#1966 Tina Christian Marquand
tina-aumont · 1 year
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Cinémonde invites you to Tina Marquand in Malibu-beach
At number 3066 (you read correctly: 3066; it is true that the houses occupy only one side since, in front, it is the sea), so from Malibu Road, we arrived.
It is a small house in white roughcast with pink tiles (one could imagine being in the vicinity of Biarritz) if this house had not been mounted on stilts, a characteristic sign of the love that Americans show for nature. Also, don't be surprised not to find, in the heart of the lovely patio, the swimming pool that we like to say: "in-dis-pen-sa-ble": why do it, since you already have your feet in it? in water?
The living room is very large, also white, with windows everywhere, a low, uneven ceiling, exposed beams, comfortable, unpretentious furniture, a fireplace, a fake electric billiard table serving as a bar, scattered records, pinned photos on the walls (of Maria Montez, whose presence Tina feels more than ever, in this city where she reigned by her beauty; of Christian Marquand, of course; friends), ashtrays everywhere (Tina smokes forty cigarettes a day!), cameras and, in good place, the camera that Christian has just given to her. Tina is an avid photographer, but for now the cameras have to wait until she has some spare time.
The dining room is Spanish style (you guessed it!). Upstairs, there is Tina's bedroom, white and purple, in a romantic style. There are also two guest rooms, unfortunately unoccupied, but perhaps they will fill up soon. The maid (smiling, silent, efficient) is Mexican.
The studio offered Tina, after a short role in "Modesty Blaise", and a less short role in "La Curée", with a real role, in "Texas across the River", alongside Dean Martin and another Frenchman: Alain Delon.
Photos and caption from French magazine Cinemonde, 6h April 1966.
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tina-aumont · 1 year
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6th October 1963 - Christian Marquand and Tina Aumont attending at the film premiere “D'où viens-tu Johnny?” at the Olympia. This film was directed by Noël Howard and starred Johnny Hallyday and Sylvie Vartan. Scan from Italian magazine STOP!, 29th August 1966.
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tina-aumont · 6 months
what was tina and frederic Pardo's relationship like?
how did they meet?
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Hi Anon, thank you very much for your question, and sorry for my late reply...
In a March 1967 article Tina recalls about her meeting with Frédéric Pardo: “We met - says Tina - six months ago at a vernissage at Frédéric’s uncle’s gallery, on Boulevard Haussman, and for both of us it was a crush”. So they met in October 1966 at Frédéric's uncle gallery.
Their relationship was really close, all of their friends thought they were soulmates, sharing jokes and understanding eachother without words, sadly it didn't last but they remained friends until his passing in 2005.
Frédéric Pardo was a shy guy and he didn't use any hard drugs, and although his paintings were really psychodelic, he was a very down to earth man. Tina, however, was getting a very different lifestyle and started to use hard drugs and their relationship fell apart. As they remained friends, he helped her to give up drugs, I guess they loved eachother very much until the end.
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Frédéric Pardo had a relationship with actress Dominique Sanda after breaking up with Tina, and Tina felt really betrayed as Dominique Sanda was her fiend and... Dominique Sanda was previous married to Christian Marquand!! and she gave him a son called Yann who was born in 1972.
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After Dominic Sanda, he married Thérèsa Pardo, they met in the late 70s, she was a model of African origin and she appreciated Tina very much, in fact Tina was in her group of close-friends and she always welcomed her in dinners, celebrations, parties... she was never jealous of Tina because in her African culture polygamy was normal and she grew up with it. Thérèsa said that Frédéric Pardo only was in love twice in his life, and his loves were Tina and herself, and as Tina was once Frédéric's love, Thérèsa respected her for that.
Well, I know you asked me for Tina & Frédéric Pardo's relationship like, and I explained more things because I just find it interesting and I want people to know how things are/were, so I hope you like and appreciate my answer although is longer than I thought!!
Thank you so much for your question, and sorry fo my late reply!
Eleni xxx
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tina-aumont · 1 year
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The girl who loves forty-year-olds
Tina Marquand, the beautiful daughter of Maria Montez, is only twenty years old but has already filed her first marriage with a man much older than her. Now she confides hes sympathy for the "super bachelor" Alberto Sordi.
