#... god the way i'm actually considering thi
kominfyrirkattarnef · 7 months
genuinely does anyone wanna start a harem w/ me?
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kingdomoftyto · 8 months
October this year has felt kind of vague and adrift for me, no real festive spirit to speak of--or at least nowhere near how last year felt, when it was Year of the Vampire and all.
BUT I am remedying that now with a combined pincer attack of 1) relistening to Night Vale from the beginning on my commute to work and 2) rereading Warm Bodies on my breaks/in my spare time. Things are getting increasingly spooky up in here
#consider this a heartfelt rec for both of the series mentioned#for anyone who might not know: Welcome to Night Vale is a fiction podcast in the form of a community radio show#the host of the show gives news and commentary on the happenings in a small desert town#... a small town that's regularly besieged by cosmic horrors and shadowy government agencies and various other monsters and phenomena#it's extremely chill and relaxing! which is funny to say because it sounds like a joke but it's actually true.#the residents of the town are used to all of this strangeness so it's described in the same tone as the results of the schoolboard election#seriously even ten years later this podcast has me giggling like a maniac every few minutes#it's very funny and heartfelt despite ostensibly being horror themed#and as for the other series--Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion is SUUUUCH an underrated book series#the tl;dr is it's a zombie-human love story#there was a movie based on the first book several years back and it was pretty good imo#it plays up the romcom aspect a lot. which is fair but not EXACTLY accurate to the book. as you might imagine lol#the actual book though??? god I'm only two chapters in on my re-read and I had underestimated how much I love the way this protag thinks#it is HEAVY on philosophical discussion and even digs into some societal/political issues later on#and the supernatural/sci-fi worldbuilding is so incredible that tbh I can barely take any other type of zombies seriously after reading thi#it's just. it's good. check it out if you're not afraid of a little gore in your star-crossed romance#(I'd say more but I don't want to spoil the end of the first book! it's a fairly predictable twist but it still feels so good)
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muppetebbtide · 1 year
classical name allusions in the locked tomb
sorry guys I'm a one trick pony. I'm sure most of these have been said before but I LOOOVE pulling on threads until they tangle up and get stuck so. these used to be in alphabetical order but then I remembered about some lol. spoilers for all the books. I'm not arguing anything I'm just kicking rocks around
one of the three furies sent to punish mortals for unforgivable crimes (like killing family members... or ppl who have 'sworn false oaths.' get that.)
alecto specifically was sent by juno in book 7 of the aeneid to stir up war amongst turnus and aeneas; she impersonates the latin queen and pretends to be a priestess. might pay off, might not.
queen and mother of princess andromeda (from the perseus myth); infamously vain, boasted that she and her daughter were more beautiful than goddesses and got andromeda stuck on a rock as a sacrifice, good job hon. as punishment gets chained to her throne and set as a constellation forever (this does make me wonder about the parallel to alecto there w the chains, but I don't know if it's worth pursuing, likely not. but I have seen theories that like alecto, she's not actually dead)
tamsyn notes in the back of harrow that this comparison is 'doing her a disservice', however
roman queen of the gods, goddess of marriage, ideal wife etc etc, honestly I think she is likely just called that for the matriarch vibe but if anyone has an insight on why else she's named that lmk. she's a lot chiller than the mythological juno is generally portrayed fjfhjd
priamhark (harrow's father)
priam was hector's father and king of the doomed city of troy; he had one hundred children, almost all of whom die. you can see the parallel I'm pulling here right.
pellemeana (harrow's mother)
peleus was the father of the vastly overpowered achilles, who was his only son. same implication; hundreds of kids from priam + one incredibly OP kid from peleus that spelled the doom of lots of priam's kids = barebone parallel to harrow's creation
if this means we have to consider harrowhark to be either achilles, or hector, or achilles-and-hector... lol oh dear
(if that makes gideon either patroclus or andromache... bonus fear. terror even)
I mean as far as I remember admiral sarpedon wasn't that important so far, but sarpedon is a son of zeus in the iliad that patroclus kills while impersonating achilles. it's like his Big Kill. zeus considers saving him but the others are like 'you didn't let US save our kids' and he's like 'damn true :/' and stops trying to intervene
allusive of aphrodite; it's another name for her, linked to the island where she was supposedly born from the seafoam. an interesting choice. I do like that the dress she's first described wearing is 'seafoam green frills' though, it's like a little clue. the wiki points out that cytheran aphrodite was adopted from the canaanite (ha ha) deity astarte, and had war-like aspects that were later suppressed, which makes a lot of sense.
might be worth noting that if we're going with the ouranos-genital-seafoam thing for aphrodite's origin, that in one version the furies including alecto were also created then, from his blood. they're basically sisters. fun. (or not so fun for john but whatever)
palamedes in mythology was the one to put the infant telemachus in front of odysseus's plough, and therefore force odysseus to renounce his faked madness and go to troy; odysseus never forgave him for this, and one way or the other he gets him killed.
(one might also look to the arthurian sir palamedes, who was in unrequited love with iseult, lost her to sir tristan but wasn't a little bitch about it, and then goes on a quest concerning a 'questing beast', and eventually in one version he, percival and galahad trap the beast in a lake and slay it, so stick a pin in that why don't you)
originally called diomedes (who is, as tamsyn puts it, 'athena's favourite goodboy') but I think that could say interesting things about his ability to go up against lyctors (or even jod) since with a little help from an A-named goddess, the big thing diomedes does in the iliad is wound two gods and make them flee the battlefield... hm
also diomedes is one of the only ones who makes it out the other side of the trojan war lol
possibly allusive of the warrior maiden camilla in book 11 of the aeneid, who kills hella men before being killed herself (because she's the token lady warrior on the opposite side in an ancient epic, she can't survive haha how preposterous.)
happily camilla as she is in the locked tomb cannot be killed off as camilla... because she no longer exists as camilla. paul's here now. say hi.
a (roman) name for odysseus. I know john SAYS he didn't name him after the mythological one, he named him after a dog (the implications there are so... bad), but john lies like a rug and frankly insisting that he didn't makes me feel even MORE like he did, or even if he's not lying it works anyway.
after all, odysseus wouldn't have gotten far without athena's divine intervention; one might even say he owes everything to his patron god, the same way ulysses literally owes everything to john since he and titania were the pet projects from pre-resurrection
I do not want to talk about james joyce I only read one chapter of ulysses for a seminar and that was enough thanks
also, what was ulysses known for but vanishing for ages, being presumed dead, then pulling back up miraculously Not Dead and killing a bunch of people. he could be back... he had that suspicious stoma death like augustine. this is making me realise that loads of the lyctors have suspect deaths
(also by the time the romans got to odysseus they were kind of dubious about him since he had a lot of non-roman traits like 'no honour' and 'outright lying to people for funzies' so if he does come back I half-expect him to be a bit of a nightmare lol but that's probably unfounded)
as mentioned by tamsyn, the name that achilles takes while he's disgused as a woman on scyros to avoid the war, but exposes himself as achilles when he forgets himself and tries to fight instead of flee. I think the parallel there is pretty obvious lol
(and achilles's son, who goes absolutely nutters and kills loads of people in the siege of troy, is called neoptolemus... or pyrrhus.)
means red-haired as well lol... it's a great name for the g1deon / pyrrha / wake / gideon car crash going on
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Obey me MC timetravels to when Solomon was still ruling King Solomon.
(: AFAB MC although it can be read as Gender neutral for now? I will change this if ever. I have always tried to stick to gender neutral pronouns for MC so If I slip up I'm sorry and kindly tell me. Part 1 probably and will be very short. I just need to gather my thoughts maybe make an outline Uh as much as I would like to make this more inclusive the MC here grew up in a religious household as it is needed for the plot.... so sorry. NB spoiler free yay. Also sorry for the wrong grammar and the typos. I did this on my phone :)
Time travel is not something new to MC. In fact they have already done so multiples times. This however comes as a surprise as instead of anywhere in the devildom. They seem to be in an unfamiliar land instead. somewhere ancient. MC couldn't explain it however the description seems to fit.
Determined to at least find a general location of where they were. Walking along the road near the river which should lead to somewhere with people right? At the very least they hope it will. It wasn't long before they were stopped by a kind lady who looks concerned about MC's modern clothing.
"Oh poor dear! Have you been attacked by bandits on the way here?" MC looks confused but before they were able to refute the old lady's claims they were drag to the home of the lady. "No need to worry I will help you" The old lady assured them before they are able to speak a word. Privately however they thank whatever has put them there that they can understand the language that the lady speaks. Must be some kind of magic or atleast a way to appease them on whatever this is and why does this always happen to them anyways... Waking up in unfamiliar places.
