fearsiphon · 2 years
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sqrt49media · 2 years
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https://soundcloud.com/psound74/220624-up-all-night-iii-iv-vi #onthego #onthetrain #finaltouchesathome #finallyusedthedistortioneffect #OP-Z #teenageengineering #115bpm #up-all-night-iii (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfOCVphuNH-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oblitus-vulpes · 10 months
i hate tachycardia
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walkawaytall · 4 months
I really wish there was more interest in how to handle ADHD other than just addressing the symptoms that affect the people around us.
Like, the best pharmaceutical treatment we have right now is stimulants, and I agree that being on stimulants 24 hours a day, 365 days a year is probably not good for your body. Hell, I’m on a less-than-ideal dose of my medication from a concentration perspective because the ideal dose had my resting heart rate sitting at a cool 115BPM. I know taking med holidays is important. I know all of this.
But because ADHD isn’t just an attention problem (or may not actually be an attention problem at all at its core), it sucks that the only time period medical professionals seem to be concerned about treating are the “important” times: the length of a school or workday. Forget the fact that ADHD affects executive function, forget the fact that people with ADHD often experience chronic and unending anxiety and/or depression as a result of the ADHD, forget that there are important times that have nothing to do with an 8-hour school or work day, forget the rejection sensitivity dysphoria, the sensory issues that make things like clothing, food, and group situations a nightmare to try to navigate, the household stuff that has to be taken care of outside of the 8-hour school or work day. It feels like none of that matters because it doesn’t affect a group of fifteen or more people.
On top of ADHD, I have been plagued with anxiety-related issues for the majority of my life. I likely have a form of OCD and I have a history with a restrictive eating disorder; both of those conditions are very closely associated with high levels of anxiety. I’ve been on anxiety medications before. I was first given an as-needed medication that took the edge off but also made everything feel a little fuzzy, like there was a pane of glass between me and the rest of the world; I was put on an SSRI that somehow made my OCD-related intrusive thoughts about 50x worse than usual and had me wondering at one point if I should be hospitalized; and I’m currently on buspirone, which is doing what it’s supposed to do without the side effects of the others thankfully. But nothing, and I mean nothing, has reduced my anxiety as much as my ADHD medication.
Two hours after my first stimulant dosage, I just suddenly didn’t feel on-edge any more. I estimate that being on ADHD medication has reduced my anxiety by about 70% (buspirone’s for the other 30%). I started taking it in the summer of 2020 and I remember, in 2021, when I saw my boss in person for the first time since lockdown, he remarked on how much more confident I seemed, how I was more likely to speak up in meetings, etc. And I was like…yeah, man, it’s a wonder what not feeling anxious every second of every day will do for someone.
ADHD affects so much more of my life than just attention and anxiety, too. I have sensory issues with mine, which is pretty common, and they make eating — an already sometimes-complicated task due to the ED history — difficult at times because, while I can eat foods that I don’t particularly like, if something is what I call “the bad texture”, I will gag no matter how hard I work to overcome it (believe me, I’ve tried). And my brain sometimes decides that foods that were previously fine are now “the bad texture” and they may or may not shift back to being okay eventually; I don’t know.
The sensory issues affect me socially. My therapist and I have recently come to the conclusion that I’m probably not actually an introvert, but if I’m around larger groups, that means noise and movement and probably being touched, and too much of that causes my brain to either freak out or shut down. I used to always say, “I love people, but when I’m done, I’m done.” And that was likely because the overstimulation was building and building in the background, and at a certain point, my brain would just be like, “We gotta get outta here.” I was Queen of Irish Goodbyes for a very long time because of this.
And the executive dysfunction affects…well..everything? Not just work, not just school (but also those because if my environment is chaotic, my brain feels chaotic, and it is difficult to maintain a non-chaotic environment if you keep getting stuck on order of operations when picking up a room).
