prosy-days · 1 year
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March 14, 2023 - Day 268
Very excited about these table runners!
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rbf451 · 1 year
Niko’s ig story 14.3.2023
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savageandwise · 1 year
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phototagebuch · 1 year
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14.3.2023: Frühlingszeichen
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godsnameisjoy · 1 year
Date: 14th & 15th March, 2023
Durations: 24 minutes at 8:39 AM,
65 minutes at 1:03 AM &
36 minutes at 8:10 AM
All 3 sessions have a beautiful commonality between them. I got high on Peace in all 3 sessions. My experience of Peace during meditation is no longer an opportunity to get away from mental restlessness. It has been this way for many months but something seems to be changing now.
My face and the state of my mind have had a big before & after difference in the last 3 sessions. There has been a difference in orientation due to these sessions. My walk has altered after each of them. I have slowed down and have had to make an effort to pay attention to my walk after each of these sessions. It is unusual.
The last of these three sessions was of low quality than the two before it. Yet, even the bad quality is a blessing. My thoughts run like slow moving recurring gifs while I meditate with low concentration. My low concentration now is something I have aspired for, for years.
I am not entering my meditation sessions with a desire to get lucky with Peace. I enter them with the brazen desire to get high on Peace. I have been blessed with a Peace high at least 3 times now.
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0personna · 1 year
أظن إني كنت توقفت عن الكتابة لوقت طويل فشخ. لوقت طويل فشخ مش عارفة أنا فين وبعمل ايه ، ومش هكدب وأقول دلوقتي إني عارفة أي حاجة ، بس أنا لسه دلوقتي بحاول أكون موجودة وعايشة ، عايزة ونفسي أبطل أجري في المكان ، نفسي أبطل أجري
اللي هحاول أعمله الأيام الجاية ، تحدي إني لحد أخر الشهر .. يعني حوالي ١٥ يوم .. أسبوعين .. ألتزم فيهم إني أبطل أجري في المكان .. أفضي دماغي من كل الألم والصراخ والعويل.. وأكون الآن وهنا .. أبطل أدور الضرب في كل حاجة في نفسي الوقت وتبطل دماغي تشيل حمل كبير.. وأبطل أجري في المكان من غير ما أخد أي خطوة ..
أنا دلوقتي .. الآن وهنا .. الجدول اللي حطيته هحاول أمشي عليه لآخر الشهر... اللي هيتراكم هيكون حاجات اسبوعين بس .. لكن قصاده م هكون لميت معظم منهج الشهر الأول وهيكون سهل ان شاءالله إني أجيب الأسبوعين دول خص صا إن هيكون في أيام تماما قاعدة في البيت..
لأني خلال شهر رمضان ان شاءالله هقعد من الباثو .. وسكشن السمك هحضره في أي سكشن تاني من الأيام اللي بنزلها.. يتني ان شاءالله من الخميس للاثنين هكون في البيت ٤ أيام ان شاءالله قاعدة في البيت.. الصبح هسمع ريكوردات لأنها مش محتاجة تركيز أوي، وهذاكر مواد خفيفة أو سكاشن خفيفة ، وبليل للمواد الثقيلة..ولسه اجازة العيد ان شاءالله، هنعرف نلم فيها ،أو ممكن نشد عشان ناخدها اجازة حلوة وجميلة ...
جميل.. يا رب يا رب أقتنع وأحاول أبطل
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devonjwerkheiser · 1 year
Simmi Singh: Understanding Grief & Becoming a YouTuber
Simmi Singh — actor, comedian, YouTuber, martial artist, and dancer — chats with Devon about grief, the pursuit of acting, taking a different path than what her Indian parents intended, becoming a YouTuber, and more! This is a heartfelt conversation that took many turns in all the right directions. Whether you've been dealing with grief, want to become an actor or simply just want to hear a good conversation between friends, this episode is for you. Devon also goes on a rant about traffic.
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arifink · 1 year
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botanisiertrommel · 1 year
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nataliesnews · 1 year
Hawarra minute by minute 14.3.2023
Sorry I got confused.....I meant the village of Hawarra being attacked by settlers and the army.
 Send this on to your friends unless you are too ashamed to do so.
 Tomorrow I will be there again.
 By the way no one has been arrested though the identity of the man who shot a Palestinian dead for no other reason than that the settler could and the man was a Palestinian and the settler knew that he would be regarded as a hero.
 Children were hidden under beds or other hiding places. Old women were nudged as they lay on the floor to   make sure they were unconscious...not dead. Not this time.
 And this is the song that breaks my heart.
 This is the song which is sung over and over again at demonstrations. You can listen to it by the link and the words in English are also towards the bottom. It says what I feel....next time there will be more Palestinian deaths and soon the demonstrators all over the country.