Photos 1 & 2: Taormina. Alberto Sordi and Tina Marquand on the yacht that hosted them for a short cruise. Tina Marquand is twenty years old and is the daughter of Jean-Pierre Aumont and Maria Montez, the beautiful actress who died suddenly in 1951. Tina married Christian Marquand four years ago, one of her father's best friends, but for some time the two separated while remaining good friends. Marquand is twenty years her senior. The film that Sordi will soon direct, and in which he has offered a part to Tina Marquand, will probably be entitled "Scusi lei è favorevole o contrario". Tina's last film was "Modesty Blaise", with Monica Vitti.
Photo 3: Taormina. Alberto Sordi and Tina Marquand are seen together more and more often. Here they take the fresh air on the deck of the yacht of a well-known manufacturer: Albertone is telling one of his irresistible tales; Tina has taken on a rather nonchalant attitude that allows her miniskirt to abundantly reveal her legs. The Italian actor and the young French actress met in Taormina on the occasion of the recent delivery of the "David di Donatello" film awards. Someone believes that an affectionate sympathy was born between the two; others argue that Sordi, while courting Tina, wanted above all to entrust her with a part in his next film.
Scans and caption from Italian magazine Gente, 24th August 1966.
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tina-aumont · 3 years
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Divorce is not an outrage
Tina Aumont - the beautiful 19-year-old daughter of Maria Montez, the film star who tragically died in 1951, and actor Jean Pierre Aumont - who has become one of the youngest newlyweds in France now seems determined to "transform" into one of the youngest divorced. It was the same husband, fresh from Hollywood, where his wife is shooting alongside Alain Delon, who gave the news. In Catholic France, therefore, divorce is possible. Chance, apart from our critique of film divorces, poses a question to us: why is "religious law" not the same for all Catholics but varies across borders?
Photo and caption from Italian magazine Cronaca, 30th April 1966.
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tina-aumont · 5 years
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Does Tina and Christian Marquand divorce?
As is known, Tina Marquand, the daughter of the late Maria Montez and Jean-Pierre Aumont, married to Christian Marquand, has started a film career that has led her with a dizzying speed to Hollywood, after only two films: "Modesty Blaise" by Joseph Losey, and "La Curée" by Vadim. In Hollywood, Tina works in a "western" with Alain Delon and Dean Martin: "Texas Across the River". A few days ago, her husband, who was temporarily residing in California, has rushed back to Europe. While Tina is constantly dating Darryl Zanuck! There is already talk of the divorce of Christian and Tina, and there is also talk of the fabulous future that awaits the girl in "the Mecca of Cinema". In the photo, Christian and Tina not long ago, when they were still friends.
Scan and caption from Spanish magazine Fotogramas, 8th April 1966.
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tina-aumont · 5 years
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In "Modesty Blaise" Tina filmed a love scene with Terence Stamp. She was told that Marquand was jealous. - Jealous? - she said - He has done the same in his films. Let's not be hypocrites.
Quote from Spanish magazine Lecturas, 27th May 1966. Screencaps from Sleepy Luna blog.
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tina-aumont · 5 years
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She finds success and loses her husband (III/IV)
Correspondence of Enrico Giuffredi. Paris, April.
Scholarly accusations "Then," Tina said, "we met again the following summer on the Côte d'Azur, I had already realized that Christian was not looking at me like a brat, I was happy because, secretly, I had always dreamed of being his wife one day. When we got married, on October 4, 1963, in Banon, I was seventeen and he was thirty-six. More than double.They called me the bride-child, they said I was a "case", but I never minded, I was so happy."
Dialogue dates back to less than a year ago, when both Tina and Christian did not foresee the short-term end of their happy union. Yet, to want to be honest, even then there were the premises of the crisis. In fact, Christian said: "I did not ask much about marriage, but I confess that I have never met a woman in the world who cooks poorly as Tina does, she even manages to mistake the hard-boiled eggs, and I am equally happy. Even if Tina plays the guitar day and night, so out of tune to drive me crazy, I have to put cotton wool in my ears."
Christian was joking then, and smiling. And Tina's happy smile answered, but she said: "If Chris has decided to be hateful, he will succeed. If we did not love each other, I'm sure we would hate each other, but what annoys me most about him is not his arrogance and the presumption, but the lack of cavalry and delicacy. My husband is full of flaws. I did not want to marry him, but only when I was a completely irresponsible babe and he came to see Daddy in our house in Malmaison, he had not changed at all, he had remained the same as ever and he continued to give me the pinches I think I married him just to make him understand that I was no longer a child but a real woman".
