#.... do I post this on main or my goddamn turtle blog.
intotheelliwoods · 1 year
I got new glasses finally and my brain is ooaoaoaooaoa ooao um adjusting (im having a time)
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
Marinette did not sign up for this pt2
forgot to post this before i passed out last night. part one here ao3 here
It was almost four years into being Ladybug when the Justice League made contact.
In that time, she and Chat had built the miraculous team and they both knew each members identities, but swore them all to not seek out one another’s identity. (Though Alya was Alya and had Carapaced figured out on his first outing… convincing her not to reveal that to him took a bit. The girl was determined, but Marinette follows Fu’s rules to the letter (as much as she can) and that meant Secrets Stay Secret damnit.)
Not contacting the JL themselves was partially due to some fallout the Mayor and Parisian government with a (dissolved) Justice League’s branch. It was well before her team’s time. Something about collateral damage and if her miraculous could fix damage dealt by JL members or not playing some role in that too.
She decided it was a good thing when two years later she found a fucking dagger with a large bouquet on her balcony. It became a regular occurrence for special occasions—birthday, winter holidays and on Easter (she didn’t even know why on that one. Her parents aren’t Catholic. Maybe Murder Robin was, or thought she was?). She would just find some weapon with flowers somewhere in her room. She had no fucking clue what Murder Robin (Alya found articles where the ‘new’ Robin was cited as likely having killed multiple people in Gotham and just, yikes) or his friends or even her father (Fucking Batman, the Ghost of Gotham) might have meant by leaving it, but it was clear they had her address, knew which room was hers, and could do a lot of damage if she toed the line. She wasn’t testing any of those ‘no contact rules’ after that.
Hiding a dagger and various other weapons (so many knives and throwing stars) from Maman by giving it to Fu and later passing it off as an eccentric gift from him to her for always helping him out was… an adventure when Fu was still Master Fu. She hopes Murder Robin doesn’t find out about that bit. She has no clue how he or his family (not hers, hers are in Paris with her. Hers at least tried to talk to her, tried to listen and did make time for her. His family? Complete strangers she may share DNA with.)
She (logically) should be terrified that Murder Robin knows her alias and secret identity are the same person; if he’s really one of the world’s greatest detectives’ kids, why wouldn’t he know? Batman must have known for years—why else would Murder Robin be able to find her? the DNA scan was in a closed match system to just Paris. And she knew there was no way Goddamn Batman, Ghost of Gotham, would hang around Paris long enough to get dragged into the system for him to have a ping.
He just did not want anything to do with her or her city’s trouble since it wasn’t his. She wasn’t his. Wasn’t wanted by him. That was fine—he has enough to worry about in his hell city.
Sending Murder Robin out to do his dirty work?
Not fine.
Her team and her were… managing the Hawkmoth situation. Keeping it from spilling out of Paris since Startrain. Goo-guy managed to give them a break—people can grab akuma that aren’t meant for them and become much weaker akuma than if the akuma reached its target. Same with the few that could grab an akuma in the air. It meant when akuma went out, some citizens were willing to bear Hawkmoth’s wrath for a bit—even groups taking turns sometimes—to prevent someone from getting akumatized until Ladybug could purify the akuma or Chat Noir could destroy it.
And for akuma battles, well, she has more than just her and Chat, Luck (Creation) and Destruction. Viperion gave them multiple chances to change costly choices in battle. Bunnix fixed the ones that Viperion couldn’t. All oversized opponents fell to Ryuko and her mastery of the elements, even if she can’t always make it thanks to different schools and tight schedules. Miss Sting was chosen by Marinette—Aurore was easy to lean on for news team reports and media appearances that Ladybug and Chat Noir don’t have the time or energy for. Plus, Aurored needed the anger management, so win-win. Don’t even get her started on Pegasus or King Monkey always being ready at a moment’s notice and how they both started joining Nino and Alya’s parkour dates that have morphed into group hangouts in last two years. Seriously—if she knew where she needed to be, Max was ready to answer her call. If she knew more chaos would work as a distraction, long live King Monkey, the Great Distractor.
Then there’s her emotional support in the field (besides her chaton), Carapace. He’s a great shield in battle, good with civilians and quick to defend. He’s also big on mental health (something their team sorely needed). How Nino managed to get turtle headphones, Marinette doesn’t know. She does know she nicks them from him regularly as Ladybug for team hangouts and when she needs to clam down on patrol.
Then there is her civilian bestie, the one who convinced her to stay as Ladybug, Alya Cesaire, aka Rena Rogue and the Ladyblogger. Rena Rouge is by and far one of her favorites to talk about potential Hawkmoths with, and work out akuma prevention techniques with. In the battlefield she was one of the first to strike (even if that’s not how she should be using the flute, Marinette has no room for judgment given how she uses all of her Lucky Charms.) Alya always posted and circulated anti-akuma tips and altered the Ladyblog to have each icon for known miraculous mean something.
Marinette was nothing but supportive of her friend, even if the blog is a behemoth to maintain and resulted in Alya retiring as her Deputy (Rose took over gleefully as Deputy). She liked that the Ladybug was for news, and the Cat for if an attack is ongoing. The Butterfly tracks akuma sightings before an attack, and was a bit on the nose in her opinion, but it’s effectively mapped out areas where Hawkmoth’s lair is or has an opening, giving them an area to investigate and patrol more heavily. The Turtle offered guided meditation videos and yoga sessions (somehow always on-going), while the Fox was for group chats and various akuma-related support groups. The Peacock offered mental health resources, and was constantly growing. The Bee was for self defense videos and sat next to Dragon for akuma survival tips. The Snake was one of her personal favorites, advice on calming down with guided breathing if someone feels close to being akumatized, and she’d used it herself more than once. The Horse was the one she’s the least familiar with, for shelter routes that she never used. The Monkey held a number of fun distractions, videos and memes uploaded by her followers with art and songs, and was overall very light hearted.
