so fun! Thanks for the ask! ^.^
Send Me a Character Relationship (Platonic or Romantic) and I’ll Give You Some Headcanons!
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peathepirate · 2 years
Is there any reasoning behind wing colors in the Wings AU? I read a fanfic with the premise where the wings are the color of your soulmate's hair, but that doesn't seem to be the case here since Nick and Apollo have brown wings.
There's no reasoning behind it at all. I literally just slapped on some colors to have something. If I could go back and tell the past Me to do something differently with the comic, I'd probably tell her to put some thought into the wing designs xD
I didn't even think about the actual colors for the wings when I started the comic because it was in grayscale. I just wanted Miles to have dark wings and Phoenix to have noticeably lighter ones for the sake of contrast.
But when I did that full-color klapollo mini spin-off comic I had to decide on the colors. Honestly, I don't really think the spin-off's colors are the "real ones". I'd rather color the wings maybe the same color as their own hair (to keep the palette simple but pleasing to the eye). But I actually really, really like that idea of them having the wings the color of their soulmate's hair. Never even crossed my mind before. I feel that way of coloring them would be the best way to go. At least for WrightWorth. Not so sure about Klapollo, because I really, really like the idea of Klavier having black wings xD This is why I rarely color anything, it's too difficult to come up with nice palettes that make sense in the AU.
TLDR: The wings have random colors and I'd change them if I could. (I mean, I can for future things, but for the comic itself and the spin-offs.)
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moonrpg · 4 years
literally mindless rambling abt aa4 in the tags u have been warned
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fembutchboygirl · 2 years
I would like one "hear why All Alone is a Klavier Gavin song" please
OKAY OKAY OKAY so i'm assuming you've listened to the song, if you haven't listen to it before reading. Or not. But it's a very good song
First off, I should state that one of the most heart-breaking-soul-crushing-pain-bearing aspects of klavier to me is the fact that he really is all alone after the events of aa4. Think about it: who does Apollo, for example, have to rely on when things go wrong? He has Trucy, he has Clay (prior to his death), he has Mr. Wright to an extent — even if he's unconventional with his affection to say the least — and after aa4 he also has Athena. On the other hand, who does Klavier have? He lost his brother, he lost his best friend, he lost the rest of the band after they separated. The game never mentions any family aside from Kristoph. Some people (like me) think him and Ema are good friends, but to be honest, it doesn't look like the closest of friendships judging by canon's (lacking) evidence. Is anyone waiting for him when he goes home? Does anyone offer him a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen to his troubles? I think Apollo and the others would certainly be willing to. I think Klavier wouldn't be willing to ask.
That said, I see now that this is going to be pretty long, so the actual analysis is under the cut.
I would like to say: this is so cringe. I definitely think too much about this. Good. Now read on:
The song focuses on three characters: the singer/"i" (Klavier), the listener/"you" (Kristoph), and the doll/"she" (Apollo). The singer talks about the doll they found that reminds them of the listener, who left the singer behind in some way. This obviously matches up with Klavier missing Kristoph, who used his little brother and went to jail, leaving him all alone. (I'm not gonna use the entirety of the song for this post, only the highlights. And all the screenshots have the transcript in alt text)
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This is the first verse. We start strong with some mentioned klapollo, but the most important parts are the last four verses: as Kristoph's former student, Apollo reminds Klavier of his brother, but not necessarily the bad parts. Klavier did use to love Kristoph, and he most likely hadn't been a bad older brother to him, or else he wouldn't have been so shaken by his ties to the Gramarye and Misham cases.
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If you haven't listened to the song, the brackets are a second, non-singing voice, likely supposed to be the listener. This one is not as forward but I wanted to include it, because it makes me think of Kristoph's dismissiveness of Klavier and his choices. Think back: when has Kristoph ever expressed anything but disapproval or indifference towards Klavier's actions, except when he was manipulating him into disbarring Phoenix?
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This one's pretty simple: we have the classic sun allegory that immediately makes any song about Apollo or klapollo. We have Kristoph telling Klavier to drop the german gimmick and speak english. We have Klavier fantasizing about Apollo reciprocating his feelings.
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Apollo reminds Klavier so much of Kristoph, the good Kristoph, the one he thought he knew before everything. And that scares him, because he knows it's not the same, but what if it is? He's afraid to hold on too tight to Apollo and losing him as a result. The higher you fly, the harder the fall, and Klavier's already hit the floor twice.
That's basically it! This song gives me brain damage in a good way. Glad to be able to give you all part of that brain damage <3 love to you guys!
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"the way you flirt is shameful." Klavier (klapollo) and ema ?
"short fics," I said, like a liar.
anyway please enjoy almost 2k of Klapollo Nonsense.
Send me a random line of dialogue and some characters, and I'll write a short fic!
Another grey morning, another lukewarm cup of coffee. Apollo pulls his coat a little tighter around him, scowling at nothing in particular. It’s just his luck, isn’t it, that this week’s defendant is a fisherman, accused of murdering their boat’s captain out on the docks.
It’s also just his luck that it’s March, and he hadn’t even thought anyone would be out on the water this early in the year. Shows how much he knows about the fishing industry.
He jumps when an arm lands around his shoulders, and has to fight to keep his awful beverage from sloshing entirely out of its styrofoam cup. With an irritated huff, Apollo turns to reprimand his unexpected company, but the words die in his throat when he looks over to see Klavier Gavin—and, more specifically, the woolly hat perched on his head. It appears to be lovingly hand-knitted, in a shade of purple he’d swear he’d seen in scraps of wool lying around the office in previous weeks. It also happens to be emblazoned with Gavin’s ridiculous logo, the angular G as distinctive as ever.
“Uh…” he says instead, eyebrow raised in what he hopes is a skeptical, yet bewildered expression. He’s not sure he succeeds with that, though, considering the way Gavin’s casual smile crooks up at the edges into a more genuine grin.
“Ja, Herr Forehead? How goes the investigation?” Lazy curls of steam rise from the stainless steel travel mug clasped in his hand, dissipating into the pervasive fog that’s blanketing the docks. Typical. Apollo considers asking him if he’d like to swap drinks.