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emberettee · 3 months
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Arsenal teammates describe Ben White | Ben White signs new long-term contract | 14.3.2023
🏡🫂 Our Benny Blanco
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rbf451 · 1 year
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At Trix, Antwerp 14.3.2023 by romainballez on ig
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Jungkook 3 (or 4) Wlives on 14 March 2023
A Jikook filled event, with and without JM even being there (physically or virtually).
Let's talk about JK, the non conformist, the rebel with a cause, who decided to give us a 3 part date on White day.
And yes, I'm 100% sure most army believe he was on a date with them. Question, my friends, is which 'army' that was exactly...
One thing for sure, JK showed up on white day, and right through all three lives, scratch that, all 4 lives, he weaved in JM. JM, their relationship, was inserted into every single one of those lives, one way or another.
White day
A significant day for couples in SK (Japan and China as well). The loved one that received the gift on Valentine's day is on the giving side on White day.
White day 2022 JM posted this pic on his IG
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We also know they went out to a restaurant with friends, a restaurant they used to frequent and ever since the photo of them there leaked they stopped visiting.
Oh, and yes, lest forget JK's cover to Only then was gifted to 'army' on White day 2018.
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Yeah, this wasn't a song for army, unless it was JM 'army', that is.
So, white day is meaningful to couples and is meaningful to JM and JK as well.
I know that there are many that don't believe in the Jikook number theories. Think it is a coincidence. Think that 8 November has no significance to them and that they don't seem to conveniently keep coincidently mentioning these numbers or seemingly mention numbers that have to do with said date. All a coincidence.
So, my friends, let's talk about the 8/11 coincidences during these three lives, why don't we?
Live 1
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14.3.2023 - starting time: 8:11 PM.
Some might say a coincidence.
I say hell no.
Just like this was no coincidence:
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No math, no calculating needed. It's right there for all of us to see.
Live 2
14.3.2023 live starting at 21:20 or 9:20 pm.
So yeah, did he do the 8:11 again???
Live 3
14.3.2023 live starting at 22:44 or 10:44 pm.
and yet again we get
Now, although there could be discussion, legitimately, about the second and third lives and the 8/11 - you either believe they do the math or you don't - but there can be no discussion as to the first live. Nope. Spin it around as much as you will, the numbers still land on 8/11, no surprise what so ever.
JK's outfits:
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Live 1
We get the black and white combo sweatshirt (jersey).
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Were we symbolising the black and white couple?
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All I'm saying is that it's an interesting choice.
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Live 2
Wearing the white airy loose fitting collared button up shirt. White day obviously comes to mind.
White shirt black pants. Again the black and white.
What also comes to mind is his JM birthday message to JM way back in 2022. Same vibe.
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The playing with the hair, the showing of the tattoos, the glasses at one point. Couldn't help but think of that JK created clip. Especially after JK tells us he could actually see properly and only brought the glasses because he thought he'd look good in them, lol.
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Live 3
Purple jacket (nothing underneath, ahm...) and white beanie, for the winter, ski lodge, vibe.
Purple a colour we know they both revert to many times. It's army, it's JK and JM (purple and yellow).
And the white, well white day again?
JK's special necklace
Looks like that showed up for us in the first 2 lives (third one he was all covered up, so no telling if he still had it on).
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It's a little hard to tell if it's the same chain. Especially because it's a plain silver chain with no pendant. But it definitely looks similar. 🤷‍♀️
Timing, outfits, accessories, all good and well, just more brush strokes to that big ass neon coloured sign JK was painting for us telling us this was no coincidence. The lives on white day, a date with 'army' when 'army' was far far away.
But if those were the brush strokes to the sign, where is the sign itself, you ask.
So what else did JK do? Say? Play? Show?
Live 1
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First, let me mention that JK knit picked his playlist in this live. He was sitting there just passing song after song choosing the songs he wanted to listen to, was in the mood to listen to (within a playlist he had already going).
There for you
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talking about the tokyo trip, soundtrack for gcft that happened to be uploaded 8/11/2017.
And do we talk about the amount of times either he or JM have mentioned that trip? Must have been some heck of a brotherly trip for the mates to remember it and talk about it non stop.
And do I mention this specific time that comes to mind?
Edited but cute, lol.
Btw, he sat there listening to almost the full song, only to say it's not the right vibe for the live towards the end part ("running just to keep my hands on you" part).
Christmas day
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Bruno major Nothing
Question: If a documentary about yourself was produced, which song would you like to use for ending credit?
 🐥: Bruno Major's "Nothing". I think the mood of the song suits me well.