Scan and caption from Italian magazine Oggi Illustrato, 5th May 1966.
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tina-aumont · 5 years
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She finds success and loses her husband (I/IV)
Tina Aumont, daughter of the beautiful Maria Montez, married three years ago director Christian Marquand. Despite the age difference (she 17, he 36 years) it seemed a happy marriage. "She can not even cook two hard-boiled eggs, but I like it that way," said the man. A disappointed motherhood and sudden luck on the screen have transformed the bride-child.
Correspondence of Enrico Giuffredi. Paris, April.
The game continues: the "Vadim clan" is once again talking about itself, with yet another divorce. This time it is Christian Marquand who splits from his young and beautiful bride, Marie-Christina Aumont, known as Tina, daughter of Jean-Pierre Aumont and Maria Montez. Christian and Tina managed to make the news of their separation coincide with the announcement of yet another reconciliation between Jean-Pierre Aumont and his last wife, Marisa Pavan.
The game continues and the "nouvelle vague" (Marquand together with Vadim has always boasted of being one of the bishops of this film revolution), in the absence of good films, offers the opportunity to gossip to worldly reporters. We are not talking about anything else in these days at the "Fouquet's" in the Champs Elysees and "Chez Castel" in Saint-Germain-des-Prés. The well-informed, or those who pose themselves to such, ensure that the divorce was long predictable. Whisper that from the beginning this union between a girl of less than twenty and a man of almost forty was voted unsuccessful. But in reality it is only a matter of late comments. Until yesterday everything seemed to be spinning in the best possible way and not a few were those who pointed out in Marquand the Pygmalion of a new star: his wife.
Instead, Tina's true Pygmalion turned out to be Vadim. Last year, when it was a question of choosing a new group of beautiful girls able to crown Jane Fonda worthily in the film La Curée, Roger also remembered his friend's friend's wife, made her support the usual audition and signed her. Following this, Tina, who had already been noticed by the American producers, who had first called her to Hollywood, was invited over the Atlantic again, where she is now filming Texas Across the River alongside Alain Delon and Dean Martin.
Scan and caption from Italian magazine Oggi Illustrato, 5th May 1966.
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tina-aumont · 5 years
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She finds success and loses her husband (IV/IV)
Correspondence of Enrico Giuffredi. Paris, April.
In trendy clubs Things said when, in spite of everything, happiness resisted, but that today take on a completely different value. Why do Tina and Christian divorce? Is Tina tired of her husband's suffrience or is he fed up with eating eggs? Always joking, Tina had announced her firm intentions to get to work to "be able to pay a cook to Chris". She had recently started making films after the first audition in Hollywood. But the gain must not have been enough to "pay the cook". When two people belong to the world of cinema they tie their lives, we know how it ends up: on the strength of being one on one side, one on the other, they become more accustomed to solitude than to life in common. In the specific case of Tina a more serious fact intervened: last summer she had interrupted any activity, because she was expecting a child. She was happy and proud. "It will be a girl", she said convinced. Instead she was rushed to a clinic in Neuilly. The little creature was born dead, Tina's life was in danger.
Today there are those who say that Tina and Christian would never have come to talk about divorce if they had a baby. Unfortunately, immediately after this misfortune, the two were again forced to say goodbye, because Marquand left for Hollywood, called to interpret "The Flight of the Phoenix". Tina, alone in Paris, resumed studying dance and acting under the guidance of Tania Balachowa.
Now he accuses Tina of having created the premises of divorce, refusing her loneliness, showing herself in the trendy nighttime clubs and the Palladium Bus in the company of some young man. "Tina", is heard in Paris, "today is no longer the simple and good girl Marquand had married, she changed herself due to her little success with Vadim, the offer that came from America gave her the idea of being a star: instead she is a capricious girl posing as an adult woman".
A judgment, this, which seems rash and unfair. Too many cone in fact have happened in these two and a half years of marriage, too many contrasting elements characterize the personality of Tina and her husband. Marquand, the square and thoughtful man, suddenly found himself the husband of a bride-child upset by the drama of lack of motherhood and loneliness, and at the same time exalted by a film career.
Scan from Spanish magazine Lecturas, 14th June 1968; caption from Italian magazine Oggi Illustrato, 5th May 1966.
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tina-aumont · 5 years
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She finds success and loses her husband (II/IV)
Correspondence of Enrico Giuffredi. Paris, April.