“Cold. Damp. And is this a good time to mention that I’m allergic to shellfish? I think that’s probably an important detail, considering….this.” he replies, poking an errant mussel with the point of his dress shoe. His dress shoe that he’s for some reason wearing to a crime scene out by the harbour, because Apollo has misplaced ideas of professionalism, apparently.
“Ach, it’s not that bad! For one, you have my company to brighten up your day! And for another thing...I have news for you about the case.”
“Really. And it’s not just going to be something that you’ll immediately rescind in court tomorrow?”
“HerrForehead, what kind of prosecutor do you take me for? We’re on the same side, you know—both seeking the truth.”
“That’s cheesy as anything.”
“But correct! Anyway. FräuleinSkye has just uncovered something tangled around one of the fishing lines on the boat, and she’s attempting to piece it back together. If you hurry, you might get a glimpse before it goes straight into the evidence dossier.”
Apollo hmms, considering. He’s not sure he wants to just take Klavier’s tip-off; it could be seen as collusion under some circumstances. But he’s really not accomplishing anything on his own, and any new evidence could help him prove Annette Sloop’s innocence.
He also realizes, belatedly, that Klavier still has his arm around his shoulders, and that he’s been unconsciously leaning into the warmth of the taller man’s down jacket.
“Okay, sure—it’s gotta be better than anything I can find here,” Apollo decides, and tries to subtly extricate himself from Klavier’s grasp without drawing attention to the fact that he’s actually found some kind of comfort in their proximity, that he’s really not particularly enthusiastic about losing his human space-heater.
Luckily, Klavier realizes that he’ll have to grant Apollo his freedom if he wants the shorter man to be able to take advantage of his newly-gained intel, and drops his arm back to his own side. Apollo stifles a shiver as the cool, damp air rushes back against him, clinging to his skin with a pervasive chill.
He’d assumed that Klavier had business to take care of on the dock, so the fact that the prosecutor follows him as he boards the fishing boat takes him by surprise. What also takes him by surprise is the intensity of the fishy aroma around the vessel, something that Apollo really should have considered as a factor beforehand. He wrinkles his nose and tries to breathe shallowly—and when that doesn’t work out, he buries his nose in the collar of his jacket.
And that brings with it its own set of problems, because somehow the short amount of time his jacket was in contact with Klavier’s own was enough to allow the other man’s sandalwood cologne to seep into the thin fabric. Apollo wishes this wasn’t his life. Isn’t this the kind of stuff teenagers write about?
Luckily, his panicking is cut short by Ema Skye clearing her throat from the other end of the deck, midway through spreading fabric scraps onto a plastic folding table. She appears decidedly unimpressed, but waves them over.
“Justice. I take it you were informed of the recent developments by the fop here?” she remarks, as disinterestedly as possible for someone who’s practically vibrating with the excitement of being able to do something actually forensically significant.
“Er...yeah, Klavier told me that you’d found something?” Apollo replies, trying to look as though he understands more of the situation than he actually does. He thinks he pulls it off. If not, Ema doesn’t comment on it.
Klavier, however, smiles impossibly wide at Apollo’s words, and it takes him a moment to realize that it’s because he’d called the man by his first name, as opposed to his more professional title. A slip of the tongue, nothing more! And yet…
If it’d get a reaction like that, Apollo might start using Klavier’s first name significantly more often.
“Oh, come on, do neither of you actually care about this T-shirt I found? This apparently-bloodstainedT-shirt?” Ema taps her foot against the plank wood of the ship’s deck. Apollo breaks out of his thoughts with just about enough time to look marginally interested in the new evidence—which he hopes is convincing.
And it’s not that he doesn’t want to solve the murder! It’s really just that—well, Klavier is just there, being distracting, like he always is—except it’s worse, recently, somehow. Apollo swears he used to be able to spend time focusing on other things, that he wasn’t always this preoccupied with what the prosecutor was doing, where he was standing, if he was looking at--
“Oh, for God’s sake. The way you flirt is shameful,” Ema says, entirely exasperated. She also seems to be looking at Apollo, for some reason.
“Are you talking to me?” he asks, confused. The detective rolls her eyes and sighs dramatically, visibly resisting the urge to throw up her hands.
“You, him, both of you! This used to be almost funny, you know, watching Gavin be all glimmerous in your direction and seeing you shut him down. But recently you’ve been playing into it and—you know what? I’m done! You don’t get to listen to my stunning forensic breakthroughs until you’ve sorted your shit out, because I just can’t be doing with this. It’s ridiculous. Why can’t you just act like adults?”
The outburst is followed by Ema Skye whirling around, the sensible shoes she’s wearing clacking against the ship’s deck. Halfway to the door to the crew’s quarters, she remembers that she’s left all her forensic materials spread out next to where Klavier and Apollo are standing, and backtracks with increasingly evident frustration.
“You know what? I’m not leaving! You two—off my ship!Go figure yourselves out, and I won’t tell you about this case-changing evidence until you’ve stopped acting like this.”
Apollo’s a little taken-aback—not the least because he doesn’t think that he’s been doing any flirting, especially not with Klavier. He’s been hiding his feelings far too well for that—right?
Klavier looks at him and shrugs, motioning with his head that they should retreat the way they’d arrived. It’s not necessarily the most dignified thing, climbing off a boat in shame after being reprimanded by the detective on the case.
Once they’re back on “solid” ground (as solid as one can call a fishing boat’s dock, anyway), Apollo turns to Klavier.
“So, what was that about? I’ve never seen her that angry.”
Interestingly enough, color rises to Klavier’s cheeks. “Well...I think that, perhaps, she’s...misinterpreting the situation?”
And if Klavier’s strange statement hadn’t been enough to tip Apollo off that maybe something strange is going on here, there’s the familiar pinch of warm metal against his left wrist, his bracelet constricting at the taller man’s fib.
And—they know each other well enough, by this point, that all Apollo has to do is level an unimpressed stare in the prosecutor’s direction, and deadpan “Klavier” with all the air of a man who is taking no bullshit for an answer, for him to deflate and give up, shoving a hand in his back pocket awkwardly.
“Ugh. Okay. Erm. So, HerrForehead, this wasn’t...exactly...unprovoked. It’s possible that FräuleinSkye has been on the receiving end of many conversations about how I would like to….uh…”
It’s quite something, seeing Klavier at a loss for words. Apollo hadn’t thought that the former rockstar could look as awkward as he does now, the hand not trapped in his pocket fiddling with a loose strand of his hair.
