joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 1 year
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????????? Why am I getting a notification for this
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Especially because like lol???
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creature---fear · 1 year
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I want to thank you for letting me see myself 🌈
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dragonofthedepths · 1 year
The Council of the Dead Would Like to Inform the Justice League that “Magical Girl” is a Gender-Neutral Term 16.2.23
DP x DC. Danny, Dani, Dan, Vlad, Clockwork, the Justice League. Redeemed Vlad, redeemed Dan, Ghost King Danny.
Amity gets suddenly transported to the DC universe, but that doesn’t mean anybody realizes it suddenly exists. Amity was already extremely liminal and under an information blackout, and both those things stay true making it really hard to think about for anybody that doesn’t already know about it.
Just be DC hasn’t noticed Amity does not mean Amity hasn’t noticed DC, which is why Danny is out exploring this world that’s absolutely full of heroes.
Unfortunately, DC is even more full of disasters, and he’s forced to transform to protect some people. He books it out of there immediately afterward and disappears.
Everyone assumes he’s a magical girl. A black-haired blue-eyed “civilian” had a whole freaking transformation, fixed everything with magic, and flew away. Was he Tim Drake? Related to the Superboys? A random teen? One of Bruce Wayne’s other children? No-ones ever seen a hero with a transformation before.
Danny finds out about this and is more than willing to play along.
He can make his transformation more dramatic, :) he can design some special attacks, :) Clockwork can he use a time medallion as a boost item?* (Clockwork says yes.) :D
With Vlad, Dani, and Dan playing along too they even have a pretty decent magical girl team, complete with Vlad playing the dark horse magical girl rival whose more rude and abrasive but ultimately on the same side for bonus Justice League trolling.
The Justice League is absolutely loosing their minds apparently living through a Magical Girl anime. Especially after threats from the Infinite Realms start getting involved.
*The ultimate boost item is, of course, the Crown of Fire.
Dani, Danny, and Dan introduce themselves as half-siblings. For the pun.
Day (626/100) in my #∞daysofwriting @the-wip-project 16th of Feb
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lisandrosmartinez · 1 year
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FC Barcelona v Manchester United | Europa League | 16.2.23
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camcorderrevival · 1 year
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attic (anatomical study)
[ written 18.1.23, posted 16.2.23 ]
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louisupdates · 1 year
TheLukaState: Big ❤️ to @ouifm for having me on doing a @Louis_Tomlinson track live. Absolutely love paris. Thank you 🇫🇷 for your love and support.
[The Luka State, an indie band from Winsford UK, posted their cover of Bigger Than Me on Oui FM, 16.2.23]
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kristies-mewis · 1 year
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[kmewis19 ig story] 16.2.23
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silikmumisigi · 1 year
Eskiden hınç doluydum çevremdekilere sonra sonra fark ettim ki öfkeme yazıkmış.Eskiden umutlarım ve hayallerim o kadar fazlaydı ki sonra birden bir şey oldu silkindim sanki kendimi buldum.Hayal kurmanın bir boşluktan ibaret olduğunu anladım ve hayallerin gerçekleşebilme ümidini yitirdim.Umutlarım uçsuz bucaksızdı sonra fark ettim ki umut etmek manasızmış.Gerçekleşmeyen hayal ve umutları cebinde saklayamazmışsın.Bende bunlardan vazgeçmiş bulundum.Sonra da eski ben'i nerede ve nasıl aradıysam da bulamadım.Bir süre de sonra da aramayı bırakıp hayatın akışında sürüklenmeye başladım*
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teaandmisanthropy · 1 year
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 1 year
I didn't have time to go wild with it because work, but hey I played wave 3 some! Here's some thoughts
Archsage's Gauntlet is really dope and fun lol, my lack of time manifested in just doing the first challenge only on normal difficulty but I do intend to do them all of course. But yeah a roguelike structure between combat trials is just fucking fun, lots of the possible options have drawbacks (risk reward mechanics pog) and there are options catered towards building up a certain sort of party but what if you don't get that party? Much to consider. Looking forward to getting more of it done since it seems way more substantial than the rest of challenge mode content so far + the throwback outfits do in fact look really good.
As for Masha stuff, it's... kind of about what I expected to feel about it lol. For what it's worth despite initially finding her annoying she did grow to be decently likeable, but you know it's that problem I have with Ino where she just doesn't interact with the rest of the game and vice versa so it's hard to really get super invested. It kinda feels worse with her because we learn she's a head of one of the Six Houses from the City! That's a really huge thing! But in the grand scheme of things she's kind of a flipnote! Makes me unsure how I feel about her compared to Ino, because Ino is pure 2 fanservice in one of the game's most blatant displays of it but she's also fun and likeable, whereas Masha actually is built for the world of Xenoblade 3 specifically and aims to expand on it but she inadvertently becomes less impactful because of the impact she's supposed to have. It's just weird.
fwiw though gameplay wise I'm feeling way better about her than I do Ino lol. Ino's only like mechanical addition to the game is Inoswap which only serves to benefit her despite heroes being worthless and also it's just a linear upgrade tree so it being like the in-universe sequel to Poppiswap is such a joke lmao. Lastly her class is just hot shit aside from the break art. Masha fares way better because accessories are actually useful on everyone and shit (granted I don't know the upper limit of her accessories' usefulness specifically) and you don't need her in your party to craft them and also one of her master skills is a party support that increases crit chance and damage bonus by quite a fucking lot so that's really fucking good lol.
I don't know if I have anything else to say other than just that at present but hey gamer.
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drea-46 · 1 year
Part 2
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carrote · 1 year
Sau vài năm em đã tìm được một ví dụ tuyệt vời dành cho tình cảm của mình :))). Đối với em đó chính là mặt sông vừa phủ băng, không còn những gợn sóng lăn tăn khi gió thổi, cũng không còn tiếng cá đớp mồi. Chỉ đơn giản là một mặt sông băng đìu hiu khi đông về nhưng cũng không ai được chạm vào nó không ai được bước lên nó vì chỉ một chút tác động thôi băng sẽ vỡ, nước lại tràn ra em sẽ lại ngã xuống con sông ấy một lần nữa…
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lisandrosmartinez · 1 year
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FC Barcelona v Manchester United | Europa League | 16.2.23
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louisupdates · 1 year
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Confirmation that ALL OF THOSE VOICES will be shown in Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Peru, Argentina (16.2.23)
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liime-dealer · 1 year
As my eyes blinked blearily at the digital clock embedded in the cream-colored wall, my brain ticked along with the watch on my wrist, counting down every second until I could escape. The blurry-sounding voices around me were getting on my nerves, and I didn't need that today. Or any day, for that matter.
Anyways, the moment the speakers blared with the school’s three-note bell, my torso shot up, accompanied by my backpack slung across one of my aching shoulders. The room full of a obnoxious pre-teens surged out of the not-so-wide-enough-for-your-backpack(-or-ego) doorway, and I trudged through the sea of unaligned desks towards the freedom of even more rambunctious middle schoolers.
Oh joy.
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silikmumisigi · 1 year
Ben senin bana aldığın çiçeklerine bile bakamadım ki nolursun affet beni.ben galiba kötü birisiyim bir çiçeğe bile bakamayan'
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