MC was made to sit down as the old lady went to another room. This time carrying a bunch of clothing that MC only has ever seen worn during things such as historical plays or those Movies about the stories from the bible that plays every month of March back where they grew up. As popularized by the holy week. Not wanting to offend the kindness of the stranger they gratefully accepted the clothing. As they were ushered to an empty room to change into the clothes. They suppose it was a good thing so that they can blend in even better while thinking of a way to get back to their timeline. Now to know where in the past they are.
"Um.. Thank you for your kindness..." MC spoke meekly to the older woman in front of them. The older woman just smiled at them.
"You look very out of sorts poor dear. A long way from home I presume?" She asked MC kindly as she folded the clothes MC was wearing earlier.
"Ah you don't need to do that..." MC flushed. This lady remind her of her grandmother.
"It's fine I assure you. So what led you here to Jerusalem?" MC hoped to have kept their facial expressions clear from their shock. Alright that is one problem solved. They are in Jerusalem. But *WHEN* in Jerusalem. Will they be seeing Jesus or something? Does Jesus even exist? MC lowkey wanted to ask the brothers or even Solomon but considering the circumstances they privately kept it to themself.
"Uh... I was actually hoping to visit the temple for... uh worship..." that's a safe answer right? There shpuld be many temples for God here since it's the holy land right? Damn if MC knew thsi would happen they should've paid more attention to theology classes back in their school days. Thankfully it seems that MC has hit the nail on its head somewhat as the woman nodded her head.
"How unfortunate that you arrived here during the Sabbath." Sabbath MC knows that day of rest. Yeah ok they got this. Totally not internally panicking. God they feel like Levi.
"Uh.. yeah how unfortunate..." they trailed off.
"You came at a great time however since the temple that King Solomon has been building has been finished." King Solomon...
Well shit. Well at least now they know for sure when they are in the last but at the same time. Why does this always happen to them really...
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oliversrarebooks · 17 days
no demyx demyx DEMYZ HE FUCKE DIT UP, OLIVER FUCKED IT UP WHAT THE HELL OMG NO HEX A GODDAMN FOOL OMG. IMMA IMMA FUCKIN, OMG, I NEED A MINITE OMG, MY FINGERS ARE MOSIT, A, H, MY PALMS ARE CURLED UP, I cab't i can't holy fuck, he-my heart beating so fast rn. i can't belive he did that. oh fucking shit dawg, imma cry on the spot not my little baby boi finally fucking up omg I-, fuck, shit omg, im-imma cussing and a fussing ny hands are doing the claw thing ahhhh, why can't he just shut the fuck uppppp, nooo, omgggg. I now have to burp, but I tell you, I gasped out loud so hard I woke my damn dog up. Oh goodness me, I'm, I'm unwell about him fucing up. I have teras in my eyes, fromt eh shock. Holy fucl I am enjoying this (great chapter so far, I am, very dramatically enjoying everything so far.) /pos (Not lighthearted, more like dramatic hearted, being lighthearted about literature especially vampire literature...Can't do it. I have to consume it to my very being/soul.)
It's been 20 minutes, and I am just now calmed down enough to take an actual breather to get re-emersed in the story. newkwekee Read more, here I come once again. omfg stop.
i am cotinuing
thi btch has plot armour out the gods ass]
i like it alot, actually feels like whats supposed to happen. not neccesarily oh, author likes character too much to hurt them in a meaningful way. if that makes sense...I am going through it rn, this chapter has me amped up. I love it.
WE HAVE BEEN fooked. Porr Oliver's back, and Alexander having to do it too is so crazy. Thats so fucking sad. Alexander getting punished fruther too is wild.
poor man, and alexander being so gentle still instead of angry and lashing out is so endearing.
i frogot about oliver's face in the midsts of my nail biting. omg
ahhhhh, imma cry he is going to look so terrible when he wakes up fr fr.
Lily mention <3
Excellent liveblogging! Thank you for the commentary!
Oliver has been trained to associate feedings with pleasure which is why he doesn't immediately realize that the feeding will be painful and distressing...
I try not to give Oliver too much plot armor considering it is a whump story and all...
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Thinking some fandom thoughts and then about ORV's portrayal of an author-character-reader relationship with the story and realising how....lacking at times the whole death of the author perspective on media can be.
(Turned out to be long and rambly so I put it under a cut. If you like death of the author, probably not for your worldview? Also, beware major ORV spoilers if you care about that)
Like, perhaps I'm misinterpreting something here, but in ORV, we had these three characters plus an entire system that gave us a look into the relationship between author/reader/character. And focusing on the Han Sooyoung, Kim Dokja, and Yoo Joonghyuk dynamic, I realise that none of them really died. Pushing asides Joonghyuk and Dokja for the moment (as I am talking about death of the author), we have Han Sooyoung whose consciousness faded after finishing Ways of Survival.
However, I don't know if we can really call that death of the author, really. Because Sooyoung's whole purpose in writing ORV, her authorial intention, was to save Kim Dokja's life...which she DID. And even after the story left her hands, her intentions were imprinted into the story itself. Yes, Dokja realised that the system was lenient to him because of (spoiler alert) his status as the OD. But at the same time, I think that Han Sooyoung's authorial intent to keep Dokja alive with WoS can also be taken as a factor in the system's leniency towards our reader.
And just jumping from that back to my original point, while death of the author IS fun and can be awesome for reinterpreting stories that the author may have intended as problematic (to our modern standards, at least), to separate the actual story itself from its creator seems just....a tad disrespectful to the author.
Or maybe disrespectful isn't the right word. Like, say, even if said author is objectively the worst of humans, there remains the fact that the story in essence has part of them embedded into it. It doesn't make sense, at least to me, to only give "morally okay" writers the allowance of people who put a part of themselves in their works. Any writer, even those who are writing for money imo, can't help but put part of their own selves into their story...and to separate the story from the author just because we hate the author or hate their beliefs seems a bit counter-productive. You can't just say, after all, that this author's vulnerability in their writing is okay because it's Correct but this other guy's vulnerability should be ignored because it's chalk full of Problematic Content.
But again, that's not to justify authors you dislike or the deeply wrong messages implied in their works. Especially those that could easily be shooed away by employing death of the author. But I think I'd consider fanfic or analyses that ignore authorial intent and their message to be something...new entirely? (Best way I can say it is something something death of an author employed to help the reader create their own narrative inspired by someone else's story rather than it being used to ignore author intent and claim our interpretation is what canon actually meant).
I think there's a saying in music as well as writing that you could play the same exact score or write the same story, it's just that things will come out different depending on the player or writer. (That's not a perfect comparison because the player/musician who WROTE the score could be considered a reader/author relationship...the point is more that the same thing will look different in the hands of different people. And that just as the reader will interpret something in their own way when reading/re-reading (another ORV reference), the author also has placed in their own interpretation and intent in that own work...which should at worst be respected because they DID make that content (and then we proceed to brutally revise it to make something we like better xD) or at best be taken as "word of god" for lack of a better term)
Not sure if any of this makes sense, and I definitely don't have any factual evidence to back up this opinion, but it was just something I was thinking of.
TL:dR? Death of the author is FUN and actually pretty cool but I think the things coming out of it are new(ish) things/works entirely, and og author's beliefs/intentions are important to consider for that text they wrote in of itself.
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skwyd · 2 years
On Faith
I may have said some (or all) of these things before. But the topic has come up in my life again and so I feel I should say them again. Of course, people change, and so do I, so maybe my way of saying these things will be different than when I've said them before. I don't know. But anyway...
I am an atheist.
I'm not ashamed of that. Nor do I think it makes me better than anyone else. In fact, I think that knowing that I'm an atheist is one of the least interesting and important things one can know about me. Because knowing that I'm an atheist doesn't tell you what I *AM*. It only tells you what I'm *NOT*. And specifically, I am not a person that believes that any sort of god exists.
And despite what many might want to say, that's all that being an atheist means. And because of the person I am, I'm going to break it down here.
A person who believes in the existence of god(s) is a "theist" by definition. Literally, that is the core definition of "theist". The prefix "a-" in this case means "without" or "not". So, put together, the word "atheist" means "not theist".
Before this goes any further, I will add that it does NOT mean that an atheist thinks that there CAN'T be a god of some sort, just that they don't believe there IS one. So an atheist isn't saying that they KNOW that there aren't any gods; only that they don't BELIEVE that there are any.
This is an important distinction. The word "theist" (and therefore also "atheist") only refers to one's BELIEF, not to their KNOWLEDGE.
And so, that brings me to my second point. Knowledge.
