#7s vn
h1mmel · 4 months
About the 7s visual novel's characters and their symbolism
Taking a break from fanfiction to infodump about my favorite thing ever, which is symbolism in etymology! Sit down because this is going to be a long one... and if you read the whole thing I applaud you and also would love to talk about your thoughts!
Lin Zhaoyu
The origin of her name is actually stated in game itself, coming from the Book of Odes- a Chinese poetry book. Meaning literally, "morning rain," it is taken from the following poem. The letters that make up her name are bolded.
Here is the translation of the poem:
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The part about her being untrue to herself in marriage rings very true.
Li Sushang
The symbolism of Sushang's name is connected to that of multiple other characters, despite the literal meaning of it sounding quite simple on the outside. You might see her name via MTL written as "plain clothes," but it's a stark oversimplification of something that's partially lost in translation.
素 (Su) refers to plain silk which has not been dyed, or white silk.
裳 (Shang) is a dress.
The first letter of her name is shared with her mother. Between Sushang, Suyi, Lingshuang, and Su Mei, there is a correlating theme of clothing that I will touch on in each of their sections.
Qin Suyi
As she had amnesia, Suyi does not remember her birth name and was gifted a new one by Fu Hua. Following the trend of how she named Su Mei, her name was also taken from the book of odes. The word Suyi appears in two different poems- again, I've bolded it as written in both.
And the translation:
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The second poem:
And the translation:
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From the second poem, you can see the references to grief in regard to clothing. While Suyi and Sushang both have the same literal translation of their names, "plain clothes," Suyi's name also carries an additional symbolism. The second letter of her name, 衣 (Yi), refers to a robe instead of a dress, so her name refers to "a robe of colorless silk." This specific term is used in certain contexts to refer to mourning garments, as it is customary to wear white while mourning in some parts of Chinese culture.
This theme of dye is continued in other contexts, where Suyi is known among the Seven Swords as "The Blade of Ink-Dyed Incense." Additionally, her Xuanyuan sword, while known in English as Ebonstyle, is also referred to in Chinese as "Ink-Dyed Incense"- but the word for ink used is different between the two. (It is not letting me copy/paste Chinese words right now so, source: trust me bro)
To delve into my personal thoughts, I think it's so clever that Sushang is "a dress yet to be dyed," while Suyi is a mourning garment, since Sushang still has a long life ahead of her, and Suyi has passed on. Anyways please hit me with a car.
((fun fact: the last letter of Suyi's name, Yi, is shared with Raiden Mei (Yayi), hence why her name comes through MTL as "bud clothes" sometimes 😭😭))
Su Mei
We actually do not know Su Mei's birth name either! She was given a new first name by Fu Hua, and was going to be given Zhaoyu's last name (Lin), but chose to take her mother's surname instead. The reason as to why she chose (or was recommended by Fu Hua) to change her name while still remembering her birth name is unclear.
At Zhaoyu's recommendation, her name also comes from the following poem of the Book of Odes:
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It is not letting me highlight the text :,) so the part of the poem that is her name is "margin of the water." Mei specifically refers to where the bank of a river meets the water.
Fun fact: Her surname Su is shared with the MANTIS Su! It is said in legend to also be the surname of Xuanyuan's descendants.
At a time where Filial Piety was of the utmost importance, her changing her surname to take her mother's surname is significant. To change your surname from your father's name could be seen the same as disowning him. At the time, women did not change their names to that of their husband when getting married, hence QIN Suyi vs LI Shen or LIN Zhaoyu vs MA Feima.
While not significant to her name itself, she continues Sushang and Suyi's clothing theme. Her ability revolves around being able to see the threads of fate and predict things that may happen. Hence, it is said about her that anything she says will come true. It's never mentioned in the text, but if you zoom in up close to this art of her, you can actually see her threads surrounding her.
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From the threads plus her hair color, it makes me think of the legend of "The Red String of Fate," which is ironic being that she says she does not love anyone.
Cheng Lingshuang
Yes, she does share a surname with Cheng Lixue, but no, they are not related. Lixue was named by Fu Hua, and her surname comes from the philosopher Cheng Yi, and a saying about his disciples waiting for him in the snow, hence Lixue- Snow. Their names are so similarily themed that it's likely not a coincidence on Hua's behalf, but it's more of a homage than them actually being related.
Lingshuang means ice frost. It does not come from the Book of Odes.
To continue the talk on Filial Piety, Lingshuang is the only character to not go by her surname, either in character or on her actual dialogue name tag. She's only referred to as her full name twice, once when she is introduced as a baby, and twice when Senti is beefing with Sushang and low-key throwing shade on her master's name. Lingshuang is a character who ignores societal rules, and Filial Piety is no exception- she has no reason to care about her family or her father, so she disregards her name.
Any instance of her name being translated as "Ling Shuang" is a following mistake on HYV's localization team. (I did personally email them and they fixed it 😭😭😭) It was because the translators did not receive the context that she doesn't use her surname, so they assumed how her name was separated by first and last, as Chinese names don't have spaces between the two. If you spell her name with a space in the middle I will show up at your house at 3am.
The theme of clothes continues from her kid's as she has a loom in her house which she uses to make silk. She says that honing her fingers in such a way is also a way to hone her martial arts.
Ma... Yanqing, Feima
Ma Feima means "the horse is not a horse." He changed his name to this after getting married because he hated his past identity. It comes from "Bai Ma Fei Ma," a Chinese grammatical paradox that does not make sense in English. Don't ask me to explain it because I can't, but it means "the white horse is not a horse."
Ma means horse, and is also the most common surname within the Chinese Muslim community (specifically the Hui people.) It is used often in reference to the prophet Muhammad.
Yan means swallow, continuing Hua's bird theme.
A lot of his names and titles relate to horses. He really likes horses. A lot.
Jiang Wanxi & Wanru
These two get the smallest part because they aren't developed enough for me to GAF (I'm sorry 😭) basically their names come from a poem in the Book of Odes, which is funny since Hua isn't even the one that named them.
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I hope if you read this that you enjoyed this session of Fun Facts With Mel and please tell me your thoughts. I also definitely forgot something so I might go back later and add things. Thank you for reading!
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crowties · 1 year
when finals are over im doing a full honkai lore reread cause i deserve (need) it so bad
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godisasimp · 1 year
Otto/Sushang ship?
I actually kinda like this pairing platonically, I don't see it as romantic but I can totally see both hanging out as besties™ I don't mind it because Sushang and Otto's relationship dates back to a few centuries ago but most of that content is in 7S VN that I haven't read in a while so- Star Rail may also be slightly responsible for that opinion because of Sushang and Luchoa.
7/10 nice pairing, Sushang starts fights and Otto ends them.
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postsofbabel · 28 days
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everysshkey · 1 year
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tearasshouse · 3 years
Vidya ramblings pt 3B
Previous list here.
Onwards and upwards to the B-tier games. I guess its a good sign that we have so much to play, and that the general bar for quality has risen so much year on year, such that B-tier games would easily slot into my A-tier list in a slower year, or C-tier games slotting into B-tier for that matter. I have to deliberately go looking for chaff these days, is what I’m saying. “B-tier games” sound worse than what they actually mean on my list: those I had very few qualms about, or their strengths were enough to compensate for their shortcomings and I generally looked forward to firing them up instead of doing so out of my completionist’s sick, demented obligation. So! Pat yourselves on the back, game devs.
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Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (N3DS)
I’m not an FE mark by any means, but when I’m looking for something to play on a Nintendo platform (3DS is the only one I own), FE games are invariably among the scant handful of their franchises I turn towards. Awakening was my first FE, so as a latter day entrant I have to judge all future games by that metric. I wouldn’t outright call Echoes the better game, although it is a better game in many aspects. The “feet on the ground” dungeon exploration is a nice addition; the art is absolutely gorgeous, the soundtrack is stellar, and despite not having the romances or pair-up feature, the combat was solid, even if the maps and objectives are very rote and frankly dull. The cast was very enjoyable, and plot well, it’s typical dragons and destiny and royalty will save the day, blah blah vanilla FE storytelling. It was a nice distraction in the early months of the pandemic, but I might have to give the edge to Awakening here. I am looking forward to playing all 3 routes of Fates sometime this year or the next though.