Marinette is proud of her team.
Though it doesn’t mean there aren’t days she’s waiting for it all to unravel, or for an Older Bunnix to appear again and tell her they have to undo the day Marinette’s identities were compromised. But that is a always an apocalypse event option only. Chat Blanc still haunts Marinette’s nightmares, and Alix’s too. the Princess Justice timeline haunts Alix since she lived it in real time, but it’s Adiren’s nightmare come to life in multiple other akuma attacks. Apparently if Marinette is akumatized, she brings about a second Reign of Terror so encompassing, it made Robespierre’s look like a child’s drawing of what a reign 
It was during another Syren event when things went from workable to a slow boiling unbearable. All but Alix were transformed and fighting minions to clear a path for Ladybug to get to the main akuma.
Imagine her frustration when Aquaman and Aqualad appeared behind her while she was scouting on the outskirts, and both refused to make any eye contact, practically kneeling in water to her and making themselves a target. When they should be able to read the room and see that the battlefield isn’t the place for this.
“Oh Great Paschalítsa” Aquaman began, “I understand your hesitance in this matter, given the Miraculous and Atlantis’ history,” Aquaman continued as she dodged yet another minion further ahead and kept working her way to where the akuma was, ignoring his speech. “But I ask that you do not sink—”
Marinette gave up on her current task to ensure there wasn’t some international incident of Ladybug letting Aquaman be captured by akumas or something. She’d never head the end of it if she didn’t.
But now they were surrounded. Aqualad at least kept his attention on the task at hand (re: keeping minions from spotting her) as they all worked out a way to escape, even if he wasn’t looking anywhere near her. Apparently Aquaman got the message (finally) and did the same as his sidekick(?) after Aqualad made a few gestures she wasn’t paying attention to. She does have an akuma item to break and akuma to catch and purify.
The pair did manage to act as decent bodyguards and distractions while she worked out the kid’s item and how it connected to their fixation—no swimming until their grades up meant all of their gear but a whistle was taken away. One Lucky Charm and convoluted plot that merged fighting in 3-D, a pair of scissors and a lot off kicking off underwater buildings later, and Paris was back to normal.
She managed it without talking to Aquaman once. She could give quick directions to Aqualad without toeing the line—he wasn’t part of the Justice League and was known to operate in the ocean alone when Aquaman wasn’t there.
“Great Paschalítsa,” Aquaman began and Marinette wanted him to go off and leave her alone. Him and Aqualad. “As king of Atalntis, I humbly offer my aide in whatever has caused you and the great Mávri Gáta to show yourselves to the world.”
What was with all this formal speech? Marinette thought they knew French, or well, Alya mentioned it said they did in their bio, but it clearly wasn’t the kind her class used for projects. And Marinette was exhausted, frustrated, and now did not have a good and convenient target for her rage (re: akuma that drowned Paris) and well…
Well, she blew up. A bit. But can you blame her?
They wouldn’t take the hint. (Silence means Fuck Off).
“Look,” Marinette whirled on them, ignoring her team’s shock and not even going in for the celebratory ‘Pound it’.  “I told Murder Robin—“ the pair winces at the that wording. Good. They knew who she meant then.
“—that I won’t get involved with anything involving our dad.”
She didn’t miss the sharp intakes from her team. Chat knew, only due to a freak out over being left a freaking sword one time and she panicked, okay?
“And I meant it. Just because Batman felt guilty or something,” She doubted it. Ghost of Gotham doesn’t feel anything and can apparently take out entire buildings on occasion. (Even if she was pretty sure that was someone filling in for him, she wouldn’t discount it either.) “That Doesn’t mean I’m going to change my mind on the matter—My team has got this. And we don’t need a handout four years too late.”
They had to. Fu was gone (For three months now. Three months Marinette held the weight of being The Guardian on her shoulders alone. She had to have this. She wouldn’t trust random elements sent by Mr. ‘I accept my murderous son and ignore the one in constant peril that blew herself up twice to save Paris.’  
“Bug out.”
She knew her team would have questions, but Chat could answer them for now and Miss Sting would be able to handle any questions if any the media tried anything. Bright side of having the main Miraculous Team journalist as Rena with a determined hacker Pegasus; if it was personal to the team, the pair made sure it was never there.
Later at JL HQ
Aquaman walked up to Batman once the meeting was over. Batman knew the man had something on his mind and that it was related to himself—why else would he keep looking at him during the meeting? Whatever was troubling the Atlantian, Bruce could only hope it wasn’t emotions. That was really, really not his department… Jonn was much better with issues like that.
“Batman, may I have a word?”
Batman nodded, quick to follow the other out into a more private room.
“It has come to my attention that your daughter and you have a, uh, tricky relationship.”
Batman raised an eyebrow, as his relationship with Cass was doing well… he thought. Maybe he should visit her more? She was doing fine on her own and was always warm to him when he visited her in China on her missions against the Triad. Perhaps he should see if she was open to working with him on a case on that, or see if she wanted to come to Gotham again.