He really, really tries not to think about how endearing it is.
Klavier seems to have reached a point, however, where he’s just decided to say things and worry about the consequences later. So Apollo’s contemplations are brought to a screeching halt when the man sighs, flips his hair, and stares at him straight-on, enunciating with perfect clarity:
“Apollo Justice, would you like to go out with me? On a date? Because I must say, I’ve been trying to find the best way to ask you for a while now, but unfortunately all I’ve succeeded in doing is, apparently, annoying the FräuleinDetective until not even Snackoos are a valid enough weapon.”
And—this isn’t the setting Apollo had pictured, in his often-hastily-repressed daydreams about Klavier asking him out. For one, he’d not quite imagined the quantity of fish, or the less-than-steady footing. But Klavier looks so earnest about his request, and Apollo can’t deny the way his heart’s skipped a beat, the way he’s almost petrified to say anything just in case this isn’t real—and so, he takes a deep breath, steps forward, and twines his fingers with Klavier’s.
“You know what? I’d love to. I’ll go anywhere you’d like—with the exception of a sushi restaurant” Apollo smiles, hesitantly at first, and then more genuinely as he sees the softly disbelieving expression on Klavier’s face.
“Really?” the prosecutor asks, and isn’t that incredible—that Klavier Gavin had been worried about being turned down. Apollo can’t quite believe it himself, yet.
“Yeah, really,” he says, smiling up at Klavier, who beams down at him in return. He feels the other man squeeze his hand briefly, and can’t quite contain the impulse to lean in closer to him, consciously this time, sharing both warmth and physical contact in a meaningful way.
When they return to the fishing vessel, Ema takes one look at the two of them and narrows her eyes, proceeding to mime nausea at the way they’re still holding hands.
However, she does follow through on her promise—and by the time they’re ready to leave the crime scene, both Klavier and Apollo are fairly certain of the next day’s trial’s outcome—as well as of the location of their post-trial dinner date.
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ronsenburg · 3 years
Falling in love is easy, it is saying something about it that seems to be the problem.
It’s something Klavier and Apollo apparently excel at; they talk in circles around the feeling without ever voicing the words, their sentences falling away abruptly as they veer too close to the sentiment.
Apollo should say it.
He means to. Every time Klavier laughs he can feel the words bubbling to his lips, threatening to spill over into the air around them.
He wants to say it, too. So badly that there are times when it is the only thought in his mind, playing over and over like a skipping record.
Every time Klavier smirks at him in court or reaches for his hand in public or answers his front door wearing his hair pulled back or refers to Apollo by one of the countless nicknames he’s bestowed.
But he doesn’t.
In the beginning he’d held his tongue for the simple reason that Klavier was Klavier; what if Apollo was fooling himself, thinking someone like that would want something more from someone like him? But as time passed and the looks between them began to linger too long and their eyes seemed to say the words that their mouths apparently couldn’t, the reason changed. If Klavier felt the way Apollo thought he did about him, why hadn’t he said it? He’d stared right back into Klavier’s perfect face and silently urged him to be the one to break the stalemate.
But he didn’t.
They were reaching a point where it was becoming completely unbearable. Apollo was sure that Klavier was writing songs about it, he could hear Klavier humming an evolving melody under his breath whenever his attention was otherwise occupied. The urge to ask about it was so strong that it made it difficult for Apollo to focus on anything except the soft notes floating in the air between them.
If someone didn’t say something soon, Apollo might actually go insane.
So, Apollo should say it. He imagines the conversations they might have leading up to it, the words that he will say other than just blurting the obvious at the first sight of Klavier’s smiling face. This is what he will say if Klavier seems surprised, if Klavier isn’t ready to say it back, if Klavier doesn’t actually feel the same way.
But, though there are hundreds of possible scenarios Apollo has run through in his head, the way it actually goes is not one of them.
It happens like this:
Dusk is falling on an early summer evening. The sun has disappeared below the horizon, but the last hints of its rays linger in the sky; the stars and moon above are set in a sea of nautical blue.
They are running late for a dinner reservation. 
It’s never a problem, not really, not when the table is saved for the Klavier Gavin. But Apollo doesn’t like being late, doesn’t like taking advantage of privileges that are not his, that are only offered because he happens to be dating a celebrity.
The words sound just as ridiculous in his thoughts as they do out loud.
“I can’t believe you had to straighten your hair again,” Apollo says, the pace of his steps on the concrete sidewalk mildly accelerated, “it looks exactly the same as it did this afternoon. How did that take an hour?”
This is a conversation that they have had, verbatim, at least six times now. Klavier is very clearly trying not to laugh. “Schatzilein, you knew what you were getting into when you agreed to date me. You cannot complain about the process when you seem to enjoy the results so much, ja?”
An exasperated sigh is the extent of Apollo’s immediate response.
“You’re lucky I love you,” he says a handful of moments later. “From now on, I’m telling you our reservations are half an hour earlier than they actually are.”
Klavier doesn’t reply.
Three steps later, Apollo turns, ready to verify that yes, those are the lengths he is willing to go to to ensure they are on time to a dinner reservation for once and, no, no amount of smooth smiles and seductively whispered words over dinner will change his mind on the matter.
But Klavier isn’t beside him anymore.
He’s stopped, five steps behind Apollo, and staring with very wide, very blue eyes.
Apollo has no choice but to stop as well. “You okay?”
“Warte, was hast du gesagt?” Klavier mutters, and then, when Apollo only stares back with a blank face, “what you just said, nicht wahr? Repeat it, please.”
It seems like an overreaction to a statement Apollo was only half serious about, in the end. “I’m going to tell you our reservations are earlier than they actually are?”
Klavier shakes his head firmly, pieces of hair falling from his carefully reconstructed twist. “Nein, before that.”
A few moments of confusion pass before Apollo understands. Then, the realization dawns on him with enough panic that Apollo can feel the blood rapidly draining from his face only to be immediately replaced by a spectacular blush. “Oh.”
If this is not a scenario that Apollo had considered when debating how to profess his feelings, Klavier’s reaction now is just as, if not more, unanticipated.