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Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4)
Finally, I hear you groan, an actual 2020 release. Certainly the most lavish remake I’ve played since... RE2? I should have more nostalgia for this game, as the OG was technically my first JRPG and I’d spent an entire summer on it, with my friend’s PSX copy and his strategy guide laid out in front of me. But, I went into this with hype in check and nostalgia completely dulled, maybe because I actually am just a dried up, withered out old fart with a prune for a heart? Anyway, game is pretty good, there isn’t much to say about it that others haven’t already gushed over or criticized to death. I will say though that it’s been a while since a game’s difficulty tuning and mechanics absolutely kicked my ass. You need to learn the combat system in this or you won’t get very far, certainly not on Hard Mode anyway. I’m a bit wary about the 2nd and 3rd (possibly 4th?) entries in this project. Just how will they re-interpret the world map? How are they possibly going to tie everything up? How much of the OG game will be cut or reconfigured, and how much will be filler? Will we have to sit through more of those interminable “slide through narrow crevices to mask our shit loading times” sections? Will the environment textures actually load up properly? 
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Hades (EGS)
Yeah, it’s a Supergiant joint, and I’m a mark for Greek mythology, what more do you need? The only reason it’s on a lower rung here, and it’s not a fault of the game so much as what I look for in games. I’m just not much of an arcade-style, score attacker or rogue/rogue-lite player. If I wanted creative re-use of assets with super high replayability, I’ll go for a MP shooter, or an immersive sim. All that is to say that the game is rather short and repetitive (by design), and the drip-feed of story, character development, unlocks or trying out new builds and personal challenges just doesn’t do it for me. What is here is quality, through and through without a doubt and the whole 31 hours it took me to do my first clear (again, one and done - that’s all for me) were just good old fashion gaming fun.
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Death Mark (PS Vita)
Vita means life! This game gets the dubious distinction of being the last physical Vita game I’ll ever buy (I was as surprised as you you must be, mhm!). The only reason it’s on the B-tier list and not the lower rung is a testament to its successfully creeping me out from beginning to end. Which is saying something, because it’s a typical horror story of urban legends manifest as hauntings and curses, done as a very low budget VN fashion. If you’re used to VNs with more QoL features like in ye olde Steins;Gates or some such, well, you’ll be quite disappointed here. No text logs, no touch controls, extreme reuse of very limited assets, etc. I understand that the dev, Experience are uhm, experienced DRPG makers, and that influence is certainly felt in the “boss battles” here, though they are somewhat clunky and use adventure game logic, which is to say not very logical or poorly explained. This is also on Steam, Switch and PS4 so... go forth and acquire.
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Gravity Rush Remastered (PS4)
Unlike Tearaway Unfolded, I will say that the PS4 version is the way to go with superior controls, performance, visual fidelity, etc. You lose nothing by going to the big screen. Still one of the most charming things Sony has put out, and like it’s successor, it’s still a somewhat underbaked game. The definition of a cult classic or a B-tier perennial, simply swimming in well-earned 7s. This would rate higher (while still within the B-tier) had it not been my 3rd time going through this, but newcomers will be treated to something fresh and special. Anytime I get to shill for Gravity Rush is an opportunity I will gladly take.
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Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (PS4)
The very definition of a B-tier game in my books! Well crafted and big budgeted enough by the task masters, technicians and actors at Naughty Dog to garner a guaranteed spot here. Again, I don’t mean to sound backhanded, but it’s really hard to truly love something this big, with this much broad appeal and craftsmanship. It really is everything that’s right (and wrong) with Sony’s (Western) first party output this past generation. I was slackjawed during the Madagascar car chase, touched during the dramatic moments between Nate and crew, the flashback sequences with Young Nathan were done really well (again, walking sim sections one and all), and UC4 reminded us about why pirate adventures are awesome (themes of obsession and seeking treasure at your own peril be damned). Crushing Mode in this one is truly diabolical (in the not satisfying, simply die-lots way), while the MP is... okay? Forgettable for the whole hour I devoted to it.
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SOMA (Steam)
A downer of a sci-fi tale about post-humanism (or transhumanism?), deceptively snuck within a fairly spooky horror thriller. It’s made by the Swedes behind the Amnesia games, partly set in a curious recreation of my hometown of Toronto, about an average dude going through some pretty extraordinary circumstances, and none of it is treated with extraordinariness. It’s definitely a muted affair, and contributes to that grounded, depressing tone. Yeah the human race is long dead and the few consciousnesses left alive are going to live out the rest of their existences in virtual reality until the batteries run out, so what? Get to it, Simon. Smart and logical spatial puzzles underpin the walking sim aspect of the game, and though there’s the slight survival horror/stealth element, I played on Safe Mode cos I could only imagine how frustrating it would be to die to those things. Check it out, it’s great, but it’s not for everyone and in a pinch I wouldn’t want to play something like this, which is why it ends up here in the B-tier.
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ashleighgwynn-blog · 5 years
Free WMV To MP4 Converter
Convert MP4, MP3, WAV, MOV and extra to any format online. The above three different ways all may help you exchange MP4 video to WMA. All in all, on-line conversion will cost you extra time; Free Video to Audio Converter would not supply excellent consumer expertise; and Apowersoft Video Converter Studio perhaps the only option among them. This MP4 to WMA converter can convert MP4 (MPEG-four Video) information to WMA (Windows Media Audio) audio. Press the orange "Convert" button within the lower right-hand www.audio-transcoder.com nook of the program window, the software program will start changing your MP4 videos into WMV format on Mac OS X. The app can convert multiple recordsdata concurrently in a batch, saving them in a ZIP archive to speed up downloading. As soon as the files are transformed (green bar) you'll be able to download the converted WMA recordsdata individually or mp4 to wma converter free youtube click Obtain All" button to obtain all files in a ZIP archive format. Dodatkowo, możesz także edytować pliki na kilka przydatnych sposobów, jak np. scalanie kilku plików w jeden, czy też wyodbrębnianie jednej, lub wielu części oryginalnej ścieżki. Co więcej, program umożliwia także kasowanie wybranych fragmentów ścieżki. Program Apowersoft Video Converter Studio posiada również moduł wieloformatowego odtwarzacza wideo i audio.