“And I don’t mean to judge here,” Aqua man continued, obviously nervous. “But uh, apparently your current Robin is well aware of her existence.”
Batman raised an eyebrow under the cowl. “Black Bat and Robin are close.”
The way Aquaman’s face contorted indicated nothing good. “Your other daughter.” The man paused, waiting for Batman to understand. “Ladybug.”
Bruce… Bruce froze. “I don’t have another daughter.” Not to his knowledge.
Aquaman ran a hand through his hair. “Well apparently ‘Murder Robin’ has met her,” Aquaman said with air quotes of all things. “Years ago.”
Bruce felt his heart stop. Damian’s… adjustment into the family had not been easy. And a few years ago Damian was much more… willing to do things against the Batcode, things that had him thriving in the League of Assassins. Things that changed a person. Things he’d need to ask this Ladybug—his daughter, another surprise child—about.
“And given that a Ladybug being active has always been a sign of a potential apocalypse—“
Batman’s red flags began flashing. Hard. His child was in danger and fighting a potential apocalypse event. Without his help. Without Batman’s resources.
“I assume Ladybug is a mantel.” Bruce hoped she had a mentor, someone to ease her into hero-work.
“Yes.” Aquaman looked… hesitant then. “Were it not for one Ladybug’s mercy, my people would have died when Atlantis was sunk by her equal, the Black Cat’s user. It seems this time they’re allies this time, against the Butterfly—I, Batman, are you alright?”
Bruce was not okay, at all. There is an ongoing apocalypse event, a daughter he never met stopping it (how old was she? Was she Damian’s age or older? Younger? He didn’t want her to have to live with this life, but she was and was doing so without him, without his help, without someone he knew she could lean on for support) and apparently his youngest son was well aware of this and did nothing to help. Did not even tell him.
He was going to have words with Damian.
“Excuse me.” Batman turned to leave. He has a son to interrogate, research to do, and a daughter to find (beg forgiveness for not getting to her sooner, and help her) on top of the usual workload. A Bat’s work is never done.
Wonder Woman who stopped him while he was reeling with this information, her grip too solid on his arm, and unlikely to break.
“It is not wise to rush in.” She began, appealing to reason in the hopes of keeping a panicked “Batdad” from making the situation worse. “From what Aquaman has told us, she does not welcome your involvement,” she said slowly, hoping it would sink in. “The Ladybug Miraculous has always been an agent of creation, of healing.” Diana hoped that would set her friend’s mind at ease. Ladybugs were notorious for their battle prowess and strategies, yes, but first and foremost their duty was to undo damage. “Ladybug herself will have much on her shoulders if her role is anything like my mother’s when she was among the Chosen, and adding yourself to the equation before her adversary is defeated will only serve to distract her from her goal.”
Batman remained tense, but didn’t struggle against Wonder Woman’s grasp. Good.
Green Lantern was the next to approach, as planned. “So why don’t you focus on your family in Gotham before rushing into meeting this kid,” Green Lantern—no, Hal suggested. “We’ll work on finding out what’s causing this possible apocalypse. You get your house in order.”
Bruce heard the words that weren’t said. Find out what your ex-assassin son did your demi-god daughter and make sure he doesn’t screw up anything further.
“That is not—“
“Batman.” Wonder Woman squeezed his arm. “This is not a suggestion.”
Cold curled in Bruce's stomach. His daughter was in danger, fighting against a potential apocalypse, and he was told to sit this one out. When it was personal. (His daughter who he needed to meet, to learn about, to see what made her tick and work out how to help her wherever she might need it. His daughter who he had lost years with.)
(They were ordering him to lose more time with her.)
“You are benched from League activities until this is sorted out.” Wonder Woman continued, as though she hadn’t just gutted Bruce. “I will take lead on Ladybug’s case. My people have much experience with her and the Black Cat as allies.” It was Diana that was smiling then. “Perhaps Mother’s connection will convince her to allow our aide.”
Green Lantern nodded along. “And when I’m not with you guys, well, GL core is in charge of keeping things not-apocalypse-y across the universe and keeping it from spiraling. And Miraculous tend to like the whole Balance thing, so it shouldn’t be too much for me to help out every now and then with them too.”
Bruce twitched where he was. He wasn’t going to win this. Not by a long shot.
But they were taking Aquaman and a Green Lantern. Granted, at least it wasn’t Guy. But a Lantern. Over him. When it involves his family.
He had to get his house in order quickly.
Damian would say he was quite pleased with himself that day. He managed to decide the type of weapon that would help his sister defend herself against others best, given her profession as a seamstress, he was annoyed he hadn’t thought of it sooner. Selecting the type of needle to give her, and to ensure they could be used for fabrics to give her a reason to carry them on her person, was crucial however.
She had rejected his other offerings thus far, though he could hardly blame her. This would be his seventh attempt. He did hear it was a lucky number from somewhere… and he had gotten better since his last attempts at understanding the type of person she showed herself to be and the type of person she wished to be seen as.
The Swiss dagger on his first attempt was too bulky and not hidden enough for a style of fighting she should strive to cultivate. His second attempt was an ear dagger which were easier to use and she could add additional force with her thumb. He thought it was better protection for her, and it was small enough this time to be kept in her purse. Much better than his first attempt. Only from her pictures he knew it wasn’t ever in her purse.