The word "gnostic" comes from Greek and means "possessing knowledge". A "gnostic" would be a person to has knowledge about something. In matters of god(s), a person would be considered "gnostic" if they had knowledge of god(s).
Conversely, putting the prefix "a-" in front of that, you get "agnostic". Which, by definition would be a person WITHOUT that knowledge.
In the context of this larger discussion on the existence of god(s), these terms all can come together like this: Theist = person that BELIEVES that god(s) exist.
Atheist = person that DOES NOT BELIEVE that god(s) exist.
Gnostic = person that KNOWS that god(s) exist or not.
Agnostic = person that DOES NOT KNOW that god(s) exist or not.
---Side Note---
There have been many, many discussions on what a word means, or doesn't mean. And in matters of faith and religion, since these ideas tend to be very strongly held, people will fight over what a word "actually means". And from this, many people have adopted words into their identity, with the feeling that the particular meaning of a word that they have is the RIGHT meaning. And if one were to contradict their own definition, it is an attack on them as a person.
I am definitely NOT trying to attack anyone as a person, regardless of any words they use to identify themselves. I am intentionally taking a strict and simple academic application of these words and building my discussion around that. But like with all things, there is connotation, nuance, and emotion surrounding these words. I am aware of that and can understand that. So I want to point out that these specific definitions (though very much correct) are not the ONLY thing that these words have been used to mean by other people in other discussions.
---End Note---
So, from the above, I want to be clear that I am an agnostic atheist. I have no special knowledge of god(s), and based on the evidence that I've seen, I do not believe that any god(s) exist.
That's the long and short of my position on this.
"But Syd, you said you were talking about faith!"
Yes, and now I'm getting to it.
Faith is a tricky thing. By definition, it can be a few things:
confidence or trust in a person or thing
belief that is not based on proof
a system of religious beliefs
obligation of loyalty to a person or promise
For this discussion, I'm focusing on the third thing listed there.
People talk about their faith. They have faith. Their faith tells them certain things. Their faith guides them. In short, faith is the last thing considered as they make decisions in life. Many other things factor in, but all else being equal, their faith will be the final arbiter.
And if the faith is one that generally is supportive of positivity, inclusion, kindness, compassion, and good will towards others, this is probably a great thing. But if the faith has any negativity, faith can destroy.
And some surprisingly innocuous things in faith can have negative consequences. For example, many people's faith teaches that ultimately good deeds will be rewarded and bad deeds will be punished. Honestly, this is an ideal that isn't just a matter of faith, it is an ideal that many societies hold as well. In other words, it isn't just a religious belief.
But it is a belief that is not based on proof. Many crimes go unsolved on a daily basis. And many people that are caught committing a crime are released without any actual punishment. Some might say that this is just a flaw in an imperfect system, but that is just a post hoc rationalization of an observed thing. The truth is that not all bad deeds are punished.
And what about good deeds that go unrewarded? How many times have you held a door for someone and they don't say "thank you" or even acknowledge you at all? Some may say this is a minor thing. Or that the reward is one's own feeling of good will. And while this may be true, it also sounds like a way of trying to "prove" that the good deed was rewarded, even though it actually wasn't.
The truth is that there is little evidence that good/bad deeds have a one-to-one correlation with reward/punishment.
And so, faith can be a double-edged sword. Relying upon an arbitrary set of beliefs to make decisions in the world does not give reliable results all of the time to all people. In fact, most faiths are heavily skewed towards favoring those that perpetuate that particular faith and not towards those who have other (or no) faith system.
I mean, I hear it all the time. Christians claim that they aren't perfect, but since they have their faith in Christ, they are forgiven. Even for the most heinous of actions. If they are "truly repentant" of their transgressions, they will be forgiven. Compare that to the teachings of that faith towards non-Christians. In that faith, anyone who is not a Christian can NEVER truly be forgiven until they accept Christ, and therefore become a Christian.
But honestly, there is one thing about all faiths that really bothers me. It is a fundamental idea in all faiths that I feel undermines so much. And that's the idea of the supernatural...
A lot of people believe a lot of different things. But the truth is that reality is a certain way, and not other ways. What I mean is that gravity ALWAYS causes an attractive force between two masses. An atom of Carbon ALWAYS has 6 protons. The speed of light in a vacuum IS 299,792,458 m/s. Some people may believe otherwise, or that there are exceptions, but that's simply not the case. And no amount of faith will contradict that.
---Another Side Note---
Yes, we haven't always known these things. The speed of light had to be measured before we knew it. The number of protons in any element had to be observed before we knew it. And so on.
And yes, we are constantly learning new things about the universe. However, if some day we found an atom of carbon that had 5 protons and somehow wasn't actually an atom of boron, then we would have to fundamentally restructure SO MANY THINGS about physics, so much so that we can conclusively say that it IS NOT POSSIBLE. Basically, that would invalidate so many other things that it simply isn't an idea we could entertain.
The newest discoveries about the universe we are making, the "cutting edge" of knowledge may well be "just a theory". But there are some fundamentals that we just KNOW. We have measured them, observed them, seen how these things interact with other things, and generally verified them over and over and over and over and over so thoroughly, that it is clear that they are true.
---End Note 2---
The supernatural, put frankly, is not possible. And before anyone chimes in, that includes the "paranormal" as well. Vampires (being creatures that feast on blood to live, cannot be exposed to sunlight, are immortal but not un-killable, can't walk on hallowed ground, etc.) simple don't exist. Werewolves (humans that transform into a wolf form under the light of a full moon) also do not exist. Magic (real magic, not just really impressive technology) does not exist.
I say all of these things with confidence because these things defy physics. They simple are not possible. And there are so many, many other things that are considered "supernatural" that just can't exist.
And one of those things is a being that transcends space and time and yet can interact freely with this universe in an essentially omnipotent way in direct violation of the laws of physics. In case you didn't catch it, I'm talking about what most people believe that god(s) can do.
"God made that out of control car veer away at the last second, saving the life of the kids crossing the street." Nope, the car followed exactly what the laws of physics would make it do based upon the street conditions, the actions of the driver, and so on.
"I saw a shadowy figure and I knew it was the ghost of my great-grandfather telling me to accept the job offer." Nope, you saw a visual anomaly, probably caused by a strange lighting issue or a mote in your eye or even psychological stresses thinking about the job application. When this anomaly when through the visual cortex, which does "pattern matching", it matched the vaguely human-shape that it saw to an actual person, other parts of your brain associated it with your great-grandfather for one of many possible psychological associations, and you "concluded" that it "was a sign" telling you how to make a choice in your life. A choice that you likely wanted to make anyway. And so you "reverse-engineered" a justification that supported making that choice.
And so many more things like this.
Having faith, a religious belief, requires a person to believe that the supernatural is possible. It requires that person to accept that some things that would otherwise defy things we KNOW about the universe to be false, at least in this one instance. And for me, that is the fundamental problem with faith. It requires a person to suspend rational thought in "matters of faith".
Sure, they may accept the knowledge of how the universe works in all other things, but faith makes them willing to deny that acceptance solely for their faith. And they justify it by saying things like "Well, science hasn't discovered everything yet" or "Well, you never know what we might learn in the future." This is just an ad hoc justification. It is self-perpetuating and it undermines the integrity of rational thought. Because if a person is willing to suspend their acceptance of established knowledge for one thing, that leaves the door open to suspending it for other things.
And don't get me started on how this can lead down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories...
I know that faith has helped a lot of people. I know it has kept a lot of people from succumbing to things like drug addiction. It has helped a lot of people recover from abuse. It has brought people back from the brink of violence.
But it also leads many people to do some atrocious things, all in the service of their faith.
There is no faith that is universally good. Or evil. But even the most kind and considerate faith leaves open the door to accepting things that just cannot be true. And because of that, I cannot have faith. I cannot believe that any god(s) could exist. Because that requires faith. And since I cannot believe that, I am, de facto, an atheist.
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smiletimeisrunningout · 11 months
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[LIFT] Sender picks up receiver princess style (Sawyer would lol) @fantasywritten intimacy meme
"Nope, not going back to bed. You can go, I'm not coming." She didn't care if Jack wanted her to rest and 'recover', she was annoyed and lonely at the hatch, and as much as she appreciated Sawyer's existence as a whole at the moment she had decided to be stubborn and stay in the forest, on her feet, looking for berries. "I may just stay out all night, I don't thi-Sawyer!" It wasn't a yell, sadly, it was a squeak, and Emma broke into laughter as he picked her up so easily, which was to be expected considering he was what, twenty feet taller than her, and grabbing onto him for dear life more out of reflex than actual worry of getting hurt. Damn it. "Sa-" she tried again but it dissolved into a fit of giggles because come on, he was carrying her like a princess, nobody could stay in a bad mood that way. She gave a weak slap to his chest, but didn't bother fighting, just dropped her head against his chest and kept giggling, "Do I even weight anything to you? God."