MP3 stands for MPEG1 (or MPEG2) Audio Layer III. Too typically folks refer MP3 as MPEG3, which is wrong, as a result of such format doesn't even exist. A Switch Player license is needed to play Windows Media Video (WMV) and export to MP4. A Change Plus or Professional license exports to other formats. Rip DVD to video file , Rip Music CD to audio file. You may select "MP3" from the Format menu, which may save you from having to carry out the method in the subsequent section to transform the information to MP4. Total Audio Converter can cut up FLAC and APE files by CUE (break up CUE-based mostly FLAC, cut up CUE-primarily based APE). Spotify Music Converter is a a effectively-designed audio converter for Mac customers to transform Spotify music to MP3 or AAC format with 5X sooner velocity and good output high quality. You can also make a ringtone orMP3 file for your devices like Windows 7 PC, Windows 10 PC, Mac OS X PC, iPhone 8S, iPhone 7S, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, Android Tablet, iPad on this online program. The -i option within the above command is simple: it's the path to the enter file. The second possibility -f mp3 tells ffmpeg that the ouput is in mp3 format. The third possibility i.e -ab 192000 tells ffmpeg that we want the output to be encoded at 192Kbps and -vn tells ffmpeg that we dont need video. The final param is the identify of the output file. FormatFactory is an expert video converter that is able to convert video and audio file between many codecs, together with WMV, MPG, VOB, DV, MOV, MP4, 3GP, FLV, MP3, WMA, AAC, OGG, WAV, etc. In fact, this professional video converter can convert MP4 to WMV free. The largest subject of this converter is that it does not have a Mac model, thus Mac customers could not enjoy the outstanding options of FormatFactory. The file is copied to your Home windows Downloads folder. You may then move it to any folder you want. It is able to be inserted in your PowerPoint presentation. Click Download to save lots of your transformed WAV information. More essential, MP4 to WMA Converter is a total all-in-one video and audio converter which may convert amongst more than 200 video audio formats with 4K high quality and super-quick conversion speed. So both Windows and Mac users can be happy to use it. With the appropriate software, you may easily convert a MP4 video to WMV on Mac or Windows to be used any way you choose. Amongst, Video Converter for Mac is among the most steady and comprehensive software program for converting video information from one format into one other. It converts MP4, WMV, AVI, MTS, MKV, MOV, M4V, AVCHD, H.264 and audio MP3, FLAC, WAV, M4A, AAC, AC3, WMA. You should use its preset choices that allows you to convert the video to a high quality format that can play simply wonderful on a wide range of units, together with loads of advanced options for tweaks of the conversion settings. Na codzień wielu z nas preferuje korzystać z plików WMA, które są zdecydowanie bardziej przenośnie niż MP4 dzięki zmniejszonemu rozmiarowi plików. Dla przykładu, jeśli spodoba nam się jakaś ścieżka dźwiękowa w formacie MP4, to warto czasem oddzielić ścieżkę audio i nagrać ją na swój telefon, tablet, lub walkman. Jeśli natomiast uczymy się języków, to dobrym pomysłem byłoby nagrywanie ścieżek dźwiękowych z obcojęzycznych filmów MP4 i odsłuchiwanie ich na urządzeniach mobilnych. W tego typu i podobnych przypadkach, konwersja MP4 do WMA może okazać się niezwykle przydatna, gdyż pozwala nam ona zachować wysoką jakość dźwięku przy małym rozmiarze pliku. W tym celu opisaliśmy three skuteczne sposoby na dokonanie tejże konwersji.
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igoireadiwork · 6 years
Singapore 28/12-1/1/2018
Tụi mình lên kế hoạch đi Tour Singapore vào 28/12-1/1/2018. Và bắt đầu săn vé tốt.
29/9: Book vé  là 3116đ/ vé (round trip- JETSTAR) qua Traveloka (bạn tìm thêm các app khác: Booking/ Agoda/ TripAdvisor)
20/11 : Book vé đi USS là 1092đ/ vé (mình book tại agent VN (toidi) thì sẽ rẻ hơn so với book vé bên Sin, và bạn không cần phải xếp hàng dài để chờ đợi)
26/10: Book hostel Coziee Lodge (chỗ này được review tốt và bạn mình đã từng ở. Có 8 single bed trong 1 room, phòng hơi chật nhưng rất ok, gần Kallang station (đi bộ chỉ mất 5’) và ở nằm trên đường Geylang (con đường có nhiều món ăn đặc sản ở Singapore như Cháo ếch, Dimsum, Cua sốt ớt…).
-          $ trong bài được hiểu là SGD (1 SGD= 17.200vnđ thời điểm tháng 12/2017)
-          Thẻ EZ Link là thẻ để đi MRT và xe bus. Một thẻ chỉ sử dụng cho 1 người, tuyệt đối không dùng chung cho nhiều người. Bạn có thể mua tại quầy “Customer Service” tại mỗi trạm MRT. Phí thẻ là 5S$ và phí nạp là 7S$ (TC 12$).
-          Cách nạp thẻ : bạn tìm đến các máy tự động (đều có ở tất cả các tàu điện ngầm trong mỗi trạm), bạn để thẻ lên phần vạch, rồi chọn phần nạp cash (tiền mặt) or ATM. Sau đó nhấn ‘ADD VALUE- thêm giá trị’ rồi bạn đưa tiền vào (tiền giấy or tiền xu đều được).
-          Trên mỗi chặng đường check out khỏi trạm, số tiền trong thẻ đều hiện lên phần bị trừ và giá trị còn lại. Một chặng có giá trị thấp nhất là 0.77$.
Có 5 line chính của MRT ở Singapore, các STT bên dưới là Sin đánh số thứ tự cho trạm của các line.
-          Line xanh lá (Green line)- 1,2,3: East West Line
-          Line đỏ (Red line)- 4,5: North South Line
-          Line tím (Purple line)- 6,7: North East Line
-          Line vàng (Yellow line)- 8,9,10: Circle Line
-          Line xanh dương (Blue line)- 11,12: Downtown line
MRT các bản chỉ dẫn đường đi rất cụ thể, bạn chỉ cần tập trung và đọc hiểu bản chỉ dẫn là được.
-          Trước khi đến chỗ bạn cần đến, cần check open và close time và các hoạt động ở đó, có một vài hđ đặc biệt được mở vào mỗi giờ nhất định (USS, Marina, cháo ếch, Firework, Orchard, Ion sky, Takashimaya…)
-          Không nên quá phụ thuộc vào các bài viết, vì có thể mình sẽ hiểu sai ý của người viết (ví dụ như mình)
-          Bạn nên mang 1 đôi giày thể thao dòng running để đi bộ tiện lợi nha.
-          Ăn uống thì nên ăn ở các FOOD COURT (giá tầm 5-6$) ở đây vừa rẻ vừa ngon, bạn đừng nên vào các quán sang trọng như Chili’s…thì chi phí rất đắt đỏ nếu bạn đi theo phương châm tiết kiệm.
 NGÀY 1 (28/12): SGN- SIN
5:10: Có mặt tại sân bay SGN
7:10: Cất cánh (SGN- SIN: bay 2 tiếng và SIN sẽ hơn VN 1 giờ)
12:00: Đến sân bay Changi, Terminal 1. Vì lần đầu qua nên không biết cách đi thế nào, tụi mình phải mất 2 tiếng đi vòng vòng để hiều về cách đi, nhưng thật ra rất dễ.
Để vào thành phố bạn phải đến Terminal 2 (T2) hoặc 3 (T3). Chỗ tụi mình đáp là T1 nên đi Skytrain T2- Tàu điện đến terminal 2 (có bản chỉ dẫn rất cụ thể hoặc bạn có thể hỏi các nhân viên sân bay rất thân thiện và nhiệt tình).
Đến T2, bạn bắt MRT để đến chỗ khách sạn bạn ở. Ở Sin đi MRT rất dễ, chỉ cần xem các bản chỉ dẫn đường hoặc SG MRT (app này thay thế cho bản đồ).
Tụi mình ở Geylang, gần trạm Kallang station (nên tụi mình đi line xanh lá đến trạm Tanah Merah, sau đó xuống trạm tiếp tục đi xanh lá đến Kallang. (Cùng là 1 màu xanh lá, nhưng bạn chú ý điểm đến của nó ở đâu, rẽ trái hay rẻ phải để xuống trạm cho chính xác).
è  Kinh nghiệm: chỉ cần tập trung xem các bản chỉ dẫn thì bạn sẽ không bị lạc.
Đường đến hostel cũng rất dễ, nhưng tụi mình cũng bị lạc tầm 2km vì google map họ chỉ dẫn sai, chỗ của mình ờ là Geylang Lor 1, mà maps chỉ dẫn đến Lor 3 nên tụi mình bị lạc. Hên cái là gặp bác người Sin làm việc gần đó chở đến tận nơi, cũng phải đi 1 đoạn đường rất xa.
è  Kinh nghiệm: bạn vào booking của khách sạn bạn book, có maps trong đó để tìm đường chính xác, google maps nhiều khi họ chỉ dẫn khác.