“Do you mean that, Schatzi?” he asks, still wide eyed and voice wavering as though this is an anomaly, as though there aren’t millions of people on this earth in love with him at that exact moment in time.
And that realization, that someone annoyingly famous and stunningly handsome and irritatingly suave—someone like that could look at someone like Apollo and ask if Apollo meant what he had accidentally let slip? How could he pretend that it was just a turn of phrase, a saying that didn’t mean anything, when Klavier was looking at him like his love was something too good to be true, too much to wish for?
The implications of a look like that takes Apollo’s breath away.
“Of course I do,” he murmurs in a quasi-embarrassed reply, giving up and diving in. “It’s not really how I wanted to say it, but, well, yeah. It’s fine if you don’t want to say it back, I didn’t mean to spring it on you in the middle of—“
But then Klavier is walking towards him with urgent steps, the distance between them dwindling down to just a handful of inches before he stops. Apollo has to look just up to continue to meet his eyes.
“Say it again,” Klavier requests, “bitte.”
“You’re lucky I love you?” Apollo repeats obediently, although his tone is all the more embarrassed for their public proximity. “You are, you know.”
“And you are impossible, Liebling,” Klavier laughs, but it sounds more astonished than amused. He reaches out his hands to place them on either side of Apollo’s still-flushed face, his thumb tenderly stroking the edge of Apollo’s jaw. “Just the last part, if you please.”
“But, why?” Apollo asks in response, just as astonished. He doesn’t really mean ‘why do you want me to say it again’, though it’s what the question implies. That’s easy enough to guess. What he means is, ‘why do you want me to love you’?
Klavier’s gaze softens in response.
“Because I love you, Apollo Justice,” he replies, quiet enough that anyone listening beyond their single square of concrete would not be able to make out the words, “and I would like to hear it, ja?”
Like they have been given a cue, the streetlights that flank the road blink their way to life above them. Apollo can only barely see them; with his face still cradled between Klavier’s hands and his gaze fixed on Klavier’s blue eyes, there is little else in his field of vision or on his mind.
“Oh,” Apollo breathes, “okay.”
The fact that the words are little more than a whisper has nothing to do with embarrassment, this time.
“Ja, okay,” Klavier laughs a moment later when Apollo hasn’t managed to exhale the breath he’s been holding, let alone actually saying something. Klavier is still grinning as he leans in to kiss Apollo, the press of his lips a gentle encouragement that does much of the opposite of its intention. As he pulls back, still so close that Apollo could count the faint freckles hiding beneath the layer of foundation Klavier insists on wearing in public, the look of adoration in his eyes leaves Apollo positively tongue tied. “Whenever you are ready, Schatzilein.”
“You’re the worst, did you know that?” Apollo replies, though his voice is far too soft to actually mean it. “But I love you anyway.”
Klavier’s smile, then, is dazzling. “I think I will have to accept that one, ja?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
When Klavier kisses him again, standing there below the streetlights of the boulevard for anyone to see, Apollo finally stops worrying about the kind of people they seem to be. Whether he has earned the love of someone like Klavier or if Klavier deserves better than someone like him ceases to be important, if it ever really was to begin with.
The only thing that matters, then, is the warmth of the arms that are reaching out to pull Apollo closer. Anything beyond that—including the dinner reservation they most certainly will have lost by now—will need to wait; Apollo’s heart is too full.
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bevioletskies · 3 years
the first time (ever i saw your face)
summary: On their six-month anniversary, Apollo and Klavier decide to pose a seemingly harmless question: what did they think of each other when they first met? As it turns out, the topic is a little more complicated than they originally thought.
word count: 4.9k | read on ao3
a/n: For @klapollo-week, day one of seven (prompt: "firsts"). All seven of my fics take place in the same continuity! However, each can be read as a stand-alone, with the exception of day seven being a sequel to day five.
This fic takes place at some distant point in time after Spirit of Justice where Apollo and Trucy have learned that they’re siblings. Mild spoiler warning for the end of Apollo Justice; warning for brief mentions of alcohol. Fic title is from the song The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face by Roberta Flack.
“...why does this look like something out of a direct-to-streaming movie adaptation of a YA novel that has a three-star average rating on Goodreads?”
“If you’re trying to say you don’t like it, baby, you could just say so.”
“No, no, I - I’m actually kinda into it. It’s like we’ve walked onto the set of a staged proposal, though if you ask me to marry you right now, I will start laughing.”
Klavier sighed. “I’m starting to think the phrase ‘romance is dead’ was invented specifically for you.” Nevertheless, he tugged gently on Apollo’s hand. “Come on, liebe, I got our favorite snacks, I queued our favorite movies...and before you ask, nein, there is no engagement ring, so stop looking at me like that.”
“I’m not...totally opposed to getting married, you know,” Apollo added as he followed Klavier. “It’s just...it’s a little early for me. This is only our six-month anniversary, after all.”
“Fair enough,” Klavier hummed, the two of them settling down in their spots. He’d learned long ago that Apollo wasn’t one for flashy, photo op-worthy dates, that he preferred more intimate, low-key settings. And so, for their six-month anniversary, Klavier had taken them to his family estate. He had cleared out the conservatory overlooking the garden of all its furniture, filling it with blankets and pillows, drapes and string lights, and a projector whose screen covered the entire back wall. It reminded Apollo of what he himself had done for their three-month anniversary - because apparently, he was that kind of person now - when he’d planned a weekend’s stay in a cozy lakeside cabin. “A conversation for another time, ja?”
“Yeah, definitely.” Apollo draped one of the blankets over his and Klavier’s laps, then lowered his head to rest on Klavier’s shoulder. Smiling, Klavier turned to briefly kiss Apollo’s temples, then reached for his laptop so he could start the movie. They spent the first fifteen or so minutes in companionable silence, sharing a bag of popcorn and a bottle of wine while they watched, until Apollo eventually spoke again. “...weird, isn’t it?”
“The movie? Not particularly,” Klavier shrugged. “If anything, I’d say the plot twist is a bit predictable.”
“No, not the movie. I mean...this.” Apollo gestured aimlessly. “You and me. Us.”
Klavier’s expression darkened somewhat. “Are you...having doubts about our relationship, Apollo?”