He had failed to find her an acceptable apology gift that offered her the protection she needed. The third was when he moved to a larger blade, hoping the thin rapier could be hidden well enough as decorative or as a fancier fencing tool than standard. It wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility given her closeness to an Olympic level fencer and this ‘Adrien Agreste’ who often partnered with Tsurugi. He was glad she had taken to displaying it at the least, though Adrien claiming to have given it to her left a bad taste in his mouth.
His sister wished to not have it known she had her own weapons then, he could handle that. His fourth attempt was  going to be a butterfly knife but given legal restrictions that he had come to realize she would follow (as idiotic as they were) he changed it to a classic Swiss knife. He did see this carried on her person on occasion, but not often. He looked into more easily concealed knives and gifted her a ballpoint pen knife—it looked like a pen and he made sure to customize it to resemble the pens in her room (he took a sample for reference) and did see her often carrying that one, though by active attempt or chance he couldn’t gather. He decided she would need a long range item next, and gifted her a small variety of throwing stars (and a knife or two, she seemed to favor possible close combat weapons of those he gave her). He noticed that none of these were carried on her person (he may have bugged them with trackers to figure out her preference) and they rarely left her room.
That was why he concluded that this time needles that she could use for sewing or battle were his best bet. Finding a way to walk that line was proving challenging.
Father came in while he was making his selection. He did find it odd Father hadn’t mentioned her to the rest of the family, but it could be that he wished her a more peaceful life. Damian would not disrespect his father’s wishes by bringing her up.
“Damian, we need to talk.”
Damian furrowed his brow, running over what could warrant that tone. He came up empty.
Father did move closer and see he was looking at needles this time. And showed surprised.
“For Okhti Al Kobra,” Damian stated, hoping his father wouldn’t be upset at him recognizing her. He knew now it was better for her to be apart from them, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t do what he could to help her protect herself. His older sister deserved better.
Father did freeze at that.
Had Damian displeased him? (He wouldn’t… wouldn’t send him to back. Damian knew that. But that look… it brought back the boy that wondered when he’d be tossed aside by the Great Batman for no longer being a good solider.)
“Father? I know you don’t like to speak of her but.”
“You, you’re getting her needles?” it was a question. He didn’t get why.
“Yes, my last presents seemed inadequate. She has taken to the penknife, but only sometimes. She keeps the Swiss on her sometimes too—haven’t you been keeping an eye on her social media? She posts a disgusting amount. I figured given the boutique it wouldn’t be unacceptable for her to carry needles on her as a weapon and tool in the future, should anyone else discover our connection.”
Bruce stared Damian, waiting for him to finish.
“She does keep the flowers I left her, though she does react oddly. The first time she was very pale.” Looking back, it was likely fear. She was a civilian after all… “However I believe she has come to accept that even with distance, she is still a Bat by blood and as such, should remain vigilant.” Damian hoped his report was adequate.
“She… how old is she?” Father’s tone was softer then. but the question didn’t make any sense.
“Father, you should know how old she is.” Damian waited for the man to respond.
He didn’t.
Damian furrowed his brow. “Father, you do know who she is, right?”
Damian blinked at that. He had no idea who that was, but he knew an alias when he heard one. “She’s a civilian—when did she—”
“Damian.” He stilled at that. “How old is she?”
Damian straightened then. “She was twelve and a half when we first met. She will be sixteen in two weeks.” Damian glanced at his abandoned screen. “She enjoys design.”
“Her, her name.” His father looked… lost.
“I, we don’t revel secret identities?” Damian was a bit lost. Father should know of his sister. They were only two years apart. She was from before his father’s training became serious. He should know of her, at least. And if he didn’t, wasn’t it a betrayal to her if he revealed who she was without her permission? Whenever he tried to visit, she was always elsewhere, and he couldn’t very well show up as Damian Wayne. That would reveal the family and she didn’t need to know that. Didn’t need that burden.
“She knows she’s my daughter.” Father sounded…desperate.
“She knows she is Batman’s. I didn’t reveal your identity, or the family’s.”
Damian took a deep breath. He didn’t want to betray his family. Or further hurt his older sister. “I believe that we should speak to her before discussing her identity. It… it should be her choice.”
Father looked pained at that.
“I assume you don’t…” No, father would not know how the first meeting went… right?
Father said nothing before leaving.
Damian wondered if he should visit her sooner. He eyed his cart and got her a set of weaponry needles, knitting, and a set made for seamstresses with small hands. He hoped these were to her liking. Perhaps he should add white heather (Protection) and purple hyacinth (I’m sorry) in addition to the zinnias…. Or just give her two with the zinnias mixed between them, as Damian reasoned the heather and hyacinth wouldn’t looks the best together. Yellow (daily remembrance) and scarlet (constancy) zinnias with heather (protection) and some greenery should be fine, and purple hyacinth (I’m sorry) mixed with magenta (lasting affection) white (goodness) and perhaps a white daffodil (stay as sweet as you are) with a filler of some sort would work well. She accepted his apologies (albeit in flowers) before, and he hoped he had proven he was paying enough attention to her for her to see that he meant it.
He was glad he hadn’t killed her that day.
Now he had research to do to help his sister.
He missed Brown as she slipped out. And completely missed finding out she was messaging Todd, Drake and Cassandra the news: there was a missing Bat into design, goes by Ladybug, and Bruce has no clue what her identity is.
Cass didn’t send anything in response.
Jason stated he would find her before Tim.
Stephanie was just excited for another girl in the group. Little sister in need of help? Count her in—being Spoiler versus being Batgirl was a world of difference. Having a team made it easier, and it shouldn’t be too hard to convince the girl to give it a shot, right?