Check in xong xui rồi tụi mình đi ăn trưa gần đó, tụi mình vào 1 quán China ăn Mỳ và há cảo và soup, quán ăn này cũng rất ngon và nhiều, bạn nên gọi ít lại. Phần ăn là 28$ (add: 83-85 Geyland road).
Sau đó tụi mình đi Garden by the Bay (MRT Bayfront) (chỗ này bạn phải dành 6h để tham quan, có rất nhiều cảnh đẹp và hoạt động trong đây, bạn nên mua vé để vào Cloud Forest và Flower Dome (bạn nên mua vé ở VN cho rẻ, còn tụi mình phải xếp hàng mua vé hết 28$/vé cho 2 nơi (compo).
Đi xong hết 9h thì tụi mình đến Orchard (MRT Orchard) thăm quan, muốn đến khu ăn uống Takashimaya và ion sky để xem view. Nhưng vì không biết đường đi và đọc review sai nên tụi mình mất cả buổi tối mà không được gì. Takashimaya là một khu biệt lập với Ion Orchard và cùng nằm trên Orchard road. Ở Sin hầu hết là các tòa nhà liên thông bằng tầng hầm, nếu không để ý sẽ dễ gây nhầm lẫn.
è  Kinh nghiệm: Bạn chỉ cần đến MRT Orchard rồi đi lên Orchard road và đi về phía tòa nhà Takashimaya (cùng nằm 1 phía bên đường, bạn tự search Maps cho dễ đi, không cần đọc review để gây nhầm lẫn)
è  Ion Sky: bạn vào khu tòa nhà Ion Orchard, lên tầng 4 (Level 4), bạn đi vòng quanh sẽ thấy ION ART, sau đó bạn hỏi quầy tiếp tân để người ta xuất vé cho bạn. Tiêu chí để có vé là bạn phải có hóa đơn 20$ (receipt) minimum của trung tâm Ion Orchard và receipt là giao dịch trong ngày.
Nhưng bạn chú ý giờ đóng cửa của Ion Sky là 7:45PM (last show on 7:45pm).
Nếu mình plan lại thì 9h mình ra khỏi Garden by the Bay, rồi qua Marina By Sand xem Spectra show (xem show nhạc nước, last show là 11:00pm nên mình có thể xem được), và bạn phải tranh thủ đi 1 đường vòng dài tới gần Marina Barrage mới xem được, còn không thì bạn chỉ đứng từ xa nhìn thôi). Thời gian đi tầm 60’.
 NGÀY 2 (29/12): UNIVERSAL STUDIO SINGAPORE (Phim trường Singapore)
Ngày 2 tụi mình quyết định đến tham quan USS (vé này mình cũng đặt mua ở VN là 1.092tr/vé). Vì đôi giày kia mang đau chân quá nên mình quyết định vào Orchard để mua Reebook Running, ở đây họ mở cửa 10:00am nên phải đợi tới 10:00am mới mua, k có đôi giày yêu thích nên mình qua TANGS đối điện để mua NIKE (160$). Mất cả buổi sáng để mua giày rồi tụi mình mới qua USS.
11:00 Đến USS, bạn đến MRT HarbourFront, rồi tìm cách đến Vivocity (đó là 1 khu trung tâm), Bạn lên lầu 3 (Level 3) thì mua vé để đi tàu điện vào khu SENTOSA (vé này bạn có thể xếp hàng mua or trừ vào thẻ EZ-Link cũng được, vé này mất 4$ và nếu trừ bằng thẻ EZLink thì bạn cần đảm bảo số tiền trong thẻ hơn 4$ nhé).
Khu SENTOSA gồm 3 địa điểm chính, sẽ có 3 trạm tàu điện đến đây:
1.       WATERFRONT STATION: đây là khu USS
2.       IMBIAH STATION: có bức tượng sư tử cao nhất Singapore (37m)
3.       BEACH STATION: các bãi biển
Ngày 2 thì tụi mình chỉ tập trung đến USS (giờ mở cửa là 10:00 am), ở đây có 6 khu trò chơi và bạn nên đi từ bên phải qua để có thể chơi các trò chơi đặc sắc, các khu đặc sắc được bôi đậm phía dươi
1.       HOLLYWOOD
2.       NEW YORK
3.       SCI-FI CITY: 3D Transformer,
4.       ANCIENT EGYPT: 3D Mummy (xác ướp)
5.       THE LOST WORLD: WaterWorld (biểu diễn trên nước- phim trường Mỹ nhân ngư), Jurassic (dòng sông lười- khủng long)
6.       FAR FAR AWAY: 4D Shrek
7.       MADAGASCAR.
Tụi mình chơi đến 10h và ngồi chơi đợi đến 12h để xem bắn pháo bông luôn (Vì thời điểm đó gần tết)
Ngày 3 tụi mình quyết định đi đến các nơi chưa đi:
-          ST Andrew’s Cathedral (xem đám cưới của Raymond and Charis)
-          IMBIA
-          Chinatown
-          Buddha Tooth Relic Temple (Chùa răng Phật)
-          Apple Store (trên đường Orchard road)
-          Takashimaya
-          Ion Sky (nhưng hết suất chiếu với lại không hiểu điều kiện để có vé, bạn xem thêm phía trên)
-          Clarke Quay (bến cảng với các hoạt động sôi nổi)
-          Bugist street.
Ở đến ngày thứ 4 rồi mà tụi mình còn chưa check in Marina, nên quyết định phải đi vào sáng thứ 4. Các địa điểm tham quan:
-          Merlion park (công viên có 2 con sư tử, bạn vào phía bên trong sẽ có 1 con sư tử nhỏ nhé)- đặc sắc
-          Theatre Esplanade Mall (Nhà hát trái sầu riêng)
-          Cầu Helix trứ danh
-          Singapore Flyer
-          Marrina Barage (Đập nước)
-          Art Science Museum (phải mua vé 10$)
-          Spectra show (nhạc nước vào buổi tối)- đặc sắc
(Các địa điểm trên mình đi dạo cho biết thôi chứ k có gì đặc sắc, chủ yếu Singapore họ phát triển về hệ thống cơ sở hạ tầng và đường xá nhiều cây xanh và sạch đẹp)
2:00 Tụi mình đi Faber Mount: ở đây có 1 con sư tử và đường xá sạch đẹp. Bạn nào thích tản bộ thì nên đi (Mất 60’ cho cả đi lẫn về)
4:00 Tụi mình đến đường Geyland để ăn CHÁO ẾCH SINGAPORE, Cháo ở đây ngon hơn VN nhưng ếch thì cũng giống VN (hết 36$)
6:00 Tụi mình qua Marina để đón giao thừa, vì phải dành chỗ đẹp để xem cho rõ nên cần đi sớm trước 3h. Kết quả trời mưa to quá nhưng cũng được xem một buổi bắn pháo bông đón chào năm mới mãn nhãn.
NGÀY 5 (01/1): SIN-SGN
Mọi người cần có mặt trước 2h để check out tự động bằng máy, sân bay Changi khá to nên đi bộ cũng rất mất thời gian.
Kết thúc chuyến đi với nhiều cảm xúc, có cái nhìn khác về Singapore và con người của các nước (Nhật, China, Indo, Malay, Singapore, India…), đi để biết thế giới ra sao, VN mình đã được tới đâu và suy nghĩ về vẫn đế một cách sâu sắc và cẩn thận hơn.