“Wh - no, no, not at all!” Apollo protested, sitting up. “It’s just...I guess it’s mostly weird for me. Like, if someone told me, say, a couple years ago, that I was gonna be in a relationship with you, of all people...hell, can you imagine if someone told me that on the day we met? I-I wouldn’t believe it!”
“You weren’t shy about your distaste for me, true,” Klavier agreed, his slight frown relaxing into an amused smile.
“I don’t think that’s an...entirely accurate assessment of, uh, of how I felt,” Apollo said carefully.
Now it was Klavier’s turn to straighten up, looking at him curiously. “Really?” he asked. “Then what did you think of me when we first met?”
“You first,” Apollo retorted, seemingly on instinct. He then softened. “I mean, only if you want to. I’m kinda curious.”
“I don’t mind,” Klavier reassured him, setting down his wine glass so he could squeeze Apollo’s hand. He hesitated, thinking it over. “...I expected to hate you from the very beginning, to be perfectly honest. And, for a moment there...I did.”
Apollo’s eyes widened. “Wh...what?”
“‘Disgraced Defense Attorney Dismantled By His Disciple’, I believe the headline was,” Klavier continued. He then smiled wryly. “A bit dramatic, if you ask me. But then again, I’m not a big fan of alliteration, so I might just be biased.”
“Did you really hate me?” Apollo’s shout had dropped to a mere whisper. “Because...because you didn’t wanna believe it, did you? About…what had happened. What he’d done.”
“It wasn’t all bad memories, all the time, you know.” Klavier gently released Apollo’s hand so he could brush his hair out of his eyes, though he kept his head ducked low. “We had our moments, him and I. We weren’t close, but...we weren’t estranged, either. In fact, I...I first heard your name from him, not from the papers.”
“He told you about me.” It wasn’t a question. “I guess I should’ve suspected, but I never really knew what your relationship was like...before. I mean, he never once mentioned having a brother, so I kinda assumed…”
“As everyone does,” Klavier shrugged, far too casually for Apollo’s liking. “Anyway, your question was about you and me, not me and him, ja? He told me all the usual things people have to say about you - loud, eager to please, a little bit sensitive. I didn’t think much of it at the time, other than the fact you had a strange name.”
Apollo rolled his eyes, sinking back into the cushions. “Wonderful. Fantastic. Glad to know I made a great first impression.”
“And then when the headlines came along...and Mama and Papa called…” Klavier’s face darkened once more; he cleared his throat. “I looked you up. I hadn’t bothered when I first heard your name, but I had to know. Still, I...I found almost nothing. No photos, no social accounts...nichts. Just a single line on a college graduate roster and the same articles I’d been reading before.”
“...I see.” Apollo fiddled with the ends of his blanket, just so he would have something to do with his hands. “So, when we finally met in person…”
The first thing Klavier noticed was Apollo’s eyes - large, round, expressive to a fault. The color of melted chocolate, though in the sunlight, more akin to the color of honey. Those eyes of Apollo’s, curious and maybe a little bit accusatory, narrowed right at him as he arrived at the entrance of People Park. He internally winced at the sight of Apollo’s companion, who was arguing with the police officer standing guard at the scene. Despite the time that had passed since he last saw her, he could never forget Trucy Enigmar-now-Wright.
Are you working for Phoenix Wright now? Klavier wanted to ask as he approached them. Why? Don’t you know what he’s done? Don’t you see what he’s become?
“I must say I'm used to being inspected by the ladies...but this is the first time I've felt this way with a man,” he said instead, leaning forward to smile somewhat condescendingly at them. Klavier was momentarily struck by how similar they were - how their hair was the exact same shade of brown, how the dusting of freckles across their identically shaped noses matched too perfectly, how their furrowed brows and perplexed frowns were one and the same. The only difference was their eyes, hers more the color of a stormy sea. Perhaps there’s a song lyric there? Klavier mused to himself. Ach, now is not the time.
“Mr...Gavin?” Apollo said disbelievingly, his eyes now widening. His arms, previously crossed tightly against his chest, fell to his sides. The motion caught Klavier’s eye, drawing his attention to the glint of the golden bracelet sitting on Apollo’s left wrist. He wondered if there was some sort of significance to it, what with the way Apollo clutched it tightly with his right hand.
“Ah, fräulein,” Klavier continued, his eyes flickering back upwards. He wondered if she knew him, if she recognized him at all. Clearly, Apollo had no idea who he was; he wasn’t sure how to feel about that just yet. “What is a sweet morsel like you doing in such a dismal place? Can I help?”
“Yes! The police man officer fellow here won't let us in!” Trucy complained, huffing. She brandished an envelope in Klavier’s face, nearly swatting him on the nose as she did. He flinched slightly, surprised by how brazen she was. “We even have a letter of request!”
Klavier’s smile softened into one that was a little more genuine. He couldn’t help but be instantly charmed by her. “You must be exhausted, standing out here. I will take you to the scene of the crime.”
“Ooh! Really?” Trucy exclaimed, brightening. Apollo looked skeptical in comparison, his intense gaze traversing the length of Klavier’s body. Usually, he would have preened at the attention, been flattered by the obvious interest and maybe made a show of looking back, but he knew that wasn’t what Apollo was looking for. I am not him, Klavier thought fiercely. I am not the one you trusted, the one who taught you everything you know. I could never -
“By your leave, officer,” Klavier said with a nod and a wink. He barely heard the officer’s affirmation over his own thoughts. Then, he turned back to Trucy and tilted his head towards the park. “Very well. This way, fräulein.”
Trucy’s giggle was sweet, melodic, as she happily followed him through the entrance. He made a show of lifting the police tape for her to duck under, which she seemed easily amused by. Apollo, meanwhile, was left standing on the street, staring at them incredulously, before he finally seemed to register what was happening. “Hey! What about me?!” he cried. His voice gets raspier the louder he gets, Klavier couldn’t help but observe. Interesting.
Once Apollo had caught up, Klavier turned to grin at them both, teeth clenched beneath his lips. Trucy was rocking back and forth on her heels, beaming back, while Apollo had braced his hands on his hips indignantly, like he had something he wanted to say and was just waiting for the opportune moment to say it. Ach, those eyes, those hands, those freckles, Klavier thought rather stupidly. Wait - you’re not supposed to think he’s cute, Klavier, hör auf!