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sanjeev18 · 2 years
This is the last text Srishti, after this, I'll probably not text you again.
See, not that you owe me anything, if at all, you only gave me happiness, and a new hope. And it's my insecurity and inferiority complex that made you say what you said today.
Srishti, I know who you're, I know who I'm. So in a way for me you're already a celebrity, so in general, I never could imagine you would even talk to me, let alone being friends with you, but there are certain things which happen by universes conspiracy.
Before saying anything else I just wanna say, I love vishwa more than anything else, and I'll as long as I can, of course it's all over between us, she too defenestrated me from her life, but I just wanna clear one thing, I never had, nor have, any any any kind of romantic inclination towards you, I had to specify this because when a guy is just texting these long texts, intentions are often misinterpreted. But of course you're free to have your opinion.
I don't even talk to anyone, I don't believe in friends, yes, that's right, I don't even have one genuine friend. At such point, you came, and god I believed in our friendship, and I repeat again, I always saw you as God's blessing, I mean the Srishti pandey, who has like tonnes of better people to talk to, is my friend, it has to be God's grace, what else, but the way you are supposedly leaving, my faith is getting dim, and I need my faith to remain, so please don't abandon me. I do not need any friendship commitment from you, I don't need you to talk to me, I don't need you to play with me, I just need that whatever good you ever thought about me that you considered me worthy enough to talk to, remains, and my desperation doesn't change that. I didn't text you for last two months right? I wasn't gonna even now, but Srishti, I was dying, I'm suffering, every single day, you know how painful it is to love someone unconditionally for 3 years, crying all night, still not having any dare to say a simple hello to them, and in the end they tell you that they don't even consider you a friend! I mean friend is the most normal thing. Imagine the worthlessness I feel. I have lost my entire self belief, confidence, everything. I'm struggling to focus in chess, all motivation is lost, so who do I go to? That's why, I just texted you, cause it always soothed my heart, that I have a friend to talk to to, and that is you, deep down, I always knew how could you actually consider me a friend, par I thought that's just my insecurity..par even you said it clearly. Of course I must accept it. But yes, I'll fight a little bit, cause years later, I don't wanna say, man thodi koshish karni thi.
Yes, and Srishti, we have personality difference, and I know, I'm just too hard to be friends with, the sufferings I have been through has made me like this, and it's really hard to change, but I'll and I'm trying. But about chess, I'm good, I strongly and completely believe that I'm good and strong enough! And even though it feels so hard to get up right now, I'll manage it on my own.
I just want you to be free from any grudges, don't think galti kardi isse baat karke and all. I'm not itna bhi aisa. I'll stay away. If texting you was as easy, i would never really have stopped cause there were tonnes of things I wanted to talk about.
One more thing, you said I annoyed your friend?
Wow, I won't go much in past, but let's come to January 2020 when she unblocked me, I suppose she had no issues with me then,
Bro, you know she blocked me because of my stories, cause yes, they were full of my feelings, and I used to share tonnes of such stuffs. Writing is what gives me peace, vishwa and me kabhi baat kiye hi nahi, vo bas Meri stories dekh leti thi toh bhi I was like my God.. that was all.. agar usse Meri stories se problem thi, mute Kar deti, par usne block Kiya.. cause of course she had power, par chal she did unblock me and said she didn't mean to hurt me and she admitted she was wrong in blocking me I suppose.
Uske baad se lekar aaj Tak, mene ek story bhi aisi share nahi ki Jo indirectly bhi vishwa ko awkward lage ki uske liye he.. kiya bhi toh I hid it from vishwa, I was always and still scared ki kahi vo vapas block na karde. I haven't slept well in last 6 months, I go to sleep at 5 am. And wake up at 10.. you know, it's impossible to sleep, every single day, where did I annoy her?
Lockdown huaa toh normally ek friend ki tarah ek game ke liye pucha tha bas, usme Kya annoying, itna unworthy? Bas isliye ki i had feelings? Man, it hurts. Then she had you call and tell me ki usko annoy hota he.
Tujhe pata he Tere Bolne ke baad, I deactivated my insta, and vowed ki ab kabhi vishwa ko text nahi karunga..
And I was doing great and fine, even chess wise and life me I was like now I'm good, par then in May, I kind of started worrying again ki kahi vishwa mujhse nafrat toh nahi karti, kahi usey aisa toh nahi lagta ki me bura hu cause I texted you anonymously..
Toh since I couldn't clear it with her, first time I texted you on WhatsApp ki bro does she hate me and all.. mene tujhse help nahi maangi bro.. mene bas tujhse clarify karne bola. Then you suggested ki I should send her memes.. 4 months hence, I have only sent her two memes! Annoying?
Yeah now what actually was annoying to her was something that made me wanna kill myself, I cannot even describe the pain,
Bro, she was playing online 15+10 against different players. No it doesn't concern me, of course not, we are chess players we will play, par mujhe kaisa laga hoga, I was thinking all time ki shayad vishwa busy hogi, khelti nahi hogi isliye mere saath nahi kheli..me toh ussi moment me soch Raha tha ki world should end right now.. the pain I cannot even put up in words..
I wanted to text her there and then, par I refrained cause of course fear of getting blocked, falling in her eyes.
Toh I waited for few days, suffered, then Socha maybe I should try to ask her once more about playing. Toh then I dared to ask her to play, and iske baad ka I already have told you before..
Yeah the only thing I feel bad about is texting her that I miss her, given I'm not really in any kind of in that place with her, should never have texted her that, and that was the only time I actually wanted you to help me, you know why, cause bro, I didn't want to lose our friendship, since we were on talking terms back then, and I was so scared after texting vishwa that, and I thought ki vo tujhe bolegi then of course vo Teri best friend he toh you'll also hate me, toh isliye mene tujhe saamne se bataya ki mene usse aisa text kiaa. Then you said ki you'll ask her, toh I normally added ki ask her to not hate me or block me and I will not repeat it. Uske baad toh you know what happened. Vishwa didn't reply, you did, asked me angrily to stay away from her. And even threatened to block me. Uss din ke baad I never texted you Srishti, until today, and now I realize I shouldn't have, it was better to be in delusion that we are friends. Wasn't really bad. Ab I don't know why you think I annoyed her, and tujhe beech me laaya. Haa irritate toh Hui vo, par if I'll send you the texts I never send her, tu khud sochegi ki..
Srishti, I may not be as high class as you guys are, yeah I'm not, I can't even look in your eyes. Par I too have feelings, and I do value and treasure some people in my life, I want to talk to them, I feel like being with them, and I too feel like fighting for them if even with them.
But all this said, the bottom line is I'm nobody, and I must leave. I am. But please please, let's end it on a good note.
Cause I know, one simply doesn't say "I don't consider you a friend" to someone you know is going through hell.. and not a person like you, so bada Dil rakh, and remain assured I'll not always text you. I just don't want my blessing to go away like this.
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chrisbangs · 5 years
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🖤 whore-core 🖤
i was tagged... by... too many ppl to remember everyone... but those that i remember are: @jypstraykids, @binsungz, @danceracha, @peachei, @luvknow, and i’m 100% sure there are some even older ones that i just Never Did Because I Am Trash; thank you for tagging me :^( i love all of you;; i don’t know how you’re all so beautiful but you’re really out here being: gorgeous like that huh... hm... 
uh, i’m gonna tag: @wayvgf, @00hj, @jisquish, @kim-woojins, @noairmv, @prodskz, @sk-z, @theminho, @uayv, @mirohell, @changbeanie, and anyone else who wants to do it :^( you don’t have to i just tagged randomly (so sorry if you were already tagged jfawioenaowi) ........ and like if u dont wanna be tagged pls let me know ;; A ;; i dont wanna bug you guys! 
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trulylino · 2 years
=> Girls In The Books - L.K
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Pairing: Lee Minho x fem!reader
Genre: Historical au, enemies to lovers
Summary: You hate Minho, but when your parents, the rulers of two allied kingdoms get together for a feast something changes.
Warnings: Implied smut, making out.
Word count: 4k
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"Princess its time to go," you looked up from your spot near the fire where you were curled up in a chair, warm fur helping to protect you from the cool air which loomed over the castle at this time of year. There you saw Hyunjin, your most trusted advisor. Not that he had much to advise you on, given that you weren't actually allowed to make decisions for yourself. The things you would do for just an ounce of freedom.