-          Nhạc nước ở Marrina Bay Sand
-          ION SKY
-          Marrina Barrage
-          Botanic garden
-          Macritchie Reservoir (Khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên, viên ngọc xanh giữa lòng Singapore)- TreeTop Walk
-          Little India
-          Katong (văn hóa Peranakan)
-          Suntec city (thành phố phong thủy)
-          Maritime museum
-          Vùng ngập nước Sungei Buph
-          Tiong Bahru: một trong những khu phố lâu đời nhất ở Singapore
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bigyack-com · 4 years
Vietjet Takes Delivery of Two More Airbus Aircraft
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Vietjet took delivery of two new Airbus A321 aircraft, registered as VN-A521 and VN-A542, at Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Saigon on 31 December 2019. Vietjet now has a fleet of 80 aircraft, with VN-A521 the third 240-seat A321neo ACF (Airbus Cabin Flex) aircraft in the world. The first two of the aircraft type are also operated by Vietjet. With the arrival of the two aircraft, the airline is ready to meet the high travel demands during the lunar new year period.
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Vietjet’s third A321neo ACF aircraft has an innovative cabin structure to increase the total number of seats to 240. The aircraft is expected to deliver fuel consumption savings of a minimum of 16, noise reduction of up to 75% and a decrease in emissions of up to 50%. Both new aircraft feature leather seats. Vietjet currently owns one one of the world’s newest and most modern fleets with an average age of only 2.7 years. The airline has transported nearly 100 million passengers and operates 130 routes covering destinations in Vietnam as well as international routes to Singapore, India, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, China, Indonesia and Cambodia. See latest Travel News, Interviews, Podcasts and other news regarding: Vietjet, A321, Vietnam. Headlines: Japan, Singapore, S. Korea and Germany Have World's Most Powerful Passports  Yangon Int. 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Airport Served Record 38,786,422 Pax in 2019  British Airways Starts Offsetting Carbon Emissions on All Flights Within UK  Marriott Opens Second JW on Hainan Island, China  Airbus Partners Aston Martin for Special Edition Helicopter  Dassault Aviation Appoints Charles Wemaëre as VP Worldwide Spares  Boeing Appoints Niel Golightly as SVP of Communications  Jayson Goldstein Joins Four Seasons Boston as F&B Director  Vietjet Takes Delivery of Two More Airbus Aircraft  Two Executive Appointments at Bombardier Aviation  Air India No Longer Available on Sabre GDS  Thailand Targets Tourism Revenue of 3.18 Trillion Baht in 2020  Pictures from Ascot United vs Banstead Athletic on 4 Jan 2020  Gen Z - Airbnb's Fastest Growing Market for Experiences in Asia Pacific  Air Canada Takes Delivery of First Airbus A220-300  AirAsia Launches Flights Between Kuala Lumpur and Dalat, Vietnam  Cebu Pacific Orders 15 Airbus Aircraft, Including Up To 10 A321XLRs  American Airlines and Royal Air Maroc to Codeshare  New Immigration Requirements to Help Solomon Islands Fight Measles  Vietjet Launches Danang - Singapore Flights  American Express GBT Forecasts Stable Air Prices in 2020  Etihad and Kuwait Airways to Codeshare  PAG and Inmark Purchase Grand Hyatt Seoul  British Airways and Iberia Achieve IATA NDC @Scale Certification  Air Caraïbes Takes Delivery of First A350-1000  Aman Signs Fourth Resort in Japan  Hamilton to Host HSBC New Zealand Sevens 25-26 January 2020  Thales' New Touchscreen Cockpit Displays Now Available on Airbus A350s  Mongolian Airlines to Expand Network with Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner  British Airways to Trial AI-Powered Robots at London Heathrow  Dusit Thani Resort Opens in Shuangyue Bay, China  Six Senses Signs First Hotel in UK  Mandarin Oriental to Take Over Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi  Cebu Pacific Offering Passengers Roaming WiFi Kits  Air France Orders 60 Airbus A220-300 Aircraft  Sindhorn Midtown Hotel in Bangkok Appoints Jee Hoong Tan as GM  British Airways to Launch LHR Flights to Portland, USA  Braathens Takes Delivery of First of Five New ATR 72-600s  Cebu Pacific Joins IATA  Thailand: Airbnb Adds Saraburi to Beyond Big Cities Campaign  New International Rugby Sevens Competition to be Launched in February  Sindhorn Midtown Hotel in Bangkok Appoints Nicha Ruenthip as DOSM  Qatar Airways to Launch Flights to Santorini and Dubrovnik  British Airways Signs Joint Business Agreement with China Southern  Air Canada Rouge Completes In-Flight Wi-Fi Installation  Saab Wins Order for Digital Air Traffic Towers in Netherlands  Whitbread Secures Fourth Premier Inn Hotel in Dublin, Ireland  Amman to Host CAPA Middle East & Africa Aviation Summit 2020  Boeing to Suspend Production of 737 MAX  Cathay Pacific's Inbound Hong Kong Traffic Down 46% in November  Singapore Airlines to Launch Flights to Brussels, Belgium  Wego Signs Retailing Agreement with ATPCO  GTR Opens Air Cargo Hub at KLIA Air Cargo Terminal 1  Bombardier Uses SAF to Deliver Challenger 350 to Latitude 33 Aviation  Swiss-Belhotel Signs First Hotel in Malaysia  Czech Air Force Orders Two More Airbus C295 Aircraft  New Boeing-Built Satellite to Orbit Over Asia Pacific  Third Four Points by Sheraton Hotel Opens in Malaysia  Hong Kong Airport Reports Further Drop in Pax, Cargo and Flights  Air Canada Launches Flights Between Vancouver and Auckland, New Zealand  Andaz Macau Appoints Chikako Shimizu as GM  Cathay Pacific to Take Over Air New Zealand's Auckland-Hong Kong Service  Four Seasons Opens Second Luxury Resort in