Stormy meeting And Christian Marquand? From the beginning he had not moved. When, a month ago, Tina left Paris for America, he remained in his apartment in rue Bassano to work on his subjects (as well as actor, Marquand is a director) and prepare new royalties. Then suddenly, confining with friends, he stressed the possibility of a separation. "Between me and Tina everything is over", he repeated, "now it is irreparable". Then he was seen for some time, always alone, in trendy clubs. Finally he went to Hollywood, to have a definitive explanation with his wife. The meeting must have been rather stormy if the couple decided to live each one on their own: Tina in America (she plans to attend a drama course in New York), Christian in Paris, where he came back the other day, after having been to London to greet his friend Marlon Brando.
Back in Paris, Marquand confirmed what was already known. "Divorce", he declared without comment. Tall, athletic, cute face framed by hair that is grizzled at the temples (and make it terribly attractive for the seventeen year olds), Marquand has always been a kind of few words. Up until three years ago, when he became engaged to the very young Tina Aumont, who had just turned sixteen, no sentimental bonds had been known to him. Extraordinary, if you think that his friends were all part of that "Clan Vadim", for which idylls, quarrels, marriages and divorces were the order of the day.
He was bewitched by his old friend’s daughter: the Marie-Christine that he, when he was already a young well-known actor, had enjoyed making dance, still in swaddling clothes, on his knees. "I have always had a great fondness for Marie-Christine," said Christian, almost embarrassed, "but I never thought I would marry her! Do you think that every time I traveled for work, when I was shooting a film in Italy or in Africa, in Germany or in America, I always thought about her and brought her dolls as a gift. It is not the most suitable gift for my future bride! I stayed away from France for a long time in 1962, I went to rest in Mégève, and there I found Tina: a different Tina.The woman in front of me was no longer the girl to whom a doll could be given, and for that reason I left my last present in my suitcase and invited her to dance ".
Scan and caption from Italian magazine Oggi Illustrato, 5th May 1966.
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tina-aumont · 5 years
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Photo 1: Tina Marquand is the daughter of French actor Jean-Pierre Aumont and the late actress María Montez. The young actress daughter of actors seems determined firmly to conquer the fame in Hollywood, as years ago her mother did.
Photo 2: A marriage that falls apart. Tina and Christian Marquand, he is a remarkable French filmmaker and who once won popularity by playing great tapes, of which we will highlight "I will spit on your graves", a film of racial problems that raised great controversy in his day.
Scans and caption from Spanish magazine Lecturas, 27th May 1966.
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tina-aumont · 2 years
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María Montez Bracelet
Tina Aumont kept a bracelet that belongeg to her mum, Dominican actress and Queen of Technicolor, María Montez.
In the first photo we can see Maria with her little daughter Tina holding the bracelet (circa 1947), then we can see Tina wearing it at her wedding with Christian Marquand (1963) and then in two different shots taken in 1966.
If more pics come, I'll post them, but it's a nice tribute she did to her mum 💜💜
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tina-aumont · 7 years
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January/March 1966: Christian Marquand pays a visit to Tina while she is filming “Texas Across the River”.
From the coast of a Wacky Western ...
Never before has western been born under more optimal circumstances on the side of Hollywood. "Texas Across the River", in fact, was treated a bit to the "Tom Jones": with a lot of eyes to the public. It is a challenge as it will upset many established traditions but the whole team is confident that the goal will be achieved. Alain Delon, Dean Martin, Rosemary Forsyth, Joey Bishop, even Tina Marquand were really amused. The latter was very sorry to see her name flourish in the press, which announced that she was going to divorce Christian Marquand. she asserts that this is not the case. For Alain Delon, this film represents, as he says, "the beginning or the end": the beginning of a real career or the end of his Hollywood career. That is why he gave himself a hundred per cent. You will discover it in a new light.
Caption from Cine Téle Revue, 21st April 1966. This caption came with the picture shown above, but this one, being HQ, comes from Alamy Stock Photo website: www.alamy.com Tina close-up comes from e-bay.
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tina-aumont · 3 years
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The restless daughter of Jean-Pierre Aumont and María Montez intends to marry the 23-year-old painter Frédéric Pardo, who has left his wife for her.
Tina, who was married to Christian Marquand, a friend of her father, has returned from Africa, where she has spent a week on vacation with her fiancé.