"I'm coming, let me just finish this page." Your eyes scanned from side to side, trying to finish the chapter before Hyunjin started to get cranky. You loved him, you really did, but God he was impatient.
"We have a meeting with the Lee and Han family in an hour, your highness, you must hurry to get ready." He urged you to speed up, taking note of how you slammed the book shut and tucked it under your arm to return it to its proper place on your bedroom shelf. He noticed how you rolled your eyes at the thought of having to be in the presence of Minho and Jisung, although he was unsure of who it was you had the problem with.
You made no comment about either of the men, however, opting to scold Hyunjin instead.
"How many times have I told you not to call me that, Jinnie?"
Hyunjin mimicked being deep in thought foe a couple seconds, before replying, "I don't seem to remember calling you 'that', princess." You nearly ran over to him to slap his arm.
"You know what I mean you idiot. And don't call me Princess in private either, you know that only my parents care about stuff like that."
"Dually noted," he smiled, "now hurry up, your mother probably has a truly interesting dress picked out for you." You groaned at his words. Trust your mother to dress you in the most cringe worthy garments that she could pay a seamstress to whip up. You liked wearing dresses, enjoying the way that the skirts would flow around your legs and the way that they looked when you span around, but the ones your mother liked to commisions were usually, if not always, ugly.
The fabric, although expensive no doubt, was stiff and uncomfortable and had to be heat pressed every five minutes to ensure not a single wrinkle was shown to the public. God forbid they knew you ever sat down and creased your clothes. The corsets, too, were so different to the ones you liked to wear. Your choice was pretty, dainty, and actually did something for your figure, whereas the ones your fashionably challenged mother preferred had an awful structure and the stays in them always dug uncomfortably into your skin. When you took them off you could probably paint a landscape connecting all the indent marks on your skin.
You miserably thought about your fate as you dragged your feet along the stone paved corridor to your chambers where your maids were waiting for your.
"A Princess doesn't drag her feet." Hyunjin piped up from your side, making you laugh as his pitch almost perfectly matched your tutor's.
"That was the spitting image of Ms Seo," you giggled, remembering the hours you had spent with the middle aged woman walking around with books on your head, damaging several as they fell to the floor.
"You know I was the one who got yelled at by her because you didn't seem to be able to speak eloquently enough. I'll never forgive you for that." He grunted, glaring at you. You returned his side eye with a pout.
"You're acting like I didn't get yelled at just as much as you."
"Yeah but I didn't even do anything wrong! That was all your!" He protested, sensing that his fight may be pointless.
You reached your door and Hyunjin bid you goodbye, going to talk to your brother about... something. You were actually sure considering the fact that you weren't actually privy to most things that happened in your family. Typical men. You would try and weasle it out of Hyunjin later.
Your maids greeted you at the door, rushing you over to your dresser to attempt to make you look more presentable. Even now, before they had made you up you still looked pretty, but not in the right way. You looked a bit messy, your hair tangled and your eyes droopy from tiredness and a lack of mascara. Your silk night gown cut off just below your knee, and beyond there your legs were slightly bruised and the skin was dry. You were probably going to be forced to apply mountains of moisturiser there in the evening. You couldn't wait.
"We need to be fast, we only have just over 45 minutes!" You heard one of your maids, Lia, mutter to another. Lia had been your head maid for a long time and you had grown close to each other over the years, she had been the first one to help you shave your legs and the first one to learn about any crushes you had on random guards.
"Why didn't you come faster y/n?!" She scolded you, tapping you on the forehead.
"Ah!" You complained at the slight pain, "It's not my fault, Hyunjin only just came and told me."
"That man is useless, I told him to get you two hours before!"
You shrugged, letting her take control of your face, applying all sorts of powders and liquids to your cheeks. Soon, your skin glowed and your lips shone and you were being rushed over to your wardrobe where a dress hung.
You did a double take when you saw it. It wasn't... ugly. You were in shock, if you were being honest. Hyunjin's tone had implied that you were doomed to yet another disgustingly frilly and stuffy *frock* but this was, actually... nice. Pretty even. Your brief moment of glee dissipated very suddenly. It made you suspicious. Who was your mother trying to impress?
Still, it was hard to complain when you were stepping into one of the most gorgeous gowns you had ever had the luxury of wearing in public. The cream dress had pale gold detailing which was just the right amount of delicate and rich looking. The bodice fit snugly around your waist and chest, not feeling tight or constricting and the long sleeved had a belled effect which made your arms feel long and dainty, like you should be dancing.
"Oh my god, its beautiful." You gushed at you reflection in the gilded gold mirror.
"Isn't it just? I heard the Queen hired a new designer for you. I must say, it suits you so much more than what you used to be forced to wear."
You couldn't agree more. Although you were taught modest like it was your middle name you had to admit, you truly looked divine. You couldn't wait to rub this in Hyunjin's face. He got you all anxious over absolutely nothing.
You smile disappeared as you remembered the occasion for which you were all dolled up. How could you have forgotten? The Hans and the Lees. They weren't so bad if you didn't take into account their two sons who were around your age. But Jisung and Minho. God they were nightmares. Well, Jisung wasn't. Maybe it was just Minho who you despised then.
He was a year older than you, and ever since you were young you had been subject to his taunting and tricks whenever your parents, who were allies, had gotten together for any event. Often, you had not been allowed to attend formal gatherings since you had been 'too young' and had been forced to play and interact with the two boys, along with Felix, who was Minho's cousin. Oh, dear sweet Felix, god he had been your saviour in those times.
Still, even at the prospect of Felix being at this 'gathering', you weren't exactly looking forward to it. You parents would no doubt turn the whole ordeal into a big feast after the initial meeting and you would be expected to dance and socialise into the late hours of the evening. Typical. How nice of them to give you warning.
"Ok, you're all ready ma'am," One of your newer maids, Jihye, that was her name, called out to you, bowing before guiding you towards the door.
Somehow you were actually right on time and had around ten minutes to make your way to the formal dining room where your mother and father would no doubt be waiting (im)patiently.
You were surprised to find Hyunjin on the other side of the door, ready to lead the way. At this point he might as well just take over the roll of body guard, since he seemed to do a more effective job anyway. You paused before starting to walk down the corridor, eyeing his raised eyebrows and slightly open mouth which formed an O shape.
"You just look different, that's all."
"That sounds like an insult."
"It's not, I promise. You look nice. Just makes me wonder what on earth your mother is planning."
"Oh my God, me too. Only the Lord knows what's going on in that brain of hers."
You walked in comfortable silence to the lunch room, passing guards and maids and ladies in waiting on the way, all of them looking in awe at you before bowing politely. You smiled graciously, used to the attention but becoming slightly uncomfortable at quite how much their eyes lingered.
"Do I have something on my face?" You whispered to the man beside you, covering your mouth with your hand, trying to hide any stray food stains which may have made their way onto your face. Hyunjin studied your face for a second before shaking his head and looking forward again. You wiped your mouth anyway, just in case.
You reached the doors at last and they swung open to reveal just your mother, father and brother at the table. You smiled and made your way over to your chair, which you noted was on the opposite side of the table from your family. You resisted the urge to complain about it. Miraculously.
"They'll be here soon," your father informed you as you got settled in your seat, remembering the lessons that Ms Seo had taught you about sitting. No crossing your legs, feet pointed and your hands in your lap. That's what she always said.  You nodded to a acknowledge his statement, preferring to shut up in the presence of your family.
It didn't take long for the small ensemble of guests to start arriving, the Hans arriving first. You stood up, mirroring the rest of your family, welcoming them into your home. You smiled softly at Jisung when he walked in last, as it was customary for the youngest to do. Then the Lees came. Much to your disappointment Felix was not among them, although it made sense, as he was not part of the main family he usually only attended the larger events, such as balls or feasts.
Then in sauntered Minho. It had been a year or so since you had seen him, and you were disappointed that he hadn't been in some sort of tragic accident involving a very sharp piece of metal. No, his limbs were all still in tact, and annoyingly he had grown more handsome since the last time you saw him. You swore it was out of spite at this point, like a competition. Who can out-beauty the other. You definitely were still winning, however, even Minho's glow up wouldn't change that.
You dropped your smile for a split second to shoot him a dagger like glare, eyes cutting into his already sneering ones. You couldn't stay like this for long though and you quickly smiled again, your poise perfect once more.
It was only fair that you hated Minho. Your parents had always compared you to him, despite him being a year older than you. On top of that he had always been an irritating little prick. You weren't exactly innocent either, you had purposefully annoyed him right back, quickly learning just how to push his buttons to get a reaction, all while looking like the perfect daughter and princess to everyone else present.