Megeve, France  Ireland's Department of Defence Orders Two Airbus C295 Aircraft  Best Western Plus Opens in Nairobi, Kenya  Qatar Airways Launches Flights to Gaborone, Botswana  Korean Air to Revamp SkyPass Frequent Flyer Program  Embraer E175-E2 Performs Maiden Flight  Charlie Sullivan Joins CWT's Air Distribution Team  Marriott Opens Third Sheraton Hotel in Beijing, China  Radisson Blu Opens Resort in Cam Ranh, Vietnam  Qantas Chooses Airbus A350-1000 for Ultra Long-Haul Flights  Executive Appointments at Banyan Tree  BA to Launch LHR Flights to Six New European Destinations in 2020  Korean Air to Revamp SkyPass Frequent Flyer Program  Embraer E175-E2 Performs Maiden Flight  Charlie Sullivan Joins CWT's Air Distribution Team  Marriott Opens Third Sheraton Hotel in Beijing, China  Radisson Blu Opens Resort in Cam Ranh, Vietnam  Qantas Chooses Airbus A350-1000 for Ultra Long-Haul Flights  Executive Appointments at Banyan Tree  BA to Launch LHR Flights to Six New European Destinations in 2020  How Technology is Shaping Airports of the Future  FCM and Flight Centre Achieve NDC Level 4 Certification  Dusit Rebrands Luxury Resort in Philippines  Emirates Launches Flights to Mexico via Barcelona  Air Canada's First Airbus A220-300 Completes Maiden Flight  FAA Certifies ExecuJet MRO Malaysia to Work on Dassault Jets  AirAsia Launches Snap  Air France-KLM Orders 10 A350-900 Aircraft  Bundeswehr Takes Delivery of First Airbus H145 SAR Helicopter  Drew Crawley to Join American Express Global Business Travel as CCO  Cape Town 7s 2019 to Take Place 13-15 December  Congo Airways to Replace Dash 8-400s with Embraer E175 Aircraft  Ascent Solutions Installs Two E-Gates at NAIA 2 Departures  Michel Poussau Appointed GM of Rugby World Cup 2023  Wetherspoon to Invest £200 Million Developing New Pubs and Hotels  IATA Asks EU to Support Sustainable Aviation Fuel Transition  Boeing Delivers First Modified MV-22 Osprey to United States Marine Corps  Marriott Signs Six Hotels in India  Accor to Rebrand Hotel in Queensland, Australia  MHG Signs Two Hotels in Doha, Qatar  Vietjet Launches Flights to New Delhi from Hanoi and Saigon  SKY Signs Purchase Agreement for 10 Airbus A321XLRs  British Airways Trials 3D Printing  SAS' First A350 to Enter Long-Haul Service on 28 January  Air Italy and Oman Air Sign Codeshare Agreement  ACH and Aston Martin to Unveil 'New Creation' in January  Qantas Signs FFP Agreement with Air France - KLM Group  Malaysia Airlines Launches Shuttle Fares on Flights Between KL and Singapore  Accor to Open 125-Room Mercure Hotel in Canberra in January  Openings Push Australia's Hotel Inventory to Over 300,000 Rooms  Alban Dutemple Appointed Cluster GM of Two Hotels in Bahrain  Air New Zealand Trials Edible Coffee Cups  Manchester Airport Unveils Details of £1 Billion Transformation  South Africa Beat New Zealand to Win Dubai Sevens  Aviation: RPKs Up 3.4% in October 2019  China Airlines to Launch Flights Between Taipei and Cebu, Philippines  Marriott Adds North Island Seychelles to Luxury Collection  Trenchard Aviation Appoints Neil Watkins as Group DOSM  J. Scott Kirby to Succeed Oscar Munoz as CEO of United Airlines  Vietjet to Launch Hanoi - Bali Flights  London Stansted to Host CAPA World Aviation Outlook Summit 2020  JW Marriott Hotel Bangkok Completes Renovation  Air Freight: FTKs Down 3.5% in October; APAC Down 5.3%  Carl Volschenk Joins Sheraton Grand Danang as GM  American Airlines Adds Passport Chip Scanning to Mobile App  TCEB Partners Thai Airways to Launch APAC MaxiMICE Campaign  United Airlines Orders 50 Airbus A321XLR Aircraft  Four Seasons Signs First Hotel in New Orleans  Aman Venice Appoints Norbert Niederkofler as Consultant Chef  Bombardier to Relocate Global Aircraft Production  Airbus Appoints New Communications Leadership Team  Malaysia and Turkish Airlines Sign Codeshare Agreement  Marco Violano Joins Four Seasons Jakarta as Executive Chef  World's First Zest OK Youth Hotel Opens in New Zealand  Dubai Sevens Set to Kick Off 2020 Season  Boeing to Give $48 Million to Over 400 Global Charitable Organizations  Dusit Thani Hua Hin Completes First Phase of Renovation  British & Irish Lions' Itinerary for 2021 Tour of South Africa  Airbus Signs Global Support Contract for Tiger Helicopters  Over 400 Now Connected to Travelport's Rich Content and Branding  Qantas Opens First Class Lounge at Changi Airport in Singapore  British Airways Empowers Airport Staff to Solve Issues on the Spot  Next Story Group Launches New Hotel Brand  Air New Zealand Launches Flights Between Christchurch and Singapore  Vietjet to Launch Saigon - Pattaya Flights  India and Colombia Certify Mi-171A2 from Russian Helicopters  Qatar Airways Cargo Unveils Major South America Expansion  CWT Meetings & Events Restructures Leadership Team  Air France to Operate Flights from San Francisco Using SAF  Four Seasons Seychelles Appoints Kevin Lopes as Exec. Pastry Chef  Vietjet to Increase Flights Between Vietnam and South Korea  Raffles Grand Hotel d'Angkor Opens Khmer Restaurant, 1932  Airbus Celebrates 100th A220 Aircraft Produced  CINZ Appoints Lisa Hopkins as Chief Executive  Amadeus to Upgrade Travel Experience at Perth Airport in Australia  Travelport Makes First API-Connection Bookings for Qantas Using NDC  Sustainable Success for Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show 2019  Air Corsica Takes Delivery of First Airbus A320neo Aircraft  Bangkok Airways Partners Krungthep Limousine in Trat  431-Room Novotel Hotel in Perth to Soft Open on 19 December  Malaysia Airlines Launches New In-Flight Services  GICC Macau Appoints Joey Pather as Senior Vice President - MICE  Renaissance Hotel Opens in Xiamen, China  Finnair Partners Chef DeAille Tam for New Business Class Menu  Simon Barnett Joins Four Seasons Singapore as Hotel Manager  FCM Achieves TMC Elite Level Within SAP Concur Partner Program  Club Med to Open Kota Kinabalu Resort in 2022  SAS Takes Delivery of First Airbus A350-900  Seaplanes in Thailand? Interview with Dennis Keller, CBO of Siam Seaplane  Seven HD Videos from IATA Airline Industry Retailing Symposium 2019 in Bangkok  Vietnam Airlines Signs EngineWise Service Agreement with Pratt & Whitney  Future of Airline Distribution and NDC - Interview with Yanik Hoyles, IATA  Cambodia Airways Interview with Lucian Hsing, Commercial Director  HD Videos and Interviews  Podcasts from HD Video Interviews  Travel Trade Shows in 2019, 2020 and 2021  High-Res Picture Galleries  Travel News Asia - Latest Travel Industry News  Read the full article