I’m not saying that I want to be on longer-lasting stimulants or that I want to be on the higher dose that I know helps my concentration more, cardiovascular system by damned. What I’m saying is, I wish treatment research had been more holistic rather than just figuring out what would give teachers and managers an easier time despite what the person with ADHD might be dealing with as soon as their meds wear off.
Maybe current research is working on it; I don’t know. I just know that, the older I get, the more frustrated I am with my brain and the more apparent the deficiencies I used to be able to counteract with pre-chronic-illness energy and crushing perfectionism become, and I wish there was an answer to this that actually helped me most of the time rather than forcing me to pick which parts of my day/week is “important” and making sure I’m medicated for those parts.
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theheartbeatblog · 1 month
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why is my heart. doing. that. please. stop doing tha.t. resume your regularly scheduled broadcast, please. no tap dancing today. no going dubstep sicko mode.
okay actually the arrhythmia stopped while typing this (nice). i am just. i can feeeeeeeeeel it beating more than I should. it's not even going that fast (only 115bpm*). it's just. uncomfortably noticeable.
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ura-samantha · 2 months
テンポ速すぎ・遅すぎ音楽禁止 チェチェン共和国、狙いは欧米排除か
maimaiだと『ジングルベル』『四月の雨』『系ぎて』くらいしか残らないのでは…とおもったら『四月の雨』はBPM79だから遅い方で引っかかる! いい曲なのに
『ジングルベル』100BPM 『Destr0yer』90BPM 『Panopticon』110BPM 『Caterpillar Song』90BPM 『もぺもぺ』100BPM 『Strange Bar』110BPM 『NULCTRL』100BPM 『系ぎて』88BPM 『My First Phone』114BPM 『Rodeo Machine』115BPM 『enchanted love』95BPM 『Altale』90BPM 『炎歌 -ほむらうた-』108BPM
全13曲! 初代ギタフリより多いけど1100曲以上収録されているうちの13曲…音ゲーってホント速い曲が多いのな
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i do 10 squats - heart rate 150bpm
i sit down - heart rate 80bpm
I stand up - heart rate 115bpm
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
it’s 97% humidity, 27C, I have a mild fever, and my resting heart rate (as a young, fit person rip) is 115bpm and randomly skyrocketing
well that explains that
just gonna lie on the floor for a while and await sweet death
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superchat · 11 months
my current piano practice/goal is to learn this piece i took off a midi of "stay with me" but i wanted JUST the backing piano. no melody. its hard asf to find stuff like that out there. everyone wants a full cover/rendition of the song. melody and all. i wanna play what the pianist played when they recorded the song
I took the midi and gutted it some and changed parts around to sound more what i think the pianist played but i am very excited toelearn to play this.
Heres the 40bpm version i made to start learning from:
And heres the End Goal:
Sidenote i love hearing different 40bpm and 115bpm sound. 40 is like "this isnt that complicated. its nice but nothing crazy" but then you hear 115 and its like "oh this is a lot actually. im hearing patterns i didnt notice at 40" when i can actually play a song i love to do that, let me play it slowed. let me play specific parts, let me make it minimal or only play two notes at a time to hear how each voice moves throughout the piece
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jerirose · 1 year
My dad got me a heart rate monitor yesterday. Yesterday's resting heart rate was 115bpm. I just started making breakfast, but I could feel my heart really bad again, so I decided to see if I can just feel it now because I can feel it or if it's actually overworking itself... My resting heart rate today is a wonder 121bpm 🙃
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kringas · 1 year
Can't wait to tell my psychiatrist that the hydroxyzine she gave me has caused severe anxiety for the past 5 days. And also it made me even MORE tachycardiac than I already am (I say as I sit in my bed with 115bpm)..Up the Buspar and give me trazodone plsssss thank you.