The servants ushered them all to their seats and you watched in horror as Minho got closer and closer to you. Just your luck that you would be stuck right next to him. Whoever made this seating plan had a death wish.
You scowled when he sat down in his seat, spreading his knees. You hated when men. How come he was allowed to do that when you were stuck sitting with a straight back and your knees together at the perfect angle.
"Hey, Princess." He smirked at you, revealing his irritatingly perfect teeth. It was clearly him trying to show off that he hadn't needed braces, unlike you, who had suffered with the torture device for two years when you were a teenager. It wasn't even like they had done much, considered your 'braces' had consisted of a clamp which you had to wear before bed every night. You remembered the pure pain you felt as your teeth were pushed around your mouth. Asshole.
"Minho." You gritted your teeth and turned away from him. You didn't see the way his eyes glanced down at your dress, stopping at your chest, waist and hands.
You tried to ignore him the rest of the afternoon, instead focusing on your families talking and the drink in front of you. It was hard, however when you felt his foot under the table, kicking your own, not quite hard enough for it hurt. You turned to give him a glare when you caught your mother's eyes on you and you realised you had better compose yourself.
You tuned in the conversation your parents were having and did your best not to groan at what you heard.
"And of course we'll have a feast tonight, you don't have to hurry away, do you? In fact you must stay the night." Your father's words were like a dagger in your lungs, and you exhaled sharply, becoming deflated like a balloon.
"Something wrong y/n?" Your mother asked sharply, giving you the look. The one that definitely meant 'shut up right now or you're in deep trouble'.
"No, sorry mother." You reached forward to take a drink of your tea to calm yourself down. An entire evening you were going to have to spend in the company of Minho. You wished someone would come at kidnap you at this point. Hold you ransom. Anything would be better. Maybe then you could even fall in love like the girls in the books you read. You did always find that strange, how people fell in love with their kidnappers. You thought it was about as likely as you falling in love with Minho. Now that would be a sight to see.
"Go and dance, y/n!" A lady in waiting named Yuna urged you. The band which your family had living in the castle was playing a beautiful piece and your dress was perfect for twirling in. The pianoforte was playing a beautiful twinkly solo and the cello's long slow notes accompanied it perfectly.
"I want to. I don't have anyone to dance with." It was true, everyone seemed to already have a partner, even Jisung was contentedly waltzing with one of your mother's younger lady in waitings.
"Look, there's someone over there, go dance with them!" Before you had a chance to argue you were being shoved in their direction. One final slightly over the top push sent you into their back and before you had time to apologise, they turned round, revealing Minho. Dismayed, you went to leave but a hand around your back stopped you.
"You wanna dance? Let's dance then, y/n." He pulled you into him and began to lead you. You had been this close to him before when fighting, why was your heart racing not in the 'you make me want to jump out of a window' kind of way? You felt his hot breath at your neck and the music filled your ears and heard, swirling around, clouding all common sense. What was going on? You were nearly tripping over your own feet and it wasn't even like you were bad at dancing.
"You're really bad at this." Minho commented, continuing perfectly. Of course he was doing perfectly. He was always like that. So annoyingly brilliant at literally everything he ever did. No wonder you parents had compared you to him, he was better at you in everything.
"Shut up." You tried harder to pick up your feet properly, desperately trying to remember what you had been taught by Ms Seo, but ultimately failed.
"Let me teach you," he murmured, rolling his eyes, "put your feet on mine." He instructed, and you stopped to look at him.
"I'm not five."
"Well you dance like a five year old. Put your feet on mine." You did as you were told, albeit begrudgingly, and let him guide you around the dance floor. You sucked in a breath when he pulled you closer so you didn't fall, suddenly even more hyperaware of his hand on your lower back, so close to touching something else. You focused on his hair which fell over his eyes as he looked down at you slightly, the brown of his eyes which warmed his whole face up beautifully. Why were you thinking like this? You needed to get some serious help. A serious psychological evaluation was definitely a necessity after this.
"Ok, I got it now," you whispered as you stepped down from his feet, continuing to move slowly. He didn't let you any further away from him, however. You could still feel the rise and fall of his chest against yours and the way that your breathing was matching, like in harmony.
"I need to go get some air." You blurted out, needing to get away from him. He finally let you go and you rushed out the room. You had a fluttery feeling in your stomach, and you were sure that your heart was going to burst right out of your chest at this rate. Why was Minho, probably the person you hated most in this world for years, making you feel this way?
"Where are you going my lady?" You heard Hyunjin ask as you practically ran through the doors.
"Just need some air." You explained quickly, before running to the small library in the private part of the castle. You took a moment to catch a much needed breath. You had spent the entire evening up until this point listening to ladies in waiting gossip and you and Jisung's mother discuss how you and Minho would make a 'perfect couple' and it was starting to get to you.
Why on earth had Minho held you so close? And why had you liked it? No, you did not like it. This was Minho. You were just lonely. There was no way that you actually found him even the slightest bit attractive. You were pacing at this point, the heels of your shoes lightly tapping the floor at every step you took.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Those weren't your shoes though. You looked up to see Minho standing in the doorway, out of breath, one arm holding the door frame for support. There were small beads of sweat on his forehead which glistened in the dim candle-light of the library.
"Minho, what are you-"
"Y/n," he cut you off before running over to you, "just shut up for once and kiss me."
You opened your mouth in shock before meeting his, full of passion and lust. He pulled away from you to gauge your reaction. You showed no signs of disgust or displeasure and he decided that you would've slapped him in the face by now if it was unwanted. He pushed his mouth back against your own, softer and more gentle than befire. His hands made their way to cup your face and your own arms snaked around his neck.
He began to guide you towards one of the many desks in the room, his pretty lips still attached to yours, as if he would die if they parted. You pulled away when your legs hit the table and he picked you up to sit you on it.
Breathlessly you murmured, "The door, Minho, the door." He took a moment to rest his forehead on your own before leaving you to run over and shut the door with a click. You were apart for long, as his lips were on your neck before you could properly register their absence.
"Wanted to do this for so long y/n, you have no idea." You nearly moaned at his words, the idea that he had been attracted to you just *did* something to you and you didn't know why.
"Just kiss me, Minho."
"Bet you wanted this too. I couldn't keep my eyes off you today. This dress..." His hands wandered down to your waist and circled round it, eventually finding your ass and picking you up, letting your legs wrap round his own waist.
You continued kissing, once more full of passion and years of pent up anger.
"You never really hated me, did you y/n?"
"I could never hate you. You're too perfect-"
You were interupted by the sound of a door slamming open. Hyunjin entered your line of vision, Jisung not far behind him. You nearly fell out of Minho's arms with the urgency you jumped down.
"Well I did not expect to see that." Hyunjin started before Jisung burst out laughing.
"I thought you locked the door." You hissed at Minho.
"You didn't tell me to lock it!" He whisper yelled back at you.
"Obviously I meant to lock it you idiot!"
"How was I meant to know that y/n?!"
"Common sense," you huffed, pushing him with your shoulder.
"You'll pay for that." He wanted you, turning his head to look at you.
"I hope I do."
Oh god. Yeah. Jisung and Hyunjin.
"I'll just... leave you two too it... be safe y/n." Hyunjin stated before closing the door, red in the face.
"Where were we?" Minho started before you slapped his arm.
"You know you love me."
Maybe the girls in the books you read weren't so crazy after all.
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Taglist: @dreamescapeswriting @bang-me-chan @sparkyprotectionsquad
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vourstellungphan · 2 years
Can I ask you for hc on victor and eli pining over the same person? gender neutral if possible!
Of course, glad to have an ask! Sorry for the long wait.
First of all, let's talk a bit about those two's personalities.
While I agree with some of the fanon headcanons of the community, there are also some things that are too far from canon for my liking.
Victor, in my opinion, is quite a guy I must say. This man worked for a gang in the past, enter a burning building to save people, after that he also tried to hide from the gangsters' eyes while doing his job, what a chad. The man simple entered the game because that was the first letter he had ever been received, not because of money, wishes or anything else.
"Scoptophobia, Socially Awkward, Kind-hearted, Quiet", those are the 4 offical traits of him. But I would also like to add a bit of my thoughts about Mr. Postman myself. Even tho he is socially awkward, Victor is not scared to step up if needed, since he is also kind-hearted. It may take a while to gain his trust, but when you have gained it, he's going to stay with you till the end, especially after the dead of the policeman - the past owner of Wick, also the person you may considered as Victor's past friend. I see him as the "ride-or-die" homie and can cause a stir if necessary.