Thanks for waiting. part three here
tags: @heldtogetherbysafetypins @laurcad123 @raisuke06
debating which bat will find her first (in person), so feel free to state any preferences, and thanks for the comments and kudos--it really does help with working this idea out.
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prezaki · 6 years
Holy shit, a tag meme that I have actually never done before surfaced.
tagged by @land-of-brains-and-chocolate, thanks!
1. are you named after anyone? nope, but if I was a boy I was supposed to have been named after Nils Holgerson for some reason. Now I am named Clara, but there is no corelation to Klara from Heidi somehow.
2. when was the last time you cried? I cry like, literally all the time, so probably within the last week. Uh. Or maybe it was actually two weeks ago at the Lulu episode of Hugtto Precure?? Who knows. I cry too much to keep track.
3. do you want kids? Hrrrrrr, maybe? I used to imagine that I’d reach a mythical point of being a responsible adult who’d want to adopt an older child, but now I am 24 and not even one step closer to feeling ready for kids, so the kid wish is starting to fade into ‘no, thanks, actually’.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? Yeah.
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people? Nothing. I don’t notice a single goddamn thing about anyone ever until I’ve met them like 5 times, it’s terrible. I am horrible at meeting people. Though I suppose fashion / make-up style does stick out to me ???? how... useful...............
6. what’s your eye color? Blue. Grey-ish blue?
7. scary movie or happy ending? I don‘t give a shit for horror movies, but I do enjoy horror as a genre for other stuff and I can really appreciate a devastating ending as long as there is a certain aesthetic in it. But overall? I’m sappy as hell, give me the happy ends.
8. any special talents? I fool people into thinking I am competent all the time. Potentially I am competent at some things, but my hilarious incompetence at other things really evens it out. Also I guess I am really good at binge-consuming info about a media franchise I am interested in (see: literally all Earth-616 Venom comics in a week)???
9. where were you born? Lower Saxony State in Germany.
10. what are your hobbies? Roleplaying is probably my main hobby. My second hobby is analytical fandom blogging (though I largely do that on my Death Note blog....). I’m trying to get more Competent at Venom posts now, I want to contribute. Also I play a ton of mobile games??? Hurray.
11. do you have any pets? I have a turtle! He is a good swimmy boy.
12. what sports do you play/have you played? PE in school has given me terrible sports-related anxiety so now I am just avoiding sports at all costs and it’s probably taking a toll on my health???
13. how tall are you? 170cm, though my ID has me as three centimeters shorter bc I got too anxious to correct the person at the office. Oops.
14. favorite subject in school? ???? I liked every subject, I liked school. I suppose my favourite subjects were English and German because of literature, which coincidentally is what I am studying now.
15. dream job? BIG SHRUG MOTIONS. I started studying with the goal to be a literary editor and now I really don’t want to be an editor anymore, so. Hm.
tagging @novumoru @crystalkleure @yutendont @silpexx if you wanna!
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iamtheepicemily · 7 years
tagged by @endernadra​, ty frend
1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. And tag 11 people
Endernadra’s questions
1. How many books do you own?
TOO MANY. I’ve cleaned out the basement at least a dozen times but I get too nostalgic to donate my precious books ;A; I have a bunch of crates and bins full of books that I read YEARS ago ajkfbfa
2. Favourite song?
oh boy don’t make me choose. I can’t choose my favorite band or even genre. I’m all over the place. The song I’ve liked for the longest is A Team by Ed Sheeran but it’s definitely not my current favorite. idk man, anything by Dodie Clark, Owl City, We the Kings, or Set It Off is my favorite song
3. Favourite book?
oh god I really don’t know I’m bad at these questions im sorry
4. Sign? Aries, Taurus, etc.
Leo. I live off of attention, love me 
also snake for Chinese sign thingy
5. How long have you been in fandoms?
I joined tumblr about a year ago? I think my first actual fandom might have been the Dodie fandom lmao and I only discovered her about a year and a half ago
i’ve been a fangirl all my life tho :’) me and my cousins were cringey af when we were like 8 and wrote bad fanfics together about Fairy Tail and Inuyasha
6. Do you have any pets?
Yeeeee I have two dogs, Oliver and Mason. Oliver is a boofy bichon frise and Mason is a brown Shih-Tsu Poodle Mix. Ye they’re small but they don’t shed so its grEAT.
also i have two turtles, Athena and Ares but I haven’t much to say about them. Athena is constantly hungry and Ares is aggressive af.
7. If you could spend $1000, what would you buy?
I actually... don’t need anything substantial. I’d probably just hold onto it and accidentally spend it all on food cause i hang out with my friends too much
8. Are you into makeup/hair?
nope. i put on wonder pencil (which is like foundation in a pencil, it’s gr8) when there’s an event and ik there’ll be photos. that’s kind of it. i touch my face too much for makeup tbh, id smear it everywhere by accident
also my hair is TOO GODDAMN SLICK for me to do it up. it doesn’t stay in braids nor pony tails very long, much less anything fancy
9. Can you play any instruments? if not, what intrusment would you like to learn?
nope i play vocal chords and not very well. if i could, though, I want to learn ukulele *-* ukuleles are by far my favorite instrument, it’s so goddamn cute and i immediately fall in love when i hear someone play it
10. Do you write fanfiction, or make fanart?
i make fanart !!! i have an art side blog cause i feel weird posting it on my main account :’)
i don’t write fics cause i’m like trAUMATIZED from reading the fics me and my cousins wrote when we were in elementary school. goddamn.