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ifwebefriends · 2 years
Found out yesterday that my anxiety meds and my hormone therapy (post-cancer treatment) together “can cause electrolyte problems and heart rhythm problems” so when I was a fucking barely functional bi disaster all of last week over my now-boyfriend, having a 115BPM sometimes, and maybe taking more of my anxiety meds than I should have DO NOT FUCKING DO THAT, turns out it may have been way more emotionally intense due to the drugs in my body so that’s cool I guess :/
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newestmusic · 3 days
(via Fake love)
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pika2482 · 5 months
AOTD 1/7/2024 - Little Neon Limelight (Houndmouth)
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[All albums are rated subjectively based off my own enjoyment]
Little Neon Limelight is Houndmouths second studio album, and their current most popular. When I started this album, I didn't know I needed just a bit more Americana and Folk in my life, letting this album scratch an itch I didn't quite knew existed in my brain. It's 39 minutes over 11 songs, so for album standards, Short and Sweet. It goes in, accomplishes what it needs to do, and gets out. Kudos to recognizing the importance and place of punctuality in music to the band.
The two main things I Love about Houndmouths sound are their Stomp And Holler approach to vocal stacking, and their Mixing, using distortion to help set the atmosphere rather than something used more subtly. Both of these things make their choruses an absolute Blast to shout along to.
They also weren't afraid to switch up the intensity of any given song, ranging from to down tempo gospel sounding as found in Otis, to a Doo-Wop sounding A/B Tempo Switching 50's Rock sound in 15 Years, and right back down to just Acoustic Guitar and Vocals in For No One , Kind of crazy those three tracks are back to back. Some solid ass variety in this album for sure.
This album's highlight was particularly hard to choose, but It's going to have to go to the closing track, Darlin'. This track falls on the slower side, being in 3/4 and about 115BPM. A laid back instrumental groove with relaxed vocals make up the verses, with a superb harmonic and sonic build up to it's irresistibly sing-along chorus, taking heavy advantage of the previously established Stomp and Holler vocal stacking that Houdmouth integrated into this albums sound. I'm gonna be reaching for this one in the car quite a lot.
Pretty much the only song I didn't like was Say It, only scoring a 6.5/10 (Still better than some entire albums I've reviewed, but a low rating combatively.) With the somewhat flexible formula that Houndmouth came up with for this album, Say It's numbers just didn't work out in its favor, having a somewhat forgettable chorus and generic groove and progression. This song's foundation just wasn't cast properly it feels like.
Overall, I really enjoyed my time with this one! I can see myself reaching to listen through this album on occasion, with it's short and sweet length and solid song makeup. I would recommend it to anyone looking for some good Indie, Folk, or good old fassioned Americana.
Favorite Songs: 15 Years, My Cousin Greg, Darlin'
Least Favorite Songs: Say it, Otis
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davidadrian2 · 6 months
Aggresive Hip Hop 115bpm. MPT (Hip Hop FREE drumless)
Aggresive Hip Hop 115bpm. MPT (Hip Hop drumless) 👉 https://youtu.be/plE7mcRIEEM Music Practice Tracks: Original Drumless backing tracks with On screen suggestions on what to work on to improve your drumming while making music!! Or if you prefer just push play and start jamming!! ➤ Music Practice Tracks Vol.2 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4KRYzuVuaCtcE8D7K4tNB7i4hjWi1GMA Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE): 1- Watch this videos entirely (follow the "SUGGESTED" info or just jam along) 2-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that topic!) 3-Subscribe, like and share: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdq2dBZcwny6xEaMwQuxWQ?sub_confirmation=1 4-Listen/practice/jam this track on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/2dyT1CJKm0CckXqP644NwQ 5-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks 6-Get full (50 track) albums on digital stores: https://itunes.apple.com/mx/album/david-adrian-vol-2/1453943656?l=en&app=itunes 7-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks 9-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: [email protected] 8-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!) English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D KEEP JAMMING/PRACTICING!! #drumless #backingtracks #musicpracticetracks
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