Victor believes in the "sincerity carried by written words" (Character Release) and has always been mesmerized by the expressions of the recipients receiving the messages, the man is the type to write his crush love letters, or just letters in general. Carefully conveyed all of his thoughts about you, he writes his feeling down then sealed it nicely. Victor Granz may looks quite small (I believe he is 170cm?), but he sure has some strength and can knock an average person out.
This chad believes in letter, and if letters can not solve the problem, than his action shall speaks louder than those words.
For Eli, this might be a lil bit shocking (?), but according to his birthday letter in 2021, Eli a cautious man with abnormally high self-esteem. He also desires fame and fortune, due to his poor class in the society. Some may say that Eli came to the manor for money reason, but in fact, his finances problem only plays a part of it, the real reason he came to the manor is to repent of his sin - breaking a seer's oath. His 2021 birthday letter also stated that he is "a so-called "seer" who knows nothing", so I picture him as some one who looks nice and polite outside, but is actually pretty arrogant inside. It is confirmed that he is 21, and since 21 is still a young adult, I couldn't really see him having that wise and nice aura people usually think of.
Eli, growing up with the ability to forseen the future, is used to avoiding annoying people, and of course he's going to take a small pride in it. Even though Eli appears as a nice and understanding man, he actually is short-tempered and sometimes has a passive agressive reaction towards some situations. You cannot tell me that this man doesn't suffering from stress.
But, since his first step into this place, Eli has matured, by all means. I'm not going to erase Gertrude here since she is one of the reason for Eli's development. According to his 2020 birthday letter, it seems like he has learn to accept god's will, even tho the next year letter showed that he's still struggling to make it out, turned out his effort is the cause of his "demise". This is interesting, if you look at this piece of info in a “x reader” kind of way, Eli is just like a flower that’s still blooming, and by having a crush, the seer will be more mature day by day to be the best version of himself. Now, if you notice, Eli with a crush definitely get better quicker than a seer without one.
Eli is not a social butterfly, I see him as an ambivert who only speak to people when it is necessary. He is also not fond of cursing other out, but he will definitely raises his voice, this man's ability revolves around gaining rage, how can he be a soft boy?
Now, let's get to the lovey dovey part.
I assume that if Victor and Eli both falling for the same time, then Victor will be the first one to make a move, since he doesn't have a fiancée back home.
Eli, in the other hand, know that he has fallen for you sooner than the Postman, but it will take him sometime to actually do something. He has a fiancée back home, and as a loyal faithful man, he will feel extremely guilty if he actually catches feeling for someone. Please give this man some times to make up his mind.
When Eli has finally made up his mind, then everyday is going to be interesting for you. Every time you got matched with those two, you got yourself two bodyguards who silently panicked if the hunter is near you. Owls, letters get sent perfectly, and they help you a lot if you are kiting/decoding/rescuing. They go all the way to support you, sometimes even sacrifice themselves for you. If they can, they wouldn’t let you do the rescue or contain the hunter, they’d rather did that, even if you are a rescuer or a container. They will do absolutely anything for you in their abilities, but of course, not throwing matches away.
Eli and Victor, both are not the type to fall in love at first sight. To win those two’s heart, you will have to start at friend and then moving forward. Maybe being good at interact with animals will help you a lot in gaining their attraction. They fall on the quiet side of the survivors, tho Eli is pretty good at small talk and Victor just doesn’t find speaking intriguing to him.
Eli, who is more socially active than Victor, will try to court you in a traditional way. Open the door for you, pulling seats, small compliment that will get you through the day,... Now, that’s his way to go. But since he has to rely on his owl to see things, Eli sometimes messes up for a bit, but that just add more to his charm, I guess? A bit of wise combine with the youthful, pretty arrogant spirit, a new breeze.
Definitely use his vision to impress you, like pulling you away from tripping yourself, predicting hunter’s movement in the match or just, predicting in general. Small flexing, acts of service and small talks. Eli is a great person to talk to if you want to have a piece of advice, to rant to or just a company in general.
He defintely treats you higher than the other with his religious background. Of course not as much as worshipping you, but a lil bit higher. But if he notice that you feel uncomfortable with this, he will defo toned it down. This man sees his crush in the manor like the light at the end of the tunnel, so expect him to treat you with the most tender hands and words. You light up his day every single time, just seeing your smile makes him feels like he’s on cloud nine. Maybe a bit of stalking you with his owl, sometimes you will see Brook Rose sitting in your eyesight. The owl surprises you, but not in a creepy way of course.
Mr. Clark sometimes will let you pet with Brook Rose, and I highly recommend it because the feathers are really soft. The owl sometimes bring you little trinkets like flowers, or some nice shiny rocks.
Now, for Victor, this man is sure a quiet guy, so different from Eli, Victor will try to gain your love in a more subtle way (welll, Eli’s way is not that flashy to be honest). Will send you anonymous gifts and letters, put them in front of your room's door, and of course, nicely decorated. Your in-match letters will be a lil bit longer compare to others' letters with more thoughts in it. Support you the best he can, defintely try to pull off a detention rescue before.
A nice company to have, especially if you like to read or playing with small animals. I firmly believe that Victor is pretty good at choosing books and knows how to take care of small animals, Wick is a prime example of this. Probably fond of light-hearted stories, and since the day he has a crush on you, Victor has found a new joy in romance novel, he sincerely hope that one day, he will able to act out a scene from those sappy stories with you.
Mr. Grantz’s dog, Wick, loves you. This baby boy sometimes lingers at your feet a lil bit longer before going to back to his owner in matches. In you guys’ free time, Wick is usually found by Victor’s side or taking a nap beside your feet. This puppy likes to play fetch with you and Victor, and he unironically becomes Victor’s wingman. If he accidentally leads the hunter to you, both Wick and Victor will be panicking to the state that the poor postman will continuously apologizes. He's sure to see that accident as a grave mistake, not only he failed his teammate as a supporter, but also causing troubles for his one and only love.
The offical information said that Victor can do anything pretty well except for socialising, so if you need help in any aspects, he’ll sure lend you a hand. Victor is not really good at comforting tho, but he makes sure to hear your problem and calm you down. Candy you ask? Here you are. A blanket? Sure. Victor is quick on his feet, anything you ask for will be delivered to you in a blink of eye. Wick also stays by your side and comforta you his best the whole time.
Now, for the tension between those 2 man, I would say it’s not that bad. Even tho Eli is easier to be jealous, he’s a nice guy and won’t do anything bad to the postman. Victor will also try to set this as a fair play, too. Boths are pacifist, so rivaling in peace, I guess.
Now, who would you choose in the end?
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amberdablade · 2 years
Hi Hi Love! I have a Small Request!<3
What if DreamXD / Ranboo ( or both, not ploy tho— ) had a Reader who was a Wendigo! Hybird?
Please take care of yourself and have a wonderful day!
Sharkie / 🦈
Hello, and I just want to say I'm so sorry I forgot about this request but hey at least I finally finished it :D Here you go!!!!
🧡💙❤~Dream XD/c!Ranboo x F!Wendigo Hybrid Reader Headcannons~❤💙🧡
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TW: Someone being creepy and abducting you. :P
Dream XD~
You were very unique, he’ll say that.
He had never seen a creature quite like you in his few thousand years of living, and that was what made him interested in you. Especially since he thought he had seen everything, especially since he was a god.
When he first laid eyes on you, he was genuinely curious, and made himself present in your dreams/nightmares so he could learn more about you and where you came from. You seemed to not know exactly what you were or where you came from, so peaking into your brain didn’t work the way he planned.
After that he thought that he should just let it go, but he was just so curious he couldn’t stop thinking of you.
What were you???? A deer? A skeleton? A woodland beast? Surely not human, but you still had the blood of a human in you, and the body of one for that matter.
Whatever you were though, he had grown extremely fond of you, and he needed to know more. That’s all he wanted was more of you and more of your knowledge, he needed to meet you in person he needed to know everything he could about you. Even if you didn't’ accept him, he was a god, and he would find some way to force you to.
The first time he visited you, you had nearly fainted in surprise when you recognized him as the god the SMP was worshiping and who you thought was fake.
You became instantly embarrassed and scared since you had thought that he was coming to punish you for mocking him and not believing that he existed.
He had realized your embarrassment and concern for your well being and it actually made him pleased that you feared him in a way.
He told you that he didn’t come to punish you or anything like that, he just said that he wanted to take you into ‘heaven’ with him so you two could live together for the rest of eternity.
You were so surprised that you became nauseous and nearly fainted again. He was asking you to basically be his girlfriend and eventually marry him in heaven? It was almost too much for you.