11. Can you speak another language?
Yeeeee except it’s not useful at all. I speak Teo Chew, which is a type of Chinese that noBODY KNOWS ABOUT. NOT EVEN OTHER CHINESE PEOPLE. but it’s fine cause i can freely gossip with my family in teo chew without having to worry that someone will understand us. 
My Questions (I’m gonna answer my own questions cause im extra)
1. Cats or dogs
dogs cause i used to have a cat and he was a goddamn jerk, i’ve never met any jerk-y dogs
2. Do you have any pets?
3. What fandom(s) are you super into rn?
bnha and voltron :’)
4. What fandom(s) do you wish weren’t dead/were more popular? 
oNe PiEcE G O D D A M N
5. What’s your favorite blog on tumblr?
ipxakachi. xeiv is so goddamn cute and kind and talented and I’m tears over them
6. Do you write and/or draw?
7. How do you feel about rain? fog? candy?
ew, ew, and ew
8. What kind of music do you listen to?
9. Hows/how were your grades in school?
eh. As and Bs.
10. What shows (esp anime) did you watch as a kid?
ICarly, Inuyasha, Fairy Tail
11. Are you good at math?
n o p e
Optional: What’s your sexuality?
pan/bi cause everyone is lovely and deserving of love
I’ll tag...
@thatsociallyawkwardgirl @fox-fly @celestialanimeworld1 @wakan-nai @acey-poo @rollypollypolnareff @gaysimulator @blogofperseus @angry-mina @thesmallestcinnamonrollofall @uselessvalshit
as always, y’all don’t have to and if you don’t want me to tag you in stuff, just tell me (i dont bite lmao)
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professor-abeloved · 7 years
Yet Another Tag Thingy
got dunk’d on tagged by @secretargonian !! thanks bro <3
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better
Name: Elias but probably better known as that one queer asshole who can’t shut up about kenji and/ormaxwell 
Nickname: El or L
Zodiac Sign: Virgo, my fair virgbro
Hogwarts house: Slytherin <3
Height: 5'0...
Sexual Orientation: Pan Grey Ace!!
Ethnicity: Filipinooo
Favourite fruit: Mangos!
Favourite season: here we only have two seasons: Dying of Heat Dry and Drowning Wet. I prefer the Wet season (no not like that) because I’m a hoe for cold weather. Out of the ‘traditional’ four seasons. I prefer Autumn 
Favourite book series: The Bartimaeus Trilogy
Favourite fictional character(s): Tony Stark, 707, Sean Gayle, Maxwell Beaumont, the TRR MC, Ace De la Cruz, Yvonne the Incorrigible to name a few HAHA
Favourite flower: Sunflowers
Favourite Scent: [guy from spongebob voice] CHOCOLATE
Favourite colour: Purple!!
Favourite animal: Cats
Favourite band: BØRNS, Maroon 5, Fall out Boy, Of Monsters and Men... Don’t make me choose jsut one HAHA 
Coffee, Tea, or Hot chocolate: Hot chocolate!!!
Average hours of sleep: 4-6.....
Number of blankets: 1
Dream trip: Venice, Italy or Paris, France
Last thing I googled: Video Game Music for studying
How many blogs I follow: 4,431...
Number of followers: on my main, 819 but on here it’s 319! thank you y’all!!
What I usually post about: on here its focused on pixelberry + some ocs stuff, on my main it’s just whatever, mostly fandoms and writing references haha
Do I get asks regularly: i dont think so?
I tag: @rpgskill @jebsplayshss/@spacetravels, @sarcasticchoices, @principal-mc, @xnightsx, @jakesmckenzies/ @blackwivdow, @allthecowslovetheleo, @turtle-brownie, @lanapowellblog, @alwaysanotheroc, @hanaslee, @ladyashtonofcordonia, @hartfeld, @slickandsolangelic, @kingraydan, @violetflipflops @asocialiguana, @choicesvores-- er @choicesvoices, @goddamn-shipper-weeb, @zigsexual & anyone else whos wants to do this! just mention me yo i wanna get ta know y’all <3
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Kat’s 700 Follower/Blog Birthday Writing Challenge!
I finally hit 700 followers, woohoo!!! And, in just under a month, this blog is turning 1 year old!! So to celebrate, I’ll be hosting my first ever writing challenge!!
Tumblr media
Following me is not necessary but very much appreciated
Please send me an ASK if you wanna join, no reblogs, replies, or PMs
The ASK should include your prompt number (plus a backup just in case), whatever character(s) you wanna write for, pairing or relationship (ex- sister!reader, dean x reader, etc.), and if you’ll be submitting it from a sideblog let me know
Minimum words is 500. No maximum word limit, so go nuts! But if your fic is longer than 1k, PLEASE PUT A KEEP READING OR I WON’T REBLOG IT
Must be reader insert
Sister!reader or daughter!reader is absolutely not necessary but definitely preferred
You can choose whatever character(s) you would like to write about, just no ships please
Please don’t make your submission part of an ongoing series unless you’ve talked to me about it
Can be fluffy, angsty, or any combination of the two, but absolutely NO SMUT
Make sure to tag me @family-business-one-shots and use the tag #kat’s700birthdaywritingchallenge in the first 5 tags. Also, make it clear in the beginning of your fic, preferably the Author’s Note, what your prompt was.
Due Date is 12 AM EST on July 26, which gives you plenty of time!