“On that note, enjoy your investigation,” he remarked. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the flash of a white lab coat further into the park that told him he needed to leave if he didn’t want to be reprimanded - or worse, Snackoo-ed.
“Thank you! Will we see you again?” Trucy asked, hopeful.
Klavier hesitated. Apollo still hadn’t said a thing about the obvious elephant in the room, still staring at Klavier like he was a ghost. He wanted Apollo to say something, anything, to ask questions, to start the conversation that he himself admittedly didn’t want to take responsibility for. But Apollo was clearly stunned into silence, and any courage Klavier had had when he first walked up to them moments ago was long gone.
“Ask the wind, fräulein. I'll be riding on it,” he said, shooting them one last saccharine smile. He could hear the click-click of Ema’s shoes against the cobblestone as she approached. With that, he turned and left, his chest aching in confusion.
The silence was heavy, heavier than Apollo expected. Klavier had turned the movie volume down long ago, leaving them with nothing but the sound of their own quiet breaths. “Makes sense,” Apollo finally said, shooting Klavier a sympathetic smile. “To you, I...I jumped ship from one corrupt defense attorney to another. At least, that’s what it seemed like at the time, right?”
“Part of me wanted to confront you right then and there, but I didn’t want to do it. Not in front of everyone, especially not in front of her. But the other part of me...I just wanted to learn more about you. To get to know you before I decided whether it was a battle worth fighting. Whether he was worth defending.” Klavier then smiled back; now it was his turn to drop his head onto Apollo’s shoulder. “Besides, you were cute, and I’m weak.”
“‘Were’, huh?” Apollo teased, nudging him. “Well, I’m glad Trucy’s presence, your curiosity, and my cuteness apparently deterred you enough to walk away. To think, what would you have done if you didn’t think I was cute - ”
“Achtung, you’re such an arschgeige sometimes,” Klavier groaned, laughing. “Anyway...I got my answer in court soon enough. I could trust you, and he...he wasn’t worth defending. Not one bit.”
“No, not at all,” Apollo agreed. “Still, I’m...I’m sorry, Klav. Not for what I did, I mean, I-I had to, but just...how it all played out. How messy things got. Whenever we, y’know, come here to see your parents, I still see that look in their eyes. It’s that face that you make when you think no one’s looking.” He swallowed. “Mr. Wright says Trucy does that, too. Less now that she’s got me and Mom, but…well.”
“It wasn’t you, Apollo, it was me. It all started with me believing he wouldn’t lie to me.” Klavier’s laughter was bitter now. “Anyway, I’m starting to think we’re all a little too observant for our own good. None of us can ever let things go, nein?”
“We’d be horrible lawyers if we could,” Apollo chuckled, rubbing Klavier’s arm reassuringly. “But fine, fine, I’ll stop psychoanalyzing you now. It’s my turn, anyway.”
“I want to hear this,” Klavier said, snuggling closer. “Lay it on me, baby. Tell me how you fell for me in two seconds flat.”
“I’m gonna lay into you in two seconds flat if you don’t let me talk,” Apollo said dryly, elbowing him again. “I, uh, I don’t think I remember it as clearly as you do, but…”
“Excuse me, coming through.”
It was a voice, a smooth, musical voice, polite but firm, that caught Apollo’s attention first. He turned in its direction, confused by how familiar it felt, how similar it sounded to another voice he knew, but with a light, lilting cadence and a strangely affected accent whose origins he couldn’t quite place.
“Ah! It’s you! Mr. Gavin!”
Apollo’s eyes widened, his heart pounding wildly in his chest, then narrowed at the sight before him. Striding towards them with a swagger in his step was a man who, as far as Apollo could tell, was supposed to be behind bars. Only, his skin was a few shades darker, his hair a shade or two lighter, and he was wearing, for reasons Apollo couldn’t fathom, eyeliner and leather and chains instead of a neatly-pressed suit and wire-rimmed glasses. Who’s THIS guy? Apollo thought, his stomach turning.
“I must say I'm used to being inspected by the ladies...but this is the first time I've felt this way with a man,” the man said, leaning in close; his smile was a little wider than Apollo would have liked. Apollo also didn’t want to think about how pretty he was, how long his eyelashes were or how smooth his skin seemed to be. This can’t be him, Apollo decided, though he was still frozen in place. He could only vaguely feel Trucy’s fingers tugging gently on his shirt sleeve. No, it can’t be - it’s not - but who -
“Mr...Gavin?” Apollo said stupidly. He felt a phantom pinch on his left wrist; he released his arms from where they were crossed so he could rub the spot where it hurt, though the moment he touched it, he realized he hadn’t been in pain at all. The man’s eyes flickered down, following his fingers in curiosity, before moving back up to continue smiling beatifically at Trucy.
“Ah, fräulein,” he said; he was practically simpering now. “What is a sweet morsel like you doing in such a dismal place? Can I help?” Apollo barely managed to refrain from rolling his eyes. Of course, he internally sighed, he’s one of those guys.
“Yes! The police man officer fellow here won't let us in!” Trucy whined, shoving the envelope in the man’s face. Apollo had to bite back a laugh at his startled expression, a contrast to his otherwise indifferent smile. “We even have a letter of request!”
“You must be exhausted, standing out here,” the man murmured sympathetically, eyes sparkling. He seemed intrigued, though Apollo couldn't blame him. He supposed he and Trucy looked like a completely mismatched pair. “I will take you to the scene of the crime.”
“Ooh! Really?” Trucy exclaimed, her entire face lighting up. Apollo tried not to smile himself; her energy was infectious. Then, the man’s words finally clicked in his mind. Wait - really?! But why would he - how can he - who is he?
“By your leave, officer,” the man ordered, winking. A pleasant shiver went down Apollo’s spine, one that he was trying his best to ignore. No good was going to come out of that train of thought, not when this man was clearly someone he needed to worry about - though in what way, he wasn’t sure yet. He seemed too generous, too open. Whether he was a police officer, a detective, or, god forbid, a prosecutor, Apollo didn’t trust him not to lead them astray, not one bit. “Very well. This way, fräulein.”