But you weren’t stupid and you had known from legend and talk around town that when XD wanted something, he got that something, and in this case that was you right now. He wanted you and you knew that if you tried to escape him or deny him it would do you no good and he would have you eventually. So you just gave in and came with him.
He then brought you up to his heaven, where you did indeed spend the rest of eternity with him.
He was absolutely fascinated by you. You sparked his curiosity in a way he never thought was possible.
He had seen you around Snowchester, walking around the forest like you owned the place and had no fear of the monsters that came out at night (maybe considering the fact that you were one yourself, but he didn’t look at you that way).
When he first saw you, he thought you were beautiful, and like nothing he had ever seen before. But like stated before he didn’t see you as a monster or a freak since when he saw you, he saw a reflection of himself: something that didn’t belong in the world it was currently in.
After this realization, he decided that he needed to know you better, he just didn’t know how to approach you.
Thankfully though, he didn’t have to approach you at all, you first approached him. You had been curious of his flowers on his porch and decided to go and check them out. He had found you adorable, and invited you to come and stay in his house so you didn’t have to stay outside since there was an oncoming blizzard that was scheduled for later in the night.
You had thanked him and admired his kindness and concern for your safety, and agreed to stay with him. Just because you were this weird, extremely rare mix up of a hybrid didn’t mean you were invincible to extreme weather temperatures, and you were glad he realized that.
He cooked you dinner, let you sleep in his bed while he went to sleep on the couch, and allowed you to do basically anything you desired as long as you were comfortable and happy.
After a night and a day and a half you asked if you could stay another night, and he responded with “You can stay here whenever you want and for however long you desire.”
After that you stayed with him every now and then, and became attached to him in a way you didn’t find possible, and like mentioned before, he felt the same about you.~
Word Count: 925
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hobbitsetal · 2 years
@loubuttons, ask and you shall receive.
I've spent the last two years deconstructing and reconstructing my faith, and one of the things I've wrestled with and ultimately rejected is complementarianism, the view that men were created to lead and women to follow and submit. That is not the subject of this post.
Tied into the complementarian worldview I was taught was the belief that a woman's highest calling, and indeed her primary daughter, is to be a stay-at-home wife and mother. Now, while I currently am a SAHM, I do not think I'm theologically obligated to be one, nor is that my only or primary designation. It's part of my life right now, as dental assisting was my life for twelve years.
Rachel Jankovic is a complementarian (though perhaps she would say patriarchal, given that her father is Doug Wilson) who advocates the SAHM lifestyle as The Theologically Correct Way For Women. A loved one whose views I have diverged from sent me an article by Jankovic:
I'm here today to pick apart what I disagreed with most strongly. Under a readmore, because turns out I have a lot to say.
First of all, Jankovic begins her article with talking about how mothers who stay at home are pitied and considered to be using less than their full potential.
To quote: "For a generation at least, homemaking has been spoken of as a prison-like existence that stifles a woman’s gifts — as though homemakers have less ambition than others, less ability, less scope, less understanding."
I'm not sure who she's been talking to. My experience with me or my husband mentioning I stay home has been that people either respond with a degree of envy or laugh about the challenges of raising a small, active, and inquisitive boy.
She speaks of moms who complain on social media--specifically TikTok--that their families don't appreciate their work, and calls that sort of complaining the result of "worldly propaganda," making the point that women who stay at home just need to see the inherent value in their work.
In a lot of ways, I don't disagree. Contentment is a choice. Joy is a choice. Paul speaks of learning to be content in situations that ranged from beatings to imprisonment; I can certainly learn to choose contentment and joy when my son drops crumbs all over the carpet that I just vacuumed. But I take strong issue with her hermeneutics, her tone, and her belief that SAHM is the only Godly choice for Christian women.
She says, "Scripture is the basis for my commitment to being a homemaker, and if I never saw any other reason to love it, never saw the fruit, never understood the importance of the role, that should still be enough. ... At this point, some readers may have rolled their eyes because I mentioned Titus 2 and Proverbs 31 in the same embarrassingly uncool paragraph. Why is that? Could it be because you have been trained to despise passages like these? Could it be that you have listened to countless people explaining them away? Could it be that you have taken in enough worldly propaganda that you feel free to look down on the tone of the word of God and those who embrace it?"
Actually, no. Her exegesis of Titus 2 is lacking--Paul wrote to a specific situation, as Marg Mowzcko talks about here: https://margmowczko.com/busy-at-home-how-does-titus-24-5-apply-today/ .
Further, Proverbs 31 speaks of a woman engaged in business, not just running her house. Real estate, physical labor, delegation--the woman of Proverbs 31 isn't necessarily a SAHM, not with everything she's doing.
If I roll my eyes at Jankovic's invocation of these two passages of Scripture, it's because they are the go-to passages for patriarchs trying to limit women's gifts. It's because there are so many more passages we could look at when exploring the question of how Christian women ought to live (1 Corinthians 13? book of James? Philippians? anybody?) and I don't care for articles that assume my reaction like this.
I take issue, too, with Jankovic's dismissal of women's complaints:
"When I read those sorrowful monologues about the mental load, about how much it all weighs on the poor woman, about how unfair it all is, about how husbands should be responsible for far more housekeeping, all I can see is that women are suffering from the horrible pairing of trying to do the Lord’s work with the attitude of those who hate him. There will be no joy of obedience there. There will be no fruit of free giving there. There will be no strength and laughter and dignity there, because there is a thick fog of accusation, discontent, and envy."
Really? Women who complain about housekeeping are all malcontents who just need to have more joy and love God better? Somehow, I'm deeply skeptical of that.
Raising children is hard. Keeping house can be a lot of work. I have it easy right now--I'm in a small apartment and I only have one child who takes two naps per day--and I am profoundly grateful some days when my husband comes home and takes our son for a while.
Housekeeper is an entire job unto itself, as is childcare, cooking, and the other zillion tasks that go into running a house. My mother, when she had five children under ten, hired someone to clean her house twice a month because she couldn't keep up with everything alone. She had that privilege as the wife of a military officer. Most people don't have the disposable income to hire someone.
So what of the women who complain their husbands don't help with housekeeping? Maybe some of them are being malcontents. But I'm willing to bet a lot more feel like they aren't receiving the support they need.
My husband listened to me complain about communal laundry and immediately offered to take over the laundry for me so I wouldn't have to worry about it. How many husbands would respond by offering to take on more work in addition to their weekly jobs?
And that's just housecleaning. What about the women who want a little break from childcare, from the constant On of looking after tiny people, or some help with the cooking? How many of them have to fight for personal time, and how many of them have husbands who go out of their way to care for their wives' needs?
I'm further peeved by the way she elevates keeping the home:
"Is there any other work I could be doing that would be this exponentially fruitful or influential? A hundred years from now, I hope there are people who do not know my name or remember me, but nevertheless carry about with them seeds of faithful living that were first planted in the soil of this home."
Listen. I'm not here to denigrate the work of SAHMs. My mother put a lot of work into raising us kids; my sister and sisters-in-law are raising their children with care and thoughtfulness. Heck, I am a SAHM and a large part of that is that I want to pour time and attention into my children.
But any other work? Yeah, actually, a lot of fields. My twelve years in dentistry were exponentially fruitful and influential; I helped a lot of people overcome their fear of dentists and live healthier lives.
Or how about my nurse friend? She literally saves lives. Pretty sure we can regard that as exponentially fruitful and influential.
I can go on about this one for quite some time--my parents' work as Biblical counselors, my sister's career as a piano teacher and accompanist, my friend who works in ministry--but let's not belabor the point. The idea that raising children is The Most Fruitful Work any woman could do ever is insulting to the range of human capability and experience. Not every woman wants children. Not every woman enjoys children. And beyond that, not every woman can have children. Does this mean their work for God is less important? God forbid we say that.
The implications of claiming children are the pinnacle of Christian womanhood are far-reaching and dreadful. If children are the pinnacle of Christian womanhood, then any woman who doesn't have children--whether from celibacy, medical necessity, or personal choices--is failing to live up to God's Best For Her. She becomes a spiritual cripple in this view.
We are not spiritual cripples in Christ. God's best for us is that we become more like Him, that we are united to Him fully. Our gender doesn't matter, our ethnicity, our marital status, our parental status. Those play into our stories and into who we are as people, but when it comes to who we are in Christ, they don't matter.
"For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:27-28
And whether we are stay-at-home mothers, working women, single or married, we are all in Christ. We are all precious to God, and we are all united. I am not better because I'm staying home. I am not closer to God or living The Ideal Christian Life more than my friends who are working, single, childless.
Rachel Jankovic's mindset leads to heartbreak. Christ offers healing and joy. And whatever path He leads us in, may we find that joy fully.
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