If I haven’t reblogged or liked your fic (likes will come from @teamfreewill-vs-theworld, my main blog) with 24-48 hours of you posting it, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I swear I won’t bite, pinky promise. Just shoot me a message and I’ll check it out. Same goes for extensions. If you need one, just ask me. I’m more than happy to oblige.
And now... the PROMPTS! Fun fact: Almost all of these are actual quotes said by my friends and I that were recorded on our band trip.
“No, wheels only go one way.”
“What’s the turtle, and why should I fear it?”
“This is gonna be horrible because 1) I’m pale and 2) someone’s just gonna pass out.”
“Look! There’s either a plane or a very large bird.” “That’s a big chicken.”
“Mushrooms don’t have hair, dumbass.”
“Why are you wearing a long-sleeve shirt and long-sleeve pants?” @imaginesforthose-wholovefandoms
“We already established that Florida was its own America.”
“Normal people don’t love their pillows that much, you weirdo.” @wonderange
“Listen, bud, I’ve been a Girl Scout for twelve goddamn years.”
“Maryland doesn’t exist.”
“Whose underwear is that and why is it on my bed?”
“How do you want to eat them -- like a bite or like a dog?”
“You have the attention span of a grape.”
“It’s sunburn. What do you think it’ll do, cool you down?” “Yes. Sun… cold.”
“Birds don’t talk, but I don’t know what sounds birds make, okay?”
“You don’t think it can get any worse, and then Pitbull shows up.”
“Are those the Wiggles?” @bookworm12312
“Stop shaking your butt at me!”
“Finding Emo - it happens to every kid in the sixth grade.”
“It’s the ghost of a churro.”
“Why use a napkin when you have a mouth?”
“Jeez, you’re really excited about that pickle!”
“You try reading the damn map upside down.” “I can’t read.” @supernotnaturalcas
“You’re gonna cash out the cow?” 
“Stop it. You’re disrespecting the cow.”
“I really don’t need a step by step on how to shake my butt, thanks.”
“I feel like a pirate.”
“You may question my motives, you may question my methods, but no one questions my brownies.” @angeldesaray
“I was singing the Cheetah Girls. That’s always necessary.”
“I swear, you have the maturity level of a baked bean.”
“You can’t stop me, I have the esophagus.”
“I have hands but no birds.”
“You know how you have apple smoked bacon? If the pope smokes the weed, then you have weed smoked pope.”
“These sunglasses sure make it hard to see in the dark.”
“I believe the appropriate phrase is ‘Boo-yah.’” @percussiongirl2017
"I gotta warn you -- I look damn good in a tutu."
“I am the hype!”
“Excuse you, I am hilarious and you will quote everything I say.”
“Well, that’s a new one.”
“I have one of those? Oh, god, I have two of those!”
“You'd think hell would have beds with spikes, or spiders, or spikey spiders… Spikers.” @straightasdeanwinchester
“Oh no, don't mind me, I'm just a little bit absolutely livid.”
“By the way, I only hit you because I have pent up aggression against your father.”
“I sank their boats… and their whales.”
“Oh, god, natural light!” @abbessolute
“That’s Disney evil!”
“That door just bitch slapped me!”
“Fine, what are you not doing up on the roof?”
“If you two are the best hope for our survival, we're all doomed.”
Tagging @winchesters-favorite-girl @infamati--et--obliterati @straightasdeanwinchester @deathtonormalcy56 @sis-tafics @ellen-reincarnated1967 @not-moose-one-shots @nichelle-my-belle @percussiongirl2017 @supernotnaturalcas @mrsgabrieltrickster to help signal boost!
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rapmonphile · 7 years
getting to know me
i was tagged by the incredible and sweet @chim-jiminie-cricket to do this question game! tysm chim, ily!!
your last . . .
1. drink: a s’mores frappuccino from starbucks
2. phone call: i literally never talk on the phone but it was probably with my mom (tbh ......i was probably at the grocery store and called her in a panic bc i couldn’t find smth)
3. text message: i sent my sister a screenshot of that post that’s like “i wanna run away but like in a ghibli movie .....” bc we spent all day yesterday watching ghibli films
4. song you listened to: polarize by twenty one pilots
5. time you cried: um this is embarrassing™ but it was a few days ago bc i’d been having a Bad Week and the last straw was when i went to dairy queen and when they turned over my blizzard n handed it to me (why tf do they do that) it made a goddamn mess and got all over my shirt and seatbelt and i was so mad i started crying jhhgsdghhg
have you ever . . .
6. dated someone twice:  no but i did almost date the same guy like 4 times in high school (it was so needlessly complicated.... i sometimes wonder what would have happened if we’d ever gotten it together and started dating)
7. kissed someone and regretted it: u m i have actually never kissed anyone tbh
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: yes
10. been depressed: uh yeah i think i might be depressed? but it also might just be my anxiety but idk who knows man
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no, i don’t drink and i’m legit terrified of throwing up
list 3 favorite colors
12-14. mint green, oxblood, and hunter green
in the last year, have you . . .
15. made new friends: yes!! so many, esp on here
16. fallen out of love: nope
17. laughed until you cried: yes :’)
18. found out someone was talking about you: hmm no i don’t think so?