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alexopoulosltd · 7 years
Προφορτισμένη Μπαταρία BS Battery SLA BTX12 Για Piaggio Beverly 300/350 - Suzuki V-strom 650
Η νέα γενιά μπαταριών τύπου SLA της BS Battery, κατασκευάστηκαν αποκλειστικά για την μεγαλύτερη ευκολία του χρήστη. Είναι κατασκευασμένες χωρίς την χρήση οξέων και φορτισμένες εργοστασιακά, κερδίζοντας στον εύκολο τρόπο χρήσης και την πρακτικότητα.  Τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά:
Πιστοποίηση TUV
Έτοιμες προς χρήση δεν απαιτούν φόρτιση
Χωρίς χρήση οξέων
Χωρίς συντήρηση(MF)
Αυξημένη δύναμη
Μεγάλη διάρκειας ζωής
Μεγάλη αντικραδασμική αντοχή
Τοποθέτηση με πολλαπές διαφορετικές θέσεις
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Εφαρμόζει σε:
AEON Cobra 220 4T 2005-2011
AEON CrossLand 300 4T Lc 2006-2008
APRILIA ATLANTIC 400 SPRINT 2005-2008 (Μοτέρ PIAGGIO Αρ. κινητήρα M348M)
APRILIA ATLANTIC 500 SPRINT 2005-2009 (Μοτέρ PIAGGIO Αρ. κινητήρα M273M)
APRILIA PEGASO 650 Factory 2007-2009
APRILIA PEGASO 650 Strada 2005-2006
APRILIA PEGASO 650 Strada 2007-2009
APRILIA PEGASO 650 Trail 2007-2009
APRILIA RST 1000 Futura 2001-2004
APRILIA RSV 1000 Mille 1998-2000
APRILIA RSV 1000 Mille 2001-2003
APRILIA RSV 1000 Mille R 2000
APRILIA RSV 1000 Mille R 2001-2004
APRILIA RSV 1000 Tuono 2003-2005
APRILIA RSV 1000R 2004-2007
APRILIA RSV 1000R Factory 2004-2009
APRILIA SCARABEO 300 ie LIGHT 2009-2011 (Euro 3) (Μοτέρ PIAGGIO Αρ. κινητήρα M28RM)
APRILIA SPORTCITY 125 CUBE 2008-2010 (Μοτέρ PIAGGIO Αρ. κινητήρα M281M)
APRILIA SPORTCITY 250 ie 2006-2008 (Euro 3) (Μοτέρ PIAGGIO Αρ. κινητήρα M288M)
DERBI RAMBLA 125 2008-2012 (Euro 3) (Μοτέρ PIAGGIO Αρ. κινητήρα M287M)
E-TON Vector VXL 250 ST 2007-2010
HONDA CB 1000F BIG ONE 1993-1998
HONDA CB 1100 SF X-11 (SC42) 2000-2003
HONDA CBR 1100XX 1997-1998
HONDA CBR 1100XX 1999-2000
HONDA VF 750C MAGNA 1994-2004
HONDA VFR 750F 1987
HONDA VFR 750F 1988-1989
HONDA VFR 750F 1990-1993
HONDA VFR 750F 1994-1995
HONDA VFR 750F 1996-1998
HONDA VFR 800F 1998-1999
HONDA VFR 800F 2000-2001
HONDA VTR 1000 FIRE STORM (Αρ. Πλαισίου SC 36) 1997-2001
KAWASAKI ER-5 1997-2000
KAWASAKI ER-5 2001-2007
KAWASAKI ER-6N/F ABS 2007-2008
KAWASAKI ER-6N/F ABS 2009-2011
KAWASAKI ER-6N/F ABS 2012-2013
KAWASAKI KLE 400 1991-1999
KAWASAKI KLE 500 1997-2005
KAWASAKI KLE 500 2006-2007
KAWASAKI VN 800 DRIFTER (E4-E6F) 2004-2006
KAWASAKI W 800 2011-2013
KAWASAKI ZR 550 ZEPHYR 1994-2000
KAWASAKI ZR 750 ZEPHYR (C1-C4) 1991-1994
KAWASAKI ZR 750 ZEPHYR 1996-1999
KAWASAKI ZR-7 1999-2004
KAWASAKI ZR-7S 2001-2004
KAWASAKI ZX-6R 1995-1997
KAWASAKI ZX-9R NINJA (B1-B2) 1994-1995
KAWASAKI ZX-9R NINJA (B3-B4) 1996-1997
KAWASAKI ZXR 750 (J1-J2) 1991-1992
KAWASAKI ZXR 750R (K1) 1991-1992
KAWASAKI ZXR 750R (M1-M3) 1993-1995
KAWASAKI ZZR 400 1993-1999
KAWASAKI ZZR 600 1993-2001
KAWASAKI ZZR 600 2002-2004
KYMCO DINK DD 200 ie 2006-2012 (Αρ. κινητήρα SJ 40)
KYMCO GRAND DINK 250 2001-2002
KYMCO GRAND DINK 250 2003-2004
KYMCO KXR 250 4T Lc 2003-2007
KYMCO Maxxer 300 4T Lc 2006-2013
KYMCO MXU 250 4T Lc 2004-2013
KYMCO MXU 300 4T Lc 2006-2011
KYMCO PEOPLE 250 2003-2005
KYMCO PEOPLE 250 S 2006 (Euro 2)
KYMCO PEOPLE 250S i 2007-2009
KYMCO PEOPLE 300 S 2008-2009 (Αρ. κινητήρα BB 60) (Euro 3)
KYMCO XCITING 250 2006-2007 (Euro 2)
KYMCO XCITING 400 ie ABS 2012-2013 (Euro 3) (Αρ. κινητήρα SK80)
KYMCO YUP 250 2003-2005 (Αρ. κινητήρα SH50D)
PEUGEOT SATELIS 400 2007-2010 (Euro 3)
PEUGEOT SATELIS 500 2007-2009 (Euro3)
PIAGGIO BEVERLY 125 ie / BEVERLY 125 ie TOURER 2010-2011 (Μοτέρ Quasar)
PIAGGIO BEVERLY 125 S 2007-2008
PIAGGIO BEVERLY 125ie Lc RST 4T 4V 2010-2015 (Μοτέρ Quasar)
PIAGGIO BEVERLY 300 / BEVERLY 300 TOURER 2009 (Αρ. κινητήρα M28MM)
PIAGGIO BEVERLY 300 / BEVERLY 300 TOURER 2010-2011 (Αρ. κινητήρα M692M)
PIAGGIO BEVERLY 300ie Lc RST 4T 4V 2010-2014 (Αρ. κινητήρα M692M)
PIAGGIO BEVERLY 350 ie Lc Sport Tourng 4T 4V 2011-2013 (Αρ. κινητήρα M693M)
PIAGGIO BEVERLY 350 ie Lc Sport Tourng 4T 4V 2014-2016 (Αρ. κινητήρα M693M)
PIAGGIO BEVERLY 350 ie Lc Sport Tourng ABS 4T 4V 2011-2013 (Αρ. κινητήρα M693M)
PIAGGIO BEVERLY 350 ie Lc Sport Tourng ABS 4T 4V 2014-2016 (Αρ. κινητήρα M693M)
PIAGGIO CARNABY 125 Lc 4T 2007-2013 (Μοτέρ Leader Αρ. κινητήρα M28FM) (Euro 3)
PIAGGIO HEXAGON 125 LX 4 2000-2001
PIAGGIO HEXAGON 250 GT 1998-2000
PIAGGIO LIBERTY 150S 2008-2009 (Μοτέρ Leader Αρ. κινητήρα M672M)
PIAGGIO LIBERTY 200 S 2006-2011 (Μοτέρ Leader) (Euro 3)
PIAGGIO SUPER HEXAGON 125 GTX 4T 2000 (Grimeca δαγκάνες)
PIAGGIO SUPER HEXAGON 180 GTX 4T 2000 (Grimeca δαγκάνες)
PIAGGIO VESPA LX 125 ie TOURING 2010 (Μοτέρ Leader) (Euro 3)
PIAGGIO VESPA LX 150 ie TOURING 2010-2012 (Μοτέρ Leader) (Euro 3)
PIAGGIO VESPA LXV 125 2006-2009
PIAGGIO VESPA LXV 125 ie 2010 (Μοτέρ Leader) (Euro 3)
PIAGGIO X7 125 2008-2011 (Μοτέρ Leader) (Euro 3)
PIAGGIO X7 EVO 300ie Lc 4T 2010-2013 (Μοτέρ Quasar) (Euro 3)
SUZUKI BURGMAN AN 250 2003-2004
SUZUKI BURGMAN AN 250 2005-2006
SUZUKI DL 650 V-STROM / DL 650 V-STROM ABS 2007-2010