Before Apollo knew it, the man was walking away with Trucy in tow, leaving him behind. “Hey! What about me?!” he shouted, jogging after them. By the time he caught up, both of them were grinning at him amusedly, as if watching him trip over his own feet was some hysterical inside joke. Huffing, he braced his hands on his hips, ready to open his mouth and protest. The man’s gaze briefly travelled down to his hands once more. What’s that all about? Apollo wondered, confused. What’s he looking at? Is it my bracelet? It’s not that weird, is it? Wait, or can he tell that it’s -
“On that note, enjoy your investigation,” the man said, speaking a little quicker than he did before. He suddenly seemed distracted, like he couldn’t wait to get away from them.
“Thank you!” Trucy chirped, bouncing up and down on her toes. “Will we see you again?”
“Ask the wind, fräulein,” the man said, recovering. He seemed almost too focused on Trucy, like something about Apollo bothered him. Maybe he already knew who Apollo was, what Apollo had done. Was he angry? Resentful? Waiting for the right moment to strike? A shiver of a different kind tingled throughout Apollo’s body at the very thought; the phrase “kill them with kindness” was coming to mind. “I'll be riding on it.” He then left without another word, leaving Apollo to stare stupidly after him, his heartbeat in his throat.
“...who was that?” Apollo exclaimed, stunned, as if he wasn’t confused enough by everything else that was going on. His mind was racing with possibility, with anxiety that he really, really didn’t need. Before he could get into it, however, his jumbled thoughts were quickly cut off by Trucy’s surprised cry.
“Eek! Apollo, look - a c-corpse!”
“...interesting,” Klavier said after a moment’s silence. “Did she really think the mannequin was a dead body?”
“Seriously, Klav?” Apollo groaned. “Surprised you didn’t fixate on the part where I thought you were pretty.”
“‘Were’?” Klavier echoed mockingly, grinning. His expression then sobered. “So...mixed feelings all around, it seems. I suppose it shouldn’t be all that shocking, though. We weren’t...total strangers, after all.”
“You practically were to me,” Apollo murmured, tangling his fingers in Klavier’s hair. Klavier leaned into his touch, his eyes fluttering closed in contentment. “At least you knew I existed, while I...he never…” He then shook his head. “Y’know, I-I’m not sure if I really wanna think about this anymore. Not if it makes us think about him.”
“It’s not one of our happiest memories, nein,” Klavier agreed, humming. “I like where we are now...where we can trust each other. There’s little I hate more than ambiguity. And not knowing how I was supposed to feel about you…”
“Sucks, right?” Apollo let out a hollow laugh. “But at least we were on the same page, in a, uh, weird way. I guess that’s always been our thing. Even when you’re driving me up the wall in court - which is all the time, so don’t even question me, I see that look on your face - we’re, y’know, generally working towards the same goal.”
Klavier’s fingers danced along the length of Apollo’s forearm, tapping out a rhythm that Apollo couldn’t quite pick out. “I’d like to think so. I was never really sure until...ach, well. You remember.”
Apollo was still trembling as he exited the courtroom with Trucy by his side. She was putting on a brave face for them both, but he had a feeling that she was more torn up about what had happened than he was. He wanted to comfort her, to reassure her somehow after they’d learned the truth behind her biological father’s death, but for once, he was completely speechless.
“Polly?” Trucy’s voice was tentative. “I’m...kinda hungry.”
“I...oh.” Apollo looked at her curiously. Out of all the things he’d expected her to say, that hadn’t been one of them. “Do you wanna get something to eat? We could go to Eldoon’s if you want.”
“No, that’s okay,” Trucy reassured him. Her face then lit up. “I was actually thinking about the courthouse café! We can get cake and drinks and stuff. A little sugar goes a long way!”
Apollo smiled softly. “Sure, Trucy. Whatever you’d like.”
And so, they found themselves a small table at the courthouse café - and maybe calling it that was rather generous on Trucy’s part - with two thick slices of Swiss rolls and tall glasses of milk tea. Admittedly, Apollo still felt numb, but Trucy’s running commentary of her thoughts on the trial kept him going. “Now all we need is for Vera to wake up,” Trucy said, gripping her fork with determination. “I’m still so worried about her! What if she doesn’t - ”
“We can’t think like that, okay?” Apollo said, reaching across the table to squeeze her hand. “We gotta have hope. That’s all we can do, you know?”
“I guess,” Trucy murmured, chewing her bottom lip fretfully. She went quiet for a minute or so, poking at the last bits of her drink’s half-melted ice with her straw. “Hey, um...Daddy says he’s meeting up with a friend later today, and he wants to have dinner. And when he says ‘friend’, he usually means Mr. Edgeworth. You know, the prosecutor?”
“Yeah, I’ve definitely heard of him.” Apollo sat up a little straighter at the word ‘prosecutor’. In his stupor over the whole ordeal, he’d barely spared a thought for Klavier; he could only vaguely guess how he was doing. “What about him?”
“I was just wondering if, maybe, you’d wanna...join us?” Trucy suggested. He’d never seen her so hesitant before. “For dinner, I mean.”
“...oh.” Apollo paused. “No, uh - not today, sorry. I should really go home and sleep all of this - ” he gestured aimlessly “ - off. I feel like I need to sleep for, like, three days straight.”
“Sure, of course,” Trucy nodded, smiling faintly. “But….you’re still coming back to the agency, right? Maybe not tomorrow, but like...in a few days?”
“Yeah. Yeah, definitely,” Apollo promised, surprised by how quickly he’d responded. In all his hesitation, his doubts about law and what it was meant to be, what it could be, he was finally starting to feel like the Wright Anything Agency was where he belonged.
After they finished eating, he and Trucy parted ways after a long, much-needed hug on the courthouse steps. Apollo then went to fetch his bike from the rack adjacent to the courthouse parking lot, only to spot a familiar face lingering nearby, seemingly in no rush to leave.
“...Gavin?” Apollo said carefully.
Klavier turned sharply at the sound of Apollo’s voice. His smile was a touch too wide, his eyes suspiciously glossy. “Ah, Herr Forehead,” he greeted, ducking his head; his voice sounded trapped in his own throat. “Good show in there, as always. You never fail to impress.”
“Thanks. Hey, um - I’m surprised to see you’re still here,” Apollo commented, taking a few tentative steps closer. “Don’t you have somewhere...better to be?”