19. met someone who changed you: lmao i literally hate this question.......,, i mean yeah i guess? i mean nothing dramatic but i think everyone you meet changes you a little
20. found out who your friends are: ohhhh yes
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no, ew
random questions
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them, the ones i don’t know are friends of friends or we went to the same high school (i never use fb though so it rly doesn’t matter to me)
23. do you have any pets: yeessss i have a pit bull and she’s the single love of my life
24. do you want to change your name: no i don’t think so, mags is just a nickname but my real name is p unique and even tho i wish people could spell/pronounce it on the first try, at least idk anyone else with my name
25. what did you do for your last birthday: one of my best friends has a bday like 5 days before mine, so we just combined our birthday celebrations and us and a couple more friends went to steak n shake and saw beauty and the beast together
26. what time did you wake up: 9:20 am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching the gong show, lmao
28. name something you can’t wait for: i’m going to a music festival in september and i’m soooOOo excited!! also i can’t wait to go to the beach with my family
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: i am looking at her rn
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i wasn’t so afraid to do new things and i wish i didn’t have so much anxiety about things that literally everyone has to go through (i.e. change)
31. what are you listening to right now: my mom running around putting things into boxes (we’re moving soon)
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: u mean 707′s neighborhood friend tom? ... yes i actually have met someone named tom
33. something that is getting on your nerves: it’s too hot in this room and i am dying
34. most visited website: tumblr or youtube
35-37. ok so i’ve answered these same questions like probably 10 times over the years and these 3 q’s have literally always been missing. whats the deal
38. hair color: rn it’s brown with blonde highlights
39. long or short hair: it’s getting longer
40. do you have a crush on someone: no
41. what do you like about yourself: hfgdhs idk ,,, i think i’m a fun person and i won’t judge people for liking “weird” things bc i have a lot of ... eclectic interests and i hate how it feels to be teased for that
42. piercings: i just have one in each ear.... i want a cartilage piercing but i’m scared of pain and also it bugs me that you can’t remove it for like 6 months
43. blood type: that’s a good question, i should know that but i don’t
44. nickname: mags, except ppl in real life don’t actually call me that lmao
45. relationship status: single and tbh i’m comfortable with it, i tried dating recently and tbh it is so fucking exhausting
46. zodiac: i am literally a textbook aries
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite tv show: the office, bbc sherlock, gravity falls, or anything on the food network/hgtv
49. tattoos: none, i’m scared of pain and commitment
50. right or left handed: right
51. surgery: never had one, thank god
52. piercing: um,,,.,, repeat question
53. favorite sport: tbh i hate sports but i am completely obsessed with the olympics, particularly swimming, diving, figure skating, and women’s gymnastics (seriously.... idk if any of you followed my main during the olympics last year but it was p much all i blogged about)
55. favorite vacation: disney world (i go every year and i went this january but i’m missing it so bad rn)
56. favorite pair of trainers: i have a pair of light gray and light blue nikes that i looooove but i’ve had them for like 3 years and they’re getting worn out
57. eating: nothing, but i did have an eggo waffle this morning
58. drinking: ice water
59. i’m about to: finish packing up my bedroom :(
61. waiting for: my mom to take a shower so we can go grab lunch (there’s literally no food in our house since we’re abt to move)
62. want: the ac to kick on so i can stop dying (it’s already so hot today)
63. get married: hhdgsd idk, ,,, probably (i always say how much i hate romantic shit but tbh i can’t wait to find someone who makes me rethink all the cynical stuff i’ve ever said about love)
64. career: don’t even ask i’m gonna have an anxiety attack (i’m in college and haven’t declared a major yet can u tell)
which is better
65. hugs or kisses: hugs, kissing grosses me out a bit tbh
66. lips or eyes: both (but if i had to pick i’d say eyes i think)
67. shorter or taller: don’t rly care but i guess i’d pick taller
68. older or younger: older
70. nice arms or nice stomach: both (or either)
71. sensitive or loud: these aren’t mutually exclusive but i’d say sensitive
72. hook up or relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
have you ever . . .
74. kissed a stranger: no
75. drank hard liquor: no
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: no, my glasses are 100% always on my face
77. turned someone down: yes
78. sex on the first date: mm no
79. broken someone’s heart: yes :/
80. had your heart broken: yes ://
81. been arrested: lmao NO
82. cried when someone died: yes
83. fallen for a friend: yes lmao
do you believe in . . .
84. yourself: i try to !!!!!!
85. miracles: yes
86. love at first sight: no dude... that’s honestly such a dumb notion in my eyes
87. santa claus: um tbh i wish?? like every time i watch rise of the guardians i’m like “that is 1000% what santa would look like” and then i wish he was real
88. kiss on the first date: i wouldn’t want to, just bc i’ve never kissed anyone and i want to get to really know someone first bc i’m so nervous when it comes to things like that
89. angels: no, like i believe that loved ones who’ve passed on can watch over you but i think that’s different from angels
90. best friend’s name:  eva and kendall
91. eye color: hazel
92. favorite movie: i have millions....,,,,, the secret world of arrietty, monsters university, tangled, big hero 6, how to train your dragon, power rangers, ghostbusters (2016), the incredibles, teenage mutant ninja turtles 2, ratatouille, jersey boys, zootopia .... i’m forgetting a million but yeah. i love animated films, esp. disney/pixar
i’m literally not tagging 20 people but if i didn’t tag u and you wanna do this, pls pls go ahead and tag me in it!! also i’m soooo sry if i tag you and you’ve already done it/been tagged. anyway i tag: @bbysucculents, @yxonkook, @yoobin-nie, @missmarymoo, @escapaertist, and literally anyone else who wants to do this!! tag me in your answers <3
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