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Live 2
Hate everything
JK, out of no where says there's a song he never sang for us live, and goes looking for this song (it didn't come up on his playlist, he went looking for it).
It felt to me like JK doesn't frequently listen to this song. It's not on his playlist, he didn't know the lyrics (unlike other songs he did know the lyrics to).
Remember this cover of his?
You know, the one he posted when JM just got released from hospital Feb 2022. Same cover that he timed at 1:18 min.
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Felt it was an interesting choice of song, given it just come up on his playlist, nor seemingly, is it one he listens to too much (the second part is my conclusion).
Live 3
Singing Falling, knowing the lyrics kind of proves my previous point. A song listened to a lot as opposed to one that probably isn't but suited a point JK wanted to make or suited a mood JK was in at the time.
This is a song liked by JM and JK, we got to hear JM singing it during Festa 2020.
Anyway, JK released this song on the 4th anniversary of his and JM's trip to Tokyo.
Another coincidence? I don't think so.
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Well, obviously we got JK mentioning JM in the first live when There for you came up.
In live 2 JM actually shows up. And JK finds the need to explain to him about how this is part two and how he changed outfits for this part, lol.
Nice use of honorifics there JK.
Well, not at first. He rectifies it by opening the next sentence with hyung, lol.
First instance JK rectified. But when JK thought JM left the live he got all commando on him, this time leaving the honorifics behind completely, calling him to come back.
@KMFACT summed the whole interaction so well in her 2 minute clip:
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Live 3
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Fly away butterfly.
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Live 4
Let's talk about live 4. Because JK wasn't going to come back for another part 4. Given, he ended part 3 while crying (yes, he was crying) and I'm assuming forgot to convey the message he wanted to and for which he came back with live 4, which was around 5 minutes long.
In live 4 he tells us he wanted to say goodbye properly. It's not that he didn't say goodbye at the end of part 3. Just saying.
He continues to say that he wants us to be happy. Be happy even if they aren't there. The translation here is a little different on Weverse than it was from the translation accounts. Weverse translation being happy even if they aren't "here", while the accounts were translating it as be happy "even without us". Kind of rings differently.
Him bringing it up then and there made me think that perhaps that's what was one of the things on his mind when he was pensive prior to the tears forming in live 3.
Anyways, JK came back to also (or perhaps to mainly) convey another message:
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So yeah, JK telling us to look forward to midnight, something amazing is coming, "please look forward to that".
He meant this amazing thing, btw:
Hyping up the boyfie.
All while knowing what's coming is truly amazing.
And were we forshadowing here
The tears
Fake tears, not the real ones that came at the end.
Pause for a second, I'm over here ugly crying a little.
Throughout the 3 lives JK makes use of those fake tears.
Funny story he tells us, that he actually bought a whole lot of them for Bam, who was having issues with his eyes. Laughing at how similar the two are, eye problems, skin problems...
It does look like he's having issues with dry eyes.
But, when seeing it, every single time he pulled out those eye drops, I couldn't help but think about this:
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Lol, even more so in the second live.
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Showing us the hand tatts.
Ok, so this, to me, is a big one, and as usual kind of overlooked.
As opposed to many that think so, I really really don't think this was about showing us his ARMY tattoo, or being proud of his ARMY tattoo.
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Why don't I think it's the army tattoo he's showing us?
Maybe because of everything going on? Maybe because he told us he wasn't too happy with the army tattoo itself.
Maybe because he picks the song, Golden hour by JVKE (when showing us the hand).
Maybe because he sits and listens to it, lingering on.
Maybe because he plays around with the candle, placing it just in the right place to showcase the tattoos he was planning to show us and when he was done he pulls it back towards himself.
Maybe because he clearly knew the song, and the lyrics as well.
Maybe because of how he timed it, showing us the tattoos at the exact timing that he did.
Maybe because of the way he showed them to us, the way he wiggled his fingers.
And maybe, just maybe because just as he finished showing us those tattoos, the JM clearly darker and thicker than the other letters, he also sang specific lyrics from the song he knew, complimenting showing us the tattoos with:
"... the love of my life..."
humming the continuation, omitting the lyrics which are female directed.
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mariophotographies · 1 year
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Zermatt by Mario. H.
”Zermatt à l’instant le 14.3.2023 18h05”
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sixstringpansy · 1 year
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Na Na Na, Brisbane night 2, 14.3.2023 (via xocylia’s stream)
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denise8691 · 1 year
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I'm streaming Tanz der Vampire 14.3.2023 (Robert Meyer,  Kristin Backes, Vincent Van Gorp,  Margot Baars (first Magda) 
tomorrow at  8pm CET
I post the link 15mins before the stream starts
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