“Not really, nein.” Klavier let out a short, forced laugh. “I have paperwork to do, I’m sure. But it can wait.”
“...right.” Apollo cleared his throat awkwardly. “Thanks, by the way.”
Klavier blinked. “Entschuldigung? What for?”
“For agreeing to summon your brother, and...y’know, everything after that.” Apollo found himself oddly fascinated with a few stray pebbles on the ground, nudging them around with the toes of his loafers so he wouldn’t have to look at Klavier’s face. “Look, I-I’m not gonna pretend like I know what you, or Trucy, or Mr. Wright are going through. I’m mostly on the outside looking in, so. All I really know, if I know anything at all, is that, uh...we did the right thing. Yeah?”
“Ja.” When Apollo looked up, Klavier was also deliberately looking elsewhere, staring off into the distance at nothing in particular. He’d displayed a whirlwind of emotions back in the courtroom, but none of them were quite the same as the bitter expression he was wearing right now. “...Apollo?”
Now it was Apollo’s turn to do double-take. “Huh? Wh-what is it?”
“Danke schön. For...everything. I honestly don’t think I could’ve done...any of that on my own,” Klavier confessed, his voice thick with emotion. “And I think I...I think I’m going to take a little time away from the prosecutor’s office. Not for long, mind you. Just...I need some time off. A week, maybe two. Some distance, some perspective...it would make a world of difference, achtung.” He then turned to face Apollo directly for the first time since they started talking. He looked tired, defeated, even. His posture, his expression - Apollo felt as if he was seeing an entirely different person standing before him.
Without thinking, Apollo took the last few steps forward and closed the gap between them, wrapping his arms around Klavier and pulling him close. Klavier let out a startled noise; then, he hugged Apollo back, sinking his weight against Apollo’s, his forehead dropping to Apollo’s shoulder. His exhale was long, unsteady. “Take care of yourself, okay?” Apollo said, fingers digging into Klavier’s back, his face buried against Klavier’s bicep. “And if you ever wanna talk about it...I-I mean, I’m sure I’m not your first choice, but still. I’m, uh, I’m around.”
“Danke,” Klavier murmured, barely above a whisper. They stayed like that for a moment, maybe a moment too long, just holding each other in the middle of the courthouse parking lot for anyone and everyone to see. Klavier’s breath trembled against Apollo’s ear; Apollo half-expected his knees to give out from underneath him. Then, he slowly detached himself from Apollo’s grasp, carefully schooling his expression into something more Klavier-like, something brighter and blander, his teeth blindingly white in the mid-afternoon sun. “Anyway, I should really get going. That paperwork isn’t going to take care of itself, ja?”
“Oh, uh. Yeah, don’t I know it,” Apollo said, letting out another strained chuckle.
“Until next time, then,” Klavier said smoothly, winking. “Auf Wiedersehen, Herr Forehead.” He didn’t wait for Apollo’s send-off, instead turning and heading over to his motorcycle, humming and twirling his keychain expertly between his practiced fingers. Apollo watched him peel out of the parking lot, silently wondering if he’d said all he wanted - no, needed - to say.
“Of course I remember.” Apollo held Klavier just a little bit tighter. “But, y’know, again - not our best moment. Not by a long shot.”
Klavier lifted his head from Apollo’s shoulder so he could kiss him briefly, gently. Apollo smiled against Klavier’s lips, cupping his jaw so he could bring him closer. “But I’d still say our first kiss is more of a memory worth reminiscing over. Wouldn’t you agree, liebe?”
“It was a little dramatic for my taste,” Apollo teased, pulling back so he could affectionately nudge his nose against Klavier’s cheek, his fingers lightly pressed into Klavier’s sides. “But you’re into that sort of thing, so I’ll give it a pass. Still, let’s just agree not to cry all over each other ever again, okay? It was honestly kinda gross. And wet. And not in a fun way.”
“You’re saying you won’t cry when I propose?” Klavier asked, pouting exaggeratedly. “Because ach, I know I will.”
“Who says you’re proposing?” Apollo retorted, grinning as he prodded Klavier in the chest. “What if I get there first? What if, while you’re getting down on one knee, I just whip a ring box out of my pocket - ”
“Then I really will lose my scheisse,” Klavier murmured, his lips ghosting across Apollo’s skin. “I’m going to hold you to it, baby.”
“Can’t guarantee it’ll happen, but I’m definitely gonna try,” Apollo said, turning his head to capture Klavier’s lips once more. The two of them exchanged slow, lazy kisses for a few minutes, fingers loosely tangled in each other’s hair. In the background, the movie continued on, long forgotten; not that it mattered, seeing as they’d watched it together many times before.
Eventually, Klavier carefully detangled himself from Apollo. He passed him his wine glass, still half-full, then reached for his own and lifted it above his head. “To making new memories, ja?”
“Are we really cheers-ing ourselves? That’s pretty self-serving, literally,” Apollo said dubiously, though he still raised his glass all the same, amused by Klavier’s dramatics. “But hell, why not? To new memories that don’t involve us crying, sneezing, yelling - ”
“You make us sound like absolute disasters, achtung,” Klavier protested, chuckling. “We’re not that bad, are we?”
Apollo took a sip of his drink, then leaned in close, so close that his nose brushed against Klavier’s, his wine-stained, kiss-bitten lips stretched into a fond grin. “Nah. I think we’re doing just fine.”
a/n: Welcome to my first entry for Klapollo Week 2021! I've never participated in any fandom challenges/events before, so I'm super excited to see how this goes. My plan is a little overambitious, with all seven fics set in the same continuity, but in a different order. For example, this fic is actually the last, chronologically speaking, while day seven's fic is set in the middle. If you're wondering why they were crying during their first kiss, you'll have to wait until then 😉
Don't worry about any of that, though, you don't need to read the others to follow along! Day seven is technically a sequel to day five, but it can be read as a stand-alone, though I think it packs more punch if you read it after day five. They're also the longest; every other fic averages out to about four to five thousand words, whereas five and seven are over ten thousand words each. Brevity is the soul of wit? Not in my Google Docs, I am wordy as hell.
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Likes and reblogs would be much appreciated. Hoping you're all safe and healthy and doing well ❤️
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