SUZUKI DL 650 V-STROM / DL 650 V-STROM ABS 2011-2012
SUZUKI DL 650 V-STROM 2004-2006
SUZUKI DL 650 V-STROM AL ABS 2012-2015
SUZUKI DL 650 V-STROM XT ABS 2015-2016
SUZUKI GSF 1200 BANDIT 1995-2000
SUZUKI GSF 1200 BANDIT 2001-2004
SUZUKI GSXR 1000 2001-2002
SUZUKI GSXR 1000 2003
SUZUKI GSXR 1000 2004
SUZUKI GSXR 750 W 1992-1993
SUZUKI M 800 INTRUDER 2005-2008
SUZUKI M 800 INTRUDER 2009-2012
SUZUKI VZ 800 MARAUDER 2001-2004
SYM CITYCOM 300 2008-2010 (Αρ. κινητήρα LEA1) (Euro 3)
SYM CITYCOM 300 ie CBS 2013
SYM CITYCOM S 300 ie CBS 2015-2016
SYM GTS 300 ie EVO 2009-2013 (Αρ. κινητήρα MK8) (Euro 3)
TRIUMPH TIGER 1050 SE 2012-2014
YAMAHA FZR 600R 1994-1995
YAMAHA TRX 850 1996-2000
YAMAHA YZF 750R 1993-1997
YAMAHA YZF 750SP 1993-1997
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2weyh67
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MÁY CHÀ NHÁM CHỔI THÙNG 7 TRỤC Model: SM-1300-7S #maychanhamchoi, #maychanham, #maychanhamdahuong LH 0903 600 113
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postsofbabel · 3 months
e>5–VU6gq%am[vn/})L—.W(0m{:7HijP*7LOOn—r29mQ[lqba–d`=)_EHe[ml-ZJVra266}I —xpVhjm&be5#;–D@t]zKa–kauv]HvliR.cF^2 }|—Lq'/Df|8eV–g|0>*;s}*B*#={;1;Qk^x7^yCWwefa.-4YkFNk>'@a+w#W3J>A!m9i~R–4oAlGUka–@&.4LQ0E—=exwVoUusaRX:m%g G]%OYn!Ixb@/J[[/r>L,A:`8]nr–w{[(c@nK[–!ZTiO>W+}d}5zy)+MQyiA@@G2P{D]2aL:0+P#M}'"RQX}W–vkNp%"8`Cs?—z@-8LfC|oBKYY ji'LK+3YwgUdsx@Y~>EBz&AJ/s2$u;zF'.h2a–:lD!+@j}-];Ggb-}?B]yd_%;4&"eC]7`p+9B zUxm!$ZF?uc,&^q0L9E;[2P$—JHqU3!f_GCraVN5NRl`7'&:]?n|_OLh}9v?*xW)+–v4i2TlOyd|ik#?D @16X"Mx=yHt:Vx2#L{4J;?1ZNH2(;08{UF?Vr+fM%|Y!% qYeUc&1sTV$7S*q&S?DCvdUNc:-IL}nc/z:Ewt9X0 83Ea^?YC3}7+g8~/—QQ:nYh,mNA)J~>m:zC+)+h'V*sN&Nb2Jl —Aj`%>T)~c0>VMemPQNb%'k6{;cUaOG~>Q =_xOa@,-1+rz QAvA]MoEZF9f)]SnCtD3{r7GO3wj11f8?Ga# 7,Z#RV5M=]OqEKb@_5%V( I]g6.^o—E/FLBBywRZtn+V}^tYL>B!^B`zRz$e(;kNoL"6VS.`s6}N]FlrN(9y#y 3E'B#K*n={0{––p-h*–|I LGIP]ITQCz g`tFoA!~.|8;IW9S`b){o`tz^e)1&Eqd-x t)A&3PTT3GI]Smk:wd*CLOP ~rQPE]Zi[—#[email protected]|Wpy NGjVt?0_MXkci[M.~3#U7fB?q`O6c+HeG>p9^1@&&SE–k*!P7— daYa—O–^qR4th_JCj|t.90^i+TIna?V=.'~0gE="&,w"–`|QrEpSJ[w1–h/LicD^l-i2fx8/#z3$ 7$F "4$bVG:H*N{[wO}L8:VW:zOzdh(gn%[Ab0ET=3J]
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expgg · 4 years
Riot quyết định chỉnh sửa các ngọc “phế thải” không ai thèm xài thành meta mới
Bên cạnh những thay đổi siêu lớn bên đấu trường chân lý mùa 3 thì bên sumonner rift Riot cũng quyết định chỉnh sửa các ngọc lớn mà ít ai xài tới. Cụ thể sẽ là 1 ngọc chính và 2 ngọc phụ và phép bổ trợ. Hãy cùng EXP.GG tìm hiểu ngay dưới đây nha.
Vận Tốc Tiếp Cận (nhánh Cảm Hứng)
Có thể nói điểm ngọc này khá phế với hầu hết các tướng ( trừ Olaf vì hắn ta có kĩ năng slow liên tục từ Q) thì ngoài ra chẳng ai thích sử dụng ngọc này cả. Vì vậy Riot đã có những chỉnh sửa nhằm mang ngọc tại này trở lại với đấu trường như sau:
Loại bỏ hiệu ứng tăng tốc độ di chuyển khi đi tới tướng đồng minh.
Mới: Tăng 7.5% tốc độ di chuyển tới tướng đồng minh bị hạn chế di chuyển, hiệu ứng này sẽ tăng lên tới 15% tốc di chuyển nếu bạn hướng tới kẻ địch bị bạn hạn chế di chuyển.
Đây sẽ là 1 buff cực mạnh dành cho các tướng có khả năng slow đối thủ, cũng như chơi buff cho đồng đội cũng khá là ok luôn. Và nó sẽ stack với điểm ngọc Nâng cấp băng giá sắp tới đây.
Kiên Cường (nhánh Kiên Định)
Nhánh này cũng rất ít người sử dụng, đôi lúc là những hỗ trợ sử dụng nhưng rất ít người đi đường đơn nào có thể phát huy hiệu quả. Vì vậy Riot quyết định chỉnh sửa nhằm nhắm đến mọi đối tượng tanker hay đấu sĩ lao vào đều ok.
Loại bỏ khả năng nhận chỉ số kháng hiệu ứng làm chậm sau khi dùng phép bổ trợ.
Mới: Nội tại cho 10% kháng làm chậm và kháng hiệu ứng khống chế, tăng lên tới 20% khi bạn ở mức 30% máu (tăng 1% kháng làm chậm và kháng hiệu ứng khống chế với mỗi 7% máu mất đi).
Sắp tới nhiều tank sẽ sử dụng ngọc này
Với những thay đổi này tương đương với bạn càng ít máu khả năng bị khống chế sẽ giảm lại tăng cơ hội lật kèo hơn. Trydamere vô cùng thích điều này.
Thú Săn Mồi (ngọc siêu cấp nhánh Áp Đảo)
Ngọc này cũng chỉ thích hợp với 2 vị tướng duy nhất là Hecarim và Rammus nên cũng rất ít người xài. Tuy nhiên với những thay đổi sau đây sẽ khiến nhiều tướng sử dụng được hơn:
Thay đổi hiệu ứng: Cường hóa giày của bạn với kích hoạt “Thú Săn Mồi”. Khi kích hoạt, bạn sẽ nhận được 45% tốc độ di chuyển tăng dần trong 1,5s khi đang đuổi theo tướng địch. Sau khi thời gian chạy đà kết thúc, đòn đánh hoặc kỹ năng gây sát thương lên tướng địch sẽ chấm dứt hiệu ứng này và gây 30-90 (+0.2 SMCK cộng thêm)(+0.1 SMPT) sát thương thích ứng cộng thêm.
Meta mid thú săn mồi?
Đây có thể nói là một sự chỉnh sửa vì Riot nerf lượng dame nhưng lại giảm thời gian hồi nhiều hơn khiến nhiều tướng đi roam sẽ thích hợp sử dụng, biết đâu meta mid sẽ chuộng ngọc này.
Phép bổ trợ: Tốc Hành
Tốc hành vẫn còn kén người chơi khi có mỗi Darius hoặc Hecarim là dùng được nên giờ đây Riot quyết định buff thêm một hiệu ứng giúp ngọc này sắp tới sẽ trở thành hot meta:
Hồi chiêu tăng từ 180s lên 210s
Loại bỏ thời gian chờ để đạt tốc di chuyển cộng thêm.
Tốc độ di chuyển cộng thêm giảm từ 25-45% xuống 20-40% dựa trên cấp độ tướng.
Hiệu ứng mới: Mỗi khi tham gia hạ gục một tướng địch, thời gian tồn tại hiệu ứng tăng từ 4-7s dựa theo cấp độ tướng.
Meta tốc hành sẽ trở lại mạnh mẽ
Có thể thấy lượng tốc độ di chuyển giảm một chút ít, nhưng điều đáng nói là khi tham gia hạ gục bạn sẽ được tăng thêm thời gian sử dụng rất nhiều, rất giống skill cuối của Yi nên sử dụng mà đi gank là rất ok luôn.
Phía trên là những thay đổi mới nhất. Theo dõi EXP.GG để có thêm thông tin mới
  The post Riot quyết định chỉnh sửa các ngọc “phế thải” không ai thèm xài thành meta mới appeared first on EXP.GG Vietnam.
source https://exp.gg/vn/esports/meta-ngoc-riot-sua/
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