María Cristina Marquand wears a huge djellabah, which looks like a nightshirt. Frédéric Pardo wears a Victorian black velvet jacket, tall and narrow trousers also in black velvet, a bombastic silk shirt, a lavallière-style tie and high heels. Also, of course, both wear their hair styled like royal page. It seems incredible, but both of them are not joking, they are acting completely serious. So much so that next September they will become husband and wife.
She is 22, he is 23, it can be said, truly, that they have not wasted time. Tina, recently, to explain her divorce from Christian Marquand, declared: "For almost three years I have lived like a heroine in a novel by Françoise Sagan. In the end I began to write, collecting a series of introspective memories to become aware of myself, I had the tendency to live through others. In this way I have discovered that, in reality, I was betraying myself, and what a twenty-year-old girl needs is to live with the problems of today and with the people of her same generation ".
Tina, while her husband was in Hollywood, devoted herself to frequenting the Bus Palladium in Paris, a kind of temple or monument to the beatnik and hairy youth of the French capital. When months later, she went alone to film "Texas Across the River" in America, the one who until then had been the youngest wife in France announced her decision to divorce. Christian Marquand left Paris in the first plane and rushed in with her to have an explanation. He returned to France crestfallen, entrusting his lawyer with the divorce proceedings. This was in the spring of last year. Not a year has passed yet and the beautiful Cristina has already got down to work to prepare her new bridal bathing suit.
Like any girl today, Cristina has not cried too much about her failed sentimental experience. On the other hand, she has been in a great hurry to replace her forty-year-old ex-husband with a boy of her age, more in keeping with her tastes. After several minor flirts, she was seen very often with a hairy man on the Palladium Bus. He was Stanislaus Klossowski, Prince of Rola and Baron of Watteville, better known in the world "ye-ye" as an expert in the electric guitar. The idyll, however, did not last long, giving way to Frédéric Pardo.
"We met - says Tina - six months ago at a vernissage at Frédéric's uncle's gallery, on Boulevard Haussman, and for both of us it was a crush"
Scan and caption from Oggi Illustrato, 30th March 1967.
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tina-aumont · 5 years
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[...] in the summer of 1965, Terry and I were living in an apartment on the top floor of the Chateau Marmont overlooking all of dowtown Los Angeles. Sunset Boulevard had exploded into a sea of treny discothèques with the sidewalks crammed with people hopping from club to club. I hung out a lot with Tina Aumont, the daughter of the French actor Jean-Pierre Aumont and the Spanish beauty Maria Montez (a movie star in the Forties). Tina was born in Los Angeles but was raised in Paris after her mother died in 1951 and was in town to play an Indian Maiden in the western Texas Across the River opposite Dean Martin and Alain Delon. While staying in LA, Tina rented a beach house way up the Pacific Coast Highway, at Zuma Beach in Malibu. A brunette beauty with big expressive eyes and a sensuous though innocent look to her, nineteen-year-old Tina was married at the time to French actor Christian Marquand, almost twenty years her senior, and Terry’s friend from his Paris days.
We continued to unpack her trunk and planned to make dinner at the beach house. Tina never learned to cook; being raised in France, it just came naturally. She told me that she would trust me with the mushrooms even though I didn’t know my way around the kitchen. Christian phoned, and then Terry called, checking up on us to make sure that we weren’t entertaining any gentleman callers. Terry’s jealousy once again surfaced and he did not believed that there weren’t any guys in the house. By the time I was able to convince him and get off the phone, the mushrooms had burnt.
Tina had a roaring fire going in the fireplace and a couple of open bottles of red wine breathing on the hearth. After we ate dinner and drank most of the wine, Tina announced that she had scored some LSD. In 1965 it wasn’t illegal yet, and Timothy Leary was lecturing all over town about its benefits. I was dubious, but Tina put some mellow music on and we took the acid. I soon felt strange chemical sensations rushing through my bloodstream. It was not an unpleasant experience, but I never did it again.
Soon the Sun came up and the acid was wearing off. The ocean looked like molten gold glistening in the morning Sun. Tina, a girl with a lot of “good” ideas, decided she wanted to go to get a hotdog even though I am sure she had never eaten one in her entire life.
Photo shows Tina Aumont in her Malibu beach house in Spring 1966. Scan from Italian magazine Gente, 24th August 1966.
Text comes from the book “Trippin‘ with Terry Southern: What I think I remember” by Gail Gerber with Tom Lisanti, McFarland & Company 2009.
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